Saturday, January 14, 2017

Power Episode 25 Assault on Chaos Lords/Zane's fight from within

A/N: Yep. What a twist. If you read the original Power Guild, you would know that it was Ultimate Champions who were the reason but I decide to switch things up because why now. This is going to be a short Author Note because they're wasn't a new chapter of Fairy Tail due to Leaks. Boku no Hero and One Piece were good and they may have problems like Fairy Tail but I enjoy reading all of them. Lets begin. Meca is a country, Oyrus is the continent that Meca rest on, and the planet is called Earth. I lied. This is going to be long just like Episode 22 or at least close to it. It's either Chaos Lords or Chaos Lord.

Narrator P.O.V.
Lora slowly soaked the towel in her hands into a bucket of cold water and she twisted the towel to expel the water. Upon finishing that, she folded into a rectangle and placed it on the top of Zane's bandaged covered forehead. After finding him in the North Gate Park. Ax and the others rushed to the Chaos Lords guild hall wanted to get revenge for what they did to their guild hall and their gray haired son/brother/friend/lover.

The only ones who didn't go were herself, Jade, and Sakura. Ryu went with along with the trio of cats to prove himself to Zane. "Zane." said Sakura. She looked at her friend with a depressed look. In the seven years that she has known him, she has never him like this. He looked so feeble and helpless. It was a shock to her when he saw him for the first time. She cried upon seeing him but Myra took it worse then her.

His entire body was covered in bruises, cuts, and he looked weaker than normal. He was breathing but according to the doctors here, he was on death's door. His body was covered in a numerous amount of bandages. Sakura always thought that he would never be defeat even back then but he was covered in so much blood. Norman had carried him to the hospital with the girls following him. He went with the others upon dropping Zane off.

It was just the three of them. She looked over at Jade who was shaking. She wondered what was going through her mind. "This is all my fault. If it wasn't for me, Zane wouldn't ...." said Jade. She began to cry again as tears fall into her lap. "Jade. It isn't your fault." said Lora. She placed her hand on her friend's shoulder and Sakura said,"Zane wouldn't want you blaming yourself.". "But..." said Jade. "She's right. Please don't cry my Clever Scholar." said a voice.

The three looked over to see Zane looking at them. "Zane. You need to sleep." said Sakura. "I can't when you're crying Jade. Please stop." wrote Zane. "So are you going to be okay?" said Lora. "Not sure. I guess I should sleep." wrote Zane. He closed his eyes and he went to sleep. "So how close are you to finishing your book Lora?" said Jade trying to change the subject. "Pretty sure. I'm close. His birthday is coming up right?" said Lora.

Sakura said,"Yep. He's turning twenty. I guess he really has the hots for you two. He is really looking forward to it.". "Yeah." said Lora. "I hope you get better Zane." said Jade. The three left the room and Zane opened his eye. He didn't know how he got injured so much because Johnny and Kraig couldn't defeat him. He looked up and he thought,"I need to sleep now.". He close his eye and he went to sleep hoping that his wounds would heal.

"Where am I? It's so dark and I can't see anything. Where's everyone? Ryu, Lora, Kurt, Allison, and the guild. Where are you?" said Zane. "Zane." said an unknown voice. "I hear something." said Zane who looked for the voice. He was pretty much in the void and he heard his name again. "Who are you voice?" said Zane. He saw a light and he walked toward it. 'I am familiar to you Zane but at the same time, I bet you forgot about me." said the voice. The light exploded making an arena appear.

Zane was shocked as he saw Kane standing there. "You're me?" said Zane. "No shit. I'm the side that you love to be in. You love to cause pain and suffering." said Kane. "How did you?" said Zane. "We don't have the time for this. Don't you remember what happened? I mean you got your ass kicked but you seriously think that you can fight in your condition." said Kane. "I can and I will prove to you. So are you ready to fight?" said Zane.

Kane nodded and Zane jumped toward him. His fists glowed and he said,"Luminous Dragon Steel Punch!". His fist was covered in light and he punched Kane with it making an explosion of light. "I won't doubt that you're strong but I'm strong. Hellfire Dragon Inferno Blast!" said Kane. His hands were covered in two giant blasts of fire with him combine into one. He threw it at Zane and Zane was blasted back by it. "You're an idiot." said Kane.

Zane looked at Kane and Kane said,"You're able to use my magic is what you're going to say. We're the same person.". "Oh yeah. I forgot." said Zane. "You are letting your anger blind you Zane. You should be able to fight your own battle with your true power. I never got why he put them on you to begin with." said Kane. "What are you talking about?" said Zane. "You wish to have the power to protect your mates?" said Kane.

Zane nodded and he said,"What's a mate?". "You can't be serious. I mean you're the son of a dragon and can you explain to me why you want to protect all of the women in your life? Why did you risk your life to protect the greenette? She is one of your many mates. You care for her and the only way for you to protect her smile is to accept your Dragon Half. I think Johnny did it and look at him. He is stronger than one may think and you know this for a fact.". "

Zane stood up and he said,"So what do you want me to do?". Kane made the gravity increase around Zane and he said,"We're the same person. YOU should know what to do. Give it into your instincts and let them control you.". "Are you serious?" said Zane. "Do I look like a joking person?" said Kane. Zane said,"We're the same person so yes we are.". A large sigh was heard and Kane said,"Just do it already Kane.". "K!" said Zane.

Zane took a deep breath and several magic seals in the form of rings appear all over his body. His arms and legs were covered with five rings each, his chest were covered with two giant rings around his chest and stomach, and his forehead was covered with one. "Hey Kane. Could you tell me why they're on here?" said Zane. "When you were little, you were quite destructive. Your parents and I don't mean Sivarth did this to you as a baby." said Kane.

Zane looked his masked double and Kane said,"Find them Zane and ask them for answer.". "Okay. I will Kane. Thank you. Full Magic Release!". All thirteen rings glowed and Zane began to scream loudly. "Yes! Accept your magic to fight with your full power!" yelled Kane. "Okay! I am going to get revenge!" yelled Zane. The world around the two collapsed and Kane disappeared. "Zane. Kick their buts for me." said Kane. "Will do." said Zane.

One of the nurses stood there and she said,"Are you awake Mr. Alvarez?". She looked at the bed and she saw that he was missing. She looked around the room for any sign of him but she saw a note. It said that Zane is currently fighting and will be back soon. Kurt was sitting with the others on the train to Kirkwall. He was getting ready for revenge and he heard,"Kurt.". He then looked up to see Lisa standing there. "Lisa. What's up?" said Kurt.

Lisa said,"What did the master do to Zane? We both know that Zane could have come with us. He used some sort of magic right?". "Yeah. It was a sleeping sleep but as you can see, it didn't work at all." said a voice. Zane reappeared and he smiled. "Wow man. I didn't expect you to be here so fast but you were here under a hour so I owe Fate ten gold now." said Kurt. Zane's body was completely healed except for his stomach that had bandages over it.

Zane wrote,"Yeah. So where's Master?". "He is in the first car with Allison, Angel, and Myra. Those four are pissed off." said Lisa. "I understand why. It's my fault but I have a score to settle with the Steel Slayer." wrote Zane. "So did he cause all of those wounds?" said Kurt. "No. It was some goons and trust me, I remember their scent." wrote Zane while pointing to his nose. "Kurt and I both think you should take it back." said Lisa.

Zane laughed and he said,"Sorry Lisa but we have a problem.". He went to the front of the next car and he said,"I'm powered up now.". He was gone as Lisa looked at Kurt. "Yeah. I have no idea what he's talking about but right now, he's able to wreck Chaos Lords." said Kurt. "Do you think that he'll attack us in his anger?" said Lisa. "Nah. Zane is a loyal member of the guild and if he hurt one of us mainly the girls, he would be dead." said Kurt. "Ah." said Lisa.

Zane took a deep breath and he opened the train car. He saw the three female S Class and master look right at him and he wrote,"Sorry but I'm here to fight and you're not strong enough to hold me back at all.". Angel hugged him and she said,"You're okay!". "Yeah." wrote Zane. Allison hugged him and Zane's head hit her armored covered chest. "Ow." wrote Zane. "Don't ever do something like fighting against Chaos Lords without us." said Allison.

Ax stood there and he said,"Do you three mind leaving for a second?". "Why?" said Myra. "Zane has something to tell me about his attack right my son?" said Ax. Zane nodded and the three women were gone. "What's going on?" said Ax. "You know his guild? Villains. One of their members is using our rivalry with Chaos Lords and for some reason, I heard that they want a woman from our guild. I don't know why he is doing this but I won't let them." said Zane who clenched his fist in anger.

Ax said,"Are you sure about this Zane?". "Yes. I truly know the stench of your son Master. I won't push you any farther but I'll make sure that he pays for taking over my friend." said Zane. "Zane. I'm sorry about what I did to you back in the North Gate Park." said Ax. "It's fine. You were worried but here's something. I'm the son of Sivarth, the Power Dragon King." said Zane. "I understand. You'll be leading the charge." said Ax. Zane smiled after hearing that.

At Chaos Lord's guild hall. They were currently celebrating the supposed defeat of one of Heroes's two strongest wizards. A trio was heading toward the guild door's,  "This is great!" yelled a member. "Those Heroes Dicks are probably crying in their garbage about their precious Zane being beaten by Chaos Lords!" said a member nearby him, "I wish I could have gotten to smash Zane's fucking face. His perfectness pisses me off!" said a third member.

The first member said,"Bro. It was Master's orders. He picked a handful of us to go with Johnny to make those Heroes cry in their diapers.". "So did you hear about this one chick? Master didn't want anyone on us to go toward her." said the second man. "No clue bro. I just want to go kick some of them to the ground." said the third man. "Lets go already bro." said the first man. The group heard toward the door.

At a table nearby them. "Here's to those pathetic Heroes. Sad bunch of folks." said a wizard holding his drink. A nearby member toasted him. The group started to shake and the trio from earlier said in complete unison,"What's the hell?". Johnny smiled and he said from the rafters of the building,"I guess that you lived after all. Bastard is his son after all.". He was being controlled by Kraig by the well. The door to the guild exploded open and the trio was grabbed by something.

It was Zane and he yelled,"BASTARDS! YOU'RE THE ONES WHO ATTACKED ME! TIME FOR SOME JUSTICE! THUNDER GOD DISCHARGING TACKLE!". Thunder began to explode off his body with him slamming into the three. A giant bolt of black thunder appeared over them causing a giant explosion of thunder. The three were out cold and twitching. Zane stood there and he looked around. "Where the hell is he? Where are you Johnny boy?!" yelled Zane.

A Chaos Lord wizard,"Bastard!". He rushed toward Zane and he dodged his attack which was a ball of light. "You're not my target!" yelled Zane. He punched him into the ground causing the ground to break. Ten more members ran toward him and Zane yelled,"GET OUT OF MY WAY! MOTHER EARTH!". Several vines sprouted around him and they began to swipe at the ten wizards who tried to attack him.

He stopped and he smelled the air. He looked upwards and he saw Johnny waving at him. "You found me Zaney boy. I guess you're more stubborn than I thought." said Johnny. He jumped down from the roof with everyone giving the two room mainly because of the magic power that the two released. It was like being in the center of a volcano. "You wreck of my blood Johnny. I'm here to pay you and your bastard of a guild the wrath of the Dragon King!" said Zane while cracking his knuckles.      

Johnny began to laugh and he said,"Is that so Zane? It take more than just you and your weak ass to stop us. Hell, I kick your ass so hard that your previous beat down will be sad compared to this.". "I could easily do it but holding back is my thing." wrote Zane. The rest of his guild burst out of the wreckage and Ax said,"Did you really have to rush ahead Zane?". "Yeah! HEROES IS HERE TO KICK YOUR ASS!" yelled Zane.

The rest of the guild cheered behind him and they rushed toward the Chaos Lords. "Heavenly Dragon Claw!" yelled Ana. Her fist was covered with wind and she swiped down on some grunts which hit them into the air. "You're going to pay for hurting my big brother!" yelled Ana. "You know that he's right there right?" said Dawn who pointed to Zane who was burning several grunts back. "Yeah but I want revenge." said Ana who blasted a grunt back.

Zane rushed toward Johnny and he wrote,"You're mine rivet face!". "Bring it on Zero." said Johnny while taunting Zane. Zane jumped over some grunts and he wrote,"You're not stopping me! Blizzard God Frosty Meteoroid!". Zane cups his hands on his left with the air in between his hands starting to freeze. He threw the frozen orb at the grunts causing a giant explosion of ice to freeze the grunts right there.

Johnny thought,"Even though Darin, X, and Grim aren't here. His plan is going perfectly.". The two clashed fists causing a small explosion of air. "Man. That kid is really fired up for once." said Eric as he smiled. "Yeah. He's really powered up." said Wayne. "Get the old hags!" said the grunts. "We are young bastards! Purple Trap!" yelled Eric. Purple fire then appeared from his hands and it caught the grunts rushing toward them. " Now!" said Eric.

Pinkish smoke gather around Wayne's pipe and he said,"Smoke Smash!". Several smoke fists came from the pipe and they smashed the grunts into the ground. "Volcanic Blast!" yelled Nick. Several fire colored bullets flew toward the grunts and they fell over covering in burns. "I'm the best shot in the guild so you're going down." said Nick. "Suck on this!" yelled a member. He was about to hit Nick but he was blasted to the ground.

Julie stood there holding a sniper rifle and Nick said,'Thanks Jules.". "You're getting sloppy there Nick." said Julie. Her sniper glowed and she moved the weapon around a group of grunts. "Rapid Fire Shot!" yelled Julie. Several grunts ,who were going to attack her friends, fell over and Fate smiled. "Earth Fists!" yelled Fate. He threw two giant fists made out of rocks at the grunts causing an explosion of rocks.

Norman's right arm turned into a black-colored beast like arm with its muscles being quite obvious to everyone. He grab a bunch of them and he threw them into the air. They crashed into the ground and he said,"Being a coward isn't manly!". "What does that even mean man?" said Leroy. He was kicking several grunts into the ground and Norman punching them. "I'm a man!" yelled Norman. "I guess this is new to me but at the same time, it really isn't." said Leroy.

Kurt placed his hands on the ground and he said,"Passion Volcano!". Several grunts were trapped in Okaepralt and Lisa said,"I'll help you out. For old times's sake, Passion Falcons!". The birds sliced through several rows of grunts. "I didn't need your help Lisa." said Kurt. "You're still weak compared to me." said Lisa. "I defeat you!" yelled Kurt. The two were fighting and the grunts decided to attack them. "Go away!" yelled the two. They were caught in Okaepralt.

Allison was slicing through grunts like butter and she yelled,"Tell me now! Where are the Element Five!? I'll crush you all until I get to them!". Angel held two grunts next to her breasts and she said with a smile,"Wow. You two are enjoying them but they belong only to Zane!". They went into the ground thanks to a beam of darkness. Myra smiled ,in her demon form, and she said,"I guess you let them do that to make them feel good before they're dead.". "Bingo!" said Angel.

Tanya smiled and she said,"I guess you're should get trap in my net.". Several nets appeared from thin air and she said,"Elemental Strike!". The nets were either hit with Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. The grunts roared in pain and Tanya said,"You guys are weak. You got lucky with my Zane and you are paying for that.". Fred rushed through the army and he punched them toward Victor. He threw several balls of fire at the grunts. "We're Ultimate Champions!" yelled Fred and Victor.

On the other side of the guild, Ax was fighting his own. "Get the old man!" yelled a grunt. Several of the grunts rushed toward him with Ax turning his left arm into a giant version thanks to the power of light. He karate chopped them back. He then moved the light into his arms which grew in size. The grunts went into the ground and bone breaking was heard. The enemy wizards screamed in pain and their bones were breaking.

He grew to the size of a giant and the grunts screamed upon being bitch smacked by the man. "You're a monster!" yelled a wizard who tried to escape the wizard saint. "YOU ATTACK MY CHILDREN AND YOU WON'T BE LIVING AFTER THIS!" said Ax. He went back to his normal size and he threw a member into the wall. "They're so strong!" said a member. "That freak's members aren't bad at all!" said a member.

Hilda and Jordan stood there. "Ready Jordan?" said Hilda. She was in her outfit that she wore during the Klihsh Island event. "Yes." said Jordan. The man stood there and he said,"Nature's Rampage!". It was a shock to see that several wild hogs had jumped off his chest smashing into the grunts and Hilda created an ink version of lion which spanned out jackals which punched them into Reyna who had used her magic to make table soldiers.

Tessa places her hands on the ground and she said,"Wood Eradication Ax!". The giant ax sliced through the grunts and Barry threw balls of light who came toward Tessa. "Thanks Barry. So have you seen Lucky?" said Tessa. "Um. He went to rampage with Ryu." said Barry. "Don't worry. I don't think Lucky is going to rampage Barry." said Tessa. "You say that but you should know that won't be happen that." said Barry. The two gulped in fear.

Ryu had Lucky on his back with a grunt saying,"Get the cat and gecko!". "They're runts!" yelled a second grunt. "Lets destroy them!" yelled a third grunt. Ryu nodded and he flew toward them. "Lucky is a member along with Ryu!" yelled Lucky. "Ready Lucky?" said Ryu. The dragon caused the grunts to slam into each other. He dropped Lucky toward a group of them and Lucky said,"Time for Lucky's Shadow Explosion!". He created a giant explosion of shadows which shocked most.

Ax said upon shrinking back to normal size,"Samuel! Come out here!". Zane rushed toward Johnny who jumped away. "Get back here!" yelled Zane. Johnny taunted him and Zane roared. "Zane. You are scared for hurting those you care about. This is why you try and restraint your dragon side but you're stronger than that." said a angry sounding voice. "Be nice Zagehz. He's kind just like our son." said a calm sounding voice.

Zane thought,"Hey! You two know that I'm fighting right now. Still mad at your son or my dad.". "I understand completely Zane but you'll have to get used to hearing me and Ophelia. You should be lucky that I, the Dragon King decided to talk with you." said Zagehz. "Focus Zane! There's a blade coming at your eight." said Ophelia. Zane then dodge the sword and he said,"Power Dragon Steel Fist!". The punch launched the grunt away and Zane went after Johnny.

Back in Mural. Jade, Lora, and Sakura were silent. They hadn't heard anything from the others but this was of little worry compared to the fact that Zane just disappeared on them to go fight with the others. Lora sighed and she stood up. "I'm going to the store to get something to eat. Do you two want anything to eat?" said Lora. "Do you mind if we come with you?" said Jade. "Yeah. Lets get going." said Sakura. The three left the hospital.

Lora sighed. She was extremely tired. Everything had gone out of control because of what happen to her guild and her love interest. She always admired Zane's determination. She always asked a servant who was going out to get any info on Heroes for her. During her free time, she always loved seeing her sister and Zane making names for themselves. Lora sighed and Sakura said,"Don't worry. Zane's going to be alright.".

Jade said,"Yeah! I mean he's super strong.". "I know but I can't stop worrying." said Lora. "I don't blame you Lora. I felt the same way when Zane went missing the first time." said Sakura. "Oh. He went to go join Wicked Genocide." said Lora. "Yeah and he still goes there!" said Jade. "I thought he wouldn't want to go back but his relationship with Melody and Valerie. I can see why most people like him." said Sakura. Jade and Lora nodded.

Their discussion was stopped by rain drops. "Um. How is raining when the sun's out?" said Jade. "I have no idea." said Jade. They stopped walking to see someone walking toward them. It was a blond haired girl maybe two years older than them. She had golden blond hair with it curled at the base, sea blue eyes, a somewhat pale complexion with quite a shapely figure. She was wearing a sapphire blue coat, a cream colored furry trimmed navy blue shawl with a matching Russian Cossack Hat.

Around her neck, she had a pure white teru teru bozu attached to her shawl. She said,"Drip, drip, drop. Yes. I bring the rain. Drip, drip, drop.". "Huh?" said Jade. Lora looked at her and she thought,"I feel like I know her from somewhere but from where?". "Do tell me, what kind of women are you? I am Casey Sarah Crawford" said Casey as she held her hand out to catch some rain. "Um. We are the normal kind. So who are you?" said Sakura.

Casey opened a heart themed bubble umbrella and she walked away. "I had fun meeting you all so good bye." said Casey. "So what was that about?" said Lora. "Non. Non. Non. Non. Non. Non." said a voice. The three heard a voice from behind them causing Casey to stop. The ground turned into a man standing in front of Casey. He had a tiny and sharp looking mustache and his green hair was sticking up even in the rain.

His left eye ,which are brown, was hidden by a monocle which attached to a slim chain. His eye itself looked smaller and round in contrast to his normal looking right eye. He also had a classy looking outfit on him. He was wearing a light brown sit with a tattered collar bearing seven protruding snags with three on either side of him and the final one was behind him. He was wearing a light green shirt with a red time and simple brown dress shoes.

He was wearing a short cape attached to both of his elbows linking them. His body was swing left and right with his head perfectly straight and his legs was fused to the ground. "Greetings, ladies. I need to have a word with my cohort here." said the man who waved to them. "Okay. This guy is so strange." said Sakura. "Have to agree." said Lora. "Casey Sarah Crawford. You shouldn't run away from your job here." said the man.

Casey said,"Sir Madrid.". "My monocle tells me things to me my friend." said Sir Madrid who moved the glass. "It tells me that the brunette is our priceless sible." said Sir Madrid. "She is the one?" said Casey looking at Lora. "Sible means target." said Lora. "Pardon me ladies. My name is Alvaro Madrid but you may call Sir Madrid. We're both from the Element Five and I'm the member of the Ground or Terra Alvaro. We're here for the distinguished Chaos Lords for you!" said Alvaro.

Jade said,"Elemental Five! You're with Chaos Lords!". "No duh greenie. I thought you are the smart one. We were asked to bring you back to our guild and I think beating up some Heroes is a added benefit. My partner here is the rain woman or Casey of the Amazing Ocean." said Alvaro. "You're the ones who attacked Zane!" said Lora as she grabbed her keys. However before she could summon a spirit, she remember who Casey was.

Lora thought,"I remember her. The blond curled hair, blue eyes, and the mastery over the rain. She is that rain girl that Zane told me about. He met her on a job years ago. I wonder if he knows if she is a member of Chaos Lords.". She was sudden caught in a orb of water. "Lora!" yelled Jade and Sakura in unison. The brunette's eyes widened as Lora struggle in the water. "You're wrong about us. Making your clubhouse into a dump and hurting Zaney was done by Johnny." said Alvaro.

He made two giant fists ,which came out of the ground, grab Jade and Sakura. "Let us go you freak of nature!" yelled Sakura. She turned her head into a elephant's head but Alvaro clenched his fist. The pinkette screamed and Alvaro said,"So sad. I mean his deeds were done without any uncertainty. It was quite funny to be honest.". "What the heck is this thing?!" said Lora as she pushed her way of the water bubble.

She didn't hear any answer since she was dragged into the bubble. "My Ocean Lock can't be broken and I'm sorry." said Casey as she swiped her hand to the left. Lora's eyes closed and she was out cold due to lack of air. "Lora!" said Jade and Sakura. "We did it!" said Alvaro. "Um." said Casey pointing to Jade and Sakura. "Oh right." said Alvaro. He clenched his fists causing the two to be knocked out with the rocky fists leaving.

Casey looked at Lora and she said,"My job was to bring you back and I did. Sorry.". "Yeah. I'm sorry for doing this. Regulus Glowing Kick!" yelled a voice. Alvaro saw Luke rushing toward them and his right leg was glowing. The two wizard doing his kick and he glared at them. "Zane aka my boss was worried about two of his lady friends and right now, you're going to feel the anger of the lion of the light." said Luke while cracking his knuckles.

Back at the guild hall of Chaos Lords. "Take this bitch!" yelled a wizard who threw a fire ball at Reyna. She was about to block it but Zane stood in front of it. "Zane?" said Reyna. "If the flames burned you, I would feel bad and also...." said Zane. The fire was absorbed into Zane's body and he glowed. "I'm hungry for spicy food!" said Zane. "That isn't good!" yelled the wizard who threw said fireball. "He just absorbed fire!" said a nearby wizard.

Zane smiled and he said,"Time for you to get an early tan! Hellfire Dragon Roar!". The flames then blasted him and his friends into the distance. "Thank you Zane." said Reyna. "No problem my sweet animator. Just be safe okay?" said Zane. He jumped off and Reyna smiled. "Passion Lance!" yelled Kurt. Several grunts were blasted back with Tessa said,"Sapling Cannon!". Several members were stuck in place only to get punched to the ground by Hilda and Jordan's art.

Tanya threw several explosions at them causing them to fly and Jason said,"Blizzard!". The grunts that were launched into the air were frozen by Jason. "Inferno Shot!" said Fate. He aimed his pistol at some grunts who were hit by the mobster. Norman roared as he raised his arm into the air. His normal buff arm turned reptilian. He fired out a punch which launched several wizards flying and he said with a smile,"Come on! Don't you want to be like me!".

One watching said,"You're kidding me. What happened to his arm?". "That's Transformation Magic man." said a member. "That's Norman Wood!" said the first guy. "You're kidding me. He is able to take the power of monsters to use in a fight." said the second guy. Those two were later punched to the ground by Norman. "Allison, Angel, Myra, Zane!" yelled Ax. The man had dodged two grunts's attack and he smashed a group of them into the ground.

He said,"Your four are in charge!". The knight nodded as she slashed through grunts with a sword in each of her hand. "Samuel is upstairs and I'm going to rip him a new one!" yelled Ax. "Stay safe Master." said Allison while punching a wizard in the face. Angel and Myra nodded as they attacked the grunts with water magic and darkness magic. "Passion Lance!" yelled Kurt. Several lances flew and thanks to Lisa, they froze in Okaepralt.

The two Passion wizard jumped back from their attack and they were back to back with Zane. "So how are you two doing?" said Zane. "Good. Have you found Johnny or the Element Five?" said Lisa who punched one away. "No. I got the jerks who attacked me in the park. My nose is acting up." said Zane. "Gotcha. Kick his ass for us." said Kurt. "That's the plan." said Zane. Johnny was in the rooftop and he said,"Zane's strong but Master Ax is gone making this easy!".

He jumped down toward the floor hard and his left arm turned into a steel club upon landing on the ground. It slammed into several members of Heroes and some of his own. "Sup bitches. Love me don't you?!" yelled Johnny. "You're the one who attack Zane!" yelled Charlie. He jumped toward Johnny and Johnny said,"You're that freak but not the one that I want!". His other arm turned into a steel club hitting Charlie into Fred and Victor plus some of his men.

Nick said,"What's wrong with him?". "He's attacking his men. What a monster." said Julie. "What's the matter, scared? I mean you're Heroes right? I guess the one who defeated Zero would make you scared of me, the great Navy Steel Johnny!" said Johnny. "Scared?! I'm not scared of you at all rivet face!" said Steve. He rushed toward him and he said,"Shadow Dragon Iron Fist!". Johnny blocked it and it caused a minor shockwave.

Johnny said,"You're the Shadow right?". Johnny was about to kick Steve but he blocked it. "Not bad for a small fry!" said Johnny. "You're not nothing but a bastard." said Steve. "Harsh. I wonder if a bastard does this!" said Johnny. Several pillars appeared from his left leg and they hit several other wizards. "They're Chaos!? You're attacking your family!" yelled Steve. "Family is such a stretch. I call them...." said Johnny.

Steve disappeared as Zane appeared in front of him. "Oh. You're finally here. I missed you and your blood was amazing." said Johnny who was licking his lips. Everyone around them moved back in fear. Zane looked calm but anyone mainly Johnny could tell that Zane was pissed off. "I mean you were dead but you came back. Are you a ghost or a spirit of the dam?" said Johnny.  "You're making me mad." said Zane. "Then do something....." said Johnny.

Johnny was punched back into the bar and Zane said,"War God Roar!". A huge and very deadly stream of pure chaos and destruction erupted from his mouth. It caused a giant explosion of magic that surround Johnny. "Steel Dragon Club!" yelled Johnny. The club flew toward Zane and Zane used a unconscious Chaos Lords wizard ,that flew toward him, as a shield. It blocked the attack and Zane looked over to see Clair giving him a thumbs up.

Johnny stood from the wreckage and he said,"That was bad Zane.". "I could have block it with my pinkie but I felt like getting my revenge on you for me and my guild!" yelled Zane who threw the guild member into the air. "Steel Dragon Club!" yelled Johnny. Both arms turned into clubs and the Power Slayer smiled. He jumped over them and he said,"Chaos Explosion!". Several balls of magic energy smashed into the air causing Johnny to scream in pain.

Zane said,"Like that. That's what you did to me!". He threw Johnny's arms into the air and he kicked Johnny into the roof. He grunted in pain as Johnny's back hit into several beams. He turned around to see Zane behind him waving. "How the hell did you?" said Johnny. "Permafrost Dragon Subzero Punch!" yelled Zane. Johnny was punched into the ground and his chest was covered with a minor amount of frostbite.

Zane landed on the ground and he said,"You made a mistake when you attack me. I was scared at first but getting their advice, I understand that with great power comes great responsibility. This power was given to me to protect my family and my mates.". Johnny jumped out of the crater and his left arm turned into a large metal sword. "Shut the hell up!" yelled Johnny. Zane caught the metal sword and he said,"Shocking Fusion.".

Johnny screamed in pain when his hands sparked with thunder. Johnny's body was made of steel aka a metal making the thunder go through it. "Time for my revenge! Chaos Hellfire Dragon Gigaton Punch!" said Zane. He pushed Johnny away and he rushed toward him. He slammed both of his fists into Johnny causing him to fly once again. He slammed his right fist into the ground and he aimed his left fist at Johnny causing to be burn immensely.

All of the air in his lungs was gone and he went flying through the air. He went back into the rafters and Johnny said,"Dam you!". He jumped off one of the rafters but he put too much power into it. He was shocked to see Zane in front of him. "Dragon Uppercut!" said Zane. He shorykened ,which isn't a word but I just wanted to do it once, Johnny into the air and Zane said,"Thunder God Constant Whip!".

The whip grabbed him and he slammed Johnny into the ground. He brought him back to himself and he said,"Forest Dragon Redwood Trample!". His right leg turned into a giant tree trunk with him kicking Johnny back. Zane was about to fire another roar but he didn't feel that would be smart. The Steel Slayer was panting heavily and his body was covered in dozens of brusies and cuts. "Yep. This is the Zane Way!" said Zane.

Clair said,"Way to go Zane.". She smiled and Johnny said,"Are you're done?". Zane smiled and he thought,"You and I may be alike since we're both sons of Dragon Kings but I'm stronger.". Johnny decided to eat the metal nails out of the rafters. His body was healed to an extent and Zane said,"I'm just getting started. Your dead meat Johnny.". "Is that...." said Johnny. He was stopped mainly due to the fact that the guild was shaking.

A Chaos Lord said,"What the hell is going on?". "An earthquake!" said a second member. "This is good for us bad for you." said Kurt. The members around him stepped back and Allison said as she helped Charlie up,"This is the Titan's Rage. No one is going to live.". "Yeah. You're dead." said Tanya with a smile. "Zane's manly but right now, Master is invincible." said Norman with a smile. "No one lives!" yelled Zane. "Aye sir!" yelled the Heroes.

Ax slowly walked through the top floor with it shaking. "Samuel!" yelled Ax. He destroyed the door in front of him. The explosion caused the nearby wall to break apart along with shaking the guild that everyone felt it shake. Ax's magic started to explode from his body causing everything in the room to be crushed in a second. Ax saw Samuel smiling at him. "Look what the cat brought in." said Samuel with a smile.

Ax yelled,"What the hell are you doing Samuel!?". "You know what. That door cost me a lot. You know that your wizards take after you. I mean you ignore those complaints that are given during those meetings. It has been a long time since my last meeting. I really did it over with the drinks and wow, I was nuts." said Samuel who was sitting in his throne pretty casually. Ax was angry beyond belief.

He enlarged his fist and it flew toward Samuel. "Playtime is over Samuel!" said Ax as veins covered his forehead. "Oh my. So violent." said Samuel as his body was flickering. "A Thought Projection! I can't you would be such a coward. Leaving your children to die. A coward." said Ax. "We along with your precious son could cause a huge amount of damage. I prefer a victory of brains rather than brown." said Samuel. "Come out and fight me man to man!" yelled Ax .

However, something appeared in Samuel's arms. His eyes grew longer when he saw Lora tied up and he said,"Lora!?". Below them, Zane ,who had activated his Sea Devil Body, phased through Johnny's attack and he strike Johnny with his knee to the steel slayer's stomach. Johnny fell onto his knees and he was trying to get air. Zane covered his fist in rocks and was about to hit him. He heard something and he stopped there upon hearing his Celestial Princess's name. 

Zane said,"Lora. I thought she was back in Mural with Jade and Sakura. What about Luke?". He was then hit with a steel club to his chest. He went crashing through several tables and the guild hall. His guild looked at him and Zane said,"Focus on them!". He got back up and Johnny looked around the carnage. He smiled upon seeing scrap metal. He devoured it gaining more power. The two collided fist causing a giant explosion.

Back on the top floor, Ax looked at the girl who was out cold. "Why?" said Ax. "Come at me Silas or else, your precious daughter will look like very much a freak of nature just like Johnny did to your precious Zane." said Samuel. A magic circle appeared in his hand and it was aimed toward Lora. "I won't let you!" yelled Ax. His arm extended toward Samuel but he didn't see that someone behind him. Magic power was been produced from behind him causing him to turn around.

It was a extremely tall and gigantic man with tanned skin. He had long black hair that went up to his shoulders. He has a rectangular and elongated face with noticeable cheekbones with his rounded chin bulges down. It somehow negates his somewhat angular look that his face once had. A narrow and vertical dark line is present on his chin crossing its whole length up to his lower lip and he has a flat nose.

His wide orange eyes ,with narrow black eyebrows, are hidden thanks to a simple and white blindfold for some reason. His limbs were tiny and very weak looking compared to his massive body with his hands looking rather well-proportioned for his size. He was wearing a large and loose dark orange coat with white edges and it's closed around his neck. The jacket had a huge and tall collar but it was left open on the front.

He was wearing a pale blue ,very much loose and rumpled, shirt with its high collar split into three horizontal and identical straps going around his neck being held closed an equal amount of buttons with each strap. He was wearing a matching green robe ,under his shirt, that goes down to his feet showing off a loose pair of paints with noticeable hems and a pair of normal brown shoes. Around his neck, he was wearing an large red-colored necklace.

It was compared of several gold crosses liked together by small beads ,which on the front, right below his neck bears a tiny skull with its eyes hidden by a blindfold much like the one covering his eyes passing over his shoulders and hanging on the front is instead a wide stole which is violet and gold in color being covered in complex motifs. He was wearing a top hat that rested on his head and it matches his coat in color.

Ax thought."Crap! I didn't even feel him until he appeared! Where did he....". "So sad!" yelled the man. Tears began to pour out of his covered eyes as Ax was hit with a powerful wave of magical energy. The wall exploded behind him and Samuel smiled. "Keith. Hold him why you drain his magic from his body." said Samuel. "Yes master." said Keith. He was holding the old man up and Ax thought to himself,"What's happening?! My magic power.".  

Samuel said,"There's no way that we'll kill the Lady of the Aquiler Family and fiancee to the heir to the Elliot Family. Her sister is in your guild. Her fiance asked us to bring her back. This is nothing but a minor thing for you. Drop him.". Keith let him go and Ax went flying toward to the ground. "I am so sad! Where does this sadness come from?! This is from losing such a great wizard!" yelled Keith while crying his eyes out. Ax couldn't do anything as he crashed through the pillars.

Tanya thought as she dodged a punch,"Something's off. Johnny Wilson is here but there's no sign of the Element Five.". "Don't get distracted Tanya!" said Fate. He blasted a wizard who appeared from above them. "Thanks Fate." said Tanya. The drinking partners had each other's back and Tanya said with fear,"Hey Fate.". "What?" said Fate. "Did the earthquake from Master....." said Tanya. Another crash was heard and this one was louder than normal.

Everyone turned to face the cause and every members of Heroes was in complete shock and horror. It was Master Silas Hunter.with his skin greener than a frog. "Master!" screamed Allison. She ran over to him with Jason nearby her. "My magic's gone." said Ax. In a unknown location, Samuel smiled evilly as he carried Lora to a cell. "Ax is defenseless thanks to Keith of the Arcadia. His magic air is able to erase all magic power. This victory is ours." said Samuel. He threw her into the cell.

Back at the Chaos Lord guild hall, all of the Heroes were unable to move. Ax was struggled to even breath and he curled on the floor in pain. "Grandpa." said Zane who was punching a grunt toward his fellow Slayer. Allison held the man up and Myra rushed over to the group gathering around the old man. Zane jumped over to Johnny and he said,"Where did his magic power go Johnny? It's gone so tell me where it went!".

He punched Johnny into the roof and the steel slayer caught himself on a pillar. "I guess this fun is over now. I was going to get serious too." said Johnny. "Oh shut up." said Zane. He rushed toward the crowd and Norman said,"I can't sense any magic from him. He's an old man now.". "What happened to him?" said Tessa. "I don't know but I don't like it." said Kurt. "No way. How was Master defeated in the first place?!" said Angel. "No way." said Fate.

A Chaos wizard said to his guild mates,"Guys. We're going to win. Their strength is gone because their master is gone. We have the Element Five and Johnny!". "This isn't good. Our battle strength and our morale is weaker." thought Allison. The members of Chaos Lords started to attacked them and Allison said,"There's no other choice!". Zane jumped into the air and he yelled,"Stay back! Time for my Cloud!".

A giant cloud appeared under the mob of wizards that were attacking Heroes and Zane stood there. "I guess you got this! Go back to the guild! Zane'll handle them!" yelled Myra. "No way. Are you insane Myra!?" said Kurt as magic gathered in his hands. "Real men don't run!" said Norman who punched a couple of members back. "He's right!" said Eric and Julie who were ready to fight. The two however fell over into Wayne and Nick's arms respectively.

Allison said,"I hate to agree with her but we can't stand a chance against their master. Johnny and the Element Five we can handle but Master Samuel.". She then slammed the blade of her sword into the ground and she said,"This is an order! Go now or else!". The members who didn't listen to her rushed through the makeshift exit. "Wow. They're leaving." said Johnny while hanging from the rafters. "It's so sad!" screamed Keith who was above him.

Johnny looked at him and he said,"You're so weird man. I am still shocked that you defeated that old fart earlier.". He watched Zane along with Ana, Clair, and Steve punch any grunts that came toward them. "This was part of Master Samuel;s plan but thank you!" said Keith who continued to cry. "You really need to stop crying over every single thing!" said Johnny. He jumped up to Keith and he said with a smile,"Did we get that Lora chick?".

Zane's head snapped up when he heard this. "She's at our headquarters. Alvaro and Casey did have a problem against a Celestial Spirit but thanks to Casey's Ocean Lock and Alvaro's Earth Spikes. They got her." said Keith who wiped away his tears. "WHAT?!" yelled Zane. He jumped toward them and he yelled,"JOHNNY!". His fist was covered with lightning and Johnny said,"Bye bye Zero. We're finish this another day.".

He and Keith were gone as Zane's punch missed them. He landed on the pillar that they stood on with him growling. "They captured Lora and they hurt Jade, Luke, and Sakura.". "Zane! They took one of your chosen mates! Get her back!" yelled Zagehz. "We're not letting you get away!" said a Chaos Lords wizard. He along with his fellow wizards rushed toward them and then a crash sound stopped their assault.

Zane glared at one with a lion like mane of hair with him saying,"Bastard! Forest Dragon Amber Bullets and Thunder God Constant Whip!". Zane's arms sprouted mini cannons which fired out tree sap that started to greatly slowed the group down and he moved the whip to grab the lion mane wizard. "Hey buddy. I need to have a word with you." said Zane. "Zane! What are you doing! Lucky is confused!" said Lucky.

He flew next to Zane with Barry said,"Yeah. You're acting weird.". "Barry and Lucky. Grab Ryu and bring him to me also tell Ana, Clair, and Steve to get out of here or anyone from the guild out. This place is going to blow to hell itself!" said Zane. He looked at the lion mane wizard and he said,"I'm going to save Lora. I promise.". He dragged the wizard out of the guild hall. When he was about a good few feet away from the guild hall, Zane tied the wizard up in the thunder.

Zane looked at him and he said,"Tell me where Lora Aquiler is now.". "Ryu flew over and the dragon said,"Hey man. What's going on?". "Is everyone out of their guild hall?" said Zane. "Yeah. Everyone left in there belong to Chaos Lords." said Ryu. "I have no idea about what you're talking about. You must be crazy!" said the wizard. The thunder shocked his system and Zane heard Ophelia say,"He is hiding info from you so you must strike into his very soul.".  

Zane said,"I understand. I think I should you see what happens if you make me mad. Armageddon Drive!". Zane's magic power increased as Ryu flew back. The grunt saw Zane standing there with him wearing a dark suit. He had a demonic look on his face. Like with his Power Form, his gray hair grew to about his waist except it turned black as the night and his eyes glowed red. The grunt started to shake in fear from Zane.

Zane grabbed the man's shirt collar and he said, "If I found out that my Celestial Princess has a single scratch on her, I'll rip you to shreds. You'll be on death row and I will feed you to my dragon here ending you. I'll kill all of you!". "Yeah. Zane in his Armageddon Drive is really scary to say the least. I mean this form is the evil version of his Power Form. They're on the same level of power but one's good and the other is evil." thought Ryu.

He aimed his right hand and he said,"Power Dragon Armageddon Devil God Oblivion Thunder Fire Ice Blast!". A giant blast appeared from his hand which flew toward the guild hall causing a giant explosion destroying the building. "Fuck. I really don't know! I swear! Our headquarters is over in the hills straight ahead! She's over there I swear!" screamed the grunt. He was scared shit less and Zane looked at him.

Zagehz said,"Zane. You must show him that they must not mess with a dragon and his loved ones. You must leave an impression.". "Thanks." said Zane. He threw the wizard toward the guild hall and he was screaming. "Don't mess with my mates or else." said Zane. "Zane. Are you okay? I mean you're acting a little weird." said Ryu. "Ryu. Lets go." said Zane. The wizard ran toward the guild hall with the little dragon worried about Zane.

In Chaos Lords's HQ, Lora was slowly walking up. She was shocked to see that she was tied up and she said,"Where am I?". She was in a room completely made out of stone and a single steel door with it having four steel bars. She remember what happened early and she said,"Chaos. They hurt Jade and Sakura to get me here but why.". "You're awake. I thought Casey had hurt you but she wouldn't hurt you that much Lady Lora." said a deep voice. "Who are you?!" said Lora.

She backed away from the door behind her as it opened. "My name is Samuel Fuller or you know me as the guild master of Chaos Lords." said Samuel. He stood in the cell and Lora said,"Chaos Lords. I was captured by Casey.". "Yes. I must say that I'm sorry. You're in this grimy cell but this is what we in Chaos Lords do with prisoners. I hope you understand." said Samuel. "Let me go now! How dare you for you did to Zane!" said Lora while maintaining a fierce glare on him.

Samuel said,"Such a glare. You may be given the sweet life if you just behave.". "What? You can't be serious." said Lora. Her glare was gone as a centipede started moving slowly up her thigh. She then screamed as the bug flew off her. "See. You don't want stay here right? I mean this place is a mess. I think you should behave if you want to live somewhere nice." said Samuel. Lora jumped back a little as she said,"Why did you attack us?".

Samuel moved his eyebrow and he said,"Us? Oh. You mean Heroes.". He smiled and it was wicked to say the least. "That was just a bonus or extra. Pick your answer." said Samuel. "What?!" said Lora as Samuel's face stayed the same. "You see. Our real mission was to obtain a certain someone. That someone just happened to belong with Heroes so why not kill two birds with one stone. Hurting the pride and joy of Heroes was just icing on the cake." said Samuel.

Lora said,"Zane. A certain someone.". "You're so dumb. I thought someone of the Aquiler family would be smarter than an idiot." said Samuel. Lora's eyes opened as Samuel got closer to her. "Stay back." said Lora. "Scared are we? I guess you being the daughter of the Aquiler Family and also the fiance of Willard Elliot." said Samuel. "How do you know about that?" said Lora and she hanged her head in shame.

Samuel said,"Rumors darling. I heard that you were hiding your social status from your guild. I truly don't understand why both daughters of one of the richest men in all of Meca would do such cheap and deadly work but being a member of Heroes.". "So then you kidnapped me?" said Lora and she looked at him. "Not at all my dear. I'm not a violent man. It was none other than your dear fiance that hired our guild to come and get you." said Samuel.

Her eyes opened up and she was shocked. "No. You're lying and why would he?" said Lora. She was shivering in fear and Samuel said,"I thought a fiance would be worried about his lovely fiancee when she runs away thanks to a couple of servants's help.". "No!" yelled Lora. Samuel's eye widened and she said,"He wouldn't do that. He sees me as meat.". She looked at him and she said,"I won't go back to him! I'll never return to that bastard!".

She thought,"I won't abandoned Zane or Heroes.". "Sometimes. Women can be such a pain except the submissive ones." said Samuel with a sigh. "How about you let me go and tell Willard to go to hell or something like that." said Lora while grinding her teeth. "I won't be doing that." said Samuel. "But I have to go the bathroom." said Lora as her face turned a deep shade of red. "Wow. That's something out of childhood excuses." said Samuel.

Lora said while moving in her spot,"No. I really mean it. I can't hold it any longer.". "Okay. Here you go." said Samuel. He pointed to a bucket and the brunette's mouth opened widely. She looked at the old looking bucket resting in the corner. "I thought even the worst cells have a toilet." said Lora as her face turned an even deeper shade of red. "It's a lame excuse but you're not wrong. This cell has a toilet and you're looking at it." said Samuel.

He was shocked as Lora walked toward it. "I guess this will have to do." said Lora. "You're going to do it?" said Samuel. The brunette looked at him and she said,"I told you that I had to go.". She turned away in embarrassment. "What a improper young woman. At least you're not foul mouth." said the man who turned around. "She's lucky that I'm such a gentlemen." said Samuel. Lora smiled and she sneaked over to Samuel.

She kicked him directly in the family jewels. Said kick caused Samuel to actually fall into the air a bit with him panting for air. He went to the floor in pain and he said in a higher pitch,"Ow.". His hands to cover his destroyed manhood and his eyes were tearing up. "Sometimes, the old ways work and this one is a classic. See you later alligator." said Lora. She went toward the door but it was gone. In front of her was a window. "Huh." said Lora.

Samuel laughed but it sounded painful. "It's sad isn't it? This is our Heavens Jail.". Lora's eyes started to wide as Samuel started to get back up. "How dare you do that to me? Those Heroes taught you a couple of bad tricks. I think Willard wouldn't mind if his goods were damaged a bit." said Samuel as darkness formed into his hands. It combined into a whip and he whipped the rat that was going by them. Lora started to shiver in fear as she saw Willard in her head.

Samuel said,"If you wish not to get hurt that much, come over to me. You need to see what happens to the person who mess with Chaos Lords's Master.". Lora took another look at the ground below her and she didn't have to be a genius to tell that it was a long fall. There was no way for her to survive but there was no way that she was going to return to him. As Lora thought about her options, she then started to feel something very familiar coming toward her.

It was extremely powerful and caused her knees to feel like jelly but at the same time, it was warm and inviting. There was only one person who's magic could do that to her. She heard it and it was extremely quiet but she knew what she heard. She took one look down and she took a deep breath as she fell out of the large window using her magic to slow down the fall. "No!" yelled Samuel. He went back down to his knees.

Lora thought,"I know that I heard you Zane. I sensed your magic so I know its you.". "Zane!" yelled Lora. "LORA!" yelled Zane. He rushed toward the guild hall as his magic aura sprouted around him and he jumped into the air. He felt something soft and he saw Lora in his arms. He grabbed her and he turned around. He crashed into a stone wall and Zane felt the stones into his back. Lora landed on him and her large breasts were on his face.

Zane thought as his face went slightly red from his current situation,"My face is Nirvana! Thank you Zagehz!". "Wow Zane! It's raining Lora!" said Ryu as he floated toward the two. "I knew it! I knew that you would be here Zane." said Lora. She was shocked as Zane hugged her. He was still in his Armageddon Drive and he said,"Are you okay? Did those bastard hurt you?! I was so worried about you! What happened to Luke!".

Lora said,"Luke? You mean the leader of the Celestial Zodiac. I don't know. I'm fine but could you help me with this?. "Oh sure." said Ryu. His claw broke the ropes holding Lora and Lora hugged the Power Slayer. "Thanks you two." said Lora. "Yeah. Zane here was worried about you." said Ryu. "I think you would be the same if your Princess was in danger." said Zane. "He was really worried but...." thought Lora.

Ryu said,"Anyway. We have Lora so lets go back to the guild!". "Why. We're at their home and I think we should wreck shop!" said Zane. "Allison, Angel, and Myra told us to retreat!" said Ryu as Zane looked away. "I know that but we need to stop these guys before they can attack us again and I won't let that happen!" said Zane. He glared at the building to his right  and Ryu said,"But the master is really hurt!".

Zane said,"I know and I'll kick the guy who did that to him! Chaos Lords has to pay!". "They'll hurt your mates if you retreat now." said Zagehz. "You're strong Zane but you can't do this alone. I think the girls will kill if Chaos Lords doesn't!" said Ryu. "I know Ryu but sometimes. A man has to give up his own life to protect the things he cares about!" said Zane. The two started to argue much like a married couple.

Ryu said,"Everyone's hurt Zane!". "I'm not." said Zane. "Charlie broke his arm!" yelled Ryu. "He's weak compared to me Ryu. I mean I think he lives at the guild hall. I mean he's never taken a job ever!" said Zane. The two argued like crazy as Lora felt a powerful sense of regret. All of her family was hurt, the guild hall was destroyed because of her, and Zane was injured because of her. "I am sorry." said Lora. Her voice was quiet and unstable.

The two stopped fighting when they heard her voice. 'I'm sorry Zane. All of this fighting is all my fault." said Lora. Her eyes were producing tears and Zane's heart was breaking upon seeing the pain and sorry in her eyes. "I want to stay in the guild. I love Heroes ever since I was a little girl and my family there is...." said Lora. She looked at Zane and she thought,"I love you.". "Lora." said Zane as he got onto his knees.

He put his arm around her shoulders and he said,"What wrong Lora? You're staying! Every one in the guild loves you! We're not letting them take you away from us! You're not going anywhere I swear!". "How sad. A warrior like yourself is showing your emotions like a woman. Why are you so interested in him Kraig?" said a voice. The three were in shock as Kraig stood there next to a rather tall looking man.

He had light skin with a rather lean build. His eyes were closed shut. His hair was mostly faded green with the edges/tips a red color. He was wearing a long silver coat with a silver metal demon accessory and the coat's collar was made of steel. Under his coat, he was wearing a navy blue sleeveless shirt with gray pants. He had on black arm guards and white leg wraps with navy blue combat created shoes.

Zane said,"Ryu. Protect Lora. I have a score to settle.".  "Right. Be careful." said Ryu. The dragon moved Lora away and Kraig said,"You're so worried about us. I guess you losing to me caused the great Zero to be worried. He's so interesting right Reid?". The man next to him rolled his eyes and he said,"Whatever. Do you think you can handle him?". "Of course!" said Kraig. Reid disappeared in a flash of crimson light.

Zane said,"What are you doing here Kraig? Why does Villains want with Chaos Lords and Lora so tell me now or else.". "I'm hurt Zane. I thought you would use your telepathy magic on me to find our my plan." said Kraig as two crimson swords appeared in his hands. "You're doing this for fun? I can't believe it!" said Zane. "Bingo! I'm a master of Black Arts Magic and my friend Reid Wren is a user of Chaos Magic." said Kraig.

Zane's eyes widened and Lora whispered,"Hey Ryu. What's Black Arts and Chaos Magic?!". "They are Lost Magics. Chaos Magic is able to break apart other magics that come in contract with the user and he steals other's magic power to add onto his own. It's familiar to Elemental type of magic but on a far more destructive magic. Your friend must be really strong to even control that form of magic." said Zane.

Kraig smiled as he said,"Yeah but he's always so distant with others. He tends to only come out of his shell for fighting. He always has great control over his magic unlike you. I mean we both know that you need to be focused to even use that type of magic. He's also super serious and you don't want to make him open his eyes. It means that he's PO by the way. So you aren't going to tell your honey over there about my magic.".

Zane sighed and he said,"Black Arts Magic is a magic that's rumored to be the strongest but I'm sure that my Slayer magic is stronger. It's effects are unknown but trust me, you need to be on your toes if you're up against a user of your caliber.". "I guess we're going to fight for real. I mean the last time, we fought. You lost but you were worried about Johnny boy." said Kraig. "Fine. I guess you're going to get your ass kicked for your crimes." said Zane.

He rushed toward Kraig and Zane said,"Luminous Dragon Flash Bang!". He then claps his hands together and a giant burst of light formed in his hands. He threw the ball toward Kraig who sliced it in half. "Sucker." said Zane. Kraig was blinded by light as he said,"Interesting. You're strong. There's no doubt about that but I can tell that you're still weak. I mean you love women and feelings make you so weak.".

Zane glared at Kraig and Zane said,"My feelings for my family gives me strength. This was the first thing that my father Sivarth taught me and I won't let him down.". Several swords out of light appeared around him and he said,"This is something that my friend Allison does. Dance the blades of Justice and Righteousness! Luminous Dragon Atlas Blade!". They flew toward Kraig which blocked them. Kraig smiled.

Lora said,"Zane's attacks aren't connected!". "No. Zane may be pissed off right now and him being in his Armageddon Drive isn't helping but right now, he's on top of it." said Ryu. The several blades that were around him started to glow and Zane snapped his fingers. Kraig was blinded once again and he didn't see Zane created a giant version. He slashed Kraig back and he went into the wall. "Luminous Dragon Celestial Roar!" yelled Zane.

A giant version of his Luminous Dragon roar came out and it caused a giant explosion of light upon impact with Kraig. "That was awesome!" said Lora. "Yep but he isn't done yet." said Ryu who looked super serious. Kraig stood up from the ruins and he said,"Strong Zaney bear but you're still weak. I'm way stronger but I'm going to wait.". He was gone and his voice said,"See you real soon.". Zane went back to normal and he growled.

Ryu floated over to him and he said,"We should get back to the guild. The others must be worried about us.". "You're right." wrote Zane. He smiled faintly and he helped Lora wipe away her tears. "It good that we go back." said Zane. He turned around and he started to pat his back. "Please hop on Lora." wrote Zane. "Are you going to carry me?" squeaked Lora as her face turned a shade of pink upon thinking about it.

Zane smiled and he said,"I mean I could give you the princess treatment but I feel like a piggy back ride will be more fun. Your choice.". "I'll go with the piggy back ride." said Lora. She climbed onto his back and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He held onto her by using his telekinesis magic to hold onto her. "Just rest Lora." wrote Zane. She was out cold and she had a smile on her face. Ryu smiled and he said,"Right. You're a softy.".

As Ryu and Zane went back to the guild with Lora, Samuel was trying to stand up and he was in pain by Lora's strong kick. He tried to get back up but a wave of pain caused him to go onto his knees. He growled loudly and he slammed his fist into the ground causing it to break apart. "How dare you do this to me?! I'm going to destroy your guild, kill your friends, and drag you back to your fiance by your fucking hair!" yelled Samuel as veins bulged all over his face.

Next time,
After their defeat/victory against their assault of Chaos Lords's guild hall, Heroes is recovering from their fight but fate has something in store for them.

Guild Card #32.
Name: Hilda Newton.
Age: 21 years old. 
Magic: Art (Eastern) Magic.
Likes: Art, drinking, her friends, and shopping. Dislikes: War.
Info: She was an normal artist who was famous with her being known for her super realistic painting. She joined up with Lisa because she was bored. However, she found her purpose in terms of art thanks to Lisa. She sees both Lisa and Reyna as her little sisters. Her art is able to create living creatures that move on their own free will. She decided to join Heroes because she was interested in Zane for power.
Affiliation: Heroes. 

Guild Card #33.
Name: Lisa Vinson.
Age: 19 years old.
Magic: Passion Magic.
Likes: Ashley and being the strongest. Dislikes: Kurt.
Info: She was once the Glacial Sultana. She decided to destroy the Okaepralt aka her master Ashley to defeat Estrasum. She would accomplish this if not for her former student Kurt and his friends. She is very much a cold woman with her only talking to Ashley, Hilda, Reyna, and Kurt much to his surprise. She is rumored to have a crush on him but anyone who asks her this is frozen in Okaepralt.
Affiliation: Heroes. 

Guild Card #34.
Name: Reyna Bliss.
Age: 16 years old. 
Magic: Animation Magic.
Likes: Cartoons, Life, and Love. Dislikes: The Ocean and Demons.
Info: Her family was killed by Estrasum when she was young. She hated the demon with all of her heart and she joined up with Lisa upon learning what she was planning to do. She was good friends with Adrian and Terry who told her about their days in Bloody Darkness. She had made herself into a pseudo member of the group. After that whole thing, she fell in love with a member of Heroes. She gets teased by Hilda and Tanya about it..   
Affiliation: Heroes.  

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