Sunday, January 22, 2017

Power Episode 32 The End of the Chaos Lord

A/N: Yep. I think we have five more fights before we get to the end. I know that it will be over very soon. So to answer some questions, the Harem is still going on but I'm not sure on who will be the first girl that Zane'll pick. I introduce Ophelia and Zagehz with them going to show in person and maybe learn why the Slayers's dragon partners left them. I mean we know why in Fairy Tail but this one is different from Power Guild. So Chapter 518, I have such a strong opinion about it.

I mean I like that someone actually injured Erza for once. I mean she still fought against Azuma and Kyoka even though in the later fight, she had her sight and hearing gone. I like Eileen/Irene's dragon form and she also pulled off the meteor summoning spell. I think Erza can handle it because she has done some crazy stuff before and plus mommy will try and save her daughter. It's Fairy Tail and also August is here. He's OP and I love him because he wrecked Jellal which in my book is a good thing so lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Ana said,"Are you sure that you're still able to fight Johnny? I mean me and my big brother may have healed you but your wounds are life threatening.". The four were heading toward Allison, Clair, and Myra's location which just happened to be in the same place with Johnny said,"Listen kid. You didn't train with a male dragon. You and rain girl were lucky to be raised by female dragons because it was something else.".

Zane nodded to Ana and he wrote,"Yeah. I was trained by three male dragon and three violent female dragons plus your mom Ana. I think the girls scared me the most though. So scary.". The four then stopped in place as they heard,"So you two decided to betray us? How Sad!". Keith appeared from the air, Alvaro appeared from the ground, Dante appeared from the shadows, and Russel appeared from a plume of fire. They did have some bandages over them.

Johnny said,"Hey. You know that I never liked you cry baby.". "I still can't believe that you would betray us Ms. Crawford. You're a sham to the Lords of Chaos." said Alvaro who moved left to right for some reason. "Hey. I think I'll kill the one who destroy our guild hall." said Dante. His sunglasses were broken revealing him having crystal blue eyes. "Sure. I plan to skin the dragon of the air." said Keith. "I'll take Casey." said Alvaro. "And Johnny is mine." said the fire wizard.

The four rushed toward them and Casey said,"Ocean Lock!". The four were trapped in the water and Ana said,"Should we split up?". "I think you should know that I will get lost so someone should fight near me." wrote Zane. "I'll go with the pipsqueak here. She's strong. Even though I was being control by that demon, I was still watching the fight." said Johnny who put his hand on Ana's head. "Okay. I guess I go with Zane Sama!" said Casey who grabbed his arm.

Zane blushed and she dragged him away. "I guess that's something else." said Ana. "Yeah. She was pretty emotionless when she was others but me, she was like this." said Johnny. "We should get going Johnny." said Ana. "You're right." said Johnny. The two walked away and Keith plus Dante broke the water spell. "They split up. Lets go Russell." said Keith. He flew after Ana and Johnny with Russell going with him. Alvaro and Dante went the direction of Casey and Zane.

Alvaro looked for them and he heard,"Ocean Severing!". Several blades of water flew toward Alvaro and he went into the ground. "That isn't going to work on me because I know you rather well and you won't be able to defeat I, Alvaro of the Great...." said Alvaro. He was blasted into the ceiling by a tiny burst of water as he saw Casey standing there. "You. How did you..." said Alvaro. "Water Dragon Slash!" said Casey.

She slashed him getting trapped in a rush of water. "You're a Slayer?! Why didn't my Monocle tell me about that little detail?" said Alvaro. "Thanks to Johnny Kun, he hide my dirty little secret from you and Master Samuel. I recently reunited with my Zane Sama and I'll defeat you for him. Water Dragon Rod!" said Casey. Her left hand turned into a whip of water which strike his opponent. Alvaro was out cold once again and Casey said,"Sorry Sir. Madrid but I love Zane Sama too much.".

Dante looked for Zane and he said,"Where are you Zane? My sword Starsteel has some words for you buddy!". He slashed one of the walls nearby him and he said,"Come out and play.". "Hellfire Dragon Pillars!" heard a voice. Two beams of flames flew toward Dante and he jumped back. "Your flames are nothing compared to his!". Dante looked down and he saw another set of beams of fire under him. He was burn from them.

Zane stood there and he wrote,"Yep. They cover from my arms toward you or under you.". "Die! Ball of Shadow!" yelled Dante. Zane grabbed the ball of shadows and he wrote,"Thanks for the snack. I was getting hungry.". He devour it and he wrote,"I think you should get a load of this Dante. Umbra Dragon Grim Elimination!". Zane aims his hands at Dante with several spheres of darkness rushing toward him. Dante was about to dodge them but he couldn't move due to his injuries.  

The spheres ,while flying toward him, turned into a giant sphere of darkness. Dante was then covered in a huge explosion of darkness. Dante was out cold and Zane wrote,"Like with my Hellfire Dragon Pillars, it can go underground but it wasn't needed.". "Zane Sama!" said Casey. She hugged him and she said,"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?". "Um Casey." wrote Zane. Casey hugged him and Zane thought,"Note to self. She's more emotional than I thought.".

Keith said,"I found dragon of the wind! Prepare to die! Tornado Palm!". His left arm rushed toward her and she jumped over him. "Heavenly Dragon Claw!" said Ana. She then kicked the man into the ground and she said,"I know you're the one who got rid of master's magic so lets see if you like it yourself. Heavenly Dragon Anti Circle!". Keith felt to his knees as he thought,"What happened? I lost all of my magic but this isn't like my Void!".

Ana appeared in front of him and she said,"Heavenly Dragon Aural Barrage!". She crossed her arms like the letter x making an crescent shaped wave of wind hit Keith into the wall. He broke the wall and he fell into the water. "Well, I don't think he's going to be coming back. I should go find Johnny and see if he needs help." thought Ana. She turned around to see Russel flying by her and Johnny stood there with his right arm a metal club.

Johnny said,"I'm on the same level as your big brother.". "Really?" said Ana. "Hey! I was injured in our fight so you can't compare us based off that." said Johnny. "Whatever. We should go find him and Casey." said Ana. Johnny saw her walk away and he thought,"Well, she's better than Faye but I think their temper rival each other.". He went after her and he found Casey cuddling with Zane much to his joy/annoyance.

Ana said,"I think they're rather close.". "Close is an understatement to say the least." said Johnny with a sweat drop. Zane looked up and he said,"Get back Casey. Johnny. I may need your help.". "She may be less stronger than goggles and the other one but I think her magic aura is demonic." said Johnny as he crackled his knuckles. Ana and Casey saw Bellatrix appeared from the shadows. "Your four are the most annoying Slayers. I shall end you now." said Bellatrix.

She threw several streams of shadows toward them and Johnny said,"Steel Dragon Club!". His right arm was his signature club which sported miniature version that smashed the shadows. Zane ran on the metal club and he said,"Earth Make Hammer!". A giant and quite deadly hammer appeared out of the ground with him grabbing it. He smashed into Bellatrix and it caused a huge impacting sound to say the least.

Ana said,"I think you killed her big brother.". "No. She isn't dead yet." said Johnny. Bellatrix glared at him and she said with a demonic voice,"Shadow Devil Burst!". Zane ,thanks to his hammer, had blocked the giant burst of darkness but he was still pushed back by the attack. Casey was worried about Zane as Ana said,"Her magic aura just changed!". "I guess you Slayers would be able to figure out when I take over." said Bellatrix.

She glowed an eerie purple color and her outfit changed. She was now wearing a very form fitting battle suit with a mark of a skull on both thighs. She was wearing matching boots that had the same heel as her combat heel. Ana and Casey noticed that her chest was exposed and both boys were both looking at it. "Zane." said Casey. Zane turned to see an angry Casey and he wrote,"I'm dead aren't I Johnny?". Johnny had Ana glaring at him and he said,"I was looking at her magic power!".

Bellatrix said,"Like what you see boys?". "Yes!" wrote Zane. He was punched the ground by Casey and she said,"You know that if you just asked Zane Sama, I'll show you my body.". Zane's face went red and he wrote,"Awesome.". "I'm not stupid like him so who the hell are you?" said Johnny. "You know Titania right? I mean her and Bella here have a similar past. You two Slayers from our enemy guild know it right?" said Bellatrix.

Ana said,"So how did she escape?". "A Lucerana is in control of her body and it's a guy." wrote Zane who looked at Casey. "Yep. The name is Gorsur and I'm the Lucerna of Shadows. I think you're the ones dying now. Shadow Beams!" said Gorsur. Several beams of shadow flew toward the four and they dodged it. "Hey! Eat my Steel Dragon Club!" yelled Johnny. Gorsur caught the club and he said,"Was the best you got?". "Heavenly Dragon Roar!" said Ana.

A giant tornado blasted Gorsur into the air and Casey said,"Ready beloved?". Zane was about to be launched by Casey and he wrote,"Yep!". She threw him toward Gorsur and he said,"Turmoil Devil Rhino Beetle Kick!". His right leg was covered in steel with him kicking the woman directly into the ground. "Heavenly Dragon Spiral!" said Ana. She fired out a vortex of air at Gorsur and Casey turned into water. She rapidly slammed into Gorsur and she was blasted back by the demon.

Gorsur said,"I'm really getting sick of this teamwork shit. It's pissing me the hell off! Shadow Devil Black Hole.". A giant black hole formed around him and Johnny said,"Get away now! Steel Dragon Pick Ax!". His left arm turned into a pick ax with him on the other side of the room. The girls saw everything going toward Gorsur with him saying,"This will drag you to the pits of hell!". Zane stood there and Casey said,"Zane Sama! Get away from her!".

Ana said,"She does know that Bellatrix is being controlled by a male demon right?". "I think she does but you'll learn soon that she's weird in love." said Johnny. "You should know that I have killed five dragons and several demons of Hex. Pyro Devil Vermilion Pentagon!" wrote Zane. He placed his hands together sideways. He slowly moves them away from each other with a circle of vermilion liquid forming there.

It was making a pentagon shape with it growing bigger. He threw it toward Gorsur and it caused a minor burn along with poison. "What the? It was so strong." said Gorsur who went down to the ground. "Pyro Devil Hellion Dragon Paroxysm!" wrote Zane. Zane's right arm went in front of him with a huge amount of fire surrounding it. It was forming a dragon head and he threw it directly at Gorsur. Upon colliding with the poisoned demon, it made a giant explosion of fire.

Bellatrix was back to her normal self and she was out cold. "Wow. Did your dad teach you that?" said Johnny. "No. I just had the knowledge and my dad thinks that it came from my contact with the dark wizard Hex Karma. He cursed me." wrote Zane. Casey hugged him and she said,"Don't worry Zane. I still love you.". "We should get going to save Allison, Clair, and Myra." said Ana. "Right!" said Zane whose face was red. The four ran off.

Bellatrix was waking up and she said,"What happened?". Kraig stood there with Reid crossing his arms. "Your usefulness to me is over because Zero killed Gorsur." said Kraig. He threw a red energy spear at her with a giant wall of earth blocking the spear. "What are you doing Reid? Are you trying to protect her?" said Kraig. "Listen. What did you do to Ruben and why are you attacking Heroes by helping Chaos Lords?" said Reid.

Kraig smiled and he said,"I got my reasons so I hope you like being a puppet just like Johnny Chan was.". His right hand glowed and he said,"Possession: Reid!". A red cloud flew toward Reid and he said,"Run Bella. You need to escape.". "But what about you?" said Bellatrix. She was getting up and Reid's magic power spiked. "I'm taking him out with me!" yelled Reid. Bellatrix was gone as Reid exploded. Kraig blocked the explosion but the room wasn't so lucky.

Ax jumped along the roofs of the buildings in Mural. Ever since he left the forest, he felt like all of his children were in danger. "Don't worry my children. I'm coming." said Ax. Upon getting in the distance of the guild hall, he didn't see the building and he said,"What happened?". He was heading toward the building and he sensed something. "Who are you two?" said Ax. He turned around to see two cloaked people.

It was a man and woman.  The man had a canteen in his left hand and he was drinking from it with him enjoying it like how Tanya enjoys her drinks. "Calm down Silas Hunter." said the woman. "She's right. I like a good fight but I promised the brat that he could handle it." said the man. "Who are you talking about?" said Ax. "Zane Alvarez." said the woman. "I understand. He can handle Samuel but I have something to take care off." said Ax.

Ax hopped off as the man said,"Wow. I see where Zane gets his stubborn nature from.". "I don't think that's the case Zagehz. I think he got it from our son." said the woman. "You're right. So why are we here in our human form anyway?" said Zagehz. "You waited until now to ask that?" said Ophelia with a confused look. "Yeah. I mean I love Meca's beer. Best on the planet but compared to Dragon Ale, it isn't that strong." said Zagehz.

Ophelia then sighed as she said,"We need to go check up on them.". "Ah. You're talking about the other brats aren't you?" said Zagehz. "Yes. Sivarth has done a good job raising Zane and I don't think either one likes losing to their older brother." said Ophelia. "Okay. So what are we going to do after that honey?" said Zagehz. "Make sure Zane meets his aunt and uncle plus I think Sivarth has some choice words for his son." said Ophelia. The two were gone in a burst of light.

Tanya said,"So what's happening now?". Julie was looking through her sniper scope and she said,"I think Ana and Zane convinced one of the Element Five and Johnny to help them.". "Wow. I didn't see that coming." said Nick. "It must because three of them are slayers. They can be rather convincing when they want to be." said Tanya. "I strangely feel bad for Zane." said Nick. "He may powerful but he has trouble with the ladies." said Julie.

Back in the guild hall, Allison ,who arrived with Barry, Clair, Dawn, Lucky, and Steve, was the only one standing. After being warped here by Kraig, she, Clair, Kurt, Myra, and Steve fought against the Chaos Lord himself but thanks to their wounds, Allison was the only one still standing. The room was falling apart and Samuel said,"I think from that magic presence earlier, Johnny betray me along with Casey. I guess losing to Zane made them weak.".

Allison was panting and she said,"You've all underestimated Zane. His magic power is on a level that you can't even compared too.". She was tired and about to fall over but she couldn't due to the bodies of her unconscious family. If she was defeated, they all would be easy targets for Samuel. "I suggest you stop being so blind Titania. Your magic power is something else like the demon but like her, no one has lasted this long against me." said Samuel.

He smirked and he raised his hand,"If you had stopped Saturn or one of its moons from firing early and defeated Keith, I think I would have been more interested in our fight but I can't stand the fact that wizards like you and Zero belong in Silas's guild!". He blasted her with a stream of dark magic and she went flying directly into the wall. "Do you wonder why I didn't just like him directly?!" said Samuel.

Allison dodged another one of his attacks and he said,"I wanted to make that fossil fell misery. How would he feel to see his beloved guild destroyed and his children killed. He would be lost thanks to the sadness of losing the things that he treasures most in this world. I can see it now. Once he's in that pitiful state, I will kill the man but first, I'll make him suffer until his brutal end!" . "You are a monster!" yelled Allison while doing his attacks.

Samuel said,"Chaos Lords has always been the number one guild in Meca. Our spells and wizards have been the best along with the most investment in Meca but in the span of a few years. Heroes made a name for themselves.". Samuel glared at her and he said,"Your name along with the rest of your S Class Wizards plus Kurt and Tessa went fat even to my hometown. Before I could stop it, it seems that Chaos Lords and Heroes represent us.".

Samuel took a breath and he yelled,"I couldn't stand it! You were a weak and pathetic guild but you challenge the great Chaos Lords!". "So you're telling me that you caused the pain and suffering of both sides because you were jealous?" said Allison. She rushed toward him slashing at him with two matching blades. The man dodged her attacks and he said,"Jealously? That isn't it. We just wanted to make it obvious that we're the best guild in Meca.".

She charged at him and she said,"Sword Rain!". The blades came down on Samuel but due to three purple beams rested with skulls, the attack was stopped. Allison herself was grabbed by them after they freed themselves from her blades. "Your guild has been bothering me for the longest time but the reason for the war was actually because of the fiancee to the heir of the Elliot Family ran away. We were asked to find her by his order." said Samuel.

Allison was worried about Lora and Samuel said,"We were fine when Rachel joined your guild due to her being the daughter of the seventh richest family in the kingdom but when we heard about Lora, I couldn't handle it! You had to be the best didn't you?!". He looked crazy and he said,"If you access to their money, you would be stronger than us and that's something that I couldn't stand!". The magic was constricting her and she coughed up blood.

Her breathing started to get worse but Allison smiled for it. "You know that it's sad for you of all people to get worked up over who's the best but what's really sad is that you don't know the truth about her." said the knight. "What did you say?" said Samuel. "She ran away from him in fear! You know that we won't let her go back to a man who treats her like crap! She's our friend and we won't let you hurt her again!" yelled Allison.

Samuel smiled and he said,"I see then. I guess I plan to bring her back as damaged good. I mean she and her "friends" caused me so many problems in the past couple of days. I'm going to make her feel the touch of darkness before I give her to Elliot who'll enjoy having his favorite toy back.". "Dam you bastard!" yelled Allison. She tried to break out of the magic holding her and Samuel said,"Oh wow, I made you mad but this chat is over with.".

Samuel was going to break her but suddenly, she was free. "No. His magic power increased even more than before!" thought Samuel. "Allison! Wake up!" yelled a voice. Allison looked up to see Zane holding her like a princess. "Zane? What are you doing here?" said Allison. He placed her down and he said,"I took care of Johnny, got on him our side even. I came to finish off the trash before I get really powered up. Gaia Heal.".

Her body glowed and he said,"I sensed that you were all in pain and I'm going to make him pay for that so could you move everyone away from here?". "You cocky brat! Get out here and fight me like a man!" yelled Samuel. "I better get going." said Zane. He was heading toward him but he turned to see Allison. She hugged him and she said,"You need to stop Zane. You can't fight any more.". "You're wrong Ally. I love you but you need to learn that I was holding back." said Zane.  

His eyes turned gold and he said,"He hurt you and my family so I'll make him pay.". "Please don't go out there Zane. You can't fight." said Allison who was crying. Zane hugged her and he said,"Don't cry Allison. He will be here and if I leave you in your hands, you'll be fine.". Zane walked toward Samuel and the man said,"You're ready to fight me. I guess leaving Johnny to you was a bad idea. He was weak compared to you First.".

Zane growled and he said,"Shut the hell. Johnny is a slayer and my friend. You caused their blood and tears to fall this day.". His fists were covered in the bluish white flames and he said,"Both you and him have changed him plus you hurt my rain woman. You would make them hurt their fellow man so I'm going to make you pay for that.". "You really wish to cause an Armageddon here?" said Samuel with a crazy look.   

Zane said,"I don't give a fuck about the magic council plus beating the crap of you two would make me so happy.". "How fun. I hope you're prepare to die! Dead Shower!" said Samuel. Zane dodged the wave and he said,"Phantom Vibration!". The pulse moved Samuel back and he didn't see Zane right under him. "Maelstrom Dragon Magnificent Uppercut!". He launched Samuel into the air and he gather fire in his mouth. "Hellfire Dragon Roar!" yelled Zane.

The giant stream of fire came rushing out of his mouth and it caused a giant explosion of fire. "Did he get him?" said Allison who posed her head from the area where the rest were. "That was something else. Your power is nothing to scoff at that's for sure." said Samuel who smiled. "Dam. I guess I will have to hurt him more but he's close. I know it." thought Zane. "Hellfire Dragon Secret Art Quasar Explosion!" yelled Zane.

A giant ball of fire appeared in his hands and it was growing bigger. He threw it at Samuel who held his hand out. The man was covered in a huge explosion of flames that destroyed the area around the man. Samuel grabbed Zane and he said,"Are you ready to die?". "No way idiot. Master, I leave you to get them out of here for me. I'll make him pay." said Zane. He kicked Samuel in the stomach and the guild master of chaos saw Ax standing there. "You got it Zane." said Ax.  

In the forest, Althea looked at the sky and she thought,"The trees, the Earth, and the air. They are all scared about what's going to happen.". She kicked a box next to her as apples were sent flying. "This is why I hate other humans! They're idiots thinking that violence is the only way to solve a problem! I can't believe those idiots would do something like this! See if I care if you die!" said Althea. She had her moment but she saw one of the apple that escaped her.

She followed it and she saw someone holding it. "Grim." said Althea. "May I?" said Grim holding the fruit. "I understand now. You're the one who gathered up his magic power." said Althea. Grim bit into the apple and Althea said,"Did I say yes?!".  "A dragon has been awaken. This war will reach its end soon." said Grim. He smiled under his mask and he thought,"Zane. From our first encounter, I knew you were just like him. Keep getting stronger old friend.".

Althea sighed and she said,"I don't like humans fighting against each other but aren't you one of his brothers? Why aren't you fighting?". Grim sighed and he said,"I would have but Zane asked me to do this instead.". He pulled out several flags with the Chaos Lords symbol and Althea thought,"Chaos Lords?  He took out all of their subdivisions.". "I am needed now on the front line. I have some info for Zane and Master Ax from Darin It's rather important." said Grim.

He walked toward her and he said,"So can I have another apple?". "You know that you have to clean up your mess right?" said Althea. The reaper held the flags and Althea said,"An excess of power soon leads to nothing but trouble.". "You're wrong Althea. A wise man once said with great power comes great responsibility. Zane is that person and when you released a dragon, he isn't going down without a fight." said Grim. He was gone as Althea sighed.

Zane then looked at Ax and he said,"Hey Gramps. Why do you smell like a dragon?". "Before getting here, I met with two people who wish to see you after this is all over." said Ax. "Gotcha old timer. I'll be done soon enough." said Zane. Kurt and Steve were walking up and Kurt said,"This kind of warm feeling. Why does it feel like the master?". Ax walked over to them with Allison and he said,"We are leaving this place.".

Steve said,"Master?! You're okay!?". "What are you doing here?!" yelled Norman. "Help carry them out and I'll explain everything soon enough." said Ax. "Hey Kurt!" yelled Zane. Kurt turned to see Zane with him saying,"Don't let me see my girls hurt or else.". "You got it." said Kurt. The group got out of there and Samuel said,"Now that the peanut gallery is gone. I plan to fully cut loose but this is going to be good. I'm killing you and them.".

Zane was quiet and Samuel said,"I never expected Heroes to be on the same level as Chaos Lords after a short amount of time. I noticed that your guild hall looked like crap.". "I don't care. I learned that my home is Heroes and you can't destroy that. The members is what makes Heroes the number one guild in the land!" said Zane as he gathered his magic power. "Still. I'm happy that I get to fight one of my fellow saints to see if your title is nothing but the council's attempt." said Samuel.

The two gathered their magic power and Zane said,"My family. You all did amazing so take pride in being a member of Heroes!". The sky above the guild hall was filled menacing storm clouds and bolts of thunder flashed through sky and thunder hanged out. The ocean below them making the waves go nuts. "What the hell is going on?" said Nick. The ground was shaking and Zane blasted a beam of magic power at Samuel's right shoulder.

He was sent back but he inflicted the same wound on Zane who didn't grunt at the pain. He stopped and he yelled,"Dead Rush!". A torrent of ghosts flew toward Zane and it send rubble flying all around him with Zane standing there. He was caught in a giant explosion and Samuel said,"I guess that you were all talk.". "Sorry but I'm just testing you and you failed Samuel! Hellfire Dragon Everlasting Flame!" said Zane.  He exploded as the ghosts around him were completely burned.

Samuel said,"Well done. I have to get serious. You're stronger than I thought.". "Man. You old men are so annoying. I mean I'm a great role model but if someone falls in your footsteps, I feel bad for them." said Zane. "Shut up and die!" yelled Samuel. He threw several thousand dead beams at Zane with Zane standing there. "Prepare to fall to me. Heroes Storm!" said Zane.  His magic power grew in size and he threw a giant ball of magic power at him.

Outside of the building, the shades outside were being destroyed by a giant explosion of magic power that covered the area around the giant. "What's this?" said Nick as he covered his eyes. "Who cares Nick? They're disappearing." said Julie. "That's Heroes Storm. Zane learned this spell rather recently in fact and he masted it." said Ax. "What are you talking about Master?" said Myra. "Trust me. Zane is serious right now." said Ax. After the light was gone, nothing remained of the building.

Tessa said from land,"Wow! That was so cool!". "It's been a long time that I've seen Zane use magic power like this. I wonder what happened if he used on a job." said Ryu. Ax then shivered as Sakura said,"Is something wrong Master?". "Lucky thinks that he's really hot! Lucky sees that he's sweating like crazy!" said Lucky. "Who cares about that? We won!" yelled Barry. The guild cheered but they stopped upon sensing something deadly.

Zane looked at Samuel who was out cold. Zane walked over to him and he said,"If you ever come near ANY ONE of them, this will happen again.". He walked back to the guild hall and he said,"I'm going to grab Ryu and start running. Not a fan of dealing with the council.". Keith appeared behind him and he thought,"Yes! If I take out your Zane, we win!". He attacked Zane but it turned out to be a fake. "What?! No!" yelled Keith.

Zane appeared behind him and he said,"Power Dragon Kick!". He kicked Keith into the ground and he said,"I'm sorry but that was for gramps. If you want to live, you take your master out of here or else you'll get the wrath of a dragon.". Alvaro, Dante, and Russel grabbed Keith and Samuel with the five leaving. Zane laughed and he looked over at the ruins. "You're dead Kraig." said Zane with him clenching his fists.

Next time,
Zane vs Kraig. 

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