Friday, January 20, 2017

Power Episode 30 Zane Unleashes his Inner dragon!

A/N: Yep. We're not done yet. Since I'm not doing the Loke Arc in a sense, I feel like making this arc longer so that the Tower of Heaven Arc will be perfect in my books. You may see more characters from the cancelled Power Guild show up because I wanted to use them in someway. Lets begin and I promise that this won't be that long. Next one will be for sure.

Narrator P.O.V.
Outside in front of the Heroes's guild hall, most of the defending Heroes were looking for cover and the shades were just standing there. "Well, we're dead." said Wayne. "Everyone get down!" said Fate who went down to the ground. "We can't just dodge this magic by just ducking!" said Charlie. One of the arms on the machine exploded with everyone looking at it. In a minute, the once threatening and deadly machine turned into nothing but rubble. All that was left was it main body.

Tanya said with a tear forming in her eye and a huge smile,"They did it!". "Yeah! They took out their cannons and Element Five!" yelled Nick. "We just have the Shades left boys. Lets take them down so the others don't have any problems." said Julie as she got the guys cheering. Eric stood there and he was holding his left arm. 'Man. The girls in this guild are pretty awesome." said Eric. He looked in the guild hall and he didn't see Angel. "Where did she?" said Eric.

Back in the robot, Steve slowly up to his feet. He went over to Allison. He caught her before she fell over and he said,"Hey! Allison! Come on Ally! Please say something!". With Kurt's group. "What's going on?" said Kurt as the ground below them shook. "I guess the others must have defeated the last three members of their group." said Lisa. "We did it! We stopped the Planetary Fissure from being cast!" said Hilda. "We should go find the others." said Kurt. They rushed down the hall.

In Giant's Command Room. "IMPOSSIBLE!" yelled Samuel. Kraig laughed and he said,"Wow. This is too fucking good! So much for your strongest guild!". "You! What the hell have you and your men have been doing this entire time! I thought you give us the strength to end them!" yelled Samuel. A sword appeared on his neck and Kraig said,"Shut the hell up. Your guild is filled to the brim of idiots so shut up.". "Fine. So where is Johnny?" said Samuel,

The group which had some Chaos Lords grunts saw Johnny with Faye and the Steel Slayer held both Lora and Tessa. "Wow. Those Elemental Five guys lost. They're total shit." said Johnny. "You know you're my favorite puppet unlike him." said Kraig. "How the hell did you find Lora?" said Samuel as Johnny threw them onto the floor. ""My nose is better than yours." said Johnny while pointing to his nose.

A Chaos Lord wizard said,"But Johnny, is she still alive? I mean we won't get any more if she's dead and he's here.". "Oh really?" said Johnny. "Do you mind if I show them?" said Faye. Johnny looked at her and he said,"Whatever.". She kicked the brunette in the stomach and she was sent flying across the room coughing up blood. "Tada! I'm gentle." said Johnny. Several floors below Johnny, Zane was walking with Ana, Casey, Dawn, and Ryu.

Zane felt a pain in his chest and he said,"Dam it.". "Zane! What's wrong?" said Casey. "Why do I feel like Lora's in trouble?! I thought she was at the safe house with Jade and Tessa." thought Zane. "That was way too...." said a member. Faye screamed in his ear and he was out cold. "Shut the hell up. You should be worried about those pricks in her guild." said Johnny. "As expected of my strongest duo in the guild." said Samuel.

He pressed a button and everyone heard,"Hello Heroes. We have completed our goal in capturing our prize Lora Aquiler.". "They found our hideout?!" yelled Myra. "They captured Lora again?!" said Ana. Ryu noticed that Zane was grinding his teeth. Kraig dragged Lora by her hair and he said,"Time to make your voice heard.". Lora screamed causing everyone in the guild to stop. "I'm sure that you heard her screams. Sounds like a dog doesn't it? Hear this too!" said Samuel.

Tessa's scream was heard and Zane's teeth grinding was louder. "So what's with her anyway?" said the Villain wizard. "Personal." said Johnny. "Okay." said Kraig. "I think this will be fun." said the guild master. The shades started to get stronger as they ripped through Heroes like butter. "Hey Zaney bear. You can hear their screams right? Enjoying it aren't it?!" said Samuel. "SAMUEL! YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!" roared Zane.

Samuel stopped and he said,"Keep an eye of them.". Johnny was currently making cuffs for the girls and he said,"Why?". "I have some rats to kill." said Samuel as his magic power grew. "They think that they can win against me. I should enjoy this." said Samuel. Kraig smiled and he said,"The time is coming. I'll get my revenge soon enough.". Johnny looked confused as he ordered the members there to carry the girls and followed him.

Hearing both Lora and Tessa scream like that, something inside of Zane snapped. His heart was going so fast that it felt like it was going to burst out of his chest at any second. He fell onto the nearby wall and he started to shake in anger. His body was producing thunder at an alarming second. Kraig and Samuel hurt two of his girls. Taking them to begin with was bad enough but hurting them and his friends is the straw that broke the camel's back.

He couldn't control his anger and he would make them pay for hurting his family. "They're hurting your mates. Make them pay!" said Zagehz. "Zane. Don't fear the power. A dragon isn't scared of anything and using power to protect them is what you should do." said Ophelia. "Go on a hunt for them Dragonling." said Zagehz. "Big brother." said Ana. She touched his arm and she went back as Dawn said,"Ana! Are you okay?".

Ana looked at her hand and it had a first degree burn. "Zane's fighting his dragon side. He can't hear anything right now." said Casey who was worried about him. "Zane!" yelled Ryu. Zane looked at his little buddy and he said,"Ryu.". "You have to accept your power dad. You have to believe in and you can save the day like a Hero!" said Ryu. "Even the child sees it. He's a true dragon. Listen to him and call upon it." said Ophelia.

Casey placed her hand on his shoulder and she said,"Zane. You're the strongest one here and you have to protect your guild. Lora, the guild, Tessa, and your family. Protect them!". She kissed his cheek and Dawn covered Ana's eyes. "You're right." wrote Zane. The group heard another scream with Zane in deep thought. "For Lora, For Allison, For Casey. For all of my mates. For Heroes. I'll accept my dragon side and save the day to be a hero!" thought Zane.

He took a deep breath and the room suddenly got hotter with Zane's already high magic increased and maybe even triple or more. Ana, Dawn, and Ryu were sweat nonstop with Casey making a mini rain cloud over them. "Thanks." said the three. The four fell onto the ground due to Zane's overwhelming magic power. "ACCEPT IT! UNLEASH YOUR INNER DRAGON! DESTROY THOSE WHO HURT WHAT YOU CARE ABOUT!" yelled Ophelia and Zagehz. 

Zane roared and everyone in the building along with outside heard the roar. Something broke inside of his body and his body was filled with even more magic energy that before. Much to his group's shock, his body was covered in raw magic power. The magic power was so strong and it destroy the ground below him and the wall next to him. His magic power formed into a dragon. "Steve. Do you feel this magic power?" said Allison.

Steve smiled and he said,"That's big bro.". "Really?!" said Allison. "Yep. I mean you care for him so I thought you would know it by heart. He's really powered up now." said Steve. He moved her next to Clair along with the cats. "Make them pay bro." said Steve. Zane was currently flying down the hall and it created sonic booms as he flew. Ryu flew after him and Ana said,"We should go with him.". "I think you're right." said Dawn. The girls followed them.

Zane flew through the halls making everything around him get destroyed and he yelled,"I'm going for you Kraig, Samuel, and Chaos Lords! You'll pay for hurting my family and mates!". Back in the forest, Ax was kept on by Althea. She was mixing some potions together and she felt a strong magic power. She turned around to the city and she said,"Zane. You're really serious aren't you?". She turned over to look at Ax who was moving slightly. He saw his eyes opened.

Althea said,"You're awake. How do you feel?". He pushed himself up and Althea said,"You have to rest Silas.". "Since when have I listened to you?" said Ax as he jumped off the bed. "That was rather fast even for someone of your age." said Althea. "Your amazing healing helped but it was his magic who really did the deed." said Ax. "You're talking about Zane. You felt his magic didn't you? It can't be described." said Althea who clenched her arm.

Ax nodded and he said,"I bet everyone in the area felt it. Zane. He's immensely talented for his age for sure. He has more potential out of every wizards in the area. I can tell that he needs to be more trusting of others but I think he's doing that in his own way.". "Ax. Zane told me that he's going to handle Samuel." said Althea. "I know so I'm going to stop my children's tears." said Ax. He left the room and Althea said,"Nothing changes does it?".

Zane stopped and he smelled something. He was in front of a two way path and he said to himself with him floating in the air,"Lora and Rachel is the left way and Allison is the right way. I need to save them.". He made a sign for the others as he rushed down the way to Lora. "I am coming and I hope I can get their way to save them. No, I need to be a real man." said Zane.  

Ana said,"Yep. Big brother made this.". "He has impressive penmanship to say the least." said Casey with a smile. "So what should we do? I suggest we should split up." said Dawn. "Okay. We will go help Angel and Lora." said Ana pointing to Casey and Ryu. "What about Dawn?!" said Ryu. "Don't worry. I'll be fine. I got stronger for Ana here so go save your dad." said Dawn with a smile. The little dragon flew off with the slayers following. Dawn flew.

Angel woke up in a prison cell and she thought,"How did I?". She then noticed that her hands were covered in magic cuffs that prevents her from using magic power. She went up to the door and she saw two grunts who were playing cards. "They know that we're at war right?" thought Angel with a sweat drop. The three heard a large roar and an increase in magic power. The grunts were knocked out and Angel fell to her knees.

Angel said,"That power. Was that Zane?". "Rachel! Are you in here?!" yelled a voice. She pushed herself up to see Zane standing there. "Zane!" yelled Angel. "Stay back from the door!" said Zane as Angel jumped back. "He's stronger now." thought Angel. "Fire Make Inferno Sword!" said Zane as his flame sword appeared. Instead of his usually orange/red flames, it was bluish white. The metal door melted and Angel smiled.

Zane hugged her and she blushed. "Are you okay? Do those bastards hurt you!?" said Zane while glaring at the two unconscious grunts. "No. I was grabbed by one of them. I think it was a woman though." said Angel. "I see. Was she cute?" said Zane. She tightened her hug and Zane's soul was coming out of his body. "What did you say Zane?" said Angel. She looked to see that Zane's soul was out of his body. She pushed it back in and Zane looked at her.

Zane said,"Don't do that!". Angel pouted and Zane sighed. "Angel. I have to go save your sister from those bastards." said Zane. "But I thought that..." said Angel. "They found her and I need to go save her." said Zane. He stood up and he kissed her forehead. Angel blushed crimson red and he said,"Be careful my Angel.". He flew off and Angel couldn't move. Ana saw her sitting there and she said,"Are you okay Rachel?". "Nothing!" said Angel.

Ryu floated over to her and he said,"Hey! Your face is red.". "I think Zane Sama kissed her." said Casey with jealous. "Um. Why is an Element Five with you? She's the one who attacked Lora with that bendy guy." said Angel. "She was under the control of a dark wizard and big brother saved her so are you able to walk?" said Ana. "I'm fine." said Angel. She stood and the four followed the trail of destruction aka the Zane way. 

Meanwhile with Allison. Steve was resting nearby. "What's was magic power and that roar? Did it come from Zane or was it one of Chaos Lords's members?" thought Allison. She then looked at her shaking hand and she thought,"I can't believe it. I'm still shaking from its raw power. I've never felt anything so strong or powerful before. I wonder who did it? I mean it happened after hearing Lora and Tessa's scream. Could it be Zane?". "Allison!" yelled a voice.

Allison looked up to see Dawn flying toward them. "What are those tomcats doing over there?" said Dawn. "Don't be mad at them. It was his fault." said Allison pointing to the unconscious Keith. "So did you defeat him by yourself?" said Dawn. "Not at all. Clair and Steve fought against him. I just ended their fight because he was trying to kill them. Where's Ana? I think we could use her healing abilities." said Allison.

Dawn said,"She went with Ryu and Zane.". "Zane? Was he that magic power and roar?" said Allison with a concerned look. "Yep. It was." said Dawn. "How did it happen? I mean just the feeling alone was something else." said Allison. "Yes. His magic power was ripping the place apart. It was very much like being in the center of a storm. Can you stand?" said Dawn. "Yes. Do you know any healing magic?" said Allison.

Dawn's hands glowed green and she said,"A bit. So do you know anything about Zane's new power? I heard a rumor that you girls are sharing him.". She flew over to the four and Allison said,"A little. If I remember the section right, a slayer has the ability to accept their dragon half giving them growth in magic power and strength. I read that a fire based slayer's flames color change from red/orange to a blue. It also appears when they're truly fired up.".

Dawn said,"I see. He started getting powered up after he heard both Lora and Tessa getting her. Upon hearing their scream, I could feel his anger Allison. It was so thick and it took my air. Thanks to some encouragement from Ana and Ryu, his magic power just exploded in strength. It covered his body like an aura.". "I guess he sees Lora and Tessa as one of his mates. According to the book, dragons will destroy anything in their ways if they hurt their mates or their family." said Allison.

Clair woke up and she said,"Who?! Where?! When?!". "Lucky's tired." said Lucky. "Dawn! You're here!" said Barry. "Don't get any idea tomcat. Did you forget that you could have given Clair some light to help in her fight with Keith." said Dawn. Barry looked at her and after figuring it out. He sulked in the corner. "So whose left?" said Steve. "I think we have their master." said Allison. The six felt something.

It was a shiver with the room getting tenser. An incredible magic power was heading toward them causing them to get nervous. "Lucky's scared." said Lucky. Steve held his little buddy and he said,"I don't think this guy is a friend.". "Wow. I didn't expect to find you idiots. I was looking for the large burst of magic power but I guess I found something fun." said a voice. Kraig stood there and he said with a smile,"Hello. My name is Kraig.".

Allison said as a sword appeared in her hand,"You're the one who hurt Zane!". "He did? I thought it was rivet face." said Clair as she jumped upon hearing that. "Oh. So he told? I thought he wouldn't be a squealer but I guess I was wrong." said Kraig. He looked at Keith and he lifted him in the air with his finger. "That's Telekinesis Magic." said Steve. "Yes. It's a basic spell compared to the Black Arts so are you prepare to stop me?" said Kraig.

Clair said,"I'll start! Holy Dragon Iron Fist!". She rushed toward him and Kraig said,"Holy Slayer. I thought I felt Verioth's magic power.". "How do you know my dad?!" yelled Clair. Kraig grabbed her and he threw her into the wall. "If you beat me blonde, I may just tell you." said Kraig. He turned to see Allison rushing toward him. He blocked her sword with his left arm. "Yeah. I just did that. If you can named an Enhancement, my Black Arts knows it." said Kraig.

Steve said,"Shadow Dragon Roar!". A giant stream of shadows went flying toward Kraig who raised his hand in front of it. It went to the sides of him and Kraig said,"You're the son of Briam. How sad. I thought you would be stronger.". He blocked Allison's sword with his crimson sword. "You're really weaker. I think I should save my magic power on Zane. Goodbye now." said Kraig. He snapped his fingers as Allison, Barry, Clair, Dawn, Lucky, and Steve disappeared.

Kurt stopped in place and Lisa said,"What's wrong?". "At least, he isn't foaming at the mouth after that roar." said Hilda. "I don't know how but I sense someone on Master's level heading right toward us." said Kurt. "You're serious aren't you?" said Hilda. "I think if we work together, we will be able to defeat them with ease." said Lisa. They saw Ruben standing there and Hilda thought,"Is the hallway behind him frozen?!".

Ruben looked at Kurt and Lisa with him smiling. "You're both Ashley Edward's students? I sensed her magic power in this hunk of junk." said Ruben. "How do you know her?" said Lisa. "She is the one who recently came back after she was turned back to normal. I had planned on coming here to kill her and Kurt Raymond. Die." said Ruben. A magic circle appeared and a giant lizard appeared in front of them.

Kurt said,"Passion Cage!". The lizard looked around the cage and Ruben said,"I can't believe that you would use Passion Magic. It's nothing but a joke.". The lizard smashed through the cage and Lisa said with anger,"I'll show you that Passion Magic is power. Passion Boxing Gloves!". Two giant boxing gloves appeared and it punched the lizard straight into the jaw. "I see. You're the senior. I guess you should be the first one I take out before I kill Ashley and Kurt." said Ruben.

The lizard rushed toward Lisa and Hilda said,"Jackal!". They blocked the lizard and they smashed the reptile into the wall. It disappeared and Kurt said,"How did you make that thing? I didn't sense any magic power from it.". "That's because I used a magic that allows me to access the power of the One Magic." said Ruben. He made several missiles fly toward them and the passion wizard said,"Passion Shield!". Two shields with Lisa having more a hexagonal theme appeared.

Several explosions happened and Ruben said,"You're not stopping me brats. I'm much stronger and I know how Passion Magic works.". "And how do you know that?" said Hilda. "Why should I tell you girlie? I don't care about you." said Ruben. A giant elephant appeared next to Ruben with it rushing toward them. The three barely evade it with the pachyderm destroying everything in its path. "Time for Passion Lance!" said Kurt. "Passion Falcons!" said Lisa.

The lances and birds flew toward Ruben who held his left hand up. The magic creations were frozen solid and he said,"Is that the best you got students of Ashley?". "No. I'm getting powered up! Passion Sword!" said Kurt. Ruben dodged Kurt's sword slashes with him freezing the magic blade to his hands and Lisa said,"Passion Anvil!". Kurt dodged the anvil and he said,"Lisa! I think I know how to beat him!". "What's the plan?" said Hilda.

Ruben said,"Did you figure me out? I guess I will have to kill you faster!". The area around Kurt erupted in magic power and he rushed toward him. "Time to show you my Passion Devil Rage!" said Kurt. A giant dark blue blizzard of magic power came out of his mouth and it blasted Ruben into the air. "Hilda! Lisa! Attack him now!" yelled Kurt. "Right. Passion Inferno Lion!" said Lisa. The lion hit Ruben and he was burned. "Bank Safe." said Hilda.

A ink bank safe appeared above Ruben making him crash into the ground. He coughed up blood and he thought,"No! I can't lose to students of her!". He was about to get up but he felt his magic power being drained from his body. "No. My power." said Ruben, "Passion Devil Obliteration Lance!" said Kurt as magic power gathered in his arm. It formed into a giant lance which he threw at Ruben with the man trapped in Okaepralt.

Kurt went onto his knees and Hilda said,"So are you okay?". "My Passion Devil may be really strong but it drains my magic power rather fast." said Kurt. The three looked at Ruben and Lisa said,"How did he know our master?". "I don't know but if he hurts her, I'll kill him." said Kurt. The three went down the hall and Kraig reappeared. "You failed Ruben. I mean I still have Bellatrix and Reid plus my Johnny Chan." said Kraig.

He picked up the Okaepralt covered Ruben as he said,"You're the student of Ben Osborne aka Ashley Edwards's ex husband after your home was destroyed by Estrarum. You hated her and anyone who she taught because Ben thought she was the reason why their daughter Valerie died. You were beaten by him when you failed training and when Ben saw Ashley as Okaepralt, this peaked. You hated Kurt and Lisa because of that.".

He made a portal appeared and he threw Ruben inside. "After your training, you met Master Pluto of Wicked Genocide who killed Ben in front of you. You wanted to be a Nine Kin badly but you failed because of Kane and Vanessa who defeated you with ease. You learned then that Passion Magic was weak and you were given Genesis Magic by Master Pluto. It allows you to create anything that you want with a single thought and you thought that you would able to do anything." said Kraig.

The portal closed and Kraig said,"Genesis Magic was a weakness. It's very draining on ones magic power and this is how you lost to them again with fatty throwing you out. You think that you can use your Genesis Magic to make them suffer in pain and Passion Magic for tricks. You joined Villains for revenge on Kurt who crushed you with Passion Devil magic. I hope you enjoy your hell.". The man was gone as the hallways was empty.

The three met with Myra, Norman, and Sakura in a room matching the room that Allison and her group was in earlier. "So did you guys feel that magic power or that roar? It was something that was so scary." said Norman. "So what happened to you Kurt?" said Sakura. "This idiot basically fought against any grunt even taking damage plus he's taking off his shirt." said Lisa. Kurt wasn't wearing a shirt and he said,"So whose left?".

Myra said,"I think the others defeated the rest of those freaks. Norman defeated Alvaro.". "Because I'm a man!" said Norman who flexed afterwards. "Anyway, I think Clair and Steve defeated Keith. I may hate the flashlight and goth but those two are strong." said Kurt. "I think Allison helped those two but I'll keep that to myself." thought Hilda. "So what about the final member? I mean I know that that weirdo along with some water woman attacked me, Jade, and Lora." said Sakura.

Lisa said,"You guys. You forgot about Zane.". "Yeah! He's the man!" yelled Norman. "Does he even ever stop with the word "man"?" said Hilda. "Not likely. So that magic power and roar belong to him right?" said Myra. "Yeah. I may not be strong as you or Allison maybe even Angel but I know one thing. That surge of magic power earlier belonged to Zane and that roar was so loud. It was like a dragon was here." said Kurt.

Before anyone could saw anything, a sudden chill ran through the room. It was so cold and a magic power on the level of Ax was heading toward them. "This isn't like Zane or Master. It's so intense and vile." said Sakura. "What the hell is this feeling? It's like being in front of that demon" said Lisa as her body began to shake in fear. "A real man shouldn't be shaking this much!" said Norman. "Please stop with that please." said Hilda.

The six heard,"My, my.... You all put on a show.". Slow clapping was heard and the group turned around to see Samuel emerging from the shadows. He was wearing something less ornate with it being more combative. He was wearing a blue grayish coat closed on the left side on his chest thanks to a belt going around his waist and by another one going over his right shoulder sporting his guild's symbol on the buckle.

His coat had wide gold stripes going down from the high collar which sports a pair of large rings hang from it on the front to the cuffs with other gold parts in equivalence to the closure and below the waist on each side. He was still wearing his Wizard Saint's medallion in the same spot but he had dark purple ribbons hanging from it instead. Covering his right arm, a greenish cape sporting a wide gold color stripe near the edges and some small shield-shaped ornaments placed there.

They were placed from the same distance from each other. It was complete with loose pants inside of boots. He had his hair tied in a high pony tail and the rings on his fingers being the same but the other ring had large black lines. "I never expected you Heroes to be so much fun. I was going after a giant source of magic energy but I missed it but hell, I found weak insects." said Samuel. "No. He must have been going after Zane. Samuel. I won't let you hurt my lover!" thought Myra.

Hilda, Kurt, and Norman thought in unison,"This guy must be the master of Chaos Lords.". "How can magic be so evil? It's making me sick and it makes Estrasum look like a toy compared to him. He has to be stopped." thought Lisa. "Thank you. You provide me with so much fun and even dealing with him and his gang have been a pain, you idiots have made this fun. I think I'll be killing you now," said Samuel.

Lisa said,"Hey Hilda and Norman.". She stood in front of Kurt with Hilda and Norman in front of the other two siblings. "I understand. You two may be girls but we have to be manly. He may be stronger than us but we have to protect Kurt and my sisters. It makes me Heroes." said Norman. "I'm sorry but you're going down." said Samuel as magic power gathered in his fists. "Run now!" yelled Myra. The three jumped toward Samuel who smiled.

Lisa said,"Passion Inferno Cannon!". A giant cannon appeared in her arms and Norman turned into the king of monsters and Hilda created a giant crab. "Dead Shower!" yelled Samuel Samuel moved his arm in a x and the three were hit with a giant wave of darkness. The three were blasted across the moon with them completely knocked out. "Hilda! Lisa! Norman!" yelled Sakura. Samuel who said with a smile,"Dead Vibration!".

A wave of darkness travel through the ground and it blasted the three plus Sakura back. "Bastard! I kill you!" yelled Myra. She then turned her arms into demon claws as she rushed toward him and the man smiled. "Dead Beam!" yelled Samuel. The beam of darkness attacked her directly and Kurt said as he helped Sakura out of the rubble,"Myra.". Both of them were shocked as Myra ,in her demon mode, was cutting through his magic.

She kept going and she was about to hit before he disappeared into shadows. "Myra! Watch out! He's right..." yelled Kurt. It was too late as Samuel held her ankle and he threw her across the room into a pile of rubble. She jumped back up and Samuel smiled. "You're one of Heroes's best but compared to me, you're nothing but an ant. The only ones truly worth of my time in that guild is Silas and Zero or Zane." said Samuel.

Kurt moved toward Myra and he said,"I'm helping you. I placed Hilda, Lisa, Norman, and Sakura in Okaepralt proof barriers. They'll be fine I promise.". "Okay Kurt. Hey bastard, you should know our love for our guild and our family makes us stronger." said Myra. She along with Kurt glared at Samuel while thinking about their guild and friends. An image of Zane flashed through both of their heads.

Kurt said,"If we're fighting for those you care about, I don't give a crap about what happens to my body. I'll protect everyone and my loved ones no matter!". "Your heart is strong but I'll enjoy killing you but making sure that each and every one of your friends die." said Samuel. The two rushed to the man but a portal appeared above them. "What the?" said Kurt. "It must be him." said Samuel. "Who are you...." said Myra.

In the mechanical colossus's control room. Lora softly whimpered as she was hanged from the wall by her arms with steel bindings hanging her there. She was like how Zane was hanging in the north park. Several daggers were in the wall that was around her and she flinched as one barley missed her head. Johnny stood there with a smirk and he said,"Doh I missed. I totally thought that I was going to hit you for a second.".

The others in the room ,which included Faye, then looked at him and Johnny made another dagger appeared in his hand. "Where should I go next? I'm getting bored of hitting her there." said Johnny. He threw the metal up into the air and he caught it with his teeth. "Hey Johnny. You should stop acting like you're going to hit her and just hit already." said Faye. "You can't just kill her or hurt her anyway." said a member.

Johnny said aiming the dagger at Lora,"Huh? I'm so dam bored. I mean she has singing like a fucking choir girl earlier but now, she's quiet. Everyone else is having fun but so why the hell is Master doing that to me? I think in between her legs!". He threw the dagger and Lora opened her legs avoiding the weapon. "Just stop it man." said a member. He was blasted into the wall by Johnny who turns his left arm into the steel club.

Johnny said,"Shut the fuck up. I don't give a dam about who this bitch is. She's one of those Heroes and garbage. Who the hell cares what I do to her?!". "I love this new Johnny. The old one was such a pussy and he actually respected those Heroes. Thanks Kraig, I owe you one for bringing out the real Johnny. You'll be able to handle Master if he has a hissy fit." thought Faye with a smile. "I think I'm able to pop those massive tits of yours. I mean they're huge." said Johnny.

A male grunt said,"Why the hell would you do that?!". "You forget who his partner was. I mean Faye may be big but compared to her...." said the grunt next to him. The Steel Slayer growled and he made his steal club hit them back into the wall. "Shut up. These Heroes are idiots. I mean they're facing us because this bitch has money." said Johnny. "Heh." said Lora. Johnny looked at her and he said,"So what the hell are you saying?".

Lora said,"You guys are idiots. I feel bad for you and almost makes me cry.". "Did she just say that? I can't believe you're insulting Navy Steel Johnny." thought Faye with a sweat drop. "You're bluffing. I mean you're better than I thought." said Johnny. "Zane is worried about you Johnny. From what he told me, he told me that you're loyal to your guild but you wouldn't harm anyone to complete their goal. He would be ashamed of you." said Lora with a sad look..

She winced as another dagger implanted in the wall to the right side of her neck. "Eh? Say that again richy? I don't think you know who you're messing with." said Johnny who placed a hand over his left ear. "You'll be in trouble if I died." said Lora. She smiled as she sensed something familiar coming to her but it was more stronger and intense than ever before. "There's no way that they would ever forgive you! We're a family after all." said Lora.

A member said,"Hey Johnny, it's really hot in here!". "Yeah, it's like this place just jumped fifty some degrees!" said a second member. "Yeah! This place is really shaking!" yelled a member who fell to the floor. "What's going on?" said Faye. "You'll spending the rest of your lives being scared from the tenacious and horrifying guild on the planet! As they hunted you down to the ends of time, Zane will make you pay for what you did to him." said Lora.

Johnny had a voice in his head say,"Did that brat tell her about me?". 'What the hell are you talking about? And why are you making me do this?! You're hurting innocent lives!" thought Johnny. "Oh. I guess trying to control a Slayer is harder than controlling a coward. Go to Tessa." said the voice. "I'm bored of you." said Johnny. He walked toward where he threw Tessa upon arriving here. "Tessa! Stay away from here!" yelled Lora.

Johnny raised her head and he said,"I'm going to ask this nicely and speak so that your friend and the idiots of our guild.". He got closer and he whispered,"Why do you smell like a dragon?!". Her eyes widened and she was silent. "You better answer me!" yelled Johnny. He went back and he thought,"I think your time in my head is gone.". "Hey Johnny! I'm freaking out here!" said a member. "I think my clothes are melting!" said a second member.

Faye thought,"Why the hell does it feel like we're in a volcano?!". Johnny jumped back and he was in the center of both Heroes. "Lets see if this will be fun!" yelled Johnny. Both arm turned into cannons and he fired out a cannonball at them. "Johnny! That's going to hit them!" said the trio of grunts. "I'm having fun!" yelled Faye. "You can't be serious?" thought Johnny. Before the cannonballs hit the two girls, the room was shaking fiercely.

In a giant burst of magic power, the floor to the room exploded. From the hole, Zane stood there with both cannonballs in hand. He smashed the two causing them to turn into dust. Zane looked up at the grunts and he said,"LEAVE.". The trio were trying to run out of the room but Zane's excess magic power knocked them off with them. "I knew it. I sensed you eh Zane?" said Johnny. "I'm not here for you but revenge for Heroes." said Zane as he cracked his knuckles.

Next Time,
Johnny (Kraig) faces off against Zane with two powerful Slayers raised by Dragon Kings face off. 

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