Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Power Episode 20 Heavenly Sprinkles and the rivalry of Passion.

A/N: I would say something about the next movie which just got a title and a release date but I not the only one who forgot about it right? I mean it was announced in May of 2015 and we got info in December of last year. I mean a lot of things happened between the nineteen some months like the Alvarez Arc. I mean that arc is a mixed bag of both bad and good things which are interesting and then we have terrible ideas. Lets begin before I go on a rant.

Narrator P.O.V.
The group of Barry, Clair, Julie, Kurt, Lora, Nick, and Tessa stared at the demon and Tessa said,"So do you think that this thing has anything to do with the curse?". "Maybe. I mean this demon is still alive." said Kurt. "Okay. I'll talk care of it for you." said Clair while stretching her muscles. "Why is punching things your only answers to a problem?" said Lora. "You should get used to it. She has done this before." said Julie. "Aye." said Barry and Nick.

Before she could make a move toward Estrasum, Kurt punched her in the jaw. She went crashing into the ground and Nick said,"What the hell is wrong with you man? She is your friend.". Julie and Tessa helped her and Clair was going to say something but she saw the anger in Kurt's eyes. "A light wizard won't get any closer. If the Okaepralt gets destroy, Estrasum will be free and no one can stop it." said Kurt.  

Lora said,"Okaepralt?". "It's rumored to be what magic is made out of but there are two answers to that. Some say that it's Okaepralt while others say Lucerion." said Barry. "Do you really think that the Okaepalt is so weak that it'll get destroy!" yelled Clair. "No." said Kurt who looked away. "Are you okay Kurt?" said Julie. "I guess I got punched for nothing." said Clair who sighed. Tessa giggled at her friend's antics.

Kurt let out a large sigh before he stared back at the demon's blank eyes and he said with a low tone with his blue hair covering his eyes,"My master Ashley cast a spell called Passion Shell. It is the definition of invincible. Even if you're super strong, you couldn't even scratch it. They must have known that they couldn't break it so why did they bring this demon out here?". "Maybe they don't know. They could be trying to break it." said Lora.

With that, she got a glare from Kurt. "Why the hell would they do that?!" yelled Kurt. "I don't know Kurt." said Lora who backed up in fear. "Dam it. I'm not my normal self when I see him. Who and why did they bring Estrasum here?" said Kurt. "I think the answer is easy bro. We have to go after the doggy man, love girl, and eyebrows." said Clair. "I think you're right Clair." said Julie. Nick nodded as he ready his gun.

Kurt said,"No. We're staying here until the moon comes back.". "The moon? It is the middle of the dam day! No way I'm saying here for that long. I'll die of boredom!" said Clair. "Why would the moon matter?" said Lora as Barry covered his partner's mouth. "Everything on this island including the curse and Estrasum have something to do with the moon. Those guys also wanted something from the moonlight." said Kurt.

Tessa said,"He's right.". "I guess we have to wait to hopefully figure out what they're planning." said Lora. "Okay. That may be possible for you guys but me. I'm going after them!" said Clair. She was about to take off but she was grabbed by Lora. The brunette wizard forced the blond slayer to sit down. "You should listen now Clair. You're staying here." said Lora while glaring at her. She pointed to Kurt who was in deep thought.

Lora said,"Something here is messing with your friend's head. You can't go running around and you destroying things like normal. This Estrasum thing has effected him in a way that we can't hope to explain. We need to try there and be there for him so please just sit here okay.". "Okay. I will stay here but I'm doing this because you asked me to not because I care about princess." said Lora who avoided Lora's glare.

Nick thought,"Wow. She is so Angel's sister. I mean on the scolding level, Allison and Zane beat her and Angel but that was really scary.". "That goes for you as well Nick." said Julie as she sat down. "I hope you're right." said Nick while messing with his gun. Tessa looked at her friend and she thought to herself,"I can't believe that Kurt is very serious. I mean he causes fight more than anything else but right now, I can't tell that is Kurt Raymond.".

Kurt thought as he clasped his hands in front of his face,"Ashley".  As he sat down, he couldn't help think back to when Ashley taught him passion magic a decade ago. "Kurt. Can you handle it? You may be a little cutie but I don't hold back." said a voice. "Yeah! I can do anything!" said another voice but much younger. "Okay. I know that we said that we would wait but this is rather boring." said Lora with Barry agreeing with her.

The brunette had an idea and she reached for one of her keys with her pulling out a silver one. The bow is circular and bears the crest of the Lyra on its center colored blue. The blade of the key ends in a simple design much like other silver keys. "Open! Gate of the Lyre! Lyra!" said Lora. A bright light covered the area in front of her and a door appeared with a spirit coming out. A girl stood there and she smiled.

She had strawberry blond hair which goes up to her waist and it curls at the end. She wears a pink bonnet on the top of her head. Her cheeks have round blush marks with her wearing a long dress with hearts prints by the waists. She wears leather shoes as well with small white wings and a large harp on her back. "Lora! It's been so long since I've seen you! Why don't you summon me often?!" said Lyra.  

Lora said,"You know that our contract lets me summon you like three times a month.". "Are you sure about that? So what do you want me to sing?" said Lyra. "So are spirits weirdos?" whispered Julie. "I think so." whispered Nick. "Whatever you want Lyra. She has the best singing voice that I have ever heard." said Lora. "Does she know any songs about fish?" said Barry. "Okay! I got the perfect song to sing!" said Lyra. "She's mean Lora. I mean Zane sings for me. He's really good." said Barry.

Lora said,"Zane sings?". "Yeah. He's really good." said Tessa. She pulled the harp off her back and the spirit began to plucked the strings from her harp producing a lovely and warm melody. She started to sing with a angelic voice. The wizards closed their eyes and let the song play for them. The effect didn't effect since Kurt couldn't stop thinking about Ashley and what happened back then. Kurt then started to cry and get mad. He yelled,"Lora! Tell that bitch to shut the fuck up!".

Nick said,"Hey man. You need to calm down.". "Fine. Just shut up." said Kurt. "I think the song that didn't involve fish made him mad." said Barry. "Lyra's song always do evoke emotions better than others." said Lora. "So you cried." said Tessa. "Shut up!" said Kurt. "How about I sing something like a happy song or love song?" said Lora. "Then tell me at the start!" said Lyra. She got ready to play but she was stopped. "Be quiet. Someone may come by if you start again." said Julie.

About eight or so hours, the group was asleep except for Kurt who kept looking at Estrasum who was taunting him without words. The cave began to start shaking fiercely waking them up. "What was that?" said Lora while stretching. "Wow. It's night time already." said Clair while jumping to her feet in a second. "Hey guys." said Tessa. She pointed toward the roof of the cave with a large hole started to open up and it was pouting in red moonlight.

Kurt said,"It opened up. Red light, that has to be from the moon!". "So what's going on? And why is it red?" said Barry. The beam went down on Estrasum and Nick said,"It's hitting Estrasum! This isn't done by luck.". "Lets go find the source already!" yelled Kurt with him rushing off. "Okay!" yelled Clair who ran off the passion wizard. The group ran through the caves and up several flights of starts with them reaching another large and open room.

In the middle of the room, they found a large hole that allowed the light to go through it. "There was a hole in the middle of here?! It's coming from above!" said Kurt. After running up more starts, the Heroes found the origin of the light. There was a huge hole on the roof of the temple that was making the moonlight go into the ruins. The group was shocked to see a group of people dressed to cloak and they were around the hole chanting something in a strange accent.

The group hid behind a low wall and Nick said,"Wow. They really gather light like Clair does.". "I'm confused why they exposing Estrasum to it and why are they doing it?" said Julie. "It's a spell called Heavenly Sprinkles." said Lyra. The group turned to see the spirit next to Lora and Tessa said,"You're still here?". "I wanted to know what's happening with you Lady Lora. I bet that they're going to use Heavenly Sprinkles to bring the demon back to life." said Lyra.  

Kurt said,"That can't be. Passion Shell can't be destroyed even with light and fire magic. I guess you spirits are really stupid.". "I'll ignore that comment of yours. Heavenly Sprinkles is a type of magic made to destroy other kinds of magic. When the moon's magic power is gathered in one spot, it has the power to break anything in its way." said Lyra. "No way." said Barry. "Don't they know how evil Estraum was?!" said Kurt.

Lyra said,"Whatever the island's people think that the curse is, it may have something to do with the Heavenly Sprinkles. If any large amount of magic gathered in a single place is so strong, it can effect the human body in a negative way.". "Those bastards! I'll show them a piece of my mind!" said Clair who was about to attack him but she was stopped by Lora. "Someone is coming and I don't think they are the friendly kind." said Lora.

Seven people walked onto the roof. Three of them were Adrian, Reyna, and Terry from before but the other four were more different. One looked like the demons from the village with dark red scales covering his body with matching demon claws. He was wearing a ripped dark blue shirt and it has the symbol of a white crescent moon on the front. He was wearing ripped dark green camo jeans and his feet was exposed.

His face was the most strange to the group. He had chin length green hair with his right eye looking like a dragon while his left eye looked more demonic. He had green eyes. The person to his left was around Angel's age but maybe a little bit younger. She has a slender body with large breasts and a cute face. She has long raven black hair with large purple eyes. She was wearing a dark red shirt with a short navy blue skirt and beige high heeled sandals. She looked rather normal.

The person to the dragon/demon's left was rather beautiful. She has far skin with it also looking rather pale in the moon's light. She has short yet wavy black hair with a single blonde streak. She has violet purple eyes which was hard to tell due to the light. Her bangs frame the sides of her face making her face stick out more. She has pale red lipstick on with cherry red nail polish on both her fingernails and toenails.

She has a black clip on the left side of her hair and a purple clip on the right side of her hair. She wears a black and gray jacket with short black sleeves. The jacket is open exposing her high-collared purple blouse which exposed her midriff rather well. She wears a black and purple skirt that is both fashionable and function at the very same time.Under that, she is wearing mesh armor that looks like leggings/stockings. She is wearing stud earrings.

It also covered her arms but they looked more like sleeves rather than the leggings/stockings. She had a holster ,holding several ballpoint pen knifes, strapped to her left thigh. She wore black gloves that only cover her palms with her fingers exposed. She had a small backpack that she has holstered on her right thigh. She had a larger than normal scroll which is strapped to her back vertically. She was wearing open-toed strappy black sandals with high heels.

The final person was the most ominous one even more than the devil dragon which is saying something to say the least. She looked to be a slim young woman of average height with a thin yet somewhat muscular body but it was hard to tell due to her clothing which looked rather noble. She was wearing a large white cape with a wide collar, golden edges, and fur trimmings that was resting on his shoulders held closed by a belt adorned by a stylized snake with rectangular coils.

Its corresponding buckle with more belts and buckles were placed a few centimeters away from one another and below the first being left untied. Below this cape, she was wearing a green high-collared tunic with gold edges reaching down below her knees with the part coming down from below the simple belt tied around her waist having an opening in the front. The tunic sported a large dark cross-like design on the back and is worn over a dark tank top with her breasts being average sized.

She was wearing baggy dark blue pants tucked inside of armored graves which are composed of a couple of different plates and sporting knees caps. She was wearing an ornamental helmet that bore a resemblance of a skull. It covered her upper part of her face revealing her mouth and nose with a line of sharp teeth under it. Her eyes weren't visible from the eye slits of the mask which are adorned by a spiraling motif.

The helmet comes equipped with striped horns pointing frontwards and with a large crest made of spiky fur falling onto her back. "Crap. We waste all day but we couldn't find them." muttered Terry who was pissed off. "Maybe they wasn't any to being with!" yelled Adrian. The group stopped nearby the cultists circle and Reyna said,"I have bad news Glacial Sultana. There were some intruders during the time of the sun but we couldn't find them. I can't speak of love right now.".

GS (Glacial Sultana) said,"Intruders?". Hearing the woman's voice, Kurt's breath was stopped. "That is the Glacial Sultana?" said Tessa raising an eyebrow. "She looks rather high and mighty due to her wearing a mask and all." said Lora. "You're right Lora. She does look like a total bitch." said Clair. "I think you girls are totally wrong. She looks rather cool to me and Barry." said Nick. The cat nodded as GS said,"Has Estrasum being revived yet?".

She walked toward the cliff which looked over the village which was on the other side of the village and Reyna said,"Mostly likely today or tomorrow.". "Which one?!" yelled Adrian causing both Reyna and Terry to groan in annoyance. "We're almost there. About those intruders, I don't want anyone to get in the way of things now." said GS. "Then what do you want us to do about us? And I mean our group Glacial Sultana by the way." said the dragon.

Adrian yelled,"Screw you Drake!". "He isn't wrong." said the normal looking girl. "Oh. You would side with him Jessie." said Terry. The four argued for a while before Reyna stopped them. "Kill them together you idiots." said GS. "We understand." said Reyna with them all bowing slightly. "I wonder if they came here on behest of the villagers. They're also in the way of mine. Go destroy the village now." said GS. "Yes sir!" said Adrian, Drake, Jessie, Reyna, and Terry who ran toward the village.

Tessa said,"What?! They didn't do anything. We have to stop them...". "No. That voice. Please tell me that it isn't you..." said Kurt. Clair had jumped out of their hiding spot and she yelled,"I'm tired of all of this hiding! You want us not the villagers! We're going to stop you!". She made a giant burst of light to explode from her mouth. Everyone stopped what they were doing and Lora said,"I guess we should have to get ready for a fight.". "Aye madam!" said Barry.

Nick said,"You'll learn that Clair isn't known for that. She is known for being rather loud and proud about stuff like this.". "Those marks. They're from Heroes!" said Reyna. "I see. Those idiots from the village must have asked a guild for help." said Terry. "And a strong one at that." said Drake. "What are you all doing? Go and eradicate that village." said GS. "Why are you doing this?!" said Clair. "If you get in my way deliberately or not, you're my enemy." said GS.

Clair said,"Prepare to get your ass kicked!". She rushed toward him but Kurt rushed past her. "Why are you doing this!? End this worthless ceremony, now!" yelled Kurt. He slammed his hands into the ground which created several spikes of magic power that rushed toward the masked woman. The six moved out of the way with the GS smiling. She placed a single hand on the ground which created a identical spikes even though it was more purple than Kurt's attack.

They smash into each other and ascend each other resulting into creating a barbed post which had shattered into raw magic power. "She can use Passion magic as well?!" said Barry in shock. "Lisa! I can't believe you! What the hell are you doing?!" yelled Kurt. "Hello Kurt. How long has it been since we last saw each other? A year or a decade?" said Lisa. "Kurt. You know her?!" said Lora in shock.

Kurt ignored her and he yelled,"Answer me dam it! Why the hell are you trying to bring Estrasum back?!". "When my puppets told me about intruders and them being wizards from Heroes, I truly didn't expect you to be called to action. Did you know about this or is it just fate? It doesn't matter anymore." said Lisa. She turned to face the six watching. "Go and take care of those villagers. I will handle him myself." said Lisa. "I guess those two are former lovers." said Terry.

They ran off toward the village with Clair yelling,"I won't let you! You won't hurt innocent lives for whatever reason!". "You idiot! Clair! Don't get close to her!" yelled Kurt. Lisa smiled and she held out her hand. A tornado of magic power surrounding her and Clair said,"What the hell?". "You are an idiot just like the color of your hair." said Lisa. Clair was about to say something but she started to scream in pain.

She noticed that her body was being covered in Okaepralt like Estrasum was and Kurt yelled,"You guys! You need to leave now! This isn't a request but an order! GO! Passion Lance!". Kurt fired out several lances of magic power with Lisa smiling at him. She created a giant wall which blocked the attack with ease. Barry nodded and he grabbed Lora with his tail with him flying off. "Kurt. Are you sure about this?!" said Tessa.

Nick grabbed her and he said,"He is! Lets go!". "Okay. Wood Giant Bridge!" said Tessa. The trio of Julie, Nick, and Tessa ran along the wooden bridge. "Wait Barry!" said Lora while talking to break through Barry's grip. Lisa looked up and was about to attack them but Kurt fired a beam of magic power at the masked woman. Lisa blocked the attack with a shield. "That woman flooded the area with passion magic. If we had stayed there, we would have been caught like him." said Barry.

Lora said,"But what about Clair?". "I didn't want to but if we got caught, who would protect the village?!" said Barry. "Barry. Okay. We should know that Clair doesn't give up with a fight at all. Lets go save the village." said Lora. "Yeah! So did you put on some extra weight or what?" said Barry. "I did not...." said Lora as she looked down. She then saw that Julie and Tessa were hanging on. "Julie and Tessa! Where's Nick?!" said Lora.

Tessa said,"We don't know. He pushed us up to grab Barry.". "I know he'll be fine." said Julie. "We have to get going faster because I can't carry all you at once!" said Barry in obvious pain. "Okay! I'll help! Flare Shot!" yelled Julie. She pulled out a shotgun which created a shot that launched them to the village faster. Lisa turned back to Kurt. "So you decided to be a gentlemen and save your pals. I guess you have changed." said Lisa.

She smiled and she said,"It's fine thought because when Adrian, Drake, Hilda, Jessie, Reyna, and Terry are serious, that village is dead.". "Don't underestimate us!" yelled Clair. She was currently trapped in a globular block of Okaepralt. She couldn't say anymore due to Kurt kicking her away and it caused her to roll down the temple. "What's wrong with you princess?!" yelled Clair. "You are still carefree. Kurt, wasn't he a member of your guild?" said Lisa with a smirk.

Kurt said,"I'm not stupid. You used a spell that would destroy her body, She may be annoying but she is a friend not a annoying sister. I won't let that happen.". Lisa giggled out loud and she said,"I guess that's why you kicked her out of the way. Well done Kurt.". "Dam it Lisa! Stop acting like you are my dam senior for once! We aren't Ashley's students anymore!" yelled Kurt. "Kurt. The same thing goes for you. Ashley isn't alive anymore." said Lisa while removing her helmet.        

She had greenish silver hair with most of them being spiky strands that go up toward the top of her head with some of them pointed down with partially covering the upper right part of her face. Her icy blue eyes are slanted with dark round pupils and surrounded by matching dark lines. She had small linear dark eyebrows with her having a small white earring in her right earlobe which looks like a snowman with an angry look to it.

Kurt yelled,"She lost her life in order end Estrasum! Are you trying to destroy what we have left of our master?!". "Don't try and kid yourself. You killed Ashley! How can you even live with yourself after what you did." said Lisa. "Kurt! You bastard! I'll remember this!" yelled Clair from the bottom of the hill. Her head was covered in light along with her arms and legs but she couldn't break the ice around him.

Clair yelled,"Why can't I destroy this shit?!". She growled and she heard,"Clair. Are you okay?". She turned around to see Nick. He was covered in dust and he said,"What happened to you girl? You look like a giant ice cube.". "It was that bastard and that bitch!" yelled Clair. She walked toward him and he caught her. "Lets get back to the village. Kurt can do this if given a chance." said Nick. Clair then nodded and the two walked back to the village.

On the water heading to Klihsh Island, a ship was heading toward the island. It was a pirate ship and on its deck, several members of the crew were out cold. The only one still standing was a short man who was the captain. He was wearing a pirate hair with a emerald smiley face with it having a sword and spear crossing below it. He had graying orange hair and a large beard. He had an eyepatch over his right eyes. He was wearing a purple coat and his right hand is a hook.

On his right, he had a pirate sword. He was wearing a large belt. "So may I asked why you're heading toward the cursed island?" said the captain in a frightened tone. "Just go." said an really annoyed voice and it was feminine. The crew members were slowly getting up grabbing their heads covered in pain. "Please. Let me drop this boat off somewhere. I rather not become a demon. Right men?!" said the captain. "Aye sir!" yelled the crew.

The voice said,"I'll take that chance.". "Why would you do that?!" yelled the captain. Allison stood there and she glared at him. "When rules are broken, the guilt must be punished." said Allison. "So cool!" said a member. "And hot!" said a second member. "We don't like them either!" said a third member. "We'll help you catch them if you want!" said a fourth member. "Sure. Lets hurry." said Allison. "Yes madam!" yelled the crew. "I'll join your team for you." said the captain.

Myra and Ryu were nearby. "Wow. She's really good at controlling people." said Ryu. "You should know that by now. So where is Zane exactly?" said Myra. "Master says that he is currently focused on trying to located them with his telepathy magic." said Venus who stood there. "I still can't believe that they did this to begin with. This is a deadly mission and we need to get them out of there before they get themselves killed." said Allison.

The four heard,"They're ready for this Ally and I don't think this job that deadly to begin with. I mean Julie and Nick are quite capable along with Clair, Kurt, Lora, and Tessa. Barry on the other hand. I got nothing.". "Master. Have you located them yet?" said Venus. "Not yet. I do feel something though and it isn't good." said Zane's voice. "What is it?" said the three. "Tell the captain to hurry up." said Zane's voice. "Hex. His magic is here. Pick up dam it." thought Zane.

Back on the island. "You have no right to speak her name!" yelled Lisa. She held out her hand with a ball of magic in the shape of a mace went toward Kurt which sent him crashing into the wall. "Lisa. I am..." said Kurt. "What's wrong? Is your guild prevent you from attacking? If that is your reason, you will live for old times sake but I'm going to bring back Estrasum." said Lisa. Kurt pushed himself up and he said,"I won't let you.".

Lisa smiled and she said,"That's the Kurt I know and love so much. It's been a long time since our last encounter and fight so I won't be holding back since I'm stronger than you." She held out her hand and a purple mist appeared around it. "Passion Falcons!" yelled Lisa. A volley of falcons came out and flew toward Kurt. "Passion Shield!" yelled Kurt. The shield of magic appeared in front of him and it blocked the attack.

Lisa smiled and she said,"You were always better at Stagnant Passion spells.". A second faction of magic falcons went around the shield but Kurt jumped back with him just barely dodging the attack and Lisa said,"You got faster. I'm impressed. You dodged my magic which is living. It is known as Vigorous Passion. I remember you of that didn't I?". Kurt dodge another round of falcons by rolling out of the way. "I know that so I'll hit you my Passion Saber Tooth Tiger!" yelled Kurt.

A giant saber tooth tiger then appear in front of Kurt with it rushing toward Lisa. Lisa smiled at this and she said,"Passion Explosion.". A huge explosion of magic destroy the feline with ease. "You're sad Kurt. You're using your emotions for your magic." said Lisa. "That's how we were taught. If we don't use your emotions, our magic is lacking and uneven." said Kurt. "I'm gifted because I passed Ashley's power a long time ago." said Lisa.

Kurt said while panting,"You have no reason to think so highly of yourself Lisa.". "I would say the same about you old friend. Were you ever able to hit me when we were kids or did you hold back because I was a girl?" said Lisa. "I'm not the same brat as I was before. Passion Volcano!" said Kurt while planting his hands on the ground. A massive explosion of magic power then erupted from the ground with Lisa trapped in the magic power.

The cultists fled the area upon seeing her frozen but Lisa broke it. "Things haven't change in ten years have they Kurt?" echoed Lisa's voice. "Shut up! Passion Lance!" yelled Kurt. They flew toward her but they missed. "I was your senior, always stronger than you, and I'm able to use my magic without needing my emotions. You couldn't do anything at all. We may have gone down different paths but our rankings as passion users hasn't changed.

Kurt was shocked as a giant dog like creature made out of magic power rushed toward him launching him in the air. "I'm revived Estrasum for that very reason. I wish to be the one to walk down the path that I've chosen." said Lisa. Kurt crashed into the ground with a loud bang. "Ashley was my goal. It was my dream to be the one who exceed her." said Lisa. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists in anger.

Lisa looked down and she said,"You smashed that dream Kurt. I thought it would be unattainable to defeat Ashley now but there is a way.". Kurt managed to get back up and Lisa said,"If I'm able to defeat Estrasum, the monster that she couldn't defeat.". Kurt saw the insane look in his once friend's eyes and she said,"Then I have defeated her so my dream can live on.". "Were you dropped on your head or something?! Is that what you're planning?!" yelled Kurt.

He got ready to cast a spell and he said,"You remember what that demon did right?! I sure as hell do Lisa! Please don't do this, it's impossible.". Lisa snapped and she yelled,"Die Kurt!". She fired several tigers at Kurt who destroyed some of them with an ax but they caught him. They slammed him onto the ground as Lisa yelled,"WE TOLD YOU THAT BACK THEN! YOU TRIED TO FIGHT THIS DEMON AND ASHLEY DIED!".

Several falcons slammed into Kurt launching him into the air and she said,"You don't have the right to even say her name! Die Bastard!". Kurt was blasted by a Passion Explosion blasting him into the ground knocking him cold. Lisa smiled as she walked away. "Good bye Kurt. I hope that before I end Estrasum's life, you get eaten alive by the demon. I hope you make a good meal." said Lisa. Kurt then lay on his stomach with him thickly injured and half open eyes.

Kurt heard,"Hey Kurt. Are you giving up?". "Ashley? Is that you?" said Kurt weakly. "Ashley? I'm so lost. Just get the hell up." said the voice. "Zane?" said Kurt. He looked up to see the wizard saint standing there. "How are you here?" said Kurt. "I'm using a mixture of both Telepathy and Thought Projection magic. Me, Allison, Myra, and Ryu on a ship heading to you guys. I felt something strange so I increased my power to find out what's happening. Who did this to you." said Zane.

Kurt pushed himself up using his magic and he said,"Lisa Vinson. She was a fellow student of my magic teacher. Where is she?". "I don't know man. I found you by luck. I don't even who she is but she is able to do this much to you." said Zane. "God dam. I couldn't do any damage to her. Nothing has changed." said Kurt with him crying. "Kurt. Grow the hell up." said Zane. Kurt looked at him and he said,"What are you talking about?".

Zane sighed and he said,"Listen. I may not know what you're going through but sometimes, we make mistakes and we learn to make ourselves stronger by accepting them and moving forward.". He then poked at Kurt's chest and he said,"We're members of Heroes and we never give up.". "Thanks Zane. I owe you one." said Kurt. He limped away and Zane smiled. "Okay. I helped Kurt grow up a bit but I have to find her before it's too late." said Zane to himself.

As Kurt walked back to the village, he thought about what happened back then and what happened before this job started two days ago. "Kurt! You can't win against him! You're not ready yet!" said Ashley's voice. "That's sweet and all but I'm bring you back even if you're going to get hurt." said Kurt's voice. "Bring it on Stripper!" yelled Clair's voice. Kurt remember what Zane told him and he said,"Master. Ashley. Zane. My friends in Heroes. Clair. I'm sorry but I'll get stronger.".

Next time,
With Zane and his group arriving, will Clair's group be able to stop Lisa's friends from destroying the village or will they be massacred?

Guild Card #21.
Name: Fred Armstrong.
Age: 18 years old.
Magic: Speed Magic. 
Likes: Italian and Seafood. Dislikes: Being Late. 
Info: He is a proud and loyal member of Ultimate Champions with him being the speed demon of Heroes tying with Nick. He is known for having a crush on Sakura much to her big brother's annoyance. He is always trying to prove himself for Norman but he has some tough competition being that Steve is rumored to like her as well causing a one sided rivalry between the two.
Affiliation: Heroes.

Guild Card #22.
Name: Victor Graves.
Age: 18 years old.
Magic: Fire Magic.
Likes: His Teams and Buffet. Dislikes: Snakes and the Cold.
Info: He is a strange dude since he is a fire wizard but he hates the cold. This is in due to the fact that some members of the guild ,Clair and Kurt, pouring a huge amount of snow on him once during winter and he grew a hatred for the cold. He doesn't hate snakes for that reason as he does the cold however. He is a loyal member of his team Ultimate Champions but he will always trying to enter a buffet no matter what. 
Affiliation: Heroes.

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