Monday, January 16, 2017

Power Episode 27 Darkness, Fire, and Light of Chaos

A/N: We're getting knee deep into the action with fifteen of our Heroes heading into Divine Wizard Colossus Chaos MK VII to try and stop Atlas, Hyperion, Prometheus, Saturn, and Titan. You may be learning about the twelve Zodiac Spirits because for the Guild Cards, I'm running out of Heroes members. I plan to add Dark Guild Members. I like that idea that they used in Fairy Tail and I'm expanding it quite well.

Narrator P.O.V.
Ryu floated to the barrel of the southwest cannon which is Titan. Zane jumped off the dragon's back with him landing on the barrel and he wrote,"Okay buddy. I know you like being in your adult form but I need to use the little version,". Ryu glowed and he shrunk back to his normal size. "Man. I really wanted to rampage on those jerks." said Ryu. "I do too but we need to go through the barrel. I've send this info to the others so lets's destroy it." wrote Zane.

The two slowly walk through the cannon and when they reached the end of the barrel, Zane's lack of eye sockets grew in size upon seeing a giant lacrima in the middle of the room. It had twelve pipes attached the back of the giant orb. "So are the other cannons like this?" said Ryu. "I think the cannons that Allison, Kurt, and Myra's group went through but Clair's group has something else. It had several colored crystals, based of the four elements, attached to walls nearby it and a timer." wrote Zane.

Ryu said,"Ah. So lets smash this up!". "Okay." wrote Zane. He then walked toward the lacrima and an alarm went off. "Warning! Intruders/Rats in the Atlas, Hyperion, Prometheus, Saturn, and Titan cannons. All available troops to Atlas, Hyperion, and Titan!" said a voice. "We have company and I don't think it's the good kind." said Ryu. "That's obvious little buddy." said Zane. The two were then caught in between Chaos Lords grunts and Shades.

Ryu said,"Yeah. I'll fly up. We made need some help.". "I got the perfect trio of the job." wrote Zane as he made three keys appear in his hands. One was Luke's key but the other two were completely different. One of the key had its white bow with the symbol of the scorpion in a dark red color. The part above the crest looks like a scorpion's tail and needle. The blade is forked at the end much like the claw of a scorpion.

The other key was stamped with the crest of the Giant Crab in a maroon color and it had two spikes sprouting from each side. The base of the bow is much like the head of a crab while the top is that of a crab's pincer. The blade of the key ends with a crab like design with four legs coming out of each side and the tip designed with two pincers. "He's a Spirit Wizard!" yelled a grunt. "Get him before he summons those freaks!" said a grunt next to him.

Zane jumped up and he pointed the key down. "Open! Gate of the Lion! Luke the Leo!, Open! Gate of the Scorpion! Salvador the Scorpio, and Open! Gate of the Giant Crab Cameron the Cancer!" said Zane. Three doors of light appeared stopping the shades in their tracks. Luke stood there and his partners were quite strange. The person to the left of the lion was a hairdresser. He had black hair weaved in crimson red cornrows that end in a shape much like crap pincers.

He had wide lips. He always wears a gold stripe shirt with black trousers with two aquamarine stripes each side with him wearing black boots. On his pants, he had a ring chain in the left pocket and a hairdresser tools' bag on the right side of his belt. He wears a golden necklace and he's holding a pair of crimson red scissors with them being bigger and rectangle like. He was wearing a pair of black sunglasses with red lens. He had six crab legs that appeared from his back.

The person to the right was stranger. He was relatively tall with a lean built with dark skin. He had short hair with red on the right side and white on the left side. His tail was a rather large gun that is much like a scorpion's tail with the word Antares written on it. He was shirtless with a flower shaped collar that's red with a gold trim around his neck. He was wearing a red sheet-like material around his waist that's kept up by his large belt that has the Scorpio symbol on it.

He was wearing black shorts with bandages wrapped around his arms and legs. His tail had a belt with two buttons. He was moving his middle and ring fingers back while keeping his index and little fingers extended matching the pincers of a scorpion. The crab looked at Zane and he said,"So how do you want me to handle these punks?". "Um cut them up Cameron and Salvador. Show him your fire power!" wrote Zane.

Salvador said,"We are ready to fight!". He aimed his tail at a group of grunts and he said,"Ready for the Sand Cannon!". He got on his four limbs with him looking much like a real life scorpion and his stinger was aimed at them. A huge amount of sand came out of it with it being much like a tornado and it launched several of them into the air. "Regulus Lunge!" yelled Luke. He punched several of the spirits and Cameron sliced through the ones.

The army was gone and Salvador said,"We are the strongest! Oh yeah!". "I've to agree with you on that one." said Cameron. Luke looked at Zane with him saying,"So do you want us to go help Angel or Lora?". "I'm not sure. I think you and Salvador will be more helpful helping the others take care of the grunts." wrote Zane. "We got it!" said Salvador. He was gone and Luke said,"Time to get my rage for being defeated.".

He was gone as Cameron said,"What do you need me to do?". "Time for some slice and dicing." said Zane as Ryu turned into a dragon themed broadsword. The four sliced through the pipes and Cameron was gone afterwards. "Okay. Now what." said Ryu. The room began to shake and Zane said,"Yeah. I think we have a problem.". In the southwest cannon aka Atlas's room, Norman ,whose arms were like reptile like, punched several grunts into the walls.

He yelled,"Manly!". "I thought I would be used to that but it's something interesting." said Sakura as several vines appear from around her. They slapped the Shades out of the room and Myra ,who were in her demon form, said,"Time to blow this annoying rock to pieces! Vile Outburst!". The sphere formed in her left hand with it making a giant beam of darkness. It smashed the Lacrima into pieces and the siblings smiled. They however felt the shaking as well.

In the northeast cannon aka Hyperion, Allison made several swords appeared around her and she said,"Sword Rain!". They went through the shades and grunts with Dawn made two fireballs. They exploded upon contact with them. Ana aimed her hands at the Lacrima and she said,"Hurricane Blast!". A giant burst of air flew out of her hands and it went directly toward the lacrima while exploded. "Way to go Ana." said Allison and Dawn as the slayer smiled. It began to shake as well.

Hilda, Kurt, and Lisa arrived in the Prometheus room aka the Northwest Cannon. Kurt looked around and he said,"I'll handle the Lacrima.". "You do see the grunts and shades right?" said Hilda. "He's the best one in our party for the job." said Lisa. "What do you mean by that?" said Hilda. "He's the best at destroying things." said Lisa. "I sure am. Are you ready girls?" said Kurt. "Yes." said the girls. They jumped out of the cannon's barrel.

Lisa said,"Passion Falcons!". The magic birds distracted the grunts and Hilda created several ink apes which smashed through the shades. "Time to wreck shop." said Kurt. He gathered magic power and the three Heroes heard,"I will be stopping your feeble attempt.". The three looked in front to see the owner of voice. It was a young man with two toned black and white hair that's tied up in a Japanese style top knot on the back of his head.

It was white on the left side of his head and black on the right side of his head. The top knot was also including in this as well. He had a simple set of markings which is three vertical black bars passing through both of his eyes and the center of his face. He was wearing ninja like clothing with it being a long greenish-blue Karate gi-like cloth, held closed by a black with noticeable reddish fur around the collar and sides were made of thick fishnet with other looser fishnet appearing on his forearms.

The robe's sleeves were rolled. He was wearing a simple half black and white shirt that were under his gi and he wore a pair of loose black pants tucked inside of red boots. He also carried a simple katana that was attached to his right hip. He freed our his blade with the tsuba being a gold color with a rectangular shape and the tsuka is covered with a green tsukamaki. The saya is a bright red with it having gold koiguchi and kojiri.    

He pointed the blade at Kurt with him saying,"It's my duty to see that Heroes is wiped from the face of Earth. We plan to stop your friends by ending their lives.". "Man. This guy is weird." said the trio in unison. "Shut up! I'm Russel Vance or the Great Flame.". "I don't care who the hell you are but get the hell out of our way. We're going to kick your ass so hard!" said Kurt. "I said that I won't let you didn't I? You're nothing but an idiot." said Russel.

Kurt yelled,"Time for Passion Saber Tooth Tiger!". The giant feline jumped toward Russel who took a deep breath and he evaded the attack. "What the?" said Kurt. "You're an idiot." said Russel. He disappear from sight and he reappeared in front of Kurt. His knee glowed red and he hit Kurt in the stomach sending fly toward the wall. Kurt jumped back up and he said,"That was nothing.". "Kurt! I think you should look up!" yelled Hilda.

Kurt looked up to see Russel with a smile. "Red Dragon!" said Russel. A stream of flame rushed out of his sword and it formed into a dragon. It flew toward Kurt with him saying,"Passion Shield!". The dragon slammed into the shield heading toward the wall. "Art Cannon! Spiked Ball!" said Hilda. The fire wizards jumped over the ink balls and he said,"Your art is weak compared to my flames. I think you need to cool off Blue Stream!".

A stream of blue fire rushed toward Hilda and she said,"Art....". She couldn't move her body and she was frozen solid. "Hilda!" yelled Kurt. "Focus on the pyro. I'll free her and you destroy the cannon! I got it." said Lisa. She walked over to her friend and Russel said,"Orange Bull!". Kurt appeared and he blocked the attack. He fell on his knees and he said,"What the hell is wrong with your smell?!". "I'm a master of the flame and you're dead." said Russel.

Kurt dodged Russel's sword strikes and he said,"You're not winning! Passion Sword!". He blocked the pyro's attack and Kurt said,"Why are you doing this?! Why are you Chaos freaks using this stuff to take care of one single guild!". "That isn't the time for that!" said Lisa. "That should be obvious to you idiots. Our guilds have been rivals for years and thanks to some friends of master, we are going to be the victor of our rivalry by ending all of you!" said Russel with a crazy look.

Kurt yelled,"You're risking the lives of my family and the innocent people of Mural!?". He slashed him like crazy and Russel was shocked by his determination. The sword was thrown out of his hands and it landed toward Lisa. "Use that to get her out of there!" said Kurt. "Okay." said Lisa who held the sword. "Rainbow Explosion!" said Russel. A giant explosion of flames ,with them being the color of the rainbow, covered Kurt with Lisa worried.

Russel smiled but he was shocked to see Kurt rushing toward him. "Those embers are nothing and it's time to finish you off magma breath!" said Kurt. He kicked Russel into the ground and he coughed up blood. He couldn't move and Kurt said,"Passion Lance!". The lances stopped Russel and Kurt aimed himself at the lacrima. "Passion Explosion!" yelled Kurt. The explosion of magic power caused the Lacrima to explode and the four were covered in a light.

Earlier. Clair was punching the barrel of Saturn and she said,"Eat this!". Barry sighed and Lucky said to Steve,"So what should we do?". "We need to go in this way. The others went minutes ago and we are running out of time here." said Steve. "Right!" said Clair. The four rushed through the barrel and they reached the end. It was like what Zane told Ryu earlier. "Wow. That's huge!" said Barry. "Time for some smashing!" yelled Clair.

A voice said,"You won't be doing that girlie.". "There's a guard and ghosts!" said Lucky. Barry and Steve saw Clair rushing toward the voice with her fist covered in light. "I don't care if you're a god because no one stops a dragon when she's serious!" yelled Clair. "I'll show you that I'm serious in stopping you." said the voice. "Move!" yelled Clair. Her fist went toward the voice but she along with her team were shocked as the fist collided with her face.

Barry and Lucky yelled,"What the heck are you doing!?". "I never that you were an idiot but doing something like this right now." said Steve as he pinched his nose. "I didn't do it on purpose! It was like my body was doing it on its own!" yelled Clair as she rubbed her sore cheek. "Annoying. You're more annoying than I thought." said the voice. The four saw the man and he stood there with his arms crossed.

He had a pure black and white broadsword holstered to his back with the hilt of the blade nearby the right shoulder. He had dark indigo hair with it reaching about up to his chin. He had a scar over his right eye which was easy to see even with a pair of black sunglasses with gold shades. The top of his hair is a snow white color. He was wearing a dark turquoise shirt with short sleeves, black pants with a dark purple belt, and white combat boots. He was wearing a pair of gray leather gloves.

Clair said,"Move now! I'm destroying this hunk of junk!". She got ready to fight as the voice over the intercom said,"Atlas, Hyperion, Prometheus, and Titan have been destroyed. We've accelerated the time and power of Saturn. Fourteen minutes remain.". "What. Russel has been defeated or was he stop?" said the man. "Way to go you guys." said Steve. The man glared at the four and Barry said,"I think he's mad you guys.".

Clair said,"Fine! Taste my Holy Dragon Iron....". Steve turned into a shadow and he said,"What? I didn't do that!". He looked over to see Clair's fist heading toward him and he was sent flying toward the wall. "Why are they doing that Barry? Lucky is confused!" said Lucky. The man rushed over to the two Slayers and he kicked the blond into Steve causing a bigger impact for Steve into the wall as the cats were worried.

The two Slayers looked at him and he said,"My name is Dante Evermore or the Sunset of Chaos. I am not just a normal wizard because I am the master of darkness and light magic. They're under my command. Any kind of darkness and light with it being ordinary, phony, or unusual are my toys.". "It is my light not yours!" yelled Clair. "Same with my shadows." said Steve as he stretched. "Guys! You have to kick his but already!" yelled Barry.

Dante sighed and he said,"Fine. Die.". Steve dodged the ball of darkness by turning into a shadow and the voice said,"Ten minutes remain.". Steve jumped out of Dante's shadow and he said,"Shadow Dragon Iron Fist!". Dante made Steve crash into the wall and he said,"You should know that I'm the master of darkness and light.". "Yeah but we're stronger and a team." said Steve. He disappeared and Dante heard,"Holy Dragon Divine Light!".

The wizard saw several arrows of light rushed toward the Lacrima and he said,"No! I won't let you do that!". The arrows missed its target and he heard,"Shadow Dragon Iron Fist!". Dante was punched into the lacrima and the voice said,"Five minutes until Saturn fires.". Steve appeared next to Clair and he said,"Ready for a combo attack?!". "Yeah." said Clair. The two held hands and they said,"Holy Shadow Ultimate Blast of Judgement!".

A huge amount of shadows and light fused together and they fired it. Dante tried to control it but he was shocked that he couldn't. "Um. Lucky's confused." said Lucky. "It's simple Luck. They combined their magic making it not either darkness or light." said Barry. "Oh. I get it." said Lucky. The blast had swallowed Dante up and it hit the lacrima. The room started to shake and Saturn began to crush and disintegration.

"Five more minutes Heroes and your days will end!" yelled Samuel through the loud speakers. "I guess he's a fan of his own voice." said Eric while burning away a group of shades. "You are right. He is more annoying than the council." said Wayne. A smoke monster which appeared from his pipe and it destroyed several shades. The two were were shocked to see that several more of them rushed to them.

Angel held two gold keys. One key had a white center bearing the crest of the goat. The blades looks like a goat's head with horns coming out of both sides and curled toward the center. The other key had its bow looking like the heads of Gemi and Mini aka two circular faces with two dots for eyes and boomerang-shaped mouths with one in a smile and one in a frown. The sides of the bow had an arm from each one of the twins out. The blade of the key ends like a harp.

Angel said,"I know that I'm not on the same level as Zane. I will push myself to protect my home and my sister! Open Gate of the Goat! Craig the Capricorn! Open Gate of the Twins! Greg and Mimi!". In a second, two doors appeared next to her as several shades were destroyed by the light. The one to the right was a tall humanoid gold like human being. His body was covered in short brownish white fur with longer tufts covering his lower face like a goatee.

The back of his legs were very much like a goat being slightly bent backwards and ending in dark hooves. He had short and thin ears sitting on the top of his head with it being a very distinctive and elongated oval form. His horns curve downwards and jut forwards from the side of his head. From his lower back sprouts a mildly long tail ending in a dark tuft of fur with his fingers sporting loud and dark nails much like claws.

His face possesses marked cheekbones and a very obvious large nose with his eyes always hidden by a pair of black mirror polished shades with it having unique and separated lenses with an elongated oval form. He had a prominent and toned abdominal with him having a rather lean build. He was wearing a more formal twin-tail butler suit which covered his arms and legs. The person or persons to the right stood there.

They were both small creatures with green colored skin and two antennae. They had small and beady eyes with white pupils. They were both wearing shorts. The one on the right wore a pair of pink shorts and the one on the left were a pair of blue shorts. The left one had a "v" for a mouth while the right one had a "^" for a mouth. The right one had a sash from the left shoulder to the right side of the waist and the left one had a sash from the right shoulder to the left side of his waist.

The goat looked at Angel and he said,"Lady Angel. Are you able to stand?". "Craig is right. We don't want to see you hurt." said the right creature. "Mimi's right!" said the left creature. "Craig, Greg, and Mimi. I need your strength. Did Luke tell you what's going on?" said Angel. "Yes. We know and we are going to fight." said Craig. He rushed toward a shade and he kicked it into several shades making them disappeared.

Greg and Mimi flew toward Fate and they glowed. A second Fate ,a palette swap, appeared and he blasted several shades back with a hurricane. "That's still weird." thought the real Fate. "Watch out!" said Leroy. A shade went right through him and he went onto his knees. He held his gut with his body shaking. He felt more tired than anything else. "Fate! What happened?" said Angel who rushed over to him helping him up. The goat and fake Fate protected them as Fate said,"I'm weaker.".

Craig said,"You can't let those shades get to you Sir Fate.". "If they do, you'll be weaker than those two." said FF (Fake Fate). He pointed to Charlie and Leroy who glared at the spirit who stuck his tongue at. "Thanks." said Fate. Suddenly, the sounds of explosion went off causing the group which also including the spirits to see that the metal barrels of the five cannons started to crack up around the surface with the pieces falling into the lake.

Large chunks came down at one time as the cannons fell apart. After seeing them fall apart, the guild roared in cheers with a wave of victory filled them. "They did it!" said Eric. "Yeehaw!" said Julie and Nick. "Don't underestimate us Heroes!" yelled Wayne. "Good job Zane and the rest of you. We have nothing left to fear guys! Lets do this!" said Tanya. "Yeah!" said the group. They rushed toward the shades who recovered after seeing the five cannons destroyed.

Inside of the control center of the Chaos Castle. "Master.... Saumel. The cannons were destroyed by Heroes from the inside." said a grunt. All of the devices stopped and weren't able to work. Samuel clenched his fist in anger and he looked at Kraig. "I thought you were going to help us destroy those excuse for wizards!" yelled Samuel. "I did but I expected your guild to be stronger but even with my enhancements, they're shit." said Kraig.

Samuel turned away from him and he said,"Activate the Divine Wizard Colossus Chaos MK VII and make them suffer.". "Yes Master!" said the member who shivered in fear. Down in Saturn's lacrima room, Clair and Steve smiled. The building began to shake and Barry flew around debris. "Um. So what is happening?" said Barry. "He can't be doing that?!" said Dante. The four looked at him and he said,"This room has no way of staying horizontal.".

Clair and Steve said,"Horizontal?". The two were sent flying across the room with it suddenly went upside down. Dante stood up and he try not to follow suit. "Okay... What the hell was that?" said the two slayers as their motion sickness kicked in. "Yes. It's finally done. This is our guild's strongest weapon. Divine Wizard Colossus Chaos MK VII! Our machine will crush her and it'll slaughter you all!" said Dante who looked at the motion sick wizards.

On the outside, the building stood up on its legs and began to move into a standing position. "Is the guild standing up?!" yelled Wayne. "Is that what Zane was talking about?" said Eric. The group was shocked to see that the guild hall rose from the water and it slowly began to transform itself into a giant robot looking transformer thing. "What is that? You can't be serious." said Tanya as she looked at the monster with her eyes open.

Jason said,"It's big.". "Look out! It's coming this way!" yelled a member. "That thing isn't going to trample the guild hall right?" said Julie. "Focus on the problem at hand! We have Zane and the others to take out that thing!" said Tanya. "Did you forget that Clair and Steve went in there?" said Fate as Tanya face palmed. "God dam it." said Tanya. Back inside, Lucky shook Steve and he said,"Lucky needs you Steve!".

Dante said,"You have motion sickness. That's sad bro. I think your death will be assured!". He rushed toward the duo and he yelled,"Die! It's time for my......". He was blinded by light and he said,"What did you.....". Luke appeared and he said,"Time for a home run!". He made a bat of light appeared and he hit the blinded wizard into the air. "Thanks Bro." said Steve. "Sometimes you two can be so sad. I mean just wow." said Luke.

He looked around and Clair said,"So where's Zane?". "He's with Ryu. The two are busy doing their stuff. I stopped trying to understand them. "So why did this move?" said Steve who recovered. "I'll go and check what happened!" said Barry who flew off. Outside. "Hey. You guys! It's moving!" said the western male. "It's drawing something." said Julie. "Did you forget that I said that it was a wizard? I would forget that too." said Zane's voice.

The group of Julie, Nick, and Tanya saw a giant bear out of ice and Tanya said,"What are you talking and how are you doing that?". "This bear was created thanks to my Blizzard God Prophet spell. It's the best way to transmit information. If you hear someone's voice, they are talking to another creation of mine." said Zane's voice. "You know that using your telepathy magic would make things easy right buddy." said Ryu's voice.

Zane was quiet and Allison's voice said,"So what's going on out there?". Zane's voice said,"I think it's the Planetary Fissure. It hasn't been seen in a long time and I think the magic council banned it.". Everyone was silent and Jason said,"With it being so big, we're screwed you guys! This attack will level everything here and Mural up to the Kingdom Church!". "That is at least the half the town you guys!" yelled Kurt's voice. "Yeah but it has flaws." said Zane's voice.

Clair's voice said,"What are you talking about Zane?". Zane's voice said,"It's very simple my shining dragon girl. The spell can be done if the caster has knowledge of the four core element magics. Air, Earth, Water, and Wind. So since it hasn't done the spell yet, I have a feeling that the Element Five are doing something.". "Well. I think we're on a good start. I mean we got this in the bag. I mean Kurt defeated their pyro." said Lisa's voice.

Lucky voice said,And Clair and Steve defeated the one who controls darkness and light!". "Okay. We have three left over. We got to get rid of the earth man, water woman, and wind wizard. If we do this guys, Planetary Fissure is dead meat." said Zane's voice. "Hey guys. I see a doorway." said Hilda's voice. "Okay. Here's the new plan. You guys go and find the last members of the Elemental Five so who are we?" said Zane's voice. "Heroes!" yelled the group.

Next time,
Allison, Ana, Barry, Clair, Dawn, Hilda, Kurt, Lisa, Lucky, Myra, Norman, Ryu, Sakura, Steve, and Zane starting looking for Alvaro, Casey, and Keith hoping to stop Planetary Fissure.

Guild Card #38.
Name: Althea Harmony.
Age: 79 years old. 
Magic: Light and Healing Magic.
Likes: Being Alone. Dislikes: Humans.
Info: She was once a active member of Heroes being a member of the same team as Ax, the master of Thunder Wolves Clayton, the magic council member Clyde, the master of Cinco Hydra Gray, and a man who went by the name Ronald or Ron for short. However, something caused her to live out in the woods nearby Mural. She keeps in contact with her guild but she only likes Ax due to their past and Zane who reminds her of someone that she once knew. 
Affiliation: Heroes.

Guild Card #39.
Name: Darin Price.
Age: 45 years old.
Magic: Blast, Dissemble, and Explosion Magic. 
Likes: Heroes and Ladies. Dislikes: Mordred Hunter.
Info: He's considered to be the strongest wizard in Heroes tied only with Zane and maybe X but it's in the air on that one. He is an old man with the spirit of a young man. He loves women more than most and spending his money on them leaving him to be a bum. He takes the long and hard jobs to get money for the ladies who bank him for all he's worth. He has a strong hatred for a man named Mordred Hunter for some reason.
Affiliation: Heroes. 

Guild Card #40.
Name: Jaime Logan.
Age: 6 years old.
Magic: Unknown Magic.
Likes: His Father, Heroes, and Zane. Dislikes: Bullies and Jerks.
Info: He's the only son of Eric Logan and he's Zane's apprentice. He looks up to Zane because he is too cool according to Jaime. He calls him his older brother much to the joy of Zane. They have quite a close bond being that Jaime didn't tell his dad about his magic power but Zane. He is known for his smile which is able to light up a rumor. He hates bullies and jerks more than anything.
Affiliation: Hoping to join Heroes someday.

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