Thursday, January 12, 2017

Power Episode 24 Zero has Fallen?

A/N: Yep. We're here. The arc that I think that the series really gets good. I mean the first couple of arcs were okay and I hate one line at the end of the Galuna Arc. It was when Team Natsu got back to Magnolia. I mean Galuna Arc was intense ,at the point of the series, and I hate that the only thing that they got was a key for Lucy. I love Sagittarius but god dam it, you don't make me like Lucy. Anyway, I think we should talk about the good. This is going to be way different from Power Guild.

Narrator P.O.V.
The group of Allison, Kurt, Lora, Ryu, Tessa, and Zane were walking back to the guild hall after a successful job. "That job was so easy you guys!" said Kurt. "Maybe to you but the client thought differently." said Ryu. "Face it Kurt. Without me, you guys would have been failing and bring shame to the guild." said Tessa. "You begged to come with us glasses. I mean what gives you the idea that you made that easy as hell job easier." said Kurt.

Tessa said,"Well, you would have stripped everywhere causing children to be scared and you're more useless than one of Allison's suitcases.". The two butted heads and Kurt said,"Listen. You may be a girl but if you say one more thing, I'll stuff you into one of the suitcases and throw you into the ocean filled with sharks.". "That makes no dam sense idiot." said Tessa. Allison split them up and she said with her arms crossed,"I think you two caused enough trouble. Kurt, your clothes.".

Kurt looked down to see that he was in his boxers and Ryu said,"You know Kurt. I think you may have a problem.". Lora smiled at them and she looked over at Zane. He was looking at the floor and he sighed. "Is something wrong?" said Lora. "Nope. I'm just thinking." wrote Zane. "You thinking? I think that you're going crazy." said Kurt. Tessa punched him and she said,"How about you shut up for once Kurt?".

Lora said,"You know you guys didn't have to come with me right? I mean this job was for myself but you all tagged along with me.". She was holding V in her arms who nodded. "I thought it would be obvious." said Kurt. "I'm lost." said Lora. "We're Heroes strongest team." said Kurt pointing to his guild mark due to his shirt being off. "Yep!" said Ryu. "Don't forget it Lora." said Allison. Lora said with a smile,"Oh yeah!". V nodded.

Kurt said,"Yep. No job is too tough for me, Allison, queen of the perverts, and Zane.". "Don't call me that." said Tessa. "We're quite strong together." aid Allison. "Yep." said Ryu. "Um. You guys forget my Celestial Princess here." wrote Zane who was rested on the top of Allison's cart of luggage. "We wouldn't forget about you Lora. I mean you're really strong. So what happened to the reward?" said Tessa. "I have it remember. She gave it to me as a gift." wrote Zane.

Kurt said,"So what made that key so special anyway? I don't get Spirit Magic but according to you and Angel, it sounds important.". "It allows the user to summon an extremely powerful spirit but it costs a lot of magic power." said Lora. "Wow. I'm sorry for forgetting about you. I have hurt my friend and I won't allow this to go on. Will you please hit me?" said Allison. "I don't think I should at all." said Lora. "Good move." said Kurt and Tessa.

Zane smiled and he wrote,"I'm so hungry. Myra and Sakura's cooking is good right Ryu?". "Yeah but I would have to say that Sakura's fish is way better." said Ryu. "Amen to that." wrote Zane. The two were talking about who the best chef with Allison looking down. She then got an idea and she said while getting the group's attention,"Zane!". She somehow made Zane get off the luggage and taken his right arm.

She said,"I've been trying out a new recipe! Why don't you come with me to Heroes Haven to try it and it's rather good.". The guys in the group's face turned completely pale upon remembering the last time that they tried Allison's cooking. They were in the hospital for two weeks and Zane stayed for a whole month due to his enhanced sense of taste. Much to their horror, Allison thought that it was so good that they passed out. No one was brave to tell her otherwise.

Finally, Zane wrote,"Sure thing.". He couldn't really say no to her because it would break her heart and his. He was starting to hate his dragon blood at some point. From the corner of his eye, he could see both Kurt and Ryu wearing military like uniforms with the Heroes logo for company patches. The Passion wizard saluted Zane with Zane swearing that he was a Heroes flag in the background going down slowly with Ryu floating in the air playing a depressed tune on a violin.

Zane said,"You two are assholes.". He coughed a bit and Lora said,"I thought you would remember to use your magic power to talk idiot.". "I forget sometimes Lora." wrote Zane. As they neared the guild hall, it seems like something was going on. People ,along their way, were giving the group disturbed, bitter, and tender looks. That was a surprise here in Mural with Zane being able to hear them. "They are from Heroes. I guess they don't know yet." said a man. "Poor things." said a old woman. "I think we're drawing an usual amount of attention." said Kurt. "No shit Kurt." said Tessa.

Lora said with her a little bit scared about the whispering,"What's going on?". "Something is wrong with the guild." said Allison. She was looking at the location where their guild was. The others then looked and saw their guild. Zane's eyes were filled to the brim with anger. "What happened?" said Kurt who was shaking in anger. "Oh... my... God..." said Lora who was shocked. The guild hall was ruptured by large steel poles that came out from every angle.

Tessa said,"Who the hell did this?!". Allison couldn't say anything because she was so angry and she kept wondering who could do such a thing. "I don't care about who the hell did it but I'll make them burn in hell." wrote Zane. He clenched his fists so hard that his palms were bleeding. His face was covered with veins and he roared,"WHO DID THIS TO MY HOME?!". The group was shocked by his anger. Zane was known for being rather chill only getting upset at things.

A voice from behind the group said,"It was Chaos.....". They turned to see Sakura standing there with Myra who was angry. "Sakura. What did you say?" said Kurt. "I really hate to say it but they got us good guys." said Myra. Zane rushed toward Myra hugging her. "I was so worried about you. Are the others okay?" wrote Zane. "We're fine Zane. I was worried about you guys too even Red." said Myra as she was fighting against a blush.

She led the group down to a cellar down that led into the guild's basement floor. It was normally used for storage but it was holding all of the present wizard of Heroes. They weren't as happy as normal but they were more silent and glum than normal. When the group reached their way down, Lora was sure that the guild wasn't itself right now. "Hey. Zane and company is back." said Wayne who was smoking. Everyone looked at the group standing there.

Charlie said,"Have you guys seen what happened to the guild?". "It's hard to miss Charlie." said Lisa with an annoyed groan. "We may have always been on bad terms with Chaos." said Fred. He sat there with an equally anger Victor and cute and petite Jade at their table. "We should destroy them." said Victor. "You two guys know why we can't do that. It's Chaos." said Jade. The basement was filled with loud shouts as the guild argued among themselves each other.

Some of the guild wanted to go over to Chaos Lords's guild hall and crush it to pieces like they did with their guild hall. Others were calm about the whole thing with them wanting to make a plan to hit Chaos Lords. Lora knew little about Chaos Lords but she knew about the guild between them and Heroes. It was very high. Sakura took Zane, Allison, Lora, and Kurt through the basement toward Master Ax. He was sitting at the makeshift bar with a mildly drunk Ax sat cross-legged.

He looked at them and he waved. "You all are back. I'm happy that you brats are back okay.". "We're back Master." said Allison with a calm tone but she was anger. "Why the hell are you drinking old man?" wrote Zane. "Oh. Right. I already punished Barry and Clair for the S Class Job so I have you and Kurt left." said Ax. "Really?" said Lora. "You can't be serious?! Now isn't the time!" wrote Zane with anger slipping through his words.

Ax extended his arm out to smack Kurt upside the head and he spanked Lora. "Master! Behave yourself!" said Sakura. She fired an anger look with Zane grabbing Ax's arm. His eyes were filled with rage and he said,"Old man. I don't care if you're my master and all. If you do that again, I will rip your arm clear off and I'm not joking.". His larger canine were showing as he growled. "Whatever you say Zaney." said Ax as Zane let go.

Myra noticed that Zane's hands were bleeding and she thought,"I guess he's really angry about all of this. Clair had Steve to calm her down but Zane. No one has a chance not even me or Red.". "Do you know see what's going on Master!" said Allison who was at her breaking point. "She's right! They're the ones who destroy our home!" wrote Zane. "You two should take a chill pill. It isn't something to worry about." said Ax while tapping his knee. "What?!" said Kurt and Lora.

Ax said,"Chaos Lords are cowards plain and simple. They attacked our guild when no one was here so why would they be happy about that?". "No one was here?" said Allison. "Yeah. They attacked us during the middle of the night. No one was here so that's good." said Sakura as she handed the master another mug filled with beer. "No one was injured. That's good I guess." said Allison. "If they tried to attack us head on, they would be dead meat for sure so don't waste your time." said Ax.

He rose an eyebrow when Zane slammed his fist into the table next to him. The table was erased from the basement from the strike. "I WON'T LET THEM LIVE! THEY DESTROY MY HOME SO THEY WILL PAY FOR MESSING WITH MY HOME!" roared Zane. He was pissed off and he was going to attack them. "This debate is over. We'll be taking jobs down here until the upstairs is fixed. I hope you understand." said Ax.

Zane said,"We're shouldn't be taking jobs!". He was going to punched Ax but Kurt held him back. "I think you need to calm down Zane. We're feeling the same but we can't." said Kurt. "We're done for now. I'm going to take a leak." said Ax. He hopped off the table and Zane made Kurt let him go. "I'm so angry so why the hell isn't he?!" wrote Zane. "Zane. Master is just upset as you are. You should know that fighting between the guild hall is against the rules." said Sakura in a sweet voice.

Zane wrote,"I don't give a dam about what the council says. They attacked us first so we should be able to strike back!". "That isn't the issue here and you know it." said Myra. "If this is how the master feels about it, we will have to rest for now." said Allison. The rest of the group was depressed about the fact that they couldn't fight back. They were all depressed but Zane. He was extremely angry and nothing or no one was going to calm him down.

Sakura grabbed Zane and dragged him out of the basement. Ryu followed and he said,"So what are you doing?". "We both know that right now, he would destroy the entire city so we need to get him far away from the guild hall." said Sakura. "I guess but I'm impressed that you're able to carry him out of the guild. I guess your training with Norman was worth it after all." said Ryu. Zane looked at Sakura and he wrote,"Sakura.".

She smiled and he wrote,"Could I ask you something?". "What is it?" said Sakura. She knew that he wasn't going to confess to him right now. "Do you know about who attack the guild hall? I have a good feeling about who did this but I know that he wouldn't do this on his own free will." wrote Zane with anger seeping through his words. "I saw someone but it wasn't the best look." said Sakura. 'May I look through your mind to find out who?" wrote Zane. "Sure." said Sakura.

Zane read her mind and he saw the man from the end of last episode standing there. He was ordering Johnny to destroy their guild hall. Zane stopped and Ryu said,"So what did you see?". "Nothing. He did this. Navy Steel Johnny." wrote Zane. "The Steel Slayer of Chaos Lords?!" said Ryu and Sakura in unison. "How? I mean Johnny wouldn't do something so petite. This isn't his MO. The man must be controlling him but it isn't like Seth's magic." thought Zane.

Sakura said,"So are you going to attack them? Master said that would be bad.". "I will but I'm going to wait until I calm down a bit." wrote Zane. "At least he's honest about that." said Ryu. "Yeah but he is Zane. I mean he can be rather impulsive sometimes but he has the guild's in mind." said Sakura. "I guess but he's an idiot sometimes." said Ryu. "I'm right here buddy." wrote Zane. The two fought and Sakura said,"You two should know that a family shouldn't be fighting.".

The two stopped and they ignored each other. "You two. Oh. I just remembered something. We are running low on some supplies for the guild. The basement does have a lot of stuff but since we all moved down there for the time being. Most of the stuff went pretty fast. I guess I have some shopping to do." said Sakura. Zane shivered and Sakura said,"I'm not talking about clothing.". "Oh. Do you mind if I come with you?" wrote Zane.

Sakura looked confused and she said,"I just don't want to bother you. I could ask big brother to help me out or Fred.". "No. This is the perfect way to get rid of my pent up anger. I rather not destroy the guild hall today." wrote Zane. "I also need time to think about what happened to Johnny. He wouldn't do this on his own free will right?" thought Zane. "Thanks Zane!" said Sakura. "Shall we go?" wrote Zane holding his hand out. Sakura took it as they walked off.

Ryu smiled at this. Those two had a close bond since Sakura was the first one to make friends with Ana and he treasured her for protecting Ryu while he was in Wicked Genocide. Ryu flew back into the basement and he rested nearby Melody. "Ryu. Is Big brother going to be alright?" said Melody. "I hope so." said Ryu. He fell asleep and Ana said,"Big bro will be fine Melody. I promise.". "I hope. It can't be a good thing if he goes and attack them." thought Ana.

Zane was carrying several boxes with ease and Sakura said,"Thank you so much for helping.". "It isn't a problem at all Sakura. This is a good way to get out some of my anger." wrote Zane. 'Why? I can't believe that Johnny would do this. He wouldn't do this. He may love fighting but he is a good man." thought Zane. "Hey Zane. Could we stop for a while?" said Sakura. "You're carrying two bags while I'm carrying seven boxes filled of stuff." wrote Zane.

Sakura smiled and Zane sighed. "Sure." wrote Zane. The two walked into a cafe and Sakura said,"It's a good thing that I get a discount here.". "You do? I guess because you're so nice unlike your sister. I like her but man, she's so scary." wrote Zane. "I think you're only saying that." said Sakura. The boy rolled his eyes and he wrote,"You know me so well.". "It's because we're husband and wife." said Sakura as she linked arms with Zane.

Zane slightly blushed and Sakura said,"So what would you like Zane?". "Really? I can have anything Sakura!" wrote Zane. "Yeah. You gained a reward for helping me and I want to talk with you." said Sakura. "Okay." wrote Zane. The two were looking at the menu and to the others in the shop, they are a couple but they would be wrong. "So what do you want to talk about?" wrote Zane. "Um. Why are you so mad about what happened to the guild hall?" said Sakura.

Zane then looked at her and he wrote,"It's a dragon thing Sakura.". "You mean Ana, Clair, and Steve are going through the same thing right?" said Sakura. "Yeah but my rage is stronger than a normal Slayer. I've told you about my dad before." wrote Zane. "You mean Sivarth right? I remember. He is a dragon king right?" said Sakura. "The dragon king. I was raised and trained by seven dragons during twelve years." wrote Zane.

Sakura said,"Were they also kings?". "Six of the seven dragons were dragon royalty but Ana's mother Erisdar, the Heavenly Dragon is stronger than any dragon. She didn't like titles so she was a normal dragon. Ana is stronger because of her mother's teaching." wrote Zane. "Oh. Would you say that she could defeat Clair and Steve in unison?" said Sakura. "Maybe but those two together make a combo that is stronger than normal." wrote Zane.

Their food arrived and Sakura smiled at Zane's order. He was eating several plates filled with food and Sakura said,"So are they still alive?". "I'm not sure about Erisdar and Sivarth but my other five teachers have passed away after teaching me their magic." wrote Zane. "I'm sorry." said Sakura. He looked at her and he wrote,"It's fine. My hair is because of them you know.". "Really? May I ask why Zane?" said Sakura.

Zane wrote,"Every time that I killed a Dragon, I gained the ability to use their respective element to the fullest. It also changed my hair color and I don't remember what my hair color was to begin with but I like my hair the way it is now.". "I see." said Sakura. She looked down and she said,"Hey. Could I ask you for a favor?". "What's up?" wrote Zane. "Could you find a way to get me and Steve alone? I wanted to spend some alone time together but Fred and Lucky." said Sakura.

Zane wrote,"I understand. I love Lucky and I respect Fred for how much he has grown in two years. I think he may be faster than Nick is but well, we'll have to see.". "So you'll help?" said Sakura. "Yep. I think helping my wife is a husband's job. Just give me a signal and I'll help out." wrote Zane. The two left the cafe and Sakura said while picking up her bags,"We should head back to the guild.". "Yeah. I feel better. Thanks Sakura." wrote Zane. "No problem honey." said Sakura.

Zane was sitting in the guild hall and everyone knew that Zane was still angry. He was less angry than he was before but he was still mad. "Hey Zane." said a voice. Zane looked up to see Lora and she said,"I think I'm going to head home. I'll see you tomorrow. Don't do anything stupid.". "Okay. I see you tomorrow. Be careful." wrote Zane. She left Zane but she couldn't stop feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Allison took a bite of her chocolate cake and she said,"We should go on a job tomorrow Zane. I think it is the best way to get your mind off this whole thing.". She didn't get a reply from Zane causing her to look over at Zane. He was staring at the ceiling with his hands on the table. He was opening and closing them causing magic to shoot out of them. "Why? He wouldn't do this would he? I wonder if he is still in town. I need to find him." thought Zane.

He may belong to a different guild but he was still a slayer. He couldn't explain why but he had a strong feeling that he had to protect all of his fellow slayers from something. He looked over at Myra who was wiping down a table. She had a bland look on her face and he couldn't tell what she was going to say. He knew Myra was angry ,not on the same level, about this. He could hear Allison and something about a job to clear his head.

He wasn't going to leave town until he found out why Johnny did this. He needed to let out his dragon anger and he was stopped from this thoughts because his left shoulder was being squeezed by a soft hand. "Zane. Did you hear me?" said Allison. She had a worried look because he was being quiet and this was a shock to her. Anyone could tell that Zane was restraining himself and that wasn't a good thing for him.

Anyone who knew Zane could say that Zane fights with his emotions like Kurt. However, Kurt could bottle his emotions but Zane. It was a bad thing. "I heard you Ally. We'll talk about it with Lora about jobs tomorrow." wrote Zane. He stood up from his seat and he looked over at Sakura. "I'm going to talk with Sakura fast and I'm going home." wrote Zane. "Okay Zane." said Allison. She walked over to him and she grabbed Zane into a strong hug.

Zane heard,"I know that you're mad Zane but you shouldn't keep it inside of you. It's bad for you. I'm worried for you Zane so don't do anything thoughtless.". "I'm not Clair and Kurt." wrote Zane. "They are worried too Zane." said Allison. "I know Ally but don't cry. Smile okay? I'm okay Ally. I won't go do something stupid." wrote Zane. "You better not or else, you're going to be punished." said Allison with a glare. "I won't. Night Ally." wrote Zane.

He then went toward Sakura but Allison hoped that he was telling the truth. "Hey. So how did it go? I bet it was good." wrote Zane. "Zane. I'm so happy that you're here." said Sakura. "Um. May I ask why?" wrote Zane. "I think we should talk in private." said Sakura. She grabbed him and she lead the two into a hidden corner of the basement. "What's up? I hope it didn't go bad. You know that Steve cares about you." wrote Zane.

Sakura said,"It went good Zane but I feel like Steve is angry not on your level.". "Our home was hurt and to a dragon, it's like punching us in the heart. We'll be fine." wrote Zane. "I see. So do you regret it?" said Sakura. "Regret what?" wrote Zane. "Leaving us to fight Wicked Genocide. I can't believe Master let them into the guild." said Sakura. "Melody is nice and Valerie isn't here that much due to her being a member of the council." wrote Zane.

Sakura said,"I know but she along with the rest of that guild made you leave for two years.". "Yeah. I felt like a scumbag for doing it but I was protecting you. I hurt Norman for what he did to you and Myra. I know that he couldn't control himself but I hurt my family regardless." wrote Zane. Sakura was shocked to see how much that bothered him. He was probably letting it all and it was better than letting him bother him.

Zane wrote,"Sometimes I wonder what happened if I didn't go but I can't go changed the past. You got stronger than I though so I'm happy.". "You won't be doing that again right?" said Sakura. "I won't Sakura. Ryu would be too sad if I did." wrote Zane. "You'll have your change to find out why Johnny did this but you have to wait. Master will make a plan so just wait." said Sakura. "Okay. I promise. I am heading home." wrote Zane.

Sakura said,"Wait Zane!". He stopped and she said,"Masters wants us to stay in group just in case. He wants you, Angel, Lora, Kurt, Tessa, Ryu, and Allison to stay together. They're going to Lora's place right now I think.". "Okay. Thanks." wrote Zane. He was gone and Sakura said,"He's changed for sure.". She went back to cleaning up and Zane thought upon stepping outside of the basement,"I am sorry guys but I want my answer.". He jumped away from Lora's place to find out why.

Lora was walking toward her apartment. "Wow. Everything is getting really serious." said Lora. She was walking on the edge of the canal with V in front of her. "Chaos Lords have a rivalry with Heroes but I never though that they would go this far right V?" said Lora. The spirit nodded and she said as she opened the door to her apartment building,"I hope Zane is okay. He doesn't seem like his normal self. I hope he goes back to normal.".

She went up the stairs and she said,"I remember when I was little. I was thinking of joining them but I am really happy that I joined Heroes.". She opened the door to her apartment and she said,"Because Heroes is like...." Her eyes opened up upon seeing Allison, Angel, Kurt, Tessa, and Ryu were all there in and Lora said,"MY FAMILY!". "Sup Lora." said Kurt. "You have a nice home. Zane got you an amazing deal." said Allison.

Ryu said,"Aloha!". He was resting on her bed and Angel stood there in a white towel. It was obvious that she had taken a bath. "So what are all of you doing here?" said Lora while she was placing her bag down. "Since Chaos attacked our guild, there is a chance that some of the guild may be still in town." said Allison. Lora got scared from that and Tessa said,"Easy Lora. They won't attack us if we are in a group. Simple right?".

Lora said,"I guess but this is still rude. You should have told me that you were coming.". She was going toward the table and she said,"Hey. I thought Zane would be here.". "He told me through our psychic link that he had something to do. It's a sleepover so he's getting marshmallows or pillow. I'm hoping for the latter." said Ryu. "He's an idiot sometimes. I mean I thought he would be the first one here." said Kurt.

Allison glared at him and Angel said,"He wouldn't lie about that Kurt. He'll be here. I'm sure that he is getting something for our party.". "We'll only be here for a while." said Allison. "And we'll make sure that Kurt doesn't destroy the place." said Tessa. "Hey!" said Kurt. "I'm hurt." said Lora. "I'm not in the mood. I'm going to bed so keep it quiet." said Kurt. "Hey V! Does she have anything good to eat? I'm starving." said Ryu.

He floated over to the fox and the two were enjoying candy. "Man. I thought you would be pure but wow, this is something else." said Angel while digging through her sister's drawers. Allison and Tessa looked in the toward and Allison's face was bright red. "Wow. "You're so brave." said Allison. "You are just like your sister after all." said Tessa with a deadpanned look. "I would say something but you all are just making yourself at home." said Lora.

Allison said after stopping her raging blush,"You stink Kurt. You may be a boy but since you're lucky to be staying with fair maidens, you should talk a shower.". "But I'm too sleepy and you wouldn't do this to Zane.". "Go." said Tessa with a wooden spike. "You know what. Screw it." said Kurt. He went into the bathroom and he started the water. "Wow. They're interesting." said Lora. "Yep." said Ryu with a smile. "Zane. Where are you?" thought Allison.

Somewhere else, night had appeared over the town with most of the streets empty which also means that they're quiet. The good folks of Mural had retired to their homes for a night's sleep. However, the trio of Ultimate Champions weren't. Fred and Victor plus Jade were heading to the guys place for a weird reason. "I thought you would want to stay with Lisa and the other girls Jade." said Fred as they stopped as a dark intersection.

Victor said,"Yeah. Our place is a dump compared to the Heroes Haven.". "Don't be silly you guys. I would rather be with my team. I'm sure that you two are strong enough to protect me." said Jade with a happy smile. "Sure thing!" said the two in unison. "There's nothing to fear." said Fred. "Yeah. We'll protect you Jade." said Victor. "Because if we don't, Zane'll kill us." thought the two. The three were talking and they didn't sense someone watching them.

He opened his red eyes and he looked down at the group. He smiled and he rushed toward them. The group stopped and turned to see the Steel Slayer running toward them. He was about to attack them but he was stopped by Zane. "Zane?!" yelled the group. "Are you three okay?" wrote Zane. "Yeah. I think we're good." said Fred. "That's good but first." wrote Zane. He slammed Johnny into the ground and hard due to the ground breaking. "What the hell are you doing?!" yelled Zane.

Victor said,"Is he talking to us or him?". "I think him." said Fred and Jade. "So you're finally here to try and stop me eh Zane?" said Johnny. He jumped back from Zane and Zane wrote,"Why the hell are you here and who was that man!?". "Oh. You're curious about me. I guess that won't do any good. I guess you're going to die with doubts!" said Johnny. His right arm turned into a steel club which flew toward Zane. He caught it but it was strong.

Zane wrote,"Jade, Fred, and Victor. Go back.". "Okay." said Jade. The three went back and Zane said with a growl,"I don't know what's going on Johnny but I'm sure that you wouldn't do this of your own free will. You're loyal but not like this.". "You're such a coward Zane. Wow. I thought you would be so angry to fight me but I guess your heart is in charge of you." said Johnny. He started to laugh and he was gone. "Where did he?" thought Zane.

He jumped back as Johnny was behind him. "That was fast. It was like something just like a Speed Wizard would do." thought Johnny. "You're scared of me Zaney!" yelled Johnny. He rushed toward Zane but the Power Slayer were hit in the stomach. "I think you should get what you deserve." said Johnny. He grabbed Zane's head with it going into the ground harder than Johnny did. "Zane!" yelled the Ultimate Champions.

Johnny felt his arm go on fire and he backed up. He looked at Zane who was glaring and he said,"You look so scary man. Just like a demon.". "Something isn't right here. I have no idea but Johnny is way stronger than our last fight. He isn't about speed but strength. I wonder how this happen but with her and her tea here, I can't risk them being here." thought Zane. He charged at Johnny with his fist then covered in rocks. "Chaos Hellfire Dragon Explosive Punch!" said Zane.

Johnny said,"So you're going to fight after all. Bring it then.". "Johnny!" yelled Zane. The punch hit Johnny's hand and Johnny smiled. "You failed." said Johnny. "Not at all." said Zane. Johnny was hit in the jaw but he was blasted back by a giant explosion of fire. "Good. You're strong than you were two years ago but I'm stronger than you." said Johnny. Zane blocked the large steel club heading to his stomach but he was hit in the head by the second club.

Johnny rushed toward Zane and he was going to slam Zane into the ground. He grabbed Zane's head and Johnny said,"Time for a Cannonball!". "Ensnarement Python!" said Zane. Several vines and leaves appear from the ground under Johnny. He was captured by a giant python made of leaves and vines and he tried to escape. "You're strong Zane but I'm smarter!" yelled Johnny. Zane was hit by a giant steel cannonball and he coughed up blood.

A steel double of Johnny had its foot on Zane's head. "Dam. He's smarter but his attacks are way too planned out. I know Johnny and he's like Fulgor. The two attack head on and then change up during the fight. Who is doing this?!" thought Zane. "Zane!" yelled Jade. He turn to see Jade worried about him and he thought,"Crap. I need to do this but I hope this doesn't end badly.". "You guys! Run the hell away!" yelled Zane.

Fred yelled,"We're not leaving you Zane!". "Yeah! We're brothers in arms!" said Victor. "They're right Zane! We won't leave you behind." said Jade who was crying. "It'll be fine. Go. I will be right behind you. I promise." wrote Zane. "But.." said the three. "GO!" roared Zane. The three were used to this but they nodded their heads. 'You better Zane!" said Fred. "I will!" said Zane. "Lets go then!" said Victor. The two were gone as Jade stood there.

She had a large than normal frown and her eyes were filled with tears. 'You better be safe Zane!" said Jade. She ran after her friends and Johnny said,"Wow. You fit your name hero boy. I guess you should know that after I end your life, I am going after them.". "Not going to happen!" said Zane. He pushed himself back up and he melted the steel double to a puddle. "I guess you're going to get serious now Zane. This is going to be fun!" said Johnny.

His arm turned into a large steel club and Zane dodge it. "Fire Make Inferno Sword!" said Zane. He created a giant blade of flames with him slicing the steel club aimed at his legs. "Smart. Steel Dragon Sword!" said Johnny. The two clashed blades and they were at a standstill. "You think that your blade would be able to burn him but I'm stronger than those weaklings." said Johnny. "Yeah. I'm shocked so let me show you how much! Thunder Dragon Punch!" said Zane.

He punched Johnny in the gut causing a giant explosion of thunder. Zane jumped back and he thought to himself,"Wow. That was hard but I broke it.". "Wow. Your punch hit hard but you are still weak at least to me." said Johnny's voice from the thunder. Zane was hit with another steel club and Zane said with a growl,"Getting really sick of that! Chaos Stream!". He fired a stream of his magic power and it went toward Johnny. "Dumbass! Steel Dragon Sword!" yelled Johnny.

He cut through the magic power but it still hit him. "Yes." said Zane. He was grabbed by Johnny who was covered in bruises and he said,"Even with my help, he's still weak.". "What?" said Zane. He was thrown into the ground and Johnny said,"Steel Dragon Club Frenzy!". Zane was pelted with hundred of steel clubs and Zane was about to hit him. "Stop now Johnny!" yelled a voice. He stopped and the power slayer said,"Johnny?".

He saw the man from earlier and the man said,"Wow. You're so stronger than Johnny here. He had my help but he was still weak.". "Shut up. Who the hell are you?" said Zane who stood back up. "I guess you're worth enough to hear my name. It's Kraig Siegel." said Kraig. "You're a member of Villains! I can't believe you would do this." said Zane. "Well. I was curious about you and Master wouldn't do anything so I took into my hands." said Kraig.

Zane yelled,"Free Johnny now! Hellfire Dragon Colossal Eruption!". His fists were pure fire but he threw them at Kraig. They turned into a rocket that was about the size of a small mountain or a hill. It hit Kraig causing a giant explosion of fire. "Wow. You're so strong Zane." said Kraig. Johnny grabbed Zane and the grayette struggled to escape. Kraig left the flames and he said,"Wow. I guess your fire power isn't legendary but powerful.".

Zane was silent and Kraig said,"Nothing? I guess you're too tired to answer me.". He moved his arms out and two swords made out of magic power appeared. "What are you doing?" said Zane. "If I told you, it wouldn't be fun. I should tell you the truth. I took Johnny's free will to be my loyal puppet. I also did this to the rest of his guild but Johnny here is my favorite one." said Kraig. "I will make you pay for what you did to the guild." said Zane.

Kraig said,"Really? I'll be impressed if you did but we both know that you won't. I mean you aren't able to accept who you are like Johnny did.". "What are you saying?" said Zane. "You should know that I'm going to complete my plans so Zane Alvarez." said Kraig. He swung his swords and Zane's chest had an huge X cut. Blood went everywhere and Zane was out cold. He fell face first into the pool of blood as Johnny stood there.

Kraig said,"No. He won't die from this. He'll be out for at least until my goal is complete. Come puppet. We have last minute preparations to do.". The two were gone as Zane was left alone in his blood. He woke up and he said,"Fuck. That hurts.". He stood up and he said,"I need to find someone to rest.". He walked away from his blood but he was bleeding. He stopped in front of something and he said,"I better make sure that they know what's going on.".

Earlier in Lora's apartment. "Hey. So do you guys know why they attack?" said Lora while drying her hair. Everyone looked serious and Allison said in her pajamas,"I don't know Lora. We have had a couple of fights with them in the past but this is first time that they would attack us directly.". "I think Zane was right. We should stop being cowards and destroy them already." said Ryu while resting on the table.

Kurt said with holding Lora's novel,"I don't think Master is scared or anything Ryu. He is after all one of the Ten Wizard Saints.". He read the novel and it was taken by Lora. "Hey! It was getting to the good part." said Kurt. "Is your name Jade or Zane? I've decided that they're be my first readers and you three won't either." said Lora. Allison, Angel, and Tessa sulked a bit as Lora said,"So what are the Ten Wizard Saints anyway?".

Angel said,"It's a title given by the chairman of the Magic Council to the ten strongest wizards on the continent.". "Wow. That sounds important." said Lora. "Yeah. The master of Chaos Lords, Samuel is one of them." said Tessa. "Along with him." thought Allison as she thought of Theron. "The council wanted Zane to become one but he refused." said Angel. "Wait. I thought he was one because Jade says that he is the strongest one." said Jade.

Ryu said,"Zane told me that they made him one because they're scared shit less of him. Titles doesn't bring strength but it does bring unneeded attention from enemies. Zane also told me that most of the ten were picked because they're suck ups to the council. We should go because we're the strongest guild in the world!". "I thought you would be smarter than flashlight. Both master and Myra know that if we fought so they're trying to be the bigger person here." said Kurt.

Allison thought,"You should know that everyone in the guild wants to fight. We just have to wait for Master's orders.". "So are Chaos Lords strong?" said Lora. "No way!" said Ryu. He was smacked by Angel and she said,"Don't listen to him. If we thought, we would be destroy on both sides. Both sides are equal. Their master Samuel Fuller is one of the Ten Wizard Saints is just as strong as both Master Ax and Zane.".

Tessa said,"They have their S-Class Wizards with their most famous group known as the Element Five. However, their most menacing wizard is the Steel Slayer Johnny Wilson. He is the one who was rumored to be seen attacking our guild.". "So he's like Ana, Clair, Steve, and Zane right?" said Lora as she looked at Ryu. "He is but compared to those three, he's way stronger since he is able to eat all metal." said Ryu.

At the guild hall. "Hey Johnny! I heard that you attacked Heroes right? Good job man!" said a guild wizard. Johnny was eating metal anything and the wizard said,"I bet their weak spirits were crushed upon seeing our power right? They're such pricks!". He was then launched into the wall by Johnny who had turned his arm into a steel club. "What the hell did I say about annoying me why I'm eating prick?" said Johnny.

His arm went back to normal and he stood up. He glared at the other members and he said,"Those Heroes babies got what was coming to them.". Kraig was hiding in the rafters of the building and he said,"This is too much fun.". "The seeds have been sown. Well done Johnny." said a voice. Johnny turned to see Master Samuel standing there. He was a tall and slim man with long and straight black hair reaching down to his shoulders. He had a thin dark reddish mustache and red eyes.

He had a high and sharp face with vaguely pointy ears. He had bulging eyelashes and dark-colored lips. He wears a rather dazzling coat with a high collar that had a jagged mantle and lower edges as well as intricately decorated borders and this was inside. It had two obvious bat like wings with a matching witch-like hat bearing the symbol of the guild. It was complete with an extremely long and crooked top hanging down on his right.

He was wearing a plain shirt that sported his Wizard Saint medallion around his neck and with two light ribbons falling down from it, long and striped culottes paired with long socks, and a pair of pointed shoes each bearing two furry balls, one on the front and one on the back of the foot. His right hand's fingers were adorned by a pair of rings with one being a spherical gem. "You were too nice to them master. They won't come out if we destroy their clubhouse." said Johnny.

Samuel looked at him and he said,"They got a second surprise and it's big.". "Good work Johnny. If you didn't hurt her, I see no problem." said Samuel. Back in Mural, Jade and the rest of Ultimate Champions had arrived at Lora's place and she said,"Guys. I'm not lying!". Angel said,"So are you sure?". "Yes! One of Chaos's men tried to attack us but Zane stopped them. We left once Zane was losing." said Jade as she was starting to cry again.

Allison thought,"Zane is losing. This isn't real.". "That idiot. What the hell were you thinking? You're still recovering from your fight against Estrasum." said Kurt. "So what should we do?" said Fred. "If you know where he was fighting, we can help him." said Allison. "Lets go then!" said Ryu. The trio had led the group to the fight and there was no Zane. The pool and trail of blood was gone but the area was destroyed.

Everyone started to look for him with them later asking others for her and the search for the heart and soul began. By the time that someone found him, the sun was walking up. "Where is he?" said Myra who couldn't stop thinking about Zane. "I still can't believe that this happen." said Norman. The three were looking together and Sakura said,"Lets not worry about that right now bro. We have to find our Zane.".

The three looked and Norman said,"Hey guys!". The two rushed toward Norman who pointed to the large tree in North Gate Park. Myra followed the finger and she saw a figure on the tree. "You don't think..." said Sakura. The two saw Myra rushing toward three and Norman said,"We have one answer Sakura!". They went after her and Myra couldn't stop shaking in fear. She saw the figure on the tree and her heart broke. The other two were shocked as they said,"No.".

Myra felt tears starting to fall down her eyes while she looked at the crucified Zane. His blood was all over his body including his face, his body was covered in several bruises and gashes mainly his x one which was covered in the most blood. He looked dead and he opened his eyes. "You guys. Please get me down. My arms are killing me." said Zane with him coughing blood. "Norman. Go tell the others that we found him." said Myra. "Okay!" said Norman who ran away.

Sakura then try to release Zane from the steel bindings that kept him in front of the tree. "They are so strong!" said Sakura. Myra's tears were falling like waterfalls and she couldn't stop. "Zane! Why did you do this?!" screamed Myra. "I wanted to protect you all and find out why Johnny did this." said Zane who coughed more blood. "Zane! Stop!" said Sakura. Everyone arrived and their eyes widened in shock.

Some were in shock with them unable to say anything. Ax walked toward the almost dead Zane and crying Wood Siblings. Instead of the usually jester outfit, he was wearing a white tunic with the symbol of the guild on the right collar and black pants. He was wearing this under a formal white coat with white fur around the edges and with the symbol of the Ten Wizard Saints. "Get him down now." said Ax.

Charlie and Norman got Zane free and down thanks to Lora's magic. Zane's body was shaking in anger and everyone could see that his arms and forehead were covered in veins. His breathing was more and more ragged with each breath. "Master. I'm sorry. I saved Jade and her team. At least I did that. I couldn't stop Johnny from hurting the guild though. I'm sorry." said Zane. He coughed up even more blood and he was crying with him repeating I'm sorry.

Ax said,"Zane. Destroying that dumb of a bar is fine but hurting any one of my children.". The stick that he was using to walk was destroyed. "THIS MEANS WAR! EVERYONE! GO SHOW THEM WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MESS WITH HEROES!" yelled Ax. "Sweet. I'm in too." said Zane who coughed blood. He tried to stand up but he was out cold. Everyone there rushed toward their guild hall and Ax said,"You'll pay for this Samuel.". He walked after his children.

Next time,
Zane is injured from Johnny and Kraig's assault and Heroes is out for revenge!

Guild Card #29
Name: Charlie Haynes.
Age: 21 years old.
Magic: Animal Magic. 
Likes: Anything with Horror. Dislikes: Vegetables and Work.
Info: He is a member of the guild whose best known for being a lazy slob when it comes to doing work. His magic allows him to use the spirits of animal to help in battle. You would think that it would be helpful in working but he doesn't do that. He says that he was looking for a certain job that called out to him. Master has asked him to become a waiter to help out Myra and Sakura much to his annoyance.
Affiliation: Heroes. 

Guild Card #30 
Name: Jordan Barnes. 
Age: 27 years old. 
Magic: Art (Western) Magic.
Likes: Drawing and Drinking. Dislikes: People who call Tomatoes a plant.
Info: He has been around the guild for a long time and he has painted a lot of things involving the guild. He has also painted for other guilds for some extra cash. Unlike most Art wizards, he is able to use his body as an easel. This is thanks to Master Ax lending him magic to increase his stomach. This makes his art far more expressive than say Hilda but it's strength is unknown.  
Affiliation: Heroes.

Guild Card #31
Name: Leroy Clark.
Age: 17 years old.
Magic: Dance Magic.
Likes: Dancing. Dislikes: Punk Music.
Info: He is always dancing twenty four seven much to the annoyance of Allison who is known for punishing him the most. His magic is able to increase the strength of his comrades only if they are nearby him. He is able to say the person's name but it takes more magic power to do that. He is saving up for his dream journey to the dancing holy land. The suit that he always wears is increasing his power but that's a rumor.
Affiliation: Heroes.

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