Monday, January 2, 2017

Soul Episode 123 Day Two! Natsu never gets a break!

A/N: Welcome to another episode in this arc. It was a long one and most of them will be longer in my terms. It may be short compared to say a chapter of Harry Potter but it is long to me. I think this arc will last more than five episodes. I mean we're in the second half of the series and I may a third part story but I haven't decided yet. I can't see into the future of Soul at all. Anyway, this one will be a more light episode compared to the next couple of episodes. Lets begin already.

Narrator P.O.V.
In the executive committee office, Levi was talking to the ten who worked all of yesterday and he said,"I would say that you did a good job but you did a rather great job. The festival's first day was a success and I hope all of you can enjoy the day. We've set up both magic and Power barriers so no one but us teachers can use our powers and magic.". "Yes!" said Jack. "A day when we aren't working our buts off is nice. Lets go get a drink." said Homer.

Star Valley was famous for many things which includes their Cultural Festival. It is a week long and anything magical is hidden from the public. Students are banned from using their magic and the cards are placed in a safe for no one to use. All clubs with magic themes are banned and regular clubs have a chance to shine today. "Wow. I'm so excited for the cafe. We all work so hard on it and I bet you'll see enjoy Nat Chan." said Rain. She noticed that he was gone and she said,"Where did he go?".

He was currently talking to Levi who said,"You are with my daughter and you're worried about the mandrake?". "I'm not but Sal is and trust me, he likes her a lot. I wonder why she hasn't shown up. I think she was on Natsu's guard duty even through I don't need it. You know that all of yesterday if she was here would be solved easier." said Natsu. "Flora is missing? I haven't seen her at all and she isn't the person to stay in the shadows. I think she went to go rest somewhere." said Levi.

Natus sighed and he said,"I guess she couldn't handle all the noises from the preparations from the festival messed with her or something. I should go check the greenhouse right? My knowledge of plants is limited but I know that she loves the greenhouse here.". "Okay. Don't let her been seen. If a being from the Underworld is here, you'll be kill or wanted even more than you already are. I rather not have both daughters angry at me for something that I could have stopped." said Levi.

The two heard,"What's going on?". Rain stood there and she said,"Is something wrong?". "Oh. Your pop here was worried about a cat running around during the festival." said Natsu. He knew that Rain knew and liked Flora but right now, she was currently only able to be seen as a normal plant and the fact that she accidentally erased all memories of herself from everyone except for Natsu, the rest of Natsu's partners, the chairman, and Levi.

Rain sighed and she said,"Really dad? Anyways, you do know that the rest of the class really need us today? I mean we got Masaru into the maid outfit after some convincing from Jason.". "Yep. Jason is really good at convincing people of stuff. So do they need my expert skills?" said Natsu. "No. We're on menu duty." said Rain. "I'll be there. I have some work to do." said Natsu. He rushed off with a cloud of smoke behind him.

Levi sighed and Rain said,"Hey dad. Is something wrong with him? I mean he was really looking for to the cafe and now he's acting so strange.". "I don't know sweetheart. He'll be at the cafe and do dads get special discount?" said Levi. "No. You don't. Tell Natsu that he is in big trouble if he doesn't show up at the cafe." said Rain with a colder than normal voice. She walked away and Levi thought,"Teens are so confusing sometimes.".

Natsu walked around the school's greenhouse looking for the Mandrake. "Hey Flora! Are you here? If you are, answer!" said Natsu. It was quiet and Visalth said,"Hey partner. Why do you use Astral to find her? It makes things quite simple and easy.". "I can't use it Visalth because we can't use our powers today. It's a school rule and me being an SS (Scholarship Student) doesn't exempt me from that rule." said Natsu.

Visalth said,"I understand your reason Natsu. If you need me to unlock any powers, just ask through our link. Can't having you looking stranger more than normal.". The dragon was quiet and Natus looked around for Flora. He then found several holes nearby him and he thought,"All of them are gone. What's going on?". He stepped on a piece of paper and he picked it up. It showed a picture of a plant with a guy.

Natsu said,"Gardening Club? They hosted a mandrake uprooting contest yesterday? I guess with the whole thing yesterday, I didn't see it. I guess that explains all of them being gone.". He had a light bulb moment and he said,"Wait. Flora wouldn't?". He imagined her being torn to shred by a student and he said,"Fuck! I'm coming Flora!". He rushed toward the gardening club and he went really fast despite him not using his powers or magic.

The club president of the GG (Gardening Club) said,"Ah. That contest we held yesterday was really fun thanks to you Natsu!". He laughed and Zane grabbed his collar. He started to shake the second year and he said,"Give it back to me! Someone is in danger! What do you know?! You went picking yesterday didn't you?!". "Hey Natsu. What's wrong? You looked worried." said a voice. Natsu turned to see the magic potions club president Chuck.

Natsu yelled,"Chuck! This bastard here with the mandrakes!". "Okay. You need to take a chill pill for a minute man. The rest of the mandrakes that didn't get picked are in the magic potions club room. I think we're going to make some healing herbs or something like that." said Chuck. "So some of them survived?!" said Natsu with tears coming out of his eyes. "Yeah but they'll be gone by tomorrow. So what's up?" said Chuck.

Natsu got ready to run off with him said,"I'll tell you later man! Let me go check something out!". He was gone in a flash with the gardening club president trying to catch his breath. "Okay. Something is up with him. He is usually strange but not this strange." said Chuck. He thought about it for a couple of minutes and he said,"Oh well. Lets go.". He dragged the dizzy president to enjoy Day 2. Natsu was currently in deep though while running through the halls.

He thought,"Some of them survived! Thank god! I won't be dying by Sal today. She won't let any humans beside me and my family touch her to begin with. Everything will be fine.". Rain was currently outside of the cafe which had a massive line. "Please stop by Class 1-C Crossdressing Cosplay Cafe!" said Rain. "Man. This class has some of the cutest girls in school. This is so cool man." said a boy. "I heard some of the guys are in drag." said a boy.

Rain sighed and she heard,"You're lucky that you got stuck out here Rain. That place is packed beyond belief.". She turned to see Alex standing there with Dana and Cindy. Both Alex and Dana were in butler uniforms and they looked like guys. Cindy was in a cute maid costume with it being very traditional in terms of design except it had a dragon theme to it. All of the costume had a dragon theme to it but it was a Cosplay Cafe. You'll see more later maybe.

Rain said,"So how long is the wait?". "Even with everyone working hard, fifteen minutes is the bare minimum." said Cindy. "We'll mostly like win thanks to Natsu's amazing cooking. You must enjoy his cooking don't you Rain?" said Dana. "A little yeah." said Rain with a blush. Her boyfriend was a master in the kitchen and he would make a good housewife. Alex looked up and she said,"Speaking of Natsu.". Rain smiled and she said,"You're finally here. Thank god I thought....".

He rushed past her and he yelled,"Hey Rain! Sorry! I'll be back I promise!". He was gone and Cindy said,"So what's up with him?". "He looked worried about something. I need to go help him." thought Rain. "Sorry but I just remember that I left my oven on. Later!" said Rain. She ran off as Dana said,"I am so lost.". "Join the club. I'll stay out here. Tell the others." said Alex as she plopped down. The two went back in as Alex drew in a crowd.

Natsu arrived in the club room and he said,"Okay. Where are you?". He saw some plants and he said with joy,"Flora! I was so worried about you?". "Flora... Flora... Flora..." repeated the plants. Natsu got on his knees and he saw that one of them was painting to a blue bucket. It was filled to the brim with a very green liquid and he said,"No.". He got closer to the bucket and he said,"This is the blended herbs no doubt. Is this Flora?". "Flora..." said the plant.

Natsu punched the ground and he said,"Dam it! You can't be serious! Flora!". "Hey. Is anyone in here at all?" said a voice. Kana stood there and she said,"Natsu? I thought you would be at the cafe or you would be helping Issac.". He stood up with his face screaming sadness. He picked up the bucket and he went toward the door. "Hey Nat...." said Kana. She stood there in confusion and she heard,"Hey Kana!".

Rain ran up to her and she said,"Did Natsu show up here? I just followed the carnage.". "Yeah. He took a bucket and he left me. I mean he looked like he just look someone or something." said Kana with her arms shrugged. Outside of the school, Natsu poured the goop into the ground and he said,"I will get you back to normal because my mom is blessing us with the rays of the sun.". He looked up and he said,"Dam it.".

He got onto his knees and he said,"I'm sorry Flora. I wasn't there for you and this happened. You died because I was busy trying to prove a point. I can't express how sorry that I am! I knew that I shouldn't have brought you from the Underworld. You would have been happy down there.". "What's wrong? I don't think Rain meant that." said a voice. "Flora. She's somewhere that I can't follow." said Natsu. "I think you can follow me anyway Natsu if you put your heart into it." said a voice.

He turned around and he screamed,"Flora!". "What's wrong? I mean I just went up to the mountains to relax. I'm so not a fan of crowds but I got bored so I came back earlier than expected." said Flora who looked away. "You're not dead?!" said Natsu. He pointed to the bucket and he said,"The others said that was you.". "Oh! Those are leftover juices. They contain memories that we don't need like Sal's favorite form of polka themed ice cream." said Flora.

Natsu started laughing and he said,"I guess I was worried for nothing then.". "Are you okay? You don't look like you have a fever." said Flora.  He hugged her and he said,"I'm really happy to see you because I thought you died.". "I wouldn't leave you Natsu. I mean you're my friend but it's nice to see you care this much about little old me." said Flora. The two didn't notice that Kana and Rain watched that display.

Kana said,"So what's going on?". "I honestly don't know. We know that he is strange but talking to a plant like it's a person is weird even for him." said Rain. "I still don't get how that mandrake is flying in the air." said Kana. "Natsu is talking to it like they're friends or something. I mean I have heard that name before but where?" said Rain. "I think it was during the Class War." said Kana. "Yeah. Jake told me that when he faced off against Asato and Ayuri, he said that name a lot." said Rain.

Rain said,"So should we go over there?". "We should totally but this looks like it is a secret. We didn't know about it before hand so he won't tell us now but I got to know." said Kana. "You're right about that." said Rain. "Okay. Today is a day where no one can see you due to normal people being visiting today. I think the greenhouse is safe today." said Natsu. "But..." said Flora. "Hey Nat Chan!" said two voices. "Shoot!" said Flora.

She was gone as she said in Natsu's ears,"I can't hide myself for some reason! Get rid of them right now Natsu!". "Really hating those machines right now!" thought Natsu. Kana and Rain stood there with Kana said,"Natsu! We saw that!". "It was talking." said Rain. "What are you two doing here? I thought you would be helping your respective classes." said Natsu. "We know about Flora." said the two. "Shit. That is...." said Natsu.

Kana said,"Natsu. We won't tell anyone I promise.". "Okay. Why the hell don't I tell them about her to begin with?" thought Natsu. "Natsu. Don't you remember what your father told you after she erased her memory from everyone?" said Visalth. "Oh right." thought Natsu. "I mean you guys must have seen something." said Natsu. "Hey Flora! Show yourself!" whispered Natsu. "Are you sure about that? I mean do you want me to look normal or what?" said Flora.

Natsu whispered,"Due to you erasing everyone's memories, we're screwed right now! There is no other way out of this!". Flora flew in front of Natsu with him making her look like a puppet. "Hey. I am a puppet and I didn't want anyone to know about her." said Natsu. "She is so cute!" said Rain. "I can't believe you had this. Was that mandrake's root?!" said Kana. "You're kidding? I mean you made it turn from plant to human in a second. Was that magic?" said Rain.

Natsu said,"Oh you're right.". "Hey Natsu. I was seen as a root earlier not a human at all. I guess you jumped to conclusions." said Flora. "What did you say?!" yelled Natsu. He hide Flora and he said,"I just made you see one of my illusions!". "Can we see her again? I mean you're screwed honey." said Rain. "Hey. You're Flora right?" said Kana. Flora poked her head out of his shoulder and she said,"So hi?". "Yep. I'm going to be dealing with my mom!" thought Natsu who shivered in fear.

Rain said,"So she can talk too? My name is Rain Scott.". "Of course I know who you are. I mean you are Natsu's girlfriend." said Flora. "I'm Kana Moore. So I've seen mandrakes in a human like form but you're the first one that I've ever seen completed." said Kana. "Well, I did come from the Underworld and I spend most of my times absorbed Natsu's excess energy." said Flora. "Wow. I was shocked that you were hiding something like this from us." said Rain.

Natsu said,"Well, I mean not many people like things from the Underworld due to my dad.". "Wait a minute. Why is she naked? So why are you hanging around Natsu like that?" said Kana. "Yes. You should know that ....." said Flora. "You're hanging around Natsu who is a major pervert. Don't you feel disgusted?" said Kana. Natsu was shocked by this and Flora said,"Well, a little.". "What are you talking about? I mean she isn't different from a doll and I didn't think of her like that!" said Natsu.

Rain said,"A doll. So you have that kind of a hobby pervert?". Natsu was impaled with a arrow sign with the words pervert on it. "It isn't like that! Help me out here Flora!" said Natsu. "You're digging your own grave Natsu." said Kana. "I'm losing my feelings toward him." said Rain. Natsu sulked on the ground with Rain said,"Oh yeah. I remember that the sewing club made some doll clothes for her to wear.". "Lets go!" said Kana. "I have to go the greenhouse though!" said Flora.

At the greenhouse, Kana stood in front of the door and she said,"Natsu. You have to stay out and you should know why.". "What are you talking about? I mean she is my,,,," said Natsu. "My what? You know that boys aren't allowed right?" said Kana. "A GIRL is going to be changing so please stop being a pervert." said Rain. Natsu said,"Wait!". They slammed the door on him and Natsu fell onto the floor.

Natsu thought,"This sucks. I can't believe my shitty luck sometimes. Fuck it. I'm going to see Owen and get something to drink from the festival.". He walked away. Flora was currently being dressed like a Victorian woman and then later a cheerleader. "She is really cute in this one Kana!" said Rain with a huge smile on her face. Flora was dressed as a policewoman and Kana said,"She should try our school uniform next!".

A little bit later. "So how long have you been with Natsu? I mean he is a nice guy a little strange but he is friends with that pervert." said Kana. "My father knows about you doesn't he? He should have told me about you." said Rain. "Well, there is a super important reason why he didn't tell you. People mainly Natsu could be in danger. The only ones who know about me being here are Levi, Natsu, and Owen. They are super important to me." said Flora in the school uniform.

Kana said,"So I guess we're your first female friends?". "Female friends? That's awesome! I'm really happy! You're willing to be friends with me?!" said Flora who floated up and down. "Yeah. I mean you seem really nice." said Kana. "We won't tell anyone about you Flora so you can tell us anything. I mean you're partners with Natsu. We can keep a secret." said Rain. "Anything that I want?" said Flora who looked at the two.

Back in Owen's office. "So Flora was found out?" said Owen. "Yeah. It's a big problem. She erased her memories along with everyone who knew her because of some pollen according to my dad. They can't know about this because I don't want to spend time with my mom." said Natsu. He was drinking some soda with Owen saying,"How about we?". "We shouldn't erase their memories of her because I hate doing that." said Natsu.

Owen said,"May I ask why?". "I trust her sir. She may be a little scatterbrained but she is rather loyal due to her doing her best to try and help me." said Natsu. "You should probably go check on her. You know women." said Owen. Natsu stood by the door and he said,"You probably shouldn't say that to Rain. She'll hurt you without hesitation.". He closed the door and Owen felt a shiver go down his spine as Aria stood behind him with an angry look.

Back in the greenhouse. "So you really care for Natsu don't you Flora?! I mean he wouldn't tell anyone about you if you weren't comfortable." said Kana. "He didn't even tell us." said Rain. "This is rather unexpected from him. I mean if we knew this, we would have made her wear clothes." said Kana. "Yeah. I mean I didn't know about this hobby. We've been dating for four months now and learning about this now is rather disgusting." said Rain.

Flora said,"No! Natsu isn't like that!". "Didn't you know? You really can't tell what a guy is thinking even if you can read minds. I mean he could be having dirty thoughts about you." said Kana. "Natsu doesn't have dirty thoughts." said Flora. "I think you don't really know Natsu." said Rain. "I mean he doesn't take advantage of you. Does he make you buy drinks for him? If he does stuff like that, you can tell us." said Kana.

Flora thought about it and she threw her clothes to the ground. "I don't want this! I don't care if we're friends!" yelled Flora. "What's wrong?" said Kana. "Did we upset you?" said Rain "I'm not going to be friends with people who are mean to Natsu! Natsu has always been there for me every since I met him in the Underworld! He is very important to me! Good bye!" yelled Flora. She was gone in a flash of light as the two girls looked bad.

Natsu was walking about there and he thought,"I wonder if Aria is hurting him. I mean he is a good man but he tends to make mistakes just like all of us.". He was grabbed by something and he was dragged away. Flora stood in front of Natsu and she said,"I'm really mad at them Natsu! I mean they were saying such awful things about you.". "Yeah. I mean Rain is rather blunt about things but she thinks I like dolls which I don't." said Natsu who was depressed. He heard,"Nat Chan!".

Flora was gone as Kana and Rain ran up to him. "Have you seen Flora?" said Rain. "We seemed to have mad her mad." said Kana. "You know that...." whispered Natsu. "Not a word or I'll tell your dad about this." said Flora. "I think we went a little too far." said Rain. "Yeah. I didn't want to speak bad of you. I was kidding because I really care for you. She took it too real." said Kana. "If we hurt her feelings, we would like to say sorry." said Rain.

Kana said,"Maybe she won't forgive us to begin with. I mean we wanted to be friends but we took things too far.". "Okay Flora. You're being really petty now. I mean they're trying to make amends for what they do so lets say sorry." said Natsu. He pulled her in front of him and she said,"What's wrong with you Natsu?!". "They're saying sorry. Trust me, I do some stupid stuff and they forgive me so let them talk." sad Natsu who sat on the ground.

Rain said,"I'm sorry Flora. We didn't mean it because we didn't care about your feelings. I mean Natsu may be a pervert but I couldn't see my life without him.". "Yeah. I tend to go overboard and I'm not used to have so many friends but thanks to Natsu, my life has been better." said Kana. "Really? I am so happy." said Natsu. Kana blushed a bit and Rain said,"So do you want to be our friends again Flora?".

Flora looked confused and Natsu said,"You don't need to hold a grudge because of me. I mean these two really like you like I do. Trust me, I can handle my mom.". "I hope." thought Natsu. "Okay. I have decided to forgive you." said Flora. The two girls smiled and Rain said,"That's great. Lets start again!" said Rain. "Yeah." said Kana. Natsu watched this scene with a smile and Kana said,"So why didn't Natsu want people to know about you?"/

Flora said,"Okay. First things first, I don't want you to talk badly about Natsu. He doesn't want girls that he really likes to say bad things about him. He is afraid of his mother right now.". "I thought you like her." said Rain. "Yeah but having both of them together is scary. We should probably go help the class right?" said Natsu. "Yeah." said Rain. Flora said,"Do you mind if I go with Kana?". "Sure but if you need some help." said Natsu. Kana said,"I'll take care of her Natsu.".

The two walked away with them talking. Rain said,"So are you okay Natsu?". "Yeah. I'm hurt that you thought that I was like Harry." said Natsu. "Can you blame me? I mean you're my boyfriend but sometimes, I really wonder if you're hiding yourself from me." said Rain. Natsu grabbed her hand and he said,"Okay. Lets go have fun.". "But don't we have to help our friends?" said Rain. "Yeah but I want to make my girl happy." said Natsu. The two walked into the school to enjoy the festival.

Next Time,
The Festival Begins!

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