Saturday, January 21, 2017

Power Episode 31 Power Slayer vs Steel Slayer

A/N: We're near the end of this arc because it's nearing the climax of the arc. Remember, this arc is the longest in Power because in Power Guild, we would be in the Battle of Heroes or whatever I call it but mostly likely, it will stay the same. I tend not to be very create with arc name and just go with the floor of things. Lets begin back with Zane whose powered up. This is going to be long because I really like this fight in Fairy Tail.

Narrator P.O.V.
Both Lora and Tessa were shocked to see Zane standing there and he was extremely pissed off. Tessa had known Zane for half a decade but she's never seen him so mad. "Zane. You're here." said Tessa with a smile. He looked over to them and they were like he was yesterday. His magic power got more intense and when he saw the daggers around them. "Don't worry. I plan to make them pay for what he did to all of you in my family and Chaos Lords." said Zane.

He looked at Johnny and he said,"Listen Kraig. I plan to kick your ass so hard that you'll regret hurting me, my mates, my friends, and my fellow Slayer/Son of Baliarth.". "Mate?" said the two girls with a noticeable blush on her face. Faye looked confused and she thought,"What the hell? They do know where we are right?". "I guess I could you need only some....." said Johnny. He didn't finish his statement because he was punched by Zane.

He stopped but he was on the other side of the room. "That was strong! This is going to be fine! Eat my Steel Dragon Club!" yelled Johnny. His right arm turned into a larger than normal steel club and it flew toward Zane. He held the steel club which pushed him back a bit. "Time for my Celestial God Flame Judgment!" said Zane. A huge amount of golden flames appeared around him and it flew into the air above them.

It came crashing down like meteors and it was destroying everything. "So hot!" yelled the trio who recovered from Zane's early threat. Johnny jumped back from the flames. "We're done talking, it's time to fight!" said Zane. He rushed to Johnny who recover from Zane's attack and he smiled. The two said,"Die!". "Steel Dragon Steel Fist!" yelled Johnny. His right hand turned steel and Zane's left hand turned into bluish white flames. "Hellfire Dragon Steel of Hades!" said Zane.

Their fists collided causing a shockwave. "You're really powered up Zane." said Tessa. "Are you okay Lora and Tessa?" said Ryu. He was using his flame breath to burn the steel off Tessa's cuffs and the S Class Spirit Wizard helped her sister out. "Angel! Ryu!" said the two. In the floor below them, Ana was trying to convince Casey to join her. "Come on Casey! We have to get Lora and Tessa out of big brother's way." said Ana.

Casey moved back and forth and she said,"I know but do you think Lora hates me?". "Don't worry. I forgive you and so will the others." said Ana. The two jumped up there to see that the trio of wizards were about to attack them. "If we take care of you, Zane'll be distracted and Johnny'll be able to strike him down!" said the one on the left. "And also you betray us Casey!" said the one on the right. "Don't hurt my little sister or my nymph of the rain! Chaos Hellfire Dragon Roar!" said Zane.

A huge amount of fire gathered around his mouth and he formed into a ball of fire. Some boulders from the ground around him went around the ball of fire like Saturn's Ring. He threw the attack out and the boulders slammed into the grunts with the fire burning them. The rocks exploded and they were out cold. They were covered with a second degree burn with him saying,"Stay out of my way or hurt my family, you'll be destroyed.".

Johnny thought,"You see voice in my head, I'll make you get out of my head with Zane!". "Shut up my puppet!" yelled the voice. "Your power is nothing to laugh at Zero but...." said Johnny. He was shocked to see that Zane had warped across the room and under him. "Adamantine Punch of the Adamantine Ox!" yelled Zane. The punch went toward Johnny's stomach and he was out of air faster.

He crashed into the wall and he was falling toward the ground. "Forest Dragon Cane!" said Zane. It was in a second but he was grabbed by a wooden whip which sprouted from his left arm. He then slammed him into the ground and Zane said,"You're getting out of his body now or else, I'll burn your soul to a crisp. I'm not joking so let me prove it to you. Thunder God Constant Whip!". The wood whip turned into the black thunder and he shocked Johnny. 

The voice said,"It's just like a strong dragon. His normal power is like a human but somehow, it changed. I guess I need to take over his body.". Zane noticed that his red eyes turned into dark brown eyes. "You're here. I'm going to stop holding back." said Zane. "I've never seen Zane like this." said Lora as Angel pulled out the last screw holding her to the wall. "Me neither sis but right now, Zane is really powered up. He got stronger." said Angel. They went over to help Ryu with Tessa.

Johnny smiled and he said,"You're strong for a fake just like this one.". "Shut up! I'll end you Kraig for this!" said Zane. "Kraig?" said Ana. "He is the one who is controlling Johnny. He's super strong because he even defeated Master Samuel." said Casey. "Oh. Sounds scary but right now, he's stronger than ever!" said Ana. Johnny grabbed some nearby metal and he devour them. He felt stronger than before. He rushed toward Zane and he said,"Steel Dragon Club!".

He was shocked as Zane grabbed the club. "You're going to pay for hurting my family, my mates, and Johnny Kraig! I'll make you pay!" yelled Zane. His body was then engulfed in magic power and he said,"Forest Dragon Redwood Hammer!". His right arm turned into a giant wooden hammer and he slammed it into Johnny's head. Zane jumped back as Johnny's Arm turned into a large and jagged blade with him swiping it at Zane.

Johnny said,"This is my Steel Dragon Sword and you're going to be cut to pieces so get a load of this Zero!". The blade started moving like a chainsaw and he rushed toward him. "I'm so scared because I can do the same thing! Steel Dragon Sword!" said Zane. The two clashed blade and they smiled. "So how is Zane doing the same spell as Johnny? I know that Johnny is the Steel Slayer but Zane isn't or is he?" said Lora.

Tessa said,"Zane is the son of the Dragon King Sivarth meaning one thing.". "He's stronger than you Lora." said Ryu. Angel punched him and Casey said,"Zane Sama may be strong but Johnny isn't a slouch. I would say that he's stronger than Master Samuel.". "So why is she here exactly?" said Lora and Tessa in unison. "A long story." said Ana and Casey. The two then slammed their blades into the ground causing two shockwaves that tore through the ground.

Zane looked up to see Johnny above him and the metal wizard said,"Die!". The blade collided with Zane's head and Zane said,"You're going to have do better than that Kraig! Chaos Dragon Secret Art Shooting Stars!". Johnny was trapped in a magic circle and Zane jumped into the air with parts of the earth floating around him. He threw them at Johnny with each rock causing a giant explosion of magic power. 

Johnny growled and he thought,"Son of a bitch! He's stronger than I thought!". "I'll make you pay for everything that you did Kraig and I mean it." said Zane. "Bastard! I'm going to break you and make you watch as I killed them all! It's time for you to die Zero!" yelled Johnny. "I'm not down with you but hurting my mates and family, you're going to be an example what happens when you mess with the Power Dragon King!" said Zane who crackled his knuckles.

Johnny's body began to change and his body was soon covered in steel dragon scales. "Steel Dragon Scales and Steel Dragon Tough Punch!" said Johnny. He punched Zane but Zane was ready for this as he said,"Power Dragon Adamantine Scales and Power Dragon Adamantine Punch!". He then covered himself in the spirals and diamond which collided with Johnny's fist. The two were both pushed back.

Johnny said,"So you have the same combo as me.". "Yeah. An increase in defense and power. You may leave a bruise on a normal slayer but I'm stronger than that bring it on!" said Zane. "Die now Zane!" yelled Johnny. He attempted to kick Zane but he dodged the attack. It still however caused a gale which made the trio of grunts hoot and holler. Johnny (The Real One) and Zane looked at them and they said in unison,"Shut up idiots!".

Zane said as both his fists and foots were covered in a black flame with a blue outside,"Maelstrom Dragon Steel Claw!". He punched Johnny in his law and kicked him in his gut. He was sent sending flying back and Zane said,"Maelstrom Dragon Roar!". A huge beam of blue magic flew toward the steel slayer and Johnny said,"Steel Dragon Shield!". His arms turned into giant steel shield and it blocked the roar but it caused a giant explosion.

Zane took a deep breath and he thought,"Dam it. I forgot that Johnny isn't an Iron Slayer but a Steel Slayer making him stronger. I better do what the Chaos Lords do.". The two both began to eat the metal around them and Johnny said,"Steel Dragon....". "Thunder God..." said Zane. "They're going to combine their breath attacks!" yelled Angel, Lora, and Tessa. "Get down!" said Ryu. The six and the Chaos Lords members ducks as the two said,"Roar/Roar!".

Zane fired out a huge stream of black thunder from his mouth which clashed with the steel hurricane that Johnny fired. They battled for domination before Zane's thunder was the victor. The dark thunder made the metal go back and it hit the steel slayer. It made a giant explosion of black thunder and the grayette smiled. "You're strong just like I thought Zane but you're injured." said Johnny. Zane's body was covered in metal shards. Johnny stood with his back toward the hole in the giant.

Johnny said,"You're tired and you're only human unlike me. I guess your power up is nothing and it's sad.". "Zane." said Lora as fear went through her body. "He's right. Zane looks awful. He may be way stronger than before but he's still learning about his dragon powers." thought Ryu. "Don't worry you guys. I'm a fast learner. I hope you enjoyed my warmup because...." said Zane. Fire covered his body and the steel melted along with his wounds.

He looked at Zane and he said,"I'm powered up! A dragon is able to destroy everything in its path and destroying you will make my point more obvious!". "He was just getting started?!" said Faye. "They are monsters!" yelled the trio. "No slayers." said Casey. "I don't think that this the point here." said Ana with a sweat drop going down her head. "There isn't enough room for two dragon kings in the sky so I'll end you Zane Alvarez." said Johnny as he smiled.

Outside, the fighting wizard were losing against Samuel's ghost army with wizards after wizards fall behind the ghostly army. They stopped and they formed into a single ball with glowing red eyes and tentacle hands. "Okay. That's messed up." said Nick cocking his twin pistols. "That isn't the point and you know it!" said Wayne. "It's getting more insane." said Julie. The sphere starting swinging its arm and it was destroying the guild hall.

Tanya struggled to get back onto her feet and she watched her home being to fall toward the ground with her crying. "No... It can't end like this! Not our home! Samuel, you bastard!" said Tanya. "This isn't good you guys! The place isn't going to last!" said Charlie. Eric looked at Tanya who mumbled to herself,"It's already being reduced to rubble so why are you still attacking it?!". She punched the ground with her crying. "Shoot it down!" yelled Eric.

Back with the slayers. The two were getting closer with their fists with it being manly. "Steel Dragon Steel Punch!" yelled Johnny. "Hellfire Dragon Inferno Punch!" yelled Zane. Before punching his friend, he breathes his flames onto his right fist. It caused an explosion with everyone watching being sent flying. "Are you coming after me Zero?" said Johnny. "Get back here Kraig!" yelled Zane. He jumped after her and they started fighting in the air. It looked like fireworks.

Faye said,"No way. He's on the same level as Johnny.". The two wizards landed on the head of the machine and they said,"Die bastard!". They collided once again and with each collusion,was causing mini sonic booms. The ground under them soon destroyed the ground that they were fighting with the spike like pieces of the head making a splash. "I think we should move now you guys!" yelled Lora as she jumped out of the way.

Ana, Angel. Casey, Ryu, and Tessa followed suit. The group saw the two slayers standing across from each other glaring at each other. "Die!" yelled Johnny. He punched Zane back and he said,"Time to make you bleed! Metal Dragon Club!". The club flew toward Zane's stomach and he coughed up blood. "Time for you to pay! Hellfire Dragon Bombardment Fist!" said Zane. He rushed toward Johnny with his fist lighting itself on the fire.

He punched the man causing an explosion of flames to covered the two in it. "Man! Johnny is getting his ass kicked!" said a member of the trio of Chaos Lords. "Yeah but Zero ain't looking much better idiot." said Faye. Zane took off the remains of his shirt and he said,"You're weaker because you relay on someone else to fight! A real man use his own strength to fight!". The two rushed toward each other and they began another clash.

Johnny grabbed Zane by his scarf and his arm extended. He threw Zane into the roof and he said,"I think you need some iron in your diet so eat this!". His arm turned back into a metal club and it went right toward Zane's mouth. "Eat up!" yelled Johnny. The big club made several smaller versions of itself and it smashed into Zane. The metal pole began to melt and Johnny moved his arm back to its normal self.

Zane landed on the ground and he said,"Fire Make Wolf Claws!". Long and sharp claws of fire appeared around his hands. He rushed toward Johnny with him slashing the steel wizard and he jumped into the air. "Forest Dragon Creeper Puncture!" yelled Zane. Several vines appeared from his hands with him sending them toward Johnny. He whipped the wizard and then held him down to the ground by launching them.

Zane landed on the ground and he said,"Forest Dragon Demolishing!". A giant tree appeared from under Johnny with it slamming Johnny into the roof. "Metal Dragon Sword!" said Johnny. He cut the blade into pieces of wood which he threw toward Zane. He dodged them and he grabbed one while it was flying toward him. He threw it toward Johnny which caused the wood to exploded upon hitting the steel self.

Johnny was devouring any metal in sight and Zane said,"What the?". "Wow. He's eating anything in his path." said Casey. "And I thought Zane was bad at buffet but this is worse." said Ryu. "I am way powered up now!" said Johnny. "Hey! You're not allowed to use my catchphase to begin with!" yelled Zane. "That's your problem?!" said the girls including Faye. Johnny roared and his magic power went back to normal.

Lora said,"I can't believe..". "Slayers are able to regain their power by eating their respective element but it can't be from his own magic." said Angel. "I know but what does Zane eat? We maybe be able to help him if we can him a chance to eat." said Lora. "Steel Dragon Lance: Frenzy!" yelled Zane. It was in a second but Zane was stabbed at least fifty time by a giant steel lance which turned into his signature steel club slamming into his stomach.

Zane couched up blood and he thought,"Dam it! He knows that I'm weak right there!". He looked to see Johnny standing there. He kneed Zane in the face and he said,"Have fun pretty boy!". Zane went flying back and Tessa said,"Ana and Casey. Do you think you could send air or water toward him or something?!". "I don't think we can get to them." said Casey. "Why not?!" said Angel. "When two Dragon Kings fight, it's out of instinct that other dragons stay back." said Ana.

Ryu said,"That applies for slayers as well. If you have any spirits ladies, that may be helpful since I doubt that Angel, Element, Gravity, Ice, and Wood magic wouldn't be helpful.". Johnny looked at the group and he thought,"They're going to try and help their friend. I better stop that.". He threw several steel binds toward them trapping them to the wall. "You guys! Kraig! You'll pay for that!" yelled the power slayer.

His magic power spiked and he roared,"Luminous Dragon Slam!". His body was covered in a bright white light and he rushed toward Johnny. He slammed his head into the slayer's stomach and it did cause a huge impact. "Is that all you got?" said Johnny. He grabbed Zane and held him up by his leg with him saying,"Time for you to get something to eat!". He slammed Zane into the ground and his arm turned into a club.

Zane was then dragged through the ground and Zane screamed. The girls turned away in fear and Ryu yelled,"Zane!". "No one can beat Johnny. Suck it Hero babies." said Faye. Zane's face was covered in blood and he said,"You're.....". Johnny grabbed him by his head and he said,"This game is boring me now. See you next fall!". Zane was thrown across the room and he came to a skidding stop just outside a large hole in the wall.  

A member yelled,"Hell yeah!". "Johnny's the boss!" yelled the second member. "Zero is so dam weak compared to the rumors." said the third member. "No way..." said Lora. She couldn't stop crying and she held her hand over her heart. "Zane can't lose to him. He's a dragon." said Ryu. "Hey Zaney! I'm sure you're still alive so look above you. It's really funny!" said Johnny. Zane raised his head and he saw something that made his heart stop.

The guild that he considered to be a second home was rubble. He remembered meeting most of his mates, his best friend Ryu, and some many memories. He could heard the cries of his family and they were crying painful tears. He couldn't believe his eyes but it was fact. Heroes was fallen. "No. I was going to protect it..." said Zane. He was crying with him clenching both of his fist when he started to remembered his past seven years ago

Seven years ago, Zane stood in front of Heroes and he wrote,"Wow! I never noticed but this place is so big. I can't believe this place is a guild! I mean it's filled with so much magic and it's fun!". Ax stood there and he said,"You're quite the strange one Zane. Heroes. You know that they are seen as protectors right? I guess that's what we are.". "Wow. That sounds really awesome. I promised that I will be an awesome Hero!" wrote Zane.

Tanya was crying into Eric's shirt as the grown man shed a couple of tears as the place fell down to the ground. "What are you looking at Zane?" said Kurt who was in his boxers. "I thought Steve told you that you're not allowed to strip in front of Ana." wrote Zane who crackled his knuckles. Kurt got a little scared and Ana said,"Big brother! It's fine!". "Whipped aren't you Zane?" said Clair. The two caused a fight with Ax said,"Those two are spitted around there?". "Yeah." said Jordan.

The banner holding the guild's logo fell onto the pile of rubble. Allison forced themselves in between the two and she glared at them. "Idiots." said Allison. They were launched into the wall and Kurt said with a moan,"She started it.". Zane thought,"Allison may be scary but when Sivarth was mad, that is scary.". "Zane. You know that everyone here is part of a family and not a place for cause or doing any fights got it?" said Allison who tried to scare him. "I gotcha Ally." wrote Zane.

The townspeople watched as the guild was getting destroyed. "Bye Zane!" said Sakura who waved at him. "You got this big brother!" said Ana. "And where are you going Zane?" said Myra. "I am going on my first job by myself." wrote Zane with a fire around him. "So what's the job?" said Sakura who walked over to him. "Let me see. Please get rid of this giant monster for 1 million jewels." wrote the boy.

Norman said,"Wow. That's real manly.". "Yeah. I know how to read and write thanks to Sivarth along with fighting." wrote Zane. "That was your dad right?" said Jade. "Yep! He may be a dragon but he's a fan of writing plus crafting." wrote Zane. "I still can't believe that you, Clair, Ana, and Steve were raised by dragon but I can see it." said Angel. Zane smiled and he wrote,"I'll be back soon!". He rushed out the guild hall and heading toward his job but he went the other way.

Back in the present, Zane heard,"Zane. You can't let this stop you.". "My husband is right. You know the expression. Home is where the heart and your heart is still alive so beat this bastard out of Baliarth's child!" said Ophelia. "You're right grandma." said Zane. He punched the ground and he said,"I'm still living and my guild is my heart. I won't let myself cower now. I need to follow my own advice,".

Zane got back onto his feet and he said,"Hey Kraig! You know that shit won't work on me.". "What? I thought he would be heartbroken!" thought the voice. "A real man should be strong enough to protect the things that he cares about. He gets stronger to protect the things he cares about but he should be able to protect them no matter what could happen to himself. My dad told me that and if I give up to you, he would be mad!" said Zane.

He walked toward Johnny and Faye said,"He's crazy.". Johnny smiled and he threw Zane into some machines. "You know that you're just a loser right? I mean if you give us Lora to begin with, your guild hall would only be mostly broken." said Johnny who crossed his arms. "Screw you Kraig. I'm a man no I'm a Hero and Heroes never give up!" said Zane. "I can't watch anymore!" said Lora who covered her eyes.

Johnny roared,"Get up Zane!". He kicked Zane in his stomach and he coughed up more of his blood with Johnny standing over him. "You know that I'm not a merciful dude like you weak humans. I'm going to have fun with you and kill your friends so how does that feel?" said Johnny. Zane was then kicked into the machines for sure with Johnny said,"This game is over! Steel Dragon Sword.". The sword was about to hit Zane but he smiled. "Sucker." wrote Zane.

He dodge the attack as the machine was the target of the sword which in turn caused a huge explosion and Tessa said,"I get it now! Zane was provoke him to blow it for magic power!". "That's Zane for you after all." said Angel who wiped her tears away. "Hey Kraig. You're a nice guy after all." wrote Zane. He smiled at the group who said,"Kick his ass already!". "Don't get cocky human! You're still dead!" yelled Johnny.

He rushed toward Johnny and Zane turned around. His eyes turned gold and he yelled,"Maelstrom Dragon Magnificent Uppercut!". Zane's left arm was covered in magic power and he punched the metal wizard into the air. "You're going down Johnny! Time for the Power Dragon King to kick ass Dragon Style!" yelled Ryu. "No. He can't lose." said Faye who held a hand against her heart. Johnny looked at Zane's arm was pissed off and covered in blood.

Zane roared, "ALL OF MY FAMILY! MY MATES! HEROES! YOU'LL PAY FOR HURTING THEM KRAIG!". "Crap!" yelled Johnny. "Get this bastard Zero!" thought the real Johnny. "Steel Dragon Roar!" yelled Johnny. Zane stood there looking at the roar and he said,"That shit is over with Kraig. Maelstorm Dragon Shield!". The attack was stopped by Zane who smiled. "That was his strongest attack?!" thought the voice.

Zane yelled,"You'll pay for laying a hand on my family!". He rushed toward Johnny and he said with a smile,"Time to make you make to pay for hurting my family! Heroes will be the end of Kraig!". He didn't let Johnny countered him. "Chaos Dragon Crushing Claw!" yelled Zane. His arms were then covered in rocks and a red aura went around them. He punches Johnny with several hundred if not thousand of rock covered punches.

Johnny was about to head toward the ground and Zane said,"Your punishment isn't done yet!". He grabbed Johnny and he threw him into the air. "Hellfire Dragon Wing Strike!". His arms were on fire and Johnny was hit with two whips of fire. It broke the wall and he was sent into the air. "You need to learn not to mess with me Kraig! Time for you to die!" yelled Zane. He flew after him and Faye said,"He can't be serious?!".

Down by the ruins of the guild, the heroes were all shocked to see an explosion come out from the guild hall. "Hey Julie. Can you see what's going on?" said Tanya as she wiped the tears from her eyes fast. "I'm on it." said Julie. She made her sniper appear and she looked at the build. She saw a man flying from the roof and heading toward the sky. "It looks like one of Chaos Lords members was fired like a bullet. Wait a second, it's Johnny!" said Julie.

Charlie said,"Someone's beating Johnny?!". "Who is it?!" yelled Leroy. "They must be strong to beat the rumor Steel Dragon Johnny." said Fate. "Hold on! Someone's going after him!" said Julie. She smiled and she said,"Guys! It's Zane! He's going after Johnny!". "What?!" yelled the guild. 'What is he doing?" said Tanya. "It looks like he's... he's..." said Julie. She was shocked at what she say due to the fact that magic power was gathering around his hands.

Julie said,"He's using either Lucerion or Okaepralt.". Everyone went around him and she said,"I like my personal space you guys and I think he's going to attack Johnny and hard.". "Holy shit..." said the psychic wizard. Zane had aimed his glowing palms and a giant ball of magic power gathered in front of his palms. They could feel the magic power from where they were and the psychic redhead really couldn't believe her eyes. "I'm not drunk am I?" said Tanya.

The attack hit causing a giant wave of magic energy and it covered both slayers in magic power. The explosion made by the spell did send all of the heroes onto the ground with Fate said,"I really don't think that you're drunk Tanya. "What the? Chaos Lord's Guild hall had been." said Nick. The group watched in awe as most of the Chaos Lords's guild hall crumple and fall apart into the water below the machine.

The wizards stood there in quiet and after a few moments, they cheered loudly. "He did it! Zane did it again!" said Eric. "Yeah and he took out Johnny plus most of their guild hall!" said Wayne. "You are really something else Zane." said Tanya. While wiping a tear from her eyes, she smiled upon hearing the rest of her guild/family cheer their guild's name with pride. "I better think a way to thank you for everything that you've done the past couple of days." said Tanya.

Earlier. "I'll get rid of Kraig's evil aura from you Zane and also stop this hunk of my junk any more than it already has! Earth Force!". He created a giant ball of magic energy and he threw it at the steel slayer whose known for his many nicknames. The magic power devoured the two slayers and it made a giant explosion with made a giant light and an incredible wave of magic power. All around him, the guild hall was destroyed and falling into the water.

With a nasty sounding crash, Johnny went into a still stable part of the guild hall. The steel wizard was bleeding badly and he was severely burned ,thanks to the magic power, over a good chunk of his body. Zane saw a dark aura leave the slayer's body and he sat down. "Take that Kraig. I've destroyed your toy but I guess I need to work on my magic power. I'm strong but learning how to use the power of a dragon in a single second. Man, I'm tired but I have too more people left." said Zane.

Faye said,"No, this can't be happening! Johnny can't lose.". Zane heard,"Zane!". He turned around to see the group of Ana, Angel, Casey, Lora, and Tessa riding on Ryu. "Hey you guys. Check it out. I destroy their home." said Zane with a smile. "Zane." said Lora. She hugged him and she couldn't stop crying. "Thank you.. You saved me." said Lora. "Well. he'll do it at the cost of his life but he should know that we care too much about him." said Angel.

Zane smiled and he heard,"Zane. I would say that you should kiss her and show her that you care. The timing is perfect but you should tell them the truth.". "I understand." said Zane. "Is something wrong?" said Tessa. Ana and Ryu stood back as Zane said,"Nothing. I need to tell you girls something. I'm your guardian dragon and the four of you are my mates. Casey, you're my sea fairy, Lora, you're my princess, Rachel, you're my angel, and Tessa, you're my forest fairy.",

The four girls's eyes widened and Zane looked away. He had a noticeable blush on his face and he said,"Why am I worried about this? I mean I can't believe myself right now.". "Zane. I don't know about the others here but I've had a crush on you since we met seven years ago. I think learning how to use my magic was thanks to you. You do love me right? Please tell me the truth." said Lora who held his right cheek.

Angel said,"So should we just go in there or what?". "I think that would be bad and rather rude." said the other two girls with Ana and Ryu nodding. "I do love you Lora but you're not the only one." said Zane. "Not the only one. Zane, I understand. You'll love other girls but I'm fine with it." said Lora. He said,"You do?! How could you understand? I mean you're not...". He looked at her and he was very confused.

Lora said with her wrapping her arms around his neck,"Jade ,which Myra later found, had a book about dragons and their slayers. It details on how dragon mating customs transfer over to their slayers. Their rituals changes for dragon kings and in your case, you're able to take as many mates as you want. You picked a mate upon looking at them for the first time. You usually do everything in your power to make them happy right?"

Zane's eyes widened as Lora said,"You told me that you were raised by Sivarth and you were taught by five dragon kings. Your magic is driving you to claim mates right?". "So I've been struggling with myself for the past couple of days because of my magic?" said Zane. The girls nodded and Zane said with a smile,"So I'm able to be with all of you?". "Yes. Most of us talked about it and we're going to share you." said Tessa. "I will as well." said Casey.

Ana said,"I'm going to have so many older sisters but I'm happy for you big brothers.". "You know that Ariel needs to have a word along with Alice and Venus.". "So wait Zane, I am so confused." said Ryu. "Don't worry little buddy. I'm super confused too but I'm just happy about not picking only one of the girls causing the others to be sad. There's only one problem." said Zane. "Is is Allison? I mean she's rather possessive." said Ana.

Zane said,"So what a minute, does Jade like me?!". "You're joking right?" said Lora. "Lora. Zane may be one of the strongest wizards in Meca but he's really dense." said Angel. "Harsh. I mean Jade and I have been good friends because she's my clever scholar. I mean I didn't want to ruin our friendship so could you let me work this out? I want to be with all of you but I just need to be prepared." said Zane who looked down.

Ryu said as he rested on his father's head,"Ignore my idiot of a dad here because he's so stupid.". "I'm going to ignore that." said Zane. "It's fine Zane. We'll wait but don't go dying." said Angel. "I promise nothing because my magic is basically controls me." said Zane. Suddenly, an explosion ran out below them and Zane felt a pain in his chest. "I have to go save Allison, Clair, and Myra. They're in danger I can just tell." said Zane. "Go save them, my dragon." said Lora.

She then placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and Tessa said,"I think your little sister is beating you in the Zane conquest.". "I really don't care. I'm just happy for her." said Angel. "Zane! She's acting so weird. Do you think that you did something to her?" said Ryu. "I'm not sure. Ana and Casey, I may need some help with Samuel so do you mind staying behind?" said Zane. "Okay." said Casey. "Do you mind talking them away from here?" said Zane looking at Ryu.

The dragon nodded as he took Angel, Lora, and Tessa back to the mainland. "Hey Johnny. I know you are awake." said Zane. "Hey. Thanks for beating the crap out of me." said Johnny who turned his head to look at them. "I'm not done with you yet. You're going to be helping me. After we defeat your bosses, you are going to be answering my questions." said Zane. "Fine. Lets go. I really need to beat something up." said Johnny. The four Slayers went back into the guildhall.

Next time,
The Elemental Five/Elemental Four plus Bellatrix and Reid face off against the Four Slayers of Air, Power, Steel, and Water plus two wizard saints face off. 

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