Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Power Episode 29 The Past of the Rain Woman and Zero and the Wind of Chaos

A/N: What's this? No Guild Card. I decided to wait until after the end of the Chaos Lord Arc because I want to wait for something. I plan to see what Hiro does with the Demon Seed and Dragon Seed. It's stupid but I'm curious how Natsu can come out of this alive. I mean the Alvarez Arc is one of my favorite arcs because I'm keep talking about it. I also grown a strong liking toward it but I will admit this arc is shit. It has problems but I love it regardless it. That describes the series as a whole in that regards. Anyway, it is either Slayers or slayers.

Narrator P.O.V.
Charlie said while holding his covered arm,"Okay. I'm not the best with time but it's been more than ten minutes and that damn spell hasn't activated.". "This is killing my heart. We have to put an end to this." said Wayne. "You are so dam old man. Hey guys, is that thing moving slower than before?" said Fate. "I think Zane and the others must be fighting their hardest in there to slow it down. Lets get rid of those things so they don't have to deal with them." said Tanya.

Eric said,"You heard her guys! Let's go!". The guild cheered and rushed toward the Shadows. "I wish I could have gone with them but I need to stay here and defend our home." thought Tanya. She then looked over to the titan where several explosions went off. "Zane, please stay safe." thought Tanya as she threw several cards at shades targeting her friends. They exploded and Julie fired her gun at them causing an explosion.

Kraig said,"And another bites the dust. So do you just allow anyone into your guild". "Could you end your life?" said Samuel who pinched his nose. "Oh well Sammy. You have one of the element people left right? I heard that he's the strongest one but who knows?" said Kraig. "You idiot. Keith won't be defeated to those bugs." said Samuel. "But wait Sammy, didn't you say that about the other four of your precious Element Five?" said Kraig. "Shut up!" said Samuel.

Back with Casey, Ryu, and Zane. Ryu scratched the back of his head and he said,"So did I cockblock you guys? I mean you two know each other rather well.". "Of course I know Case." wrote Zane. The bluette was still hugging him and it was firm. "I met her three years ago while on a mission with you and Ally in fact." wrote Zane. "Wait. You met her before and it was on a job?!" said Ryu. "Yes." said Casey as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

Casey said,"We've met before and he's the one who brought sunshine into my life.". 'Sunshine? What are you talking about?" said Ryu. "My life has always been filled with rain. It was every day and no one wanted to be around me, they all hated me." said Casey. She gripped Zane harder and tears was going to fall from her eyes. She then released him and she smiled with a warm smile. "You were the first person who wanted to be around me." said Casey.

She looked at Ryu and she said,"He found my rain amazing unlike everyone else. He was so kind that he was able to get rid of the rain that had invaded my heart. He's my special Zane.". She hugged him and Ryu said,"So Zane. Care to explain how you two met. I mean I like her but I'm rather curious on how you two met. She did kick your but after all.". "What's he talking about?" said Casey. The two looked at him and he wrote,"Lets start from the beginning.".

In a small town about a day away from Heroes. "This rain is rather annoying. It's been pouring like this for hours now and it's making me sad." said Allison. She sighed and she fell down onto the bed next to the window. "We could have been home by now but you had to demand that we should walk back instead of the train." said Allison. "Okay. You can't really blame me for the rain Ally and the conductor was a dick." wrote Zane.

Allison said,"You're so pigheaded sometimes.". She idly petted Ryu who was sleeping on the bed next to her and mumbling something about fire. "It's too bad that Sakura or Tessa couldn't come with us. They were always good at entertaining us." said Allison. Her face was slightly red as she looked out the window. "This is the first time that we have ever shared the room. I bet that whore hasn't done this with him." thought Allison.

Zane wrote,"Yeah but Sakura went on a job with Lucky and Steve. The three were happy but Tessa is a different story. Her and Kurt don't get along. I don't get why you're sad. I personally love the rain and I've always wanted to go singing in the rain.". "You can't be serious?" said Allison. "Yeah. I mean I remember playing with Ana in the rain. We loved it and when Erisdar yelled at us, we just waited until she was gone and we went out to go play." wrote Zane.

He had a huge smile as he jumped off the bed with him heading toward the door. "So where are you going Zane?" said Allison who quickly got up. "I'm going on a walk." wrote Zane as he opened the door. "It's spilling rain out there Zane. You'll catch a cold for sure." said Allison trying to prevent him from him leaving. "I'm able to burn the water before it gets to me but I'll be back." wrote Zane. He left the room and Allison sighed. "I love you idiot." thought Allison.

Zane was walking down the street and he wrote,"Wow. This rain is pretty good.". He noticed a giant puddle and he jumped in it. "Man. Ana would love this. I wonder if I could dance here." thought the slayer. All around him, people flew by him with them hiding under umbrellas to escape the rain shower. "Come on honey. Let's get out of this awful rain." said a man who had his wife close under the umbrella that he had in hand.

The woman said,"This awful rain had to go and ruin the picnic!". She moved closer to her man and Zane thought,"From what I can tell honey, that picnic was already ruined with this food. I should get back because this rain's getting rainforest bad.". He was going to head back but he heard something in the rain. "Is someone crying?" wrote Zane. He focused on the sound and it was indeed crying. "I can't let a fair maiden cry." thought Zane.

He rushed toward the location of the crying and he found the source rather fast. It was underneath the bridge located in the park. He looked under and he saw a angel in a human form. She had blue hair and she looked to be about his age maybe older than Allison and Myra. He noticed the hand stitched doll sat on the ground next to her. Her face was currently inside of her knees and she was crying her eyes out.

He felt this strange feeling to go help her and make her smile. He sneaked over to her and he sat next to her. He was still however sitting in the rain and he took a deep breath. Zane wrote,"Hello.". She looked at him and she was confused while someone would be sitting next to her. Zane's heart was in pain when he saw the sadness in her sea blue eyes. "Who are you?" said the girl. "My name is Zane Alvarez but for some reason, people call me Zero." wrote Zane.

He smiled and he flashed her his signature smile. "What's your name?" wrote Zane. "Why are you here? You should be run away from this awful and bleak rain." said the girl. "Well, I heard crying and my dad taught me never to ignore a fair maiden when she's crying. I also love the rain." wrote Zane as he got closer to her. "You like Casey's rain? I mean no one beside my mom has told me that before and that was so long ago." said Casey who moved her head up.

Zane wrote,"So you're Casey? That's a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.". She blushed a bit and Zane wrote,"So why are you crying to begin with Casey?". "Everyone thinks that my rain is awful and bleak. No one wants to be around me or be friends with me." said Casey. Zane offered his jacket's sleeves to her and she wipes her tears away. "I can't help the rain that surrounds me, I can't stop the rain so people will be my friend." said Casey.

Zane smiled and he said,"I'll be your friend!". He coughed afterwards and Casey's head went up. "So are you serious and are you okay?" said Casey. "Yep. I just have a condition. Everyone needs friends and that includes you Case!" wrote Zane. He moved closer to her and her face went red. He gently held her hand and he said,'Do you want the rain to go away right?". He coughed away from her and Casey said,"Yes. My life has been filled with rain for so long.".

Casey looked at him and she said,"My dream was always to the sunshine and clear blue sky so can you do that?". "Well, I have a way. My dad Sivarth taught me a song that was about to get the rain to leave us alone. You just keep singing and eventually the rain will stop." wrote Zane. "Does it work Zane?" said Casey. Zane gave his hand a gentle squeeze and he wrote,"I loved it when Sivarth did it but I couldn't do it.". "Is it because you can't talk? Sorry about that." said Casey.

Zane smiled and he wrote,"It's fine. I'm able to talk with my notebook. I'll go first. You can jump in the second time. Are you ready?". She nodded and Zane took a deep breath. He wrote,"Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day. Little Zane wants to play outside today. In the meadows down toward the bay, rain, rain, go away. Never show your face again. Rain, rain, pour down but not on me and you.". "So are you ready Casey?" said Zane.

Casey rested her head on Zane's shoulder and she said,"I'll try.". "Okay. Just follow my script that's on my notebook." wrote Zane who leaned his head against her. "Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day. Little Casey and Zane want to play outside today. In the meadows down toward the bay, rain, rain, go away. Never show your face again. Rain, rain, pour down but not on me and you.".

The two repeated the small song for a while. Casey had a feeling that this silly little song wouldn't end her rain but she didn't care. She just enjoyed being around another person again. She was just happy next to her and his natural warmth swallowed her. It's has been so long since she has talk with another person and she didn't have any friends that she recalled. She remember her mother and how she taught her how to use Water.

She often stitch dolls to keep herself company so she could have someone to talk to. She sat next to Zane repeating the child's song over and over, a miracle happen. After the tenth time, she closed her eyes and a smile all over her face. She didn't care if the rain stopped because she had found a friend who didn't care about the rain that surrounded her and he wanted to be with her. After the eleventh time, the childish rhyme was sung and a few tears of happiness came from her eyes.

She noticed something and she couldn't hear the soft sound of the rain hitting the ground. She opened her eye and she couldn't believe it. There wasn't any rain.had stopped. "Zane!" said Casey. She shot up to her feet and the girl ran out from under the bridge and she was rinse in the bright sunshine. "It worked! It really worked!" said Casey. "Told you so." wrote Zane. He smirked as he jumped back up with him heading toward Casey who was admiring the sunny sky above.

Casey said,"It's so beautiful. I've never seen a sky so splendid and sunny.". "Yep. It sure is pretty just like you." wrote Zane who looked up as well. When Zane cast a look over Casey, he was shocked to see that she was still crying. "Why are you crying?" wrote Zane. "Huh?" said Casey. She placed a hand on her cheek. She was shocked to feel that she was crying. "It must be because I'm so happy Zane." said Casey with a big smile.

Zane wrote while rubbing the back of his head,"Crying because you're happy? That's weird but Ax does that when one of them destroys a city." wrote Zane. He felt someone enveloped him and he saw Casey hugging him strongly. "Thank you." muttered Casey. She covered her head in Zane's jacket and she heard,"You don't need to thank me. That's what friends do.". "How can I hear you?" said Casey who looked up. "Telepathy." thought Zane.

Casey said,"Makes sense. So are you really going to be my friend?". She looked at Zane's onyx eyes and he wrote,"Of couse I will. So rain, rain go away girl. How about we just talk maybe in a cafe? I am buying.". "Sure thing Zane Sama." said Casey. She smiled causing Zane to blush hard. "Are you feeling alright Zane? Your face is red." said Casey. "Oh. It's nothing." wrote Zane. The two walked away with a rainbow appeared above them.

Back on the Divine Wizard Colossus Chaos MK VII, "I managed to convince Allison to stay in town for a little while longer so I could spend time with Case here. But for some reason, we were supposed to go back to Heroes. You just disappeared Case and I looked everywhere for you." said Zane. Zane looked over the blue-haired beauty who avoided his look. "When I found out you were leaving and I thought it was be best to leave." said Casey.

Ryu was resting on her lap and she said,"I didn't want to say goodbye. It hurts too much. I left you Zane and I was asked to join Chaos Lords. But without you, my heart was once again clouded by rain.". "I didn't want to force you Casey but you should have come with us." wrote Zane. He placed a hand on her head and he said,"You can still come with us. Leave this guild and join Heroes. You may be our enemy now but after I kick Samuel's but, we'll be your sunshine.".

Ryu said,"Wait!". The two teens looked at him and he said,"Listen. I like her since her lap is the most comfy I've been on for a long time but she smells weird. She smells like rain and a dragon.". "Well, I think Zane sama has figured this out but I was raised by a dragon." said Casey. She opened her mouth to show off her canine teeth. They were sharper than normal and Ryu said,"It's true!". "I'm the Water Slayer but I hid that from everyone." said Casey.

Zane crossed his arms and he said,"Johnny figured it out though. I can smell him over you.". Casey's face went red and she waved her hands back and forth. "It isn't like that! I mean he is my friend but it is nothing more than that!" said Casey. "I know silly. Casey, I need to know. Did you wanted this war to happen?" said Zane. "No. A man and his three friends came by to the guild and they destroy us in the Element Five plus Johnny kun." said Casey.

Ryu said,"Johnny kun?". "It's a nickname like Zero." said Zane. "Yes. Their leader was the strongest and I refused after I heard that you would be their first target. He used a spell to make his servant but seeing you and the sun, I was released." said Casey. "Is Johnny under that spell?" said Zane. "He also didn't want this war as well because you two are rivals." said Casey. "And our fathers were good pals according to one of my teachers." thought Zane.

Ryu said,"Don't worry Casey. Even if the others don't like you in the guild, me and Zane will be there for you.". "Yep." wrote Zane. "Okay. I'm ready to go. So how are you talking?" said Casey. "I figured out that I could use my magic power to talk. It doesn't take that much to use it." wrote Zane. "So are you going to tell everyone about my mom?" said Casey. "If you don't want me to do." said Zane. Ryu nodded and Casey smiled.

"Big brother! Ryu! Are you okay?!" screamed two voices. The two and Casey turned around to see both Ana and Dawn heading toward them. "Ana!" said Ryu. He flew toward her and Dawn said,"So did you two fight?". "Yep." wrote Zane. "And I lost. My name is Casey." said Casey. "And he and your big brother know each other." said Ryu as he rested on Ana's head. "So how do you know her big brother?" said Ana.

Zane gave her the short story and Ana said,"So you were able to make the rain? That's so cool.". "You and your brother are so weird when it comes to the rain. Most people hate the rain." said Dawn. "But her rain is awesome. We could make it like a water park attraction for the guild." said Zane with stars in his eyes. "Big brother has a fascination when it comes to amusement park attractions. He's tried to convince master to build one into the guild hall." said Ana.

Dawn said,"Anyway, we only have one left.". "Keith of the Great Sky/Heavens. He isn't one to mess with." said Casey. "But Ana can eat the air!" said Ryu. "Yeah but he's the one who brought Master to his knees." said Zane. He clenched his right fist and Casey said,"I may be able to lead you to him but he will attack me.". "And we'll protect you." said Zane. Casey smiled and Ryu said,"Where's Ally by the way?". "She went on ahead." said Dawn. "Oh." said the boys.

Back inside, Clair's group found themselves in a throne room like area. "Okay. Samuel has to be here right Clair?" said Barry. "Yeah. I mean if we defeat him, we'll win the war!" said Clair. "You can't be serious. Lucky knows that this guy is on the same level as Master and Zane. There's no way you can defeat him." said Lucky. "But Master and Zane aren't here, who else is going to hurt these bastard for what they did to our home and our family?" said Steve.

Barry said,"You're right. Master, Lady Allison, and Zane aren't here. I mean someone is going to fight him after all.". He was depressed and Clair patted him on the head. "Me and Steve are here and when we're serious, nothing stands in the way of Heroes's twin Dragons." said Clair. "Aye!" said the two cats in unison. "I don't know why but something about Clair just bring us with hope. She may not be the strongest but she's the bright ray of light in our lives." thought Steve.

The two Slayers smell something and they said,"Get away you two!". A powerful tornado appeared in the room and they heard,"Sad! When the wings of both darkness and light decay, the only things remain is the remains of dragons.". Keith stood there ,appearing out of the wind, and Clair said,"How about you talk like a normal person?!". "Clair. This freak is a member of the Element Five so don't do anything stupid." said Steve.

Both cats flew behind a pillar and Clair said while smelling the air,"Yeah. He's also the asshole who hurt gramps.". She glared at him and he said,"Such a hateful look. I'm Keith, the strongest in our group. I have come to end dragons.". He was crying and Steve said,"He uses wind magic. I'm able to kick his ass.". "Lucky thinks that this guy is way stronger than Reisa though." said Lucky. The two slayers nodded and they said in unison,"We're from Heroes and you're going down!".

Clair rushed toward him and her hands were glowing. "Holy Dragon Pirouette!" said Clair. Her arms glowed and she started to spin like a ballerina. Keith smiled and he disappeared into air. "What? She moved fast that Lucky couldn't even see her!" said Lucky. "Her Holy Dragon Pirouette is able to go at the speed of light but I guess he saw through it." said Barry. Keith appeared behind Clair and he said with anger,"Prepare to die young dragoness. Tornado Palm!".

He slammed his right arm into Clair and she was sent crashing into the wall. "Clair!" yelled the two cats. "Shadow Dragon Chains." said Steve. Keith was covered in the chains that appeared from below him and Clair said,"You just got lucky! Holy Dragon Iron Fist!". The light covered fist went toward him and Keith said,"A tag team. I guess I should get serious.". He disappeared as the chains fell down to the ground.

Clair flew through the air and Steve said,"Where the hell did....?". Two hurricanes appeared under the Slayers and Keith's voice echoed,"Hurricane.". The two flew into the air and the wind moved the two next to each other. "Storm Crash!" said Keith who reappeared to the right of them. He came crashing into them and he threw them toward the ground. "Breeze Shot." said Keith. Several balls of wind hit the two slayers with the two in pain from it.

Barry said,"I can't believe it! They're doing so badly!". Lucky sat the two get back up and Keith said while in the air,"I'm impressed. You're able to fight still. I guess you're the real deal Slayers.". "The real deal Slayers? What do you mean?" said Steve. "We'll just beat it out of him!" yelled Clair. She rushed toward him with her body covered in light. "You haven't learned anything have you idiot? I guess you're not able to see my Mesosphere Arena magic." said Keith.

He moved his arms forward and he slammed Clair into the grounds thanks to a giant barrage of wind as Lucky thought,"Lucky couldn't even see it!". "Your shadow magic is able to cut through my magic boy but your friend here isn't so lucky. She's more offensive than defense and you're that defense. So sad!" said Keith while crying. "Wow. He's so weird. but he's strong. Clair and Steve are going to have trouble beating this guy." thought Barry.

Clair got back up and Keith said,"Are you still fighting blond?". "If I give up, you'll never see the true power of a Slayer! I'm a wizard of Heroes and nothing stops me when I'm powered up! Right?" said Clair. "Yeah. Those attacks are nothing but making us mad." said Steve. "Is that right? Lets see how you like this." said Keith. He rose his arms to the side and he said,"Mesosphere Arena! Explode!". It was a shock to the the cats as the air around Clair and Steve exploded.

They covered their body in their respective elements but it only seemed to soften the numerous blows with them forced on both knees. The explosions went on around them and Keith said,"This is just the facts of life. There's someone way better than you young blond dragon and black dragon.". "Yeah and he's still fighting so we need to defeat you! Holy Dragon Roar!" yelled Clair. A giant stream of light flew toward Keith and Steve said,"Shadow Dragon Roar!".

The wizard saw that from both sides, light and shadows surrounded him. He disappeared with the two elements clashing. "Where did he go?" said Clair. The two sniffed the air looking for him. The two saw him above them and they said,"Time for a combo attack!". "Holy Dragon Divine Light!" yelled Clair. The arrows of light surround Keith and Steve held Keith into chains of shadows. "This's attack is stronger than before! Shadow Dragon Cable!" yelled Steve.

The arrows of light hit Keith and he groaned in pain. "These two are dragons so I can't let them stop Master Samuel's plan." thought Keith as he wiped away the blood from the corners of his mouth. He was gone and Barry said,"How did he escape from your Shadow Dragon Cables?". "Prepare to feel the same pain as your dear master." said Keith's ethereal voice. The two Slayers looked around and they couldn't find him.

They were angry with the wind pushing them toward each other. "Void." said Keith who reappeared behind them. They started to scream from the pain and the cats yelled,"Clair! Steve!". "Soon, you'll be reduced to nothing but a lump of your former selves." said Keith. "Hurry Lady....." said Clair as her face was starting to turn the same green as Ax. The sole of a sandal slammed into Keith's face and he went crashing into the ground. "You're here Lady Allison." said Steve.

Allison stood in front of the slayers with a defensive stance. "You shouldn't be alone. What happened to Ana and Dawn?" said Steve. "I lost them. I was looking for this one mainly. I think the others have defeated Alvaro and Casey." said Allison. "You're wounded." said Clair. "I think you shouldn't talk Clair. You're more hurt than me. I'm a little tired but I can still fight." said Allison. She glared at Keith and the air around her tensed up.

Lucky said,"Lucky thinks that she's really angry.". "I would say that she's PO'd." said Barry, Keith stood up and Allison said,"You're the one who hurt Master.". "This is sad. I mean having the honor of hurting Ax Hunter, Titania, Light Dragon, Shadow Dragon, and Zero. This is going to be fun." said Keith. "Zero?" said Clair and Allison. They clenched their fists with Keith smiling. "Oh. Our ally is the one who ordered the attack on Zero." said Keith.

Keith said,"Oh. You don't know about Bellatrix, Kraig, Reid, and Ruben. Those four are strong even more than I when I'm serious. Kraig is the leader of the Quartet and he's the one who gave Zane that awful scar. I don't think that's going to be fun anymore.". He removed the bandages that had covered up his eyes and he said,"I think I'm ready to get powered up.". Allison got ready to fight with Barry and Lucky dragging Clair and Steve away.

Below the group, the Wood Siblings were running below them. "His eyes?!" said Sakura. "What does that mean? It doesn't make any sense." said Norman. "According to rumors Norman and Sakura, he keeps his eyes closed. This is due to him being much stronger than the other members of the Element Five." said Myra. "That isn't manly at all." said Norman. "If we run into him you guys, we have to stop him. If he does, we have no chance of winning." said Myra.

Hearing several explosions to the right of them, Zane smiled. Ana was healing his legs and she said with worry,"Are you okay big brother?". "We should be more worried about that! The magic circle in front of the guild is glowing!" said Dawn. "They're dead meat!" said Ryu. "Allison. You got this. I believe in you. Ana. Go heal Casey." said Zane. "But your legs, they're broken." said Ana. "I'll be fine but just give me time." wrote Zane.

Back in the room with Allison, Keith said,"Come at me Allison. Annihilation is waiting you and this air will take your life! Mesosphere Arena! Cipher!". Allison could hear that Barry, Clair, Lucky, and Steve were having a lot of trouble with breathing. She clenched her fists so hard that her nails were going through the skin of her palms. "Magic that takes life?" said Allison. Her hair hid the anger in her eyes.

She yelled with veins covering her forehead,"Why do you find it funny to steal lives bastard?!". Keith smiled and he said,"Let me show you. Time for you to die Titania!". She rushed toward him and he said,"You're down in my Mesosphere Arena.". "Allison!" yelled Steve. He was the only one still able to stand since Barry and Lucky weren't as strong as him and Clair plus Clair took more pot shots that he did earlier in their fight with Dante and Keith.

His eyes opened up as he saw Allison slashed through the air like butter. "God dam. She's perfect for you bro." said Steve before lying down. "You can't be! She's cutting through my Mesosphere Arena with ease!" yelled Keith. Her body glowed as several swords appeared behind her. She sliced Keith with her twin blades before the other swords got a chance. He was out cold and she said,"You aren't a real man as Zane or Master. You're a coward and nothing more.". "TKO." said Steve.

Next time,
With the Element Five all defeated, only Kraig's group, Johnny, Faye, and Samuel remain but the Heroes won't stop until Justice is served for their guild.

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