Monday, January 16, 2017

Power Episode 26 Saturn and its Satellites. Chaos Lords's Secret Weapon against Heroes.

A/N: Welcome back to Episode 26. Zane didn't stay out for too long didn't he? Zane is the main and OP protagonist so he can't stay out for too long. Anyway, the latest chapter ,that was spoiled I think two or three days before its release on Manga Stream, was interesting. Okay. It could be just me but I am getting sick of the fan service that Fairy Tail has. Fan service is a tricky subject for me because I like it but at the same time, it's so dam annoying to say the least.

I mean I would rather have a good story rather than another scene like the chapter cover. I mean that outfit works for Eileen/Irene but Wendy. I'm not into exploitation at all and this chapter has a lot of that. Mainly the breasts jokes. I mean I think Levy and Wendy have no/average size breasts compared to the other women. The fight between Wendy/Irene and Erza was good in my opinion. It beats the other ones. Also Irene in Wendy's body is strong.

I mean she knew how to Wendy's Sky Dragon Magic in a few minutes. I mean Irene is a dragon or something like that so this is nothing to be shocked about this but it's interesting to say the least. I also like how they did a body swap or I call a Spiderman and Doc Octopus. I also liked how Wendy did something to Irene unlike whenever Lucy helped in a fight back in the day and Erza gone back to her strongest armor aka the Clear Heart Armor to fight Irene ending this fight. I just hope we get to see August or the Wrecker do something. Lets begin already.

Narrator P.O.V.
After walking for a while, Lora woke up and she smiled that Zane was still carrying her. "Morning Sleeping Beauty." said Ryu. Zane nodded and Lora said,"Thank you Zane.". "No problem. Luke is okay. He's injured and he wants to punch something so one of my spirits is helping vent that anger out. So you're the real target then." wrote Zane. "How did you?" said Lora. "His Telepathy magic kicks ass Lora. I mean you can't hid anything from him." said Ryu.

Lora said,"So you know why they're after me.". "Yeah. Your dad didn't have anything to do with this right?" wrote Zane. "No. He wouldn't. He wanted his girls to be happy but Willard and his family demanded a daughter. I was picked." said Lora. "Your dad is a good man but Willard is a bastard and he's going to pay for what he did to you. He abused you Lora! He made you some simple mistress! I won't let him live!" wrote Zane.

Lora said,"Zane. You're serious about this.". "Yeah. Zane was worried about you. He cares for you a lot Lora." said Ryu. Zane smiled and he wrote,"Lora. I need you to be strong. You are my Celestial Princess and I won't let anything happen to you. I promise.". Lora smiled and she started talking with Ryu. "Zane. You'll protect them." said Zagehz. "He's right." said Ophelia. "I know Grandpa and Grandma." thought Zane. The dragons sighed.

The next day in the West Forest. Althea ,who was in the middle of mixing a potion, and she said to herself,"Ignorant old man.". She was known for healing magic wounds and she hated most humans causing her to move deep into the forest. She couldn't ignore seeing her old friend Silas who was damaged beyond belief came to her door. Upon finishing her potion, she placed it down on a nearby table.

Currently in a make-shift bed near the window of her cottage, Ax rested there with him out cold due to his magic power being drained and he was breathing painfully. In the doorway to her home, three wizards stood there. It was Julie Brown, Nick White, and Zane Alvarez who had dropped Lora off at the guild hall before coming here. Zane looked over in the room that Ashley usually rested in but she along with Melody and Valerie were in Carran for safety reason.

Althea looked at Ax and she said,"One of you. Help me with his head.". Zane walked over to her and Ax with him holding up his head. Althea poured the vial into Ax's mouth. After the vial finished off and Zane placed his head back on the pillow. Zane walked back over to his friends and he stood there as Althea slapped Ax across the face. "Hey! Why did you do that?" said Nick. "What are you doing to our master or your patient?" said Julie. Zane rolled his eyes at this.

Althea said,"It's what he should get. He's too old for fighting like you all did. I would slap you as well Zane but you're too stubborn.". "Well shucks. You're making me blush." wrote Zane. She glared at the three and she said,"How long are you going to stay here?! I'm tired of looking at you!". "I will never get women." thought Zane. "But we're just worried about our master." said Nick while scratching his chin. "Please let us stay here. We're worried sick about him." said Julie.

Althea said,"Go home.". Julie was about to yell at her but Nick and Zane stopped her from pissing her off more. "Your concerned faces are salts in his wounds." said Althea. The western couple then looked at each other. "May I take over?" wrote Zane. He walked over to Ax's weak form. "Master is in this form because of a air spell called Void. Anything caught in the wind of this spell lose all of their magic power." wrote Zane.

Julie said,"You're serious?". "Yeah. After the target is drained of its magic power, it turns into air and flies to somewhere else in the world. If we gather his magic power before it went missing, Althea had a chance to heal him faster but now, we're too late. This'll take time." wrote Zane. "Wow. We will let the others know then." said Nick. The two looked glum at their master with Zane just leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.

The healer's head shot toward them and she said,"What are you still doing here?!". "The two jumped in fear at her monster like look. "Didn't you want us to stay here and listen to you two?!" yelled Nick as he hid behind Julie. "Go home already! You humans smell repulsive!" said Althea. She held a broom and she swung it at Julie and Nick. "Excuse us!" yelled Julie. She pushed Nick out of the house and Nick yelled,"See you later!".

The two were gone and Althea made her way back to Ax. "Magic is to wizards as blood is to humans of no magic. The stronger than the wizard is, the more deadly the Void spell is. You are truly a idiot Silas. Your children are worried sick about you. Pull through this because they need you more than ever." said Althea upon placing her hand on Silas's shoulder. "Wow. You're such a freaking Tsun. I mean wow." wrote Zane who waved to her.

Althea sighed and she said,"What are you still doing here?". "You're getting smarter. I mean you and I have been friends since I joined the guild. At least you're not going to attack me with your broom of doom right?" wrote Zane. "No. So what are you still doing here?" said Althea. "May I try something to help?" wrote Zane. She nodded and Zane walked over to Ax. He placed his left hand above Ax's gut and his right hand above Ax's forehead.

Zane wrote,"Ocean Dragon Curing Song and Power Dragon Revitalize Light.". Zane started to hum a tune with his hands glowing white. The old man began to glow a light blue and white color and Zane finished his tune. "What did you do?" said Althea. She was shocked to see that the green color vanished from Ax's body and she felt his magic return back to his body. She smiled at Ax who was breathing regular and sleeping peacefully.

Zane wrote,"That was my Ocean Dragon Curing Song and Power Dragon Revitalize Light. They are both for healing. All of his injures for his fight earlier are healed thanks to this combo and some of his magic power has come back but not all of it. Grim will bring back most of it.". He went to the door and he said,"Oh right. Tell Master to stay here, I got this.". He opened and close the door with him walking back to the guild hall. "Zane." said Althea.

Heroes returned back to Mural about two to three hours after their attack on Chaos Lords. It had been almost a day since then with them thinking of a plan to get revenge. Fred, Norman, and Victor were shocked to see that Jade and Sakura were already there thanks to Luke who wrote a note explaining what happened to them. Ana was using her magic to heal her family but Dawn forced her to stop after two straight hours of healing.

Charlie's arm was covered in bandages and he said,"Even with Ana's magic, this shit still hurts.". "I can't believe that we had to run away!" said Fred. "So embarrassing." said Victor. "At least you guys are safe." said Jade. "Yeah and Johnny got his ass kicked by Zane whose more injured than us." said Fred. "You're right." said Victor.  Lora looked around the guild to see how badly her fellow wizards were doing after their fight with Chaos Lords.

Lora thought,"This is all my fault.". She hung her head in shame and tears pricked her eyes. She then gasped as she felt a strong hand lightly grabbing her shoulder. She turned her head to see Zane with a highly concerned look. "Are you okay?" wrote Zane. He gave her shoulder another light squeeze and he was dying on the inside. He was trying to make her feel better with him saying,"I'll be here for you Lora. Trust me." . The two were in a corner with Ryu resting on her lap.

Lora looked at him and she thought,"You're always there for me Zane. In the short time that we have been together, you've cared fore me more than anybody else I know. I love you Zane. Your kindness is something that I think is your best quality.". Fate and Lisa were looking at a map. "Okay. Their main base is here." said Fate pointing to a map on a table. "If we attack with long distance spells from the northeast hill, we may get a jump on them." said Lisa.

Nearby them, Eric and Wayne were going through crates of lacrimas stuffing as many as they can into make-shift sacks. "We need more explosive lacrimas!" yelled Wayne. "No! We need to come up with a plan!" said Eric. "If we load on them, we'll catch them off guard." said Wayne. "That won't work!" yelled Wayne. The two argued before Angel stopped them. "Don't fight you two. I mean you are acting like children." said Angel.

Kurt walked over with Clair, Norman, and Steve and Kurt said,"Are you okay Lora?". "She's mostly likely still worried." said Clair. "Not anymore but I'm sorry." said Lora. "Well being targeted by all sorts of people is downside of being rich. You're lucky that you have a real man guarding and also protecting them." said Norman, "I thought you were able to read the mood." said Steve. "Why were you hiding it from us Lora?" said Ryu.

Lora said,"I wasn't trying to hid it. You mostly knew that I was rich since Angel is my sister. Zane knew about my past too and I told him to say silently. I don't want to go back to him. He did stuff to me that I don't want to remember him. He never carry about me and I ran away. He wants me back and I don't want to see him ever again. He's a monster. This is all my fault though?". She looked angry and then sad during that speech.

Norman said,"No! I mean he's the bad one! Not you!". "I think Norman is trying to help you in his own stupid way." said Clair. "Hey!" said Norman. "No. It's because of my selfish choices. I caused all of you pain so I should just go back to him right?" said Lora. "Don't." said Steve. "I wasn't going too!" wrote Zane. "Right and Clair's a genius." said Kurt. "I'm hurt. Can I do what I was going to do now?" wrote Zane.

He took a deep breath and he said,"Lora. This was going to happen eventually. I mean I've known for maybe a while now but you aren't a lady. I mean you belong here in this dump laughing and enjoy going on adventures with me and the rest of your family. You want to stay here and I won't let you go back to that bastard. You're Lora of Heroes now okay? You're a member of a family. This is your home and I won't let you thinking other wise.".

During that speech, he had his left hand on her shoulder and his right thumb toward his heart."Zane. I ..." said Lora. She felt herself crying again due to her heart being moved by his words. "I don't know what I would do without you here. You're my ray of sunshine." thought Lora. She covered her face as she began to cry. "Let it out Lora." wrote Zane as he was patting her back. Norman was crying along with Lora.

Ryu said,"Lora.". He nuzzled into her lap trying to help Lora. "Don't cry. It's not you." said Kurt as he looked away. "He's right! Real men are weak to womanly tears!" said Norman who was crying. The twin slayers of the guild sighed and they said in unison,"Ease Norman.". A good distance away, the ice playboy looked over at the group and he sighed. Zane walked away as Ryu took over Zane's job as helping Lora.

In another area of the basement, Tanya was sitting cross-legged while several cards were in front of her. She flipped one over and she took a moment to focus. She then lost her concentration and she threw the cards around her and she growled. "Got anything Tanya?" said Tessa. "Nothing. I can't find Grim anywhere! I thought you said that you talked to him Zane!" said Tanya. He was standing close to the girls and he wrote,"He contacted me. I have no idea where he is.".

Tessa said,"Calm down Tanya. We'll find him eventually.". Myra were nearby the three and she said with a groan,"We have no idea about where Grim is, Master is out cold, and we have no idea about when those dicks from Chaos are going to attack.".  Zane handed Tanya a bottle of beer and the woman took a drunk. "You're drinking right now?" said Tessa. "We both know that a drunk Tanya is better than a sober Tanya right now." wrote Zane as he took a sip from his flask.

Tanya said,"We can't wait till then! If they are after Lora, they'll attack her again! We have too many injured people. This isn't looking good.". Myra grunted before turning to the direction of the bar and a communication lacrima stood there. In the ball, it showed X's image. "Okay prick. Our guild is under attack, the master is seriously injured, many of us are injured, and we can't find Grim. We really need your help X." said Myra who didn't wanted to ask X for help but they need him.

X looked at her and he said,"So the old man is out?! That's funny! I mean this means that I'm going to be the next master!". "How can you say that about your own grandfather?!" said Tessa. "Because this shit isn't my problem. I mean you three are big girls so handle it yourself." said X. "Forgetting about me aren't you? Why aren't you helping your guild?" wrote Zane. "You're here Zane. I totally forgot about you. I mean the old toad started this because of you getting wrecked." said X.

Zane looked away and X said,"It isn't my job to clean up his mess! I mean I care this much about helping what's her face.". He moved his hands far away and Myra said,"X. They're trying to kidnap Lora and we really need your help. She is a member of your family.". "Lora. Do I know her? She is that new girl with brown hair and massive jugs right? If you tell her to be my woman who'll serve me like a god, I may help you out." said X.

Zane's eyes widened in anger when he heard this. His fists clenched in anger and took deep breaths fast. "What kind of reason is that?!" yelled Myra. "You're such a pervert!" yelled Tanya and Tessa. "I think you girls should get some manners. I mean you're asking the great X for a favor after all! So I think a strip show from you three will make me...." said X. Time was paused for a split second and Zane wrote,"Armageddon Drive and Power Form!".

His gray hair grew to his waist and it was completely gold. He was wearing his dark suit and his demonic look appeared. His glowing red eyes and he un paused time. "X! SHUT THE HELL UP RIGHT NOW!" yelled Zane as he moved in front of the lacrima. "Oh. You're in a bad mood aren't you Zane? I mean you're talking big after what happened to you." said X. "When you get back from your dam job or whatever you're doing, I will destroy you." said Zane.

He got close to the lacrima screen and he said,"You may be my rival but I'll never forgot you for making fun of LORA, MYRA, TANYA, TESSA, and Gramps. I'm going to destroy you and I will make you cry in fear.". Zane noticed real feat in X's eyes and he said,"You better get ready X because NO ONE is going to stop me for kicking the living crap out of you! If you come back here and help us plus say sorry to the girls. I may let you live.".

X was about to say something and Zane said,"If you don't come back, I'll make you my bitch and I will enjoy the hell of it.". "Wow. I've never seen him like this. He's really something else." thought Tanya with a blush. "Tch. Good fucking luck Zane. I'm the strongest person in the guild and I'll take you down with my eyes closed." said X. He was scared of Zane after that. "You're only your own and I want nothing to do with you! I want nothing to do..." said X.

Zane smashed the lacrima with his fist and he said,"Him and Master. How the hell are they related to begin with?". He deactivated his transformations and Tessa said,"How?". The three heard crying and they saw Myra crying. "Why the hell is that guy a member?! I mean he cares nothing about us and we're a family!" yelled Myra. Zane hugged the woman and he wrote,"Easy Myra. I'll teach him a lesson soon enough. We don't need them to win.".

Tessa smiled and Tanya's eyes twitched in anger. She threw herself at Zane and she said,"I'm happy that you're my lover Zaney bear!". "Wait!" said Zane. Myra and Tanya nodded as they tackled him to the ground. "Ow." wrote Zane. Tessa said,"You guys.". She sighed and she thought,"Can we really win against them?". "Don't worry. Zane'll do it." said Sakura. She smiled and Zane's soul was leaving his body thanks to the girls.

In the showers which were on the other side of the basement, Allison was trying to calm herself down from the previous battle that they had not even twenty fours ago but it felt like it just happened to her at the least. "According to Julie and Nick, Master was hit with a spell called Void. He could have recovered faster if we had spent time gathering up his magic power but we didn't know about so it was too later." thought Allison.

She sat there and she said to herself,"Master is hurt, Grim must too busy to come here and help, Darin is who knows where, and X is another story entirely. A lot of us were injured were injured in the fight earlier and even with the three of us and Zane. We can't keep fighting.". She punched the wall right in front of her and she thought about what happened to Master. "Samuel is upstairs and I'm going to rip him a new one!" yelled Ax.

Allison thought to herself,"I should have gone with him to begin with! Angel and Myra should have been able to handle them along with the others. Why did I stay behind to begin with? Was it because I was mad about Zane being injured by them?". She thought about Zane and her face got red. She knew that she had feelings that go father than just friends and she was waiting for Zane to pick her along with the others but he was taken forever.

She was stopped from this as the door opened. Zane stood there with Allison shocked to see her crush standing there. "So what's taking you....." wrote Zane. He was stopped and he dropped his pen on the ground. He's never seen Allison like this ever since he joined the guild. He seen her in a bikini and some interesting costumes before but nothing like this. He was dumbfound. Calling her sexy would be an insult to her.  

She was a goddess in a human form. Her body was made just to be seductive and tempting. His eyes looked up and down. His favorite thing about her was her crimson/scarlet hair that were marked over her broad forehead and covered with water. She had a breathtaking and beautiful face with pink like strawberries lips that was parted slightly upon seeing him. She had luxurious breasts that put many of the girls that he knew to shame and stood there proudly.

Her skin was pale, blemish free skin, waxed legs, smooth curves, and full-toned things. Allison let out an unexpected squeal of embarrassment that sent the guild into an uproar of confusion. "Ah Zane... NO! This is!" said Allison. She tried to hide her body from him but it didn't work. He could see everything that she had to offer. Her body was shaking with embarrassment for being in the same reason especially in their current situation. "Don't look!" said Allison. Her face went red.

Zane said,"Sorry!". He slammed the door breaking it. He used his magic to hold the door in place and he fixed it. He leaned against the door and slid down. He placed his hands over his heart and it was beating like nothing else. He thought it was going to jump out of him and go to town. He was lucky that he was able to control his dragon instincts much to his inner voice's annoyance. Inside of the shower room, she was still shocked from Zane's intrusion.

She was shocked that he saw her absolutely naked and without a towel. She may have wanted this but not like this. She wanted to wait for the suitable time maybe once they're dating or maybe when they are married. She took deep breaths as her blush was beginning to die down. She hoped that she and Zane could act normal. She stood on wobbling legs and was going to stop the water. She stopped as she heard a high-pitched snicker near her..

Ryu ,who appeared out of thin air, howled,"You LOVE Zane!". He rolled around on the floor and he couldn't stop laughing. The water stopped and she said,"Don't make me hurt you Ryu.". The bone dragon stopped rolling and he said,"I may enjoy you humans a lot mainly your emotions but if you or any woman breaks his heart. I'll end you all.". The dragon flew out the room as Allison stood there in quiet.

The building itself started to shake like nothing else causing all of them to stop what they're doing as Tessa said,"What's going on now?! An earthquake!". Nick stood in the stairway and he yelled with everyone looking at the western,"Guys! We got a big problem like really big!". He rushed back up the stairs and everyone followed suit. When they got out of the guild hall, they show something that was so shocking that it was hard to explain.

Walking across the water/lake that was right behind the guild hall, a massive building/small kingdom with eight humongous and automatic legs sprouting from its base. The building's surface had the guild mark of Chaos Lord. Everyone watching the slowly moving building head toward them. "What the hell is that thing?!" yelled Leroy holding onto Charlie. "Get off me!" said Charlie. "It's walking to us?" said Wayne. "That's Chaos right?!" said Eric. "I don't think your bombs will work." said Angel.

Allison said,"I never imagined that they would attack us like this. What're we going to do?". "Um. I think you have a problem." said Tessa. Allison saw that she was just in a towel and she noticed that Zane was looking toward her. She blushed crimson and she glowed. She was wearing her normal clothing and she said,"Thank you.". Zane rolled his eyes and he wrote,"This is going to be easy. We just have some demolition to do little buddy.".

Ryu nodded and Zane wrote,"I expect them to be coming on foot but with a giant robot spider, you owe me a thousand gold after this.". "What are we going to do about it!?" yelled Jason. It stopped about one hundred feet away and it was quiet. Samuel ,who stood at the top of the guild hall, and he he looked at the group of Heroes Wizards. He looked pissed off and he said,"Prepare to fire Saturn along with Atlas, Hyperion, Prometheus, and Titan! Erase them from this world!".

His veins were exploding off his face as the grunts inside of there saw the anger writing on his face and it was scary. He sat in his throne with him giving a silent nod to signal them to prepare the five weapons. On the mainland, Heroes stood there in shock as the gate in the front of the building went down and a giant cannon emerged from inside of the building. The barrel were currently pointed at them and their guild hall. Four matching miniature cannons appeared next to the giant cannon.

To the northwest of the giant cannon, a ball of compressed fire magic began to build up at the barrel of the large cannon,  the northeast cannon had a ball of compressed air magic began to build up at its cannon, the southwest cannon had a ball of compressed water magic, and the southeast cannon had a ball of compressed earth magic. The giant cannon in the middle formed a sphere of black magic grew and it dwarfed the size of the other four cannons.

Eric said,"It's coming!". Allison's eyes grew when she saw Saturn and its weaker but still deadly brothers come out of the guild hall. It was about to fire so Allison jumped right into action. "I need everyone to get down now!" yelled Allison. She rushed toward the cannons and Myra said,"Get back here idiot!". "What are you doing?!" yelled Clair. "She's going to try and stop them." said Norman. "I think we know that but why!" said Fred and Victor.

Two giant ,bigger then her, and gold shield appeared as they covered her arms. "I'm not going to let those bastards to destroy my home!" yelled Allison. "That's her Adamantine Golden Shields!" said Barry. "She's going to try and block it?" said Reyna. "There's no way that those shields will stop that though." said Hilda. "ALLISON!" yelled Zane. His heart was screamed in his chest and he was about to head toward her but he was stopped by Kurt and Lisa.

Zane wrote,"Kurt! Lisa! Let me go now!". "Zane! You have to believe in Allison!" yelled Lisa. Kurt let him go and Lisa said,"What are you doing?". "Zane's worried about her so I'm letting her do this because he's the strongest here." said Kurt. "Zane!" yelled Lora. She was going to go but Steve said,"I know my brother. He has this.". Lucky nodded with him as Lora thought,"Zane.". Zane reached the knight and she said,"I thought that I told you all to....".

She saw Zane standing there and she screamed,"Stay back! I'm not letting you get hurt!". "And I am not letting you either. Open Gate of the Virgin- Venus the Virgo!" wrote Zane. She appeared and she said,"What's up Master?". "So ignorant sometimes. Get her out of here. I plan to handle this by myself." wrote Zane. She nodded as Venus grabbed Allison. The two were gone and Myra screamed to Zane,"What are you doing?!".

Zane turned around and he said in a demonic voice,"DON'T. I'll HANDLE THIS.". Saturn and it's four cannons were charging up and Zane said,"Lets start this off with my Power Transformation Guardian Armor!". Zane glowed as he made a suit of armor cover his body. It had a single navy blue chest plate with a scarlet red belt like gadget around his wait. Six obsidian spikes lined the top of his chest plate which gave way to a gold neck brace split in the center to allow room for his chin. The shoulders are sectioned with a large obsidian spike.

This single spike divided each section and all the third and sixth spike are larger of the six. He wears a pair of gauntlets with a few sections. Attached to the elbows, two giant black shields with a single gold, scarlet red, and white blades rested there. A single green jewel lined the back of his hand. The bottom of the chest plate had a two layer steel like shorts with tiny spikes handing on the ends of each layer. A giant spike hanged in on the bottom layer.

His legs are covered in a sectioned armor to match the rest of his armor with a pair of greaves starting at his knees. It had a scarlet red design shaped like the large spike that was hanging off his shorts. His greaves had several curved spikes went below his knees. He wore a large spiked helmet atop his head with a dragon like piece in the middle. His hair grew longer and his eyes turned a green color with his hair turned black.

Zane said,"My Power Transformation Guardian Armor may be slower but its defensive power kicks some major but. I can also smash things if something comes toward me. It always works as a great armor but I'll need some magic power to destroy you all. Power Absorb, Pyro Devil Final Art Forbidden Inferno Demon Crematory, and Thunder God Godlike Aegis!". He glowed once again and the guild was shocked more than normal.

A Greek like shield made out of black thunder appeared in front of him and it was bigger than him with it reaching the size of Heroes. Behind Zane, a giant door appeared. It was gigantic with seven giant chains with it having numerous demons bones and skulls sticking out of the sides of the door with a simple dragon head on the top. Several tentacles sprouted from Zane's armor and they rushed toward the door and magic shield.

Zane said,"This demonic door will be taking in that magic power and be giving it to me with my shield doing the same thing! Power Absorb helps! Everyone get back! This is going to be deadly to say the least!". Everyone ,including the returning Allison and Venus, listened to Zane with them moving back as much as they could. Seconds later, Atlas, Hyperion, Prometheus, Saturn, and Titan fired beams of magic energy.

They all were monumental throwing the water below it apart to show the bottom of the lake. "Open door of the dam! I offer you the power of Atlas, Hyperion, Prometheus, and Titan!" yelled Zane as the beams got closer. The door opened and the four beams went into the door. Saturn went toward the thunder shield with it being destroyed upon reaching it. "NO!" yelled Samuel. His magic power shocked Kraig. "Didn't expect that from this weakling. He is a wizard saint." thought Samuel.

Reid was standing next to him and he said,"Kraig.". The man looked at his partner in crime and Reid said,"I wish to fight Zane if he lives.". "Sure." said Kraig. Samuel then looked at Kraig and the dark wizard said,"Easy! We'll handle them once your precious cannons are done. Outside, Zane began to shake a bit and he said,"Dam! I'm getting powered up now! Absorb!". The tentacles glowed as the door began to produce black and gold flames and the shield had black thunder.

It covered Zane's entire armor and he said,"Nothing's stopping me now!". "No! This isn't absurd! I can't believe that Hero brat is stopping my strongest weapon!" yelled Samuel. The cannons stopped and the door flew over Zane. "Your gift was worth Zane, son of Sivarth and future heir to the Dragon Kingdom. Accept unlimited power!" said the door. It made several black and gold flames and it covered Zane once again with Zane devouring them.

Zane stood there ,in his normal outfit, and he wrote,"Okay! I'm really powered up now!". His friends behind him were in shock and awe at Zane's power. He burped out a giant stream of black flames and he wrote while tapping his chest as embers came out,"My bad.". "He stopped it. That's amazing." said Victor. "He saved us." said Wayne. "He's still able to fight too!" said Lucky. "Zane's the manliest one in our guild!" said Norman.

The group started to cheer as Samuel's anger rose to new heights. He grabbed the microphone next to him and he said,"A GOOD JOB HEROES WIZARDS.". The guild's attention was caught and they looked at the building. Zane looked at the building and he was getting a bigger smile on his face as he thought about ways to break Samuel. "IF YOU THINK THAT YOU'RE ABLE TO DO THAT AGAIN! GIVE LORA AQUILER NOW. THEY'RE NO OTHER CHOICE!" said Samuel.

Zagehz said,"They're trying to steal your mate from you again.". "I agree with my husband on this Zane. Make them pay." said Ophelia. "You're out of your dam mind!" yelled Nick. He got a cheer of support from his guild members. "We're a family and we never give up one of one!" yelled Julie. "My little sister isn't going anywhere! She's one of us and we never give up one of our own so she's staying!" yelled Angel.

Everyone joined in with Ana yelled,"They're right!". "Get the hell of here you Chaos Freaks!" yelled Fate. "We'll never give her to you!" yelled Barry. Lora was shaking a bit and she couldn't stop their support. The brunette spirit wizard could feel more tears forming in her eyes and she moved her hand across her eyes to wipe away the created tears. "THIS IS YOUR FINAL ANSWER! DO IT NOW OR ELSE!" yelled Samuel.

Allison stood up and she yelled,"We would never give up Lora in a million years! You would have to kill us first before we turn against a family member!". The guild cheered alongside her with it being in perfect synch and louder than before and Zane roared,"YOU'RE A DAM IDIOT SAMUEL! WE ARE GOING TO DESTROY YOU, YOUR GUILD MEMBERS, AND YOUR ANNOYING CLUBHOUSE!".

His face was covering in veins and he took a deep breath. Extreme amounts of rage filled his body and he yelled,"LORA AND THE REST OF MY MATES WILL NEVER LEAVE MY SIDE! I SWEAR TO MY OLD MAN!". The guild all looked at him and he said,"Oh. My bad.". "Do you love me Zane?" said Lora. Tears began to pour from her eyes and she couldn't stop. "I know that you will save me Zane no matter what." thought Lora.   

Samuel took a deep breath and he said,"I see.". He clenched his teeth and he yelled,"I WILL GIVE YOU A SECOND STRIKE OF MY CANNONS! THEY WILL BE TWENTY TIMES MORE STRONGER THAN THE LAST! SAVOR THE NEXT THIRTY MINUTES OF YOUR DAM LIVES BECAUSE THEY WILL BE YOUR LAST!". Reid looked at Kraig who said,"Go. I think you'll have fun. I'll stay with him.". Reid was gone as Kraig rested there.

Outside, the guild was silent. "No!" said Norman as he grit his teeth. "They're going to fire it again and it's going to be stronger!" said Jason. Kurt looked over at Zane who wrote,"Kurt. I could easily block it but we shouldn't be chicken.". "Yeah but what can we do?" said Kurt. "It's simple really. I think you'll like this plan." wrote Zane as he smiled. Suddenly, a magic circle appeared over the guild hall. Dozen of shadow like figures poured out of the circle.

One thing was common about them and it was that they had the Chaos Lord's guild mark somewhere on their body. They jumped toward the guild with them flying and Tanya said,"What?! Aren't they going to fire those cannons again? Why would he do this? He's going to kill his guild members.". "I thought he was crazy before this takes the cake." said Lisa. "You have two choices. Be killed by the soldiers or die by the cannons!" said Samuel. 

Wayne said,"No. He's just bluffing. I mean he would kill his children.". "Idiot. They aren't alive at all making them like ghosts because they're created using his unique brand of Darkness magic called Twilight. I heard that it has some ice but like Samuel, it's small like something else according to the ladies. Anyway, we have to do something about his toys." wrote Zane. "And what do you suggest Zane?" said Kurt who crossed his arms.

Zane punched his right fist into his left palm and he said,"It's SMASHING time. We choose none of the above. We destroy the five cannons before they fire off another shot. I also need to get revenge for what happened to me and Lora plus our guild.". "Zane. You need to rest. Your skin is boiling and I'm not joking." said Tanya. Zane looked down and he said,"Oh.". He took a deep breath and his skin was back to normal. "All better. We have a problem." wrote Zane.

Everyone looked at him and he wrote,"If we take down the cannon which are powered by a single but huge lacrimas located behind the barrel. It's easy to destroy it even if someone's guarding it. There is one giant problem we have to worry about beside Johnny, the Element Five, and Samuel who are in there but they is something else.". Myra placed a hand on your hip as a calculated look appeared on her face as she said,"How much worse? Who are you talking about?".

Zane shook his head a couple of time before looking at the ghosts/shades that were steadily going to the guild hall. "There are four strongest wizards in there that trump Johnny and the Element Five.  I think they're stronger than Sammy boy. The other thing is that their main base of Chaos Lords isn't normal. It's a mechanical colossus known as the Divine Wizard Colossus Chaos MK VII or Seven for those not knowing of Roman Numerals." wrote Zane.

He got several looks that he got from his fellow wizards and he wrote,"It's Chaos Lords's pride and joy and it's able to use spells just you and me but it's has a major weakness.". "A weakness? What is it Zane?" said Allison. "I presume that it's power source is from the Elemental Five as well. Here is my plan. A team of lets say fifteen wizards will go inside of each one of the five cannons to destroy them before they turn our attention to the Elemental Five. Jason and Tanya. Protect the guild." said Zane.

Sakura said,"That's a great plan but how do you know all of that?". She had moved her head to the side and Zane sweat dropped. Others were looking at him and Zane said,"Um. I heard from Samuel himself. Remember when I got arrested, I heard Samuel ,who was totally wasted, tell himself in a mirror his plan. I couldn't help but listen.". "Okay. That's something rather lame. Lets go kick some but Jason." said Tanya. Jason answered by pushing up his glasses up.

Zane rushed toward the guild hall and he wrote,"Ryu! You're with me!". "Aye sir!" yelled Ryu. The little dragon and Zane jumped off the cliff and Lora yelled,"Zane!". "Don't worry. They're not done yet at all." said Charlie. Ryu flew up and he was more adult. His body was more thin and he looked like a skeletal Chinese Dragon. Zane sat upon the dragon's head and he wrote,"Ready little buddy? I think it's time for my triple Zephyr Dragon combo.".

Ryu nodded and Zane said,"Zephyr Dragon Almighty Champion, Zephyr Dragon Almighty Headband, and Zephyr Dragon Boost!". Both and Ryu glowed a bright green. "Big bro and Ryu just got their defense, magic power, offense, and speed boosted. Zane's elemental based spells are stronger as well." said Ana. The dragon flew toward the army of shades with Ryu roaring. A giant blue flame burned and Zane said,"Lets go little buddy or big buddy!".

Tanya thought,"Stay safe idiot. We can't have you hurt.". "I'll make a path! Ryu and Zane can do one by themselves! Ana and Dawn, you're with me." said Allison. "Yes madam!" said the two. "We will make a path! Passion Bridge!" yelled Kurt and Lisa. The two made four bridges with them heading to the center, northeast, northwest, and southeast cannon with Ryu flying toward the southwest cannon as Zane covered his back. "Lets go! Time to prove that I'm the man!" yelled Norman.

He ran down the southeast bridge with him screaming man. Myra and Sakura rushed after him and Sakura said,"Before you say anything, I'm coming with you! They attack me and Jade to get to Lora plus they hurt Luke. I want to get revenge.". "Okay. I'm not going to stop you." said Myra. The two ran after him joining their bridge. "That's one team!" said Hilda. "And we're team number two! Lets go Steve!" said Clair.

She with Barry flew down the center bridge with Lucky said,"Lucky thinks that Barry and Clair can only go one way.". "Right just like Zane." said Steve. The two rushed after them with Lisa said,"It's time for us to go!". "What about three?" said Kurt. "Look idiot." said Hilda and Lisa. Kurt looked up to see that Allison, Ana, and Dawn had run down the northeast bridge leaving the last bridge being the northwest bridge. "Oh. Lets go." said Kurt. They ran down it.

Lora finished wiping away her tears and she was going to help her guild members fight. She was then grabbed by Angel who dragged her away. "Lora. You're with me." said Angel. The two sisters stop in the front of the guild with Lora confused. Fred, Jade, Jordan, Reyna, Tessa, and Victor stood there as Angel said,"Tessa and the rest of you. Take her to the hideout. We'll keep you safe until we finish this war.".

Lora said as she freed herself from Angel,"Sister. I have to fight with the others! I'm the reason why this is happening.". "Lora. No one thinks that at all. I think that's obvious." said Fred. "We're doing this for our family who were defeated for our guild and protecting you." said Victor. "And everything isn't about you." said Tessa. "Ignore that. Just listen to your big sis for once." said Angel. "Okay but I don't....." said Lora. "Letter Magic! Sleep!" whispered Jade.

She was knocked out cold and Lora fell into her sister's arms. She handed her to Jordan and she said with tears,"Protect my sister please.". "We will Rachel. I promise." said Jordan. He made a carriage appear with two boar like creatures as horses. The five except for Fred jumped into the carriage with Jade and Tessa holding onto Lora. Jordan rushed down the street with Fred running alongside it. "I hope you guys can do it!" thought Angel.

She rushed toward the group fighting the shades. Fate and Julie combined magic shots and they destroyed several grunts. Nick made several waves of sands blasted them back. One of them was about to attack him but its face exploded. The ghost was long gone and Nick saw Tanya standing above her. "Sorry about that Tanya." said Nick. "Focus Nick! They have the numbers!" said Tanya as she blew several ghost troops.    

Nick stood up and he said,"I understand. They don't have the pain of losing family or having your home destroyed! We can't let them take our home!". "You got it cowboy." said Tanya. The two helped the others as Angel looked at the cannon while destroy two shades with her magic. "Zane and the rest of you. Please. Don't give up. We only have twenty minutes left. I mean if you guys can't do it, we will lose our home and I won't let that happen!" thought Angel.

Next time,
Zane and his friends rush toward Chaos's Lords's Guild Hall head on while a certain group protects Lora.

Guild Card # 35. 
Name: Ashley Edwards.
Age: 39 years old. 
Magic: Passion Magic.
Likes: Her students, her family, teaching, being a mother, and fruit. Dislikes: Idiots.
Info: She was once turned into Okaepralt trapping her time for a decade because she sealed away Kurt's darkness. She was almost killed thanks to Lisa's blindness but thanks to Kurt and his friends, she was brought back to life. After ten years of not using magic, she was forced to stay on the sidelines during the Chaos Lords vs Heroes War. She along with Melody and Valerie are staying in Carran just to make sure.
Affiliation: Heroes. 

Guild Card #36. 
Name: Melody Lawson.
Age: 12 years old.
Magic: Emotion Magic.
Likes: Her big brother Zane, her mother, and her family. Dislikes: Hex Karma.
Info: She was found by Valerie after her town was destroyed by a cult of deranged cultists who were looking for Hex. She took the guild in and the little pinkette looked up to her as a mother as she was taught Emotion Magic which is a stronger version of Passion Magic. She was very serious only breaking her shell to Valerie and later Zane. She is currently with her mother and grandmother in Carran.   
Affiliation: Heroes/Wicked Genocide.

Guild Card #37. 
Name: Valerie Edwards.
Age: 19 years old.
Magic: Arc of Time Magic.
Likes: Zane, her family, and shopping. Dislikes: Death and her father.
Info: Not much is known about her past before joining Wicked Genocide but she joined that she could see her mother again. She fell in love with Kane after he joined Wicked Genocide. In a short period of time, Valerie was completely in love with Kane/Zane. She betray Wicked Genocide to help Zane out. She along with her adopted daughter Melody and her mother who Zane brought back from the death are in Carran for safety. 
Affiliation: Heroes/Magic Council/Wicked Genocide.

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