Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Power Episode 28 Accepting your Demons and Reunion in the Rain

A/N: Okay. We're doing the Celestial Spirits because I've no members of Heroes left. I know that if I didn't do three at a time, I wouldn't be in this mess if I did one or two but I wanted to go with three mainly for length reasons. I think this arc will end by thirty, thirty one, or thirty two. I plan to do something like the Loke Arc but at the same time different.

I really don't like that arc because it's rather Manga Filler. I mean it adds some thing in story and some characters but compared to the last arc ,aka Phantom Lord, and the next arc ,aka Tower of Heaven, is rather lame in comparison. Lets begin and I'm just going to say something. I may like watching the English Dub because it involves loads of read if I do subs and I be lazy but man, they sure are a lot of preaching mainly from Lucy.

Narrator P.O.V.
Inside of the Divine Wizard Colossus Chaos MK VII, Reid was walking around the building. He sense something and he turned behind him to see his fellow members of Villains that came here with him and Kraig to help Chaos Lords. The person on the right was a woman and the person on the left was a man. The woman had long violet hair that goes up to her shoulder and green eyes. She tends to draw attention for anyone around her and this is due to her very interesting outfit.

She had a black metal chain that was wrapped around her body making her curves to stick out. She was wearing a long black dress with a gothic and funeral vibe to it with matching umbrella. To fit her dress's theme, she had a funeral veil over her face and black high heels that were built/designed for combat. The man had had short black hair that looks to be spiked up with the tips of white. He has onyx black eyes.

Despite the weather being hot, he was wearing a dark blue winter jacket with white fur. Under it, he was wearing a long white sleeved shirt with black jeans and matching snow boots. On his forehead. he was wearing a pair of navy blue snow goggles. "Bellatrix and Ruben. Did Kraig order you to come with me?" said Reid. "In a way, yes." said Bellatrix who crossed her arms. "He promised you a good fight." said Ruben.

Reid said,"Are you planning to fight the one who absorbed Saturn along with your creations Ruben? I know that you hate when that happens.". Ruben sighed and he pulled out a P.D.A, (Personal Digital Assistant). "You would be right but I don't care. Look at this you two." said Ruben. The two looked at the screen and Bellatrix said,"Wow. These pests are stronger than most if not all of Chaos Lords who are still failures even with Master Kraig's enhancements.".

Ruben said,"Look here. In the room where Alvaro is, there is a S Class, A Class, and B Class level wizards heading toward him who ,thanks to Kraig's enhancements, is now an S Class level wizard so you should..". "Is that him?" said Reid. "Not at all. He's mostly likely with the A Class wizard. I think you should..." said Ruben. "Ruben. He's already gone." said Bellatrix. "Whatever. Do you remember what Kraig wanted you to do?" said Ruben.

Bellatrix nodded and she said,"I shall return.". She disappeared into the shadows and Ruben looked at the screen. "I'm not going down the path with the two A Class and two D Class level wizard or down the path with the S Class, A Class, and C Class level wizards. The one path that I'm going down the three A Class wizards. One of them has her magic power so I'll get my revenge." said Ruben. He then went down that path as ice followed him.

Outside, Charlie said,"So what the hell are we going to do about that thing?". "We just have to have to believe in the guys inside." said Eric who threw a purple flame whip to slice through shades. "We are so dead meat you guys!" said Leroy. "Hey Angel. How long do you think we have before the spell activates anyway?" said Tanya. The S Class woman was keeping an eye on some of the more injured members and she said,"I don't know maybe ten minutes.".

Tanya said,"Zane seems so sure about this. I mean we've both know Zane but this isn't something to joke about.". "You doubt him?" said Angel. "No. I mean he seriously think that he can find one of the Elemental Five remaining and he has trouble going in a straight line. Ryu may be with him but I just don't want something like what happened two years ago." said Tanya. "Do you seriously think that he can't take of himself?" said Angel.

Tanya said,"Listen. I'm just worried. I mean Zane's strong but yesterday, he looked awful. I just don't want to see him looking so weak.". "Tanya. Zane's going to be fine. You don't need to worry about him okay? He's going to fine. Please go help the others." said Angel. Tanya nodded and she went to go join the others in Shade destroying. Angel didn't noticed someone was behind her and someone had grabbed her with her disappearing in the void.  

Julie reloaded her gun and she said,"Hey. I haven't seen Jason. Was he injured?". "No. He's missing or something." said Fate. "Where did he go?" said Nick who blocked several Shades with sand. "He mentioned to Tanya that he had a bad feeling." said Fate. "Okay. We know for a fact that his feelings are usually right. I hope he isn't wrong." said Julie. She looked at the robot with her thinking,"Please stay sake you guys.".

Zane stopped in place and he looked in the direction of the guild. "Angel." thought Zane. "Hey. So are you okay? I think I saw a kitchen or resting area. They may have some medicine if you're not feeling good." said Ryu who looked at Zane. "Zane. You must go find one of your mates. She is in danger." said Zagehz. "It's the Celestial Angel." said Ophelia. "Where are she?" said Zane. "What's up?" said Ryu.

Zagehz said,"Use your senses boy.". "Oh. Magic Locate!" said Zane. He placed his hand on a nearby wall and he found Angel's magic signature along another one. "Hey Ryu. I found one of the Element Five." wrote Zane. "Really? Lets go!" said Ryu. The two ran down a hallway and Ryu then wrapped his tail around his partner due to his awful sense of direction. Even with enhanced senses and spells to help with that, he gets lost in a straight line.

The Wood Siblings ran down a beautiful designed hallway. "I'll protect Heroes and my sisters with my life!" yelled Norman. Myra sighed and she said,"I guess we should be happy about this but he's quite annoying.". "Yeah. I mean we haven't found any one of the Element Five yet." said Sakura as she tripped on something. "Sakura!" yelled Myra and Norman. The two helped her up and the three saw that the ground was breaking apart.

Alvaro appeared from the ground and he said,"Salut. My name is Alvaro Madrid but you may call me your final opponent.". "I don't care. Just tell me how to stop the Planetary Fissure." said Norman as he took off his jacket with him wearing his dark purple shirt. "We were looking for you freak. You're going to get a manly beat down." said Myra. "Oh? You two are planning to fight against me? This is going to be quite fun." said Alvaro who moved from left to right.

Norman held out his right arm and it started to glow. "I'll handle this guy you two! Time to show him that I'm a real man! Black Bull!" yelled Norman. "You're able to use transformation magic are you not? I guess you're only able to do it with one arm. That's quite sad and the rumors were correct about you. I know everything about you Heroes." said Alvaro. Norman rushed toward him and he said as he aimed his punch at him."Shut the hell up!".

Alvaro jumped over the predictable attack and he said,"I do believe that you're a family man. I mean they're watching you right?". Norman's eyes widened and Myra said,"Norman! Look out!". The man turned around to see Alvaro with him saying,"Terrain Waltz!". The man covered his eyes and he said to himself,"Where did you go?". "Norman!" screamed Myr and Sakura. "Slab Recital!" said Alvaro as the ground below Norman glowed.

It exploded causing the debris from the rocks and he was pelted by them. "Damn it. A real man isn't this weak." thought Norman. He went back from them and Alvaro said,"I remember now. It was two years ago. You tried to stop the King of Monsters but it used Take Over Magic. It went badly and you went violent. Your precious little sister almost died but you're still scared of doing it because you're sure that you're the one who broke their hearts.".

Norman looked at Alvaro who moved back and forth and he yelled,"Shut up! Steel Bull!". His right arm turned steel like and he threw a punch at him. He went into the ground dodging the attack and he reformed behind him. His body began to turn into rubble and he stretched around her. "What are you doing?!" said Sakura. She was about to go help but Myra stopped her. "Sister. He need to do this to be a real man." said Myra.

Norman tried to get him off but he was stuck. "Not going to happen!" said Alvaro. "Get the hell off me muddy Alvaro!" said Norman. "What's with that name?" said Alvaro. He kicked Norman in the jaw launching him back and he went into the ground hard. "Oh? Are you done? I thought you would be able to actually hurt me but I guess you're nothing but talk." said Alvaro. "He's stronger than one may think." said Myra.

Alvaro glared at them and Norman thought while wiping some blood from the corner of his mouth,"I can't let this freak hurt them. Time to use it.". The ground started to shake as he gathered up magic power. "Transformation!....." said Norman. He stopped when an image of the girls in the guild sad appeared in his mind. He went onto his knees and his previous transformation failed. "Norman!" said his sisters.

Alvaro smiled and he said,"You're annoying me a lot ladies. Mud Warp!". The two sisters were gone and Norman yelled,"Myra! Sakura! Hey! Bring them back!". He stood up and he rushed toward him but Alvaro smiled. "You shouldn't try to attempt something that you can't do. You're weak compared to me so learn your place!" said Alvaro. He kicked Norman's chest and launched the giant man into the air. "Mortar Fist!" said Alvaro.

In front of the wizard, a giant fist made out of the ground flew toward Norman which sent the man right into the nearby wall. "This is the power of Chaos Lords!" said Alvaro. He started to laugh and Norman looked out the recently created window. He was very shocked to say the least. It couldn't be described with words, "Big sis?! Sakura?! Zane?!" said Norman. "Hey Norman! I could really use your help!" said Zane. He was try to move the titan's hand that was hurting the sisters

Earlier, Due to Mud Warp, the two girls had reappeared inside of the machine's steel grip which was very tight. It was getting hard for the two to breath with Myra about to faint. "Myra! Sakura! Hang on! We're coming!" yelled a voice. Suddenly, the wall behind them exploded in a massive explosive of ice. The frozen rubble fell into the ocean causing the water below to get a minor case of frost bite and she saw Zane standing there with Ryu.

Ryu said,"So how did you know about her being here?". "Followed my nose." wrote Zane. "Zane?! I can't believe it." said Myra. She watched as Zane jumped onto the metallic arm that was holding her and Sakura. "Ryu. You take care of those!" wrote Zane. The dragon smiled and he glowed. He turned into a large serpent like creature. The usually gold and red was now a bright blue. "Are you okay? I would ask Sakura but...." wrote Zane.

Sakura was out cold and Myra said,"I'm fine! Just get me out of here!". "Okay! I'm coming! Power Transformation Dragon!" said Zane. He turned into a human version of a dragon and he pry apart the fingers that were holding the two hostage. Despite his extreme strength even in this form, it barely moved an inch but still enough for Myra to breath. His muscles were protruding  and veins appeared all over his body with him completely focused on freeing them.

Zane thought,"Damn it! I can't move them anymore! I'm still recovering from Kraig's attack but if I use my magic, Myra and Sakura would get hurt if I did! Dam it!". "Zane. It's fine. You can leave me and Sakura here. You need to stop." said Myra. "No! I won't leave you two! I left you all for two long years and I won't let anyone near me die!" yelled Zane. His body was on fire and he was only able to move it another image. "Zane." thought Myra as she was beginning to cry.   

Zagehz said,"Look inside of yourself Zane. Find your inner strength and save them! One is your mate and the other is a servant.". "She isn't a servant but a friend/sibling." said Ophelia. "Come on! Move it now!" yelled Zane. His Power Transformation was gone and he went back to his normal self. He looked up and he saw Norman looking right at them. "Hey Norman! I could really use your help!" said Zane.

Alvaro said,"It seems that the troublesome one is there. I thought that he would be focused on being an idiot.". He stomped on Norman's back and he said,"Your sisters will be dead from our weapon's grip and then after ending you, I'll kill Zero.". "Run Norman." said Myra. She couldn't stop crying as Alvaro kicked Norman. "STOP IT! IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT HAPPENS TO ME! JUST STOP HURTING MY BROTHER!" yelled Myra.

Zane thought,"Myra. I can't leave to help Norman or they're be smashed. I can't watch him die. What the hell should I do?". "You'll be going through a pain that can't be described. Losing your sisters in a second will make this good." said Alvaro. "Get out of here now!" yelled Myra. "I swore that I would never see you or Sakura cry. So why are you crying big sis!?" said Norman. He turned around and he socked Alvaro in the gut.  

The man coughed up blood and Norman stood up. He remember what he did on the day that they lost Zane. "Who made you cry?!" yelled Norman. The ground began to tremble under Norman and Myra was shocked to see. "Don't do it! You can't!" yelled Myra. "She's right you know." said Alvaro as he held his clutched stomach  "It isn't my fault for what happened. For the longest time, I thought that I was the reason for making you girls sad." said Norman.

Myra said,"That's isn't true!". "I never want to feel like that again! I was weak back then and I did let loose that day! I'm scared of what I can do but that isn't what a man is! I'm strong enough to protect all of you because I'm a man!" yelled Norman. His body began to glow and Zane smiled. "You did it Norman. Now show that prick what makes you the manly man in the entire guild! Go now!" said the Power Slayer. "I will Zane! Just hang on!" yelled Norman.

Flashback to a couple of days when Zane returned back to Heroes. "Hey Norman!" said a voice. The male wood sibling turned around as he saw Zane waving his hand and walking toward him. "What are you doing here?" said Norman. "I was just in the neighborhood." wrote Zane. "Really? Where's Ryu?" said Norman. "He went to go help Lucky with something or something for Barry. I'm not sure myself." wrote Zane. "Oh." said Norman. "So what'cha doing?" wrote Zane.

Norman said,"Big sister asked me to pick up some things we're missing at home. I was just heading back.". "Could I join you?" wrote Zane. "Huh. Sure but why?" said Norman. "We haven't any time to talk since I came back after all." wrote Zane. "Well. You aren't wrong." said Norman. "Cool. Lets get going." wrote Zane. "Yeah." said Norman. Norman had always respected Zane ever since they were kids bur for some reason, he was acting weirder than before.

Zane wrote,"So what's been going on? I mean no one has told me anything.". "Huh. Nothing much really." said Norman. He wasn't sure how to answer it because it's been a tough two years since Zane disappeared. He could still see the image of the girls in the guild crying for countless days. He blame himself for their tears. He didn't want to see them or his sisters sad again because it killed him every time he saw them.

When Zane came back, the girls were happy to see him. He was so happy that his sisters could smile again along with the others. "That's good I guess." wrote Zane as he moved his hands behind his head in a smile. "Yeah. Hey Zane." said Norman. "What's up?" wrote Zane. "I wanted to ask you that was bothering me for a while." said Norman. "Shoot." wrote Zane. "Did something happen between you and the girls?" said Norman.

Zane looked confused and he wrote,"Nothing as of late. Why?". "They all have been happier the past couple of days." said Norman. "Really? I mean they seem the same to me." wrote Zane. "No. It's way different." said Norman. "What do you mean?" wrote Zane. Norman stopped and he looked at Zero who stood in front of him. "I can't really explain it but when you left, all of the girls were sad and they were depressing to look at." said Norman.

Norman took a deep breath and he said,"Whenever I saw anyone of the girls like that, it made me so mad. I couldn't believe that I'm the one who made them like this. I made my sister cry so what kind of man am I to do such an awful thing?!". The people walking by were confused at this scene with Zane standing there. He had a feeling that Norman had a lot to get off his chest. "You came back and their smiles return so thank you for that Zane but I...." said Norman.

Zane smirked and he wrote,"Wow. That's deep but what happened to the real Norman? I mean Myra changed but I still see the Demon for before but what happened bro?". "Shut up! A real man knows how to share his feelings!" said Norman. "Calm down. I don't know if it was because of me that the girls changed but we can't changed the past. If I had a chance, I would give myself up so I could save all of you I promise you that." wrote Zane.

Norman said,"You would?". "Yep! A real man should be strong enough to protect the things that he cares about. He gets stronger to protect the things he care about but he should be able to protect them no matter what could happen to himself." wrote Zane. "So what are you saying?" said Norman. "Lets drop this stuff off at your place and we're training." wrote Zane. "Right!" said Norman. He ran ahead and Zane followed behind the man.

Back in the present, Zane said,"So I could be wrong but wasn't it bigger?". The King of Monsters ,but it was smaller, stood there. He roared and rushed toward Alvaro. "No! No! No! No! No! No! No! You need to stay away!" yelled Alvaro. The monster punched Alvaro back and Myra said,"What did you make him do idiot?!". "It isn't his fault sister. I'll destroy this prick and I save the both of you." said Norman aka the King of Monsters.

Alvaro flew in the air and he said,"Mortar Fist!". The rock fist was stopped by Norman who said with a smile,"Die prick.". He threw the fist at Alvaro and he yelled,"Time for my Manly Punch!". Alvaro went flying through the air and he crashed into the ground hard. He jumped out of the wall and he said,"I'm coming!". "Hurry!" yelled Zane. His X wound was acting up and Zane heard,"Need some help bro?".

Zane looked up to see Norman's smile ,despite him being the King of Monsters, and Zane said,"You know it.". The two pulled the sisters out of there and they rushed toward the hole. Zane sat down and Norman gently placed his sister down. "Someone told me something once. A real man should be strong enough to protect the things that he cares about. He gets stronger to protect the things he care about but he should be able to protect them no matter what could happen to himself." said the man.

Myra looked at Zane who whistled as Ryu ,back in his cute form, said,"Hey guys! So is mommy going to be okay?". "She's going to be fine. Norman was awesome. We better get going. We have one more of those pricks left." wrote Zane. "I think you're forgetting about one but lets go." said Ryu. The two were about to run off and Myra said,"Zane! Stop!". "What?" wrote Zane. "Thanks for being my knight or should I say Dragon?" said Myra.

She walked up to him and placed a light kiss on his cheek. "Go be a hero okay?" said Myra. Zane's face lit up and he said,"Sure thing!". He rushed off with Myra giggling upon seeing Zane's blush. "I am so confused." said Norman who pinched his nose. Sakura woke up and she screamed when she saw Norman. 'Myra! Calm down! It's Norman!" said Myra. "It is? Wow. That's so cool." said Sakura who smiled. "Yep. I'm calling this spell Beast Mode." said Norman.

The three ran off as Tanya smiled. She saw the whole thing and she felt good for her friend. She went onto her knees and Eric said,"Tanya! You need to rest! You're pushing yourself too hard!". "Not going to happen old man. Our family is fighting hard so I'm not going to give up." said Tanya. She rushed back to the fight and Eric smiled. "Wow. The girls in the guild are some strong wizards makes me feel really weak." said Eric as he rushed back to the fight.

Kraig said to Samuel,"Wow. Your Element Five are really shitty bro.". "Shut up. I blame you." said Samuel. "Ouch. I'm hurt. I told you that I'll give you power but they seem to forget about that. Don't worry. I plan to make them cry." said Kraig. "You're going to fight?" said Kraig. "Nope. I'm not that stupid unlike your element five." said Kraig. Samuel grumbled and Kraig thought,"Time to collect the prize.".

At the Heroes Hideout which was on the outskirts of town. Fred and Victor watched as Jordan tried to wake Lora up. Jade, Reyna, and Tessa were nearby as Jordan said,"Lora. It's a dream. Wake up.". The brunette woke up and she said,"Let me help too sister!". She looked up to see Jordan on the ground with a fist imprint on his face. "Um. What happened to Jordan and where am I?" said Lora. "You just sucker punched him!" said Fred.

Jade glared at him and it silenced him. "Anyway Lora, Angel used a sleeping spell and we're here at the hideout. It's pretty nice right?" said Tessa. "Pretty shabby if you ask me." said Reyna. "Oh. So she did this to protect me." said Lora. "Yep." said Jordan. "I'm helpful you guys. I didn't want to let you all fight for me." said Lora. "I thought we made it clear earlier. We don't blame you. We just getting back at Chaos for what they did to us and we're protecting our family." said Victor.

Lora said,"I know that but I can't just leave them die.". "Lora. If Chaos Lord captured you, it would have been for nothing." said Jade. The roof shook and they all looked at the roof. "Whose trying to get in?" said Fred. "Just get behind us Lora." said Tessa. The group prepared for a fight and the door blew off. Tessa made a giant statue to block the attack. Two people walked in and one of them was Johnny who smiled.

The other person was a woman. She had light brown skin with short light green hair and she was wearing a pair of blackish gold frame with a missing green lenses and her left eye was shown with her having light brown eyes. She had small blue earrings. She was wearing a pale grim with a furry reddish-violet. She was wearing a beige top with a purple ribbon tied in a bow around her waist. She was wearing black leggings with a violet skirt and she finished with brown boots.

She said,"Wow. We got Ultimate Champions and Wood Girl protecting our target.". "Don't forget about fatty. If you just give us the brat, this'll end less painfully." said Johnny. He jumped to the roof and he crackled his knuckles. "Jade, Reyna, and Tessa. Take Lora and leave." said Jordan. He painted something and Lora said,"No! We can....!". She was grabbed by Tessa as the four girls ran off. "What are you doing?! We have to help them!" said Lora.

Reyna said,"We can't let you get captured by Chaos Lords Lora. If we do, Lisa will be mad and this would have been for nothing.". The woman looked at Johnny and he said,"Don't order me around Faye. You take care of fatty and the skinny brothers. I'll go after the girls.". He was gone and Fred said,"You're not going to get a chance! Super Eagle Kick!". He was about to hit Johnny but Faye said,"Not happening speedy gonzales. Shrieking!".

She opened her mouth and it created a sound that was worse than nails on a chalkboard. Fred covered his ears and he crashed into the wall. Fred was out cold. "Fred! You'll pay for that!" said Victor. "It is time for an Encore! Shrieking times two!" yelled Faye. A larger sound was produced from her and she launched Victor into the wall. "Nature's Rampage!" yelled Jordan. The hogs went toward her and she said,"How cute. Fatty's trying. Pattern Reflector!".

Several mirrors appeared in front of her as the bovine went inside of them. "What?" said Jordan. "It's time for you to die now." said Faye. The hogs slammed into Jordan launching him into the air. Faye walked over to Johnny's location with a smile. "Wow. You guys sure are weak compared to Johnny whose an actual fighter unlike the Element Five. They think they're so strong but they're compared to me and Johnny." thought Faye.

Johnny stopped the four in their tracks and he said,"You're not going anywhere girlfriend. I have a job and beating you up a bit wouldn't be so bad.". "Ice and Wood Orbs!" yelled Tessa. Several orbs ,that are covered with spikes, flew toward Johnny and he smiled. "Steel Dragon Club!" yelled Johnny. His left arm turned into a club and the club launched the balls into the walls around the girls. "Wow. That was easy. I guess I thought better of you." said Johnny.

He jumped toward them and he said,"Steel Dragon Spike Hammer!". Both arms turned into a huge spiky metal ball with him punching all four girls at once. He grabbed Lora and he walked toward where Faye was. His nose started to twitch and he thought,"What? Someone here seems like a dam dragon but I don't think flashlight, that shadow, the girl, or Zero is here.". He blocked Tessa's scythe and he said,"You're stubborn. I like that.".

He threw her back and Johnny said,"Steel Dragon Club!". The club slammed into her and she went flying into the wall. "Time for some questions pointdexter." said Johnny. He grabbed her by her hair and he jumped onto the roof. He looked over toward the guild hall and he said,"So Master was forced to bring out the Planetary Fissure. Son of a bitch, he left me out of the fun.". He jumped back with his presents as someone landed on the roof.

Jason stood there and he said,"How about you give me back the girls before I kick your ass so hard rivet face.". "You serious? Time to kick your ass." said Johnny. He threw both girls to the right of him and he said,"Time to make you cry for your mommy!". His arm turned into a club and it flew to the wizard. He jumped over it and he threw a giant ball of snow at Johnny which he deflected toward the ground. "You smell weird. So who the hell are you?" said Johnny.

Jason smiled and he said,"I usually don't like guys smell me plus the ladies love me.....". He went onto his knees and he thought,"Dam it. Why not?". Johnny smiled and he jumped behind. He then kicked Jason into the ground right in front of Faye who messed with Jade and Reyna's body. "Guess you're nothing. Hey Faye. Take care of this prick will you?" said Johnny who picked Lora and Tessa up. "So why are you bringing her back?" said Faye pointing to Tessa.

Johnny glared at her and she said,"Okay. See you there.". Johnny jumped away and Jason said,"Give them back. "Sorry but you're not going anywhere pretty boy. Disturbed!" said Faye. A burst of sound rushed toward him and Jason was trapped inside of it of the vortex of sound. "It's time for your own personal mirror Kaleidoscope!" said Faye. Several mirrors appeared around Jason and she walked back to the titan.

Jordan said as he was the only one conscious,"Forgive me. I couldn't protect either Lora or Tessa. I'm so sorry.". "Dam it!" yelled Jason. He punched the wall of his prison and he said,"Why the hell didn't I go with them? I could have stopped them if I came sooner. I'm weak. I bet you're enjoying my pain aren't you Elaine?". Back inside of Chaos Lords, Zane and Ryu were back on the path that they were on before their little detour.

Zane thought,"That was close. I mean thank you for Norman being there or I couldn't have saved her from this monster.". "You're sad Zane. One of your mate was in danger and you couldn't save her." said Zagehz. "I hate to agree but he's right. You must use ALL of your power to protect them." said Ophelia. "They can defend themselves!" thought Zane. "No. You did not." said Zagehz with a growl.

Ophelia said,"You're the heir to our idiot son which means you have so much idle power which means that you can use it to protect your mates from harm. You just have to dig deep inside of yourself and drag it out.". "Idle power? With it, I will be able to protect them?" thought Zane. "Hey Zane! Stop!" yelled Ryu. Zane stopped and Ryu said,"Are you okay? I mean you are quiet and really anger.".

Zane looked down and he wrote,"Hey Ryu. I know that you're still young but do you know about the history of your kind.". The two ran back down the hall and Ryu said,"A bit. Jade read me a book of dragon history. Why do you ask?". "Just curious is all. I'll need to read that book afterwards." wrote Zane. The two stopped when they looked up to see rain. "Rain? It can't be. Ryu, stay here. You do remember what happens when you go in the rain." wrote Zane.

He jumped up to the roof and Ryu said through their telepathy magic,"Why the hell is it raining? I mean it's summer and it was sunny earlier.". "I don't know but I really have a bad feeling about it so stay there." thought Zane. "Drip, drip, drop." said a voice. He turned around and he saw Casey with her looking at him. She had an umbrella over her head and she said,"Greeting. My name is Casey of the Element Five. Drip, drip, drop.".

Zane wrote,"I can't believe it.". "Yes. You're facing off against one of us. You may defeat three of us but me and Keith can't be defeated." said Casey. "I really don't want to fight you Case but you hurt my family. You may be a woman but I'll fight you if you hurt my family." wrote Zane. The two then started at each other and Casey blushed. "Well, you win." said Casey. "You can't be serious?!" said Zane.

Casey put her hand against her chest and she thought,"Why is my heart beating so fast when I'm near him? It's pitter and patter.". "Hey wait! We need to talk!" wrote Zane. She turned around to face and she thought,"I must make him and there's no going back now! Ocean Lock!". Zane was trapped in the sphere of water and his scar was bleeding. "Dam it!" thought Zane. "Oh no! He's injured! What do I do?" said Casey who moved back and forth.

She was about to free him but Zane wrote,"Blizzard God Frigid Wasteland!". He froze the sphere off word and he punched the sphere apart. "He froze it and it shattered it apart. I was sure that no one was able to destroy it. Is he the one?" thought Casey. "Crap. I forgot how strong you can be." said the grayette. He produced flames over his scar to cauterize the wound but his shirt stopped him. Casey let a gasp as Zane took off his shirt.

Casey said,"Can't we take things slow?". "Power Dragon Missiles!" wrote Zane. Several magic balls appeared around him and he fired them at a target. However, they went through her and straight into the wall. Her face was red and she said,"My body is the rain itself." said Casey. "Crap! I forget about that." wrote Zane. "He just invade me with his attack. He is my enemy. I must be strong but this is war!" thought Casey.

She squirmed around like a high school girl in love and she said,"It's time to say goodbye my super handsome prince.". She fired a wave of water at him and she said,"Ocean Severing!". Zane's eyes widened as several blades of water flew toward him. He ducked as he saw that the metal behind him was sliced and diced. "War God Battle Ax!" wrote Zane. He threw a giant ax made out of his magic power but it went right through her.

Casey said,"You don't expect to win do you.". "I could Case if I freeze you but I can't move. I'm still lost why she didn't get burned. I guess the blade actually has to touch them." thought Zane. His legs were in pain from earlier and Casey said,"You still have a chance to survive my prince. I asked you to bring Lora to me. If you do so, I will speak with Master and convince him to surrender.". "I am sorry but I can't." wrote Zane.

She looked at him and he said,"Both sides have come too far to stop now! Lora is part of our family and special to me. I wouldn't give her to you even if I die.". She suddenly dropped her umbrella and it surprised Zane. He then looked at her and he saw her shocked expression. "Are you okay Case? Was it something that I said?" wrote Zane as his head was titled to the side. "Even if I die, even if I die, even if I die. He loves her. She's my rival in love!" thought Casey.

She placed her hands on her cheeks and her face was getting brighter and brighter with each passing second. She also moved weirdly and Zane thought that something was going on in her head. She then stopped moving and the Power Slayer wonder if she was going to do something. She got so mad that her body was steaming literally. "I can't forgive this! Lora and Tessa can't be allowed to live!" yelled Lora. "Huh? What are you talking about Casey?" wrote Zane.

Zane felt the rain around him turn hot and he said,"It's boiling. It's so hot. Why is she so mad at Lora and Tess for?". She raised her arm and she fired a giant blast of water at him. "Not a fan of having burns on my body. Time to..." wrote Zane. He jumped over the attack but he had to duck in the air due to the blast heading toward him. He flew into a puddle and he slid across the roof. He stopped himself before falling off the roof. "That was too close for comfort." wrote Zane.

Casey said,"Since I was born, the rain and I have been together. It's my power! Prepared to be burned by my Possessive Fury!". She threw several streams of water at him and Zane said,"What are you talking about?!". He dodged the attack and he said,"Earth Make Rampart!". Zane stomped on the ground in front of him as a giant piece of stone appeared in front of him. The stream hit the rock and it was breaking. "Crap. That's way too strong. I need to do something about it." thought Zane.

Casey said,"I told you! My power comes from the rain!". The rock exploded into dust and before the stream was gone, she saw the broken window. "He used the rock to distract me so he could escape from me. He's not just handsome but brilliant too. God, I'm in love." said Casey. Zane ran down the wall looking out the windows. "I can't waste any more time on Case right now. I have to stop this hunk of junk!" thought Zane.

Water broke through the roof and he was caught in a giant tidal wave. "My skin!" said Zane. It turned into a geyser and it launched him into the air. "This ends now!" yelled Casey. She threw another burst of water at him and he said,"Sorry about this Case but I can't get burned again!". He put his hand into the water and she said,"He's just jumped into the burning water without any hesitation.". "Blizzard God Frigid Wasteland!" wrote Zane.

The water began to freeze around him and he was falling toward the ground. "This can't be happening to me. I should be mad that he froze my water but...." thought Casey. Zane's face went red and he saw that his left hand was on her breasts. "It isn't what you think Case! I swear!" wrote Zane. "How long are we going to be stuck like this?" thought Casey. "Sorry about that!" said Zane. The ice shattered around them and she was free.

Casey said,"You freed me even though we're enemies. You're so nice.". "What did you say? I think I have rain in my ears." wrote Zane. "Are you going to try and fight me? I can't hurt you so there is no point in us fight." said Casey. "So did I win?" wrote Zane. "Listen, I know that I am much stronger than Lora and Tessa put together. I'll protect you." said Casey who had a blush on her face. "What are you talking about? I can protect myself." wrote Zane.

Casey said,"I know but I want to because I lo... lo... lo...". During her stuttering, the rain picked up and Zane wrote,"Hey. Did the rain get worse or what?". "This is so annoying!" said Casey. "It won't end. Man, this rain is so nice. I mean I personally like the rain because..." wrote Zane. Casey went onto her knees and Zane wrote,"What happened?". "I thought you were different but you're just like the rest!" thought Casey. She replaced nice with bleak.

She stood back up and the water started to boil again. "Why are you so evil!?" yelled Casey. "What are you talking about?!" wrote Zane. "I won't let my feelings control me anyone!" thought Casey as a boiling stream went to Zane. It was destroying the floor below her and Zane thought,"Kraig. What the hell did you do to her?!".  He dodged the stream of water at first but it bounced and hit straight to his face.

Casey yelled,"I'm done with love! And I'm done with you!". She thought about all of the memories of people calling her an ameonna and one of the people was Rufus. "I was a gloomy rain woman but Chaos Lords looked past that! They welcome me with open arms! I'm one of the Element Five and I am a proud Chaos Lords Wizard!" yelled Casey. Zane was launched back from the attack and Casey said,"Sierra!". Her body turned into water and went into him.

Zane said,"You're not yourself Case! The real Case would never do something like this!". He made a boulder that blocked the stream of water and Zane said,"You're going down Kraig! You hurt Casey and I'll make you pay for that!". His hands went into the stream of water and he said,"Permafrost Dragon Eruption!". A giant eruption of ice appeared from the ground below him and it launched Casey into the air. She saw that the rain turned into ice. "Wow." said Casey.

The ice broke and Casey was starting to fall toward the ground below them. "I lost. With this defeat, I think this life will end. I'm like a raindrop which is the perfect end for a rain woman like myself. This has been fun but it's time to end my depressing life." thought Casey. "Shit! I'm coming Casey!" yelled Zane. He rushed toward the falling woman and he slide down a slope on the guild. He reached out to grab Casey's hand but he missed her by a second.

Zane's eye widened and he said,"I'm coming Casey!". He jumped after her and he said,"Fire Make Ailerons!". The flame covered wings appeared and he flew toward her. Casey felt the ground rapidly getting close and she closed her eyes. She got ready for the impact but it never came. She felt herself into a strong pair of arms. She then felt herself flying back upwards. She felt her savoir land safely and she opened a doubtful eye open.

She saw that the rain was long gone and in its place, a gorgeous and translucent sky. "It's so beautiful but I haven't seen this since..." said Casey. "So do you remember me now Case? I mean I love the rain but sometimes, the sun is good." said a happy voice. His face was blocked by the shining sun but he did see his irresistible smile. "It's you rain, rain go away girl! It's been forever!" said the voice. Casey opened her sea blue eyes more when she heard that nickname.

She spotted his gray hair and scaled scarf that made him special. Her eyes were filled with tears of joy upon seeing him. The last time that she saw the sun was three years ago and it was thanks to the same man who had her in her arms. After he left her, her world was once filed with an endless rain storm. "Zane!" yelled Casey. He hugged her hard and Zane held the crying Casey closer to his chest with him said,"I'm happy that you just remember me.".

Casey said,"I've missed you so much. You finally return sunshine back to my life.". "Well, I love the rain but I love your smile more." wrote Zane. The two got really close to each other and they were really close to kissing. "Um!" said a voice. The two teens looked up to see Ryu and he said,"So am I being a cock block?". "Um Zane. Who's that?" said Casey. "Well, we have a lot to talk about." wrote Zane. "Okay." said Casey.

Next time,
With Alvaro and Casey defeated by Norman and Zane using the power of Love, Keith is the only one left! What's Kraig planning and is Samuel going to do anything.
Guild Card #41.
Name: Luke the Leo.
Age: ? years old.
Magic: Light Magic.
Likes: Women, his fellow spirits, and staying loyal to his master. Dislikes: Death.
Info: He is the leader of the Zodiac and he's rumored to be the strongest one out of the bunch but Ariel ,when she's angry, can defeated her. Upon meeting Zane, the lion liked the boy's spirit and the two grew a incredible bond. He usually summons himself without Zane's permission to protect him and his mates which includes his fellow Spirits. 
Affiliation: Zane.

Guild Card #41.
Name: Ariel the Aquarius.
Age: ? years old.
Magic: Water Magic.
Likes: Zane, being the strongest, and her friends. Dislikes: Seeing Zane in pain.
Info: She was once a cold woman due to her not having a good master until meeting Zane. She liked her precious master but she likes Zane a lot more. Over time with Zane, he melted her cold heart and she's really nice now. However, she still has her temper which is able to defeat any opponent.
Affiliation: Zane.

Guild Card #41.
Name: April the Aries.
Age: ? years old.
Magic: Wool Magic.
Likes: Her Master, Luke, her fellow spirits, and being kind. Dislikes: Death. 
Info: She's very shy and tends to be quiet. She however gets bullied by some of her fellow spirits causing Luke to protect her. She tends to stay in her background and when she met Zane, she gained a lot of confidence. She's still protective of him causing Luke to promise him that he won't hurt her with Zane promising the lion that. She is able to make protective shields with her wool that's able to block Ariel's water and Luke's Light.
Affiliation: Zane.

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