Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Power Episode 23 Picking up two evil women to take back home

A/N: Last Episode took five days and it was 26,388 words/141,360 characters. Yeah. I won't don't something on that level again I hope. I can't promise anything. I mean it shows my determination. Soul is coming but I'm working hard on the play even though it will be okay. I'm honest about that. I hope you enjoy an episode of filler before Chaos Lords. I don't know as of January Eighth 2017, if I am doing the Loke Arc. Expect that soon or sum up in a fashion. Zane's hair is gray by the way. I would change things but I'm rather lazy. This episode despite having a dirty title isn't.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane was currently resting on the second floor of the guild hall. They had been back for a week and Zane was tired. He was dragged around shopping as punishment for leaving two years ago about a month later. In hindsight, he should have gone on a job but he was really concerned about how the newer members. Hilda made fast friends with Jordan, Lisa kept herself and only talked to her friends from the island, Kurt, and Ashley, and Tanya enjoying teasing Reyna.

Ashley was the only one who Zane couldn't get a good feeling on. She was always drinking at the bar and she refused to use the prosthetic leg that Althea made for her. According to the woman, it would take up to a month max for all of Ashley's magic to return. She also noted that until her magic was restored, she would have to use the prosthetic leg which works just like a normal leg. Zane felt a magic aura and he wrote,"What's up Sakura?".

The pinkette smiled and she said,"I just wanted to make sure that you were doing alright. I heard that you got what you deserved.". "Is it my fault that I'm so handsome?" wrote Zane. "Same old Zane. So what are you planning to do today?" said Sakura. "Don't know yet. I thought Fate was coming back into town." wrote Zane. "Yeah. I think we're going to have get a lot of beer." said Sakura. "Yeah. It's nice for my Drunken Temptress to have a drinking rival." wrote Zane.

Sakura said,"So I heard from my sister that you're building a harem.". "You want in? I mean we have a bond but ...." wrote Zane. "No Zane. I just wanted you to promise that you won't break her heart. I have known you for years but I just want to make sure." said Sakura. "I won't. I wouldn't want the Demon mad at me." wrote Zane. Sakura smiled and she said,"Hey. Could you use your magic to make this private?".

Zane looked confused and he wrote,"Sure? Mute Stroke." Zane snapped his fingers and both of them were inside of a field. "This spell negates all sounds from the outside and only me and you can hear about what you ever want to talk about. I use it when I'm forced to do anything with the council or my luck with the ladies backfire. I used the later for shopping." wrote Zane. "Okay. So you know that Fred has a crush on me right?" said Sakura.

Zane said,"He does?! What a shock.". "You don't need to be sarcastic." said Sakura. "Well, he got stronger to try and impress you which Victor didn't. So why are you telling me this instead of your lovely sister?" wrote Zane. "She would tease me about it." said Sakura. "And you thought that I wouldn't. I'm hurt." wrote Zane. "Sometimes Zane." said Sakura. "I had a feeling that you have a crush on my little brother. I'm right." wrote Zane.

Sakura sighed and she said,"How long?". "I think when I first came to the guild. Thanks to my senses Sakura, I was able to figure it out." wrote Zane. "Wow. You're able to find out if someone has a crush but you get lost in a straight line. I mean you just have to walk in a straight line to the church but you take six rights and a left to get there." said Sakura. "At least I get there Sakura. So anything else for me?" wrote Zane.

On the first floor, Reyna looked at the two talking. "So. What are you going to do about it?" said Lisa with her arms crossed. "What are you talking about Glacial Sultana?" said Reyna. Lisa sighed and she said,"You can call me Lisa Reyna. That was the past.". "It's a habit." said Reyna. "You should try and talk to him." said Lisa. "But I can't go up to the second floor. Only S Class wizards and staff can go up there." said Reyna.

Lisa shrugged and she said,"So? You should just go forward with it. Watch and learn.". She rushed to the stairs but she was frozen in Okaepralt. "Don't break the rules Lisa." said Ashley from the bar. "I need to go up there though." said Lisa. Kurt smiled and he said,"This is going to be good.". He made a giant shoe and he kicked Lisa away. "And she's out of here!" yelled Kurt. "This isn't going to end up good is it?" said Reyna. Lisa returned as she and Kurt caused a brawl.

Zane walked downstairs and he snapped his fingers. Everyone fell asleep and he sneaked his way out of the guild hall. He walked around Mural with him just alone to his thoughts. "I wonder why I'm still helping Wicked Genocide. I mean they don't have what I'm looking for but I could say that for my guild as well." thought Zane. He looked in a photo and he noticed the heroes mark on his armor. "I'm going to get some rest alone. Better hide my magic just in case." wrote Zane.

Myra rubbed her eyes and she said,"Why the hell did Zane have to copy that spell? Really hating sleep magic.". Allison nodded as she said,"So where did he go?". Angel noticed that Sakura was sneaking away with the angel grabbing the youngest wood sibling. "Put me down!" said Sakura. "If you tell me where Zane went, I'll put you down!" said Angel. Sakura looked at Myra who said,"You have something wee want so tell us.". The pinkette sighed as she said,"Okay. He is....".

Tanya was currently drinking at the bar with Ashley confused. "Is everything going well?" said a voice. The woman turned around to see Ax standing there on the table and she said,"Everything is alright but should we stop her?". "Oh. Tanya has been drinking since she was thirteen years old. It's normal around here. You got used to the fighting." said Ax. "Yeah. I think it's because of Kurt and Lisa fighting when they were kids. I think they fought stupid things." said Ashley.

She held her head and Ax said,"Is it the Passion Shell?". "Yeah. Most of my memories are frozen and lost with them slowly coming back to me. I have to thank Zane for saving me." said Ashley. "Yes. It would be him that saved you." said Ax. "What is that supposed to mean Master?" said Tanya. "Oh. It is nothing at all. Look, more booze." said Ax. Tanya was gone as Ax said,"Those girls are scary when it comes to their Zane.".

Ashley said,"I supposed Zane is their first crush. Girls can be rather lethal at this time.". "You would know." said Ax. "So did you give them the talk during puberty?" said Ashley. "No. I helped the boys while an old friend of mine was stuck with the girls." said Ax. "Please tell me that it wasn't Eric and Wayne." said Ashley. "No. It was Althea." said Ax. "I see. Do you mind if I talk to all of the girls sometime?" said Ashley. "Sure thing." said Ax.

Hilda was talking with Jordan who hadn't changed in seven years but gained a bigger gut. "So why did you ask Master for him to use your magic on him?" said Hilda. "I ask because it has helping with my brand of Art Magic. I mean you use Scrolls correct?" said Jordan. "Yeah. It's because the person who taught me my magic said that this was the best way to do this." said Hilda. "I see. You do look nice. Model quality." said Jordan.

Instead of that outfit that she wore, she was wearing a long-sleeved light purple blouse with a high collar, a matching skirt that goes down to her knees, and black high heeled sandals. She was wearing a small backpack that was filled with brushes, ink, and scrolls inside of it. She wasn't wearing the gloves. "You're lucky that I'm not angry. I also wear gold hoop earrings on dates." said Hilda. "May I ask why?" said Jordan. "My eyes turn glowing red and my sclerae turn black." said Hilda.

Jordan said,"That does sound rather frighting. It's a good thing that we haven't made you mad yet.". "I would agree with you but Leroy's dancing and Charlie's inability to find work is rather annoying to say the least." said Hilda. "Yes but they're rather loyal to the guild. Leroy is able to use Dance magic which is like a form of Enchantment magic mainly focused on Attack, Defense, and Speed. Charlie is able to use Animal Magic." said Jordan.

Hilda said,"Animal Magic? Is it like Transformation Magic?". "In a sense but Charlie is able to use the spirits of animals to help him in combat." said Jordan. "I see." said Hilda. She sipped her drink and she said,"So why doesn't Zane talk?". "You don't know? I think he says that it was due to him being cursed by Hex Karma himself. He is able to talk now thanks to him using his magic but he does sometimes forget making the girls hurt him." said Jordan.

The two heard,"Yeah but that's Zane for you Jordan.". The two saw Fate Grant standing there. He had chin length white hair with his bangs being pushed away from his blue eyes. He looked like a mini gangster with a strange tattoo. He was a falcon tattoo that starts at the top of his right shoulder and it ends about in the middle of his hand. "Sup. The name is Fate Grant or Falcon. The third best shooter in the guild." said Fate.

Hilda said,"Third best?". "Yeah. I mean you met Julie and Nick right? They could shoot their way out of a jam with a single shot." said Fate. "I see then." said Hilda. Fate sat down nearby them and he said with a smile,"So is Sakura in?". "Yes. She is busy right now." said Jordan. "What? Fred flirting with her again." said Fate. "She is being tortured by Allison, Angel, and Myra for Zane's location. He is rather popular." said Hilda.

Fate said,"Yeah because Zane is the heart and soul of the guild.". "I would have to agree. It was rather boring before he joined the guild. I remember the day that he joined." said Jordan. He pulled out a painting and Hilda said,"Wow. Zane fought the Alchemy Knights. I thought that they were really strong.". "Yeah but to Zane, they're rather weak." said Fate. "Indeed." said Jordan. The three talked and the guild was having a quiet day.

Zane was currently in his training ground with Jade and Lora who asked him to train them. "So how are you two liking my Phantom Double? They really help with training." wrote Zane. The two girls were on the floor tired and he wrote,"I guess you're done for now.". He snapped his fingers as several copies of himself ,made of darkness, disappeared. "Wow. Those were rather strong." said Lora. "They kept getting stronger though." said Jade.

Zane wrote,"I also use them if I really don't feel like fighting. They also help when I want to take out a dark guild. You two are doing really good. I mean you took down a hundred copies. Clair isn't able to defeat fifty.". "That was when she was a little girl right?" said Lora. "No. That was the other day. It is a good thing that she improved in terms of her Slayer Magic but she tends to waste her magic fast unlike Steve who saves his magic but doesn't use it effectively." wrote Zane.

Jade said,"What about Ana?". "Oh. She is the balance between the two." wrote Zane. "I mean she is your little sister after all. So could I ask a question?" said Lora. "What is it?" wrote Zane. "So how did you get that necklace from?" said Lora. Zane was wearing his scarf around his left arm and his gold necklace was shown. "Oh. This is from my parents." wrote Zane while holding it. "You mean from your dragon?" said Jade.

Zane shook his head as he wrote,"No. I mean my human mom and dad. I didn't know them because they died. All I have of them is their picture.". Lora looked at Zane who had a sad look. "Are you okay Zane?" said Jade. "Oh. I'm sorry but I get a little sad when I think about them." wrote Zane. "I am sorry for reminding you about them." said Lora who looked to the ground. She felt something warm on her head and she looked up.

Zane's left hand was on her head and she said with a blush,"Um. Are you going to hit me?". "No. I wouldn't hurt my Celestial Princess and Clever Scholar. You two should know that I will do anything to protect you or the other people in my life. I promise that on the name of Sivarth, the Dragon King so don't worry okay?" wrote Zane with a smile. "Okay." said Lora. Jade smiled and she said,"Do you mind shopping Zane?".

Zane shivered and he wrote,"Is it clothes shopping? I don't want too.". "No. After our training, we were going to buy some spell books." said Lora. "Yeah! I was thinking of trying to learn Air and Fire Magic. I already know Earth and Water magic so it makes sense." said Jade. "Ah. That sounds fun actually. I wouldn't have to carry fifty bags. I love Angel and Myra but..." wrote Zane. Angel and Myra appeared with them saying in unison,"What were you saying Zane?".

The group there felt a deathly aura and Zane wrote,"Screw it. You two are goddess in human form but you're demons when it comes to shopping. I'm out of here.". He was gone as Angel and Myra follow the cloud of dust. Allison walked over to Jade and Lora with Allison saying,"Sorry about those two. I didn't want to interrupt your training time with Zane. I understand that we have to share him but those two want to be the first one that he chooses.".

Jade said,"I understand why they're doing this but it's really rude.". "I don't think my sister would do this to be rude though." said Lora. The three heard screams and they ran toward them. Allison smiled and she said,"So how's it hanging?". In front of them, Angel and Myra were hanging upside down with a fake Zane holding a sign saying Sucker. "Shut up Red and get us down from here!" yelled Myra. Allison held her sword and she sliced the two down.

Angel grumbled something and Lora said,"You do know that Zane isn't a fan of confrontation.". "But he didn't tell us that he was going to train you two." said Angel. "It's really annoying though." said Myra. "I think we should let Zane wait until we're ready before any of us do anything." said Allison who looked at Angel and Myra. "You're right I guess." said the two. The five went back to town and Zane stood there confused and slightly annoyed.

The next day, Zane was talking with Valerie through their link at the kitchen table with Ryu nearby eating his and Zane's breakfast. "So are you ready to go?" thought Zane. "Yep. I can't wait to see you my beloved Zane." said Valerie. 'You know that we saw each other literally eight days ago." thought Zane with Ryu noticed a single bead of sweat go down his forehead. "Yes but a day to me is three years Zaney Bear." said Valerie.

Zane thought,"Anyway. Is Melody ready to go?". "Yep. Oh and Master Pluto needs to see you. He says that it's really important and you know that he hates to wait for things." said Valerie. "Yeah. We were there when it last happened. I'll be there in a couple of hours. Just tell Fulgor that I'm hoping he got stronger." thought Zane. "Okay. I'll see you soon and Melody will attack you." said Valerie. "I'm just happy that she doesn't try to kill me anymore." said Zane.

He hanged up as Ryu said,"So what's up?". "We need to stop by the guild. I think Ashley is still there I hope." wrote Zane. "Oh. I remember that you told me that Valerie ,who has the best ass out of all of the girls that you know, is Ashley's daughter." said Ryu. "They haven't seen each other in fourteen and fifteen years. Not sure but I know that it is either one of those two." wrote Zane. "Ah. So can your bike sit two people?" said Ryu. "It can. Lets go." wrote Zane. "Aye." said Ryu.

The two made it to the guild hall and the two saw Leroy Clark dancing outside of the building. He is a slim man with long blue hair that he keeps tied up in a ponytail at the back of his head. He has two long curved shoulder-length bangs with brown eyes and he is frowning. He is wearing a dark green close-fitting dancing suit that covers his entire body except for his head. It has small outlined round areas over the shoulders, elbows, and knees held together by thin silver stripes.    

Ryu flew over to the dancing man and he said,"Hey Leroy. So why are you dancing out here?". "You should know the answer Ryu." said Leroy. "Yeah. Allison REALLY doesn't like your dancing man. I personally don't mind it but for some reason, she does. I learned not to question her." wrote Zane. "I see. So are you heading inside?" said Leroy. "No. Zane is scared of women." said Ryu. "Shut up. Do you mind getting her already?" wrote Zane.

The little dragon flew inside as Leroy said,"So who are you getting? Fate and Tanya were looking for you.". "While I would love to drink with those two Leroy, I need to drive/ride. I have to stay sober. I may be able to drink my fair shape but drinking with those two is something else." wrote Zane. "They do drink a lot more than Master would like to admit. So who are you getting?" said Leroy. "You will learn in due time." wrote Zane.

Ryu looked for Ashley and he found her nearby Charlie, Kurt, and Lisa with the former being nearby the request board. He is extremely taller maybe about the same height as Zane. He is quite muscular. He has his straight black hair styled into a bob cut with a light-colored band circled around his forehead. He had two curved bangs emerging from under it. It frames the upper part of his face giving it a somewhat rectangular shape.

He has rather thick lips with a pair of large vertical white stripes with them covering each one of his cheeks very much like tribal war paint. His shoulders had a white tattoo on it with several circles with a larger one in the center being surrounded by smaller one in a shape like a stylized sun. He was wearing a dark blue vest with green and red triangles for edges. It was open. He was wearing a fur loincloth held up by a belt adorned by many rings.

His forearms and lower legs were covered in armor plates held up by ropes with a bracelet and necklace made out of small and round skulls. "Oh hey Ryu. So where's your partner?" said Charlie. "I think he's on a job unlike you Charlie." said Kurt. "Hey! Shut up! I know that the perfect job is here for me so I'll just wait for it." said Charlie. "Whatever." said Lisa. "So what are you doing here?" said Ashley. "He's looking for you." said Ryu pointing to Ashley.

The woman smiled and she said,"So he wants me?". "Yeah. I don't think it's about the favor you owe him." said Ryu. "Why did you have to remind me about that? I hate that my master has to like Zane as well." said Kurt. "I thought you would be used to that." said Lisa. "Yeah but almost every girl likes or respects him. It gets annoying after all." said Kurt. "Lets go Ryu." said Vanessa. She walked off as Ryu started to fly after her.

Zane waited outside for Ryu with the Wolf out. He rested on the bike and he looked up to the sun. "I wonder if I could eat the Sun. I'm pretty sure that I could create a replacement with ease. I mean my Pyro Devil Holocaust of Inferno could easily replace it and work for it. Wow, that was weird. No, I think that's crazy." thought Zane. "Hey Zane!" yelled a voice. Zane then looked to see Jaime standing there with a huge than normal smile on his face.

Zane wrote,"What's up?". "Guess what?" said Jaime. "I'm going to guess that you started to use your magic and you're going to show it me." wrote Zane. "What?! How did you know?" said Jaime. "Don't you remember that I'm a Telepath?" thought Zane upon touching Jaime's head. "Oh yeah! That's so cool." said Jaime. "So can you use fire magic like your old man or what?" wrote Zane. "Yes and no Zane. Just watch and learn." said Jaime.

He took a deep breath and his hands were covered in magic power. "So what does this mean? I mean my dad wasn't able to use his magic until he was 10. It was Purple and Red Fire Magic. Should I tell Master and my dad about it?" said Jaime. "You haven't told either one of them about it? I'm shocked since you and your dad are quite close after I saved him from the Vexstrike." wrote Zane. "Yeah but you know what my dad has been in the past week." said Jaime.

Zane nodded and he wrote,"Listen. You need to tell someone because keeping a secret like this. This isn't something like hiding a crush from your best friend but something that can cause family issues later on.". "Can you keep it a secret?" said Jaime. "Sure but tell someone else like maybe Ashley or Althea. Both women are rather trusting." wrote Zane. "Doesn't Althea hate humans? Like a lot. She excludes herself from humanity." said Jaime.

Zane wrote," I think mostly males but she likes me Jaime. Just say that we're friends and she won't mind you being there.". "I hope." thought Zane. "So when do you think I have a chance? I mean my dad is busy and won't talk me out there." said Jaime. "Ask one of the girls to take you. They won't mind if you mention my name. Just be careful okay buddy? You're like my little brother so when you learn your magic, I'll help you get stronger." wrote Zane. Jaime nodded and he ran into the guild.

Zane looked at the guild hall and he thought,"I hope he does that.". "Are you ready for me Zane? I'm ready to go on your hog here." said a voice. Ryu stood there with Ashley with Ryu saying,"So I have a question. How are you and Ashley here going to share?". "It's simple Ryu. She will hold onto to me and get ready for a ride." wrote Zane as he put on his helmet. He then got onto the bike and Ashley said,"So what he is talking about?". "You'll find out." said Ryu.

About an hour later, Ashley was trying to catch her breath. Zane had parked and he wrote,"Wow. That was really good right Ryu?". "Yeah but I think Ashley here is thinking something different." said Ryu as he flew toward his partner in crime. "How can you go so fast on a motorcycle?!" said Ashley. "My bike is able to use magic like wizards can. It can go faster than normal bikes and this includes ones that are powered by Lacrimas. Just wait here." wrote Zane.

He was gone in a flash of light and Ashley said,"What's he doing?". "Oh. It's something so freaking awesome that it'll blow your mind." said Ryu. "I guess that Zane wants me to keep this a surprise. I'll do it for your buddy but I guess you're just trying to be a gentleman but you know that doing this will get you more girls right? I mean you're the heir to Sivarth, the Dragon King and you make a fine heir to his throne." thought Ryu.

Zane reappeared inside of his old room back in the Wicked Genocide H.Q. He swapped his outfit for his Kane uniform which was a dark gray hooded cloak over him which he had secured over his entire body except for his black pants and boots. He put on his black mask with a gold dragon theme to it. It hid Zane's true self from everyone. He opened the door and a grunt spotted him. "Ah! Kane! You are here." said the grunt.

Kane said,"Yes. I wish to see Master Pluto and the others. Are they in the dining room?". "Yes. I was supposed to talk you there once you arrived." said the grunt. "Sure. Lets go already." said Kane. The masked wizard walked with the grunt and the grunt said,"I have to inform about the news. The master is currently busy at the Bael Alliance's meeting.". "Ah. So are the other members here at the least? I know that Orion went with Master." said Kane.

The grunt said,"Yes but why do you ask?". "Oh. I'm just curious is all." said Kane. "It makes getting both Melody and Vanessa out of here easier." thought Kane. The grunt stopped in front of the dining room and he said,"Good luck Kane. Fulgor is one of his moods.". He was long gone and Kane put his hand on the door. It blew up in his face and he heard,"I got you! Suck it Kane!". The dust cleared up and he saw Fulgor standing there with his black lightning around his fists.

Kane said,"I missed you too. So where's the others anyway? The grunt that led me said that they were here.". "Cynthia's in her room sulking like normal, Dust is sleeping, Kirk is making himself, Melody and her mommy Valerie are in Melody's room for some reason that they didn't tell me, Nightmare and Rex are fighting in the training hall, and Seth is eating in the cafeteria like the fatass that he is." said Fulgor.

Kane nodded and he said,"I see. So have you gotten stronger?". "Yeah! Of course I did! After you gave Master Pluto that weird ass flute thing, you got promote to General! It pissed me the hell off and I'll beat you up with my new magic!" yelled Fulgor. "Yeah. I sensed your magic power. Meet me in the arena and grab Cynthia, Dust, Kirk, and Seth. I plan to kick your ass in front of the guild for old times sake." said Kane. The two fist bumped and Fulgor said,"Bring it!".

Kane walked around their headquarters and he stopped in front of Melody's room. He was temped to knock on the door but he really didn't want too at the same time. He then remembered when he first Melody who was pretty much an robot at first. Over time, he destroyed the robotic shell around her turning into a normal little girl. He liked her but at the same time, she can be a little annoying and her cooking was able to make Seth stop eating which is saying something.

He took a deep breath and he said,"May I come in?". The door opened faster than expected and he was tackled to the ground. "Big Brother! You're finally here!" said a high voice. "I think your brother is happy to see you too but he's losing his soul." said a voice who was laughing at this. Kane looked up to see Melody with her huge smile. She had short pink hair with bright blue eyes. She was about 4 feet tall.

She was wearing some sort of gold wing-like headgear around her ears. She was wearing a tight dark pink leotard with blackish thigh-high boots that have a white stripe at the top of them. She wears a dark green cape with a golden lining around the edges. The cape's right-shoulder portion has the symbol of the guild in white. "She's right Melody." said Kane. Melody got off him and she hugged him when he stood up.

Melody said,"I really missed you. Fulgor was being an asshole while you and mom were gone.". "I had a feeling that you're swearing because of him right?" said Kane. "Nope! I learned it from Seth when he eats my cooking." said Melody. "Yeah. She's trying to get better for her big brother. She is going to be your future wife." said Valerie. She was punching slightly by Melody who had a huge blush on her face. "Mommy!" said Melody.

Kane put his hand on her head and Valerie's and he said,"So have you told Master about our plan? I need your help.". "He knows and he already has our replacements in mind." said Valerie. "Yeah! We are going to find them and then we're going to make them fight Fulgor who's looking forward to it. It is weird how happy Fulgor was when he heard the news." said Melody. "We're going to fight and I need you cheering me on." said Kane.

Melody said,"You got it Kane!". She ran to the arena and Valerie said,"So is my...?". "She is and she is waiting with Ryu. He is able to entertain kids for hours so it should work for a woman. So that's what you wearing to meet her?" said Kane. She was wearing the outfit that she wore in Episode 17 but more fitting of her figure. "Yes. It's better than my Battle Suit." said Valerie. "Anything better is the Battle Suit." said Kane.

Valerie hugged him with her breasts touching his chest. "I know you're blushing under your mask and I should inform you that Fulgor has gotten stronger since your last fight." said Valerie. "Don't worry. I have a plan for that." said Kane. Valerie walked toward the arena with Kane trying not to stare. "Dam my dragon hormones. They're killing me. I really hope that Fulgor likes to get his ass kicked because I need to cut loose on something." thought Kane while putting his fist together.

The battle arena of Wicked Genocide's HQ was packed with grunts waiting for the fight between the God Wizard and Kane. He was considered to be Master Pluto's Son and have a strong bond. Kane was standing there stretching with Fulgor pumping up the crowd. Nightmare stood there with his arms crossed and he said,"Why are they doing this?". "Because it's funny Nightmare. Enjoy these two idiots fight their pointless battle. We'll be making the cash though." said a high voice.

Nightmare turned around to see the rest of the Nine Kin except for Fulgor. Seth hadn't changed at all along with Fulgor. Dust has long and shaggy Amethyst Purple hair with narrow green eyes with small irises and pupils. He wears a black coat and mantle with gold highlights, black boots, and white gloves. The edges of his coat and mantle have large triangular edges. He has leaning on his signature staff which yawning.

His staff is dark and wooden with a handle-like formation in the back of the staff. It has bandages around the top half of the staff. At the apex of the staff rest of a gold skull with it having a headpiece very much like something were worn by viking. It has gold and silver wing like head gears that cover the ear holes and chin. The center part of is silver with gold dragon themed embroidery. It has a strange turquoise round stone in his mouth that glows when using magic.

Rex/Irving was in his human form which is very unpleasant to look at but his dinosaur form makes sure that he makes a last impression on others. He has puffy black hair with several white streaks. He keeps it back with a headband adorning cross designs by the sides and it has a green trim to it. He has scars on both sides of his cheeks and dark bags under his eyes. He wears a long white robe with large sleeves and it has a matching design that he wears on his headband is seen on his robe's wrist area.

He wears the robe with a long green waistcoat with a black trim and a gold collar with a light green-colored cloth can be seen on the inside. He wears large baggy green pants and brown slippers. Kirk Brooks is fairly tall and slender. He has orange hair with it in a pompadour style. He wears black designer glasses with a dark green jacket with a flipped up collar with matching fur trimming. He wears a gray shirt under the jacket with a belt over it that goes around his waist.

He wears long black pants and orange shoes. He wears a pair of red designer gloves with his guild logo on a band around his right arm sleeve. He looks rather androgynous. Cynthia Barnett is fairly beautiful with a depressed look on her face. She wears a strange blue cloak with red fur trim around the collar. Like Dust, she holds a lion-headed staff that increases her magic powers. She wears a magic armor with it being black on the left, gray in the middle, and white on the right.

She has sharp features with two large eyes. Her right eye is a snow white color and her left eye is a crimson red color. Her long hair is slicked back and like her hair, it's two different colors. The right side is snow white and the left is crimson red. "I understand that Kirk but they fought over eighty times in the past two years with the outcome being quite obvious." said Nightmare who groaned. He was fighting Irving earlier but he was stopped at the promise of a good fight.

Dust then yawned loudly and he said,"Can I go back to sleep already? Master had me fight against this annoying light guild who had this weird little troll guy in it. He pissed me off.". "No! You have to watch Big Brother kick Fulgor's ass!" said Melody who was waving to Kane. "She's has such a crush on him." said Valerie. "Love leads to weakness." said Nightmare. "Hey! I love Food!" said Seth. "You need to learn to listen fatty." said Cynthia.

Irving cackled and he said,"Yes! This is going to be funny.". "So annoying." said Dust who yawned once again. Fulgor looked at Kane and he said,"Are you ready to get your ass whopped?!". "I hope so you are stronger than last time we fought but right now..." said Kane. Flames then covered his fist and he said,"I'm fired up!". Fulgor nodded and the ref said,"And Begin!". The two began to rush toward each other with their fists colliding causing an explosion of smoke to go through the arena.

Kane looked for Fulgor who was known for being up close and personal to his opponents. "Eat this Kane! Lightning Fangs!" yelled Fulgor. He jumped back from the dark lightning covered his hands and it looked like wolves. "Wow. You're able to use your magic faster but I'm faster." said Kane. He jumped toward Fulgor who smiled. "Die!" yelled Fulgor. The lightning devour him and Kane said,"It is time for the cloud to take back the god's lightning. Cloud!".

The cloud appeared and it absorbed the lightning around it. It was all gone as Kane stood there and Valerie thought,"So it's able to absorb both magical and physical attacks. Very interesting.". Kane sent the cloud filled with lightning and Fulgor said,"You're forgetting that lightning and thunder does jack shit to me Kane!". "I know but you can't take it this! Blizzard God Frigid Wasteland!" said Kane.

He slammed his hands onto the ground as he created several tentacles of ice which rushed toward the god wizard who evade them with ease or blew them up with lightning covered punches. Nightmare noticed that Kane's attack had frozen the ground with him saying,"That's interesting.". "Are you blind or what Nightmare? Kane's attack missed!" said Seth. "Just watch fatso." said Dust. Fulgor had slip on the ground and he saw Kane above him.

He said,"Armageddon Blast!". He made a giant ball of darkness and fire surrounding it which he threw at Fulgor. Fulgor dodged the attack which created a giant explosion of darkness and fire. "Son of a bitch! That's so strong! Eat this! Lightning God Hazardous Bolt!" said Fulgor. He threw a small ball of dark lightning which Kane jumped over. It caused a giant explosion of dark lightning and the youngest member of the Nine Kin were amazed.

Melody said,"Wow. Those two haven't hit each other yet.". "So do you think Fulgor will defeat your big brother?" said Cynthia. "No! Big brother is the best and he will never lose!" said Melody who ignored Cynthia. "Ah young love! It's so beautiful!" said Kirk. Dust sighed as Fulgor threw two giant bolts of lightning at Kane. "Blizzard God Secret Art Tundra Wonderment!" yelled Kane. The kin and the grunts were shocked as the battlefield turned into a blizzard.

Fulgor looked for Kane and he said,"Where are you chicken?!". "Right here." said Kane. Fulgor threw a giant bolt which exploded upon Zane. The god wizard waited for the blizzard to disappear but it stayed. "Sorry but you hide my mirage. Now, try and find me." said Kane. Several copies of the wizard appeared and Fulgor said,"Fine! Bring!". He threw several bolts and a couple of Lightning God Hazardous Bolts.

Irving said,"Wow. This fight is over.". "It is?" said Seth. "You're an idiot. Fulgor is strong but he tends to waste his magic energy rather faster than others. Kane is using that to his advantage. I'll give this to Fulgor. His attacks have gotten stronger since their last fight but I think Kane is using his ice magic to handle him." said Nightmare. "That's it. Do you get it now Fatty?" said Dust. "Hey! I'm not fat but I am big boned." said Seth.

Kane sighed and he said,"This game is over. Blizzard God Ultimate Art Subzero Conquering Blinding Freezing Whiteout!". The entire area was frozen and Fulgor was pelted with huge than normal icicles. He couldn't escape the attack because it was coming at him from every direction. The blizzard was gone as Fulgor stood there with several wounds. "I'm not done yet Kane! Taste..." said Fulgor.

Irving ,in his dinosaur form turning him into Rex, stopped Fulgor who went into the wall. He was about the same size as Nightmare with green scales covering his entire body. He had a giant tail and it looked like it was able to rip through anything. It grew more muscles than before. Kane could smell the fire breath and see the little pterodactyl wings on his back. "Wow. You got here faster than I had thought Rex.

Rex said,"Good match Kane. I hope next time you come by the guild hall, we fight.". "I'm pretty sure we would destroy the guild hall if we got truly serious." said Kane. "Yes. I will destroy you human so get ready." said Rex who touched the teen's shoulder with his claw. "Thanks for that. So who's taking him back?" said Kane pointing to Fulgor who was out cold. "Not it!" said the grunts and all of the Kin except for Seth. He grumbled.

Kane was in his room and the door opened. "You know that you could have asked but I know you too well Val." said Kane. Valerie stood there with Melody in tow. "Are you ready?" said Valerie. "Yeah. I just need to be alone. I hope you're ready Melody." said Kane. "Mommy promised me that I get to see your face and I can't wait for that!" said Melody. The two had luggage with them and Kane said with a smile,"Okay. Get ready to go. Maelstrom Dragon Secret Art Nirvana!".

The three were gone in a flash of purple light and they reappeared nearby the bike. Melody looked around and Valerie whispered to Kane,"So is she here?". "Yes. Have you told Melody what we are really doing?" whispered Kane. "I have and she doesn't care because she wants me and you in her life so she'll be a villain." said Valerie. "Wow. Devoted." said Kane. Melody said,"So can I see the real you big brother?!".

Kane looked at Valerie who nodded and Kane nodded. He glowed as he was back to Zane. Melody said,"Wow. You're handsome.". "Thanks." wrote Zane. "Why aren't you talking?" said Melody. "He can't Melody." said Valerie. "Why?" said Melody. "Hex Karma. He did this to me when I was little and it sucks. I'm able to talk using my magic power but I tend to forget sometimes. If I talk without it Melody, I cough and see visions of him." wrote Zane.

Melody hugged Zane with her saying,"I don't care if you don't talk big brother. You're still my future husband.". "How about you get a little better at cooking and he'll think about it? I think you should know that Zane here is mine." said Valerie. "What is mommy talking about?" said Melody. "Well, it's complicated. I'll go look for your other surprise." wrote Zane. He walked away as Valerie said,"Lets talk Melody.".

Zane looked for Ashley and Ryu with him finding the little dragon sleeping on a rock. "Ryu. Wake up." wrote Zane. Ryu turned and Zane sighed. He pushed him off the rock and Ryu said,"Who the hell did....". Zane stood there waving and Ryu said,"Zane! You're back!". "I am. So where Ashley? I left her with you." wrote Zane. "Well, we have a little problem." said Ryu. "And what's that?" wrote Zane. "She is bathing. I'll tell you where she is." said Ryu. "Please do." wrote Zane.

He felt a dark aura and Ryu turned to see Valerie standing there with Melody. Melody hugged the little dragon and she said,"Is this yours big brother?!". "Yep. He's my partner. Val. Don't hurt him for showing me your mother in her birthday suit. She owes me a favor." wrote Zane. "Zane. Tell me why I like you again." said Valerie. "I'm devilish handsome and a lovable scamp." wrote Zane. "Okay. Can we go back to the guild? And get her off me!" said Ryu as he tried to escape the girl's hug.

Later, Zane was sitting on the train with the girls and dragon. Melody was sitting on Zane's lap much to the jealously of Valerie. "So what's Heroes like big brother?! Is it like Wicked Genocide?! I heard that it was from Mommy." said Melody. "So you're a mother now? I don't think you and Zane had any kind of time in the bedroom if you know what I mean." said Ashley. She sat next to her daughter on the other side of the train.

Ryu said,"Wow. You're so cool.". "I don't think you should be happy about that little buddy. Heroes is like that and if you see a girl named Ana, she is really nice." wrote Zane. "Okay!" said Melody. She cuddled into his chest and Valerie was getting jelly. Zane sighed and he stared at the sun. "I wonder if this was a good idea. Oh well, I protect all of them even I have to release my inner dragon to do so. It will be good to release him once in a while." thought Zane.

Later that day. It was night time in the town of Kirkwall which is known for being the home of the Chaos Lords Guild. Outside of their guild hall which is in the shape of a castle, it was peaceful and serene but on the inside, it was a nightmare. A man had crashed into onto the few tables that weren't destroyed. He had long and spiky dark blue hair which he has slicked back showing off his forehead which was rather normal sized.

He had red eyes with a dark red tattoo of a dragon above and under his right eye. He doesn't have the normal type of eyebrows with three plain and curved studs above both of his eyes. Most of his exposed body is covered in sets of plain and curved studs. Two studs were on each side of his nose but it could be seen as three depending on the angle. He had two on his chin just below his mouth. It was no shock that both of his ears had two sets of five earrings each.  

He had four studs on each of his forearms with his left one being covered in scars. The top of his right shoulder had the symbol of his guild on it which was a demon like design. He was wearing a tattered dark blue sleeveless tunic with studded edges, a studded belt around his waist, loose dark gray pants tucked inside of black studded boots. He was wearing a pair of studded black gloves paired with similarly studded wristbands.

He sports a very unique wing-like accessory with it looking like it was made of feather protruding up over his right shoulder attached to his tunic by a large stud. He grind his canine teeth which are quite sharp and he said,"Son of a bitch. Who the hell are you?". He looked around to see several defeated members of the guild all around him. The person who caused all of this damage was hiding in the shadows and he smiled at the destruction that he created in the guild.  

He laughed grievously as the man he had thrown started to get back up. He glared at the man hiding in the shadows and he said,"How about you come out here and fight me man to man? Or are you too scared of fighting the Metal Man Johnny Wilson!". "Now that is an impressive title. I expected a lot from one of the two strongest guilds in all of Meca. I was able to destroy all of you but I guess you're nothing but talk.' said the man.

The man in the shadows smiled and he pressed his foot harder into the man that was under it. "Even your master ,who is one of the Wizard Saints, didn't stand a ghost of a chance against me." said the man in the shadows. "Who the hell are you?!" yelled Johnny. "Why should I tell you a pawn who I am? If you beat me, I may tell you." said the man. "Fine. Time for a beat down! Time for my Steel Dragon....." said Johnny.

He didn't even finish casting his spell because of him being thrown into the roof of the building and then he crashed into the ground. He coughed up blood upon landing on the ground. "And you were supposed to be the amazing Metal Man Johnny who was rumored to be raised by a dragon king. I thought you would be the strong slayer but I guess not. You're not even close to his level. I think he recently returned from his two year job. You know him as Zane." said the man.

Johnny had met Zane before and the two were good rivals. "But I can help you with being stronger than him. Hell, I'm so nice that I'll help all of your guild." said the man. He went up to Johnny and Johnny saw him. It was a normal looking man maybe a little bit older than him. He was incredibly tall with a lean yet buff build with broad shoulders and long arms. He has short straight purple hair that looked to be naturally spiky.

He had deep dark brown eyes that were emotionless. He had a smooth yet soft skin with a pair of thin lips that are curled into a slight smile with his smile hard to tell. He had a somewhat round nose with a natural tan. He had well defined muscles that can be seen all over his body. Attached to his right leg was a white mask. It looked demonic with seven black markings going horizontal over the mask. It also had small slits for the eye holes.

He was wearing a dark blue robe with a short collar along with a black sash across his shoulders and under his robe, he wore a black and white sleeveless shirt with a pair of purple cargo pants and black combat boots. "I heard that you and another guild have a rivalry in a way. This guild is Heroes. How about with my help John, I'll make you all my puppets so I can kill Zane." said the man. Johnny was about to say no but his head was grabbed.

The man said,"It doesn't take telepathy magic to figure out that you would say no so I'll just deprive you of your free will.". Johnny screamed and his eyes looked blank. "Okay. I think I should tell you who brought me here. He wanted your guild's help to bring her back to him. This is going to be so much fun isn't it?" said the man. Johnny was quiet and the man said,"Whatever. Lets begin. Time to bring down Heroes.". He laughed as Johnny stood there.

Next time,
Who is this strange man? Why does he want Zane? Why did Chaos Lords want Heroes?      

Guild Card #28.
Name: Fate Grant/Falcon.
Age: 18 years old. 
Magic: Earth, Gun, and Wind Magic.
Likes: Heroes, shooting things, enjoying nature, and drinking. Dislikes: People who betray him or the guild.
Info: He's a former member of the Falcon family which is a mob group that runs an entire city and it isn't in Meca. He left the group due to him not being able to kill a loyal servant of the mob. He joined Heroes, dye his formerly brown hair to white, and tends to be more private. He is a fan of drinking and shooting. He ranks third in terms of shooting in the guild.
Affiliation: Heroes. 

Guild Card #29.
Name: Jason Knight. 
Age: 18 years old. 
Magic: Ice Magic.
Likes: ladies. Dislikes: Spirit Wizards.
Info: He is known for being a playboy even more than Zane. Unlike Zane, he doesn't care about the women. For some reason, he is afraid of spirit wizards. Most people think because of a bad relationship gone bad but only he knows. He tends not to flirt with most of the main females in the guild because he knows that they like Zane and he can be rather angry sometimes as the man learned out. Norman as well.
Affiliation: Heroes. 

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