Sunday, January 8, 2017

Power Episode 22 Estrasum, Family, and Growth

A/N: Welcome to the last episode of the Klihsh Island arc which means one thing. This episode is going to be a beefer which means this is going to be a long one. I also plan to introduce some new yet familiar characters in the next part. I also wanted to talk about something. I like Frosch but I think they are some fans who don't like him. I understand that and I respect it because if you explain why you like something rather than following the crowd, I respect you more.

Lets begin sometime earlier in the morning.  I thought about it but I will be doing the flashback sections. This is going to be a long one because of that. I also wanted to explain something. In this episode, we're going to learn about a different yet familiar form of magic. It's like how cartoons here in the USA are different from Anime in Japan or in Fairy Tail, the difference between Levi's Solid Script Magic and Yomazu's Solid Script.

I was re-reading Chapter 516 because waiting for Chapter 517 is painful due to that cliffhanger. The Dragon Seed isn't the best plot element but I like it better than Zeref cursing the Wrecker into a dragon. I will be calling Acnologia the Wrecker because I like the name and for me, it strangely fits him. Anyway, spoilers. I like to think that the Demon Seed ,which is a stupid name, and the Dragon Seed are doing the Fusion Dance from Dragon Ball Z. I don't think they'll turn into a Ford Focus.

I like those commercials because they're silly and harmless. It's better than the Google commercials with the screaming song. I don't know if it's a real song or not but music is weird. Anyway, I do think that this is an okay reason for Natsu dying. I mean Hiro not going to find a way to bring back right? I hope that because Makarov is dead and he's been dead for over five chapters. I do feel bad but here's the thing. A death in Fairy Tail is rare and boy do I mean that.

I have another question. So did Wendy's soul get put into Eileen/Irene's body? Is it like when Doctor Octopus took Spider Man's Body? That's something I like to know because that would be cool. I love Fairy Tail but it isn't perfect. Nothing is and if you can look past the problems to see something really good. That makes you a real fan. It's better than being blindly loyal to it. That's I have to say on that because this author's note and part are long.

Narrator P.O.V.
Back in Estrasum's chamber. Lisa was standing in front of the demon. She looked over the magic covered demon while studying it. After a few minutes, Lisa was interrupted from her thoughts when someone spoke behind him. "Glacial Sultana. Why didn't you kill that Kurt child? He was trying to stop you from bring back Estrasum." said a voice. Lisa turned around to see one of her subordinate but head cultist Rhett.

He was wearing a tribal style mask with crazy orange fur and the symbol for yin and yang on its forehead. He looked to be slightly smaller than Lisa. "There's no reason. I don't like seeing blood Rhett." said Lisa who turned back to face the demon. "But yet, you send those six to kill all of those villagers." said Rhett. Lisa turned back as Rhett said,"To this man, you may be having some hidden and not realized feelings for your former student.".

Lisa had a small blush on her face as she said,"That's stupid. I just destroyed him so much that he dare not oppose me. If by chance, he gets in my way again. His death will be the other thing that I kill soon.". Rhett walked away and he thought,"This dumb bitch. She thinks that she has the potential to handle one of Hex's demons but using her to gain it, I think I'll enjoy it.". He turned around to see that his fellow cultists fell over in a second.

He looked down to see a dagger on her neck and he said,"What are you doing here?". Zane was standing there behind him and he wrote,"What are you planing Valerie?". "If you let me go, I will explain it to you. So how about you get your Scarlet Shadow off me?" said Rhett. Zane returned his knife back to his pocket dimension and Rhett glowed. Valerie stood there and she said,"Care to help me hide the bodies?". "Sure." wrote Zane.

The two sat on the roof looking at the rising sun. "So are you okay with this?" wrote Zane. He was giving her a massage as Valerie said with a blissful smile,"Your fingers Zane are so magical. My shoulders are so sore.". "In your defense, you have quite the thin waist and nice bust size. I find you attractive for your ability to control time rather than your appearance." wrote Zane. "You're right my Zane. I think you're done so now rest on my lap." said Valerie.

Zane rested there and he wrote,"So what are you doing here?". "You remember my puppet? He send me here to try and use poor Lisa Vinson to bring back Estrasum for him to control it. I was going to betray him so Master Pluto could use him as a gift for Underworld." said Valerie. "I guess Father would want to keep good connections with them." wrote Zane. "Do you think I could control it until I can get them to Underworld?" said Valerie.

Zane wrote,"I don't doubt that you can but...". "But what?" said Valerie with a highly seductive smile on her gorgeous face. Zane blushed and he said,"Well, you know how I'm able to use magic power like Passion magic.". "Yes. So what is it Zaney?" said Valerie. "I'll tell you if you stop staking me and I know that we can't see each other often because I'm a wizard of Heroes and you are a member of the magic council." wrote Zane.

Valerie looked shocked and she said,"I love those senses of yours. How about you and I leave this island for some fun?". "How about no?" wrote Zane. "Fine but one day, I'll make you mine." said Valerie with a cute pout. "Your defenses are wearing down Zaney so you'll be mine soon." thought Valerie with a perverted smile. "You know that I can read your mind but I really don't need it read your face." wrote Zane.

She hugged him and Zane blushed as he felt her breasts on his chest. "You're just so attractive when you're in a fight." said Valerie. Zane stood up and Valerie had to be on her tip toes due to Zane being 6 feet 3 inch tall and her being 5 foot 6. "Are you keeping an eye because Master Pluto asked you too or do you really want me?" wrote Zane. "Oh. Trying to be a tease?" said Valerie. "Yeah. I can't beat you or my other female friends." wrote Zane.

Valerie said,"Yeah. So tell me what I'm thinking right now?". Zane read her mind and his face lit up like flame. "Wow. I can't wait for that day." wrote Zane who went back. "Yeah. I'm looking forward to it." said Valerie who made circles with her finger on his chest. "Okay. Lets get back to business. I don't think I can keep hiding forever." wrote Zane. "Are you hiding from the blond and red head? I think I'll handle them." said Valerie.

Zane wrote,"And the blond remembers you. She still thinks that they're enemies rather than...". "I know what you're going to say and I'll get to the point." said Valerie. "Thank god." wrote Zane. "I'm sure that you want to see Melody don't you? She misses her big brother and she asks me whenever I go to our HQ about you." said Valerie. Zane thought about his other adopted little sister and he then shivered.

Valerie said,"She is getting stronger every day and as her adopted mother, I think that she will be able to beat you one day.". "Yeah. I rather not have her becoming my wife Val. She's a little too young for me. I rather wait a little bit longer." wrote Zane. "Didn't you tell her that if she was able to defeat you, she'll be your wife. I also want you but I let my little girl have her dreams." said Valerie. "Still can't believe that you adopted her." wrote Zane.

Valerie nodded and Zane wrote,"So what's up with the villagers and why do they look like demons? I mean they look like minor demons compared to Berceuse and Estrasum.". "Well, Lisa and her team spent three years to destroy the Okaepralt with the moon being already red before they began their silly ceremony." said Valerie. "Wow. That's impressive." wrote Zane. "Those villagers are hiding something. You better ask them or read their minds. Your choice." said Valerie.

Zane wrote,"I guess but the reason why you can't free Estrasum is because that Okaepralt is alive and well.". "Are you serious?" said Valerie. "Yes. I thought you would know that for several reasons. The first one is that you're the Ashley's daughter. The second one is you learned how to crush Passion Wizards so I thought you would know that." wrote Zane. "Why are you telling me this exactly?" said Valerie with her getting angry upon hearing that name.

Zane wrote,"I'm going to bring her back using a powerful spell. Just be prepare to be truly happy Val because I would love to see you with a smile and I don't mean your fake as hell smile.". He was gone and Valerie stood there. She was angry, confused, and happy at Zane. Ever since they met, she found him very interested. She noticed that it was morning and she turned back into Rhett. She got ready to help Lisa but she kept wondering what Zane would going to do.

Kurt grumbled with him feeling pain all over his body. He slowly got up to see that he was currently inside of a tent filled with crates of supplies. He dragged himself out of his makeshift bed and he made his way toward the exit. He rose the tent flap and he was confused when he saw several tents surrounding him. "Where the hell?" said Kurt. "Oh. You're okay!" said a voice. He turned around to see Kelly standing there with a smile.

She didn't change except for her limbs being demonic. "You're that girl from two days ago." said Kurt who groaned a bit. "Actually. It was yesterday Lord Kurt. We are currently in a storage area about a short distance away from our village. We're here because all village was wiped from this world last night." said Kelly. "The village was actually destroyed. Dam you Lisa." said Kurt. "Your friends made sure no one was injured!" said Kelly.

Kurt said,"Wait. Where are they?". "Oh right. They asked you to go toward their tent when you woke up." said Kelly. "You know that we're surrounded by tents right?" said Kurt. "Sorry about that. I can be a little forgetful sometimes." said Kelly. She pointed toward the biggest tent and Kurt walked toward it. He held the flap and he pretty much froze in terror. He saw an annoyed looking Allison and Myra with the rest of his group plus Ryu avoiding their gaze.

He also noticed several rope burns on them. "You made us wait Kurt. Not very smart of you." said the demon who crackled her knuckles. "You two! Why do they have robe burns on them?!" said Kurt. "I think it should be obvious. You were there in body when Lora told me everything. I thought that you were supposed to bring Clair and Lora back. I don't think helping them on this extremely deadly and hard mission was the plain." said Allison.

Myra sighed and she said while closing her eyes,"Wow Kurt. You used to be smarter than Clair but I could be wrong.". "Where's Zane? I thought he came with you guys." said Kurt while looking around the tent. "Well, he came to the island about ten or twenty minutes ago before us and he's lost again. These two have been worried sick about him." said Ryu. Myra gave the dragon a punch and Kurt said,"Could you smell him Clair?".

Clair said,"We tried that earlier but we couldn't find it. His scent is something unforgettable but we couldn't find his.". Kurt noticed that during that, she was clenching and unclenching her fists and her voice like Allison was worried about him. "We don't know if he was caught by the Glacial Sultana's men at all. We found Myra with a tied up Clair and Tessa. We then went looking for Julie and Nick who were sleeping in the woods." said Lora.

Julie said,"Drake used some sort of sleeping magic to knock us out.". "Lucky bastard." said Nick. "So how did we find this place? I mean this place is used for storage right?" said Kurt. "Myra forced me and Ryu to look in the air for him but we found this place." said Barry. "Zane mostly likely doesn't know where this place is and what's going on." said Tessa. "Which means that he's lost." said Myra who sighed.

Allison turned to Kurt with her making a sword appear in her hand. "We're going to find Zane and get out of here. We're going back to the guild afterwards." said Allison. "Allison. Myra. We can't leave this place yet. You know what's going on here right? These villages have gone through hell because of what happened to them!" said Kurt. "So what?" said Myra. Kurt looked at the two and he said with slight anger in his voice,"Are you serious?".

At the temple. Zane stood in front of it. "Wow. I can't believe that I got lost when I was onto the top not even a day ago. I guess this ability to get lost in a straight line is even more worse than freaking motion sickness. I mean Clair and Steve may get sick on a vehicle but at least, they don't get lost in their hometown. Anyway, I guess I should tell the girls what I'm doing because I'm not of a fan of getting slapped." thought Zane. He rushed to the temple with a smile on his face.

Back in the tent, Myra said,"You know that we came here was to punish the idiots who broke the rules. We got all of you so we just have to get Zane and we're out of here. I really don't care about anything else.". "Did you see that the people out there?!" said Kurt. "I have." said Myra. "And we're just going to leave them like that?!" said Kurt. "This job is posted in every guild hall. The smarter move is to let someone from a guild who is more qualified to take this job." said Allison.

Kurt said,"How can you two be so heartless?! I thought you two were better that mainly you Myra. It is so sad.". "What did you say?" said Myra giving him a death glare. "You can't talk the amazing Myra like that!" said Barry. "I guess you're a suck up." said Lora. "He'll do anything for her skills with fish and singing." said Julie. Allison held the sword and she pointed it at her neck. "You will face the same punishment if you could through with this." said Allison.

She was shocked upon Kurt grabbing the blade with him using his spare hand to point at his guild mark on his left pectoral with the hand holding the blade bleeding. "After we find Zane, I'm staying here and I don't care what you do to me. I know when someone needs my help. I'll do everything in my power and this is something that I'm doing regardless of you say." said Kurt. He made his way out of the tent and Allison said,"That was a good speech Kurt but...".

Kurt said,"I'm not stopping Allison so cut me down to pieces if you want but I'm still going. I have to stop her for doing this to her.". "Kurt. You may be smarter than Clair but you should know that both Ally and Myra are huge softie. They're here to help you and so am I buddy." said a voice. The group saw Zane and he said,"Before you attack me, I'm currently inside of this temple thing. I have a basic understanding about what's going on here.".

Kurt said,"What the hell?! I made this awesome and totally mind blowing speech and my hand was cut...". He looked down and he said,"You're a bastard!". "You know that you can be a real idiot you know that Kurt?" said Myra. She decided to bandage up his bleeding hand with Allison said,"If we didn't show up, you would be dead.". "Way to have confidence in us Allison." said Nick. "Yeah but both him and Clair are idiots! I mean they got injured for them being idiots!" said Barry.

Allison glared at the red cat who was quiet. "Don't make fun of him Barry. He's determined to save this village and free the curse. How about you guys come and stop me?" said Zane. "You're going to come join us." said Allison. "And why should I do that? I mean this place I'm chilling at is rather nice and also I'm getting a sweet tan." said Zane. "That wasn't a suggestion Zane." said Myra. "And I am staying here. I'll get lost if I try to leave the temple. I rather not get lost." said Zane.

Tessa said,"So why are you being so stubborn right now Zane?". "Because I'm able to handle myself or are you girls worried about me?" said Zane. "We're your friends and if you do something stupid. I don't want you to get hurt." said Allison. "No. I know why you're so worried about me. Last time, I was alone something bad happened to me. That isn't going to happen here and I won't leave any of you again I promise." said Zane.

The room got silent and he said,"Okay. I'll make sure that I don't do anything that would end my life so hurry the hell up. I plan to start my epic plan rather soon.". He disappeared and the group stood there in silence. "So do you have any idea about what Zane's planning to do?" said Lora. "I've known Zane for years now but what he does is always random but it tends to be rather destructive. We really should get going." said Kurt. "Right." said the group as they headed toward the temple.

Back in the center of the temple, Lisa rested on a large stone throne. In front of him. Adrian stood there with an uncomfortable aura. The man just finished retelling what happened to him and the rest of his team with the passion woman looking rather annoyed. "This is too much. Are you really the only one who survived?" said Lisa. Adrian slowly nodded his head and Drake said,"You know that me, Hilda, and Jessa are here right Glacial Sultana?".

Lisa looked at them and she said,"I do but you couldn't even defeat those two.". "Well, I was stopped by Hilda and her weird creations." said Drake. "And they knew what your weak points were Drake due you're still human." said Hilda aka the guy with the scroll on her back. "She's right." said Jessie. "Oh shut up. I'm a third dragon and demon!" said Drake. "Could we keep me knocking myself a secret from Reyna and Terry?" said Adrian.

The five heard,"And why would do that? It was too funny.". Rhett aka Valerie stood there with a red mask that was the exact same as his former mask but with silver fur. "His revival should be done rather soon my lady." said Rhett. "Man. He is one creepy son of a bitch." whispered Drake. "Tonight is when the moon's magic power will be at its best. If anyone gets in our way of using Heavenly Sprinkles, Estrasum will be trapped in Okaepralt for all eternity." said Rhett.

Lisa said,"This is getting out of proportions. I shouldn't have left things to others when I'm stronger than others.". "Oh. I should mention that the Demon, Titania, and Zero are here. They're three of the guild's strongest wizards." said Rhett. Lisa chuckled and she said,"You're so quick with your info but they aren't a match for me. My Passion magic surpass Ashley so they'll be crushed under my heel. I will be changing.".

She was gone and Rhett thought,"She has determination but when Zane is serious, I don't think even Master Pluto could stop him plus he's amazing to look at.". "I think I'll join you in this fight." said Rhett cracking his knuckles. "You can fight?!" yelled Toby with a shocked look on his face. 'Yeah and it has been lost in time." said Rhett. "Man. He can be so creepy." said Drake. "But having another one against them is helpful regardless of how strong they are." said Hilda.

The room started to shake intensely with rubble and debris falling from the walls and ceiling. The statues and pillars started to crumble throughout the room. "Are we having an earthquake?" said Adrian. Under them, Zane was currently standing at the floor where the pillars holding the temple up right. "I guess they felt my initial attack. I guess I should get serious now." said Zane. He gathered up magic energy up in his fists and he said,"Chaos Blast!".

Several blasts of magic energy were fired out of his fists with them destroying the pillars. One blast went toward the group and it made a giant hole in the center of the room with it exploding upon reaching the top of the temple. "Apocalypse Explosion!" wrote Zane. Several magic words were on the ground and they started to glow red. It made a giant explosion causing the room to be tilted on the side. "The temple is being tilted?!" said Drake.

Rhett said,"That one would be the one to start the attack. If you're confused about what I'm talking about, look down there.". He pointed to the large hole in the floor with the four wizards looking down and were shocked to see what they saw. Zane stood there with him wearing a Black, Red, and White Heroes themed Hawaiian shirt aka flowers and swords with his normal jeans. "Sup bitches. I decided to do some remodeling but this is more annoying. So where is your leader?" said Zane.

Zane noticed Lisa standing there with everything beside her face covered in smoke. "You bastard. So what's your plan idiot?!" said Lisa. "It's really simple. I figured out your plan with a simple glance. I think Heavenly Sprinkles requires the target to hit the target. I think breaking your home is the best way to stop your plans so bring it on big girl. I ruined your plaything." wrote Zane with magic power jumping out of his body.

Lisa then growled out and she said,"What the hell did you do? You're from Heroes right?". "Yeah. My shirt shows off my allegiance doesn't it?" wrote Zane. "Okay. I don't get why he did when he did that like at all?" said Adrian. "You're dumber than I thought. He destroyed half of the pillars which held up the temple causing it to tilt over. It means that the moonlight won't reach Estrasum." said Jessie. "I guess he's both handsome and smart. A perfect combo." said Hilda with a smile.

Rhett looked annoyed a little bit and Zane wrote,"I also show you that I'm really strong too! Fire Make Ailerons!". Fire exploded from his back with them forming into the shape of eagle wings as Drake said,"He can make his fire do that?!". "I think he is filled with surprises." said Rhett. He flew up to them and Lisa was shocked due to Zane headbutting her. She was launched into the air but she turned into magic.

Zane heard,"I'm over here boy.". Zane turned around to see several falcons flying toward him and the Glacial Sultana said,"You can't dodge in mid air can you?". "I can Lisa Vinson with ease in fact. I am Zero after all. Thunder God Hurricane Kick!" wrote Zane. Dark thunder appear around his legs with him getting on his hands which was easy due to his flame wings. He spun himself like a Dreidel and the thunder gathered around him turning into a hurricane of thunder.

The thunder erased the magic birds with ease and Zane flew toward the ground. "You know my name and how do you know that?" said Lisa. "I can use Telepathy Magic and it's my signature magic. Time to bring down my thunder! Hellfire Dragon Fireball Swarm!" said Zane. Several fireballs came out of his arm with Lisa said,"Passion Explosion!". The giant explosion pretty much destroyed all of the fireball but they still caused an explosion.

Drake said,"Wow. He used Fire and Thunder magic.". Zane made his flame wings work like whips and he swiped at her spreading the flames. "He's rather deadly with his flames!" said Jessie as she avoided the flames. Lisa dodged them with ease and Zane wrote,"Forest Dragon Roar!". A torrent of sawdust and splinters coming out of his mouth with Rhett thinking,"Sorry Zane but I have to keep up my image.".

He extend his hands out causing the ground to decay and collapse under Zane. "What the?" wrote the wizard saint. He started to fall down and Hilda noticed that roar was filled with sawdust and splinters with each splinter being rather sharp. "I wonder if the splinters are used to cut through a target and the dust causes more pain. A rather strong attack." said Hilda with a smile. "You're lucky that I was here Glacial Sultana." said Rhett.

Adrian said,"How about we keep the fact that I got burned from him a secret?". "What did you do Rhett?" said Lisa. "What could you be talking about?" said Rhett. "Your magic was the one that crumbled the floor right?" said Jessie. "She's rather attentive. I couldn't have you losing to him before Estrasum is brought back." said Rhett. "I can handle sparks, embers, and splinters." said Lisa with her magic freezing in the room in Okaepralt.

She turned to the group and she said,"Leave now. I will handle this one myself!". The group heard an eruption below them as Zane appeared in the air. 'Man. That's really annoying. Thank god, I had my Fire Make Ailerons but I can't waste my magic power keeping them there." wrote Zane. He landed on the ground and Lisa said,"My name is Lisa Vinson, the Glacial Sultana and I'm the one who'll defeat Estrasum. Losing to them would be a shame to my name.".

Zane looked at her and he wrote,"You can't be serious. Defeating Estrasum? You must be a dumbass more than anything else. He's a demon of Hex idiot. This world would have one less problem if Hex didn't created them. You are an idiot for wasting your time and effort to end Estrasum just to fight. I can easily defeat it but I have people that care about me. You should find a better goal. Ashley would be anger if you wasted your life on this Lisa.".

Lisa gather magic power in her hands and she said,"You know my past thanks to your magic. You can't understand the pain I went through thanks to Kurt, your friend! I'm doing this so I will be able to surpass Ashley and keeping living my life!". The flock of magic falcons went rushing toward Zane and he wrote,"Go fight Ashley directly!". "Ashley is dead you idiot." said Lisa. "No. You are wrong Lisa. Kurt, you're an idiot." thought Zane.

A huge barrage of magic falcons flew/rush toward Zane with him writing,"Combo time! Fire Make Ailerons and Maelstrom Dragon Shield!". The wings of fire appear once again with them covering his arms in the flames. He put his hands in front of himself with a magic shield with the symbol of a dragon in the center of it. It's a highly basic design  They all crashed into him causing an explosion of magic power.

Lisa heard,"You can't let what happen in the past decide your destiny! You should move on and if you keep yourself in the past, you can't move on and become stronger! Kurt figured that out but I think you need to learn as well.". Lisa was shocked to see that Zane didn't have a single wound on him and she smiled. "I guess you're stronger than Kurt. He must have be an pain to fight against." said Lisa with a crazed look. "Screw you. Bring it on." said Zane.

Back in the jungle. "So Lisa wants to defeat Estrasum?!" said Lora. "You can really loud sometimes you know that? Anyway, Lisa was always trying to surmount Ashley for a long time. Now that my master Ashley is dead, he has being trying to end Estrasum which she was unable to do." said Kurt while running through the jungle. "Wow. She should do that to accomplish her dream. That's really sad." said Julie. "Yeah." said Tessa.t

Kurt clenched his teeth and he said,"She doesn't know. Ashley did disappear but she still living you guys!". "No way!" said Barry and Clair. "What do you mean Kurt?" said Myra. "What happened in your past?" said Allison. "It began ten long years ago." said Kurt. Flashback. "Estrasum has destroy my hometown. He took less than a day maybe a couple of hours to destroy my home!" said Kurt's voice. A woman was walking through the village.

She was about an average height with a slender and shapely figure. She had brown eyes and purple hair which went down to her chin. It cascaded down the sides of her face and covered her eyes. Only a few strands of her hair hung down her temple with some falling between her eyes. She was wearing a short violet jacket with a dark blue fur collar and cuffs with two breasts pocket. The pockets could be closed by buttoning the small flaps above them to their front.

The jacket was open to reveal her dark pink tube top below it with it exposing her midriffs to the air with a pair of black jeans and a belt with a scale design to them and metal buckle. She was wearing a pair of brown boots with a heel. "Estrasum. I've heard rumors of him but he's even worse than I ever imagined." said the woman. "Ashley Edwards. In the past, I didn't see her as anything but now, I can see her as my mother." said Kurt's voice.

She looked around the ruins and she saw a body. "I was lucky to have survived thanks to my parents and sibling." said Kurt's voice. "Lisa! Get over here! Someone survived!" yelled Ashley. "Again, I had luck on my side when Ashley and Lisa ,who wasn't crazy as she is now, happened to pass by my former home. I had only one thing on my mind at the time. Estrasum. I wanted him dead and meeting my master and fellow student caused something that I'll never forget." said Kurt's voice.

Kurt's voice said,"A few days later after I recovered from my injuries and built a grave from my dead family, I began to train under her.". The three were in the mountains and Kurt was wearing a different outfit. He was wearing a dark green jacket with an orange/fur collar and cuffs. He was wearing a blue undershirt with matching navy blue jeans and brown dress shoes. "If you want to learn magic Kurt, I think you need to learn the basics." said Ashley.

She looked at him with her saying,"Can you take it Kurt? I'm not going to go easy on you.". "I will Ashley! I can do anything! I'll do anything and everything that I can to gain the power to defeat no kill Estrasum!" said Kurt. "Good. Lets get started then." said Ashley while talking off her clothes. "I was shocked at first but I learned that Passion Magic is a strange magic." said Kurt's voice. "Yeah. I would say that it is rather strange Kurt just like you." said Clair's voice.

Kurt ,in the past, said,"What are you doing?". She stood there wearing her underwear which was the same color as her jacket and she said,"You need to strip down to your boxers.". "Are you insane or what?! Why would I take my clothes off here?!" yelled Kurt.  "You should do it already." said Lisa as she was taking off her jacket. "You're girls right?! Why aren't you embarrassed?!" yelled Kurt. "You should know that you're not even close enough to understand my reason." said Ashley.

Lisa stood there in a light green tank top and Ashley said,"To learn magic, you have to be one with it and I think being naked is the best way.". Kurt stripped down to his dark green boxers and he said as he was shivering,"I hate this!". "Don't worry Kurt. You'll get used to it soon enough." said Lisa with her shivering. "You're doing the same exact thing!" yelled Kurt. "Lets get running!" said Ashley. "I want to learn magic!" yelled Kurt. "Just run. She is being nice." said Lisa.

Kurt's voice,"Ashley taught me that she picked Passion Magic over the thousands if not millions of magic types because it allows the most freedom. Everyone created different things. I create animals and weapons, Lisa focused on animals and weapons as well with it being purple instead of blue like mine, and my master created plants and weapons with it being more white. It also shows the user off and she told us to work hard and find our style.".

About five/six months later, the trio was resting nearby in the town right by their home. "So I heard you got a new student? He's rather cute but so is Lisa Chan!" said the shopkeeper. "Yeah but he's such a pain in my ass. I mean he's always doing things without my permission and cause trouble for me and Lisa on a daily basis." said Ashley while eating an pear. "I bet those two will be rather beautiful and handsome when they're older. How about you give him to me?" said the woman with a blush.

Ashley said,"Trust me. You don't want Kurt. He would cause a headache in a second.". "You know that guys aren't a fan of women who have kids?" said the shopkeeper. "I don't need a man like you do okay?" said Ashley while placing some bills on the table. "You're not getting any younger Van. You should start thinking about your own happiness." said the shopkeeper. She waved to the woman and Ashley said,"You should stay out of people's business.".

Kurt sat there angry and Lisa said from the stone wall that Kurt was resting on,"Hey Kurt. How long do you think it'll take to surpass Ashley?". "I don't give a dam Lisa." said Lisa. "Ashley is my goal you know." said Lisa. "You've said that every day for the past hundred eighty two days. It's getting really annoying." said Kurt. "It's my dream to ,one day, defeat Ashley." said Lisa. "You are really annoying. I'm not in the mood anymore." said Kurt.

He clenched his fists as he said,"The only thing that makes me happy is defeating Estrasum so once I get the power, I bid this hag goodbye.". Ashley smacked Kurt on the head and she said,"You know that I can hear you right?!". "You're in trouble." said Lisa in a joking voice. "Ow! When the hell are you going to teach me some powerful magic?! It is been six months since I've joined up with you and Lisa but I've learned nothing yet." said Kurt.

Ashley sighed and she said,"I've been teaching you the strongest magic since we met idiot.". "What makes Passion magic so strong to begin with?! It's not making me stronger!" yelled Kurt. "Yeah. You can't even touch me." said Lisa. "Be quiet Lisa. I told you back then. Passion magic is unlimited and when you find your shape, you can defeat anything in your path." said Ashley. "Whatever." said Kurt who took off his jacket.

Ashley punched him to the ground and she said,"Why the hell are you stripping in public? You are a pervert if you do that!". Lisa couldn't stop laughing and Kurt yelled,"You did this to me! Ever since I learned this magic!". The townspeople laughed along with Lisa while Ashley dragged Kurt away and she said,"I'm so sorry.". Lisa followed them with her unable to stop laughing. A little bit later, the three were heading back home.

Kurt heard,"Oh yeah. Did you hear about Estrasum?". "I head that he was nearby heading toward the northern continent. It's close by." said the man on the left. "No really?" said the man on the right. The carriage went off as Kurt dropped his bag. "Kurt. "What's wrong?" said Ashley. "It's nothing." said Kurt. "Finally. You're dead Estrasum." thought Kurt. Later. "Kurt! You can't win against him! You're not ready yet!" said Ashley.

Kurt stood in front of the door to the cabin and he said,"Shut up. You know shit. I'm doing something important.". He turned around and he yelled,"I'm going to avenge my father, brother, sister, and dad so tell me why I shouldn't go bitch?!". "If you leave me now, you're finished as my student!" said the woman while Lisa hid behind her. "Sounds fine to me!" yelled Kurt. He ran out into the cold and Lisa yelled his name while crying.

Kurt said,"If I'm dead, I'll haunt you forever for not teaching me a stronger magic.". Back in the present, the group of Heroes were outside of the temple. "Hey. So what's wrong with the temple you guys? I think they're tilted." said Nick turning his head. "That's Zane." said Kurt. "What makes you so sure?" said Myra. "You should know that something weird out of place is Zane's MO Myra. He made sure that Estrasum won't come back." said Kurt with a smile.

The group heard footsteps and Allison said,"Guys. Someone's here.". Several cultists came out of the forest and one said,"We found you Heroes. You're dead!". "Huh?!" said Lora. "So weird!" yelled Barry. "Kurt. Go." said Julie. Kurt turned back and Julie fired her gun at them. It was a shotgun and she said,"We'll handle this.". "Julie." said Kurt. Myra turned into her demon form and she said,"You have a score to settle with Lisa and bring back Zane.".

Kurt ran toward the temple as the group got ready to fight. "Lisa doesn't know what happened to her after all! She's alive and she's going to kill her! I need to stop her!" thought Kurt. Back in the past, it was carnage and destruction as Ashley stood there injured. Estrasum was wrecking things and the woman said,"Son a bitch. He's so strong.". Both Kurt and Lisa were out cold and injured with the demon getting ready to charge an attack.

Ashley said,"Not happening ugly! Passion Great Wall!". The demon fired a giant energy beam out of its mouth and it hit the giant wall with it getting destroyed rather easy and Ashley jumped toward the bluenette while the beam wrecked the ground. "I save you idiot. Be happy." said Ashley. Kurt woke up and he screamed. "Kurt! You're okay. Everything's fine." said Ashley. "Ashley? Why are you here? I pushed you away!" said Kurt.

Ashley said,"You don't need to ask questions. You need to get Lisa and yourself out of here. It's too hard for me to fight and protect you idiots at the same time.". "Lisa's here?" said Kurt. "She's out like you were." said Ashley. Kurt backed away and Ashley said,"Go! I'll take care of this for you!". The boy picked Lisa up and he said,"Why are you here? You kicked me out and I was so rude to you for half a year.".

Ashley smiled at him and she said,"Someone recently told me to think about my happiness but I was not sad. I have two cute pupils not children. They're growing each day and enjoy it. I am more than happy enough. I came here to fight for my happiness.". Kurt looked down and he said,"Your leg. It is gone.". She smiled and she said,"It's gone but you don't have to fear it. Passion magic is amazing. If that monster is your darkness, I have to fight to free you from it!.".

Ashley said,"Now go. I'll handle it.". "No. I'm not leaving. This is my fault for happening." said Kurt while crying. "This isn't your fault. It's a test to get your smile back. I loved it." said Ashley. Lisa was waking up and she had a crazy look on her young face. Back in the present, her and Zane were still fighting. Zane jumped back to avoided the Passion Spikes. "Wow. She's stronger than Kurt but she's blinded by revenge and one of Hex's Creations." thought Zane.

He gather magic energy in his hands with him writing,"Oblivion Blast!". The ball of magic went toward her with it making an ear piercing noise causing Lisa to be distracted. She still dodged the attack but Zane expected this. He warped behind her and he wrote,"You're a sucker! Luminous Dragon Claw!". Zane's right leg glowed with light with Lisa being kicked into the ground and this one turned into magic again. "Dam it!" wrote Zane.

Lisa thought,"Damn it! He's stronger than I thought!". The two couldn't make a move when they heard the wall to their left breaking apart. "Finally. Took you long enough." said Zane with a smile and a slight cough. Back in the past. "Ashley. What are you doing?" said Lisa. "Lisa!? You're okay! I was worried about you!" said Kurt. He was pissed to the ground by her and she said,"Happiness? You are the strongest. That monster can be defeated by you right?".

Ashley sighed and she said,"I thought that I told you that there is always someone better than you. If you got to the west, there are way stronger wizards than me.". "No. You're the strongest Ashley. If you aren't, why the hell did I train under you?" said Lisa. "When you defeat me, you will have to find another goal." said Ashley. "I know that you're the stronger so I studied under you. Don't lost to that monster or you'r breaking my trust." said Lisa.

Ashley said,"Lisa.". She rushed and she placed her right arm over her left arm. Her right palm went down and the left palm was up. "That stance!" said Ashley. She rushed toward Lisa and she said,"So where did you learn that?!". "Huh?" said Kurt.  "You weren't teaching me anything strong so I went on ahead and learned the big girl stuff. I hate you hiding Passion Shell from me!" said Lisa as she was covered in magic power. "Passion Shell?" said Kurt.

Ashley grabbed Lisa's jacket and she said,"Lisa! You didn't finish that book did you?! Whoever uses that spell will!". She was blasted back as Estrasum turned to face them. "How did she get so strong? I mean her power skyrocketed." said Kurt. "No! It saw us!" yelled Ashley. "No other spells works on him so I'll trap it with this spell forever." said Lisa. "Don't idiot! Passion Volcano!" yelled Ashley. It was in a second but Lisa was trapped in the magic power.

Kurt said,"Ashley! What are you doing?!". "He can't use it Kurt. Passion Spells destroy the caster's body." said Ashley. Kurt's eyes widened and he said,"So she was going to kill herself.". "Yeah but it is the only way to stop Estrasum. I never thought that Lisa would do something that I was going to do and she's the brain of you two." said Ashley. "Wait. You're going to..." said Kurt. "Stay there or else Kurt!" yelled Ashley as she rushed toward the demon.

She got into the same pose as Lisa but Kurt couldn't stop her. The demon roared and she said,"I won't let you get close to them! You're done Demon! Passion Shell!". She glowed and Kurt ran toward her with him yelling,"Ashley!". Her face was cracking along with her body. "It's breaking apart." said Kurt. "I told you that this spell destroy the caster's body. It turns the caster's body into raw magic power forever." said Ashley.

Kurt's eyes widened and Ashley turned around. "Kurt. I need you to promise me something. Tell Lisa that I died." said Ashley. "Why?" said Kurt. "If she learned that I turned into Okaepralt, I know that she would spend her entire life trying to under this." said Ashley. "No way." said Kurt. "It would be a waste for me to do this." said Ashley. "Then don't!" yelled Kurt. "I want her to see the world!" said Ashley. "No!" yelled Kurt.

He was pushed back and Ashley said,"You as well Kurt.". "No! Stop it. I'll listen to you. Whatever you do, I'll listen!" said Kurt who couldn't stop crying. "You don't have to be sad." said Ashley. She looked at him with her saying,"I'm alive. I live forever. Step into the future because I will seal your darkness!". The Okaepralt surrounded the demon and Kurt screamed her name into the night with his tears following soon.

Early the next morning, Lisa woke up. She looked up to see the demon stuck in the magic and she said,"Magic? Estrasum!? Where's Ashley? What happened to her?!". "Lisa. She died saving us from the demon." said Kurt while crying. Lisa looked at him with her saying,"You're joking.". Kurt kept crying and she screamed,"You're lying!". Lisa threw him to the ground and she said,"What did you do to my dream?! I can't surpass her if she's dead! What now Kurt?!".

Kurt said,"I'm sorry Lisa.". "Stop! If you didn't do this shit, Ashley would be alive! YOU KILLED ASHLEY KURT!" yelled Lisa who kicked him in the stomach. She stormed off and Kurt tried to go after her. "Passion Lion!" yelled Lisa. The lion launched him into the walls and she said,"Stay there. I don't want to see you ever again!". She was gone and Kurt kept crying for what seems like hours. "I am sorry." said Kurt.

Back in the present, the magic wall collapsed. Kurt stood there and Lisa was shocked to see him walk into the room. "Took your ass long enough to get here." wrote Zane. "Zane. I need to fight against her right now." said Kurt. "Sure thing." wrote Zane. "Dam it! What did I say? Wait. What did you say? I didn't hear you right?" said Kurt confused. "I said sure thing. God, I just got ready for you. You may have gotten your ass kicked but you're stronger than her if you use that." wrote Zane.

Kurt said,"Really?". "Just don't lose or I'll wreck her." wrote Zane. Kurt turned to face Lisa with him saying,"You don't need to worry about that.". He stopped in front under he was a feet in front of his senior. "You've got a lot of nerve Kurt." said Lisa who glared at him. "It's my fault for Ashley's death a decade ago but I can't forgive you for hurting my family, the village, and trying to destroy the magic holding Estrasum." said Kurt.

He got into a posture that Lisa knew well and he said,"It's time to accept our sins isn't it Lisa?!". "You won't do it! Passion Shell?!" yelled Lisa who was scared. "Passion Shell?!" wrote Zane. He read the two's minds and he wrote,"Kurt. What the hell are you doing?!". "Are you insane?! You wouldn't do something so stupid?!" said Lisa who went back in fear. "Turn them back to normal and leave with your friends Lisa. This is your only option." said Kurt while glaring at Lisa.

Lisa smiled and she said,"I figured you out Kurt. That was just a warning or an ultimatum. How sad and pathetic of you. You're sad.". She was then blasted back a massive wave of magic which came from Kurt. Zane stood there and he heard,"I'm serious!". "You're an idiot!" yelled Lisa. She was about to cast a spell who was blasted back again and Zane sighed. "You're going to die idiot!" yelled Lisa as Zane wrote,"Die?".

Kurt said,"Zane. You know what happened so you won't stop me. I killed Ashley and I won't ever forget that no matter how much time has passed.". His body was breaking apart and Kurt said,"This is my time to take responsibility, one way or another. I'm doing it here and now! Lisa! I'm going to die so I can stop you for good!". "You're not serious!" yelled Lisa as she stood back on her feet. "You'll answer me Lisa! Do we die or live together?!" yelled Kurt.

Lisa then smiled and she said with a insane smirk,"Fine. Go nuts.You're a coward after all.". "Stop it Kurt!" yelled Zane. "Lisa. You're a disgrace to Ashley! This is the end!" said Kurt. The magic that was around Kurt began to increase in speed and power. Twelve magic circles formed around him and he thought,"I guess this is the end. I can now die and leave the rest up to you my friends.". He pushed his arms further out.

He was going to swipe them apart to fire out the ultimate suppression and he said with anger,"Passion Shell!". As he shouted the name of the spell that Ashley used years ago, a sudden flow of fire forced Lisa  back and Kurt sweated a little. The temperature went up more and more with the magic around the room melting. Kurt looked down and his eyes widened in fear as he saw the flames under him. It was a shock to see that flames were under him.

He couldn't dodge it due to him being in a posture for Passion Shell. He was caught in a huge burst of flames. Lisa took several steps back and blocked her face with the heat going to melt her face off. As she felt the temperature go back to a normal level, he looked ahead to see that the flames died down to show that Kurt was still in the stance but the cracks in his face were gone along with the magic power was long gone.

Lisa said,"What?!". She never expected Passion Shell to be destroy and Kurt had the same feelings as his senior. He was shocked that his body wasn't burned at all. He looked at Zane and he said,"How did you...". He didn't finish due to him getting punched which sent him flying toward the other side of the room. He rolled to stop to place his hand on his cheek. He looked up at Zane who had his fist raised and he said,"What did you do?!".

Zane wrote,"Hmm. I just felt like hitting you.". He growled a bit with Kurt shocked at this anger and Zane wrote,"What the hell were you thinking? You know the risk of the spell.". "I'm doing what I've to do! This is between me and Lisa! I'll take care of it and I will die to that!" yelled Kurt who stood back up. "Don't. You're going to be a big coward no a chicken if this is the way that you face your sins Kurt." wrote Zane.

Kurt was going to say something but he couldn't. "Kurt. You doing that would make Ashley sad and what would she think of you then? Are you a coward?" wrote Zane. He knew how to push buttons on people and he was right due to Kurt stepping back with beads of sweat going down on his cheeks. "I should tell you this Kurt. You can't run forever. You have to accept your past or why the hell did you join our guild?!" said Zane.

His eyes widened more as he figured out what he was going to do. "All of us have a past that we wish we could change or forget but there's no way to do that if we keep running from it! Go ahead and kill yourself! You should remember this Kurt. If you do this, I'll punch you." said Zane. Kurt was stunned and he looked down in shame. Zane was right like always. He was going to give up his life and it will not make amends for what happened to Ashley.

He also knew if he died, his new family would be overcome with despair and he wouldn't do this to them. He looked at Zane who was smiling. "How about you get your ass up so you can defeat her or I will. You should know that I'll be seducing her." wrote Zane. Kurt looked at him and he said,"Zane. I promise you that she wouldn't be worth your time.". "Okay. I understand. She belongs to you." said Zane with the two passion wizards glaring at him.

Zane wrote,"What?". "I can't afford to let you two idiots alive any longer. Prepare to die!" said Lisa as she got ready. The two were ready to counter but the ground below them started to shake. "Um. What the hell is going on?" said Kurt. "Really? I'm starting to hate you but I give you credit Val." thought Zane. Outside of the temple, the others had just finished taking out most of Lisa's henchmen and one yelled,"We can't let them stop the Glacial Sultana!".

The group began to shake and Allison said,"What's going on?". "I don't like it." said Julie. "No way. I can't believe it!" said Lora. The temple wasn't on its side and Myra said,"How did they do that? It makes no sense.".   Back in the temple. "How the hell did the temple go back to normal? Estrasum will be revived now." said Kurt. "Sorry to disturb you all but the sun will be going down soon. The temple is back to normal thanks to my magic." said Rhett.

Lisa said,"Wow. I didn't expect that from you.". "He's just some cross-dressing idiot and so tiny! You were so small before but now!" wrote Zane. Rhett glared at him slightly before going back to Lisa. "I guess I will go start the Heavenly Sprinkles Ceremony." said Rhett. He ran off and Zane wrote,"Son of a bitch.". He began to chase after him and Kurt yelled,"Stop Zane!". "You need to fight her but if you use that! I'll end your life!" yelled Zane who was gone.

Kurt sighed and he said,"Dam you Zane but I owe you one.". He looked at Lisa who said,"Wow. You two are both so loud and noisy.". "Earlier. I was going to use Passion Shell on you, did you know that Zane was going to stop me?" said Kurt with Lisa smiling. "Oh. I never expected someone so stupid to go near the spell. It matters not. I would have let it happen." said Lisa. "What the hell are you doing Lisa?!" said Kurt.

Lisa said,"Temper Kurt. I know that I would be saved because of my friends. I told you Passion Shell due to us being on the island where we can be melted with Heavenly Sprinkles. I was going to come back and you would have died for nothing.". "Dam it. I wasn't thinking straight. I almost died Passion Shell is useless here." said Kurt. "Do you intend to fight me? You know that you could never defeat me." said Leon. "Stop Lisa. Give up on Estrasum." said Kurt.

Lisa giggled and she said,"What are you talking about? You threatening me and now you are trying to change my mind?". "Lisa. You need to listen to me. Ashley is alive." said Kurt as Lisa's eyes widened in shock. "Passion Shell is a spell that turns the caster's body into magic. The magic that was keeps Estrasum inside and you're trying to destroy is actually Lisa." said Kurt. She took a deep breath and she stood there shocked.

Kurt said,"Ashley is alive as the Okaepralt.". He hung his head in shame and he said,"I'm sorry for not telling you this before. I promised Ashley this.". "If she learned that I was Okaepralt, I know that she would spend her entire life trying to under this." said Ashley's voice. Lisa walked toward Kurt and she said,"Kurt.". "Lisa. There's no reason to do any of...." said Kurt. He felt something pierce his stomach and he coughed up blood.

He looked down to see that a magic sword going through his stomach. He turned back up to see Lisa with an evil grin on her face. "You've always been an idiot Kurt. You're wasting your time. I knew all this time that the spell does that. I've gotten stronger in ten years and I'm sure that Ashley isn't with us anymore. It's just magic now." said Lisa. She pulled the sword out of his stomach with Kurt falling to the ground.

He held himself up on his elbows and he was pissed off. "You knew?! You fucking knew!?" yelled Kurt. "Knowing is one thing but believing is another one. You honestly thought that Ashley was still alive. Grow up already Kurt. We're adults now." said Lisa. "You knew it. All of this but you're doing this." said Kurt with anger filling his body. Meanwhile, Zane was running after Rhett. "Where the hell did she go?!" thought Zane.

He sensed something and he jumped back. He looked up to see that in the wall to his left rested an ink bull with it turning back into ink upon touching the wall. "Wow. You dodged my attack." said a voice. Hilda stood there and Zane wrote,"Art Magic?". "Yes. I think you have a member who can use the same magic but mine is based off more eastern styles of art. Your friend uses western styles of art doesn't he?" said Hilda.

Zane wrote,"Oh. Makes sense. Oh and I should avoid your friends's attack.". He disappeared into thin air as Drake flew through the air. "Dam it! Where the hell did he go?" said Drake. Zane reappeared and he said,"Can't touch this.". "Lightning Shot!" said a voice. A thin but strong bolt of lightning hit him directly and almost caught him off-guard. He created his Maelstrom Dragon Shield that covered his arm but he was pushed back.

He was impressed and pissed that he got attacked. She was able to hide herself from him before she decided to attack him. "Way to go Jessie!" said Drake who made a thumbs up with his claw. "You're still quite cocky after all these years." said Jessie's voice. She stood there and Zane wrote,"Who the hell are you and how do you know me?". "You forgot me Zane? After what you did to me?!" said the woman with her temper rising.

Drake said,"You're dead meat.". "It has been three years. You and I fought and I lost. You took all of my money as payment for winning against me. You didn't know or care that my father was seriously ill so in order to pay for his treatment, I had no choice to take out a loan and I'm still paying to this day. You can't imagine how mad I get when I see your name or your face in Magician Monthly. I will make you pay!" said Jessie.

Zane wrote,"I don't regret what I did to you.". "Huh?! You stole money from her?!" yelled Drake. "I don't think she told you that she was a thief or a Robin Hood. It was my job and I don't regret my past at all." wrote Zane. "Die! Thunder Sphere!" yelled Jessie. She created a giant and extremely sparking sphere of pure lightning fly toward Zane with him writing,"Ocean Dragon Outstanding Rain Mortar!".

He put his right hand over his left fist with a giant ball of water forming in his hands. He threw it at the sphere of lightning and Drake said,"Is he insane!? Water conducts electricity!". The ball of water and lightning collided producing a giant wave of water pushing Jessie back. "You're stronger than you were but I'm..." wrote Zane. He jumped into the air as Drake slashed at him. "Drake! What the hell are you doing?! He's mine!" yelled Jessie.

Drake said,"Sorry Jess but I have to fight this guy. The Glacial Sultana promised me a fight and those two from earlier would have been perfect but someone had to get in my way!". Hilda shrugged and Jessie said,"Fine but stay out of my way.". "You're not going to fight me but you'll fight someone stronger than me." wrote Zane. He held a key and it was gold. "You're a Spirit Wizard too?!" said Drake.

The key's bow designed somewhat like an upside down urn with two handles on either side. The center of the bow is white stamped with the crest of the Water Bearer, colored in blue, with a heart on its base. The blade of the key is designed like a mermaid tail with fins sprouting out of either side of the base of the bow, and four more at the tip curling toward the center. He slammed the key into some of the puddles nearby him and he wrote,"Open Gate of the Water Bearer! Ariel the Aquarius!".

The mermaid stood there and she said,"Zane. I rather you summon me in water without any excess lightning in it.". "I would but you have someone to fight." wrote Zane. "Really? Which one?" said the mermaid. "The one with the claws. If you do good, I'll give you a kiss." wrote Zane. Drake turned to see the mermaid with a huge smile on her face with her urn aimed at him. "Well." said Drake. He was then blasted by a giant burst of water with Zane writing,"Works every time.".

Jessie said,"You're seducing your spirits?! You deserve to die Pervert! Chimerical Thunder!". Several tentacles composed of thunder appearing from her rushed toward Zane. "Not happening. Power Dragon Roar!" wrote Zane. Zane made his cheeks better with him firing out a roar attack but it was made out of magic power. It absorbed the thunder with it hitting the roof of the temple causing a dust cloud to surround him, Jessie, and Hilda.

Zane closed his eyes and he wrote,"Magic Locate!". He rushed through the dust and he found Jessie who couldn't see him. "Chaos Sever!" wrote Zane. Magic energy gather in his right hand and it turn into a demon/dragon claw out of magic power. He slashed in front of him making Jessie go back in pain. She was flying toward the wall and she said,"Terminal Glow!". A giant version of her Lightning Shot went toward Zane and he was blasted back by a explosion of thunder.

Ariel looked back to see Zane flying and she said,"Zane!". "Don't pay attention to him fish face! This guy isn't done yet!" yelled Drake. He jumped toward her with his claws glowing blue and red. "Flame Claw and Ocean Claw!" yelled Drake. Ariel manipulated the water to grab Drake who threw him in the opposite direction. "It's a good thing that you're not like her. She knows how to use her power unlike you faker." said Ariel.

Drake landed on the ground and he said,"Shut up! I'm a true dragon and demon!". He rushed toward her while avoiding her water shots and he was about to hit her with a yellow colored claw. He was kicked back by Luke who said,"You're welcome!". Drake landed on the ground and he said,"Another one?!". "Yeah. I'm way stronger than her so we're going to kick your ass." said Luke. "You know that I can handle him right? Go help Zane!" said Ariel.

Luke said,"I know that you're worried but this is Master we're talking about here. You shouldn't be but I understand why. You do love him after all.". "I do but." said Ariel. "If we explain to Eldon about Zane's good deeds, I don't think he'll mind. Lets beat him up." said Luke who pointed to Drake who was flying toward them. Ariel nodded as she said,"Hydro Flush!". A huge stream of water came out of the urn and Drake dodged it. "Missed me now you got to kiss me!" said Drake.

The water turned around and slammed into his back. "Sorry. You're so not my type dragon boy." said Ariel. Luke's fist glowed and he said,"Regulus Smash!". He fired a large lion of light at Drake which blasted him into the wall. Drake said,"No. I can't lose to you two.". He flew toward them and like all of his attacks, his claws were glowing. His left claw was glowing red and his right claw was glowing yellow. "Flame Claw and Thunder Claw!" yelled Drake.

The two spirits avoided the attack causing Drake to be left wide open. "No! Not Again!" yelled Drake with the two spirits smiling. "Hydro Flush!" yelled Ariel. "Regulus Lunge!" yelled Luke. The water hit Drake right into Luke's punch which caused Drake to soar through the air right into the wall and it broke with the demon/dragon/human hybrid to be defeated. "Alright. Lets go help Zane!" said Ariel with the lion nodding.

Jessie recovered alongside Zane with her said,"Rainbow Smash!". Several bolts of lightning with all seven being a different color ,Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet, with them going in close to Zane. Zane wrote,"Earth Make Spear!". A thin but powerful spear made out of the earth appear in his hand and he stabbed the bolts causing them to fly in different directions ignoring Zane in the process.

Zane wrote,"You're good. I don't want to spend time fighting you. I have to stop the missing dwarf from bringing back Estrasum!". "No way! I'm not letting you go after what you did to me and my father!" yelled Jessie. She was covered in bruises and she said,"Terminal Glow!". The bolt rushed to Zane with him saying,"Fool me once, shame on you. Hellfire Dragon Secret Art Flaming Crimson Fury!".

He took a deep breath with him firing out a torrent of fire with it being more stronger and hotter than the flames that he produced earlier. It melted the lightning with ease as the flames collided with the woman causing a huge explosion of fire to cover the room in. Zane looked up to see Hilda standing in front of the defeated and somewhat breathing Jessie. "So you protected her?" wrote Zane. "I did. She is my partner after all. I'm ready to fight you." said Hilda.

Zane wrote,"You're serious? I won't hold and trust me, I have a way to stop holder users.". Zane was blasted by a giant cannon ball. Hilda stood there with the scroll on her back open with her thinking,"I don't think that did anything to him.". "You're correct Hilda. I'm able to destroy things with just a single punch." wrote Zane. Hilda looked for him and she heard,"Where am I Hilda? Can you find me before I end it?". She turned around and she looked for him.

She saw Zane's shadow and she said,"Tigers!". Several tigers appeared from the scroll and they went to Zane. They then attack him and Zane exploded in flames with the tigers burning. They ran around in circles like they got their heads cut off with them exploding in flames. Hilda walked over to Zane's corpse and she saw the flames making the words,"Sorry Hilda but you should try again! You failed after all. This is my Fire Make Changeling.". Hilda growled as she ran off to search Zane.

Back in the main chamber, Lisa looked over the body of her former friend and she said,"I shall be leaving you Kurt. I should help Rhett and end the Heavenly Sprinkles ceremony. Enjoy Bleeding to death.". She couldn't leave because Kurt rushed forward with her getting hit with a powerful punch to the schnoz. She was sent back into the wall with it breaking. She looked up to see a injured Kurt with his hair covering his eyes and his teeth grind together.

Lisa sad,"You shouldn't be moving at all! How are you even moving with those injuries?!". "I'm tired of this." said Kurt with Lisa confused. "Excuse me?!" said Lisa. "I wanted to help you but I just give up." said Kurt. He formed a giant gun with six bullets of magic energy. Lisa couldn't even dodged due to the six bullets hitting her in the chest. She was pushed back and Kurt went after her. He was kicked her in the stomach knocking the wind out of her.

He then grabbed her by the front of her top with her getting hit again. This one send Lisa flying into the wall and it broke. She struggled to get back up and she said,"I'm bleeding. Kurt made me bleed. I won't believe this!". Her magic power increased and she yelled while raising her arms,"Die Kurt! You will be burned by my Passion Flame Dragon!". Kurt eyes opened as a giant dragon made out of magic and it was on fire flew toward Kurt.

The flame dragon caught Kurt in its jaws with him grunted in pain upon being slammed into the ground and Kurt broke it thanks to Passion Lance up close and personal. "I don't want to waste my magic power on you. I have to get ready for my fight with Estrasum." said Lisa. "That won't happen Lisa." said Kurt. He got back up on his feet and Lisa said,"Just stop already. Estrasum will be alive once again and no one can stop it now.".

Kurt said while glaring at Lisa,"I stop it!". "You say that even though Rhett is doing that right now? I mean I also have those three. How about you beg for pity?" said Lisa. "Don't underestimate Zane! I'm going to hit you." said Kurt. "Oh. You're going to hit a fair maiden. Not very gentlemen like." said Lisa. "You ain't no maiden. This is going to be good." said Kurt. He rushed toward Lisa but she hit him in his wound from earlier.

Lisa said,"Do you remember what Ashley taught us?! Aim for their weak spots. Do you remember Kurt?!". "You have no right to even say her name! I'll stop you!" yelled Kurt. He punched her in the gut after recovering from her earlier hit. She went back a feet feet and she went after Kurt. The two began to fist fight for a while with Kurt remembering something that happen in a fight with Zane when they were younger.

Flashback. "Get up!" wrote Zane. He stood over a downed and younger Kurt who had bruises and he was panting like crazy. Kurt struggled to get up. He was fighting against Zane for a while now and he failed to even get him to move from his spot. He did get a couple of hits in but Zane counter using his fist enhanced by simple spells. Kurt then took a deep breath and he started to punch Zane with hit after hit.

Zane smiled and he blocked a jab heading toward his face. He counter Kurt's assault with an elbow to his stomach causing him to cough up saliva and falling down on his knees. Zane was shocked when Kurt got back up with him throwing even more punches. He decided to end this with him jumping over his kick with him kicking him in the gut with him getting thrown back as he fall back and land on his back with him tired.

Zane wrote,"Are you done Kurt? I mean usually I have to knock Clair down six more times before she's done.". "I ain't the Flashlight!" screamed Kurt. "No. You know when to stop. So happy that I'm not stuck with any of them." wrote Zane. "I thought the ladies man would be happy to be with the girls in our guild." said Kurt. "You're right but it's those girls." wrote Zane. The two shiver and Zane wrote,"Do you want me to heal you? I may not be as good as Ana but I'm a good third.".

Kurt shook his head and he said,"No. These wounds will show that I have a long way to go to being the one who defeats you and also I have to defeat Clair.". "You're right but you just have to ask if you want to fight against me," wrote Zane. The two shook hands as Kurt's flashback ended. The two were then hit by each other's punches. They fought for domination before Kurt added more power to his fist sending Lisa into the wall creating smoke from the impact.

Kurt said,"You had to step it up if you want to win against me.". Lisa jumped out of the wall and she hit Kurt in the the face. He went back with him yelling,"I will never lose!". He headbutted her with Lisa tripping over herself. She stood back up and she glared at Kurt. "You'll never defeat me! You never had!" yelled Lisa. She charged at him with the two starting their fight once again. They went on this for a while.

Lisa fired out an uppercut with Kurt going back to avoid it. He was about to counter it with a strong kick to the stomach. It connected causing Lisa to fly. She crashed into one of the pillars ,covered in magic, and it shattering. She stood up again with her shaking in rage with her not being able to crush Kurt. She swiped her arm and she said,"Screw you! Passion Flame Dragon!". The fire dragon return and Kurt avoided the creation with it being smashed by a giant hammer created by Kurt.

Kurt said,"You would cheat to win.". The temple started to shake with Lisa smiling. "The Heavenly Sprinkles Ceremony has began! Estrasum's prison is being destroy as we speak." said Lisa. Kurt was shocked at the fact that Ashley was going to be destroyed. "This's it Kurt. You couldn't stop us even with your new friends. Oh, I've waited for this day. Ten long years. I have knowledge and allies. I then learned of this place.

Several magic falcons began to circle around her with Lisa saying,"Klihsh Island. This is where the moon's magic power tends to live. We transported Estrasum here from our maiden land but that was almost three years ago. Worth it.". Kurt made a magic sphere which covered him with the falcons pelting him. "You wasted over ten years on this Lisa! You're insane!" yelled Kurt. "Insane?" said Lisa with several anger marks on her face.

Lisa yelled,"You're one to talk! You wasted ten years playing in a guild!". Kurt blocked his head as a large piece of magic flew on Lisa. "I listen to what Ashley told me." said Kurt. "If you got to the west, there are way stronger wizards than me." said Ashley's voice. "I end up in Heroes. Ashley was right. Everyone there was super strong and I couldn't believe the power of some of them. They are all gods in a human shell." said Kurt.

He remembered what happened when he told Ax about Passion Shell. "That can't be done my boy. I may not a lot about Passion Magic but Passion Shell is created from the will of the caster. No other magic is able of destroying its power." said Ax. "Yeah but you have so many strong wizards here in this one place!" said Kurt. "There is one way but you shouldn't do it. If you do it, you would kill this person you speak off." said Ax.

Kurt said,"Upon thinking about it, he was mostly likely talking about Heavenly Sprinkles. I've move on and I thought my senior would do that same. You're tying to kill her Lisa. I have a better goal than yours Lisa. Mine is to defeat Zane who is way stronger than Ashley.". Lisa'a eyes widen but she got over it fast. "You're an idiot like always Kurt. That idiot may be strong but he's nothing compared to me and Ashley. I wanted to surpass Ashley but she died." said Lisa.

Lisa rushed toward Kurt with a lion made out of magic covering her arm. "With Estrasum dead, I will surpass Ashley which she wasn't able to do!".She swiped and struck Kurt with Lisa pissing off that all of her attacks missing. "Your dream is strong but you're going down the wrong path! You're unable to see what you're doing Lisa! You would kill Ashley! TIME TO END THIS!" said Kurt as he created a magic sword. He slashed her with her unable to dodge the attack.

The sword swiped her stomach but she turned into magic power. "God dam it." said Kurt. "Passion Inferno Lion!" yelled Lisa. A massive lion made out of fire was about to attack Kurt with him waiting there. The beast swiped its claws at Kurt who jumped over the attack. "Passion Cage!" yelled Kurt. A magic prison appeared holding the lion inside of it. He came face to face with Lisa who glared at him and he said,"Look at this Lisa! I was able to stop your creations with ease!".

Lisa said,"Absurd. I'll just destroy your....". The beast roared while trying to break out but the feline failed badly. "This is what happens when you don't put your heart into your magic. It become lacking and uneven. Ashley taught us better and you're blind like a bat right now. It's over Lisa." said Kurt as he started to gather a lot of magic power around him. "Are you ready for one if not my strongest spells? Passion Unlimited Storm!" said Kurt.

The magic power focused itself in Kurt's hands. Lisa then stood there with her eyes open and she was tired. She couldn't use any more magic and unable to dodge it. These factors made the attack unable to dodge. "No, this can't end like this! I'm the Glacial Sultana! I won't be defeated!" yelled Lisa. Kurt ignored her as he fired the magic power at her which turned into a beam. Lisa stood there taking the beam with her getting blasted into the wall causing a huge explosion.

Kurt said,"Ashley taught how to be strong by embracing our emotions. We can't shut out them out or let them control us. We have to be in harmony with them.". "Kurt..." said Lisa. She coughed a large amount of blood and she was out cold. Kurt's wound started to bleed again with him gathering magic energy to heal the wound. "Really should have done that first." said Kurt. He looked over Lisa and her clothes were torn.

He looked around and he found a trunk. He noticed that it was lock and he thought,"It's a good thing that I can still use my magic. Thanks Zane.". He made a key and he opened the trunk. He found some clothes and he said,"Okay. Lisa is a girl for sure. She has more clothes than I have but she doesn't strip at all. I hope.". He dragged the heavy trunk over to Lisa who was still out cold and he thought to himself,"Really hatting this right now!".

Rhett was running through the lower levels of the temple. After he informed Lisa of him returning the temple back to normal. He turned around to hopefully see Zane running after him but he was fighting against Drake, Hilda, and Jessie. He was sad and upon reaching Estrasum's chamber, he was crashing into a wall ,he thinks, and fell down onto the ground. "Sorry but I'm not a big fan of playing hide and seek unless you're a member of the fairer sex or a little kid." said a voice.

Rhett looked up to see Zane standing in front of him. He was going to run away but Zane sighed. "I should be used to this but sometimes. Thunder God Constant Whip." wrote Zane. A tendril of black thunder grabbed Rhett and he held him there. Rhett knew that he couldn't escaped due to him knowing Zane. "Wow. You're so strong. I love it to see you angry and also you're so serious. Along with being handsome!" said Rhett.

Zane sighed and he wrote,"I really hate when guys flirt with me. It happens more than you think. If you flirt with me again, I'll use my whip to throw you into the wall over there. I'll make sure that you get my anger.". "Okay! I'll flirt you as a woman instead." said Rhett as he began to glow. "You're so weird sometimes Valerie." thought Zane. She was trapped in Zane's whip with her wearing her usual Magic Council outfit aka the white kimono with a single sleeve.

Valerie said,"So what are you going to do with me officer? I'm a naughty girl after all.". "Aren't you wondering what we talked about this morning?" wrote Zane. "Oh yeah! What are you planning to do with the husk of my mother?" said Valerie. "It's easy Val." said Zane. Valerie noticed that her lover's eyes glowed gold unlike their usually black. She always admired his power and wisdom due to it being like he has been around for more than nineteen years exactly.

Zane wrote,"I'm bringing her back.". Valerie was frozen like a statue with her going over what he said with her stuttered out,"I... Don't... Understand...". "Huh. I guess most people forgot that Passion Shell is a spell and it can be destroy. Nothing is invincible. You've heard the spell Gaia Heal right?" wrote Zane. Valerie was shocked because that spell was long since forgotten about. "How do you know about Gaia Heal?!" said Valerie.

Zane wrote,"One of my magic teachers taught me and she was a dragon.". "Why are you doing this? I know you mostly likely read my mind so why would you do this to me?!" said Valerie. "Don't worry about the reason. I want to help you Val. You would just love me even more than you do now. You want your mommy back. I'm also doing this for those two too." wrote Zane. "No!" said Valerie. She broke through the whip which was like running through cake.

She created several orbs appear with her planning to keep Zane trapped so he doesn't do anything. "I won't let you do this! That women never acted like my mother to begin with! Even after I came back to her...." said Valerie while grinding her teeth together. "Your mouth is saying this but your eyes and heart are singing a different tune Valerie." wrote Zane. He began to walk toward with him saying,"I want you to be happy so please be happy.".

Valerie responded with the orbs falling over him. "Lustrous Moments!" said Valerie. The many orbs appeared in front of her tripled causing Zane to be pelted with beams of light. Zane sighed and he wrote,"I really don't want to do this but I have to. Forest Dragon Drowsy Hypnotic.". A giant flower appeared from the ground in front of him with pollen coming out of it. Valerie was frozen in place and she said,"Why can't I move?!".

Zane walked toward the Okaepralt and he wrote,"That was my Forest Dragon Drowsy Hypnotic. It allows me to stop my opponents by either making them fall asleep and make them unable to move. It so cool right?". His hands began to glow gold and Valerie said,"Zane! Stop!". "I'm doing this for you to be happy so smile." wrote Zane with a smile. He looked at the Okaepralt and he said,"It's time to free you Ashley Edwards. Gaia Heal!".

His entire body glowed gold with his gargantuan amount of magic power went into the Passion Shell with him smiling. The solid magic power slowly turn back into magic power that would go through the ocean. Valerie looked up to see the demon slowly being revealed. She looked at Zane with the gold aura around him getting weaker slightly. "Zane. What's wrong?!" said Valerie. Zane was quiet and Valerie tried to move. She was getting pissed off at this with her falling face to ground.

She walked over to Zane to see that he was focused on it. "Zane. Why are you doing this?" said the woman. He was quiet and she looked around. She didn't see or sense anything around them with her not worried about Adrian coming into the chamber. She hugged Zane and she said,"Please stop this Zane.". "I can't Valerie. If I have a chance to reunite a family or someone special to them, I will do anything in my power to help them." said Zane with a little cough.

The two stayed there for what seems like forever but the magic power was long gone. The area was glowing gold and blue with some of the magic power forming a figure. Valerie's eyes were stuck wide open as she looked at the woman figure that appeared from the water. It was the woman that was the first thing that she saw. She wasn't wearing anything with her left leg completely gone and she was on the floor asleep.

It was completely silent with Valerie staring at the woman that she hated the most or what she had told herself. She had to fight her growing urge to go hug her mother due to her mother being the reason why she joined Wicked Genocide. She was totally lost with her going toward her. However, it seems like Estrasum woke up as well. He had been sleeping for ten long years inside of magic power and he did this with a roar of anger,"WRAAAAAAAAAAGH!".

The sound had shook the entire island with everyone hearing it. His eyes glowed red with anger and revenge on the world. He spotted Valerie on the ground. He remembered her being the one who sealed him for a decade. He rose his gigantic fist with him launching it down on the woman with him totally intended to crush her. Valerie watched in worry as she saw the fist heading toward her mother at an alarming speed.

She couldn't even move because her body was still under paralysis. Upon the fist being about one foot above Ashley, it was caught by a net that reminded her of clouds. The woman was happy to see that Zane was in front of her mom's body with him stopping the fist with a strange cloud. Zane smiled as he felt good about saving Ashley. He was sure that both Kurt and Valerie would be happy about this. "I didn't want one of Hex's ugly beasts to touch me so I used Cloud." wrote Zane.

Valerie was confused about what Cloud was but she only got another roar of anger. The demon then pressed his fist deeper into the cloud with it staying there. The ground however started to break and Zane smiled. He was able to hold back a dragon, able to grab a dragon by its tail, spin it around, and throw it away. It is like the Bowser Spin from Super Mario 64. A large crashing sound then boomed throughout the cave as something caused Estrasum to go back.

Zane made a blanket appear as he wrapped it around Ashley before glaring back at the demon who was trying to get its balance from the smash. He decided to strike back. He gathered magic power in his arms and he wrote,"Forest Dragon Lust!". He slammed his hands on the ground with several large and thorn covered vines made out of wood to prevent Estrasum from moving. "Sorry but not sorry. I can't have you trying to kill me just yet." wrote Zane.

The demon roared and Zane wrote,"Sorry. I don't speak demonish or whatever your language is called. Hilda, I can smell you.". Hilda came out of the shadows and Valerie said,"How much did you see?". "I saw you hugging him to turn that Okaepralt into that woman and that was amazing." said Hilda with a blush. "Well thanks. Could I ask you for a favor?" wrote Zane. "What do you want her to do?" said Valerie. 

Zane wrote,"Hilda was it? You know the others from my group. Tell them to not come here. You can use force if you have too. I mean you can refuse but I really don't want to kill you.". "I'll do it. I got Drake and Jessie out of here so a couple of people won't be able a problem. Bye." said Hilda as she walked away. Zane turned to see Valerie who was still on her knees looking at Ashley with yearning eyes.

Zane wrote,"Valerie. You have a lot on your mind now. Go rest and gather your thoughts before you do something stupid to make her sad.". He snapped his fingers as Valerie was covered in the same golden glow as her mother was. Upon it dying down, all of the discomfort and fatigue that was long gone. "How did you?" said Valerie. "Unlike with your mother, all of your wounds and magic power were restore. Ashley being trapped in Passion Shell negated the effects." wrote Zane.

Valerie looked at her mother before walking away. Zane looked back at her and he thought,"Why did I just stand here? I should have kissed her to make her feel better. I guess I'm still a coward.". He then looked at Ashley and he thought,"I thought that Gaia Heal makes sure that all wounds and magic energy are restored. It is able to erase all form of magic inside of the target. It also able to restore lost limbs but Passion Shell must have been stronger than I thought.".

He turned around to face Estrasum who couldn't see or hear anything due to the vines but he could feel that he was stronger than he was before. "You'll be punished for your crimes and all of the death that you caused for centuries Demon of Extinction. My name is Zane Alvarez, the son of Sivarth the Dragon King. I hunt down demons that were created by Hex Karma to hopefully get rid of the curse that was inflicted on me." wrote Zane

Kurt heard the roars with him thinking,"Only one thing makes a roar. I could never forget it." said Kurt under his breath. He made his way out of the throne room so he could stop the ritual. He was stopped by a larger sounding roar. "Estrasum. He's back." said Kurt. He remember what happened in the past and he thought while running."There's one way to stop it. Ashley... Master.... Zane.... My friends. I'm sorry.".

The girls plus Barry, Nick, and Ryu heard the loud roar. Clair covered her ears and she said,"Okay. I am killing whoever did that roar!". "But who or what did it?" said Lora. The group ,after talking care of Lisa's friend, made their way into the temple. "It could totally be your stomach. I mean we skipped Breakfast, Lunch, and dinner." said Barry. Tessa hit him and she said,"You know that we have to be serious right now.". "Could it be? That is Estrasum." said Allison.

Lora jumped back in fear as Julie said,"What?! They couldn't have revived him already?!". "Hey you guys." said Myra. She pointed to something. The ground in front of them was glowing red and she said,"That's Heavenly Sprinkles right?". Another roar went through the temple causing some of the group to shiver in fear. "Wow. That's scary." said Lora. "If you so scared of your stomach, that really sad Lora. You should eat something." said Barry.

Tessa sighed as Lora pinched his cheeks. "I wonder. We can hear the demon's roar but I suspect that they're still doing the ceremony. It isn't fully back yet." said Allison. "That makes sense." said Myra who was agreeing with her rival. "Uh. You do know that we have to be at the top of the temple right and I don't think we should break this place down." said Lora. "Whatever. See you ladies there!" said Nick. He was gone in a flash and Ryu said,"I'm here too.".

Kurt finally made it to the caverns that were below the temple. The cave was filled with water that was mostly like from the once trapped Estrasum. The demon stood there where the Okaepralt held him but Kurt was shocked. The vines surrounding Estrasum was keeping him there and the demon tried to punch and smashing the barrier with his fists. He was trying everything that he could to try and leave but nothing worked. Kurt thanked whoever did this.

Kurt knew that this barrier wasn't going to last forever. He had to make sure that the demon was then stopped for god. He got down into the water that went up to his ankles. He placed his hand inside of the water that was once his master and he said,"Ashley.". "Took your ass forever to get here. I was getting bored." said a familiar Voice. Kurt saw Zane standing there and he wrote,"We need to stop it now before this bastard kills.". He was going to let him find Ashley who was right behind him.

The two heard,"You're hundred percent right Zero.". It was a low and hoarse voice that belong to Lisa who looked awful. She crawled slowly on the ground with her going toward Estrasum. "You two are weak. I am going to defeat it so I can be stronger than her!" said Lisa. "Lisa." said Kurt. "Listen. You may be smoking hot but you're acting stupid. I bet that you couldn't even cause a scratch right now. It looks like Kurt did a number on you." wrote Zane.

Lisa said,"Shut up! I've been waiting for this Estrasum.". She looked at the demon still trapped in the vine prison with the greenish-silver woman let out a pain-filled chuckle as she forced herself to stand up. "This is the monster that Ashley couldn't kill. If I defeat you, I will surpass her!" said Lisa. Zane watched as Kurt ,who sneaked behind Lisa, karate chopped Lisa in the neck knocking back down to the ground.

Kurt said,"Stop this Lisa. I'll end Estrasum using Passion Shell!". He got in the posture for the spell and Lisa said,"Don't do this Kurt!". She glared at his back with Zane just watching this. "Do you know how long I waited for this day?! If you use it, I will bring him back! I won't stop until I killed Estrasum!" yelled Lisa. "This is the only way!" yelled Kurt as his magic power jumped up. He was stopped by Zane who stood in front of him and the demon. "Zane!" said Kurt.

Zane took a deep breath and he yelled with a vein bulging on his forehead,"Stop now Kurt! You're not going to be a messiah if you do this! You'll being doing something that you can't go back and changed! You would break Ashley's Heart! Look!". He pointed to the right and Kurt was shocked to that Passion Shell was long gone. He couldn't believe what he saw because his brain could be making a sick joke on him. He took a step forward and he heard,"Ashley.". It was from Lisa.

She couldn't believe that she was alive and well again. Kurt reached her and he touched her cheek making sure that she was real and not just his imagination. "It's her Lisa!" said Kurt. She hadn't aged in ten years except that she was naked and wearing a blanket around her body. "How? Passion Shell doesn't do this!" said Lisa. "I used my magic to bring her back. I didn't want to lose such a powerful woman to the reaper." wrote Zane.

Zane thought,"And she's hot. I hate my dragon hormones sometimes.". He looked up to see both of Ashley's students looking at him with wide eyes. "I'm sexy and awesome but I need you to listen to me Kurt. You need to get her back to the village so I can do a better look over her. I'm a doctor thanks to Althea. Let me end your nightmare for both of you and the others." wrote Zane. "You can't." said Lisa.

Kurt said,"Lisa. You should believe in him.". "Why?!" said Lisa. "Because he's the Zero and my rival after all." said Kurt. Zane nodded and he wrote,"You two would be injured and I always need to get some stress out. Ugly here is perfect.". The two Passion users looked at each other with them working together to make sure that Ashley gets out of here. Zane stood there and he summoned Aetherius. He got ready to go as the demon roared.

Above him, Adrian was flying through the air thanks to a bullet fired by the western wizard. The rest of his group found him and the dog man but they couldn't help due to Kurt taking care of the problem rather easily. The light from the Heavenly Sprinkles was gone. "Way to go Nick!" said Julie. "That was done by one guy?" said Barry. The dog man glared at the group with him saying,"You guys have failed!". The demon roared louder than before and Lora said,"No. It can't be.".

Allison and Myra both knew that a disaster was about to be brought upon the island. "Lets go down and stop it." said Allison. The rest of the group followed her but then they were stopped by a group of ink bears, lions, and tigers. "Stop there." said a voice. Hilda stood there and Tessa said,"Hey! You're a member of the Glacial Sultana's group!". "What's going on?" said Nick. "Estrasum was brought back plain and simple." said Hilda.

Myra said,"We were too late.". The demon roared once again shaking the island and temple. "What are we going to do?" said Lora who couldn't stop shaking with Barry following suit. "Zane. Where is he?! I smell him on you!" said Clair. "Zane is having some alone time with Estrasum. He ordered me to get you and everyone away from here." said Hilda. "What?! He's going to fight the demon! Why is he doing?!" yelled Allison and Myra. "Don't know." said Hilda.

Clair was trying to go help Zane but she was stopped by Hilda's creations. "I don't think Zane wants you to try and help him. He's a guy after all." said Hilda. "Hey. We take offense to that." said Barry with Nick and Ryu nodding. "He told me to use force and I plan to." said Hilda. The group stood there and Ryu thought,"Zane. I know you can handle the lower ranked demons with ease but can you fight against a big one?".

After Kurt and Lisa took Ashley out of the temple, Zane sat there on a rock watching Estrasum try and break the barrier. He smiled widely upon seeing Estrasum ,finally, break the vine walls. Upon being free, he roared again. "Okay. Your roaring is pissing me off." wrote Zane. Estrasum spotted Zane with him opening his giant mouth. It was a giant and powerful blueberry blue beam from his mouth aimed at Zane.

Zane stood there and he wrote,"Power Barrier!". A magic barrier appear around him with the beam being reflected off him causing it to fly off in a different direction. A large amount of smoke covered the arena with the demon looking for Zane. He didn't find him but he heard a large whistle. Zane stood there and he wrote,"Wow. You actually worth my time. This is going to be good. Luminous Dragon Almighty Velocity!".

His body was covered in light and he flew around the demon. He couldn't even see Zane because he was moving at the speed of light. Zane flew up to the demon's face and he pointed down. The demon was shocked to see the magic writing on the ground with Zane writing,"Chaos Dragon Terrestrial Eradication.". Zane went back as a huge burst of magic power that appeared from the ground came out of the magic writing.

It engulfed and crashed into Estrasum with an remarkable amount of power lifting it off his feet and sending him into the ceiling of the cavern causing a painful crash. Zane heard roars of pain with the cave shaking from the magic power inside of it. For what seems like forever, the torrent of magic energy hit Estrasum and it caused the demon to fly into the air. It kept going forever and the entire world could see it.

Zane jumped into the air with him flying after the demon. His body was filled with fun and he said with a huge smile,"I'm Powered Up Now!". Kurt watched the cave where Zane was as he said,"Zane is really strong. I wonder if.". Lora looked to see Kurt with her screaming his name. His torso was covered in magic healing slowly. He had two people on his shoulders and Lora was confused. One was Lisa and the other one was unknown.

Nick said,"Are you okay man?". "I'll be fine. You could help me with them." said Kurt. He threw Lisa on the ground causing her to groan in pain but Ashley went down on the ground like a feather. "So who's she?" said Myra. She didn't hope that she was another rival despite her sharing Zane. "That's my master Ashley Edwards." said Kurt with a small smile. Everyone there was shocked except for Hilda who just watching the scene.

Clair said,"Wait. I thought you told us that she was that Okaepralt stuff.". "She was..." said Kurt. He looked up to see Hilda and he said,"Well, do you know?". "Well, he said something about Magna Mater and Revive." said Hilda. She was telling the truth because she didn't get the name of the spell exactly due to Zane not being the more talkative person. "Really?" said Julie and Tessa. "So how is Zane? Is he kicking but like always?!" said Ryu.

Kurt's eyes softened when he heard Ryu. It sounds happy but anyone there could tell that the little dragon was worried about Zane. He patted the little dragon's head and he said,"Don't worry so much Ryu. I mean Zane hunts demon for a living.". "He does?!" said Lora. "Yeah but I'm still worried. He isn't fighting against one of them." said Ryu. "So why does he want to fight Estrasum by himself? I mean that makes no sense." said Barry.

Allison said,"Zane's stubborn like his father. Ana told me that once Zane is focused on something, he will do anything to complete his goal regardless of the risks.". "Dam it." said Myra. "We would only get in his way." said Kurt. He was pissed that he wasted his magic power during his fight with Lisa and he would be there helping Zane in some way. "I need to get stronger." thought Kurt with him punching the air next to him.

The ground started to shake vigorously and then they felt it. Zane's magic power was growing to an incredible level reaching the impossible and he was obvious the main cause behind the earthquake earlier. They felt the incredible magical pressure go over their body and they couldn't stand any more as the huge pillar of magic power appeared from the temple with its monstrous lethal power having the power to reduce everything to ash. It was mainly the temple though.

Hilda said,"He's incredible. His magic power is more than even a demon or a god.". "How many power does he have?!" wheezed Lisa. The pillar went higher and higher making the sky light like a Christmas tree. From inside of it, Estrasum was launched into the forest roaring in pain all the way until he crashed into the forest with an earth shattering crack resulting in a giant dust cloud crushing tree and unfortunate wildlife in the process. The demon wasn't moving.

Kurt yelled,"What the hell was that?! That was Zane?!". Allison and Myra only nod with them both shocked by the amount of power that their Zane should use. "Yep. That's my Zane. He's able to wreck demons with ease!" said Ryu with a smirk. "Is it done?" said Lora. She was shot down thanks to an angry roar. Estrasum pushed himself back up with his elbows as his wounds were healing right in front of them. His roar shook the island.

Julie said,"That is impossible.". "It didn't a dam thing to him." said Nick. "Passion Shell couldn't stop him so even one of Zane's attack wouldn't do that much." said Kurt. He wished that he had some if any magic power so he could use that against this demon. Myra was confused with her trying to find a way to do this. She saw a mop of gray hair and she yelled,"Zane!". The group saw Zane flying to the demon with light covering him.

He came to a complete stop above the demon looking down at the demon with an evil smirk. "Oh. I did forget that normal magic didn't work on the Lucerna. I'll use that then. Time to activate my Silver Flame." wrote Zane. He took a deep breath and his body was covered in fire. It was different from his normal fire because it was silver. He sprouted two silver wings with him writing,"This is going to hurt a lot even the flames are normally gold. Pyro Devil Holocaust of Inferno!".

He holds his hands above him with a large ball of fire ,about the size of the sun, appearing in front of him. The sliver flames were exploding from the sphere. "You're lucky that I'm using the Silver Flame to fight you. This ball of fire would normally be gold into dark green/purple but this is going to hurt way more. Have fun. The world was born for the flames of the Gods so it'll die by the flames of the Demons! Pyro Devil Holocaust of Inferno!" wrote Zane.

He then kicked the back at the demon who wasn't happy about that. The demon roared as the ball crashed into him. He was lucky to have caught the massive flames and block it. It was too much even for him because he was pushing back hundreds of feet away causing marks. He struggled for a while but he was able to throw the giant ball into the air. It exploded causing the flames to rain down on the area making the forest to become ash, the water turned into steams, and everything was on fire.

Zane didn't let the demon come back at him with him flying toward the demon's huge chest. His left and right fists ignited in the silver flames with him writing,"Pyro Devil Infernal Punch!". He then punched the demon in the chest causing the demon to feel the burn. He launched another one with the demon to expelled a huge amount of blood from his both. His chest was slightly burned from the attacks.  

Zane smiled evilly as his right leg was on fire like his fists were earlier. "Time for my Pyro Devil Wicked Fang!" wrote Zane. He axe kicked the demon in the head with the demon roaring in pain as his head was on fire. He kicked the chest back with his body erupting in a vortex of silver flames destroy the forest in the process. The ground shook upon Estrasum crashing into it with several if deadly burns along with a giant hole in the chest.

Zane landed on the ground slowly looking at the defeated figure of the demon. Even with his Silver Flame plus him using three demon magics in a row, that wasn't the end of him. He was known for being able to take a lot of pain and Zane had a feeling that Estrasum was way stronger than Berceuse due to the fact that he wasn't stuck in a musical instrument. He was proven right as the demon was glowing a bright white blinding everyone there.

Estrasum was slowly getting back up with the flash dying down. He was completely injured but Zane was happy that some of his burns was still there but they were tiny. "Okay! So how the hell did that thing heal?!" said Barry. "I wonder why it was called the immortal terror." said Myra. "So what do we do?" said Lora. She was scared from the glowing red eyes of the demon. Allison and Hilda looked at Zane who was acting rather calm.

Estrasum's eyes shine the night with him glaring at Zane. He wanted to kill this human and cause this island to blow up. He punched the air with his fist flying toward Zane. Zane dodged the attack but he was send flying back. He moved his feet toward the tree that he was going to crash into and he used his flames to fly in the air with them. He landed on the ground with him looking for the demon who disappeared on him.

He saw the giant demon in front of him and Zane thought,"Wow. I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover.". The fist punched Zane into the ground causing a huge crater exploding. "Zane!" yelled his friends. The demon kept punching Zane with the wizard being pushed deep into the ground making the crater bigger. Fear was growing in the Heroes along with Hilda as the assault of deathly punches seemed to go on forever.

Suddenly, a surge of water forced everyone to back up and the area was getting soaked erasing the silver fire. Estrasum was blasted back by a giant surge of water and he looked at the crater. Zane flew out of it with him injured. However, his body was completely water. "Wow. That must be his Sea Devil Body. It basically makes Zane immune to those punches. He is able to read people if he touches them in this form plus find their weak points." said Ryu.

Nick said,"Wow. That sounds awesome. What else can it do?". "It can sense abnormalities in a body with him able to fix it. This includes poisoning and pregnancy issues. He is able to sense feelings as well but if you hit him with a spell that effect water users. He'll be hit by that." said Ryu. Zane's shirt was ripped showing his toned chest. "Dam. I really liked that shirt. I'll have to bye a new one. Okay then. You got me angry now." wrote Zane.

He moved his arms out and water gathered around them making two giant size water spheres formed around his arms. He then flew toward the demon and he started to spin around like a drill. "Time for my Sea Devil Tsunami Drill!" wrote Zane. The water attack slammed into the demon's jaw and he wasn't happy about that. He roared and he fired a giant beam at Zane who flew back upon hitting the demon. "Sea Devil Tidal Wave!" wrote Zane.

A giant wave appear and it somehow blocked the giant beam. The attack caused a huge explosion of magic power and it lit up the sky. The demon roared again increasing the beam and the wave was destroyed. "Interesting. Let's get stronger." wrote Zane. He blinked once and the giant wave grew in size with it pushing the beam back. The struggle lasted slightly before the two attacks exploded in a giant explosion for magic power.

It then covered the forest and the rest of the temple to be destroyed with a huge amount of air blasting anyone in the air except for Estrasum and Zane. "Okay! This is crazy!" yelled Lora. She held on a rock and hung on for dear life. Barry held onto Clair's jacket except for the fact that he got hit by a giant rock. "Wow. Zane isn't messing around!" said Kurt. He held Ashley's unconscious body with him forming a passion shield in front of him.      

It protected him and his master from the harsh wind but Lisa was missing. She was probably sent flying back but Kurt saw her being caught by a giant ink net that Hilda created. Allison, Myra, and Tessa held their spots using a sword, claw, and wooden ax. Nick held onto Julie and himself thanks to a giant pair of sand hands. Ryu just floated there due to him being stronger than others. During all of this, they heard punching sounds meaning that the two were still fighting.

A colossus explosion of water rose at nearly a hundred thousand feet above the ground from their makeshift arena causing Estrasum to fly back a bit. He landed on the ground and his massive body was covered in burns from Zane's Pyro Devil and Sea Devil spells but his body was still healing. Zane rose from the crater aka battle arena stood there without a single wound. He threw himself toward the demon flying with water. 

He reared back his hands with him clenching his fists. His left hand glowed red while his right hand glowed blue. "In my left hand, the flames of a devil and in my right hand, the water of a devil! I give you my Pyro Sea Devil Storm!" wrote Zane. He made a giant ball of water with golden flames going through it. He threw it at Estrasum who was getting ready to strike back. The giant fist hit the ball and it caused a giant explosion of fire and water.

To people watching, this looked equal for the side but the demon was struggling. He roared and Zane wrote,"You're strong but I'm stronger!". His eyes glowed golden with his magic power growing. Zane created a second version of his attack but it was bigger. It cause the demon and himself to be covered in a colossal dome of fire and water. Back with the others. "God dam it!" said Kurt. He saw the dome of fire and water unison.

He along with the others move away from the fight due to the explosion of their attacks but they were still able to feel the shaking and magic tension. "Zane's amazing." said Lora in awe. "Yep! Zane will never lose!" said Ryu with a smile. "I'm still mad at him! Why didn't he want our help?!" said Myra slamming her foot onto the ground. "If we didn't, we would have been caught in their fight. All we can do is wait and hope that Zane will win." said Allison. She was worried about him.

The smoke cleared showing the two beasts. Zane was in a battle stance ready from any attack from the demon. He wasn't injured due to him still being in his Sea Devil Body. Estrasum could be better due to his body covered in atrocious burns with the most obvious wound was the arm that he used to block Zane's second Pyro Sea Devil Storm. It was utterly burned. Zane was going to rush toward the demon but something caught his eye.

It was slowly healing but his burns and scored arm weren't. "I guess you're able to heal one wound at a time. You were a good challenge for me. I wonder if you were able to force me to use ten percent of my power. I was wrong." wrote Zane. His hands was covered in the sliver flames with him writing,"I think you'll like my Silver Excalibur and Silver Svalinn!". The fire in his right hand formed into a circular shield with a pentagram burning on the center of it.

The fire in his left hand formed into a sword. Zane jumped toward the demon and he sliced the demon with each slash leaving behind a huge amount of fire. The demon roared in pain with blood flying from his mouth. He pointed his sword at the demon causing a giant ball of fire to replace the sword and shield which he turned into a giant spear. "Pyro Devil Spear!" wrote Zane. He threw it at the demon causing the demon to erupt in flames.

Blood was splattering all over the ground with smoke rising from its entire body. He fell onto the ground and he was too weak to stand up. "What's the matter, scared? You're too scared to fight me because of my power!" wrote Zane. He created a giant wave of magic power which turned into fire and he threw it at Estrasum who roared in pain. "That was my Pyro Devil Hellfire Wave! I hope you like this!" wrote Zane.    

He gathered a large amount of fire in his left fist with it turning black. He bent the arm back and he extended his fist forward in a punching motion. A giant flaming fist flew toward Estrasum and Zane wrote,"This attack is just like my Thunder Dragon Disintegration Punch. This attack is my Fire God Virtuous Punch. You're going to be in pain.". The black flames covered the demon and the demon roared from the flame. 

Zane got onto his knees and he wrote,"You were unlucky to be brought here. The people who tried and bring you back were going to pay for what they did to my family. You pissed off Zero so after this display, you're going to be leaving this island and world. You also called my best friend/rival to be in pain for over ten years. I'll do anything to make my family happy and I would risk my life to do it. Supernova Blast!". The giant ball of fire hit the demon erupting in flames.

Back with the others. "Um. What's going on?" said Tessa while she watch the flames exploded. "Who knows?" said Hilda. "Lets go already!" said Myra. "You're right. Are you ready Kurt?" said Allison as she looked for him. All she saw Ashley and Julie said,"Where is he?!". "I got a really good feeling that he went after Estrasum." said Nick. "Lets go after him!" yelled Clair. They were about to go after him as Hilda pointed to Ashley who was starting to wake up.

Zane looked at the demon with him wondering what he should do. "Zane!" yelled a voice. He didn't even need to turn around to know that it was Kurt. He was gasping and Zane wrote,"Kurt. What are you doing here?". Estrasum was healing slowly and Kurt said,"I'm here to kill Estrasum.". "I thought that you would be smarter than Lisa. You're out of magic power right now." wrote Zane. Zane heard Kurt's fist clenched in anger.

Kurt said,"I don't care Zane. You taught me Passion Demon Magic in order to get revenge on demons because of him. Wouldn't it make sense to kill the demon who killed my family?". "You're right. I got out my anger on it but hurry, he's healing himself." wrote Zane. The demon was healing slowly and Zane wrote,"Follow me so I can set you free.". He rushed toward the demon with Kurt going after him and he yelled,"Zane! Why are you doing this?!".

Zane then kicked the demon in the face hard with him reappearing behind the demon. His body was covered in light and he wrote, "Luminous Dragon Almighty Velocity! Kurt. You're my best friend so I just wanted to help you out. Plain and simple.". He then fired a giant beam of light at the demon causing it to roar in pain. "And that was my Luminous Dragon Rapturous Beam! I'm just going to do this because I can. Luminous Dragon Violent Cutter!".

Zane charged up light and he wrote,"Go now!". "Right. Passion Colossal Hammer!" said Kurt. He made a giant yet complex hammer which he smashed into Estrsum. It caused a lot of damage and the demon couldn't fight back due to Kurt hitting him again. "Passion Volcano!" yelled Kurt. The demon was blasted by the giant amount of magic power that erupted from under his body and Zane's earlier attack made the attack painful.

Kurt yelled,"Passion Blade!". Two sharp blades of magic power covered his arms with him slicing the enemy ten times. Five of them sliced the head horizontally, three of them then sliced the head vertically, and the final two slices were an x pattern. He was motionless with Zane reappearing in the front of the demon. "You are really annoying with those arms. I think I will help you with that little and annoying problem of yours." wrote Zane.

He created two giant saw blades of light which he threw at the demon's arm slicing them clear off. It was a larger than normal roar with the saw blades being return to Zane. He charged up a giant version of the blade and he threw it at the demon. The demon was launched into the air and Zane wrote,"Are you ready Kurt?!". "Yeah!" yelled Kurt. He closed his eyes and he remembered something. "To use this power, gather up the power in your core and fire it." said Zane's voice,

Kurt's head went back with him inhaled deeply gathering magic power. He opened his eyes and he roared,"Passion Devil Rage!". A giant dark blue blizzard of magic came out of his mouth toward the demon. The attack collided with Estrasum destroying the lower half of his body. "I'll help you. Sea Devil Rage!" wrote Zane. A huge stream of water came pouring out of his mouth. It caused a huge explosion of water. The demon slammed into the ground and it disappeared.

Kurt panted heavily. He was able to use several spells but after his fight with Lisa, he was out of magic power. "I did it. My family was avenged along with my town. Are you happy Ashley?" said Kurt. "Good job. I mean I could have fired my Sea Devil Rage like a wave that would destroy it but good job." wrote Zane. Kurt smiled and he was going to fall face into the ground. He felt his face touching something soft along with two loving and tough hands go around him.

He looked up to see Ashley looking down at him with her eyes filled to the brim with kindness and joy. He started to cry and he said,"Master! I'm sorry!". Ashley felt a ache of anguish and guilt in her chest while watching Kurt crying. She couldn't help but blame herself for this. By giving up her life making Kurt think that he was responsible. She placed her hand ,that she had under her cloak, and she patted his head.

Ashley said,"You have nothing to be sorry for Kurt. You were amazing. If someone should be sorry, it should be me.". She brought him for another hug but Zane wanted to do something. "So where is my hug Ashley? I'm hurt." wrote Zane. Kurt sighed and Ashley looked at the grayette with a lot of confusion. "Zane!" yelled voice. "Oh right. I'm dead meat. Kurt, Avenge me!" wrote Zane. He was then tackled to the ground by five bodies.

Four of them were female and one was Ryu who smashed into his head. "Ouch." wrote Zane. Allison was a beautiful woman but her armor was painful making hugs harder than he would like to admit but Clair, Myra, and Tessa were the complete opposite. "Zane! Are you okay?" said Lora who felt some amount of jealous from her fellow sisters. She was too tired to do that because when Ashley had woken up, she rushed to the demons and she was faster with one leg than their two.

Zane wrote,"I'm okay.". This response made the brunette happy. "So what happened to Estrasum? I mean this place looks like a war zone." said Julie. All around them, she saw craters and things either on fire or soaking wet. "He's dead." wrote Zane. "Seriously?!" said Barry. Zane nodded and Nick said,"Good job as always man.". "Thanks. Could I get help?" wrote Zane. Nick sighed as he dragged Zane out of the girl pile.

Zane wrote,"Hey. Where's Lisa?". "Lisa? She's here too?" said Ashley. "She went with Hilda to get some of her wounds healed up. Hilda said that she'll force Lisa to come see her at the village." said Ryu. "Yes! It's done!" yelled Clair. "You're right!" said Barry. "I was worried about what was going to happen but thanks to Zane, the day is saved." said Lora. "We actually complete an S Class Job!" said Tessa. "Yee-Haw!" said Julie and Nick. "We're able to go onto the second floor." said Kurt.

Zane caught their attention thanks to a glaring Allison causing the seven who broke the rules to cower in fear. "Oh yeah. We're still in trouble." said Lora. "Yeah. I forgot about that because of Estrasum and all of that." said Nick. "You also have forgotten something. Wasn't your job to save the villagers who were turned into demons?" said Allison. "You were on a job? You work in a guild now Kurt. I am so proud" said Ashley.

Zane helped her up and he wrote,"Yeah and Kurt is one of the strongest.". "I see." said Ashley. "You shouldn't be celebrating so early. Your job isn't done yet." said Myra. "But Estrasum was destroy. The curse should be..." said Lora. "Don't presume things Lora. The curse could be due to Estrasum or the Heavenly Sprinkles. You have to presume that it's either both or neither." wrote Zane. "Then lets go help them then!" yelled Clair. "Right!" said Barry. "How?!" said Julie, Nick, and Tessa.

Zane sensed something and he used his magic to manipulate the group except for Kurt to head to the village without the two. "So why did you do that?" said Kurt. Zane pointed to Lisa leaning on a tree with Hilda standing there. "How did you?" said Kurt. "You just saw him destroy a demon with no effort and you're questioning how he sensed me." said Lisa. "He's an idiot sometimes. So why are you two here?" wrote Zane.

Hilda sighed and she said,"We don't know anything about the curse.". "You can't be serious? I mean how will break the curse." said Kurt. "We've known about the village since we came here and they didn't bother us. To my knowledge, they didn't come to us once." said Lisa. "For three years? The light must have been shining down on this place for three years straight. It makes no sense." said Kurt who sighed.

Hilda said,"I have some doubts about the effects of the Heavenly Sprinkles on the human body to begin with.". "So you're saying that it wasn't our fault." said Kurt. "We've been under it for three years. They're hiding something from you. I guess it's your job now then Kurt." said Lisa. Kurt went to her and he said,"You know that you destroyed their home and almost....". Zane stopped him and he wrote,"I know why they did all of this and you can't changed the past. Lets go.".

He walked toward the village and Kurt looked at Lisa. "What?" said Lisa. "Once you're feeling, go join a guild. You'll have a family and rivals to grow strong against. You'll find a new goal in no time for sure." said Kurt. He joined up with Zane with the two talking or in Zane's case, writing. "Well, I think we should go join up with the others." said Hilda. Lisa was quiet and Hilda created a ink lion with Lisa following Hilda but she couldn't move due to her injuries.

Lisa remembered her past a bit. "The most powerful Wizard around here? That would mostly likely be Ashley Edwards." said a man. A younger Lisa was inside of a guild hall and a man with a strange hair cut said,"Yeah. Even after she lost of her daughters a couple of years ago, she retired from the guild and lives in the mountains.". "Yeah but no one around here is close to her in strength." said the first man. The little Lisa said,"Ashley huh. I wonder if she'll let me be her student.".

A day after meeting Kurt, Lisa yelled,"You're teaching that guy we picked up!". Ashley was reading a magazine and she said,"He wanted to learn magic. You were the same way two years ago. Is there a problem? Are you questioning me?". "Wasn't I enough to replace your daughter?! We were supposed to be the same age!" yelled Lisa. Ashley hugged Lisa as she said,"I have never thought of you like that. You're my special Lisa and no one can replaced you.". Lisa in the present. smiled.

In the village's storage area. "Hey. Where's the others?" said Kurt. "You told me that they were here and I smell them." wrote Zane. "Yeah. The village was destroyed according to Lora so where are they anyway?" said Kurt. He was worried about his master as Zane wrote,"Don't worry. She's fine. Grab some medicine and bandages while we're here.". Kurt nodded as he entered a tent. After grabbing what he needed, Nick ran up to them.

Nick said,"You guys! We have to return the village!". "What happened?" said Kurt. Nick dragged the two int the village which was restored. "What happened? The village was destroyed." said Kurt. "Isn't it weird? This place was destroyed." said Nick. "Yeah. So where's my master?" said Kurt. The two talked as Zane thought,"Valerie. I guess I owe you one.". He smiled as Nick saw that Brad was sitting in front of Brad's Grave.

He turned around and he said,"Are you the ones who turn the village back to normal?". "Yes. I did so where are the rest of our group?" wrote Zane. "Tell me then wizards. When are you going to destroy the moon?!" said Brad. "Easy old man. We just want to know where our group went." said Kurt who was trying to calm the old man down. "Destroy the moon? Sounds like fun. We need to get our group and I wish to ask some questions before then." wrote Zane.

Zane stood in front of the group while looking over the demons. The rest of the group were behind him and Ashley ,much to Kurt's relief, was resting. "I want to confirm something. You all turned into demons when the red moon showed up." wrote Zane. "Well lad. We turn into this when the moon is out. During the day, we go back to their normal form." said Brad. "That started three years ago. I am right about this." wrote Zane.

He walked around and he wrote,"The Heavenly Sprinkles Ceremony had been held daily for three years so you would have seen it.". As he was doing this, he was heading toward a mistrustful patch of the ground. He wasn't paying attention while writing to himself and he fell into the pit. Zane squealed upon crashing into the ground. "Wow. That pitfall worked twice!" said Barry. "Hey. I guess he wasn't paying attention." said Nick.

Allison sighed at his ineptitude but she didn't expect to hear a squeal from him. She had to restrain himself from hugging him to death which she would do. "That was really cute but we shouldn't." said Myra. "Didn't see that today." said Kurt. "I didn't do it!" said Lora who repeated herself. "Oh. I guess you're the one who did it." said Ryu. "Yeah. Don't tell Zane." said Lora. "Okay." said Ryu. "I wonder that's why they're traps everywhere." said Allison.

Zane ,thanks to Thunder God Constant Whip and grabbing the gate, got out of the hole. "So that part of the island is the most unknown part of the island." wrote Zane. "Wow. He's interesting." said one of the villager with a sweat drop going down the back of his head. "He's a strong one." said Julie. "I'll ask this once. Why didn't you go there?" wrote Zane. The villagers began to mumbled to themselves as Brad spoke up.

Brad said,"Long before I came chief. it has been a rule that we couldn't go to the temple.". "I thought that after losing several members of your village and payed a hefty reward to destroy the moon which is impossible." said Lora with the last part being directed to Clair and Kurt who sulked. "Please tell us the truth or else." said Zane with him whipping the air next to himself. The chief took a deep breath and he said,"Let me explain.".

The group looked at him with him saying,"We don't know what's happening either. We tried going there despite the rule. We even took in weapons with me using my sideburns as a weapon but we still couldn't go there. If we walked in a straight pattern toward the ruins, we always woke up back here in front of the village. We can't get to those ruins.". "What are you talking about?" said Lora. "Yeah. We enter the temple with ease." said Clair.

One of the villagers said,"We don't know but we were sure that you wouldn't believe us!". "But it's true. We tried many times to get those ruins!" said a second villager. "But none of us were able to get there." said a third villager. "I see. I guess I was right after all." wrote Zane. "Huh? What are you talking about?" said Tessa. Zane ignored him while looking at the moon. "I understand what's going on here." said Zane.

Julie said,"So do you know what's going on? I'm so lost.". "You're all idiots." said Ryu who couldn't stop laughing. The girls glared at him with Nick saying,"I'm pretty sure that you don't know what's going on either.". "Oh I do. It's so simple." said Kurt. "Okay. You girls are going to hate me but I'm going to enjoy this. I'm off to go destroy the moon!" wrote Zane. "What?!" screamed the girls except for Allison and Myra and Barry. "Sweet." said Allison, Myra, Kurt. Nick, and Ryu.

He went to one of the watch towers and he jumped up there. "I'll destroy the moon and return all of you back." wrote Zane who crackled his knuckles. "Are we going to see the moon getting destroyed by just one guy?" said a villager. The group of villagers were talking about it along with the curse being destroyed and return back to normal. "I still can't believe it. He may have defeat Estrasum but he can't destroy the moon." said Kurt.

Myra smiled and she said,"Yeah but Zane is so stubborn that it's rather charming.". "So what is he going to do?" said Lora. "Just watch and see." said Allison with a smile. Ryu sat on Lora's shoulder and he said,"This is going to be so amazing right?".  "You could say that but I'm more worried that he will destroy the heavens." said Lora. "He won't. I hope." said Tessa. Zane wrote,"Power Form and Power Transformation Champion!".

His body glowed. His gray hair glowed gold with his hair growing in length to about his waist and his eyes glowed red. His magic increased twelve fold. His body was covered in golden armor with a gold angel wing on the right side of his body, an eerie devil like wing on the left side of his body, and a gold helmet over his helmet still showing his glowing red eyes and hair. "Be prepare moon. Your days are over." wrote Zane.

Julie said,"Oh. I get it. He's destroy the moon by flying up there.". "Yeah but this is still crazy." said Nick. Zane stretched and he said,"Three, Two, One. Blast off!". He flew into the sky with a golden aura around him. Everyone's mouth was wide open as Zane flew toward the moon traveling at an incredible speed. They all waited impatiently as Zane was getting closer to the moon. "Champion Blast and Champion Slash!" wrote Zane.

Zane fired out a golden blast which was about twice his size along with a giant golden sword that is ten times bigger than him. He slashed the blast upon getting really close to the moon causing a giant burst of holy light. The village then cheered with the Heroes shocked. "He actually did it!" yelled the group. The cracks in the moon expanded more than normal and it started to crack the sky itself. They stopped as the sky was falling.

It showed the normal moon and sky with the broken pieces were falling onto the island and ocean below him. Everyone was shocked by this with Lora being the first one to speak up. She caught the falling pieces in her hands like snow. "So the sky was destroyed instead of the moon?" said Lora. "It was the moon or the sky that was the problem my Princess of the Stars. It was a barrier of evil energy that covered the entire island." wrote Zane.

He floated above the village as Barry said,"Barrier?". "Think of it like a umbrella in a way. It covered the moon and anyone under it saw the crimson moon." said Allison. The villages began to glow and Myra said,"That's why the moon looked normal when our group arrived.". "Ah. They're glowing like diamonds." said Lora. "And they should return back to normal." wrote Zane. To everyone's shock except for Allison, Myra, and Zane, the villagers were still demons.

Kurt looked at Zane who landed and started to lean against a pillar with Zane writing,"Tada!". "So what are you talking about? They're still the same." said Kurt. "This is how they looked like before they started with the Heavenly Sprinkles. They didn't change their appearance but it did effect their memories." wrote Zane. "Is he serious?" said Lora. "Yep." said the two girls. Everyone was starting to get what they were saying.

Zane return back to normal as he made a new Hawaiian themed shirt cover his chest. "That's correct Lora. You get a pat on the the head later. They didn't embrace their inner demon during the night but they were demons all the time baby." wrote Zane. He pat the brunette on the head as Tessa said,"You got to be kidding me!". She fell on her knees along with Julie and Lora with the later having a blush on her face.  

Nick said,"For real?". He stood in front of a villager and he said,"You know that makes a little sense if you really think about it.". "They had the ability to turn into humans with them thinking that they were humans due to the moon being well crimson red. It was a case of amnesia due to the Heavenly Sprinkles." said Allison. "So why weren't Lisa and her gang effected?" said Barry. "It's because they were humans. It only effected demons." said Myra.

Zane wrote,"And unlike Lucerna, demons can't go to ruins of light and all that jazz. Even though they were under a curse, their senses told them not to.". "Well done. I'm happy that I gave you this task so thank you wizards." said a voice. Owen stood there with the only that changed was him gaining two horns on his head, purple skin, and dark purple skins over his body. "Ghost!" screamed Barry and Lora. "Wait a minute. You're that sailor guy." said Clair.

Brad trembled at the sight of his son who was alive and well and he said,"Owen.". "Wait a minute. I thought you..." said a villager pointing to the grave. "We don't die from a simple stab wound." said Owen having a hearty laugh. "But you disappeared from the ship." said Kurt. He was gone once again shocking most of the group. "I'm truly sorry for not telling anyone the truth." said Owen's voice. The group plus villagers looked up to see him standing there with a large pair of wings.

Owen said,"I left the island because I was the one who had his memory return thanks to a coconut to the head. Everyone else was thinking that they were humans so I ran.". "Owen!" yelled Brad who couldn't stop crying. After sprouting his own wings, he flew up to hug his son. "I'm happy that you're finally back to normal old man!" said Owen. The rest of the villagers flew after then and the wizards watched this with a smile. Zane left toward the forest as a villager yelled,"Party!".

Valerie watched this as she said,"Did you see it Theron?". She recorded the fight between her Zane and Estrasum. She was near the battle field and Theron's voice said,"Yes. He is way stronger than the rumors say. It's no wonder why the Magic Council is scared of him.". "Do you think that Estrasum was a challenge for him?" said Valerie. "No. It was a fraction to his power. I will find a way to kill him because he's a major pain in my...." said Theron's voice.

His voice stopped as the communication lacrima just happened to fall on the ground. "That cheeky bastard. I put you in that council for MY plans and a weakling like you could kill my Zane." said Valerie. "Wow. I can push anyone's buttons. I don't ever have to be there to do it." said Zane. Valerie almost fell out of the tree that she was sitting on and she said,"Zane.". "Yo. What up." wrote Zane. He reappeared in front of her and he said,"I guess you would be here watching my awesomeness.".

Valerie said,"So what do you want me to do?". Zane drew a question mark while tilting his head to the right. "I have three people that I truly care about. It's you, my mother, and my little Melody." said Valerie. "Yeah. I don't think your mom would like to be called Grandma because we both know your Melody. Your mom is pretty hot though." wrote Zane. "Ignoring that." said Valerie. "Don't be scared of Father. He's just a little lost right now. I have an idea. Join my guild." wrote Zane.

Valerie looked at him confused and Zane wrote,"You will be safe, loved, and you'll have an awesome as hell family that cares about you. I think you want to be your mom again. I would say me but you should join for your mom and Melody. Oh and just tell Master Pluto that you're going there with Melody as an undercover agent. I'll tell Master why.". "Okay. I'll tell Melody." said Valerie. "I have a party to get back too so call me through our link when you're ready." wrote Zane. He was gone.

At the village, the party was going on strong with Lisa's followers ,after saying sorry, joined the party with them having fun. Kurt noticed a lonely Lisa with him sitting next to her. "What are you doing? I thought you would be with the blond." said Lisa. "I rather be with you then her." said Kurt. "Oh. You have gotten stronger." said Lisa. "You're giving me praise. What happened to you?" said Kurt with him punching her lightly in the chest.

Lisa said,"You know that I won't be doing trying to surpass Ashley again. You and your friend but I would say more your friend destroyed Estrasum. I couldn't defeat that monster even if I was 100%. It blows but the truth is there. I thank you and your friends for stopping me before I killed Ashley.". "I know how much you wanted to surpass Ashley. It was obvious even when we were kids. I think she would want to see you again because she wants to see you for sure." said Kurt.

Lisa said,"So are you going to take her back your guild?". "Yeah. I think Althea will be able to heal her leg. She's a expert with medicine." said Kurt. "That's the best but I plan to come with you along with Hilda and Reyna." said Lisa. "Seriously?" said Kurt. "Yes. Hilda wants to join the guild because of Zane who I'm guess is a ladies man, I'm going because I wanted to, and Reyna wants to be with me Kurt." said Lisa. "Ah. Welcome to the guild." said Kurt.

Zane looked at Jessie who was drinking as she watched Adrian and Drake dancing with the demon woman. She then laughed a little as Terry got rejected by some of the demon women. "Hey. Are you healing alright?" wrote Zane. Jessie said,"What do you want? I'm not a match for you Demon Slayer or Zero.". "I don't want to kill a cute and young woman. It's against my code. So could you tell me why you were helping Lisa?" wrote Zane.

He sat next to her and he wrote,"I know that Adrian, Reyna, and Terry joined in terms of revenge against Estrasum, Drake joined to fight the demon, and Hilda joined because she was bored. So why did you?". "I joined because I felt bad for Lisa. She was angry." said Jessie. "Not for money?" wrote Zane. "Funny." said Jessie. "So how is your old man doing?" wrote Zane. "He's recovering and he can't work. Why am I telling you this?" said Jessie.

Zane wrote,"Because I'm so attractive.". He made a couple of bills appear in his hand and she said,"I don't need your pity!". "I don't believe in that word. Think of this as a donation. I took 220,000 golds from you and I'm giving you that back with interest. Take this 1 million gold." wrote Zane. Jessie's eyes widen and Zane wrote,"You should be happy. I think helping your father is more important. I think he's worry about you overworking yourself.".

Jessie said,"I guess. So should I join a guild?". "Yeah but pick one close to your old man. He would like that a lot. Your magic power will increase and if you want, you can come fight me for old times sake." wrote Zane. He walked away and Jessie placed the money in her pocket. She walked over to Hilda who was painting the scene. "Good luck with him Hilda. He's a major pain in the ass." said the woman. Hilda nodded as she continued to paint.

The next morning, Lora was replacing Kurt's bandages. "You know that your injuries left a pretty nasty scar." said Lora. The rest of the group plus Hilda, Lisa, Reyna, and Ashley were getting ready to go back to their guild. "I don't care." said Kurt. "It's on your face though." said Lora. "I don't care where I get hurt because being reminded of my injuries is a good thing." said Kurt with a proud smile. "Well said." said Lora with a smile. "Don't do that. Zane'll kill me." thought Kurt.

Clair said while eating light,"Wow. You're already so ugly so a scar makes you worse.". "You would like it if Zane had a scar." said Kurt. The two started to banter with Lora enjoying it along with Barry and Ryu. Kurt looked over to see Ashley with Zane. She was wearing some spar clothes that she got from Allison. She was awake and able to walk but much to her annoyance, she couldn't use her magic at all. "You should be resting Master." said Kurt like a mother would to her child.

Ashley said,"I'm fine Kurt. Your friend here saved me and was been lending me some of his magic to help. So how did you know how to save me?". "Oh. My teacher taught it to me. She said that it would be helpful and I think it was." wrote Zane. "I see. If there's anything I should to thank you. I don't mind whatever you want Zane Kun." said Ashley as her clothes disappeared. "Ah. Like student like master." wrote Zane. "And just like your daughter. Both Seductress." thought Zane.    

Kurt blushed in embarrassment and he yelled,"Master!". "Oh come on Kurt. I just wanted to thank him and he's quite the catch. Are you single?" said Ashley. "That isn't the point." said Kurt. The master and student argued as Lora thought,"Wow. She's something else.". "She'll fit right in well. I wonder if Valerie will act like Kurt will." thought Zane. He sat there on the ground mediating like he did in Episode 13.

Brad said,"What?! You can't accept the main reward?!". He couldn't believe that Allison and the rest of her group would give 7 million golds. "Yes. Some of us didn't accept the job normally but we would be happy if you're happy." said Allison. "Yep." said Myra. "But..." said Owen. "You know that you wanted to destroy the moon but we didn't. It would shame the name of the guild and we can't have that." said Nick while messing with one of his guns nearby.

Brad said,"Yes but you saved us because all of you and your hard. Will you accept it as a token of gratitude as friends?". Allison sighed as she said,"When you put it that way...". "Sweet! We're getting 7 million gold!" yelled three voice. Clair, Kurt, and Lora were happy about this along with Julie and Tessa who were nearby them. Ashley smiled at her student's reactions with Hilda, Lisa, and Reyna confused at this scene.

Ryu was sitting on Zane' head while enjoying a fish along with Barry who was sitting on the cart of luggage. Zane smiled as a bomb was dropped. "But doing this against our guild's rules. We'll accept the key though." said Allison. "Yes!" yelled Lora. "Why do you get what you want Lora?!" yelled Clair and Kurt. "Because she isn't an idiot." said Tessa. "And also she hasn't made Allison mad at any point yet." said Julie. "Smart girl." said Nick.

Owen said,"Let me take you all back to Davenport.". "That would be awesome....." said Myra. "We have a ride back." said Allison. Myra sighed with Ryu and Zane smiling. The others were in a lot of confusion with Zane writing,"Come on Allison. This is making me happy. Lets go.". "Aye Sir!" said Ryu. The two headed toward the beach and Kurt said,"Go stop him before he gets lost.". "You're right about that." said Barry as Allison and Myra went after Zane.

The group of wizards and demons were shocked to see a pirate ship docked there. "No way. You guys got a pirate ship." said Nick. "Wow. That's something else." said Hilda. "It's truly lovely!" said Reyna with a sigh from Lora. "So this is a pirate ship. It's sure something." said Ashley. "Yes. The captain is also awesome due to him letting me go to the island before the girls." wrote Zane. "Ahoy! We miss you Big Sis Allison and Myra and Big Brother Ryu and Zane!" yelled the group of pirates.

Tessa said,"Did they say big brother and big sis?". "Yeah. They're nice guys once you get to know them. Thanks to some convincing, we get a free ride if we're in the area." said Myra. "You can be scary sometimes." said Lora. "Well, you could swim back. I'll go with you." said Clair. "You're not doing that Clair. Do you understand?" said Allison. "Yes Lady Allison." said Clair. Lisa started to laugh with Ashley saying,"She never does that. She's going to enjoy the guild like I will.".    

Kurt said,"You'll love the guild.". "I should tell her about the guys there but I'm pretty sure that she can handle herself if they flirt with her. This is good." thought Kurt. The group got on the pirate ship with it setting sail. "Thank you so much Heroes! You're saviors to us!" yelled Owen who couldn't stop waving his hands. His father was doing the same with the villagers saying good bye to the group with them waving back as well.

Watching from a cliff on a different part of the island, Drake and the rest of the group watch them as Adrian was crying his eyes out. "And then they're gone. So how long are you going to cry for?" said Terry. "I'm not crying!" said Adrian. "Hey Drake. Are you sure that you didn't want to go with them at all?" said Jessie. "No. I have a feeling that I'll see them again. So Adrian and Terry, was it fun being in a guild?" said Drake.

Somewhere deep in the island's forest, a young man standing there. He had short black hair whose bangs ,with white tips, covered his red eyes. He also had notably sharp canines. He was wearing a pendant around his neck with him opening it. A soft tune played with a smile on his face. He was wearing a high-collared black and tan robes with a gold trim along with a large and flowing white toga draped around his torso.

He had a black skull themed armlet around his right bicep and a skull choker around his neck. The area was dead and this including the plants. This is Hex Karma. He was glad, sad, and dazzled at the same time. He got to see Zane who he remember fondly. He got stronger in the long time that he's seen Zane causing him to cry for some reason. He had taken a home on Strohx Island because there wasn't any life there. He had been there hiding from everyone.

He was enjoying his time there and he felt something. It was an extremely strong magic power that shocked him. He traveled to Meca, the source of the magic power. He found out that it was a single wizard from Heroes aka Zane. He made Berceuse stronger but he was happy. Zane made that one its bitch. He was shocked to see that he also defeated Estrasum whom he made stronger in case of his precious Zane to arrive.

He was sure that Zane would be able to defeat anyone if he got serious. He wanted a challenge so he hoped that Zane killed more of his demons to show how stronger that he caught. He thought that his precious Zane would be a challenge but he was sure that he could take him. He left the island by a magic portal. Only time will tell if Hex was right about that and it could either be good or bad but he didn't care.  

Next time,
Hilda, Lisa, Reyna, and Ashley make an impression on Heroes and Zane goes to pick up Valerie and Melody with Ashley.

Guild Card #25.
Name: Barry Rodgers.
Age: 6 years old.
Magic: Aera and Light Magic.
Likes: Clair, his friends, fish, and rock. Dislikes: Bulling and jazz.
Info: This cat is one cool feline. He loves to listen to rock and he is always trying to help Clair grow stronger. He always take care of Lucky due to him being a little slower than others. He knows light magic to help Clair but he sometimes forget he can do that in the heat of the moment.
Affiliation: Heroes.

Guild Card #26.
Name: Dawn Yagami.
Age: 6 years old
Magic: Aera, Fire, Transformation, and Wind Magic. 
Likes: Any kind of tea, her family, and Ana. Dislikes: Annoying things and idiots.
Info: She is a talking cat from Heroes with her having three brothers being Barry, Lucky, and Ryu. She acts the most mature of the four with her being Ana's partner. She learned how to transform into a human like form in case of a threat that Ana can't handle but she also knows how to throw fireballs and mini tornadoes. This is to help her partner.
Affiliation: Heroes.

Guild Card #27.
Name: Lucky Moran.
Age: 6 years old. 
Magic: Aera and ? Magic.
Likes: Frogs, Steve, Zane, Ana, and his guild. Dislikes: Earthworms and confusing things.
Info: This car is super adorable. His cuteness rivals some of the girls in the guild with him always having a smile on his face. He doesn't let things put him down and he is living every day to the best. he talks in first person which could be annoying to some but his cuteness is so cool and awesome. He is also able to use an ultimate magic which is able to rip anything apart but he doesn't knows that he has it. Only Ana, Steve, and Zane know of this.
Affiliation: Heroes. 

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