Thursday, January 5, 2017

Power Episode 21 Team Clair vs Team Lisa

A/N: I expect maybe two to three more episodes of the Klihsh Island Arc before I move onto the point in Fairy Tail where the series get good. I mean there's the Loke Arc which is pretty much filler for the Tower of Heaven Arc like how I consider the Sun Village Arc filler for Tartaros Arc and Avatar Arc filler for Alvarez Arc. I mean they're better than the Lucy Show I mean the Eclipse Celestial Spirits Arc and Key of the Starry Sky Arc. I mean you can see it right?

From my knowledge of how Anime works, filler is made when a anime is on the coattails of the manga so they created it. I think Naruto is the main example of this but I learned that they didn't all focus on Sakura or Naruto but others. That to me is okay because I don't find them focused on a character I rather not care about. It's just a personal thing but at least the Eclipse Celestial Spirits Arc isn't always focused on Lucy but the Key of the Starry Sky is from my watching of it two years ago.

Also I noticed something. When Neinhart was first introduced, he was able to bring back Simon for Erza, Jellal, and Kagura which makes sense. He then brought back Azuma, Ikagura, and then later Kyoka. I found this magic really interesting since I thought it was based off memories but me being well an idiot when it comes to things like that, it only works on the dead. So why didn't Deliora or Silver come back when fighting against Gray.

I mean I could understand why thanks to Lyon being there as well but that's some missed potential there. I mean Hiro could have confirmed Fukuro and Vidaldus's death like he did with Ikagura since both Gray and Juvia fought the two respectively. Neinhart' magic could be the most powerful since it can bring back the dead in a way. I mean he could bring back Igneel for Natsu to fight but nope, he is a member of the Spriggan Twelve which means he is all bark not bite.

That's the best way to describe the Spriggan 12. All bark not bite. I mean I could rank them like I did with the Nine Demon Gates but the arc isn't done yet is what I thought at first. Since the new year started, only one sixths of the team remains. I think I should explain myself because both Ajeel and Jacob are fighting the Strauss Family but since Hiro hasn't shown anything for almost twenty chapters, I'm going to presume that they were defeated off screen.

Bloodman, God Serena, and Wall are all dead thanks to the work Gajeel, Acnologia, and Laxus aka dragon slayers respectively, Brandish was defeated by Dimaria who in turn got defeated by a pissed off Natsu, Invel was taken out by Gray who was mad because of Juvia's "death", Larcade was defeated by Kagura, Rogue, and Sting together, and Neinhart was defeated by Jellal who got his ass kicked by August later on and then defeated again by Natsu in one shot again.

I think I should rank them now because the next couple of chapters could my viewpoint and knowing this arc, it will no doubt. I mean this arc can either make you love it or hate in a single page. I think it is very closer to past the champ of the longest arc Grand Magic Games in terms of chapters now but episodes. We'll have to wait and see once the anime starts back I think is the year. We will begin with number 12.

Number 12 or the worse one is God Serena. This one was the definition of all bark not bite. This one pisses me off the most because he was hyped up since the games over three years ago and when we saw him in action, he was using FOUR types of Dragon Slayer magic but he was killed off too soon and when he was brought back, he was owned by Gildarts which I wasn't a fan off. I mean I don't care that he was defeated but at least make it look like a challenge!

That pissed me off the most and Number 11 is Neinhart. Okay, I like Neinhart at first since his design in the shadows looked way differently than his appearance. I rather him having pink hair and purple armor. I mean that color for Neinhart's well disgusting to me at the least. His magic I think is the most missed in terms of potential seen so far. I don't expect him to come back from that defeat but a fan can dream right.

Next up is Wall Eehto. His magic is I think is something like Alchemy in a sense but it exploits his target's weakness. I didn't think he was bad but he wasn't that great either. He was average and him getting defeat ,off screen, by Rogue or Minerva is okay by me. Next up is Jacob Lessio. From what I read off the wiki, he was based off Jason Statham which is pretty cool. His magic may suck in terms of the others but that little detail makes him better the previous three.

If only he was based of Chuck Norris, he would be invincible. I just figured something out. Gildarts is based off Chuck Norris since he hasn't lost to anyone excluding the main bad guy of the series and I'm not talking about Zeref. Number 8 belongs to Ajeel Ramal. At first, I thought he was the worst out of the ones we had seen since well Brandish and Wall were better at the time. His magic was very interesting since only Max and Scorpio used sand.

His design was really nice and since the arc has grown, he has gotten better but he is still fighting against Elfman and Lisanna or defeat by them. We need answer dam it. Number 7 is Dimaria Yesta. I think she is the worst woman of the group because I just don't like her. She has the power to control time itself due to the god inside of her. Her design is also the most not scantily out of the women in the series.

I mean if you look back, I would say a good half maybe more are showing off their bodies. That isn't wrong since I like Fan service but when sometimes, you get sick of it and I rather have a good story but I haven't gotten off topic haven't I? She just doesn't leave a good impression to me due to how great the other two ladies of  the group. Number 6 is Bloodman. He is also the example of All bark not bite but God Serena is more worse to me.

Bloodman is pretty much the ultimate demon since he's rumored to have all of the curses of the demon guild which sounds awesome but he was killed off rather fast. I think he had a lot of potential but he ain't a pretty woman. I have a question though. All demons of Zeref want to kill Zeref right so why didn't he? I mean did Zeref create him to serve him or what? Also would Lamy be able to kill Zeref? I've grown softer on her since the English Dub makes her voice better.

Hard core fans of Subs may disagree since they aren't a fan of dubs to begin with but if you're a fan of Fairy Tail, you hated the laugh. No offense to the voice actress but that laugh. It's something makes you want to rip your hair. It's nails on the chalkboard to me. Next up is Invel Yura. Now Invel is special to me. I thought he was worse through the arc because he did jack shit under almost Chapter 500.

He is able to use Ice Magic which is totally originally and his fight was so obvious to fans. I mean he is able to freeze Fire Dragon Slayer Magic which I call bullshit on since it should be stronger than that type of magic. I mean if it is like Ice Dragon Slayer magic then maybe but it was plain ice. To be honest, I thought he had some connection to Ur since two out of four evil groups have some connection to her. You can't blame me on that but his fight was actually okay no great.  

Number 4 is Brandish U. I liked her from the start since she's a developed character which is a shock to say the least. I do think I tend to be a little harsh when it comes to Fairy Tail but I truly love the series and it's just easy for me to poke fun of. Anyway, she is a likable character even though she shows off the most skin out of the evil ladies seen so far. I think maybe Kyoka and Seilah may be but I'm not sure. Close second and third.

I also don't get why she hasn't turned Lucy into an ant and squashed her. I mean she is able to turn Marin into a small thing so why not Lucy? I mean come on! My hatred for Lucy is truly there. Once the arc comes to the tail end, I may talk about why I hated it so much but until then, my hatred of Lucy will grow stronger because it gives me way too much material to work off. Anyway, lets go to number 3 Larcade Dragneel.

I will admit that his magic was kinda lame since I don't get how it could defeat the dragon which in the universe of Fairy Tail wrecks things up. I could say his name but I like calling him the wrecker instead. It's just more fun to me. Anyway, Larcade is the son of Zeref and I think Mavis but I'm not a hundred percent on that due to the fact of his birth. If he is a demon like Bloodman and Natsu, I would be okay with it but he's human.

I mean how? If you think about, you need to do that to even have a kid but when a kiss kills you, how do you make a kid? It's just nit picking but I would like a simple answer. Number 2 is Irene Belserion who was either Erza's mom or Erza's sister. I mean it could have been an alternative universe and older Erza but it was either being a mom or sister. She is my favorite female character because her backstory relates to the dragons which is a mystery left in mystery.

I mean I liked learning how she's over 100 years old but looks maybe 30/40. She is also completely crazy but time will do that do that to you. I mention this before ,I think, in a previous Author Notes that Chapter 514 was ruined due to Lucy going commando to try and warm up Natsu. I mean I get why because friendship and shipping but it's like with Amourshipping, it's cute at first but it gets shove down your throat hard. I mean come on.

Back to Irene, she is the second stronger in my opinion. I mean she can fight against the wrecker due to her being one but I think she would do okay against him in a real fight. Number 1 is August. I liked her from the start since he's like Dumbledore or Gandalf like character which is pretty cool. If you consider Makarov that, it is your opinion and I won't make fun of it. I like him because he did something I loved.

It is wrecking Jellal ,who I hate, and the rest of his guild excluding the ladies. August ,I think, is able to use every magic known to man and he destroys Jellal. I mean alongside Lucy, he is my most hated character. Don't get me wrong. He does stuff in the start of the series but he doesn't do anything ,in my opinion, later on in the series. I mean Fairy Tail has problems and August destroy that problem. I would say he'll fight against Gildarts ,which I hope will be a good fight, and Natsu.

I seriously think he'll be defeated by the main male protagonist or the wrecker. This team I would rank as my least favorite evil team. I like the Oracion Seis because all of them have a connection to Erza in someway along with other characters except for Racer and Midnight but three is better than nothing. I don't call Zero/Brain due to the fact that he's the guild master or would Zero be the master of the guild. Who knows?

I like the Seven Kins because they're strong and unique. I may think Caprico is the worst due to the fact this member is the Lucy Connection and she never uses Capricorn. I mean it's the third most unused zodiac spirits beating both Libra and Pisces. She needs to use him more rather than her crying about Aquarius. I hope someone else finds her key rather than you blondie. My favorite team is still the nine demon gates.

I like all of their designs. I may not get how some of their curses would kill Zeref like with Lamy due to her having the Sliding Curse which doesn't sound rather effect at all. They also have the thing on not looking the same like the other three teams. I think Fairy Tail has some flaws but will the series end on a high note? I would say yes but also no. It really depends on how this arc goes due to the fact that it's ending after this. I mean what can you do after this one? End it good like Rave Master. Lets go already. I've talked enough. GMG: 83 Chapters. Alvarez: 80 Chapters.

Narrator P.O.V.
While Kurt was heading back to the village, Barry, Julie, Lora, and Tessa were already in the village and explaining to the villagers what happened. "Okay. You know the whole story now. This is the perfect time to capture them and ask them how to return you all back to normal." said Lora. They were whispering in thoughts of confusion. "You do know that those guys are wizards right? I mean we have may numbers on our side but not the same amount of power." said Tessa.

Lora said,"I know that Tessa. I think strength in numbers may help but with Clair, Kurt, and Nick, I guess it's just the three of us.". "Aren't you forgetting about me?!" said Barry. "I guess she did. I am just happy that she's going to help us fight." said Julie. "Yeah. I think a rather bitchy character would do something like that instead of fighting her own fights." said Barry. "Are you alright Barry?" said Julie. "Don't know. I guess I'm tired from flying you three around." said Barry.

Lora had an idea with her smiling. "I have a good idea." said Lora. She dragged the villagers plus her friends into it. About thirty minutes after Lora told them the plan, Brad came up to them. "What is all of this about?" said Brad. "Please listen. The enemy will be here soon." said Julie. "Enemy? What is she talking about?" said Brad. "They've been living in the temple in the jungle. We're sure that they are the only who turned you into demons." said Lora.

Brad was pissed off and he yelled,"I didn't ask you to do that brunette! I wanted the moon to be gone now!". "Well, the moon didn't do this to you but we know who it is so we can find a way to stop them instead of destroying the moon." said Lora. Brad was about to attack her but he was held back by two of the villagers. "The moon. I want it destroy!" yelled Brad. He was dragged off by the two demons and a demon with violet skin said,"Don't mind him. He has been like this since his son died.".

Lora said,"I understand. Leave everything to us.". "At least she isn't saying that she is the greatest Celestial Wizard in the guild. I would say either Angel or Zane." whispered Barry. "I would say Angel." whispered Julie. "Yeah. At lease, she doesn't have an ego." said Tessa. The group was in front of the village gate and Lora's plan was better than a pitfall trap. It was still a pitfall trap but it had a couple of traps like something out of Home Alone.

Barry said,"Wow Lora. Your plan is better than I thought. I was going to call you stupid.". "I think I should saw thanks." said Lora with a confused look. "Yeah. It may be the oldest trick in the book but at least, you made it better than a hole." said Julie. "If she did that, I would have added spikes." said Tessa. "I think that would be a little too much. We're trying to catch them not killing them." said Lora with a sweat drop. "You're right about that." said Barry.

The gate guard said,"Miss Lora, Miss Julie, Miss Tessa, and Lord Barry! Someone is coming this way!". "Open the gate." said Lora. The guard opened the gate and Julie was shocked to see who was coming this way. It was Clair and Nick. "Hey guys! Are you alright?!" said Clair. "Clair! Nick! Stop now!" yelled the girls in unison. The two stopped in front of the pitfall trap and Nick said,"Oh. I get it. An idiot would fall for it.".

Clair said,"Like that dog guy!". She took a step forward with her falling into the pitfall. It created a lot of amount of dust and debris. "Wow. She isn't very bright." said a villager. "It failed but worked at the same time." said Julie. "Yeah. Good think I didn't pit spikes in there." said Tessa. Clair said from the pit,"Hey! Who managed to do this right now?!". "Twenty gold says Lora." said Nick. "You are right Nick!" said Barry. "Oh. I guess you're not so bad Lora." said Clair.

Tessa helped Clair out with a wooden ladder and she said,"Where's Kurt?". "Don't know. I was kicked by the jerk though." said Clair. "Should we go back for him?" said Julie. "I think he'll be fine. He is so stubborn." said Nick. "Like Clair." said Tessa. "Hey!" said Clair. She looked around and she said with confusion,"So where are they?". "You left after them so they should be here by now." said Lora who looked confused.

Barry said,"You're right. I mean Clair isn't like Zane who gets lost in a straight line but she was really slow.". "Ignoring that." said Clair. "I'm guessing that the trap will work so lets try it again." said Julie with Nick sighing. "I guess they got lost." said Tessa. "They knew where the village was from the very beginning." said Lora. "Um look up!" yelled a village pointing up. The group looked up with them seeing a large figure flying toward the village.

Clair screamed,"No way! It's that mouse from earlier! It's flying!". "I think it carrying the bucket is more impressive." said Nick. "I guess your trap was pointless." said Barry. "How was I supposed to suspect that the rat could fly?" said Lora. "We did take too much long making the poison jelly after all." said Reyna. "Yeah but our timing was good. Those wizards are all in the village now." said Terry as he was crossing his arms behind his back. "Suck it Drake!" yelled Adrian.

Reyna said with a dark look,"Unless we destroy Estrasum, our dream will never come try. If they stand in our way, they'll be dead.". A sudden gust of wind caused the bucket that Lynette was holding to shake a little bit causing a small drop to fall from the bucket. Thanks to gravity, it was coming to the ground rather fast and right under Julie. "Is that Jelly?" said Julie. The jelly was about to drop on her but Nick noticed it. "Jules!" yelled Nick.

He tackled Julie out of the way with it just missing her but it hit a plant next to her. The plant was then completely destroyed and turned into a pile of smoking orange ooze. "Thank you Nick but I would like you to get off me." said Julie. He turned around to see that they were in a interesting position. His hands were on her shoulder and hip like they were dancing with their lips inches from each other. The girls in their group had a blush on their face.

Nick said with his face bright red,"Sorry about that Jules!". The two quickly separated and they both had the same thought,"Wow. That was so cool.". "They have a bucket filled with that crap?!" yelled a villager. "They're not going to drop that on us?" said a villager causing a panic. "Revolting. Look at what happens when humans get effected by Heavenly Sprinkles/Heavenly Sprinkle. They're just like Estrasum." said Terry.

Reyna said,"I would say that they're like Estrasum's children. Go Lynette.". Clair was pissed off due to her enhanced hearing. The giant rat dumped the bucket of the deadly orange jelly making sure that it spreads all over the village. "Okay! How are we supposed to stop that?!" yelled Lora in fear. "Get everyone to the center of the village. I'll take care of it." said Clair. Before she had a chance to even argue, the blond was gone.

Lora said,"Okay. Everyone to the center of the village now!". The group ushered the villagers to the center with them all worried about Clair. "Hey! I'll need a ride pal!" said Clair. "Aye Madam!" yelled Barry. He grabbed the back of her jacket and they flew toward the jelly. "I won't leave my son's grave at all!" yelled Owen who was holding his son's grave. "I won't let that happen to you at all!" yelled Clair.

Clair roared with light gathering in her hands,"With light in my right hand and light in my left hand, I can create....". The light combined into a ball of light which her throw the ball at the jelly. "Fear the judgment of the Holy Dragon Brilliant Flash!" yelled Clair. The light collided with the liquid causing it to head toward the outskirts of the village. "What?! She was able to move the jelly with light?! She is strong!" yelled Adrian.

The deadly liquid began to rain down on the outer parts of the village with none of them being hit by it. They were shocked to see a large lump of jelly landed outside of the grave. "Chief!" yelled the villagers in shock while they watched Owen's grave melt. They were happy after they saw Nick with the man. "Okay. This guy is really getting on my nerves now." said Nick. "Nick!" said Julie. She then hugged him as Brad was dropped onto the ground. "Ow." said Brad.

The villagers and wizards widened as they looked over the destruction that had surrounded them. All of the village except for the center was completely dissolved and demolished. The villagers began to talk among themselves. "The village." said Nick. "It was destroyed." said Tessa. "Even with Clair, it was destroyed. This is awful." said Tessa. "Wait. Is anyone hurt?" said Nick. "From what I could tell, I think everyone is fine but the village is destroyed." said Lora.

Brad said,"Owen's grave.". He saw the grave collapse but it was kicked down to the ground. He then started to sob while falling to his knees. "Wow. You guys are just stubborn now. We have to get rid all of Glacial Sultana's enemies. We were going to give you an instant death but I guess it's time for us to spill your blood on this dump." said Reyna who stood with Adrian and Terry. Clair landed in front of them and she said,"The fuck you say bitch?".

Back with Zane, he was currently on the roof of the temple. "Okay. I think I should test out my magic before I have to save the day." thought Zane. He heard,"I think I should use some attacks for my epic battle with Estrasum. Passion Wolf. No that's rather lame. I got it! Passion Fenrir! That's perfect. So how would I make it work?". "That must be Lisa. Weird chick. Totally a girl for Kurt. Lets try this again." thought Zane.

He heard nothing and he wrote,"Okay. I'm not hearing anything but I'm getting this feeling that I got earlier. Magic is so strange. Whose next?". "This stupid wizard's curse. You may one bad joke and you becoming a giant rat. I can't turn back until I defeat one hundred demons! I bet the wizard who cursed me is messing with me now! I'm being dressed up as a maid and called Lynette. Of course, this form doesn't allow me to talk. At least Reyna has a nice body and I'll do..." said a voice.

Zane said,"Hey.". "Hey! Whose there?" said the voice. "Um. I'm your conscience. We haven't talked lately." said Zane. The voice was gone and Zane wrote,"At least, I know there is another hottie here so I should go save her eventually. I wonder where Valerie is.". He tried to find her but he couldn't at all. He got up and he wrote,"I guess I should go find her the old fashioned way.". He walked around the temple looking for Valerie.

Back in the village. The slayer of the group was pissed off beyond belief as everyone who was able to sense magic power could feel her anger and magic. "I think there is about fifty or so villages with five wizards. I give them 20 minutes left in their lives." said Terry. "How dare they? They destroyed his grave!" said Brad. He was rushed forward but he was held back by a small group of villagers. "This is unforgivable! You'll pay for your crimes!".

A village said,"Chief! You need to calm down! Everyone! Get out of here!". "We really don't want to get sucked into a fight!" said a second villager. "We won't let any of you leave. You all must die by the order of Glacial Sultana! Lynette, shall we?!" said Reyna. The mouse squealed in agreement and she grabbed Reyna in her arms with flying toward the villagers. "Get back here!" said Clair. The rat flew past her and she yelled,"Lora! You have to stop them!".

Lora nodded and she said,"I got this!". She grabbed onto one of the rat's feet while flying past and Barry said,"Wow. She got way more courage than I do.". "Amen to that." said Tessa. "I won't let you hurt them! They didn't do anything!" said Lora. She started to punch the foot rapidly but it didn't have any effect. "Who is this? Are you trying to be a hero?" said Reyna. "I have an idea." said Lora. She made the gravity around them increased and the three went crashing into the ground.

Julie said with a smile,"Wow. I didn't know that she could do that.". "She's full of surprises. Color me impressed ." said Nick, "I bet that she'll go crazy on her." said Terry. "I didn't!" yelled Adrian. "You do know that I wasn't talking about you right?" said Terry which pinching his nose. "Do you think she is okay?" said Barry. "Trust me. I think she's stronger than one may think. We should go check on her though." said Clair. "Me and Jules will go with her." said Nick.

The western wizards plus the cat went toward Lora was. "Okay. I think it's time to kick their ass hard right Clair?" said Tessa.  Clair nodded and she said,"Cover me Tess!". She covered herself in light and she rushed toward Adrian as they rushed toward them. "Wood Violent Strike!" yelled Tessa. She created spiked balls of wood which caught their attention. "Holy Dragon Luminous Burst!" said Clair as the light that once covered her body moved to her hands.

She threw the light at Adrian who went crashing to the ground. Terry was shocked by the strength of the blond and Clair didn't let up. "Holy Dragon Roar!" yelled Clair. She fired a bright stream of light at Terry with the light blinding Terry. Clair jumped toward Tessa with the two shocked to see that the light was disappearing leaving Terry without a single scratch on him. Both of his hands were covered in a strange blue energy shield.

Terry said,"A wizard who uses light as it is her body and a wooden woman. You two are the Holy Dragon and Forest Maiden of Heroes correct?". "That's right." said Tessa. Clair watched as Adrian recovered from her attack. "We were once wizards of a famous guild too so we aren't going to be defeated so easily. After all, we did belong to Bloody Darkness that's famous for having the Wizard Saint Steel Boulder Louis." said Terry.

Tessa was about to say something but Clair blasted them with a stream of light which came out of her arms. Terry made a barrier to defend himself but Adrian wasn't so lucky. "Hey! How about you let me finish before you attack me?!" yelled Terry while blocking her light. 'I don't give a dam about who you are! I don't care which guild you were about off or who your pals were. You're after out client meaning that you're our enemies so I'm kicking your ass hard." said Clair.

Terry glared at them and he said,"Adrian. Get out of my way. This is my fight.". He stood in front of Adrian and he said,"Wave Upsurge!". He waved his arm with a wave of magic power flew toward them. "I'll make this thing my bitch." said Clair. She was about to blast that thing with light but when she saw it cut through the ground, she jumped out of its way. "Wood Giant Fist!" yelled Tessa. She threw a giant fist at him and Terry said,"Wave Buffer!".

He swiped his hand with a shield appearing around him making the wood turn to shards upon getting closer to it. "You must have figured out my magic by now or are you an idiot?" said Terry. Clair fired out another roar and Terry said,"Wave Upsurge!".   He fired out another wave of magic which once again negated Clair's light. "Each wave I creates release pulses that cancels out all magic. In short, it is able to hinder other magic." said Terry.

Tessa said,"So you're able to block us from hitting you with those barriers.". "When I worked for Bloody Darkness, I worked as a wizard killer." said Terry. Magic power gathered in his hands and he said,"I bet you know why. I was able to make other wizards impotent! Wave Rocket!". He brought his hands forward with two large orbs of the magic from his hands. The two jumped out of the way and is ripped the ground with ease.

Tessa said,"Clair. I should know how to beat him.". Terry rolled his eyes and Tessa said,"When I end my attack, fire out your roar.". Clair nodded with Tessa slammed her hands together. Tessa said with a smile,"Wood Bullet Storm!". Several bullets made out of wood came out a magic seal went flying to Terry who blocked it with a barrier. "Holy Dragon Roar!" yelled Clair. She fired the light which had combined with the bullets.

Terry jumped out of the way as the bullets went into the ground behind him. "Okay. So why didn't he use his magic?" said Clair. "He can't erase two distinct magic. Each form of magic has its own unique way of doing things and combining them creates a new pattern. There are several if not thousands or millions ways of combinations which means that he is not able to create a unique vibrations to cancel out the combination " said Tessa. "Oh. I totally knew that." said Clair.

Terry growled and he said,"Hey Adrian! Go after the girl!". "But you said... And which one?" said Adrian in confusion. "Ignore what I said! I'll handle the dumb blonde because she will be fun to destroy." said Terry. "Okay!" yelled Adrian. His hands started to glow brightly with the light focusing on his nails. The glow was gone showing longer than normal nails that were a green color. "Paralysis Claw: Ultra Platypus!" said Adrian.

He rushed toward Tessa while he was scratching the air. "I bet you can't guess what they do?!" said the dog man. "Um paralyze?" said Clair. He stopped in place and he said,"How did you know that? I guess you must be a psychic or something.". Tessa sighed and she said,"If an idiot like Clair is able to figure it out, you must be really stupid.". "No one calls me an idiot!" yelled Adrian. He rushed toward her while swinging his claws.

He said,"One touch from them will leave you dead!". "Wood Ax!" yelled Tessa. She blocked Adrian's claws and the two clashed for a while with the claws going into the wood making Toby go back. "You can't dodge me forever! Yeah!" yelled Adrian. "Without your friend, you're useless against me! Wave Rocket!" yelled Terry. The bullets came toward Clair and she dodged them. "You can't stop me when I'm powered up!" yelled Clair.

She completely covered her hands in light and she ran toward Terry. "Holy Dragon Iron Fist!" yelled Clair. "Wave Buffer!" said Terry. The magic bubble erased the light. "You know that your friend was able to figure the weakness in my magic but you're useless against me." said Terry. "Okay. My mate taught me that a wizard is more than just their magic!" said Clair. She punched her free hand into the magic shield. "It went right through." said Clair.

She began to scream a pit due to her arm shaking inside of the magic shield. "You're an idiot. Even more than Adrian. I think he would know that throwing your body into a vortex of raw magic energy and you'll become Swiss Cheese soon enough." said Terry. "I know that I can defeat you." said Clair with a forced smile. "Oh. And tell me why? You're useless without your magic aren't you? My Wave Magic is unbeatable Holy Dragon." said Terry.

Clair said,"Your magic has two fatal flaws. I know that Tess figured you out but I'm smart too! I am sure that I can use my magic inside of it but when I'm not using magic, I can go through it.". She then erupted in a smile beyond belief as her elbow began to erupt in a constant stream of light. "I'm able to use my magi outside of the sphere!" yelled Clair. "You can use magic as a booster for your strength? I don't understand." said Terry.

The light gushed out of her elbow exploded backwards and Clair yelled,"Holy Dragon Glowing Elbow!". Her fist flew toward him at an alarming rate with Terry being sent backwards. Terry flew toward the ground destroying in a heap and he was out cold. "One down. Hey Tess! Hurry the hell up on that idiot. I'm worried about Lora and the others." said Clair. "You're playing with me? You are a joke!" said Adrian.

He then swung his claws at her but she blocked it with the ax blade again but this time, it went right through it. "You're going to lose to me." said Adrian. "Hey. You have something on you. Right here in fact." said Tessa who pointed to her forehead. She was shocked to see that Adrian had actually knock himself out with her sighing. She walked over to Clair who was looking at the remains of Owen's grave.

She tried to pick it back together.and she went on her knees. "They have done some truly awful things but everything will go back to normal soon. I promise." said Clair. She stood back to her feet and Tessa said,"You're right.". The two were going toward Lora's location but they were frozen in fear. "I found you." said a voice. They turned around to see a pissed off Myra standing there. They went back as Myra pulled out a rope scaring the two.

Barry, Julie, and Nick were heading toward Lora's location and Nick said,"Okay. This has gotten insane hasn't it?". "You're right but I plan to make things harder for you." said a voice. Nick heard this and he pushed himself along with the two toward the ground as Drake flew above them. "Wow. Your senses must be pretty good or I made myself obvious." said Drake who floated above them. "How is he flying?" said Barry. "Uh my wings furball." said Drake.

He pointed to his wings which were a hybrid of both typical demons and dragon's wings. "You see. I am a demon but I live for the thrill of fight which the Glacial Sultana promised when she bring back Estrasum. If I get to hurt a legendary demon like that, I don't care how we do it. So prepare to die by the hands of Drake Houston!" said Drake. "Barry. You need to get out of here. Go help Lora." said Julie. "What about you two?!" said Barry.

Nick made two giant sand fists which went flying toward Drake and he said,"We'll handle him! Now go!". Barry flew off and Drake said,"I won't let you escape!". He was begin to fly after him but he was stopped by Julie who fired a bullet in the center of his two wings. Drake turned around to face the two who were holding guns. "Ready to die dragon boy?" said Nick. "Fine! I guess you're going to die now!" yelled Drake who flew toward them.

Back with Lora. She picked herself off the ground and she said,"Wow. That hurt even more than I had thought. I even used my powers to soften the blow.". She looked up to see that the rat was out could on her back. "So where did she go?" said Lora. She heard crying and she turned around to see Reyna standing there crying. "Thanks to you, Lady Lisa won't be able to trust me now. She won't be able to love me now!" said Reyna. "Love?" said Lora.

Reyna said wiping away her tears,"What you did to Lynette. I'll make you pay.". She looked angry and she said,"I'll never forgive you!", "Okay! I guess you have to get your but kicked by me!" said Lora while reaching from her keys. "I'll finish you!" said Reyna. Her arm went forward with nothing happening. Lora began to hear something behind her and it was the tree. It was moving and it looked really angry.

She dodged the wooden foe and she said."Go back!". The tree went flying back thanks to Lora using her gravity power to throw Lynette at the tree. "Die!" yelled Reyna. Several tree monsters surround her and Lora pulled out Tex's key. "Open! Gate of the Golden Bull! Tex the Taurus!" said Lora. The bull came rushing out and he cut through all of the trees with ease. "Spirit magic? She also has one of the twelve zodiacs." said Reyna. "Good job Tex." said Lora.

Tex nodded and he said,"So who is she?". "I can't believe that you don't know who I am. I'm the girl who can make anything come to life!" said Reyna. "May I?" said Tex. "Sure thing." said Lora. Tex tried to hit Reyna but it hit another tree monster. "Really getting sick of these guys!" said Tex. He was surrounded by them with Lora said,"You got rid of my spirit but I can handle you.". "Oh. Can you know? I guess you do know what I can really do." said Reyna.

Several destroyed tree monsters reformed into a wooden version of Tex with it rushing toward Lora with her just barely dodging the ax swing. It destroyed the ground however and Lora said,"It moves just like him.". She tried to get some distance so she can launch this copy back but she was slammed into the ground by her throat thanks to the wooden Tex;s giant hand. "Lady Lora!" yelled Tex who tried to help his master.

Reyna said,"I let you and your bovine destroy my puppets because my Animation magic is best used when I'm fighting a powerful enemy. Once one of my puppets is destroy, I'm able to make a stronger version with the knowledge of the defeated one.". "Please let me go." said Lora as she tried to kick the bovine away. "Wooden Tex. Go ahead and strip her." said Reyna. "I won't let Lady Lora's purity been seen by you!" said Tex who rushed toward the wooden copy.

Lora smiled but she heard,"Only Lord Zane has the right to do that!". Reyna looked confused as the copy turned into two with the copy of a copy fought against Tex. "There's nothing you can do. Your spirit is being used to fight my puppet and you're running out of air." said Reyna. Lora was worried about her arm since the Wooden Tex was pulling it back. She felt like her arm was going to be broken if she didn't anything soon.

She was trying to figure out a way out of this but then she heard a voice,"Lora. You're my Princess of the Stars while your sister is the Angel of the Stars. Both of you are important to me so don't give up okay?". "Zane? No. He isn't here but I know that my friends are here even when they're not here. I can do this!" thought Lora. She held a second key and Reyna said,"Another one? You're not strong enough to handle two spirits.".

The key had a marine like design to it. The center of the bow of the key bears the symbol of the pisces constellation on a dark background with it flanked by two elongated fishes with large and visible fins and tails. It overlays in correspondence to their small heads and to the tails themselves with the end of the key's blade takes the shape of an anchor. "Open! Gate of the Paired Fish! Pearl and Percy the Pisces!" yelled Lora.

The door appeared and the animation wizard was shocked. Two giant eels appeared in front of the tree bovine. They had a general look that reminded people of koi fish. They both have large, wide, open, and round eyes with dark pupils sitting at their head's sides with massive mouth with light and thick lips filled with squared teeth. A number of fins are also present on their bodies with a series of long jagged ones crossing the whole length of the upper part.

It almost reached up to the top of their heads with a smaller and more square fin located on the ends of their faces one on each side. Their bodies are covered in lines crossed their whole length with each line being flanked by a row of spots with some spots forming a single hinted semicircle above each eye. Pearl was the one on the right with its skin is a light color while Percy was the darker skin. They had the symbol of the constellation on their heads.  

The fish smashed the wooden copies of Tex into the air with Tex slicing them into pieces. The fishes devour the wood and Reyna said,"No. I can't bring them back.". "Could you guys go back? I don't have a lot of magic." said Lora who tried to catch her breath. The bull and fish were gone by a burst of light with Lora standing up. "I'm stronger than I once was and I hope you are really to lose by a member of Heroes." said Lora.

Reyna jumped down toward Lora's location as she said,"You shouldn't call yourself strong. You were able to defeat my puppets but at the cost of your magic power.". "Don't look down on me because I'm a Hero after all!" said Lora. She then held a silver key and she said,"Open! Gate of the Evolution! Eevee!". The little fox like creature appeared and Reyna said,"She's adorable. How lovely!". "Um. I guess but we're fighting." said Lora with a sweat drop.

Reyna said,"Oh right. Wood Creature. Attack!". Several trees rushed toward the fox and Lora said,"I think it's time to show her your power!". V fired out a stream of flames from her mouth as it burned the trees to ashes. Reyna was thrown back and she said,"Fine! I guess I have to use that! Boulder Creature!". Several rocks around her formed into a giant monster which roared. Reyna smiled and she said,"Attack that fox.". The monster slammed its hand down.

V dodged the attack and Lora returned her back to the spirit world. "I hope you're ready to become a pancake brat." said Reyna from on top of the monster. Lora ran away and she thought,"I think we're around the same age but I rather not fight with her on this.". The two ran through the jungle and Lora then found herself on the beach. "The ocean. I really hope that she can't control the water." thought Lora.  

The rock monster came out of the woods and Reyna said,"This game is over.". "Passion Lance!" said a voice. The rock monster was blasted by several lances as the two girls saw Kurt standing there and he was holding his sides. "Kurt!" yelled Lora. "Take her out Lora!" said Kurt. Lora turned around to see that Sherry was shocked by Kurt due to him not wearing a shirt. Her face was red and Lora then punched her knocking her out.

The sun was rising slowly and Reyna said,"I can't have lost to you brunette. If I'm defeated, my love for Glacial Sultana.". "You know you're a girl right?" said Kurt. "And what's wrong with that?" said Lora. "Well, I know for a fact that the Glacial Sultana isn't a fan of having any kind of relationship at all." said Kurt. The two talked as Reyna said,"Lynette. Please take revenge for me and the Glacial Sultana!". A large crash sounded in the jungle behind the two.

Their eyes widened when they saw Lynette jumped into the air above them. She was about to body slam them with Lora falling to her knees. "I can't move at all. What am I going to do now?!" thought Lora. She looked at Kurt who fell onto the ground in a ducking position and he said,"Do what I am doing now!". Lora followed suit as the two heard a slashing sound. Lora noticed a head of flowing scarlet red hair.

She saw Allison standing in front of them with Ryu ,currently a dragon version broadsword, in her hands. Lynette was out cold and right next to Reyna. "Allison!" said Lora. She was quiet upon seeing her face. It was both extremely mad and upset. "We broke the rules by talking this quest." thought Lora. She looked over at Kurt who was groaning in pain. Allison walked toward them as Ryu turned back to his normal self.

Lora was very shocked to see that Allison had extended her arms for Lora to grab. "Are you alright Lora?" said Allison. She changed from anger to one of worry. Like a worried mother, she began to look for injuries on Lora's body. "Are you hurt?" said Allison. "I'm fine but Kurt isn't." said Lora. "So what happened to you?" said Ryu. "A long story. I'm going to sleep so explain to them whats going on Lora." said Kurt.

He fell asleep on the beach and Lora hung her head in embarrassment. "You're here to take us back aren't you?" said Lora. She was caught off guard when Allison pulled in for a hug. "I'm just happy that you're safe Lora. I was so worried about you and Clair. I didn't want you guys to die or get hurt badly." said Allison in a shaky voice. "Thank you Allison." said Lora. "Lora! You're okay!" yelled Barry.  

He however stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Allison and Ryu. Upon seeing this, Harry turn back with Ryu grabbing his tail. "Ease Barry. We're not going to hurt you. Myra maybe but not me and Ally." said Ryu. "So where's Clair and the others?" said Allison. "I don't know. I think they're back in  the village but we have a bigger problem." said Lora. "What happened? Lets walk and talk okay." said Allison. "Sure." said Barry. "Help me with Kurt." said Ryu.

The little cat and Dragon dragged Kurt back with him groaning in pain. "We have the villagers cursed thanks to some wizards trying to bring back a demon called Estrasum." said Lora. "We will help you out with your job." said Allison. "Sweet. So who else is here?" said Lora. "Me, Allison, Myra, and Zane!" said Ryu. "Where's Zane?" said Lora. "I think he's lost." said Allison. "Same old Zane." said Barry. "We'll look for him later." said Allison. The four went back to the village.

Next time,
Will the additions of Allison, Myra, Ryu, and Zane help our Heroes defeat Lisa, save the villagers of Klihsh Island, and stop Estrarum from being revived. And what happened to Julie and Nick?

Guild Card #23.
Name: Eric Logan.  
Age: 36 years old.
Magic: Purple and Red Fire Magic. 
Likes: His Son, hanging around his friends, younger woman, and the guild. Dislikes: Loans, not repaying debts, older woman, and his ex-wife.  
Info: He is a senior member of the guild being that he has been around for a long time. He is a good guy with him being extremely loyal to his son trying to become stronger for him. He also hates not paying people back which is why he helped Ryu out when Zane was arrested. He also is currently dating a younger woman who looks rather plain but she makes a good mother for his son Jaime.
Affiliation: Heroes.

Guild Card #24.
Name: Wayne Summers. 
Age: 36 years old. 
Magic: Smoke Magic. 
Likes: Drinking, smoking, and ladies. Dislikes: His Wife.
Info: He is a vet and his magic allows him to turn his body into smoke to be able to evade attacks and strike through defenses with ease. He and Eric are old pals since the two were rivals like Clair and Kurt are now. His magic really works well with a pipe but he doesn't use to his full potential. He also tries to flirt with the girls of the guild much to their annoyance and he tends to get rejected a lot.
Affiliation: Heroes.

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