Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Zero Episode 145 An all day date with the woman you love Section 5 (Written on December 14 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Episode 145 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Episode 145. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

Glenn looked at Lidox with him saying,"So do you want to leave this to him and go get a couple of drinks with the bimbos?". "Sure." said Lidox. The two were gone as Rachel and Zane appeared in the doorway. "So is this your entire plan?" said Rachel as Zane turned into Alchemy Form. His hands were covered in black energy with traces of red in it. "Not at all Rae. It's just getting started. Watch and learn how a professional hero works." said Zane. 

Zane placed his hands on the ground as the candy syrup transformed into tar and swallowed up the devils. Shiegki noticed this with him seeing both Rachel and Zane. "Alvarez! You'll die by my sword for what you did to me!" said Shiegki. He flew toward Zane with his sword covered in grayish red Nether and was about to fire a blast at him. He was stopped by two tar tendrils which dragged him to the tar covered floor and trapped there before hardening. 

Rachel turned to Zane with her saying,"So are the statures alright?". "They're fine. The devils and the Phantom are not. We should get going. Even though it'll keep him there for a while, I'm not going to doubt how determined Specter is to kill me." said Zane. He pointed to where Shiegki got buried and the area was covered in the Phantom's Nether. "Good idea but first." said Rachel. She released a wave of crimson red Ardor through the room.

The ardor didn't hit the statues but the captured devils and Phantom instead. This caused them to scream out in pain with Zane whistling. "Nice. You're getting better at controlling your Ardor. I'm so proud of you Rae." said Zane. "Thanks but I had three really great teachers." said Rachel. "Yeah. Allen and Danny are pretty good at manipulating energy." said Zane. "I was talking about you too dork but we should get going." said Rachel with a finger flick. The two were gone after that.

A bit later, Aurelio walked into the room and looked at Shiegki who had his arms crossed. He was cut free from the tar and had watched the devils who were captured alongside him get taken to the Mud Pit for corrections. "And you call yourself competent. You had both Zero and his woman in your grasp but instead of detaining them, you let them escape." said Aurelio. "Instead of giving me crap for letting them escape, tell me why you didn't try to capture them?" said Shiegki.

The Phantom swung his sword in anger as he said,"They're somewhere in the building right? I'm going to chase after them.". "Don't waste your time." said Aurelio. "Why not?" said Shiegki. "Like with a mouse, we need some bait." said Aurelio. He snapped his fingers as Tulbur walked in with a heavily bruised Thomas. "Cryonic? What is he doing?" said Shiegki. "Apparently, one of Rufus's guards was working with him to free the Tremendous we captured the other week." said Aurelio.

Tulbur nodded as he said,"I found himself outside of the room where we put the Tokurdan orb and he tried to fight me and my sister. He did a good job against us but well, it was two against one.". "And he was up against a competent Attacker and Defender. His chances of success were low from the start. Do you know why this is a good thing?" said Aurelio. "No?" said Shiegki. "We have our bait for the two rats." said Aurelio with Shiegki smiling. 

Meanwhile in the casino area, Glenn and Lidox was sitting there. "I know that we have to work for a real scum bag of a boss but this isn't half bad." said Lidox as he was admiring the view of two servants kissing each other. He had ordered them to do it earlier but Rufus would have done that himself if he was bored. "Yeah. So do you think we can steal a small portion of the boss's earning for ourselves? I mean we just have to avoid the eye of the number one suck up but I'm game if you are." said Glenn.

Before the alien could answer, the casino door blew open as Rachel and Zane ,with him being out of Alchemy Form and in costume, stood there. "Hi there folks. We decided to welcome you to Cypress Park." said Rachel. "With violence!" said Zane. "Get him you mindless bimbos!" said Glenn, standing up. The servants and suits began rushing toward them with Rachel looking at Zane. "Zane. Do you remember the time we learned how to dance?" said Rachel.

Zane smiled as he said,"Of course I do. I think we should show these devils how we dance.". After saying that, Zane put a hand on her shoulder blade and held out his arm to his side. Rachel put a hand on his shoulder and outstretched her arm grabbing onto Zane's hand. "Now watch you criminally underpaid devils as we dance our way right to your boss." said Rachel. Zane looked away from Rachel with her saying,"What's wrong? Oh and do you mind leading?". 

The Cross Species shook his head as he said,"It's nothing. I'll tell you about it later and yes on the leading part Rae.". Zane put his right foot forward and then he put his left foot forward in a outer diagonal position. He then put both feet together with his left foot a step back and put his right foot a step back in a inner diagonal and lastly put them back together. Rachel did the same thing as Zane but the opposite way. As they were dancing, the two's aura were combining into one.

After they finished their dancing, Zane dipped Rachel and looked into her eyes. "For those who are uncultured, this is known as the dip aka the finisher in a dance." said Rachel. "I don't think they care since they're done for." said Zane. Their combined aura formed into a giant puddle of energy with the enemy devils coming in contact with it. "What the?" said a devil as the devil was getting absorbed into the puddle and unable to move.

The rest of his kind was following suit as the couple said,"It's time for our Combination Move! This is our Devilish Passion!". From the puddle, several spheres of energy float around them and exploded with the enemy devils getting hit by an barrage of explosions from all directions. The devils didn't stand a chance against the combination of Ardor and one of Zane's many energies. The couple smiled as Rachel said,"This attack may have been a pain in the ass to master but totally worth it.". 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. Me and Danny are working on one right now and trust me Rae, it will be pretty powerful. We just need a name for it.". "That does sound like something that you two would come with." said Rachel. "Lets get going." said Zane, earning a nod from the devil. She began firing a barrage of electricity bullets with some of the devils dodging them. The suits were the ones dodging with the servants getting hit.

If the suits dodged it, they were in the face by Rachel's elongated flail or shocked by a bolt of lightning coming from her suit. Zane jumped onto the bolt with him running along it and grabbed the face of the closest devil. His grip was like a ferocious beast and he snapped the devil's head to the left. The neck had snapped and before he could recover, Zane kicked him in the stomach. Zane tossed his body toward a group of suits and this knocked them over like bowling pins. "Strike!" said Zane.

Rachel shook her head with a smile on her face. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane dodged Glenn's kick which would have hit him in the head. "So how about you stay still so I can end you?" said Glenn. "Do you really think I would do that? I really do have a lot to live for." said Zane. He turned intangible as a violet flame like energy beam passed through him. "What the hell man? Zero is my kill!" said Glenn as he glared at Lidox whose eyes were glowing violet.

The alien scoffed as he said,"All is fair in killing Zero for his bounty.". "You have a bounty?" said Rachel as she ran over to help Zane. "It's complicated and I'll tell you about it later. It involves an adventure involving me and Danny." said Zane. Lidox flew toward them and held out his left hand which was covered in electricity but instead of shocking Rachel, he touched Zane whose electricity did nothing to him. "And I think you need to leave us alone." said Zane. 

Zane grabbed the alien and tossed him toward Glenn. The bounty hunter would have dodged it but the Cross Species's throw caught him off guard. The two were nearby a wall and Zane appeared with him saying,"To make sure that you stick around, Sweet Downpour!". The two men were pinned to the wall by the candy syrup and it hardened instantly. "Nice job there partner. May I show off my skills to Lady Rachel as well?" said Astaroth. "Go nuts." said Zane.

Astaroth appeared with him flexing his muscles. The suits began charging toward Zane with Astaroth threw his left arm back and toward the devils. The punch hit the devils directly into the ground. Zane turned toward Astaroth with the devil like creature smiling. "You don’t need to say anything at all there partner. I got this. Zenith Sphere!" said Astaroth with him forming an obsidian black energy sphere and tossed it like it was fired out of a cannon.

It hit one of the devils head on, causing a massive explosion of energy upon contact and send the devils sailing through the casino. "So do you want to go after him or stay here where we're safe from his and the floating Phantom's wrath?" said Lidox. "I think you know my answer." said Glenn. "Oh wow. You and Astaroth are totally the same being. Always causing destruction wherever you go." said Rachel as she ran over to him and Astaroth went back inside of Zane.

Zane smiled as he said,"I'll take that with a compliment. We should probably start moving since they're going to start throwing rocks at us.". "Good idea." said Rachel. The two ran behind a slot machine as the servants and suits began launching rocks of all sizes toward the couple. "So how do women deal with that?" said Zane. He dodged an rock that heading toward his face using a slot machine with Rachel saying,"Um honey. What are you talking about?". 

The Cross Species turned toward her as he said,"You may know the answer to this but why do busty women ,in real life and fiction, hide their possession in their bosoms?". He tossed a giant fireball at two of the devils who were shooting at them. "Is this question of yours what you were worried about earlier Zane?" said Rachel. Zane badly whistled as Rachel shook her head. "Dummy." said Rachel. "Sorry but it has been bothering me for years now! I mean you did that earlier remember?!" said Zane. 

Zane slammed his foot onto the ground with several goons getting launched by a giant energy fist that came out of the ground. "You should know that I'm not getting an answer from you now or ever." said Rachel. "Really? You can be so mean to me sometimes. I thought you loved me because I guess you hate me huh." said Zane. "I'll tell you why we girls do that later." said Rachel. She held a small ball of highly condensed Ardor.

It exploded upon contact with the earth constructs dispersing upon contact with the energy. "Okay. I'm really impressive with how much better you are with your Ardor." said Zane with him making a mental note not to piss her off. "Thank you babypop and I'm really impressed with how curvy you were." said Rachel. "Thanks. I really want you to impressed how beautiful I can be when I don't focus on being a powerhouse fighter." said Zane. 

So here's what happened to the clone earlier, here is your answer. Just a few minutes earlier before, the couple had rescue the clone from her prison where she was being watched over by a couple of suits and they didn't stand a chance against the couple. It was around the time that Aurelio was talking with the duo of Shiegki and Tulbur. Zane made Zara disappear shortly after that. The more you know and all that jazz by the way. "Just die you two!" shouted the goons. 

In complete unison, the couple said,"Shut up. We're trying to have a conversion.". Rachel threw a giant ball of Ardor at them which went alongside a giant Colossal Zenith Sphere made out of magma. This attack came from Zane and his attack covered the area in magma. "Okay. I may have went overboard but for a disgusting bastard like Rufus, I don’t care about the property damage." said Zane. Rachel nodded as she said,"It’s for the best babypop. Now lets go take down Rufus.". 

Zane smirked as he said,"I think we may have some problems with that since there are still more devils to take down. Taking down the final boss doesn't happen until we take care of all of his minions. It's villain fighting 101.". The devil turned to see another group of servants and suits charging toward them with Rachel sighing loudly. "So when you broke into the Salamander clan mansion, did you have to deal with this much opposition to save me?" said Rachel. 

The Cross Species nodded as he said,"Yeah I sure did Rae. That opposition mainly consisted of a lot of devils, their servants, a Relinacoon, and their minotaurs. It was a really good workout and would good with a song attached to it.". Inside of Zane's mindscape, Astaroth was watching the fight going on. "So are you two done toying around these devils or what partner? We have something important to do aka saving Cazagon and Michelle." said Astaroth.

Zane groaned as he said,"Are you going to be a backseat driver since you're not the one fighting right now? I thought you were cooler than that.". "Maybe but I can see why the others do it so much. It's really fun. Oh. Do you think we can do that move?" said Astaroth. "Sure but can Rachel handle it? I mean she had trouble with seeing me for the first time and I don't want her fainting again. At least not here. Maybe back in our apartment." said Zane.

The demon like being smirked as he said,"That may be true but don't lie to me. You want to see how cute her reaction is going to be.". "That's true. It will be amazing." said Zane as he jumped over his cover and he threw two V.B.R.S toward the ground. Both of them erupted into smoke and the devils were trying to figure out where Zane went. In a second, the smoke cleared. This revealed two Zaras standing there in the place of Zane.

Rachel saw this as well with her face engulfed in a huge blush. "Two Zaras?! This must be heaven." said Rachel with her smashing her flail into a shocked devil's face. The two Zaras ran toward the army of devils with them smiling innocently. The army was shocked at what they were seeing being that they ignored their survival instincts screaming at them to fight since they were so pretty. "I hope you enjoy this! Sexy Explosion!" said the Zara clones.

Both of them exploded, engulfing the army of devils in the explosion and sending them flying. Rachel watched this with her worried for the real Zane. One of the devil guards was going to attack her since she put down her guard but was kicked in the nuts by Zane. "Hey there. Like the show?" said Zane as the devil guard was on the ground and in a great deal of pain due to said kick. "I did. So was that your idea or Astaroth? You two are both perverts." said Rachel. 

Before Zane could answer her, Crisis Judgement went off as Zane jumped in front of Rachel. He was hit with a gold beam of energy. It caused the Cross Species to fall onto the ground with him unable to move at all. Rachel couldn't do anything about it since she was unable to move thanks to a aqua beam of energy. "It seems that we finally caught the two rats." said a voice. Aurelio and Cicada stood there with the male holding a small handheld device.

It was a gold color with it being similar to a TV remote with two glowing red prongs coming out of the front of it. "What did you do to him you coward?!" said Rachel. The devil saw Cicatrix and Tulbur walk in with the female holding Thomas by his hand and the male was dragging a beaten up and chain covered man behind him. She knew Thomas from his fights with Zane and the man must be Cazagon since Michelle was back in the stone room.

Aurelio held the remote with him saying,"Preventing him from using his immense power for at least an hour and overload his nervous system. He's been sleeping for that amount of time  too. I got it from a bounty hunter named Trag. He told me that he wished he used it on him since well, he failed to defeat him.". "We should get them ready for the main event in that case Aurelio." said Cicada. "Get those two morons down." said Aurelio. He picked up Zane with Rachel unable to do anything about it.

While in costume, Zane woke up an hour later and grumbled. "Yep. This is a major pain in my ass." said Zane. He looked around to see that he was in a perfect square arena that was filled with dirt. Above the arena, there were sharp stalactites. The arena was light up just enough to expose the rows of benches which ran the entire circumference of the area. There were torches hooked up to each post that sat in the east, north, south, and west corner of the arena.

Zane blinked as he said,"Okay. This isn't a half bad arena.". "So you're finally awake kid. Took you long enough and don't compliment the enemy's architecture." said a voice. Zane looked up to see a heavily bruised Thomas chained the wall right alongside the giant Cazagon who was still in his chains from before. "Yeah. So got to ask an important question. What in the nine realms happened to you? I know you're pretty tough since you and I fought before. These wounds of yours look serious." said Zane.

Thomas scoffed as he said,"And there it is. Legion Zero's kindness toward both ally and foe. I'll be fine but after finding the big guy in whoever runs this place's creepy sexy dungeon, I was ambushed by two Ignrulls. You heard about how strong their species are but having to go up against both an Attacker and Defender. it wasn't fun. I got beaten the crap out by two Ignrulls. No idea about him. I heard about how strong this species are but an Attacker and Defender together, they're pretty tough.". 

Cazagon nodded as he said,"Got to agree with the metahuman on that brat. It seems you failed to find the key to our explosive cuffs by the way.". "Explosive? But they look like normal chains to me and what is he talking about kid?" said Thomas. "It's complicated. Your chains and collar will skewer you if I break them off and they blow up too." said Zane. "Seriously? What have I gotten myself? Saving my men who aren't even here." said Thomas.

Zane sighed as he said,"They're here Thomas but not in a way you expected.". "What do you mean by that kid?" said Thomas. Before Zane could answer him, the three heard,"Welcome Legion Zero to your execution ground! The Battle Arena!". The room was lit up thanks to several fireflies and the three saw several criminals ,coming from all parts of the Omniverse with not a single one coming from Cypress Park, and Rufus's seven bodyguards.

They were sitting in the stands with them being serviced by the servants. Zane looked up to see Rufus sitting there on a cushy looking throne in an announcer's box with a chained up Rachel and Michelle who was still a statue. Like the giant, devil, and metahuman, the teenager was wrapped in chains. Zane growled as he shouted,"Rufus! Let them go right now! If you don't, I swear to the gods I'll end your pathetic life and I'll do just that in fact!". 

His eyes were glowing red and there was a faint layer of Tyrannus around him. He spread his legs apart to the sides with his legs crouched just a bit. It wasn't obvious thanks to his costume but his Liasada tattoo appeared. "What is he doing? I can sense great power from him and it's like a Sorcerer but much stronger." said Cazagon. "Sorcerer? You mean a wizard right big guy. The kid is that but something stronger and a true one not like Salem." said Thomas.

Cazagon's eyes widened upon hearing this from Thomas as he said,"Do you mean a Magnus right human? Is he a Impure or a Undergrounder?". "A what?" said Thomas. "So how much do you know about the Omniverse?" said Cazagon. "Less than I should right? I've been a metahuman for four years now and I tended to stay in matters involving this Earth. I know that's a dumb mindset to go by but whatever. So do you mind tell me more about it?" said Thomas.

The giant looked down at him with him saying,"Do you really think it's time for a story? Look at the brat. I think he's about to do something stupid. You can't sense Impulse like I can snowman. Despite their many weakness, humans have immense potential inside of them. Zero here is a clear example of that since he was the one to take down the Vision Enterprise which enslaved members of my race for a very long time. I and my species owe him a great debt that will never be repaid.".

Back with Zane, he looked up at Rufus with his eyes glowing brighter. "You'll pay for pissing me off. I was already mad at you for what you've done to these poor beings by turning them into stone or into those bimbos. Beings like you may sick down to my Essence and need to be eradicated from this realm right now. Tyrannus Lance!" said Zane. In his right hand, Tyrannus Nether began to appear and form into a lance like shape.

It was slowly getting bigger with it being twice Zane's size in a matter of seconds. It looks like a hyper compressed energy lance with a steel gray mandala around it. "Destroy the being whose took away several being's freewill right now. Die!" said Zane with speaking in Liasda. The giant energy lance was covered in molten gold runes with Zane tossing it at Rufus who didn't do anything about it. "I know that we hate him especially me but shouldn't we do something to stop that?!" said Glenn.

Lidox looked at him as he said,"If you want to die in the process, go ahead. I ain't going to stop you. I got a life to live after all.". "Cowards." said Cicada. "And are you going to do something about it?" said Lidox. "I won't do that Lidox since our boss didn't get the reputation of the Earth Envoy and one of the strongest devils of all time for nothing." said Cicada. "I thought he just bribed someone to give those titles to be honest with you." said Shiegki. 

Cicada said with a chuckle,"That's a fair assessment but you haven't seen him fight against that giant down there.". "He can fight?! I thought he was just a disgusting fat ass." said Lidox. "And this is the first time I've heard you laughed. I like it." said Glenn. Cicatrix ignored the conversion going on around her as he watched the giant energy lance fly toward her boss and Rufus smiled. There was a huge explosion in front of the royal box as Zane took a deep breath.

Astaroth ,from inside of Zane, sighed as he said,"I think in your rage, you forgot about Rae being next to Rufus alongside the petrified Michelle.". Zane was silent as Astaroth shook his head. "You were once again blind by your rage after seeing the love of your life in danger thanks to a truly awful being." said Astaroth. "Yeah I know that. I was just wondering how I control that anger since it can be used to protect others." said Zane. "A therapist perhaps?" said Astaroth. 

The smoke from the explosion cleared as Zane saw that both Michelle and Rachel were okay. This would have included Rufus as well but he wasn't so lucky. Part of his suit was destroyed thanks to the suit which exposed some of his fat much to everyone's disgust. His crown had been blown off his body thanks to the explosion. "You bastard! I'll kill you for ruining my designer suit! Do you know how much money it cost for me to get a suit that's custom made for me?!" said Rufus.

Rachel giggled as she said,"Much more than what your clan makes each month since you spend it on making buildings like this instead of helping the Alliance like the other four clans and paying those villains down there.". "Oh! She told you!" shouted Zane.  "You'll pay for that. I had to use my Ardor to block that overgrown toothpick so I think you earned yourself Death by Boulders!" shouted Rufus. The crowd cheered as Zane said to himself,"I'm guessing that's a bad thing huh.". 

Aurelio shook his head as he said,"He has no idea on what he's getting himself into.". "Yeah. What is that exactly?" said Glenn. "Idiot. Just wait and see." said Shiegki. Several suits appeared on the edge of the arena with Zane saying,"I think I know what they're going to do.". "Yeah. It's real obvious what death by boulders is. You would have to be a real idiot not to know what that is." said Astaroth. Glenn sneezed after the devil like being said that. 

Rufus looked down at Zane with him smiling. "Oh my beloved. Do you seriously think that he's going to stand a chance against me? Look at him. His impressive attack failed." said Rufus. "Didn't you lose your crown and reveal your blubber because of his attack?" said Rachel. "He just got lucky. I had little time to prepared my shield and...." said Rufus. "That sounds like an excuse to me." said Rachel as Rufus growled at her.

The devil noticed this and smiled. "If you're so sure about him defeating you and save me so we can beat the ever living tar out of you, why not test him even further?" said Rachel. "That's a good idea my beloved!" said Rufus, snapping his fingers. Before the barrage of boulders could begin, one of Rufus's servant began sashaying her way over toward Zane. "Hi there big boy. I know that you hate my master for some stupid reason but how about I make you change your mind?" said the servant.

She bent down and gazed lustfully into the hero's eyes. "Don't fall for it partner. I wouldn't blame you. Even though Rufus is a literally piece of shit, he does have good taste in women." said Astaroth with the demon nodding. "I'm really sorry but to be honest, I would never been interested in whores like you." said Zane. Without warning, she was sliced into pieces by four bladed whip-like tendrils coming out of Zane's back at the same time.

Zane looked at Rufus with him saying as the tendrils moved around him,"While I'm against killing all willy nilly, killing these slaves of yours is fine. You created them by stealing another being's free will which is the worst crime in the Omniverse. I think you should have feel their pain.". He began gathering Impulse into his hands with him collecting a certain amount of it. Zane eventually stretched out his fingers until all ten fingers were aimed in a different direction.

At the tip of each of his finger, there is a small silver sphere resting there. "Lets start your lesson with my Omni-Direction Beam Array!" said Zane as the spheres began firing out several energy beams in all directions. "Eliminate him now!" shouted Rufus. The suits nodded as they began creating and throwing down boulders ,that were the size of a mini-van, at Zane. Instead of hitting Zane, they hit the energy beams and shattered into pebbles. "Impressive I supposed." said Aurelio.

Tulbur looked at Aurelio who said,"Think about it. Zero here probably knew what death by boulders was unlike the Shrouded Dagger and planned for that. I heard about him being a genius fighter and thought it was a exaggeration. Guess I was wrong.". "Zero is no way a genius!" said Shiegki. Rufus saw that some of Zane's energy beams were heading toward him with him growling and he stomped on the ground. Like before, several metal shields appeared to protect Rufus from Zane's attack.  

These shields were smaller than the first one but they did block any energy beam that came toward him and his two trophies. "Ha! You fool! My shields are stronger than your energy!" said Rufus. "That's due to him not trying." thought Aurelio and Rachel. Both of them thought the same thing but didn't know the other was thinking it. Upon hearing that, Zane smiled. "Okay. Increase the power of my attack! Worthy Arrow!" said Zane.

He said the first part in Liasada and Worthy Arrow in English. The molten golden arrow appear except it was a steel gray color instead of its signature molten gold color due to the Liasada power up. Zane tossed the arrow toward Rufus who planned to block it like he had done several times before with Zane's attacks. However, the shield couldn't handle the immense power of the arrow. The devil was struck with fragments of the shield and caused him to roar in pain. 

Unknown to him, Zane's attack has another purpose as well. The explosion had covered the entire arena in a thick layer of smoke and Zane smiled. "Time for a mix of Adrenaline Zone and my Vulcan Emperor scales as well." thought Zane as he activated both of them. The scales were mainly around his arms and legs. He looked at the four chained up beings and began to move. "So what's the plan here? You do know that if you try to remove them without the key, bad things will happen." said Astaroth. 

Zane was quiet as Astaroth said,"Don't worry. I'm sure that you have a plan. I know that you do but I hope you thought it through.". Ignoring Astaroth, Zane grabbed the duo of Cazagon and Thomas's chains. "Hey! What are you doing Zero?! You do know that these things are explosive right?!" shouted Thomas. "Trust me. I got this." said Zane. "Why is it that I have my doubts about that statement?" said Cazagon.

The hero took a step back with him punching the chains and collar instead of the two that they were attached to. They fell off the giant and metahuman with them blinking. "Okay. So what did you..." said the two. Zane grabbed them with him tossing them toward the crowd of spectators and this caused an explosion. "All according to plan." said Zane. "Don't you feel bad for the criminals you just blown up kid?" said Thomas. "Meh. They had it coming." said Cazagon with Zane nodding.

After that, the smoke cleared as Rufus saw that his arena had two massive holes in it plus two of his prisoners were free. "How did you? They should be dead!" said Rufus. "Now if I told you that, that would ruin the magic wouldn't I?" said Zane, winking. "I projected my willpower onto the chains and by doing this, I was able to free them without an explosion." thought Zane. "Did you have to be the one to spoil the surprise?" said Astaroth with a sad look on his face.

Zane looked at the demon with him saying,"Oh I'm sorry. Did you not know?". "Of course I knew but did they know Zane?" said Astaroth. "They who Astaroth? And are you trying to be Cole of all beings to mimic?" said Zane. "Does he think that's cute? It doesn't really work on a guy normally since he hates guys." said Cazagon. "He does it just to annoy people and it's working." said Thomas with him being all too familiar with that tactic from Zane. 

Rufus glared at Zane with several metal swords floating around him and his body was cracking with Ardor. It was obvious to anyone ,who survive the two explosions earlier, that Rufus was mad. Zane deactivated Adrenaline Zone but not his Vulcan Emperor scales. "I guess someone can't handle a little pain and trust me, you have a lot more coming for you but hold on a second." said Zane. He made two white slime shaped balls appear and he threw them at the duo behind him. 

Their stamina and wounds were healed with Thomas stretching after getting healed. "I owe you one Zero. So what's the plan? If it involves taking down Rufus and his goons, I'm all for it by the way since I owe them payback." said Thomas. "As am I." said Cazagon, cracking his knuckles. "Not exactly. I need you two to do something for me but to make sure that they don't know what I need you to do." said Zane, shaking his head. 

He placed his fingers on his head with the two heard Zane's plan thanks to telepathy. "You got it." said the two as Thomas turned around. He released a massive wave of ice at the wall behind him and froze it solid. Cazagon cocked back his left fist with him punching the frozen part of the wall. It shattered with it revealing a hallway. Cazagon shrunk down to about the size of the two guys beside him with Thomas saying,"And here I thought you were kidding about how you can shrink.". 

The ice metahuman was reminded of Titan but was pretty sure that Cazagon was more competent than him. "I wasn't. We should get moving." said Cazagon. The two were gone as Rufus growled. The devil turned to the Omniverse criminals who didn't get hit with an explosion and he shouted,"I need you morons to deal with those prisoners who escaped! I expect my seven bodyguards and my creations to stay! This fool needs to be punished for laying a finger on me!". 

From the crowd, a criminal said,"And what happens if we don't? I mean we're going up against a famous metahuman criminal and a giant!". Said criminal was held up in the air by a giant earth hand which came from the roof. "If you don't, I'll bring you to the Mud Pit and turn you into one of my personal servants!" said Rufus. The criminal shivered in fear with Rachel saying,"You know that if you treat your employees like that, you won't have them when you need them.". 

Rufus looked at her in anger and Cicada shouted,"She has a point you know!". Rufus glared at the bug woman with a stalactite falling onto her and Cicatrix glared at him. She was about to attack him but was stopped by Tulbur. "It isn't worth it." said Tulbur. "I know that but still, he's going to pay for that comment." said Cicatrix as she punched away the rock burying her friend. Aurelio aimed his right hand at the giant stone hand. 

His arm had cannons coming out of them and they fired out dark red Impulse out of them. The stone was destroyed and the criminal fell to the ground, grateful for not being turned into one of those bimbos he had seen earlier. "Get going and follow his order or else." said Aurelio. The criminals ran out of the arena with Zane sighing. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane dodged the swords no problem. "You damn fools. Bring out the steel balls and you seven! Attack him as well. I need him ended fast!" said Rufus.

After hearing this, Shiegki smiled. "Finally! I get to kill Zero!" said Shiegki with him jumping into the arena and Cicatrix following suit. "Why did I have to get stuck working for brutes?" said Lidox as he and Glenn followed suit. Aurelio and Tulbur looked at Cicada with her holding her head. "I'll be fine you two. I'm sure Rufus won't care about one of us not fighting. Six out of seven is better than none of us fighting" said Cicada. "Make that five out of seven." said Aurelio, leaning back in his seat. 

Tulbur looked at him as he said,"I can understand why Cicada isn't fighting Aurelio due to our current boss being well an idiot and her not being a fighter like the rest of us. You on the other hand is why I'm curious." said Tulbur. "Because I hate sharing an opponent. If it was only just Zane down there, I would be there but nope. You should go help your sister." said Aurelio. Tulbur nodded as he entered the arena and the second round of death by boulders was about to begin. 

From her spot by Rufus’s side, Rachel watched in fear as her partner was dodging a barrage of spiked steel balls. They look to be slightly bigger than a normal human by at least ten times. Her hero was also force to dodge five out of seven bodyguards fighting Zane. Rufus was making earth constructs of weapons and oddly utensils. Zane jumped out the way to avoid getting stabbed by a giant gold knife. "I bet you're wondering if I should give him a chance but nope!" said Rufus.

He grabbed her head with Zane shouting,"Hey! Don't touch her!". He was about to stretch his right arm toward Rufus but he was slammed into the wall by a charging Cicatrix. "Instead of focusing on her, you should focus on a real woman." said Cicatrix, cracking her knuckles as she looked at Zane. "I rather not having your disgusting looking boss touching my fiancée like that plus why should I focus on you?" said Zane, standing back up. 

The Cross Species smiled as he said,"I mean the Ignrull may have a different definition for beauty but to me, you're nothing more than a over-muscular cow.". This statement pissed off Cicatrix who began charged at him. Zane jumped over and made her slam into the wall that he crashed into a moment earlier and before she could recover, Zane fired out a stream of candy syrup. The syrup kept her there and she tried to break out of it. 

Lidox whistled as he said,"Oh wow. He really knows how to get under your sister's skin huh?". "Yeah that is true. My sister isn't the best when it comes to insults about her looks or from Zero. She hates how he broke her streak of being undefeated." said Tulbur. "You damn morons! Do I pay you to stand around and gossip or do I pay you to murder the only thing stopped me from ruling what I deserve?" growled Rufus. Zane hide behind a pillar ,that was made earlier, to avoid the spiked balls.

He was avoiding the barrage of Nether that came from a juiced up Specter Samurai. "Quit hiding and fight me!" shouted Shiegki. Zane ignored him and looked to see Astaroth. The demon appeared to help out Zane with his fight. He was fighting the duo of Cicada ,who recovered a few moments ago, and Glenn. Aurelio wasn't fighting much to Rufus's annoyance but the hired help only looked up at him and flipped him off. He was also ignoring Rufus's threats involving the mud pit.

Astaroth looked at Zane with him saying,"I know that you find him impressive but we need to focus partner.". "But maybe we can..." said Zane. "Focus Zane. Remember why we're here." said Astaroth with a serious tone. "Fine. Why aren't you fun like I am?" said Zane. "Because one of us needs to be the serious one. So you noticed that Rufus isn't trying to hard to kill us. His bodyguard except the masked one are." said Astaroth. Zane had to agree with him on that assessment. This included Tulbur. 

Rufus was enjoying this since he thought Blaze was an idiot for losing to someone so weak and he was sipping on his massive wine glass. Said wine glass was twice his size and a good amount of booze was sipping onto him. The devil was hit with obsidian black energy and turned toward Astaroth. "Quit doubting our power. You don't know what you decided to mess with." said an angry Astaroth with him slamming his fist into Cicatrix who charged at him. 

Everything he had done to innocent beings and touching Rachel like that, Astaroth was going to pay him back tenfold. Stumbling slightly from the energy, anger fueled the devil. "You damn specter! I'm going to be the ruler of an entire species and after taking care of Zero, I'll be ruling over Terrarune and the Omniverse!" said Rufus. He ordered one of his minions to throw a spiked ball at him. The guardian saw this coming from a mile away and he moved out of the way. 

Upon hitting the ground, it caused an explosion and this explosion hit Cicada instead. She skid across the ground with Cicatrix catching her. "Are you okay?" said Cicatrix. "Just fine. I'm just wondering if we made a mistake." said Cicada. "What do you mean? We get to have revenge on the brat who made us lose our cushy jobs at the Extinction Colosseum." said Cicatrix, pointing to Zane who was dodging Lidox's violet flame like energy blasts that went toward Zane thanks to Tulbur slapping it. 

Cicada blinked as she said,"While I want to get revenge on him and the Paradoxes like you, do you like working for a guy like him? And that was cool teamwork.". Cicatrix pointed to Rufus who was licking his lips and looking at Rachel who was disgusted at the sight. "So? We've worked for perverts before and he pays well." said Cicatrix. Zane was furious at what Rufus was doing to Rachel and because of this, he was grabbed by an earth construct of a tongue. 

Zane blinked as he said,"Um. Can you please change your construct? I'm not into getting tongue from dudes like you.". Instead of getting an answer, he was slammed into the ground repeatedly and was gripped tightly. "Zane!" shouted Rachel. "Partner!" said Astaroth. He made a Worthy Arrow appear and threw it free to Zane but his powerful attack was stopped by Tulbur who took the attack. "Ouch." said Tulbur who fell to the ground and made a crater in the ground.

He slowly emerged from it with Glenn saying,"Dude. How durable is this guy?". "Pretty. He works great as blocking attacks doesn't he? Wish he would have work with Basalt back in the day but get this man. He has morals." said Lidox. "And thank the gods, I'm used to tight bear hugs!" thought Zane as he turned into Liger Form. The feline broke out of the earth and landed on the ground. "You may have a number's advantage but you're going down there bastard!" said Zane.

Zane's eyes filled with determination and voice filled with smugness that pissed off Rufus more than anything. "This foolish brat. Did he not know what he was up against? It is my job as a king to make him learn his place by force." thought Rufus.  Rufus looked at his bodyguards and shouted,"Leave the arena now!". "You got it." said Lidox who was holding his arm. He got hit with one of the spiked balls and wanted this to be over with. He was a planner not a fighter after all. 

Shiegki didn't share his feelings and had to be dragged out of the arena by Cicada's staff or magic wand as the Phantom called it. They sat there with Aurelio waving at them. "So are you going to fight me man to man?" said Zane, taunting him. "Oh wow. I'm just impressed that you're not calling him brother Zane." said Astaroth. "Trust me brother. It's a struggle." said Zane. "Oh. I will." said Rufus with him snapping his fingers as his servants jumped into the arena. The suits didn't. 

Cicatrix glared at Rufus as he shouted,"You coward! Fight him instead of having your minions do it or us!". "Sister. Please calm down." said Tulbur. "He's right. I think you should know something about the boss. He's able to create constructs that have sentience and opinions." said Aurelio. "Then why are they nothing more than sex slaves?" said Cicada. "Do you honestly think that Rufus would let someone to tell him what to do or more less a woman?" said Aurelio. 

Glenn nodded as he said,"That's fair. So you're telling me that despite it not looking like he's fighting Zane, he is.". "Yep." said Lidox with him emphasizing the P. "Okay then. So what are they going to do to him? Tickle him to death?" said Astaroth. "Don't joke about that brother. That could be deadly if the person who was tickling us is made out of acid." said Zane. "I will give you that partner. So do you think you'll need me for them?" said Astaroth. 

Zane shook his head as he said,"Nope. You're good to rest until you feel like I need your help.". The demon went back into Zane as Rufus said,"Do you have any final requests?". "Yeah. I'm going to do you is tear down this house and make you pay for touching and thinking about Rae like she's some kind of object." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. Rufus snapped his fingers with some of the slaves ,because that's what they are, turning into an metal like liquid.

They grabbed onto Zane from below him with their metal hands. Zane broke out of them with ease and jumped into the air. He fired a huge beam onto the ground with it causing an massive explosion of mud that went flying. The seven bodyguards were covered in the mud with Cicatrix groaning. "And are you regretting this job now?" said Cicada, smirking. "Shut up." said Cicatrix, pouting. "Never thought she was against being muddy and I thought we weren't in the splash zone." said Lidox. 

Hearing this, Tulbur said,"Yeah. She may like fighting but getting covered in mud and insults aren't something that she's a fan of.". "The more you know." said Glenn with Specter Samurai nodding. As Zane landed, he looked around to see that his energy blast destroyed all of Rufus's slaves and he smiled at this. Crisis Judgement went off as he saw several hands emerge from the ground below and grabbed onto him. 

Zane broke out of them like before but they regenerate faster and began to pull him deeper into the ground. When his body was halfway into the ground, Zane turned into Pirate Form and smiled. "Fine. If you want to play that game then, I'm willing to play by your crooked game!" said Zane as he was fully submerged. "Zane!" shouted Rachel. She was about to jump down even though she was covered in chains but she was slapped by Rufus. 

Rufus smiled as he said,"Don't you dare get in the way of his enlightenment you damn bitch!". He got a response of spit in the face. "Do you honestly think that work on Zane?! He doesn't follow you or anyone's orders! And neither do I!" said Rachel, glaring at him. "Fine. I think I'll make you go through a beating before I give you something similar to him." said Rufus with him smacking Rachel into the arena. 

As Rachel recovered from the smack, she began to see the same spiked balls that were trying to assault Zane earlier coming toward her. With a loud snap, this barrage went into overdrive. Due to her training with Zane, she was able to dodge them even though she was covered in chains. "Oh wow. She moves rather well despite her current predicament." thought Aurelio. "I don't need you to worry Zane. I'll save you I promise." thought Rachel with her blasting away some of the minions using her Ardor.

However as she did that, more of them just took their place. "Damn it!" said Rachel, stomping onto the ground and this released a wave of Ardor upon impact. It destroyed the minions but more kept on coming as Rufus laughed his ass off. "Really getting sick of this guy." said Lidox. "I don't think you're the only one who thinks that." said Tulbur, pointing to his sister. Aurelio was watching the fight with great interest as Rachel kicked one of the minions, shattering them easily.

Under the ground, Zane was keeping away the slaves that tried to grab and seduce him. Even though he was underground, it felt like he was underwater. While he was fighting them off, he was picking up on some whispering. It sounded like both men and women ,young and old, were praising the hell out of Rufus when no being would do that willing. If they were being paid handsomely, they would. "Make them shut up already!" shouted Astaroth. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Okay. This is weird. This arena must be connected to those who serve under Rufus's mental state. They'll cover up his more disgusting traits and praising him despite him being nothing more than dirt. I'm really wish that I wasn't good at hearing because hearing all of this praise was driving me crazy or more than normal.". He blasted away several slaves using a mixture of electricity and water. This stunned them with Zane smiling. 

Even though Zane could handle himself perfectly well in here despite the fact of Rufus being praised is worse than literally garbage, Zane would admit that the constant praise for the devil ,in all directions at full blast, was making him doubt his plan that but just a little. "Everything in the Omniverse is only good for Lord Rufus." echoed the voices with someone of them aka the women being extremely thirsty for him. 

Those voice sounded more horny than teenage boys which is saying a lot or a certain harem whose well known for list off several different names from breasts. I wish I was kidding about but nope. The couple of Rachel and Zane were here to take down Rufus because he was a very disgusting being and how he was planning on taking Rachel from where she belonged. If Zane was a weaker being, the idea of doing that would making him feel extremely guilt.

According to these voices, doing something that would make Rufus look bad is something more wrong than murder. These voices were quite loud and shouting their love for him. These voices ,that were mostly feminine if you were curious, sounded like having overwhelming lust for Rufus. Either these voice were hypnotized to say this or they actually felt the way they did. Zane doubt the latter but he could be wrong about that.

Rufus was the lowest of low but these voice that were praising Rufus were driving him insane. "Would you idiots shut the hell up?!" shouted Zane. He was thankful that he could talk under water and was slightly thankful that he wasn't a smeller like Parker is. Inside of the Mud Pit, there is a noticeable scent of arousal and it was really distracting to say the very least. The voices were telling him that their bodies longed for Rufus.

They wanted him to wrap his muscular ,aka fat, arms around them, kiss them with his amazing lips, and do whatever he wanted from them. They were saying that they had to fight anyone who was an enemy of Rufus being that she had to protect him.  "Okay. I have an idea now." said Zane. "Thank the gods partner. So what is it? Because I'm up for anything." said Astaroth. "Anything?" said Zane with a smirk. "You know what I mean!" said Astaroth. "Serving our Lord Rufus?!" said the voice. 

Zane blinked as he said,"Um not at all. I'm pretty sure that I know what Rufus is trying to do to me. Make me serve him as nothing more than a slave. That isn't going to happen in the way he planned for and this is going to be good regardless.". He covered himself in a giant ball of water and that ball had a faint layer of electricity on it. Inside of the ball, Zane nodded as he said,"Lets go!". The entire pit was blinding with light afterward.  

Back above, Rachel was fighting her best since Rufus decided to join in the assault on the fight for obvious reasons aka the fact that she can't fight back. His bodyguards would have joined in as well but the group ,except for the duo of Glenn and Lidox who were knocked out by a combo of Cicatrix and Tulbur, had a code. If the client is doing something that goes the hired help found to be too much, they'll refuse to work for him.

Cicada refused to work for him anymore due to the treatment of women that she had seen from him and his men, Cicatrix was because he got her covered in mud, Specter Samurai wanted to kill Zane and Rufus didn't let him, and the duo of Aurelio and Tulbur was just following the crowd. They agreed with Cicada's method since the other two reasons were very petty in his opinion. Rachel's Ardor pelted Rufus who struck back with the ground below Rachel.

The balls ,moving at a very impressive speed, was making this fight difficult for Rachel. "You won't be surviving this without any injuries my dear but I don't care!" shouted Rufus. Rachel was slammed into the ground after barely dodging the barrage of steel boulders coming from Rufus's bull construct. She slowly got back up with her thinking,"Okay. He's much stronger than Blaze and I could ever be. Blaze had to use the power of Skull Plague to even come close to Zane's strength at the time.".

She looked at the ground with her thinking,"I don't think the other two heirs of the other two clans could match this guy. Zane. What are you still doing down there?". "I bet you really want to see your man again huh? Don't worry. If you give up after letting me get a couple of good hits on your perfect as hell body, I'll let you keep him as a mindless slave whose only purpose is for sex." said Rufus. "Is he serious about that?" said Tulbur. 

Aurelio shrugged as he said,"Who knows? I mean have you seen any males beside the hired help?" "I guess that does crazy when you say it like that." said Tulbur. "Bring out Zero already/Let me kill Zero already!" shouted Cicatrix and Shiegki respectively. Rufus smiled as the ground to his right began to turn into liquid and something was coming out. It was Zane but look to be like the slaves that he had been destroying earlier. 

Like how the slaves were clothing that highlighted their bodies, Zane was doing the same except wearing gray shorts instead. Nothing else though. "So do you want me to teach her lesson in respecting you Lord Rufus?" said Zane in a dead sounding tone. "No. What did you do to him? That can't be Zane!" said Rachel in a shocked tone. She didn't care about Zane's secret identity right not since Thomas is the only one who doesn't know that Zane and Legion Zero are the same person.

Despite Zane not having a will of his own thanks to Rufus, she was enjoying the view though. "Oh Rachel my love. Do you honestly think a Cross Species freak could defeat my Mud Pit? It was made to make anyone who dare to think badly of me serve my hand and foot. I was going to make him into a slave used only for my pleasure but I decided to be nice. Having him give over his kingdom without making him disappear will be worth in the long run. Don't you think?" said Rufus, belittling Rachel.

If Rachel hated him before which she did, she hated him more being that he was a disgusting pervert but to change someone's mental and physical appearance into a depraved likeness of the feminine form. She didn't know why Zane got so mad whenever a criminal got rid of a being's free will but in this exact moment, she did now. "Do you honestly think that? If you think that this makes you great, you're dead wrong!" said Rachel. 

Whistling, Cicatrix said,"Oh wow. Girl is saying what we're all thinking. I think her and Zero work together.". "Are you complimenting Zane in some regard? I'm shocked." said Lidox who recovered faster than Glenn. "Of course not henchmen! I despise him but not the woman he was with!" said Cicatrix. "So does she like him or not?" said Shiegki. "Yes she does." said Cicada and Tulbur. This comment earned the two a punch in the arm from Cicatrix.

One of the two didn't really feel this punch while the other did. Take a guess on which is which. Rather than responding to Rachel, Rufus decided to let Zane do it who smiled. Zane walked toward Rachel with him saying,"Oh Rachel. I know that you may have the body of a bimbo but having the brain too? Color me shocked. I'm sure you're aware of how dumb you sound right?" . A battle cry rang out from the devil with her charging toward Rufus. 

Her body was producing a heavy amount of Ardor that was slowly erasing the cuffs. It was also getting rid of the explosives as well. You may be wondering why she didn't do that earlier and the reason is simple. She didn't know that she could and that she was doing it. She was still learning about Ardor and well, she wasn't Zane. "You bastard!" yelled Rachel. She fired a huge stream of Ardor at Rufus with Zane jumping toward it. 

Instead of destroying it like one may expect, it was absorbed into him and gave him strength. Within seconds, he slammed her into the ground. "Zane. Please. Remember why you're the man I love and how much you hate that bastard!" said Rachel. "Oh please. Why would I be that fool who thought that Rufus was nothing more than perfect and a bastard is what that fool was. Learn your place bitch!" said Zane with a disgust and venom filled tone. 

The Cross Species kicked Rachel in the face and grabbed her. "Lord Rufus is a true kind and benevolent man like how Miranda Manning was the best person on Ultimate Showdown. I truly regret shutting that show down the way I did." said Zane. He began running his hand along her face and had a extremely inhumane smile on his face. "Oh wow. I didn't know that Zero could be so cruel." said Glenn who had recovered. 

He only knew Zane as the guy who destroyed his prior organization but well, he didn't think that badly of him. "Yeah. If my sister didn't like him already, him being a clear dominant one made him better right sis?" said Tulbur. Like before, this earned him a hit from Cicatrix but in the junk this time and from her massive foot. This hit however did hurt Tulbur since a nut shot is pretty much an Achilles Heel to males throughout the Omniverse. "There was to be a way to get you back right?" said Rachel. 

Loud laughter echoed through the room as Rachel struggled to see Rufus sipping down on some alcohol which was different than before and Rachel knew what it was. It was Cherry Blossom Punch that Rufus had on the club floor and Rachel smiled. Aurelio noticed this as well with him sighing. He knew that Zane had asked those two from earlier to do something like this but he didn't sense them enter the arena so why did the booze get switched like that. 

Rufus smiled as he said,"This is truly entertainment! Do you see how dumb you are. If you fell in line and became my wife, you wouldn't have your love beating the crap out of you!". Due to the alcohol, Rufus had ordered his suits to stop attacking. Rachel got Zane to let her go with a slap and she aimed her flail at Zane. "Oh wow. You're a unrefined woman. It's no wonder how you couldn't defeat Lord Rufus without using your feminine wiles." said Zane, chucking as he sprouted two tendrils. 

They grabbed onto the flail and forced it out of her hands with the tendrils slamming it into Rachel's arms. A scream of pain echoed from the woman since even when he's using his tendrils, the hit really hurt. Rachel felt onto the ground with Zane standing over her. "Oh wow. And here I thought that you got stronger to protect me from people like Lord Rufus. I guess you're nothing more than your looks then. How about you moan since that's all you good for!" ordered Zane. 

Zane slammed Rachel in the face using her own flair and she was on the floor. "Okay. He may be our enemy but this is too much." said Lidox. "Why do you care? You were the one to capture his family when you were working for Basalt." said Specter. "I may have worked for a monster out of fear for my own life but I didn't do anything beside knocking them out. That was all Booker." said Lidox. He was about to do something but was stopped by Aurelio.

Cicada looked at him as she said,"What are you doing? I thought you would let this idiot do something that would get him killed.". "Because this isn't over yet. It's barely getting started." said Cicatrix. "Are we watching the same fight?! He's literally beating her! Not even Rufus did that!" said Lidox. "Just watch it happen and you'll forget it out." said Aurelio. Picking up the battered and broken body of Rachel, Zane was just to face to face with her. 

Zane chuckled as he said,"I always did find you to be the most beautiful women in the Omniverse. That was never a lie.". He kissed her cheek and this caused Rachel to groan. She likes when Zane kisses him but not right now. "However, I don't deserve such a beauty like you but Lord Rufus does. My lord, may I be the one to enlighten her?" said Zane with him bowing to Rufus while holding Rachel in his left hand. "Since you did such a good job Zero, sure!" said Rufus with some of his booze falling on his shirt.

Instead of cleaning it off, he was licking it off. "Please Zane. I know you're in there." said Rachel as she was barely conscious. "Oh really. Do you really think that you can trick with me using your feminine wiles? Deception may be your forte but this time it won't work. I know how much you hate Lord Rufus but that isn't the case. He's a forgiving and wonderful man but maybe if you got on your knees and praised him as your lord and savior, he may overlook your rebellious side." said Zane.

As he was talking to her, Rufus was making the ground in front of him turning into liquid like he did with Zane earlier. "No way in hell am I serving that bastard! He can't be redeemed! You know this Zane!" shouted Rachel. She would never forgive what Rufus did to Zane and everyone just because he wanted to be on top. "Okay then. I tried being nice but you earned this." said Zane with a smug look on his face. He jumped into the air and held her like a princess.

The two jumped into the liquid ground with it making a splash. After seeing the two vanish, Rufus turned toward his bodyguards. "Why the hell are you morons just sitting there? You made me do all of that hard work! What is wrong with you? What am I paying you for?!" said Rufus. "Lord Rufus. With all due respect...." said Glenn. "That tone of yours sounds like you want to become my sexy slave!" said Rufus. 

Glenn was scared as Aurelio said,"He isn't demeaning you sir. You were the one who told us to stay back and let you handle it. After that, you made Zane do it. Speaking of him....". Rufus turned around to see Rachel and Zane standing there. "Ah! You two are back. That was fast. So how is she my loyal servant who will help me rule the Omniverse?" said Rufus, appearing into the arena. "Pretty good. Ain't I right?" said Zane. "Yes. May I show our lord how much I care for him?" said Rachel. 

Zane put his hands behind his head as he said,"Sure. I'll leave this to you.". The devil walked toward her with Rufus's cruel smile growing bigger. "As you incompetent fools can see, no one denies the king what he wants and I get what I want!" said Rufus with him monstrously laughing. "I can't believe we're letting this disgusting bastard do this. They may be our enemies but to serve under him without free will." said Cicada. "Just wait. This is going to be good." said Aurelio with a smile on his face.

Rachel began swaying her way to Rufus with the devil seeing that she was going to kiss him or maybe something more. It looked like she had done this before with him but it was the first time. She stopped as she bumped into him. This confused him and the crowd watching with Rachel smiling. She focused Ardor into a knife like construct and slashed at Rufus, cutting his tongue clean off. "You bitch!" said Rufus without a tongue. "No freaking way." said Cicatrix. "I didn't see that coming." said Lidox. 

Tulbur watch Rachel pushing Rufus to the ground with her smiling and holding her flair. "And this is for making me and my beloved fight for your sick pleasure! Stealing your catchphrase here Zaney but he needs to learn his place the hard way!" said Rachel with her slamming her flail hard on Rufus's nuts and this caused him to scream out in pain due it giving him a high really jolt upon contact. The entire arena except for the stands was covered in scarlet red Ardor. 

Zane wasn't bother too much since the pain of the Earth Envoy being hurt by the former Mistake of the Akostar clan this much pleased him. "Way to go Rae. I’m so proud of you and nice job with my phrase." said Zane with her kissing her on the cheek. "Thanks Zane but I was holding back since I don’t want to cause another power outage. Onto Phase 2?" said Rachel. The ones in the stands were about to do something but the area around them was covered in a pink dust and they were out cold.

Rachel turned around to see a Zone standing there in Fairy Form with a smile. "And with that, mission complete!" said Zone, throwing up a peace sign.  You may wonder how they both weren't under Rufus's control this entire time along with Rufus drinking the enhanced version of Cherry Blossom Punch. The devil should have noticed that but he didn't since alcohol often blinds the senses. We're going to find out right now.       

Flashback P.O.V.
Zane was looking at the heavily bruised body of Rachel with him sniffing a lot. "Please don't be like that Zaney." mumbled Rachel. He looked up to see Rachel smiling at him as she said,"I am sure that Rufus fell for it even if we didn't have your brother's booze in his system. The others fell for it too and we didn't have to use alcohol to do it.". After she said that, Zane turned into Rachel who wasn't injured whatever. "Oh my gods! Are you going to be okay Zaney?!" said Rachel. 

Rachel turned to see the heavily bruised version of her turn into Zane ,who was in Illusion Form, with him saying,"I'm fine. This is nothing compared to what Basalt did to me or really any one of my serious fights. Plus these wounds are nothing. Did you have to beat me up that badly though? I mean I was trouble using Illusion Form's powers due to how badly you were beating me. You were acting more sadistic than I am during our training. Colored me impressed.". 

The devil bowed as she said,"I'm really sorry about that but well, you know how infuriating Rufus can be. So I heard the chanting earlier when I was being dragged here, where is it?". "Oh. I turned off the totally not subliminal message earlier with Pirate Form's electricity. This pit we’re in has the ability to alter a being’s body to something else and well, I think I know what happened to the criminals who came in before us." said Zane.

Rachel nodded as Zane said,"I then left to grab some Cherry Blossom Punch and replaced his wine with it before I switched placed with you. You "emerged" and the rest you should know.". "I still can't believe that you pulled off a switch like that. You're a real magician." said Rachel. "Thank Kris for that. She taught me that misdirection is key to winning any fight even if the opponent is more powerful than you." said Zane. "I'm sorry for hurting you." said Rachel. 

Zane deactivated Illusion Form as he said, "It's fine so ready to do Part 2?". "Yeah but what about my wounds?" said Rachel. "Don't worry. I'm sure with how drunk Rufus is, he would have forgotten about this place restoring any wounds that you've gotten thanks to me." said Zane. "Okay so do you want to do the honors or should I?" said Rachel. "You can do it and make it hurt a lot." said Zane, throwing her a thumbs up. The two left the Mud Pit.

Narrator P.O.V.
Rufus was on the ground with him wheezing and all of his bodyguards were knocked out thanks to Fairy Form. The only one that was missing was Aurelio. "Nice kick Rae. That looked painful and rivaled those kicks that Miranda gave Shane's. We did miss Aurelio but oh well, we got the main scum bag." said Zone. "Thanks I think. I'm pretty sure I didn't intend on making him infertile. I was just very determined to make him suffer for what he did." said Rachel. 

Zone was gone as Zane said,"I'll agree with you on that. I think we need to celebrate our victory.". The two kissed with them letting each other go. "So are you ready to tear this place down already?" said Rachel. "Yep. Lets do this." said Zane, turning into Archfiend Form. "Really? That form. I thought you were going to go Astral Form on this place." said Rachel. "I was thinking that but then after hearing those voices, I wanted to dismantle this from top to bottom!" cackled Zane.

With Ardor covering her body, Rachel shook her head as she said, "Oh Zane. Don't change.". Zane smiled as Rufus stood back up. "You two. You're dead!" shouted Rufus. He flew toward the couple with Zane yawning. "That sounds like a great idea but from what my Phantom friends tell me, it isn't too exciting.” said Zane, shrugging. The devil threw a fist his way with Zane easily dodging it and grabbed Rufus's arm. "Let me go!" said Rufus as his rash was covering his body. 

Rachel smiled as she said,"You got it.". Swinging with all of her might, she slammed her flail into the monster's jaw and this send him flying into the wall. "Nice swing there Rae. Hit it right out of the park." said Zane, whistling. "Thanks babypop." said Rachel. "Hii. Hii gaaww!" said a certain devil who wasn't stay down. The mood changed as the couple glared at the devil who slowly standing back up. He was holding his jaw and winced. "Yooo roke my gaw you ucking icc!" shouted Rufus.

Even though he was in a great deal of pain, he glared at them. "Is it sad that I’m not scared of him whatsoever right now?” said Rachel. "Yeah. He'll need surgery and I ain’t the guy to do it." said Zane. The devil’s jaw was clearly broken at this point since several teeth were missing, his longer than normal tongue had vanished from its mouth, and the only thing that kept his jaw connected to the rest of him was some skin. 

Astaroth smiled as he said with a smile,"And now, I think it's time for Rachel to deliver the coup de grace to Rufus's defeat.". "Right. I'll tell her." said Zane. "Um. I think she knows what to do in this situation partner." said Astaroth. "Ah. That's right." said Zane. Rachel walked over to the heavily injured devil with her flail in hand. The devil felt the air pressure changing and his face was frozen in fear. "I think this is what you deserve for taking away the will of so many beings!" said Rachel. 

She charged toward the devil with her slamming her flail into his balls once gain with a great deal of strength. This caused the devil royal to let out a extremely girlish scream with Zane smirking at the sight. "Ah. The oh so classic hit to the nards. It's also the weakness of almost all men in the Omniverse." said Zane. "What do you mean by almost all?" said Astaroth. "I think men who don't have nards won't be affected by this." said Zane. 

Astaroth nodded as he said,"Fair point there.". "So when you get a chance, mind making me a new flail? This one is tainted by a great deal of sin." said Rachel as she pointed at Rufus with his eyes were rolled back and foam was coming out of his mouth thanks to the flail to the nards. "Yeah but Rae. I think right now, you're my true hero." said Zane. "So do you mind explain what you mean by that since I have no idea what you mean by that." said Rachel. 

Zane smiled as he said,"A true hero protect what they care about the most. You protected the life you have with me and our circle of friends without holding back. I obviously did because this was your fight not mine. You were being brave and selfless plus doing the right thing. That's why I considered myself and you to be a true hero plus not caring about what others think of your actions. That's what I mean.". 

Upon hearing that, Rachel held him close and she said,"Thank you for saving that Zane. You're my hero too.". The couple kissed. "She does know that she isn't kissing you but Archfiend Form right?" said Astaroth. "Don't ruin the mood you demon!" said Zane as Astaroth shrugged. "As a wise man once said, payback is a bitch." said Astaroth with him still being salty at Zane for telling how he destroy the chains and collar for Cazagon and Thomas earlier.    

During that fight, she was remembering how hard her friends fought for her to free her from Blaze. It gave her the determination to fight with all of the power she had in her disposal. The female looked at the scum that was Rufus and she slammed her flail right into the devil. This sent him flying into the wall and it shattered. "You learned your place hopefully. Don’t mess me or my friends ever or you'll pay greatly!" said Rachel, smirking. "Nice. Lets go!" said Zane.

Rachel giggled as she said,"You've been waiting to tear this place down for a while now haven't you Zane?". "Ever since I entered the club area, I think I will start there first. Oh and do you mind going to check on Cazagon and Thomas. They've probably gotten all of the statues out and take Michelle for me okay?!" said Zane. "You got it and have fun." said Rachel. She flew off as Zane began to glow bright purple and he said,"Archfiend Prime!".   

It was a few minutes later but Secret Oasis had been destroyed. All of the criminals that Rufus had hired had been captured by Thomas while Cazagon carried the statues out of the building. Rachel helped the giant in that regard since Zane was currently destroying or as he puts it fixing the building where so many beings lost their free will. The Mud Pit was the first to go and upon doing that, several beings had appeared in front of the building. 

They were confused on how they were free from Rufus but didn't care and escaped into the night. This included the members of the Tremendous who was pretty sure that their boss saved them and not their greatest enemy. After Thomas helped Cazagon and Rachel carry out the last statue, the snowman left and told them that he and Zane will be enemies the next time they meet. "So Rachel. How does it feel to be in a relationship with Zane?" said Cazagon.

Rachel turned to the giant who wasn't at his normal height of forty feet and could hear the natural echo a giant has. She knew about this thanks to Zane in Titan Form who tended to echo his voice just to mess with people mainly Danny and Gwen. "Amazing. So how are you going to get these statues free and back to their families which must be throughout the Omniverse? I would just suggest my fiancé could help you but..." said Rachel. 

She pointed to Zane who is in the middle of the wreckage and he was still in Archfiend Prime. He's now twelve feet tall. He now has a stronger, muscular physique. His head is now a triangle shape with him having a large chin. He has four arms and glowing green eyes. He loses his black pupils. His skin turns a darker red color with two long, curved metal horns on his head. He wears a pristine white lab coat over his clothing. It looks to be the same one as before but a little more tattered.

Over all of his hands, he has giant gray metal gloves. He also wears black boots. He now has two tails with the ends of his tails resembling welding torches. "I understand but don't you think he was planning this during his rampage?" said Cazagon. "I may know him the second best out of our friend group but no one and I mean this when I say this. No one knows what goes through Zane's mind. It's both simple yet complicated." said Rachel.

Zane walked over to the two with him holding a bazooka like weapon on his back. "Hey there you guys! I bet you guys are wondering what this beauty can do." said Zane. "Let me guess. More unneeded destruction." said Cazagon. "Nope! Nope! Nope! Just watch and learn!" said Zane as he aimed the gun at the statue. "Um Zane. What are you doing?" said Rachel. "Science bitches!" said Zane as he pulled the trigger. The gun fired out several beams of light and each beam hit a statue.

Said statue was turned back into a flesh and blood being before getting warped away. This included Michelle. "What did you just do to them?" said Cazagon. "I turn them back into flesh and blood plus sent them back at the same time. They may have a bit of memory loss but that was due to being a statue and not my beauty here. I swear to the gods on that." said Zane, holding his weapon. "So is this mission over? I for one I am exhausted." said Rachel.

Cazagon chuckled as he said,"She may be powerful but to be a member of the Alliance, she needs a great deal of stamina.". "I have a lot of stamina but I tend to use it in a different way." said Rachel with the giant easily getting what she meant. Devils are known for their impressive records when it comes to bonding with another in the bedroom. "Anyway, can that gun work on me?" said Cazagon. "You don't want to stay here in Cypress Park? We haven't take you to Fantasia yet big guy!" said Zane.

Rachel shook her head as she said,"While that place may be good, I doubt it's a reason to come here since beings other than humans have to deal with both Avalon and Swarm hunting them down.". "That may be true but Fantasia is so good and I will fight you on that." said Zane. "The reason I want to go back is because I wish to head back to Ezlario so I may help cater your wedding." said Cazagon with the couple looking at him.

Cazagon looked at Zane with him saying,"While I and the rest of my species owe you for saving us from the Vision Enterprise for countless generations, I want to make things right by you personally. As of now, I shall be at your beck and call for the day you need help taking down Skull Plague. He's a strong foe but I know that you can defeat him. Catering your wedding is the least I can do for the savior of the Omniverse.". "Um thank you. We were looking for a cater for a while." said Rachel.

Zane smiled as he said,"Thanks Cazagon and tell your species this. I may have saved members of the giants but don't think you owe me because of that. Just think of it as helping out a friend since I always help out my friends and people I barely know since that's what a hero does.". "You got it Zane. Good luck in your quest from here on out." said Cazagon. He bowed to Zane with his left fist slammed into his right open palm.

Rachel looked at Zane who said,"That's the Alliance symbol of showing respect toward another. I got that a lot during my year with the Alliance. So do you want me to send you back now or later big guy?". "Right now since I want to make sure your grandfather knows about me cooking for his grandson's wedding." said Cazagon. "Sounds like a good plan to me! Later man!" said Zane as he fired his weapon and sent the giant to Ezlario.

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