Saturday, December 7, 2019

Zero Episode 137 Reality Sucks Act 1

A/N: Yeah. I end the last chapter of Fairy Legion on a cliffhanger and it's like watching an episode of Fairy Tail. That wasn't the point but I thought why not? I'll go into more in depth about why I did this in Fairy Legion rather than Zero. This episode will not be featuring any vampires despite what the title may suggest. I'm just going to say this now. This arc will featured a strong bias toward most reality shows because I'm not a big fan of those type of shows.

I mean answer me this. Why is called reality TV if it doesn't depict real life?  Why does reality TV have writers? These are just some of the questions that Manic Depressed Luigi thinks about when he's traveling the cosmos. Jokes aside. I'm just not a fan of those types of shows and I don't watch them. I'm not going to go out of my way and critic Keeping up with the Kardashians since I'm not in the target demographic and why would I watch something I don't care for?

It's just a waste of time. It's like how I don't care about the big Arrowverse crossover or really anything from the Arrowverse now that I'm thinking about it. It's fine being that if you're expecting a completely accurate showing of say Flash, you're not getting that. The CW is all about diversity and they do a good job with that. I mean Batwoman is perfect for them so go nuts. I'm under the belief that comics work better in animation than live action.

The MCU may be an exception to that but most of the time, I'll watch Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes compared to Black Panther. I can finally say that Captain Marvel ,not the character, was a good movie. Not the best MCU showing but not the worst either. I like it more than Black Panther but that may be because I don't like Black Panther as a concept. I much prefer Gorilla City because I like a highly advanced city of gorillas than an advanced city of humans.

It isn't because of race. So like last episode, we're going to have the main plot with some side plots as well. I should also talk about something. I won't be holding back any punches toward reality TV shows like Bachelor and Survivor so if you like those shows, you've been warned. I also wanted to talk about why I support crack pairings rather than the main one. To me personally, crack pairings are just more interesting to read.

It forces the author to be creative and maybe show off a character who didn't get enough screen time in the series. It could also because I find the main pairing to be either bland and safe or you see the same story but spun a bit different. I'm looking at most stories involving Lucy leaving Fairy Tail or more NALU stories. I may be doing that pairing in Fairy Legion but that doesn't mean the other two or three relationships involving Natsu will be the obvious ones.

If you think it's being disrespectful toward the main pairing and the creator, that's fair. I don't since if the main pairing sucks aka Danny and Sam from Danny Phantom, go nuts Danny and Ember fans. I support you. Here's the thing that both sides need to see. Danny and Sam will happen at the end of the day. Fanfiction can be whatever you want but it can't change what the series is doing. I'm looking at people who write fanfictions where they write the true season 4 of Ben 10.

As a fan of Omniverse for the art style primarily, I really get annoyed with all of the Omniverse jabbing since I have problems with Alien Force and Ultimate Alien. It's mainly the pacing of the episodes and how the aliens looks the same to me. I'll admit that Omniverse has its problems but don't say that your story is the true Season 4 to Ben 10. Omniverse is Season 4 of the Ben 10 series so deal with it.

Ignore this little rant, I personally think that Danny and Valerie is much better but I know that it'll never happen. Butch has a direction for his story and we as fans should respect it despite Sam not being a very good character. Kinda a big hypocritic if you ask me. Lets begin already and enjoy the swearing and violence that normal reality TV would censor but not me. I do whatever I want censors be dammed.

Narrator P.O.V.
Rachel Powell ,soon to be Alvarez hopefully before the end of the year, was at peace, comfy, and extremely jubilant. After a few long hours of studying to achieve her future dreams, she was able to unwind from it. It was a very stressful time for her and her fiance being that she was happy to get his full attention finally. Ever since the Massacre three years ago, it's been hard to get some alone time to themselves since everyone was worried about Zane.

During these rare days off, they would go out to go see a movie or get lunch but Rachel practically begged Zane for a day off. He agreed with this day off suited the young devil heiress perfectly fine since she had the rest of the entire Spring semester off for Spring Break since she did her finals ahead of times. After the couple had breakfast with the trio of Atem, Uriel, and Zoey and dropping them off at their respective schools, the two took a long, well deserve nap in their room.

Rachel had been slowly awaken from her slumber being that she wasn't disappointed by that. She was happy that she woke up when she did. The first thing she saw was the peaceful form of her still asleep fiance's face before her. He had been so exhausted lately and wanted him to relax. "I may love when he's awake being that his sleeping face is up there as one of his best expressions. Even after all of these years together, I keep asking how did I get so lucky to be with you Zane?" thought Rachel.

She smiled being that she placed her hand on her long-time best friend and lover being that she didn't want to disturb his slumber. The two were currently house sitting the Alvarez family house since the two couples of Isabel and Nate plus Natasha and Shawn were out of the country. This was part of the argument Zane made with Ricardo Salazar. This nap took place about four days after the scumbag entered the house and tried to "negotiate" with unique results.

The marriage of Rachel and Zane had been put on delay due to Rachel's schooling being important and Zane's many jobs. Rachel was studying to become a psychotherapist to help metahumans and other beings with their problems, become a good leader of the Akostar Clan since her brother was thinking of giving it to her much to the ire of her sisters, and being an amazing wife to her highschool sweetheart for the girls who didn't deserve to lose their lives by the hands of a real bitch.

Zane had been so busy as Legion Zero lately being that crime never sleeps despite the hero making most if not all criminals quiver in his presence. There was also everything going on right now at Zenith Industries. Rachel practically asked Zane to take a day off with her mentioning to him that his last day off was three months ago. He had been pushing himself to exhaustion constantly so this day off was his way to recover.

Rachel snuggled herself deeper into Zane's chest and hummed a good sound when he wrapped his muscular but thin arms around her. "I'm happy that we have this day off. I wanted to relax with you for so long." muttered Rachel to herself. Both of them wear in their loungewear being that she wore a white tank top and red ,being the same color as her hair, short shorts. Zane is wearing a black shirt with red accents and matching black lounge shorts. 

They were happily enjoying each other's company while napping. Just as she was about to fall back asleep, the sounds of vibration came from the nightstand. She carefully turned her body toward the sound and this was due to her being more awake compared to Zane. It came from Zane's phone. "It isn't the gang since they said that they'll handle crime for him, Jaime said that she'll handle everything at Zenith Industries and Wolfram would have nudge the door open and joined us." thought Rachel.

She didn't want to remove herself from Zane's grip and got up from their bed. When she did that, she heard him groaning in annoyance. "Rae. Please tell me that the Omniverse isn't on fire because I'm really enjoying this nap." said a half awake Zane. Rachel smiled being that even when he's trying to relax, he can't turn off his hero self. "Hopefully it's nothing since I want you not to murder those idiots later at the airport." said Rachel.

Zane nodded as he said,"Ah. That's a good idea. Can't believe I got stuck going to meet them at the airport. It'll be worth it since those two couples get to enjoy a nice vacation. They need it.". "I'll be right back so just relax." said Rachel, kissing his forehead. "Can do babe." said Zane, closing his eyes. She held her fiancé's smartphone and looking at the screen, Rachel let out an annoyed groan. This woke Zane back up with him saying,"What's up? Is it bad?".

Rachel turned to him with her saying,"It's my brother.". "And that's a bad thing why?" said Zane with him sitting up. "He'll want to talk with you. I sometimes hate how you can make friends with pretty much everyone." said Rachel. "It's a curse sometimes. Put him on speaker." said Zane, wrapping his left arm around her. Rachel sighed as she pressed the speaker button. "Hey there Rae! How's my favorite sibling doing today." said Ignacio. Zane smiled at her as he looked at his fiancée.

Despite her saying that she gets annoyed with her eldest brother's tendency to be annoying, she likes having her family care about her after years of being treated like a mistake. "Fine but you're currently taking up my Zane cuddling time." said Rachel, crossing her arms and pouting. "Yep. You sure did Ignacio. Next time we meet, I'm sicking her on you. Not even the Snow Queen will save you from her wrath." said Zane. He was slightly serious about that threat.

Ignacio laughed with him saying,"That's my brother in law for you! Even when he's tired, he always have something to say. So did I interrupt you two kids? I mean I love Atem, Uriel, and Zoey but I'm sure that Gayle wants to spoil the hell out of another nephew or niece. She isn't picky on the gender whatsoever.". "Ignacio! Why did I say about you teasing me about my sex life?!" said Rachel who was blushing furiously.

Rachel groaned when she heard her brother laughing. "Can't believe that she isn't used to be teasing. I mean Zane does it all of the time just to see her adorable reactions." said Ignacio. The devil groaned at her brother while covering her face using her left hand. "I mean he isn't wrong. You're just plain adorable when you're embarrassed. My dad once said that the most adorable face is when a temptress is the one being teased." said Zane.

It didn't take Crisis Judgement for Zane to know that he was giving her the look. "Zaney. What did I say about agreeing with my brother?" said Rachel. "I shouldn't. Rae, you know that I'm just the cutest when I'm embarrassed. Everyone in the family think that." said Zane. "So does he wear the pants or do you sister?" said Ignacio. "It's more like we share the pants." said Rachel. "Yeah. It isn't like you with Gayle Ignacio." said Zane.

The couple highfived when they heard Ignacio groaned. "Anyway. I just wanted to wish you two kids luck for two things. Heard about Ultimate Showdown showing up and Gayle hopes that you don't kill the entire cast before the season ends. You also have to deal with mom. She's coming to visit you two before the marriage. It's happening very soon right?" said Ignacio. "Yep. I finish school and Zane wants to make sure that all of his friends can attend the wedding." said Rachel.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Well yeah. I was thinking about having it livestreamed so we don't have to get an stadium for our wedding. While I wouldn't mind it myself, I kinda want to have a private place since I like peace and......". The Cross-Species began to ramble on with Rachel saying while giving Zane a stare,"And there he goes. He only gets like this when he's talking about his company, powers, or anything romantic. You will be punched next time I see you brother.".

Ignacio laughed with him saying,"I'm so sorry Rae but it's kinda easy to set him off. He can go into tangents like all Eazairvians before and after. He's a good kid even though he's really weird.". "But that weird aspect of him is why I love him. He may be Cypress Park's hero but I'm sure that I can get him to save me whenever I need him. I still remember how he saved me from that engagement all those years ago but right now, I need to stop this from happening." said Rachel. 

She smiled devilish being that she was looking at the Cross Species to her side who was talking about how they were going to do their wedding. She need to make sure that he doesn't tell her brother about what they're going to do on their wedding night. Being sneaky ,which even in this state, gives Zane's highly tuned senses, the woman reached a hand over to Zane's head. She turned it toward her being that to shut Zane up, a kiss is what you need.

This one was a soft, sweet kiss being that the two wanted to make it last longer but they had something to do today. "Yep. I love you." said Zane after they stopped kissing. "You kissed him to make shut up didn't you Rae?" said Ignacio. "She did. Jealous?" said Zane. "No Zane. Gayle does that to me whenever I do anything stupid." said Ignacio. "I've never seen her do that ever and you've done a lot of stupid things in the past four years. Shouldn't you get back to work brother?" said Zane.

Ignacio loudly sighed as he said,"I hate how you're right. I need to get back to running our clan. I'm looking forward to the day that you take it over from me so hurry up.". "I think I'll take my time but have fun. Tell Gayle I said hi and not to my bastard siblings." said Rachel. "Same and spook them for me brother." said Zane. "Will do. Take care of my sister okay! She need someone to keep her on the up and up since she's so feisty." said Ignacio.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I know that and that's something I love about her. I'll stay with her since she loves me faults and all.". Rachel smiled at his actions. She knows that he really does appreciate her ever since the Massacre. She ended the call, placing his phone back on his nightstand and getting off the bed. She stretched for a bit being that upon hearing her bones pop, she let out a soft hum. "That nap was amazing right Zaney?" said Rachel.

She turned to him as he said,"Kinda wish that we should have done more during the nap but the kids are home. Why did I decide to have them call them out of school earlier again?". He got off the bed and stretched as well. "Because we need them to keep you from assaulting the cast of Ultimate Showdown with your fists instead of your words. We may not be able to stop you from talking but we can keep you from fighting." said Rachel.

Zane was quiet as Athena's voice echoed from the roof,"She knows you so well Zane.". "You really should can it Athena or else, I'll leave you alone with Cole for more than an hour." said Zane. "You wouldn't." said Athena as Zane looked at the roof. "Does it sound like I'm joking?" said Zane. "He doesn't for once in his life Athena." said Rachel. "Fine. I'll be good for now." said Athena. "So want to grab a bite before we head out to the airport?" said Zane.

Rachel nodded as she said,"Sure thing. The kids should be done with the signs by now and while I love him to death, Wolfram didn't destroy them.". "I'll cook okay Rae? Your cooking has improved but to keep Zoey from assaulting Ricardo again, she'll need my cooking." said Zane with him earning a nod from Rachel. She grabbed his hand and proceeded to leave their room with the two ready to enjoy a nice meal with their family.

It didn't too long to reach their kitchen being that as they reached the end of the stairs, they were greeted with an really adorable sight imaginable. Laying down on the couch was the young nine and twelve old duo of Uriel and Zoey sleeping quietly. They were covered by a large dark purple ,molten gold LZ pattern, blanket over them. It was made using String Form for Christmas 2023. It was given to the family just before Zane went to fight Holiday Guardian which was an annual tradition at this point.

The clone of the patriarch had a bit of drool leaking from her mouth and the only other Vulcorian was holding a large Gluttony Form plush in her lightly scarred arms. On the top of the couch, Wolfram slept beside them and guarding them. "This is just plain adorable. Not even your sleeping face can compare Zane." whispered Rachel. "I have to agree being that I've always taken a picture and send them to our parents. They'll love it and I got blackmail for their future." said Zane.

He told Rachel to wake the trio up for lunch while heading to the kitchen to get some food ready. He grabbed a nearby white apron that was hanging nearby. He knew what to make since this meal was used to help him whenever he got angry around Zoey's physical age. "Um Daddy. Are you making us some lunch?" said a soft voice. Zane smiled with him turning his head around ,like an owl, to see a nice sight in front of him.

He saw his two daughters, dog, fiancée, and son behind him. "I sure am and it's omurice. Since it's my first day off in what seems like forever and we're going to see the cesspool later, I think this will help deal with the problem the Alvarez has." said Zane. He noticed the two younger girl's smile as they were practically light up in anticipation. Atem hid his anticipation a little better than his sister. "That sounds awesome dad! Can we help you out?!" said Zoey, earning a rapid head nod from Uriel.

Zane smiled as he said,"Sure thing. I need someone to watch out for a certain dog who tends to get snacks before dinner because grandma and grandpa can't resist the puppy dog eyes.". Wolfram barked as Rachel sighed at his response. "At least try and deny it." said Rachel. Wolfram shrugged as Zane smiled at this. He enjoyed this kind of stuff being that while he was using to the action packed life of a superhero, peace and quiet wasn't half bad either.

Later at the CPU lab, Noah Foster was signing some paperwork. It had be a real pain the past four years for the famous biologist and geneticist. He despises both Legion Zero and Zane Alvarez since the duo was the ones responsible for him losing his job at Champion Tech. Legion Zero exposed that Derrick Price was the super villain/terrorist Hellion Baron while in turn, Zane Alvarez got him to lose his job at Champion Tech.

He was forced to dedicate his full time at his side project which is hidden inside of CPU lab. He was asked by a client to help with them being that the client provided money under the table until very recently. His office's telephone rang being that Noah grabbed it. "Hello. This is Noah Foster." said Noah. "Hello there. It's been a while hasn't it Noah?" said a voice on the other end. It was clearly scrambled but Noah could tell that it belonged to a male.

Noah looked at the landline with him saying,"I'm sorry but who is this? You should know that I have Caller ID.". The voice on the other end chuckled as he said,"I can't tell you who I am but I'm a friend of a friend. Call me Silver Uguisu.". "Okay then. Who are you? And what do you want?" said Noah with him clearly confused. "I'm not here to ask you for much but I want to know one thing. How much do you hate the duo of Zane and Zero?" said Uguisu.

The geneticist clenched his left fist with him saying,"If you're calling me, I think you know how much I despise those two. They cost me my cushy job at Champion Tech and caused a good man to go insane. So why are you asking me? You bear a grudge against Zero like all of the city's criminal element from what I can tell.". "Yes but our history is complicated to say the least." said Uguisu. "I'm not a betting man but you must be a criminal seeking revenge on the Earth's Protector." said Noah.

Uguisu laughed as he said,"A criminal? That's funny. I'm not like those idiots who get defeated by Zero like some Saturday Morning cartoon.". "So you think you're better then? What do you want from me? And name me one reason why I should do this." said Noah. "I know that you've recently lost funding for your side project called Genesis." said Uguisu. Noah widened his eyes in shock and nearly fell out of his chair.

The phone dropped on the ground before picking it up. "Mind repeating yourself?! I seem to have misheard you." said Noah. "That's sad Doctor Foster. I've known about your desire for a very long time now." said Uguisu. "But how?!" said Noah. "I have my eyes and ears everywhere. Lets just say that I'll help you create your project and you can help me with mine. I want Legion Zero dead and in return, Zane will die as well. Those two are linked." said Uguisu.

Noah was quiet after that as he said,"If you're so confident about your project working, why ask for my assistance?". "Because both of them are smarter than the average Alliance agent. Anyone who goes up against either Zane and Zero will lose all of the time. You seen that before when he defeated Homer whom you turned into the Hunter before." said Uguisu. "You're correct. None of the Odium Society have worked on them before plus you've seen Avalon and Swarm's attempts." said Noah.

Uguisu chuckled with him saying,"Indeed. So we have a deal? In the end, I've give you resources, funding, and anything your heart desires.". "Maybe." said Noah. "Good. Go down to the abandoned police station. All of your questions will be answered there." said Uguisu. He hanged up as Noah grabbed his coat. He turned to his assistance ,who was cleaning test tubes while listening to some musician, and he said,"I'll be out. Don't burn this place down again.". 

People who were visiting Cypress Park looked on it amazement as something made its way down the street. It had the upper body of a man but the lower body was clearly like a quadruped. Its head is shaped like a sun with two glowing red eyes and a mouth filled to the brim with razor sharp teeth. It's mouth looked like a blender. It has four arms with the upper two arm have a muscular appearance and four sharp claws.

The lower two arms are longer than his upper arms being that they were moving up and down. The end of these arms are pointed like spears. It's four root-like, five-toed stumps for legs. This creature is part of a species known as Malgers but his name is Pittup. He's able to grab heavy objects with his upper arms, able to pick up a car with ease. He can use his lower arms to wrap around his opponent's body like an Anaconda and pierce them.

Upon the spear piercing their body, an acidic poison is injected to the opponent and paralyzing them for a good ninety minutes. Those two arms are bone-less and joint-less, giving him a good amount of flexibility. He can withstand a good amount of physical punishment and he can easily through most objects with ease. "Tremble before me. I'm Pittup, destroyer of a Sirkil hive. I'm here on your planet so that I may challenge and destroy......" said Pittup.

He was stopped being that someone kicked the alien with both of his enlarged feet, sending him flying into the ground and into a fire hydrant. As the water drenched him, he glared at the person who kicked him. It was Legion Zero with his arms crossed. "Okay Pittup right? I'm not a good mood right now since I have to go pick up beins I don't want to have in my home. I feel bad for you so how about you?" said Zane.

Pittup's two lower arms went toward Zane being that they were blocked by a candy syrup wall. The Malger tried to get his arms out of the candy syrup but couldn't. "Sorry but you're not escaping. You are wanted by the Alliance for destroying an Alliance base on the outer skirts of Jupiter." said Zane as he made Oathmaker appear. Zane jumped into the air and smacked the Malger right into the candy syrup wall, trapping him. "Why can't I get out of this?!" said Pittup.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Because my candy syrup is able to keep criminals like you trapped like a fly to a spider's web. So how did you get to Earth? I know what you're not smart enough to pilot any kind of spacecraft.". "What makes you think that I would need help Zero? I was able to destroy a Sirkil hive and those are impossible to destroy." said Pittup. "Okay. Time to play bad cop." said Zane as he hit Pittup once again with the giant hammer and the alien yelped in pain.

The superhero kept doing this until the alien talked. "Stop! Okay. I had help. He wanted someone to keep you distracted." said Pittup. "And who would that be?" said Zane. He tossed the trapped alien into the air by removing the gravity around the prison and then he increased the gravity around the prison, breaking the ground and making him look a flattened pancake. "You really don't know him and his bombshell of a woman! She's sexy for a human!" said Pittup.

Zane groaned with him thinking,"Yep. This means that I'm going to be late in meeting with the cast of Ultimate Showdown.". After saying this, Zane smiled. "Oh wait. That's a good thing. Thanks Pickup! I'll just leave you like this for the police." said Zane. "It's Pittup!" said Pittup. Zane shrugged as he flew off. "So how are you going to find Bonnie and Clyde?" said Cole. "AAH! A giant robot is attacking the city!" said a voice.

Zane looked to his right being that there was a thirty foot/9.1 meters tall gold and green robot. It's body is a rectangular "T" shape. It has gold and green chest armor that hides the wiring that connects everything together and fist shaped cockpit that had its driver inside of it. It has long arms ,being almost five feet, and has sharp shoulders. The joints ,that were connected to the forearms, were very hidden being that it could be seen as a weakness.

The robots's right forearm has five long double side broadsword like fingers which are razor sharp and left forearm is a really big cannon/Gatling gun.. It looked deadly being the barrel has a pentagon shape to it. The legs of the units are layered with gray armor being that the feet looked to be razor sharp and very painful to touch. Both legs has five missile launched racks on each one. The shoulders were square but they each had sixteen micro missiles inside of them.

The head looked like a angered tiger being that its body did have some bulk to it but the arms and legs were large. The driver is the criminal known as General Mayhem aka Hayden Behan. He's a tall Australian-American man with a muscular physique. He's curly brown hair and brown eyes.  His face is covered by blue, red, and white face paint, mimicking his home country's flag. He has jagged yellow teeth. He's wearing a black sleeveless shirt with a atomic bomb logo on it.

He wears a brown leather jacket. He wears gold arm braces and leg braces with it resembling revolver cylinders. He wears blue jeans and silver boots with black spikes on them. His nose is an implant being a metal one. Zane read about this guy before being that like most villains, he had a file all about him in the Alliance database. Hayden's main claim to villainy is reverse-engineering, mass-producing, and selling technology to the highest bidder.

This tech was mainly from Champion Tech being that even after the company was disbanded, its technology still remains. He also stole from Avalon and Swarm with the former being rare since the latter is so very easy to steal from. Even more than Champion Tech when it was still active. He has an above average intelligence and very charismatic according to the Alliance psychiatrist. He's able to fire lasers from his arm and legs braces.

He has above average strength being able to punch a punching bag off its chain and across the room according to his file. He's able to recover quickly after being thrown into a wall by Warrior one time before his disappearance. He's surprisingly agile. "I think we found him. I'm sure he's the one who brought Pickup to Earth." said Zane. He flew toward the giant robot being that Kane said,"So what about the bombshell he was with?". "She'll show up." said Zane.

Hayden ,inside of his suit, smiled as he said,"Oh yeah! This suit is bad the fucking ass! Guess which losers are going to be my test subjects for my Decimate Orion.".  The back of his robotic suit opened up, revealing missiles. They came out and began blowing things up around the robot. He made the robot's hand move up and fired out a tachyon energy beam ,which is a red color, at light poles. The energy beam cut through them like butter.

They fell down to the street, creating craters in the ground. "Timber bitch!" said Hayden. Before he could destroy the upcoming police squadron heading toward him with an energy beam, the beam was defeated by a shield. It's a circular, buckler shield being steel gray and has a molten gold "LZ" in the center. It looked to be 3 feet in diameter. "Hey! Whose the loser who threw the frisbee!" said Hayden as he looked down to see Zane standing there.

Zane grabbed the shield with him saying,"You're looking at him. So I have to ask. Where did you get the suit for this? I mean you're a C-lister and this suit is clearly made for B-list and above. You're also breaking your patrol Hayden.". "So I got your attention Loser Zit." said Hayden. "And this is why you're C-list. I mean I can easily take you down without breaking a sweat. Hope your suit can take a beating since I got a couple of questions for you." said Zane, cracking his knuckles.

Hayden laughed at Zane with him saying,"Seriously man? Man! I thought he was kidding about how dumb you are but wow. This suit is the Decimate Orion I had it upgrade from something that the Engineer guy was using after getting some tech from Swarm. Remember the Emperor Judgement and Ogre Crusher? Yeah. I made them better boss.". "And that matters why?" said Zane, rolling his eyes. "It matters because you're dead!" yelled Hayden.

He tried to step on Zane but Zane easily dodge it by turning intangibility and flying back. As he turned tangible, he turned into Prodigy Form. "This will work perfectly." said Zane, jumping up toward Hayden. "Seriously? You're going to try and stop me with your weak ass. This armor can withstand a giant rock hitting it. It's invincible. " said Hayden. Zane punched the top of the suit being that Hayden was right about it being durable but invincible is another story.

Crisis Judgement went off as several cannons appears around him and lasers came out of them but Zane dodged it by turning intangible, destroying the cannons in the process. "You may durable and have more weapon than needed but I see your armor's fatal flaw. Time to exploit and get the answers I'm needing." said Zane. He landed on the ground with him turning into Dragonfly Form and Hayden chuckled. "Idiot! I'll squash you like the bug you are!" said Hayden.

He fired several missiles at Zane being that he dodged them with ease. He fired out gold honey like goo from his eyes being that it went toward his foot and hardened instantly upon contact. "Idiot! Do you know how gross that is? I mean I payed premium for this baby and you're getting crap all over it!" said Hayden. He fired several tachyon energy beams at Zane being that they were all blocked by Zane's goo that took the form of a shield upon leaving Zane's body.

As the explosions went off around Zane, he sported a second set of arms from his side. He released a huge amount of goo, covering the entire armor until it was covered from head to toe. Zane flew into the air with him saying,"I'm so sorry but I'm doing you a favor since your suit was clearly tacky by the way.". He landed on the ground with him hearing,"You'll pay for that bro!". Zane turned to see Hayden heading toward him with his fists itching to punch Zane.

However, Zane flew into the air and dodged his fists. He fired his slime out of his hands and they grabbed two cars. Zane brought the two cars together with Hayden being in the center of it. "This freaking sucks! I was payed big time for this gig and I couldn't even put a scratch on you!" said Hayden before passing out. Zane rolled his eyes as he deactivated the form and in costume. "And that's why you're C-list. At least B-List villains can scratch me." said Zane.

Before he could fly off, a helicopter was heading toward him. It landed and Zane looked to see the CEO of Keller Associates Phil Keller walking out of it. He's a slender man with peach colored skin. He has short black hair and a goatee with brown eyes. He's wearing a white sweatshirt with a red v-neck collar. He's wearing black dress pants with a brown belt alongside gray dress shoes. He has a gold ring on his right ring finger.

Phil chuckled with him saying,"A very nice job there Zero. Got to say that the picture and video of your fights don't do you justice.". "And what do you want Keller? I'm very aware about your past mainly your special "hands on approach" with the ladies don't you?" said Zane with his arms crossed. "Not any more Legion Zero. That was the old me. You see. I wish to work with you and the company that sponsors you Zenith Industries on making a video game and toys for you." said Phil.

Zane blinked with him saying,"Yeah no. I think we're good. Listen, I have to get going. Make sure that the Aussie here gets put in jail.". He flew off with Phil smiling. "Just like you expected so I guess it's time for Plan B." thought Phil. He walked toward the unconscious Hayden with him tsking. "Ask the Odium Society for good help and they give you crap. Bet they're still salty for what happened years ago. Oh well, I got this." thought Phil.

Meanwhile, the group of Atem, Rachel in her casual clothing, Uriel, Wolfram being held in the arms of Rachel, and Zoey were waiting in the airport alongside the host of Ultimate Showdown and his sidekick Julius. The hulking man made sure to keep himself a safe distance away from the Alvarez family. Since two members of this very special family had beat him to a pulp, he didn't want it to happen again. The reason why they were all waiting in the airport was for a simple reason.

The contestants of this new season of Ultimate Showdown were arriving soon and for the sake of formality, Ricardo has the genius idea to introduce the contestants to their host family. "I can't believe we have to be here in the first place." said Uriel under her breath. "I just hate that we were dragged here against our will and really not of a fan of his staring." said Rachel, glaring at Ricardo who just smiled and winked at her.

Wolfram barked as Rachel said,"According to my fiancé, Ricardo makes Blaze look like a saint and I'm starting to think that as well.". "Is it bad that I want to be in school right now?" said Zoey as Uriel nodded. "At least, it's better than Atem's driving." said Uriel. "I'm sorry that our dad wanted us to go on a family drive with me driving. He knows that I almost crashed Efren's RV into the side of a Fantasia. If I did, Dad and Efren would have killed me." said Atem.

Rachel looked at her adopted son with her saying,"Let me guess. They made you nervous.". "A little bit. I don't want let dad down." said Atem. "Don't worry Atem. Your father didn't learn how to drive the way he does in a single day. You're lucky to have him as a teacher compared to say Scott or your grandma." said Rachel with Wolfram barking. "Is he right? Is grandma scary on wheels?" said Uriel. "I think she is but she and my dad out of fear will disagree." said a voice.

The group turned around to see Zane ,in his casual clothing, standing there with him smiling. "So has the trash arrived yet or am I earlier?" said Zane. "For once dad, you're early." said Zoey. "Sweet. Do I get a medal?" said Zane. "Maybe." said Uriel. "As you already know, we're talking about how your son hates driving." said Rachel. "I don't hate driving dad. It's just that I have trouble driving and I don't get what Uncle Danny means by treating a car like you would a woman." said Atem.

Rachel looked at Zane with him saying,"I may have taught him the birds and bee but when it comes to treating the ladies right, I don't know shit. I left that lesson to Danny.". "Yeah. They're a mystery after all." said Lucifer with Azalea nodding. "Danny's a better driving teacher than Efren though. I mean he's always yelling at me and his breathing is so damn annoying." said Atem. "I'm confused. How can breathing be annoying? I mean most beings do it right?" said Zoey.

Zane shrugged as he said,"I think the breathing is supposed to mean that he's disappointed in you despite not saying that he is.". "Yeah. He's still trying to get rid of that bump I put in when I almost hit a Fantasia." said Atem. "You almost destroyed a Fantasia?" said Zane with his eyes glowing a bit red. "He didn't daddy!" said Uriel with her and Wolfram stopping Zane from going on a rampage. "I guess that's good but well, we need you to learn how to drive son." said Zane.

Atem groaned with him saying,"But who'll teach me? I mean you're always busy.". "I can teach you how to drive. I taught Danny and Gwen to drive plus I was Cypress High's best tutor when I went there for 2016, 2017, 2019, and 2020." said Zane. "What about 2018?" said Zoey. "Your father didn't go since he was training at the time." said Rachel. "You'll take me driving?" said Atem. "Of course I will. It's a good way to bond us without wearing any costumes." said Zane.

Before Atem could say anything else, Ricardo spotted the people he was waiting for exiting from one of the gates. He ordered everyone to follow him being that Zane didn't listen to his order. He did go but it was by Rachel dragging him being that Wolfram helped her. Julius followed his boss with the Alvarez family following behind him. When they reached the gate, Ricardo sported seventeen people that he and Julius were familiar with.

Uriel and Zoey looked at the familiar faces before glaring at Ricardo. "So are you an idiot?" said Uriel in a blunt tone. "What do you mean by that little girl?" said Ricardo. "She means that you picked the contestants that my older brother hates. Are you just a fan of pissing him off?" said Zoey. "I picked them since they're fan favorites." said Ricardo. "And like your show, I guess the fans, contestants, and staff are pretty stupid or have low standards." said Zane, crossing his arms.

Zane smirked as he said,"Pick your answers wisely but here's a news flash. All of my responses mean that you're stupid and worthless in the grand scheme of life.". Do note that we're going to get a massive amount of characters introduced at once. Their names will be at the bottom of the post with their on screen personality. We'll go in alphabetic order. Abel is short and very not physically fit. He has short up to his chin black hair, brown eyes, and slightly pale skin. 

He wears a long sleeved light brown shirt with the sleeves rolled, dark blue jeans with many pockets, and brown tennis shoes. Alicia is African American. She has her long black hair in a ponytail, hoop earrings, brown eyes, and a large body frame but she is not overweight being that it is muscle. She wears blue jeans, light red top, and sandals. Candace has dirty blonde hair with it in a boy style cut and dark purple eyes. She wears a gray very unflattering tracksuit. 

Derek has his black hair goes down his neck and covers his ears slightly and he has gray eyes. He wears a long sleeved green shirt with a wheel on the center with blue jeans and plain tennis shoes. Eduardo is an average height with him having most of his brown hair missing leaving him bald and his eyes are red. His skin is green, his nails are longer, and he has a hunch. He wears a ripped gray hoodie and blue jeans. 

Francisco has the appearance of a male model and he has a noticeable and attractive tan. He has short brown hair ,that looks to have taken a long time to make pretty in the morning, and green eyes. He has a soul patch. He had a smirk on his face that would make the ladies swoon. He wears a silver necklace with a wolf head pendant. He wears a dark blue dress shirt ,with a black undershirt, with his muscular chest exposed, black jeans, and brown boots.

Gabriel is a very skinny and awkward looking Caucasian male. He has his red hair styled forward with the sides of his head shaved off. He has blue eyes. He wears a purple camouflage headband that’s tied around his neck. He wears a blue jacket with there being a thin white line in the middle, bottom, and collar. He wears a green t-shirt with a low collar under his jacket. He wears a brown belt with a gold buckle, ragged dark blue jeans, and gray tennis shoes. He wears three gold chain necklaces.

Hilda is a very beautiful teen with a very slender, slightly muscular build with an impressive chest and small waistline. She’s short for her age. She has chin length black hair with white streaks with her bangs covers her dark green eyes. The right side of her head is shaved off. Her skin is pale. She wears a black and white stripe long sleeved shirt which has a band logo aka a flaming Claw with ripped up sleeves, a black combat knee length skirt, black leggings, and black combat boots.

She wears a black studded piercing on the right side of her nose. She wears black make-up which includes lipstick, mascara, and fingernail polish. She usually has a black leather purse on her. Hugh has short blonde hair and blue eyes. He is larger than the rest of the cast which works to both his advantage and disadvantage. He wears a blue and white t-shirt with a hockey stick on the center of the shirt, green shorts, and red and white sneakers.

Jill is Caucasian with long strawberry blond hair that’s tied in two pigtails with red ,with a white polka dot pattern, bows. She has green eyes. She wears a patched red bikini-like tank top with brown straps on her shoulder and this exposed a good amount of her large chest and midriff. She wears an orange skirt that goes down to the middle of her thighs. She wears high heeled brown sandals. Joe has a natural tan with him having a good and muscular body.

He has brownish black hair in a buzzcut and blue eyes. Despite his hair being in a buzzkill, one strand sticks out due to the barber messing it up. He wears a military green shirt which reveals his muscular arms and dark blue jeans. He wears brown combat boots. He also wears dog tags. Mindy has long purple ,that was dyed, hair and brown eyes. She has a noticeable tan with her wearing a lime green tank top, light blue jeans, and light green sneakers.

Miranda is an average height with her having a slight tan. She has long black hair in a ponytail and teal eyes. She has a smile that would work well in politics. She wears a black and white bandeau top with dark green capris  and light brown wedges. She has a small brown shoulder bag. Robert/Bob is about a half a head taller than Sally with him having a thinner frame than Candace which is weird to say the least, Francisco, and Shane.

He has brushed back brown hair ,with it covering his ears slightly, and light green eyes. He has dark skin that he got from his mother. He wears a white button-down shirt with an upturned collar with the sleeves rolled up above his elbows and it’s unbuttoned. He wears a long sleeved light blue t-shirt under the button-down. He wears black jeans with checkered black and white sneakers. He wears a bead necklace.  

Sally has blond hair with it usually in a ponytail and emerald green eyes. Her build is more fit and a light tan due to her being a surfer. She wears a light blue sleeveless shirt with it exposing her midriff and back a bit, blue and white capri shorts, and brown sandals. She always has a violet surfboard on her person. Her swimsuit/underwear is exposed being a red and white surfing top with a red bikini bottom. Shane is slightly taller than most guys his age.

He’s one of the tallest contestants in the show. He has short buzzcut brown hair with some of it in a mohawk with it being black and dark blue eyes. He wears a black t-shirt with a skull on it, long sleeved yellow shirt, dark green board shorts, and black and white tennis shoes. He has piercing on his lips, above his left eyebrow, and on his tongue. He has a tan from spending time outside on the yard.

Willow has long blonde hair that goes up to her hips. She wears a hot pink strapless top, olive ankle-length jeans, tan skin, brown flats, and sunglasses. "Actually, I'm wrong. Two of you are good being the surfer along with the son of the famous fashion designer and Broadway actress are good." said Zane. "Oh hell no! Beardy didn't just make fun of us!" said Alicia, looking like she was about to attack Zane.

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Oh yes I did. I mean I didn't want you here in my town in the first place but because the mayor hates me, you're here. Lucky me.". "You seriously think you're hot shit aren't you loser? You're weak like most people on the show." said Candace. "So is this the bitch who had a temper tantrum just because she didn't make on Earth's worst reality show. I mean I may hate the show but I know about the big baby." said Zane.

Candace blinked with her saying,"No. That's her.". She pointed to Miranda who making her way toward Zane. "Listen here you small town hick. Do you know who I am?" said Miranda. "No. And here's the more important question. Why in the nine realms would I care? You're not worth a single iota of brain matter. Trust me when I say this. I don't like to get inflicted by a bitch who slept her way back onto the show during season two." said Zane.

This insult caused Miranda to try and tackle Zane but Rachel intercepted the girl. She grabbed her left arm and flipped the girl over her shoulder. Instead of flipping the girl down to the ground. Rachel let go of the girl and sent her thrown into a wall head first. After hitting said wall, Miranda dropped to the floor unconscious. "Go mom!" thought the three kids with Wolfram cheering. "You really should listen to him because my fiance isn't one for idle threats." said Rachel.

Zane looked at the distance between him and the unconscious woman before looking at his fiancee with him smiling. "I guess training you wasn't a waste of time. Wish you inflicted more damage but you're the nice one compared to me." said Zane. "It really wasn't despite you being a sadist." said Rachel as the two shared a kiss. As for the rest of the people who just witnessed it, they were pretty much shocked at what Rachel did.

Atem turned to his two sisters being that the both of them were pretty much onboard with Rachel being their mother from day one. Atem wasn't at first but she did something that the Alvarez family is good at. Protecting their family. "So you didn't kill her right?" said Atem. "Yeah. I wish thought but Rae wouldn't survive jail. I mean she hasn't killed a man using your bare hands before like me." said Zane, cracking his knuckles.

Uriel blinked as she said,"Hold on. Which prison was this? You've broken out of several within a span of six years.". "I think the most recent one or the first one. Honestly, they blend together after a while. Here's what happens when you mess with me or my family trash. Your pal is very lucky that Rae was the first one since I'm more of a weapon use. My saw has been itching for something new to cut." said Zane, licking his lips to added the effect of terror.

Zoey nodded as she thought,"I think he's talking about the really big sword of his.". Rachel turned to the stunned Ricardo with her saying,"And if you keep looking at me with bedroom eyes, I'll sick my fiancee on you. Mind introduce our guests to us?". "Um sure thing!" said Ricardo as he introduced the cast of Ultimate Showdown. "So why did we get stuck with them again? I would send them to Swarm."said Sivarth. "Because the mayor hates Zane honey." said Azalea.

Zane looked at the host with him saying,"I'm only go to say this once Ricardo so make sure you listen good. Anything that happens to them is on YOUR head not mine. If you disagree, I would be just the happiest to remind you of our contract.". "You don't need to remind me at all Mr. Alvarez. You, your family, and your close friends will not be held liable for any harm done to the contestants of the season. This includes when you decided to harm them yourself." said Ricardo.

The host backed away from Zane being that the cast of Ultimate Showdown was stunned to see the devil Ricardo agree with someone about a contract. It was usually Ricardo in charge of how the contracts worked. "So how did this happen?" said Joe, walking up to King. King looked at the young man with Zane saying,"Because me and my mom made King over there our bitch right in front of Ricardo.". "And you didn't get a single punch in both times right?" said Atem.

Wolfram nodded with Joe saying,"No way.". "I may have not been there for either of them but my fiance and his mother aren't two people you want to fuck with. And you two. You should know that I can't hold him back when someone flirts with me." said Rachel, looking at Abel and Gabriel. Zane saw the two who his fiancee was looking at and growled at them like a Akostar. The two jumped in fear with Twilight saying,"Real mature Zane.". "I blame the hormones." said Athena.

After hearing that, Hugh wanted to know if that was the truth. "Hey there. I'm Hugh! Is it true that you and your mom beat up the King?!" said Hugh. "We did and both of us were holding back. I mean I was but my mom. She may have wanted to hurt him but I could be wrong." said Zane. "Seriously? I thought you were serious on him when you did that earlier brother." said Zoey. Zane shook his head as he said,"Nope and you've seen me when I'm serious on my opponent.".

Uriel smiled as she said,"Yeah. You're the most badass older brother in the history of older brothers Zane.". "Thanks Uriel. We should get moving before I make you all look more stupid which by the right way is easy." said Zane. Nearly everyone agreed as they made their way to the exit. Sally was the only one to noticed that Miranda was still on the ground due to Rachel throwing her into the wall earlier. "Um guys. What about Miranda?" said Sally.

Willow looked at her downed opponent for a moment before turning away. "Leave her. We'll be lucky if the bimbo killed her." said Willow. "I doubt it since my fiancee isn't a killer like me and don't call her a bimbo or you'll be joining her blondie." said Zane, cracking his neck. "But she's on the ground and bleeding." said Sally. "Yeah but here's the thing. People like her are even worse." said Rachel as she walked away. "Like our aunt and uncle right?" said Atem.

Wolfram nodded as Zane said,"I think if you're comparing her to those two, I kinda feel bad but not too much.". Sally was shocked by how these people ,who she just met, could be so unconcerned for Miranda. Of course ever since season two, Courtney was pretty much the show's biggest enemy being that Robert and Sally were her own two friends. What Sally didn't know was that there was someone watching all of the cast members of this season of Ultimate Showdown.

The cloaked figure smiled with him saying,"All of the people who hurt us are going to be in one place but we can't attack them now.". Something next to him growled as it watched Sally pick up Miranda. "Why not Renegade? I want to hunt them down and ripping those bastards apart slowly. Turning their bodies into bloody mess." said the second figure. "Feral. We need to savor the moment when Ricardo's entire career comes crashing down." said Renegade as the two were gone.

As everyone headed out of the airport, Zane's phone gave off an alert. Zane pulled out his phone with him reading the text. "So whose it from?" said Rachel. "Jaime. She says that I'm needed at the mall and then at Keller Associates building. Guess the mayor just loves fucking me over." said Zane with him putting away his phone. "Ah. Do you need any help dad?" whispered Atem. Uriel, Wolfram, and Zoey agreed with Zane shaking his head. "I got this you guys." said Zane.

The cast of the new season of Ultimate Showdown noticed Zane leave the large group. He walked toward his Kawasaki Ninja 300/ZX-14 hybrid and got it to start up within seconds. He revved up his bike loudly with him peeling his way out of the airport. "Sometimes Zane." muttered Rachel under her breath. "You know my big brother Rae. He loves to show off from time to time mainly with his bike." said Uriel.

Rachel nodded as she said,"I blame your cousin's boyfriend for teaching him those tricks and building that bike.". "Wow. He has a motorcycle. That's cool." said Joe. "Yeah. Do you think he'll ride it while we're here? I mean it'll be awesome." said Hugh. "Should we tell him that there is no way in hell that daddy would let anyone other than us ride his bike?" whispered Uriel. "You can but I rather let dad do it himself." whispered Zoey. Uriel agreed with her sister as Ricardo said,"Lets go people!".

He pointed to a broken and worn out yellow school bus. "We have a show to start and I've a very busy man!" said Ricardo. "Thirty bucks says that he's going to get a facial." whispered Hilda causing Alicia to laugh out loud and Sally to lightly giggle. Ricardo glared at Hilda and her two friends before getting King to throw the cast on the bus literally except for Hugh. This is due to him wearing more than a giant doughnut. The Alvarez family got in the sports car so they could leave the airport.

Meanwhile with Zane, he had just gotten onto the highway leading him back to Cypress Park. He was a fair distance away from everyone and pretty much cars on the road. He turned his bike into Saver which made him turn into Legion Zero. Once this happened, Zane began picking up speed as he zipped right through the highway and weaved through any cars in his way. "Wait a minute. This thing can fly. Why the hell am I driving?" said Zane.

Cole shrugged as he said,"Beats me. I personally blame the public education system and human's short term memory.". Zane made the bike's wheel split in half and they were now propulsion jet in them. He flew off toward the mall being that a police car watched that just happened being that the officer pulled over. He rubbed his eyes as he couldn't believe what he just saw. "Wow. You really see everything in Cypress Park." said the officer.

At the Cypress Park Mall, the super villain Dr. Progeny was attacking the place. He decided to attack the mall after he learned that fraternities could be for both genders. Yes. This is why he decided to attack the place and trust me, this would be a very common reason for his criminal activites. He recently made an army of genetically modified monsters and decided that this rampage would be a good way to test it out. I mean when else would you test out your army on the consumers of capitalism? Tell me.

There were four of them being that one of them was being used as Progeny's steed. Like with the cast of Ultimate Showdown, you'll get the full description of them at the end of this part. The first monster is a giant ant/mosquito like creature. It's a dark brown color with red flame pattern markings. It has eight big, spiky legs with four cheliceraes and two giant wings sprouting from its back. It has nine glowing red diamond shaped eyes with a giant proboscis and two sacks by the side of its head.

It has a gold concaved horn. The second monster is a large walrus creature with elements of a bear and wooly mammoth. It's snow white fur looks extremely thick but fluffy at the same time. It has four large tusks made out of solid, steel like tusks. It has four cylindrical legs with it looking cracked. It has a long snout with beady yellow eyes and round ears. It has a dark purple diamond shaped mask over its eyes. It has five claws. This creature naturally emits frost around its body.

The third monster is a large orange hawk like bird with a lizard body. It has three sharp, bright gold eyes in a triangle shape on its face and a slightly long curved beak with large bat like fangs. It has claws on its wings. The four and final monster is a giant snail like creature with black sludge like skin. It has a moss green shell with four electric bulbs in the shape of bells on the top of its shell. It has giant vent like holes in the sides of the shell.

It's eyes are red and beady with its face looking skeletal. It has a sharp black beak and four bone horns coming out of the sides of its head. Progeny was on the back of the giant ant with him smiling in glee at seeing the people around him suffer. He watched in glee several people get frozen solid by the giant walrus, people get launched into the air by the giant bird, and the giant snail melted anything that came close to him.

Progeny grabbed a nearby security guard using his telekinesis and he smiled. "So are you enjoyed the chaos that I brought to your meaningless lives?" said Progeny. "Seriously?! I was only two days from retirement and I have to deal with this shit." said the guard. "Oh well. I'm curious about something. I want to see something." said Progeny. He got off the giant ant and he said,"Hey. I have to ask. Do you have any metal in you?". The security guard didn't answer him due to fear.

The animal looking being shrugged with him saying,"Oh well. I guess that you don't but I think it's time for my beast to have a snack.". He threw the security guard into the air with him commanding his four beasts to see who can eat the poor security guard first. "Well, I'm going to die. If I somehow survive this, I'm taking my special lady to France like she's always wanted to." thought the security guard as the giant bird was about to eat him.

Just before he died, the giant bird was hit directly in the face by a giant fist. The bird shrieked in agony as it was sent flying into the rest of its mutated brothers and right into a wall. Progeny turned to see Zane standing there and he got off his bike. "Zero! So we finally meet!" said Progeny. "Um. So why are you here in my city? I thought you liked to play with little kids." said Zane as the crowd of people escaped while Progeny and his beasts were distracted.

Instead of getting mad, Progeny laughed. "Me thinks he's crazy." said Kane, making the crazy hand motion. "After witnessing you and your transformations, I had the idea about stealing the device that makes you the number one hero." said Progeny. "Okay. So what's up with the mutated animals? Did you just get bored and thought why not?" said Zane. "You may be joking but that's actually my reason for them." said Progeny.

Zane facepalmed with him saying,"Wow. Way to be honest.". "Thank you! These minions were made to match and destroy a good majority of your forms. Not all of them of course obviously since nothing is invincible and I'm fighting the hero with every power in the book of super powers." said Progeny who smiled. "Huh. That's new. He knows that Zane is pretty much an swiss army knife of powers and doesn't stand a chance against him." said Lucifer.

As this was going on, the giant bird went flying toward Zane as revenge for him punching its face earlier. Zane saw this attack coming from a mile away. He made several copies of Curved Atlatls appear in front and around him. He sent them toward the bird being that it began slicing through it like nothing. Progeny winced as his creation was being sliced into several pieces and wished that he gave this bird the ability to regenerate.

Progeny looked at Zane with him saying,"You may have gotten lucky with my bird but I still have three creatures left.". He sicked the other three creatures at Zane being the insect made it to Zane the fastest and trying to eat Zane's head. However, it was blocked by the walrus getting thrown right into him by Zane's telekinesis. Crisis Judgement went off with the snail firing its corrosive sludge at Zane who dodged it. "I wonder how my family is doing." thought Zane as he rushed toward the animals.

Back at the Alvarez house, Rachel had the worst luck since she had to bring Ricardo and his case of idiots into her home. Even before she started to date Zane, she was practically raised in this house ever since her and Zane become friends. She had to be held back by Wolfram when Willow made fun of the house and the trio (Atem, Uriel, and Zoey) glared at her for that comment. "So Salazar. What is this piece of crap going to be about?" said Rachel.

Ricardo got nervous being that he was practically scared of the entire Alvarez family at this point even if they weren't born into it. The cast was shocked by this since Ricardo was the type of person who wasn't scared by a mutated shark but this family made him wince. King was also the same and was thankful that he was just the help not the host. "Well, this season is going to be a little different from the past six season. For starters, there is only one challenge." said Ricardo.

Hilda rolled her eyes as she said,"Only one Ricardo? Oh darn. I was really looking forward to the constant death traps.". "How about you shut up and let the dumbass talk?" said Atem, looking right at the goth. "Yep. He's mad." thought Zoey, looking at her older brother. Hilda would have told the teen off but something about the teen scared her. If the red haired woman ,who looked like a model, could almost kill Miranda, what could he do to her?

This entire family was crueler than Ricardo could ever be. "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, there is only challenge. It isn't an easy one though. This season, you guys are going to become superheroes like Legion Zero." said Ricardo. After hearing what he said, the cast began laughing and thinking that he was joking. "Oh that's rich Ricardo. I mean you actually see Zero as a hero. That's funny." said Miranda.

She had recovered after being thrown into a wall. Uriel looked at her family and they nodded. Uriel hid her left hand behind her back and it began glowing dark pink. She fired a beam out of her hand and it began to fly across the room. It hit Miranda in the butt, sending her flying into the air before crashing down. "Maybe you should shut up lady. I mean you may upset the gods more than you already have by just talking." said Uriel.

The devil got their attention with a gong sound effect on her phone. "Yeah. We're the metahuman capital of the world. You were just effect by a simple Phantom prank honey. They're nothing more than pranksters and not terrorists. Swarm is nothing more than a liar. We're currently in the family home of the CEO of Zenith Industries." said Rachel. "Yep. You're going to be in the epicenter of this city!" said Ricardo. "And why did dad agree to this again?" thought his kids.

Before they could possibly get an answer, the living room TV suddenly turned on. "What was that?!" said Abel. "It was another Phantom! I know when a paranormal situation is going on." said Gabriel. The current matriarch of the house turned to see Wolfram flipping through channels with the remote. She sighed and questioned why the dog had to watch TV right now. "You really have the best timing don't you boy?" said Rachel, earning a bark from Wolfram.

He didn't under sarcasm as the Alvarez family and their friends learned earlier on. "So how is the dog flipping through channels?" said Shane. "Eduardo can do so why can't a mutt? So why isn't he outside again? Cats are indoor pets and dogs are outdoor pets." said Hilda, glaring at the dog who wasn't paying attention to her. "Because he's a member of the family and he hates sleeping outside." said Zoey, not liking the goth and her hatred toward the family dog.

Wolfram barked with Atem saying,"I know that you want to watch your show but please change it to the news. If you do, I'm sure big bro will make pan....". He didn't even need to finish as the dog began to flip through the channels. He stopped at the Apex Mind which was showing the coverage of Zane fighting against the mutated animals with Progeny. "Is he fighting a walrus?" said Francisco. "And he's using an ant to do it." said Candace.

Rachel watched Zane dodge several objects being thrown at him thanks to the snail's telekinesis. "At least, he isn't getting hurt." thought Rachel. As Zane throw the snail into the air using two giant arms that sprouted from his back, Ricardo smiled. "Perfect. Thanks to Swarm and the rest of Cypress Park offering up their help in our show unlike this family, you'll win the money by bringing in or taking down the town's great monster Legion Zero!" said Ricardo. "What?!" said the Alvarez family.

Back at the mall, Zane was holding his own against the mutated animal army and Progeny who sat in the back, eating stolen food court food. Despite his creations losing to Zane despite having the size advantage, he wasn't that angry. This was the first batch of mutated animals and the first batch was pretty much prone to failure. He was upset that Zane wasn't used any of his forms to do anything so he decided to bring out a form.

He recently gave himself the ability to fire fireballs which he threw at Zane. The hero dodged them with him saying,"Um. What are you doing?". "Trying to get you to change. So how about you do that and I'll leave you alone okay Zero?" said Progeny. "Um. If I do that, you'll let me attack your beasts right buddy?" said Zane. "Do you seriously think this will work?" said Twilight. "Sure! I mean I control them so they won't go against me." said Progeny.

The Vordlarin princess facepalmed as the giant snail slammed Zane into a wall. "So why did you that?" said Lucifer. "So I can do this plus it's just tradition for me to get thrown into the ground or a wall when I fight a mutated monster. It didn't happen with Pickup earlier so I have to please the gods or else." said Zane, turning into Frost Form. He turned intangible and flew right through the snail, with it turning into a giant snailsicle.

Progeny snapped his fingers as Zane watched the giant ant began to multiply itself but these copies were much smaller than the original who eating part of a gated fence. "So you have the numbers advantage now? Lucky you." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane turned intangible. A giant wave of fire with a steady stream of flames coming from the tiny ants. "Yes. Destroy him my colony of ants!" said Progeny. Zane sighed as he turned into Diamond Form.       

As Zane was about to make impact with the ground, he made a giant diamond hand catch him. "That is so cool! Really wish that you didn't destroy my bird earlier. It would have destroyed you!" said Progeny with him snapping his fingers. "Lucky me. Time to destroy some ants." said Zane. The ground began to rumble powerfully as Progeny watched several tall and wide diamond come out of the ground and pierce right through the ants, killing the colony in one fell swoop.

Zane turned to the giant walrus who was scared of Zane. The hero's right hand turned into a curved and sharp diamond blade. It tried to run away but it was slashed by Zane. During this, Progeny tried to escape but was stopped by a diamond wall. The villain backed up and bumped into something. "So can I say sorry and let things be a fun joke between us?" said Progeny. He turned around to see Zane with him saying,"Nope. You lose.".

The villain ,except for his head and neck, was encased in diamond as he watched the hero's robotic minions ,aka the Restoration Guardians, clean up the mall. "So are you going to tell me why you decided to attack the mall or what? I mean the police are going to take a while." said Zane ,out of Diamond Form, with him sitting nearby the supervillain. "Would you believe me if I told you that I just felt like it?" said Progeny. "After today, yes." said Zane.

Zane could heard the police coming along with news vans with him saying,"Really don't want to deal with Curtis right now. Better get going. Don't break out or else.". The villain nodded as Zane flew off. The police entered with Progeny saying,"So is fighting Zero always like this or what? He's so much fun compared to the Vigilantes!". This comment earned the police's confusion from him. "So do you want to head toward Keller Associates or head back home?" said Athena.

Cole said,"And consider this Zaney. You'll have the deal with the media whores who have infested your home. I mean one of them is smoking hot but the rest of them, they're not nice people despite looking pretty.". "Got to agree with Cole on this one. I rather deal with whatever Phil want to do with Zero rather than them." said Azalea. "And I agree with the both of you." said Zane as he flew off toward Keller Associates.

A bit later, Zane ,in costume, was at Keller Associates. "Okay. I'm thankful that you accepted my grateful offer Mr. Zero. Are you ready to begin?" said Phil. He saw the superhero wearing a bright red motion capture suit instead of his Zeta Costume. He had on his Z.E.R.O. watch. "I guess so. Beats anything else I have doing today. It started out so nice but things just snowballed out of control. So what do you want me to do? I mean you mentioned a game right?" said Zane.

Phil nodded as he said,"I did and like your personal assistant mentioned what type of video game you would personally want. It's a platform Console/PC game with MMO elements but it's mainly a beat em up/hack and slash game. Before we can do that, we have to scan your movements. The sensors in your suit will scan your physical form and imprint it into the system. So transform into whatever form your heart desire.".

Zane nodded as he said,"That answer question one but what about the toys? My friend is curious about them.". Phil smiled as he held up a blank toy model and he said,"And by using the same method as the game, we'll be able to imprint your physical form into one of these figures.". "Okay then. So why did you want to work with me and Zenith Industries? I'm well aware of how my boss helped you get fired at Collins Enterprise. Those pictures did make headlines." said Zane.

Phil glared at Zane before the anger disappeared. "And that isn't concerning." said Kane, earn a nod from Sivarth. "That's all in the past Zero. I now have a huge amount of money more than I had at my old job. I want to give the kids an opportunity to play with Legion Zero and his many forms action figures. Most if not all of the proceedings from this will go to several orphanages and the branding for your name is still in tact unlike Legion Zero and Pals." said Phil.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Whatever. So have a presence?". "Yes. Pick your most powerful forms being that according to your fan sites, they're the most popular." said Phil. "Okay." said Zane as he turned into Equinox Form in his version of the motion capture suit. "He may not look like it but it's one of my most powerful forms." said Zane as he began making several bubbles of darkness and light appear around him. By manipulating gravity, he moved them around him.

As this display was going on, the sensors on his suit and around him hummed and glowed green. As this was going on, one of the balls on his suit fell off him and smacked right into Phil's face. As the scientist around their CEO snickered, Zane said,"Um. My bad.". "It's fine. Try another form. You know what they say? Diversity is better than just a single form." said Phil. "Okay. You're the boss I guess." said Zane.

He vanished from sight as Phil said,"Zero? Where did you go? Are you invisible?". "Nope. I'm right here." said Zane in Nano Form. He was hiding behind one of his suit's sensors with Phil saying,"I was thinking something bigger. We need to have something that the computer can scan for the figure and game.". "Okay then." said Zane. He turned into Phoenix Form and launched himself into the air with him being fire. "It's a good thing that the suit is fireproof right?" said Zane.

He began flying around with Phil saying,"You're already number one Zero but after we're done, you'll be famous and rich. So can this form actually fight?". He was hit by a fireball with Zane saying,"And this is you learning not to judge a book by its cover right Phil?". Phil groaned and threw Zane a thumbs up. After this and a couple of harmless pranks, Zane turned into several different forms for the computers to scan.

He didn't use his really big guns since he didn't trust Phil completely. Silas was making him more paranoid than he already was. These forms are Archer Form, Brick Form, Bull Form, Cataclysmic Form, Diamond Form, Frankenstein Form, Gunslinger Form, Illusion Form, Mastodon Form, Matter Form, Ninja Form, Swift Form, Turbo Form, and Undergrowth Form. After all of them except poor Nano Form got scanned, Zane went back to normal and in his costume.

He stood next to Phil as the hero saying,"I'm kinda happy to be out of this suit. So are we almost done? I kinda got something to do.". "Yes. All I have to do is imprint one of your physical forms onto a blank model and..." said Phil. He typed something on his computer and the machine was next to it began to rumble. After a few seconds, a Diamond Form figure appeared. "We have the first of many actions figures that will make Zane's company millions and help a lot of kids." said Phil.

He handed it to Zane with him smiling. "Okay. This isn't half bad. Feels really life like." said Zane as he made Diamond Form punch the air in front of him. "You're good to go now Zero. We're all done here." said Phil. "Ah. That's good. Later." said Zane. He walked out of the building being that Phil pulled out a flashdrive. He stuck it into the computer and was talking to someone using a headset. "So did you get it Phil?" said the voice on the other end.

Phil nodded as he said,"Yes I did sir. I just need to deliver this to the drop off point and make sure that both parties get it. I'm sure that Curtis wants dead more than you do sir.". "I see. Once you get this info to Curtis, drop it off at the meeting point and give it to Uguisu. He's going to be meeting up with one of the good doctors we need for that." said the voice on the other end. "Will do sir." said Phil. He hanged up as he made two copies of the Zane data and left his company.

Later that night, Atem and Zane were driving through Cypress Park in the family's BMW. Atem was driving and Zane sat in the passenger seat. "Am I doing alright dad? Should I stay in this gear or will I need to downshift?" said Atem. "You're doing fine Atem. Just take a deep breath and relax." said Zane as he sipped from his Fantasia Slushie. Atem nodded as he kept his eyes on the road. "So can I ask you something dad?" said Atem. Zane shrugged as he said,"Um sure.".

Atem took a deep breath with him saying,"Okay. I've wanted to ask you this. Are you okay? I mean you haven't been the same since M-Day.". "You mean the Massacre right?" said Zane, earning a nod from Atem. "Atem. I lost six people who I opened my heart to right in front of me because I didn't use Astral Form at the very start of the fight. This job as a superhero can be pretty stressful and being a CEO isn't helping my stress whatsoever. I'm going to have a Essence attack at this rate." said Zane.

As the two were driving, they ran into a traffic jam. "Huh. I think this is the first time I've seen a car accident in Cypress Park." said Atem. "It does happen but not often." said Zane. The two heard metal being crushed and people screaming. The father and son looked out the window with the two seeing a giant robot heading toward them. It's a dark blue color. It's upper body is human like. It has a girder-like head with a sharp crest, a small gap forming a mouth like appendage, and two glowing red eyes.

It has four arms with the top pair of arms equipped with clamps like pincers/hammers for hands and the bottom pair are equipped with cannons. It moves with tank treads, crushing the car below it. The not crushed civilians hurried out of their cars and took off. "So what is that? Do you think it's one of Engineer's toys? And will grandma hate it if the car gets crushed?" said Atem. The mummy parked the BMW and the two got out of the car.

Zane shrugged as he said,"No idea but I'm going to find out. Mind making sure that the people who are trapped in their cars get out?". "Sure. Going to fight the giant robot?" said Atem, knowing his father too well. "Yep." said Zane. Atem nodded as he turned into Osiris and swung away to where the robot rampaged. The robot ignored Atem being that it was focused on Zane. "So did you know that it was focused on you or what?" said Lucifer.

Zane shrugged as he said,"I call it a hunch.". The robot accelerated toward Zane being that the street was practically empty. Just the hero and the giant robot trying to kill said hero. Zane turned into Spring Form and launched himself toward the giant robot while making a shockwave around the area where he leap from. His fhead made contact with the giant robot, sending him flying down the street and into an empty building.

Zane watched the robot recover as he dodged a laser blast that destroy the ground. "Yep. You're much stronger than a Swarm bot. Those things are brittle." said Zane. The robot grabbed nearby cars ,with people inside, and threw them at Zane. He deactivated Spring Form and sprouted several tendrils from his back. The tendrils caught all of the cars and placed them on the ground. Zane rushed at the giant robot ,who was trying to blast Zane with his lasers, and was under it.

The giant robot launched itself into the air thanks to Zane being in Stealth Form and he did this using the robot's shadow. It fell back to the ground, causing a small earthquake upon hitting the pavement. The giant robot was on its back and before it could get back up, Zane made several shadow chains ,using the robot's shadow, appear and detain the giant robot. "How about you stop this tantrum and let me see whose your owner is?" said Zane.

The robot began to hum as the back of the robot produced powerful springs. It launched the robot into the air, breaking the shadow chains. "Okay. I'll admit that I didn't see it doing that." said Kane as the robot began firing several lasers and missiles at Zane. He blocked them with several shields made out of the area's shadows before the robot launched its upper left arm at Zane. It grabbed the hero and he couldn't phase out of it.

As he was being crushed and dragged back to the main body, Zane turned into Dinosaur Form and broke out of its grip. The robot was then blasted by several cannonballs, covering the robot in a very powerful fiery explosion. The robot began to emit pressurized CO2 gas, erasing the fire by getting rid of its oxygen. Zane turned into Turbo Form, dodging the missile barrage once again. "Instead of using missiles, how about you try this?!" said Zane.

Zane fired out his steel gray energy beams ,which comes in the form of a proton torpedo covered in a spiral, at the robot before reflecting them back at Zane and sent him toward the ground. "Yep. I'm happy that I used a non-lethal burst. Really understand why the others hate when I blast them with this form." said Zane. He turned into Zombie Form just as the giant robot fired its blast right at Zane. The zombie absorbed the energy and launched himself toward the robot.

It took one punch to send the giant robot into the nearby ocean, making a big splash. "And that's what I call an epic punch!" said Zane, dancing in the process. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane looked up to see a barrage of missiles coming out of the water and heading toward him. Zane dodged them and was caught by the giant robot's other pincer. The pincer began slamming Zane into the ground but this form was much stronger than Stealth Form and on a good day, Dinosaur Form.       

Zane broke out of the grip once again with him jumping back. He turned into Glacier Form and into Glacier Prime. "Lets see how you can handle a Prime Form. Permafrost Emperor Absolute Method: Subzero Whiteout!" said Zane. The entire area around Zane and the robot were frozen solid and as the robot began to pull itself out of the frozen water. After doing that, it was pelted by a huge storm of large icicles.

They came at the robot for all directions much like a machine gun. "Permafrost Emperor Absolute Method: Diamond Powder!" said Zane as he flew above the robot. An extremely cold powder came out of Zane, freezing the giant robot in a thick block of ice. Zane landed on the ground being that he heard something breaking him. Zane turned around to see the giant robot breaking out of the ice and the ice around it was steaming. "Okay. You're clearly able to fight fire and ice." said Zane.

He turned into Brain Form with him being in his human form. He dodged several lasers blasts at Zane with the hero throwing the massive dosu-blade/tanto at the robot's right eye. It slammed right into it being that before he could remove the sword from its body, he heard,"Thunder Emperor Absolute Method: Rumbling Catastrophe!". A extremely large thunderbolt came toward the robot and it explodes upon impact with the robot.

The robot was given a shock on the level of a petawatt. The smoke cleared as the robot had a giant hole in it and Zane jumped toward it. He grabbed his weapon from the corpse of the robot with him saying,"Okay. What the hell is going on? I fought an alien, a group of mutated animals and their weird leader, and a mechanic. It's like my life is a sitcom or something.". He hopped away and didn't noticed that he was being watched.  

Earlier at an abandoned police station, Noah walked in and easily walked past the wooden blockade that was placed there. He pulled out his phone and activated the flashlight function. "This place may look abandoned on the outside but not the inside. We're not savages." said Noah as he found the light switch. The room instantly lit up being that it was practically nothing more than an opened elevator door. He made his way and upon entering the door closed behind him.

He heard elevator music with Noah rolling his eyes. The door opened again and Noah left the lab with him seeing the laboratory. "So you decide to accept his offer after all." said a voice. "And who are you?" said Noah. He turned around to see Phil Keller with the CEO smiling. The two shook hands with Noah saying,"Hold on. The CEO of Keller Associates is the mysterious Uguisu.". "No. I'm just a good friend of his. I came to introduce you to our elite group. Ever heard about Avalon?" said Phil.

Noah looked at Phil with him saying,"Heard about them before. They're like Swarm except you guys can keep your evil hidden a bit better. So are you here to help me with my project?". "Yes. Both Avalon and the Odium Society decided to sponsor the Genesis project. Your project is fascinating but you need the Earth's Protector to do it. He's the final piece correct?" said Phil. "Indeed. I would go after him myself but well, he isn't very friendly toward people stealing his DNA." said Noah.

Phil nodded as he said,"That's fair. I can help you but you need to help me first.". "Sure. I see no problem." said Noah. "That's great. We'll start with you helping on a project for the host of Apex Mind. He wants Legion Zero and I have some data for you." said Phil, holding a flash drive. "That sounds interesting but you didn't ask me to come here just to help that egomaniac." said Noah. Phil nodded as he pressed a button on the wall.

The windows to the lab opened up to reveal a man sitting on a metal chair but was unable to leave said chair by binding his arms and legs to it. His face was covered in a mask. "Hey! Is anyone here or out there?! Where am I?" said the man. "He can't hear us but we can hear him. This is an old friend of Andrew and Derrick. He's racked up quite the debt due to his gambling program. This is how he is going to pay us back by being the first Evolved." said Phil, smiling.

Next Time,
Who is the man that Phil has captured? Have we met him before? Why does Curtis want dead? What is Ricardo thinking by having the cast of Ultimate Showdown hunt down Zane? Will there be more plots to this arc like a sitcom. This and more next time on Zero! 

Ultimate Showdown Contestants: Name, personality, and appearance.

  1. Abel Perez. He’s very tech-savvy with him thinking that he’s a ladies man but to everyone but him, he is a nerd. He joined the show to be cool back home which worked at the cost of pain on his part. He tends to hang around the cool guy of the show with him not being very smooth whatsoever. His pick-up lines sound smooth to him but annoying to others. He’s very smart but acts different to make the ladies love him. If he finds a girl that he likes, he will be loyal and will do anything to make her happy even if he has to give her to a different guy. He is very sweet but he has a perverted side. He is short and very not physically fit. He has short black hair, brown eyes, and slightly pale skin. He wears a long sleeved light brown shirt with the sleeves rolled, dark blue jeans with many pockets, and brown tennis shoes. 
  2. Alicia Henderson. She can either be a capable ally or a terrible enemy depending on how you make her mad. She is loyal and sassy but very caring toward others. She tells people who it is likes and doesn’t show any kind of fear on calling people out. She isn’t one to treat lightly and will maul a person if they make fun of her mainly her weight. She will get revenge on others if they hurt her or a friends. She isn’t the best at forming insults. She is good at physical contests with her being skillful at this. She loves to dance with others thinking that she needs to work on it a lot. She’s African American. She has her long black hair in a ponytail, hoop earrings, brown eyes, and a large body frame but she is not overweight being that it is muscle. She wears blue jeans, light red top, and sandals.
  3. Candace Mendoza. If you asked the fans of Ultimate Showdown who would be the worst person to have as a friend, Candace is a very good choice. She is very antagonistic toward everyone around, cunning beyond belief, and tends to be rather rude toward everyone including her family. She believes that she is the strongest and deserves to win. She will making anything into a contest and she will throw someone under the bus so she can win. She is very power hungry and demands control from others. She views herself better than others with her looking down on others. She is a huge tomboy since she hates hair and fashion. She makes nicknames for others which tend to be used for insults. She has dirty blonde hair with it in a boy style cut and dark purple eyes. She wears a gray very unflattering tracksuit.
  4. Derek Jackson. He is very relaxed and nice guy who gets along with everyone even the more hated contestants. He is an A+ student with him being rather smart but doesn’t want to be called a nerd. He’s good at playing the guitar which impress several people including recording studios. On Ultimate Showdown, he gets hurt a lot but somehow heals later on for no explained reason. He wants to ride a motorcycle with him being raised in an auto part shop. He’s a ladies man with him being one of the most popular guys on the show. His lucky number is twelve. His black hair goes down his neck and covers his ears slightly and he has gray eyes. He wears a long sleeved green shirt with a wheel on the center with blue jeans and plain tennis shoes.
  5. Eduardo Burton. He’s from the farm and was homeschooled at the farm making him very ignorant to the outer side world. Due to his lack of interaction with other humans excluding his parents, he has the worst social skills. He has a tendency to say and do things that make people mad at him despite him thinking that he’s doing the right thing. According to the other contestants, he has a messed viewpoint on life but this is due to his parents. He thinks that women are inferior to men and he was ignored by the females of the show. When Zane saw this for the first time, he grew a even stronger hatred for the show and for most of its contestants. He can be extremely determined to win and he lose his humanity to do that. He is treated as a wild animal with him unable to talk and anyone who he considers an enemy. He is an average height with him having most of his brown hair missing leaving him bald and his eyes are red. His skin is green, his nails are longer, and he has a hunch. He wears a ripped gray hoodie and blue jeans.
  6. Francisco Snyder. To most people, he is sociable, swashbuckling, and lovable. However to anyone who knows his true personality, he is sinister and slightly perverted. He is known for his charm and able to persuade anyone to get what he wants which he uses in Ultimate Showdown. Through the show’s run, he is considered to be the most cruel contestant with him having one rival. He says that he is an ancestor of a conquistador and he speaks some Spanish mainly he is mad. If he makes the more violent members of the show mad, he is able to talk his way out of it. He can find a weakness and exploit it in seconds. He is able to hypnotize people and speak several languages with ease. He tends to manipulate the females of the show with him being a romantic. He takes pleasure in getting revenge on others. He doesn’t hit anyone in the face but the junk on the other hand is another story. Francisco has the appearance of a male model and he has a noticeable and attractive tan. He has short brown hair ,that looks to have taken a long time to make pretty in the morning, and green eyes. He has a soul patch. He had a smirk on his face that would make the ladies swoon. He wears a silver necklace with a wolf head pendant. He wears a dark blue dress shirt ,with a black undershirt, with his muscular chest exposed, black jeans, and brown boots.
  7. Gabriel Moore. He has a massive amount of pride in his several “mad skills” and he is very much hated. He has several talents but his geeky interests, poor personal hygiene, and his know-it-all personality makes him an outcast plus being a perfect target for bullies back home. He is very confident in his knowledge and will not hesitate to correct others if they’re wrong. He is very rude and vain that he’s the best and look down on others thinking that he’s the most famous member of the show. He makes fun of the others with him taking no one advice even when they’re needed. He is good at making music with it being beats and techno music. Most people like it but Zane hates it and will break his CDs for the hell of it, usually right in front of him. He tends to speak like a rapper. He is a very skinny and awkward looking Caucasian male. He has his red hair styled forward with the sides of his head shaved off. He has blue eyes. He wears a purple camouflage headband that’s tied around his neck. He wears a blue jacket with there being a thin white line in the middle, bottom, and collar. He wears a green t-shirt with a low collar under his jacket. He wears a brown belt with a gold buckle, ragged dark blue jeans, and gray tennis shoes. He wears three gold chain necklaces.
  8. Hilda Adkins. Her personality is very much the opposite of the stereotypical goth. Her goth like appearance is a show of her independence. She’s smart, bossy, rational, level-headed, sarcastic, passionate, forceful, strong-willed, independent, but with a kind heart. She’s an open cat person being that she hates dog much to Wolfram’s dismay since until meeting her, no one hates him being that the dog went into a depression like state. She liked anything that requires the mind and hates anything that would be associated with a jock despite having dated one aka joe. Despite being one of the more likeable members on the show, she can get on people’s nerves. She isn’t a fan of letting people into her life because she doesn’t want to be hurt. She is also a major hypocrite with her being stubborn about her views and doesn’t take responsibility for her actions. She never admits that she’s wrongs and wants everyone to be her “Yes Man”. This is the main reason why Zane hates her a lot. She’s a very beautiful teen with a very slender, slightly muscular build with an impressive chest and small waistline. She’s short for her age. She has chin length black hair with white streaks with her bangs covers her dark green eyes. The right side of her head is shaved off. Her skin is pale. She wears a black and white stripe long sleeved shirt which has a band logo aka a flaming Claw with ripped up sleeves, a black combat knee length skirt, black leggings, and black combat boots. She wears a black studded piercing on the right side of her nose. She wears black make-up which includes lipstick, mascara, and fingernail polish. She usually has a black leather purse on her.
  9. Hugh Saunders. He is the most lovable member of the show with him never doing anything evil to try and win. He loves to eat, party, and farting. He is very popular with the fans with him always seeing the brighter side of things and tends to see everyone as a friend. He tries to win even if he is larger and dumber than others. He’s very sensitive and he doesn’t lie. According to Zane, he is the only member that he can handle. However, this changes when he breaks something precious of Zane causing Zane to try and kill him with several people forced to hold him down before he kills him. This happens very soon. He has short blonde hair and blue eyes. He is larger than the rest of the cast which works to both his advantage and disadvantage. He wears a blue and white t-shirt with a hockey stick on the center of his shirt, green shorts, and red and white sneakers.
  10. Jill Thornton. She has a big heart with a child like nature which in turn made her well liked. She is very dumb with most people ,mainly the more serious members, hate her but she thinks that she has the right idea in mind. She has trouble remembering names which can cause trouble for some and it gets some people really mad. She is an underdog with her always trying her best to win and prove herself for blondes everywhere. She is easily manipulated mainly by the other  contestants. She’s Caucasian with long strawberry blond hair that’s tied in two pigtails with red ,with a white polka dot pattern, bows. She has green eyes. She wears a patched red bikini-like tank top with brown straps on her shoulder and this exposed a good amount of her large chest and midriff. She wears an orange skirt that goes down to the middle of her thighs. She wears high heeled brown sandals. 
  11. Joe Obrien. He’s an astronaut in train being that he never leaves behind a fellow man or woman behind. This was drilled into him by his parents who were in the armies. He tends to be nice toward others. He’s a member of the boxing team with his fists being fast like lightning according to his coach and opponents. He’s an average student in terms of grades except for sports. He can be very brave and tends to protect whoever he can despite his enemies being weaker than normal. He had a rivalry with fellow contestant Candace despite him thinking that she was a dude before figuring out the truth. He respects his fellow contestant even if they constantly belittle him. However, he’s still not sure about her being a female despite seeing her chest on an episode of Ultimate Showdown. When he hasn’t eaten, he gets very annoyed. He can be vulgar mainly when he’s angered. He has a need to be dominated. Despite him being a rather strong dude, he has a soft side to him being that he’s afraid of the dark and loves to write poetry much to the shock of others. He has a natural tan with him having a good and muscular body. He has brownish black hair in a buzzcut and blue brown eyes. Despite his hair being in a buzzkill, one strand sticks out due to the barber messing it up. He wears a military green shirt which reveals his muscular arms and dark blue jeans. He wears brown combat boots. He also wears dog tags.
  12. Mindy Lawson. She’s a super fan of Ultimate Showdown with her having a blog for every single member of the show and she got some really personal information. She loves Ricardo even after he put her from hell. She uses Internet slang when talking with others around and she spent an unhealthy amount of time on the internet before joining the show. She is always with her smartphones and tends to have a lot of them. She is extremely smart ,mainly from the internet, and she is very maternal. She is polite and easy going but she will be aggressive and violent if her crush aka Abel is near another woman or man. She has long purple ,that was dyed, hair and brown eyes. She has a tan with her wearing a lime green tank top, light blue jeans, and light green sneakers.
  13. Miranda Manning. When people meet her, she tends to make them either like or hate her upon meeting her. She comes from a rich family with her being the popular student in her home high school, head of several clubs, and student council president before signing up with Ultimate Showdown. She thinks of herself as a born leader which in turn leads her to not letting others not having a chance for control. It seems that she’s the most arrogant person on the show with her thinking that everything in the world belongs to her. She’s manipulative with her knowing what she wants and she will get it at the cost of her having no allies. She’s exceedingly commanding, ambitious, analytical, and scheming but she can be polite to others with her politeness is rare. She’s an extreme overachiever with her overreacting when things don’t get her way. She has been seen going insane to get what she wants. She can be really annoying after reminding all of the contestants about her career to become the Future President of the United States. She will fight to the death to get what she wants. She wants money more than anything. She is an average height with her having a slight tan. She has long black hair in a ponytail and teal eyes. She has a smile that would work well in politics. She wears a black and white bandeau top with dark green capris  and light brown wedges. She has a small brown shoulder bag.    
  14. Robert/Bob Frazier. He is the son of a famous fashion designer and Broadway actress with him having two mothers. He is very appealing, introverted, timid, soft spoken, and slightly naive to the world mainly due to the fact that he spend his entire life in the apartment building. While he is all for fun, he tends to be more honest and respectful than the more loud members of the cast. He gets along with other peoples rather well. He wants to change by making friends and try new things but he lets his fear get the better of him most of the time. If something or someone makes him sad, he tries to downplay his feelings and cries when he’s alone. He hates problems with him getting mad about seeing it. He’s always up for a challenge. He has many fears with him hiding them from others mainly about his love of nerd things and his irrational fear of zombies. He loves action movies and sports with him being good at boxing. He’s also good at school being that he usually gets As. He’s a ladies man with him being one of the most popular guys on the show being that he doesn’t try at all. When he first met Sally, he fell in love with her with her feeling the same. The two aren’t dating much to the shock of everyone around them. He is able to speak Chinese, English, French, and Japanese. He is able to fight an army of possessed zombies without breaking a sweat. He is rumored to be a superhero and he doesn’t deny that. He is about a half a head taller than Sally with him having a thinner frame than Candace which is weird to say the very least, Francisco, and Shane. He has brushed back brown hair ,with it covering his ears slightly, and light green eyes. He has dark skin that he got from his mother. He wears a white button-down shirt with an upturned collar with the sleeves rolled up above his elbows and it’s unbuttoned. He wears a long sleeved light blue t-shirt under the button-down. He wears black jeans with checkered black and white sneakers. He wears a bead necklace.
  15. Sally Harper. She is the ultimate surfer girl with her being tough but she likes to be fun and laid back. She loves the water and tends to do yoga in her free time. She is very clumsy on land with it being her main weakness. She never gives up with her saying that she got it from her mom rather than her dad. She is very big on teamwork with her getting slightly annoyed if she does all of the work while the others just sit around. She isn’t a fan of violence and she’ll get mad but only for a few seconds. She is very pretty with guys sending her fan mail upon her arriving on the show and she thanks them but she has an eye on a special someone. She is slightly taller than most girls her age. She has blond hair with it usually in a ponytail and emerald green eyes. Her build is more fit and a light tan due to her being a surfer. She wears a light blue sleeveless shirt with it exposing her midriff and back a bit, blue and white capri shorts, and brown sandals. She always has a violet surfboard on her person with her swimsuit/underwear being a red and white surfing top with a red bikini bottom.
  16. Shane Chandler. He is an extremely devious felon who surprisingly comes from a family who have served the law for several generations. He knows many little things mainly spend from his time spent in juvie. He carries around a regular Swiss Army Knife which he can use to cut things that get in his way and he’s much stronger than one may think. He’s arrogant and enticing with him flirting with any girl that he finds attractive even if they hate his guts. He gives them pet names in order to tease them. He is a rule breaker if they suit his needs but he doesn’t really the outcomes of his actions at points. He is very blunt with people again and tends to be honest about himself to others. He can either be your best friend or your enemy with it being the later more. Despite his bad boy nature and anger toward others, he is a good person at heart but he won’t admit it. He was arrested after he was blamed for blowing up Ricardo’s mansion during the last season but he was brought back much to his annoyance. He’s slightly taller than most guys his age and he’s one of the tallest contestants in the show. He has short buzzcut brown hair with some of it in a mohawk with it being black and dark blue eyes. He wears a black t-shirt with a skull on it, long sleeved yellow shirt, dark green board shorts, and black and white tennis shoes. He has piercing on his lips, above his left eyebrow, and on his tongue. He has a tan from spending time outside on the yard.
  17. Willow Brewer. She’s extremely greedy. Her dad is a oil tycoon meaning that she’s loaded. She wants to be famous all around the world and she loves the camera. She can be spoiled, selfish, and picky when it comes to friends but she isn’t truly heartless with her being really nice to the other contestants. She was ignored by her father so she craves attention. She hopes to be a fashion model, movie actress, and pop music star on the same level as Sarah Fletcher. She has long blonde hair that goes up to her hips. She wears a hot pink strapless top, olive ankle-length jeans, tan skin, brown flats, and sunglasses.
Progeny's monsters:
Monster 1: Insect. 
It's a giant ant/mosquito like creature. It's a dark brown color with red flame pattern markings. It has eight big, spiky legs with four cheliceraes and two giant winds sprouting from its back. It has nine glowing red diamond shaped eyes with a giant proboscis and two sacks by the side of its head. It has a gold concaved horn. This creature has impressive strength giving its size being that it can fly. It can support a fully-grown man on its back. It's body is highly immune to fire and survive small explosive. They spit highly corrosive acid and can breath fire. It can shoot out a thick stream of webbing from its mouth being that it quickly dried out into a hard substance. Upon eating metal, it can multiple itself but at a much smaller size. This insect is extremely weak toward sound being that a strong enough sound can make it explode.  

Monster 2: Walrus. 
It's a large walrus creature with elements of a bear and woolly mammoth. It's snow white fur looks extremely thick but fluffy at the same time. It has four large tusks made out of solid, steel like tusks. It has four cylindrical legs with it looking cracked. It has a long snout with beady yellow eyes and round ears. It has a dark purple diamond shaped mask over its eyes. It has five claws. This creature naturally emits frost around its body being that it can shoot out a blizzard from its mouth and this cold can out power fire by draining it of its oxygen. It's body naturally reflect any physical damage being that it's very durable. This beast's major weakness is electricity being that once its electrocuted, it smells like ham.      

Monster 3: Bird. 
It's a large orange hawk like bird with a lizard body. It has three sharp, bright gold eyes in a triangle shape on its face and a slightly long curved beak with large bat like fangs. It has claws on its wings. It can fly into the air and reach incredible speeds being much faster than the insect. It's mainly ability is that it can control the air around it being that it can make a powerful hurricane with ease. It can release a powerful sonic wave from its beak that can shatter most objects. It can't handle the cold all too well.   

Monster 4: Snail. 
It's a giant snail like creature with black sludge like skin. It has a moss green shell with four electric bulbs in the shape of bells on the top of its shell. It has giant vent like holes in the sides of the shell. It's eyes are red and beady with its face looking skeletal. It has a sharp black beak and four bone horns coming out of the sides of its head. Despite being a ground based animal, it can reach incredible heights. It can release a toxic black sludge from its body that can melt anything that comes in contact with. Upon absorbing any electricity thanks to the vents, it can control things with its mind. It's main weakness are the bulbs on its shell being that once all four get destroy, it dies. 

Random Shit:
Hayden's robotic suit can shrink down to the size of a golden backpack being that it activates a single voice command.

The robot that attacked Zane has immense strength and durable enough to resist most forms of damage. It has 360 degree vision and can extend his upper arms like a rocket. It can fire out energy beams and missiles. It's back has springs installed. It cannot be magnetized and can negate fire by producing a substance that snuffs out fire. and ice by producing an immense heat. It can also reflect energy. 

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