Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Zero Episode 145 An all day date with the woman you love Section 4.5 (Written on December 13 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Episode 145 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Episode 145. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

With a gust of wind, the envelope flew across the parking garage and landed in Zane's hands. He opened it up and he said,"Oh my gods! Is this picture accurate?!". "Unfortunately, this being isn't like your fiancée since he's very ugly on both the inside and outside." said Apollo. Compared to most devils who looked like a physical attractive human, Rufus wasn't that in the slightest. He is unnaturally tall when he is being compared to normal devils who tend to be around the height of a normal human. 

His body is a solid mixture of fat and muscle with it leaning more toward fat than muscle. He has dark green skin with his white hair being unkempt. He has noticeable thick eyebrows, a pointed handlebar that curls at the end, sideburns, and thick mutton chops. He has large red compound eyes. His face looked similar to an angler fish. He has a thick, blubbery face with a noticeable broad and shovel shaped jaw. His mouth was wide open.

This exposed his longer than normal golden tongue and yellow teeth. The devil wears a formal black collared shirt with it opened partway to expose his chest in a manner that showed off his body in a distinct way aka a whole lot of fat. He wears blue jeans and brown fancy looking boots. He wears a massive gold crown with two horns ,which are part of the crown rather than his body, curved around the metal trinket. These horns looked similar to a crescent moon. 

For some strange reason, he has webbed hands and several gold rings on each finger of his. In his picture, it looked like he was constantly twitching and rubbing his hands together. His picture was showing that he was drooling over a woman ,in a bunny girl outfit, who clearly uncomfortable to be there and in that outfit. "I have to ask. How in the Nine Realms is he a devil?!" said Zane. "Yeah. Rufus isn't follow the devil's societal definition of beauty." said Apollo.

As a proud member of the Alliance, he was well aware of how some species have a different definition of beauty and Rufus would be considered attractive to only a small amount of species. "I'm impressed with you Zane. You're not puking at the side of him." said Apollo. "I'm holding it in until after this is all over and it won't be pretty whatsoever. So who get the "glorious" privilege of guarding him?" said Zane with him frowning.

The spy looked at Zane with him saying,"Do you honestly think I wouldn't find that out for you? Check the folder your highness and show it to him.". From the folder, Rachel pulled out six photos and showed them to Zane with these photos showing very familiar faces to him. These pictures show the image of Cicada, Cicatrix, Glenn, Lidox, Specter Samurai, and Tulbur. "Of course it would be them. Just my luck and despite the changes, I can tell that it's Cicatrix." said Zane.

Cicatrix had to spend a good amount of time to recover after the beatdown Zane gave her. Most of her body is covered with burns. Her nose is missing her left nostril and her chin has a large fist shaped scar over it. Her right horn was completely split in half, exposing a gold color. She is now wearing a black and mahogany jumpsuit with a v-neck collar similar to her sleeveless shirt. She has gray shoulder pads, mahogany hip points, and black and gold-stripped gloves. 

She still has black thigh high high heeled jackboots except they have a gold ring at the top of them and have gold toe caps to them. She’s now wearing a new helmet with it being a gold color and square shaped. Her new helmet has no visor but trident like horns on each side. "Yeah. I'm sure that the two of you can handle all of them right?" said Apollo. "Yeah." said Rachel. "Huh. I didn't expect you to answer you me with that but with Zane by your side, you two got this." said Apollo.

Zane looked at Apollo with him saying,"So this rare breed of devil who doesn't use Impulse or Ardor to manipulate their outward appearance to look younger or attractive, they only have six bodyguards. You two both know that I normally don't judge people by their looks but Rufus makes the twinsters look beautiful even with those two personalities being well not great.". "Focus honey. We'll stop him I promise." said Rachel. "Gotcha but why are you saying my line?" said Zane.

Rachel smiled as she said,"Because I wanted to.". "You thief." said Zane with a smirk. "I really hate to be that guy but there is more. I found a seventh one and let me just say this guy is a cut above the rest of them in terms of being a royal pain in the ass." said Apollo. Rachel opened the folder with it revealing a photo of a young looking man sticking out. He looks to be a young man not much older than the rest of Team Maelstrom. He looked to be a solid six foot one with a well built figure. 

He has a tan with him having a rounded yet slightly angular face with three yet piercing gold eyes. The third eye is in the middle of his forehead and has a dark circle around this eye in particular. He has spiky gray hair with his bangs draped over his third eye but still exposing it. He has a medium-sized sharp looking scar going from above his left eyebrow toward the bottom of his left cheek. Over his mouth, he wears a dark purple mask that looks to be wrapped around the lower half of his face.

His mask left opening for his nostrils and his mouth. His mask covers his neck as well and from what Zane could tell, he was hiding something behind the mask. It also covered up his right eye as well. He's wearing a black waistcoat over a high-collared maroon red shirt, black matching pants, and brown cloth loafers. He wears a black and white cowboy hat with a gold lightning bolt shaped emblem. He wears a pair of silver elbow and shin guards. He's wearing a pendant around his neck.

The pendant is shaped like a shark skull with turquoise gemstones for eyes. It hangs inside of a silver pentagon. His picture showed him ,with a stern look on his face, smoking a cigarette as he was holding a heavily bruised Swarm agent and he was standing among a group of them plus Avalon clones in the rain. "His name is Aurelio Vanburen. From what I know about him, he is much stronger than the others who work under Rufus like much stronger." said Apollo.

Apollo sighed as he said,"Those idiots in Swarm were taken down by dark red Impulse that looked like wind in my oh so humble opinion. From what I figured out, he has your typical tragic past. His parents died thanks to their house getting struck by a giant bolt of lightning when he was five years old.". "Is that it?" said Rachel. "Yeah. Even with my amazing ability to gather up information about beings, this guy is something else." said Apollo.

Zane looked at the man with him saying,"Explain. I like to know what I'm getting myself and my fiancée into. You know how much I hate going into a mission or job without the proper research before hand.". "Oh yeah. I do. Your fiancé isn't the type to go in without some kind of a plan. He's the most recent being to join the Dwarf Clan after he took down some Avalon Clones and Swarm Agents. Those two groups who were slaughtering a group of devils and phantoms." said Apollo.

The hero sighed as he said,"And this is another reason why I hate Avalon and Swarm. Once when we get a chance, I'm going to make them pay by using violence.". "For once, I got to agree with you. So what is your plan?" said Rachel. "From what I figured out, Rufus has been taking several different species and is planning to sell them off on the Omniverse black market. He was going to use the Morphing Powder to disguise them as humans since they're more valuable." said Apollo.

Apollo took a deep breath as he said,"And from what I can tell, he is going to use that Mud Pit of his and the Tokrudan he stole to increase its power. Getting rid of a being's will is bad enough but from what I found out, he'll change them against his will.". "If I didn't hate Rufus already, I really hate him now. He makes Blaze look like a freaking saint among devils." said Zane. Rachel noticed that Zane's right fist was clenched with his stingers coming out in full force. 

Rachel placed her hand on his shoulder as she said,"Calm down Zane. We'll make him pay.". "He knows that Rachel but well, Zane here hates slavery and taking away a being's free will more than anything. So are you two ready to go with my plan?" said Apollo. "And what is your plan?" said Zane. "Oh don't you worry you two. I got a plan to get you into the Secret Oasis without alerting Rufus at first. Knowing Zane like I do, he'll make a scene within seconds so it's best to prepare for that." said Apollo.     

Later that night. It was 8:30 in Cypress Park and in front of an old, abandoned office building, there were several criminals outside of it. It wasn't just Cypress Park criminals however but criminals from all parts of the Omniverse. All of them looked human however thanks to the Morphing Powder that they were given to them by one of Rufus's devils. They were outside of the building like it was a grand opening or something along those lines. 

Among the criminals, a man stood there. He's 5 foot 10 with him having a very attractive appearance to him. He has short amethyst colored hair and green eyes. He's wearing a royal blue suit jacket over a white collared dress shirt, black necktie, and dark crimson boots. "I can't believe this was his master plan. He's supposed to be the great strategist but this is even worse than one of his plans." said the man with him sighing. 

He turned around to see himself in a broken mirror with him thought,"I really look too much like my brother. What did she see in him? You could say the same for my partner as well.". "Hey! You pathetic sacks of crap! Quit being slimeballs!" said a voice. The man turned to see several criminals taking pictures of something with a man pushing them away. The man pushing them away was Glenn and the something that the men were talking pictures of was a real beauty. 

She looked to be around 5 foot 2 ,without any footwear, and a natural looking tan to her. She has a slender build with noticeable curves to her. She has long, wavy rose pink hair that went to her shoulders and bright red eyes that stuck out. She's wearing a form-fitting, seamless dress ,which goes to the middle of her thighs, that smoothly transitioned from a calming, royal blue to a black. She's wearing a scarlet ribbon around her waist like a belt. 

It has slit on both sides of the dress that allowed anyone to get a good view of her long legs even though they were covered up by fishnet stockings. Thanks to her dress's deep v-neck, it exposed her cleavage in a tasteful manner but not too much. She is wearing black elbow-length opera like gloves over her arms and her legs were covered by Her face was covered in light make-up which accentual her face's natural features and red lipstick. 

Her matching black laceless high heels increased her height by just four inches and were making a gentle cocking sound with each step. She's wearing diamond earrings and matching necklaces. "Oh wow. She looks amazing." said a criminal. "I totally bet she isn't human. No human could look that good even if they were a meta or Cross Species." said another criminal. Everyone was drooling over her. Even though she didn't show it, the purplette could tell that the girl was in no way amused.

Glenn held a red carpet in his arms with him saying,"Ma'am. This is for you since you're a very special guest.". He unrolled the carpet as the woman smiled at him. "Thank you kind sir." said the woman in a soft, gentle voice. She began walking along the red carpet toward the purplette with her smiling upon seeing him. "So how do I look Raph?" said the woman. "You look great and my name is Raphael. You know this." said Raphael, flicking her forehead.

The woman pouted as she said,"Meanie. I hope this appeals to Rufus's taste. It will. That's what I heard from a good friend of mine.". Raphael was looking her over with the woman crossing her arms. "Hey. I know that you love how I look but focus. Do you remember why we're here and our goal?" said the pinkette. "Sorry. You're just so wow. So did you get my message?" said Raphael. "Yep! I sure did and well, your role has been assigned to you so just deal with it." said the woman. 

Raphael sighed as he said,"From what I heard around, this place is even more dangerous than I thought it was. I know we decided to do this together but I've heard about this examination. We may need some help from the others.". "Don't worry. We got this. I mean you're my escort after all." said the woman with her linking her arm with Raphael's who blushed. "You're so lucky to have brought this babe to Lord Rufus my man." said Glenn.

The horned figure wrapped his arm around Raphael as the purplette said,"Thanks. So can we go inside now? Don't want to keep Lord Rufus waiting right?". "Oh yeah. That's a totally a good idea. Come on babe." said Glenn. He was about to grab the pinkette's hand but was stopped by Raphael. "I'm her escort not yours so hands off." said Raphael. "Sorry man." said Glenn. He walked ahead as the two followed behind him. "Aww. So protective of little old Zara aren't you Rae?" said a familiar voice.

Raphael groaned as he said,"Do you really think that you should be mocking me right now? And where are you? We're about to enter the home base of Rufus and the Dwarf Clan. Alongside their impressive strength, they're known for their information network. You also gave me the name Raphael so shouldn't you use it instead of my real one Apollo?". Inside of Raphael/Rachel's ear, there was a small ball of scarlet red light.

Apollo chuckled as he said,"Relax devil. You two both look different from normal so they won't be to tell who you are. The Morphing Powder can mask your presence from beings with Elementary or Standard willpower but it won't be able to mask their natural Impulse. Rufus's building has sensors that can detect it instantly. You should be worried about Zara more than me calling you by your name or where I am. I mean she's the one who is going to go through the examination.". 

Rachel was looking at the pinkette aka Zara with her smiling. "Yeah Rae. I mean if they find us out, we can take them out easily." said Zara. She could talk with Apollo and Rachel due to her having the same earpiece as the disguised devil. "Using physical force obviously." said Zara. Rachel knew that whatever gender her love may be, their confidence was always something that she admired and could keep her going. "So I got to know. Does Rufus have a terrible sense of style?" said Zara.

The girl crossed her arms as she said,"I mean it's slightly better than anyone of Timmy's building but this is still pretty pathetic. I mean I could break with my finger alone.". Glenn opened the door with the two walking in. Glenn was behind them as the trio walked through the run down building. The walls were filled with holes and covered in a variety of various tags from gangs. "I'm sure that you're well aware of the saying don't judge a book by its cover right?" said Rachel.

Apollo nodded as he said,"She's right. The Dwarf Clan is known for creating buildings that may look like trash on the outside but the inside is a treasure. Their creations are easily the most durable and according to rumors, the Earth Envoy aka Rufus's buildings can survive a lot of punishment. They build the Salamander Clan’s mansion and it would be impossible to destroy those buildings.". "So this is on purpose?" said Zara. "Yes it is. So are you picking up on anything?" said Rachel.

Glenn didn't hear their conversion but did wonder why Raphael was touching his ears. "Nothing. I guess we have to get in deeper before we can hear anything." said Zara. The trio turned one last corner with Glenn opening another door. "And welcome to the Beautiful Demon!" said Glenn. The two were surprised that once the door had opened, they could hear loud rave style music from inside and almost blinded by the variety of multi colored lights flooding the hallway from within. 

Rachel looked at Glenn with her saying,"So this music belongs to Rufus right?". "Yeah. He just love this kinda of music even though the rest of his family hated it. So how are you doing there babe?” said Glenn. He turned over to Zara with her seeing that the Cross Species was covering her ears. "Gods fucking damn it! This music is awful! I know that I have selective music taste and music is something that is subjective but this is OBJECTIVE terrible!" thought Zara. 

Zara took a deep breath as she thought,"I've heard this before. It's from that one loser from Ultimate Showdown. I think his name is Gabriel and it’s called house techno but honestly, I really don’t care right now! I said that I can do this so I need to deal with it.". Rachel placed a hand on her disguised lover’s shoulder with her helping the Cross Species deeper inside. Upon entering the room, Zara was blinded by the flashing lights and overbearing music. 

Seeing that Glenn was distracted, Rachel leaned down and she whispered,"Are you okay?". Rachel knew that her partner had a weakness toward loud sounds and Rufus’s music was probably hurting her even more than Kevin's singing when he's drink. "I will be okay very soon. If this devil thinks that terrible rave is going to stop me from protecting you, he has another thing coming!" whispered Zara, with her clenching her fist tightly. 

The Cross Species was feeling a slight bit of nausea due to the combination of lights and music. The couple had found themselves in a somewhat small but packed club of bright colors and lights.  Over the bar, there is a neon outline of a naked succubus laid under the words "Club Beautiful Demon" which does emphasizing what type of club this was. It looked much bigger than it does on the outside but this was probably due to the Dwarf Clan. 

Said clan of devil were infamous for their architecture skills and their ability to truly maximum a space since they were able to make a small wood cabin into a mansion without changing its size. There are two levels to the club with the top floor being just tables and there were women ,in skimpy, sitting, talking, and making out with each others. On the bottom floor, there was a bar filled with booze and a large dance floor. The floor look to made out of black and red tile. 

There were tables on this floor but the main party was on the dance floor. There was a door to another room off to the side that said "Private Area". "So babe. I think there is something that you should know about my boss Lord Rufus aka the Earth Envoy. It's pretty important for you and your good friend here should know." said Glenn. "Is it how his taste in music is just awful. This music should never be played ever." said Zara.

Glenn chuckled as he said,"Yeah. It's awful but Rufus pays very well so I and the other deal with it since well, look around you.". Zara looked in front of her with her eyes widening. "I'm going to guess that he hates men. This place has more women in it than a shopping mall." said Rachel with her noticing that all of the inhabitants of the club were females. Most of the women looked to made out of pitch black earth with a buxom figure. Their face are a white color with red markings for eyes and mouth.

Their fingernails were red. All of them wearing outfits fit for a bunny girl which comes in the form of a gray skin-tight leotard with the symbol of the Dwarf Clan ,being a gold diamond shape, on it. It covers the chest and rear with the leotard made out of a latex like material and that shined. It has a adorable artificial rabbit tail at the rear end of it. This symbol makes it apparent who they belong to. Their leotard’s collar is dark blue, gray cuffs, and wears fishnet pantyhose/stockings over their legs. 

She wears white fingerless gloves and stunning black high heels. Over their neck, they wear a black choker with RUFUS printed on it.  As they were moving around, they mindlessly let their breasts and buts sway. "Yeah. My boss has a seriously bad case of androphobia. If he comes into contact with another male, he’ll break out into a serious bad rash. It's that bad.” said Glenn. "I think you need to stop talking now Glenn." said a voice. Glenn turned to see Aurelio standing there with two devils by his side.

Glenn sighed as he said,"Oh come on Aurelio. What's the problem about telling the new guy? I mean he won't remember.". "While that may be true, we shouldn't be taking any chances. It in no ways hurts to be cautious since Zero is in this city." said Aurelio. "Tch! I'm in no way scared of that coward! You're talking to the Shrouded Dagger!" said Glenn. "Whatever. I'm just trying to knock some common sense into you. Hate how I have to work with one idiot but three. Just my luck." said Aurelio.

The man sighed as he said,"So do you want to tell them or should I?". "Tell us what?" said Rachel. "I guess he didn't. The girl comes with me and you get to go with the guys. Sounds fun right? You don't get a choice to say no by the way." said Aurelio. Zara looked at Rachel with her eyes tell her that she will be fine. Don't forget. Even if we're far away, we'll always be bonded.. Aurelio looked at the pink haired girl with a raised eyebrow as the disguised devil said,"Okay. You're right. Stay safe.".

Zara threw a thumbs up as Aurelio said,"Come on. Lets go.". Aurelio and Zara walked away as Glenn turned to the two suit-wearing devils. "How about you leave me and my new bro alone you two? Go make sure no guy gets to the girls." said Glenn. The suits were gone as Rachel said,"What do you mean by that Dagger?". "Dude. You don't need to call me that. The name's Glenn. If it wasn't obvious, this place is popular with criminals." said Glenn.

Rachel nodded as she said,"Yeah. I heard about this place through the news.". "Yeah. We got a couple of local guys but most of our clientele is from the Omniverse. Let just say that if anyone from the Alliance were here, they would be shocked on how many criminals here. Did you noticed that beside two of us and Sir Grumpy, we're the only two guys here in the club area." said Glenn. "A bit. What happened to them?" said Rachel.

The two walked past two girls who were currently making out and grinding each other in beat with the awful music. If they weren’t here to take down Rufus, Rachel would be amazed at how those two are able to do that. The couple made their way to a table in the back of the club where their music wasn’t as loud so they could chat. "The boss here hates men so if one just so happens to enter one of his buildings without his permission, he has a way of dealing with them." said Glenn.

Glenn looked at Rachel with him saying,"Not sure on the specific but it has something to do with Ardor and making them pleasing to him.". "That's interesting. So have you seen it down before?" said Rachel as she saw girls either kissing or dirty dancing. Their dancing was clearly something that had nothing to a resort and was more like having sexual relations if you catch my drift. "Once or twice but honestly, I ain't into that kind of shit. The boss is a super freak." said Glenn.

Rachel had to agree with the bounty hunter with her saying,"If that's the case, why did I get to stay with you and pinkie?". "That's because you brought us pinkie and I vouch for you. You seem like a good guy and well, I need someone to talk about this place. I mean all of these babes are wearing revealing and tight clothing while grinding up against each other. Don't you want to just take one back to your place and have fun with them?" said Glenn.  

The disguised devil shook her head as she said,"Nope. I got my eyes on one women and I was raised not to be a cheater. This woman I'm crushing on is so damn sexy.". She was pretty sure that Zara ,even in this loud music, could hear her and her partner loved compliments from her. "Seriously? These girls are sexy and totally hammered. We can do anything with them except if the boss likes them. Them being drunk is due to some devil drink according to Sir Grumpy." said Glenn.    

Rachel looked at what the girls were drinking earlier with it being Cherry Blossom Punch. "I've heard about that drink before. It's name is Cherry Blossom Punch. Doesn't it only work on devils?" said Rachel. "Yeah but this is a strong version. Whoever drink it increases their sexual desires rather than just the sexual desires of devils. It helps the boss a great deal since he LOVES women especially lesbians. The boss is one of three males in the Dwarf Clan." said Glenn

Glenn smiled as he said,"His group is literally a harem since it’s mainly females and ones who love the fairer sex but will have relationships with their master if he chooses them for a private show. Pinkie is one of the girls who will be selected for a private show along with this one girl.". "Okay. Apollo and Zane. I thought that I hated this guy more than I did but wow. He’s a real creep even more than I did when it came to Blaze. We got this." whispered Rachel. "Yeah." said Apollo.

The reason why Zara didn't respond was because she was busy with Aurelio. The two were in a different part of the building. "So how are things with you?" said Zara. Aurelio was silent as Zara sighed. "Oh wow. This guy doesn't want to talk. So do you think I should tell Rae how I'm got so good in walking in heels? I mean if I do, Ellie needs to learn about about Lucius's past. Kurt also needs to be there as well since teasing him is always worth it." thought Zara.

As she was thinking this, the duo entered a casino like area. It had several dozens table open with lots of people at them. There were some open slots as well but there were less slots compared to table. Above the casino, the same neon outline ,that's in the club, was there as well. There was a second floor but the second floor had doors leading to unknown rooms. The floor look to be made out of black and red tile as well. 

Unlike the club area from before, there were more men in here but not by much. The gender ratio was 75% female to 25% male. Rufus doesn't believe in gender equality after all. The few men were been served by the bunny girls that would be dancing if they were in the clubs. "Okay then. You need to go up to the second floor at the very end of the hall. I better not see you snooping around or else." said Aurelio. "Or else what exactly?" said Zara.

Aurelio looked at her as he said,"Lets just say that your tan will get even worse.". "I see." said Zara as she began walking through the casino since the stairs were on the other side of the hall. The patrons were turning to look at her with them drooling. "Gods. It's really only cute when Rae drools and totally not these guys." thought Zara as she internally barfed. Before Zara could go any farther, her left wrist was grabbed hard by Lidox.  

The alien smiled as he said,"Well, you must be the girl that the purple hair guy brought. I have to say that he brought in a prime catch.". "Um Lidox. I would suggest letting her go." said Tulbur who was sitting at the small table as him. "And why should I do that? I doubt she could stop me from getting a quick squeeze." said Lidox. "If you leave a mark on one of the boss's girls Lidox, you aren't getting a warning." said Tulbur. 

Lidox scoffed as he said,"I know that but can you blame me? We finally got a couple of lookers and that disgusting pile of crap gets them. Life isn't fair right?". Before Tulbur could remind his partner about him being celibate, Lidox was hit in the face by dark red Impulse and sent flying across the casino. "I warned him about touching the merchandise several times and this is what he gets." said Tulbur as he shook his head.

Zara looked at the alien with her saying,"So what just happened?". "That was karmic retribution in the form of Aurelio. I suggest you get going to where you were asked before things get worse." said Tulbur with a calming smile. "Wow. He and his sister are two different beings. The Ignrull is a interesting species that's for sure." thought Zara. "But what if someone touches me like your friend did? He really hurt." said Zara. "Would you like me to be your bodyguard?" said Tulbur with Zara nodding.

Tulbur stood up with him saying,"Then lets go shall well.". The two walked through the casino with Tulbur giving the more grabby guest a lesson in respecting the lady's privacy. There was also random burst of dark red wind as well but unlike Tulbur, the wind shows no mercy. "And here we are." said Tulbur as they were at the location where Aurelio wanted Zara. "Thank you and I'm sorry about your friend." said Zara. "He'll be fine." said Tulbur, waving off her concern.

Upon Zara entering the room, it was too normal and peaceful. Crisis Judgement went off as the door behind her closed shut and there was the sound of a machine turned on. "I know my smell isn't hyper like my hearing but that fruity smell. It's familiar and probably used to dull out the girls's senses and make them unable to fight back." thought Zara. The Cross Species went up to the door and tried to break out.

Even though she was masking her true strength, Zara could feel part of it fading thanks to a gas that was a bright pink color and had a distinct color to it. Just a little bit. "I should do something about it but doing that, it would alert Rufus about me being not a normal girl." thought Zara. She nodded as she was going to play along for now. To play up the ruse, she got onto her knees. The door then opened up as the unique looking trio of Aurelio, Cicada, and Cicatrix walking in. 

The trio were all wearing gas masks which prevented the gas from affecting them. "Hey there. How are you doing? I better you're feeling up for anything right? I bet you want to be more comfortable so lets get going to a new more comfy room." said Cicatrix. "And where are we going?" said Zara with her sounding dazed. "Come on now. Get moving lady. And meathead. Do treat this one with care." said Aurelio as he crossed his arms. 

Cicatrix scoffed as she said,"I know that little man. Do you want to fight after this? It could be the biggest attraction of the night.". "Why would I waste my time on you? You're physically strong sure but dumber than an ox or perverted bison." said Aurelio. Cicatrix was about to punch him but it was stopped by Cicada's staff. "Focus you two. We need to get ready for tonight's main event." said Cicada. "You're right. Lets go." said Aurelio as he walked toward Zara who was pretending to fall asleep.

A few minutes later, Zara heard a voice speaking to her. "Hey. Are you okay?" said the voice. Zara woke up to see a woman above him. She looked to be in her late teens and around Atem's age aka fifteen. She looks to be developed into quite the young woman whose figure could be seen as goddess like if she keeps it well maintained. She has fair skin, long, wavy sky blue hair, amber colored eyes, freckles on her face, and pale purple fish like ears. Her ears indicated that she wasn't human.

Part of her shoulder-length hair is gathered in pigtails with it held there thanks to a golden dolphin hairpin. She's wears a white, sleeveless dress which looks to be extremely expensive, goes down to her knees, and had a dolphin themed pattern to it. Her dress has a white hood attached to it and the edges of her dress is gold. She has a wide brown ribbon around her waist. She's wearing brown sandals. Around her neck and both of her wrists, she had a collar and handcuffs respectively. 

Zara got up which scared the poor girl and she said,"Yeah. I'm fine. Your name wouldn't happen to be Michelle would it be?". "Yeah. How do you know my name miss.?" said Michelle. "That's super. My name isn't important. I guess Apollo was right about you being here." said Zara. "Apollo? Are you with the Alliance?" said Michelle. "I am but not normally like this." said Zara. "But your dress, hair, and makeup look so amazing." said Michelle.

The Cross Species smiled as she said,"Thanks I know but you don't look half bad yourself.". The girl blushed as she covered her face with her hands. "Thank you." said Michelle. "So is there anyone else in here beside us? And are there any cameras?" said Zara. "Yes to the first question but no to the second question. The reason why is because of one of the bodyguards getting drunk and blasting all of the cameras into pieces. They didn't get in trouble." said Michelle.

Zara nodded as she said,"That's good. Do you mind taking me to the other prisoner? I need to confirm something.". "Okay. I think he should be awake right now. Lets go." said Michelle. Zara followed the other female to a different part of the room and she picked up groaning. "Do you hear that? That means he is awake!" said Michelle. "I see. So why was he sleeping? Is it his bedtime or something along those lines?" said Zara. 

Michelle looked at her as she said,"Unlike me and you too, the owner of this place has him fight for amusement. Normally, it wouldn't be a problem but there is a problem in the form of the Cherry Blossom Gas. It is really weaking his amazing strength to something that could be much weaker even though in my opinion, it's pretty strong.". "That's because you ain't a giant girly! And stop talking so damn loud! I got a mammoth sized headache right now. Damn pervert devil." said a gruff voice.

Michelle and Zara stopped walking to reveal the third prisoner in the room and this prisoner is much larger than the two women. He looked to be about twenty feet tall with him having a well-proportioned body. He has short, unkempt dark blue hair, brown eyes, a big and bushy beard, and a noticeable scar going along his nose. He's wearing a gold metal Viking like helmet with one of the helmet's eyepiece missing or more like destroyed. 

The man is wearing a dark red coat that exposed his muscular chest and scars. He wears brown pants and dark orange boots. There is a belt like object around his waist with it covered in metal plates. His arms were covered by large cloth vambraces on them and each vambrace had a larger than normal shield on them. His entire body was covered in chains and like Michelle, those chains were probably draining him of his strength. 

Michelle smiled as she said,"I would like you to meet my prison pal Cazagon. He's a giant with the ability to manipulate his size at well. Cazagon. I would like to meet My name isn't important. She's new.".  "Girly. I don't think that's her name. No parent would purposefully name their spawn that." said Cazagon who groaned loudly. Michelle looked stunned by this revelation. "Okay then. I'm just going to ignorant the notion of her thinking that my name was that." thought Zara. 

Zara looked at Cazagon as she said,"You wouldn't happen to be the Cazagon who is known as the size changing destroyer would you? You were a member of the Alliance for a while before vanishing about fifty years ago in search of amazing meals.". "That's correct. I'm that Cazagon. Even though I achieved the rank of Commander First Class, I decided to leave in order to make amazing meals for those who went hungry. I'm furious that I was captured by a man named Brood." said Cazagon.

He punched the wall he was leaning against and shook the room. "So why are you here?" said Michelle who turned to Zara. "I was asked by Apollo to come save you both." said Zara. "Apollo? That guy is a good agent but why would he sent in you? No offense to you ladies but in my lifetime, men are seen as the stronger gender. However, there are some strong ladies out there." said Cazagon. "Like the one who punched you out cold the other day?" said Michelle.

Cazagon nodded as he said,"Yeah. The Attacker type Ingrull aren't someone you should underestimated even if it's a female. So are you an agent too?". "Sorta of." said Zara. "What is that supposed to mean lady?" said Cazagon. "Ever heard about the Eazairvians?' said Zara. "I have lady. One of the strongest species in the Omniverse. Never seen one before since they tend to stay way from those weaker than them. I think Parker is one but I've never seen him before." said Cazagon.

Michelle looked at Cazagon with her saying,"So why did you call her lady and me girly?". "Because she's a real woman and you're still growing." said Cazagon. "While I'm enjoying this back and forth, I need to show you two something." said Zara. The two looked at Zara who glowed turquoise and Zane stood there in his Zeta costume. "You're a man?!" screamed Michelle. "Girly. This is Legion Zero. I know you and I guess you're here to take down the Earth Envoy." said Cazagon.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I'm here with my fiancée and rescue you two.". "Sweet! This place is giving me the shivers." said Michelle. "Yeah. This place is totally a dungeon that's made for only one thing and it sure as hell ain't keeping beings locked up." said Cazagon. There was a gong sound as the trio heard a voice,"Now ladies. I know that things may be boring but not anymore. The master is willing to see you now!". 

The room's door opened with the voice saying,"Head out the door to the right and up the stairs. Come on ladies. Let go!". "So should we go?" said Michelle. "You ain't got a choice but they need both of you instead of just one. They'll get suspicious if only one goes to see him." said Cazagon. "I'm well aware of that so time to use my signature Zenith Duplication to fix that little issue." said Zane as he made the disguised version of Zara appear. "That's so cool!" said Michelle.

Zara nodded as she said,"Yeah. Now lets get going. Have fun boss.". The two were gone as Cazagon turned to Zane. "So what's your plan? Going to meet up with your fiancée? Has she been captured like you?" said Cazagon. "I was going to break you out since I know that my fiancée is fine. She is currently disguised as a man." said Zane. "Not going to ask how you did that but your plan has a serious flaw in it brat." said Cazagon as Zane turned to the giant.

With Zara, she stood there with Michelle who stayed silent. They were escorted to Rufus's private floor which was above both the casino, club, and dungeon. The two were being looked over by Rufus's seven bodyguards. These bodyguards are Aurelio, Cicada, Cicatrix, Glenn, Lidox, Specter Samurai, and Tulbur. Zara noticed the black eye around Glenn's left eye with her thinking,"I wonder how he got that shiner.". "Okay there ladies. Please line up for the Earth Envoy." said Lidox.

Cicada rolled her eyes at this as she said,"Do you not see that they already are? Idiot.". "Ha! She told you!" said Cicatrix. "Be quiet brute." said SS. The two glared at each other with Aurelio sighing. "Lets get this down already." said Aurelio. "Let me give you the honor of introducing you both to the Spectral Realm's most eligible bachelor. The legend himself Rufus Medlock!" said Glenn. The Omniverse's most ugly devil appeared with him smiling. "Oh gods. My eyes." thought Zara.

Rufus began walking toward them with him saying,"I bet you two are both happy to see me as I am with you. I thought it was going to a bad night thanks to something else but hey, this ain't half bad.". He began to sniff Michelle with the rest of the room looking at Rufus with disgust. I should mention this by now but Rufus is made to be a disgusting individual with no likable traits. "I always did the younger ones but your serious looking friend is peaking my lust extra bad." said Rufus.

Zara rolled her eyes internally as she thought,"Lucky me.". Rufus finished looking them over as he said,"I've made my choice!". "Finally. This usually takes forever." said SS. "It will be you who has earned my love!" said Rufus, pointing at Zara. "This is sad." said Zara. Rufus looked at her with him saying,"What did you say pinkie?". "I said that you're sad." said Zara. "Oh wow. Someone has a lot to prove and I'll break it down since you've earned my love!" said Rufus. 

Rufus looked at the woman with him saying,"Still playing the cold-hearted bitch? It's a good thing I like sloppy seconds but first, I need to put the loser in storage.". Within seconds, Michelle had Rufus's frog like tongue wrapped around her wrist. "Ew! Gross! Get it off me...." said Michelle. The girl was turned to stone after that with Zara glaring at Rufus. "What did you do to her you piece of shit?!" said Zara as she was about to kick him.

However, she was stopped by Cicada's staff. "Nice catch." said Tulbur. "Oh. Did I make you mad? It only makes you even more sexy in my eyes and I bet seeing another one will make you furious!" said Rufus, snapping his fingers. Part of the right wall vanished as Zara's eyes widened. There were at least fifty stone statues on display for all to see with one of those statues being Rachel and she was in her anti-heroine outfit. "Rae!" thought Zara.

Rufus chuckled as he said,"My latest one was going to be my future wife Rachel Powell when Glenny and Aurelio brought her to my office after she tore apart the club. Got a couple of good hits on you two didn't she?". "Yeah. Don't remind me." said Glenn, rubbing his arm. "Heh. You got owned by a girl. I guess the Shrouded Dagger isn't the best after all." said Lidox. "And you two need to stop being sexist now. That devil is stronger. She only lost because of bad luck." said Aurelio.

Zara looked at him with her thinking,"Way to go Rae but I guess this guy is pretty strong.". "And how did that happen?" said Cicada. "She took down at least five hundred of the boss's stone devils and slaves plus Glenn before I showed up. Her Ardor is already more powerful than both her mother and older brothers. She has great potential, it's shame that it was wasted. She shouldn't have come here and try stop her." said Aurelio as he looked at Rachel. 

Rufus smiled as he said,"At first, I admired Rachel for the great beauty and power combo but that changed after meeting you.". He walked over to Zara and did a spin in the process. "Um. Are you serious? You do know that she literally kicked the crap out of your men with her buddy there plus that spin." thought Aurelio. "Who cares?! She makes my heart flutters with her goddess like figure, longer than the hills legs, voluptuous curves, and her amazing fingers.  you will be mine." said Rufus.

Glenn looked at Rufus and then Zara as he groaned. "Seriously? This guy is so damn lucky. Getting a mega babe like her is practically impossible from some of his size." said Glenn. "You may be new here kid but trust me when I say this. Our boss knows the feminine physique. She was able to figure out the big lady's measurements with a single glance and compared her to a mountain." said Lidox. "And if we weren't working for him, he would be punched into next year." said Cicatrix. 

She was serious about this claim since well, she didn't like people knowing her measurements. Not even Cicada knows them despite the two of them being partners. "That's my sister for you. Always resorting to using her fist instead of her words." said Tulbur. "And that's why I'm her partner but honestly, he has it coming." said Cicada. "And who cares about what she looks like? She's weak." said SS. "I do you idiotic Phantom! And you're lucky that you're still useful to me boy unlike him." said Rufus. 

He pointed to a suit wearing devil with him saying,"Um. What do you mean by that sir?". The devil didn't get an answer from his boss since at the moment, his face was being squeezed heavily by Cicatrix with the devil trying to get her to let him go but it was impossible. She has a really strong grip. "Cicatrix my dear. Do take him to the Mud Pit and make him more tolerable to my eyes." said Rufus. "You got it you really fat piece of garbage." thought Cicatrix with her walking out out of the room. 

Rufus turned back to the frozen in place Zara with him saying,"So back to you. I wonder what I should to do with you my beauty." He held out Zara's right hand and kissed it while bowing to her. In response to this, the clone spit in the face. If she wasn't held in place, the devil would have his nuts kicked so hard that they would go back inside out of fear or one would be destroyed. You may think that it's a bit much but well, you wouldn't want someone like Rufus touching you.

Zara glared at Rufus with her shouting,"Don't you touch me you sick fucker! You make Blaze look like a saint! I may like boys and girls but there is no way you're my type!". She really want to wipe away the salva but couldn't and it wasn't because of Cicada. Rufus wiped away the spit with him clenching his teeth in anger. His eyes were blazing with a burning fury. "You damn virago sow! Do you know what you just did to me?!" said Rufus. 

Without missing a beat, Zara said,"Cleaned you up a bit even though you're one ugly son of a bitch. And calling me a virago sow? Come up with a better insult.". "This is your punishment for insulting me!" said Rufus with him making an earth construct knife and cut Zara's dress. This made her breasts spill out of them and doing this caused Glenn and Lidox to pass out. They did a VIP seat to the show after all. "Seriously? That's pathetic. It's just fat you babies." said Specter Samurai. 

The two would have said something but well, they "While I agree with you on how they were both pathetic, Lidox is much more pathetic since he's been with Rufus for more than three weeks." said Cicada. "Damn you. I'm going to make you pay for that Rufus! These breasts of mine belong only to my wife Rachel! I need to focus and not let my anger get the better of me." thought Zara. The clone blinked as she took a deep breath.

As Zane learned from Sly, female Akostars are far more emotional than male Akostars which is saying a lot. She was well aware of what happens to an female Akostar around that time of month. Sly goes from a usually calm and collected being to someone who snaps at others even if they say something nice at her or start crying up literal waterfalls. One time, Zane and the other members of Team Maelstrom had to use buckets to get rid of all of the water that she was producing.

The Akostar was so embarrassed that she didn't show her face to anyone for a solid three days until she calmed down. For a female Akostar whose emotions who act randomly, it's deadly. The clone was well aware of how bad she can get since it's like when the boss is affected by the Ethereal Mania but even more deadly. Rufus then began stroking Zara's cheek as he said,"Such a vile temper. I shall make you see that you'll be a great wife for me.". 

Zaraa glared at him as she said,"Seriously?! What is up with you devil royalty?! Taking any women you want just because you can makes nothing more than scum!". "She has a point there." said Aurelio. "I think we all agree to that but who are we working for?" said Cicada. "Fair point." said Aurelio with him sighing. "It's quite a shame to see such a display though." said Tulbur. "I just wish it didn't take so damn long." said SS. 

Rufus laughed as he said,"Oh I'm so scared of little old you. The only being that I would be scared of is Legion Zero aka Zane Alvarez but wait. He isn't here. Most of my hired help has lost to him before they came to work for me. I remember watching the beatdown and it was pretty good unlike the one that Blaze did to his friend. What was his name again? It matters not.". He finished talking as he kissing her forehead.

Zara growled as Rufus sighed. "I really do hate how humans give women rights. I think you need to learn your place." said Rufus with him punching her in the stomach without warning. This caused Zara to cough blood with her glaring. "Just you wait you asshole. Once my powers come back to me, you'll pay for this with your life you pathetic cowardly bastard!" shouted Zara. She was once again punch in the stomach but much harder this time.

Her legs were then skewered by two earth spikes with her roaring in pain. Even though she was on the same level as the Boss in terms of strength, the pain that she was feeling from Rufus's strikes really did hurts. It wasn't on the same level as the wounds Zane sustained during his fight with Basalt or the Massacre since these wounds pissed her off. She was tempered to go Astral Form on this asshole but she couldn't thanks to Zane having the watch right now. 

Rufus told Cicada to let Zara go and the clone fell onto the floor. "Oh my dear. I think you and I being married with the best thing to ever happen in your life. Why don't you think about it." said Rufus. "I would rather marry a skunk than you." said Zara. "Let see how you feel when you taste my lips." said Rufus, about to kiss her much to her disgust. "Oh hell no!" thought Zara with her trying to keep her lips away from his. 

To stop the kiss, she puked on Rufus with the duo of Aurelio and Cicada laughing upon seeing this happen. The girls that Rufus brought in here fought back before but not like this. The duo of Specter Samurai and Tulbur didn't care as Glenn and Lidox were still passed out. Rufus got away from her as he said,"Fine. I'll make you fall for me no matter what.". He motioned to Aurelio who pulled a level and this caused Zara to fall through a trapdoor. Lets see how Rachel become stone shall we?

Flashback P.O.V.
Rachel was staring at the drink that she was given ,thanks to one of the bunny girl servers, with a noticeable distain. Glenn didn't notice it due to him getting a lap dance from two of them. "So are you going to do something about it or what?" said Apollo. "What do you mean? I thought our plan was to wait for Zara to confirm if Cazagon and Michelle are here before we tear this place apart." said Rachel as Glenn was dragged onto the dance floor.

Apollo sighed as he said,"You're not wrong but I can tell that you're mad about one of your species's favorite drinks being used in such a way. I'm also not against some violence toward these sentient piles of dirt.". "What do you mean?" said Rachel. "Oh right. Zane mentioned how you're not good at sensing Impulse yet. Don't worry. It's something that takes most if all beings a long time. All of Rufus's suit wearing men and his servants are made out of a combination of Earth and Ardor." said Apollo.

Rachel nodded as Apollo said,"You have no idea what I just said did you?". "Yeah. My fiancé is the one who knows too much about what powers can and can not do." said Rachel. "With your abilities, I'm sure that you can handle most of them with ease since you're a member of the Akostar Clan. I would suggest trying to take down as many as you can." said Apollo. "What do you mean by that? I mean why would you ask me of this and not Zara?" said Rachel.

The devil heard a loud sigh as Apollo said,"I want to see what you can do. Call me curious but I like Zane/Zara. That Cross Species is a great kid and I want them to be happy. With every servant and suit that gets defeated, a being is released from Rufus's control.". "I see. That sounds like a good idea but can I start with Glenn first?" said Rachel. "Sure." said Apollo. Rachel made her flail appear with her smacking Glenn in the face ,giving him a black eye, and caused a brawl in the club.

Narrator P.O.V.
With Zane, he was currently looking for a place known as the manager's room. This was just before his clone learned about what happened to Rachel and later Michelle. The superhero was currently sneaking around using his suit's camouflage. "I can't believe Rufus. I mean he's a perverted scumbag but having Cazagon and Michelle's chains and collar skewer their heads off. There is also the fact that it blows up as well. This is add insult to injury." thought Zane.

The Cross Species found himself in front of the room with him noticing that the doorknob had a layer of frost around it. "Hold on. Ice?" said Zane. He slightly nudged the door open and he saw an old friend of his in the room. It was Thomas Wright aka Cryonic and leader of the Tremendous. In the past four years, he hadn't change too much. "Where is it? I thought I could trust him for information." muttered Thomas with him being unaware of Zane. "So what are you doing here snowcone?" said Zane.

Hearing a familiar voice, The cyrokinetic blinked with him turning around to see Zane standing there with him leaning against the door. "I mean I haven't seen you or your pals after that time you tried to rob a train and failed thanks to Morph and Qwark's combination move which was badass." said Zane. "Are you here to arrest me Zero? And why are you here? This ain't your type of scene." said Thomas. "I got my reasons and unless you tell me why you're here, I'll arrest you." said Zane.

Zane turned into Scarecrow Form and wrapped the ice man in the room's plants. "I know that you could easily break out of the plants but well, I wouldn't recommend it." said Zane. "Oh. I know about this form's special ability but it wouldn't work. Those suits that have been wandering around this place are nothing more than puppets." said Thomas. "Okay then. So why are you here? Security here is pretty tight for men. Women on the other hand." said Zane.

Thomas shrugged as he said,"That was easy on my part. I have a man on the inside since we're working together. What about you?". "I'm here to take down the boss of this place with my fiancée alongside freeing two captives." said Zane. "Sounds like you're having a fun date night aren't you kid?" said Thomas as Zane nodded. Before Zane could do anything, the clone sent him a message. Even when Zane and his clones are separated, they can still send each other message. 

Zane punched the nearby wall with Thomas saying,"What's up?". "My fiancée has been captured after taking down five hundred devils and one of his bodyguards." said Zane. "I see. She's a tough lady and fitting for someone like you to take down that many opponents. So want to make a deal?" said Thomas. "What kind of deal?" said Zane. "We work together. Our goals align so why not we finally work together?" said Thomas. 

The strawman crossed his arms as he said,"Okay but I have a question for you. Why are you here exactly? You didn't tell me.". "The rest of the Tremendous have gone missing. I thought they were on jobs or in prison but I found out that they went to this club and haven't been seen since. From what my man on the inside told me, the boss has something to do with their disappearance. I sneaked my way into the room and was about to find out where they were being held but you caught me." said Thomas.

Zane looked at him and could tell that for once, Thomas wasn't lying. "So since I told you my story about why I'm here, how about you let me go already? I could free myself but I rather have you do it partner." said Thomas. "Fine." said Zane, snapping his fingers Within seconds, the plants that held Thomas let him go and Zane walked over to him. "So why are you trying to open that safe?" said Zane with a interested look. 

Thomas turned to Zane with him saying,"From what my man tells me, it contains a map that would led us to the dungeons and a room where the disarmament for the exploding chains and collar are. I'm guessing you need one of those rooms as well to help save someone like you normally do." "Yeah. I was in a prison like room here but I didn't see anyone from the Tremendous down there." said Zane.

After hearing that, Thomas sighed as he said,"I see then. Lets open this safe already. Got any silent explosions on you?". "I do since well, I can make the room go dead silent." said Zane, turning into Sound Form. He made three discs leave his body with him saying,"Surround Sound.". The disc began releasing sound and prevent anyone from outside to hear them. "I guess you being called the jack of all trades hero isn't a bad title for you. So stand back." said Thomas. 

Zane moved back as Thomas placed a C4 like device and he snapped his fingers. Within seconds, the bomb went off as the safe was covered in ice and not the wall. Zane removed the safe from the wall and opened it on the desk. The only thing that came out of the safe was bars of gold and a map. "Check out all of that gold." said Zane. "Yeah. I would take it but I need to find out what happened to my men. It seems that the males are taken to somewhere to become perfect or some crap like that." said Thomas. 

Zane nodded as he said,"And the room where I need to go is in the other direction. I guess this is where we part ways.". "Yeah. If I see you in trouble, one of the devils will just so happen to get a nasty cold." said Thomas. The leader ran out of the room with Zane deactivating the form. "Okay then. What should I do? I know that getting Cazagon's help will be nice but the girls are in danger and my clone hasn't responded to my messages." thought Zane.

The Cross Species heard a voice speaking to him,"Do not worry about your love partner. She was able to support you in your time of pain when I could not.". The voice sounded low and gravely with it sounding dry and and ancient. It had an regal feeling to it, reminding whoever hears it of a king. "So do you mind counting out Astaroth? I rather not talk to you in my head." said Zane. Within seconds, a being appeared right in front of Zane. 

This being is Astaroth and he had changed in the past four years. He looks very similar to Lucifer but very different due to him having some elements of Predator State and his own. According to Astaroth himself, this is his true self that he wants the world to see. He looked to be slightly taller than Zane by about eighteen inches or eight feet tall. He's a dark gray slim yet muscular humanoid demon with his body looking to have been sculpted from porcelain. 

He now looks to have a more suave appearance compared to his more brute like appearance with long arms and legs. He has an eight-pack. His black hair is cut to his chin with the ends of his hair flowing through the air like energy. His face looks rather demonic with two crimson red eyes. He has slit pupils and a jagged mouth. Astaroth's mouth resemble sharp, elongated teeth or fangs. It's in a a permanent smirk but can move its shape. He has two curled devil like horns sticking out of his forehead. 

Astaroth has two curled devil like horns sticking out of his forehead. In the area between each of his horns and hidden behind his bangs, he has a fluorescent black heart there. The foreground that looks like a spiderweb and broken/cracked glass fusion. It has four lavender tomoe around it with a black jagged line going through all four of them. He has two elf shaped ears. He has two large obsidian black energy wings coming out of his back. 

His wings seem to resemble the wings of a bat and can turn into a flowing obsidian black cape that billows in the wind. Similar to Crimson Spade, Astaroth wears a domino mask over his face. It's a royal blue color with two white lenses that are clear and see-though. The mask's nose is curved like a hawk. He wears a vivid black jacket with crimson red trims and a royal blue shirt paired with a black tie underneath. 

Astaroth's jacket have shoulder pads with a small gold skull emblem on them. He wears black pants underneath with a gray belt and gold belt buckle. He wears royal blue armored boots with black "X" straps. The heel of his boot is a steel gray sword shape blade. He’s constantly emitting misty wisps of obsidian black energy and his chest is wrapped in a pair of chains ,in a z formation, that looks to match Zane's chains aka black ,with dark indigo flame like outlines, chains.

He has five gold claw like fingers with them enclosed in black leather fingerless gloves with gold metal skull shaped studs on the back of them over each knuckle. He’s wears emerald green magatama earrings. Under his boots, he stands upon very powerful swirling vortexes of black/red/yellow energy and this is how he moves around. Yeah. He had a noticeable change compared to before and this will be shown off.

Astaroth looked down at Zane with him saying,"So what is your plan Zane? I'm sure you know what to do since your clone can handle herself in a fight. We made a promise to help Apollo by saving two beings who have been taken away from their loved ones by a devil. I do respect you a great deal since you're the type to always honor his promises and never gives up the fight no matter even if the odds are against him.".

Zane didn't try to respond since Astaroth was right. "It seems that you know what to do. You are destined for great things and I want to be a part of that. When you come back from this sad depressed state you found yourself in, you made a powerful bond. Do remember what that bond gave you and how that bond you made gives you strength." said Astaroth. "I got you. Ready to cause some chaos partner?" said Zane as the devil smiled. 

Later in a more private part of the building which resembled a maze, Cicatrix was walking with her brother with him pushing a cart filled with money and other precious things. On top of this pile, there was the Tokrudan orb. "So explain to me what we're doing again sister? I thought we needed to go check on that woman who fell into the trap hole." said Cicatrix. "It seems that our boss wants to make sure that orb is put in place. Remember that intruder earlier?" said Tulbur.

Cicatrix crossed her arms as she said,"You mean that guy with the voice box? I thought we had him turned into one of the servants.". "Nope. He managed to escape and Aurelio blamed Lidox for that. It's the reason why he's walking with a limp." said Tulbur. "For a human, that guy has a short temper." said the Attacker. "He may not be one but I could be wrong. Hey there. What is this doing here?" said a guard. This got the sibling's attention as they walked toward the guard.

The guard turned to see the two with him saying,"Um. What is it?". "Don't worry. You're not in trouble young man." said Tulbur. "We were just curious about what you said earlier." said Cicatrix. "Oh. I found this earlier and wonder what was it doing here." said the guard. He held up a marble with Cicatrix's eyes widening. "Hold on. That's...." said Cicatrix. She didn't get a chance to finish her sentence due to the entire hallway getting covered in smoke.

From the smoke, Zane emerged from one of the corridor's shadow as Werewolf Form. "Okay. That should keep those two busy for a while. From what the map said, the room I need to find is somewhere down here." said Zane. "So what about the Tokrudan orb? And shouldn't we go find the clone? I thought that was the reason for getting that servant to talk earlier. And why the smoke bomb?" said Astaroth.

Zane shrugged as he said,"We should leave it alone for now since if we take it, Thomas will have even more trouble finding his men.". "Do you still think they're still men at this point? I mean Rufus hates men according to that servant we interrogated." said Astaroth. "I would go find out since we're nearby the statue room but I need to find Rae." said Zane. "Sounds like a plan. We'll go find Thomas and Zara after that." said Astaroth.

The wolf nodded as Crisis Judgement went off. He blended into the shadows as the smoke cleared out of the corridor thanks a stream of dark red wind. The two Ignrull siblings saw Aurelio standing there with him saying,"And what are you two doing? Don't you remember your order from the boss?". "You need to calm down. We're getting there but we may have an intruder." said Tulbur. "Do you seriously think that?" said Aurelio.

Cicatrix looked down on Aurelio as she said,"Of course we do and it's him!". "I need a name since I'm not too familiar with the Prime Dimension and how things go down here." said Aurelio. "He's this town's biggest threat Legion Zero. His fiancée was one of the stone statues we obtained earlier so I suspect he's here to get revenge on Rufus." said Tulbur. "Which for the record, I'm totally for." said Cicatrix. "All of us do but we have to do our job to the best of our abilities." said Aurelio.

Aurelio turned to the devil servant with him saying,"Which includes the help. Now get back to work or you'll be rocking a pair of bazookas on your chest.". The servant ran off after hearing that threat. "You really need to relax." said Tulbur. "I will once you catch Legion Zero. I'm going to get tonight's festivals in order so you two go back to work." said Aurelio. He walked off as the siblings went to where they were going. "Wow. This guy reminds me a bit of you partner." said Astaroth.    

Zane agreed with him moving through the maze and he reappeared in front of the statue room. "This looks to be a problem since if I try to open it. I need to go a form that can become intangible." thought Zane. He was about to turn back to normal and phased in but noticed that the door would open by a fingerprint scanner and decided to break that instead. He turned into Chronos Form with him firing electricity at it. This caused the scanner to overload and the door opened. 

The robot smiled as he said,"Open Sesame.". He walked inside and saw several hundred statues lined up like they were on display. "My gods, there are almost a thousand statues in here. It's no wonder why Apollo wanted me to save Michelle. There are several different species of women in here. I see a banshee, dryad, lamia, mermaid, nymph, ogre, and yuki-onna." said Zane with him deactivating Chronos Form.

Zane began looking for Rachel's unique Impulse signature since according to Apollo's notes, the stone statue has a faint Impulse signature and he should be able to find it since sensing Impulse is something that he's really good at. After walking past at least three hundred eighty-seven statues, Zane found her with him taking a deep breath and his hands began glowing steel gray. "Reviving Touch." said Zane. He placed his hands on her shoulder with the stone cracking. 

Rachel was free of her stone prison with her blinking. "Oh gods. That felt so weird." said Rachel. She looked at Zane with her saying,"Zane? What are you doing here? I thought you were currently female right now.". "My clone is Zara right now and she's captured." said Zane. "Your clone got captured?! But how?" said Rachel. "She need to play a certain part and well, I doubt most girls who get brought here are expert fighters. We need to hide right now." said Zane. "Um why?" said Rachel. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"Rufus will be here in a few minutes and I won't have him turning you to stone again.". The devil nodded as the two hid behind a stone statue of a giant woman with them both hearing,"Find the rat who got in here right now!". The couple turned to see Rufus standing there with Glenn, Lidox, and Specter Samurai aka Shiegki. There was also some devils as well but they really don't matter. "So do you want to take care of them now or later?" whispered Rachel. 

She was prepared to blast them but was stopped by Zane. "Later Rae. I don't want to break any of these statues since they're still alive. I can faint hear their essences and heart beating." whispered Zane. "So are you sure about him being here?" said Shiegki. "Listen. I don't like Zero either but you have this huge murder boner for the guy. Why is that?" said Glenn. "I have my reason for wanting Zero dead and if he's in here or somewhere in this house of sin and debauchery, I'll end him." said Shiegki.

He and Zane had a history together with the Cross Species usually being the one to defeat him and make him look like a fool. "Ahem! You morons are here to kill the intruder not to talk about a non-issue!" said Rufus. "Seriously? You considered the protector of the Omniverse to be a non-issue. He managed to defeat Basalt after all and to give my former boss some praise, he was pretty tough. I really don't like how things turned out after his defeat though." said Lidox.

Rufus looked at the alien with him saying,"Of course! The fact that Blaze lost to the Cross Species was pathetic. While you three take care of the intruder, I'm going to get ready for tonight's entertainment so kill him now!". The devil walked off as Glenn said,"So do you guys really want to search through the entire room or just say that we did?". "Are you suggesting that we lie to our boss who can turn us into those bimbos wandering the upper floors whenever he wants?" said Lidox.

Shiegki rolled his eyes as he said,"You two can go get drunk upstairs without me. I want Zero dead more than anything.". "Because he made you look foolish right? I mean news flash buddy. He made all of us except for Aurelio look stupid." said Glenn. He was then slammed into the wall by Shiegki and the Phantom growled. "If you're saying that I'm weaker than either Aurelio or Zero, I'll make you regret that choice by cutting your throat." said Shiegki. 

Lidox sighed as he turned to the devils and he said,"While I separate these two, you find Zero if he's even here.". "Yes sir." said the devils. The devils began walking through the room with Rachel turning to Zane. "So do you have an idea to move these statues somewhere safe? I don't think we can get out of here without a fight." whispered Rachel. "Yeah. Get ready to move Rae." said Zane as he turned into Camouflage Form. 

He touched Rachel's shoulder with the two of them vanishing from sight. "You really don't want to fight in here do you?" whispered Rachel. "Of course I don't Rae. These statues are innocents and I don't get them involved in my fights but I have a way to keep them safe." whispered Zane. The devil saw several copies of Zane. "When did you?" whispered Rachel. "Like I've told you before, I come up with plans. I made them while I was looking for you. They'll be our distraction." said Zane.

The lizard snapped his fingers as the clones turned into candy syrup and covered the entire room's floor in it. This caused the devil to be unable to move as Lidox was confused by this. "What's going on in here?" said Lidox. "It's Zero! I know he's here!" said Shiegki. The Phantom flew above the statues and looked for the Cross Species as the devils were trying to escape from their prison. He couldn't sense Zane's energy whatsoever and the Phantom growled.

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