Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Zero Episode 145 An all day date with the woman you love Uncut Content and Zara Scenes (Written on December 15 2021) (Uncompleted due to Rewrite/Reboot)

This post is a part of Zero Episode 145 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Episode 145. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons. This post in particular is dedicated to the scenes showing off the real Zara for the first time during this episode and uncut content. 

Said content was cut either due to me not unable to fit into the main story comfortable or used to be part of the main story before I decided to get rid of it. I'll be making specific attention if I did cut it out of the main story. 

Actually content from Zero Episode 145:
From Zero Episode 145 Section 3:

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"I can easily figure that out Rae since you screamed to the heavens when you... Oh. I get it. You just keeping being you and I'll keep bein me.". "That's a good boy. You deserve a special reward for being such a good boy." said Rachel as she hugged him and got ready for him to do something that she had been thinking about for their entire all day date. Rachel rested her body against Zane's with her using his chest as a pillow. "Can I be a little selfish here Zaney?" said Rachel.

She looked up at him with a smile on her face. "Haven't you been doing that since we got home my devil?" muttered Zane. This comment would have earned him a punch or kiss ,with the latter being the more common of the two, but the devil was too tired for either option right now. "Can I cuddle with Zara? I mean we've cuddle a lot today and before so I think it's only fair that we cuddle as girls..." said Rachel. 

On her face, she had on a smile that would anyone fall head over heels in love to this incredibly sexy and amazing woman. "Sure. I don't mind at all." said Zane. "Thank you. I really love every single part of you." said Rachel. Within a second, Zara appeared and she smiled. Within seconds, Rachel put her breasts against Zara's. "So do you mind if you stay like this for the rest of the night? I need a good night sleep." said Rachel with her smiling at the Cross Species. 

Astaroth smirked as she said,"So did you see this coming or what partner?". "I won't confirm or deny that I did but I know for a fact that you're not going to be against this right?" said Zara. Rachel ,with her being barely awake at this point, started to hug and cuddle up to Zara with her said in her sleep,"You're so soft. Rae Rae likes a lot.". She began rubbing her head into Zara's massive rack. Zara shook her head in amusement with her kissing her forehead. "Good night Rachel. I love you." whispered Zara.

Even though she didn't need to sleep, she decided to rest her eyes. As the sun was slowing rising over Cypress Park's horizon, the first rays of light shined across the city. People were slowly waking up and getting themselves ready to start another day. A light breeze blew through the city, carrying with it the scent of the sea. One of Cypress Park's inhabitant aka a rooster decided to crow out the welcome from a brand new day. This simple serenade bothered a being with hyper hearing. 

From her home, Zara released a "small" burst of Empyrean Will and killer intent all over Cypress Park in an instant. This burst only effected that annoying bird who passed out ,with it looking rather pale, and fall to the ground with foam coming out of its mouth. This confused the nearby farmers and animals who were slightly thankful for the rooster shutting its mouth. This sound caused Zara to wake up from her slumber and she growled. 

With a single eye open, Zara muttered out,"Annoying bunch of feathers. You totally had it coming.". "I would say that was a stupid use of Empyrean Will but that bird had it coming." said Astaroth. "You really do make a good wingman Astaroth. So mind helping me convincing Rae to let me go back to being male or what?" said Zara as she saw several rays of sunlight streaming in through the window. "I would but she would kill me if I took away her favorite pillows." said Astaroth.

The devil like creature smiled as he said,"And yes Zara. I know what I said. I may be technically dead to begin with but Rae would find a way to kill me.". "That's true. She really hates whenever her pillow is taken from her. So did she do anything to my body while I was sleeping?" said Zara. "And what if she did?" said Astaroth. "Just curious is all. I'm not against it." said Zara, shrugging. "Just look down and you'll get your answer." said Astaroth. 

Zara turned to the sleeping Rachel with the sight of the peaceful looking girl made her smile. She could pick up the adorable sounds of breathing coming from her and with ease, she moved some of her hair from her face. As the light hit her hair, it began to glow like fire and it reminded Zane of her fiery temper. "She really does look cute whenever she's awake or sleep. I'm so happy for her. I think she did a good job at making the All Day Date perfect." said Zara. 

Astaroth nodded as he said,"Yeah. You helped too and don't you forget. Still, I wonder what she thinks about you.". "We could find out by reading her mind." said Zara with a giggle. "Okay but whenever she finds out we did this, I'm totally throwing you under the bus." said Astaroth. "You can do that partner but well, she'll side with me since I got that technique and you don't." said Zara with a smirk. "That may be true but we'll just have to wait and see." said Astaroth.

Zara placed her right pinky finger on Rachel's head and began reading the devil's mind. "Oh Zane. I love you so much but Zara. She's just amazing especially her boobies." thought Rachel. She began nuzzling against Zara's breasts which were soft, round, and squishy. Said devil began letting out a sound that reminded Zara of a cat purring. "Her boobs feel so soft and tranquilizing like a warm hug after a long day of studying and being apart from my one true life." thought Rachel as she purred louder. 

The Cross Species removed her finger from Rachel's forehead and she smiled. "So if she wasn't a devil Astaroth, do you think she would be a good bakeneko?" said Zara. "Yeah she really would. I wonder if we could convince her to switch species on us." said Astaroth. "Maybe if we uses my girls, we just might be able to." said Zara. The duo talked for a while as Rachel slowly woke up. The first thing she saw was something between her eyes. "Oh my goddess!" said Rachel as her face was crimson red. 

She was looking over the woman whose figure is easily the most beautiful she has ever seen and held a luscious elegance to it. Her lips were parted in a smile with Rachel wondering if she wouldn't mind if she kissed them. Before she could continue that thought, she noticed that her hand was still holding onto Zara's left breast and began slowly taking her hand off the well-developed chest. "I think it's time for you to tease the teaser partner." said Astaroth.

Hearing that, Zara formed an evil smile on her face and she said,"Good idea Astaroth.". "Oh Rae. How about you just leave your hand right there while I do this." said Zara as her eyes had an air of mischief to them. The Cross Species poked the devil in one of her erogenous zone aka her bellybutton and this woke her up. Rachel turned her head to Zara who smiled at her. "While I may love you a lot, I don't like being touched in that way." said Rachel with a pout on her face. 

The Cross Species rolled her eyes as she said while licking her lips in a seductive manner,"And that's a lie if I've ever one. So do you want to go a round with little old me before I go back to being the man of your dream?". "No! I mean I want to but...." said Rachel with her face was redder than a tomato. "You want to take this slow huh? I'm shocked since you wanted to do Zane just after he saved you from Blaze." said Zara. She walked toward Rachel with the Cross Species kissing the devil's neck.

These kisses made the devil purred like a cat. "Oh wow. You made her purred with kisses. I mean you did the same with your bazoombas earlier. Color me impressed." said Astaroth. "Well, I have the ability to seduce men and women like you can. I just tend to specifically in women. I'm doing this for a specific reason." said Zara. "Which is?" said Astaroth"Convince Rachel to do some training obvious. I really want to increase her fighting prowess." said Zara. 

Astaroth sighed as he said,"Sure but do you mind if I ask her? You're a sadist when it comes to training and she's scared of you going too far even though she knows why.". "Thanks for being that for me partner." said Zane. "No problem. We may be partners Zane but I'm not a sadist like you are." said Astaroth. "Okay but please make sure that she becomes stronger but first things first...." said Zara with Rachel blushing heavily.

While Zara was talking to Astaroth, she was moving her hands across Rachel's body. "You should be happy Rae. Astaroth managed to convince me to let me train you a bit before we go meet up with the others. He is such a nice guy isn't he?" said Zara. "Yes! Now please let them go." said Rachel as Zara's hands were on her breasts. "And you're lying again Rae. You love my hands on them don't you?" said Zara. 

Rachel glared at her as she thought,"You may be a sadist when it comes to training and now you're a sadist when it comes to groping me!". "That may be true but I'm proud of it. So do you miss the male me or did your favorite version of me change?" said Zara with a grin. "I like both genders equally but I miss male you." said Rachel with her pouting her cheeks out in annoyance at losing Zara. The Cross Species could tell that Rachel was going to miss her pillows but she had an idea.

Within a second, Zara turned back into Zane with the male playfully poking the pouting Rachel on her cute nose. "I know that you miss her but don't worry. You'll see her again." said Zane. "Fine but she better come back soon. I miss her now." said Rachel with her crossing her chest with her arms. "I miss you too Rae but soon, we'll have our fun times once again!" said Zane with him changing his voice to match Zaras. "I love you." said Rachel. 

After switching his voice back to normal, Zane looked at her. "Okay. I'm well aware of that but why did you fall for Zara so fast? I mean we're the same being but usually, you don't fall in love with something that fast. That's more my thing. I don't mind this side of you Rae but I'm honestly curious about it." said Zane.

Cut or Removed content from Zero Episode 145:
Would have been placed in Zero Episode 145 Section 3 but didn't make the cut: This part would have taken place at the mall where Rachel and Zane are shopping.

Was placed in Zero Episode 145 Section 5.5 but had to be replaced for reasons: These reasons mainly due to me wanting to take Astaroth from this scene and have the couple having this conversation in a more mature settings. Bathtub scenes are nice for fanservice but serious conversations don't really work for me in particular. There is a whole Wiki dedicated to Anime Bath Scenes by the way and it is an amazing find. 
After switching his voice back to normal, Zane looked at her. "Okay. I'm well aware of that but why did you fall for Zara so fast? I mean we're the same being but usually, you don't fall in love with something that fast. That's more my thing. I don't mind this side of you Rae but I'm honestly curious about it." said Zane. "Okay but I'll tell you in the bath tub." said Rachel with a playful smile. "While I may not be against taking a bath with you, do you really think that's the best place for a talk like this?" said Zane.

He blinked with him thinking,"Hold on. I think she just wants to see me naked even though she has seen me naked before. Whatever, I better just do it to make her happy.". "Of course!" said Rachel with her looking in a proud posture. Her hands were on her hips and Zane was pretty sure that she made her breasts bounce on purpose to get his attention. It worked. "Fine. I'll get the bath ready and if you're late by even a second, bad things will happen." said Zane. 

Rachel was the one confused now. "And why do you want to get the bath ready?" said Rachel. She was curious about the whole thing. "Because of reasons that I won't tell you and you'll find out." said Zane as he turned back into Zara. Instead of seeing the beauty in clothing, she was wearing only a white fluffy towel. She was well aware of how Zara could look with less clothing but that tiny towel just drew her attention to her hourglass figure and the massive mounds on her chest. 

Zara winked at her as she said with a seductive grin,"So do you like what you see Rachel? If you want to join your big sis, I'm more than open to the idea of some bathroom bonding before we meet up with the others at the Velvet Spoon for the very big news. I wants you to be happy so come join me before I change my mind on the whole thing.". The devil's eyes were wandering down and staring at Zara's swinging hips and statuesque butt. 

This is due to the towel looked ready to expose her body at any second. The bottom of her rear stuck out from the towel, immediately causing Rachel's hormones to go insane at this image. Knowing Rachel like she does, she gave her bottom a hard smack. It rippled like a pebble in a lake. "She's doing this to me on purpose I know but wow, she's really good at being seductive." thought Rachel. Zara entered the bathroom with her closing the door using her behind. 

She left behind a beyond flustered Rachel who began thinking about what was going on. "Okay. I don't know if she and Astaroth are working together to tease me but I'm not against this entirely. Oh gods. I'm a pervert like mom is or was." said Rachel. She remembered some of the stories Ignacio told her about Marian. They usually involve her trying to seduce dad using her body and elaborate schemes that would be perfect on a nineties sitcom. I'm talking like Full House and early Simpsons level here.

The devil had a love-struck look on her face as she thought,"Oh gods. I am my mom but Zane has told me that he likes it when I do stuff like that. I really like how developed she is and the way her ass moves when she sways it back and forth alongside those honkers!". From inside the bathroom, Astaroth and Zane were talking. "So are you enjoying this partner? And she does know we can hear her right?" said Zara with a shit eating grin on her face. 

Astaroth shrugged as he said,"Yeah. I didn't know that Rae could be such a perv. Nice job using your butt to close the door. If I was in your shoes, I would have used my guys. I guess seeing the seductress act like this is a nice chance of pace but don't go too far. We both know what happens when she's pushed too far in terms of teasing. Her perversion is just less subtle than ours is and I was thinking about using Zenith Duplication for some fun times.". He was chuckled perversely. 

Zara sighed as she said,"I can't believe that you're a massive pervert. Didn't expect that whatsoever. I blame Rico for that and at least compared to him, you're a less subtle pervert toward women in general. It doesn't make it better but you get my point.". "I would be upset about you calling me a pervert but right now, I don't care. You two are fulfilling the secret yuri dreams that most straight men have in some way so go nuts you two crazy lovebirds." said Astaroth in a sage like tone.

The Cross Species shook her head as she said,"And people think girls are confusing. I'm sure that no one will understand what goes through your mind.". "I think people say the same thing about you partner." said Astaroth. "You're right about that." said Zara. "So you may want to get her in here already. We have things like training and telling the others the big news. She's coming by the way so get nude already. I doubt she's going to be in the bath with a bikini on." said Astaroth. 

Zara began running the water as she said,"I can't believe this. One of my secret dreams is coming true and the part of me who is known for being jealous is letting this happen.". "Yeah. Fate's weird like that. Don't worry. I won't tell Kane or Sivarth about this." said Astaroth. "What about Cole?" said Zara with her being well aware of Cole's inability to keep a secret. "Don't worry about him and just relax. I mean you got this and be yourself." said Astaroth.

The Cross Species nodded as she removed her towel and got into the water, smiling at its warmth with her breasts bobbed up and down with the water. To get Rachel to come in faster, she had an idea. "Rae Rae! It's bath time!" said Zara. "Wow Zara. Rae Rae?" said Astaroth. "If you make another comment like that, I'll block you from enjoying the yuri." said Zara with a frown. "You wouldn't partner!" said Astaroth. "Don't tempt me." said Zara. Outside of the bathroom, Rachel could hear the water running.

She also saw the stream rising from the crack under the door. "I'm here Zara." said Rachel with a deep breath. "Come on in! The water is just divine and the bubbles are great too!" said Zara as she spoke in a childish manner. The bathroom door opened as Rachel walked in with her wearing a towel and a bikini underneath. This bikini is the one she had on yesterday so Zara had seen it before. "Oh wow. She's wearing a bikini. I didn't see that coming." said Astaroth with him being completely sarcastic 

Zara ignored this comment as she had a big smile on her face. This was due to the bath being the perfect temperature and also seeing Rachel in a bikini. "Come on in Rae Rae! The water is amazing but not as amazing you are especially in that towel!" said Zara in a childish tone. "Rae Rae huh. That's the best pet name you could come up with right? You're usually up for bubble baths but only on your personal days Zane. So are you sure about us being together in the baths like this?" said Rachel.

She had a bright red face that reminded the Cross Species of a tomato or a really angry Sam. "It's fine since I really wants to know why you love female me so much and fast. How about you come on in already?" said Zara with her grabbing some bubbles and blowing them at her. "We're just two women taking a bath together. I mean this is perfectly normal right?" said Zara. Rachel removed the towel and showed off her bikini.

Zara had an idea as she said,"You're wearing a bikini?". She already knew about it but wanted to see Rachel's reaction to find out that she didn't. "Yes. Aren't you?" said Rachel. "Yeah. I'm totally doing that." said Zara. "She's lying but honestly, I don't care." thought Rachel as she entered the bath.  Both women enjoyed the warm water that in turned create steam that covered their bathroom. "This is really nice." said Rachel.

She was trying her best to look away from Zara's natural G Cups that floated alongside the water. "After what we all went through yesterday, I think we totally deserve this. Isn't that right my babypop and Snookums?" said Rachel. "It seems that someone is clearly trying to avoid looking at the girls. I'm guessing that I'm Snookums and your babypop is Zane." said Zara. "It's a better nickname than Rae Rae." said Astaroth. "Shut up or no yuri for you." said Zara. 

Astaroth shrugged as Zara said,"So Rae. Tell me. Why are you wearing a bikini?". "Aren't you?" said Rachel. "I like to take my baths without that pesky clothing bothering me. I bet we can do this twice a week." said Zara with her giggling as she leaned onto the devil's shoulder. "Hurrah." said Rachel with a blush on her face since she was in the bath with the most beautiful woman she had ever seen and she was utterly naked.

The two were silent as they enjoyed the bath. "So Zara?" said Rachel. "Yes sweetie? Is something wrong?" said Zara with her moving her head in a cute manner. "Aren't you curious about how I'm acting around you? I mean I'm usually so bold when it comes to male you but with female you. I act like so..." said Rachel. "Pusillanimous?" said Zara. "If you mean scared, yes. I don't mean to freak you out by this side of me." said Rachel.

Zara smiled as she leaned onto Rachel's chest, pressing together their breasts against each other. She also kissed her on the cheek. Inside of the mindscape, Astaroth had a pervert smile on his face. "Come on Rae. Tell me." said Zara. "As you know, I like both guys and girls a lot." said Rachel with a light blush due to how close they were to each other.  "Uh huh. I know that. I mean I'm the same except we prefer women." said Zara with her eyes rolled. 

Rachel nodded as she said,"That's true. When I was growing up, I always wanted a female to bond with. I wanted someone I could take a bath right and sleep with. My mom would let me snuggle into her bosom and that would make feel safe.". Zara hugged her, wrapping her own arms around her.  "If you wanted this for a long time, why didn't you tell me sooner? I'm sure I wouldn't mind letting your fantasy come to life since I'm totally enjoy our hot girl on girl action right now." said Zara. 

The devil shook her head as she said,"I'm sure that you would but it's really awkward to ask. The relationship that we have is something that I treasure dearly and I didn't want that to change our relationship.". "Look. You should know that asking me for a serious girl on girl relationship isn't going to change our relationship. If you want to be with Zara, just ask okay?" said Zara with a kind, motherly look on her face. 

Rachel's eyes widened as she said,"Really? Do you mean it?! I mean you're technically a guy most of the time!". "Tell her yes partner. If you call yourself a man, you will do this." said Astaroth. "I will do this partner but you should know that I do respect women." said Zara. "As do I espcially when it comes to combat since they tend to aim for the male's Achilles Heel quite often." said Astaroth with Zara agreeing with that statement.

After finishing their mental conversation, Zara nodded her head and this made Rachel hug her. Due to how close they were, their breasts were pressed close together. "This is so damn sexy." thought Zara with her holding back a bloody nose. "Amen to that partner. You really did a good thing for two reasons." said Astaroth. "Thank you so much Zara. You won't regret being with me whatsoever!" said Rachel as she gave the Cross Species a really big smile. 

Zara returned the hug as she said,"No problem. That's what lovers do for each other and this is the least I can do for you.". "What do you mean?" said Rachel. "That you accepted this so easily. I know that it may not look like it but I was actually really worried about showing this side to you. I mean I was nervous about introducing this side to you since well, I like our relationship." said Zara with a small yet heart warming smile on her face. 

Rachel moved her arm around the Cross Species's waist to comfort her. "Yeah. I could tell that but it was hard when you were groping me. I guess you were really nervous huh?" said Rachel. "I guess so but well, you're just so gropeable. When I'm nervous, I grope." said Zara. "Like I told you before, that only works as a compliment when it comes from you." said Rachel with a caring tone. "Yeah. I'm just happy that we can be together and hold no secrets between you." said Zara.

She sounded happy and honest. "I mean you already love Zane for being the hero and the guy behind the mask but having you love female me is important too." said Zara. After hugging, Rachel looked at her as she said,"So Zara.". "What's up?" said Zara. "Do you mind if I call you my big sister? I mean you're like a big sister to me even though I see you as a lover too. It's like how Zane is a big brother type figure to a lot of people including people his own age or older in Efren's case." said Rachel.

Rachel had a dark red blush on her face as she said,"You don't need to change who you are because honestly, you're doing a much better at being a sister compared to the twinsters.". "Sure thing Rae but only if I can call you my little sis? It's like how I call Danny my brother. I also love Ana but she's adorable." said Zara with a smile on her face. "Thank you big sister! Thank you so much!" said Rachel in a extra cute tone.

She hugged the Cross Species tighter. "Way to go. I'm proud of how you're handling this." said Astaroth with a smile on his face. "Thanks. I'm really good at helping people after all." said Zara. "True. Oh and Rae is trying to get her big sis's attention." said Astaroth. The devil was pushing her breasts onto Zara's and wrapped her arms around the blackette's neck. "You're really good at seducing me big sis so how about you give me some tips?" said Rachel with a big grin on her face. 

Astaroth clapped as he said,"Oh! Do it! Please I'm begging you!". He was really enjoying how close the girls assets are to each other. It was making the start of today amazing. "I'll do it only if you get rid of that pesky bikini. I want to have some serious girl on girl action but it's in the way." said Zara with her smirking. "Okay!" said Rachel as she took off her bikini top much to Astaroth and Zane's joy. The two continued bathing, enjoying themselves and Astaroth enjoying it as well from the mindscape.      

The Cross Species kissed Rachel on her forehead with Rachel saying,"Thank you for loving me and well, I think we need to get washed up.". Due to how comfortable she was, she didn't noticed the twinkle in Zara's eyes that appears whenever Zane has a prank in mind. Zara grabbed the shampoo with her washing the devil's hair. Rachel happily nodded as she started to scrub herself down with it, making suds appear throughout her body and the tubs.

Even though they were both grown women, the two began playing around the suds. "Moments like this make you really want to relax. It beats our bath time Zaney. Don't be jealous okay?" said Rachel. "I'm not since this is like watching one of those videos that Rico showed me once during my training." said Zara as she playfully blew suds at Rachel. The two continued their playful flirting until they stood up with Rachel draining the water from the tub.

It left the women covered in soap suds that covered their bodies in certain places on their bodies aka natural censoring. Think of natural censoring like that smoke that covers a woman's body during a bath scene. But as the two were about to finished by Rachel who started the shower to clean off their suds covered bodies, she heard a unsettling giggle coming from Zane. "Um. Are you feeling alright big sister? You're scaring me." said Rachel. 

Zara smiled as she said in a pixie like tone,"It's fine Rae because I'm just having some fun.". "Haven't you have been fun this entire time?" said Rachel as she felt Zara's breasts against her back. "You got this sis. Show her how perverted we can be." said Zane. "What are you.... You can't be serious are you big sis...?" said Rachel. Zara didn't let her finish as she cupped her hands onto Rachel's breasts and began playing with them.

This made Rachel moan and try to get out of it. "It's time for your breast massage little sis!" said a jubilant Zara. "Big sister! Why are you like this?! You're worse than normal!" said Rachel with her not hating it in the slightest and she was saying this in between moans as the shower began. "I'm just getting out some pent-up lust I had! I got to be honest with you little sis. Your boobs feel good." said Zara with her massaging the devil's breasts.

Zane giggled as she said,"They're so soft and firm too! It doesn't match mine but they're still pretty good!". Thank you big sister. Coming from you, I'm really happy to hear that." said Rachel with her moaning out in pleasure and there was a noticeable blush on her face at the treatment she was getting from her girlfriend. She stopped trying to fight it as Zara went faster but didn't make it painful for the devil. 

The Cross Species began tickling the other woman, causing her to laugh at the feeling. "So tell me little sis, how ticklish are you?" said Zara. "You know how much I am big sister." said Rachel as she knew what was going to happen to her and didn't try to fight her. "Amazing." said Zara with her beginning to tickle the devil. Rachel began laughing loudly from the tickle attack. "Her hands are soft and warm!" thought Rachel.

This went on for a while before Zara decided to stop after sensing that Rachel was close to passing out from laughing too much. "And here's where I stop for now little sister. Hope you're excited for the next time I do this." said Zara. "Okay big sister." said Rachel with her smiling at her. "It's official. You and Rachel's intense flirting is amazing and even more whenever there is lesbian moments on Love that Transcends Time and Space. These moments are peak sexy." said Astaroth.

He threw her a thumbs up. "So why is it that the most powerful beings all are perverts?" said Zara. "No clue. I think it's a side effect of having all of this immense power. Who knows what you will be like when you're older like over a hundred." said Astaroth. "Probably a jerk who pushes people away in order to have their Essence broken again. That sounds right and I won't regret it." said Zara. The two women finished up their shower as their bodies had a lack of suds. 

Zara smirked as she said,"I guess I should sorry for doing that little sister but well, your body is just begging for a grabbing!". "You're such a pervert you know that right?" said Astaroth. "Can it you bigger pervert!" said Zara. Rachel giggled at how she could tell that Zara was yelling at one of the beings who share he body even though couldn't see. After she finished drying herself off, a sudden idea came to mind. She began poking her own breasts with her face blushing red at the action. 

Rachel said,"I know that you love grabbing me, so big sister.". "What's up little sis? Up for another grope?" said Zara as she was drying her hair using a mini tornado. Rachel began playing with her fingers as the towel covered her breasts. "No. So maybe after the wedding, we can do this again?" said Rachel. "I would be honored to be your big sister whenever you want little sis." said Zara with her looking at Rachel.

Astaroth chucked as he said,"Yeah. I don't mind this at all since I get to view some sexy lesbian moments from the safety of my mind.". "While I love Zane's magic fingers, yours was amazing too big sister! I just don't think we should go that far yet." said Rachel with her looking dreamily and her gem like eyes sparkled. "True. I'm just happy to have a girl to grope other than myself obviously." said Zara. Rachel blinked at her as she said,"Did you just say what I think you said?". 

The Cross Species smiled as he said,"Yeah. I've been lonely since I discovered this side of myself a few months ago.". "Very smooth partner. Way to make your intentions known up front." said Astaroth with a smirk. "Shut up you!" shouted Zara. "Little sister. Are you happy to have someone like me be with you?" said Zara. "Yep!" said Rachel with her placing her toes in a shy manner and had a cute expression on her face. 

Zara giggled as she said,"Okay then little sister. I'll fulfill your selfish request.". She went and pecked Rachel on the forehead. This made Rachel really happy before she jumped onto Rachel, boobs were pressed against each other again. "You're the best friend a girl could ask for! I would have you as a bridesmaid but I really want to marry Zane!" said Rachel. "I can't believe. She is somehow more cuter than normal." thought Zara. 

Astaroth smiled as he said,"Be happy that she loves every single part of you.". "Thank you for that partner." said Zara. "Seeing this side of you is oddly interesting." said Astaroth with him sounding very smug. After some time, their bodies were wrapped in towels. "So do you mind if I go back to being Zane? I really don't want to show myself off to others like this for a while. You were lucky to see this to begin with" said Zara.

She was standing in a womanly pose as she said,"I want to remain a little secret to only you for now little sis.". Rachel looked at Zara being that while she did miss Zaney a great deal, she didn't want to ruin the sisterly bonding they were having. "Darn. If you do that, I can't be with you anymore until you reveal yourself. I'll miss your boobs so much." said Rachel with her having big and watery puppy dog eyes and she was poking Zara's breasts. With a small sigh, she flicked Rachel's forehead.

Zara grabbed both of her breasts as Rachel said,"Big sister! Don't do that!". Her body was covered in a bright pink blush. "I'm sure you know that I don't like when Wolfram acts clingy. I'll come back but male me misses you a lot. And I know you liked that grope." said Zara with a giggle. "Okay but come back." said Rachel. "You got it little sister." said Zara. She was about to walk out of the room with her stopped by Rachel.

Rachel looked at her with her eyes sparkling like stars and her blushing made her face look even more attractive that she didn't even try to hide. "So before you go, can I get a goodbye hug big sister?" said Rachel with a wide smile and a carefree tone. To get what she wanted, she purposely bounced her breasts. "Sure but knowing you, it'll be more than just a hug." said Zara with her arms crossed over her chest in a mature posture. 

The devil chuckled as she said,"You know me so well big sister!". Like Zara, she was not trying to hide her intentions whatsoever. "Oh well. You better listen to her since you know how stubborn she can be." said Astaroth. "Yeah. So do you think she's going to keep staring at my breasts with obvious lust in her eyes?" said Zara. "I think that will happen once we stop doing that." said Astaroth. "So never I guess." said Zara. "Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner folks!" said Astaroth.

Zara ignored Astaroth with her hugging Rachel. The towel-covered breasts were pressed against each other much to Astaroth's joy. "Goodbye little sister. Even when you're with Zaney, your big sister will always be there for you." said Zara with her rubbing the devil's head in a similar manner to when Zane has to calm down Uriel, Zoey, and Wolfram when they're upset or craving attention. She walked out of the room and turned back into Zane. "Yep. I'm in love with her even more." said Zane.  

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