Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Zero Episode 145 An all day date with the woman you love Section 4 (Written on December 13 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Episode 145 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Episode 145. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

After reaching a restaurant, the two sat there while they were waited for some food. "So Zane. Since you've been doing such a great job sharing with me, mind tell me about how your time with...." said Rachel. As Rachel was talking, Zane was staring at the devil but at one part of her in particular. This part just so happened to be her long, sexy legs. Even though her legs were covered up, they were just begging him or anyone for to touch them. 

This action was obvious to the devil since she knew how much of a pervert Zane can be sometimes. She lightly push away his hand with her giving him a look that told him straight out,"No touching young man.". It was a new one in my opinion. "I thought you would want me to touch you since you're a cute kitty kat and you like it when I touch you." said Zane with him pouting. "Sorry Zane but you're going to have wait till tonight." said Rachel with a mischievous grin and booping his nose. 

Zane smiled as he said,"You're such a damn tease you know that. Fine, I'll play your game.". He looked around to see that no one was watching them and he got an sexy idea. He pulled her in by her waist with his telekinesis and placed his left hand up her right thigh in a single motion that caught the devil off guard. Sensing this, Zane smiled devilishly at her and he leaned in close to the side of her head. He blew gently in her ear and this caused her to shiver. 

In a deep and seductive voice, Zane said,"Oh my very dear devil. Do you know what you've awakened with your teasing? The two of us are going to take down Rufus and the reward for doing that is going to be amazing." He moved away from her, looking right at her shocked and bright red face much to his joy since teasing her is always fine. Zane's signature smirk was on his face as he continued to eat. "And now, we're back to being tied in our little game." said Zane. It took time for Rachel to recover. 

When a guy does something to a girl, the girl should feel worried for her life but Zane made it feel like she went on a amazing rollercoaster. After she finally recovered, Rachel looked at him and wondered how she was going to ask him about that time. "So Zane. Before I caught you for being a perv, I was going to ask you something." said Rachel. "More questions? I thought you knew everything about little old me." said Zane. 

Rachel nodded as she said,"I do except for about a very specific year of your life. It was the time you spent working for the Alliance and it was right after you recovered from the Massacre. You left a week or two after leaving the hospital.". "Oh yeah. I was going to tell you about that but a certain devil who shall remain nameless didn't let me tell her because she required me for very specific means as she puts it. Wolfram was so confused but what you meant by that." said Zane.

The devil blushed as she said,"Oh yeah. I did that because it had been a year since the last time you've kissed or hugged me. So did any girls fall for you during that time?". "I don't think so but well...." said Zane with him thinking about it. He was quiet as Rachel looked at him. "I'm pretty sure that Zane didn't cheat on me but whatever happened during that year must have been intense." thought Rachel. "Lets just say you'll find out tomorrow. I plan to tell the others about it." said Zane. 

Rachel blinked as she said,"Really? You're not going tell me anything but you're going to tell your friends about a part of your life.". "Yep. Call it payback for something you did to me earlier." said Zane with a small smirk from him. Before the devil could get an answer from Zane, their food arrived to their table and forgot about their current conversation. For Rachel, it was a plate of Seafood Fired Rice. Zane had ordered an enormous burger with it being very much different from a normal sized burger. 

It was easily a five-tiered burger with tomatoes, lettuce, and onions between each slab of three-inch thick meat and thin flat buns between it all. "I still can't believe that you ordered that Zane." said Rachel. "Are you serious? You know how big my stomach is and I've heard about this monstrosity before. It's supposed to be really good." said Zane, looking at the burger with his mouth watered. "I thought you've never been here before." said Rachel. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Oh I haven't but as someone who has been to several restaurant before, you learn to be aware of really good food within a certain location. So lets eat already.". Zane grabbed the burger with the bun being soft and fluffy despite it looking rather thin. He began eating it with him smiling blissfully. "Oh my gods. This burger is really good Rae but not the best one I've ever had." said Zane. "Really? What's the best one then?" said Rachel as she put some rice into her mouth. 

The Cross Species looked at her as he said,"Rachel. I know that I told you that I wouldn't tell you about the year I spent with the Alliance until tomorrow but I can say this. I made sure to eat a lot of different types of food from all parts of the Omniverse. Even if there are two dimensions each serving the same exact dish, there is a noticeable difference between them to a true connoisseur of food.". "Okay then. So where in the Omniverse is the best burger?" said Rachel. 

Wiping away some gooey cheese from his mouth, Zane said,"That's a good question Rae. I remember having it alongside a variety of food and it was just amazing. So how is your seafood?". The Cross Species asked her this when he saw that her plate was almost empty. "Good but I'm sure you had some really good seafood before. Want to try some?" said Rachel with her holding up a spoon of rice. "Sure thing." said Zane as he leaned forward and accepted it without question. 

Zane smiled as he said,"Okay first thing. It's a bit too mild for me being that I like really hot and spicy things.". "Really? I'm barely holding on here. Let me guess. The food you ate actually came from a volcano." said Rachel with her enjoying the simple raspberry drink that she ordered alongside her meal earlier. "Yeah. You know me and my love of spicy food." said Zane with a smile. In the end, Zane easily devour the massive behemoth in front of him with no problem. 

Rachel was pretty sure that Zane could eat everything on the menu and still have room for dessert. She had to stop him so that other customers could have something to eat. After paying the bill, Rachel looked at Zane once they left the restaurant. "So what's next?" said Zane. "We still have more planned before the big event tonight but well.." said Rachel. She was wondered why she was so scared about asking him a seemingly very simple question.

The two were walking through Cypress Park to try and burn off some of the excess calories. It was mainly for Rachel though. "Rae. This isn't our first date so don't act like it was. I mean technically, it's our first All Day Date but you know what I mean." said Zane. "You're right. There is a movie that I wanted to see with you. It's Confessions of the Heart." said Rachel. "Wait a minute. You want to go see a chick flick? But you hate those type of movies more than I hate a lot of things." said Zane. 

Rachel looked at him as she said,"Yeah but I know how much you love those movies. I mean you're the biggest fan of Love that Transcends Space and Time after all. You always shedding tears after every romantic movie.". "It isn't wrong at all to shed tears when it comes to those movies regardless of one's gender. So why do you want to go see it? I mean I can watch it on my own time." said Zane. "Which you never have by the way." said Rachel.

Zane was quiet after she said that as Rachel said,"Come on. I'm doing something out of my comfort zone for you. If you really don't want, we could always...". "Rae. I want to go see it with you." said Zane with a smile. "You do?" said Rachel. "Of course. I love chick flicks and well, I heard good things about this movie. It had my favorite actress as its leading lady so that's a plus. Ah Janis Mcbride. She's a woman I would cheat on you with Rae." said Zane. 

Rachel crossed her arms as she said,"Did you just tell me who you would cheat with?". "I did but do you really think I would go through with it? I mean I'm not Mack plus I don't want to hurt you." said Zane. "Yeah. You wouldn't." said Rachel. "So are you really to go?" said Zane. "Yeah but please don't cry too much." said Rachel with her fluttering her eyelashes like she saw in an old movie once. "No promises. So the movie we're going to see." said Zane. "Yes?" said Rachel. 

With his arms crossed, Zane said,"Is Confessions of the Heart just a romance movie or...?". "It has fantasy, action, comedy, and romance." said Rachel. "That's good. While I may love me a good chick flick, it gets boring watching just a romantic comedy. It's the staple for a good chick flick but it gets boring after a while.". So far, Rachel was having the perfect date since it was just a normal one. There wasn't any reason for him to leave because of a super villain or robbery going on. 

It happened more often than she would like due to Zane having this impressive ability to draw people in. People ,who knew him, came up to them and see hello to them. This ability to draw people in also included people who wanted him dead. Rachel really did enjoy any amount of time that she spend with Zane even if it was for a short amount because Zane had a lot of responsibilities and he couldn't ignore them no matter what.

At the movie theater, Rachel paid for the popcorn and drinks which was mainly for Zane due to his stomach has been called a black hole and he was still hungry even after eating that massive burger from earlier. The amount of food bought concerned the employees due to the amount but remember hearing the rumor about a certain customer buying a ton of snacks and eating it all without gaining any weight from it.

They expected this customer to be a larger person but someone of Zane's figure confused them. Zane tried to convince Rachel that he would pay for it but Rachel told him that she was using Ignacio's money and Zane agreed to this because messing with Ignacio is always fun. Rachel was shocked with how progressive and unique Confessions of the Heart was among chick flicks. It was an animated film that focused on an stereotypical handsome man falling in love.

It wasn't with a beautiful princess but an overweight but extremely kind woman whose appearance didn't change at all for the entire movie much to her shock. The theater was packed with couples much the shock of no one. It may have looked like Zane was dragged here by Rachel like the rest of the men or women who were dragged by their significant other but it was the reverse. The devil was shocked about two things. 

This chick flick didn't make Rachel fall asleep like they normally do and how much crap the hunk was getting from his friends and others because he was in love with a hippo as they put it. Zane was finding really engaging being that parts of it made the devil cry just a bit. She was sure that if Zane wasn't focused too much on the movie, he would be teasing about her crying thanks to a chick flick. Zane was trying and failing to hold back his tears.

His storm gray eyes were filled with passion as the characters in the movie captured his Essence. Zane knew that if one of his guy friends saw him acting like this, they would tease the crap out of him since it wasn't manly to cry. Rachel was different since she was used to seeing him act like this when it comes to chick flicks. It was the only time he could express himself without looking weaker and she was pretty sure that he enjoyed this.

The movie ended with the man telling the woman ,who was played by Janis Mcbride, that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. It was her inner beauty that made her outshines any other woman's outer beauty. It was a big fuck you to society's definitions of beauty. The movie was given a resounding applause by the women and Zane. A couple of the men clapped but the majority of the testosterone population of the audience only gave a golf clap to appease the women folk. 

Rachel was the same as the men. The couple of Rachel and Zane left the theater. "That was a really good movie. It was easily one of the best out there. Maybe it was the amazing story or Janis's amazing performance but...." said Zane. He turned to Rachel who was giggling. "Look Rae. I'm more than confident in my manhood to admit that I enjoyed that amazing masterpiece of a movie." said Zane. "I know that Zane." said Rachel.

The devil smiled as she said,"Even though I really hate chick flicks with a burning passion, this was really good.". "Thanks. I guess you're embarrassed to be with someone who cries like this during a chick flick." said Zane. "Nope. I think it's a really good thing to let our your emotions especially in your case." said Rachel. "I let out my emotions all the time." said Zane. "You do but it's mainly anger." said Rachel. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"That's fair and thanks for suggesting this. I know that these movies aren't your cup of tea but this must have been a pain for you.". "It wasn't that big of a pain. This was actually a good movie despite it being a chick flick." said Rachel. "And maybe we'll watch another one?" said Zane. "Perhaps but not today. I don't think your Essence can take another sitting of that show." said Rachel, teasing him just a bit. "Oh it can but lets keep going on this date." said Zane.

After leaving the movie theater, Zane looked right at Rachel who is looking at him with a smile on her face. "You're really amazing Rachel." said Zane. "So why are you saying that? What are you planning Zane?" said Rachel. "Tell me the truth here. Are you happy when you're with me?" said Zane. "Of course I am." said Rachel. "Even when I'm being a cocky and reckless fool in order to protect a single person?" said Zane. "Yep." said Rachel. 

Zane smiled as he said,"What about when I'm hiding secrets from you?". "Yep." said Rachel. "Even though I have a really bad temper and the future we could have together won't be like our friends?" said Zane. "Yes! What are you doing?" said Rachel. "Just wanted to make sure because well, I'm so damn happy with you right now. You make me worth living for." said Zane, stroking her hair with a bright smile on his face. 

The couple were holding hands as Rachel said,"And now, you know how I felt when you saved me from Blaze. You were so cool even though you made my heart leap out of my chest like several times!". The two went to an alleyway in order to kiss. A few minutes later, Zane sensed a very dangerous presence with him vanishing from sight much to the confusion of his fiancée. In a location just out of Rachel's field of vision, a man was standing there. He has a muscular, slender appearance.

He has unkempt shoulder length brown hair with part of it in a rattail, a long triangle like face, and sharp gray eyes. He sports a brown chin strap beard. He's wearing a closed dark gray tight-fitting jacket over a blue striped shirt. He wears dark green pants with noticeable holes in the knee area. He wears navy blue tall boots. Over his hands, he's wearing a pair of black leather gloves and black shades over his eyes. In his right ear, he has an earpiece in there.

This earpiece as just like the devil servants of Rufus had in their ears. While he may look human, he has a small pair of animal like horns sticking out from the top of his head. The man looked at the devil and he held a dagger. "I'll knock her out before he comes back since I'm much fastest than him." said the man. He jumped toward Rachel and was planning on slitting her throat. Rachel turned toward him with her expression confusing him. 

He was used to seeing expressions of fear from the knife and they would try to attack him. His neck was then grabbed by Zane's right hand and the hero's grip was tight. "So how about you tell me what you were planning on doing my fiancée Glenn. I never thought you would do something stupid but I was wrong." said Zane with his eyes glowing a faint red. Zane slammed the man into the side of the nearest wall and caused the wall to crack upon the man hitting it. 

Glenn's dagger dropped onto the ground as well. "Zero! How did you catch me?! I'm the fastest member of Salvation!" said Glenn. "Don't you mean was? I did take down your little group with no problem I recall. Now tell me why or I'll bring out my stingers through your head." said Zane. "So Zane. Who is this? You two seem to know each other." said Rachel. "Glenn boy here is the Shrouded Dagger. He was a former member of the bounty hunter group known as Salvation." said Zane.

Rachel blinked as she said,"Former? Did you get kicked out or what?". "Not exactly." said Glenn. "I took down his former place of business during that year of the Alliance. It was a pretty big deal even though they went down with no problem on my end. So why are you after my fiancée? Revenge or is it work?" said Zane. "I was hired by Rufus to take her back to the Secret Oasis without her friends getting involved. Since you found me out, I should inform him of how the plan changed." said Glenn.

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane let go of Glenn's neck and held it out to catch a ball of earth. When it reached Zane's hand, it exploded and covered the area in a blinding light. The light eventually vanished with Zane rubbing his eyes. "Really hate when he does stuff like this. He's gone isn't he?" said Zane with a groan. "Yeah he did. So is this normal for you?" said Rachel. "A little but I'm confused." said Zane. "And what would be that?" said Rachel. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"That man is able to manipulate Impulse like most beings in the form of flash bombs like what he did earlier, manipulate objects that he covers with Impulse in a similar manner to telekinesis, energy blasts, or energy blades. He's well known for the latter and they are able to move at impressive speed.". "So what is the big deal? From what you just told me, that was nothing new for him." said Rachel.

The Cross Species looked at her as he said,"It was faint but I picked up a trace of Ardor in his flash bomb. He's working with the Dwarf Clan.". "So what Zane? Will that stop us from taking down Rufus tonight?" said Rachel. "No but we may need to come up with a better plan than what we were talking about at lunch. I think Glenn was stalking us." said Zane. "If that's the case, how come you didn't pick up on him?" said Rachel.

Zane sighed as he said,"Well, I was distracted by that burger and you.". "Sometimes Zane." said Rachel with a shake of her head. Before Rachel could say anything, her phone began to ring. "So are you going to answer it? It could be important." said Zane. "I was going too. You just keeping thinking about what we're going to do about Rufus." said Rachel, holding her phone. "You got it." said Zane as he began thinking about what they were going to do tonight.

Rachel answered her phone and the voice on the other end said,"I'm sorry for doing this Rachel but my idiotic godson has been ignoring my calls.". "Parker? Is that you?" said Zane with a confused look on his face. "Let me guess he has a confused and stupid look on his face." said Parker. "Yeah. How do you know?" said Rachel. "I know the Alvarez family or to be specific, Zane all too well." said Parker. "So how and why do you know my fiancée's phone number?" said Zane.

Parker loudly groaned as he said,"Because I wanted to make sure that I had a way to contact you in the case you do something stupid with my invention like get that high-fructose corn syrup on it or perhaps mute the communication tab again.". Zane blinked as he groaned. "Please tell me you didn't do that Zane." said Rachel. "He did. After the ninety nine call, I decided to get your attention Rachel. I have to tell him something important but for some reason, I couldn't get in contact with him." said Parker.

Zane looked at the phone with him saying,"Then when did you have Athena or Cole tell me that you need to talk with me? Or anyone in Team Legion Zero.". "Because I have them working on another experiment of mine." said Parker. "So what do you need from him Parker? I don't mean to be rude but the two of us are busy." said Rachel. "Ah yes. The All Day Date. I've been informed about it by your team and I'm truly sorry for interrupting you two but we have a problem." said Parker. 

The elder Eazairvian loudly sighed as he said,"For some reason, the Alliance had an orb of Tokrudan on Earth and in your city. It was stolen and under your watchful eye. What kind of hero lets that happen? In his own city.". "Hurrah. I get a lecture from you today and you're serious about the stolen Tokrudan aren't you? I really didn't think you can joke about that. said Zane. "In the six years that you've known me Zane, when have I ever joked around?" said Parker. 

Rachel looked at Zane as she said,"He has a point. Parker isn't the joking type. So what is Tokrudan exactly?". "You didn't tell her about one of the most dangerous elements in the Omniverse? What kind of husband are you?" said Parker. "I really doubt Rae cares about that kind of stuff and besides, I never thought she would actually see it. Let me guess. You know who stole it." said Zane. "I do Zane but I think the lady needs a explanation on what Tokrudan is." said Parker.

Zane nodded as he said,"Basically, it's an extremely sought out element. It can give a boost to any piece of technology or a being's strength. It comes in an orb shape. It's like Xonstonite but not as good. So who stole it?". "Lidox and Turlbur. Those two you fought last night using Detective Form and Nitro Form. You should have easily took them down but for some reason, you let them go." said Parker. "That reason was because I was late for meeting with my fiancée's family." said Zane.

Rachel knew that the two Eazairvian were about to start arguing which would last for at least four hours at the bare minimum. In order to continue her All Day date, she need to stop this from happening. "Um you two. How about we just go get the orb back?" said Rachel. "That's a good idea Rachel. It seems that she is the one with the smart ideas compared to you. I need you to get it back soon or else, I'll tell Rachel about that." said Parker. "Parker. I'll get it back but you don't need to blackmail me." said Zane.

Parker chuckled as he said,"But it's more fun that way. Good bye for now and tell that Vicky girl about who helped you create her new suit from the remains of her old one.". Parker hanged up as Rachel looked at Zane. "So what's the plan? And what's he talking about?" said Rachel. "We track down those thieves and if my senses are right, they should be nearby." said Zane. He was walking away as Rachel sighed. "At least, we're doing this together." said Rachel.

In a nearby café, the duo of Lidox and Tulbur were sitting inside of there and drinking some coffee. "So I have to ask Zane. How come the police aren't here? This is a crime scene and both of them stuck out like sore thumbs mainly the big guy." said Rachel. She was wearing her costume aka Riptide as she turned to Zane .who was dressed as Legion Zero, who was staring at the duo with anger in his eyes. The both of them were on a rooftop across the street from the café. 

Zane looked at Rachel with him saying,"Probably because both of them are disguising their true image to anyone with Elementary or Standard Willpower. It's like how my wristband suppress my aura and power from most people.". "Zane. Remember when I told you how I don't get whenever you go all power nerd on me. You're doing that again. To put it simply, they're using some kind of technology to disguise themselves right?" said Rachel. "Yeah. So what do you think we should do honey?" said Zane.

Rachel looked at him as she said,"You're not serious are you? You're usually the guy who plans out our moves.". "I am but I want to see what you can do as a leader. I feel bad about being the reason why we had to put pause on our all day date." said Zane. "Oh. Do you really think our date is on pause right now?" said Rachel. "Yeah. I mean superheroing isn't the most romantic thing out there." said Zane as he crossed his arms. 

The devil sighed as she said,"I don't mind doing this because I'm with you and that means we're still on our date so how about we get this done? These guys aren't that tough right?". "Yeah. Lidox is but Tulbur is another story. He's the younger brother of an alien I fought and if I'm right, they're expecting someone to attack them." said Zane. "Okay. I have an idea. Can I pick one of your forms?" said Rachel. "Um sure Rae. I would personally select a more stealthy form myself but..." said Zane.

Rachel ignored him as she said,"Okay then. Activate Thunder Form.". Zane turned into the form with him looking at her. "Rae. I love you to death but I have no idea what your plan is. Thunder Form isn't exactly known for being a master of stealth." said Zane. "Oh. It may not be good for stealth but it is good for being a distraction. You'll distract the big guy and little guy while I get the orb. They got to have it on their person right?" said Rachel. 

Zane smiled as he said,"Oh. I get it. Good thinking. It's time to kick some butt.". Zane jumped down from the roof and charged toward the café. Lidox was grabbed by Zane with the thinner alien being tackled to the ground within a second. Before Tulbur could do anything, Zane's tail was aimed directly at him and a huge amount of yellow thunder was coming out of it. "Try attacking me and well, it won't be pretty for you big guy." said Zane. "I'm willing to take those odds." said Tulbur.

Lidox blinked with him saying,"Don't do anything stupid Tulbur by fighting him! If you fight him, we'll alert the human police and I rather not have me getting hurt. You must be here about us stealing that orb of Tokrudan from your bosses aren't you Zero?". "I am. Nothing will stop me from punching you by the way. If you want your beatdown to not hurt your pretty face too much, tell me where the orb is." said Zane. 

While this was going on, Rachel was waiting for the alien to give out the location of the orb so she can get it from wherever they were hiding. "I would tell you but there is a problem with that. I already gave it to my boss whom you've met through his goons earlier." said Lidox. "You mean Rufus don't you Lidox?" said Zane. "Yep! He is expecting you and your lovely fiancée soon if that arrogant fool's report was correct." said Lidox. 

Rachel clenched her fist as Zane said,"And that stops me from blasting your big pal into a building how?". "If you do that, I won't tell you where the Secret Oasis and you reading me or my partner's mind won't work. We paid good money to have mental blockers placed and Rufus did this because of what you did to his men yesterday." said Lidox. "That may be the case but not even mental blockers can keep me from protecting my love." said Zane.

Tulbur could see that Zane was serious about his threat and he took a deep breath. His left fist was glowing silver and was going to punch Zane off Lidox. Before he could do that, the larger alien was blasted away by Ardor and Zane turned to see Rachel standing there. "Oh. It seems that your fiancée couldn't take seeing you hurt. How romantic." said Lidox in a mocking tone. "You do know the situation you're in right? Tell us where the Tokrudan is or where the Secret Oasis is." said Rachel.

She walked up to him and placed her fist against his head. "While I may be against brutality, I won't let another devil take me away from the people I care about." said Rachel. "Rae." said Zane. Before he could do anything about getting Lidox to talk, Crisis Judgement went off with Zane getting punched by Tulbur and onto a car outside of the café. "Sorry about that boss but we can't let them know about the boss's location." said Tulbur.

Lidox laughed as he said,"It's no problem at all. I was just about to teleport out of here.". "I won't let that happen!" said Rachel. Before she could do anything, Lidox pressed a button on his left gauntlet and both aliens vanished. Rachel looked over at Zane who deactivated the form. "Sorry about that. I couldn't stop them from leaving." said Rachel. "It's fine. I have an idea to get the location of where Rufus is and hopefully, she'll help us." said Zane. 

About half an hour later, the duo of Rachel and Zane were walking through Thunder Cove Detention Center. The couple was still in costume and they were in the Correction Center. "So how did we get in here so easily? And why aren't your villains acting up upon the sight of you? Most of them really hate you." said Rachel. "To answer the second question first. They're currently sleeping right now since it's nap time." said Zane. "You can't be serious. Nap time is for little kids not super villains." said Rachel.

Zane looked at her as he said,"You would be right but to most people including myself, they act like little kids. I convinced the totally not corrupt warden about this since he gets paid to sleep instead of working.". "While this is really interesting, can you tell me why we're here?" said Rachel. "To see a friend of ours. You'll remember her once you see her." said Zane. Rachel just agreed to this since she wanted this to be done with.           

Inside of a specific prison cell, a being of immense age and power was going back and forth.  It was Velda but instead of wearing her normal clothing upon changing gender or a prison uniform, she was wearing something worse. It was a maid outfit that she was forced into thanks to the sick warden. If she didn't want to wear the uniform, she would get tortured and that torture was pretty bad from what she heard from the other prisoners. 

The Stausosk didn't like to hurt physically ,which was a bold lie that she died, so she picked the outfit instead. She thought that it would be something be like that one maid café she went to before coming to Earth and getting her entire life flipped around. She instantly regretted that choice and according to Adrian, there was no going back. She's wearing a black French maid ,not a chambermaid outfit like she thought, outfit. It was covered in dark red frills.

Her head had a maid headband with dark red ruffles on it. Her top was cut in a specific way that it only covered her chest. The bubblegum pink apron that she wore left her midriff exposed alongside her bellybutton piercing. It also exposed her black ,with sky blue frills, bra. The skirt ,that had slits on the side, she wore was no better being that it only reached the uppermost part of her thighs and if she moved, her undergarments would be exposed. 

It looked slutty but thanks to something covered them, it wasn't that bad. Her arms were covered in her long black fishnet sleeves that go up her elbows but they now hook around her middle finger instead of ending around her wrist. Her legs were covered by white stockings. She's wearing knee high black high heel boots that looked similar to maryjane shoes. She still wore her black studded earrings, silver hair-clip in the shape of a DNA helix, and silk choker with the latter working well with the Negation Collar. 

She had her gauntlet removed for obvious reasons. If her extremely exposing outfit wasn't bad enough for the super genius's pride, that idiot human found one of the inventions she was building in secret. It changed her body once again like the Alternator and due to the Negation Collar, she couldn't do anything to stop him. Her already long enough hair had gotten longer and down to her butt. Part of her hair were done up in braided pigtails on either side of her head thanks to the rings. 

It gained bubblegum pink highlights with it looking something like this picture. It looked really nice and well maintained despite her being in prison. Her eye color had been changed as well but she didn't noticed this at first. She did later thanks to a mirror. Her red irises had changed to a calming aquamarine color. Her eyes had gotten bigger given her a more innocent look to her even though they were slit like a feline. Her eyelashes had gotten longer, thicker, and more curved alongside her eyebrows. 

They were more like thin feminine arches. Her lips looked to be more plump and kissable. Her fingertips and lips were still red. The little amount of her muscles that her body had were gone, being replaced by delicate, silky, and supple skin. It showed that she had never worked a day in her life and never once spend time in the laboratory. A normal person would be happy to have skin like hers but Velda doesn't care about what others think of how she looks but of her intelligence. 

If you met her before this change, you would know that she isn't curvaceous whatsoever. That changed due to Adrian not liking that so it had to change. Her breasts ,which were small but she liked them this size, had gotten bigger much to her dismay at first but she eventually grew to admire them. Due to her limited knowledge of biology especially female, they looked to be big and their exact size was unknown to her. 

The person who made the uniform did since Adrian had planed this for a while now. He has a lot of free time on his hands. Her hips had pushed out more and her butt expanded to be more of a cushion. She wouldn't admit this out loud but she admired how good her long, feminine legs look and she like how they looked in her skirt. Thankfully, her invention didn't make her into a bimbo like the human intended for her. 

However, she was having more crude and indecent thoughts lately involving Zane as her master and being chastised by him for making a mistake. Whenever she had those thoughts, her skin was covered from top to bottom in goosebumps. She was blaming the Alternator and the warden for these thoughts but these thoughts were always there. "I can't believe that I'm stuck in this outfit because of that idiotic warden." said Velda as she sat at the edge of her bed which was a nice, comfy king sized bed.

Because she had been such a good prisoner due to her never once trying to escape since she found no real point to doing so, she was given certain benefits that would a normal prison snitch would get it if they snitched. The other prisoners ,who were all pretty much super villains, would do what they normally do to prison snitches but there was no point since she never really said anything to the guards about their attempts at escape. They also left the prison because of Adrian being so easy to bribe. 

It wasn't worth it in their minds. Her prison cell has green-blue walls, a silver glass like ceiling, and brown wooden floor. There was pillars in all four corners of the room and an very expensive-looking chandelier on the ceiling's center. There is a large flat-screen TV on one side of the room along with huge speakers. It was all hooked up to a DVR and a TV monitor. It was barely used since Velda didn't find TV to be all too interesting except for two things.

Those two things are news related to Zane and also oddly the fashion channel. The floor has a red carpet that takes up most of the floor. On the other wall, there are large bookshelves filled with books which she enjoyed the most. Her bed is a huge, king-sized bed made of white wood with a softer than clouds mattress, green pillows, and a big red blanket. She looked at one of the books that was given to her and she founded them interesting.

Even though she was stuck in prison and looking like this, reading always found a way to calm her down. The book that she was reading was about types of clothing and she found it interesting. Before coming to Earth, she never once cared about fashion and that didn't bother her. She hated how she was forced to wear something so slutty instead of something cute. One outfit interested her the most being that it was a light-blue sleeveless dress with a blue ribbon around the waist and a blue bow in the back.

She really liked the outfits that the books looked good as an image, she wondered what they look like on her. She was constantly telling herself that this was wrong and she shouldn't be like but honestly, she was tempted to ignore it. She put her book down on her bed and walked over to the mirror that was placed into her room. Even though she hated how she look nice, there was a part ,which was really small, that liked how she looked. 

The alien struck a sexy pose and she said,"Despite this being something I hate a great deal, I'm sure that Zane would be unable to resist my beauty.". She then began imagine Zane holding her tight and having rather impure thoughts about him grabbing her more fatty parts and there was a very strong blush on her face. "So should I come back later or what? I mean just wow. You've changed." said a voice. Velda looked around the room and she said with the blush still on her face,"Who's there?!". 

Zane ,in Frost Form, appeared with him saying,"Sup.". Upon seeing the hero standing there, she went to the opposite side of the room and she screamed out,"Zero! What are you doing?! And you better not being looking at my undergarments!". "I'm not Velda so chill out." said Zane with Velda giggling. "Oh gods. She's laughing at my jokes. Something is wrong." thought Zane. He had heard about Velda's new outlook on life thanks to Adrian and wanted to punch him for it. 

The Cross Species could ignore the fact that Adrian was well known for accept bribes and letting out known super criminals since he was easily the best warden that Thunder Cove has ever had. Lets just say that like with all of Cypress Park mayors having an eccentricity, all of the Thunder Cove Wardens were corrupt in some regard. The fact that Adrian would change Velda without her consent is true criminal in his eyes. 

If he had some free time which was rare, he would but taking down Rufus was more important. Even though Velda was scared of him being here without warning, a part of her was really excited about him being here. You'll find out what's up with Velda soon I promise. "So why are you here again Alvarez? I do hope that you're not a illusion of mine like the last couple of times. And before you say anything, those idiots who are guarding me won't be seeing or hearing us." said Velda. 

Zane blinked as he said,"Let me guess Velda. One of your inventions is doing that. Impressive since prison isn't exactly the place you would built something like that. I'm actually worried about how you're going crazy due to Donald's inventions and one of your own. Seeing an illusion of me is weird but to each there their own I guess. You have a nice jail cell by the way. Very cozy and an upgrade from your lab huh. ".

The alien's face was engulfed in a blush and she said,"So tell me why you're here and you better not be here to punish me or something like that master.". "Okay then. You're clearly have some screws loose right now so do you mind if I borrow something from you? It's important." said Zane as Velda looked at him. She walked up to him and she said with a finger placed on his chest,"Explain to me why I should or else, I will scream.". 

Zane smiled as he said,"I'll change you back to normal. I'm sure that you're not the biggest fan of how you look right?". "I'm not entirely against it but you changing me back will only be a temporary change. That idiot of a warden has one of my inventions and will change me back once he sees me back to what I was." said Velda. "I see. I got an idea." said Zane, smirking. Velda gulped in fear yet she was excited for what Zane had planned. 

Outside of the prison wing, Rachel was leaning against a wall and she sighed. She didn't expect Zane to bring her to where they were holding Velda since Velda hated/liked Zane. What goes through Velda's head is a mystery. The devil turned to see Zane ,in Frost Form, holding something. It looked like a pair of gloves, a headset, and a tablet with a pen. "Sorry for the wait Rae. Even as a female, that being just loves the sound of her voice." said Zane.

Rachel looked at him as she said,"So are you sure about this? I mean from what you and Parker have told me about her when she was a man, she wasn't too big on sharing her inventions with others if they don't have anything that she could use for another invention.". "Yep. This is the only way I can think of to stop Rufus since I want to do this with you." said Zane. "That's so sweet but we don't know where he is. He has to be somewhere in Cypress Park right?" said Rachel.

Zane nodded as he said,"Most likely since criminals have been coming here in order to get to this Secret Oasis. I asked Velda about it after she finished talking about how she didn't want to see a single scratch on her baby for thirty minutes. Her and Parker really like to talk.". "Just like you sweetie." said Rachel. "Yeah I do. She mentioned how the Dwarf Clan had hired her to do their security once." said Zane.

The devil looked at the Cross Species with her saying,"With the technical side right? I doubt she would do physical work.". "Yeah especially now since she was trying to seduce me and I don't think she was intended on doing it. It was looking at a more pink Sierra. Less than Bimbo thank the gods for that." said Zane. "Focus. What did she tell you about Rufus?" said Rachel. "You got it but first." said Zane. He turned into Teleport Form and warped the two out of the prison.

They reappeared outside of the prison and next to the Astral Tank which they used to get here. "Now that we have some privacy. Velda mentioned how the places had infrared vision, a very special defense system for beings with intangibility aka a lot of electricity, and guards for big and small guys. They can also tell if something is a Trojan horse or not." said Zane. "So how are we supposed to get in there then?" said Rachel.

Zane looked at her as he said,"With an invite. It's the only way according to Velda since if you try to enter without one, you're instantly under suspicion and taken to a place called the Mud Pit which isn't what you think.". "It isn't a place where half naked women wrestle each other for most men's sick pleasure?" said Rachel. "Much to my surprise, it isn't. It's a place where Rufus alter a being’s body and mind into something else." said Zane.

Rachel clenched her fist as she said,"That does sound like something Rufus would do even though I was hoping that it was just rumors. So this device you got from her will help us enter Secret Oasis, teach Rufus a well need lesson, and free everyone who is under Rufus's control against their will.". "It will Rae because Velda was sure about that and she's a smart cookie. He loves women and hates men. This device will help us change Rufus’s victims back to normal." said Zane.

The devil nodded as Zane deactivated the form. "So what is it if you don't mind me asking?" said Rachel. "Oh. She calls it Bringing out the Inner You. Weird name but it's pretty powerful. To give you a very basic synopsis of what this thing does, it can alter someone's body at the cellular level. It doesn't matter what species you are being that this device will affect you." said Zane. "Wow. It reminds me of how you can turn into any species you want no problem." said Rachel.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. It was made to bring out the true self of the being in question. It was made to help people with undercover work according to her but I could see it helping those who struggle with the body that they're born with.". "That does sound pretty nice." said Rachel. "I'll just keep this in my pocket dimension until we need to get them back to normal. I need to tell you something very important Rae." said Zane. "What is it?" said Rachel. 

The Cross Species took a deep breath as he said,"If things go to hell in a hand basket, I’ll step in okay? I can’t lose you. You're my rock and well, I won’t let you get taken from me.". "Okay Zane. If that does happen, you can handle this bastard no problem but let me get in a really good hit on him." said Rachel with her hugging Zane. "You got it." said Zane. "So be honest. Do you really trust Velda? You know she hates you right?” said Rachel, letting him go. "She does?" said Zane. 

Rachel gave him a look that screamed,"Are you serious?" as Zane sighed. "Fine. From what Parker told me about her when she was Vuldall, he was considered a tsundere. He was also into serving people if you catch my drift.  She also likes when I call her cute and well, it's an adorable sight to say the very least. The side of her was brought out thanks to Donald so I'll thank him next time he's trying to murder me even though his killer robots or a supervillain using a battlesuit made by him." said Zane. 

The devil looked at Zane as she said,"Is that why Adrian did that with her hair?". She felt bad for her with her looking both uncomfortable and happy at the same time. "Twintails are the tsundere hairstyle after all and I doubt that warden would think of something like that." said Rachel. "Yeah. I may have convinced him to give her that. I can be a really good pranksters." said Zane. "Yes. You really are. So I have an idea for our raid on Rufus's club." said Rachel. "Which is?" said Zane. 

Rachel looked at him as she said,"You know how you does more criminal things as Crimson Spade right? I was really happy that you told me about being him without me subtly nagging you about it by the way.". "Yeah. That was because I honestly couldn't keep that a secret. However, Crimson Spade is more of an anti-hero than a villain since Crimson Spade does good things but not in a conventional hero like manner. What's your point here?" said Zane. 

He was trying to pull back on the ranting. "I'm thinking about becoming an anti-heroine myself in order to take down Rufus." said Rachel. "Okay then. So do you want a costume out of the same material as my clothing? If you do, I can do that within seconds." said Zane. "Um sure. I was thinking about just buying something but I'm sure my over protective lover wouldn't have that." said Rachel. "You know me so well and I can say this. It'll be good." said Zane, kissing her. 

Back at their home, Zane was sitting on their bed with him saying,"So explain to me why you have to make this into a mini-fashion show again? We're on a time crunch here.". "Don't be such a buzz kill dummy. We'll be fine." said Rachel. The devil was currently getting changed in their closet as Zane sighed a bit. "I would be if we didn't have to fight against a devil who wants you as a wife and nothing else. So would you like to see Legion Zero as female." said Zane. 

Rachel nodded as she said,"You should really do that. I really want to see what your forms look like all bouncy.". "If that does happen, you do know that they won't be like the ones online aren't going to be them right?" said Zane. "Really?" said Rachel. "Yeah. The ones online were nothing more than Rule 63 versions of them and built for desire but like Zara, they're built for a fight instead. They can be desired but well, they're fighters." said Zane with a smile. "I see." said Rachel. "So are you ready?" said Zane.

The devil sighed as she said,"Fine. Get ready for me Zaney.". The closet door opened up as Zane looked at his fiancée in her anti-heroine costume. She was determined to fight for her freedom and she was wearing an outfit that made her natural beauty even stronger in his mind. Her outfit is similar to the jumpsuits that Alyssa, Empress, and Freda wears alongside her costume as Riptide. She wears a very form-fitting royal blue jumpsuit with it looking to be made out of a leather and latex material.

It shines upon the room's light hitting her, very good at hugging her form perfectly, and it draws attention to her chest thanks to a cleavage cutout and drew attention to it. Her suit has silver knee and shin pads sewn into it. These knee and shin pads are spiked. She wears a silver ,with gold accents, belt with a black Cat of Nine Tails flail on her waist. She wears a silver metal like domino mask that looks similar to Crimson Spade's mask over her eyes. 

Her mask has red tinted lenses and her now amethyst colored hair is let flown free. Her mask shows off her eyebrows. She's wearing white arm length gloves with black cat like fur attached to the end of them and over her fingers, they are long sharp claws. These claws look to be able to cut through glass with relative ease. She's wearing dark crimson red thigh high boots with black fur from the back of the calf. It has rockets built into it and the heels are elegant looking. 

It looked to be sculpted in a manner to perfectly climbing up walls and looks painful to be hit by. The collar of her suit has the same black fur as her boots and gloves. This fluff travels down to her chest area. The material that makes the outfit she is wearing and the one worn as Riptide is made out of Monorilite just like all of Zane's clothing. It's extremely flexible, ten times stronger than steel, and can take a great amount of pressure to even damage it at all. 

Upon touching it, it feels just as smooth and cool as regular spandex but not too tight. Her suit make it look she could dish out deadly and acrobatic moves. The way that Rachel walked screamed confidence and grace with the heels clicking upon hitting the ground and each step poised and calculated. Her walk was hypnotizing, although he expected such grace and attention drawing from her. "So how do I look your highness?" said Rachel, poising. "You look beautiful but that's a given." said Zane.

Rachel smiled as she said,"Thanks. Really love how it accentuated my body. So what's with the boob window?". "Come on. Is it really that hard to figure out why you have one?" said Zane. "Oh I know why Zaney. Courtney said it best. No matter what gender you are, you're a major breast maniac. What I'm asking you is why the window though?" said Rachel. "Well, I wanted to see your girls. I'm a massive pervert for you after all." said Zane. 

The devil sighed as she said,"I really wish that it was Crimson Spade teaming up with me to take down Rufus but I can understand why you decided to be Legion Zero. You made that perfectly clear on our way home.". "Yeah. To most beings, Crimson Spade and I are two different people. I want Rufus to know that it's me who is taking him down alongside my beautiful fiancée who is dressed more attractive than normal." said Zane. 

Rachel nodded as she said,"That makes sense. I really love how this feels against my body. Not too tight around my breasts, butt, and thighs. Unlike Alyssa as you're well aware of, I could go commando in this and you would be unaware of it until I told you.". "What are you talking about? Me and Alyssa are just friends like I told you and are you commando right now?" said Zane. "I'm sure that you're not using your x-ray vision to take a peak. You'll learn if I am later." said Rachel, lightly chopping his head.

Zane grumbled out a fine as Rachel said,"Uh huh. You two are just friends. Do you really think I don't mind sharing you?". "You get really jealous when it comes to me being around other women." said Zane. "That was when I didn't know about my feelings toward you!" said Rachel. "You were like that last night." said Zane. "Because I was drunk!" said Rachel. "Okay. I'll ask her out when we get back from our trip" said Zane. "Yeah. Lets do this." said Rachel, pumping herself for the fight ahead. 

Zane smiled at her confidence and turned into Crimson Spade. Similar to how Zane updated his costumes as Legion Zero over the years, Crimson Spade had his costume updated as well. This update was around 2021 to 2022. It was mainly used during Zane’s time working for the Alliance. There were little changes to it. He still looks to be in his early twenties with his appearance and voice altered. He still has grayish-platinum hair with his bangs hanging over his forehead.

He still has a lean, yet muscular figure to him. His eye color is now a piercing storm gray color which glow when Zane is trying to intimidate someone. Whenever females look at him, they ,poorly, try to hide their admiration for how well Crimson Spade's costume shows off his toned physique. He still wears a black domino mask but instead of being in the shape of a spade, it was now in the shape of a smooth masquerade mask.

It goes over his eyes with it covering his forehead down fully covering his lips. His mask’s two white lenses are clear and see-through which allows him to see out but prevents any damage to his eyes. They are slitted. The mask's nose is curved like a hark and the letters "CS" was branded in crimson red in the center of his forehead. He wears a slim black gilet/cargo vest and hood with a crimson red outline with a series of crimson red Xs going down the front to keep it together.

There is a crimson red dragon pattern printed on the left side of his cargo vest. He has a crimson red compression/muscle sleeveless shirt with a storm gray front underneath his cargo vest. He wears silver chainmail sleeves which covers his arms and he has black knee pads. He wears sleek black cargo pants that look similar to dress pants and has crimson red trimmings. He wears a silver metal utility belt with several small spade pouches on the belt. 

He wears black ,with crimson red lining, plating over his calves, thighs, and shoulder pads. He wears blackish-red boots with steel-soles that now has crimson red spades that clinked whenever he took a step, blackish red streamline gauntlets which cover the entirety of his forearm and goes right up to his elbows, and blackish red fingerless gloves. He doesn’t wear his weapon on his person but he can make them appear with a single thought. It takes a couple of seconds for them to appear. 

Zane smiled as he said,"So are you ready to kick some devil but honey? I mean this is going to be slightly more fun than taking down a Swarm base while riding a burro.". "Um Zane. You do know that it's just going to me and you right? You don't have to put an act around me." said Rachel. "Right. Sorry Rae. I've been doing this whole second secret identity thing for a while now and it's something I do without thinking at this point. I just have too much fun doing this." said Zane. 

Rachel shook her head as she said,"Sometimes Zane. You can just be a really big kid.". "Yeah. That's probably why I'm so good with kids and it makes life more fun in my opinion. So you ready to go? It's showtime Rae." said Zane. "Yep. I'm ready Zane. Rufus is going down thanks to the power of our love and fists." said Rachel. The devil walked out of the room with a confident grin and stride. "That's the woman I love." thought Zane as he went after her. 

A little bit later, the duo of Rachel and Zane looked down from the rooftops to see three men moving some stolen merchandise into a truck. These three men are the trio known as JAM which was named after its three members Justin, Albert, and Michael. Since none of them are wearing mask disguising their face, I think it's time to show off their physical appearance. Lets start with Albert with him being the leader of JAM and the self proclaimed ladies man. 

Albert is a proud Irish American with him being the oldest member of the little group JAM at 32 years old. He has a heavy build with most people ,including the other two members of JAM, considered him to be sixty percent fat and forty percent muscle at this point. This is due to him being a former wrestler during high school. Albert has black hair and green eyes with a bit of stubble to him. He's wearing a gray polo shirt with brown cargo pants and sandals.

This man has a bad habit of drinking and smoking. The latter of which he smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. He has an unhealthy liver because of that. Justin ,a French American, has short buzzcut like brown hair and matching colored eyes. He's wearing a orange button-up shirt with a white long sleeve shirt under it. He wears dark green stonewashed jeans ,with a single white stripe on them, and a pair of brown boots. He wears a expensive looking black watch.  

This man was a former runner for his college track team being that he's pretty much the opposite of Justin. He has a connection to the Secret Oasis thanks to him dating an escort from the club and this little connection pleased him. Michael ,who is a Greek American, has blond hair in the form of a mullet and dark blue eyes. Compared to the other two members of JAM, he has more scars along his body. One of his more noticeable scar is on over his right pectoral that he got from being shiv in prison. 

He has scars over his elbows and knees from his brawling days as a boxer. He's wearing a navy blue jean jacket with a dirty dark pink v-neck shirt and ripped looking blue jeans. He wears casual black sneakers. Michael is considered to be the heart of the little group and swings for the other team. "So are you sure about them working with Rufus? Rufus hates men like a lot." whispered Rachel. "I do since buzzcut down there is dating one of Rufus's escorts." whispered Zane.

Rachel looked at him as she whispered,"Are you serious?". "Yeah. Scott got this little bit of information from the guy himself after they were arrested. These three will help us find Rufus since I can't sense the Dwarf Clan's Ardor anywhere in Cypress Park." whispered Zane. "And how are we going to do that Zane? They know who you are since both of your identity are famous in the criminal underground for different yet similar reasons." whispered Rachel. 

Zane smirked as he whispered,"Rachel my dear. I think you know how to use your feminine charm to your advantage. You do it all the time with me.". "Oh. Why didn't I think that?" whispered Rachel. She landed down there as she said,"Hello there boys. I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to have some fun and since you've been doing so good, the boss sent me as a reward.". She placed her left hand on her hips and made sure that the three men were staring at her. 

The Cross Species blinked as he thought,"Okay. She is really good at this. I wonder if she learned this from Alyssa or is this all natural? I have to ask her later.". Rachel pressed her chest against Albert with him saying,"The boss sent you to us?! Ha! That's a fucking joke. A knockout like you would never waste your time with us.". As he said this, he grabbed Rachel's right butt cheek and squeezed it. "I hope she knows what she's doing and why is this the only idea I had?" thought Zane, clenching his teeth. 

Rachel began rubbing her finger along her chest as she said,"Hold on there stud. You three don't get to have fun with little old me until you deliver the merchandise first.". "Can't I just... Hold on the three of us. No way am I sharing with these two." said Albert. "Hey man. I'm perfectly happy with that girl I'm seeing down at the club. She may be a escort for other guys but she's so very loving to her loyal customers." said Justin. "And I'm not into girls as you guys are well aware of." said Michael. 

Albert smiled as he said,"Okay! How long will it take for us to get to the club?". "I think maybe about ten to fifteen minutes given that traffic is pretty light tonight. Zero hasn't been seen all day according to what I heard at the Black Blossom." said Justin. "Oh hell yeah. I can't wait ten to fifty minutes. I want to have some fun now." said Albert. "Okay since you're so insistent. We can play but lets play my game instead." said Rachel. 

Without warning, she elbowed Albert in his face with enough strength to break his nose and mouth easily. Her hit actually knocked her unconscious with him falling backwards. The two remaining goons and Zane looked at Rachel who giggled. "Oopsie. I used too much strength on him but he held me too tightly after all. I hate to be a total bitch but I'm on a very strict time schedule here after all." said Rachel. 

Justin nodded as he said,"Sure thing. Whatever floats your boat beautiful.". "You really shouldn't have said that." said Rachel as Justin got closer to her. However, Zane appeared and punched him square in the face. "Thanks for the assist but did that this assist only happen due to you being jealous of that guy getting so close to me even though this was your plan." said Rachel. "I'm pretty sure that you had a plan for getting the information we needed and just went along with me to be nice." said Zane.

Rachel crossed her arms as she said,"Crimson Spade." "Okay fine. I was jealous but you know why I am." said Zane. "True. So what should we do about him?" said Rachel. She pointed to the star struck Michael with him saying,"You two don't have to hurt me! I'm a sucker for love and the love that you two share is just too adorable for words! I'll make sure these two clowns don't bother you anymore then they already have! Oh and take this.".

Michael handed Zane over a letter with him saying,"According to my boss, this is supposed to get us into the Secret Oasis. Hope you two have fun!". Michael dragged them away as Zane watched this happen. "So was too easy or what?" said Rachel. "A little because it usually ramps up in difficult for seemingly simple jobs." said Zane. "So what's inside the truck? You told me that there was something called Morphing Powder which I think you told me about." said Rachel. 

She walked toward the truck with Zane trying his best not to look at her ass that was just taunting him due to her outfit. "Yeah. Morphing Powder is given to a being who wants to disguise themselves as another species or gender. From what I could tell from looking over the bank footage earlier, Lidox and Tulbur used it to get the Tokrudan in the first place." said Zane. "So why do you think JAM was hired to pick this stuff up? And how did they get bail so fast?" said Rachel. 

Zane looked at him as he said,"I'm guessing that Rufus wants to use this stuff for something so he had one of his goons pay for them to break out. I have no idea what Rufus is planning but we can't let it happen.". "Yeah. So we steal the truck of Morphing Powder in order to not raise suspicion right?" said Rachel. "Yep. That was the initial plan but Michael gave us an invitation. We should take it." said Zane with him holding up the letter that he was given. 

Rachel opened the letter for him with her saying,"Okay then. It only has a location and time written on it.". "If that's the case, we should probably get going." said Zane. "You know where this is?" said Rachel. "Yep. I know Cypress Park like the back of my hand and this plan is totally better than what I would normally do." said Zane. "Which is?" said Rachel. The two held hands with Zane saying,"Go find Secret Oasis and wreck the place.". 

A little bit, the night air was cool being that there was a brisk wind going through the area. After arriving at the location that was written on the letter, Rachel leaned against Zane as they came close to the location. "So is a parking garage normal for criminal activity or what?" said Rachel. "In my years of experience, I usually ended up finding myself in a warehouse or an abandoned building so this is a nice chance of past for me." said Zane. 

The couple was outside of a parking garage with it being a noticeable five story building. The two quietly walked into the building. "So did the letter mentioned what level they be on?" said Rachel. "I think the fifteenth floor." said Zane. "And how do you know that exactly Spade?" said Rachel. "I can detect a presence above us but the exact level eludes me. Oh thanks for calling me Spade. It's good to stay in character when on a mission." said Zane.   

Rachel nodded as Zane grabbed onto her and warped them up to the fifteenth floor. "So we needed to meet there here at 8:15 right?" said Zane. "Yeah but do you think we should have disguises ourselves as JAM? The person who wanted the Morphing Powder expected them not us." said Rachel. "That isn't a bad idea but for criminals, it's you snooze you lose. If they run away upon seeing us, I'll just chase them down and make them talk." said Zane. 

With a smile, Rachel said,"You really got a plan for everything huh?". "Yep. It doesn't hurt to be prepared for any outcome that you may deal with as a hero. I came up with this plan while I've been ogling you in that costume." said Zane. "At least, you aren't trying to hide the fact that you're a pervert Spade." said Rachel. "Yep and you came out now." said Zane. Rachel turned to see a large, shadowed figure standing under a light that hung from the ceiling.

It looked to be a thin yet muscular male with him being a taller than normal man. He has noticeable broad shoulders. He has long silver hair tied in a ponytail and has brown eyes. He has a very noticeable and handsome looking jawline. He wears a black fedora with a golden trim. He wears a black trench coat with white accents and dozens of straps and buckles. Under his trench coat, he wears a white long sleeve open cuffed shirt with a dark red button up vest. 

He wears dark blue pants with a brown belt and silver boots. He has a broadsword in a sheath strapped across his chest and a rifle in a holster strapped to his right thigh. "Hello there you two lovebirds. It seems that those three morons got their ass kicked but from the famous anti-hero Crimson Spade instead of some idiotic metahuman that Zero fights on a daily basis, I'm impressed." said the man with his voice sounding auto tuned. 

Rachel looked at Zane with him saying,"Out of all beings in the Omniverse, it just had to be you. You do know how cliché you're being right man?". "You know the saying. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. So are you going to introduce me to your lady or what man?" said the man. "Fine. Rae. Meet me one of the Alliance's greatest spies Apollo. He's good at finding out secrets even more than Silas which is how he knows about me being Crimson Spade." said Zane. 

Apollo nodded as he said,"Sup. I met your man when he was working for the Alliance and we worked together real good. I was the one to help him take down several organizations with her help as well. You and her are a good team.". He tipped his hat to her. "While it may be nice to meet one of Zane's work friends, I have a question for you. So why did you ask JAM to get you Morphing Powder in the first place?" said Rachel. 

The man looked at her as he said,"To keep away from the Dwarf Clan obviously. They used to obtain the Tokrudan for their corrupted boss. I'm sure that you two are after him for his crimes so let me help you two love birds out.". He reached inside of his coat and pulled out a gold folder that looked stuffed with papers. "This is all of the information that I got on Rufus after three weeks of very close examination on the guy." said Apollo.

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