Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Zero Episode 145 An all day date with the woman you love Section 2 (Written on December 12 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Episode 145 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Episode 145. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

She was standing in her bedroom's bathroom with her sighing. "I know that I shouldn't be jealous of my mother kissing Zane but still. He could have stopped her." thought Rachel. Even after she had stopped drinking due to Zane keeping the booze away from the devils thanks to a pocket dimension, Rachel still felt a little woozy, quite lightheaded, and having a bit of trouble concentrating. She was also releasing out small and super adorable burps. She also had a nasty jealous streak going on.

It reminded her of when she was a kid being that she used to have a big problem with anyone that is the same sex of her ,excluding family for pretty obvious reasons except in certain places if you know what I mean, spending time with Zane. This jealously was due to her being unsure of her feelings toward Zane but thankfully, it had died down around meeting Karen in middle school. Rachel began checking herself in the mirror, running her hands down her world-class figure in deep thought.

Her looks ,from top to bottom, had always been something of a great asset to her thanks to her sharing a lot of characteristics with her mom as she found out in great detail tonight when she was asked to give her mom a full body massage. Marian asked Zane to do so Rachel couldn't allow that. Her mom's figure was slightly more adult compared to hers and Gayle but was still better than the twinsters. She hated how most guys noticed that about her before anything else.

Rachel remembered how Zane had to stop the advances of guys trying to hit on her usually using fear tactics or violence. This was before he became Zero and he learned these tactics from a movie he saw with Courtney. Zane once told her that he was proud of being with a girl like her who is a beauty inside and out. It was obvious to everyone and their grandma that Zane was an extremely good-looking guy who naturally stole more hearts than most guys could ever achieve in their lifetime. 

It wasn't just his looks that drew people in but his unique personality. Rachel usually held back her jealously whenever a girl would flirt with him especially when he was Legion Zero. Zane would often pretend not to notice it even when the girl flirting isn't at subtle whatsoever. She was aware of how Zane could tell when a girl is flirting with her. Rachel was pretty sure that her body had brought her the man of her dreams but she would never forget how her friends helped her through the whole Blaze thing. 

It was Zane who defeated Blaze four years ago. Danny could have easily defeated Blaze if things went differently in their Domination match. In that match, the homo supremus fought against the group of Archie, Avril, Belle, Bernice, Blaze, Eloise, Rhoda, and Wilma. He took one of Rhoda's explosion in order to protect Leo and Sly from it. After taking this first explosion and dealt with a lot of damage from the devils, Danny was hit with a barrage of explosions.

These explosions also defeated Allen, Gwen, Jordan, Kevin, and Leo around the same time. It was also the first time he used Wraith Armor and accessed his latent powers of a homo supremus. To get back on point, Rachel trusted Zane with everything since he had taken her heart and body. Rachel's face turned red as she covered her mouth to hide her growing smile. She had lost her innocence to him shortly after Zane brought her back to Cypress Park and it was her choice.

Zane was perfectly willing to wait but she couldn't wait after seeing him kick some serious but. She did have to say sorry to the other girls dating Zane at the time since they were first but love is blinding. She was stopped from relieving that particular memory by Zane's voice. "Hey Rae. Can we talk? I know that you're mad about what just happened but you should know that I will always love you and you alone. I won't leave you for your mom or anyone." said Zane's voice. 

Rachel looked at the door with her beginning to form a very sexy idea. It was something she had in mind for a while now. "Sure. Just wait outside for me okay?" said Rachel. "Okay. Thanks Rae. You're the best you know that." said Zane. The devil looked at herself and got ready for her evil scheme. About ten minutes, Rachel was sitting on their bedroom couch. The devil princess had a massive pout on her face with her arms crossed under her breasts, making her large breasts more obvious. 

Her legs were also crossed. She had changed out of her furisode into something more casual. She’s wearing rather suggestive lingerie. It’s a black ,silk, lace spaghetti strap negligee. It's held on her body by two thin straps on her shoulders and ending at the middle of her thighs. It has a sakura petal print with crimson red lining. She had her hair out of her chignon and back to its normal appearance. She’s wearing a pair of scarlet red fluffy slippers. Rachel had on her engagement ring. 

Zane ,in his lounge wear, was trying to hide the growing blush on his face from seeing a large amount of her cleavage but was failing miserably due to her outfit making it practically impossible not to see her breasts due it being cut to emphasize her bust. Even though he was in "trouble" with her, Zane was staring at her. If it wasn't obvious enough, this was just part of Rachel's plan. "Gods damn. I know that I love her more than just her body but it's really nice." thought Zane.

He smiled as he thought,"I wish she wore that for more just the bedroom but her typical lounge wear isn't half bad. It still shows off how beautiful she is. I'm a big fan of her cleavage being that her sexy mounds and I are totally more than just best friends. Yes we are.". He was stopping for thinking any more about this by a gentle chop to his head. "Ouch. You hurt me why Rachel?" said Zane in a deadpanned voice.

It didn't hurt him but he could pretend like it did. "Can't you turn off the perv Zane? I like the gentleman version of you but wait a minute. Gentleman Zane got my mom to kiss him!" said Rachel with her arms crossed. "Come on Rae. It wasn't my fault that she kissed me. You know that right?" said Zane as Rachel huffed. "You should have stopped her from kissing you grandson of the woman who can see the future! I know she's very sexy and all but you have me!" said Rachel with a sigh. 

Zane sighed as he said,"You're right Rae. I guess her kissing me is totally my fault. Real sorry.". He didn't feel like arguing with her about this since a drunk Rachel is extremely stubborn even more than he can be most of the time. It was actually pretty impressive and sometimes, you just have to let the other people be right especially when they're drunk. It wasn't because of her gender whatsoever since Zane is an Eazairvian aka neither gender. 

Rachel smiled as she had won against him which usually happened but she still liked it whenever she did. "Oh and me being a perv. Can you blame me? You're clearly making that impossible since your body is yelling at me to stare at it and you like when I do." said Zane. Even though Crisis Judgement was going off, Zane had ignored it with Rachel palm striking him in the face. "Do you really think that I would like to hear that from you right? I'm mad at you Zaney!" said Rachel.

Zane looked at her as he said with a red ,not from a blush, face,"Okay. I know what to do. If you really don't want to be around me, I'll just leave you alone to calm down. Maybe Efren won't me hanging out with him and we'll go for peruse for chicks. Good day ma'am!". He began walking toward the bedroom door and Rachel gasped upon seeing him leaving. She glomped him as she squealed,"No!". Even though he easily saw it coming from her, Zane didn't do anything to stop her.

The hero was pinned to the floor with her arms wrapping her neck and held onto him very tight like he was a giant teddy bear. Her colossal, extremely soft breasts was above his face. "I'm sorry! Please don't leave me for Efren! I was just jealous of my mom flirting with you! She knows that I love you more than anyone and well, I don't want you to leave me for her! All of my anger was me trying to get back at you for it!" said Rachel.

For a second, Zane stopped looking at her melons and smiled. "Rae. After all of this time, you really should know two things. When I'm joking and how much I love you. I won't leave you for Efren. He's a good guy but not my type. Danny on the other hand. Lets just say that if Gwen wasn't a very good friend of mine, I would totally be seducing him and he would be mine." said Zane. "I know that but still! You know that then I'm drunk, I can't control my jealously!" said Rachel.

The devil grabbed Zane's head and buried his head under a massive pair of breasts and she began rubbing her cheek into Zane's hair. "You're not in trouble Zaney! I was just teasing you! Please don't leave. I want to be with you for our entire date." said Rachel as Zane smiled even though his face was engulfed in softness. "Gods. This is how I'm going to die. Dying by breasts. Not a bad way to go out in my opinion but man, I'll get teased for it from the past Zeroes." thought Zane. 

Rachel looked right at Zane ,with her having a puppy dog eye look going on, and she said,"Pretty please Zaney?". "Yep. I wasn't going to leave you but since you're begging me to stay...." said Zane. He was stopped by talking by her kissing his face with kisses. She ended off her kissing barrage by making direct contract with Zane's lips. She began to kiss him with such vigor and passion that it rivaled the sun itself due to its intensity. 

Zane would have to tried to break free from their kiss but he trusted Rachel and enjoyed himself. As Rachel was kissing him, her breasts was bouncing and ass shaking. Rachel removed her mouth from her fiancé and eventually let him go as she smiled at him. "That was amazing." thought Zane, looking at her. "So since did you plan all of that in the moment or what?" said Rachel. "What makes you say that Rae? I was only staring at your amazing fun bags." said Zane.

Rachel sighed as she said,"When you say stuff like that, you totally did! Have I never noticed how much of a perv you are?!". "Seriously? You've never noticed that I was a pervert. I call totally bull on that but whatever Rae. If you honestly don't like my pervert side, I'll stop. I promise." said Zane. "Don't do that Zaney. I don't hate it but have some restraint." said Rachel. "Will do." said Zane, throwing up a thumbs up and had a goofy smile on his face. "So are you ready to begin our all day date?" said Rachel. 

Zane looked at her with him saying,"That's today?". Rachel looked at him with her crossing her arms and pouted. "You know I'm kidding Rae. Do you really think I would forget something that we've been planning for over six months now?" said Zane, smirking. Rachel leaned against his chest, treating him like an oversized pillow or a body pillow. Either or works. "Of course I know that but I'm sure that my kisses of remembrance helped." said Rachel. "Sure. Of course it did." said Zane, rolling his eyes. 

Rachel noticed her fiancé's very noticeable eye roll with her punching him in the side. "Ouch. Why do you have to a body of steel?" said Rachel with her rubbing her fist which turned into a red color. "To protect my beautiful wife obviously." said Zane, kissing her knuckles. Zane looked at Rachel with her seeing that her face was red. "So what's up?" said Zane. "I think this is the first time you've kissed my knuckles before and it's weird." said Rachel speaking in a cute tone.

Zane tilted his head as he said,"Okay then?". "Having my hand kissed like this is something I saw happen to my sisters not me." said Rachel. She slowly recoiled her hand slowly as she held it. She was blushing hard with her looking embarrassed but cute. "Really? The twinsters got kissed before you even though there was a beauty in front of them. I'm shocked." said Zane, flirting with her and smiling. He wrapped his arm around Rachel’s shoulder and the devil blushed. 

The hero looked at her as he thought,"Let me see. Rachel loves when I flirt with her in or out of public like this. I won't lose here.". Zane began kissing the devil’s neck. Rachel blushed upon feeling Zane's soft lips on her neck and felt like a jolt of electricity tingled in that one spot. "Zane. I'm not going to sit around the house, cooking and clean for you since I want to be a working woman. The first step to my perfect future is becoming your wife which I can't wait for." said Rachel with a smile.

Zane removed Rachel from on top of him which made her upset at first but she found herself in a bridal position so this pleased her a good deal. "Yeah. I'm the exact same. One month left before the big day Rae. We've been planning our future since the engagement three years ago. Everything is going to perfect so I won't be seeing the infamous Bridezilla that Ignacio, Lucius, and Shawn were warning me about. Even if Bridezilla showed up, I would still love her." said Zane. 

Rachel looked at him as she said,"Yep. I think I found out why I love you so much.". "My body or my wonderful personality?" said Zane. "Obviously your body but seriously, it's your personality. You're always putting others by yourself and to be honest, you're really selfish." said Rachel. "I can't help it you know." said Zane. "Sigh. You're always doing whatever you wants but that isn't how a relationship works. So our all day date will have us ordering the other one around. Understand?" said Rachel.

Zane placed her on their bed with him smiling. "Okay. So for my first order, I would like to hold my hand tight." said Zane. The two held hands. "Okay. This is what you wanted from me Zane? That's really middle school of you and totally not arousing." said Rachel. "You say that now but I'm sure that the you from back in the day would have passed out if we held hands. It was super cute to see you like that." said Zane. "Ugh. Don't remind me about how pure I was." said Rachel. 

The Cross Species smiled as he said,"I'm just getting started. Like any good couple, we'll be doing everything together so get ready for an amazing date.". "If you're with me, I'm sure we'll get through them no problem." said Rachel. "And now, you're stealing my words. Give them back you thief." said Zane with a hurt expression on his face. "Sorry but we're going to be together forever so you better get used to it. I'll always be your queen." said Rachel, giggling at his antics.

After that, the two began kissed each other with a strong amount of passion in it. Their tongues broke through each other mouths and began moving together. In this exact moment aka the clock striking midnight, they were playing the age old game where both participants were both winners and this is how their all day date began. Their All Day Date just so happen to landed on White Day of all days of the year. 

This day ,in most Asian countries, where everything that was given to the male on Valentine's Day by the female needs to be returned in full three times over. Their All Day Date was very similar to this in concept. However, both Rachel and Zane had a very detailed plan to make this their best date ever before their big wedding which was going to be amazing especially the honeymoon. To compensate for the couple's eight inch height difference, Rachel had to sit on her knees to connect with Zane's lips. 

He had offered to shrink down in order to reach her height but she rejected that idea straight up. This never bothered her since she liked Zane's height. It always made her feel safe even when they were kids and how he was seen as the tallest kid in the class even when most of the other boys were shorter than the girls. When the couple's lips connected, there was that all too familiar spark that the two felt whenever they kissed. 

It has been there ever since they started kissing four years ago. There were the distinct taste of arousal like always and whenever they kissed, they could pick up on what the other is fearing. For Rachel, she was worried about being taken away from her friends thanks to another devil. Zane was going to make sure that wouldn't happen even if he has to use Astral Form. Despite being well known for his courage and self confidence, Zane was still able to get scared.  

This isn't obvious to most people but to his close friends and loved ones, they know about Zane's fears of him being unable to save them or having his confidence ,that shines through the darkness of the Omniverse according to the trio of Ivan, Liv, and Trevor, eventually vanish. Rachel loves Zane for a multiple amount of reasons being that his determination and honesty are some of her favorite things but the Massacre changed Zane.

When he finally left the hospital six months after the Massacre, he matured but kept his unique sense of humor intact. He tends to have a serious yet forlorn look on his face whenever he is thinking about the Massacre. His serious look is something that Rachel loved but the forlorn look wasn't something that she was a fan of. She was a fan of the confident, kind, happy, goofy, serious, reliable, handsome, and smart look that he portrayed. A sad one isn't something she liked. 

Another thing that the couple had in common was that both of them had an admiration for both men and women. For Rachel, Carlos Ortiz aka Cinder was her first boyfriend in her entire life but they didn't really do anything other than holding hands. Kissing wasn't going to happen due to Carlos having a gambling problem and was well known for spontaneous combustion whenever someone doesn't go his way or Zane's alter ego.

She never told anyone but Karen, Kristen, Nova, Rain, Roxy, and Sierra why she decided to date Carlos in the first place. It was because of her unrequited feelings that she had toward Zane who was her first crush ever since he saved her from some bullies when they were kids. Even though she couldn't figure out her feelings toward Zane until she was about to be married off to Blaze, she did have a couple of girlfriends. One of these girls she dated was Joyce aka Celeste's Phantom Drummer

Like with Carlos before and after, these relationships didn't really go past hand holding mainly due to Rachel. Getting to first base with Rachel is practically impossible. Ever since she figured out she liked girls earlier on in middle school thanks to Karen and some of the other girls around her, she always dreamed having a serious relationship with either a man or woman. She always admired the relationship between Gayle and her older brother despite her brother being well an idiot.

Ever since she was little, Rachel wanted that for herself and she eventually got it thanks to being with Zane. However, there was always a part of her who wanted to know what it would be like to be with a women in a serious relationship. There was a couple of problems with that. The first and most obvious relationship is that she loved Zane and didn't want to cheat on him just to see what a relationship between two women could be like.

However, Zane wasn't like other guys and the devil was well aware of this. She began coming up with a plan to make her dream a reality and she need to do whatever she can to see what it would be like to have a serious relationship with a woman. Zane pulled out of the kiss much to Rachel's confusion. This bothered her since whenever they kiss normally, neither party wanted to stop but like most beings, they have to breath eventually. 

Zane looked away from her with him saying,"Rae. Did I do something wrong earlier and be honest with me. Don't inflate my ego.". "What? You didn't. You can't really mess up a kiss since you're naturally good at kissing." said Rachel. "Thanks but I still didn't feel refuse your mom's drunken advances even thought I handle Gayle and the twinsters's advances. Her flirting technique reminds me of yours." said Zane. 

As Zane was talking/rambling on, Rachel looked at Zane with her seeing that Zane wasn't sleeping once again. It wasn't as obvious earlier due to her being drunk but she eventually noticed it. There was dark bags under his eyes and this always confused her. According to Zane, he only needed an hour of sleep to be at his best for over a month. If the bags under his eyes told her anything, he wasn't even doing that for a pretty obvious reason. It was either because of nightmares or overworking. 

Rachel sighed as she said,"Zane. You didn't do anything wrong. Sure, I was mad at my mom flirting with you. Okay, I was really mad at her but you really are a prime catch. I'm really lucky to have you as my fiancé/lover. I just hope you're okay with what I have planned for our date today.". "Okay. You sound sure about this so I'll stop worrying about it. So what is it?" said Zane. "You have to guess and don't use your powers to cheat." said Rachel with Zane sitting next to her on the bed.

The devil rested her head on his lap and watched him cup his chin. "Do you remember when I did this from you back at the Velvet Spoon?" said Rachel. "Yeah. Efren really didn't want to kiss Leo or Wolfram but maybe, we shouldn't have gotten our dog and little dhampir that drunk. It was however a hilarious time over all." said Zane. "We really need to do that again and Lynx is totally joining us for an Maelstrom drinking party/karaoke party. It's done whenever we get a new member." said Rachel.

Zane smirked with him saying,"If the queen decrees it, we shall do it. So to answer your question. Is your idea for a date a new recipe? I may have a black hole but you're not exactly the best cook in the Omniverse. You do remember the time that you made a cake for Leo's birthday party. Ellie really hated spending one of her few days off getting Kevin's stomach pumped.". Rachel pouted as she pinched Zane's left thigh which didn't bother him.

Rachel sulked as she said,"You can be so mean sometimes you know that. My idea isn't food related Zane and you have one more guess.". "Since when did I have a limited amount of guesses? This isn't twenty questions." said Zane. "You do since you're making fun of my cooking. I've gotten much better you know." said Rachel. "Okay then you petty devil. Is it how you're thinking about how you always wanted to....?" said Zane. 

The devil smiled as she thought,"Is he going to say what I think he's going to say?". If he was, this was going to go so much easier. "Take out the douchebag who wants to take you away from your family and friends yourself!" said Zane. Rachel facepalmed with Zane tilting his head in confusion. It reminded her of Wolfram whenever he's confused. "Did I get it wrong? You do want to do that to Rufus right?" said Zane with him looking at the devil who was getting off his lap. 

Rachel looked at him as she said while learning against him,"You're not wrong about me wanted to get back at Rufus and the rest of devil kind to stop taking me away from you guys.". "Okay then?" said Zane.. "But my idea no my dream for our date isn't that in the slightest. As punishment for getting it wrong, you have to drink some tea I prepared." said Rachel with her arms crossed. "That's my punishment?" said Zane.

He smirked as he said,"I really thought that I was getting another kiss like the last handful of times I was punished for disobeying my queen. And since when did you know how to make tea? I thought royals didn't know how to brew their own tea.". "My grandma taught me how to make tea even though she didn't teach the twinsters how because of what they did to me. Don't judge a book by its very sexy cover." said Rachel. 

She left the room after that with Zane smiling. "I really do love how you're calling them twinsters by the way." said Zane. "It's a really catchy name for them Zane and it's one of the nicknames of yours that actually work. So are you going to drink the tea I made for you Zaney?" said Rachel. The devil re-entered the room with her sashaying her hips seductively. Zane could tell that she was doing this on purpose and he wasn't going to complain. She was holding two cups of teas for Zane and herself. 

Zane blinked as he said,"Okay. That was too damn fast. Did you plan this?". "Yep. I've been planning this for a VERY long time now. You're not the only one who plans things out several weeks to months in advance. So here you go master." said Rachel, mimicking a maid. She handed him a streaming cup of tea with Zane smiling and held in the warm cup in his right hand. "Thanks Rae and please don't call me master. You and I both hate being reminded how we're royalty." said Zane, smiling. 

He took a sip of his tea with his eyes widening upon the liquid hitting his tongue. He downed the entire drink with him easily placing the flavor and looked at Rachel. "That was amazing tea. I really dig the strong strawberry taste. It reminds me of the drop of Cherry Blossom Punch I had before you stole my cup from me. You really liked it." said Zane. Rachel smiled as she sat next to him and cuddle with him while sipping her tea. "You know why I wanted you to have this tea with me?" said Rachel. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"No idea. I'm trying to figure it out without using my telepathy. It's cheating if I do because well, I've been with you for thirteen almost fourteen years. I really should be able to help you out.". "If it isn't obvious, I'm still recovering from my brother's awful prank. This tea is supposed to help whoever drinks it recovered from a hangover and has another effect." said Rachel. "Is it going to make you even sexier?" said Zane. 

Rachel lightly slapped him as she said,"Nope. According to my grandma, it should help you with your constant nightmares.". "Oh really? I guess that does sound better than you being even more beautiful. I would like to have some happy dreams involving you and some whipped cream. Please tell me that's on the itinerary." said Zane. "Not happening. So do you think we can beat up my brother later? That booze was good but not worth the hangover." said Rachel. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I don't mind since well, Gayle is probably punishing him right now as we speak.". "Yeah. I had a feeling my brother would be a sub when my sister in law is involved." said Rachel, remembering what happened earlier at the dinner. "However, I doubt she would mind if we make sure he learns the lesson. Oh by the way, I love how the tea has these bubbles that snap along my tongue." said Zane. 

Rachel smiled as she said,"Yep. This tea has some alcohol on it that will affect other species except for devils. You would noticed that wouldn't you boozehound?". "Rachel Angelise Powell. Are you insulting that I Zane Vincent Alvarez, am addicting to the nectar of the gods themselves?" said Zane with him looking offended. "Yes you are. As punishment for calling me by my middle name, you need to take a shower since you really stink Zaney." said Rachel, holding her nose.

Zane looked at her as she said,"Let me guess. You were in the sewers yesterday and how didn't I smell it before?". To make sure that Zane got the hint, Rachel held her nose. "Honestly, I got no clue. Your nose may not be a hyper sniffer like Parker is but I did chase down a perp through a fancy boutique and got spayed with perfume from all side thanks to the perp having telekinesis. It was a war zone in there I swear to the gods." said Zane, shivering in place.

Rachel sighed as she said,"So before you starting have a war flashback Zane, why were you in the sewers this time? Chasing after a bad guy?". "Not exactly Rae. I was down there, chasing after a congregation of sentient alligators who stole a extremely priceless jewel from a congregation of crocodiles who just so happened to live here in Cypress Park. Those two groups of reptiles are rivals and hopefully, they'll become friendly. Love will blossom down there in time." said Zane with a smile. 

To most people, they would think that Zane is taking crazy and currently on drugs but Rachel knew about the more supernatural aspect to their home. "Wait. Both Alligators and Crocodiles both live here in Cypress Park and they have heightened intelligence? I thought that the Florida Everglades was the only place where Alligators and Crocodiles could live together." said Rachel. "That's what I thought but well, I was wrong. I'll tell you about that adventure later." said Zane.

He cracked his neck with him saying,"Today is our day and I guess I should take a shower.". "You really should stinky. So since I'm feeling generous, you can use my soap. I need you to smell divine today okay?" said Rachel. "Sure thing but well, it's going to take some time. You got a lot of conditioner and shampoo in there." said Zane. "Keep running that mouth of yours or our date will end without you getting to handle theses." said Rachel, bringing her arms together and made her chest look even bigger.

Zane looked at her as she said,"Rachel. You're a really monster. Holding your boobs hostages when they did nothing wrong. A monster I tell you!". Zane went to their bathroom and closed the door right behind him. Rachel moved over to their bedroom couch and waited for him. Ever since Zane proposed, Rachel and Zane have been sharing everything as a couple. This idea came from Rachel since she want to drill it into his head that she knew that she loved him and wasn't going to stop loving him until she died. 

He may have a photographic memory but sometimes, he forgets. His photographic memory forgetting things and his indomitable will tends to be more weaker when he's exhausted. The latter of which she saw in person on Christmas when Holiday Guardian managed to use one of Zane's fears aka losing Rachel to his advantage. The Phantom lost the physical battle since even with the Phantom getting his typical holiday power up, Zane is much stronger than him. 

The mental battle between the two was another story. Rachel watched him leave with her heart beating in her chest. She was pretty sure that Zane's hyper hearing picked her heartbeat up. "Hey Rae. Is everything alright?" said Zane's voice coming from the bathroom. "Yep. I'm fine. Just excited for tonight." said Rachel. "Okay. Just relax okay? Everything is going great." said Zane's voice. She had absolutely no idea about how she was going to ask him a very important question.

It wasn't an easy question to ask since this question could change their relationship. She really liked how their relationship was and didn't want to change it. However, Rachel could feel the excitement of another dream of hers coming to life and this excitement reminded her of that day that changed her life forever. This day involved Zane saving her from Blaze. The others were there to be fair but it was Zane who stormed his way into the castle, kicking butt in the process.

After teaching her siblings and Blaze a lesson, he basically told the entire Supernatural Realm that she belonged to him and no one else. She told the other girls who loved Zane at the time about this and said that it really powered her up. She would have been less subtle about how Zane made her feel but the trio of Wolfram, Uriel, and Zoey were in the room at the time. The devil didn't want to scar her future kids like her mother did with her back in the day.

Shortly after the fight, Gayle told Team Maelstrom about how Blaze now had a fear of anything that happen to remind him of Zane. The Salamander Clan's psychiatrists called it the very fitting name of Zanephobia and before Zane or anyone from Team Maelstrom could do anything, Gayle told them about the stuffed yet totally realistic looking dragon/Akostar that was placed outside of Blaze's room. It made Blaze stay in his room and hasn't left since it arrived. 

No one knew where the stuffed creature came from but Zane was pretty sure that Ignacio had a hand in it. The devil wanted to get revenge on Blaze for what he did to Rachel after all. The Salamander Clan tried to remove but if anyone touched it, they were hit with a high dose of Ardor that matched the Akostar Clan's Ardor perfectly. That was one of the best moments in Rachel's life. Needlessly to say, she eagerly waited for her fiancée's return. 

For once, Zane came back in under five minutes and was currently toweling off his hair. The stereotype of men taking short showers is true according to Gwen ,who has been living with Danny since they graduated high school, but Zane liked to take his time. According to him, Zane really loves hot water especially after a long day at work. Rachel noticed that Zane didn't have a shirt on and his hair looked lustrous. "Um Zane." said Rachel. 

Zane sat down next to her with the smell of sweet raspberries emitting from his hair.  Rachel was staring directly at his hair and smiled brightly. "He used the raspberries shampoo to tease me since it's my favorite fruit. His usually messy hair looks silky smooth and wavy now. It also smells so good." thought Rachel. Zane looked at her with him seeing the blush on her face and she was licking her lips while looking directly at him. 

She currently had bedroom eyes for him and Zane chuckled internally. "Oh Rae. Please don't change for me okay?" thought Zane with him having a bright smile on his face. "So how did you know which conditioner to use?" said Rachel. She cuddled her close to him. "Do you seriously think I don't know your favorite fruit by now? We've been together for years now. I'm also not a complete dummy despite you calling me that." said Zane. The devil whistled with Zane sighing. 

The Cross Species shook his head as he said,"I'll just ignore your lack of trust in me for now. You're lucky that I like you Rae. So how about we watch Fatal Glory to start this date off? It has Byron Waldron in it and that one scene in it. You know the one I'm talking about right? It's the one with the bulldozer, police chase, drug dealers, and produce workers. Oh gods. I'm totally rambling again aren't I Rae? I know how much you hate when I start on one of my rants.". 

He was bashfully began rubbed the back of his head using his left hand. The devil could tell that Zane was trying to stop himself from doing something that was out of his control and she couldn't let that happen to him. If she knew anything about the Eazairvians ,one of the many species that make Zane the being he is, is that they love to ramble about whatever they find interesting. For Leif and Parker, it's mainly about their prize inventions. 

From what she knew about the bitch who hurt her man in a way that could never be healed from, she talked about herself and her ego was the size of a planet. It was a genetic thing and he couldn't stop himself from doing that. It was like preventing a fish from swimming in the ocean or a bird from flying through the air. Whenever Zane puts one of his hands behind his head and rubs the back of his head, he's nervous about something. He can also do this also with both hands behind his head.

It wasn't Danny ,who is usually the first one to notice if something is off with Zane, who noticed this but her. She was really proud about that. Rachel smiled at him and despite her having some minor grievances about whenever he begins ranting, she loved how passionate Zane can be about several random topics and hoped that part about him never changes. Rachel was about to say something about it being okay for him to go one of his rants but she noticed something about Zane's face. 

His handsome, masculine beard was gone. "I see that you finally noticed the lack of my beard. Took you forever. Guess my hair distracted you huh. This isn't a problem right? I plan to be clean shaved for our wedding by the way. This mug of my mine should last for a month if I manipulate my genetic structure just the right way. I pretty sure that Allen and Kevin won't mind too much. They really like having facial hair much to Heidi's dismay in the case of Kevin." said Zane. 

The devil smiled as she said,"I'm sure they won't and neither do I. So the reason why you grew one for two reasons is to hide one of your many scars and to make her happy. Am I right?". "Yeah. She would be mad at me for shaving but I'm sure she would want me to shave for our wedding. I may never get your gender but I'm good at reading people. Okay then Rae. You know the reason why I grew a beard so tell me how those reasons came to be." said Zane. 

Rachel grabbed his chin as she said,"Well, the first reason is because of those concerned parents in the PTA not liking your scar which I can understand but you're no thug. The second reason is that Kristen liked beards on her guys. Nova and Karen on the hand didn't.". "Bingo. Those concerned parents were actually the husbands and wives to employees whom I had fired from Price Co when I obtained the company. They just hated me. So do you like me cleaned shaven?" said Zane.

The devil shook her head as she said with a smile,"I know that I was more for anti-beard back in the day but I've grown to love it since it works on you. Allen and Kevin on the other hand.". "Yeah. So how about we get this movie started?" said Zane. Rachel responded to this with a smile and making her way into his arms as the two cuddled together in bed. The Cross Species tensed up with Rachel looking up at him with a confused look. "What's wrong? You're usually the handsy type." said Rachel.

Zane shook his head as he said,"Nope. Nothing is wrong except for two things.". "Which are?" said Rachel. "Well, we haven't started the movie yet and...." said Zane. He gave her a tight hug which caused her to let out a cute shriek. "You need to be punish for being so darn sexy. And why did you squeak? I thought you were use to me being handsy." said Zane with a devilish smirk plastered on his voice. "You know that I am but you're using your powers to make your hands freezing!" said Rachel.

She was trying to escape his grip. "Guilty as charged. You may be trying to escape but I know you love it." said Zane as he squeezed her waist tighter and rubbed his cheek against her. This kind of behavior is normal for their relationship since they just love to bully each other in ways that may seem rude from an outside perspective but Zane and their friend group knew that she liked it. Whenever she tells him to stop doing something, she only wants it more.

Zane was extremely sure that Rachel didn't mind it since she was smiling and giggling when she was complaining. She really love to show her man unconditional love but she was willing to call him out for things such as when he belittles himself or does something extremely stupid. Zane chuckled as he began to rub her right cheek with his fingers. "Come on Rae. You can just tell me that you like it or perhaps you love me when I do this." whispered Zane into her ear with a seductive tone.

He added in a kiss on her left cheek to seal the deal. "Of course I love you but... Ugh! Why did I have to fall for a seducer." said Rachel. Zane turned her to face him with his left hand while sliding his right hand right on her stomach. "Oh. Do you want me stop? I think you know the only way to stop me from being a seducer. If you want me to keep going, do nothing." said Zane. Rachel pouted at him with her knowing that there was only one thing to stop Zane's teasing touch.

With a pout, Rachel whimpered out,"You know something Zane. You can be a really big jerk.". "But you love when I act like a super villain." said Zane. Rachel decided to accept his advances and gave him a passion filled kiss. Zane placed one of his hand on her belly and cheek. Rachel hated how natural it was for Zane to get a kiss from her. Zane was usually such a nice and loyal guy but he has this evil side of him that usually came out when he was pranking and teasing people.

The devil ,for some strange reason, didn't mind this side of him whatsoever. Whenever Blaze touched her, it was always with force and made her uncomfortable. Zane ,on the other hand, aimed from the right points at the right time since it drove her mad with lust. It was embarrassing and made whatever they had planned for the night even more incredible than normal. She knew that he wasn't scared of hiding his feelings for her because neither was she.

Rachel did this to him being that Zane was much better at hiding his lust for her. The couple separated with Zane wrapping his arms around Rachel's stomach. She held them in place with her hands. She had a warm smile on her face as her man held her tightly, resting his chin on her left shoulder. "So about the movie. I don't want to leave your side for even a second so mind using your powers to keep us together Zane." said Rachel. 

Zane shrugged as he moved the DVD into the player using his telekinesis. "Okay. So I have to ask you something. Did you imagine seeing us like this back when we were Uriel's age?" said Zane. "A little. I was too young to understand the difference between familiar love and love you have for another person outside of your family. That explains why I didn't want you to be around any other girls. Devils don't like to share. It's genetic and similar to how Eazairvians love to rant." said Rachel.

The hero nodded as he said,"That makes sense. I knew the difference but my mom made sure that I did by drilling it into me through romantic movies at a very young age.". "So how and when did you fall for little old me huh? You know how I fell for you back in the day." said Rachel. "Well, I think it was how you've always been there for me through every good or bad moment. You helped me accept my role as Zero into something I can't live without. I really do appreciate that by the way." said Zane. 

Rachel kissed him as she said,"And I will be there for you for the rest of time since you saved me from Blaze.". The couple spent the wee hours of the mornings, cuddled up together with them occasionally moving to get something eat, drink, and the bathroom. By four thirty in the morning, the two were both happy with how their date had begun. Zane let out a faint but noticeable yawn with Rachel looking up to him and tapping his nose with a smile on her face. "Boop." said Rachel. 

Zane looked at her with him saying,"Yes?". "That yawn of yours reminds me of Wolfram when he tries to stay up with us. It's really cute on you too. Need to take your hour of sleep don't you? And don't lie. I can see the bags under your eyes. The tea didn't work it seems." said Rachel, seeing the faint bags under his eyes. "Yeah. I guess I do. Mind getting up for a second? We can sleep anywhere together but the bed is much more comfier than the couch according to Wolfram." said Zane.

Rachel nodded as she moved off him. One thing she loved about Zane is how much of a fireplace he can be thanks to his fire powers and his body is sturdy like one. He was her missing half and she was his missing half. Zane smiled at her with him standing up and stretching for a bit. The devil curled a bit on the couch, yawning and reminding Zane of a cat. The Cross Species figured that out when he began to seriously teasing her. 

She likes rubs under her chin, having her stomach and sides of her waist rubbed, and having his hands rubbed under her arms. Zane snickered at how cute she was at the moment. "You're really cute right now Rae. I'm sure we can take a quick nap and have enough time to keep our date going strong. I'm sure that both of us can last until nighttime for us to really go to sleep if you catch my drift." said Zane with him winking.

The devil giggled as she said,"That's true and you're really not subtle when it comes to flirting. So I have to ask you a serious question. How bad of a drunk was I last night? Was I Efren bad Zane?". "I would say yes to you being a Efren level drunk. However, you were sexy unlike Efren. Your totally not subtle jealously was apparent. You were fighting with the twinsters, Gayle, and mom over anything that involves little me and not your brother. I'm touched." said Zane.

Rachel smiled at seeing the old Zane appearing right now but the Zane from high school was long gone and this is okay. At least, he wasn't trying to be someone he was not. "So I have a serious problem and I'm going to fix it." said Rachel. Before Zane could ask for clarification, the devil cupped the bottom of her negligee and flew over to their bed. "We really should be cuddling the way that Tron made us." said Rachel in a simple yet seductive tone. She pulled off her negligee and she wasn't embarrassed.

Zane was the being that she was going to spend the rest of her eternal life with and he has seen her naked countless times by now. "So do you want me to strip for you or do you want to strip me? This is a serious question by the way." said Zane. Rachel tend to have a lack of shame when it comes to being naked. Zane accepted this as a normal devil quirk as he learned last night with her mother and sister in law much to Rachel's jealously. It was an interesting experience to say the least. 

Rachel shrugged as she said,"Either or Zane. Are you coming? I really want to cuddle with you before breakfast time. We have things to do today.". She smiled as she watched Zane strip within a second and that was impressed. "You're my queen after all." said Zane as he entered the bed and Rachel snuggled next to him with a contented sigh coming out of her. Zane could feel her very soft body against his and well, it was a nice feeling.

The two cuddled in their birthday suits for a good ninety minutes before the clock struck six in the morning. Zane felt pressure on his chest with him seeing Rachel snuggling tightly against his chest. He smiled at how his fiancée was treating him like a really big teddy bear but how tight she was holding him did bother him. "I may love her a lot but when she gets clingy, she's a pain. I wonder if she has some cat in her DNA." thought Zane. "Hey Rae. It's time to get a move on." said Zane.

Rachel mumbled out,"No. You're comfy.". "So do you want to be the one who ruin our all day date by just staying in bed like this. I'm not complaining mind you but we did plan this for months." said Zane with a smile. "You're right but you're so comfy." said Rachel. "Okay then. Time for the tickles to come in." thought Zane as he moved her hands to her sides. Rachel responded to this by snuggling closer to him. "You're a good man. I don't care what my sisters say about you." said Rachel. 

Zane smirked as he thought,"Oh Rae. You forget who you're talking about.". He quickly put his hands under the blanket and began ticking her sides a little. Rachel jumped a little but she kept her hold on Zane. "You're not doing what I think you're doing right?" said Rachel. "And what would that be? Is it this?" said Zane with him ticking Rachel's side more. This became too much for Rachel as she let go of him with her laughing and rolling around. 

Rachel eventually said,"Okay! I get it! Just stop!". "You got it your highness." said Zane, stopping. "If you want me to let you go, I think a kiss should have worked instead." said Rachel. "It would have but you love getting kissed and hated being ticked. Your hold would have tighten." said Zane. He was about to get out of bed but was stopped by Rachel grabbing him. "Don't go. I need my wake up kiss." moaned Rachel. "I'm not leaving but since you're begging, I'll give you that." said Zane. 

The hero leaned toward her lips with Rachel closing her eyes waiting for him. Zane stopped and a smirk appeared. He leaned down to her exposed midriff since their blanket was covering up the rest of her body. He began to lay small kisses on it. Rachel's eyes opened up and lightly moaned out,"Zane. You're a real villain sometimes you know that.". "And you're a real minx Rae. That's why we're such a good couple and your body was just beginning me to kiss it like this." said Zane.

The devil knew that she was getting turned on from his kisses and charm combo. She lightly grabbed his chin and slowly pulled it. Zane knew what she was doing and pulled his head up to her. Once they were face to face up, she instantly captured his lips. After five minutes, she pulled up and sat up. "Okay then. I'm ready to go now." said Rachel. "Finally. You can be lazy like a damn cat sometimes." said Zane. "And what's wrong with that Zaney? You like it when my body is against yours." said Rachel. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"Nothing at all but we don't want to spend the entire day in bed right?". "I wouldn't mind." said Rachel. "Rae." said Zane with his arms crossed. "Okay fine. You're so mean to your always loving and sexy fiancée." said Rachel with her sulking a bit. "I have to especially when you're acting lazy and I really want to spend the day doting on you from outside of the bed. I can spend another time doting on you in bed another time. Maybe your birthday or mother's day." said Zane. 

The hero was the first to roll out of bed and did his morning exercise routine. He started with one hand push-ups with Rachel watching him. She enjoyed the view being that the only thing she didn't like was that he was wearing pants but he was shirtless so good with the bad I guess. After finishing up his morning exercise routine, Rachel was staring at the shirtless Cross Species who was currently covered in sweat. She was staring at his well developed figure and shamelessly traced every curve of his torso. 

Rachel had a very goofy grin on her face as she thought in a excited tone,"While I love Zane for many reasons, him being a living Adonis is just one of my favorite reasons.". "And that was a good morning workout. Wish I could have made it more intense but this is good enough I guess." said Zane. Zane instantly noticed the perverted look on Rachel's face and he sighed. He was well aware of how most men ,mainly the duo of Darin and Rico, are more perverted than women.

However, there are some women out there who make some well known male perverts look like saints in comparison. Zane put a towel on his shoulder and he snapped his fingers in front of Rachel. This snapped Rachel out of her daze with her nose bleeding. "Huh. What's going on? I was staring at this really hot guy." said Rachel. "You were staring at me in a perverted manner Rae. I'm hurt that you only see me as an object. I thought you loved me for more than just my body." said Zane with a smirk.

Rachel didn't answer him at first as she was embarrassed at being caught by Zane so the Cross Species decided to go with plan C aka mentioning her cooking. "So then you perky and pervy devil. Do you want me to make you breakfast or should you? I still remember the time when how you tried to make me pancakes for my birthday once and.." said Zane. Zane was hit in the face with one of his bed's pillows. He could have dodged it but he didn't feel like it. 

Rachel pouted as she said,"Jerk. That was years ago and I was still in high school so my cooking has obviously improved. I'll cool since you made it yesterday. How about you take another shower? And not because you stink like a skunk this time.". "Okay then. I really don't want you to treat me like a piece of meat. What about you? After breakfast is made, you're joining me right?" said Zane. "Not today. We did that yesterday and having a couple's shower isn't on this All Day date itinerary." said Rachel.

The hero looked at her with him saying,"Okay then. I'll trust you and taking my sweet time. I got this really nice raspberry grape shampoo and body wash combo since it feels just amazing on my battle hardened skin.". Zane kissed her forehead and slipped into the bathroom. In the shower, he paused after shampooing his hair and spotted a familiar bottle of conditioner. He used the conditioner since Rachel had been planning this date for a while now and he was going to look his best for it.

Zane eventually finished off his shower, sighing contentedly at the fruity scent. "Yep. Totally worth it for how good I smell." said Zane. He looked on his bed and noticed some clothes that Rachel left behind for him. "At least, she isn't staying in bed all day today. She may not mind if we do that but I do. I can't mess today up since I have a important question to ask her and from what I can tell, she has something for me." said Zane with him putting on the clothes that Rachel left for him and headed to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Rachel was currently making herself and Zane a delicious breakfast so they would have just enough energy for the entire day. She was pretty sure that Zane didn't need this extra amount of energy but she did since she had the stamina of a devil. A devil may have more stamina than a normal human and some metahumans but compared to a god like being aka Zane, it was tiny. She was wearing more clothing that she did earlier. 

The devil was wearing a snow white apron and from an outsider's perspective, she looked to be wearing only just the apron. This is known as the naked apron if you were curious. Normally, the devil would be only be wearing the apron but she decided to surprise her man by wearing a bikini under it for a very simple reason. She liked to see Zane surprised since his shocked face is adorable. The bikini that she was wearing is a new one that she bought recently aka within the last six months. 

Said bikini's top is a reddish blue color ,with her breasts looking ready to burst out of her top, and her bikini bottoms is a white color. Her hair was currently in a loose ponytail as well. She was going to make them some bacon, pancakes, and eggs. Zane did like scrambled eggs but she was going to make a nice egg white omelet to spice things up. Rachel broke open a few eggs, removing the yolks and whipping the whites into a good and creamy froth. 

Rachel found their spice drawer as the bacon cooked, pulling out some pepper and onion powder. She did add some extremely hot and spicy sauce to it but made sure that it wouldn’t effect the entire dish. Zane may things hot and spicy but she had her limits.  While cooking, Rachel was dancing with the biggest smile on her face and her cheeks were flushed to just the right amount. If you looked hard enough, you could see little hearts floating around her and her eyes were heart shaped. 

Said hearts were created thanks to Ardor. "I'm so happy! This is going to be the best day ever!" thought Rachel, holding her face in her hands. "I know this is totally weird for me since I'm acting like a giddy schoolgirl. I've felt it before with Zane but I've been thinking about Zane twenty four seven ever since he came up with the idea of the All Day Date in the first place. I can't control myself!" thought Rachel as she had a smile on her face.

With a twirl, Rachel thought,"He's the greatest, coolest, sweetest, strongest, funniest, handsomest, and cutest guy ever born and he treats me like a princess! He has the most adorable laugh and him holding me in his arms feels like heaven. His kisses are the sweetest thing I've ever had.". She began squealing and spinning around, unable to contain her overflowing happiness. Before she fell to the ground, she was caught by an invisible force. 

The devil was slightly scared at first but Zane appeared with her holding her. He was wearing a gray long-sleeved shirt with the kanji for Hero in the center of it and olive colored lounge pants. He was wearing his glasses and Z.E.R.O. Watch. "While I'm also very excited about today too Rae, you need to keep it under control when you're in the kitchen." said Zane, pointing to something. Rachel followed to where his finger pointed at it and there was a floating frying pan containing the bacon. 

She looked at the Cross Species who was smiling at the moment. "You know why I did this and it's very simple. I love bacon too much for it to spill onto the floor." said Zane. Rachel stood back up ,despite  not wanting to leave Zane's arms, with her grabbing plate and silverware for the couple. As Rachel was doing this, Zane placed the frying pan back down. "So let me guess. You're imaging me cooking for our kids even though we both know who the better cook between us." said Rachel, handing him his plate. 

Zane nodded as he said,"I am but then I remember what you're wearing. You wouldn't wear this in front of our kids now or then. You don't plan on scarring them for life and despite the jokes we make, you're not that bad of a cook. Well, you were an awful cook but that has changed.". "Thanks for the loving compliment dear but I think I know how our kids would act if I wore this." said Rachel. "And how would that be?" said Zane. 

Rachel turned to him with a seductive grin and moved her face closer to his ear. "They would be more focused on the food since it looks and smells amazing. You on the other hand would be staring at something else." whispered Rachel seductively. She began licking his ear with her expecting this to catch Zane off guard since he was getting really good at countering her flirting with his own but this did nothing to him. 

She went back as she said,"What the hell?! I thought you would be turning red by now!". "Sorry but I've grown an immunity to this thanks to you doing it so many times." said Zane. "Why are you so good at so many things?" said Rachel with a pout. "You're just jealous of little old me." said Zane. After finishing making the last part of their breakfast, she turned around to receive a very warm embrace and very passionate kiss from her man. 

Happy purrs and sweet moans escaped from her mouth as her tongue ran along every single inch of his mouth. Her bombshell body ran along his compact yet muscular body. After ending their kiss, Rachel looked right at Zane with her eyes filled with the most love and longing they've had for him in a long time. "I'm really happy we're doing this." whispered Zane. She kissed Zane once again before cuddling against his chest. 

Rachel looked up at her as she whined,"So tell me why we can't just spend all day here at the house? I really like being this close to my favorite fireplace.". "Because I want to do other things beside cuddling with my favorite redhead. At least, I won't be going out for any hero work. The gang is covering for me today." said Zane, patting her head. Rachel smiled as she felt Zane's soft touch on her head which would be made obvious to everyone by a smile plastered on her face. 

She really liked being treated like this especially by Zane. "I guess that's good but won't you get antsy? I mean you have ignored a cry for help." said Rachel. "Don't worry. I won't be going off to be Zero until much later tonight or so mind if I eat like a cow or any hungry animal? This looks really good." said Zane as he began to salivating over the spread in front of him. "Sure. I made it with your blackhole stomach in mind." said Rachel. 

Zane looked at her at Rachel with him saying,"Sweet. You're just the best. Lets eat here in the kitchen since mother of the gods, I'm so hungry.". As the two sat in the kitchen, Rachel was looking at him. "Is something wrong Rae?" said Zane, popping some bacon alongside taking a bite of an amazing omelet into his mouth. "It's nothing." said Rachel. "Rachel. Are you lying to me? You know that lying to me is practically impossible right? My powers make lying impossible." said Zane. 

Rachel was silent as Zane said,"Look Rae. If you don't want me to go fight Rufus today, I can wait till tomorrow. I mean we're meeting up with the entire team tomorrow anyways so strength in numbers and all that crap.". "No! I want to help you take down Rufus since we're going to be husband and wife. I want to show you that I can protect you just as well as you can protect me! I just want to talk with you after breakfast and maybe cuddle while we talk." said Rachel in a quiet yet anxious tone. 

Like Zane, Rachel has nervous tics. Whenever she's nervous, she trails a finger around and through her hair. She also twiddling her fingers and thumb as well. It reminded Zane of a cute habit that they saw in a movie once. "Sure. Gods damn it." said Zane as he brushed his hair out of his face. "What's wrong? I highly doubt that the food bothered you." said Rachel. "It's my hair. I forgot to get my hair cut the other day. I got distracted by Rampage whose was living up to his name downtown." said Zane.

The hero sighed as he said,"I can never get a break for me time anymore. I could use my powers to do this but I like to pay people to do it. Supporting the economy is always a good thing.". Rachel smiled as she stood up and wrapped her arms around Zane's neck. "You can be so cute sometimes Zane and by the way, your hair smells great. I think you really need to use that shampoo more." said Rachel, sniffing his hair. "Will do since you like it. So do you want to cuddle here or in the living room?" said Zane. 

Rachel smiled as she said,"The living room obviously. The kitchen works for eating and impromptu makeout session after a long day but cuddling is another story. First, we should probably clean up. I know how much you hate a messy kitchen,". "Sounds smart to me." said Zane. Rachel let go of Zane for a split second and gave him a peck on the cheek. She began to put her dirty dishes in the washer with Zane assisting her by moving the pan and spatula she's used earlier. 

For some strange reason, Zane was humming a song. Rachel always admire how good a singer Zane can be being that it was just one of his many talents thanks to him being a Zero. The devil touched his arm using her breasts, stopping his singing. "Okay Zane. Do you mind handing it up here? I need to change into more cuddling appropriate clothing." said Rachel. "I would question if that's a thing and why that outfit wouldn't work but sure. Go ahead." said Zane 

Rachel smiled as she said,"Good boy. I guess you can teach a stubborn dummy new tricks.". She got on her tip toes to try and pat his head. Zane leaned down to help his much shorter fiancée out with her little issue and she walked off as Zane did the dishes with a goofy smile on his face. He was always enjoying the almost-married life with Rachel but in a short period of time, it was going to be the real deal. Even though they weren't married yet, everyone considered them to be.

They were called the eternal honeymooners. Zane looked down at his wedding ring and began thinking about something. "Okay. I know that she has something to tell me. It's super obvious when she's planning one of her schemes. However, this scheme seems to be for a different. I have something to tell her as well and hopefully, she doesn't mind it too much. I know her pretty well but well, women are the biggest mystery in the Omniverse after all." thought Zane. 

Both Rachel and Zane eventually finished their tasks with them embracing in the living room couch with Zane smiling. He currently had Rachel ,wearing her lounge wear, in his arms. The one thing that the two love about cuddling is the absolute bliss they felt. "So even though I like this a lot, what's wrong Rae?" said Zane. "Um. Well, I was just thinking about how cute Uriel was the other day and...." said Rachel, looking dreamily at him. 

She was using her looks to trick him. "Rae. Do you really think you can trick me? I'm not that oblivious since I can tell that something is bothering you ever since our first kiss this morning." said Zane. "It seems that I can't trick you. I'm just...". "You're acting very weird. Did I do something or what? Did a girl call you fat again? Here's the thing. She's just jealous of how curvy you are." said Zane as he ran his fingers along her arms. "What?! Of course you didn't! Why would you think that?" said Rachel.

The devil looked at Zane with her saying,"And how did you know about what Sadie said to me? Did you use your telepathy?". "I have my sources that shall remain nameless. To answer your first question not involving everyone's least favorite feminist, I just presumed the worst in things. You know this. It's a bad habit I know but I'm getting off topic here." said Zane. "Which I love when you do Zaney." said Rachel with her giggling as she was trying to stop from her heart beating like nothing else. 

Zane sighed as he said,"And now, you're the one doing it. Do you want to go shopping on our date today? I mean I never mind when you want to go shopping with me but acting like this is rather strange.". Rachel was quiet as Zane needed a way to get her to open about what's bothering her. The Cross Species had an idea. "So Rachel. Do you remember when I told you that I was going to tease you about your middle name." said Zane. 

The devil blinked with her remembering what Zane said back in the day aka Episode 114. "Uh. You were serious?" said Rachel. "Do you really think I would forget about a chance to tease you my dear Angelise." said Zane. "Seriously? I don't tease you about yours!" said Rachel with a big pout on her face. Zane smiled as he began laughing with Rachel covering her face with her hair. "Why are you laughing at me? My middle name isn't that funny." said Rachel. 

Zane smirked as he said,"It totally is or it's more ironic. I mean I never get to see you like this.". Rachel was getting up in his face with anger in her eyes. "You do know that I can murder you and get away with it no problem right?" said Rachel. Zane held her close to him. "Don't say that Rae. It's a very cute name for a cutie like you Angelise." said Zane as Rachel puffed her cheeks out. Despite her very clear embarrassment, she felt happy at him saying her middle name. 

The twinsters used to call her by that name when she was little and this was before the bullying started from the two of them. They still called her by her middle name as well. "For the love of the gods, please don't call me that out in public. I don't mind when we do it in private but out in public, I really can't handle it. You may not know it but my middle name and I have a past together." said Rachel. Zane rested his head on her shoulder with him poking her cheek with his finger.

He smiled as he said,"Mind telling me about it? I'll stop teasing you about it and move on if I know why you hate it when I call you that. Danny does it too but once we know why, we'll stop.". "Okay. I will. I guess it's because of the twinsters used to tease me about it." said Rachel. "That makes sense since the twinsters aren't exactly the most friendly people to be around. They only act nice around me and your sister in law because we're scary." said Zane.

Rachel nodded as Zane said,"I always thought it was because you're a devil and your middle name is Angelise. Mind explaining how that came to be?". "My dad. He gave me my middle name since when he saw me, I was his little angel." said Rachel. "That's really cute but isn't your dad a devil and any mention of the lord's creature causes you pain." said Zane. "No to both. My dad was human and member of the Alliance. He married into the Salamander Clan thanks to my mom." said Rachel. 

Zane looked at her with him saying,"Okay then. I guess we should come up pet names then since calling each other by our middle names is out of the picture. I'll still be calling you my little devil but we need pet names.". "Why?" said Rachel. "Because most people ,mainly females, call me Zaney and you Rae. I want to feel special." said Zane, pouting. Rachel placed her hands on his shoulders as she gave him a quick peck on the lips. 

After removing her lips from his, Rachel smiled. "I'll come up with a pet name for yours and maybe I'll allow you to call me Angelise but only on occasion." said Rachel. "Sweet. You're the best Rae." said Zane. "So did you mean everything that you said to me back then? You know during the whole Blaze conflict." said Rachel. "Of course I did. Name me one time that I lied about loving you." said Zane as Rachel blushed heavily. "Stop it." whined Rachel. 

Zane blinked with him saying,"Stop what? Loving you? That isn't possible by the way Rachel.". In an attempt to keep him by her side, she hugged him tightly. "Stop saying things that makes me fall in love with you harder! You keep saying things that make me fall for you harder!" said Rachel. "That isn't going to happen by the way. I'll make you fall in love for the rest of your eternal life. You're not still drunk from the Cherry Blossom Punch right?" said Zane with him returning the hug. 

Rachel pushed away from him and looked directly in his eyes with it reminded her of a really cute puppy dog or Wolfram. "Are you serious? And no. I'm not drunk from any alcohol but your love." said Rachel with a very sweet tone. "Of course babe. Lets seal the deal." said Zane. The two then began sharing a hot and passionate kiss with each other. The devil had a huge smile on her lips as they were kissing. 

She didn't know why Zane was teasing her about this but it was helping her open up to her idea. Even though she wanted this for a long time, it was something she was still scared of asking him this. "So how are you feeling? Are you willing to talk about what's bothering you or do I have to keep teasing you? I'm open to both ideas. If my parents taught anything about marriage, it's about trust and relying on your partner for pretty much everything and everything." said Zane. 

The devil looked at Zane with her sighing. "Okay but it's two things." said Rachel, resting her head on his chest. "The first thing is rather simple. I'm worried about just us fighting Rufus today. I mean I'm not doubting how strong you are Zane but it's better to be safe than sorry like you say constantly." said Rachel. "Yeah. No doubt that Rufus and the Dwarf Clan are strong but we can handle them. I'm sure of it. So what is the other thing you have for me?" said Zane.

Zane heard Rachel take a deep breath with her saying,"Okay then. Zane. I need to ask you for a serious request and if you're uncomfortable with this whole thing, I understand completely.". "Okay. So what is it?" said Zane. "You know how I like girls right?" said Rachel. "Uh huh. I've known about you being bi for a long time now. This is nothing new." said Zane, nodding. "The reason why I was so nervous is because I have a question for you." said Rachel.

The Cross Species knew that Rachel was almost about to tell him and need just one final push. "Oh. I have a question for you too. How about we asking each other our question at the same time? It might help." said Zane. "Um sure." said Rachel. The two looked at each other with them nodding. "Do you mind becoming Zara? I want to experience what would it be like to have a serious relationship with a girl. It should be like our relationship hopefully except between the same gender." said Rachel. 

She began trail her left index finger through her hair. "Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted a relationship like my brother and Gale have. They may tease each other but you can tell that they love each other. I finally got that when we started dating. I may have to share you but well, I didn't mind it since you always did the best you could for all of us" said Rachel. "Yeah right. I'm pretty much screwed up that relationship when I failed." said Zane.

Within a second, Rachel poked Zane's left cheek with her right pinky finger and giving him a noogie with the other. "Stop that thinking right now dummy. I'm sure that the others would want us to be happy especially today. You didn't screw up got it?" said Rachel with Zane nodding. "I've always wondered what it would be like to be a with a woman in a serious relationship. You can switch between male or female at will so if you become Zara, we can see what a relationship like that could be." said Rachel.

The devil looked at Zane with her saying,"So would you do me the honors of becoming Zara for me? I love every part of you Zane and that includes Zara. I don't want to cheat on you in order to make this possible but like my mom said last night. When a devil wants something, they do whatever they can to get what they want including hurting the ones they love.". Zane was going to ask her his question but he was silent. 

Rachel noticed how silent Zane got and this made her worried. He was usually never this quiet unless he was sleeping or wasn't in his body. It was neither of these cases hopefully since he promised to be with her for the entire day. "Um Zane. Did my request stun you into silence? I know that it's a bit of a weird one but I really know that we can do this. So what's wrong?" said Rachel. She had her arms tucked right under her chest, accenting her large breasts just a bit.

Despite sounding selfish, she was worried. She was wondering if asking him this was a big mistake and may have just ruined their all day date. It could have ruined her relationship as well. "Okay. I've been hiding something from you and don't worry. It isn't a secret lover or me doing that again but it involves Zara." said Zane, looking away from her. "And?" said Rachel. "It's actually more complicated than you think. Something not even Liv could understand maybe." said Zane.

Rachel blinked as she said,"Okay. You sound nervous which is weird. You're usually the most confident person I know but me wanting to see Zara is making you sound like the least confident person I know. It is like you're a whole other person. It's very concerning Zane.". "You're right but me becoming Zara is a complicated matter." said Zane. "You're not joking right?" said Rachel. "For once in my life, I'm not Rachel." said Zane. 

The devil looked over and she nodded. "Okay. Like I did for you back then, I need to bring back the proud and strong sunshine that Trevor and most of our friends admire so much." said Rachel. "That includes you right Rae?" said Zane, smiling. It wasn't one of his signature sun like smiles he was proud of but one that screamed fear and terror. "Yep. I got a lot of work ahead of me but I can do this.” said Rachel, looking determined.

She left Zane alone for a few moments being that the hero clenched his fists, causing his stingers to pierce his skin. "Why am I nervous about this? I mean Zara is just me but female. Why am I scared of being her ever since then?" thought Zane. "Zane. I leave you alone for maybe less than five minutes and your stingers are out." said Rachel’s voice. Zane looked up to see Rachel standing there with a blanket over her shoulder. 

The blanket is the same one that Uriel and Zoey slept in in Zero Episode 137. For a quick reminder, it’s a large dark purple ,molten gold LZ pattern, blanket. She was holding two nice, glowing cups of hot chocolate. "Remember when you did this for me four years ago. It was right after we almost had sex to prevent my first engagement from happening. I think it’s time for me to return the favor and put those away or no hot chocolate for you Zane." said Rachel with her pointing to the stingers. 

Zane blinked as he said,"Oh right. Sorry. I usually have much better control of these things but you know how I get when I'm really emotional. Powers go out of whack.". The stingers went back into his body just as the holes in his arms disappeared. Rachel sat next to him with her wrapping the blanket around herself and him in a split second. Zane held his cup of hot chocolate with him sipping it. It was the perfect temperature for him. 

He smiled as he said,"Oh wow. You got the Alvarez hot chocolate down pat. I'm real impressed since I never told you how it's done.". "I easily figured it out when your mom invited me and Ellie over to make sure that we were good for her baby boys. She wanted to make sure that we won't hurt you and Lucius respectively." said Rachel. "Mainly me right?" said Zane. "Yep because of you know. Whenever Kurt gets a girlfriend much to everyone's shock, she'll probably get the same talk." said Rachel.

The devil got serious as she said,"Lets talk. So why are you so scared about being Zara? You've never had before today.". Zane didn’t answer her as he took another sip of his cocoa. "Is it because you're going to be too sexy? I mean news flash. Your entire family is extremely attractive and so is mine. I think I can handle myself in front of her." said Rachel. The Cross Species remained quiet as Rachel sighed. 

She looked at her head as she said,"Okay. That probably isn't it. I may not be good at reading you like Danny or Liv are but I always know when something is bothering you.". Zane was still silent as Rachel sighed loudly. She knew that Zane always push away others whenever it came to his own problems but for some weird reason, he always gets involved when it comes to other people's problems. It's a weird situation and the only way to get Zane to talk about his problems is if someone pushes back hard. 

Rachel smiled as she said,"Zane. I'll always be there for you to protect you whenever you're scared. You don't have to do everything by yourself. You have really loyal friends who are more than willing to help you out.". She pulled him closer to her after moving the cups away. He had a small blush on his face due to his head being on top of her breasts. "Um Rae.” said Zane. "Oh. Hello there Welcome back to the land of living. We missed you." said Rachel. "We?" said Zane. 

The devil looked sad as she said,"Yeah. You’ve been ignored your loving wife and her simple request for our all day date even better. The other two are two of your favorite pillows.". "Okay. I know that you’re trying to make me open up to you about all of this and I guess that it’s working." said Zane. "You guess Zane?" said Rachel "Yeah. So I've been thinking...." said Zane. "Which is normally a very bad thing." said Rachel, giggling. 

Zane looked at her as he said in a hurt tone,"Ha ha. I’m real hurt that you would think that way of me babe.". To others, it would sound like Zane is generally offended by what Rachel said but the devil knew that it didn’t bother him. "So what are you thinking?" said Rachel. "I need to tell you why I'm so uncomfortable with turning into Zara." said Zane. Rachel smiled as she knew that this was where he was going to her everything about Zara.

She knew that Zane kept some secrets from him and that was fine. "This all began after I stay with the Maiden Clan for a couple of weeks during the time I was working with the Alliance." said Zane. "That was because you wanted to spend time with your maternal grandma right? I remember Kevin being jealous of you when you told him that. However, you then reminded him of the Maiden Clan's strict policy against men aka arrows and spikes. It stopped his jealousy right in its tracks." said Rachel. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. That was the idea at first. Whenever a man does step forth on the Garden Of Eve, the women there will boil or skewer them alive. It's graphic and totally unnecessary if you ask me.". "Getting distracted again Zane. I need you to remained focused." said Rachel in a light childing tone while shaking her head. "Right. The women there opened my eyes to something that I didn't even know about myself." said Zane. 

This statement caught Rachel's attention. "What do you mean by that? I'm not judging you Zane but I'm curious on why turning Zara now into such a big deal for you. I just want to see what it would be like to have a serious relationship with a girl and that girl is you. You should be lucky." said Rachel, pressing her breasts into his arm. Zane was used to Rachel's aggressiveness ,mainly when she’s hammered or whenever she’s in the mood, flirting at this point in their relationship so he didn't blush.

Rachel smiled as she said,"If you turn into her Zane, you would draw attention no doubt but it wouldn't be bad attention since you don't have to deal with those Ultimate Showdown fanboys. They've been causing you stress lately.". "Yeah. They make Swarm look like the good guys and Sadie a kindhearted person." said Zane. "I really don't get why they would blame you for the show being cancelled. It was that monster's fault.  wish people could see that but all of them are sheep." said Rachel, pursing her lips.

Zane sighed as he said,"Yeah. From what I've seen, most people have trouble changing their opinions about something so easily. This includes little old me. It sucks but that's just the Omniverse or sheep mentality for you. It works for you one moment and in the next, it works against you.".  "I'm just a scapegoat for them since I was shown hating on the show. Those villains only did what they did because of Ricardo who turned out to be an alien. I wonder if he's being experimented at Area 55." said Zane.

Rachel blinked as she said,"Hold on. Don't you mean Area 51?". "You poor naïve devil. I guess you haven't been exposed to the dark secrets of the planet Earth yet. I learned the cold hard truth after hacking into the government's computers that one time I went to DC to be the chaperone for your future son's trip. It was also when I fought against football head and Ibis for the first time." said Zane. If you're wondering who football head and Ibis are, check Zero Episode 141.

The devil pouted as she said,"Still. It doesn't make things right with you and what happen to Ultimate Showdown. I'll accept that for now but I have to know why becoming Zara is a problem for you. Don't lie to me. I've went shopping with teenager Zara before. If you're worried about me taking advantage of you like I do with you whenever I'm drunk or erotogenic, I swear to the gods that I won't.". She began making her way onto his lap and plastered herself over his chest. 

In order to keep his face from going red, Zane began thinking of really anything to keep his mind off the current situation that he faced. "And when was the last time you went shopping with Zara Rae?" said Zane. "Just before that day. So I got to ask. Are you jealous of me flirting with her? That is pretty petty of you if that's the case Zaney. You and Zara are the same person after all." said Rachel with her running her hands along his abs. 

Despite Zane’s pretty impressive endurance especially when it comes to her aggressive flirting, he had his limits. The devil knows these limits well since she’s close to getting Zane to spill the beans like he did with her earlier. The couple had a special game that they played. They would flirt with each other and the one who out flirted the others gets to order the loser around. The score was tied up between the couple with this game being number five hundred and fifty-five. 

To get him to spill the beans, she could kiss him like she has done many times before but she decided to switch it up. She didn't want him to think that he knows all of her trucks. She moved Zane's right hand onto her soft breasts and this caused Zane to look at her. "Please just tell me what's bothering you about this. My boobs usually make you talk don't they? I told you what was bothering me so it's only fair what's bothering you right?" said Rachel.

She looked right into his eyes with her saying,"If you don't want to talk with me, they're more than willing to talk with you.". The look in her eyes told Zane that she was going to get him to talk no matter what and there was no way he was going to get out of it. He always did admire her determination. He removed his hand off her breasts even thought there was a part of him who wanted to keep it there and was sure that Rachel wouldn't mind.

If he talked, the hand could stay. "Okay but don't make the boobs do your dirty work. You can get me to talk without using them to do your dirty work. They're innocent." said Zane. Despite him being stronger than the average male, he couldn't ignore the seduction expertise of Rachel Angelise Powell for that long. He isn't invincible in that regard. "Then talk dummy or else, I'll use them to make you talk." said Rachel, making them looking bigger. 

Not using any powers but the power of seduction and misdirection. "Okay then. The reason why I won't go Zara is complicated. Do note that it isn't just because I'm jealous of you flirting with her or anything like that. Me and Zara are the same being after all." said Zane. As he was talking, his signature face-covering blush appears. Seeing that Zane was slowly reminding her of how he proposal to her which was totally cute in her opinion, she need to help him calm down before he starts rambling again.

It also appeared whenever he gets nervous. To stop this, she began gently rubbing her back to calm her down. "It's okay Zane. Just take your time. Remember the advice Liv told you on how to become the best version of yourself. Just talk and show your true self instead of holding it in." said Rachel with her lips were curved in a smile. It didn't scream any other emotion but kindness and support. "Okay. As you're well aware of, I'm not a normal guy." said Zane. 

Rachel rolled her eyes as she said,"No shit Sherlock but I doubt anyone in our friend group or anyone who knows him mind that.". She punched him and then winced. "We like or in my case love how out of the box you can be and don't want that part of you to change. I do wish how you weren't so hard to hit since you're too strong. So what's bothering you about being Zara? Be honest with me here. No jokes or lying. I'll call it off if you really don't want to tell me and can't do." said Rachel. 

She placed her hands on top of his, gently squeezing them. The devil could tell that Zane was conflicted and needs help admitting this. The future psychotherapist could easily see this conflict forming inside of Zane. "Zane. If you're really uncomfortable about this, we don't have to do this. I don't want to push you to do something that you're uncomfortable with." said Rachel. After a few minutes of silence, Zane took a deep breath.

Zane clenched his fists as he said,"It's fine. I think I need to tell you something that I've been hiding for what seems like forever but in all reality, it's only been around for a short period of time.". "Um. You do know that three plus years isn't a short period of time." said Rachel. "For an immortal being, it is. As you know, Eazairvians are neither male nor female. We swap between genders and species whenever we want since staying in one form isn't fun." said Zane.

Seeing a nod from Rachel, Zane said,"There are more genders than two primary genders as I learned. I tend to stay as a guy because well, I didn't know about being an Eazairvian until I was sixteen. I personally identify as a male just to make things simple and most people know me as a guy. Both Leif and Parker tend to stay and identify as male since female them is just abnormal. I saw Female Parker one time and Rae, it was something that I can never forget.".

Rachel smirked as she said,"Is it because she was so beautiful?". "Nope. I can't see him as nothing more than the booger who made my watch. I may have a photographic memory but that image of her is burned into my brain." said Zane. When Zane said that, Rachel imagined a female Parker and she will admit that it's rather weird even thinking about it. Seeing it must be another story. "However, I'm different for obvious reasons." said Zane. 

He made Primordial appear in front of her as he said,"As a Cross Species, I don't mind being either Zane or Zara. I can switch between pronouns like Clair has does with her outfits over the years. When I spend that time with the Maiden Clan, I noticed two things. The first thing was about how the beings from that dimension repopulate. It's quite fascinating but I've save that for another time. The second thing involves Zara which I know you're more interested in.".

Rachel nodded as Zane said,"I began looking back on all of the times that I've been Zara and remember how out of place I felt. I don't think I could spend more than a week as the Zaras you've gotten to know the past couple of years.". "Okay. You may have explain to me what you're mean by that since whenever you talk about powers, I have no idea what you're saying most of the time." said Rachel. "The versions of Zara that you've met are different versions of her from alternative dimensions." said Zane.

The devil's eyes widened as Zane said,"Yeah. It was a real shock to me too. I learned that thanks to a dear friend of mind. He told me this once he learned of my unique condition.". "So the Zaras that I got to know and had a total crush on are both from another dimension?" said Rachel as she made circular motions around his wrist using her thumbs. "Bingo. So you had a crush on those Zaras." said Zane. "I did. They were really cute girls. Can you blame me?" said Rachel.

Zane shook his head as he said,"Nope. They were all beautiful women. I just wish you didn't get to know Zara through her counterparts. According to my dear friend, the two sixteen year old Zaras you met only appeared thanks to me having a psychic link with them. The eighteen year old Zara was shown to me thanks to bonding with Twilight and I only got a glimpse into her life.". "So while this is quite fascinating, has the real Zara appear before your time with the Maiden Clan?" said Rachel.

Before Zane could answer her, Rachel looked at her and she said,"I ask you this because of Bakeneko Form and Fairy Form right? From what I've seen, those two are your more feminine forms.". "I think Zara should tell you that. For most of my life, I've been Zane and I like who I am. I really do. I made many amazing friends as Zane and I wanted you to be the first person to see the real Zara. She may just be my feminine side but to me, she's a whole other just waiting dying to express herself." said Zane.

Zane looked at her with him saying,"The reason why I wanted you to be the first one to meet is quite simple. You're the woman I want to spend the rest of my eternal life with and I'm begging you to be the first one to meet her. Trust me. I may be sounding weird now but you're understand what I mean very soon.". As he was talking about Zara, he was hoping that Rachel wouldn't find him to be a freak and reject him. 

He would never admit this to anyone except Liv who can get him to open him about pretty much about anything within a period of time. Due to his immense power and unique biology, he was scared of getting rejected. It was one of his Feet of clay. Not from people he has never met before but from those he held dear to his very Essence. Instead of saying something, Rachel hugged him. "So are you going to smothering me to death? If you are, I'm sorry for whatever I said before to upset you." said Zane.

Rachel sighed as she said,"I would if you honestly think that I would judge you for something like this or anything. I love you and I want to be with every single part of you. The good, bad, and Zara. Do you really think something this will stop me from loving you? I'm honored that you wants me to be the first person Zara ever meets. In my opinion, this is similar to how you and Danny learned about me being bi back in middle school and never ONCE judged me for it.". 

Zane remembered that and he smiled, remembering that day clearly. "Yeah but to be fair, Danny didn’t know what that meant at the time since he saw you as one of his friends regardless if you liked girls or not. I did since my mom drilled into me what that entire Rainbow colored flag aka the LGBTG+ community is when I was in elementary school. While everyone else was learning about the wonderful yet disgusting world of puberty, I was learning about how humans can define themselves as." said Zane.

Rachel smirked as she said,"So Zara is sexy right?". "She is. I hope I don't sound arrogant when I say that. Why do you ask?" said Zane. "Did you know what I've always wanted?" said Rachel. "The ability to juggle and flip someone off in several different languages?" said Zane. "No. That is a you thing and knowing you, it's probably something you'll do to someone one of these days. I always wanted a girls day out but given new information, that isn't going to happen." said Rachel.

Zane blinked with him saying,"I know that I'm going to sound stupid but you've done that before right Rae? I had to pick you up for a couple of those mainly when you went out with Celeste, Jennifer, and Kerry.". "Not with my friends but a lover." said Rachel. "Rae. I may be smarter than the average male but I have no idea what you're talking about." said Zane. "I'm sure you aware of the difference between having a girls day out between friends and a lover." said Rachel. "I guess." said Zane. 

Rachel held his hands as she said,"Without any doubt, I'm sure that Zara could be that lover if you give a chance.". "Okay. That makes sense but like you said, I don't think you'll get an all day date with Zara today. Today is our all day date." said Zane. "Didn't you say that you aren't jealous of yourself?" said Rachel with her eyebrow raised. "I'm not. We're going to do this. You'll get a chance to go on a girls day out with Zara fully but not right now." said Zane.

The devil smiled with Zane sighing. "I know you're happy but I need to make this clear. You better treat this relationship seriously and not like the ones you had in the day. There were more like flings rather than a relationship. I rather not have my first relationship like that as a woman ruined. " said Zane. "Of course. Do you honestly think I would do that to you? I know you're the perfect being for me without any doubt in my heart." said Rachel. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"Of course. I just wanted to make sure. I'm an idealist for romance after all and having my first moment as a woman being treated as nothing more than as a joke is something I won't stand for. I know you're serious about this too but well, I just don't want to have my Essence broken. This will be the first time she really comes out and makes herself known.". "And now you're back to being the man I love, I need to do something first." said Rachel. 

Before he could get an answer from her, Rachel whacked Zane on the back of his head hard. "What’s wrong with you dummy?! You didn’t need to wait until today to tell me about this but I can understand why you were so nervous about it. This is a big deal and I’m just shocked at how long it took you or anyone this to tell me this. You’re usually so open about things except with your true feelings and asking for help which is something you really suck at." said Rachel. 

Even though she cared about him, she was speaking to him like a mother would talk to her child who was being a rude little shit. She was also wagging her finger at him to make her point across and it was also good practice for when she has to scold the kids and Wolfram. "Yeah. It was a lot of things Rae and was something I had to figure out for myself before I could tell you about it for myself but I'm telling you about now. Doesn't that mean anything?" said Zane. "It does." said Rachel. 

Zane smiled as he said,"Okay then. It's official. Your slap of love really hurts. You're not even married into our family and you already have the Alvarez Fist down.". Rachel smiled at hearing this since the Alvarez Fist is mainly performed by the women of the family to make sure that the males get the hint through their thick skulls. Zane was the only man who could do it since he studied his mom performing it a lot mainly to his dad and Kurt back in the day. 

There was a few times when it happened to Lucius since he was supposed to be responsible for Kurt and Zane's safety. "It's impressed since not even big sis Ellie has that done yet. She's getting very close and it works the best on getting the guy who is known for bottle up his feelings until the bottle explodes to open up." said Zane with him rubbing the bump on his head from her hit. The swelling went down fast but there was still an ache of pain still there. 

Not even his healing factor could heal from an Alvarez punch that quickly. "So are you going to become Zara now? If this is what gets you doubting yourself, I'll seriously question you. I mean you constantly fight against opponents that seem impossible or make friends with your enemies that have seriously tried to kill you before." said Rachel. "I only made friends with Malik since I was trying to save him. He was under a lot of emotional pain." said Zane.

Zane smiled as he said,"Besides, what's the possibility of me making friends with one of my enemies ever again?". "Pretty high given who you are. So how about you just become Zara already? Once you do that, I'm sure that your worries about it will vanish. That's something that the confident being I know and love would say." said Rachel with a smile. "Okay. If it isn't obvious enough, I'm not exactly the most comfortable with this." said Zane. 

Rachel looked at him as he said,"Then we don't have to do this. I don't want you to be uncomfortable with me of all beings Zane.". "Thanks but ever since we've been having this conversation, I guess Zara has been yelling at me. It's time for Zara to come out but first, I need to do something." said Zane. "And that is?" said Rachel, getting nervous yet excited at seeing her. Zane covered his hands in his signature flames with the flames going up and down her back in an instant. 

These flames weren't going to burn her in any way being that it just warmed her up. Rachel released a delighted purr that reminded Zane once again of her cat like traits. She edged her lips closer to Zane with her blush growing stronger. Zane placed his left hand on her cheek and the two kissed. The two began passionately kissing with Zane not minding the slight grazing of her claws he felt going along his body. Devils have the ability to grow bat like wings and razor sharp claws at will. 

They can do this by just a single thought or an intense feeling of emotions. It’s like how Zane can sprout his spider like stingers whenever he’s mad. It’s something that Zane learned about during a training session where Rachel sliced her way through a wall of ice. She’s able to cover her claws in Ardor, with the energy increasing their power by destroying anything that they slice. Rachel was always in a good mood whenever she had a chance to feel up Zane's well toned body. 

He worked a great deal to have the muscles that he proudly display every day. She slipped her hands under his shirt and ran them against his rock hard abs. She loved his abs the most being that you could grind meat off them or break a large fist upon impact. She could just barely feel Zane sliding his hands down her back, rubbing them along her ass without a moment of hesitation. It wasn’t something that surprised her since Zane is really grabby. "You really love feeling me up don’t you?" said Rachel.

The devil rested her head on his chest. She began rubbing her right hand over his chest, mainly his eight pack. "Of course I do. You do the same thing so I wouldn’t judge little old me too harshly for giving you love." said Zane. "So where is Zara? She is going to show up right?" said Rachel. "She will but close your eyes and don't you open them. If I see them open for just a second, Zara's debut will have to wait until after our honeymoon is over. I'm not changing my mind on this." said Zane.

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