Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Zero Episode 146 Notes

A/N: As you can tell, Zero Episode 146 was a longer episode than I planned for and I have some stuff to put into it. It isn't another flashback but just some more note stuff. Fairy Legion will be returned after one more Zero related Post. Lets begin the notes and I should that the recent set of Zane's power related notes will be updated.

Tropical Mutant. It's a fruit with it being a dark purple color and it looks to be in the shape of a dragon fruit in terms of its appearance. It has cherry red patterns that come in the form of melting tar and swirls. 

Arya Cunningham aka Seraphina. Aim Dodging, Body Immobilization, Codification, Computer Interaction, Computer Operation Intuition, Decodification, Download, Encyclopedic Knowledge, Enhanced Memory, Hacking Intuition, Immobility, Immortality, Information Transferal, Levitation, Pattern Sense, Personal Weight Manipulation, Photographic Deduction, Selective Heaviness, Supernatural Intelligence, Supernatural Strength, Tactical Analysis, Tactical Genius, Temporal Healing, Temporal Rewind, Temporal Speed, Time Acceleration, Time Attacks, Time Aura, Time Energy Generation, Time Energy Manipulation, Time Field Projection, Time Manipulation, Time Reduction, Time Stopping, Weakness Detection, and Weight Manipulation. 

Arya doesn’t know much about her parents since she was left at a Ezlario orphanage with only a white blanket and wooden basket. It did have a note attached to it and it only told people what her name is. She had a higher than normal intelligence compared to other children which resulted in her getting bullied often by those at one of the Alliance’s schools and at the orphanage. She had barely any real life friends but virtual friends were a whole other story. 

She was only seven years old when she got a computer. She also decided to be a hero like those in the Alliance who came to the orphanage except through the virtual realm since she found reality to be rather scary. She went under the name Seraphina and only went after criminals. Due to her activities, the Alliance eventually found out about her and adopted her. Her guardian Joyce was a Commander Third Class and treated her like her own daughter. 

They had a great relationship with each other but that changed. In 2019, the Odium Society began to target high ranked members of the Alliance that were connected to a case involving hiding the location of a being who was the only survivor of the Unnatural Epidemic. The Unnatural Epidemic was the death of several Odium Society members and the Odium Society wanted revenge on the Alliance no matter what. 

Arya was unaware of this but when she was about to be attacked in public by an Odium Society assassin, Joyce blocked the attack and died in front of her. No one in the Alliance blamed her for Joyce’s death since they had captured the sniper who killed her and told them about the Odium Society putting a target on the Commander's back due to her being connected in hiding the location of said survivor. Arya blamed herself for her mother's death despite knowing the real reason behind it.

She soon developed a strong amount of social anxiety ,her getting bullied at a young age probably helped, and post-traumatic stress disorder due to her mother's death. She didn't not left her mother's place since then and she graduated school online rather than in person. Joyce’s close friend Lucas Hammond decided to honor Joyce by keeping an eye on her daughter. During her social isolation, she began using her computer to learn about her mother’s death.

Doing this however was killing her on the inside. She shut herself in so tight at her house and only a few people know of her existence. By the time of 2021, she refused to meet with anyone and that includes Lucas. Lucas tried to get her some help but Arya refused by locking the door to her house and heart ever tighter. Theron threatened to cut the door down for Lucas but was stopped by the leader since him doing that would scare Arya and keep her from going outside. 

When Zane began to work for the Alliance, Arya took an interest in him and began cyber stalking him with Zane knowing about it. He knew about this due to Athena and Cole but didn’t say anything until Arya decided to contact him personally through texts or any means that she feels comfortable with. This day eventually shortly after Zane had taken down the bounty bunter group known as Salvation by himself. 

At a slower than normal rate, Arya became friends with Zane even though she never met him in person before. She later met him in real life after her house was attacked by Alliance members who were actually working for the Odium Society as double agents. Zane saved her and she hugged him before figuring out what she was doing. She slowly decided to get over her social anxiety with Zane helping her out on that. 

In due time, she got emotionally better and decided to become Zane’s assistant with the two working well together. Zane promised Lucas to always be there for Arya especially when she's feeling sad or upset. Due to their good work in a year alone, she was granted immortality by Lucas and not because of her being Lucas’s daughter but because of her work for the Alliance. She also managed to achieve the same rank as her mother when she started to work alongside Zane. 

She helped the organization get rid of traitors and beings who were planning on betray them. After doing that for a while, she decided to join up with Zane’s team Team Maelstrom as their mission support. Arya had a very strong case of agoraphobia after losing her adopted mother but thanks to Zane, she only has trouble being in crowds rather than going outside in general. When Zane met her for the first time, she never left her house and connected with others through the Internet. 

Lucas enabled this out of fear of losing her. He thought that she was going to kill herself if he forced her to do something that she was uncomfortable with. Even before losing her mom, she was a lonely child and this was due to her being smarter than others her age. The other orphans called her a freak due to her memory remember everything that it sees. With Zane's help, she was able to make her first real friend aka Zane. 

Even though she's better about going out, she tends to rely on Zane when in public in the form of hiding behind him or wearing masks. Thanks to Zane, she began to open up to those she finds comforting. She tends to tease people in a similar manner to Zane and comes off as very playful if Zane is there to be her support. Like Zane, she is very blunt and has no kind of tact. This is due to her lack of social interaction rather than by choice. 

She has no problems with hacking mainly shown with Zane’s phone which has been known very hard into it and this was to make sure that Zane was safe. When she joined Team Maelstrom, she decided to join not to help take down Skull Plague but to make sure Zane stays with her. Her feelings toward Zane are in her words complicated. She doesn't see him as a romantic interest but something like a brother figure when asked about it. 

Arya is very fond of junk food and tends to eat only that before meeting Zane. After meeting Zane and him introducing her to more types of food, she’s able to eat better. Due to her social distancing, she isn’t very physically fit and tends to sleep for days at a time if she overworks her. Thanks to Zane, she has gotten better about it but not by much. She’s obsessed with anime, comics, manga, and video games since it was a form to escape reality and how much of a bastard it can be. 

She's also quite perverted toward other girls since when she met Team Maelstrom, she noted how curvy all of them are. She tends to be reliant on the internet since she tries to stay online as long as she can and struggles without it. She has a soft spot for dogs and tends to be the one to play with Wolfram the most after meeting him. He doesn’t mind this too much since the dog likes having attention given to him. 

Arya has no problem talking to people when it comes to topics that interest her and will get upset at little things. She has love for anything cute. She gets noticeably flustered and embarrassed when it comes to a situation where she exposes her skin or someone looks at her without her consent. Her glasses can turn into a pair of goggles which she uses as a disguise. Zane says that it’s better to have her as a friend rather than an enemy. 

She's able to quickly analyze her surroundings with superhuman accuracy and speed. She relays this information to Zane which he can use to his advantage. In the Alliance, she is well known for her detailed thought process and memorization of little, seemingly very obscure details that she uses later on. This comes in handy when it comes to helping out Zane when he needs some assistance. Her ability to formulate a plan is something to be feared.

Given enough time, she can figure out an opponent’s weakness. She is incredibly smart and tends to score higher than kids her age along with adults. Her ability to hack is well known in the Alliance and Odium Society with her ability to hijack an entire dimension’s broadcasting system or take control of any machines she wants with a few strokes of her keyboard. She's able to make a virtual and holographic computer screen and keyboard appear from nowhere. 

This is due to her silver watch she wears. She based it on the Z.E.R.O. Watch that she hears about through the Alliance. She's able to make her phone/tablet/laptop appear the same way. Her phone/tablet/laptop is a black ,thick, smartphone with it being lined with orange lights along the sides and keyboard. Her ability to hack is infamous since she was able to hack into Zane’s phone which is well known for having an impressive security system. 

She has tried to hack into the Z.E.R.O Watch but failed due to the device’s impressive firewalls and the fact that Parker stopped her before she could get started on said hacking. She’s able to alter her body’s body mass ranging from a handful of pounds to a couple of thousand tons. Her attacks ,while doing that, can crack open the ground and a giant’s bones. She uses this ability to pin her opponents to the ground and inside of a crater or escape from an area by lighting her body's natural weight. 

Even if her height changes, the way that she moves doesn’t whatsoever. Due to how telegraphic that attack is, a very fast enough opponent can simply dodge the attack. If she falls from a high enough height, she can damage herself due to her body being weaker than normal girls her age. Like most beings of the Omniverse, she’s able to manipulate Impulse. Her Impulse comes in the form of manipulating time instead of firing it out of her body. 

It's similar to Gwen but doesn't require extensive knowledge over time based magic or her sword to use it. She can’t travel back or forward in time like Hourglass Universe can but her ability to manipulate time is impressive in its own way. She can accelerate, stop, and reverse time to a certain extent. She moves around in a time frozen environment much faster than others with it looking like she has super speed to those stuck in said frozen environment. 

Beings who are in the time frozen environment are aware of this when they see Arya move faster than she could normally. She can reverse time in a certain area. She tends to use her powers for pranking or slowing down one of her more intense games. She’s able to heal injuries that come from her or others by simply rewinding time on the injured area. Whenever she uses her power, her eyes glow bright and there is a faint ticking sound coming from her body. 

A weakness of this power is that she can seriously injure herself if she uses her time manipulation to reverse time by over a week or pause time for more than a couple of hours. She also tends to stuck with reverse time since accelerating time is very easy to mess up in her opinion. Alongside with her lack of physical strength, she has a terrible fear of the dentists and it’s called dentophobia. This is due to growing up next to a creepy dentist when she lived in the orphanage.

There is also the fact that she gets a lot of cavities due to all of the unhealthy food she eats.   

Callum's personality. Like his younger sister/sisters, he tends to be serious and will do whatever it takes to save the day. According to his siblings and creator Rumos, he always had a strong sense of justice and desire to fight against evil. He even join the Alliance with him going through the organization without using his full power to cheat his way through. Like his siblings, he holds Zane in high regard due to him sensing great power from him upon meeting for him. 

Compared to his siblings, he doesn't brag about how strong he is and tends to be rather humble when compared to those two.  When he is challenged to a fight, he tends to be rather polite and tells his opponent not to hold back. He tends to have a high sense of caution being that he'll leave the fight once he finds things out of his control. However if the situation calls for a certain mindset, he will go all out if he needs to. 

He's very loyal and respectful to Rumos and his superiors in the Alliance. Despite being a rather loyal and straight laced man, he has an unhealthy addiction to gambling and enjoying different types of food throughout the Omniverse. He also can't talk to women.  

Callum's powers and abilities. He's able to block any physical attacks from opponents much bigger than him and can move extremely fast being that he can use it to get behind a being and knock them out before they have a chance to fight back. He's able to manipulate Impulse with it being a dark green color and he can fire a rapid fire assault of energy blasts with ease. He's able to fire large, destructive energy beams out of his mouth. 

He can increase his physical strength by covering his body in a dark green aura of energy. He's able to sprout a set of two gray feathered wings for flight. He can fly without his wings. He's able to speak several languages fluently. With his left hand, he's able to absorb the properties of whatever inorganic matter that's nearby him and transforms his body into it. He however cannot absorb living things such as people and plants. He can absorb up to ten objects at one point in time. 

With his right hand, he's able to absorb energy instead. He can move the energy through his body while keeping the properties of what he absorbed in his left hand. As a very high ranking member of the Alliance, he's in charge of protecting over a hundred dimensions. He has a great reaction danger being that he can dodge pretty much anything that comes toward him and perform impressive counters. His younger sister/sisters are much stronger than him. 

He can however at least give them a challenge before getting destroyed by them. He was shocked to hear how Zane defeated them. Due to this, Callum is able to affect the Omniverse directly unlike his sisters and grandfather who can not. Callum's ship ,which he calls the Flavia, can easily carry a good amount of people. The lights ,which glow along its hull are its power conduits and sensors with the gaps between the plates working as a way to eject excess energy and heat.

The extendable legs that the ship can make appear is used for landing on the ground. The ship can either warp its passengers onto the ground or have them out thanks to a ramp that comes out of the hatch at the bottom of the ship. His ship is able to fly through the Omniverse while keeping whoever is inside of it safe and can easily reach speeds that are two times faster than the speed of light with ease. It leaves behind a trail of after burn whenever it zooms through the Omniverse. 

It's able to enter and exit a solar system within mere minutes. The ship has four engines at the rear end which serves as the primary propulsion system when flying through space in a vertical fashion. It has six nozzles ,three on each wing, as a secondary propulsion system when flying in either a horizontal and vertical fashion. Despite its size, it's able to perform impressive maneuvers with relative ease.

Rumos has been called a grandfather like figure to those he creates with his immense power and has been called a Demiurge. The most well known thing about the God of Souls is that he's known for never losing his cool except when it comes to bad singing, how he has owl like traits mainly when it comes to how his head can move in all directions with ease, his immense knowledge when it comes to pretty much in the Omniverse, and his strong, unwavering trust in his creations and champion Zane. 

He's an extremely honorable man with him having a great deal of chivalry to him making him similar to a samurai. Most beings hold utmost respect for him and his name. He hates Skull Plague a great deal and wants to do whatever he can to help take down the Qlakrik even though he is unable to do anything outside of using his children and champion. Despite not looking very physical strong, he can easily lift up several massive steel bricks with no problem whatsoever. 

Rumos can move faster than expected of some of his figure. He is well known for his eyes that can sense great potential in a being. Like an Eazairvian, Rumos can create beings and objects that will help the Omniverse in ways that will benefit the Omniverse rather than would damage it. One such being is the Alliance agent Callum who has been helping the Alliance since its founding. All of his creations have certain signs of Rumos being their creator.

These signs are that they can be identify by their great strength, their desire to travel and form bonds with beings that interest them, their extreme lack of social awareness and inability to pick up social cues, and appetite which is like a black hole in terms that it'll be never be full. He's able to sense the connections that two or more beings have in the Omniverse. He's able to track down anyone as long as there is a connection to them. 

Rumos has the ability to see into a being's Essence/heart. The twins say that Rumos knows all and sees all that goes on in the Omniverse. His only weakness is that he is unable to do anything against evil and he's unable to leave the Transient Yonder or Steroyzon.

What Zane did during his year for the Alliance: In chronological order. 
1. Taking down the bounty hunter group Salvation. The group once consisted of over 100,000 highly trained and skilled bounty hunters. Not much is know about this event except for Zane defeating all of them by himself and within in a very short period of two months. Normally, this would take up to twenty plus members of the Alliance and over a decade worth of work to do so.

2. Ending an dimension wide slavery operation that went under the name of Vision Enterprise. The operation was done by a group of beings owning several orphanages all over the Omniverse. The owners of each orphanage were selling off the kids to any group ,mainly the Odium Society, that would take them. The price that the group payed for an orphan was equal to its worth according to Vision Enterprise. 

One of the groups had Zane freeing several different species at once. Zane only learned about this group while he was on another job at the time and upon hearing their crimes, Zane was quite brutal Zane was toward the slavery organization. This action earned the admiration and respect of the Giants. They're a proud race who tends to stay out of most conflicts in the Omniverse unless provoked and those who earned their respect will gained a loyal ally throughout the rest of that being’s lifetime. 

This applies to offsprings and family members as well if the giants deem them worthy.   

3. Defeating the Dimension Wrecker/Odium Society Base Destruction. The Dimension Wrecker aka Calford was considered to be a true force of destruction even more than Darth and the Qlakriks. The amount of destruction that he caused is on the same level as the Omniverse War. This war had several entire species, planets, and dimensions wiped out in the process. One such incident of Calford’s was the destruction of the species of Kharnard in the year 2001. 

Zane defeated the Dimension Wrecker when the hero learned about the monster planning another genocide of some merfolk (fishmen, fishwoman, mermaid, and mermen) just for fun. 

Calford's Appearance: He was a twenty five feet tall monster of a man. His body is rippling with muscles. Nodes and bubbles popped out of his skin. His dark brown hair had turned colors and was now a dark green color. It went down to his waist with it being extremely spiky. Parts of its were braided into devil horns. His red eyes ,with white irises and sclera, glowed with unbridled fury. His smile was seen as murder incarnate. 

His skin had changed from a normal tan to a black color just like darkness itself. His teeth were extremely large. His arms are bigger than pillars and his hands matched his arm size. His feet and legs were the same. He’s wearing a sleeveless red shirt and ripped blue jeans. He isn’t wearing shoes. Due to an injury involving an overgrown pitchfork which was cursed by the Kharnard, the entire left side of his body ,except for his arm, is covered a noticeable sapphire blue color. 

Calford  was actually hit with a powerful poison that could kill literally gods but thanks to doing too many drugs, the poison didn’t have a chance to affect him, His voice was raspy with each word out of his mouth carrying a heavy killing intent.

Celina Saldana and Izola Saldana’s History, Power Description, and Personality: Despite these two looking human, Celina and Izola are a different species known as Tregalvo and this species are similar to Siamese twins in a sense. The Tregalvo are born as two different beings but they fuse into one being as they get older. The Tregalvo are often considered to be three different beings with them sharing some physical qualities. 

For most member of the species, it happens around the age of middle school and the two being's personality become one single personality. It's very rare to see the Tregalvo as two beings past the ago of high school. Celina and Izola are that rarity but that's because the two of them were created by Rumos, God of Souls. The reason that these two haven’t fused is because of Rumos making them as the template of their species max potential and as a result, they're much stronger than the average Tregalvo.

Due to this, Celina and Izola won't be able to fuse into a single being. This is something that the both of them were okay since well, they didn't want to lose that individuality both of them have. Due to their power, the twins were force stay in the Transient Yonder. The only company that the twins had were their creator/grandfather Rumos and older brother Callum with the latter visiting less than they would have like due to him working for the Alliance ever since its founding shortly after the Omniverse War.

When Team Maelstrom met both twins, Rachel could easily tell that the two of them care a great deal for Zane with the devil getting jealous of the relationship that they share. Upon Zane deciding to allow the twins more time to help out the group, this began the rivalry of Rachel and the twins on who loves Zane the most mainly with Celina. Izola was confused by her sister's actions since in private, they agreed to share Zane with whomever he loves for the rest of the time that Zane lives. 

Celina is well known for her physical strength and Izola is well known for her mental strength. The two of them are extremely dependable and tough with Callum admiring how tough they are. Celina cares deeply for her siblings and grandfather Rumos a great deal with her having a strong fear of losing her other half Izola. She has trouble talking to other beings other than those who live in the Transient Yonder as shown with Zane when they first met and tends to act like a typical Tsundere. 

Over the year that Zane spent with the Alliance, the twins formed a strong bond with Zane and both of them harbor strong feelings for him. Celina tends to have trouble showing it and tends to do it by hitting him or demeaning him. She hates when someone messes with little kids or cute things being that she gives the person who hurts the kid or cute thing a death glare. Despite her being a badass, she just loves whenever Zane pats her head and playfully ruffles her hair.

She also loves it when he compliments her. She usually blushes whenever he does this. If anyone else does this, they’re usually killed on the spot. She refused to show any weakness though and stared defiantly back at him. After about a minute of staring, she was about to open her mouth and give out a scathing comment when she noticed his eyes soften as he looked at her. Something in that gaze of his made her tummy flutter giddily. 

Over time, she has gotten better about it but she has been called a tsundere. Izola is better than her in this regard but tends to be rather violent when it comes to women who hurt Zane in any way. This side of her was shown with a female member of the Alliance who didn’t like Zane. After seeing Izola mad, the group of Callum, Celina, Rumos, and Zane made sure not to piss her off since she’s terrifying when she's mad. 

Both of them have no tolerance for prejudice and tends to be rather harsh toward those who judge others by their gender. Celina and Izola have been called badass adorkable by Zane since all of them are cute yet deadly. Zane enjoyed seeing this side of them when he was hanging out with the twins during his off time in Ezlario. He enjoyed seeing Izola trying to hide her dislike of onions from him and when  Celina did notice it and began picking on her. It was a reversal of their usually routine.

Another time this happened is when getting frustrated by an arcade game, Izola threatened to blow up the arcade much to Zane’s worry. Another time is the time that she dozed off almost instantly when she was sitting next to Zane and feel asleep on Zane’s shoulders. She had a dream of her beating up Kilene for hurting Zane and when she woke, she was visibly embarrassed at Zane hearing that from her much to his and Celina's amusement. 

She tends to mock beings mainly with Celina with a lack of emotion on her part. Celina tends to be the more confident twin compared to the more shy Izola. Izola has a secret hobby of writing down her feelings and as expected, she tends to punish whoever reads them. She is someone you really want to keep in a good mood because when she’s pushed to her limits, she will beat the tar out of whoever upset her. Without any doubt, the twins considers Zane to be the strongest being in the Omniverse. 

Izola is much more polite than the tsundere but she's also cold hearted. When they were hanging out, the twins tend to make a scene which is a result of them being socially awkward or tends to bicker like children. They have a great deal of trouble with making friends due to their personality. She has trouble showing off her body and gets freaked out when it comes to ghost stories but she can handle a dead body no problem. 

Both of them tend to be calm and unfazed by most things even the sight of a dead body does nothing to them. They hates when people ,close to them, keeps secrets. Despite her cold exterior, Izola has her moments of emotion such as sometimes getting shocked or scared. She tends to blush whenever she sees Zane doing something attractive. She tends to smile the most at him and tends to share physical contact with him much to the jealously of Celina. 

This comes in the form of hugging or hand holding. She tends to be very expressionless and reserved when it comes to people she just met. Whenever either twin is flustered or embarrassed, they tends to speak rapidly and becomes hard for others to understand. They also either apologizes of insults the source of her embarrassment. Unlike Rachel, they tends to stutter or freeze up whenever Zane does anything romantic. 

Due to Celina, Izola has a great deal of confidence and doesn’t hesitate to voice out her opinion or express her thoughts about a subject, regardless of how it would make others feel. Due to Izola, Celina is extremely smart despite being brash. She tends to speak in a rude manner. They both have the ability to cook and tends to make more than a normal amount of food. They has a love of eating and tend to over gorge themselves on it much to the jealously of other women. 

They will also attack anyone who even thinks of stealing her food. Whenever Celina and Izola fight as a team or by themselves, they are known for being a real sadist. Unlike Callum, the twins could easily pass off for humans. Due to Celina and Izola being twins, the two share a lot of the same physical features. In a fight, Celina and Izola tend to be an amazing tag team since they overwhelm their opponents with a non-stop onslaught of attacks. 

Celina tends to be an amazing physical fighter and Izola protects her from a distance. The two are able to communicate with each other through twin telepathy as Zane puts it. Celina is able to pick up a double decker bus or small being with ease. She can survive being hit by a truck moving at an impressive speed. She can move extremely fast. Izola is well known for her ability to generate the four core elements (Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind) alongside darkness, ice, light, and lightning.

Her main attack is forming several fifty meters element construct serpents and have them attack an opponent, showing them no mercy. Both siblings are able to manipulate Impulse with Celina’s Impulse color is a blue color and Izola’s Impulse color is a red color. Celina tends to fire energy blasts at enemies while Izola forms weapons with her energy. The aura that the twins generate is extremely powerful and can be sense easily. 

They were the one to train Callum who is well known for his Impulse manipulation. Despite their immense power, neither of them is unable to affect the Omniverse as a whole. 

Calford vs Zane: The fight between the Dimension Wrecker and Protector of Earth/Omniverse is a fight for the history book. This fight seemed one side at first since Calford had an army of two million men by his side. These men followed the DW (Dimension Wrecker) out of respect for his power or fear of his power/wrath. The army also took the latest version of Reaper Powder while Calford took the first version of Reaper Powder despite the newer version existed. 

Upon hearing about the genocide from the Alliance, Zane stood in the air above Ezlario using Gravity Drive and launched himself through the Universe Path in order to stop Calford where he was rumored to be. He easily move faster than sound and was reaching the speed of light. Not even missiles could compete with his speed as he made sure that no one suffered like he did. In the dimension which was somewhere in the Sanguine Valley, Calford’s hand moved downwards.

He was going to completely obliterate the head of the strongest warrior of that dimension who is known as the Whirlpool. However, his attack was stopped by a powerful burst of wind. This burst of wind affected the entire dimension and there was a loud sonic boom. Zane arrived from the heavens and went toward Calford like a meteor. His arrival was the burst of wind. Zane covered his left leg with it covered in Vulcan Emperor’s scales and faster than the eye could see, he slammed into Calford’s arm.

The only thing that Calford felt was pain. His arm contorted, caved, and turned. The force behind Zane’s kick was extremely powerful being that it ripped the skin muscle, dislocated the shoulder, and the arm ripped out of its socket. The bone was shattered in a million pieces and turned into powder with the powder itself being shattered. The arm went flying way in a bloody mess but this didn’t stop Zane’s foot. The kick travelled with it hitting the infected left side of the human. 

It blew off a round chunk of his lower ribs and this caused his liver to explode right out of his body. "Oh wow. I really made an impact on this guy. I'm not normally not this bloodthirsty but stopping this monster from killing is totally worth it." thought Zane. Zane appearing and the starting kick lasted for less than a second before physics decided to act. The force sent Calford into the nearby wall, crushing it without mercy and there was a cloud of dust covering the area of the execution ground. 

Thousands of bandits had gathered as they were being pushed back by the air boom and funnel of the kick. None of them had any injuries but they were a bit annoyed from Zane’s attack. Zane landed on the ground with his feet making a crater. He was in the center of the execution ground. "Okay. If I remember my biology lesson right, me destroying the liver will lead to serious level of bleeding and probably a coma. I guess he’s going to die after this if he’s still human." thought Zane. 

Above, the crowd of merfolk were surprised to see Legion Zero here since they heard about the famous Alliance agent who achieved many great feats despite being so young. They began to cheer for the hero with Zane ignoring all of them since he was looking for the arm that was ripped off. It was hidden under some rubble with Zane sighing in relief. He was pretty sure that there were some kids watching and he didn’t want them to see all of this brutality that Zane was going to deliver. 

He also make sure that Calford was the only one who was going to die here and the rest of them will be placed in Blacktomb Detention Center to spend the rest of their lives there. He could easily kill everyone here in a few minutes but he was going to hold them back. They may have taken Reaper Powder so they can handle a great deal of punishment. The army of bandits and killers were shocked to see him appear from the sky. 

Zane smiled at the crowd of the innocent watching the execution and smile. They didn’t need to worry since Zane was here. Before the crowd could cheer for Zane, they heard chomping. It came from Calford who was chugging fistful of pills rapidly. He used his remaining arm on the ground and raised himself up. The ground broke and glared at Zane in angry. The warrior demanded Zane for the reason why he was here. 

His body was steaming mad, the hole in his body was healing, and the bleeding from his dismembering arm ended. The man had lost his arm with him being imbalanced but didn’t care. He stood on the execution platform, looking down on Zane. He was blinded by utter rage. Zane only said with him flipping him off,"Simple. I’m here to avenge the countless beings you killed in your entire life so bring it on.". 

This pissed off the man with him ordering his army to kill the superhero and put his head on full display. Despite the massive numbers, Zane wasn’t scared of the many types of weapons that were going to kill him. Zane just smirked as his eyes glowed with power. He released out a wave of Empyrean Will from his body. The bandits were hit by the energy in second and their eyes widened in fear. 

All of them dropped their weapons as their bodies crashed into the ground unconscious and their mouth were frothing. Their eyes rolled to the back of the skull. His enemies crashed in waves being that out of a million, fifty thousand remained. The people who survived had Standard and Common Willpower inside of them. Calford had Ample Willpower but Zane was sure that everyone knew that they made a big mistake. 

There was only silence as everyone watched as nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred fifty criminals dropped unconscious just like flies. The merfolk’s jaws hit the ground with the kids eyes sparkling and cheered for the superhero louder than ever before. "Calford. I don’t like you. You were born with power but decided to use to hurt others instead of protecting people. I’m here not only to save these innocent people from another one of your tantrums but to avenge the Kharnard." said Zane.

He said all of this with his eyes glowing and fists cracking. Zane jumped ,from his enemy’s view, and went toward a group of them. The bandits saw his menacing form which was completely shadowed by the light. They got ready to fight him but Zane landed on the ground and splitting it apart in a large boom. This knocked many people like an earthquake and his heel was trapped in the ground. Zane easily removed his leg, seeing that five hundred soldiers were out. 

Zane looked at them as he said,"Your numbers mean nothing to me since your fate is sealed.". His voice was scaring his enemies. Crisis Judgement soon detected something as Zane looked up to see several monsters ,consisted out of giant predator like animals, heading toward him with some of them being old faces such as a full evolved Trastry. The beasts roared and charged forward with Zane looking right at the animals. 

The hero could use Empyrean Will to take them under his command and shock Calford's army but decided to do something else. He cocked back his fist with him slamming it into the ground. The ground was broken with there being several pieces of stone appearing in front of him. He grabbed a handful of them with him looking right at the beasts. "Expansion." said Zane, throwing the stones at the beasts and began expanding to the size of double-decker bus. 

Said attack hit the beasts, sending them to the ground and all of them formed a crater upon impact. The stones could have killed them but he was trying to keep the blood count low. As Zane was beating down his minions, Calford was getting more angry. He periodically began eating more pills in his mouth since it was his addiction. Each massive hit pissed him off with him putting his remaining arm over his healing stump of an arm. His rage was hitting a massive peak. 

Using his ability to sense emotions from others, Zane could easily feel Calford’s rage. At the rate Zane was knocking out, the DW was going to become more anger than man. Zane looked around to see the destruction that he had caused but ignored it. The people who were watching him were cheering being that Zane was the good guy and was beating down the bad guy. He was thinking about adding some explosions since explosions are manly and he did with ease. 

The crowd was amazed at how much energy that Zane was putting into the fight. In a few minutes, Zane had taken out most of the grunts being that the crowd was eating it up. After kicking a grunt into a group of grunt, Zane began walking toward Calford with the monster having a bit of sanity left. Most of his men laid defeated by Zane being that the rest of them ,with it being in the hundred, tried to flee from the monster. 

Said goons didn't make it too far thanks to Calford throwing his weapon at them, stopping them in their tracks. "You better not run since you’re going to kill Legion Zero since he’s coming toward us like the fool that he is." said Calford. He passed his hand over the healed hole in his body. It was healed but he was missing a liver and ribs from his body. These wounds were never going to heal. "Kill him!" ordered Calford. 

A man with a hammer and a man with a spear tried to attack Zane but they were easily destroyed by activating Vitality Guardian, sending them flying away. Calford watched Zane disappeared with him hearing,"Detonation Zenith Punch!". The gigantic fist hit Calford in the stomach harder and the explosion sent the man into the wall harder than the last time, causing him to be buried completely by rubble. 

Zane was pretty sure that was going to stop him being that he saw the stone pile moving. Calford came crawling out and threw pieces of stones at Zane. "Oh wow. I made him really mad didn't I? He's built like a tank. I guess taking all of those drugs made him very durable." thought Zane as he dodged the pieces of stones with no problem. He kicked some of them away from him and this hit a nearby grunt in the face.

Calford began gulping down even more pills with Zane easily sensing that the man was getting stronger after taking each pill. "Yeah. That's Reaper Powder for you. It makes you stronger yet but you lose your humanity with each pill taken." thought Zane with his arms crossed and shaking his head in visibly disappointment. Zane watched the heaving Calford crawling out of the rubble. "Oh wow. He doesn't look very good at all." said Zane. 

His body was covered in his own dried blood, bruises, the stump that was his arm had healed so it was done bleeding, he had a large purple swelling and bruise around his stomach, and Zane was sure that Calford would have died a long time ago if he didn't take those pills. He also knew that the Dimension Wrecker was known for his determination. "Do you think you’re going to stop me brat?! I’ve been around killing and kicking ass before you were born!" said Calford. 

The man's bruises were bleeding, he spat out blood from his body, and his body was pretty much covered in bruises. Calford closed the distance between them in a second, swinging his remaining arm into a palm strike. He struck Zane with an overwhelming force being that there was a shockwave upon hitting him. "Sorry but you’re too weak in my book." said Zane, blocking Calford’s strike using his pinkies and the hero didn’t move an inch. "How?!" yelled Calford. 

Zane smugly smiled as he said,"I trained my body to handle a lot of damage so your weak attacks mean absolutely nothing to me! Cross Pummel!". He covered his fist in Vulcan Emperor's scales. The monster was hit with a directly blow to the guy, sending him through the ground in a great deal of pain. Calford recovered from this fast with him rushing toward Zane, planning to kick his head off. "You move too damn slow. I guess your muscles are nothing more than show." said Zane.

Said kick was blocked using Vitality Guardian’s arm coming instantly out of his body. The hand crushed Calford’s leg with it tossing him against the same wall, completely collapsing it on top of Calford. Zane made the arm disappear with him cracking his neck. All of the remaining bandits were awed and humbled at the incredible physical strength and ease Zane had when dealing with the Dimension Wrecker. 

Calford’s right arm smashed the rubble on top of him being that he tried to stand up. His left leg moved but the right leg was practically useless. "Damn it. This brat broke my left arm and right leg in the same fight!" thought Calford, looking down to see his right leg was bleeding. He popped more pills inside of his mouth and this ended the bleeding. Anger flowed through his veins and dragged his useless legs with sheer power instead. 

Zane looked at the nonexistent left arm, the torn leg, and the bruised body. "Yep. This guy is too stubborn being that he’s making me look reasonable!" thought Zane. "You may be durable but everyone has their limits. Not even drugs can surpass that limit. No living being is born equal and you’ve finally met your superior." thought Zane. Calford began munched on more pills with him growing even bigger and stronger. 

He stood back with him not stopping. "So is taking drugs just your only way of fighting? You really need to be more creative. Maybe use that weapon of yours." said Zane, putting his arms behind his head. "If you want my weapon so much, I’ll give it to you!" roared Calford with his teeth clenched. He was gone with him creating a huge burst of wind upon leaving. "Oh wow. He moved fast even with his terrible leg of his." said Zane. 

Crisis Judgement went off as he made Epilogue appeared and blocked the giant weapon with their clash sounding like thunder in the air and an earthquake on the ground. "So you decided to listen to me but you're still going to lose. You may be pretty strong but to me, you're nothing more than a brat who's having a tantrum." said Zane in a calm yet commanding voice. 

This tone in his voice made everyone flinch including Calford. Calford looked into Zane's eyes with them having repressed rage. Calford growled as he chugged the final batch of Reaper Power. Zane was sure that at this point, pain didn’t register in the nervous system and destroyed the last remaining parts of his sanity. He fought like an animal, waiting to kill the most annoying prey he has ever faced. "Die Zero!" roared Calford. 

Zane decided to finish off the beast since Calford had died a long time ago and a monster had taken its place. Zane wanted to know why Calford did all of this but he wasn't going to get an answer. "Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!" said Calford with him breaking into insanity as his heart pumped louder than normal. He charged at Zane who stood there. "Just shut the hell up already because you’re pissing me off!" yelled Zane with him grabbing onto Calford. 

He threw the man into the air with him activating Emperor Mail. He made multiple massive pieces of metal ,which look to match the armor’s colors, magnetically levitated around him. They slowly formed into cannons and Zane’s arms also turned into cannons. All of the cannons was slowly charging up energy. As this was going, Zane’s rocket booster like protrusion and wings fused together to create a giant energy absorbing panel. 

It was in the shape of a heater and round shield. Zane combined his arms cannons together, making a giant cannon in its plate. The cannons that floated around Zane matched the giant cannon that covered Zane’s hands. "Any last words before you end up in the Dread Dimension for the rest of your pathetic life Calford?" said Zane. "Bastard!" shouted Calford. This was the last word that the Dimension Wrecker said before dying. Zane shrugged as he fired the cannons at him. 

All of the cannons fired massive beams of energy. During their travel toward Calford, they combined into one massive beam. It easily dwarfed Zane in terms of size and looked to be fifty feet tall. Upon hitting Calford, the monster roared in pain and was covered in energy. It made a massive explosion. All of the pains that he had been ignored for the past thirty years had come back in spade being that he screamed loudly as the energy vaporized the man. 

This was the most fitting punishment for him. As the explosion cleared, Zane smiled with him removing his armor. "I won!" said Zane. The merfolk looked at Zane with them yelling their gratitude and the kingdom celebrated for his victory.

Odium Society Base Destruction: One week after taking down the Dimension Wrecker, Zane decides to take down an entire Odium Society base in a nearby dimension. This was to make a statement to the group and it wasn’t going to be ignored. This was after learning about how and why the Dimension did what he did. He took out the entire base with just a single attack. The sky above Zane darken with the world becoming grayscale. Zane began to change with his eyes changing color. 

None of the Odium Society soldiers couldn’t breathe or do anything about it. At this moment, Zane's rage was unbelievable with it forcing them to kneel to the god in floating over them with his only emotion being anger. The entire base heard a noticeable ringing with their hearts thumping faster. They couldn’t believe their eyes. Their pupils were expanding and contracting at a rapid pace. The pain from forcibly holding their breath was ragging against their chest. 

Zane sighed as he said in a deep and ominous voice,"I hope you idiots don’t do anything to upset me again because next time, I won’t be gentle. Satanic Zenith Sphere.". He held both hands side by side with open palms as his power surged in between them. It just growing and growing with stopping. The steel gray sphere was formed with an molten gold outline. There were cracks all over the sphere. Royal Blue Carnal was coming out in streams. 

The power that the sphere was radiating was too much. He tossed the sphere toward the base being that the explosion enveloped the entire base. The soldiers couldn’t see anything and the explosion lasted for several minutes. They were able to regain their sight after some time. "And with that, I bid you all a farewell." said Zane with him bowing to them before warping away. 

Said soldiers turned away and saw nothing there. The imposing building was gone along with anything around it. The edges and the crater was a smoldering hot mess. Those in the plaza survived as it was a total massacre. 

The Kharnard Genocide: Prior to the extinct of their race, the Kharnard were seen as gods by most of the Omniverse excluding the Eazairvians and Qlakriks. This is due to them being a descendant of the Viarath who were wiped out during the Omniverse War. The Kharnard had changed greatly from the Viarath whom they descended from. They still looked humanoid but have some differences compared to normal humans and the Viarath.  

These differences come in the forms of them lacking ears, bird like feathers under their arms and on their back which gives them the ability to fly, their arms and legs are normal sized, and lacking the horns that once protruding from their forehead. Each Kharnard has a massive amount of immense and powerful Impulse stored in their bodies. They use a specific form of Impulse called Prana with them also having the fighting style and natural abilities that the Viarath once used to protect themselves.

Due to this power, the Odium Society began to want their power in order to conduct the Apocageddon but in a different manner compare to what they did with the Viarath. They hired the Dimension Wrecker who is well known for being a mad beast who kills everyone without hesitation and has the motto of the most destruction, the better. The monster slaughtered all of them with no hesitation on his end. Said genocide left only one survivor by the name of Shingath or Shin to his friends. 

The genocide took place on September 21 2001 which was only a single week after Shingath’s twelfth birthday and ten days after a certain event involving two towers. The Dimension Wrecker had walked toward the home of the Kharnard with him chowing down on a very early prototype version of the Reaper Powder. It was given to him by the Odium Society as early payment for eliminating all of the Kharnard. 

Compared to the Reaper Power from the present day, this version didn’t give him a blue tongue or the blue claw like marks on his arms or legs. It did increase his already immense strength and gave him the power to destroy.  The major difference of the prototype Reaper Power was that it was extremely addictive, numbing any pain while healing any pain in the process, and transformed the user into a being similar to the Brandsa. 

The Kharnard were 200 million strong before the Dimension Wrecker arrived to their home. He let out a massive wave of killer intent with it paralyzing everyone in the village. They dare not move or make any sudden movement. They were considered one of the strongest species in the Omniverse and a single human with a monstrous presence affected all of them. Calford held his signature battle axe/scythe with him holding the handle in rage and roared in pure malice. 

He charged forward with this day being infamous in the Omniverse’s long history. It was one of the biggest genocide committed by a single being Calford wiped out the Kharnard from the Omniverse. His bloodlust waged all over the village with the inhabitants felt their heart stop with true terror. All of them were frozen in place and unable to do anything. They couldn't breath and began sweating a storm. They watched as the human swing his axe like a madman, hitting anything in its path. 

The axe was sharp enough and could cut through the hardest substance with ease. The village was covered with crimson, viscous liquid as he began cutting through objects left and right while laughing like a mad man. Not even the strongest barrier could stop the strength behind the man's swing. As Calford's rage and madness reached new levels thanks to the drugs that he began taken, he opened up house and saw his victims frozen in place. 

All of their eyes turned to him and unable to run away from the true incarnation of death that faced them. Their fear rivaled their fight and flight instinct thanks to the human. The man began cut down families, friends, and others indiscriminately. Most of the village was empty of life at this point being that the monster didn’t care. He kept popping pills left and right, increasing his massive strength, and the wounds that he did take from the Kharnard were instantly healed. 

These drugs were addictive yes but they made him so powerful and his massive ego inflated to new heights. He spotted more victims and charged toward them. He didn’t spare anyone being that he began cutting down two or more for some six pleasure. He threw his weapon into ten of them, killing them at once and shouting strike. Hearing their screams of terror and begging him to stop was the most beautiful music. After an hour, the genocide finally stopped. 

Calford walking away with him whistling while dragging the bloody weapon behind him. For twenty years, the species was thought to have died out but it turns out that a small group of Kharnard had survived. This was thanks to Zane examining the village where it happened and he was thankful that he could hear them with his hyper hearing. There were only about a hundred survivors rather than the millions of them that once live. 

Zane was thankful that Calford was dead by his hands and would no longer hurt anyone. Upon reaching the camp, Crisis Judgement went off. A young boy ,who looked to be about Atem's current age at the time, charged at him with a spear and tried to kill him. The spear hit Zane directly but instead of killing him like the young Kharnard wanted it to, the spear did nothing but break upon contact. The boy was shocked to see his weapon do nothing to the human and Zane could sense the fear from the group. 

Zane told them that he wasn’t here to kill them like Calford and told them that he was dead. The Kharnard didn’t believe at first being that Zane showed them the image of him killing Calford and they cheered for their savior. Zane kept their existence a secret from most of the Omniverse since he couldn't risk the Odium Society finding about the survivors. He was sure that they may attempt to do something like this again if they knew that they were alive.

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