Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Zero Episode 145 An all day date with the woman you love Section 5.5 (Written on December 15 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Episode 145 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Episode 145. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

A bit later, Rachel and Zane ,out of Archfiend Prime, stood outside of the destroyed Secret Oasis with Rachel turning to Zane who smiled. "So are you sure that this guy will be able to take all of them to Ezlario without them rebelling and killing them? I mean your gun from earlier could have done the job no problem." said Rachel. She was pointed to the tied up Dwarf Clan and the other criminals. This didn't count Aurelio who escaped earlier. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"Don't worry. Callum is easily one of the best agents in the Alliance and can totally handle all of them no sweat.". "Okay. I'll trust you on this since you know more about the Alliance than I ever will." said Rachel. "He's here by the way." said Zane, pointing upwards. Rachel looked up to see a spaceship descended to the ground. The spaceship looked to be slightly smaller than a jumbo jet but much bigger than a fighter bomber. 

It's also a circular shape with it being specially crafted and looks sleek in design. Its color is primarily dark gold with it having a series of white lights running up and down the channels on its outer hall. It has two gray lines coming from the center of the ship with these lines connected to two wings. It had four large cylinder engines protruding from the back of it with each wing having three sizable nozzles on the underside of the wing.

On the front part of the wings and sides of the ship, there is the insignia of the Alliance. It's a bright silver A that constantly glow but the A has a black planet ,with the planet being a twelve pointed star shape, like background. As it was slowly descended to the earth below, the wings went back into the body and replaced by four legs. The ship landed with the bottom part of the ship opening up and a good bit of steam came out.

There was also a distinct humming sound coming from the ship. "While I'm happy to see again old friend, I would heavily suggest you using your own powers to delivers criminals back to H.Q." said a masculine voice. "Yeah I could have but well, I wanted to see you again. I also know that you were also out there gambling and enjoying the Omniverse's great variety of food instead of working. He also sucks at talking to women." said Zane.

Rachel shook her head as the voice laughed. "Yeah. You know me so well." said the voice. The smoke eventually cleared and Rachel saw a human standing there. The devil was pretty sure that he wasn't human being that she could sense a great power coming from her. It reminded her of Zane except with more of a radioactive feeling. The smoke eventually cleared and Rachel saw a human standing there with a smile on his face.

The devil was pretty sure that he wasn't human being that she could sense a great power coming from her. It reminded her of Zane except with more of a radioactive feeling. He looks to be one inch taller than the trio of Allen, Danny, and Kevin with him being 6 foot 3. He has a lean yet athletic figure. He has pale peach-colored skin with short spiky yet shaggy flame like hair red hair and magenta ,with aquamarine pupils, eyes. He has pointy ears and thick eagle like beak for a mouth.

His hair seemed to move through the air, literally defying gravity. He had a serious yet kind expression on his face. Unlike the Alliance agents she has seen over the year, the man wasn't wearing that. He's wearing a highly sophisticated, figure-defining jumpsuit. It's a dark blue color with silver stripes on the sides of his arms, torso, and legs. In the center of his jumpsuit, he has a gold specialized star shaped emblem on it. He wears a dark green high-collared jacket over his jump suit. 

His jacket is covering his chest and shoulders. He wears black and brown utility belt with a gold triangle gem belt buckle. He wears a blue headband tied around his forehead. He wears black boots and his shoes shows that he has three large black bird like talons for feet and three black claws for fingers.  "So Rae. Meet my friend Callum. He's a Rakrow aka a species of humanoid bird." said Zane. "Nice to meet you. So nice work in taking down Rufus." said Callum.

He walked over to Rufus who looked to have the crap beaten out of him. "We wanted to take him for a while now but there was the pesky Mud Pit of his. So let me guess. It was you who did this to him right Rae?" said Callum. "Actually, my name is Rachel. Rae is just my nickname and yeah I did. How did you know? It could have been Zane." said Rachel. "Oh. I know Zane and how brutal he can be at times mainly when it comes to criminals who steal free will. You went gentle compared to him." said Callum.

The Rakrow smiled as he said,"To Zane, that's the worst crime you could possible do to another. He doesn't like murders or rapists either but you get my point. Zane may be forgiving but he'll never forgive someone who takes away another's free will.". "I see. So do you need help with taking the prisoners onto your ship?" said Rachel. "Nope. I already did it." said Callum. Rachel saw that all of the criminals were gone with her turning to Zane. "How?" said Rachel.

Zane shrugged as he said,"What can I say? He's really fast and could give both Allen and Danny a run for their money. So do you mind convincing my grandpa and Theron not to make this a big deal? I mean I already get called spoiled and given titles that I don't deserve.". "Like we keep telling you, you do deserve the title of Shogun Zane but sure. Those two do go a bit overboard, singing your praise I admit but it's from good intentions. Have fun you two and I'll see you at the wedding." said Callum.

He was gone with Rachel looking at Zane. "So Zane. Do you mind telling me about the time you spent with the Alliance?" said Rachel. "I will Rae but not now. I want everyone in Team Maelstrom to hear this since you guys are some of the most important beings in my life. I think I can speak for the both of us when I say this. It's been a long day and it's time to rest." said Zane. "Yeah. That makes sense." said Rachel as she kissed Zane, ending their mission perfectly.   

After finishing off Rufus, the couple were back home. On the living room couch, Rachel was drifting in and out of sleep along with leaning on Zane's shoulder. Zane knew not to move her since she doesn't like to be moved when she's sleeping. Danny learned this the hard way back in middle school. It would have been Kevin but he  wasn't considered to be their friend at the time since he almost killed Karen due to her meat allergy. "Come on Rae. It's time for bed." said Zane. "I'm so tired." mumbled Rachel. 

She sounded half awake. "No really. You're tired. Colored me shocked." said Zane. "Shut up. I don't need your sexy sarcasm right now. Can we go to bed? I know that I promised you a lot but taking down Rufus was...." said Rachel. "I understand Rae. There is always the next time once we're married." said Zane. He knew that Rachel was pretty much done for the day and was going to sleep peacefully once he gets her into bed.

Rachel's face lit up a little after hearing that from him being that despite her wanting to do more things with Zane, she was exhausted. Zane had stamina and energy for days which she was jealous of but he would be there until she finally fall asleep. However, there was a problem that the devil had at this very moment. She was too tired to walk the short distance from their living room to their bedroom. Zane stood up from the couch and Rachel putting her plan into action.

She muttered out,"Oh Zaney. You really are the best and so lucky to be sleeping with the most beautiful devil.". "I think you're asleep at this point." said Zane. Zane held out his hand out for Rachel to get up but Rachel was still in a teasing mood. She held out her arms to Zane and made a noise that was a mixture of a moan and grunt. "Dummy." said Rachel. "Huh?" said Zane, looking at her and knowing what she was planning for him.

Even though she can be quite crafty, she can be rather obvious in what she wants sometimes mainly when she's drunk or sleepy in this case. "Dummy!!" said Rachel. "Sorry there Rae but I don't know why you're calling me Dummy. You know my name by now since you've screamed it in the throes of passion before." said Zane in a deadpan tone but there was a smirk on his face. "Carry me please." mumbled Rachel. "Carry me please? That doesn't sound like Dummy to me." said Zane, cupping his chin. 

Rachel lightly glared as she said,"Dummy!". "And she's getting angry now. Lets see how far I can go with this." thought Zane. "If you tell me what the magic words is, I'll do it for you my lady." said Zane with him acting like a butler. "Zaney! Please carry me!" said Rachel with her arms outstretched and sounding extremely childish. Zane shook his head back and forth with him pulling her up with a little force. 

The devil somehow sprung up with more energy and momentum than one may expected for someone who looked to be asleep. It looked like she planned for herself to be in his arms. "Thanks for catching me Zaney. You're so good at that aren't you?" said Rachel with giggling as she began playing with the bang that hung over his forehead while Zane held her like a bride. Out of everyone that he's ever had in his arms which was a lot, he would have to say that Rachel was his favorite.

Her nice frame made her inner beauty shine with her sweet scent appearing to him. He wanted to do a lot of things with her but right now, he had to be a gentleman. "I think it's time for someone to go to bed." said Zane. "Okay then. Wish you could join me but you've got so much stamina. I'm so freaking jealous." said Rachel in a depressed tone. As Zane made the quick journey to their bedroom, Rachel was leaning on Zane's shoulder for support. "Zaney." said Rachel. "Is something wrong?" said Zane. 

Rachel was half awake at this point as she said,"You mean a lot to me and the others.". "Uh. I know that. You guys tell me that every single day I have a depressing thought." said Zane. "Well yeah but I think you're the most special to me!" said Rachel with her kissing his right cheek. Zane placed her on the bed as she said,"Thanks Zaney. I love you so much.". "Really? You love me. I’m shocked but the fact that you’ve been kissing me every five seconds since we left gave me a clue." said Zane.

The devil punched him in his chest as she said,"I told you to stop with the sarcasm.". "Nah. I don’t feel like it since I know how much you love it." said Zane, smiling. Upon touching the bed, she pulled the covers over herself and forgetting about Zane for a second upon placing her down on the bed. Zane sat on the bed next to her with him holding out his left arm and Rachel grabbed onto the limb like it was her favorite pillow or stuffed animal.

Rachel was drifting between the realm of dreams and the realm of reality, barely speaking. "Why are you the way you are?" mumbled Rachel who was very close to passing out but something was on her mind. "Why am I what?" said Zane, pecking her on the cheek. "Being such a reckless yet sweet jerk all the time." said Rachel. "Harsh but go on. I love hearing you praise me. It's really nice to hear all the time Rae." said Zane. 

The devil looked at him as she said,"You’re always teasing me and fawning on me every chance you get! And I really enjoy it. You always know what buttons of mine to push and even though I may not like having people see me as the princess and next ruler of an entire clan of devil, I like when you do it for me. You always put up this face of strength and confidence so you can keep helping others but I know that you're the type of guy who goes all out in order to protect what he holds dear.".

She took a deep breath as she said,"However, you can't ignore the fact that you're the one in pain and need of help. You may be a superhero Zane but you don't need to be a hero all the time. I worry about you especially when I see you injured. You may be the most loyal, kind, charming, strong, and confident guy but well, you can be a real dummy sometimes. I really hate how you always swoop and saving people left and right all the day because that's how I fell for you.".

Rachel smiled as she said,"I don't want anyone to fall for you but I know that you don't plan on people falling for you.". The devil was rambling at this point.  "Rachel. You're not wrong about me at all since I'm not invincible. Nothing in the Omniverse is but I do this to impress you." said Zane. "Seriously Zane?! You act like a reckless dummy to impress me. Do you really think that works on me?! I’m pouring my heart out to you and that’s what you tell me!" said Rachel with a faint blush on her.

Zane chuckled as he said,"I don't know but I want to be someone that people can depend on and be there for you in times of need. That’s what my family was like for me growing up even after everything that happened to them. I admire that a lot back then. I guess I got a really big hero complex huh.". "You really do Zane but can you promise me something Zane?" said Rachel. "Is it a pinkie promise? Or an advanced pinkie promise?" said Zane.

He looked at his free hand as he said,"I know that there is no such thing as an advanced pinkie promise but you tell that to Uriel.". "It is an advanced pinkie promise you dummy. Promise me that you'll try to stay safe. I do see you as a person to rely on but I don't want to lose you either. It’s one of my biggest nightmares after all. We've been together since we were nine years old and have been through so much in that time. Every since that day, I've been having crazy nightmares." said Rachel. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"You have? Why didn’t you tell me? I know that this is weird for me to say since I don't say anything about my problems but you're usually pretty good about telling me what's wrong.". "I didn’t want you or the others to worry about me plus I was more worried about you. You have a bad dream almost every time you close your eyes. My nightmare is not being there with you because you’ve died protecting me or someone else." said Rachel.

She began crying a bit as she said,"I can’t stop you from protecting people but I don’t want you to die either. Please stay safe okay? I can’t lose my heroic dummy.". "Of course. You’re not getting rid of me that easy and don’t you forget it Rae." said Zane as he didn't want to hurt the woman he loved the most in the Omniverse due to him being a stupid idiot. "Okay. I love you with all my...." said Rachel before finally falling asleep. "I feel the same." said Zane, kissing Rachel on the cheek.

This is one of the ways on how to seal an advanced pinkie promise. The other way ,that’s between the couple, is a kiss on the lips but Rachel was too tired for a more passionate kiss right now. Zane smiled as he admired how beautiful Rachel can be even when she's asleep since she makes a slight whimper and how adorable that is. Zane began gently rubbing her side to help ease her to sleep which was faster than normal. 

Zane smiled as he watched the woman he would live for fall asleep after such an intense day.  She was really too good for some like him. "And now that she's asleep. I think I can get in some quick training before she wakes up." thought Zane. He tried to get out of bed but Crisis Judgement went off. A pair of arms wrapped around his neck and yanked him back down, making Zane's face connect with Rachel's breasts. "Okay. I'm not against this at all." thought Zane. 

He looked up to see a pouting Rachel with puffed up cheeks and puppy dog eyes. "So I thought that you were asleep." said Zane as his mouth was covered by his breasts. "I was but then my Zaney bear was going to leave me! You can't just leave your beautiful wife in bed all alone, you know!" whined Rachel loudly. Zane tried to get out of her cleavage with the hero doing that eventually. "Sorry Rae but well, I need to get some training in and you need to get some sleep. We're also not married yet." said Zane. 

Rachel grumbled before letting him go. "Fine but you have until I count to a hundred!" said Rachel. The Cross Species began to move toward his typical training room but before he could leave the bed, the devil began counting loudly. "1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9!" said Rachel.  "You need to go much slower Rae!" said Zane. "10! 20! 30!" said Rachel. "And now, you're just counting by ten! Go back and do it again but slower and in Pig Latin!" said Zane. 

The devil giggled as she said,"40! 50! 60! 70! 80! 90!". "Fine! I'll be back in bed with you in a....." said Zane. "100! Zaney Bear! Come back to bed! Your devil is getting lonely!" whined Rachel as she was moving around in the sheets. "I'm literally in front of you." said Zane with his arms crossed. "Zaney Bear! Come on!" whined Rachel. "Good grief." thought Zane as he loudly sighed and looked at the devil. "Do you really like being mean to me? I thought you loved me and...." said Rachel. 

Within seconds, Zane got onto the bed and smiled. He began punishing her with the combo of tickles and noogies. "Owie! Please stop doing that Zaney! I'm sorry!" said Rachel. With a light flick to the nose, Zane looked at her. "I love you Rae but don't act like Wolfram. I love the little guy but he can be so needy sometimes. You're both adorable so I can't be too mad at either of you for too long." said Zane with a smile. As she rubbed her head due to the noogies, Zane pulled her in for a close hug. 

Rachel looked up at Zane's smile. "Don't be sad Rae. I like how much you love me more than Wolfram does since you have boobs and he doesn't. I hope. Don't know too much about Phantom animal biology yet." said Zane. "I think you're rambling again." said Rachel. "And that's a bad thing?" said Zane. "Not at all but if you're going on on, I need to do this." said Rachel as she wanted a kiss from him. Zane did this without a fight as the two kissed. 

The devil's mouth allowed her fiancé's tongue access to the inside of her mouth. A soft whimper escaped her lips as their kiss got more intense. After removing her mouth from his, Rachel looked at him and she smiled. "Guess what Zane?" said Rachel. "What is it my beloved wife?" said Zane. With a big smirk on her face, Rachel pounced him and nuzzled his face in a catlike manner. "I love you and I need to be with you forever!" said Rachel. 

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"I can easily figure that out Rae since you screamed to the heavens when you... Oh. I get it. You just keeping being you and I'll keep bein me.". "That's a good boy. You deserve a special reward for being such a good boy." said Rachel as she hugged him and got ready for him to do something that she had been thinking about for their entire all day date. Rachel rested her body against Zane's with her using his chest as a pillow. "Can I be a little selfish here Zaney?" said Rachel.

She looked up at him with a smile on her face. "Haven't you been doing that since we got home my devil?" muttered Zane. This comment would have earned him a punch or kiss ,with the latter being the more common of the two, but the devil was too tired for either option right now. "Can I cuddle with Zara? I mean we've cuddle a lot today and before so I think it's only fair that we cuddle as girls..." said Rachel. 

On her face, she had on a smile that would anyone fall head over heels in love to this incredibly sexy and amazing woman. "Sure. I don't mind at all." said Zane. "Thank you. I really love every single part of you." said Rachel. Within a second, Zara appeared and she smiled. Within seconds, Rachel put her breasts against Zara's. "So do you mind if you stay like this for the rest of the night? I need a good night sleep." said Rachel with her smiling at the Cross Species. 

Astaroth smirked as she said,"So did you see this coming or what partner?". "I won't confirm or deny that I did but I know for a fact that you're not going to be against this right?" said Zara. Rachel ,with her being barely awake at this point, started to hug and cuddle up to Zara with her said in her sleep,"You're so soft. Rae Rae likes a lot.". She began rubbing her head into Zara's massive rack. Zara shook her head in amusement with her kissing her forehead. "Good night Rachel. I love you." whispered Zara.

Even though she didn't need to sleep, she decided to rest her eyes. As the sun was slowing rising over Cypress Park's horizon, the first rays of light shined across the city. People were slowly waking up and getting themselves ready to start another day. A light breeze blew through the city, carrying with it the scent of the sea. One of Cypress Park's inhabitant aka a rooster decided to crow out the welcome from a brand new day. This simple serenade bothered a being with hyper hearing. 

From her home, Zara released a "small" burst of Empyrean Will and killer intent all over Cypress Park in an instant. This burst only effected that annoying bird who passed out ,with it looking rather pale, and fall to the ground with foam coming out of its mouth. This confused the nearby farmers and animals who were slightly thankful for the rooster shutting its mouth. This sound caused Zara to wake up from her slumber and she growled. 

With a single eye open, Zara muttered out,"Annoying bunch of feathers. You totally had it coming.". "I would say that was a stupid use of Empyrean Will but that bird had it coming." said Astaroth. "You really do make a good wingman Astaroth. So mind helping me convincing Rae to let me go back to being male or what?" said Zara as she saw several rays of sunlight streaming in through the window. "I would but she would kill me if I took away her favorite pillows." said Astaroth.

The devil like creature smiled as he said,"And yes Zara. I know what I said. I may be technically dead to begin with but Rae would find a way to kill me.". "That's true. She really hates whenever her pillow is taken from her. So did she do anything to my body while I was sleeping?" said Zara. "And what if she did?" said Astaroth. "Just curious is all. I'm not against it." said Zara, shrugging. "Just look down and you'll get your answer." said Astaroth. 

Zara turned to the sleeping Rachel with the sight of the peaceful looking girl made her smile. She could pick up the adorable sounds of breathing coming from her and with ease, she moved some of her hair from her face. As the light hit her hair, it began to glow like fire and it reminded Zane of her fiery temper. "She really does look cute whenever she's awake or sleep. I'm so happy for her. I think she did a good job at making the All Day Date perfect." said Zara. 

Astaroth nodded as he said,"Yeah. You helped too and don't you forget. Still, I wonder what she thinks about you.". "We could find out by reading her mind." said Zara with a giggle. "Okay but whenever she finds out we did this, I'm totally throwing you under the bus." said Astaroth. "You can do that partner but well, she'll side with me since I got that technique and you don't." said Zara with a smirk. "That may be true but we'll just have to wait and see." said Astaroth.

Zara placed her right pinky finger on Rachel's head and began reading the devil's mind. "Oh Zane. I love you so much but Zara. She's just amazing especially her boobies." thought Rachel. She began nuzzling against Zara's breasts which were soft, round, and squishy. Said devil began letting out a sound that reminded Zara of a cat purring. "Her boobs feel so soft and tranquilizing like a warm hug after a long day of studying and being apart from my one true life." thought Rachel as she purred louder. 

The Cross Species removed her finger from Rachel's forehead and she smiled. "So if she wasn't a devil Astaroth, do you think she would be a good bakeneko?" said Zara. "Yeah she really would. I wonder if we could convince her to switch species on us." said Astaroth. "Maybe if we uses my girls, we just might be able to." said Zara. The duo talked for a while as Rachel slowly woke up. The first thing she saw was something between her eyes. "Oh my goddess!" said Rachel as her face was crimson red. 

She was looking over the woman whose figure is easily the most beautiful she has ever seen and held a luscious elegance to it. Her lips were parted in a smile with Rachel wondering if she wouldn't mind if she kissed them. Before she could continue that thought, she noticed that her hand was still holding onto Zara's left breast and began slowly taking her hand off the well-developed chest. "I think it's time for you to tease the teaser partner." said Astaroth.

Hearing that, Zara formed an evil smile on her face and she said,"Good idea Astaroth.". "Oh Rae. How about you just leave your hand right there while I do this." said Zara as her eyes had an air of mischief to them. The Cross Species poked the devil in one of her erogenous zone aka her bellybutton and this woke her up. Rachel turned her head to Zara who smiled at her. "While I may love you a lot, I don't like being touched in that way." said Rachel with a pout on her face. 

The Cross Species rolled her eyes as she said while licking her lips in a seductive manner,"And that's a lie if I've ever one. So do you want to go a round with little old me before I go back to being the man of your dream?". "No! I mean I want to but...." said Rachel with her face was redder than a tomato. "You want to take this slow huh? I'm shocked since you wanted to do Zane just after he saved you from Blaze." said Zara. She walked toward Rachel with the Cross Species kissing the devil's neck.

These kisses made the devil purred like a cat. "Oh wow. You made her purred with kisses. I mean you did the same with your bazoombas earlier. Color me impressed." said Astaroth. "Well, I have the ability to seduce men and women like you can. I just tend to specifically in women. I'm doing this for a specific reason." said Zara. "Which is?" said Astaroth"Convince Rachel to do some training obvious. I really want to increase her fighting prowess." said Zara. 

Astaroth sighed as he said,"Sure but do you mind if I ask her? You're a sadist when it comes to training and she's scared of you going too far even though she knows why.". "Thanks for being that for me partner." said Zane. "No problem. We may be partners Zane but I'm not a sadist like you are." said Astaroth. "Okay but please make sure that she becomes stronger but first things first...." said Zara with Rachel blushing heavily.

While Zara was talking to Astaroth, she was moving her hands across Rachel's body. "You should be happy Rae. Astaroth managed to convince me to let me train you a bit before we go meet up with the others. He is such a nice guy isn't he?" said Zara. "Yes! Now please let them go." said Rachel as Zara's hands were on her breasts. "And you're lying again Rae. You love my hands on them don't you?" said Zara. 

Rachel glared at her as she thought,"You may be a sadist when it comes to training and now you're a sadist when it comes to groping me!". "That may be true but I'm proud of it. So do you miss the male me or did your favorite version of me change?" said Zara with a grin. "I like both genders equally but I miss male you." said Rachel with her pouting her cheeks out in annoyance at losing Zara. The Cross Species could tell that Rachel was going to miss her pillows but she had an idea.

Within a second, Zara turned back into Zane with the male playfully poking the pouting Rachel on her cute nose. "I know that you miss her but don't worry. You'll see her again." said Zane. "Fine but she better come back soon. I miss her now." said Rachel with her crossing her chest with her arms. "I miss you too Rae but soon, we'll have our fun times once again!" said Zane with him changing his voice to match Zaras. "I love you." said Rachel. 

After switching his voice back to normal, Zane looked at her. "Okay. I'm well aware of that but why did you fall for Zara so fast? I mean we're the same being but usually, you don't fall in love with something that fast. That's more my thing. I don't mind this side of you Rae but I'm honestly curious about it." said Zane. Before Rachel could say anything, Zane's phone rang and he walked toward it. He held it up and it had an interesting symbol covering the phone's main screen.

The background was black and red with a gold twelve pointed star in the center of the background. There was a slime like creature and it reminded Zane of his slime like form. It wasn't the Slime Form that comes from his watch but its creator Parker instead. It was shaped like a rain droplet and like an oval. It was a royal blue color with two round storm gray eyes and his smile looked sinister unlike Zane's which has been goofy. 

It had a dragon like tail with the end of it having lightning bolts coming out of it. Most people would have gotten rid of it due to it looking rather creepy looking and considered to be nothing more than a bug. However, Zane's phone is extremely advanced and makes supercomputers look like joke. Zane picked it up and he sighed. "Is something wrong Zane?" said a voice. He turned around to Rachel all clothed. 

She wanted to answer Zane's question but with how fast he answered his phone, this phone call seemed rather important. "It's nothing. Just someone texting me aka the prison. Let just say that Adrian isn't too happy about me changing his maid back to normal." said Zane. "Okay then. So are you ready to go? The others are waiting for us at the Velvet Spoon." said Rachel. "Yeah but I've to meet you there since I need to do something important first." said Zane.

Rachel looked at him with her seeing his signature fire behind his eyes. This fire has been called the flame of rebellion since nothing would take it out. If it gets hit with a powerful gust of wind, it wouldn't be destroyed no matter what. Any attempt to take this flame out, it would only make it stronger. "Okay then. I bet you'll be late since being Zero never ends." said Rachel. Zane nodded as Rachel left the room and the Cross Species sighed. "Lets do this." said Zane with him teleporting away.

Later at Velvet Spoon, Danny was sitting there at a table with him whistling loudly. "Um Danny." said Leo. He turned to see the rest of Team Maelstrom except for Zane looking at him. "What?" said Danny as he stopped whistling. "I know that you're worried about Zane but I'm sure he'll be just fine. So for the love of the gods, stop whistling." said Jordan. "Yeah. Wolfram's hearing can't handle it and I'm sure if Zane was here, he couldn't either." said Lynx.

Wolfram looked at them with him saying,"I'm fine Lynx. Thanks for worrying about me. My hearing isn't strong as masters so your whistling don't hurt that much. My hearing only hits a little bit.". "It's weird to hear you talk with your mouth instead of your mind by the way. I know that our lives haven't been normal for a while now and I should be used to it but I'm not." said Kevin. "Same mate." said Allen. "Sometimes you two. So where is Zane? He's ninety minutes late." said Sly.

Efren nodded as he said,"Yeah. I think we would know if Captain is out there fighting against a bad guy and well, I'm mad at you Rachel.". "Um why?" said Rachel. "You fought against an entire clan of devils without us and more importantly, me! I missed the first time you guys did this so I really wanted to join this time around!" said Efren. "While I do think Efren's reason is a tad bit selfish, I have to agree that challenging one of the five devil clans just the two of you is stupid." said Gwen. 

She and the rest of the group heard about the couple's adventure from Rachel with Allen and Danny being impressed by how much stronger Rachel has gotten with her Ardor. "I have to agree with Gwen Rae but at the same time. It sounds like, you two had a fun date over all." said Heidi. "Yeah! I mean you two have been planned the date for almost a year now and your guys wedding is coming up too. I'm really excited for it." said Leo. 

With a smug look on his face, Kevin said,"And I'm one of the groomsmen and not one of you guys. I bet you're really jealous.". "You lucky jerk. Why aren't I the other best man for captain/master instead of him?" grumbled Efren and Wolfram respectively. Allen felt the same as these two but slightly less than them due to him being happy just to be invited to the wedding. "You guys do know that it wasn't an easy decision for them right?" said Sly.  

The Lazmond looked at the two as she said,"She's right. Danny and Kevin are considered to be Zane's two closest male friends outside of his brothers of course.". "I know that but still." said Efren with him sulking. "She's right Efren. Even though you're the newest member of Team Maelstrom, you clearly understand Zane and his history better than I did when I first joined. You also understand the Omniverse better than the rest of us so that's impressive in its own right." said Allen.

Efren nodded as he said,"Yeah. I've barely explored it before I was captured and detained in Dark Haven.". "You do remember that I was in stasis for a long time right but thanks you guys. Did your team's form because of the Domination game?" said Lynx. "That's what the Alliance says it is Lynx but to us, it started way back against the Meat Baron with me, Gwen, and Zane." said Danny as Gwen nodded and smiled at that memory since it was one of her favorite memory.

The bar's door opened as the group turned to see Zane standing there. The very first thing the group noticed that Zane had a different hair cut that they were used to seeing on him. His black hair ,with red tips, was shorted to a very distinct looking like style. It was not your typical shonen anime protagonist hair cut aka the trope of Shonen Hair. If you need a visual example of Zane's new hair cut, I have some examples for you. 

We have Nero's haircut from Devil May Cry 5Aang's hair from Avatar: The Last Airbender Book Three before the Day of the Black SunZoro's haircut from One Piece, and Zuko's haircut from Avatar: The Last Airbender Book Two before he gets the shaggy look. I hope these examples did a good job at showing off what Zane's hair looks like. It still had its wild look to it with his hair no longer covering his neck and exposing his neck tattoo. 

He has his single bang which hangs over the left side of his forehead and this bang is a red color. "Hey there you guys. Sorry I'm late." said Zane. "Dude. I've never seen your hair this short before ever." said Danny as he walked over to Zane. "Yeah. I decide to get it cut since it was time for a change and it was around my shoulders." said Zane. "Captain. I think it looks great on you." said Efren. "I agree with Efren!" said Wolfram as he went over to Zane to give him for a headpat.  

Danny put his arm around Zane's neck as he said,"I think this is a good change for you. So Rae told us that you are going to tell us about your year with the Alliance, you ready to spill the beans? We won't force you too if you're uncomfortable.". "Yep. I asked three of my friends I made there to help. One of them is going to be here in a few minutes since it takes a while for her to leave Ezlario or to be more specific, her apartment." said Zane. "And the other two?" said Heidi.

The door opened as they heard a reserved heavenly feminine voice say,"I can't believe we managed to be late to our very important meeting sister. Couldn't inhibit yourself huh?". "Oh shut up! I know for a fact, we would have been late regardless and not because of my stomach!" said a aggressive yet heavenly voice. A pair of heels taping across the floor were present among the bickering as the group except for Zane turned their head toward the door. 

Walking toward them were a set of female twins ,around their age, heading toward them. Both twins look to be around five foot eight. They both had a petite yet curvy frame with the girl on the right having a bit more muscle than the girl on the left.  They both have a noticeable yet whimsical appeal about them. They both have porcelain like skin with a rosy blush on their face and piercing gold eyes. If their eye color wasn't obvious enough, neither of them were normal humans. 

They both have purple hair with them being different shades of purple. The girl on the right has shoulder red-violet hair. She has part of her hair tied in a braided ponytail on the right side of her head and resting on her right shoulder. It's held thanks to a golden skull shaped hairclip. She's wearing a black satiny blouse with the front of it being a royal blue color and the section of her blouse that's a royal blue color forms the letters T and Y. 

She's wearing a pair of royal blue jeans and brown boots that got to the middle of her calves. She wears a white wool scarf that cover her neck. Over her left arm, she's wearing an armband with a metal yin symbol on it. The girl on the left has long ,about to the tip of her scapula, heliotrope magenta hair. Her bangs cover her left eye and the left half of her forehead. Unlike the girl on the right, she is wearing a faint layer of makeup. 

It came in the form of makeup over her eyes, lips, and cheeks. Her lips are a ruby red color. She's wearing a black long-sleeved trendy velvet sundress with several gold cats and white crescent moons decorating the dress. Her dress go past her knees. She is wearing a bracelet with a metal yang symbol on her right arm. She's wearing silver high heeled Mary Jane shoes that had a butterfly like style to them that don't actually raise her height up. 

The girl on the left is wearing a silver circlet around her head and there was a gold "TY" in the center of the circlet. The girl on the left is wearing small, gold earrings. Over all, these two look straight out of a fantasy story. The girl on the left wore a gold necklace with the roman numeral "XV" on it and the girl on the right wore a gold necklace with the Roman numeral "XVI" on it. The one on the right had a angry look on her face with her arms crossed and the one on the left has a calm looking smirk.

Both of them stopped next to Zane with the calm one smiling at Zane. "Sorry we're late Zane. My dear sister was distracted by this cupcake in the window of a nearby bakery." said the calm one aka the twin on the left. "It's fine you two. I know how both you and Celina love your sweets mainly Celina." said Zane. "Hey! Don't blame me entirely for us being late Zane! Izola called those sweeters absolutely scrumptious and her mouth watered." said Celina. 

Izola shrugged as she said,"I won't deny that at all but I only stare at the confectionary for five minutes compared to your ten.". Before Celina could say anything, Zane stopped her. "It's fine. I think you two should introduce yourself while I check on the other one's ETA." said Zane, looking at his phone and waited for a reply. "That's understandable given her personality. Hello Team Maelstrom. It’s nice to meet all of you. I've seen all of you and your strong connection to Zane." said Izola, bowing to them.

Celina smiled as she said,"Yep and if you all managed to hurt him in a serious way, I would have no problem in breaking you into pieces.". "Nice to meet you both. So how do you two know Zane?" said Heidi. "Oh. Our relationship to Zane is built off the relationship he made with my master. He's also the man we believe will defeat Skull Plague and has earned our love." said Izola with Celina blushing but she agreed. "Hold on Zane. You charmed another girl?! And they're twins?!" said Kevin. 

Zane looked at his friend with him shrugging. "I think you of all beings would know that he's very good at that mate. It's probably one of his family's special gifts. It's both of a blessing and curse despite it being more of the former than the latter to most guys." said Allen. "What he said and well, I doubt you would want that power Kevin." said Sly with Kevin sulking. "I guess I have a lot to tell you guys so lets begin." said Zane.

Next time, 
Who are Celina? Who is the other being that Zane wants the others to meet? What happened in the year Zane was working for the Alliance? Will Rufus return or has his pride been destroyed by the couple of  Rachel and Zane? Will there be another episode on this length again? This and more next time on Zero!  

What Zane is saying with his spells: Liasada is spoken but when cast, it's written in runes. I have a ruin translation website. To see what it’s written in runes, type the spell in English into this generator that’s lined here https://www.vikingrune.com/rune-converter.
1. English: Destroy the being whose took away several being's freewill right now. Die! Liasada: Katastrépste to on pou tou afaírese tin elefthería pollón ónton aftí ti stigmí. Kaloúpi!
2. English: Increase the power of my attack! Liasada: Afxíste ti dýnami tis epíthesís mou!

Rufus's seven bodyguards:
Aurelio, Cicada, Cicatrix, Glenn, Lidox, Specter Samurai aka Shiegki Kawada, and Tulbur.

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