Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Zero Episode 145 An all day date with the woman you love Section 3 (Written on December 15 2021) (Uncompleted due to Rewrite/Reboot)

This post is a part of Zero Episode 145 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Episode 145. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

Rachel looked at Zane with her seeing if Zane was joking but he wasn't. "Okay." said Rachel, closing her eyes. Even though she couldn't see what was going with Zane, she heard Zane kissing her forehead and heading toward the bedroom. She then heard a few thumps coming up from the bedroom. "Is everything going alright in there Zaney?" said Rachel. "Yep. I'm just decided on what to wear for you Rae. Your eyes better be closed." said Zane's voice. 

His voice was coming from inside of her head. "They are. Don't worry your cute head about it." said Rachel with her giggling. "I can and I will worry about that Rae." said Zane's voice. About five minutes later, Rachel heard Zane's voice in her head,"Okay then Rae. You can open your eyes. Zara is ready for her debut.". The devil opened her eyes and her eyes widened upon seeing what was standing in front of her. 

In front of the devil, there was a woman standing there. It was obvious to the devil princess that she was no ordinary woman given that she radiates both beauty and strength. Her beauty was something that you could see on the front cover of a modeling magazine. This magazine would feature not mortals but of angels and goddess instead. From what Rachel could tell, this empress in front of her was the real Zara without any doubt.

She's six foot three, one hundred ninety centimeters, or seventy-five inches. She was still shorter than Zane by only seven centimeters/3 inches. With this in mind, Zara is easily one of the tallest woman Rachel has ever seen. The only other woman who was taller than the Cross Species was Liv. This is Zara's height without heels mind you. Her skin is alabaster white. It looked to be absolutely flawless with it showing no sign of any acne, body hair, or scars which Zane had plenty of the latter. 

Too much if you're asking most people but that only adds to Zane's charm according to Rachel. Unlike the previous versions of Zara before her, she looks to be more of a American woman rather than a Japanese woman. The pale skin may screamed one nationality but the lack of an epicanthic fold say another wise. She has long ,going down to her lower back, wavy voluminous black hair. Like Zane, she has a single bang hanging over the left side of her forehead.

Like Zane, she has a different color for her bang. It wasn't the natural cinnabar red color that Zane had for his bang. Zara's bang is a teal ombre color.  The tips of her hair were still black rather than a teal ombre color. It has a nice raspberry scent to it with it looking well mainted. It looked to be incredibly silky where you could run your hair through it and wouldn’t tangle at all. It went down her back like a waterfall. Her hair looked perfect paired with her feminine face.

Speaking of her face, it has a noticeable feminine allure to it. Her face gives off the appearance of a classical beauty, drawing others in with just a single glance. Its shape is similar to a heart. She has a small, very adorable button nose. She has a slim chin with an jaw that ends in a perfectly pointed curved and has high, prominent cheekbones. Zara has a slim, swan-like neck that holds up her head. She doesn't look to have too much make-up on her face with her going for a somewhat natural look.

It makes her beauty shine compared to someone who uses too much makeup. She has beautiful storm gray ,almond shaped, eyes that have an alluring quality to them and practically shined with power. Their beauty wouldn't go unnoticed and like Zane's eyes, they could easily pierce the coldest of hearts. It may not be obvious but like with Zane, her left eye is a prosthetic. At this exact moment, she had a hint of mischief, smugness, and kindness in them. 

Looking at Zara's eyes, Rachel was reminded of Zane's eyes. She has long and noticeable eyelashes that only accentuated her features. Her eyelashes fluttered with each blink and looked to be quite captivating to look at. She has a pair of perfectly arched eyebrows, looking rather thin. They looked to be pristine plucked by a professional. She has soft, full luscious lips with them currently in a playful yet confident smile.

She had the exact type of lips that a model would dream to have and looked to be a perfect cupid bow. It wasn't cartoonishly large like someone who had injected too much collagen injected into them. On her lips, she is wearing shiny burgundy colored lipstick which tasted like grapes if kissing them. Her lips were closed and they hid her two rows of pearly white teeth. Her teeth would sparkle if seen in just the right light.

Like with Zane, Rachel was sure that Zara's smile had the ability to captivate the hearts of men, women, and every gender in between. Her smile would have the power to melt ice due to how warm it is. She has a beauty mark or amole in the exact same spot as Zane aka under her right eye. Without any doubt to anyone, Zane's silhouette screamed to the Omniverse that she was a bombshell who is a goddess in both beauty and battle.

It may look like she's nothing more than a walking wet dream for both genders mainly males rather than women. However, she is actually the epitome of feminine beauty. Her body measurements are B125-W63-120 (centimeters) or B37-W23-H35 (inches). Yes. She has measurements that slapped the face of science directly. She has a very clear and noticeable hourglass figure with her having a lean yet athletic figure. It’s what most women ,mainly celebrities, wish they could have.

Her body is both taut and has distinct curves. Her spine is curved forward, accentuate her curves. Her curves alone would put most supermodels to shame and would make them look flat in comparison despite them not being that. She's not too big or thin. While she may curves for days, she could easily break you in two with ease thanks to her noticeable muscles. Due to her height, she had a set of longer than average arms and legs.

In a similar manner to how Zane favors speed over strength during a fight, her long limbs do just that and just show that she's a tall girl. Her muscle tone is most visible on both her arms and legs which is due to her training her body to surpass any limits that she may have. She has quite strong yet graceful limbs with thin yet somehow toned shoulders. Her arms have elegant feminine muscle on them and her hands were noticeable as well.

The woman's fingers were long and slender, delicate and refine like the hands of royalty. They had some roughness to them but it’s barely noticeable. Zara's touch was delicate and careful as a small petal in a thunderstorm. Both her fingernails and toenails look like they just gotten filed at the salon earlier. She has rose red colored nails. They have a natural gloss to them and the tip of the nail was painted snow white, giving them a French tip.

Her nails looked to be perfectly smooth and have a lean polish to them. Like Zane, her right arm was a prosthetic. She has a slim, waspish waist and her waist showed off her figure. It looked more fitting for a model than a warrior. She has a noticeable eight pack with the hardness of someone who spends their time making sure that they’re in tip top shape. They were light but noticeable, given her a good look of muscle. 

She also has a S-Line which is a real thing mind you. The only fat that she has on her body is either for her curves or in all reality, it’s muscles. The muscles ,upon touch, feel like steel but still soft. All of her muscles ,like Zane, look to be toned and compacted. She has a beautiful line running down the middle below her breasts and meeting at her toned naval. Like with Zane’s abs, you could totally grind meat off them off those abs. It could break a large fist upon impact as several criminals learned the hard way.

Zara's slim waist flowed perfectly into her lissome, long, and sensually legs. Her legs look to have been toned by exercise, sculpted by the gods, and look to go on for miles. Like her legs, Zara's hips were divine. It looked to be perfect for bearing children. They would make any women who sees them jealous beyond belief. Like her lips, it didn’t look distorted or cartoonish but all natural. Their hips is quite seductive to see in action.

After her hips, her thighs were the next thing Rachel admired. They looked to be rather plush and juicy that would have driven others mad in order to see them in the nude but had noticeable muscles in them. Her Amazonian thighs could be used for a pillow to sleep on whenever they're not in use. It made Rachel's thick and plush thighs look flat in comparison when that wasn't the case. Her calves were slim yet shapely as well.

She has dainty and prominent ankles with them in a permanent arch, being perfect for heels. Her ankles made it easy to point her toes like a ballerina. Her feet were smooth and well defined in every nuanced curve. The upper soles of her feet were dipped for a royal posture. The size of her breasts looked to be something that shouldn't exist in reality but here they are. Her eye-catching bust size would make most girls jealous for a moment before thinking about it for a moment.

Due to how big she was up front, she will have back pain as she gets older. That is something that will happen when it comes to having big boobs. Due to her muscular body, her breasts look to be boobs of steel. Her breasts were bigger than most women which included Rachel's as well. The devil's chest had been stated by Efren to be the most curvy member of Team Maelstrom. If you're curious, Sly is the flattest member and the Akostar wasn’t too happy about that little comment from him.

This resulted in Efren being kicked in the face really hard and sent flying much to the amusement of Wolfram. Despite being the most busty member of Team Maelstrom, the devil's chest would be considered flat compared to her. If you're curious, Rachel's body measurements are B93-W58-H90 in centimeters or B37-W23-H35 in inches. She has an hourglass figure and is an D-Cup so the more you know. Zara's breasts looked to be an extra means of storage.

Rachel was sure that Zara did mainly because this something that she does mainly to tease her lover. It also look to be a set of pillows and an extra degree of protection due to how soft yet firm they are. They swelled from her torso like mountains and stood out from her body. However despite their size, her breasts were not bigger than the size of her head. Her breasts were spherical in shape with them being both firm and bouncy.

Her breasts look to be two large bowling balls placed against each other. Their size would make some watermelons and possibly a jackfruit to shame with how big they are. Her breasts look to be enough to overwhelm any normal sized hands that could get a chance to grab them. Those with giant hands could grab onto them but well, they won't be holding on to them for too long before they get broken or cut clean off.

The size of her breasts looked to be impossible to hide no matter what she wore since their size defy physics itself in terms of her. Her breasts is a mixture of fat and muscles. Unlike Kevin, Rachel couldn't tell what Zara's cup size is and doesn't have a name for each cup size like he does. Rachel wondered how Heidi deals with that part of Kevin. If Kevin saw Zara's breasts, he would easily compare her assists to a beautiful treasure. She has a large F-Cup.

All the devil knew is that they were big and you could see them belong to a porn star but not a natural pair. It would only be possible with them thanks to silicone. It should be sagging at least a little bit thanks to dear old gravity but nope, her breasts seemly defy that pesky force of nature. It may be due to her having the ability to manipulate gravity or maybe just genetics. The world may never know. Due to her height, her breasts looked oddly fitting to say the least. 

This impressive bust would be possible on more plus sized women. Finishing off her curves, she had an ass and what an ass she had. It's heart shaped and it would make any woman ,ranging from young or old, extremely jealous upon taking a single glance at it.  It’s filled with both fat and muscle. It would still attract an eye or two and no matter whatever she wore over it, it would be obvious that she had a ass. Her hips would also sway due to it. 

The clothing that she's wearing right now looks to be a feminine version of Zane's current attire.

She was wearing something that would look stylish to others but it would be comfortable to her. She's wearing a black racerback waistcoat vest. It looks similar to the one that Zane wears due to it have a closet pocket on each side. She has her cellphone ,being the exact same as Zane's, resting in her vest's left pocket of her side pocket. It has dark gray piping and and has a stylized logo emblazoned in the center of the strap covering her back.

It's a thulian pink color and looks to form a "Z" shape. She wears a fuchsia long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows and has a v-neck, exposing her amazing cleavage. It also exposes her bra rather well.  Zara's bra is a black bikini style sports bra with white frills. It does a great job in covering her breasts and snugly push them together, creating cavernous cleavage. At the center of her bra, there is a little dragon holding the two cups together. 

Her bra was accented by a pink band and had black webbing lace strings criss crossing over her cleavage. It would make her breasts look like they were in jail for being too sexy. Her bra was holding her girls nicely in place with it being made for more active women like a sports bra and those with larger than normal breasts. It wasn't struggling to hold them either. Her shirt has dark gray stripes going down the sides and trimming.

The tank top has a molten gold stylized fleur-de-lis/seven leaf clover emblem on it. The fleur-de-lis having a strong black outline around it. This fleur-de-like has a black "X" design behind it.  The word "Goddess" was written under it and was a carmine red color. The sleeves of her shirt had compression sleeves sewn into them. Like Zane, she usually going overboard in her training.  She's wearing grayish black denim/plaid bellbottom jeans that make her sexy, shapely legs stick out.

Her pants sides has a white criss cross pattern to it. Her pants look to have silver kneepads stitched into it. She wears the Z.E.R.O. Armor belt which looks the exact same but more feminine.  She’s wearing a pair of obsidian black flat sandals with white criss-crossing white stripes and exposes her toes. For accessories, she wears Zane’s signature ring on her left index finger. She has also Zane’s Enigma Talisman on her right wrist and Zane’s Z.E.R.O. watch on the same wrist. 

She wears a dark gray wristband on her left wrist. This band is used to suppressed her aura and power from others. It also has two glass beads with a visible molten gold "Hero” written in kanji in the center of the two beads. She wears small platinum diamond teardop earrings which look similar to a Zenith Sphere. They look quite fashionable and bold in terms of their appearance but they don't stick out. She does have a belly button piercing with a small platinum diamond stud. 

Her earrings are a different version of the Galaxy Phones if you're curious. She’s wearing a black ,with a cherry red ribbon stitched all the way around and tied in the front in a little white bow, mini hat. This is because she finds it cute. No other reason. To match her little hat, she wears a black ,with a tiny cherry red and white bowtie, choker around her neck. She wears Zane’s signature glasses but fitting her feminine figure with it looking more fashionable than his. 

She has a thulian pink purse with a charm bracelet. The charm looked like a crescent moon with a crater with a black jewel in the center. Her clothing was made out of Monorilite just Zane's. You may wonder why I made her so sexualized. I wanted to make sure that you knew that Zara is a fighter rather than being just Ms. Fanservice which she totally is and I'm not going to deny that. She is the type of woman no doubt but well, she will draw the eyes of others by her curves rather than her muscles. 

It's the opposite of Zane who draws people in by his physical looks but turned off by his very unique personality. She's more of Wonder Woman than say Princess Peach. You get me. Overall, Zara was an extremely beautiful woman in many aspects since she was bound to draw attention regardless of what she did. She looked like a woman who was at peace with herself and the world unlike the previous Zaras who Rachel got to know.  

Despite looking rather relaxed, Rachel noticed something about her. She isn't perceptive when it come to combat like Zane was but even she could tell that she was ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. When she finished with her examination of Zara, Rachel's jaw unconsciously dropped. It was more like this rather than this. She was very interested in the woman in front of her. From Zara's perspective, it was obvious that her favorite redhead was drooling over her like a piece of meat.

This was obvious to her since well, she does the exact same thing whenever she's looking at Zane. She formed a smirk as she came up with an idea.

She moved her arms under her large breasts, swaying her hips side to side in a confident manner while lowering her body down with one. She gave Rachel a sexy wink. "So do you like what you see Rachel my love? Or is my beauty frying your brain?" said Zara with her blowing her a kiss. Her voice is high pitched ,not glass shattering like Hannah's voice can be, alto/soprano voice. It also has a regal and classy tone to it. It sounds like a mature yet sophisticated woman. 

Her voice would send shivers down both men and women's spines due to how erotic and sensually it sounds. It was the type of voice you could listen to for hours on end and want to hear talk dirty. Her voice had a strange yet wonderful undertone. Even when she isn’t trying, her voice sounds sultry and sexy. It’s also been called velvety smooth. Her voice has been called the combination of several angels singing at once and has been called the most beautiful and delicate sound people has ever heard. 

It could make anyone who hears it follow her commands. Her voice oozed a great deal of sexuality and confident. The way that she was talking made one get drawn to her even more than what her body does rather well. "You're so pretty." said Rachel without thinking and cheeks bright red. Her eyes was going over her body once again, enjoying the size of her amazing curves. They stopped as they landed on her breasts. "Thank you but my eyes are up not down there." laughed Zara in a playful manner. 

To tease her further, she stick out her bountiful chest. She was real tempted to swing her breasts back and forth like a set of pendulums but that would have killed her. That may be something that she will do a little bit later. Rachel blushed and forced herself to look up at her face, struggling to keep her eyes from staring at her curves. Even though she was a woman who was going to be married to the love of her life, she couldn't help herself from staring at Zane. 

After a few awkward moments of silent, Rachel stuttered out,"Sorry about that.". "'Relax. I mean you're the first woman to see me like this so look all you like but close your jaw. You really don't want any bugs to make a home in there. I speak from experience from this." said Zara with a cat like smile as she moved Rachel's jaw up. "Yep. This is really fun." thought Zane.. "I have to say that you're impressed with you Zara. You're easily a ten plus." said Rachel.

She had her hands both raised to give the Cross Species a ten. "Thanks. I really should have held back just a bit but what can I say? It's my destiny to be beautiful." said Zara. "So is this your first time like this? And ego much. Also what do you mean by having bugs making home in your mouth?" said Rachel. "I have been a hero for six years and I have done a whole lot of stuff." said Zara. "So why did you answer that question?" said Rachel.  

Zara shook her head with her saying in an annoyed tone,"Nope. I had to make it just right by testing out which features I liked and which I didn't. It just so happens that the Maidens love to play dress up mainly when it came to me. I had some trouble accepting that people would see me as only as a sex object and it got very annoying whenever I do anything as either gender, the maidens will have nose bleeds. None of them rocketed to the moon but it was annoying.".

Rachel looked at her as he said,"While I do feel a bit sorry for you, blame your genetics for that or maybe just make yourself look less sexy. There is a solution to your problem.". "And why would I do that Rae? I mean I like good as either a male or women and so do you." said Zara with her squeezed one of her breasts and to tease Rachel further. she moaned sensually. "Yeah. I do. Gods. What have I done? I have made a monster." said Rachel. 

Zara sighed as she said,"You do have a fair point. I mean I'm used to it when women stare me as Zane but not as Zara. I'll need to work on that in the near future.". The devil smiled with her seeing that even as a female, she just loves to ramble on. Zara looked at her devil and she had a smile on her face. She disappeared with her reappearing behind Rachel and smiled. "I've been waiting to do this for a long time!" giggled Zara. "Wait what are you?" said Rachel in a confused tone. 

The devil got her answer as Zara began playing with her breasts. Rachel moaned loudly in pleasure with the devil falling onto to the ground and Zara was on top of her. "Zane! What are you doing to me?!" said Rachel with a atomic red face. She would have pushed her off but well, Zare had her ginormous bosom against her face. Zara looked down at her with her smiling. "My name isn't Zane Rae. It's Zara. I want to make sure that my love of breasts is present in both genders which it is." said Zara.

Rachel couldn't see it but she could tell that she was smiling. "I'm still very much bi and to be honest, your breasts are amazing no matter what gender I am." said Zara. The Cross Species continued to play with Rachel's breasts  as she said,"Your puppies may not be amazing as mine but they're still a really good feeling in my hand! Let me see if your hair is better than mine.". By sprouting another arm from her left shoulder blade, she began running her hair through it. 

Zara smiled as she said,"It's pretty soft and well worth of being a part of your beauty.". "Oh gods! What have I done?! I knew that Zane was a big fan of my breasts but Zara is a super fan of my breasts! This is hell." thought Rachel with a dark red face. It looked similar to a beetroot. "I really stop but this is really nice. I was against this at first since I wanted to spend time with Rae but seeing this sexy girl on girl action is totally amazing." thought Zara with her enjoying herself. 

She honestly expected this scene to be reversed with Rachel grabbing Zara's breasts but this was just as good. Zara playfully smiled and winked at Rachel. "So Rachel. How about the two of us go take a bath together?" said Zara. "What?" squealed Rachel. Zara looked at her in a seductive tone and smile. "You heard me. I'm sure that you had a fantasy about it before except not with little old me and I'm not taking about a bath at the hot springs." said Zara.

The Cross Species got closer to Rachel as she said with a seductive tone,"Your body will be clean with or without me but we'll do it together. Doesn't that sound fun Rae Chan?". Her voice was the type of voice that could make anyone who hears it have a nose bleed. "Um it does but..." said Rachel with her nose dripping blood. Zara's voice was working its magic. The immense pleasure she felt when Zara began playing with her breasts and hair, causing her to be unable to think rationally.

Zara looked at she thought,"Me thinks I went a bit overboard there. I think she has been out seduced with her being so adorable when she's been out seduced or gotten turned on. Both work for me.". "I'm real sorry for doing that to you Rae. You're really beautiful. Seeing that kind of beauty in front of you makes a woman thirsty like wandering through a desert for months." said Zara. She got off the devil with the redhead pouting. 

Rachel glared at her as she sad,"Well, thank you for that compliment but you could have at least warned me first. Even as a woman, you can't get enough of me you carnal beast!". "Yeah. I totally sorry about that Rae." said Zara with her mimicking Zane's action of putting his hand behind his head if he's nervous. This simple proved to the devil that these two are the same being if the Impulse wasn't obvious enough. Most people can't sense the minute details between Impulse however. 

Zara smiled as she said,"So how about you give me a quick squeeze as payment?". "What?!" thought Rachel with a blush as she remembered how soft her breasts were. Deciding to embrace this, she got close to Zara as their breasts colliding. To Rachel, it was like two bowling balls or pillows being placed against each other. "Oh wow. Your girls are really soft too." said Rachel. "Thanks. They're a result of hard work. And by hard work, I mean genetics." said Zara.

She lifted up her breasts with her saying,"My breasts are a solid mixture of fat and muscles. If I ever decides to make herself look older, they won't be sagging and still keep a bouncy appearance to them. I love these power sometimes.". She let them fall and they jiggle for a bit. They eventually stopped with it showing an incredible amount of firmness. " They are also a sign of my title of goddess since in some cultures, breasts are the symbol for maturity, fertility, and femininity." said Zara.

Rachel giggled with her saying,"Can I quote you on that Zara? You really do know that no one cares why you look good right? I mean they just like how you look good.". "Okay fine. To make it very simple, my good looks won't never fade away thanks to my very unique biology." said Zara. "Okay then. Let me guess. You're thinking about how I can apply my Ardor to my physical appearance after getting information about it from my mom aren't you?" said Rachel. 

After hearing that, Zara whistled loudly as Rachel giggled at this. "Oh. Even if you're female, you're still my power obsessed freak." said Rachel, kissing her on the cheek. "Okay then. So do you want to know something cool?" said Zara. "Sure. What's up?" said Rachel. "I was going to show off my body naked or wearing practically nothing at all. The both of us are girls after all." said Zara. The devil blushed as she imagined Zara naked and she wanted to see this badly. 

Even without using her powers, Zara could see that Rachel wanted this. "However, I didn't since I was really worried about how you would personally see me. I mean I'm very proud of the body I have and I want to flaunt it to you but no! I'm still scared of you hating me because of it!" said Zara. "Zara!" said Rachel. She wanted to stop the Cross Species from belittling herself. "I'm not just interested in you even though you are really sexy. You are the being I love regardless of what gender you are." said Rachel.

Not detecting any sign of her lying whatsoever, Zara smiled. "Thanks for saving that. I'm happy that I fell in love with you. So be honest with me? Do you like it when I get jealous?" said Zara. "A little since well, you don't get jealous often. I mean compared to me." said Rachel. "But I love it when you're like that. It's really cute to see. You should love all of your partner's eccentrics. Both the good and bad ones in fact." said Zara. 

Rachel nodded as she said,"Exactly! I love you and all of your eccentrics.". "Okay since we got that out of the way, I think I love you even more than I already have." said Zara with her smirked in a very similar manner to Zane. In order to stop the teasing, Rachel punched Zara in the ribs and regretted it instantly. Like with Zane, it felt like she just punched a mountain. "So do you really think that would work? Honestly. I may be beautiful but this woman packs a serious punch I have you know." said Zara. 

She flexed, showing off her muscles and the devil groaned. "A little but both of you are very physical impressive. Even if you eat so many calories, I know that you wouldn't gain any pounds and I wish that you did. Because I can't have you or Zane from being stolen from me." said Rachel. Zara tackled Rachel to the ground with her squeezing her tightly and nuzzling her. "Um. What are you doing now?" said Rachel, not minding how close she was but she was wondering why Zara was doing this. 

Zara looked at her as she said,"Don't you ever say that I would leave you from some other being! I love you too much to leave or betray you!". As she was saying this, Rachel noticed that both Zane and Zara were like fireplaces. "I was just teasing you. You do know that right?" said Rachel. "Of course I know that silly. I've been with you for almost our entire lives but I wanted to show you how much I like you Rachel as a woman. It may not sound like it makes a difference but it does" said Zara. 

Rachel began examining Zara's body as she said,"Sometimes. So I have a question for you.". She went slack jawed in shock and disbelief with a massive blush ,that looked like one of Zane's full face blushes that she loved seeing on his, appearing on her face. "What the actual hell?! How is she so sexy! Ignoring her amazing as hell figure, her breasts alone are making me jealous! And I'm really proud of how my body is!" thought Rachel. 

The Cross Species noticed Rachel looking her over as she said,"Is it about my measurements? I’m more curvy than you and that's all I'm giving you.". She made her chest bounce in a way that would tease Rachel perfectly. "I'm much more curvy than you since my breast size is naturally larger than yours. I can change my three measurements whenever I want." said Zara. "You're bigger than my mom and I thought she had the biggest breasts ever." said Rachel.

Despite being well proud of her curves especially her breasts given Zane and Zara's love for them, she felt noticeable self-conscious at the sight of Zara's chest. "Thank the Alvarez genetics for that." said Zane. Rachel began trail a finger around and through her hair as she said in a cute, shy tone,"So Zara.". "Yes my dear?" said Zara with a smile on her face and her hand placed on her hips. "How come you're so well..." said Rachel, trying to figure out a way to say this without pissing her off. "Pneumatic?" said Zara as Rachel nodded. "You don't have to be nervous about asking me Rae. We're both girls after all." said Zara. "So how?" said Rachel. 

Zara smiled as she said,"Oh. It's simple really. Like when I'm Zane, I'm the prime depiction of the female form with amazingly sexy curves and muscles. It shows that I'm not just a walking depiction of the feminine form not a mockery like Bimbo and Kilene are.". "So how much different are you compared to Zane Zara?" said Rachel with a smile on her face. "We're different yet similar Rae. Beside the opposite gender difference." said Zara with a smile on her face. 

With an eye roll, Rachel said,"No duh. So do you have like any of his you know?". The Cross Species got what Rachel was trying to ask her as she sighed. "You mean do I have any of the prosthetics, scars, and tattoos I have as a guy? I do mainly with my left eye and right arm. It's a permeant reminder of what being a hero really brings to the table. I do missing having those tattoos since they make me look cool and the scars are another story." said Zara. 

Rachel looked at him as she said,"You better not be thinking about that day miss.". "I always am Rae. I can't stop thinking about it." said Zara. Before Rachel could knock some sense into her, Zara smiled instead. "Don't worry okay? Just focus on the sexy woman in front of you." said Zara. "Fine. I will but you are unlike most men for multiple reasons Zane. They can be so simple sometimes except for you and as a woman, you're even more confusing than before." said Rachel. 

Zara nodded as she said,"Amen to that sister or honey. Our relationship is confused isn’t it?”. "Our relationship is confusing yes but it doesn't have to be. We can make it simple if we just stay together like this." said Rachel. "Oh I agree but well, it's your special day with Zane after all." said Zane. The devil was about to say something but was stopped by Zara. "Yes I know that we're the same being. You have made this very clear." said Zara.

She sighed as she said,"I do like to be Zara but you fell for Zane first. You and Zara will have your own all day date but right now. So you didn't answer me earlier but I want to see if I was right about something." said Zara. She turned around with her slapping one of her ass cheeks. "So are you an ass girl? Danny is an ass man after all which Gwen is aware of." said Zara. Rachel didn't answer her due to her being in love with Zara. 

Zara didn't get an answer with her smiling. "So you're a tit girl just like me? Can you please give me an answer Rae Rae?" said Zara as she moved one of her mile long legs next to Rachel. "You like how my legs look right?" said Zara. She got closer to Rachel with her whispering,"Are you into everything about me?". She gave the devil a quick kiss on her right cheek with her moving away just as Rachel reacted to the kiss.

Her eyes were big as a saucer with her touching her cheek where she got kissed and she fainted. Her entire body was a shade of red that would make any fire in the history of the Omniverse look weak in comparison and her brain shut down. 

She need to be restarted sooner rather than later. The Cross Species brought her hand on her cheek in amusement. "Ara Ara. I was really hoping for a nosebleed rocket but I was wrong. She’s so damn cute whenever she’s embarrassed and it's just another thing we share in common huh. I guess I should get the smelling salts. No sleeping until later my love." said Zara, kissing Rachel's cheek whose blush got worse. 

A few minutes later, Rachel woke up and saw that she was looking up at the ceiling of her home. "What just happen?" said Rachel. She then began remembering what just happened and she sighed. "Yeah. I really did just pass out from Zara. Great. She's going to be teasing me about it for the entire day." said Rachel. She then noticed that she was wrapped up in the  blanket she had wrapped herself and Zane earlier. "This is really soft." said Rachel. 

Before she could wonder about how she got into this sitation, she heard a soft feminine voice,"Yeah. I really worked hard on that since well, I missed the last two Christmas due to reasons.". 

"So how long was I asleep for?" said Rachel. "About ten minutes. I was real tempted on waking you up after five minutes but well, I couldn't hurt such a feminine beauty." said Zara with her bending over quite sensually. She was showing off her amazing cleavage right in Rachel's face. 

A few minutes later, Rachel woke up and saw that she was on Zara's lap. "Morning sleeping beauty. Did you have a good nice sleep?" said Zara, smiling. Upon walking back up, the first thing Rachel noticed about Zara is that her appearance had changed. Her once mid-thigh length hair had shrunk to just above his butt. Despite her breasts being well bigger, Rachel could tell that they were slightly smaller than they were before.

Rachel smiled before frowning. "I really did. You're really soft. Did I really just pass out? So damn embarrassing." said Rachel. "Yeah but it's okay. I called it. I was like fifty percent sure that you could handle my feminine beauty at full power. So is there anything else you have for me? You totally miss when I cuddle with you as Zane don't you?" said Zara with her placing a hand on the deck's cheek. "I do but what do you mean by your feminine beauty at full power?" said Rachel.

Zara smiled seductively and winked at Rachel. "You know how I never use my full power on anyone except the truly stubborn?" said Zara. "Yes. You have the power of max potential of every Zero before you." said Rachel. "Bingo. According to my research on the history of Zeroes, every Zero ,male, female, or any other gender, had the ability to swap since they were all Eazairvians like me but no one has done it other than me." said Zara. "Of course. So the you from earlier..." said Rachel.

The Cross Species nodded as she said,"Yep. That was Zara's beauty at a million percent. While I like how beautiful I can be especially my girls, they don't exactly make buying clothes too easy and fighting is another story as I learned the hard way. The women in my family can really pack a punch after all. I shrink them down if I have to go be a hero. On the shopping front, most stores don't exactly support big breast pride as you're well aware." said Zara. 

Rachel remember how hard it is to shop for clothes. "I guess that would be an issue from the caliber of your guns. So what about in the Garden of Eve? They have women of all varieties there if I recall." said Rachel. "You're right. That place has women of all shapes, size, and species there since they don't discriminate against their fellow sisters. If you're a woman of body, heart, or mind, they will like you there. Men on the other hand. They'll try to kill you." said Zara.

The Cross Species smiled seductively and winked at Rachel. "So to switch topics Mistress, do you want me to get you something? Or do you perhaps need me for lustful reasons? I can do both at the same time because I’m great at multitasking." said Zara. Rachel looked at her and bit her tongue. She was real tempted to do things with Zara but she needed her questions answered first. "No. Maybe later Zara. I have something to ask you. And this is a serious question so don’t tease me." said Rachel. 

Noticing how serious Rachel was, Zara agreed to her request. "Okay." said Zara. "So are you Zane? And are is Zane you?" said Rachel. "Okay. I got this. You know Bakeneko Form right? This form is the perfect example of what me and Zane are to each other." said Zara. "Okay. That didn't answer my question whatsover." said Rachel. She was pretty sure that Zara was trying to explain the subject to her in a less complicated matter compared to normal. 

Zara sighed as she said,"As you're well aware, an Eazairvian is considered to be neither gender but can turn into either gender whenever they want. This is due to Eazairvians being literally gods and can do whatever they want. Eazairvian Cross Species are a bit different according to Parker. We considered ourselves to be both male and female but use the right pronouns when we are that gender. Zane would use masculine pronouns and I use feminine pronouns.".

Rachel looked right at Zara with the devil taking a breath. "So does she considered herself male?" said Rachel. "You mean that bitch? I think so but I'm not sure. Parker promise to let me know where he put her one day but only when he stops worrying about me getting hurt again or me doing something I would regret." said Zara as Rachel could see where Parker was coming from. "So when did you start seeing yourself as female?" said Rachel.

Zara smiled as she said,"Not until much later than I would like to admit. I mean I did become a girl in order to find a gift for Kristen or just fun because why not? This changed after I went to the Garden of Eve. I finally learned about a part about myself that I didn't know I was myself. It really does explain why I had a lot of feminine interests.". The devil nodded as she was well aware of Zane being well in touch with his feminine side.

The Cross Species nodded as she said,"Yeah. When I got in touch with my feminine side, I soon began missing the girls who made me happy. They brought a smile to my face.". "While I don't want to rush you, what about Bakeneko Form?" said Rachel. She wanted to ask Zane/Zara more questions but that would have to wait until another time. "Oh. Bakeneko is the only way for us to coexist at the same time plus it's like we're twins. Wouldn't that be nice?" said Zara.

Rachel imagined it as she blushed at both Zane and Zara flirting with her at the same time. "That would be amazing. I'm just impressed that you're not going into a rant." said Rachel. "Yeah. I'm trying to make this as simple as possible. So do you have any other questions for little old me before I switch back to being Zane? I mean I like being Zara but I really wanted to spend today with you as Zane." said Zara with a smile. "So do you wish that the others were still alive right?" said Rachel.

Zara looked at her with the Cross Species sighing. "Yeah. I mean they would have enjoyed today for sure but I know that they would want me to be happy. When I lost them as Zane, I was blinded by my anger and blamed myself for what happened." said Zara with sadness on her perfectly crated face. "So why are you so open about this? I mean I'm happy you are but it's kinda weird since you suck at talking about your feelings." said Rachel.

The Cross Species looked at her as she said,"I guess it's because I'm more emotionally intelligent as a woman but who really knows? I think it's pretty obvious whenever I get truly pissed off and unleash a rage like no other.". "So do you think you'll ever feel like that?" said Rachel. "Probably but only if I get to be on the same level as anger that I felt during the Massacre, you may just lose me." said Zara. "What do you mean by that?" said Rachel.

Zara looked at her as she said,"Do you remember the first time that you saw me when I was really angry?". "Yeah. It was back when you saw your dad get killed in front of you and activated Wrath for the first time. I was so scared of you back then." said Rachel. "Yeah. I got real lucky that I snapped out of it back then. When I saw the girls die in front of me, I snapped and used Astral Form. I never uses that form unless the opponent can take a beating." said Zara.

Rachel saw Zara clench her fists as she said,"I didn't show those two bitches a single ounce of mercy and I think I showed the Omniverse what happens when you piss me off. I need you to be honest with me Rae. Do you think you're willing to see that day through my eyes? This isn't for the faint for heart whatsoever.". Rachel nodded her head as Zara sighed. "Okay. I just hope I can forgive myself for doing this but I need help him through this pain." said Zara. 

She placed her right hand on Rachel's head and began showing her what happened that day through her eyes. A few minutes later, Zara removed her hand from Rachel's head and the devil began crying. "Oh my gods." said Rachel. "Yeah. I felt the exact same way whenever I think about that day." said Zara. "So did anyone try to stop you from going that far?" said Rachel. "Nope. I just need to beat the ever living crap out of her." said Zara.

Zara looked at her hand as she said,"You may wonder why the trio of Kane, Lucifer, and Sivarth didn't either. They were on Saspra at the time busy with one of Parker's experiments. When Earth was getting destroyed, they figured out what happened and let me tell you. They were pissed and wanted to murder that bitch in cold blood. They were even thinking of reviving her in order to kill her again until they get their anger out.". 

Rachel looked at Zara who wasn't joking. "I'm feeling the same after seeing that happen. So is that why they spend most of their time on Saspra? Are they hoping to get the information about her location from Parker who's very tight-lipped about pretty much anything." said Rachel. "Yeah. They are plus they like it there. I'm able to do my job without them backseat superheroing and Parker's experiments are kinda of interesting. So can you keep what happened to me a secret until I tell the others myself." said Zara. 

The devil looked at her as she said,"Are you serious? This is you we're talking about here. I think both of us are well aware of how bad you are about talking about your problems and you're still trying to move past the Massacre at a very slow rate.". "Yep. I did promise myself that I would never show or tell anyone about what happened that day but that changed." said Zara. "Really? You did that but why spill the beans?" said Rachel.

Zara looked at her as she said,"Rae. we both know what you and Team Maelstrom did outside of my hospital room.". "How? You were unconscious at the time!" said Rachel. "I was but my hearing is just that good. I'm really proud to have true friends like you guys by the way. That's why I keep on training to keep getting stronger.". "Well, we're happy to have you as our friend or in my case, lover boy." said Rachel.

The Cross Species smiled as she said,"Well, I think it's time for me to go now. I really miss being Zane with you. I enjoyed having a chat with you.". "So were you sure about showing me all that?" said Rachel as Zara shrugged. "No really but if I seem sad, try to bring my smile okay?" said Zara. "Okay but you can be really stubborn sometimes." said Rachel. "Oh don't I know that." said Zara. Before she left, she kissed Rachel on the lips. 

Rachel was reminded of Zane when she was kissing Zara. This made total sense since the two were the same being. Both of their kisses were sweeter than candy and totally makes all of the undesirable traits of Zane not a problem in her eyes. It was something that Karen, Kristen, Nova, Rain, Roxy and Stella saw in Zane as well and Rachel promised to love Zane for them as well. It was something she did at the hospital when Zane was out cold due to his injuries.  

After ending their kiss, Rachel watched Zara glowing turquoise and turn back into Zane. "Hey Rae. So how was kissing Zara? My kisses were better right? I know we're the same being but I like to believe that I'm a better kisser at the very least." said Zane. He was stopped from ranting thanks to him being push down onto the couch with Rachel hugging him tighter than she had before. "Rae. You're totally crushing my ribs and lungs." said Zane. 

Rachel looked up at Zane for a split second with tears forming in her eyes. "Zane. Thanks for showing me what you experienced during the Massacre and while I'm mad at you for not showing or telling me about it earlier, I can understand why." said Rachel with her nuzzling against his chest. Zane couldn't see it but he was sure that her eyes were currently red and puffy due to the crying. Her voice was also raspy and sore due to how much she was crying.

Zane smiled as he said,"It's okay if you want to cry Rae. You don't need to hold back for me. I don't mind and it's better to do it now before...". He didn't have a chance to finish before Rachel began crying hard into his chest. Seeing this, Zane began rubbing the poor devil's head to calm her down and gently whispering words to make her feel better. She slowly began hiccupping. "Zane." said Rachel with her looking up at him with bloodshot eyes.

The Cross Species sighed as he said,"Yeah. It's official. I really hate seeing you like this. You crying is something I truly hate. I remember the face you made when I woke up the first two times after being unconscious. It broke my Essence each time I saw it you know.". "That's really obvious when it comes to seeing you in pain. You're simple yet complicated. So have you ever felt like you did ever since that day?" said Rachel.

Zane cupped his chin before he said,"Nope.". "Really? Are you telling me the truth?" said Rachel. "I sure am. I've been angry before no doubt about that but not to that level I was back then. Hopefully, I won't get that mad any time soon. So do you have all of your questions answered?" said Zane. "Yep. All but one." said Rachel. "Which is what Rae?" said Zane. "Do you mind if I tell Danny about what you felt back then? I mean he was easily the second most worried about you after all." said Rachel. 

Zane nodded as he said,"I don't mind but how are you going to show him? You don't exactly have the ability to show someone memories like I do.". "Don't worry. I have a way to do that but I think we're due for some cuddling time and watching some trashy TV." said Rachel. "Sounds like a good idea but I need to do something super fast." said Zane. "Which is what Zaney?" said Rachel. "You will see very soon." said Zane. 

The Cross Species smiled as he said,"So how was her kiss?". "Good. It reminded me a lot of yours Zane but it was grapes and something sweet like crepes." said Rachel, blushing as she remember her kiss with Zara. "Huh. That sounds neat. So what do mine taste like? I mean our lips both have a taste to them according to my research." said Zane. "Um. They're sweet like candy?" said Rachel with her trying to remember what Zane's lips taste like. 

This caused Zane to sulk a bit with him saying,"Okay Rae. I understand. Her lips must be better than mine if you can tell me what they taste like huh.". He was teasing her much to his amusement. He looked to see Rachel getting worried. "Don't be sad Zaney! I love...." said Rachel with her blinking for a second. "Hey! Wait a minute You're teasing me!" said Rachel. Zane turned back around and flickered her forehead playfully. 

Zane smirked as he said,"You know me so well Rae and I'll make you remember what my lips taste like.". "Huh?" said Rachel with Zane planting a kiss on her within seconds. Once Zane finished the kiss with Rachel, he said,"Did you love it Rae?". Rachel ,with a dark red blush on her face, licked her lips as she said,"It taste like grapes with a very strong spicy aftertaste. I mean it taste like something sweet but well, I can't name what.". "Curry." said Zane. "That's it." said Rachel.   

A few minutes later, Rachel was looking at Zane and she said,"So Zane. I have to ask. What are you doing?". Zane was currently in his most intelligent forms aka Brain Form ,in his human form, and was doing something to the couple's phones. "Making your phone better obviously. You're lucky that I'm doing it as Brain Form rather than Archfiend Form. I'm sure that you don't want your phone to turn into a cannon right? Most girls don't want that for some strange reason." said Zane. 

Rachel giggled at Zane as she said,"You're right. So what are you doing? You didn't explain why you're making my phone better.". "Oh right! I'm synching our phones together with a highly advanced mapping function that will be able to track either one of us anywhere in the Omniverse. It's actually similar to how Parker can track the Z.E.R.O. Watch in any dimension. Pretty cool right?" said Zane, puffing out his chest with pride. 

The devil hugged the form tightly as she said,"It is and thanks for being the overcautious yet reckless man I love.". The devil eventually let Zane go as he transformed back to normal. Zane smirked as he snuck his fingertip into her bellybutton and began wiggling it around. She began to shriek and laugh at this. "Hey there! What are you doing?! Stop it!" said Rachel. She tried to escape from Zane's grip but couldn't. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"Do you honestly think I'll do something like that for you without some kind of payment?". The tickles stopped as Zane began rubbing his hand up and down her waist. "To be frank, you're easily worth any amount of money based off your looks alone but your personality is what I fell for." said Zane. Rachel blushed and rubbed his chest. "So since you're giving me such an amazing gift, I have something for you." said Rachel. "You do?" said Zane. 

Rachel smiled as she said,"Yeah. Close your eyes and let me go so I can get it.". "How about no? I mean you do have the ability to move things with your mind thanks to Ardor right?" said Zane. "I really hate how you know how my powers work better than I do and thanks for telling me how to do this." said Rachel. "Your mom told me the basics of what your powers can do and my mind went into overdrive on what you can do. I then gave you the instructions through my telepathy." said Zane.

The Cross Species tapped the side of his head using his fingers. Rachel covered her left arm in Ardor with a box floating into the living room. "That will never stop being cool no matter times I see it. So what did you get me?" said Zane. Rachel opened the box for Zane with him smiling. It was a black leather jacket that looked to fit him perfectly. "Okay. You really know my sense of fashion well." said Zane, letting Rachel go as he admired the jacket. 

Rachel smiled as she said,"I knew you would like it Zane. It's like the hoodie you made for the kids but more mature. I mean the hoodie still looks good on you handsome but I think you would look good in this as well. I had your logo as Legion Zero sewn in to the back of it. The collar will be able to hold your headphones in it no problem.". "Thanks. I'll get looks of jealously from Legion Zero fans and lust from fangirls. Totally going to be wearing this today for our date by the way." said Zane. 

The devil kissed Zane as she said,"Zane. I really do admire how reckless, perverted, kind, and loyal you can be.". "Thanks for saying that. And here's another gift for you." said Zane. "Seriously? You really didn't have to." said Rachel. "I did because I can. I love you Rae and don't you forget it." said Zane with him making a box appear from thin air. Rachel smiled and kissed him on his cheek. "So what you just said totally came from Love that Transcends Time and Space wasn't it?" said Rachel. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"It isn't word for word but you know me so well.". Rachel opened the box and her eyes light up. She pulled out a diamond encrusted black hairband with a molten gold devil's tail attached to it, a gold chain Lapis Lazuli heart pendant, and a pair of earrings that looked to be in the shape of a five pointed star with the star being a diamond. "How did you do all of that? I know that I shouldn't ask you this but this is too much." said Rachel. 

The Cross Species smiled as he said,"I hand made our wedding rings so it wouldn't be that much of a hassle to make you more jewelry. I could have gotten a jewelry place and payed both an arm and leg both figuratively and literally. I just wanted to show you that I love you. My mom always say that the best gifts are handmade rather than bought. You would agree right? I'm sure that you want me to put on the pendant for you right?". 

Rachel smiled as Zane did just that. The devil held the earrings and headband as she smiled. "So who is the best Cross Species in all of Cypress Park?" said Zane. "I would like to say someone else but there is no-one who could compete with you." said Rachel as she gave him an extremely passionate kiss and laid her head on his chest. "So are you ready to get your cuddle on?" said Rachel. "Yeah but get your cuddle on sounds straight out of the early 2000." said Zane, getting a punch to the arm for his comment.

A bit later, the couple was watching TV with Zane resting his head on Rachel's lap. It was usually the other around but thanks to Zane bringing out his inner crybaby, Zane got to rest on his lap. "And he's going for the box folks! Will he do or will he....? Thud! Kaboom!" said the TV. The couple began laughing at the sight of a game show contestant getting socked with an explosive boxing glove. "And he's out of here!" said Zane. 

Rachel smiled as she said,"I know that I was against watching a show called Unfortunate Fools but watching people getting hit is oddly satisfying.". "Yeah. Theron told me to watch it once and I got hooked." said Zane with Rachel leaning over with her breasts pressing down on her fiancé's face. "So while I don't mind them there, your boobs and I are getting even closer." said Zane. "Oh. Sorry about that. So how is it going down there?" said Rachel, quickly leaning back and smiling at him. 

Zane smiled as he said,"What could you possibly mean?". "Do you really need me to spell it out for you or are you messing with me?" said Rachel. "I'm enjoying it Rae. It's a pleasant feeling. You've gotten good at identifying when I'm messing with you young grasshopper." said Zane. "So is this lap pillow just pleasant for you?" said a pouting Rachel. She began to run her fingers through his soft hair as this action was making Zane's worries and stress melt away. "Yeah it is." said Zane. 

Rachel smiled as she said,"You do know that I may not be able to tell when you're lying to me but it really hurts when you are.". "Hold the phone here. I said that it was pleasant! That's a synonyms for nice! I decided to spice up my jargon. Is that so wrong?" said Zane. "You say that but I'm sure that you're enjoying having a sexy beauty like myself deciding to let you use her lap for a pillow. Don't lie Zaney." said Rachel.

Zane sighed as he said,"Okay then. Your lap feels like I'm floating on a extremely fluffy cloud that's because of my girl's amazing thighs and the scent of a woman is driving me wild! Happy now?". To make it clear that he liked it, he began rubbing his face into her lap pillow. Rachel giggled as she rubbed his head. "Yep because you really don't need to hide how much of a pervert when you're around me. I don't mind that side of you at all." said Rachel. "I'm not that big of a pervert." said Zane, pouting. 

Rachel crossed her arms as she said,"Really? Do you expect me to believe that? I'm pretty sure that with your powers, you were totally peeping on the girls locker room at one point.". "I can not confirm or deny that but I can say this. Kevin totally did when he had Phantoms powers thanks to Isis. She likes to gossip about beings she has granted wishes for." said Zane. He began ticking her cheek with his finger with this action causing her to purr like a cat. 

Zane always admired when she was acting like a cat since unlike the rest of his family mainly the males, he likes them a lot. She lowered her head to nuzzle against his nose and peck at his lips for a long time. His face was trapped in her hands. Rachel loved to kiss Zane being that they were always trying new ways to kiss the other. Each and every kiss they shared brought a smile on her face. "We really need to do this again." said Rachel, resting her head on his forehead. 

The Cross Species smiled as he said,"You got that right. So how much do you love kissing me?". "I love it so much like how much you love those dancing reality shows." said Rachel. "To be fair, I only began watching it because my favorite actress was on for a season." said Zane. "And you wouldn't mind if I signed you up for a season if you got to dance with her." said Rachel. "Not at all but if you do that, tell me ahead of time. I need to be prepared to dance with her." said Zane. "Will do." said Rachel.

Before she could say anything else, an alarm on Zane's phone went off off. "And it's showtime!" said Zane, getting up with his signature smirk on his face. "You're really looking forward to this date aren't you?" said Rachel, turning off the TV. "Heck yeah. I get to go out with the most beautiful girl in the Omniverse." said Zane, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "And this is going to be an amazing day I promise." said Zane with the two kissing once again.  

A few minutes later, Zane was waiting for Rachel in the living room. He was wearing his normal outfit except he wasn't his signature jacket but the black leather jacket that Rachel gotten for him. On her request, he wasn't wearing most of his signature accessories except for his Galaxy Phones, Z.E.R.O. Watch, and wristband. This includes his glasses as well. Like how Rachel asked Zane to wear his new jacket and get rid of most of his accessories, Zane hand picked an outfit for her. 

Zane smiled as he said,"So are you done Rae? We're burning daylight.". With his hyper hearing, he could hear the sound of their bedroom door open and Zane closed his eyes. The sound of each footstep moved slowly after the other was telling Zane that she was either scared about letting him see her in her outfit early or trying to be sneaky. If Zane didn't know his fiancée at all, he would say that it was the former. "Angelise. I get that you're trying to be sneaky but you're not doing a good job at it." said Zane.

The superhero smirked as he said,"At least when it comes to me and my hyper hearing.". "Okay fine but don't call me Angelise. You know how much I don't like my middle name." said Rachel, stopping where she stood. "But it's really cute just like you are." said Zane. "If you call me that again, you won't get any more kisses from me anymore." said Rachel. "Are you sure you can live without of my kisses?" said Zane, smirking with him knowing how much Rachel loves getting kissed by Zane. 

Even though he couldn't see her, Zane imagined her with her arms crossed and pouting. "Of course I can." said Rachel. "Whatever. Okay. Can I open my eyes now?" said Zane. "Sure but you didn't need to close them in the first place." said Rachel. "As a wise being once said, don't try and understand what goes through my mind." said Zane. Zane opened his eyes and saw a truly beautiful image in front of him. Her copper red hair looked like a never ending stream of hair.

It came out from her diamond encrusted black hairband ,with a molten gold devil's tail attached to it, he got from her. Her lips were covered by crimson red lipstick instead of her pink lipstick. She's wearing a black leather vest with a long sleeved red and white shirt. Her shirt has the words "DEVIL PRINCESS" written on it being that it's a navy blue color. Her shirt looks to have a stitched up pattern to it. She's wearing a pair of dark blue denim shorts with a spiked and studded black belt.

These shorts would show off a generous amount of her thighs if they weren't covered by a pair of light gray tights that look to be fashionably worn out. Her tights worn out appearance has a few cuts in the material here and there, showing off what lies underneath. She wears black knee high high-top sneakers boots with maroon colored laces that has a checker board design. It gives the devil an extra three inches to her. She's wearing her new five pointed star earrings.

She's wearing her signature choker alongside her new Lapis Lazuli heart pendant that goes around her neck thanks to a gold chain. Her tattoo was present on her alongside her wedding ring as well, silver headphones around her neck, and gold sunglasses hanging from her collar. It was topped off by a beige designer purse. The view in front of him showed him how lucky Zane was when it comes to having such a beauty in love with him. 

Rachel looked at him as he said,"So are you going to say anything about it? I mean I like it myself even though you only know about five colors when it comes to clothes. It's better than just two.". As she was talking, Zane walked up to her. He stopped in front of her as she groaned. "Oh come on! I know that you're only doing this to tease me! So say..." said Rachel as Zane brought her in for a passionate kiss. It wasn't she wanted from Zane but she wasn't going to complain about it since she really liked kissing. 

The devil was addicted to his lips since they were so sweet. She returned his gesture with a sweet moan and kiss. After pulling away from her, Zane began to laugh. "Sorry about doing that Rae but wow. I really like what I see in front of me. Your body is perfect by the way." said Zane with him submerging his face in Rachel's hair and hugged her tightly like she did to him earlier in their date while they were in bed. "You really make life worth living for Rae!" said Zane.

Even though she got embarrassed whenever Zane get overly romantic with her, she couldn't help but smile when he does stuff like this. She began to nuzzle her face into his chest, enjoying the affection he's giving to her. Zane loves Rachel's hair a great deal being that whenever he wants to tease her, he puts his face into it. "Well, I'm happy that you're enjoying it." said Rachel. Zane finally let her go and he smiled. "I sure am." said Zane. 

Rachel smiled as she looped her left arm through Zane's right. "So are you ready to getting going honey bear?" said Rachel. "Yeah but honey bear? I mean that's a terrible pet name for me. You should totally give me a cool yet cute pet name. I got yours in mind. Angelise. Come on. Wouldn't that be just the best my beloved Angelise?" said Zane. This comment earned him a kick to the shin from Rachel who had a noticeable pout on her face. 

Thanks to Zane using Direct Transportation, they were at the Cypress Park mall within seconds instead of minutes later thanks to traffic. "So when you suggested this for our all day date, I was okay with it at first but I wonder why. You and I both know that you have more than enough clothing." said Zane. "My initial plan was to get you some more clothes since you only wear up to five outfits max. You primarily wear black or gray. It wouldn't kill you to wear more colors Zane." said Rachel. 

As the two entered the building, Zane sighed as he said,"Okay. I can get that since you're much more fashionable than me. I do wear a bunch of outfits when I do part time model work but that's when I have free time which lately I don't since I'm really busy. I also make my own clothing so I don't require more clothing since store bought clothing tears rather easy like paper in a shredder.". He was remembering how one of his shirts was torn to shred.

The Cross Species was going at the super low speed ,at least for him, of mach twenty. "That's right. I tend to forget that I'm dating a model some times." said Rachel with a smile on her face. "Ms. Rachel Powell. Are you undressing me with your eyes again?" said Zane in a mock upset tone. "Yep." said Rachel with her smile growing bigger and cat like. "So I'm going to model different outfits for you later huh?" said Zane. "You sure are and I just may do the same for you but who knows?" said Rachel. 

Zane chuckled as he said,"Well then, I hope you do.". "Back on topic here, I now want to go shopping since I now have two very important people I need to shop for." said Rachel, pointing to a clothing store. "Let me guess. That store has a sale going on for me and a certain beauty whom I recall you fainted over." said Zane. "Yep. You're learning and you're going to be teasing me about me fainting over you for a while aren't you?" said Rachel. 

The Cross Species smirked as he said,"Yep. You know me so well. I'm going out on a limb here and say that I'll be carrying a whole lot of bags huh.". "Perhaps if you upset me but you haven't so once we pay for it, you can warp it back to our place. Like you tell our kids, we should use our powers to make life's more annoying parts easier but not to bully others." said Rachel with her trying to sound like Zane. "Oh wow. Is that how I sound like when I'm speaking like a leader or parent?" said Zane. 

Rachel looked at him as she said,"Kinda but you sound much cooler. I can't reach lower notes like you can.". "But I can reach higher notes like you Rae Rae like OMG." said Zane with his voice matching Hannah's perfectly. Rachel giggled at hearing such a high voice coming from someone like Zane. "Even though I love whenever you mimic another person's voice, please stay with the sexy one I feel in love with." said Rachel. "Sure thing. I'll keep being the thief who stole your big heart." said Zane. 

The devil smiled as she said with a loving look on her face,"You did save me from being married to Blaze after all. Did you really think I wouldn't fall for you?". "While I did save you from Blaze, you used your own power to stand up for yourself. We were just the support underneath your wings. While you may be a princess, I doubt you would be the type who would need saving. You just need a well need confidence boost into becoming an amazing devil who can kick some serious butt." said Zane. 

While Zane may be right about that, the devil knew that she had her friends on her side during the fight and were willing to do whatever they can to save her from Blaze. Being with her friends, they make her feel safe even in the enemy they're up against is much stronger than your average street punk. Despite being a superhero, Zane wasn't the type to act like a knight in shining armor who would never let her fight for herself even if she really wants to fight. 

He was letting her fight against Rufus after all since he was confident in her abilities but the devil knew that Zane would step in if things go out of hand. "Lets go already." said Rachel, with her pulling Zane inside. The couple walked into a clothing store which looked rather fancy in his opinion. The clothing looked highly fashionable for young adults and this was made obvious thanks to the mannequins. "So should we start with you or Zara?" said Rachel. "Do I really have a choice in the matter?" said Zane. 

Rachel smiled as she said,"No you don't babypop but it's cute that you think that you do.". The devil began leading Zane over to the women's section. "Why couldn't we start with my stuff first? I know that you really want to dress her up like a doll but I feel uncomfortable. And babypop is a much better pet name than honey bear." muttered Zane, crossing his arms. Rachel was ignoring him since she was looking over at the dresses and began scanning the store's section. 

This kind of behavior was normal for her. "And now, you're ignore me for clothing. Fine. I'll just keep talking until you stop me. I should be used to people staring at me because of my job but these stares are from women who think I'm a sick pervert." said Zane. "Let me see. I don't think she would look good in pink. That has too much lace. Too short. Orange? Who likes wearing orange? It makes you look like a pumpkin especially if you're wearing green with it." muttered Rachel. 

Zane shook his head as he thought,"Oh wow. She is the one muttering now. Creepy.". "This is too big for her. Too short. Okay! We got something here!" said Rachel. The devil held up a silver dress for Zane to look at. It had thin spaghetti straps and a couple of frills to add to its cuteness. "Despite it being absolutely adorable, there is a tiny no major problem with it Rae. It's way too transparent." said Zane with a frown. "Huh?" said Rachel with a cute head tilt. 

The Cross Species smiled as he said,"Let me explain. As you're well aware, Zara is very curvaceous and a parka would show off her curves. This dress would show off more than I'm personally comfortable with. Let me show you.". With a single motion, Zane put his head behind the dress with Rachel clearly understand what he was talking about. She knew that some outfits used lighter and thinner material but this dress would be better for a nightgown rather than she would wear out in public. 

Rachel sighed as she said,"Okay then. So do you know why this dress be on sale here?". She dropped the dress onto the floor and had no plan of putting it back on the rack for reason. "No clue. So what's next?" said Zane. As he was talking, he was brushing back some of his shoulder-length locks. "Okay then. Before we got take down Rufus, we really need to get you a hair cut since your hair is too long." said Rachel. "Yeah or I can just use my powers to cut it to save time." said Zane. 

The devil crossed her arms as she said,"Didn't you say that you like to support the economy whenever you can?". "I do but honestly, I think you'll be doing that for me very soon since you love to shop." said Zane. "Okay then Zaney. I'll need you to go find a dress for me." said Rachel. "Didn't we come here for me and not you? That was the point right?" said Zane. "We did but I'm sure you can find something for yourself." said Rachel. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"That's fair because I've been eyeing that shirt for a while now.". He was currently pointing at a shirt. Rachel looked at the piece of clothing and it was a purple shirt with a cute anime dog on it. "It is adorable but I thought you wouldn't wear that kind of thing ever. Uriel or Zoey would but you. Didn't see that coming." said Rachel. "Me and Zara are similar in terms of our fashion sense. Don't try to figure us out because we're an enigma and it's on sale so I want it." said Zane.

The Cross Species smirked as he said,"I'm literally bouncing on my heels right now.". Rachel began imagined his female side doing that and she smiled. "So to change subjects for now, do you want to get the shirt for you?" said Rachel. "Rachel. I'm literally screaming to get it. I think the answer is super obvious. The dog on the shirt reminds me of Wolfram who is one of the most fluffy things in the Omniverse." said Zane, holding the shirt up. "He really is just like Osmosis Form." said Rachel. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. That is kinda weird how that is but whatever. He kick some serious butt and that's what matter.". "Oh! These jeans would good on you too!" said Rachel as she headed over to another clearance rack. "You really know what would look good on me huh? I mean you do buy some pretty cute outfits for the girls and Leo after all." said Zane. "Yeah. You and Atem would be hopeless without my help mainly Atem." said Rachel with a smile. 

The Cross Species sighed as he said,"Yeah. He may be book smart but fashion smart he is not. Such a shame but oh well. Like father like son I guess. Atem got that while Zoery got". "Okay then. Do you mind going to look for any good dress in my size? You know what I like to wear right?" said Rachel with her wrapping her arms around his right arm. "If you answer correct, I'll make sure to get a really good outfit for your eyes only." said Rachel. 

Rachel was testing Zane to see if he knows her sense of fashion. "I do. You hate the color combo green and orange since it reminds you of the time you got drenched by rotten pumpkin juice back in high school because of one of Sam's pranks that was meant for Karen. We're looking for a spring/summer outfit so maybe a splash or two of color here and there.." said Zane. "Okay. Good boy." said Rachel with her poking his nose. "So while I'm doing that, what are you going to be doing?" said Zane. 

The devil smiled as she said,"Good question. I'm going to looking for some skirts and jeans for Zara plus finding an outfit for myself. You know where the dressing room is right?". "To the left of here and you got it. See you later." said Zane. He began walking away. Rachel walked toward a rack of skirts and began looking for it with her smiling. She was enjoying herself being that she knew that Zane wasn't a big fan of clothes shopping.

It's mainly because whenever he gets ask to go clothes shopping, he's used as a pack mule mainly when it comes to those who know about his powers. He was willing to do it for their future relationship since it made Rachel very happy. After picking out a couple of shirts, skirts, shorts, and hats, Rachel walked toward an open dressing room. She threw her large pile down on the bench before locking the door. She put her purse next to the pile of clothes and began to change into a different outfit. 

She may have come shopping here for Zane/Zara but she really wanted to see the look on Zane's face when she picked out a certain outfit. Before she could put on the finishing touch to her first outfit combo, she heard,"Excuse me sir. Where are you going?". It belonged to a female and Rachel turned toward her. The devil only heard rumors about this store having cameras inside of the dressing room that were going to only be viewed by woman but no one bought that. 

It was also proven false by Hannah and Sam of all women. "Hello there. Is anyone in there?" said the same female voice. Someone knocked on the door of the dress room to get Rachel's attention. "Yes. Is there something wrong?" said Rachel. "I caught this man standing out here whose apparently looking for his fiancée. We just wanted to make sure he was telling the truth." said the employee. "Zane? What did you do this time?" thought Rachel. 

Before she could continue her thoughts, Rachel heard a loud sigh from the woman. "While I'll admit that he's attractive, our store's policy says we keep an eye on anyone who may do something illegal or against human decency. We've also had a problem with perverts lately mainly from one of the high schools." said the employee. The devil took a breath with her opening the door just enough for her to see out. 

She saw Zane standing there with his arms holding some clothes and he looked slightly annoyed. "Help me Rae Rae. She's going to call the cops on little old me because she thinks I'm a pervert who enjoys gawking at women which I'm not." said Zane. Even thought the devil knew that Zane was like all guys in the fact that he was a pervert, he wasn't like those high schoolers in the news. It was a trio of local high school boys that hid inside of girls locker room and watched them change. 

It made Atem sick to his stomach being that he knew the perverted trio well. As Osiris, he taught those boys a lesson about being creeps. That action made everyone in the Alvarez family proud of him and applaud him. "Oh don't worry. That dummy you have under suspicion is my fiancé. I asked him to pick out an outfit for me." said Rachel. "Really? He is with you ma'am?" said the employee with a faint hint of disappointment. 

Rachel nodded as she said,"He is and don't worry about him doing anything perverted like those kids on the news. Zane and his younger brother would beat the ever living tar out of any pervert if he spotted one doing something like that.". She clearly remembering the time that Zane punched Mack for staring at Karen and Rain once. The playboy didn't see it coming since Zane was on the other side of the pool and the Cross Species used his powers without alerting suspicion on him. 

Zane punching Mach was during the summer right after they graduate high school and before the Massacre. "Okay. I'm real sorry for labeling you just like those perverts." said the employee, bowing to him. "It's no problem. You were just cautious and I can't blame you for that." said Zane. Rachel smiled at Zane's response. She knows how much Zane hated especially whenever beings bow to him and judged him by his gender. It happened a lot and got annoying in his opinion.

When the employee gone, Zane turned to the slightly cracked door and he said,"Thanks for the save there Rae. I could have gotten out of it but well, I need a woman's touch.". "I think it's only fair for me to help you out in your time of need. So did you find anything for little old me and maybe you?" said Rachel with her holding out her hand. "I did for you. Let me just say this. I'm surprisingly very picky when it comes to picking out a cute outfit for myself. Who knew?" said Zane.

The Cross Species hand her the clothes he picked out for his fiancée. "Zane. How is possible that you could only find one thing?" said Rachel as she closed the door. "Because like I said, I'm really picky and stopped myself from picking out a couple of good outfits." said Zane as he leaned against the wall on the other side of the dressing room. His arms were crossed and was currently staring at the other shoppers inside the store.

Most of the store consisted of women and well, he was getting his fair share of looks. They were wondering if he was a pervert, gay, or single. He didn't need his powers to tell what they were thinking about him. He did this so that he could be kept an eye on by the staff since getting arrested wasn't on the itinerary. Inside of the dressing room, Rachel was looking at the outfit that the Cross Species picked for her. 

It was a dress like she asked for so he got that part right. It was a platinum colored dress with it have a cute frill pattern at the bottom of it. The frills started out as pure platinum but they slowly turned a crimson red as they went down. Rachel slipped it on and began looking at herself. It was absolute perfection. From what she could tell, no one could see it through being that the dress fit her body amazingly. The straps were nice and secure on her. 

They weren't too tight on her or going to slip off her body unless she wanted to. The material fit nice against her bust being that they were allow to breathe and make sure that they looked bigger than they already were. The length was just right being that it ended just above her knees which drew attention to her long, beautiful legs. It was slim fitting enough to make her body look good, but its elegance perfectly balances her sexiness with cuteness. She wore her boots. 

It reminded her of those princess dolls that she used to play with back in the day but a lot more mature than those dolls. She was pretty sure that accepting his feminine side had a hand in helping her picking this out. Rachel opened the door with Zane turning to see her. "Zaney." said Rachel with her saying one of his usually nicknames for him in a sing song voice. She grabbed the sides of her dress with the tips of her fingers and curtsy for him. "So what do you think of little old me?" said Rachel.

The devil giggled when she saw steam coming out of Zane’s head. "You look great Rae but that's a given babe. Oh and on the inside, I'm totally squealing on how much of a princess you're looking." said Zane with a smile. "Thank you for that compliment Zaney." said Rachel. "So what I love the most about how the dress's colors changes. It stuck out to me." said Zane. With a smile, Rachel began lightly poking his face with her coming up with a little trick for Zane.  

She smiled as she said,"So can you pick me out some underwear too? I mean you really do know what looks good on me since you want me to wear something that you can rip off me on our wedding night right?". "Of course but..." said Zane. He looked around to see the entire store looking at him with a noticeable blush on their face. "You made me say that on purpose didn’t you? Devil trickery is truly nasty." whispered Zane. 

The devil giggled as she said,"I sure did. You still love me right? You’re so fun to tease. It’s just like whenever I tease Atem about his obvious crush who will remain nameless. He totally says the most embarrassing things when I tease him in just the right way.". "Yeah I do. Men have trouble admitting their feelings and I was just as bad right?" said Zane. "You were but your case is a little different. You had a crush on little old me plus six others instead of just one girl." said Rachel. 

Zane nodded as he said,"I sure did Rae but I don’t have trouble admitting my feelings toward my love of Love that Transcends Space and Time.". "That’s a completely different story and you know that Zane. Even though you're better about talking how much you love me, I think you need to work on how to ask people for help when it comes to your problems.” said Rachel. "True but accepting my feminine side has helped I think." said Zane. "So I think I know what I want." said Rachel. 

After showing him a black baby doll with a flame like pattern woven into the breast cups and another outfit which will be shown at the bottom of this post, she was back in her date outfit with the outfits that she really liked. "Lets go find something for you now." said Rachel. "Sure but aren't you forgetting something Rae?" said Zane. "Nope." said Rachel. "You got to be kidding me. I know that you're not going to ignore that mountain of clothing and how did you bring it all in there?" said Zane.

He was pointing to the large pile of clothing that she had brought into the dressing room. According to the sale going on, that entire pile was just barely over a hundred dollars. "Oh right. Don't worry so much. The employee will take care of them." said Rachel. "I'll meet you in the men's section. I got something I need to do." said Zane as he walked past her and picked up the mountain of clothing with one hand. 

Zane began hanging up the clothing that she had left there. "You can't be serious Zane. That isn't your job." said Rachel. "You're right but I can't turn off being a hero. It's a curse after all Rae." said Zane with her sighing. She was later in the men's section with her waiting for Zane. After ten minutes, Zane met up with her and she found something for him while she was waiting. "So what do you think about this to start?" said Rachel as she held up an official Legion Zero shirt. 

The Cross Species looked at her as he said,"Do you really think I'll wear something like that? My ego isn't that big yet.". "Yes because it looks good and feels amazing." said Rachel. The shirt reminded Zane of his Zeta Costume. It's a black shirt with a stylized molten gold "LZ" in the center of his shirt. The LZ has steel gold dragon wings on each side of the letter. The collar and cuffs of the shirt is crimson red and look to be made out of chainmail rather than the normal material for shirts. 

It look to expose the build of whoever wears it. "Okay. It's nice Rae but I'm not wearing this." said Zane, feeling the shirt. "Why not?" said Rachel. "Because I like the shirt I have on now obviously." said Zane. "That kinda makes sense but do you like it Zane? I know how picky you can be when it comes to clothing." said Rachel. "It's better than most of the clothing that's based off my image." said Zane, with him shivering.

He remembering seeing the Liger Form kigurumi once and while the girls liked it, he didn't. "It kinda reminds me of the Legion Zero Jacket that the kids has and my brand new leather jacket. So is there a male dressing room? I'm well aware of the ladies' dressing room." said Zane. "There is but I want you to undress for me here babypop." said Rachel with her emphasizing here and gave a gesture for him to take his shirt off. "Fine. Not going to try fighting you on this since it's a losing fight." said Zane. 

Zane began taking off his shirt and jacket. This revealed his impressive eight pack and abs of steel to not only Rachel. "I know that I see this every day but I'll never stop admiring this sight." said Rachel with the rest of the women ,single or married, in the shop admiring it as well. The employee from earlier would have stopped this from happening but she really liked what she saw in front of him. They started wolf whistling at Zane. 

The men on the other hand were jealous of Zane's figure and the attention he's getting from the girls. It was a strong mixture of both. "Okay then. I guess if Zara was doing this, she would get wolf whistle from the guys and stares of envy/hostility from the girls. Overall, this is weird to see women wolf whistling. Not sure if that would be called something else but whatever. Better give them a show I guess." thought Zane, flexing.

Rachel huffed a bit as she slapped his chest lightly. "Rae. I know that you're jealous but I belong to you till the day we part." said Zane, kissing her on her forehead. This scene caused the women to awww at this with it sounding straight out of a studio audience. As Zane put on the shirt on, Zane smiled. "So how do I look babe?" said Zane. "Good but you need a new pair of pants. How long have you been wearing those?" said Rachel with a cheerful smile.

Zane sighed as he said,"No. I'm not taking off my pants here. I'm a model not a stripper. There is a difference.". "Why do you have to be such a tease? Do you not love me?" said Rachel with her bringing out the puppy dog eyes on him. "You do know that the puppy dog eyes won't work on me right but how about later? I'll give you a private show." said Zane. "As Zara." whispered Zane. Rachel's smile grew much bigger as she dragged Zane away to get him a perfect outfit that would be amazing for him. 

They later went to the counter where the woman who was in charge of the register was the exact same woman who was staring at Zane like he was a piece of meat earlier and the one who thought Zane was a pervert. "Oh. It's you two. I have to say sorry once again to Mr. Alvarez once again. I know that you have a bad reputation right now but I just want you to know that I don't think you should be responsible for what happened to Ultimate Showdown." said the employee. 

Rachel blinked as she said,"Hold on. How do you know my fiance's name?". "Huh. I thought it was obvious who he was since he has that signature piercing of his in the middle of his chest. He also has all of those scars of his." said the woman. "Yeah Rae. It's really obvious who I am. You're marrying a famous celebrity after all." said Zane. "Whatever Zane. Lets just pay for our clothing and get something to eat already." said Rachel. "Okay. So do you want to pay for it or should I?" said Zane.

The woman behind the counter began scanning their items. "How about we use my discount and your card? It would look like we're buying it together." said Rachel. "Sound idea there Rae but I hope to see you wearing that dress sometime soon." said Zane. "Sure thing." said Rachel. The woman behind the counter was slightly jealous of how good the couple in front of her were acting. Her boyfriend personally was the type of guy to flaunt his wealth around. 

She was planning on dumping him and reporting him to the police after her shift today since she caught him stealing from her jewelry box. She didn't know why he was stealing from her but she had a feeling that it had something to do with the Black Blossom Bar and Frankie. She recorded him doing this using a secret camera in a jacket that she bought for him using her store discount. The secret camera was sewn into the jacket thanks to a friend of hers. 

As Zane handed her his card, the woman noticed that there was a small piece of paper attached to it. The woman looked at Zane who just smiled at her. She thought that she was giving him his number and when she opened it, it wasn't his number but another man's number. It was for Scott Castro and the piece of paper had the word,"Call this number and get that scumbag arrested. You deserve much better than him.". She nodded to herself as the couple left the store. 

Upon leaving the store, they were now deciding where to eat. "So know any good places to eat around here Rae? I'm up for anything when it comes to food as you're well aware." said Zane. "I know a really good place here. Want to go?" said Rachel. "Sure. Lets go." said Zane, followed her. The couple began walking through the mall as Rachel said,"Despite some trouble getting you some new clothes, this date is going just as planned.". "Yeah but our date is nowhere over yet." said Zane. 

Rachel smiled as she said,"Oh yeah. The best part is going to be at the end.". "And do you mean by that?" said Zane. "Dummy. Do you really think I'll let our all day date end without doing it?" said Rachel. "I''m looking forward to it my devilish beauty." said Zane, wrapping his arms around her entire body and smirking. "Of course. You're my very perverted babypop." said Rachel. "I'm very much loving this new nickname by the way. Way better than dummy" said Zane.

The Cross Species placed his forehead against her as Rachel said,"Me too.". The two kissed. After breaking off from their kiss, the two went back to walking and talking about what came to mind. Rachel always admired how Zane would slow down for her when they were walking together since there was a noticeable height difference between the two. "Rae. Do you remember how I had a question for you personally?" said Zane. "Yeah. So what is it?" said Rachel. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"So for our wedding, you're okay with me having some of my out there friends?". "Yes I'm fine with it because we both know what Rico and Theron would do if they weren't invited to your wedding. I like how we're leaving this dimension in order to have our wedding. It's different. And is this really your question?" said Rachel. "I just wanted to make sure about something. I know that you really like the trio." said Zane. 

Rachel nodded as she said,"Yeah. Those three are just amazing and with the guidance they'll get from us and their loved ones, I'm sure they'll grow up to be great people. What are you getting are?". "After our wedding and sometime in the future, I want to have a biological kid with you." said Zane after a deep breath. "Really? That's your question." said Rachel, looking at him with a serious yet confused look on her face. 

Zane looked at her as he said with a brighter than normal smile,"Yeah. I know that I must be sounding crazy but according to my mom, it's a very different feeling raising a child that you created compared to one you adopted. She still loves the hell out of Ana, Lucius, and Kurt mind you but she always treated me differently compared to them. I want to experience that kind of feeling and to be perfectly honest, I really want to have a kid with you Rae.". 

Rachel looked at her with her beginning to rub his head. Despite its messy appearance, his hair was really soft and felt good to the touch. "It's fine Zane. I was thinking the same thing but not for a while. I don't think I would look good pregnant." said Rachel. "I disagree but I think I would have to explain to Wolfram how babies born first." said Zane. "Wait. He doesn't know? I thought he learned alongside the trio." said Rachel. "He did but we both know how bad Wolfram's memory can be at times." said Zane. 

The devil sighed as she said,"Yeah. His memory isn't the best but he's loyal. Didn't Kevin trick him into believing that babies come from the cabbage patch or was it the stork?". "I think it was the stork but Kevin isn't technically wrong Rae. There is a dimension where a couple request a child and the stork delivers it to them." said Zane. "You would know that Zane. I'm just happy you told me about this." said Rachel. "Did you honestly think I wouldn't tell you about this?" said Zane. 

Rachel looked at him and lightly punched him in the rubs. "You do have a noticeable tendency to hide things of all kinds from your friends which isn't healthy in the slightest but I think you're getting better about sharing. Accepting your feminine side probably helped." said Rachel. "I tried." said Zane. "So how about we get some food already to celebrate us our future?" said Rachel. "Sounds great." said Zane with him having a smile that wasn't going to vanish any time soon.

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