Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Zero Episode 145 Notes

Random Stuff: 
Eazairvians are neither male nor females due to their ability to switch between different species and genders whenever they want. They're often classified as genderless because of that. Eazairvian Cross Species are a bit different compared to a full blooded Eazairvian. Most of them considered themselves to be both male and female but tend to use the right pronouns when they're that specific gender. Once they pick a species, they become the perfect specimen of that selected species. 

Any noticeable injuries such as missing appendages or scars that the Eazairvian obtained in their life will not appear in some shape or form on their new species or gender. However, this doesn't apply to Eazairvian Cross Species since their injuries will appear on that some form.  

Ignrull. This species has some difference between males and females. Female Ingrulls have squared shaped heads and triangular chins. Male Ignrulls have their legs shaped like a pair of boots. Upon reaching the age of adulthood, this species has a choice of becoming either a attacker or defender. An Attacker is able to fight their way out of seemingly any problem that they come up against. An Defender is able to defend themselves from any damage that they may be taken. 

Attackers are more physically incline compared to Defenders who have been known to be more fat than muscle. Whenever the Ignrull finds themselves in combat, they are covered in a noticeable glow. For Attackers, this glow increases their physical strength. For Defenders, this glow increases their physical endurance. They can also fire this energy from their body and this energy has the added effect of electricity.

Michelle is a very bubbly girl. She tends to believe whatever people say even if they're clearly lying. She's very confident being that she believed that she would be saved from Rufus's clutches. Michelle has a great deal of Impulse inside of her. She could destroy an entire city if she wanted to and Rufus wanted to use this power for his own advantage. As a Mermaid, she has the ability to use her voice either to destroy to heal. 

She can emit a hyper sonic blast of force that can easily shatter objects as touch as steel and if truly angered, her voice can breakdown tissues on a cellular level. Her voice can be used mesmerize other beings mainly when she's performing on stage as the Lunar Priestess. It can be used to weaken or strength others. Her body is naturally very durable being able to withstand great deal of pressure and several gun shots before falling down. She can move extremely fast. 

Like most giants, Cazagon is an arrogant yet very honorable being. This statement is true of all giants however. He believes that his food can make anyone smile and will attack anyone who says that his food isn't good. He tends to have a grumpy exterior to him and this is due to him losing his son and daughter in law to the Odium Society some fifty odd years ago. Upon Zane saving him from Rufus's clutches, he decided to pledge his loyalty to the Cross Species for as long as he lived. 

Cazagon's loyalty toward others is often seen as very stubborn since he never gives up no matter if a friend is on the line. He had heard about Zane before thanks to hearing about how the young man saved several giants from slavery during the year 2021. This is because of the giant’s vry impressive communication network. He wanted to see and meet Zane before he decided to follow in his species' footsteps in trusting Zane. Cazagon may look like he's in his mid 30s to early 40s.

However due to him being a giant, he's much older and his real age is over a hundred year old. As a giant, he is tremendously strong and obtained the rank of Commander First Class. His fists have been called literal earth shatters due to him once smashing apart a mountain ,with it being over a million feet tall, with a single punch. He has great pain tolerance due to him once withstand a great deal of physical strain thanks to fighting against an opponent who could make themselves weight over a millions tons.

The giant did this while his stomach was bleeding thanks to someone making the foolish mistake of poisoning his food. Unlike normal giants, he's able to shrink or grow to whatever sizes he wants. 

Rufus is a very greedy and narcissistic devil who uses his status to do and get whatever he wants no matter if others have to suffer because of it.  He tends to use his lackeys to do his dirty work and is well known for his perverted nature. He enjoys the company of beautiful women and wants to use them for his own sick pleasure. He hates seeing men due to him having a serious bad case of androphobia. If he touches them, he break out into a serious bad rash. 

He demands only the best and wants to be the ruler of all beings. He has a complete lack of respect and empathy toward others being that he only sees women as an object rather than a person. He is cold and ruthless, discarding innocent beings to the mercy of his lackeys and doing anything he can to win a confrontation. He enjoyed seeing others with expressions of pain, sadness, and despair which he found to be an ultimate form of entertainment. 

Rufus comes off as a sexist pervert, constantly calling women who disobey a "bitch" and commenting on their breasts. He looks down on lower class beings aka everything except him and well known for his perversion. The reason he went after Rachel is because of how powerful she is among devils alongside her beauty but he was jealous of the kind of relationship she has with Zane. The latter reason is because of him hearing about how open Zane is about his perversion and how no one judges him for it.

There is also the fact that Rachel likes this from him. He’s known as the Earth Envoy. Despite being disgusting, he's two times stronger than Blaze. In a game of Domination Rufus had with Blaze and his group, Rufus won all by himself and he defeated Blaze without breaking a sweat even though Blaze was using extremely hot flames at the time. Alongside his clan's unique ability to manipulate all forms of earth, he has the ability to turn people into solid stone with a single touch. 

He can only do this by defeating Rufus or focusing a strong amount of Impulse into the object he's trying to turn into tone. He has a lengthy, frog-like tongue that can be used to grab people and his saliva can paralyze upon contact. Using his tongue, it has to be fully wrapped around a being’s body in order to turn them into stone. Using the Mud Pit, he can make any beings lose their will and serve him without question. 

Use for Rufus’s servants/slaves: The ruler of the Dwarf Clan’s servants/slaves look to made out of pitch black earth with a buxom figure. Their face are a white color with red markings for eyes and mouth. Their fingernails were red. All of them wearing outfits fit for a bunny girl which comes in the form of a gray skin-tight leotard with the symbol of the Dwarf Clan ,being a gold diamond shape, on it. It covers the chest and rear with the leotard made out of a latex like material and that shined. 

It has a adorable artificial rabbit tail at the rear end of it. This symbol makes it apparent who they belong to. Their leotard’s collar is dark blue, gray cuffs, and wears fishnet pantyhose/stockings over their legs. She wears white fingerless gloves and stunning black high heels. Over their neck, they wear a black choker with RUFUS printed on it. When they move at all, they mindlessly let their breasts and sway. This is used to lower the enemies' guard and please Rufus. 

The latter option is more common. These slaves are made out of a combination of the earth and Ardor, giving them life along with sentience and opinions. However, Rufus wouldn’t let someone to tell him what to do or more less a female. The men are the same except they dress in suits that them looking like well dressed thugs aka mobsters or bouncers at a club standing there. They have earpiece in their ears, tinted glasses over their eyes, and were twirling knives in their hands. 

When the male servants fail, they either turn back into dirt and rocks or get turned into a servant/slave.

Ranks of the Alliance:
Lieutenant= Highest Title of the Alliance.
Shogun=Second Highest Title of the Alliance.
Commander=Third Highest Title of the Alliance.
Archduke/Archduchess= Fourth Highest Title of the Alliance.
Knight=Fifth Highest Title of the Alliance.

It's well known that the Alliance's main military force is known as the Sentry Corps. Members of the Alliance are given titles to indicate each member's ability. There are five titles that a being could possibly achieve with in the Alliance. The duo of Lucas Hammond and Warner Ybarra both share the duty of leading the Alliance and they share the title of Lieutenant. Each title ,except for the first and second title, is subdivided into four different groups being that it goes from fourth to first class. 

The second title of Shogun can only be held by a small amount of beings at a time and it's an extremely hard rank to achieve for a variety of reasons. One of these reasons is the being's mentality and personality being put in question. As of 2024, there are five members of the Alliance that are given the rank of Shogun. If a member of the Alliance achieves a great deal for the good of the Omniverse, they can move up the ranks if either Lucas, Warren, a Shogun, or a Commander approves it. 

If you're being mentoring by a Commander or in rare cases a Commander or Lieutenant, they cannot approve you for a rank due to them not wanting to show favoritism. 

Rank Name:
1. Lieutenant.
2. Shogun.
3. Commander First Class.
4. Commander Second Class.
5. Commander Third Class.
6. Commander Fourth Class.
7. Archduke/Archduchess First Class.
8. Archduke/Archduchess Second Class.
9. Archduke/Archduchess Third Class.
10. Archduke/Archduchess Fourth Class.
11. Knight First Class.
12. Knight Second Class.
13. Knight Third Class. 
14. Knight Fourth Class.

I really don’t know a damn thing about Human Skin Color as seen with Zero Episode 81 or whenever I write Zane's normal skin color so here is some articles about it. 

Here’s some random facts about tattoos and the name of their placement on the body:

Don’t take this at all serious but just look at it:

Some random yet informative articles about the LGBTG+ community. This is here because honestly, I am no way an expert on the community as a whole. I won't act like I know what I'm talking about but maybe, these people do. If I make a reference to this community, check out these articles for a more informed opinion. 

Articles involved in the Author Note:

Some of the jokes and tropes that were used for/involved Zane/Zara:

More information about Zara: Like Zara, Wonder Woman was trained to be a warrior rather than being just a supermodel. Another example is Captain Marvel from Marvel when she has long hair. While I do like her Ms. Marvel costume from the 2000s, the more modern outfit works a lot better for her as a character. Not the Captain Marvel's look seen in Civil War 2 where she was at her worst and for some people, never really recovered from. 

Zara is also not like She Hulk from more recent comics where she looked like this or this. I'm going to be blunt here. Both of these are more Hulk with boobs than the She Hulk we're accustomed to. It's not weird as Female Broly and I'm not talking about Kale. Imagine Broly except instead of pecs, breasts are in their place and her hair is in pigtails. You got what I called female Broly for many years prior to seeing Kale. 

You may wonder why female Broly would have pigtails and the answer is simple. It would be funny to see and beside, the other option was the regal ringlets. Think Selnia Iori Flameheart from Ladies versus Butlers!. Another example of a woman is more than just a pretty face is Rumi Usagiyama or Mirko from My Hero Academia. This bunny fulfills the tropes Action Girl, Amazonian Beauty, Boobs of Steel, and She's Got Legs. We also have Mereoleona Vermillion from Black Clover.

She fulfills the tropes Action Girl, Amazonian Beauty, Boobs of Steel, Statuesque Stunner, Warrior Princess, and World's Strongest Woman. Zara is also not like Aphrodite from Records of Ragnarok who literally has Gag Boobs and due to how big she is up front, this needs to be a thing in more shows.

The second outfit that Rachel showed off during their date is black shorts that wasn't really shorts but more like jean underwear with a molten gold belt, a halter-top that was black with gold on top of it which is held together by silver buttons and was covering her chest but exposed her cleavage, a black hair band with two silver devil ears , a silver devil tail, and knee high black boots with heels that Rachel said that outfit was for private time.

New Inventions:
Bringing out the Inner You. This invention was made by Velda in order to help with undercover work but it can help people by bringing out the true self.  When the device is active, the gloves turn a light red color and the user can do whatever they want with it. The device records every little change done to the body upon being scanned for the first time and can be used to reverse any changes to the body prior to the scanning. It can remove scars and tattoos no problem. 

Morphing Powder. This powder allows a being to disguise themselves as another species or gender. It’s considered to be rather hard to obtain by normal people given that it was made by a group of nomadic beings who travel through the Omniverse. It looks like normal golden sand except it has a faint presence of Impulse covering it. The powder is usually contained into a hourglass like device. Upon the sand touching the consumer’s tongue, they’re hit with an intense taste before they begin to change into the species or gender. The change last for about one day and doesn’t make their body’s natural Impulse. 

Fun Fact: The reason why Rachel's Ardor was hard for her to control ,compared to her siblings and other devils, is quite simple. When Marian was finishing up a mission for the Alliance, she stumbled across an abandoned temple. Her mission for the Alliance was handling a violent gang. This gang mainly picked on little orphan/homeless kids ,no younger than six years old, as target practice for their weapons or punching bags. 

With her ruthless way of battle, she easily crushed the gang at their base of operation with them begging for their lives. She countered this by mentioning how those poor orphans begged for their lives when they were being abused. She finished teaching the gang a lesson until very late at night with her heading back to the village. She later found herself an abandoned temple to serve as a means of a place to crash for night. In her opinion, it looked rather bland on both the inside and outside. 

There were only a few rooms separated by holes in the walls. This was due to time. There were mysterious runes etched into everything including the pillars holding the temple together. The devil later figured out that she stayed in a very sacred temple. It was a temple that belonged to the extinct race of Viarath. They were wiped out due to them ostracizing themselves from other species. They did mate with other species but unlike Cross Species, only the females gained the abilities of the species. 

Any male children that they had didn't gain any abilities. They weren't kicked out or anything but they were often seen as lesser compared to the women. Some of the male children were impressive mainly due to their hard work rather than using natural talent. The last known empress is Sanrora Lusrir with her being well known for being a powerful, kind ruler. They had a guardian deity for a period of time but the deity status was revoked after the Viarath were wiped out by the Qlakriks.

This massacre happened thanks to them rejecting the offer to help them during the Omniverse War that was going on at the time. The temple's magic ,which came to be a result of several Viarath using their Impulse, still lived on within the temple from where they once lived. Upon the devil entered the temple for the first time, she decided to have an group explore the temple at a later date. She would have done it herself but she longer had accepted that she's the smashing type not the exploring type. 

While she slept, the spirits of the Viarath ,aka the personification of the temple, looked at the devil in interest. They had seen the devil helped those poor orphan children and they wanted to help her out in some way. The spirits casted one last spell on the devil. The spell's effect wasn't going to affect Marian but her next child if it's a girl. This was long after Marian had Astrid and Chloe by this point so the spell was going to effect Rachel instead. 

It was going to help increase her power greatly. It wouldn't change her into a Cross Species of Devil and Viarath but keep her as a Devil. The spell's effect activated when Rachel was a little girl. She was only five year old when this happened so she was unaware of what this really meant until much later. She thought that it was a nightmare but this was due to her being five years old. In the dream, she was being chased by a leap ,aka a group, of female leopards through a vast forest. 

The pack eventually cornered her at a set of pillars. These pillars were randomly in the upper middle of the forest. The leopards snarled at her for what felt like days, not giving her the mercy of a swift death in the slightest. The young devil curled up into a small ball for some kind of protection, crying out for her parents, brother, sisters, or really anyone to save her. "Fear not those who are bigger than you. You have been given the power to protect yourself and those who you hold deal." said a exquisite voice. 

Said voice itself had a lovely melody of femininity. Even in her scared state, Rachel questioned the wisdom behind those words. She was about to start learning how to use her Ardor soon so she was going to be strong too but not right now. "These leopards are not bigger than you." said the voice. The voice wasn't wrong but despite being smaller than the devil, they had numbers. "But at the same time, five year olds can't handle such ferocious beasts." said the voice. 

Despite being scared out of her mind, Rachel rolled her eyes. "In what dimension could a five year old defeat a group of leopards." thought Rachel. On Mt. Stirols and in reality, a young Zane sneezed much to the worry of Kurt and Lucius who blamed the wild animals for making their little brother sneeze who slowly backed away in fear. "They're not only hungry but dangerous as well. Being dangerous is a result of being bigger." said the voice. 

Rachel was confused. Didn't the voice just say that the leopards were smaller than her? "So here's some advice. Just because they're dangerous and bigger than you, it doesn't mean that you should give up. You're a strong being and I can tell that you never give up. Having that ability means you're much powerful than these beasts who need numbers to be strong." said the voice. Rachel was confused by what the voice was telling her. "So why not show them how powerful you really are?" said the voice.

Ever since she was little, she was amazed by how strong her parents and brother are. Her sisters on the other hand were a different story. She didn't hate them per say but they weren't very cool to her. She looked at the leopards and wanted to take them down. She was a proud devil and a devil worth their salt wouldn't let these kitty cats take her down. The felines saw her as a meal to be devour. "So why not show them? Unleash the power you have within!" said the voice. "Okay." said Rachel. 

The leopards took this as a cue to get their meal. The young devil didn't run away as both her and her attackers were enveloped in a all to familiar scarlet red beam. It didn't come from a member of her illustrious family but from the abnormal pillars around her. The leopards were frozen in time. "Do note that I just paused them from attacking you when you weren't ready for them young devil but you'll need to be the one to defeat them." said the voice in a joking tone. 

With a bit more confident compared to before, Rachel said,"Okay. I think I'm ready to do this.". "It seems that you finally have confidence. I'm sure you'll gain more of it in time but for now, this shall work against those felines. The Viarath aren't the best when it comes to inspiring speeches in the slightest." said the voice. "The Viarath?" said Rachel. "Once this is all over, I suggest learning about our species history once you remember this dream of yours." said a voice.

The voice took a deep breath as it said,"It's a species that has been lost to time. As of right now, you have quite the nasty infestation to deal with.". "Oh yeah. That's right." said the devil. She looked at the five leopards suspended in their attack. It was more like four leopards since one of them was dead due to the energy beam from earlier deciding to kill one of them out of spite. "Do you need some assistance my child?" said the voice.

Rachel was silent as the voice said,"I can tell that you'll need a way to channel your power until you get better control of it. Despite being in a dream, the damage that you take in one is more deadly than the damage you take on the outside.". "I think I'll be fine. I have a move that will handle them with no problem. This is a dream after all and I can handle some cats." said Rachel. "It seems that the Chirotirian's over confidence lives on in the devils." said the voice. 

Before she started her comeback, Rachel said,"By the way, do you have a name? I'll forget about the dream when I wake up but when I do remember having this dream, I want to learn all about you and your species history.". "I see. My name is Sanrora Lusrir. I was one of the stronger members of the Viarath before passing away. Do note that you're not just a devil but a member of the Viarath. If you find yourself a partner to share the rest of your eternal life, try to have a girl." said Sanrora.

Rachel blinked as Sanrora said,"I'm sure you don't care what gender your kid will be but girls are so much better than boys. Go get them in 3, 2, 1.". Time unfrozen itself as the leopard made their way toward Rachel. All four of them were down in a single second due to Rachel firing Ardor from the palms of her hand. It came out in a spiraling like fashion, creating a typhoon of energy. She aimed her hands toward the leap to make sure that her attack hit on. This is where her dream ended. 

The young devil princess woke up with her forgetting about the Viarath. She was unaware of her power increase for several years until she was eighteen years old. She later learned about Sanrora and the Viarath thanks to Zane and his connection to some of the oldest beings within the Omniverse. She wanted to master her powers to protect and stay with her friends. This immense power and beauty are the reasons why Rufus wanted her as his wife alongside the obvious beauty. 

Blaze wasn’t like that since he only saw her as a trophy rather than a weapon of mass destruction and dominance for whoever owned her. ZThe Viarath lived in villages that were deep within the forests of the Omniverse and were considered to be a very beautiful species. They once spend their nights dancing over meadows and fight for the side of good. They were considered to be one of the wiser and cautious species in the Omniverse. 

They have sharp senses which can be used to track and hunt down specific beings for miles and with complete focus, they can track a being down to another country. and perception for battle or other activities. They had the ability to communicate with nature and animals. They were known for their ability to manipulate Impulse in a manner similar to the Eaziarvian's Primordial and the Qlakrik's Carnal. 

Despite their kindness, they have very little mercy toward those who hurt their family or those who betray the entire species. In battle, they move silent and with a graceful quickness. They were highly resistant to the Magnus's Liasada and Sorcerer’s Animus. When they were alive, the Viaraths look similar to human but their physiology was very different compared to humanity. It's often said by researchers that the Viaraths are very similar in appearance to humans.

This is due to them both looking humanoid but having a very noticeable difference compared to a human. They can have porcelain, dark skin usually either a common light brown or an olive-greenish variation, or milky skin tone. Their visible difference between humans usually come in the form of horns protruding for their forehead. An individual Viarath can possess one or several horns, displaying them is a sign of honor. 

If you have two or more horns, that means that you're extremely powerful among your generation. If your horn is long, that means you will live for an extremely long time and have great luck compared to a Viarath with a small horn. Ones horn length or the amount doesn't matter but the actions instead. They also have longer than average arms and legs compared to humans, having increased power in their punches and kicks respectively.   

Use for Rachel’s weapons: Her sash is actually a customized Plasma Swiss Army Knife which changed from a staff and whip combo to a sash. The reasons from changing a staff and whip combo to a sash is simple. She was mainly teased for her using a whip by Efren who called her a dominatrix and was blasted by a giant lightning bolt from the females of Team Maelstrom. Kevin would have been punished as well but he didn't say anything about it. 

The reason for no longer using a staff is because of her wanting a new weapon instead. Her sash has the ability to change its appearance such as a whip primarily and this is only possible thanks to Rachel infusing any amount of her Ardor into it. It can still control the weather which she uses to great advantage and any damage that hits the scarf gets absorbed, firing out compressed shockwaves at her enemies and these shockwaves can send the largest foe flying away. 

Her sash can bind its enemies and regenerate if cut, all by its own will. Her forearms guards can turn into a pair of gauntlets ,which go up to her elbows and have a red circular device over her palms, which can deal damage to enemies like Phantom or those who can change their body structures to an element. She can use them to channel and amplify her Ardor attacks even more than before.

All Day Date Schedule.
12 AM-4:30 AM: Cuddling together on the couch and watching movies together.
4:30 AM-6 AM: Cuddling together in bed the way that Eltron made them.
6 AM-7:30 AM: Breakfast.
7:30 AM-9:30 AM: Having a serious conversation and cuddling.
10 AM-4:30 PM: Shopping at the mall, having a good lunch, seeing a movie, and fighting against the duo of Lidox and Tulbur.
5 PM-6 PM: Convincing Velda to borrow some of her inventions in order to sneak into the secret oasis with no problem. 
6 PM-7 PM: Getting ready for the date's main event. 
7:30 PM-11:30 PM: Taking down JAM ,the group,  as anti heroes and later Rufus and his seven evil lovers.
11:45 PM-12 PM: Enjoying the last few minutes together in each other's arms.

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