Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Zero Episode 145 An all day date with the woman you love Section 1 (Written on December 11 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Episode 145 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Episode 145. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

A/N: Yeah. I'm real sorry for a lack of updates for the past four months and this was probably a result of me going overboard with this episode alongside everything that has been going on in the Earth for the past four months. Even thought I don't keep up with politics since it's depressing and shows the worst of humanity most of the time, I know about what was going on with the C Virus. I would mention a certain movement going on involving race but I rather not say anything on that for now.

In life, talking about race ,like politics, leads to trouble most of the time. My writing as I go method tends to have its issues and this is one of them. If I'm really excited about writing something, it takes a good amount of time. I would personally recommend coming up with a base plan and then write. Don't do what I do. You can fix up issues here and there but you should have a basic outline. That's how the MCU works ,I think, and look at its success against other movie companies.

This author note will be about a really stupid yet interesting controversy from early this year so lets ignore what's going on. Before we do anything, lets look at a possible future for Mario Kart. I do think this is a slim possibility but I'm not against having a Doctor Mario, Old Man Mario, or maybe Green Mario skin. Not a character. I really hate how in that future, Luigi is now an unlockable character like he is in four out of the five Smash Bros games so far.

I'm counted the 3DS entry as one by the five by the way. With that out of the way, what is this controversy about the latest DLC fighter for Ultimate? I don't mind another Fire Emblem rep since we had five new characters in the last pack. I count Piranha Plant as apart of it since he's a DLC fighter at least to me. We have another fighter pack of characters to complain about it so I'm not mad at all. This controversy is about My Hero Academia and the Nazi Party? What?! Is this a Buzzfeed article? Nope.

This is just a weird thing to give an Mangaka crap for. The creator of My Hero Academia has his fair share of controversy prior to this. I will always bring up the redemption of Endeavor with him being one of the worst ,not the worst but one of the worst, parents in Anime/Manga or how Momo is drawn with an adult woman's body despite being 15. I totally get the Endeavor one but like I mentioned before on this blog, I rather have a character who is willing to change rather than not change at all.

However, this character should not forget the many mistakes they made. The whole Momo thing thing is weird but at the exact same time, most characters in fiction are drawn with clearly impossible body proportions. Just like at anything from Part 1-3 of Jojo for an example of this. So at the end of the day, it doesn't bother me since it's a fictional universe. This latest controversy is very dumb but interesting at the exact same time.

I would talk about this in Fairy Legion but honestly, I just wanted to talk about it. So for some info or great detail on this controversy, check out these articles at the end of the post. This controversy began with the My Hero Character who reminds me of Dr. Eggman except without the stash. His name was Shiga Maruta but this was later changed Kyudai Garaki. Now why is this such a big deal you may be asking.

The name Maruta is a reference to the infamous Unit 731 from World War 2. I'm not a big history buff so I didn't know why people were so upset about this at first. After doing some research on the subject, I can see where they're coming from. However bombarding Horikoshi with utter hatred and demanded that the name being changed for HIS manga is absurd and something that a fan shouldn't do. At the end of the day, a name is just a word.

You really shouldn't judge a person just because they happen to share a name with a fictional character. I speak from personal experience since I share the same name as Patrick Star. I really didn't like how I shared the same name as the dumb pink starfish when I was growing up. However over time, I didn't let those jokes get to me. For people who had a loved one suffered because of Unit 731, I understand your pain but those who don't have that connection. You really don't have a say in the matter.

It's good to listen to your emotions but use your head and think before making a decision. The new name also brought in controversy as well being that Horikoshi can't get a break by people who are letting a name ruining a good story for them. There are fans tearing up chapters, throwing away volumes of the manga, and berating the man about this. These people aren't fans but spoiled children who if they don't like something, they complain.

Don't get me wrong. I'm well aware that I do the exact same thing but I'm not going to destroy anything that I spent my money on just because I disagree with what the author is doing with their story. That's just stupid and totally disrespectful toward the author. If there is one thing I know about the manga industry, it's the long hours and very tight deadlines to produce new chapters. I don't think mangas and their creators that come out monthly have to deal with these strict deadlines but I could be wrong.  

If this controversy somehow kills My Hero Academia, I'll be upset with the people who are letting a name get them so riled up. Oh and don't get me started on the whole My Fascism Academy thing. Just because Bakugo shares the same birthday as Hitler doesn't make it an issue in my opinion. Is a normal John Doe a fascist just because he shares the same birthday as a dictator? No. This is why I called this controversy dumb but at the same time interesting.

Said controversy will bring up a discussion and hopefully, you form your own opinion about it rather than just joining up with one side without reading the facts. Lets switch gears here to something more positive. Like I said before, I'm not an expert on World War 2 and would suggest you doing some research on it. It's a very important point of history. This episode will have Rachel and Zane on an all day date. Now what is an all day date you may be asking?

An all day is a date that last from 12 AM to 11:59 PM or to use military time, 00:00 to 23:59. The name makes it obvious once you get that little detail. This and the next episode will have the relationship of Rachel and Zane explored in great and lengthy detail. It ,in my opinion, is the best relationship I've done. If you've seen the others relationships I've done for Zero, I really hope you would agree and if you don't, that's great. It's always good to have a different opinion. 

We're going to learn and see how Zane proposed to Rachel in the first place and not just hear about it so that's good. I planned this from Episode 128 and was going to show how in Zero Episode 132.5 but my main focus on how the Massacre happen. I'm a big fan of characters who suffer from a personal tragedy and can move past it to become a better person than they were before the tragedy. This and the next episode will be mainly done in two different time periods.

The first time period is the current present day of Zero or in the year 2024 and the second time period is six weeks after the Massacre. You read the last one right. I'm not joking. We're going to see how Zane was after losing Karen, Kristen, Nova, Rain, Roxy, and Sierra. The time period in the present are going to show how Rachel and Zane are as a couple. It'll be very titillating. I use the word titillating for two reasons.

It's honestly better than me using the same words over and over. The second reason is to embrace my inner middle schooler since it has the word tit in it. I know it's a flimsy excuse but it's the honest truth. It won't be as bad as say Zero Episode 132.5 and part of Zero Episode 144 but it's to show how Rachel and Zane are a couple. It could be seen as smut and well, I'm not going to deny that it is. They're in love with each other and aren't afraid of showing it in a more risqué manner.

There will also be a lot of female fanservice so you're a fan of that, you'll probably like that more than the story it's attached too. If that sounds like a series you know, that statement can applies to a lot of series and I meant a lot of them. I'm going to do my best to show how Rachel and Zane act as a couple. Not just the fanservice. You may wonder why I do this stuff like this. From the start, my stories were always written to be for teens and up because that's the type of stories I like to read personally.

I like stories that have some graphic violence, swearing, and a whole bunch of fanservice. I'm not going to put a mature warning for my entire blog mainly due to the obvious fact I tend to write characters who swear like a sailor or maybe some characters ,mainly females and some times men but mainly the ladies, have clearly unrealistic proportions. I grew up reading comics and stories where that was the case for a long time. It's gotten a lot better over the years. 

This may have taken a while but we're finally moving toward having costumes for the ladies that don't reveal your butt and cleavage but nothing too vulgar. The costumes now are lot better than the ones in the 2000s and it's a very good thing that they've evolved over time. It may have took Wonder Woman until the movie to get rid of the swimsuit outfit she has been wearing. I vastly prefer the warrior look for her since she was raised on an island of them. It only makes sense. 

Male's costumes ,on the other hand,  have stay basically the same for some reason. Just look at Spider-Man. I mean I get female costumes because of obvious reasons but why don't the guys costume changed to something other than tight fitting spandex? It is something that I noticed over time and people complaining about female costumes over the years. Just look at any superhero costume and you'll see what I mean by this. 

Also. I don't own Fairy Legion or Fairy Tail whatsoever. Probably mentioned this before but I just wanted to make sure. That's why I'm not getting paid to write these stories and why I don't put ads on my blog. Thought they would mostly like be ignored or blocked by ad blockers like most websites's ads but still. My point is that I won't make you pay for anything. I do these stories for fun and no one can stop me from doing that.

I'm not going to do what I did for 132.5 and put up several warnings throughout the chapter. All of that was for a test and well, it worked for something I have in mind. You'll see how in due time. Zero Episode 156 was supposed to come out in February as you can see from what I've been talking about but certain things aka a whole lot of editing and planning to rewriting Fairy Legion took up a lot of my time.

There was also my recent playthrough of Persona 5 Royal ,with this masterpiece of a game taking about a week+ to complete, and I'll be talking about this game in the very near future. This post is going to be a long one so lets begin the all day date.

Narrator P.O.V.
It was the wee hours of the night within Cypress Park being close to ten at night. The sun had pretty left the city with the cool night air covering the city. Most of the city was asleep being that a few were out this late. This mainly consisted of the party animals. They were currently drinking the night away and were going to suffer from a pretty nasty hungover in the morning for sure. However, there is always someone willing to commit deplorable actions.

In a nearby car, a trio of thugs was planning to commit a crime. "So is the coast clear?" said a man's voice. "Like I told you three times already, it's clear Justin. So what's the plan again?" said a second male's voice with a yawn coming out afterwards. "For crying out lord you morons, Michael! We're going to be stealing an armored car that's filled with money so we get into the Secret Oasis tomorrow night! We need some serious cash remember?!" said a third voice.

One of the thugs aka Justin said,"Yeah Michael. Let me guess. You were sleeping before you got the call from the boss weren't you?". "I was man. Spend all day and yesterday watching that marathon that I was telling you about. It was really good. Honestly Albert, I really don't care about getting in the club that's run by that guy. He's really scary and hates guys like us.". "Shut up you freaking idiots! Quit acting like you're girls at the salon and get ready! We have one real shot to become badass." said Albert.

Albert put a black ski mask over his head to hide his identity and held a pistol. "Yeah. The police may suck against metahumans but on normal human like us, they're pretty touch." said Justin as he followed his leader's action except he had a shotgun. Michael put on a skeleton mask over his face and smacked a metal bat into his palm. "So you do know that guys like us use ski masks rather than Halloween masks right?" said Justin.

Michael shrugged as he said,"I'm sorry but this heist was unplanned. I still have to wash my ski masks since unlike you guys, I care about how I smell.". "You're acting like women. Shut up and go home because I want to get my revenge on that brat." said Albert. "I thought you hated when we bring up how you got your butt kicked by him and I'm pretty sure that he wasn't trying. It was good times being a part of Hellion Company." said Michael.

Albert turned toward Michael with him saying,"Shut up right now you fruit.". "Um boss. We're wasting time talking instead of action and don't be a prick." said Justin. "Right. Once we're done here, we'll be sitting in the club with beers in our hands and some sexy bitches by our side." said Albert. The duo of Justin and Michael looked at him. "Okay. I'll be doing this. You two losers can do whatever you want when we're there." said Albert.

The trio displayed their weapons as they peaked out from their rented jeep. Their eyes looked to the left and right across the silent street. They waited patiently as Justin looked right at the clock that sat above the bank. It was exactly five minutes from ten. They knew how fast the city's protector went into action if there was a crime commit so every second count. "Move. Take care of anyone who sees us since we can't have anyone talking about us." whispered Albert.

It may not seem like it but this wasn't the first time that they performed a heist. Justin and Michael left the jeep with them using their eyes to look out for anyone who could notice them. It was pretty late at night and most people were either asleep or drinking right now. Albert ran across the street and up toward a large, parked armored car. With one final look, Albert rammed his left elbow into the window of the armored car. The glass was easily shattered and there was a boisterous alarm.

Albert's hearing wasn't the best to begin with ever since he had an annoying girl ,aka Sadie from Zero Episode 132.5, screaming into it through a megaphone one time when he was in college. As a response to this, Albert punched her into a three week coma. He lost his college scholarship, twenty one month community service, and got sued for sexual harassment thanks to Sadie who had connections to high priced lawyers. All of them didn't matter to him since she made him deaf and it was only fair. 

It wasn't really but well, Albert thinks differently. He reached into the car and unlocked the door with ease. "Get over here right now you two before he shows up!" said Albert. The man jerked the door open and climbed into the driver's seat. The door was slammed shut behind him as he began to hot wire the vehicle. Justin got into the passenger's seat as Michael took the back area. The man rolled down one of the windows as Albert handed his pistol off to him. 

The leader stepped down on the gas pedal with the car roaring with life. The tires howled to life with it shooting down the road and ran right over a mailbox before driving away. Justin clenched the safety bar for dear life and turned away to Albert. "What the fuck man?! Did you learn to drive blindfolded or what?!" said Justin. "Who cares man?! We got away easy! Once we drop this off, we got us tickets to the best damn club on the planet!" said Michael. 

After puking a bit, Justin looked at him. "I thought you didn't care." said Justin. "This is going to be the best damn way to spend Spring Break!" laughed Albert. "Now come on JAM. You three know that the best place for you guys to spend Spring Break is in prison. You and I both know this don't you?" said a extremely high-pitched and staticky voice.  "Please tell me that was you Michael." said a slightly scared Albert, turning to the man in the back. 

Michael clenched his fists as he said,"Nope. Why would I call us JAM? Only one person does that and you know what that means.". "And here I thought that you were the dumb one Mikey but I guess that I was wrong. You earned the title of idiot Al!" laughed the mysterious voice. "Okay. Time to fill you with holes you annoying bastard!" yelled Albert. "Oh Al. I love how you actually think that you can stop this since I got somewhere to be." said the voice, continuing its laughter. 

The hood of the armored truck exploded as golden electricity came from it. Albert growled as the car stopped moved and thanks to two of them wearing seatbelts, they weren't jerked forward and onto the street. Michael ,who was in the back and not wearing a seatbelt, wasn't so lucky as he was sent flying into a pile of money. Moral of the story is that you should always wear a seatbelt just in case something like this happens. Car accidents can happen to everyone.  

Despite being pain, he enjoyed being buried in money. The trio groaned as they turned to the front of the car and Zane appeared with him being Electron Form. "Shit! It's Zero!" screamed Justin. "Fuck this shit! I'm not going to get my ass kicked by him again! It still hurts after the last time he kicked it." cried Michael. He kicked open the back, jumping out. The other two thugs followed shortly after and they ran off in three different directions.

Zane looked at this with him saying,"Oh no. They seem to have split off. Whatever am I to? Oh I know.". He made two clones of himself with him saying,"Lets play our favorite game! Fetch the bad guys!". The two clones nodded as they went after Justin and Michael. Zane went after Albert who aimed his two pistols at the approaching Zane. "Stay back you annoying brat or you're going to be filled with holes! Your bitch won't be able to recognize you after I'm done with you!" said Albert.

The man began firing his gun at Zane who dodged the bullets easy. "Dude. This is pathetic even for you." said Zane. Zane flew up into the air and turned into Hulking Form. Zane clenched his fists with him preparing to slam his fists into Albert. The thug began to fire his weapons at the hero but the bullets did nothing to stop Zane's decent. Albert was hit by the attack and was sent flying right into the side of the trash can.

He was out cold with Zane looking right at him. "You would have gotten a lighter beating if you didn't call her a bitch. You can make fun of me or do whatever you want but making fun of someone I deeply care about earns you nothing more than a beating." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. Albert didn't respond to this with Zane sighing. "I wonder how those two are doing. Lets go see." said Zane, flying away but not after encasing Albert in crystals for the police.

With the duo of Justin and Michael, the two were being shocked repeatedly by the Electron duo. "This is so much fun right Ohm?" said the right Electron. "Oh totally Volt mainly when the one with the gun tries to shoot us." said the left Electron or Ohm. His face was blasted off by Justin's shotgun who smiled at this. "Ha! Take that you living battery!" said Justin. "You do know that he can regenerate right?" said Michael. Justin watched in fear as Ohm's face was restored back to normal.

Ohm laughed as he said,"That was really funny! Especially your face! It's our turn now ready Volt?!". Volt nodded as the two fused back together and changed into Hunter Form. The hunter glared at the two with him taunting them. "Get him! I'll cover you!" said Justin. Michael charged toward him with his bat and Justin fired his shotgun. You may wonder how that would work since shotguns are wide range compared to a pistol's short range.

Lets just say that Justin fired it at just the right time to barely avoid Michael. The bullets did nothing to the hunter's skin and they harmlessly fell onto the ground. "Is that the best you got? Boss eats this for breakfast." said Ohm Volt. This being is a Zone by the way since it's the combination of both Ohm and Volt. Michael tried to hit him with his bat but instead of dodging, Ohm Volt let out a sonic whistle. This action confused the two thugs. The metal bat that Michael was holding suddenly swung into Michael.

This hit launched Michael into a park car. "What hit me?" said Michael with him groaning in pain. As he got up, he felt something grabbed him and he was on the ground unable to move. Ohm Volt stood over him as he said,"Astral Clamp. It's a real bitch but you're out of the way of being running over so be grateful.". Ohm Volt turned to see Justin running for the jeep with him sighing. "It seems that they never learn but the hunt continues!" said Ohm Volt.

Justin looked back to see Ohm Volt and Zane ,as Hunter Form and Hulking Form respectively, right behind him with him saying,"Oh god! I just want this night to be over!". "It will be because you're going to give up." said a voice. Justin couldn't move whatsoever as something came out of his shadow. It was Stealth Form and began to wrap Justin within in his shadow. "And with that, the capture is now complete." said Stealth. He turned to see Zane and his fellow clone standing there.

Stealth smiled as he said,"Sorry about that. I finished up with Everett and Jerald on the other side of town. So why was JAM doing this?". "Probably for the same reason why every criminal has been acting up lately. To be able to visit Secret Oasis. It's a club. We need to an invite to it." said Ohm Volt. "But that will have to wait. We got to meet the mom." said Zane, pointing to a nearby clock that rang 10. Ohm Volt and Stealth nodded as they fused back into Zane and he flew off.

Upon reaching the air, his suit's internal phone began ringing. It was a text message and it was from Rachel. "Okay. I need to get this patrol over with so we can get ready for....." said Zane. Before Zane could finish his sentence, his hyper hearing began picking up on a crime currently in progress. "The Omniverse just loves messing with me doesn't it?!" said Zane, tuning into the radio frequency that the police radio were using. 

The crime involved General Mayhem aka Hayden Behan returning back to Cypress Park and working as a getaway driver for a jewelry heist. Zane sighed as he knew that he could let the police handing this but even though Hayden was a C-list super villain, his inner hero couldn't ignore it. He just hoped that Rachel would understand and began flying toward where the police were chasing down Hayden. The police were currently going after a strange looking vehicle. 

It looked to be a rocket-powered gold station wagon with a lightning bolt shaped lining and looked to be twice its size. Normally, the station wagon would lose to a police cruiser in a race but this souped up  wagon was leaving the police in their dust. Inside of their van, there was a small gang of men all wearing ski mask. They had automatic weapons and duffle bags that were filled to the brim with jewels between them. 

The driver was Hayden and was wearing a black racing suit that had an atomic bomb logo on it. He still wore his arm and leg braces ,that are shaped like revolver cylinders, and silver boots. Behind them, two police cars were giving chase. In one car, a young cop ,straight out of the academy, had a death grip on the dashboard. As they were driving through going through the streets, he turned toward his partner for the evening Scott Castro.

Most of the academy looked up to him being that he still continued to serve even after losing both his wife and daughter. "How the hell is a freaking station wagon beating us! I really don't get it!" said the rookie. "Kid. There is something you need to know about Cypress Park that should be taught in the academy. Always expect the unexpected when it comes to the criminals. The guy we're chasing after can reverse-engineering technology." said Scott. "Then how do we stop him Captain?!" said the cop.

The old cop took a sharp turn around the corner, following Hayden and the young cop saw a figure swoop in from above and land on the roof of the station wagon. "And you have your answer." said Scott, smiling. "Seriously?! We rely on Zero to handle all of our problems!" said the cop. "God you're green. Legion Zero can't ignore a crime in progress or about to be even though he should be enjoy his youth while he has it. He's still blaming himself that fool." said Scott. 

With a head tilt, the young cop looked at his superior and he said,"What did you say sir?". Scott didn't answer him. Inside of the wagon, the group of men looked to the roof when they heard a thud. "What was that you guys?" said a man. "I'll go check. It's probably just some pigeon stool. This city has a infestation of them this time of year" said a second man. The man open his window down. Upon doing this, two tendrils came it and grabbed the man. 

Hayden looked out his rearview mirror with him seeing the goon hanging from a street lamp strapped in candy syrup. "Oh. It's him." said Hayden, cracking a smile. "Who?!" said the other men. Before Hayden could answer them, the group heard,"Oh wow Hayden. Someone seems confident today. I mean you haven't never won against me before so what makes today special?". They turned to see Zane floating beside the wagon thanks to his Legion Board. 

One of the men held up a tommy gun and fired rounds at him. All of his bullets bounced off Zane with them landing on the street, dented. "Ignoring that pathetic display. So why are you back here Hayden? I thought me taking down your overgrown robot twice would have kept you away." said Zane. "Zero. Do you honestly think I would let you or that hack of a host get away with destroying one of my babies just like that?" said Hayden, smiling. "I can dream can't I?" said Zane.

Before the two could continue the typical hero and villain back and forth, the leader of the group ,who was sitting shotgun, glared at Zane. "Mayhem! Get rid of the hero and I'll triple your price." said the leader. "Oh wow. Triple your price? You must be confident about this. Do you honestly think that you can escape from me?" said Zane, whistling. "You're confident now but this wagon can reach speeds that will leave you in my dust!" said Hayden.

The man began smash into other cars with Zane staying right behind the wagon. If anyone just so happened to be in those cars before Hayden smashed into them, they were taken out of there thanks to a tendril coming from Zane's back. These tendrils also grabbed anyone who was going to get hit by one of the cars. Zane jumped off his board and landed on the roof of the wagon. He got into a surfer like pose with him saying,"Okay. Time to stop this before I get sent......". 

Crisis Judgement went off as a giant rocket engine appeared in front of him. "Oh gods damn it." said Zane. The rocket engine blasted Zane off the car with the hero getting sent back toward the cop car that was following them from behind. He landed upon the windshield with his suit absorbing the minor shock. "Yep. I'm getting tired if one of Hayden's improvements caught me off guard." mumbled Zane as he saw an old face inside of the car. "Hey Scott. Good to see you." said Zane. 

Scott looked at Zane with him saying,"Hey Zero.". After they stop this joy ride, he was going to talk with Zane no matter what. He has been trying to talk with Zane about the Massacre for the past three years but well, Zane has been phantoming him. "Zero! I'm a big fan! Ever since you saved me and my fellow recruits from that poser of a rock star." said the younger cop. "Huh and here, I thought you hate him. Whatever." said Scott. 

Zane blinked with him saying,"That is right. I remember you. So is this your first day in Cypress Park huh. Hope you're enjoying it. Take him to that donut place after this Scott. You know the one.". "I was going to but maybe you could join us so we can...." said Scott. "And there's my ride officers! See you around!" said Zane, turning his legs into Spring Form's legs and jumped ahead of the wagon by a good couple of feet. Upon landing, Zane smiled due to him coming up with an idea. 

He turned into a new form but in all actually, this form is just Boulder Form but has changed drastically thanks to the Zenith Core. This upgrade however took longer unlike the other forms who got an upgrade almost instantly. It came four years after the Zenith Core was given to Zane and shortly after his first encounter with Parker's former assistant/student Vuldall later going by the name Velda. This delay was mainly due to Parker struggling to come up with any new ideas for Boulder Form. 

Parker eventually came up with an idea for this form which is more in turn with nature. This form's change is similar to the trio of Brick Form, Fairy Form, and Fulmination Form. That trio were once gold framed cards but now, they're forms like the others. It also gets a new name with it being Nature Form instead. Like Beast Form, this form shrinks in size but not in power. He is now six feet tall with him having a unique looking head. It's similar to a wooden tiki mask and it's a circular shape. 

It's primary color is maroon red with forest green markings over his face that resemble a ferocious crocodile/glyph, giving him a unique face tattoo but greatly limits his career options. He does have hair but it comes in the form of molten gold ,with platinum streaks, color energy that mimic it. It also resembles a tree. There are two lightning bolts protrusions on either side of his face ,around the middle of it, and they seem to resemble ears. 

He has four cobalt blue eyes with them being a triangular yet round shape. All four eyes are encompassed by black rings. He has two rectangular eyebrows over his eyes. He lacks pupils in his eyes and doesn't have a nose. He has a square jaw with his jagged mouth ,which is a silver color, having markings that resembles fangs and he has pure white teeth. Over his eyes and in the center of his forehead, there is a golden crown symbol there. 

Coming out of the top of his head, he has five diamond shaped crystals. From left to right, the colors of the crystals are blue, green, red, white, and yellow. His body is primarily a forest green color except for his chest/stomach region. That part of his body is a silver color with a black border and there are eight slits over where his ribs would be. He now has four arms with one set of arms come from his shoulders like normal and the second set of arms being right under the first set of arms.

They however float beside his body rather than being connected to it. All four of his arms have a hole in them with the arms not connected to his body having silver bands on the ends of them. Each hand has five claws and the palms of his hands are in the shape of a star. The soles of his feet are in the same shape with him having five claws for toes. He no longer has holes in his feet though with his legs looking thicker than they did previously. 

For clothing, he wears a skin tight sleeveless shirt that exposes his arms. It's predominantly a platinum color with it having a vest-shaped design over his torso. His shirt exposes the slits where his ribs would be. The vest-shaped design is a maroon red color with black lines tracing the edges and collar of his shoes. He wears black pants. Over his knees and tail, he has silver armor plating. He has silver shoulders pads. He doesn't wear shoes. 

His eyes and the crystals begin to glow whenever this form begins to store up energy. He loses the giant steel horn in the center of his forehead. His orange tail is thinner than before but doesn't look to have lost any of its strength. It does look less like a hammer but more like a fan-like. His card is different as well. It still had a black frame with a large tree in the center of the card. This tree has a ring of air, earth, fire, magma, and water around it.

Zane looked at himself with him saying,"So this is the new Boulder Form. I like it a lot. Maybe I'll test you out later but now, lets stick with a classic move.". He made several massive stone pillars appear in front of the wagon with just a single stomp. Upon seeing the rocks, Hayden began laughing and increased the speed. "Do you seriously thinking this is funny man?! We need this money to enter the Secret Oasis!" said the gang's leader. 

Hayden looked at him with him saying,"If you got yourself a normal driver, this would be the end of the line but I'm not an ordinary driver.". He then pressed down on the horn with the front of the wagon turning into a massive drill appear and it began rotating faster. The drill bore its way right through the rocks in front of it and the gang leader cheered. "It seems that you and your boys are going to the Secret Oasis after all huh. I guess good things comes to those who pay the right price." said Hayden. 

The leader cheered louder as he said,"Yes! We're going to win!". "Hey. Here's some words of advice from your favorite menace to your criminal activites. You really shouldn't count your eggs before they hatch by the way." said a unknown voice. One of the goons in the back turned to see the crushed rock pillars behind them glow black with traces of red and began to transform. They all turned into giant hands and grabbed onto the wagon. 

In an attempt to escape, the tires screech against the ground as Hayden tried to escape from the hands that were holding down his ride. "Come on man! Use something like that drill to escape those damn hands! I'm not into hands!" said a goon. "How about you shut up?!" said Hayden. The wagon somehow broke free of the rocky hands, continuing down on its path. The rock hands vanished shortly after losing the wagon.

However before the criminals could do anything, the pavement began to glow black ,with traces of red, just like the rocks earlier. The wagon was launched into the air due to the pavement transforming into a springboard. Before Hayden could do anything, the wagon was held in mid air by two pavement hands now. Both the leader and Hayden were sent flying through the front windshield. The other criminals were trapped inside.

Before the guy made an impact with the dirt, he was held in the air by a familiar tendril and the man looked up to see Zane ,in Alchemy Form, standing there with his arms crossed. "So why did you go flying huh? Oh I know. Is it because you weren't wearing a seatbelt or maybe Hayden did something to spite you? Either one works for me really." said Zane. As this was going on, Hayden is crawling through the broken windshield and was going to escape. He wasn't going back to jail. 

Upon landing on the ground, he was surrounded by ten cop cars with all twenty cops spilling out of them and pointing their guns right at him. "Put your hands up right now Mayhem or else!" said one of them. "And what if I don't?" said Hayden, smirking as he had a trick or two up his sleeve. Before he could perform said trick, he heard a familiar voice,"Come on Hayden. If you do that, you'll be embarrassed by little old me again.". 

The villain looked to see the blacktop around him turning into a liquid and attack him. The man was captured in a pavement themed chains and Zane smiled. He deactivated Alchemy Form and flew off just as Scott arrived, missing Zane by mere moments. While flying, Zane was hoping that this would be the last crime for the night. However, he picked up on another crime and Zane said to himself,"Even when I want it too, crime never sleeps.". 

Nearby, the door from a bank exploded open. From inside, two figures came out and one of them is a familiar face. This familiar figure is Lidox. He was the head lackie of Basalt but this was four years later. He has moved onto bigger and better things hopefully. For a quick reminder, lets be reminded of his physical appearance. Lidox is a very thin yet muscular skeletal humanoid alien. He's about six feet tall.

He has pure gray skin with strange dark violet markings on his face. These markings are like a zebra's stripes. He has red eyes ,with purple eyelids, and pointed ,sharp to the touch, purple hair. He has a handlebar mustache that was just screaming that he's the bad guy. Sticking out of his forehead, there is a giant antenna that's glowing red. He had changed up his outfit in four years with him wearing a classic and distinguished black suit. He's wearing a gold and silver tie.

The alien is still wearing his brown pointed dress shoes and elaborate white gauntlet like gloves with red and silver switches on them. It's releasing violet colored flames and looked to be constant. The alien is currently holding a bizarre, gleaming golden orb in his left hand. This sphere looked to be the size of a basketball. The second figure is an an alien like Lidox. He's a heavy, strong demonic looking alien with a solid mixture of fat and muscle in his body.

He looked to be fourteen feet tall with his height easily dwarfing Lidox. He has dark green skin with parts of it covered in silver metallic plating. He has four muscular arms and two small but still muscular legs. It looked like he skipped leg day. His legs are shaped like a pair of boots. Alien biology is pretty weird but to aliens, our biology is weird. He has round rosy cheeks with his mouth exposing his sharpen canine, a downward-pointed hooked nose, and thin glowing red eyes.

The alien has two organic looking horns coming out of his forehead. He had not a double chin but a triple chin. His triple chin was hidden by his beard but his chin stuck out like a sore thumb. He has long black hair with a topknot. It wasn't a man bun but a chonmage. Just had to make that fact clear by the way. He has a noticeable widow's peak. He's wearing a large, light blue kimono with a red and white triangle pattern. He wears dark blue pants with a red and white triangle pattern.

This kimono covered his body a great detail so there will be no nip slips coming from him. It's also wrapped tight with a silver belt and has a flat bull skull belt buckle. His kimono did show off his heavily muscular arms. He's wearing brown geta sandals. His four hands are covered by bandages. Here's a minor spoiler alert. This alien isn't the leader type but the muscle type. "I know that your species isn't the graceful type but do try to be careful with explosives Tulbur." said Lidox.

He was holding the orb like it was his child. "We really shouldn't get this damaged too much because this is our ticket to the big league." said Lidox. "Gotcha." said Tulbur. Before the two aliens could get too far, they were blocked by a wall of light. "You two are real stupid. I mean you decide to rob a bank in my city. That was your first mistake." said a voice. Lidox saw the wall in front of them reform into Zane. The superhero was currently in Detective Form.

Lidox smiled as he said,"Ah Zero. It's so good to see you again.". "You worked as Basalt's lackie right? How is he doing? I think he died but I've heard rumors about him being alive." said Zane as he crossed his arms and smirked. "That's none of your business boy. We don't have time to deal with a hero. Zero meet Tulbur. You've meet his sister before." said Lidox. "I have?" said Zane, trying to figure out who Tulbur's sister was. "How about you help remind him Tulbur?" said Lidox.

Tulbur nodded as he charged toward Zane. With the way he ran, he was moving like he was a sumo wrestler. It was made apparent due to his knees being flexed and has a hunched over back. The alien had a noticeable silver glow. "Oh. I remember who your sister is now!" said Zane, slamming his left fist into his right palm. Zane turned into light just as Tulbur tried to hit him with his palms. The alien slowly turned around to see Zane reform behind him with the being smiling. 

Within seconds, ten pillars of light began forming around Tulbur. The pillars were fired at him with Tulbur slamming his four fists together as the pillars hit him. The light pushed the alien back a bit with Zane saying,"Okay. You're much different from her. She would have punched the light. I mean blocking the pillars was cool too but punching them back is another story.". "Cicatrix is an attacker while I'm a defender. Now fight me hero!" said Tulbur. "Okay if you insists." said Zane.

Zane turned into Nitro Form with him throwing several explosions at Tulbur. The alien's view of the hero was pretty much impossible with the alien closing his eyes. His lower half of his body and lower set of arms were covered in wax as the alien heard,"Time for an old classic spell. Hellfire Emperor Flame Tornado!". Zane came in from above with the hero spinning like a top. He was going to assault Tulbur with a barrage of punches and kicks but something happened.

The hero's feet and hands were grabbed by Tulbur. "Okay. I honestly didn't expect you to do that but please be gentle with little old me." said Zane. Tulbur smiled as he tossed Zane with a great deal of force. Zane went flying through several metal poles on the street, cars, and into a wall. Zane got back up with him seeing that both Liadox and Tulbur were gone. "Son of a. He and Cicatrix are siblings since well, they both hit like a truck." said Zane.

Despite letting Liadox and Tulbur escape, today was pretty good for the hero. He had stopped over twenty robberies with eighty percent of them involving the criminals doing it in order to get into the new club Secret Oasis that's somewhere in Cypress Park, ten muggings, and brightened up the days of several kids all in a single day. As he was heading home, he was hoping that Rachel wasn't worried too much about today. Today was the day that Zane was going to meet Rachel's mother.

This meeting was a big deal for Rachel since it would be their first meeting after several years of not seeing each other and the day that Zane gets inducted into the Akostar Clan. Rachel was going to be the next leader of the group since Ignacio picked her over her sisters. The duo of Astrid and Chloe weren't happy about this but one look from Gayle shut them up. Zane would have taken over the clan but that wasn't going to happen due to Zane being the ruler over Terrarune and him refusing the offer.

Whenever a being marries into the Akostar clan, this meeting happens. According to Gayle, this event usually involved drinking so Zane was very excited. He grew to love drinking even though he couldn't get hammered like most people. He was able to get drunk but it takes a large amount of alcohol to get him hammered so making a fool of himself tonight is impossible. He just needed to be himself. This advice came from Gayle and Zane trusted the Snow Queen more than her husband.

The superhero ,out of Nitro Form, eventually reached his tower and entered it easily. Zane got out of his costume and he was wearing a a new outfit. He's wearing a comfortable dark gray knit short sleeve sweater and black lounge pants. "Hey Rae. I'm back. Sorry I'm late but for some reason, every criminal really wants to get into this Secret Oasis place. For the love of the gods, please tell me that you aren't freaking about your family coming over....." said Zane as he looked over to his living room.

Rachel ,who is wearing her lounge wear aka a white tank top and red ,being the exact same color as her hair, short shorts, was pacing back and forth in the living room. Her top stretched against her large chest and her shorts were cut short just to show the bottom curves of her plump rear were barely visible. Her tank top also made sure that none of her goods didn't fall out. This outfit may be seen as skimpy but covers everything that needs to be covered. 

If she was outside, she would be making a pretty impressive divot in the ground. "And here I thought that you weren't going to be doing this. I can be oh so wrong sometimes." said Zane. Two of his arms emerged and stretched right out of his back. Within seconds of being created, they grabbed onto her. She was still moving her legs while in the air. It was a impressive sight to see. The hero cupped his chin with him decided to pull a trick out of Rachel's book. He kissed her and this caused her to stop in place. 

Rachel looked at see her fiancé and she blushed out of embarrassment for being seeing like that rather than him kissing her. "Zaney! How long have you been standing there?" said Rachel, being put down on the ground. The Cross Species had his second set of arms return back to his body with him crossing his main pair of arms. "I want to say for a long time mainly to embarrass you but I've been home for about three minutes now. Sorry I'm late. I promised you that I wouldn't be well, duty calls." said Zane. 

The devil smirked as she said,"It's fine. I told Ignacio to arrive a bit later than what we planed given your inability to ignore someone in danger. Aren't I such a smartie?". "That you are. You really are my perfect match. So do you mind if I make something to eat real quick? Being a hero makes you very hungry." said Zane. "Go nuts Zaney." said Rachel. She began watching Zane who was was cooking some bacon, pancakes, and scrambled eggs as a snack. 

Upon entering the kitchen, he was wearing a grayish blue apron ,with the Legion Zero logo on it and a flame like pattern to it, over his sweater and Rachel ,who sat in her typical spot aka a booth at the kitchen counter, was watching Zane cooking for her. She smiled upon seeing him cooking. The man noticed her staring at him as she was moving her head from side to side in her hands with a goofy smile on her face. "So while I may be used to people staring at me, why are you doing it?" said Zane.

Rachel flicked his nose playfully as she said,"Come on Zane. Don't act so stupid. You know exactly why I'm staring at you. You're my hero and working in the kitchen. You really do make a good chef.". "I guess so. I personally think I would be a great house husband if I didn't get stuck with well, the destiny of saving people." said Zane. He began to teasingly tickle her chin with his pinky finger. "Don't get me wrong Rae. I love being a superhero despite its flaws but I always wanted to be normal." said Zane.

The devil smiled as she said,"You and normal will never happen Zaney.". "Ain't that the truth. So to be serious for a sec, are you okay? I know that this day is super important for us as a couple but you're really overthinking this and this coming from me. The being who overthinks everything." said Zane as he poured himself a glass of orange juice. "Not really Zane. I really don't want those two here but I want to see my mom again. According to Ignacio, she was a real badass." said Rachel. 

After drinking from his glass, Zane smiled as he said,"Just like my fiancée.". "Thanks for believing in little old me Zane but I'm just worried about those two judging me like they did for most of my life before you scared them and most of the devils into submission." said Rachel. "Don't worry. I'm sure that with your mom, Gayle, and me here, they'll be on their best behavior." said Zane. "How can you be so sure?" said Rachel. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"I just do Rae. From what I know about your mom, she isn't the type to let her daughters fight over petty things. There is also the fact that your sisters aren't the same beings as they were for more of your life. Don't forget. They did send us those really nice chocolates for Valentine's Day this year.". "You do know that those "nice" chocolates were aphrodisiacs ight?" said Rachel in a dry tone.

The Cross Species shrugged as he said,"So? Neither of us cared since we have a very lovely night together. You don't need to worry about your sisters, Let me be the paranoid one in our relationship okay? You just be the confident girl I fell for okay?". He began to kiss her jawline with light kisses before ending it off with a kiss to her forehead. "Okay Zane. I will. Do you mind waiting for them? I need to get dressed for tonight." said Rachel.

The hero looked her over as he said,"I think you look perfectly fine. I mean they've seen you naked before and... Okay. I realized where I was going with that and going to stop right there. Have fun picking out an outfit honey.". "And people say that you don't think before you speak." said Rachel with a smile. "I don't but sometimes I do." said Zane. Rachel then smiled and began dragging Zane to their bedroom, closing the door behind them.

In the past four years, Zane's bedroom had changed from it was in Zero Episode 108. The bed was still the same size as it was four year ago. The blanket/comforter/sheets had changed to be a molten gold color with streaks. The streaks were forming an infinite symbol. It’s still made out of a silk/satin substance and feels amazing to the touch. The color of the streaks is based off the energy that Rachel uses and one of Zane's signature colors.

The bed still has a large array of pillows on it. A few of them were shaped like red hearts. There is usually a lot of toss and turning from the couple during the night and day. The walls didn’t change colors but did lose the posters. This was mainly due to Zane growing up. There is still a canopy over the bed. It has four bed posts on each corner which nearly hit the ceiling of his room. By flicking a switch up, a mirror ,about the size of the bed, comes out of a hidden compartment under the canopy.

You may wonder why there would be a mirror in the canopy but that question is often ignored due to the room’s other extravagant features such as the chandelier and fireplace. It has the nightstand on each side of the bed for the couple. Each nightstand had a lamp, alarm clock, and a variety of devices on chargers. The fancy looking chandelier is still in the room alongside the nice looking desk with the guitar and amp nearby it. There were some gears and notes on it.

It was mainly used by Zane for his personal use. There will still the five-piece U-Shape section sofa in front of my bed for some reason. The room was still the same size as it was before since that was perfect and didn’t need to be changed. There was now a red carpet covering the floor. It still had Wolfram's dog bed but the dog wasn’t here at the moment since he wanted to leave his master and special friend alone for their important event.

His dog bed had a comfortable cushion being really soft and plush alongside a comfy sheet. The cushion had Wolfram's name sewn right into it. If the Phantom dog was here, he would sleeps on the main bed with Rachel and Zane since he loves them equally. The reason why the dog has a bed is a mystery. The room has its very own balcony which looks over the city and in my honest opinion, it has a great view. To the right side of the bed, there was a huge flat-screen TV with it being an hundred inches.

It was resting on a desk that currently had several video game consoles and mini kitchen to it. The mini kitchen ,which Zane used the most, had a decently sized refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, sink, oven, coffee maker, and blender. In front of the bed and couch alongside nearby the entrance, there was a fire burning in the black marble fireplace. The fire would extinguish itself if no one was in the room and the chance of burning down the house was practically zero.

The fire doesn’t turn on unless Rachel and Zane ,of the Prime Dimension, are inside of the room. To the left side of the bed, there are two tall and wide dressers with ten drawers overall. One drawer was for Rachel and the other one was for Zane. For Rachel, she had one of the biggest vanity ever. It fit with the rich person aesthetic that the room had rather well. There were rows of cosmetics, hair products, and tons of appliances just waiting to be used.

The walk-in closet had two giant folding doors keeping its million of different outfits inside of it. It was locked up right with a specialized lock that could open for only Rachel and Zane of the Prime Dimension. Not even alternative dimension counterparts could access it. The personal bathroom on the other hand got a serious upgrade since two people primarily lived here. The bathroom’s size was practically equal to the size of some apartments within the city of Cypress Park.

It looked impressive and fancy thanks to the floor and counter tops were done in marble. There were two sinks with a lot of counter space. One sink ,which belonged to Zane, had the basics for male and the other sink looked like a miniature salon. There were practically every type of hair product. There were two full-length mirrors and arranged to show off almost every angle of a person. The shower had a hot tub/miniature pool/sauna inside of it.

This pool could easily fit both Rachel and Zane with some extra leg room. This redesign was done by Zane with the help from Sivarth once again. "Zane. I have to ask you something." said Rachel. "What's up?" said Zane with him looking up from his phone and turning his head toward the closed bathroom door. "Let me guess Rae. Are you having some trouble putting on your clothes on? I can help you if you really want." said Zane with a smirk.

Zane heard his fiancée giggle as she said,"Nope. I'm having no trouble with that. Maybe some other time. Do you mind tell why is it that you build a larger than normal bathroom and a walking up closet in our room? I think I've seen you wear more than ten outfits a year and all of your clothes are created through your powers. I mean I like the space but still. It's a big excessive and I'm royalty.". "I thought it was super obvious." said Zane. "No. It isn't. That's why I'm asking." said Rachel.

The Cross Species sighed as he said,"At one point in time, I planned to be married to seven women at one point. I know that this stereotype isn't true with most females but you love to shop until you drop or more likely, Kevin drops. It never stops being funny. Since you girls all love to shop, I need to make a place where we would put all of the clothes that don't get used.". "Oh. I didn't realize how far ahead you plan for the future most of the time Zane. Sorry for reminding you about that." said Rachel.

Zane knew that Rachel was trying to prevent him from thinking about the Massacre. "It's fine. You don't need to keep yourself from talking about that day. I can handle it. Oh. Do you want me to shave Rae before the family comes in or keep it mainly to tease your brother about his inability to grow facial hair." said Zane, scratching his beard. "I'll answer your question after mine. How did your beard grow back so fast? Didn't you just shave off your beard the other week?" said Rachel.

The hero nodded as he said,"Yeah. I shaved mainly because there was no counterpart of me in that dimension from what I researched. It was nice being clean shaven for a while.". "Okay. So how did it grow back so fast? I mean Allen and Kevin have been trying to grow facial hair for years now and they can't compete with you on who has the best beard of Team Maelstrom. You shaved and within a few days, it's back to normal. Oh and keep it, I like teasing my brother about his baby face." said Rachel.

Zane chuckled as he said,"That's a solid reason not to shave in my books. To answer your totally valid question Rae, an Eazairvian is able to pick another race to mimic. Once we pick a species, we become the perfect specimen of that species. Since I'm usually a human male, this is always how I would look no matter what. If I picked an male ogre, I would be the perfect male ogre.". "Oh I see. So Zara would be the most beautiful human woman." said Rachel. "Yeah. Why did you bring her up Rae?" said Zane.

Rachel smiled as she said,"Oh nothing. Just curious about my fiancé's biology. I'm ready so take a look at me and tell what you think of me. I got it just for tonight.". The Cross Species turned around to see his fiancée poising for him ,like a supermodel, for him in an outfit caught his interest instantly. Rachel had her hair tied up in a chignon and it was held by a small hibiscus in her hair. It was much different compared to her signature violet hair pin with a music note pattern. 

She's wearing an rather opulent furisode dark indigo kimono that look to sparkle. Despite her more than generous cleavage being covered, her outfit showed that she was quite curvy. The bottom of the kimono and sleeves are adorned with a Western dragon and burning swords pattern on it. This pattern was in a not so subtle reference to her being a member of the Akostar clan and her fiancé being quite the very powerful swordsman.

The last part of her outfit is her wearing a molten gold obi with a red devil pattern. She's wearing white tabi socks and brown Zori sandals. She's wearing a pair of small ,heart shaped, pair of earrings, her gray choker with a purple skull pendant on the front of it, cherry red lipstick, and her engagement ring. "I'm sure you're wondering why I'm dressed like this." said Rachel with a smile. "A bit but I don't care. You look amazing Rae even more than normal. Rocking the Japanese beauty look." said Zane.

He looked over her with him saying,"I don't have to dress up right?". "You might want to Zane. My brother, Gayle, and myself may not mind your casual yet sexy style but my sisters will. They're just jealous of your beauty." said Rachel. "That makes a whole lot of sense given your family. Guess I'll match my loving fiancée." said Zane. Before Zane could change, his phone beeped. "And that little beep is for when my family gets here I'm guessing." said Rachel. 

Zane nodded as he said,"You just need to open the door and they should be allowed in.". "Should?" said Rachel. "Athena and Cole may not be here on Earth at the moment but they left behind an impressive yet petty security system in their place. I'm proud of them. I'll be out very soon so don't worry too much Rae. We got this." said Zane, smiling. Rachel nodded happily as she left the couple's bedroom and went to the front door of their apartment while Zane began to change. 

As she made her way to the door, she began recalling all of the time that he has been playfully bulling her. The savage yet good nature tickling, the hugs that were always warm which she loved, and their verbal back and forth. They were all filled with a combination of love and lust being that she always wanted more from him. The devil stopped her thoughts for now as she opened the door as she began to giggle at what she saw in front of him. "You two look so great." said Rachel. 

The devil heard two voices speaking to her in complete unison,"Ha ha. This is so funny. We just adore your lover's unique sense of humor.". The group of Astrid, Chloe, Gayle, and Ignacio stood there with the male of the group holding a bottle of booze in his hands. The youngest devil looked at her older sisters with Astrid's body was covered in rotten eggs and Chloe's body was covered in mud. "I guess this is the result of Athena and Cole's security system. Good job you two." thought Rachel. 

Ignacio chuckled as he said,"It really is funny you two. I mean you really don't think about it but it seems that our too forgiving brother in law can hold a grudge. He probably still holds a grudge for hurting his precious Rachel. In fact, I think he still hates me for my crimes against you my dear baby sisters.". "Lets talk about something else. So where is Zane? Let me guess. He's out on patrol. It seems that crime never sleeps in Cypress Park." said Gayle, looking for him. 

Chloe nodded as she said,"Yeah. We almost got mugged by a couple of humans when we first arrived here. They were unlucky since they had to fight against the Snow Queen.". "So did you two do anything about the mugging or did you let Gayle do all the work?" said Rachel. "Sister. Why would we need to waste our precious time and Ardor on weak humans?" said Astrid. "I think you got your answer. So the current location of your future husband." said Ignacio. 

Rachel nodded as she said,"You're right shockingly. He's in our bedroom getting dressed brother. He's all finished with hero work for the rest of the day. He finished up his civilian job rather easy but his hero work keeps him busy.". "Hero work? How mysterious." said Chloe. "Are you sure that he isn't lying sister? Being a member of the Alliance is a dangerous job after all." said Astrid. "Zane was born to be a hero and I can't stop him." said Rachel, remembering something from the past.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
It was late December of 2022 and Zane ,without his beard and in his winter outfit being the same one from Zero Episode 103, was walking back to Zenith Tower. It was a few hours since his annual fight with Holiday Guardian and was tired. Zane yawned while him thinking,"So tired. I thought because it's the holidays, crime would decrease at least a little bit but nope. I'm so tired. Holiday Guardian did some training in order to make me like Christmas. Still don't like the holiday but I do like beating him up.".

The hero pulled out his phone and saw that it was almost three thirty in the morning. "Dam. I was out all night. I really need to get better at optimizing my time. Rae's probably asleep and I rather not wake her up. She likes her bed rest especially when I'm there in bed with her." thought Zane. Zane found himself outside of his parent's home since he and Rachel were staying there during the holidays much to their kids and Wolfram's joy despite them living at the Zenith Tower with Zane most of the year.

Zane didn't get it himself but it probably had something to do with the holiday from he guessed. There was something else on his mind rather than trying to figure out why the kids and Wolfram wanted him and Rachel at the Alvarez home for the holiday. It involved Rachel. As a hero, he'll do anything that he can to help and that takes priority in his opinion. He did miss more than his fair share of birthdays including Rachel and well, there was a part of him thinking that he was being unfair to her. 

Upon reaching the front door, Zane noticed the light were on as he yawned loudly. "Did my energy hording mother leave the lights on? That would never happen. She's big on not wasting energy despite our house running on a personal generator that she made when I was eight." said Zane. He was about to open the door but the other end opened on its own. "Oh hi there. Welcome home Zaney." said a familiar feminine voice. Rachel ,in her loungewear, stood there with a bandage on her right cheek. 

She smiled upon seeing him as she said,"I heard how you stopped Holiday Guardian again. Good job like always.". "You're still up? It's almost four in the morning." said Zane. "Yep! I was up all night waiting for you!" said Rachel, smiling "You really shouldn't be proud about that. You're not stressed about school are you? I really should have called you but I didn't exactly have a chance since those idiots didn't give me a break." said Zane, still thinking about how he was been treating her.  

The devil smiled as she said,"Nope. I'm passing all of my classes but I have been having some trouble sleeping lately since my favorite sleeping buddy was out fighting crime. I made you some dinner and maybe we can take a bath together.". "That sounds awesome but...." said Zane. "What's wrong? You seem more out of it than normal or ever really. It's Christmas day after all so how about we just go to bed okay?" said Rachel. Zane was quiet as he looked at her. 

As he looked at her worried face, Zane remembered all of the times they spend together along with the other girls that he was going to marry but lost their lives due to him being a coward. "You're being unfair to her and you know it." said Holiday Guardian's voice from inside his head. "Rachel. We need to talk." said Zane. "About what? Are you okay?" said Rachel. "I think we need to see other people so we should break up." said Zane. This simple statement stunned her as she stuttered out,"Why?".

Zane looked away as he said,"I just can't do this. I'm your fiancé but I can't make you happy. I'm a hero who works all of the time saving other people. You've always been a supporting force in my life and I'll never forget that. That will never changed even if we're together or not. However, I have never done anything for you. I've missed your birthday and I hurt you after the Massacre. I can't forgive myself for doing that to you. What kind of man hurts the woman he loves and stays with her?". 

Rachel clenched her fists as she said,"Can I ask you something?". "Okay." said Zane. "Zane. Do you love me? I don't want to hear any jokes or sarcasm from you. I want the truth." said Rachel. "More than life itself Rae. When I save you from Blaze, I wanted you for myself but I can't..." said Zane. He was stopped from talking by Rachel who was kissing him and had tears running down her face. "I love you dummy! Flaws included! So quit being so negative against you okay?!" said Rachel.

A surprised Zane looked at her with her saying,"You say that you never do anything for me but you saved me from being married to Blaze and I'm always on your mind. You worry about me getting into danger when I'm a stronger than normal girl. I'm always going to cheer you on because your smile is literally the best part of you, you're the best hero, and you worrying over me like this makes me really happy Zane. Sometimes, I'm really thankfully for how I survived that day.".

Rachel noticed Zane looking away from her as she said,"Don't do that Zane. I'm grateful because I now carry all of the love that they had for you and being with you for just a single day or minute is what I really need. Saying that you want to see other people just because you want to keep me safe. Hearing you say that, I don't think I could be without you...". Zane took a quick look at her with him seeing a very concerned Rachel. This made his cold, mechanical Essence melt.

He always admired how much she cared for him since she stayed at the hospital every single day while he was recovering from the Massacre, ignoring everything for him. He cared for her the same way. Zane hugged her tightly with her saying,"Okay. While I'm not against this but...". "I don't want to see you cry like you did that day at the hospital. I became stronger to protect you." said Zane. Rachel returned the hug with her wondering what was going on with Zane. She began slowly rubbing Zane's back gently.
Zane blushed as he said,"Um Rae.". "Yes dear?" said Rachel. "I think I may be exhausted and letting what Holiday Guardian say get to me." said Zane. "You let that guy get to you?" said Rachel. "Yeah. I really am exhausted because I don't want anything to hurt you or my treasure ever again. Tell me. Are you sure about all of this? I can't promise that I'll always make you happy. Someday, I'll make you really sad and that's something that I can't have happen even though it will." said Zane. 

The hero clenched his left fist as he said,"When I said that I wanted to see other people, I was being a total asshole and this was because I let my negative emotions get the better of me. So are you okay with being with me?". "Oh wow. Why are you so good at proposing when you don't mean to and when you do, you're awful at it." said Rachel with a smirk. "Huh?" said Zane. "It's fine Zane. You'll always go and sacrifice yourself for someone if they need it. That's one of my favorite parts about you." said Rachel.

Rachel smiled as she said,"And if I'm unhappy, I need you to be there for me so that can change. You'll always come back home safe because if you do, you'll make me happy.". Zane nodded as he brushed his hands against the bandaged cheek. "Okay I will. So Rae. About your injury. How did this happen? And you need to take better care of it. I can't have you or anyone I truly care about hurt." said Zane. Zane blinked with him pinching her cheeks. "Ouch! That really hurts you dummy!" said Rachel. 

Zane crossed his arms as he said,"Sorry Rae but I'm a tad peeved at you for not treating this wound of yours properly and not telling me about it. Wait a minute. Why were you so fast to open the door? And you're so cold.". "Well Zane, it's a funny story." said Rachel, with her whistling. "You do know that lying to me is pretty much impossible right Rae?" said Zane. "I know that you'll return back home after work so I was sitting here at the entrance." said Rachel.

The hero produced a small flame as it covered Rachel's hands which he held on tight. "Okay. Wolfram can do that since his body is covered in fur but you're not covered in fur. Devils may be stronger than humans but they can still catch colds. I only found this out thanks to me pulling a prank on a devil working in the Alliance." said Zane. "Zaney. Isn't it obvious? I was waiting for you. You know that I can only see you for a certain period of time before I go back to school." said Rachel.

She grabbed Zane's hands with her saying,"You're the man I love and I really hate when you're out there fighting crime by yourself. I know that you can easily handle yourself in a fight against some goons but there are some really strong beings out there and I worry about you.". Zane just looked at her as she talked. It was super obvious to him how she must have felt to be stuck at home, unable to do anything as the love of her life is constantly putting himself in harm's way just to protect people he like. 

Zane hugged her with the devil blushing upon him touching her. "I love you so damn much Rae. We need to get marry right now honey. You're the best. I'm so sleepy." said Zane with his eyes slowly closing. He fell asleep with Rachel sighing. "It's so obvious how exhausted you are." said Rachel. She smiled at him before dragging him inside and onto the living room couch. She pulled a blanket over him as she kissed his forehead. "Night night my hero." said Rachel as she left Zane alone to rest.

She didn't get too far however mainly because of Parker showing up in the living room. "Parker. What are you doing here? Is something wrong with Zane?" said Rachel. "I was worried about his mental state but it seems you handled it well enough." said Parker. "You really do care for him don't you? According to him, you only cared about him since he's using your invention to save the day." said Rachel. "While it may not seems like it, I'm more than capable for caring for two things." said Parker.

He looked at the sleeping Zane with him saying,"Zane is someone who shows to everyone what a hero really is.". "And what is that exactly?" said Rachel. "A hero isn't someone with impressive powers given to them from an outside source or by birth, flashy costume, or anything else you would see in a comic book/fiction. A hero is someone who can help another being in need just because..." said Parker. "That does sound like Zane." said Rachel.

She smiled as she said,"Zane isn't the type of being to run from danger. He's dedicated to his job as a superhero and helping people is the only reward he could ever need. Nothing and no one can stop him from doing that. He's easily one of the most stubborn beings I've ever met. He may mistakes here and there but according to him, being a superhero is a learn as you go affair.". "Ain't that the truth and this is coming from me." said Parker as he continued talking with the devil. 

Narrator P.O.V.
Astrid sat down on the couch with her saying,"So sister. I have to ask an important question.". "And that is?" said Rachel, crossing her arms. "How good of a lover is the Protector of the Omniverse? I mean he's an Akostar right? They're rumored to be some of the greatest lovers in the Omniverse." said Astrid with a smile. Rachel blushed upon hearing that. "Oh. He must be pretty good if he can get that hard of a blush from you." said Chloe with a smirk. The younger twin sister's ear was pinched hard by Gayle.

Gayle looked at her with her saying,"Now what did you and your sister promise me when we left the Supernatural Realm?". "We promised that we wouldn't tease our dear little sister too much but come on Gayle. Aren't you curious on how good he is in the bedroom compared to your husband?" said Chloe. "I love Ignacio even though he's an idiot." said Gayle. "Hey!" said Ignacio. "It's the truth and how he is in the bedroom is none of your business as well." said Gayle in a cold, secretary like voice.

Rachel always admired how cold yet warm Gayle could be toward others. She tried to do that with Zane but she couldn't resist those puppy dog eyes of his especially when he added the the voice and the lip quiver. "Fine but one day, I'll get an answer out of you. So where is mother Ignacio? She was supposed to meet us here." said Chloe, sitting next to her sister. "She was. Probably got locked out like Gayle did four years ago. How long did it take you before Zane let you in again?" said Ignacio.

Gayle was silent with her giving Ignacio the signature look that usually shuts him up. "Fine but I'll get my answer from you tonight if things go according to plan." said Ignacio. Before the four devil women could question him about that, the two heard something falling in the bedroom. "Zane!" said Rachel as she ran to the bedroom. "So should we go see what got her so upset?" said Astrid. "It beats sitting here waiting around for the ceremony." said Chloe.

The two girls went after their sister in curiosity as Ignacio looked at Gayle. "Fine. You can go with them. You're on vacation." said Gayle. "Thanks you're the best." said Ignacio, kissing Gayle on her left cheek before giving her the bottle of booze he was holding. "Sometimes. I think I married a child but I wouldn't have my life any other way. Still. It's oblivious to everyone that he's up to something but I'm sure that it won't be too bad right?" said Gayle.

Rachel stood outside of the room with Astrid saying,"So what do you think it's going to be my dear sister?". "I bet that he has a nymph in there but perhaps, he wanted to date a mermaid. Men love to be with the unknown and more than willing to give up what they have in order to get it." said Chloe as Rachel ignored them. She was thinking about something Gayle told her once. It was about her sisters and how they tease her about her relationship.

Gayle mentioned that the sisters were jealous of it and she should just ignore them because in the end, it doesn't matter what they think. The love that the two of them is share is special and can't be broken so easily. The devil princess opened the door with her eyes widening. The three devils saw a shirtless Zane on the couple's bed. The only clothing he had on was black/charcoal gray dress pants. The front half of his body was exposed and how it was covered to the brim in many scars. 

Some of them looked to be rather fresh from recent fights which would go away over time. His chest scar ,that he got from Kilene, stuck out the most. While his body is always a enticing sight, this scene was a heartbreaking one for Rachel. All of these scars were a symbol for how far Zane is willing to go to protect a single being. Rachel isn't the biggest fan since it hurts to see a new scar on his battle written body. 

It was obvious to everyone that Zane is more than willing to go that extra mile just to protect someone from danger. It's his job as a hero and to him, it is how they're supposed to bear the pain of others. Upon seeing Zane currently without a shirt, three things happened. Her face turned crimson red like the Impulse she produced, blood was slowly leaking out of her nose, and she was drooling a bit. "Sis. Your nose is bleeding and you're drooling." said Astrid.

Chloe smiled as she said,"Well can you blame her? She is going to be married quite the hunk even though he's part human. I wonder if Rachel enjoys touching those incredible muscles.". The younger twin was also looking at Zane being that she was trying to hide her own nosebleed. One thing to know about Chloe Powell is that she really like muscles on her fellas. Astrid is more for smart guys and Chloe is more for jocks. This has been a useless bit of info about Rachel's sisters.

Rachel ignored her sisters since she was thinking about this morning. When Rachel and Zane got serious as a couple, Zane often trains without a shirt whenever she's around. Rachel really enjoying his muscles move whenever he's training. Zane saw the three devils standing there in the doorway and he said,"Rae! I can explain! She came onto me!". "Is she invisible Zane?" said Astrid. "Yeah, You probably know how the Akostar clan doesn't like traitors." said Chloe.

Zane gulped as Astrid and Chloe had their Ardor activated their arm and leg respectively. "So what's going on here? Zane is cheating on my beloved sister? I find that unlikely but stranger things have happened." said Ignacio as he looked around the room and sighed. "Mother. Come on out. I know that you love your jokes but this one will get your son in law killed." said Ignacio. "Mother?" said the three devils. The three turned to see a crimson red energy portal forming within the room.

Rachel's eyes widened as she said,"Ardor can make portals?". "Ardor can do a lot of things my little princess. You would have learned about everything that Ardor can do but didn't thanks to your sisters being rather childish despite being over a hundred years old now. They're going to get a spanking from me after this for sure." said a voice. Astrid and Chloe shivered at the voice's threat as Ignacio chuckled at it. "Oh mother. You're still the same woman from back in the day." said Ignacio.

Zane blinked as he said,"Um Rae. Do you know what's going on? And do you honestly think that I cheated on you?". "No idea but I'm starting to get an idea. Zane. I know that you would never cheat on me. Not even with my brother who you have a crush on even though I don't get how you would but love is weird and confusing." said Rachel. "You're such a smartie! Gets it from me I tell you and not from my idiot who's your father FYI." said the voice giggling.

Ignacio smiled as he said,"That she does mother. How about you come out of the portal and introduce yourself already? You may have stopped the twins from hurting Zane but I'm sure they want to see the woman who gave them life one hundred thirty-five years old.". "Holy crap! You two are not just jealous spinsters but old ones too!" said Zane. "Who are you calling spinsters?!" said the twins in unison. "You two obvious." said Rachel. "You're funny kid but call me by my name!" said a voice.

The group watched a being jumped out of the portal. She's a tall and beautiful woman with her looking to be around in her early 30s. She looked to be taller than the trio of Astrid and Chloe but shorter than the the other devils in Rachel and Zane's apartment plus Zane himself. She has long, wavy light orange hair that went to her waist. To Zane, her hair reminded him of a burning flame mainly because it was rather wild looking and the color helped as well.

Her green eyes were like Rachel being that they were more like gems than actually eyes. She has a aesthetically beautiful face with crimson red full lips. She has a single sharp, pronounced canine tooth sticking out of her mouth. She had a hourglass figure with it being attractive and visually appealing. It reminded Zane of Rachel's body a great deal mainly with how athletic it looks. It's voluptuous with large and firm breasts being around the same size as her youngest daughter, thin waist, and wide hips.

She's wearing a rather revealing outfit. She's wearing a dark green tank top with it having a very elaborate, frilly pattern on it and a black hem to it. She's wearing blue jeans that highlighted her legs a good deal. She's wearing a dark green sash around her waist with a pattern of several black dragon claws on it. She's wearing dark green thigh high boots with them split at the collars, forming an M-shape. She's wears gold devil tail earrings. 

The devil turned to Zane with him just looking at her. "Hi there Zaney. Sorry for teasing you but a mother just had to make sure that you're not going to hurt her daughter. You're not going to hurt her after your fight with Blaze showed me but I just had to make sure. You'll understand once Uriel and Zoey get to be around that age. My name is Marian Powell but you can just call me mom." said Marian with her smiling at him. "Wait. You're Rae's mom?" said Zane.

Marian smiled as she said while poising,"Yep! I look good for my age don't I?". Before she could see or get his reaction, a metallic fist hit her face. The woman was sent flying out of the room and into the wall. The four other devils were shocked at this. The fist went back to Zane's right arm and connected to it. "That's for leaving her with the two evil spinsters and lay about brother who hurt her by being bitches and not doing anything about it respectively!" said Zane.

Zane cracked his knuckles and punching his left open palm. "Did he just punch our mother?" said Astrid. "I think he just did sister and just because of what we did to him." said Chloe. "We better not get on his bad side." thought the two in unison. The two looked at Zane with him smiling and they ran away. Zane chuckled with him saying while wiping a tear,"That never stops being funny. It was totally worth scaring them.".

Rachel looked at Zane with a scared expression as she said,"Zane! Did you just punch my mom for hurting me?". "I did Rae. You're the woman I love but I was barely using any strength on her and she's a pretty tough gal I'll admit." said Zane. "Ha! Just like Darin! Whenever you see someone who abuse a member of their family regardless of blood, you resort to punching them regardless of the consequences you may face." said Marian.

Rachel turned to see Marian emerge from the wall with her forehead bleeding. "Oh wow. I guess I'm getting pretty old. Haven't had someone make me bleed in a couple centuries now since you were barely using that infamous Alvarez strength." said Marian with her licking the blood. "Um brother. What's going on?" said Rachel. "Don't worry. All will be explained in due time. We should leave Zane to finish changing." said Ignacio. 

Within a second, Marian stood next to her youngest daughter. "Oh come on Ignacio. I'm sure Rachel doesn't mind having a shirtless Zane around. She gets to see an amazing view. Not even my husband could compare and well, he was ripped despite not being a fighter like Zane here is." said Marian with her lightly poking Rachel's cheek. This caused Rachel to blush since well, she really liked the idea of Zane being shirtless.

Zane looked at the blushing Rachel with her saying,"I don't but mother. This ceremony is extremely important since you did this with father and brother with Gayle. I love Zane and his family but I want him to be apart of my family even though it has two rotten eggs.". "Well said. Now come on. We have much to talk about." said Marian, pushing her daughter into the living room. "She's an interesting character Zane but don't you dare punch my mother again." said Ignacio.

The devil looked at Zane with a serious look which was rare to see on the devil's face. "I probably won't but she did leave Rae alone with Astrid and Chloe. They made a good chunk of her twenty two years of life a living hell. They were going to give her to a scumbag just because they were jealous of her beauty and power. Like how I punched you for not doing anything to stop the wedding, I did the exact same with Marian. For Rae, I'll hurt anyone who dares to hurts her." said Zane as he crossed his arms.

Ignacio looked at Zane with him sighing. "So stubborn but that's why me, my little sister, and my wife likes you so much. I'm sure that the Massacre has changed you and made you more protective of Rachel than ever. Zane. She got stronger to protect you from feeling that pain ever again. I'm sure you know that she and your friends all did that for that. Be grateful for having such friends." said Ignacio. The devil royalty walked away as Zane look at his right fist and clenched it.

A few minutes later, Zane walked out of the bathroom with him wearing the same outfit that he wore to fight Daemon six years ago. It looked to have been updated for obvious reasons aka him growing and looked to be the outfit that Zane wore in the dream wedding that he had with Rachel in Zero Episode 114. He's wearing a black royal like cloak/coat ,that covered his shoulders, held together by a golden chain and clasp.

Under his cloak/coat, he's wearing a charcoal gray formal waistcoat. He's wearing a carmine red long sleeved buttoned up dress shirt and a silver tie. The shirt worked also as a muscle shirt and its sleeves are rolled up. He's wearing black/charcoal gray dress pants and if he wasn't at home, he would wears black dress shoes. His Z.E.R.O. Watch and his wedding ring were the only one of his accessories that Zane had on him. Marian saw him with her smiling.

The matriarch turned to her youngest as she said,"Oh wow Rachel. From what I know about him, he's quite a catch to say the least. Even when he was still a teen, he did a lot of impressive things. Defeating two powerful Phantoms is impressive. Right Gayle? And do call me mom Gayle. You've been a part of our family for years now.". "Yes mother. I did think that he was just a normal human before I did my research on him. I judged him too early." said Gayle.

Zane looked at Marian with him saying as he sat next to Rachel,"Thanks for the compliments but honestly, I got lucky with Malik and Spiro since both of them were being control by the Trastry. So how do you know about my fights with those two and Blaze?". "When Ignacio came looking for me while I was on my journey, he first mentioned to me how my youngest daughter was about to be wed to the heir of the Salamander Clan." said Marian.

Marian turned toward Astrid and Gayle who turned from their mother's glare. "I was about to storm back home to stop this wedding myself but my son stopped me since it was already stopped. He said that an rookie Alliance group saved Rachel from Blaze. Blaze's defeat is thanks to their leader aka you Zane. You're quite impressive due to you being the up and coming star of the Alliance especially after everything you did during the year you spent working there." said Marian.

The devil matriarch looked at Zane with her saying,"Thank you so much for saving my daughter from Blaze Zane. I plan to say thanks to the rest of your friends as well while I'm here. Blaze has always been a scummy devil due to him treating his wives like trophies instead of beings. My children's father hated Blaze and never wanted that devil to marry any of his daughters.". "So you two almost gave Rae away even though your father hated Blaze. Not cool." said Zane, glaring at the twins.

Gayle nodded as she said,"Yeah. That wasn't one of their brighter moves but we couldn't stop them. You did so we're thankful for that. Mother. I'm sure that Rachel and Zane are interested about you, I think they have some questions for you.". "You're right my dear. So ask away kids." said Marian. Rachel looked at Zane with the hero smiling. "You can ask first Rae. This is the first time you've seen her in sixteen years. The child should be the first one to ask why their parent abandoned them." said Zane.

Ignacio nodded as he said,"He's right Rachel.". "Okay. Mom. Why did you leave me after dad died when I was six?" said Rachel. "But you know why she left us little sister. She left us because of what happened to father." said Astrid. "And we blamed you for it." said Chloe. "That's your reason for what you did to Rae? I thought it was because you two were jealous of her power and beauty. I mean she's going to get married while you two are still spinsters." said Zane.

The twins looked at him with them saying,"Quit calling us that!". "Okay fine. Twinsters." said Zane as the two females glared at him. "Focus you two." said Gayle, releasing out her Impulse and this caused the two devils to tense up in fear. "You really have them whipped don't you?" said Ignacio. "She does just like with you." said Rachel. "Despite me enjoying you teasing my daughters Zane and your brother Rachel, I need to tell my youngest why I left her." said Marian with her sighing.

Marian looked at the group with her saying,"Your father did died thanks to the actions of Hyde. You know about him right Zane?". "I sure do. He was one of the few evil Zeroes who used this great power for evil but to give him some credit, he isn't the worst Zero." said Zane. "I see. Your feelings toward him are conflicted." said Marian. "If you know how bad the previous Zeroes were, you would be grateful to whichever ones didn't suck hard. Still pissed at him for what he has done." said Zane.

Rachel looked at Zane as she said,"Did you two have a rematch during Lynx's first mission with you? I was jealous to hear that you went on a family adventure with me, your future wife.". "Yeah. It was and well, sorry for not including you. We're going to change that soon." said Zane. "Those two really can go off into their own little world huh." said Marian. "Yes they really can." said Gayle. After the couple finished flirting with each other, they turned to Marian.

Marian frowned as she said,"I wanted to go after him for what he did. I'm a vengeful woman after all. I left in the middle of the night a few weeks after my husband's death.". "That's around the time when the bullying from the twinsters started if you were curious Zane." said Ignacio. "A little bit. Thanks for using the name twinsters." said Zane, earning a groan from the twinsters. "For a royal devil, getting to Terrarune wasn't easy and I was captured by the Grave Bone Squad." said Marian.

Rachel looked at Zane with her saying,"That's the group that works for Skull Plague right?". "Yeah. I remember them from one of Kane's stories. All of them come from a Qlakrik Surgrag. It's a special ability of his. So why did Skull Plague want you? He only sends the Grave Bone Squad after beings with potential." said Zane. "Probably because of my reputation." said Marian. "Reputation? What kind of reputation? Is it a good one?" said Rachel. 

Marian smiled as she said,"I personally think so but my enemies may disagree. I'm the Violent Demon after all.". "You're the Violent Demon? My grandpa has told me and my brothers stories about you when we were little." said Zane. "Yep. So you've heard about me." said Marian. "I sure have. You were a member of the Alliance back in the day. You were able to strike fear into the hearts of men with just a single glance. One of the most badass women in the Omniverse." said Zane.

He crossed his arms as he said,"However despite your hostile nature and short temper, you always believed in judging others by their actions rather than their words. I totally respect you for that.". "Of course I did. If you're deciding to fight, why in the nine realms would I care about what species you are and who your family is? Did Darin mention how I was great at motivating others?" said Marian. "He sure did. You were easily the best trainer in the Alliance and you scarred him for life." said Zane.

Zane looked at her as he said,"So I got to ask. Why did you marry someone from royalty? I mean you hated royalty from what my grandpa told me. If you didn't, Rae would never be born so thank you for that.". "When you find the one you want to spend your life with, you have to give it your all in order to obtain their affection back. I'm sure you're well aware of that Zane." said Marian. "Yeah. I sure do." said Zane with Rachel smiling.

Ignacio nodded as he said,"The story of how our parents is one that involved my mother chasing down our father for several years until he said yes.". "That's truly a romantic story." said Gayle. "It's slightly similar to how your parents met Zane." said Rachel. "I guess so Rae." said Zane, thinking about how his parents met which involved a motorcycle to the face. "So do you have an image of yours days back in the alliance mom?" said Rachel. "I sure do. Watch." said Marian.

The matriarch snapped her fingers as Rachel saw Ardor appear on the table in front of her. The energy slowly formed an image and this image was of Marian standing victorious over a group of defeated beings. The devil had an extra pair of eyes with all four eyes glowing red like flames. She had long sharp claws and her devil wings sticking out. "Oh wow. This was taken after you raided a Odium Society base all by yourself right?" said Zane with his eyes sparking like stars.

Marian nodded as she said,"Yep but me doing it by myself isn't exactly right. Darin was there but he wasn't supposed to be there. Before I started my assault, Darin appeared from the sky. He was sent there by Trixie after she found out about how he went to go peep on some girls with Rico. Your family has some fierce ladies doesn't it Zane?". "We sure do and we got another one joining us very soon. She doesn't let anyone tell her what to do. That makes her amazing in my books." said Zane.

Rachel blushed as Chloe said,"Except for you right? You're an Akostar and they hate being told what to do right?". "Yeah but Rae is my rock. She keeps me from becoming a super villain who could take over the Omniverse with very little issue." said Zane. "Yep. You're welcome for that everyone. Villain Zane isn't somethin no one in the Omniverse wants." said Rachel. The two kissed as Astrid gagged and Chloe rolled her eyes. "Gods. Can you keep the PDA to a minimum?" said Astrid. 

Marian smiled as she said,"Don't say that Astrid. I know that you're jealous of your sister since he's such a fine looking male specimen." "Let me guess mother. The reason why you were in his room was because of your lack of modesty." said Chloe. "You know me so well dear." said Marian, smiling. "Um what does she mean by that?" said Rachel. "Your mother once asked a group of men and women to strip down and bathe together in the hot springs." said Gayle. 

The mother pouted with it looking rather cute. "Which didn't happen by the way. There was a prude there and she ruined my fun." said Marian. "Yeah. I met a girl like that during my time with the Alliance. She was worried about her man being seen by the other girls and made a wall out of rock to block the girls in our group for seeing him. Said wall also blocked the guys from peeping because men are all perverts or some crap like that." said Zane. "Did you go peep Zane?" said Rachel.

Despite glaring at him, Zane knew she wasn't mad. "I'll have you know that I only thought of you and no other women could compare to your beauty. True me on this. However, I was impressed with how determined the guys in our group were though. They were treating it like it was a mission that they couldn't fail or something along those lines. I just sat there and enjoyed the hot springs which were amazing. It was great for getting rid of the built up stress within my body." said Zane.

Marian nodded as she said,"That sounds just like my experience. Your prude must be the ancestor of my prude. I mean what's wrong with showing the guy you like some skin? Just be tasteful about it since not everyone is comfortable with a lot of exposure. I mean no offense to you but men which includes my son are dense and they sometimes need a huge hint to see that a girl may like that.". "You sound just like my friend Harry. He hates shy women." said Zane. 

The duo of Marian and Zane were talking about how Heidi can get Kevin to notice her much to the confusion of the other devils. Rachel was the odd devil out in this. She knew how much Heidi liked Kevin and how Zane has been pushing Heidi. He pushed her in a mixture subtle and not subtle ways to get Kevin to notice her over the years. It has worked since Heidi and Kevin usually hang out together but there were in no way a couple. 

Good friends but not a couple. "How did we get to this point again?" said Astrid. "No idea sister. I guess the Eazairvian's ability to go off on tangents is true." said Chloe. "So how do you usually stop Zane? I'll stop mother." said Gayle. "With a kiss." said Rachel. "I guess the simple way is usually the most optimal way." said Ignacio as Rachel kissed Zane. A bit later, Marian and Zane finished their strange conversion about Heidi and Kevin's very unique relationship much to the others' confusion. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"So I have to ask you something since Rae refuses to ever answer give me an answer on this.". "And what would that be exactly? I'm shocked that our deal sister would hide another secret from her eternal love." said Astrid. "But don't forget sister. She did hide that she was royalty, a devil, and her middle name from him and his friends for almost a decade. That blew up in her face didn't it sister?" said Chloe.

Gayle hit the two twinsters on the head as Marian said,"Sure thing Zane. Ask away. I'll answer any question you have.". "Mom. I really don't think you should answer his questions." said Rachel. "Come on sweetie. You really shouldn't worry. I doubt that it'll be for the three of us to have a threesome. It isn't that right? I just met you after all Zane so maybe later. I also don't think my daughter wants to share you with her mother. That's just wrong on so many levels." said Marian.

Zane shook his head as he said,"Nope. I mean I love Rae with all my Essence and she's all the devil I could ever possibly ask for. I just want to know how Ardor works but a certain fiancée is keeping me in the dark about it.". "Wait. That's the question you don't want her to answer?" said Ignacio. "You and I both know how easy it is for Zane to go on a rant when it comes to powers brother. He would have been ranting about ways of how my power could work for hours if I told him." said Rachel.

The youngest devil turned to her mother with her saying,"Mom. I'm begging you. Please don't tell him about our power. He'll force me into training and I hate that side of him honest. I don't think kissing him will stop him from ranting.". "I would say yes sweetie but if I know the Alvarez family, they're pretty good at getting what I want." said Marian as she pointed to Zane. His eyes were like a cute baby polar bear/moose that needs some help. "Please let her tell me about Ardor Rae." said Zane.

He was speaking in a tone that sounded like a child who was going to cry and his lower lip quiver. It seems that Zane is embracing his inner child. "Fine." said Rachel with her unable to resist Zane when he's like this. According to Natasha, it was like looking at Zane back when he was a crybaby. Kurt and Lucius were the first two to come up against this version of Zane since neither brother wanted to see him cry and did whatever he wanted if this face ever showed up even when he's an adult.

Zane cheered with Rachel sighing. "Okay then. As you know already, Impulse is an important aspect of every being in the Omniverse. For devils, it comes in the form of Ardor. Ardor is basically on the same level of importance for us as say blood for humans. As you saw with the Salamander clan, their Ardor comes the form in flames." said Marian. "And is it different for the other four clans? I'm going to guess the Kraken Clan uses water and Sylph Clan uses air/wind." said Zane.

Astrid nodded as she said,"Correct. Our clan has energy manipulation down pat. At least, most of us do.". "I'm getting better at it thanks to my friends I'll have you know." said Rachel. "And we're quite thankful for their assistance. As you probably noticed, you do run out of Ardor with continue usage of it." said Marian. "Which means one thing now. Zane is going to be switching up our training routine to now improving my physical abilities." said Rachel, shivering at her training with sadist Zane.

Chloe looked at her sister with her saying,"And that's bad because? I mean you get to work out with your fiancé whose muscles are attractive but not overblown like those in the Dwarf Clan.". "The Dwarf Clan are muscle heads? I thought they would be short." said Zane. "Their name may suggest one thing Zane but the Dwarf Clan are considered to be the second stronger clan among the five devil clans. They have the ability to use their Ardor to manipulate all forms of earth." said Gayle.

Ignacio nodded as he said,"She isn't kidding about that Zane. Any member have the potential to make ash, clay, coal, glass, metal, mud, oil, sand etc.. You get my point. The most current heir is two times stronger than Blaze. Yeah. He and the rest of his clan really are someone that you don't want to mess with.". Zane was silent as Rachel noticed the silence from him. "Zane. Please tell me that you didn't fight against them already." said Rachel. "Well, funny story Rae." said Zane, chuckling. 

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
A bit earlier that day, Zane was walking through the slums of Cypress Park . He was heading toward one of the cities's abandoned building for a quick workout. It was a good place for him to do some quick training before the criminals come out to play. Zane was well aware of how he couldn't use his more destructive techniques since they can easily destroy the city if he wasn't careful. After half an hour of walking through the slums of his city, there were two sets of eyes following him.

Despite his constant vigilance, this part of the city isn't exactly the safest especially toward the one percent. Most of the time, they had it coming since the rich part of Cypress Park's elite aren't exactly the most friendly people to be around. As Zane, he was well known as the CEO of Zenith Industries so the eyes that were following him probably belonged to a couple of punks. They were probably thinking that they can get some quick cash by jumping him and holding him for ransom.

Their plan was going to crash and burn. He stopped walking and closed his eyes. Behind him a few hundred feet, he could sense two humans. They were both leaning up against a wall and trying to look inconspicuous. For a normal person, their act would have work but Zane was in no way a normal person. The duo may look him but their aura is telling another story entirely. He opened his eyes as he kept moving and he eventually made his way to the building.

Zane made sure that the duo following him didn't suspect anything. He made his way inside and he thought,"It's showtime baby. Yeah. It's a pretty good catchphrase. May just use that.". He made his way to the second floor with him doing some stretching to warm up before the training. "Look what we have here." said a really scratchy sounding voice. Zane turned around to see two men ,with them looking like well dressed thugs aka mobsters, standing there and were twirling knives in their hands.

Both of them had earpieces in their ear and tinted glasses over their eyes. Alongside looking like mobsters, they reminded Zane of bouncers at a club. The duo was currently looking down on him and that look was telling Zane that the bouncers thought that they were better than him. It was a look that the rich often gave him or when another species look down on him just because he's human or a Cross Species. Their rather wicked smirks indicated that they were clearly up to something.

The two broke into laughter with the goon on the right said,"Seems we found the great and powerful Zane Alvarez stretching.". "You have to be real stupid for letting your guard down especially since you've got the honor of being one of the targets that our boss is after. Defeating the crispy gecko is an impressive threat but our boss is pretty much a badass." said the second goon. "Here's the thing. You should come with us or we won't hurt you too much." said the first goon.

Zane looked at the two with a bored expression on his face. "And why should I listen to you? I mean at least the crispy gecko had power worth a dam compared to your guys. I really did thinking that devils were supposed to be powerful but you're nothing more than jokes." said Zane. "I guess you could see past our disguises so time for plan B!" said the goon on the right. He rushed at Zane with his knife ready to slash him.

Due to several criminals trying that same maneuver on him several times, Zane saw his attack coming from a mile away and just move to the side. "You should know that punks like you have tried to stab me with knives for a very long time now and spoiler alert. It isn't going to work and neither is your plan buddy." said Zane. Zane phased right through the goon's punch and spun around. He kicked upward and sprouted multiple feet from his leg. "Learn your place." said Zane.

The man was rapidly kicked by the barrage of feet and the goon went flying back. Blood was flying from his mouth as he flew through the air. Zane wasn't done being that he swung both of his fists at the man. His arms extended and turned into candy syrup. The arms were both covered in Vulcan Force and the fists turned three times bigger. The two giant fists hit the goon with enough force that he went flying toward the wall. The wall had spider like cracks in it upon the devil hitting it.

Upon hitting the wall, the devil slowly dropped to the floor. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as well. "What? That's impossible! You're supposed to be a weak human!" said the goon who had dropped his knife in fear. His eyes were wide as saucers, knowing that their boss had a big mistake in sending the two of them alone to handle the target. They were just lower ranked devils. "And I think your boss need to get updated information. Your lack of information is the result of your defeat." said Zane.

Zane looked to see the goon's face changing expression being that it went from shock, fright, and into resolve. The goon gritted his teeth and rushed forward to fight Zane. "I may not be one of the boss's Nymphs but as a member of the Dwarf Clan, I can't lose to a human like you!" said the goon with him firing two streams of mud at Zane. "Oh. So you're part of the Dwarf Clan. I guess another devil wants to take Rae from me. It won’t happen I can promise you that." said Zane.

The hero jumped over the streams of mud with him saying,"Rocket powered punch!". As he said that, his right fist flew toward the devil and pushed him back. The devil dropped to his knee with him trying to get back up. "Damn it. Why the hell is he hurting me?! Our clan is known for our amazing defenses after all. He broke through it with no trouble at all." said the devil. The devil was hit in the gut by a sharp punch due to Zane's left hand. 

Before the devil had a chance to recover, Zane gave the devil a powerful uppercut and sent him flying away with the devil feeling a great deal of pain. Zane makes two arms appear on both side of his body with it equaling six arms overall. Zane smiled as he said,"If that is the case devil, lets go with Vulcan Emperor to weaken that defense you're so proud of. Multi-Armed Mortar!". All of these arms were covered in Vulcan Emperor’s scales. 

These arms were launched toward the devil and all six fists began punching said devil rapidly. Due to that combo earlier, it was impossible for the devil to dodge. In a matter of seconds, the devil was hit with over a thousand punches. Zane stopped upon seeing that the devil was out cold, his face extremely bloodied, and his body bruised beyond belief. "Maybe I should have hold back just a bit. I need to know why their boss wanted me gone. It's a good thing I can read minds." said Zane.

Zane aimed his left hand toward the two unconscious devils and fired a stream of candy syrup out of it within seconds. It instantly hardened over them, trapping them in a giant ball. He put his hand over one of the devil's head and began reading his mind. "Oh. So another devil royal wants Rae as his bride. That won't be happening Rufus. I promised myself that I would protect her so it's time to make another devil pay." said Zane, looking at them. 

The hero turned toward the ball and opening up a portal to Ezlario. He placed a note for the Alliance about them being criminals as he kicked the ball into the portal. "They'll be just fine under Darin's watch and hopefully, they don't get struck with Theron as their guard. He can be pretty brutal when it comes to punishing criminals. Like that one devil said, they're durable so they can handle a little physical punishment. Back to training I go." said Zane. 

Narrator P.O.V.
The six devils looked at Zane with him saying,"What? They attacked me first and I found out that their leader Rufus Medlock is after Rachel like Blaze was. I'm the victim here.". "That may be the case but still. I don't like when you go and challenge really powerful people without telling anyone about doing that." said Rachel. Zane can sense her fear and worry with him shrugging. Rachel was grabbed by Zane with his warm hand placed on her stomach and he pushed her onto his lap.

Rachel blushes a bit as her back touched his muscular chest. "Zane! What are you doing?! My family is right here! I don't mind when you do this in front of the others but my family?!" said Rachel. "So? I mean I'm sure that they know how much we love each other. Plus this is totally making the twinsters jealous and that's always a good thing right?" said Zane. "I guess but you should have told me that you were going to do this. Jerk. " said Rachel as she was pouting angrily in his lap.

Marina smiled as she said,"You two remind me of the good old days except I put him on my lap. He really liked it when my breasts touched his back. I was always moving my fingers around his chest and he was really buff. Not as buff as your man though.". "Ignore that for now. So what are you planning to do about the Dwarf Clan? They really don't like springing their men out of jail." said Astrid. "Beat the crap out of them duh. It may be barbaric but it works." said Zane in a blunt manner.

Chloe's eyes widened as she said,"Um. You aren't serious right? I mean you were able to fight against the Salamander Clan's forces but this is the Dwarf Clan you're going to be fighting against. They're known for many things and one of those things are having an impressive army that rivals the Sentry Corps in terms of number but their power is another story entirely.". "Chloe. I don't think your advice is reaching him whatsoever. Just look." said Astrid.

The younger twin looked at Zane whose eyes were literally shining like diamonds. "Seriously?! You want to fight an entire clan of devils?!" said Chloe. "Yep. I won't let anyone take Rae or anyone of the beings I hold close to away from me ever again. I'll fight against an entire army just to keep her safe. I made myself that vow after what happened." said Zane, remembering that day clearly. Rachel grabbed Zane's hand with her saying with a smile,"And I'll be there to help you this time.".

Ignacio looked at his sister with him saying,"Did I hear you right? Are you going to help Zane fight the Dwarf Clan? Just the two of you?". "Yeah. Did I stutter brother?" said Rachel. Marian began laughing as Gayle looked at her. "You two really are the perfect couple. I'm so proud of you." said Marian with her wiping away a couple of tears. "Rachel. Zane. I won't stop you from fighting against Rufus and the Dwarf Clan whatsoever." said Gayle.

The trio of Astrid, Chloe, and Ignacio looked right at Gayle with them saying,"You can't be serious Gayle?! You're sending them to their graves!". Gayle looked at them with the three devils frozen both figuratively and literally. "Be quiet you three. You really should have more faith in them. Me and mother believe in them so why wouldn't you?" said Gayle. The trio would have answered her but they were frozen inside of a block of ice.

Marian shook her head as she said,"I'm sure they would have answered you if they weren't frozen my dear. So do you have a plan for taking down Rufus?". "Yep. We'll figure it out soon but right now, I think we should have a drink. Want me to free your siblings Rae?" said Zane. "Nah. I think they should chill out a little bit for a while. So can you tell me some stuff about dad mom?" said Rachel, cupping her chin. "Sure thing. Let me tell you two about how we met." said Marian.

About twenty minutes later, the trio of Astrid, Chloe, and Ignacio were unfrozen and the main part of their meeting was ready to begin. "I feel like I've been waiting for this moment for over a thousand years now! I'm having a drink with my baby sister and her fiancé!" said Ignacio. The seven each held a cup with each cup containing the booze that Ignacio brought with him. The booze is a very bright pink color, similar to what the drink is named after.

Zane nodded as he said,"I guess that's nice. You should know that Rae has a great tolerance toward Alcohol. Efren and Heidi on the other hand are not.". "He's right about that." said Rachel. Heidi had tried some alcohol before since most of Team Maelstrom ,mainly Efren and Zane, like to drink. It turns out that she's a real lightweight even more than Efren. It took one mug of simple booze made her pass out. Heidi was drunk with a smile on her flushed face.

Rachel nodded as she said,"This is a new experience for me since I'm drinking with my amazing sister in law, idiot brother, mother, and my twinsters.". "Hey! Quit calling us that! We don't like when Zane does it so you shouldn't either!" said Astrid and Chloe, earning laughter from Marian. Rachel held her cup up to her nose with her sniffing it. It had a strong apple and strawberry scent to it. The scent enticed her to drink what was in front of her. 

Marian looked at her youngest as she said,"Rachel. You don't need to force yourself okay? This drink isn't for the faint heart.". The devil said this while sipping her drink and she had a faint blush on her face. "It's fine mom. I'll have one cup because this is a family tradition. You and Gayle did this with dad and Ignacio back in the day. I want to do this with Zane ever since he proposed to me and he's a very important part of my life." said Rachel.

Ignacio wiped away a tear with him saying,"Oh Rachel. The love you have for Zane makes me proud to call you my sister.". "And you didn't before?" said Zane. "Here I go. Bottom's up!" said Rachel as she began drinking. Rachel slightly grimaced at the drink’s sweet bubbly taste before chugging down the contents inside of the cup into her mouth and down her throat. The booze tasted amazing. As she was drinking this, her face was getting red.

It reminded Zane of his face whenever he blushes except it was a deep shade of crimson thanks to the booze. "Okay. You're clearly wasted. I've never seen her like this. This thing better not have give her any side effect." said Zane with him glaring at Ignacio who smiled. "Don't worry so much Zane. This drink will make your all day date even better than you two planned it to be. All devils love Cherry Blossom Punch." said Ignacio. The devil was extremely happy that Rachel had drunk it.

Zane looked at him as he thought,"This can’t be good. I remember the last time Ignacio gave her a drink. Hopefully, I can solve it.". "Zane. Why are you so far away? Tell me already or I'll pinch you so hard." said Rachel with a drunken smile on her face and a very noticeable blush on her face. She began to stare at him with a faraway look in her eyes as she licked and bit her lips. She breathed heavily with her tiling her head cutely. She had a lustful aura of Ardor around her. 

She had began moving toward him and once she got close, she began resting on his chest. "That's much better. I miss my favorite fireplace." said Rachel, getting real cozy on Zane's lap. "I'm going to guess that you are drunk aren't you?" said Zane. Rachel looked up at him as she said,"I'm not drunk! You're drunk!". "Um honey. I think out of all beings here, I know when someone is drunk." said Zane. "You're so amazing Zaney." said Rachel, looking into Zane's eyes with her tilting her head in a cute manner. 

The devil's eyes looked lustful toward Zane and this was shown with the hearts in her eyes. "I really love you! I don't care who in the Omniverse hears it! I love you Zane!" said Rachel with her hugging him tightly and she passionately kiss him. Zane did nothing as her tongue dominated his own. In their four years together as a couple, Zane learned how to be an attentive lover. Even when Rachel is drunker than a skunk, Zane need to make sure Rachel knew one thing. 

She need to know that Zane was capable of supporting her emotionally, physically, and intimately. The latter of the three would have to wait until later. After a moment, his arms moved of their own accord and wrapped around the small of her back, pulling her closer. He returned the kiss with an matching energy and relaxed more into it the longer they did. Zane held her very close so she would keep her balance and follow him. 

As he did this, she pushed herself against him and hugged his body as close as she could. Her hands roamed his form with her fingers slipped under his shirt. He quickly grabbed her hands to stop her from going too far in front of her family. "You two are so romantic." said Marian, gushing at this scene in front of her. It reminded her greatly of herself and her husband back in the day. "Thank you a lot Marian. She's usually not like this mind you." said Zane.

The young devil looked at Zane with her saying,"Zane.". "Uh yes?" said Zane. "I've seen you staring at my mom and Gayle! Cut that out or no sex for a month!" said Rachel. "I'm not staring at them Rae! I love you remember?" said Zane. "Come on Zane. What's the deal huh? Both of us are attractive yes. I'll give you that but cheating on Rae like that is pretty ballsy." said Gayle with a giggle. Zane turned to see Astrid, Chloe, Gayle, and Marian with blushes matching Rachel.

Ignacio smiled as Zane said,"Seriously?! You got your entire family drunk?! Have you no shame idiot brother?!". "I think Zane has decided to take a taste of a mature flavor sister." said Astrid, giggling. "I guess so." said Chloe. "Bored with me already?! I knew that you can't keep your lust for women in line even though I'm sexy!" said Rachel. Her furisode was open a bit and this was exposing her breasts to Zane. "I know how much you love my breasts so here you go!" said Rachel.

Rachel moved Zane's head toward them with Zane blushing upon making contact. "Oh! It seems that Rachel is making her claim on Zaney! What will you girls do now?!" said Ignacio. "All of the girls here are related to you know that right?" said Zane, escaping his fiancée's breasts. "Come on Zane. Who do you love the most?! I love you way more than anyone in the entire Omniverse!" said Rachel. "This is getting rather intense. She confessed her love for him but will he do the same?" said Marian.

Gayle giggled as she said,"Or perhaps, he'll confess to one of us.". "What are you talking about? You know that I....." said Zane. "Pick Gayle or Marian! Their boobs are just as big and they have more experience in the bedroom than Rachel does!" said Ignacio. Zane looked toward the two with them smiling and the hero slammed his head into the table at just the thought of them in bed. "Hey there buddy! Quit checking out my mom and sister! I'm all the woman you need!" said Rachel. 

Ignacio laughed as he said,"This just proves who he loves my dear sister.". Like the rest of the devils in the room, his face was red as well. "This totally proves that this stuff gets devils hammered instantly and I love you Rae." said Zane. "You don't like us Zaney? I mean we just met today but I thought you were a nice guy." said Marian. She was about to start crying with Zane saying,"Don't cry Marian. I like you as a person....". "You love her?! She's my mom!" said Rachel. 

Zane groaned as he said,"Love and like are two different things Rachel. I probably had this coming for a while now but damn you Omniverse! You just love to fuck me over don't you.". "Like I do!" cooed Rachel with Zane's face slamming into the table. "I think you girls should quit teasing since Rachel is super possessive of her man. Plus you have me Gayle." said Ignacio. "Brother. You're reading the situation wrong." said Astrid and Chloe. "So what do you mean by that?" said Ignacio.

Gayle looked at Ignacio with her saying,"We weren't teasing him. I've been interested in him since he decided to fight against Blaze to save Rachel.". "Yep!" said Marian. The statement from his wife caused Ignacio to turn into stone and the statement from his mother caused the stone to crack. Ignacio wasn't a fan of this development whatsoever. Cherry Blossom Punch was how the Powell family indicts a new member normally. 

All members of the family and the newcomer drinks Cherry Blossom Punch to welcome a new being to the Akostar Clan. This beverage has alcohol in it and with enough drinking of it, it can get any being hammered. However, this drink just so happen to get devils extremely hammered and the effect lasts for twenty four upon first consumption. Zane happens to be the first being to join the Akostar Clan and not be a devil so this was a new experience for the family.    

Zane ,on the other hand, had a different opinion about the whole thing. He was used to handle drunks of all kinds but all of these drunks were members of his fiancée's family. He may have shared a drink with them but to Zane, he'll be a part of the Akostar Clan once he marries Rachel. He made sure that the royal devils got home safely and Marian had placed a kiss on his cheek upon leaving. This little kiss upset the still drunk Rachel and she stormed off after that much to Zane's worry.

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