Saturday, April 6, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 38 Fairy vs Phantom PT 4 The Burning Wings of Wrath

A/N: Yeah. I ended another episode after a fight with an element four. Lets go for a third time but we won't be doing that. Once you take the four bosses, the big boss come out and he wants revenge on those who took down their head minions. So this Author Note won't be talking about only Fairy Legion since I did that twice in a row and I can't do three times in a row. Today's main discussion is about Smash Bros.

Smash Bros is a series that I've played since Melee but I grew to love after Brawl. My opinion on Melee is eh because I really hate the crowd of smash fans who only play Brawl and pretty much change Brawl to play more like Melee. For a while, I hate Project M because to me at that time thought it was a big middle finger to Brawl and all of the people who works behind the game. I've changed ,I think, being that after a while, I stopped caring.

Now back to the main discussion at hand. Smash 5's DLC. In the previous game DLC, it was a big deal since it was the first game to do DLC. All of the characters that were revealed to be DLC were pretty important being that Cloud and Ryu are from two different companies and were never thought to ever get into Smash. These two opened the flood gate but Smash 5 pretty much pried it open with crowbars.

Simon from Castlevania is a huge video game icon being that he's one of the 80s big mascot and still kinda known today. I wanted to talk about Joker from Persona 5 and how we barely know anything about him. He was announced at the end of last year and as of April 5, we still haven't seen any kind of gameplay for the character. When he was announced, I was okay with him being part of the game but it's a different story.

With Piranha Plant aka another DLC character, we saw a bit of gameplay in his trailer and no kind of date of when he was announced. I'm okay with this being that I can come up with a good idea on how he's going to play. I haven't played Persona 5 but I have the game so I just need to sit down and play the game eventually. Whenever I play an RPG, I need to focus a large amount of time into it before I can start playing.

That's just a me thing and maybe once I do that, I can come up with an idea on how he may play but the fact that we haven't seen any form of gameplay from Joker yet is kinda concerning in my books so will all DLC characters do this? I mean the other DLC characters are going to be interesting and whoever they pick, people will either have one of three reasons. Joy, indifference,  or anger. I mean I could be wrong but that's just a general assessment.

I should probably start the episode but I want to bring your attention to the really interesting trailer for the new Joker ,DC, movie coming out. I may be indifferent toward DC's live action movies compared to my love toward Marvel but that trailer was amazing. Plus I totally blame the people around Joker of that universe into make him into the monster he is today. They also made a Shazam movie right after Marvel's Captain Marvel movie.

I like Shazam more because Marvel is a problem with main female lead heroes. You can name characters like Black Widow, Gamora, Invisible Woman, Jean Gray, Rogue, Storm, and many more but I can't think of a female character in Marvel who can work on her own. DC has this problem to be fair but they have characters like Catwoman, Harley Quinn, and Wonder Woman who have worked on their own before and did pretty well.

As Marvel's Captain Marvel, we have four female lead superhero movies. I could be wrong on this number but three of these four movies are from DC being two of them are infamous for both good and bad reasons. Do you know there was a movie called My Super Ex-Girlfriend? Crazy things that you find when doing research. I do want to discuss my opinion on Aria's defeat in canon since this Chapter has this fight involved in the anime.

I hate this fight looking back on it being that unlike with the rest of the Element 4, he was owned in a single shot. The rest of the Element 4 were taken down in multiple hits being that Sol got the most of it. This outlines the problem of Erza being too perfect and have a very few amount of losses compared to the wins. Aria will get owned like in canon but he'll be beaten more. Lets begin already before I go on another rant about something that makes no sense.

Narrator P.O.V 
Back down in the Fairy Tail courtyard, the number of Phantoms have shrunk thanks to Cana's great leadership being that they soon noticed that the giant was drawing its magic circle slower now. "So how long have we been out here forward?" said Wakaba. "This stress is bad on my heart. We have to put an end of this." said Macao. "Hey you guys. Doesn't it seem like the Giant is being turtle-ish right now?!" said Laki.

Wakaba looked at her as he said,"So what are you talking about it? Turtles?". "She's trying to say that the giant is moving slower.  Try thinking before you speak Laki. It's like Gray is the only one who can understand your weird thinking." said Macao. "It made perfect sense to me! You guys are just dense!" said Laki. Cana walked up to the duo of older male as she said,"Natsu, Zane, and the others are in there doing their best to stop that thing. We need to lend them a hand.".

A second wave on Phantoms that were swarming toward them. "The last thing they need is these things bothering them! Let's take care of them!" said Erza being that she had been here the whole time but quiet. She saw Natsu fall from the giant being that she trusted that Natsu would find his way back inside and take revenge on Phantom Lord. "You heard the ladies. Time to care of this trash kids. Lets do this!" said Macao. "Yeah!" shouted the guild.

Back on the Giant, Zane looked at Juvia being that he made a pillow of Primordial and during the whole thing, Juvia was still in a deep and blissful smile on his face. She was finally happy being that she deserved it after going through so much shit in her past. As a hero, it was the grateful smile of the people he's protected that made him keep going. "Huh. I think have a hard past for a wizard is normal for this dimension. Interesting thing to think about." said Zane to himself.

He soon heard,"Zane!". Zane turned around to see the trio of Mira, Sivarth, and Stella plus Elfman running toward him. "Hey you guys. So how are things?" said Zane. "So you take down one of the Element 4? You're a real man Zane." said Elfman. He soon patted Zane on the back before having his arm behind pulled his back by Zane. "You really think he would have learned his lesson after the first time but we could say the same thing about Natsu." said Stella.

Sivarth nodded as he said,"So Zane, why is she....". Zane looked to see Juvia looking at him with worried eyes. "Zane. Are these people your friends?" said Juvia. She slowly hid behind him as he sighed. "Kinda. Mira, Sivarth, and Stella are. Elfman here is Mira's dork little brother. This is my friend Juvia and we aren't fighting anymore right?" said Zane. Juvia rapidly nodding her head as she said with a bright red blush on her face,"Yes. I lost after a battle that ravished the both of us.".

She began moving back and forth as she said,"It was love at first glance being that my heart began beating faster especially after he saved me from death. I was in him and he was in me, and then gave my chest a heartfelt squeeze. He's so bold.". Zane whistled as the two girls looked at him. Elfman glared at Zane being that he would have gotten in his face but he learned what happens when you get too close to him.

He still has the mental scaring being that both Gray and Natsu got too close to Zane being that they were sent into the ground ,face first, by Gravity Form. "You say that you're with Levy but you go out and grabbed another girl's chest plus you went inside of her! A real man doesn't cheat on the woman he loves!" said Elfman. "He isn't a cheater Elfman and don't think he is ever. Zane isn't a Mack. They just went a bit overboard in their fight right?" said Sivarth.

Zane nodded as he said,"She has an overactive imagination Elfman but who really cares about that right now? We got a problem in the form of Second Place and the Crybaby Giant. You'll come and join us right Juvia? I mean being a member of the winning team is a better idea in the long run of any conflict. A wise man once said that today's enemy can be tomorrow's friend. I'm pretty sure Fairy Tail will welcome you in with open arms and without any questions for some weird reason."

Elfman smiled as he said,"Yeah! Join us! We're the manliest guild in Fiore!". "I think that's Quarto Cerberus." said Sivarth. Zane smiled as he knew that he wasn't a blind and dense idiot when it comes to romance being that Zane could easily hear Juvia falling for him hard and fast. He was her first crush being that this wasn't the first time that this happened. He liked her too being that before he could do anything about it, he had to talk with Levy.

Mira soon looked at Zane and then Juvia who was using his right arm as a shield to hide from Elfman who was talking with Sivarth. She soon put two and two together with Mira smiling. "So she loves you doesn't she Zane?!" said Mira with a blush on her face. Juvia blushed harder with Stella saying,"I think she does.". "And I like her too because she's an innocent. A hero does anything he can to save the day even if they have to kill but that's only if there is no alternative." said Zane.

Elfman soon smiled as he said,"You're even a better man than I gave you credit for! I approve of you dating my sister!". His ear was soon pinched by Mira who said,"Elfman. What have I told you about choosing who I date for me?". "But you like Zane don't you?!" said Elfman with him begging her to let him go. "I do but you do remember that he has a girlfriend and I doubt he's the cheating type. Plus his girlfriend is our friend right Elfman?" said Mira, smiling.

Elfman shivered at Mira's sweet tone with Sivarth sighing. "Her ability to scare others is like Azalea but slightly nicer. So are you going to talk with Levy about that Zane?" said Sivarth. "Yep. I mean if anything today has taught me anything, I can't ignore all of the relationships that I'm building any longer." said Zane. "So what they're talking about?" said Stella. "Nope but I'm sure Zane has it handled since he's a real man!" said Elfman, nodding. "So who is up for some crybaby hunting?" said Zane.

The Fairy Tail wizards and Akostar Phantom/Phantom Akostar nodded as Juvia said,"You're talking about Aria correct? Crybaby sounds like a name for him.". "Yes. He's the last one on the Element Four chopping block Juvia." said Zane as he helped her up. "Whoever is up against him will have a hard time beloved. He's considered to be the strongest member of the Element 4." said Juvia. "You're much stronger Juvia but he did drain the coward's magic energy. So lets get going." said Zane.

Before they could do anything, Sivarth and Zane saw something out of the corner of the eye with the two saying,"We have someone looking for a rematch.". The other four members of their group soon looked to see that a couple of feet away from them. It was a shaking hand being that it grabbed the edge of the floor before pulling whoever it was up. It was Natsu being that he soon let out a battle cry and roared. "Where is that mustached bastard?!" roared Natsu.

Zane soon chuckled as he said,"Hey Hatchling. What'cha you doin?". This got the pink haired boy's attention as he said,"Zane? Where is he?! Where is the bastard who hurt Happy?! I'm going to roast him like a steak!". "So how is he going to do it folks? I mean he could make him either rare, medium rare, medium, medium well and well done." said Sivarth, making a joke. "Who are you talking about Natsu?" said Mira, trying to calm him down. 

Natsu grumbled out in a softer tone,"I'm taking about the stupid earth wizard of the Element 4. So where is he so I can lay the beatdown on him?". Stella smirked being that she was going to enjoy this a joy. "Sorry Natsu but I already took care of him." said Stella. "She isn't sorry at all." thought Elfman and Mira. "What?! No way! I was going to demolish him! You took my fight!" said Natsu. "Hey. You were asked to fight Gajeel not him pand you got thrown out by him." said Stella.

Stella soon looked at him as she said with a smug look,"So respect your betters.". Before Natsu could retort to Stella's insult, Mira said,"Speaking of being thrown out, why did it take you so long for you to get back up here?". "Yeah Natsu. We came to the Giant at the same time but I found Big sis and her group before seeing you again." said Elfman, crossing his arms. Suddenly, Natsu lost the anger in his face as he seemed to take on a nervous one with the Strauss sibling looking confused upon seeing it.

Most of the group ,being Zane was an exception, didn't know that Natsu would've made his way back up the Giant if not for some embarrassing incidents. After he fell out the Giant, he had to swim back to it alongside Elfman. The two separated being that Natsu decided to scale it and Elfman broke his way in with his manly strength. Unfortunately when he was reaching the top, he slipped. This was due to the rain from Juvia.

When he tried this, his hands were still wet and fell back down where he tried climbing up for a second time. That turned out to be a failure as well when some rubble ,from the fight going above him, fell on top of him and he crash landed back at sea. The third time was the charm. He finally reached the top and made it up to reunite with them. "It's nothing important. I was just letting Zane fight this girl." said Natsu being that no one believed him which included Juvia.

Natsu looked at Stella with him saying,"So Stella, did you see where Happy was?!". "I'm here you guys." said a sluggish voice. The group turned to see Happy flying toward them with some difficulty being that Sivarth said,"Oh yeah. I forgot he was following us.". "Way to be observant big guy." said Zane with Sivarth glaring at him. "Happy!" shouted a cheerful Natsu. He ran up to his friend and gave the cat a bear hug. "Are you okay?!" said Natsu.

Happy squealed out being that he was in a heavy amount of pain,"I can't breath Natsu!". "Sorry about that! So are you okay?" said Natsu, loosening his grip. "Yep. Before Stella forgot about me, she gave me this weird ball thing and I felt better!" said Happy. "You're welcome for that. You got one of my Zenith Potions. We should focus since the gang is reunited." said Zane. The others looked at him as he took a deep breath.

Zane looked at Natsu ,who was still holding Happy, and he said,"Natsu. You're come with me. We have to take down the cry baby Aria and if Gajeel is here, we need to take him down first before I handle Jose. I really don't want any one stopping the fight.".  Natsu cracked his knuckles as conformation to Zane's request. "What about us?" said Stella, pointing to her and Elfman. Zane soon looked her over being that Juvia was getting jealous over on how close he was getting to her.

Mira was as well but unlike Juvia, she was hiding it better. "Sorry. You've fought against arguably the third strongest member of the Element Four. I mean Wannabe Ninja is the weakest but between the clown and crybaby, I'm not exactly on who is the strongest. Elfman, mind taking back Mira and Stella for me? We still have Jose's Phantoms to deal with." said Zane with a serious tone. "But I can still fight Zane!" shouted Stella.

Zane looked at her being that he was looking Stella over, looking for injuries. Then without doing anything, he walked towards her and extended his hand like if he wanted a handshake. "Give me your hand for a sec." said Zane, much to the confusion of the group. Juvia and her wacky imagination was imagining that Zane was proposing to her. Yeah, I'm not stopping this joke any time soon. "Okay Zane but why?" said Stella staring at him with a confused look. "Do it." said Zane.

Stella gave him her hand being that Zane soon forced Stella's hand to swing backwards, slapping against her chest. This produced a painful result. "Ouch!" said Stella, clutching her chest. "You may not show it Stella but you're still injured from your fight with the clown. I think you broke a couple of ribs along some other injuries that would cause some serious damage if touched just hard enough aka in a fight." said Zane in a serious doctor like tone.

Stella said after recovering from the pain Zane gave her,"I can handle it Zane because I'm fighting for my friends.". "I'm not a big fun of letting people rush to their death for their friends. Relax. I'm sure you're worried about me but I can keep fighting. A real man or woman knows when to stand down from a fight that they can't win." said Zane. Stella grunted as she wanted to argue against that but got nothing. "Fine. Stay safe okay? I don't want you to die." said Stella.

Zane smiled as he said,"Of course. I'll be fine. Happy, mind helping them getting back to the main land for me? Sivarth will watch Juvia.". Happy nodded as he gave a soldier salute while Zane turned to Natsu. "Lets go Natsu and hang on tight." said Zane. Before Natsu could say anything, he was soon grabbed by Zane being that the two rushed toward the giant. Stella's group went back to the others as Sivarth sat down next to Juvia.

Juvia looked at him as Sivarth said,"What?!". Juvia went back as she said,"Sorry! I just wanted to ask how you know Zane. You two seem rather close to me.". "We've been together since he was born. I got sent into him after some events. He's someone that I've grown to respect and along with the rest of the beings inside of Zane, he'll be fine." said Sivarth, smiling. "So do you think I'll be able to join Fairy Tail after what I did to Lucy?" said Juvia.

Sivarth shrugged as he said,"Most likely Juvia. The coward is someone who is still forgiving. At least with Zane, he has some doubt in forgiving people. Even if they don't accept you, me and the rest of Team Legion Zero will be your side.". He tried to do one of Zane's warm smiles being that it failed massively. Juvia soon giggled as she said,"Are you trying to make me feel better?". "Yeah and unlike Zane, I suck at it." said Sivarth.

He sulked for a bit with Juvia saying,"Don't worry. You'll be able to do it one day but tell me. Isn't Zane so adorable for when he's concerned for others?! I just want to give the biggest hug I could ever give in my life!". Sivarth chuckled as he knew that the girl was being serious. "So do you think you'll be fine? I want to let Zane my support." said Sivarth. "Yep. Go help him okay?" said Juvia. Sivarth jumped away with him causing a hole in the giant's side. Juvia smiled as she rested there.

Back at the Omniversal Chateau, Lucy was sulking. She remembered how she was pretty much the reason behind the fight and also how she was useless without her keys which were somewhere in Magnolia. Its exact location is currently an unknown being that I'm not being my typical self when it comes to Lucy. It's on a street somewhere in Magnolia being that if they had the time, Natsu or Stella would have used their super sniffers to find the keys.

However, they didn't have the time so Zane offered up his home which is a disclosed location to most of the guild for privacy reasons of course and also he doesn't like people. She did have one key being that it was the key to summon Sagittarius aka the spirit who dressed up in horse cosplay and may or may have costumes for Bojack Horseman, Bullseye, Mister Ed, and Quick Draw McGraw. This isn't canon by the way.

If this was a thing, it would be a copyright nightmare plus when this story came in the manga and anime, one of these character wasn't a thing yet. Anyway back on topic, she gained the key in Fairy Legion Chapter 17 but had't signed a contract with the spirit yet. She had no idea on how she would fight against the Element Four, a Dragon Slayer, a wizard whose able to copy any magic she has seen before, and one of the ten Wizard Saints.

She clutched this key with her silently praying,"You guys better come out of this alright?". Nearby her, Reedus sat there. You may be wondering how and why he's here being that the girls only got to Zane's abode because of Reedus's Pict Magic: Carriage and Boar spell and Kaida's directions. Fun fact about Reedus. He's voiced by Usopp in the English Dub. It's crazy to me that all of the Straw Hats ,except Brook, Jimbei, Nami, and Robin, voice members of Fairy Tail in the English dub.

Luffy voices Erza because like several Shonen Jump protagonists mainly the Big Three except for Ichigo, the main lead is voiced by a female, Zoro voices Elfman, Usopp voices Reedus, Sanji voices Loke, Chopper voices Juvia because Chopper is voiced by a female due to him not being the most masculine character in the history of One Piece, and Franky voices Laxus. Brook's voice actor does voice Bora and Kawazu but Jimbei, Nami, and Robin don't have voice a character in One Piece.

Back to the story. "They'll be fine Lucy. I have nothing but faith in the man who destroyed the Jupiter Cannon with that very interesting transformation of his but all of his transformation are more than meets the eye. You're also a member of the second most powerful team in Fairy Tail." said Reedus as he was currently doodling Lucy's picture for Natsu. It was a self-portrait of her sulking being that he need to keep himself busy.

He would have drawn her smiling but current circumstances forced the smile away. You may wonder what I mean by second most powerful team. Lets just say that in the story, the Thunder Legion ,who will be showing up soon, is considered to be Fairy Tail's strongest team since Team Natsu isn't on that level yet. They will be very soon but for right now, the Thunder Legion is the strongest team within Fairy Legion.

Lucy stood up as she said,"Yeah but I can't stay here. They didn't want me to fight since I'm so useless right now but I have to go back and help them whatever way I can.". "You're very wrong Lucy." said Kaida. Lucy turned to see the little girl sitting there mimicking Reedus except she was drawing a picture of Sly. "Papa may think you're a waste of space." said Kaida, causing an arrow that said,"Waste of Space" to pierce Lucy.

Reedus sweatdropped as he thought,"Like father, like daughter I guess.". "But Papa also says that by bearing that mark on your body, you're part of a family which will do anything they have the power for the family regardless of what that may be. You shouldn't get into a fight that you know that you can't win just because you want to prove yourself. Papa says that he's seen a lot of people die because of that mind set," said Kaida as she smiled. "But that's not fair!" cried an angry Lucy.

Suddenly, the not so silent alarm blazed as they looked outside to see who was stupid enough to risk their life to capture Lucy. It was Gajeel leading the back with Eden and two other lower ranked Wizards of Phantom Lord. One of them was Boze ,whose glasses was missing a lenses, and Sue being the only other confirmed female member of Phantom Lord. She has has light brown skin with short, dark green hair.

She has a small, green oval-shaped jewel ,similar to a Bindi. in the center of her forehead and small red earrings. She also wears a purple, jester-like hat adorned with the Phantom Lord mark. Her usual attire consists of a blue shirt with ripped sleeves, and green pants held up by a buckle belt. Sue also has reddish-pink bandages wrapped around her wrists, and seems to wear only black socks on her feet.

Boze is well known for his Sound Magic and Sue was known for her Mirror Magic. It was kinda an rumor floating around ,thanks to Sol of all people, that the two were dating but like most rumors, it was nothing but false words. The quartet stood outside, examined the place. Master Jose asked the four of them to track down Lucy being that using his super sniffer ,not one of the Dragon Slayer's confirmed powers, found them eventually.

Gajeel took a bolt from his pocket, eating it on the spot. "Despite it being a pain to get here, this was too easy for us." said Gajeel. "Says the guy who got lost three times." mumbled Eden, earning a glare from Gajeel with the female giggling. "They really thought that they could keep her from here? It's nice but way too trashy for scum like her." said Sue. The group soon made their way through halfway into the yard.

Gajeel stopped upon hearing panels opening up on both sides, standing there as twelve rifles ,the same one from Fairy Legion Chapter 31, appeared around them. They had red blinking lights on them within seconds being that the four stood there. They waited for the guns to fire at them being that they were just standing there menacingly. They didn't even try to fire at them. Boze huffed as he shot out,"Man?! This house's security system sucks hard!".

Eden watched him take a single step being upon moving his leg that single inch, the guns fired and aimed right at him. They fired non lethal concussion blasts of energy being that this send the poor wizard crashing into the wall of the gate entrance, groaned and almost knocked out. "Did someone get the name of that bus?" said a dazed Boze. Both Gajeel and Sue watched this scene in surprise as Eden said with the same emotional chops as Gene Wilder,"Stop. Don't move.".

They soon figured out the situation that they had waked in but the iron Dragon Slayer decided to test a theory of his. He slowly took a nut from his pocket and ,without moving his arm, flicked it behind them. The guns tracked it and fired at the bolt, sending it flying who knows where. It actually hit a member of the Element Four being Totomaru who had crashed somewhere unknown after being tossed away by Elfman earlier. Bad luck am I right?

Gajeel soon blinked as he thought,"Huh. That's their little trick. They don't detect sound at all but movement instead. We're in trouble if we move.". He soon figured out the weakness of these guns as he pulled out his bag of bolt and tossed them quickly without his hand being noticed. The guns soon detected the bag on the ground, aiming for it but gave Eden and Gajeel a chance to attack the cannons being that both of them said,"Iron Dragon Sword!". 

Their arms turned into the large jagged steel blade, charging at the nearby cannons. Two of them were sliced it to bits being that Gajeel charged for the door. Two flamethrowers shot up being that they soon fired at Gajeel. His iron scales quickly formed on his body being that he excepted the flames to do nothing to him. However instead of fire, it was electricity and shocking the iron Dragon Slayer due to his metallic outer skin.

Sue soon made several mirrors appear, absorbing the electricity into them. Don't ask how mirrors would absorb electricity. They're magic. "Reflection!" shouted Sue. This soon sent the electricity to short circuit the other weapons that went around the battlefield. Gajeel ran toward the door with him saying,"How many freaking weapons and traps does this Alvarez guy have?". Suddenly, a pool of water soon came from under Gajeel.

This caused him to fall into the water being that Eden, Sue, and a slowly recovering Boze watched him fall into the water. In a flash, Gajeel soon climbed out of there fast being that he looked visibly frighten. He went away from the hole being that Eden said,"What? Did you see a scary looking clown fish or what........". She soon got her answer being a giant monster appeared from the water. This is Nemo who goes by the name of the Supreme Predator.

He bears a striking resemble to a Great White Shark, Octopus, and Tatzelwurm. He looks to be about thirty feet tall and doesn't have any bones inside of his body. He's a burgundy color with the upper half of his body looks humanoid ,with four arms, and the lower half of his body is at least twenty tentacles which is used for movement. He has opposable thumbs with horns ,for ears, sticking out of his turtle like head. On his head, he has a large bladed fin which resembles the tip of a spear.  

Nemo's eyes are red irises, black sclera, and slitted, golden pupils. They have a thick black outline.  He has a menacing look in his eyes and mouth with him only showing his smile and kindness toward his brother from another species. He is similar to Buzz the Elemowl ,check out Zero Episode 93 for more details on him, and he is a member of the Phantom species Sharkopus. He's well known in Terrarune for being quite aggressive, brutish and territorial. He met Zane when the king was young and they fought.

This may happen in Zero or not but I'm not a hundred percent sure.  He was quite smart being that he knew when he sees a threat being that upon Zane meeting him, the two began their fight. After losing to Zane who won, Zane tamed the beast and giving him his name of Nemo. He understand human language being that he trusts Zane without question after the two fought and bumped fists, bonding them forever

When he trusts people, he goes out of his way to protecting them. He still has his vicious nature to him being that anyone who annoys him, he attacks them. He's a powerful predator and can easily take down armies with ease. He can send his thoughts towards others like Wolfram being that he refuses to speak to those who don't earn his respect. He's super-strong being that he can crush buildings with a single tentacle. He can regrow tentacles if they were sliced off or destroy.

He jumped out of the water being that he wanted to attack the intruders that invaded his friend's home like the fool that they are. He was the top predator of Terrarune and then went back into the water with him glaring at the humans, challenging them to come any closer. Sue began trembling in fear as she said,"Um. What the hell was that?". Gajeel coughed out some water that he swallowed being that he screamed ,like a little girl, upon seeing Nemo and got the hell out of dodge.

He was strong but wasn't stupid. He knew that him being iron and metal, he was slower in the water than he is on land. "Where the fuck did that guy get that monster?!" shouted Gajeel being that Nemo heard this and flipped off the Dragon Slayer. Gajeel got back up being that he said,"Okay. This guy is a freak when it comes to home security.". As he said this, a barrage and massive amount of guns soon popped out of everywhere being that they pointed right at the Phantom Lord Wizards.

Inside, the group of Kaida, Levy, Lucy, and Reedus watched the scene. Two of them watched this scene in shock as she screamed out,"Where the heck did Zane get that thing?!". "From his kingdom of Terrarune when he was around your age Lucy I think." said Kaida with her being more concerned about when Zane got Nemo rather than seeing Nemo. "Yeah. At first, I was scared of him but he's a big softie like Zane." said Levy. "Yep. Okay. Time to head to the panic room you guys." said Kaida.

She walked off as Lucy said,"Should we follow her?". "Would you want to deal with them being that they'll be quite angry about what's going on outside?" said Reedus, pointing outside for the blond to hear,"Fuck you Alvarez! When I get my hands on you, I'll end you!". "Point taken." said Lucy as the three followed Kaida to a different part of the house. As they left the living room, the front door was completely blown off.

Gajeel stood there with an extremely pissed off look being that he was going to rip Zane in half after what he just went through. Boze looked ready to fall over and just take a nap being that Sue looked better than her fellow Phantom Lord wizards but not by much. Eden was still outside and fighting Nemo with their fight slowly leaving the home and heading toward the nearby lake. Back within the giant, Gray stood there with him panting heavily and covered in bruises.

Sly ,in her human form, was unharmed being that Aria had aimed his attacks primarily at that ice wizard. "You're still standing after all of my attacks. Quite impressive. However, a block of ice shall not win you this fight like it did with Totomaru" said Aria in a stoic voice. "Who the hell said I was going to use that? I'm no coward!" said Gray. He charged at Aria with his right fist covered in ice as he shouted,"Sly! Do it now!". "On it!" said Sly.

Sly rushed in being that Aria soon chuckled. "Your endurance shall be test against my Airspace magic." said Aria, holding out his hands in front of him. Gray soon climbed over the invisible wall as he said,"Ice Make: Lance!". The sharp frozen lances went toward Aria ,who despite his size, dodged them. "Is that all you got boy?!" said Aria in a mocking tone. He was soon kicked in the face by Sly as she said,"Don't forgot about me you overgrown crybaby! I'm an Akostar damn it!".

Aria went back a bit being that he wiped some of the blood from the corner of his mouth. Gray soon landed next to Sly with him saying,"Good tag team move Sly.". "When you've been fighting with Zane since you were born, you pick up a couple of things." said Sly, smirking. Aria soon began to cry once again being that both of his opponents had seen more than their fair share of crying during their fight being that it was more or less disturbing on how much tears this man has.

My bet is that with his tears alone, he could fill at least five Briman Strategic Water Reservoir and ten Olympic-size pools. An exaggeration yes but with how much this man cries, it isn't that strange plus he would probably cheat by using Juvia's magic. "Could you please for the love of all of the gods stop crying for one god dam minute?! You could easily flood the entire building if you keep crying." said Sly as she was getting tired of him crying more than the fight itself.

Gray sighed as he said,"And I wish I could use those tears against him but it didn't work.". "You two are much stronger than I thought but you'll pay for mocking me." said Aria. "I can take whatever you dish out. Never underestimate the power of someone from Fairy Tail!" said Gray. "Yeah and I'm an Akostar so bring it on crybaby!" shouted Sly. Aria only smiled at the two's attempt at rebellion being that he was going to show them their place. "Zetsu!" said Aria.

He soon aimed his left open palm at the two. The two knew that despite him not showing any signs of using magic, they knew not to underestimate him as they seen throughout the fight. They jumped back being that several parts of the air where they once stood exploded. "Zetsu!" shouted Aria. Instead of dodging this one, Sly released a wave of electricity around her and this cut all of the explosive pockets of air around her in half, nullifying his attack.

Aria chuckled with him saying,"Interesting trick there girlie. Take note of this lesson. There is always someone better than you in this world.". "You're not wrong but like Zane says, no one is invincible and that includes you! Ice Make: Arrow!" shouted Gray. He soon created a large bow of ice being that he soon began rapid firing giant ice arrows at Aria being that they were going to hit Aria head on but he vanished into thin air.

Gray was stunned at the very least being that the ice arrows missed their target and froze the area behind him in ice. "Where did he go?" said Gray, looking around for Aria. "Quite the interesting wizard you are but this fight is over. I shall let you be by your master's side as you two die together in harmony!" said Aria. Gray clenched his teeth at the mention of his master being hurt as Aria was soon behind him. "Metsu!" said Aria. 

Gray turned back to face him as he said,"Don't forget about Sly jerk.". She soon punched Aria back just as the spell was about to hit Gray. Aria recovered as he said while crying and chuckling,"It's so sad! Any wizard that gets caught in my magic spell shall have their magic vanish in the wind!". It was in a split second but something crashed into Aria with Sly instantly recognizing it as Orb Form in his ball form.

Aria was soon caught in between the large boulder like ball and the wall being that he disappeared as the ball bounced off the wall and rolled its way toward Gray and Sly. It turned back into Zane with him saying,"Sorry I'm late but you would not believe the traffic in this place. A total mess to say the least. So when did Gray lose his shirt Sly?". "About a few minutes into the fight." said Sly. "So did you win against Juvia?" said Gray.

Zane gave him a thumbs up as he said,"Yeah. It was easy as pie. The others are still fighting the Phantom troopers outside which includes Prude Knight. Happy and Natsu would have joined me but apparently, I go too fast so they'll be joining us shortly.". Aria looked at them with him being about fifteen feet from them. "It seems that you care deeply for your comrades after Legion Void Knight. You've only delayed the inevitable." said Aria.

Zane looked at Aria with him saying,"So why is crybaby talking smack to me? I mean I know he must be pretty cocky after what he did to the coward but say that he's going to win against the guy whose going to kick Jose's, it's kinda stupid don't you think?". Instead of saying anything, he only smirked as tears were still trailing down his face. "The pot calling the kettle black don't you think? You three don't stand a chance against me." said Aria.       

Gray's fists tightened as he said,"He's the one who hurt our master. I'll avenge him!". "You do know that he isn't dead right?" said Sly. "He could be because of him!" said Gray. "Don't worry. I'm sure Pory knows what she's doing plus I healed him. Plus the odds are in our favor three to one so be prepared for an ass kicking." said Zane, getting into a fighting stance. "How sad! Your powers are nowhere near my level!" said Aria while crying.

Gray and Sly sighed as Zane said,"So is this normal for him or what?". He deactivated Orb Form with him going into Gravity Form. "Yep." said the two in unison. Zane soon cocked his left fist back with him soon punching the ground below him. Aria didn't have a chance to react in time being that he was sent floating into the air being that he was trapped within Zane's gravity powers. "Since you love being in the air, how about I give you a painful awakening with the ground?" said Zane.

Zane soon slammed Aria into the ground, causing a sizable crater. "That was painful looking." said Gray. "Yeah. Gravity Form is a beast once he gets his gravity on you." said Sly as Aria soon got back up. "Impressive. Your magic is nothing like I've seen before. It'l be a joy to defeat you." said Aria as he soon held out his right hand. "Zetsu!" shouted Aria. Zane stood there as he was pelt by multiple air explosions at once.

Zane stood there with his arms crossed as he said,"So is that air you got buddy? I mean this form is quite durable being that I'm on the same level as a planet in terms of durability. How about you see how strong this rock really is?". Zane brought Aria closer to him being that Aria soon made an invisible wall of air appear in front of him, hoping to block Zane's attacks but he soon saw his wall broken by Zane's punch directly in the gut.

He was sent flying back a couple of feet being that Aria soon came up with an plan. "You have no chance of winning against me monster." said Aria. "Do you know how many time I've heard that exact line before? Pretty high." said Zane. "We kinda stopped counting after ten thousand." said Sly as Gray nodded. Aria vanished as Zane stood there. "I know this trick of yours and trust me, it won't work." said Zane. "Metsu!" shouted Aria.

Zane was covered in golden light being that he looked down at the light below him. "Um. So is your magic just a fancy light show or what? I mean you caught me off guard before but I reformed back to normal." said Zane, earning a shocked look from Aria. His Metsu could drain any wizard of their magic energy regardless if they're weak or strong. As the light faded, Aria stood there with an extremely shocked look and his jaw was reaching the floor. 

Zane chuckled as he said,"You may want to close your mouth buddy. It may get stuck that way permanently. I mean you're a crybaby but an open mouth cry baby would only make the jokes from yours truly even worse for you.". "How?! That spell should have drained every ounce of magic power from inside of you!" said a stuttering Aria. "See. I don't use magic all the time being that I use raw force to beat people up!" said Zane.

He punched Aria into a wall being that Gray was satisfied with the loud crash. "Nice job." said Gray as he threw Zane a thumbs up. The pile of crumbled stone shifted as Aria stood back up being that he had a few cut, bruises, and a minor concussion. "You're incredible. You're a truly worthy opponent like Titania would have been. I should probably step up my game." said Aria, removing his blindfold to open his eyes.

His eyes were pure white and small pink pupils for only a moment before they expanded in size with a white "X" appeared in the pupils. "Okay. That's just wrong." said Gray. "Meh. I've seen my eyes transform before and well, this is normal for me. You really should see some being's eyeballs Grace. It's fascinating and interesting." said Zane. Outside, the remaining Fairy Tail Wizard that were still standing continued their never ending fight against the wave of Phantoms.

Fairy Tail as a whole had been fighting for an hour straight being that it was clearly showing on them. For every group that was wiped out, more popped up in their place. The fatigue on everyone was beginning to show being that no one dared to falter now when victory was in their grasp. Erza ,who re-quipped into her Flame Empress Armor, soon cocked back her fiery sword and delivered a fiery slash at a mass of them.

 light and intense heat instantly destroyed them. Some of them were about to surprise attack Erza being that they were pierced in the back by Stella who arrived before Happy did. Erza gave her a head nod as the two girls's attention along with the rest of the guild and Magnolia was captured by the huge magic circle. It was glowing being panic spread throughout the area. Erza's own eyes soon widened in horror as she lightly gasped.

This was a clear sign that there was nearly enough power for Abyss Break to finally be cast. "The magic circle is glowing!" said a Fairy Tail Wizard. "Does that mean we're done for?!" said Laki as she was shaking Alzack being that the cowboy was unable to answer her because of this shakedown of hers. "Yep. We're screwed. Nice knowing you all." said Wakaba. Bisca and Loke ignored this as they were still heading toward Zane's house, having complete faith in their guild.

Erza said,"Come on you guys. What's taking so long? Don't fail me now Natsu!". "Don't you mean us Erza?" said Stella. She was ignored not because of her comment but due to another chilling sensation that traveled down her spine, making her shiver uncomfortable. Stella was the only one to noticed this as she said,"Erza. Are you okay?". "No. Something evil and powerful is nearby. What is going on in there?" said Erza, looking at the giant.

A powerful tornado soon surrounded Aria being that Gray, Sly, and Zane felt his power only growing stronger after removing the blindfold. "Oh. That was his limiter I guess." said Zane. "Now then you damn monster, step into Zero, the airspace of death! It consumes all life who foolishly dares to enter it!" said Aria. "If you need a spell to kill me, that's pretty sad Aria. I mean people have tried to kill me before but they all failed harder than you will." said Zane.

Aria sneered at Zane's jab. "You can think whatever you want but I care not. I intend to end you three and then I'll kill all of the people you care so much for! It's tend to end this now!". The winds soon picked up more speed being that Zane said,"Sly! If you can, fly Gray out of here! I'm using the big guns!". Sly nodded as she picked up Gray being that despite the powerful wind, she could fly right through it.

The two were in the doorway looking at Zane being that Gray said through panting,"Thanks for that Sly. Felt the air leaving me fast.". "Yeah. You were about to die so I saved you. Now watch Zane go nuts on Aria." said Sly, smiling as any glass within the room shattered in little pieces. Aria soon fired several bursts of wind at Zane who stood there being a immovable mountain against a hurricane being that Zane barely moved at all.

Aria could only gasp being that he looked on in disbelief as Zane stood there without his tornado even affecting him. "What?! This can't be happening! It's impossible!" said Aria. Zane clenched his fists with him saying in a calm yet furious manner,"There are many sins in the Omniverse but to me, taking away a life is the most serious sin of all!". "Oh? Did I sent off a landmind? I feel so bad for doing it! Not!" said Aria.

He soon fired a massive whirlwind at Zane being that Zane stood there, once again not moving a single muscle. Zane's body soon glowed bright purple as he shouted,"Gravity Prime!". Yes, I'll be introduce a Prime Form in Fairy Legion being that it only takes the base form appearing once before for me to use it. This may change but my plan is to have prime forms showing up after their base form appears once in either this or Zero.

Anyway, Gravity Form became more of a planet than he did before. He grows to 16 feet tall with his arms and legs getting much large. His body is now obsidian rocks with him having four red diamond shape eyes. His core is also the same size. He has four arms with the back side of his arms having several crests and peaks formed on them. He still wears his black ,with white lining, sleeveless shirt and pants with his brown belt now transformed into a brown sash.

He has nine small orbiting planets ,being obsidian black with two red eyes, that are going all around him. He can use them to hit opponents from far away. "Take this you monster!" said Aria, firing his powerful wind toward Zane in the form of glittering yellow lights aka his airspace. Zane charged forward being that none of Aria's attacks were doing anything to the really big rock. Zane soon began punching away the air being that Aria was shocked by this.

Aria was shocked as he said,"How is he doing this?! He's punching my air!". Zane soon moved one of his hands ,glowing crimson red, forward in front of him, sending a barrage of rubble toward Aria being that the stone pelted the large man. This distracted Aria due to him not seeing the giant monster cocking all four of his arms back. He knew that he could put a little more strength into his attacks in this moment since people in this dimension are stronger than normal humans back home.

His arms glowed crimson red for a brief second before landing a powerful punch. This attack ruptures the ground around the target in several places. Aria was sent crashing against a wall being that there was an Aria sized indent in the wall, causing several pieces of debris falling right onto Aria. Zane floated ,by removing the gravity around, to look over Aria. He was beaten, bruised, and cut by Zane's assault. His clothes were torn and shredded.

Zane crackled all of his knuckles being that Gray watched this in shock being that he shouted,"Did I seriously watch him punch the crap out of him?!". "You may gotten the upper hand of the coward but it was luck no if and or buts pure and simple. You've learned your place and hopefully, I don't have to remind you of this lesson crybaby. It's my job as a superhero." said Zane. "So very  sad!" shouted Aria, soon crying a waterfall amount of tears before being knocked out.

Gray walked over to him as he said,"Nice job man. I'll be honest with you. Don't think I could have taken him or any one of the Element Four by myself.". "Huh. I totally thought you would be stubborn like Zane is when it comes to admitting that you needed help." said Sly. "I would but I just saw this guy wreck the strongest member of the Element 4 without trying. He defeated two Elements without any help." said Gray. "Smart. Speaking of the stupid, where is Natsu?" said Zane.

He crossed his arms as Gray said,"Hold on. He was with you right?". Natsu soon appeared from the hole in the wall that Orb Form created earlier being that Natsu stood there with him shaking like a dog and covered in a skidmark tattoo. He fell onto the ground with Zane saying,"Hey there. You missed me whipping Crybaby here into shape.". He kicked Aria with Sly saying,"Easy. Don't want to give this guy more injuries other than his pride.". "Meh." said Zane.

Natsu soon got back up as he said,"You ran over me!". Gray broke out laughing upon hearing that being that he instantly imagined the look Natsu had upon being run over. "You do know that I could have given you a ride but no. Someone decided to race me to fight Crybaby." said Zane. "Unlike slowpoke, you go too fast! I would have been puking my guts out instead of fighting Aria!" shouted Natsu as Gray laughed. "Yep. You're an idiot." said Zane with Gray laughing louder.

Outside, the Fairy Tail wizards and residents of Magnolia expected the worse upon seeing the magic circle glowing like Las Vegas during the night. It was about to fire a powerful force of magic that would completely destroying the entire area without question. "Everyone! Get down now!" shouted Nab. "Do you seriously think that will work right now?!" said Vijeteer. Yep. I'm just now introducing him to the story.

You can tell how important he is the story since it took till Chapter 38 of Fairy Legion to introduce a character who has been in the series since Chapter 2 of Fairy Tail. Vijeteer is a slim, young man of average height with long brown hair, which he keeps tied in a ponytail at the back of his head, and has two long, curved shoulder-length bangs. He has dark eyes and is mostly, if not always, shown frowning. Vijeteer’s initial outfit consisted of a dark, close-fitting dancing suit.

It covers the entirety of his body aside from his head. The suit comes with small, outlined round areas over the shoulders, elbows and knees, linked together by thin, silver-colored stripes. Vijeteer is said to possess 100 copies of this very same attire being that if you see him wearing the same outfit, he has washed a copy of it. The light soon dimmed away as the magic circle vanished and the Giant's crimson eyes faded away.

It soon began shaking as the giant robot took a well needed bath being that its arms were beginning to break off. The Fairy Tail wizard all cheered in response to this. Erza looked at this with a sight of relief as she wiped a tear from her eye. "Well done you guys." said Erza. "Yeah! They taken out the Element 4!" shouted Cana. "I had faith in them from the very start." said Wakaba. "Don't lie." said Macao, starting a fight between the two.

Cana knocked them back to focusing on the remaining Phantoms as Erza shivered once again and fell on her knees. Mira and Stella went to her side as they both said,"Are you okay Erza?". "No. There is this cold feeling in the air. I don't know what it is but I don't like it." said Erza, glaring at the giant in worry. She was sure that it had something to do with the threat of Jose who had been riled up thanks to Zane many times today.

Meanwhile with Bisca and Loke, the two saw this. "Sweet. The Element 4 failed against us and our lovely ladies." said Loke. "You do know that only Sly and Stella went to go fight them plus it was Zane who probably defeated the final one." said Bisca. Before Loke could say anything, the two soon heard an explosion coming from the direction of Zane's house as they rushed toward it. Inside of the Alvarez's Abode, the situation wasn't looking too good.

Despite Gajeel's initial thought that this was going to be an easy snatch and grab, it was turning to be a major pain in the ass. He had dealt with gunfire, elemental attacks, and giant monsters. He was going to hurt Zane after this being that he hated Zane due to the hero beating him but this crossed the line. Despite the panic room being a perfectly good option, Lucy had the "bright" idea of going out there despite Levy and Reedus clearly telling her to hide there.

Lucy stood there being that Reedus stood in front of her as Sue said,"Please for the love of god, just give us Lucy Heartfilia.". "Yeah man. We went through hell to get here." said Boze. Before Reedus could draw his spell onto his stomach ,which is an interesting thing to paint on, something happened within a blink of an idea. Both Boze and Sue were knocked to the ground with a single chop to the neck being that Gajeel didn't even see it coming. "How did?" said Gajeel.   

He glared at the two and shouted,"What the hell kinda game are you Fairy Bastard playing?!". The three soon heard a familiar voice,"Come on Lugnut. I mean don't you want to play with little old me? I mean you've played hide and seek before right?!". Gajeel turned around to find the voice being that he was soon hit in the back, causing him to fall forward. An entirely sliver Camouflage Form stood there and smiled.

Both Levy and Reedus were shocked to see one of Zane's forms standing there. "What the hell?! I thought you were fighting the Element Four!" said Gajeel, demanding answers. "Here's my answer to that question of yours Lugnut. Chaos Form with a hint of Chaos Emperor Boulder Storm!" said the silver lizard. It turn into Chaos Form being that like Camouflage Form, it was entirely silver. It rushed toward Gajeel being that he tried to counter the rock with his Iron Dragon Sword.

The silver rock dodged the attack being that it delivered several kicks and punches, keeping him at a very close distance. Upon finishing this frenzy, it fired a barrage of rocks hitting Gajeel for some extra damage and the target is surrounded by the rocks. Gajeel was sent outside being that he was thankful that Nemo was currently fighting Eden. The rock stood in the doorway as it said,"Triple B listen to me. You and the painter get into the panic room right now. I have this handle.".

Kaida had mentioned something to Lucy about a secret security guard and said that even if Zane wasn't home, his house would always be protected. "Wait. You're this house's secret guardian aren't you?!" said Lucy. "Yeah. I'm Zane's third artificial intelligence Jaime if Athena and Cole are unable to assist Zane. I'm using an evolved version of the Revised robots that Zane used to train as a way to fight his enemy. I'm a female by the way but the Revised makes me look male." said Jaime.

Like Nemo, we'll probably see Jaime once again in Zero. Do note that while Jaime is female, she'll be transforming into Zane's Forms but the male version. Zane will be showing this feature off when he's Zara. Gajeel instantly narrowed his eyes at the robot being that he remembered how Zane had more magic that Eden which was saying a lot given how she is only second to Jose in terms of how magic power she has in her body.

According to Eden, she couldn't copy any of Zane's magic being that Jose wasn't happy about that news. Upon fighting out that this robot thing was another one of Zane's security protocol which he had been dealing with far too long, Gajeel gritted his teeth. "Fine! I really want to vent my frustration on him for putting me through this hell so I'll take the girl from you after I kick you metal ass!" said Gajeel.

Jaime tilted her neck back and forth with her saying,"Aww. He thinks that he's going to beat me up being that this body of mine was made to fight ZANE, the guy who defeated you without him trying according to Athena and Cole.". Lucy and Reedus soon made their getaway to the Panic Room as Jaime blocked Gajeel from entering. Jaime soon fired a storm of rocks at Gajeel before several mirrors appeared in front of him and absorbed the rocks within seconds.

Sue soon appeared inside of the mirror as she said,"Mirror Magic: Form Mirror! My mirror magic will send your attack right back!". The rocks slammed into Jaime being that Gajeel smirked. "Thanks for the assist Sue! Wake that idiot Boze up and have him help me with rocky while you find the girl now!" said Gajeel, kicking Jaime but his leg was grabbed by the robot. "You friend may find Triple B but don't forget that they're being guarded by the bookworm and the little girl!" said Jaime.

He threw Gajeel into the ground and away from the house being that Gajeel recovered. "So explain to me why you let such a weak wizard joined your guild? Can anyone join Fairy Tail or what?" said Gajeel. "To be honest with you Lugnut, I honestly it was because of her curves." said Jaime with a shrug. "Sound Magic: Howling!" said Boze, firing a barrage of music notes with the attack made a screeching noise as it appeared. "Thanks. Iron Dragon Roar!" shouted Gajeel.

Jaime soon ducked into the ground, evading a tornado of iron at Boze instead. She barely dodged the attack being that the wall behind her wasn't soon lucky. Jaime appeared and Gajeel jumped toward the robot. Jaime soon clenched her fists, launching Gajeel higher into the air thanks to the rock fist construct ,that appeared below him. and Jaime said,"Wow. You're a real lightweight. I mean you're made of metal but to me, you're lighter than a feather.".

Jaime turned into an all silver Sound Form with her saying,"Surround Sound!". She soon fired her sound toward both Boze and Gajeel, forcing both of them to cover their ears. "What the hell is this thing?!" said Gajeel with his ears plugged by his hands. Jaime soon replicated being that two Sound Form stood there as the two said,"Oblivion Detonation and Oblivion Napalm!". The left Sound Form soon focused sound into her palms and it slowly forms into a giant bubble.

She released the sound right toward Bozer with her saying,"I hope you like a taste of your medicine buddy!". It exploded ,upon the Sound Form clone snapping her fingers, and creating a giant sonic explosion. Boze was sent flying into the walls and was knocked out with his ears bleeding a bit from the attack. The SFC (Sound Form Clone) looked at the original who cupped her hands and screamed into them.

It formed a highly condensed ball of sound and she threw it at Gajeel being that the ball made contact with Gajeel, firing off a sonic boom. He fell back and skid a few feet. The clone vanished as Gajeel glared at her. "Sorry about your pal there but I guess he can't handle the music." said Jaime as Gajeel got back up with him growling. "Iron Dragon Club!" said Gajeel. This attack hit Jaime head on being that this attack made her skid back several feet.

Sound Form was very powerful but isn't very durable. Despite not having a mouth, Jaime smiled as Gajeel noticed this. "What's so funny?!" said Gajeel. "The giant has stopped moving so how about I show you while I let you hit me." said Jaime. Gajeel fired another Iron Dragon Roar, with him obliterating the wall behind Jaime but not the robot. She transformed into Matter Form ,which is all silver, being that she soon evaded the attack by turning into gas.

He soon reformed being that Gajeel said,"How the hell did you survive? My attack should have wiped you off the face of the Earth!". "Yeah. No dice on that. You're not going to win this so just give up and maybe your boss won't be maybe about you fucking up." said Jaime, crossing her arms before rushing toward Gajeel with her right arm being a sword. Gajeel wasn't going to take this lying down.

He lunged at the robot with an Iron Dragon's Sword. The two attacks made contact, sending sparks everywhere. The moving points of Gajeel's blade grinded against each other being that neither side was calling it quits with Bisca and Loke ,who arrived earlier, watched in awe. "We should go check on Lucy." said Loke as Bisca nodded. "You know that she's with someone and we both know how protective he is of her." said Bisca. "Yeah but she's still our Nakama." said Loke.

The two ran into the house with Gajeel roaring,"You don't scare me freak!". He then used an Iron Dragon's Club ,with his other arm, and rammed Jaime. It send the robot into a nearby wall being that he soon dragged his lengthy club along the wall with the robot being dragged as well. Eventually, he slammed her into a huge pile of rubble and watched as he crashed into them. After the dust cleared from the attack, Jaime soon got back up. She saw Gajeel began grinned demonically at her.

He was trying to intimidate her and it wasn't working. She looked at Gajeel dead in the eye being that she is a being who deals with her creator's antics on a daily basis. The robot she was borrowing is something that fights against Zane's extremely powerful forms so she had nothing to fear being she sprinted toward Gajeel. "Sorry but you're going down harder than gravity was to that poor apple. I hope I did a good Zane but I won't lose to you Lugnut." said Jaime.

In response to this, Gajeel activated his Iron Dragon Scales to make any attack Jaime land right on him did nothing. He gritted his teeth and then the two lunged at one another. "Iron Dragon's Hard Fist!" said Gajeel. "Dividing Slash!" said Jaime, with her making both of her arms into swords and she slashing forward in an downward “X” motion. The two clashed being that this clash last for a good thirty seconds before the two backed off.

When Gajeel went to strike, Jaime jumped to the right. She soon deactivated Matter Form, reviving that she looked like Zara except with silver skin and entirely metallic. You read that right. It's Zara not Zane. I just thought it would be cool since Zara has been seen before and Jaime is female so why not use Zane's feminine side given form. She soon focused Vibration in her right hand and released the dark red sound waves into Gajeel.

They were vibrating at such a high frequency ,including their noticeable bass sound, being that Gajeel's dragon scales were making him shake. He tried drowning out the sound but his iron body absorbed it. Jaime jumped over Gajeel and landed behind him. Gajeel recovered quickly but he felt uneasy from that sound. He turned and used an Iron Dragon's Club. Jaime phased through it and dashed left. "Quit running! Iron Dragon Lance: Demon Logs!" shouted Gajeel.

He fired iron spears at her being that Jaime evasively moved her way through the attack and dodged with a series of flips. Jaime closed in on Gajeel and jumped over his head. Gajeel looked up to hear with Jaime shouting,"Vibration Bomb!". It was a huge sphere of dark red sound wave ,which has a noticeable bass sound to it, and it hit Gajeel in the face directly. Gajeel felt every iron nerve in his body shake and vibrate atrociously. He felt like he was sensitive to the touch.

A simple burst of wind would effect him. His scales felt all worn out from the immense vibrations being that it send him flying into the ground by getting on a knee to the chest. Jaime swiftly leaped a distance away for his adversary to take a breath. "You're a diamond ring short of a proposal buddy and right now, I'm not into you Lugnut. You're not my type since I like sweet guys not ass hole guys like you." said Jaime, smirking.

Gajeel stuttered,"What the hell did you do to me? My body isn't as sturdy!". "Science is a confusing thing but lets just say that iron has weakness." said Jaime. She turned into Diamond Form. Like Drill and Water Form, this form changed. Diamond Form is now twelve feet tall. He looks both different and similar to his previous self. He loses his bulky figure but in the process, he gains a leaner and muscular figure. He still looks to be made out of a diamond like substance.

His body's color changes from cobalt blue to crimson red. This color change means that his diamond constructs are changed to crimson red. He now longer wears a helmet over his head, revealing his sharp square shaped head. His eyes are changed to a royal blue color and covered by black markings. He loses all of his shoulder crystals with him having two diamond like pillars protruding from his back. His diamond like body has several black lines. 

These lines are glow molten gold upon Zane gathering energy. He wears a black top ,with no sleeves, that covered his chest and silver metal neck guard. He wore this with white pants and black combat boots. His outfit is covered in symbols or markings of gray crystals. He wears steel gray greaves that cover his shins, large pauldrons that covers his shoulders, and vambraces that cover his arms. His top has a hood which Zane can wear over his head. He has five fingers and toes. 

He wears the short black robe. This is what he normally looks like being that it's his official design in both Fairy Legion and Zero. However as Jaime, his body was all silver at the moment. Jaime turned her right arm into a sword being that she charged at Gajeel before the Iron Dragon Slayer blocked it with his sword. The two made contact, causing shockwaves and sent any unnamed wizard/goon flying away due to how strong it was.

The sword was trying to surpass Jaime's blade but due to the sound barrage from earlier and Jaime's sword being much stronger without the sound barrage, the sword shattered with the diamond/metal sword slash following through. "Impossible!" shouted Gajeel being struck by the crystal sword. Jaime soon looked at him as she said,"Nothing is impossible Gajeel. My creator says that if you have the heart to go through with your actions, you'll win!".

Gajeel's body dropped to his knees again being a large fraction of his abdomen scales were slashed off with it being in angle. He looked in shock as he winced in pain. "How did you?" said Gajeel with him trying to look at Jaime. "Learn your damn freaking place already!" said Jaime. She slammed her crystal foot fool right into Gajeel's chest being that he gagged and howled in agony as his defenses were now shattered.

He soared upwards, straight through the ceiling and into the ground. Boze become conscious just in time to see Gajeel get send flying into the air and into the ground. The man looked to see that Jaime was overpowering Gajeel. Jaime picked Gajeel up and threw him right toward a nearby wall, sending him flying through the forest. His lackey looked in shock as Gajeel had been defeated again. "Boss was defeated! I need to get him out of here and get him some iron!" said Boze.

Gajeel's Dragon Scales were shattered all over his body and he was barely conscious. He got back up and dragged Gajeel back to Phantom Lord, hoping to get him a speedy recovery with some iron. The AI smirked as she watched the two limping away. "I better check on them. I doubt Zane wants to deal with anymore annoyances. It was nice to fight again. Don't get to do that often." said Jaime as she stretched.

The AI soon walked back inside with her heading toward the area of the Panic Room. Her eyes soon widened upon seeing a bruised Reedus, Bisca covering her ears due to the loud ringing sound in her ears, and a giant ball of mirror containing Loke. "What happened? Athena!" shouted Jaime. "The Mirror Wizard is like that one lady Zane met a long time along with the blimp mom. She captured Lucy by using a single mirror that Loke had." said Athena.

If it isn't obvious, Sue's magic is like a fusion of Branch from One Piece and Gauche from Black Clover. Jaime clicked her tongue as she said,"What about Levy and Kaida?". The robot sliced her way through Loke's prison with the playboy muttering out,"I'm pathetic. I couldn't protect Lucy just like with you.". "They're fine." said Athena. Jaime nodded as she said,"Zane will be mad about his house being invaded but his daughter and love interested injured, Jose's dead meat.".

In the Giant's cranium aka the control room to the mechanical guild hall. One word was describing Jose and it wasn't very pleasant. "I don't believe it! My strongest wizards the Element Four were wiped up by those worthless Fairy Tail scum!" shouted Jose. "So I guess me and Sue here earn a reward for not being trash like those three." said a voice. "Gajeel. You've returned and brought a present haven't you?" said Jose.

He soon turned to the injured Gajeel being that while eating a big piece of iron, he heaved over his shoulder the blonde Celestial Spirit wizard Lucy. She was beaten up with her beauty covered in several cuts and bruises. Gajeel roughly tossed Lucy onto the ground with Sue standing behind Gajeel with a smile. "Very impressive you two. How did you track her down so quickly? I heard that the bothersome one had a house hidden from the Fairies." said Jose.

Gajeel soon tapped his nose being that he said,"Don't underestimate the nose of a dragon slayer there master.". "And that guy's house was insane master! I mean it was covered in booby traps and he owns this weird monster thing. When I check on her with my mirrors, the two were still fighting being that the monster was leading her to the lake." said Sue. "I see. She is still alive correct? Without a pulse, I doubt she'll be any use to us." said a frowning Jose.

Gajeel rubbed his chin as he said,"Huh. I wonder if Sue was too rough with her after taking out the sharpshooter, lard ass, and playboy. Lets find out.". He soon violently kicked Lucy in the stomach and into the air. It's like an onside kick being that instead of a football, it was a person and this person slammed her into a wall, denting it in the process. Think Charlie Brown but instead of missing, it actually hit but hard. Lucy woke up being that she coughed up a mixture of blood and saliva.

Several floors below Gajeel, Natsu felt an aching pain in his chest. He took a shaky breath with his hand clutched over his rapidly beating heart. "Why do I feel like Lucy in trouble?" thought Natsu as Gray and Sly didn't noticed. Zane did being that he thought,"This is going to be a pain. Thanks for the info Athena.". "Welcome." said Athena. "Yep! She sounds fit as a fiddle to me! Nice job on that one Sue. I wonder if those losers died. Showed them no mercy right?" said an arrogant Gajeel.

Sue shrugged as she said,"Maybe. To tell you the truth, the playboy was so easy to beat being that he began to spaz out during the fight. Not cool. So is she really a lady? I mean she dresses real trashy. I mean look at those panties of hers. She must be trying to find a man or she's into some weird stuff but hell, what do I know?". Yep, I gave Sue more personality being that her role along with Eden were going to be replaced by Stella in the first draft of Fairy Legion.

This changed for the better I might add. "I expect nothing less from the Reflecting Steel, my strongest duo. Well done." said Jose with a devious smirk. He walked over to the mic being that he said,"I think we get these brats a wake up call.". A loud ding ,which sounds like the one from Batman Arkham Asylum, rang being that everyone who was either fighting the shade or inside of the giant stopped what they were doing to listen in.

Jose said,"Attention you Fairy Scum! Listen up because I won't be repeating myself.". Gajeel and Sue stood by his side as Jose nodded. "Sue. Mind holding her up to the mic for me? Everyone should can hear her song." said Gajeel. Gajeel pulled Lucy up from the ground by the very hair attached to her skull, causing her to scream hysterically. All of Fairy Tail soon freeze in horror being that Zane only scoffed. "Stupid bitch." said Zane in a tone so silent that not even Natsu could hear him.    

Jose said,"We've captured your precious Lucy Heartfilia. This means that our first order of business is not out of the way. Time to wipe you brats right off the face of Earthland being that I'm starting with the one who destroyed one of my bases, disabled my giant and Jupiter, caused two of my elements to fall, and called me those names. Keep them busy will you my children?". The Phantoms outside of the guild hall soon powered up and attacked the wizards there.

Alzack blasted one away with his gun with him saying,"The hell is up with them? They're much stronger now!". "Man. We'll never get to retire the way we want to." said Wakaba. Cana was caught off guard being that she was hit by one of the Phantoms. It was soon destroyed by exploding tarot cards. "Keep fighting! Until your last breath!" shouted Cana. After giving his announcement, Jose walked toward the door with a disdained look on his face.

Jose said,"Gajeel and Sue. Keep an eye on the girl. There are some worms left inside of the guild hall and to be honest, I need to vent our my frustration on one of them in particular.". "Taking about who exactly? I mean I smell three of my enemies but I'm thinking it's either Salamander or that bastard whose house being too paranoid for my liking." said Gajeel. "Yes. Those two mainly the one who made me mad." said Jose.

Sue chimed in with,"Zane Alvarez aka the Legion Void Knight.". "Correct. He and his friends have been far too lucky for my liking. He's going to die by my hands since their luck is about to run out fast." said Jose with an dark and dead aura around him being that a noticeable violet, eerie light that shined from his body. Back with the quartet of Gray, Natsu, Sly, and Zane. Zane deactivated Gravity Prime earlier with him sighing.

Gray growled with him being lived after he just heard. Sly was upset being that she didn't know Lucy for long but she still cared about her. She looked at her partner being that she knew what was going through his head. "Zane. Please for love of all of the gods don't do anything too stupid." thought Sly being that she knew that he was going to do something stupid. "They got Lucy. What are we going to do about it Natsu?" said Gray with him scoffing.

Gray turned to his childhood rival being that he was silent. Hearing Lucy scream like that caused something to snap inside of Natsu. His heart was beating an hour a minute being that he felt like it was going to burst out of his chest at any moment. His pupils dilated and shaking in an uncontrollable rage. His fists were clenched being that Those bastard dared to lay a finger on his girl being that taking her was a bad idea but now, they hurt her. Natsu was going to make them pay. 

He was going to tear this building down in order to find her. "They hurt your mate. You must make them pay. Dig deep inside of yourself and drag out your power. Use that power to end their lives in the dragon's wrath." said the voice inside of him. "Oh wow. Triple B was captured again. I'm so shocked." said Zane in a dead panned tone. Gray and Sly looked at him being that Natsu looked right at him, with anger burning in his eyes.

Zane looked at him as he sighed. "Natsu. Feel this anger you're feeling right now. Listen to me. I want you to release this power. You have great potential. You were raised by a dragon so show them your wrath. Protect the woman you love. That's what a real man does. He uses his power to protect those he cares about. Fight for the guild and whatever but fight for it. With this power, you'll be able to surpass Prude Knight! Now go! I'll handle Jose!" said Zane.

Natsu nodded as he said,"Zane. Thanks. Kick Jose's ass for me okay?!". He held out his fist as Zane nodded. "You got it buddy." said Zane, bumping fists with Natsu. Natsu felt a burning rage being that he soon released a large amount of magic power, with the temperature in the room spiking. Gray was sweating profusely being that Zane shouted,"Unleash your power! Destroy those who would hurt the one you love!".

Natsu roared as his entire body was engulfed in flames. Much to Gray's shock, they were not his normal red/orange flames but brilliant blue flames. These flames scorched the walls on the other side of the room. They took the form of a giant dragon with wings. His eyes were glowing good being that Natsu jumped into the air with him smashing his way through the ceiling. "So why did he go that way exactly?" said Sly.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Beats me. Sly, mind keeping an eye on him? I got a bad feeling that there will be some tomfoolery going down.". Sly nodded as she flew after him. Gray looked up to see that anything that the blue flames touched, they melted upon contact. "I'll destroy them all! I make him pay for everything that he has down!" roared Natsu. Meanwhile, Makarov woke up. Poryluscia soon noticed him as she said,"Makarov. How are you feeling?".

Makarov sat up from his bed as Poryluscia said,"Not yet. You still need rest.". "Since when do I listen to you?" said Makarov, leaving the bed. "Since her master ordered her too. Sit back down right now or else." said a voice. The two turned to see Jaime ,in the form of the brand new Swift Form, being that it changed. He is now six feet tall. His body is still slim yet muscular. His eyes are still green but now in the shape of ovals.

He has steel gray markings below his eyes. He still has sharp teeth inside of his mouth. His head is still in the shape of a helmet with him having a triangle shaped nose. His helmet is a black color with a single royal blue line going from the top of his helmet and continues onto the chin plate and stops at his neck. He has a crimson red visor .which is a Z shape, that can flip down while running, making not to get bugs in his eyes and mouth. It wasn’t a problem before but it’s nice to have.

It also has a HUD that loads up a map, telling him where to go if needed. His body is covered in royal blue scales but this isn’t obvious thanks to him wearing a black full body speed suit. In the middle of his suit and his torso, it has a white arrow shaped symbol with the top of arrow pointing up toward his head. He wears silver elbow and knee-pads. His fingers are three royal blue claws with steel gray fingerless gloves. He wears black boots.

He also has white stripes on his arms and legs with five stripes on his arms and legs. When he runs, his body leaves behind a dark purple aura/streak that has lightning inside of it. He loses the spikes that once covers his arms and legs along with the shark shaped fin on his back. Like before with Diamond Form, this is Swift Form's official color scheme but due to this being Jaime, she was all silver and female. On his back, he had Reedus.

Bisca and Levy was holding a mumbling Loke being that Kaida held up the legs of the artist. This sight only worried Makarov. "Bisca! Loke! Reedus! Who did this to you?" said Makarov, looking over his children. "It was one of Phantom Lord's Wizards. You may have made a speed recovery for someone of your age but I suggest you to stand down before you get yourself hurt." said Jaime as she placed Reedus down on the bed.

Makarov said while putting on his jacket,"And since when I have listen to anyone about to do or what not to do?". "He isn't joking around. I'm sure that you leave things to him, they'll be safe without you rushing head long into death." said Porlyuscia. "I can't take that chance. My children are in danger without me there. That includes Zane." said Makarov. He headed toward the stop being stopped by Levy. "Levy? Let me go." said Makarov.

Levy said through tears,"Please Master. Listen to them. They know what to do. I don't want to see anyone I care about hurt any longer. I have faith in Zane so please have faith in him.". "Yeah! Papa is way stronger than this Jose guy anyway!" said Kaida. The two girls looked at Makarov with him sighing. "Fine. Thanks for your help. I owe you one." said Makarov. "Nothing changes with you but now, you need to have faith in the Omniverse's greatest hero." said Porylusica.

Next time,
With Natsu enraged, will he fight Gajeel and avenge Lucy or burning up in a glorious burst? Will Jose make due on his promise to kill Zane or will Zane teach him his place? This and more next time on Fairy Legion! 

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