Sunday, March 5, 2017

Zero Episode 7 Rocky Embers

A/N: Warning, the enemies or foes won't have anything to with Terrarune at all but the magical realm Taelamelan and Earth. Zane will have enemies for Earth, Taelamelan, and Terrarune but mainly the former and the later but sometimes the middle. Power and Soul will return fans of those series but I need to see something from Fairy Tail aka a good battle with one of the Spriggians in the case of Power and Soul is because of Yamada Kun is ending and needed time to cope. I also can't remember if I mention Natasha's mom maiden name beforehand but when I checked, I didn't.

Narrator P.O.V.
Apazar was standing in an empty building somewhere in Cypress Park and he was bored. He created an energy ball and he said,"Sigh. I am so very bored. I mean we haven't done anything fun in a long period of time. I mean the newest Zero is really strong but why won't the oh so very glorious Odium Society let me go playing with him again? Do you mind telling me why you are here exactly Shadow boy?". The man turned around to see a shadow man standing there.

The shadow said,"You sense her power didn't you Sorcerer?". "I did Midnight but it belongs to those freaks from Terrarune. Did you know that humans watch something called TV to give themselves enjoyment in life? It is quite interesting." said Apazar. Midnight crossed his arms and he said,"You need to release her from her prison to test Zero. It was direct orders from the head of the group.".

Apazar sighed and he said,"Well fine but I won't be having any fun with it. So as a being from the realm of Shadows, do you need to eat or sleep?". "No. I wish to complete this job and I have an idea on how." said Midnight. He made a computer screen and Apazar said,"Oh. This is perfect. We will be able to distract Zane while we get that lamp open and release Isis the fiesty. This is so much fun.".

Danny P.O.V.
My name is Danny Malone and my best friend Zane Alvarez is pretty interesting. He and I have been best friends since he came to our preschool. He was rather strange since at the time, he only played with blocks and take to no one. I was the first person to get him out of his shell and turn him into the person that he is today. He may be negative, rude, and bit of a sloth but under all of that, he is a good man.

I was standing in Zane's basement training my powers. When I asked Zane's mom Natasha Bishop or Alvarez for something to help Zane when he is out crime fighting, she gave me some experimental nano machines that increase my abilities twenty times over plus I could turn my body into anything that I want. It was so amazing and awesome. I stood across from a mannequin that could fight like a pro and it was deadly to say the least.

Zane stood nearby with some popcorn and he said,"You got this man! Don't choke up now!". I rolled my eyes and I nearly dodged the mannequin's attack. "Focus Daniel. Don't let Zane's comments distract you from the battle at hand. He is able to adapt to your moves and find ways of countering them in combat." said a voice. I turned to see Zane's magic teacher Eon with Gwen standing by her master's side loyally.

I didn't tell Zane this but I have a total crush on her. She is so nice. "You're right Eon sir. I got this in the back. PHANTOM SMASHERS!" I said. I control the nano machines to make my hands into giant gauntlets which I grabbed the mannequin who tried to break out. "Time for a Mannequin Pancake with some extra smashing!" I said. I smashed the mannequin into the ground and Gwen said,"So how did Daniel do master?". Eon was thinking and Zane stood next to me.

Zane said,"Good job man but word of advice, don't announce your attacks.". "Yeah but doesn't it strike feat into the heart of my enemies. Right?" I said. Zane rolled his eyes and he said,"Sure. You keep telling yourself that.". "He did well but like Zero said, you shouldn't announce your attacks to your enemy." said Eon. "I think it's cool." said Gwen. "Don't Gwen. So are we good Eon?" said Zane with a smile.

Narrator P.O.V
Eon looked at the three and he said,"Yes. You are free to go enjoy your weekend. Zero, be expect for a full training with both Grady and Mel on Monday.". He disappeared in a magic portal and the hero sighed. "So what should we do you guys? I mean Karen is out of town for what is it again?" said the brunette. "The young Scientist Expo in Seattle, Washington. She was really happy about that and she miss us." said Gwen.

Zane said,"What about Rae?". "Dude. She is sick remember?" said Danny. "Sorry. I've been out of it lately. I mean you try to not to judo slam Brad into the ground. It isn't easy." said Zane. "So are you going to join the football team Zane?" said Gwen. "I did pass try outs with flying colors plus making Brad look stupid was good. I mean I like hanging out with Kristen and David but everyone else. Too A-List for me thank you." said Zane. His phone rang and he said,"Hold on you guys.".

He walked off as Danny said,"So Gwen, how about a movie?". "A moving picture?" said Gwen. The boy nodded and he said,"You and me enjoy some popcorn with watching the new action flick.". "You forgot Zane." said Gwen. Zane walked over to them and he said,"Guys. I found a solution to the lack of fun this weekend.". "Is it fun?" said Danny. "It truly depends if you do find the Cypress High Flea Market fun." said Zane.

Danny walked upstairs and he said,"Flea Market? Where did you get that idea?". "From Kevin." said Zane. Danny stopped and Gwen said,"What's wrong?". "You can't be serious man. I mean you and I both know him pretty well." said Danny. "He wanted to hang out and since I have time before the big game tonight, you'll have to suck it up." said Zane as he opened the front door. "Fine but don't expect me to talk to him." said Danny.

He was storming ahead of Gwen and Zane. "So are you talking about Kevin Wallace? He is in our gym class. I recall him being rather what's the word." said Gwen. "A total douche!" yelled Danny. "I don't want you scaring my neighbors and the dogs whose barks make me mad." said Zane with his hands glowing with Nether. "Calm yourself Zane. Remember what the king taught you during your training." said Gwen. "He likes to be called Arturo Gwen." said Zane.

Gwen said,"I'm sorry. It is a bad force of habit.". "It's fine." said Zane whose hands turn back to normal. "So explain to me, who is Kevin Wallace, why Danny hates him, and why didn't we take your Doom Buggy?" said Gwen. "Kevin Wallace is an old friend of ours but he and I are still good friend. I'll tell you the reason why Danny hates Kevin while we walk there and the final thing is that Kevin needs the exercise plus I don't want him ruining the leather." said Zane.

The three arrived at the Cypress High flea market with Gwen saying,"Wow. That was pretty messed up what he did to poor Karen and you were quite vicious.". "Don't remind me. That is part of my past that I wish to forget." said Zane rubbing his nose. "And your forgave him! I mean Karen almost died back then!" said Danny. "I can forgive people Danny." said Zane. "Yeah but me and Rachel can't. So why did you accept his invite?" said Danny.

Zane sighed and he said,"You and Rachel really need to let it go.". "Karen almost DIED you do remember that." said Danny with his voice filled with bitterness. "I know that. Trust me, I know. He didn't know back then and he said sorry." said Zane. Danny then looked away and Gwen said while putting her right hand on his shoulder,"Daniel... I mean Danny. I may not have been there but I can understand how dumb and scary that was but it was the past.".

Danny turned around and Gwen said,"You have a right to be angry Danny. You have good reason and holding a grudge against him isn't going to help. You should just give him a break.". "Sorry but there is no way in hell that I'm doing that." said Danny. "Then you won't be able to go on that interpersonal event with Gwen." said Zane. Gwen looked confused and Danny said,"That's total blackmail bro. You know that I want this real bad.".

Zane said,"You have other weekends and this is a repercussion of what happens when you make real upset.". Danny turned away from his friends and crossed his arms. "Is he serious?" said Gwen. "Yeah Gwen. He is a good guy but sometimes, he is a stubborn little kid and some may find it cute. Just try to be nice okay?" said Zane. "Fine but I'll be grumpy." said Danny. "Hey! You guys made it!" said a voice.

The trio saw Kevin Wallace running up to them. He is Canadian with him having chin length brown hair and brown eyes. He wears a pair of black rimmed glasses and red wrist watch. He wears a dark green hoodie with a red shirt with dark gray accents under it, dark blue/black cargo pants, and brown boots. "Hey Kevin. It is quite nice to finally hanging out with someone from our school beside for Daniel, Karen, Rachel, and Zane." said Gwen.

Kevin smiled and he said,"Nice to see you too sweet thang. You know my name so how do you know my name?". "We're in the same gym class dipshit. Lets go already." said Danny. He walked into the swap meet and Kevin said,"Man. Danny is angry.". " Yeah. I wonder why." said Zane. He went to go catch up with his best friend and Kevin put his arm around Gwen. "Lets go cutie." said Kevin. Gwen made Kevin let go as they joined the duo.

They spend a good amount of time walking around the market plaza. Zane was bored and he looked over to the rest of his friends. Danny was growling and saying swears in Esperanto due to him and Zane learning the language when they were little, Gwen was looking around to find something, and Kevin was either looking at her or at his Phone. Zane thought,"It is nice to have some peace and quiet. What could go wrong?".

This just upset the universe as Apazar and Midnight were stalking him. "So explain to me again how we are able to get close to the new Zero without his Danger Sense/Crisis Judgment going off. It is really powerful." said Apazar. "We are not in the same plane as him. Zane is only a child but if we were up against say Eon, Sage of Time. It would be harder. So what is the plan sir? We need a good one." said Midnight.

Apazar smiled and he said,"Yes. I'm a fan of making a scene and you know this from reading my file in the Odium Society's HQ. I have two of my minions outside the prison where the former host of Volcanis is being held. Did you know that they actually create a collar that is able to prevent metahumans from using their unique talents. I heard that if you don't do what they saw, you get a shock that it can stop a mammoth. Quite interesting no?".

Midnight looked at him and he said,"Do you not forget that the Odium Society gave our human friends them to be used by them for handling any threats? What are you thinking?". "Just watch. We will be able to free her from the lamp in a matter of moments because Zero is still just a child like you said. Hey boys, care to bring our friends to the party already? We're missing so dam much." said Apazar. Midnight rolled his eyes at this.

At the Cypress High jail, Cinder was sitting there wearing a collar. It was black like a normal spike collar but without spikes. Instead, it has glowing lines. After Volcanis was drained from his body, he gained real fire power plus enhanced strength and the ability to fly. However, this collar was really pissing him off. He wears a red short sleeve shirt with an orange flame on the shirt. He wears brown pants with a black and white belt. He wears red sneakers with them slightly burned. 

Cinder thought,"Esta collar is really pissing me off. I wanted it off right now so I can show that dam mocoso my fiery ira.". "Do you wish to be free from your punishment Carlos?" said a voice in his head. Carlos/Cinder looked around and he saw that it was only him in the cell. The guards were out due to something and he said,"Okay then espiritu. Are you going to delatar me like your camarada Volcanis? I'm still pissed about that.".

The voice laughed and he said,"Not at all Carlos. I'm a friend. My name is Apazar and I'm here to break you out. Get close to the bars.". Cinder got off the bench/bed that he was sitting on and he went to the bars. He saw that the wall was broken. "Hey there matchstick." said a voice. The dust cleared and he saw the only prisoner wearing the collar Walter Davis aka Bedrock. He is a tall Caucasian male with a big build compared to Cinder.

He has short brown hair and brown eyes. He wears a dark brown shirt that exposed his six pack, dark black belt, blue jeans, and black shoes. "Hey man! Did you hear a extrano voice?" said Cinder. The man looked at his fellow super human and he said,"Yeah. Stay still.". His right hand shifted into an giant blade and he sliced the collar off plus some hair. "Hey!" said Cinder. "Be lucky that you're good for me. Lets go." said Walter. The two ran off.

Zane's phone rang and Kevin said,"What's up man?". Zane looked down and he saw that Cinder had broken out with someone called Bedrock. "Nothing. I just have to go answer my mom or she will kill me." said Zane. He ran off as Danny heard,"Hey Danny. Keep Kevin busy. I have to go handle a problem. You and Gwen got this right?". "Yeah man. Still getting used to this telepathy thing of yours. Feels like I'm got hit by a truck." thought Danny.

Zane chuckled and Gwen said,"Anyway guys. Look at this one.". The boys then looked to see a old woman with a European decent standing at her booth. Her booth itself was called Madam Tawanna's Magical Weirdness. They walked up to it and Kevin picked up a magic genie lamp. It was gold and it was encrusted with rubies. "Ah young man. You interested in the lamp." said the old woman who is wearing a purple dress with a matching dot bandanna on her head.

She wears diamond earrings and gold bracelets. Kevin laughed and he said,"You think I'm interested in this?". "Well, you are holding it." said Danny who was looking at the floor. "Man. This whole shop should be torn down. I mean magic is fake." said Kevin. He walked away and Gwen whispered to her friend,"I can see why you hate him.". "Yeah. He's such a pain to be with. Lets ditch him." whispered Danny. The two walked off as Kevin went to go look a lady.

The old woman sighed and she went back to work. Nearby, Apazar smiled. "Okay. You're up my man." said Apazar from a nearby rooftop. Midnight, who hid in the shadows, nodded and he said,"I ask you to open Lamp of Isis the Feisty.". The genie lamp was shaking with the old woman being none the wiser. "Mommy! I really want a snow cone!" yelled a little boy. He was wearing a baseball cap and he looked to be a typical American.

His mother was currently on her phone texting someone and she said,"You know that you had too much sugar right and do you know what they put in those things?". "But I want one!" said the boy who stomped his foot. The mother rolled her eyes and she dragged him away. "I want it! I want it! I want it!" said the boy. His little fit caused the lamp to fall on the ground and break. "Well. We should get going now Shadow." said Apazar. Midnight nodded as he was gone.

Out of the lamp, a green gas came out. It was forming into a woman with very sexy curves. The gas formed into a Phantom. She has green skin, extremely long black hair that covers her left eye, her large breasts held up by a strapless red top, and light blue pants. She wears three bracelets on both of her arms and a necklace with a red jewel resting on the top of her cleavage. "I'm finally free! It has been too long since they sealed me in the lamp." said the Phantom.

She heard the boy's cries and she said,"I must grant his wish even though you really don't need any sugar like your mother said but she is also a bitch.". She turned back into green mist and flies off. Nearby her, Gwen's magic sense went off. "What's wrong?" said Danny. "I just senses a powerful magic aura." said Gwen. "Like how strong are we talking about here?" said Danny. "Maybe an Level 8 or 9 strength." said Gwen.

Gwen turned around to see the Phantom over the snack stands. She saw the snow cone machine and she said,"Overload machine of high fructose corn syrup and ice. Make the boy's wish came true here and now!". It fired out the stuff into the air and it gathered up into a rain cloud. It started to rain the stuff and the boy cheered before he was swamped with the stop. Gwen's hands glowed green and it covered her plus Danny.

Danny said,"So how do we stop it?". "We?" said Gwen. "Zane is busy with superhero and he can't be two places at once." said Danny. "Actually...." said Gwen. "I know that Zane can use magic but right now, he needs to focus all of his power to handled his problem. We're both strong and can handle this with ease." said Danny. The snow stopped on the ground and it was gathering up while also grabbing the people inside of it.

Kevin also saw this from behind a dentist booth who was happy about this. "We need a place to hide Daniel." said Gwen. "Why? I mean everyone here was probably taking into that snowy thing!" said Danny. "Not at. I sense maybe ten to fifteen survivors and we need to hid behind one of the now empty stands." said Gwen. "Okay. Lets do it. Time to Power Up!" said Danny. The two ran off and Kevin thought,"What the hell is going on?!".

The snow cone formed into a giant beast and it roared. The Phantom stood above them and she then heard,"Hey ugly! Get a lot of my Spectral Busters!". She soon phased through her attacker which was Danny with two giant gold boots with spiked soles. He was soon standing on a booth and not breaking it as his feet turned back to normal. He was wearing a black domino style mask that covered his eyes and also keep his identity a secret.

He wears a red jacket with three green stripes on the sleeve of the jacket and a black stripe around the bottom of the jacket. He wore a white undershirt with a silver gear ,and a large drill head pointing downward in the center of the gear, in the center of the shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of orange combat boots. "Hey ugly. You and your icy freak need to leave before you get a beating from Morph, one of the superheroes of Cypress Park!" said Danny.

The Phantom said,"Really? You honestly think that I can't handle a normal human but I can sense power and desire from you. I ask you young man.". She placed her left hand on his chest and he said,"What are you doing lady?". The Phantom said,"My name is Isis the Feisty and you must want something....". She was blasted by an magic beam and she was launched away from the fair right toward the city.

Danny then turned to see Gwen as Slicer standing there on the ground. You may ask why Gwen did this when the Phantom touched him. It may because of jealous but who knows. "I really need you to focus right now Morph. We have that to face after all." said Gwen. The teens soon saw the beast glaring at them and it fired a beam of ice. They jumped out of the way as the booths in its path into shaved ice. "Okay. So what's the plan?" said Danny.

The two didn't notice or care that Kevin ,who unlike the others was not absorbed into the shaved ice monster with them running away, pulled out his phone and recorded the whole thing being that he was going to put it online for views since superheroes are really big right now mainly in Cypress Park because of Zane aka Zero. "Can you keep it busy? I think I can make a spell to give the beast a hot surprise." said Gwen.

Danny sighed and he said,"Word of advice Slicer, work on the subtly and cast that spell. We can't let these people suffer from frostbite.". Gwen nodded as Danny rushed up to the beast. The beast's arms created cannons and he fired several snowballs. Danny dodged most of them and he said,"I'm really good at playing dodgeball so this is easy snowcone!". He reached the top and he said,"Time for a cut from Ghostly Broadsword!". He soon made a sword appear from his right hand.

It's a giant ,about a foot tall, crimson red broadsword and chainsaw hybrid. It looked rather sharp. He soon sliced off the beast's arms but they reformed. "So how's it going with you Slicer?! I'm having a blast." said Danny while dodging snowmen who were formed from the beast's spit. "Good. I just need one more minute to finish the magic spell. Can you handle it?" said Gwen with both of her hands had a red magic circle in front of them. They were aimed at the beast.

Danny said,"Okay then but hurry Slicer. I don't have a flamethrower option yet but my Phantom Smashers will do for now!". He soon grabbed one of the snowman with him threw him at the rest of the snowmen, destroying and toppling them. "Strike!" yelled Danny. The snowmen soon reformed in a second and Gwen said,"Get back now!". Danny soon jumped back as Gwen moved the two magic circles around the army. "Purgatory Blast!" said Gwen.

Two giant plumes of fire appeared from the magic circles with them creating a giant tornado of fire upon colliding with each other. "Okay then. So Slicer, how do we stop that now?" said Danny. "It will expire over time. So who was that woman who was trying to seduce you?" said Gwen. "I don't know who she is but I don't like her at all. We need to find out where she landed and fast." said Danny. Gwen nodded as she made a portal.

Both of the teen heroes soon entered it and the portal disappeared. Kevin soon came out of his hiding spot and he thought,"Those two treat this entire thing like it was nothing special. I would have done so much better if I was in their place.". He walked away and Apazar soon smiled from his hiding spot. "Wow. This plan is working perfectly. I mean I'm not even trying to make this work but wow, this kid has a major inferiority complex." thought Apazar.

Back in the city a little bit earlier, Zane was currently hiding in a alleyway and he said,"I need to stop whatever broke out of jail. Power Up!". He turned into Zero and he jumped up to the rooftop. "Time to test my new powers. Grandpa wanted me to test them out." thought Zane. He closed his eyes and he said,"Phantom Half.". His gold hair turned white, his silver aura, and his steel gray eyes with a blue tint turned white with a blue tint.

He is wearing a pair of black gloves that look more like claws that anything else. "I see you Cinder along with a friend. Who is this guy? Compared to Cinder, his heat is signature is like a rock or something." said Zane. He jumped over toward their area and he saw Cinder who look he did when he was possessed by Volcanis. "Yes! Time to make you feel my ira!" yelled Cinder. He threw two massive fireballs at two cars which made an explosion.

Zane noticed that the ground next to Cinder formed into a man and he said,"Hey matchstick. Are you sure this is the right course of action?". "Of course I am Bedrock. You got the joyeria?" said Cinder with a smile. Bedrock tapped his chest and he said,"I got them. Are you ready to go?". "Just hold on a second. We have an intruso molesto." said Cinder. "A what? I don't speak Spanish." said Bedrock with a confused look.

Cinder opened his mouth and a plume of fire came out with Zane jumping over it with him landing on the ground. "The hero that stopped you and saved Cypress High from that thing. What is he doing here?" said Bedrock. "Who cares about that man? We have a mocoso to burn!" said Cinder. He threw fire balls at Zero who dodged all of them. "New hair style. I like but you should really get yourself a tan now!" said Cinder.

Zane smiled and said,"It was time for a change. Eat this!". He fired a steel gray beam which soon turned into a giant mace which went flying toward Cinder. However, it was blocked by Bedrock. "I owe you one Bedrock. Now lets kick this mocoso's ass." said Cinder whose hands went on fire in a second. "Yeah. Eat this!" said Bedrock. His right hand ,that turned into mud, flew toward Zane and his hands themselves turned into hammers.

Zane dodged the hammer and fire balls thanks to Cinder by phasing through it. "Okay. I need to stop them now but they strangely work together well. What the hell am I going to do?" thought Zane. His answer came as that phantom from earlier crashed into the ground. "Who is she?" said Bedrock who turned his hands into hammers. "Who cares man? She's de fumar." said Cinder. "A human with the power of Volcanis. Interesting." said Isis.

She floated into the air and she said,"You three. I am Isis the Feisty and I'm the Phantom of Magic.". "Magic? You can't be serious. It's falso lady." said Cinder. He didn't noticed that a red magic circle was under him as Zane said,"Okay then. Let me show you how real it is!". The red circle glowed as Cinder was shocked with 100 volts. He fell to the ground with him turning back to normal.

Bedrock said,"You brat! Die now!". He threw parts of his body at Zane who dodged them and Isis thought,"This one. He has the same aura as JV. Who are you?". "Hey Genie!" said Zane. He opened the left pouch and he said,"Do you mind providing me some cover so I get mud boy over here a bath?". "If that is what you wish, it's my command!" said Isis. A nearby ATM fired its money in his general direction and it formed a tornado around him.

Zane thought,"And I thought that she would twist it around on me. Color me impressed.". Bedrock went into the air and Zane noticed that it was only his upper half. The lower half was fused to the ground. "Die brat!" yelled Bedrock. Zane dodge him and Bedrock turned back around. He threw a mud ball at Zane who phased through it. Zane looked down at his watch and he thought,"Okay. The Phantom Half drains my power slowly but I need to finish this fight now.".

Zane looked at the genie who looked away and he said,"Hey Isis. Can you help me with rocky? I wish for a rain storm!". "It's my command!" said Isis. She made a storm appear above them and the area was covered in rain. Bedrock began to melt and he said,"No. I will....". Zane held his head and he said,"Freeze.". The earth man froze in a ice husk and Zane deactivate his Phantom Half. He was back to his normal self and he said,"Thanks.".

Isis floated down to him and Zane said,"So could you make an collar that inhibits rocky and smokey here?". "It's my command!" said Isis. The two were wearing the same collar that they were wearing earlier and Zane said,"Thanks. My name is Zero since I know your name.". She hugged him and his face has a blush. "Her chest is so big yet soft like marshmallows." thought Zane. "You have the same aura as Johnny. Who are you?" said Isis.

She looked up and she said,"Wishes are being unheard. I must go. Good bye.". She then kissed his left cheek leaving behind red lipstick and she disappeared in a green puff of smoke. Zane stood there and he said,"Okay. I should wait for the cops.". He sat down and his phone rang. "Yeah. I finished my problem." said Zane. He listened and he said,"Really? A giant monster made out of shaved ice. That sounds real cool. Where are you?".

Zane was quiet and he said,"Okay. I'll meet you there and we'll combine notes.". He flew off and a magic portal appeared. Apazar looked at the frozen Bedrock and sleeping Cinder. "I guess you two did your job well but this brings problems and I was told to kill you." said Apazar. A spear was in his hands and he said,"Yeah but the others in the Odium Society want some chaos so you'll live but you are the pawns.". He stabbed the two and disappeared.

Next time,
What does the Odium Society want with Isis's escape? Who are the Odium Society? Why does Astrino, Erin, Isis, and Wraith call Zane JV or Johnny Vincent? This and more on Zero.
Cinder's Words:
Esta Collar=this collar.
Intruso Molesto=pesky intruder.
De Fumar=smoking.

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