Friday, March 17, 2017

Zero Episode 14 Zane's Return back to Cypress High

A/N: Warning. This title will make sense. I promise that this episode will not be long. I like long episode but sometimes, a short episode is good. I know that I said I would try to post only six posts a month but for some reason, I'm on a roll with this series. I don't know why that I am but I'm fired up about this series. Soul is taking its time and I know that Power is going to take a long time. This is due to August being revealed to Zeref's "real" son. I don't buy that for a second. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane was standing in front of a Phantom. It was the Minotaur from Greek Mythology. "Hey! You know that I'm going to be late for school if you just stand there." said Zane putting his hands in his pocket. The bull was mad and it rushed toward Zane. Zane jumped over the attack and he said,"Eat this! Threads of Fate!". A white magic circle appeared around his hands and string came out of them. The bull saw this and rushed toward him.

Zane jumped over and the beast was covered in it. Zane started to spin the bull around and he said,"I think you need to go around the world!". The beast flew in the air and Zane fired a steel gray beam with it going back to Terrarune. "And he's out of here!" said Zane. He turned around to see a crowd of people with their phones out and one guy said,"You rock Zero!". They started to cheer and Zane said with a smile,"Thanks but I have to get going! A hero never sleeps.".

He flew off as the crowd cheered from him. "Man. Being a hero is nice. I really wish that I could skip school but my mom wants me to go into college or at least graduate high school at the least." thought Zane. He noticed that it was 8:00 with Zane saying,"Time to go faster!". He flew faster and he landed on the building across the school. "Okay. How much power do I have left?" said Zane. "You have 20 percent Zane. I recommend a recharge soon." said a feminine British voice.

This lovely voice is Z.E.R.O's AI (Artificial Intelligence) which Zane calls Athena after the Greek Goddess of Wisdom. "Gotcha. I'll grab some of my mom's very calorie filled energy bars from my friends. Do I have enough power to phase through the building?" said Zane. "You do but nothing else Zane." said Athena. "Gotcha." said Zane. He phased through the building and he was on the bottom floor with him turning back to normal.

He walked out of the building and he saw Danny standing there. "Dude. I saw you online. You kicked some major but!" said Danny. Zane along with his family, Karen, Kristen, Ray, and Rachel arrived back to Cypress Park on Saturday with Zane taking the weekend off to train and help out the Gregory family with moving in to Cypress Park. He was happy to have Tara around but he wasn't the biggest fan of her and Ray flirting alongside Edward.

Zane said,"So how much homework am I going to get going?". "Well, I guess that the girls are going to get an average amount but since Sam hates your guts, I expect that you're going to be really mad if I tell you so I'll keep that a secret." said Danny. "Smart. Check this out." said Zane. Danny looked at his watch and he said,"Dude. That is so cool and your new costume. It's both new and very old school at the same time.". "Thanks so I heard that Morph kicked some but with his girlfriend." said Zane.

Danny blushed and he said,"Me and Gwen are just friends.". "Right. So do you think I am going to be forced to say sorry to Sam?" said Zane. "Totally man and are you?" said Danny. "There is no way in hell that I'm going to do that by the way. I have a way to get out of it." said Zane. "You're not going to spill pig's blood on her are you?" said Danny. "No. That would be way too childish and I have a way better plan in mind." said Zane. The two fist bumped and they walked into the school.

Tara stood with Karen and Rachel plus Gwen. "So you decided to come here?" said Gwen. "Yeah. I mean after what happened to my cousin, I was a little worried." said Tara. Instead of her dress from the party, she was wearing something more casual. It was a red shirt paired with a black vest, a gray mini skirt with black stockings, and black high heels. "Yeah. I mean I head that Zane actually cried which doesn't happen much." whispered Karen. "I saw him doing that." said Rachel.

Rachel said,"Yeah but I rather not see Zane expelled because of Sam.". "Yeah. That would suck and his future would be ruined would be ruined." said Gwen. "So is Zane liked?" said the older girl by a year. She and Ray are both a year older than the rest of the group. "Well, I'm seen too many as a bully and a troublemaker but to others, I am the hero and the one who is standing up the spoiled brats of Cypress High." said a voice.

Tara turned around to see Danny and Zane standing there. "So how was your morning?" said Rachel with a smile. "Pretty normal Rae." said Zane. "Zane Vincent Alvarez. Please report to Principal Underwood's office." said the intercom. "Well Zane, I'll pray for you." said Danny. "Thanks buddy for your support." said Zane. He walked there and he noticed that everyone was staring at him. "How about you talk a picture? It'll last longer." said Zane.

He opened the door to the principal's office and he sat there. He was starting to get mad and he said under his breath,"So bored.". "The principal will see you now." said the secretary. "Thanks." said Zane. He walked past her and he heard,"You're an idiot for saying no to Sam.". He stopped and he said,"Let me guess. You're one of her supporters.". "Her father pays my check so I think you should just submit." said the secretary.

Zane said,"I guess you're just one of the sheep. I won't be saying sorry to that spoiled brat but I have something else in mind.". He opened the door to the office and he saw the principal doing chin ups. "I see that you haven't changed in a week Mr. Underwood." said Zane. He had a nice figure due to him being in the army when he was younger. He has chin length black hair and green eyes. He is wearing a black blazer, red tie, white undershirt, blue jeans, and normal black and white tennis shoes.

He then looked at Zane and he said,"Sit down Mr. Alvarez. We have to talk.". "Sure thing teach." said Zane as he sat down in front of the main desk. The principal sat there and he said,"So? How was New York?". "It was pretty good. So how much did you try to convince Sam's dad to give her daughter a punishment for once in her life Stan?" said Zane. Stan punched his nose and he said,"I tried my best but her father is so dam annoying.".

Zane said,"Father like daughter I guess teach. So how big is "my apology"?". "She had me make an assembly for it and this is more dumb than the time I had to do for when the Football Team won state last year. You skipped that one didn't you?" said Stan. "I skipped ALL of them because of my fear of crowds." said Zane. "So are you going to go?" said Stan. "Well, I have a plan to make Sam suffer but in the process, I'm going to be in trouble." said Zane.

Stan said,"Well, I'll make sure that it's a detention at best.". "Thanks teach. So can I go get ready for it already?" said Zane. "Sure and it better be good." said Stan. "It will." said Zane. He left the office as Stan pulled out his phone. He called someone and he said,"Yeah. He is doing well. I think he is going to take his revenge. I don't think you should inform his mother about it. I'll talk to you and I hope we can finish our game of pool.". He went back to exercising with crunches now.

In the gym, Zane was currently standing there. "Hey. Are you in here?" said Zane. Astrino floated into the room with Erin by his side. "Hey Zane!" said Erin. She hugged him as Astrino said,"I heard that you defeated Sovereign. She is pretty strong.". "I got lucky at best. So are you guys up for it? I need some paranormal help." said Zane. "We're in!" said Erin. "Yes. Those bullies should pay and I owe you one JV." said Astrino.

Zane said,"You know that I'm not him right?". "Aster knows that but he loves to tease you." said Erin. She hooked her arm around him and Zane said,"You two are dating?". "Yeah. I don't get it but I'm dating a prom queen. Not really complaining about that." said Astrino. The three Phantoms sensed something as Zane said,"Hide. We have company and it ain't the friendly kind.". Astrino and Erin disappeared as Zane hid in the bleachers.

He then saw Sam talking with the richest male in the school and a Man-Slut according to Rachel. His name is Mack Osborne. He dyed his once brown hair white like snow and it spiked up. He wears a pair of very douchey and expensive sunglasses covering his blue eyes, a black t-shirt with a green dollar sign on it, gray jeans, and white tennis shoes. "What are those two doing together? They may be hooking up. Weird." thought Zane.

Sam said,"Are they ready Mack?". "Yeah sweet thang. I got my men in the building with Zane's Achilles Heel ready." said Mack. "What is my Achilles Heel? My temper?" thought Zane. "He's going to pay for messing with me." said Sam. "So what's the plan again honey?" said Mack. "You are an idiot. We are going to throw red paint on him, blast rap music into his ear, and I think Brad kicking him in the family jewels is the perfect revenge." said Sam.

As the two left, Zane thought,"I still think she is an idiot but hey, she is an evil planner.". He saw the two Phantoms reform. "So what are you going to do?" said Erin. "I can't let my bro get kicked in that spot. This Brad guy is breaking the Gentlemen's Code." said Aster. "I could be wrong but isn't involving farting on them?" said Erin. "You're not wrong but I won't be kicked down there at all. I promise you that." said Zane.

Zane's Crisis Judgement went off as Erin said,"What's wrong?". "Can you keep everyone out of here for about ten minutes?" said Zane. He crossed his hands and he turned into Zero. "Gotcha and if you lose, I'm going to laugh at you if you lose." said Aster. "Love you too Aster." said Zane. They were gone and Zane was surrounded by a group of phantom crabs, a group of phantom tigers, and a group of Phantom Vultures. "Okay. I'm so scared. Where is your leader?" said Zane.

Something floated from the roof. He looked to be a tall human ,5 foot 10, with a gold shelled torso and silver arms and legs. His head looked like a fusion of a rhino and tiger with horns of a ram. He has glowing green claws and red eyes. "My name is Remane and I'm here to defeat you Zero to improve my street cred!" said Remane. "Are you serious man? I can handle you and your pets." said Zane who cracked his knuckles. "Fine. You want to be a cocky brat so die!" said Remane.

Zane smiled as a card appeared in his chest plate. It had a silver frame with a gatling gun in the center of the card with the barrel of the gun smoking. His body then began to glow gunmetal gray and his helmet disappeared. He had a gray layered band around his neck. He had a scope aka a green narrow lens on it that covered his left eye much like a monocle. Somehow it didn't mess with his mouth at all due to him having a metal mask around his mouth and it allowed him to breathe.

His forearms were covered by a barrel with them being three times longer than his forearm regularly with it have six smaller barrels around them. He wears a gray utility belt with his arms connected to them by a thin metal wire. "Ammunition Arm! Say hello to my little friends." said Zane in a bad Cuban Accent. Several bullets came flying out of his arms and they struck down the animals around him. "Impressive but that was just Wave One!" said Remane.

He dodged a giant bullet and Zane said,"Yeah. I'm really annoyed right now and defeating you will get rid of my anger.". Zane dodged a Nether beam with it being pink. "Pink. Very manly dude." said Zane. "Shut up! I am able to talk with all animals and I'm...." said Remane. He was blasted to the ground by a bullet storm. "Yeah. You're really annoying even more than a spoiled brat I know and I'm impressed." said Zane.

Remane smiled,"You're so funny kid. It has been one month but you somehow defeated the Phantoms Astrino, Sovereign, and Wraith. If I defeat you, I'll be respected!". "Dude. You really need to get some help. Beating me up will not improve your rep." said Zane who crossed his arms somehow. "Fine! Let me show you my real power!" said Remane. He opened his mouth and he fired out a beam of Nether. Zane aimed his gun arms with the bullets blocking it.

The Phantom's arms glowed as he threw two fireballs at him. "Time to see if you make a good soup for lunch." said Zane. Instead of bullets, a giant flamethrower came out with the stream of fire hitting the Phantom. Zane removed the card and before Remane could recover, Zane kicked him back with him charging an steel gray Nether beam. He fired it at Remane with the Phantom phasing through the attack and he disappeared.

Zane looked around and thanks to his Crisis Judgment, he caught a giant and glowing gorilla. The ape yelled and Zane said,"Dude. Breath mint.". He threw the ape away from him and he made an Nether rope. He caught the ape and he threw him into the ceiling. It was gone as Zane said,"How about you come and face me like a man instead of a mouse?". "I'm not a man but a animal. How about you get a taste of your medicine?" said Remane.

Zane turned around to see a large and glowing jellyfish with it catching Zane. It shocked Zane and he said,"Let me go!". The invertebrate didn't notice that several magic circles were around it. "Time for my Final Zero!" said Zane. The area around them began to get cold and the animal let go. "I guess the cold bother you anyway so I think you need to get used to it if you're fighting me!" said Zane. He fired a single beam of ice at it making a giant ice sculpture.

Zane said,"Athena. How much power do I have left?". "It was a good thing that you ate those bars earlier Zane because this threat is not very strong but he has a lot of help. You currently have 40% remaining and you have enough power for a Form Transformation. Be careful. You have a small concussion and burns from that jellyfish." said Athena. "Thanks Athena. I think I will pick this one to end animal boy." said Zane.

He looked at Remane who was laughed like an maniac. "You're good just like the rumors say you are." said Remane. "Same but I'm going to defeat you." said Zane. A card appeared in his chest and it was the Raptor Form. Zane turned into that and Remane was charging an attack. "Eat this!" said the Phantom. The giant pink Nether beam flew toward Zane as he cocked his right fist back. "Big Bang Punch!" said Zane. The punch collided with Zane's fist.

Erin ,after making sure that no one got in, watched. Zane's Crisis Judgement went off as the human bird hybrid jumped back. It made a giant explosion which landed Remane back. He however didn't expect Zane to be right behind him. "Vitality Kick!" yelled Zane. He kicked Remane into the roof as the Phantom then crashed into the ground. "Are you done? I have to plan something and it will make this fight look bad in comparison." said Zane.

Remane got back up and he made a ring of pink Nether. It expanded and then exploded causing waves of Nether all over the room hoping that it hits Zane. He however jumped over the attack and he aimed his feet toward Remane. "Planetary Kick!" said Zane. He hit the Phantom with his feet causing a small sonic boom and then he launched Remane back into the air with a uppercut with both of his hands. "Celestial Uppercut!" yelled Zane.

He crashed into the ground and Remane was out cold. "I guess you were fun but it's time for you go to back to whatever zoo you came from pal." said Zane. He touched Remane and he was gone from Earth. Zane went back to normal as he deactivated his costume. "Man. That was good. So did you think that was good?" said Zane. Aster stood there and he said,"It was good. Remane and his pets can be annoying sometimes. So what do you need from us?".

Zane said,"You can move things with your mind right?". "Yes so do you want me to read your mind?" said Aster. "Sure." said Zane. Aster read his mind and he smiled. "You are a devil." said Aster. "I learned that from my dad. It was one of his favorites and she insulted him." said Zane. "I think that is a good plan." said Aster. Erin said,"You should head back to class or at least to the bathroom.". "Okay. Good luck." said Zane. He was gone as the Phantoms went to work.

Zane walked into the nearby male bathroom and he looked at himself. He was wearing the outfit that he wore on the day that he fought Sovereign. His pants were covered in dust, his shirt was slightly torn but it exposed his chest, his hair is slightly messed up, but the big one was his arms. They were red and Zane guessed that it was from getting shocked earlier. "Okay. I really need to heal. Do I have enough power for that Athena?" said Zane. "Yes." said Athena.

Zane healed himself and Athena said,"I think you will need to eat something plus your bars to go back to a full charge. Be careful Zane.". "Thanks." said Zane. He went to his World History Class and he opened the door. He saw everyone looking at him and he heard,"I truly didn't think that you were going to show up Mr. Alvarez.". He saw the teacher looking at him. His name is Rafael Jacobs and like Stan, he wasn't a fan of the A Listers.

He has chin length brown hair with it graying and brown eyes. He wears a simple yellow shirt with a black tie, gray dress pants, and black shoes. "Sorry teach but I just had to get something done real fast and trust me, it will be good." said Zane. "Yes. I do hope that the assembly will be good." said Rafael with Zane noticing the huge amount of sarcasm in his voice. As Zane walked back to his seat and due to his super hearing, he heard some nasty stuff.

"God, he thinks that he's so cool." said a popular kid. "Why does he act like this? He is just going to get in trouble." said a nerdy kid. "I really don't get Zane Alvarez at all." said a girl. He sighed as he knew that taking revenge is usually a bad thing but what he had in mind, it was going to be good and worth it. "So what happened?" said Danny. He and Zane shared this class together with Zane saying to his friends,"I was talking to Aster and Erin but a Phantom challenged me.".

Danny said,"Seriously man?". "Yes. I totally thinks that he calls himself the Master of the Animal Kingdom but I think that he was maybe a knight at best. He could use Nether like me but it was pink and man, it was good to beat him up." said Zane. "So what's the prank?" said Danny. Zane whispered to his friend and Danny's smile grew big. "Dude! That's brutal!" said Danny. "Sam and the rest of her club had it coming. I'm a nice dude but you don't mess with my dad." said Zane.

The bell rang as Rafael said,"Okay. Go head to the gymnasium for the assembly.". The class beside for Danny and Zane. "I'll text the others while you get ready." said Danny. He left the room and Zane stood up. "Mr. Alvarez. May I have a word with you?" said Rafael. Zane walked toward him and he said,"What's up?". "Please tell me that your prank won't hurt any innocent students." said Rafael. "It won't just the A listers." said Zane. "Good." said Rafael.

The rafters were filled as Zane saw Sam standing there with Brad by her side. "Okay. Can you hear me Aster?" thought Zane. The Phantom was in the rafters and he said,"I can hear you loud and clear so where are the A-Listers? Erin has them ready.". "Here is the list." thought Zane. Aster nodded and he said,"This is going to be good.". "Welcome to Zane's Punishment!" said Sam. The popular kids cheered as Zane said,"Wow. You're so good at drawing a crowd.".

Brad said,"Shut up Zit. Do you have something to say?". Zane noticed the giant X on the ground and he thought,"Really? Even without super powers, I could figure out that. If I stood there, they would make me suffer.". "Hmm. I think it was that you need less deodorant. I mean you sweat like a pig in the Alabama heat but man, you really stink." said Zane. Brad was about to pound him into the ground but Sam stopped him as she said,"You can't keep this up forever.".

Zane thought,"Oh I can.". He took a deep breath and he said,"I'm sorry for ruining your Gym Stan but I'm not sorry to you dam dirty ape.". He snapped his fingers as Aster said,"Now Erin!". Erin smiled and she said,"Go time!". Several buckets of glue fell onto all of the A Listers except for the ones that Zane liked with black feathers falling down onto them. The next thing was a group of dogs that Ray "borrowed" from the pound and they went after the A Listers.

They all ran away as Zane grabbed the mic that Sam left behind. "You see folks. The A Listers aren't the Gods and we shouldn't serve them like they are. I showed them that I won't be serving them and who will join me? If you help me, we can make Cypress High equal for all." said Zane. Danny stood up and he clapped. The rest of Zane's friends joined him as the rest of the school joined in even most of the teachers. "Well done Zane." thought Arturo who was watching.

Meanwhile, Apazar was laughing his ass off. "Oh man! That was so cool. I still can't believe that he made those jerks smell like meat without them knowing about it. What do you think about it Fallout?" said Apazar. Fallout stood there and he said,"I would argue with you Apazar but I can see that Zane is an evil genius. I wonder if he would join us.". "Nah! He may be a hero but he isn't a Boy Scout. He likes to have fun." said Apazar.

Fallout nodded and he said,"Yeah. So did you get it?". Apazar held a hourglass and he said,"So why did you need this again? I mean it's important to time or something.". Fallout then held it and he said,"You don't need to know. I plan to have fun and you like that.". "Yes. So do you need me for something or what?" said Apazar. "Yes. We need Zane to make himself more known in Terrarune so I think it is time to begin Phase 1 of Operation Conquest." said Fallout.

Next time,
What is the Odium Society planning?! What is Operation Conquest?! Will the social structure of Cypress High change for the better or will it get worse! This and More Next time on Zero!     

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