Monday, March 6, 2017

Zero Episode 8 Wishes gone wrong.

A/N: Welcome to Episode 8. This and Episode 9 ,maybe. are connected. It is also Saturday. I'm also planning a series but I need to wait for Zero to progress a bit. You'll enjoy if you love superheroes. Anyway, I'm excited for the new Fairy Tail movie coming out this year in May. We learned about it two years ago and I enjoy the first movie so this one is going to be good I hope. It shows that Natsu will be a demon/dragon because he is still one of Zeref's creations. I just really hate Chapter 520 as a fan.

I know that some people are happy that END plot point is done ,and trust me, I'm just happy that we don't have to deal with bitching Gray, but he hyped it up for three arcs and years so for it to end the way it did just pissed me off. The other reason is that a demon dragon sounds really cool and I would love to seen it. That reason is rather childish but I'm a child at heart. Anyway, shit it is getting intense in Zero and it will get bigger by the minute.

Oh, I decided to do something. Unlike in Power and Soul, this Zane is something of a glass cannon in a sense. He is extremely powerful but his powers drain him fast. I like the term because unlike the Man of Steel who is always powerful, it makes Zane slightly better. Not by much but it doesn't make Zane seem over powered in my mind. It could be to you but personally to me, it makes Zane a less powerful character. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane ,after changing out of his uniform, was walking home. He reached his home and he opened the door. He looked in the living room to see Arturo, Danny, Edgar, and Gwen sitting there. They had his laptop on the coffee tap with Karen on the screen. "Hey Karen. Sorry for bothering you." said Zane who sat down next to his grandfather. "It's fine. I'm having fun here. So what happened?" said the girl.

A few minutes later, Danny said,"So Isis is a genie?". "Pretty much. She helped Zane stop Bedrock and Cinder with money and rain. I do hope that money is still usable." said Gwen. "Yes. She is a very powerful and quite the old spirit." said Arturo. The raven squawk and Zane chuckled. "What did he say?" said Danny. "Oh nothing. So how do we stop Isis grandpa?" said Zane. "I don't know if you and the others should." said Arturo.

Gwen said,"Why not?". "You shouldn't judge a book by its cover. I shall be leaving. I have something to handle in Terrarune." said Arturo. He and his bird were gone with the teens sighing. "Well, it is so obvious that your grandpa knows something." said Karen. "Yeah. My mom says that he used to keep secrets for her and grandma." said Zane. "So what should we do?" said Gwen. "How about the game tonight?" said Danny.

Karen said,"Really?". "Yeah. I mean with Rachel sick, I don't think we can watch movies and also I promised to be there." said Zane. "Because of Kristen?" said Gwen. "Yeah." said Zane with a tiny blush. Danny noticed that Karen looked jealous and he said,"Anyway, we'll call you.". "Okay. See you guys soon." said Karen. She hanged up as Danny said,"Dude.". "What?" said Zane. "You know that Karen has a crush on you right?" said Danny.

Zane looked confused and Gwen said,"You didn't know?". "She does?" said Zane. "I forgot that the Alvarez men are dense than stone." said Danny. "Anyway, we should get going." said Zane. "Are we talking your car or walking?" said Gwen. "We're taking the buggy." said Zane. He grabbed some keys from a nearby bowl and he went out to the garage. He opened the door and the light shined into the room showing Zane's car.

He owns a doom buggy that was a black color. It has a navy blue stripe that went down the middle of the buggy. The seats were raven black and leather. The rims and wheel were crimson red. Zane got in the driver's seat and he said,"So who wants shotgun?". "I'll sit in the back." said Gwen. Zane looked at Danny and he said,"I'll go too.". Gwen smiled and the two got in the back. Zane drove toward the school and he stopped at a stop light.

Zane turned to his right to see a motorcycle coming up on him. It looked to be both a BMW and a Kawasaki 7550 1973 with it being a black and green. He wears a black jacket, dark brown jeans, and a pair of dark purple converse boots. He is wearing a helmet that covered his face with a gold stripe going down the center of the helmet. "Who is he?" said Gwen. The rider said,"Good to see you. You better not be slow Z Man.".

The light turned green and he drove off. Zane followed after him with Danny said,"Dude! Speed up! I think he wants a race!". "Yeah but I'm not in the mood to get us thrown in jail. I'll see him again for sure." said Zane. He turned toward the school and the rider stopped. He turned to see Zane and he said,"Man. He sure change but it has been half a decade since I saw you last. Lets meet up.". He was gone as sirens were heard.

Danny and Gwen were sitting in the bleachers and Gwen said,"Wow. People sure get hyped up for this Daniel.". "Yeah. This is America Gwen. So where's Zane?" said Danny. "I heard that he was going to be Orville tonight." said Gwen. The two saw Orville aka Zane standing there. "And we have Cypress High's Oxs!" said the announcer. Zane's danger sense went off as he dodged the football team and he fell on his but.

Zane said,"Next time Kristen asks me to fill in for the mascot. I'm going to say no.". He walked over to the cheerleaders which consisted of Hannah and Kristen plus the rest of the cheer squad. "Nice job Zit." said Hannah. "Shut up. You're lucky that I wasn't busy tonight." said Zane who reached for some water. A cheerleader grabbed the bottle and she said,"Not till after the game Orville!". Zane sighed and he sat there.

Zane watched as Brad caught the ball only to get tackled by the other team. Zane held in a snicker as Kristen looked at him. It was the Ox's turn to start with the ball and Brad said,"Hike!". He was about to throw the ball but he was slammed into the ground. Later, Brad was about to catch the ball and he was tackled. Danny saw that Zane couldn't contain his laughter any longer with Gwen said,"I think he is enjoying this more than I thought.".

Danny looked up to see Kevin doing the same and he said,"He isn't the only one. I wonder why Brad is doing so bad.". "I guess his bullying is catching up to him." said Gwen. "I guess." said Danny. Brad and the rest of the team were in a huddle. "Man, I wish that we could crush this guys with no effort at all." said Brad. Above them, Isis appeared above the field and she made a green mist appear from her hands.

They were mutating into giant Frankensteins along with ripping his uniform. Zane noticed this and he said to himself,"Okay. I'm pretty sure steroids don't do that.". A cheerleader was nearby as Bryan roared at her causing her to scream. Zane's Crisis Judgement went off as he saw Isis who flew away. "Her? She is back rather fast and I need to stop her." said Zane. He saw Monster Brad grab the ball and he threw it to Austin.

The ball was actually on fire and Austin growled. He catch the ball and the announcer were shocked by this. She had red hair in a ponytail, white skin, and green eyes. She wears a light red halter top and it looked to be backless on her back with light blue pants and black flats. Her name is Selena Turner and she said,"Looks like the Oxs got their second wind and not a moment too soon!". Zane ran over to the bleachers and Kevin said,"Do you believe this man? Brad is a monster!".

Brad slammed the ball into the end zone causing the ground to shatter a bit. "He's getting worse by the second along with the rest of them." thought Zane. The team roared and Selena said,"Wow. Look at those guys! They're really pumped and filled with testosterone!". "Yeah. He and the rest of them is filled with Animus and Nether which don't go well. I need to leave but how? I'm can't bring any kind of susp...." thought Zane.

He looked at Kevin and smiled. "Hey Kevin. I need your help." said Zane. Kevin said,"To do what exactly?". "Do you want to get with some cheerleaders?" said Zane. Kevin smiled and he said,"I'm so in.". Brad lined with the others and he said,"SIXTY-FOUR! TANGO!". He and the rest of the team didn't noticed Zane who turned into Zero behind them. "Okay Gwen. So how do I get rid of this?" whispered Zane.

Gwen said,"It is much like how you get rid of the spirit that took over the butcher.". "But they're way stronger than the Meat Baron." said Danny. "Yeah. They're at least 3 or 4." said Zane. "Focus." said the girl. "Yes mom." said the two. Gwen rolled her eyes and Zane's hands glowed steel gray. "You all need to leave now!" said Zane. The team said,"Huh?! Get him!". Zane was then surrounded by the team and he flew off.

Danny saw that the team went back to normal and Brad said,"Um. Hike?". Brad and the team was slammed into the ground and Danny said,"Ouch. That's going to hurt.". "Yes and I do feel bad for Kevin." said Gwen. "Well, I don't. We should go help Zane now." said Danny. The two then heard a voice,"You really don't have to man,". Zane ,who was back to normal, appeared and sat in the middle of them. "Yeah. They were easy because like the Oxs, they suck." said Zane.

Later, Kevin was in he mascot suit and he was handing upside down from the goalpost. Kristen stood there and she sighed. "Did you do that to him because you knew that we were going to lose?" said the girl. Zane stood there and he said,"Maybe. I think I need to get my revenge.". "Get him." said a jock as Kevin grimaced in fear. The team and cheerleaders rushed toward him and the two watching then turned away.

The next day, Zane was currently sitting on his couch watching TV. "I still can't believe that they did a reboot of this show. I mean the story ended on a cliffhanger but why the hell are they twerking? It seems that forty year old executives are trying to be hip." said Zane. His phone began to rang and he answered it. "You got Zane." said Zane. "Hey Zane, its me Kevin." said Kevin. "Oh. Sorry about your beating man. I didn't see it coming." said Zane.

Kevin said,"It's all good bro. I mean you did call that ambulance woman to come and give me mouth to mouth.". "Didn't she slap you afterwards?" said Zane. "Totally worth it. Anyway, do you want to go see Zombcalypse V with me?" said Kevin. "Sure man. I'll meet you at the movie theater." said the boy who turned off the TV. "Sweet! See you there man!" said Kevin. He hanged up and he looked over to the kitchen.

He saw his mother working on a invention and he said,"Hey mom. I'm going out.". "Okay. Try not to do anything stupid." said Natasha. "I promise nothing." said Zane. He went out toward the garage and Natasha said,"Don't forget to get some eggs for dinner! We're having Breakfast for Dinner!". "Gotcha mom." said Zane as he opened the garage door. He drove to the theater and he was being followed by Isis who didn't let herself been seen by Zane.

He parked nearby the threat due to the traffic in front of the theater being a nightmare. He walked to the building and he saw a depressed looking Kevin. "What's wrong?" said Zane as he pulled out his phone to text his mom about the estimate arrival of the eggs. "Dude, Zombacalypse V is sold out. It was supposed to be really gory." said Kevin. "Oh well then, so is there anything available? I'm up for anything." said Zane.

Kevin pointed to a movie standee of a man and woman with their backs together and he said,"The Chick Flick: Tale of the Cinderella.". He sounded more sad about the whole thing and Zane said,"It is actually a really good movie. I went to go see with Kristen, Susan, and Hannah's boyfriend last night in fact. Brad was recovering after his beat down. It was actually pretty good plus I like the main lead a lot I think she is a strong character for girls plus it's pretty dark." said Zane.

Kevin said,"Dude. Who took your man card?". "No one. I'm not so insecure with my manhood to be such a bitch plus it gets really good. Just give it a chance." said Zane. Kevin was shocked at Zane and he said,"Fine.". Zane went up to the ticket booth to pay for the tickets for him and Kevin. Kevin was slightly jealous at Zane since he was flirting with the ticket booth lady who earlier called him a pig and she kicked him hard in the family jewels.

When they entered, Kevin noticed that there was a lot of girls from school here to watch the same thing as them. There were some guys with the ladies so Kevin feel better about the whole thing. Zane rolled his eyes as he went to the concession stand. Outside, the traffic jam seemed to get worse by the minute and one of the angry drivers was a man who was late for his date with this super hot chick that he met online. "My car or this traffic should disappeared so I don't have to be late." said the man.

Suddenly, a violet pink mist started to appear around the car from the exhaust and he heard a voice say,"It is my command!". He didn't say anything before his car rushed into the air and it fired some beams of light from its light. Zane was holding his popcorn and he heard screaming. He turned to see Kevin and he said,"Hey Kevin. I....". "Don't worry man. I'll find us some seats." said Kevin. He sound mad and Zane said,"Thanks.".

Zane exited the theater and he saw a car flying around like a plane with it firing laser beams causing people to scream in terror. During the chaos, Zane said,"Power Up!". He turned into the hero and he flew after the car who was leaving the theater fast. Back in the theater, Kevin was sitting in the back and he was being a little bitch. "This sucks. Zane is off somewhere, my movie is sold out, and I have to watch this shit." said Kevin.

Some people around him gave him a nasty look causing him to sink lower into his seat. "I just wish that I had power and respect like that hero." said Kevin. The same violet pink mist appeared around him and he heard,"It's my command!". Kevin was lost at where this voice was coming from but he suddenly turned invisible. "Huh?" said Kevin. He saw that he was floating in the air and he said,"So cool. I wonder if I could.".

He started to fly in the air and he said,"This is just like swimming!". He heard the screaming and he went after it. Isis was floating above her and she went to go see a movie too. "I think Zero or Zane can handle a little old runaway car plus envious teen. I just need some me time." said Isis. She had a soda and a popcorn that she "borrowed" from the stand and she enjoyed the movie which was actually pretty good. "Wow. Humans can make good movies." thought Isis.

Outside, Zane was about to reach the car and he was lucky that no one was serious injured. He flew toward the driver's side and he said,"Yo! Are you okay?!". "Help me hero!" yelled the man. The car went faster and it blasted Zane with a laser knocking him back a bit. "That car is so getting dismantled!" said Zane. He was about to go after it and he heard,"Don't worry Hero! I got it!".

Zane saw Kevin fly ahead of him and he said,"Thanks Kevin. I owe you one. Wait. Kevin?!". He flew after them and he thought,"He has Phantom Powers. How?!". When he caught up to the car, he saw the teen sitting in the passenger side as the driver was passed out. "Worry not. I, the Great Kevin is here to save the day plus score!" said Kevin. "Worse hero quote ever and I'm pretty sure that Cinder would figure out your secret without much work on his part." said Zane.

He phased through the backseat and he said,"So how in the realms did you get powers young man? It is quite strange.". "We got no time man! I have some awesome hero stuff to do!" said Kevin as he took the vehicle from the driver. "Wow. Power blinds him. I think Kevin flunked Driver's Ed by him hitting a fire hydrant and that somehow took out a whole block." thought Zane. "Stop!" yelled Zane but Kevin ignored him.

This made things worse as the car was heading toward a apartment complex with Kevin screaming in terror and the driver woke up only to pass back out. Zane thought,"I got this!". He held the side of the car and it turned intangible. They passed right through the building with no scratches and Kevin then glared at him. "Oh sure. You just had to be the hero don't you? You know that I could have done that right?" said Kevin,

Zane said,"Let me see. Save several people would lose their homes because some rash child is being reckless with powers so I'm doing the right thing!". "You're just jealous that there is a new hero in town old man." said Kevin. "Old?" said Zane. "We're the same age and more heroes the better. That means I can have a life." thought Zane. He looked up and he saw that they were heading toward the silo of a barn. "Well dam." said Zane.

He grabbed the driver and phased out of the car before it hit the silo. The corn came flying out and on the ground with the car plus Kevin. The driver woke up and he said,"Hey thanks. You saved my life. I have to ask. Why didn't you save him?". "He seemed like he could handle it sir so I let him do it and well, he crashed." said Zane as he placed the driver down. Zane saw Kevin phased his way out of the straw and he glared at Zane.

Zane said,"Listen Kevin. You're acting crazy. I would be happy if there was another hero here but I just need to know how you got your powers so fast.". "Fuck off. You're nothing but a hasbeen and a coward. Screw you!" said Kevin. He stormed off while causing more damage to the farm and Zane covered his eyes. "He got faster. This isn't good." thought Zane. He looked around and he said,"Kevin can wait. I need to help the farmer clean up.".

As Zane was helping cleaning up with the driver, Apazar watched. "Wow. I didn't expect that. He is a good puppet even more than the Matchstick and Rocky. I mean he is getting stronger by the second thanks to the genie. I wonder if he can handle Zero for us." said Apazar. Meanwhile on the hill, the rider from earlier was watching this. "Man. This is getting worse. Good think I'm here to help you pal." said the rider. He drove off as a large sound was heard.

Next time,
Who is this mysterious Rider? Will Kevin go mad with power? And will Zane be able to stop him and Isis whose wishes have gone out of control. This and more next time.

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