Saturday, March 11, 2017

Zero Episode 10 A Fight for Free Speech! Popular vs Unpopular!

A/N: Okay. I will admit something. I'm not making Zane a boy scout like Superman. I really do think that a villain should be killed if there is no way to stop them. I believe that everyone and everything has both bad and good things about thing. I will praise Danny Phantom ,one of my favorite shows growing up, for a lot of things but I will bash it for things as well like the characters. Nothing in this world is perfect and this applies to Zane. He may be a hero but he isn't a boy scout.

Anyway, I have a question. If you're a ghost, can you die. You may be asking yourself. Why is he asking this? I was thinking about if a Phantom should die and I'm on the fence. A zombie is a corpse that was reanimated by magic or science but is it dead? There is the obvious answer but sometimes, it isn't so easy to figure out. I personally think that once you're a Ghost, you can't die because you're already dead. Sorry for the super deep rant but I just need to say something.

I hate Sam and Tucker from Danny Phantom because when you're a kid, you don't notice flaws in a show. You may hate the bad guys for being evil and like the good guys for being good but later on, you noticed that characters that you like as a kid are not good. Back to the topic at hand, I grew to hate them by reading something online and it really opened my eyes. Anyway, lets begin about eleven days after last episode.

I'm also making fun of myself as a writer because I'm not the best one in the world. I'm well aware of this fact but I would say that I'm okay. I'm not doing this for a career but for fun.

Narrator P.O.V.
In a pizzeria, Zane was sitting with Danny, Gwen, a fully recovered Rachel, and Ray in a booth. "So Ray, you were on Ultimate Showdown!" said Danny. Ray nodded and he said,"I was in a couple of seasons. Not a big deal.". He ate a slice and he said,"God dam it! How can you eat this stuff?". "We should have told you not to touch Zane's pizza. He really likes spicy food and trust me, it is hot. It makes the sun look cold." said Rachel.

Zane nodded as Gwen said,"So what is Ultimate Showdown?". "The best reality show. The first season was amazing. One of the contestants blew up the host's mansion which looked more like a cottage to me." said Danny. Zane rolled his eyes and Rachel said,"I think he was being a idiot. I mean he was trying to prove that he's a punk but it made him get arrested. His ex-girlfriend was a bitch. She had a thing for him right?".

Ray said,"Yeah. I mean it was so obvious but I guess he couldn't see her bitchy.". It had been under two weeks since Ray joined the group. They finished off a group of Phantom called the Midnight Men and they went out for a slice. The Midnight Men dressed like cowboys and soldiers with them able to survive the coldest area. They were able to use Green Nether and they're able to blend in the shadows. They had typical red eyes, black claws, and their bodies are shadow based.

Gwen said,"I'm so lost.". "She was kinda of being an idiot. I mean he seemed nice to me but he had some issues." said Danny. "Did you see the show Zane?" said Gwen. "Nope. I never watched it and I don't plan on it." said Zane. "Seriously? You never watched Ultimate Showdown!" said Ray. "Zane here hates reality TV shows. He says that it makes good people turned into ugly sons of bitch." said Rachel.

Zane would have answer but he was enjoying his extremely spicy pizza. "Yeah. They were a lot of liars, backstabbers, users, opportunists, rage addicts, slut, players, wannabes, and posers." said Ray who nodded. "I think they asked people who have huge egos to become famous even though no one will remember them after a decade." said Danny. "You watch the show knowing this?" said Ray. "I enjoy the reactions plus it is mainly action based." said Danny.

Zane rolled his eyes and Ray said,"So tell me why Karen isn't here? I thought she was back in town after some science thing.". "She is deathly allergic to anything made of meat so a pizza place isn't her favorite place in the world." said Rachel. "It is also the reason why Danny and Rachel hate Kevin to begin with." said Gwen. "Could I hear the story? I mean Zane told me that he lost his friendship with Kevin after that fight they had but he's going to forgive him maybe." said Ray.

Zane said,"We used to be the best of friends back in Elementary School along with Danny and Rae. It was a shock to me at least that both Danny and Rachel drifted away from Kevin with me still being his best friend. I learned over time that he was a meat man and a "ladies man". He also hated any hard work. He also made me mad.". "You mad?" said Ray. "It sounds quite strange and Zane got really mad." said Gwen. "Go on." said Ray.

Danny said,"We met Karen back in middle school and Kevin tried to ask her out with him crashing and burn like always but Karen rejected him softly. He slipped some meat into her peanut butter and jelly sandwich causing her to be rushed to the emergency room.". "During the treatment, I think Zane found out about the prank and he attacked Kevin." said Rachel. "How bad are we talking here?" said Ray who remembered seeing Zane mad during his fight with Kevin earlier.

Zane said,"I first grabbed him by his shirt and I threw him out the door. I then kicked him and I kick him into the bike rake. I started to punch him like crazy and the crowd was cheering me on, It took several teachers to make me stop. I was consumed by rage at the time. I later yelled at him to say sorry to Karen plus pay for her medical bills. I told him if he did something like that again. I'll kill him and I almost did it.". He looked depressed and he ate a slice.  

Ray said,"Anyway, do you think that they're going to be remembered? I mean they're going to be struggling to find work while being stuck in the past.". "At least, we're doing something way cooler than being a minor celebrity on a subpar reality TV show." said Rachel. "We're not getting paid for it though." said Danny. "I'm buying remember?" said Zane. "You're right." said Danny. Kristen walked up to them and she said,"Hey guys.".

Ray said,"Sup cheerleader. Where is the boyfriend?". "He is bullying Kevin again. It is a shame what happened to him. How long do you think he was possessed for you guys?" said Kristen. "Too long Kristen." thought Zane. "I noticed that the others have given him looks of fear and anger but they haven't threaten him." said Gwen. "I think you missed that Bryan tripped him but he and the jocks except for Austin are teasing him right now. I need to talk to Zane alone." said Kristen.

The four were gone as Zane said,"This talk had something about English.". "Zane. You flipped out on her." said Kristen. "And you know why right? Trust me, I can handle Hannah and Sam alone or them together but the latrer cross a line with me. I do like that you care about me though. It's sweet Kristen and all of that." said Zane. "You could say you're sorry but let me guess, you won't because it will show that if you're popular, you're never in trouble but the victim." said Kristen. "Bingo." said Zane.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
Earlier today, Zane was currently sleeping on his desk. He had just spent the night handling criminals and also one of his mom's new toys. He was currently in English class and they were listening to Samantha or Sam ,for short, Bridges's homework assignment. She is one of the most popular girls in school but she is very vain, spoiled, insensitive, self-centered, and a huge b word to anyone her standards which includes know about 90% of the school and some of the teachers.

The only thing she really cares about is beauty and her image just like Hannah. She will manipulate boys or girls to get what she wants or for her pleasure. She and thanks to Kevin's pranks was the reason why Zane went to finish the Kevin problem in its tracks. Kevin ,who went into Sam's body at the time, basically made Danny into a social pariah but thanks to Zero, his name was cleared but Zane knew that if Sam felt like it, she would.

When she found about the whole thing, she caused Kevin to be hated even more than he was before and that's saying the longest. She's quite attractive if not sexy native Hawaiian with her wearing a light blue t-shirt that shows her thin waist and belly button, a white skirt that shows off her legs, and brown wedges. Her long dark brown hair bounce and she walks while swaying her hips. She does this because she know that the guys are looking her way plus her chest is helping.

It has been proven countless time that her light green eyes hold a spark that have caused boys to crash into walls. During lunch or class, she sits outside under a tree and waves to her fans. She was reading her assignment. During the last week, their teacher Ms. Lorene Stewart had her students write a short story about whatever they like but it needed a moral and they had to read it in front of everyone. Most of the class didn't like the assignment and basically half assed it.

Rachel was out last week and she was happy about that. During her story, she wished that she was still sick due to her story being not the best. Sam's story was about the "amazing sexy and popular" girl her attacked by "ugly" monsters wherever she went and was always rescued by this "mysterious and sexy" hero. It was obvious to both Rachel and Zane that her story was her fantasy about being rescued by Zero aka Zane.

It pissed Rachel off due to her hoping Karen gets up the nerve to ask Zane and Zane didn't like Sam that much. When Sam finished, Rachel did a little cheer and Zane smiled at his friend. Ms. Lorene Stewart had long blond hair and blue eyes. She had a southern beauty look to her but for some reason, she wears pantsuits. She is from the south and her southern accent is very appealing to the boys. She is called the female Mr. Rodney Hodges but he was appealing to the girls and guys. 

Lorene said with a smile,"Very good Sam. Would anyone like to comment on it?". She wasn't expect anyone to raise their hands due to her having a clear cut picture of the social hierarchy here. She was in slight shock along with a couple of other students to see Zane's hand go up. "Would you like to say something Mr. Alvarez?" said Lorene. "That was awful. It may be my opinion but that was maybe a F- or F with it being just bad." said Zane. "Care to explain why?" said Lorene.

She was worried that he had walked himself into a mine field. "Let me start with the fact that the main character is flat. We know that the character is a girl, pretty, and popular. We don't know if she has fears, her likes and dislikes, her age, and the fact that she does jack shit." said Zane. "She does too Zit!" yelled Sam. "Ms. Bridges. Calm down and let Mr. Alvarez finish." said Lorene who nodded to Zane.

Zane said,"Thanks teacher. Your "amazing and well written" character is a damsel in distress. She follows a simple formula. She goes somewhere, she gets kidnapped, screams, get rescued by her hero, and it goes on. Did she ask her hero what was going on, why is she being attacked every hour on the hour, and why no one else was being attacked.". He took a deep breath and he said,"Man, this had so many problems.". 

Zane said,"At these attacks, was anyone else there? She went to the mall, the movie theater, the park, and even her school. I'm pretty sure that both the mall and school would have someone there.". "They were there." said Sam. "She should TALK to them then. You made little acknowledge of people being there. She hasn't talked to her but she does act like a swooning fan girl with you telling us that she is his true love and a real fan. We know nothing about the hero." said Zane.

Zane said after another deep breath,"He could be gay and saving her because it is his job and she is nothing special. In the end, your story is nothing more than a fantasy or dream of yours that you put to paper.". He held out his hand and he said,"One. You have no character development, Two. No obstacles that your character has to face, and three, no moral. You fail.". Rachel was shocked at her best male friend. He walked into a mine field and came out fine.

She also liked how he put down Sam by saying what she and the rest of the class was thinking about the A-Listers today. "How dare you Zit! I will have you know that my story is way better than yours because you're a freak and a loser. You got loser friends, your mom is a loser and a huge nerd, and your dad is a fucking deadbeat! He abandoned you and your mom without a second thought!" yelled Sam. 

It was dead silent at what Sam said. Zane glared at her and he walked over to her. "You can make fun of me all you want Slut but here is the thing." said Zane. He slapped her and the class was shocked by this. "Don't you fucking dare make fun of my family or my friends! If I hear you making fun of my dad who died saving over MILLION people a deadbeat?! I will make your pretty face ugly just like your personality!" yelled Zane. His face was red and he stormed out.

He slammed the door and it was quiet once again. Rachel got up and she ran after Zane while flipping Sam off. Sam herself that Zane slapped her to begin with and she said,"He is a loser and a total bitch you guys.". She felt good about herself since no one disrespected and gets away with it. However, it seems like fate had something else for her. "Ms. Bridges! You didn't earn a A but a seat in Detention today!" yelled a very angry Lorene. Sam yelled,"What?! I didn't do anything!".

Rachel texted Danny with her looking for Zane. "Rachel." said a voice. She turned to find Danny and he said,"Where is Zane?". "I think he is in the gym." said Rachel. The two opened the door and they found Zane currently sitting the bleachers with his hands over his eyes. They sat next to him and they put their arms around him. "Zane. You shouldn't let that slut get to you. You're not a freak and loser plus your mom and dad were awesome." said Rachel.

He moved his hands and he was crying. "Danny and Rachel." said Zane. "Yeah man?" said Danny. "I miss my dad. I really do. I promise that I would stay strong for my mom after my dad left but I can't take it anymore!" said Zane. Rachel hugged him and she said,"Easy Zane. Just let out. Danny.". He had his phone and he said,"Yeah. I'm calling her and also our parents. We need to be here for Zane and screw school.".

Danny had called Natasha and told her what happened in English. Natasha ,while breaking the speed limit, went toward the school in her car which was a black BMW X5. She signed Zane out of school for the rest of the day with Danny and Rachel going with her thanks to Danny explaining what had happened to him. When they arrived home, Danny and Rachel helped Zane into his house while his mom parked the car.

She saw his friends guide her son and she knew that that Bridges Girl really got under his skin. She also guessed that Zane hit his breaking point after what happened to Kevin and recent events. Arturo who heard the story from his daughter said that Zane wasn't in the wrong because he was allowed to comment on other's work and Ray says that this girl needed to heard the truth with him saying that he has a good lawyer if they need it.

Back at the school, the rumors about Sam getting detention spread like a disease. Some students, aka the A-Listers, didn't think that Sam should get detention because Zane slapped her after she spoke up against her and he made her look like an idiot. Others knew that Sam went too far when she brought up Zane's dad due to him having serious dad issues. Despite not being popular, Zane was known as the toughest kid in school because of what happened in middle school.

There were two things that release Zane's anger upon you. Hurting his friends in anyway or making fun of his family. Once the details were heard, the student that believed that Sam didn't deserve what happened stuck to their points. Thanks to Sam's daddy, she was off scot free plus Zane ,who was the real victim in all of this, was given a week suspension plus he had to say sorry to her. In the end, the one percent succeed like always and Zane was considered a bully.

Back in the present, Zane sighed. "You can't be serious. She got away with it!?" said Zane. "Yes. I'm of the mindset that she should get what was coming to her." said Kristen. "'Thanks Kristen. It is nice to know that I have friends in high place." said Zane. She smiled and she said,"Are you okay?". "I'm fine. I'm a little mad but eating my Ultra Spicy Pizza helps a bit. Do you want a slice or what?" said Zane. "No thanks. That is way too spicy for me." said Kristen.

Zane shrugged and he went back to eating. Ray walked back over and he said,"You done lecturing my friend cheerleader?". "Yes. So where are Danny, Gwen, and Rachel?" said Kristen. "They had something they needed to do and they're okay." said Ray. He sat down and he said,"So why are you dating this Brad guy? According to Zane, you're a smart girl.". "I honestly don't know Ray. It may be because he's popular and nothing else." said Kristen.

Zane sighed and his danger sense went off. He saw Sam standing there with Austin, Brad, and Bryan as her backup dancers. "What do you want?" said Zane. He may have gotten over it thanks to the greasy food but he was still mad at her. "I'm guessing that you know what happens when you mess with me didn't you Zit?" said Sam. "You should have detention slut." said Zane under his breath. Ray smirked as Kristen rolled her eyes. "Why are you sitting with this bully?" said Brad.

Kristen said,"I like him and I sit with you plus you're a bully.". "Dam. That was brutal. I'm impressed Cheerleader" said Ray. "You need to get away from him Kristen dear. You will get the loser from Zit and his loser friends." said Sam. "Didn't you let learn what happens when you call my friend a loser Samantha?" said Zane as he crackled his knuckles. Ray noticed that Zane was getting angry and that could be a bad thing.

Sam said who wasn't scared of Zane's threat,"I'll make you a deal. If you said sorry to me and say that you were wrong and I was right. You may get your suspension removed and you may come back to school Monday." said Sam. "Here's my response. Screw you Samantha. I will not say sorry and will never say that to you. Got that princess?" said Zane. Sam ,who looked mad, grabbed a glass of water and she threw it at Zane. He was soaked and the pizzeria laughed at him. 

Zane stood up and he said,"You're a bitch Sam.". He walked out of the shop and Ray said,"Wow. You would be perfect on Ultimate Showdown.". He ran after his friend and Bryan said,"Wow. Zane is a bitch.". "Yeah." said Austin. Sam smiled at this and she walked away with Bryan and Austin. Brad would have joined them but he was going to be lecture by Kristen who wasn't a fan of his behavior in the slightest and she hoped Zane was alright.

Zane said,"God dam it!". He aimed an energy beam at a trash can causing it to explode. Ray stood nearby and he said,"Calm down Zane. I think you're playing to her...". "I know that but her type of people make me....!" said Zane. He grabbed a metal pole and it snapped on half. "I think you need to get revenge on her using your powers." said Ray. "If I did that, I would be just like her and I don't try to use my powers for personal gain. So what did Danny, Gwen,  and Rachel have to face?" said Zane.

Ray said,"The Midnight Men. I heard that they slaughtered them. So what are you going to do with your week off?". The two were heading back to Zane's place and Ray was crashing there. "Maybe explore Terrarune. I wanted to see Astrino or maybe get some training." said Zane. "I think you may have to change your plans there." said Ray. Zane looked up to see the front door wide open and he rushed toward the door.

He noticed that the place looked like a mess and Ray said,"Well, they didn't take anything.". "I don't think the place was robbed man." said Zane. Ray was about to ask him why not with him heard an explosion from the basement. They went down there and figure out the origin of the explosion. The oldest member of the family was holding Natasha back as she yelled,"Let me go dad! I need to teach that spoiled brat what happens when you ruin my baby's life!".

Ray said,"I guess she heard about what happened.". "Yeah. I so get my anger from her and other little things." said Zane. "I can see that man. We should go help your gramps." said Ray. The two grabbed Natasha as Arturo said,"Thank you. She was going to destroy their home if I wasn't here. May I ask why you two are mad?". "Sam." said the mother and son in unison. "Okay. That is just crazy." said Ray. Edgar ,who was hiding from Natasha, agreed with the punk.

The four humans plus the bird sat in the living room and Arturo said,"It seems obvious to me that we need to get out of town for the week to get rid of our anger at current events.". "Where dad?! I mean we don't exact have a summer home." said Natasha who was still POed. "Easy mom. Don't we have a private island?" said Zane. "You do?" said Ray. "Yeah. It was one of my ancestor from I think Dad's side right?" said Zane.

Arturo nodded and he said,"I think I have an idea. Edgar, do you mind getting the mail?". "You can't be serious can you dad?" said Natasha. The youngest in the room looked at his friend and he said,"I think you should find out.". Edgar held the mail and Arturo pulled out an envelope. "This is for your mother's college reunion party in New York City. We have plane tickets and all expense pay at a old friend of your mother's mansion." said Arturo.

Zane looked at his mom and he said,"When were you going to tell me?". "I was going to tell you after school today but well, Sam happened." said Natasha. "Lets go." said Ray. "We do have seven tickets so invite your friends Zane." said Arturo. The bird squawked and Ray said,"I think we need you to guard the house birdy.". "New York? Can they be girls?" said Zane. Natasha smirked and she said,"I bet you are going to invite Kristen aren't you?".

Arturo said,"Isn't she dating that young football player?". "Okay. I'm going upstairs before I get more embarrassed and red." said Zane. Ray smirked as he saw his best friend rush upstairs using his super powers and his face is red like a tomato. "Anyway, From what I could tell Arturo, they aren't serious like you and Mr. Alvarez were." said Ray. "We were in love. I sometimes wonder what if he survived against Fallout and the Infinite Void." said Natasha.

Ray said,"Fallout? Sounds cheesy. I know what the Infinite Void is. You used to send the worse of the worse there a couple of years ago.". "Yes. How did you escape if you don't mind me asking Ray? If you don't want to, I understand." said Arturo. Ray looked away and he said,"The person who taught me how to control my powers well sacrificed himself for me. We were going to escape together but well, shit happens. So are we ready to go?". "Yep. We just need to pack." said Natasha.

After landing on his bed, he pulled out his phone and he texted Kristen. He got bored waiting for a response so he made an Nether Yo-Yo. "Man. I'm so bored." said Zane. His phone buzzed and he saw that it was Karen. He put it on speaker and he said,"Let me guess. You heard about what happened at school today.". "Yes! Why didn't you slap her?!" said Karen. "Karen? Are you alright? You sound like me and that's scary." said Zane.

Karen took a deep breath and she said,"Sorry. It is just this new invention that Danny made.". "You got an invention from Danny?" said Zane. "Yeah. He built it for me before I left town. I think he still blames himself for what happened back then." said Karen. "Yeah. We should have noticed that Kevin did that." said Zane. "Do you think you could be friends with him again? I think you are his only real friend Zane." said Karen.

Zane took a deep breath and he said,"Karen. He almost kill you back then, used his powers to make people miserable, almost caused Danny's social life, and other acts. If I didn't have Isis and Ray's help back then, I think Kevin would have killed a life and not care about it. He would do it Karen. Power can corrupt. His actions in that form were dominated by anger and jealously.". "You're talking about George right?" said Karen. "Yeah. So are you busy next week?" said Zane.

Karen sighed and she said,"You know that I just got back in town right?". "Yeah but I have an extra ticket to my mom's college reunion in NYC. I know for a fact that Ray is going to abandoned me and I don't have any friends there." said Zane. "Do you mind if I talk to Rachel real fast?" said Karen. She hanged up as Zane said,"I guess she needed to talk to her best friend really bad or something. Let me see if I can.".

Zane was about to try a sick trick with his Nether Yo-Yo but his phone rang. It was Kristen and he answered it. "What's up Kristen? What did Brad do to you?". He subconsciously clench his fists causing them to bleed slightly. "He broke up with me." said Kristen. "Okay. Please tell me that I wasn't the reason why. I may not be Bradley's best friend but I thought you two were cute together. I may be an outcast but I like seeing my friends happy." said Zane.

Kristen said,"You can't be serious? He bullies you and makes your life a living hell.". "Forgive and forget Kristen. It is something that my dad left for me." said Zane. "Brad couldn't do anything to me really." thought Zane. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" said Kristen who sniffed. "Well, you know that I'm suspended right?" said Zane. "Yeah. I think Sam rules that school with an diamond covered fist." said Kristen.

Zane smiled and he said,"So do you want to come with me and my family to New York? It is for my mom's college reunion.". "Why are you asking me?" said Kristen. "You became a good friend of mine in a short period of time plus we need to get away from the Cypress High Drama for a week." said Zane. "I would ask Danny and Gwen but they're needed here just in case of attacks. Eon and Mel will be here as well." thought Zane.

Kristen said,"Let me just ask my mom. I'll text you my answer.". "Okay. See you soon." said Zane with a smile. She hanged up and Zane looked at the roof. He held out his hand and he made a Nether sword. He felt a pain going through his body and he looked at his left arm. He shook off the pain and he said,"Okay. That was weird.". He looked at his phone and it said that both Karen and Kristen were good to go plus Rachel.

He heard,"You're just like him.". He saw Arturo standing there and Zane said,"What are you talking about Grandpa?". "Johnny Vincent." said Arturo. "So do you know why every single Phantom that I have met beside the Midnight Men call me him?" said Zane. "I have a theory on that but I think you should try and remember your past." said Arturo. "Thanks for the help." said Zane. "You should get some sleep. You had a long day." said Arturo.

Zane nodded and he closed his eyes after getting ready for bed. He looked around and he saw that he was in a bar. He was also in his costume and he said,"Where am I?". "Hey there man. You're an idiot you know that." said a voice. Zane turned around to see a man standing there. He had shoulder length blue hair with a small beard to him. He has navy blue eyes that looks filled with both compassion and knowledge. He was wearing black jeans and boots and no shirt. He's well toned and ripped.

Zane said,"You're Johnny Vincent aren't you?". "Yep. Call me JV and pass me a beer can. I would get it myself but...." said JV. Zane handed the man it and he said,"So why does everyone call me you? We don't like that much alike.". "Because when I died, I ended up in your body due to some shit you'll find out later. Trust me, I rather be in Terrarune with those two than be in your body. Being a teen again sucks." said JV. "So we share the same body? And why don't you wear a shirt?" said Zane.

JV shrugged and he said,"Why not? I like showing off my body and punching annoying bastards. You got my anger.". "I guess that explains why I got so mad at Kevin and Sam, So why are you talking to me now or what?" said Zane. "I'm just here to tell you that you're going to deal with my mistakes. I was in Terrarune for a short time compared to the other Phantoms. Good luck." said JV. Zane woke back up and he said,"What is going on with my life?".

In an unknown location, Apazar was standing in front of five video screens with their faces covered by the screen being slightly static like. "Apazar. What are you thinking? You let Isis roam free and she is causing problems." said the video screen on the far right and had a feminine voice. "Ease up on him now Empress. He knows what he is doing. Let me guess Apazar, you want to test out Billionaire's toy." said the screen on the far left.

Apazar said,"Bingo Specter. According to Midnight, Zane is planning to head toward New York which is where you live Billionaire.". The person that was on the middle screen then sighed and he said,"Yes. I'll be testing him before I bring out my toy. Is this meeting over?". "Yes. We are. Call me if we have a real plan." said Empress. She hanged up and her screen was gone. "Wow. She has some issues." said Apazar. The other four screens were gone as Apazar smiled.  

Next Time,
Zane and company travel to New York. This and more next time on Zero.

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