Saturday, March 25, 2017

Zero Episode 20 Zero Gone Missing

A/N: Yep. That was an ending. A lot of bad stuff happen with Crunch being heavily injured by Vicky who is an anti hero folks, Brad and Kristen breaking up which in the grand scheme means jack and shit, Zane running away to Terrarune to save it from something evil, and Dyno swearing revenge for the real king of Terrarune. I also wanted to say something. The breakup of Brad and Kristen was going to happen eventually in the story but Hannah making a big deal out of it is stupid.

From my research, most if not all of high school relationship crash and burn. I have seen and heard some staying together but a good chunk do break up. In most stories involving High School from what I have seen and in life, relationships are taken far too serious and bullying is a problem but even worse now. I think since the Internet, bullying was gotten worse but at my school that I went to, I didn't see or hear anything about it.

There were assemblies but to my knowledge, bullying at my school wasn't there at all. When I think of bullying in cartoon, I think of the Static Shock episode called Jimmy. It is still one of the many reasons why I love the DCAU mainly with the shows Batman Beyond, Justice League, and Static Shock. I'm not the biggest fan of Batman and Superman but I respect them for being faithful to comics and starting the DCAU.

In recent years, I can think of one superhero based show here in America that keep that spirit alive ,in my opinion, and that is Young Justice. I don't know much of Justice League Action but it isn't panned unlike Teen Titans Go. I am not the biggest fan of that show due it being on all of the time. I watch a lot of Cartoon themed TV Youtube channels and I know that Cartoon Network airs too much. It makes the cash and the views but it caused a clash between fans who likes the show and those who don't. Anyway, I think we should begin six days after Zane ran away.

Narrator P.O.V.
Ray was sitting in the Alvarez's living room and he said,"Dam it Zane. Where the hell did you go man?". He looked up to see Natasha worried about her son with both Alvarez dogs trying to comfort her. "Ray. Do you know why Zane ran away?" said Natasha. "Beats me Mrs. A. I know that Zane has tough skin and I'm not taking about his powers. The only things that effect him are the mention of his dad or his friends getting hurt." said Ray.

Kania said,"So what happened at the pier?". Kania covered Wolfram's ears and Ray said,"Brad and Kristen broke up with Hannah making a mountain of a molehill of it. I highly doubt that Zane blames himself for that. Kristen was scared of breaking up with Brad because she thought that she wouldn't have any friends. I highly doubt that Brad will be ignored in the A list but Kristen may be. I do hope that Danny isn't socking someone.".

Kania uncovered Wolfram's eyes with the puppy confused. "Don't worry Pup. Zane will be fine so have you trying talking to that slime who made Zane's watch? He may be able to track it or something." said Kania. "I tried calling him but he didn't answer at all. I then tried with Luke but he says that Parker is busy on a really big project." said Natasha. "Did you mention Zane to him? I think he would care about his grandson." said Ray.

Wolfram barked as Ray said,"So what did he say Kania? I don't speak Phantom like Zane does or is dog?". "He asked about Arturo. He is still in Terrarune on business." said Kania. "I tried calling him but I haven't gotten anything." said Natasha. Kania and Wolfram looked up and Ray said,"So did you guys sense something?". "Yes." said Kania. The two ran to the backyard with the parent and Ray following after them.

They opened the backyard and they saw Wolfram licking an injured Arturo's face. "Dad!" yelled the older woman. She went up to him and Ray said,"What happened?". "He was injured in a fight and his Essence is injured but not damaged. He'll be fine after some rest." said Kania. "Question. Is an Essence a Phantom's heart?" said Ray. He helped Arturo inside as Kania said,"It's Ray. This isn't a good sign.".

Back at the school, Danny was trying his best not to murder Hannah. When the news reported on his best buddy's disappearance, the A List had a party with Danny pissed. He had spend over ten hours trying to find his best buddy with the girls plus Natasha begging him to stop. "I can't believe this. He is gone and the cops stopped searching for him after Sam's dad told them too. Our town is filled with dirty cops except for your dad Andre." said Danny.

The only members of the A List who actually cared about Zane was Andre, David, and Susan. Karen and Kristen were out today with the reason involved Zane's disappearance and the very bad breakup respectively. Andre, Danny, David, Gwen, Rachel, and Susan were sitting outside enjoying lunch or they would be if they weren't worried about Zane and their friends. Tara was currently in the library working on a project.

David said,"So why did Zane run away? For the time that I have known Zane, he isn't the one to run away from a fight and he should have hit Hannah. I guess he was tired or something like that.". "It may have something to do with the fact that Zane was tired from using his Frankenstein Form to help rebuild the pier. Zane may be extremely powerful with there being no doubt that he is the strongest Zero past or future but right now, he is only a rookie." thought Gwen.

Susan said,"So how is the search going?". "Not even the private eyes that I hired can find any trace of him. Zane hid and he's really good at hide and seek." said Rachel. Danny slammed the table that they were sitting at and he said,"We should be out there looking for him instead of sitting here twiddling our fingers!". "Calm down man. We'll find him I promise." said Andre. Danny calmed back down as Rachel said,"Any word on Kristen.".

Susan shook her head as she said,"I'm going there after school today. I think that after her brother left her, she needs someone to be with to be happy.". "We should be that someone." said Gwen. "Yeah. I think if you, Marcia, and Rachel come, I think that will help her rather than if say Hannah, Roxy, and Sam did it." said Susan. "The girls have a plan and the guys will go find Zane after school. We need to get him back." said David. "My brother and his friends need to be stopped." said Andre.

The six looked to see Brad and the rest of the A List laughed and enjoying themselves. "Does Brad remember that he has to dress up as a leader of a cheer?" said Gwen. "He does but right now, his ego ,which is the size of Mount Olympus, has blinded him to that fact." said Rachel. "Couldn't have said it better myself." said Andre. Danny's phone rang and he said,"I'll be right back you guys. It's my job and I hate to piss off my boss.".

He walked away and he saw that it was really bad. Ever since Zane aka Zero disappeared, the crime had skyrocketed to a level that caused some serious trouble. The Alliance is helping out with Corey aka Blizzard, Kenny aka Inferno, and Simon aka Wire being quite busy. Danny decided to help out since it was five super villains. He texted Gwen and Rachel to make a distraction for him as he activated his nano machines to turn into Morph with him flying off.

In the center of the city, Titan along with Bedrock, Cinder, Epsilon, and Occult Master were planning on causing some chaos and robbing bank but they were stopped by Corey, Kenny, and Simon. "Eat this you mocoso!" said Cinder. He threw a fireball at Corey who blocked it with an ice wall. "I'm not a fan of anything hot. I'm a cold guy after all." said Corey. He then fired an ice beam at Cinder but the pyro counter it with his fire beam causing a clash of the elements.

Kenny was fighting off both Bedrock and Titan. "So why do I get the heavyweights again?" said the pyro as he threw a giant fireball at Bedrock. He blocked it and he said,"Your fire is nothing compared to Cinder kid. Titan smash him.". Kenny then turned around to see Titan standing there. He was about to make Kenny into a pancake but Kenny made a fire shield around himself. It caused Titan to blow on his hands as Kenny flew behind him.

He threw a ball at Titan causing the giant to fall on Bedrock. Simon was backing away from Epsilon and Occult Master with the sorcerer saying,"Your string is gone thanks to my magic and my partner's ability to make things change their state of matter. You are dead meat.". "Any last words before we end you bug boy?" said Epsilon. "He doesn't have to say nothing but I think you'll like my Phantom Smashers!" yelled a voice.

Both villains were knocked back from the giant fists as Danny stood there. "Thanks Morph. I guess we're in trouble huh." said Simon. "So what's the ETA on Shift? We need her help." said Danny whose hands went back to normal. "She'll be here in ten. What about Force and Slicer? We could use their power." said Simon. "I think the five of us will be fine. You got enough of that string to handle either one of them?" said Danny.

The villains walked toward them as Simon said,"Yep. I'll handle the fake and you get the girl.". "That sounds like a great plan because I really need to hit something and.." said Danny. His hands were now the Phantom Smashers with him saying,"And it's need to be hard!". He rushed toward Epsilon with him punching her away. "Dude gots some issues but I guess he's the most worry about Zero and more than Luke is." thought Simon as he dodged Occult's attack.

Cinder held a giant fireball and he was about to throw it at the ice hero. He would have hit back but Cinder made Corey trapped in a ring of fire. "So any last words before I quemar you to ceniza cono de nieve?" said Cinder. "Yeah. Duck." said Corey. Cinder turned around to get smashed by a mud hammer with him saying,"What the hell Bedrock?! We're aliados!". "Sorry honey but I'm not Bedrock." said a feminine voice.

A sixteen year old girl stood there with her right hand turning back to its normal look. She wears the same armor as Kenny without the helmet revealing her long blond hair that normally goes down to her waist but right now, it's in a ponytail and her bangs framed the sides of her face. She has a pink hair clip that parts her hair to the right and it was out of her pinkish blue eyes. Her armor revealed that she has a slender yet toned build but with curves.

Her skin is pink with freckles on her face. In her right ear, she has a gold star earring. "Eat this barro girl!" yelled Cinder. He threw a fireball at her with Corey freezing it. "You okay Blizzard? I hope Kenny wasn't watching." said the girl. "He wasn't was he Shift?" said Corey. "Nope! I think matchstick is mad that we're ignoring him." said Shift. "Die barro girl and hielo boy!" said Cinder as he threw a giant fireball at the two with it coming in fast and hot.

Shift said,"Well, we're boned.". "You can't be serious?" said Corey. "Nope! I think we should go Plan Omega but just replace Inferno with matchstick." said Shift. "You got it." said Corey. He made an ice bridge above Cinder with him saying,"Reports says that we've a cold front coming in!". Cinder was surrounded by cold air and he was able to throw a fireball but it didn't work. He was about to scream unfair but Shift knocked him to the ground with a mud mace.

Cinder had the collar placed around him with Corey saying,"This is getting old fast. Ever since Zero went missing, they've been crawling out of the woodwork to cause trouble.". "Yeah but heroes never sleep. I think you should go help Inferno." said Shift. "But...." said Corey. She gave a look which was her left eyebrow raised and a glare with the right as Corey said,"Fine but just don't tell him about my defeat to hotstreak here.". Corey ran off as Shift said,"No promises.".

Kenny was backing away from Bedrock. Thanks to Kenny using Titan as a shield, Bedrock knocked out Titan. "Rocky. You should give up before I burn you to ash." said Kenny with his hands on fire as Bedrock laughed. "You seriously think that I'm scared of you kid? I'm the Earth and I'll stomp out any fire in my way!" said Bedrock. He was about to attack Kenny but he was blasted by a giant ice cube with Kenny saying,"I didn't need your help frosty.".

Corey stood there with a collar and he said,"Yeah. Shift forced me to help save your sorry hide. I was so tempt to watch you get owned.". "Just put the collar around his neck." said Kenny. Corey placed the collar around Bedrock and he said,"So did you put one on his partner?". The two heard a roar and Kenny said,"Not another word.". "I guess I'm better than you." said Corey. The two flew toward the giant with them blasting him with fire and ice knocking him out.

Simon had tied up Occult Master with the magician saying,"You know something Spider Boy. I am so happy that you picked me.". "I think we got something to agree on faker." said Simon. Danny had wrecked Epsilon with him taking his anger on her. She was thrown into Occult with him being out cold. Danny stood there as he said,"Man, that felt good.". "Anger issues." said Simon. "Trust me if Zero was here, I would look gentle compared to him." said Danny.

The five heroes later looked at the villains getting placed into a car. "So how do they keep escaping the prison anyway? I thought that they build that place to hold super criminals." said Corey. "I guess they keeping escaping like how you escape beating me in target practice." said Kenny. The two began a fight as Simon sighed. "Wow. Zero wasn't kidding. They do fought over the smallest of things." said Danny. "Yeah. So have you found anything?" said Shift.

Danny looked around to see the four members of the Alliance looking at him with him saying,"Could we talk somewhere else? You know how news travel around now right?". The four nodded as they were gone thanks to a transporter. Late, they were at the Alliance's secret HQ and Luke said as he walked into the lounge area of the base,"Well done kids.". "Hey grandpa. So have you found Zane?" said Kenny. The five were wearing their street clothes except for Simon who had the hood down.

Kenny is wearing a red waist coat with black jacket pockets over his gold shirt showing off his short sleeves. He has earrings in both ears with a gold ring on his right index finger. He wears blue jeans and black and white high tops. He has brown hair ,that would be on fire if he was Inferno, that covers his right eye and they were blue with them turning red when he's Inferno. He was on his fire themed cellphone like always.

Corey is wearing a navy blue short sleeved hoodie, a white long sleeved shirt, blue jeans, blue and white tennis shoes, and bandages around his arms and legs. Shift is wearing a long sleeved black dress with purple accents and a red jacket draped on a nearby chair. She is also wearing white stockings with black dress shoes nearby her jacket. The girl was currently resting on the couch with Luke sighing and he shook his head.

Danny clenched his right hand and he said,"Dam it! Why can't I see that booger?! He knows where my best friend is right?!". "I tried talking to him after hearing about what happened. He isn't on Earth right now to begin with." said Luke. "Where then?" said Corey and Simon. "At his lab on Saspra. I'm right Mr. Bishop." said Shift. "Correct Cindy." said Luke. "Wait. Where in the nine realms is Saspra?" said Danny.

Kenny said,"It's a planet in I think somewhere in the Gamma Anchor System right?". "Wow. I guess your brain isn't entirely ash." said Corey. The two were about to fight but the look from the girl stopped the element user in their tracks. "Wow. You got them whipped." said Simon. "Luke. Please. Can we go to Saspra?" said Danny. "We're planning to. I just need Natasha's permission. We're going to find out where my grandson is or else we'll use force." said Luke. The five teens were scared.

On a planet that was a pale red color with a giant crater in the center of the planet. Said crater looked like an infinite symbol. In the crater, there is a jungle. This jungle is filled to the brim with vegetation and lacked any kind of life. However, there was a lab in the jungle. It looked to be basic with it looking like a stereotypical lab but on the inside, it was easily the most advanced lab with the Omniverse. The Eazairvian aka Parker was currently working on something.

Parker sighed and he said,"You know after spending all of time with you Savant, you would get better at masking your scent.". A clock appeared and a figure stepped out. He looked to be a regal looking Caucasian human male in his thirties with him being British. His hair is a deep black color with it going down to his shoulders and slightly jelled back. It was graying around the bottom and at his temple with him having a neatly trimmed goatee.

His eyes are black color and rather small. He is wearing a neck length black jacket with dark red accents. Under that jacket, he wears a black waistcoat with red accents and gold buttons. His shirt was midnight black and long sleeved. The tails of the jacket went down to his feet and covered his sides. He wears black trousers with a ruby red belt. His leather boots have an hourglass engraved on it and a gold monocle over his right eye.

He's also holding ,in his left hand, a brown wooden can with a gold knob at the top. "You are always good at smelling me old chum." said Savant. Parker looked at him and he said,"What are you here for Savant? It's about Zero isn't.". "You do know that Luke and the rest of Zane's chums are coming for answers soon." said Savant. "And you should know that Zero should be done by now. He has MY greatest invention after all." said Parker.

Savant sighed as he said,"You do know that Zane isn't like Shawn right? Right now, he's still a teen and not a fully grown man like he is in the future". "I know that but he's better than his father in terms of power but personality, Shawn has him beat." said Parker. "Did you just give him a compliment old friend?" said Savant. "Don't tell him that I did. So why are you here anyway? I'm very busy as you know by now." said Parker.

Savant said,"I thought you would like to know something very interesting but will she allow me to tell you this?". Parker looked at him with Savant saying,"You're glaring so let me tell you. Zane will be fighting against an old friend of ours and it will be epic. I shall be leaving but I will be back.". He was gone as Parker thought about what Savant said. He paused one of his inventions and went to work on another one.

Back on Earth, Arturo woke up in his room. "I'm back on Earth." said Arturo. He saw Natasha and Ray standing there with Natasha said,"Dad. Do you know where my son is?". "What are you talking about? He should be here on Earth." said Arturo. "You can't be serious." said Ray. "I'm Raymond. So what happened?" said Arturo. "We should be asking that to you." said Natasha. "It's nothing. A group of followers of Spiro attacked me and sent me floating aimless through Terrarune." said Arturo.

Ray said,"You were attacked and it was nothing?!". "Yes. I'm the king so their attack did nothing but keep me away my castle. I however didn't expect to be stunned by lightning Nether. I just floated and well, I floated into a portal here on Earth and here I am." said Arturo. "So can we go to Terrarune and look for my son?" said Natasha. "I'll try but stand back. I'm still gathering back my energy but I have to tell you something." said Arturo.

Ray said,"You can't?". "No. Humans can't breathe in Terrarune only Phantoms. It isn't like when you go into outer space but without protection and if you're in there too long, you turn into a Phantom or something worse." said Arturo. "It is a real good thing that we have two super genius to help with that problem." said Ray. Arturo focused on making the portal and he said,"That's strange.". "What?" said Natasha.

Arturo looked at his daughter and he said,"From some reason, Terrarune is locked up tighter than Fort Knox. I think those rebels destroy the machine that allows Phantoms to travel from Earth and back so I guess we can't go there unless we have a super smart being.". "Raymond. Go grab my phone." said the mom. "Why?" said Ray. She glared at him as Ray said,"I'll be right back!". He ran off as Natasha said,"Zane. You're in there aren't you?".

Karen was sitting in her room looking at a picture of her and the rest of her friends. This was before Zane was selected or destined to be Zero. She noticed that she was looking at Zane who was fighting with Danny over something really small. She smiled when she heard the doorbell ring. Her parents were at a dinner for charity or something along those lines meaning that she was home alone. She walked downstairs and she opened the door.

Kristen stood there and Karen said,"What do you want?". She didn't blame Kristen for what happened to Zane but she was still a little peeved at the fact that Zane left town because of the drama involving her and Brad. "Have you heard about Zane Karen?" said Kristen. "Why are you asking me? Rachel is the one who hired the private eyes to begin with." said Karen. "From what I saw, you and Zane were the closest even more than him and Danny." said Kristen.

Karen said,"He's my best friend. We have been best friends since middle school and helped me with a lot of problems. Why do you care so much?". "At first, I thought that Zane was a punk and something waiting to happen. After he started to tutor me in Biology, I now see him as a real nice and sweet guy with anger issues. I just want to see him because I think I like him. So do you like him because to me and the rest of the girls, it's obvious." said Kristen.

Karen was about to answer her when she heard,"Look what I found. Two of Zero's concubines talking and chatting like they are old pals.". The girls turned to see George Richard standing there with a huge smile on his face and he was wearing a similar yet different outfit compared to before. He looks to be far more muscular than he was before with him having the same spiky brown hair and honey brown eyes.

He wears a dark purple helmet that covers his entire head, a visor that covered his eyes, and a black stripe heading down the center of the helmet. He wears crimson red armor over his arms, chest, and legs with him wearing a black full body suit. He wears crimson red gauntlets and boots. On his chest plate, a white E was there. "After Zero defeated me, I was thrown out of the Sentry Corps and I want my revenge by hurting you all to bring that coward out of hiding." said George.

Karen said,"Run and get help.". "Are you insane?!". said Kristen. "A little but when I became friends with Zane, you get a little crazy. Now go." said Karen. Kristen ran off as George said,"I guess that humans are dumb especially blondes. You're nothing but weak compared to me, Emperor. This is going to be too easy.". "I guess you haven't done your research about me. I'm good at science and I made a way to help my friends." said Karen.

A bright light covered Karen as George covered his eyes from it. "That isn't a blinding or light based spell. It must be science like how Zane's friend turned into a super human thanks to the beautiful yet brilliant Natasha. Her son may have a hand in it as well but..." thought George. His thoughts were stopped as he was punched back from something hard but fast. The light was gone as Karen stood there but in a new outfit.

Her hair is more straight than before. Her clothing now exposed her midriff. She was wearing over her body, a dark red leather jacket. Under that, she wears a black leather tank top/shirt with the shoulders slipped off and matching colored jeans with dark purple combat boots. Over her eyes, she wears sunglasses and she said,"Are you ready to get your but kicked by Sonic?". "Fine. If you want to die, die!" said George. He rushed toward her with Karen smiling.

Kristen was looking for help when she bumped into it. "Kristen? What's wrong?" said a voice. She looked up to see Ray walking both Kania and Wolfram. "A villain!" said Kristen. She led the trio to where Karen was owning George. "I so didn't see that coming. I guess being friends with Zane gives you the ability to fight super villains." thought Ray. "My suit makes me stronger, more durable, flight and speed with my jet boosters, and missiles/energy blasts that can destroy a city." thought George.

He looked at Karen with him saying,"What are you? A metahuman like Raymond!". "Yep. I'm a metahuman and unlike the rest of our town's heroes, I don't wear a mask. We also don't wears tights or capes. It's a rule." said Ray. George had several different colored magic circles around Karen with him saying,"I think it's time for the Elemental Apocalypse!". Karen noticed that air, dark, earth, fire, light, and water was rushing toward her with her talking a deep breath.

The attack was about to hit her when she created a sonic scream. The scream caused the magic attack to disappear with George being pushed back. During this, Kristen covered Wolfram's ears and Ray covered Kania's ears. "Wow. That's a sonic attack." said Kristen. "What?!" said Ray. Karen was done as George said,"Cute girl. Get a lot of this!". He activate his suit's jet boosters and rushed toward the blond. She dodge it just like Zane would do and she punched the back of the suit. 

Karen said,"I'm not smart as say Morph or Zero but I'm really good at science. You may use magic but your armor is technological. I think your engine is in the back of the armor and if I blast it with a sonic blast, you're done.". She took another deep breath as the two watching covered the dogs's ears and Karen released the scream. It caused George's suit to shut down and he was stuck there unable to move with him out like a light due to the armor being attached to him.

Ray said,"I guess we should call the cops.". "Wait. What about Karen? Is she okay?" said Kristen. "I think she is fine." said Karen. She turned back to her normal self as Kristen was shocked. "Wow and here I thought that I was bad about the secret identity." said Ray. "I think we should bring her into the fold. She's going to learn eventually." said Karen. "Learn what?" said Kristen. "Force is Tara, Morph is Danny, and Zane is Zero. Lets go to Zane's house." said Karen.

Kristen was shocked as Wolfram barked. "Yes. I think her mind is blown. So I think Ray should carry her." said Kania. "How about puppy here grows to carry her?" said Ray. The dog barked as he grew to his giant form. Ray placed the girl on the dog as they headed to Zane's house. "Zane. I know that you're going to be found soon enough and I hope you're not mad that I told Kristen about your secret identity." thought Karen.

The next day, Parker was finishing up his invention in his lab as a computer said,"Luke Bishop's ship has arrived and he isn't in a good mood.". "Fantastic. I want to finish my invention before I get yelled at." said Parker. "Yes sir." said the computer. Kenny, in his fire form, flew in the air and he said,"Wow. This place is like a jungle.". "No shit sherlock. How about you get down here so we don't get caught?" said Corey.

The two were about to fight as Ray stood between them. The fifteen (Arturo, Cindy, Corey, Danny, Gwen, Kania, Karen, Kenny, Kristen, Luke, Natasha, Rachel, Ray, Simon, Tara, and Wolfram) who came to the planet stood there. Kristen looked down as Wolfram got her attention. "Sorry little girl if I worried you but learning about all of this is rather shocking to say the least." said Kristen. "Don't worry. We got used to it rather fast." said Rachel.

Tara said,"It was hard to learn that my cousin wasn't at all human. I know he is a 1/4 but he is also a Phantom, Sorcerer, and a god! It's hard to grasp at times.". "At least, he hasn't changed at all and if you want to just talk Kristen, we'll be here." said Danny. Kristen smiled as she said,"Thanks Danny. I thought you hate me.". "You're nice unlike the rest of the A List. Oh welcome to Team Power." said Tara. "Not a fan of that name." said Danny. "Eh. I'm used to it." said Rachel.

Karen looked over at the group of Danny, Kristen, Rachel, and Tara with her looking at Gwen. She was trying to find Parker using magic because The Alliances scanners couldn't find him. "So Karen. Are you okay about Kristen knowing Zane's secret?" said Natasha. "It's fine. She is going to start hanging out with us so I think it isn't that bad." said Karen. "I think she is talking about the fact that you two like the same boy in a far more romantic way." said Kania.

Karen blushed as she said,"I don't like Zane that way.". "Then why didn't you help Danny look for Zane? You broke down according to Ray." said Natasha. "Well, it's complicated." said Karen who twiddled with her fingers. "I see. That makes sense." said Kania. The dog looked at Natasha with the mom nodded. "Don't worry. I think Zane is going to understand your feelings if you make them well known." said Natasha.

Gwen said,"I found him.". "Where is he?" said Luke. "Straight ahead and then take a right at a giant tree. You'll see the lab with it being in the middle of the lake." said Gwen. "Well, I see you guys there! Last one there is a rotten egg!" said Kenny. He flew off with Corey said,"I'm going to beat that matchstick.". He skated after Kenny with Kristen saying,"Is that normal?". "Yep. They do this every single day." said Simon. "Not it's like every single hour." said Cindy.

The two elemental twins tied as they said,"I got here first!". The two fired their respective element at each other with Cindy sighing. She hit the two to the ground with two mud hammers. "Ow." said the two. "I shall make a bridge appear." said Arturo. He put his staff down and a blue bridge of Nether soon appeared. "Wow. That's pretty cool." said Kristen. "You should see Zane Kristen. He's a master of creating things." said Danny.

Before they could cross it, the Eazairvian had appear in front of them. "Parker! Do you know where my son is?" said Natasha. "Easy there Natasha. I know that you all are worried about Zane but the kid's an Eazairvian just like me. I guess you don't know why Zane left for Terrarne." said Parker. "He had a reason for leaving us?" said Karen and Kristen. "He did. It was to help/stop Dyno's reign of terror in Terrarune." said Parker.

Arturo sighed as he said,"Dyno is causing trouble again? Fan freaking tastic.". "Do you mind telling the class who this Dyno guy is?" said Ray. "He is a former general of the first king of Terrarune Spiro Midnight. I decided to give Dyno control of the prison because I'm happy." said Arturo. "So let me get this straight. You gave your former enemy control of the prison? That sounds wrong to you guys too right?" said Kenny. "For once matchstick. I think we agree which is sad." said Corey. 

Kania said,"Anyway, can you open a portal to Terrarune to get there so we can help?". "We can't do that dear Kania." said a voice. A clock appeared and Savant stepped out. "Um. Why can't we and who are you?" said Simon. "My name is Savant Enoch Infinity, the master of space and time. I know all and well, the crisis in Terrarune is adverted and stopped thanks to Zero and the rebels. They did a good job." said Savant.

Cindy said,"So what about Zane then?". "He should be arriving in about ten minutes but not from the Zrouku. They're a super small species from the Centaurus Galaxy that are quite microscopic but they can be quite an annoyance to the once proud and deadly Mecagilsag." said Savant. A portal appeared in the air and they saw something drop down. "Zane? Is that you man?" said Ray. The something looked up and a voice said,"Yep!".

Zane ,in his Thermal Form, stood there and he said,"Man. It feels nice to not to be in Terrarune. It may be my second home but I....". His Crisis Judgement went off as he flew up into the air using the flames into the air as his friends landed on the ground with them covered in dust. "I guess your Crisis Judgement is still working well." said Luke. "Yeah. I guess it is never not active. I almost died like seven times but I made it out a okay." said Zane.

He floated there in the air using small plumes from his feet and he said,"Kristen! What are you doing here?!". "Karen and the others told me. So why did you leave for Terrarune?" said Kristen. "I thought the snot rocket here would tell you but I guess I had my hopes up. I went to help save Terrarune and I'll tell you back on Earth. See you there!" said Zane. He jetted off as Natasha said with a smile,"Welcome back Zane.".

Next time,
What happened in Terrarune? Was the last episode completely pointless? This and more next time on Zero!

Cinder's Words:
Mocoso=brat, punk.    
Cono de nieve=snow cone.

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