Friday, March 17, 2017

Zero Episode 15 The Start of Change

A/N: Okay. I'm not sure how I'm on a roll with this series. Compared to Soul and Power, I don't get mad at superheros. Soul is for more personal reason but Power is because the last arc of Fairy Tail is really pissing me off. I think this is just like how Bleach and Naruto felt when those series ended. I know that I mention that when you read a book or watch a show for over a year and if it has a bad ending. It wasted your time.

I think the first times that happened in book form was Nisekoi and Yankee-Kun to Megane-Chan. The first one was slowly going down hill I will admit but it had some good things being the secondary character's relationship being slow but good. The main relationship was awful because it was such a cocktease in my opinion. I don't like either main female lead or the male lead that much but I like Onodera slightly more but not by much. I hate that shit so much.

When you hyped something, it should live up to it and that is one of the problems that I have the last arc of Fairy Tail. My problem with the second manga that I mention is the ending. Now, I like the series up until the end because she went back to High School to meet up with him. I'm not an expert in Japanese school system but that is stupid. That was one of the reasons that I was worried about the ending to Yamada Kun but I was wrong and it felt good.

This Author Note is long but since I refuse to use Twitter and all of that stuff, I have to do it here. The last arc of Fairy Tail is awful. I don't hate Hiro Mashima at all because I really love his art style but I am not a fan of this arc. I know that I talked about this in Power but opinions changed. My biggest problem is the Spriggan 12 and spoilers. I think six of them are dead. God Serena ,who had EIGHT dragon lacrima inside of him, died by the hands of Acnologia by one swipe pissed me off.

We never saw his true potential when he was brought because we had to see Gildarts showing how strong he is. I wouldn't be so mad if they made Gildarts at least struggle. Wahl Icht died by the hands of Laxus and I'm okay with this. He showed off his power unlike "God" Serena who was hyped since the GMG Arc in 2012/2013. The next one is Bloodman who tried to kill Gajeel but the Demon died. I was okay this but he wasn't the one who tried this plan.

Eileen ,after seeing Erza destroyed her meteor which is still stupid, stabbed herself with a sword and she was out. That pissed me off but then, Acnologia came in and he finished her off. It felt so good and the next one who died was Larcade. Okay, I honestly thought that Mavis and Zeref was his father but then he was revealed to be a Demon that was created as the template for Natsu. I don't know how you get Natsu from Larcade but then August was revealed to be his son.

Okay, I know that I'm going in depth on this but how did that work. I mean Zeref has a curse that if he loves something, they died. I'm sure that Zeref would have love and then August pretty much killed himself to kill everyone in the area except for Zeref but he didn't go through it because he saw his mom aka Mavis. She didn't even know he existed and I really hate that Natsu is going to live because of friendship.

You killed off characters before so why not Natsu? I still think that Makarov is still alive and until I see his grave, I'm still under the thought that Hiro can't kill good guys but bad guys are fine. I'm also talking about actually seeing them died during the story and not due to time or saying that they died aka Belno and Jude. Both Good and Bad characters have died but during the story, it isn't that. I think Simon is the only one who died that was good.

I would count Future Lucy but I don't like her and time travel but I do accept it as one. He killed off August, Azuma, Brain/Zero, Crawford, Deliora, Doriate, Ezel, God Serena, Hades, Ikaruga, Ikusa Tsunagi, Irene, Keyes, Kyoka, Lacarde, Lapointe from the Key to the Starry Sky Arc which not very good like at all, Mard Geer Tartaros, Tempester, Wall Eehto, Zancrow, and Zoldeo, This is a good amount so lets compared to the good guys.

He killed off Bill aka that guy with the afro, Fingers an anime exclusive character, Gran Doma who was killed by Jackal's explosion, Igneel, Lahar, Org, Rob who was killed off during a flashback but I'm counting it since we saw his death, and Silver. Look at the difference. I think that too much killing to make your story edgy is bad writing and if you do that, more power to you but I won't do it to say the least.

I think that a death should be meaning full and it makes a character grow. Martha Wayne, Thomas Wayne, and Uncle Ben are perfect examples of this. It makes Batman and Spiderman grow and keep them alive wouldn't make them the people that they are. I know that I went overboard with this author note but sometimes, I just need to get things off my chest. Anyway, this episode may be long because of the fact of the long Author Note. Lets begin. Oh and Zane's Doom Buggy has eight seats with there being the driver, passenger, and two rows with three seats each and a rather big trunk. I totally forgot to mention it before.

Narrator P.O.V.
At the Alvarez's house, Natasha was currently make her son's favorite breakfast while in the living room, Arturo was reading a book with Edgar nearby him and Ray was on his phone. He heard the doorbell and he said,"I got it!". He opened the door and he saw Tara standing there. "Hey. So where is the old man?" said Ray. "He is currently working on his latest invention in his lab meaning that I need something to eat." said Tara. "Ah. Come on in" said Ray.

She walked in as she said,"Hey Arturo.". "Tara. It is always nice to see you. So what is your father up to?" said Arturo who paused his book. Edgar flew over to Tara and she pet the bird. "He is working on a invention to help his nephew and he wants to help the rest of team Power in fighting crime." said the girl. "Team Power?" said Ray. "Yeah. It consisted of me, you, Danny, Gwen, Karen, Rachel, and Zane. Like the name Ray?" said Tara. "You may want to bring by the others first." said Ray.

Tara looked around and she said,"Speaking of the others, where is my cousin?". "He is sleeping. He got in late last night. I think around 3 or 4 this morning." said Arturo. "Yeah. He was looking for this group of Midnight Men who robbed the computer store downtown. He finally found them and he had to go after Cinder who went on a crime spree and well, things got worse." said Ray. "Did he ask for help or what?" said Tara. "He did but it was too late." said Arturo.

Natasha said,"I feel really bad about this but Zane needs something in his stomach. Could you and Ray go wake him up?". "Sure thing Aunt Natasha. Lets go Ray." said Tara. "Sure." said Ray. The two went upstairs and Arturo said,"So why did you send those two together?". "Eddy may not want to see his daughter dating but those two are cute together right Edgar?" said Natasha. The bird shrugged his shoulders and Arturo said,"Yeah. I don't understand women and never will.".

The teens then reached the door and Tara knocked on the door. It opened up and Ray said,"Ladies first.". "And here I thought that chivalry was dead." said Tara. The two walked in and they saw the teen currently buried in blankets. "Wow. This place is actually really clean." said Ray. "Unlike you Ray, Zane doesn't like to live in filth." said Tara. "What are you two doing in my room?" said a half awake Zane.

Ray said,"Just came to inform you that it's time for breakfast and it's your favorite.". "Okay. I'll be done in a minute." said Zane. The two went back downstairs as Arturo sat at the table. "So did you get him awake?" said Natasha as she poured some scrambled eggs on her grandfather's plate. "Yeah but I feel like Zane is going to be tired." said Tara. She saw Kania nearby and Kania said,"I wish that my idiot of a master wouldn't stay out so late.".

Natasha placed some bacon and eggs in her bowl and Ray said,"You know that superheroes never get sleep right?". "I guess you have point there Ray." said Kania. "Most Zeroes have never gotten sleep in their careers." said Arturo. The group heard a thud coming from the living room and they heard Zane's voice,"I'm okay!". Zane walked into the kitchen and he said,"I guess Crisis Judgement isn't working today or it is too early.".

Natasha said,"Zane. Where you sliding down the stair railing?". "Maybe but you told me that I need to improve my balance. I have gotten better." said Zane. "Yes but I told you at least a thousand times now not to do it in the morning." said Natasha. "Yeah but Zane in the morning and without any food or sleep isn't the best at remembering things." said Ray. They finished off their breakfast and Arturo grabbed the plates with him washing them.

Ray watched Zane get ready for school by going upstairs to grab his bag as Tara stood at the bottom of the stairs. "Hey Ray. Can you give me a ride to school?" said Tara. "Sure." said Ray. The two left to the garage and Zane came back downstairs. "So do you mind if I take my car to pick up even more breakfast mom? I'm starving still" said Zane. "Yep. I am done with it due to Eddy finishing moving in his new place yesterday." said Natasha. Zane pet Kania goodbye as the dog went to watch some TV.

Zane got into his car and he thought,"Okay. I need to be ready for whatever those jerks do to me after my little stunt yesterday. I do hope my speech helped but I don't expect complete change over night. I just know that today is going to be a long day.". He started up his car as he opened the garage door. "I hope today isn't too bad but fate has something else in mind for me." said Zane. He drove off to pick some food and began his day.

Once Zane arrived at school and into the student parking lot nearby the gym which he destroyed and was forced to clean up after his prank, he was enjoying a large grape slushie and it was the partner of the barbecued and spicy chicken strips combo from his favorite restaurant Fantasia. He then entered the school and he went toward his locker. On his way, Zane noticed jocks stuffing some kid nearby. It was Austin and Brad with them laughing at his expense before leaving.

Zane sighed and he walked toward the locker. He placed his ear on the door as he said,"Don't worry. I will get you out of there before First Period.". He opened it and the student fell out like money from a slot machine. "Thanks Zane!" yelled the student. He ran off as Zane sighed. He was one of the jocks's favorite type of victims. Scared to fight back or ask for help. "I know for a fact that Brad's pranks will cause someone to cross that line." thought Zane.

He walked toward his first period class and he thought,"I can't believe that the teachers would let this happen just because our little city/town needs the football to be somebody but that's so totally bull. I just hope we don't have another Astrino on our hands.". He entered his first period which today, it was English. He noticed the looks since last time that he was here, he caused a scene. He waved to Rachel and she said,"You look terrible Zane. Long night?".

Zane said,"Midnight Men and Cinder in the same night plus some burglaries. It wasn't a good night whatsoever. It's a good thing that I told my mom about my powers. She at least understands and if my grades suffer a bit, she'll understand.". "Yes. My siblings are well..." said Rachel. 'They don't like me or Danny do they?" said Zane. "Yeah. They want me to be friends or date guys just like Brad or even worse Mack." said Rachel as she fake gagged.

Zane said,"Don't worry. You'll be fine.". The class started as they tried to listen to Lorene's lecture. It wasn't a surprise to see most of them daydreaming or sleeping. Lorene knew this and she kept going on with it for the ones that were. The bell rang meaning first period was over and most of them jump out of the chairs to get out of there. Zane rolled his eyes as he and Rachel left the room. They split off as they head toward their next classes as well.

It was lunch time and Zane noticed a giant mass of students heading there. He stepped to the side and he thought,"Okay. I'm happy that I had a large breakfast and those bars are helpful.". Thanks to his hyper senses, he smelled something. "Wait. Where's the meat?" said Zane. Danny walked up to him and he said,"You smelt it too right?". "Yeah. Do you know whats going on?" said Zane. "Yeah. You had Fantasia for breakfast didn't you?" said Danny.

Zane said,"Yep. Best second breakfast ever. Your super sniffer is good.". "Thanks man but I enjoy my green food as well. Kevin on the other hand can only eat the meat. Should we go grab some Fantasia for us and Karen?" said Danny. "Sure. I'm sure that Karen will like their salads. They make it with no meat whatsoever." said Zane. The two walked toward the parking lot and Danny said,"I wonder what is going on?". "Who knows but I'm hungry for some meat." said Zane.

Meanwhile inside the cafeteria, Karen sat with Gwen, Rachel, and Tara. "So where are Danny and Zane again?" said Gwen. "Getting something from Fantasia. I may be a vegan but this is too much. I still can't believe that Marcus actually convince the school board to go Ultra Vegetarian." said Karen as she looked at a giant banner with the words Veggie Week. "Yeah." said Tara. "Even after Zane's little speech, the rich still rule the school." said Rachel.

When Sam entered the cafeteria, she noticed the banner as she said,"I still can't believe that you did this Marcus.". A boy stood there. He has almost pale skin, brown hair, brown eyes, and a really lanky build. He wears a white t-shirt with the symbol for Peace, a brown jacket that totally smells just like the forest, blue jeans, and brown sandals. "Thank you so much Sam. I think it's time for a change." said Marcus. He walked in as Sam thought,"At least, the in crowd will have meat.".

While on the road, Danny and Zane were heading back to school. "So is that grass on a bun?" said Danny. "I think it's supposed to be healthy." said Zane. He parked in the parking lot and he heard,"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!". "Didn't need super hearing to know that the meat man Kevin isn't a fan of this. Heck, I'm on Kevin's side." said Zane. "Really? I mean you hate Kevin." said Danny. The two got out with them each holding a bag of food and a large slushie.

Zane said,"Yeah but I hate Marcus more. He could just had a salad bar install but nope, he is the most self-centered and spoiled brat in Cypress Park.". "So do you think our classmates can eat veggies for an entire week? Karen may like it but she also likes fruit too." said Danny. "Marcus thinks that we should be just like him but humans are omnivores and trust me, I think most people like meat more than grass on a bun." said Zane.

Danny said,"I bet Marcus would say,"You are so wrong Zit Head.".". "Yeah and nothing gets through that thick head of his but he should have inform the students before hand." said Zane. "Right. He will say that it isn't his fault but this problem is just causing more trouble." said Danny. The two continued to eat before they went inside of the school. They found their friends and they said,"So how long has Kevin being crying?". "A while." said the girls.

Inside of the kitchen, a small portal appeared in front of the ovens. The lunch ladies in there were out of the cafeteria enjoying a couple of burgers. Something floated out of it and she looked to fit in with the rest but not by much. She looked to be like the Food Baron with her wearing a queen crown. She wears a gold dress, a white kitchen apron, light blue gloves that go half way up her arms, a pair of black mary jane shoes, and a hairnet over her chin length white hair.

She has light red skin, glowing orange eyes, and the skin around her face had some very defined wrinkles. This is the Food Queen, the Phantom of food. She sniffed the air and she looked around the room. She glared at the lunch menu that had all sorts of veggie themed meals and she glared at it with rage that filled her body. As her rage grew, the students outside had no idea about the danger that they were in.

Zane and his friends were enjoying lunch before someone took a seat in front of the group. It didn't super powers to figure out that it was Kevin and boy, he wasn't very happy. He glared at Karen with Zane sighing. "Can I help you?" said Karen. "Yes you can. Why did YOU force us all into eating this crap?" said Kevin. "She didn't do this Kevin. Beside, it's only broccoli, peas, spinach, tomatoes, and other veggies. It won't kill you." said Rachel.

Kevin said,"No. This is shit that you feed to cows. You have no right to take meat away from me!". "I think the school should encourage eating better but this is too far and you're not helping Kevin so calm down." said Zane. "Calm down?" said Kevin. He turned to face Zane and he said,"For fifteen years, I haven't touch a single veggie and I'm not going to start now.". "You can skip one meal then or bring your meat if you want it so much." said Danny.

Tara said,"They're right. It isn't that big of a deal. You're making a big deal our of nothing.". Kevin was about to hit her but one glare from Zane had stopped him. "All of you are idiots. She can't change things just because she doesn't like the ways things are. Mark my words, I will get the real food and throw this shit out." said Kevin. He walked away as Zane said,"I really hate him now.". "Yeah. Who would make a big deal of a little menu change?" said Gwen.

The group heard,"ALVAREZ!". "I hate my luck sometimes you guys." said Zane. The group watched along with the student body saw Brad with rest of the football teal walked toward him. "What is it now Bradley? Run out of nerds to shove into lockers?" said Zane. "I have a bone to pick with you Zit Head. I ordered a Steak and you know what I got?" said Brad. "I'm going to say that you got a salad but I could be wrong. Peanuts could be good too." said Zane.

He was lifted into the air and Brad said,"A dam salad! I don't need this cow shit, I need protein aka MEAT!". Danny was about to punch Brad but Gwen stopped him. "These years are the best of my life! After this, my life is over! How am I supposed to do that eating this shit!" yelled Brad. He then slammed Zane into the table and he said,"Eat this!". Brad was about to punch Zane and Zane was going to dodge it but his Crisis Judgement went off.

He looked over to the kitchen and he saw the Food Queen. "Time to make a scene." said Zane. He then grabbed a nearby salad and he said,"It's time for a Veggie Rumble!". He threw the plate at Brad and it hit straight on. The others joined in and Marcus said from behind a table,"You shouldn't fight with....". He was punched by Zane and he said,"That felt good.". He went over to his friends and his cousin said,"So why did you do that?".

Zane said,"A Phantom. She seems to be here and I need you guys to be ready.". "We got it. So what is the game plan?" said Danny. "Me and Danny are going to check her out. Ladies, do you mind making sure that the place doesn't blow up?" said Zane. "You got it. Team Power." said Tara. "We really need a better name." said Karen. "I like it. It's simple but classic." said Rachel. The two boys sneaked away from the cafeteria with Zane turned around to see Brad angry.

Brad yelled,"Zane! You're dead meat after this!". "Yep. I wasn't the one to change the menu and he blames me for it!" said Zane. They entered the kitchen and hid behind a wall. They looked out from it to see the Food Queen who is getting very angry by the second. "This should be easy man. She looks harmless and dainty." said Danny. "Don't judge a book by its cover man." said Zane. The woman then noticed the teens and she flew up to them.

FQ said,"Excuse me gentlemen. Could you two help me? Today, we were going to have meat but I can't find it. Did someone change the menu or what?". Danny looked right at his best friend who mouthed,"I got this.". "The person who changed the menu isn't one but two." said Zane. "What do you mean by that dearie?" said FQ. "Well, you like meat right?" said Danny. "I do but I also think that all should eat bread, fruit/veggies, and meat." said FQ.

Zane said,"Well one boy wanted all meat gone to eat veggies.". "While another one wanted all meat which is not good right?" said Danny. "Well, I need to get them for it!" said FQ. She was about to attack them but Zane stopped her. "Easy. I can't have you hurting innocent lives for their crimes. I have a plan." said Zane. Danny watched as Zane talked to her. "Man. I totally think in a alternative universe, Kevin would have ratted out Karen and well, that would be bad." thought Danny.

Zane activate his suit as Danny followed with his costume. "So are you boys ready to go?" said the woman. "Yep and make it good." said Zane. The woman floated out of the kitchen and Danny said,"I really like this side of you man.". Meanwhile, the teachers had stopped the food fight. "Alright. Who caused this little fight here?" said Stan. "It was Zit!" yelled the A-Listers. "Way to throw him under the bus but it was Bradley who caused it." said Rachel.

Karen nodded as Kevin spoke it. "No! It was that blond bitch! She is the one who changed the menu from glorious and amazing to crap!" yelled Kevin. "No. It was you and you'll pay for messing with the balance." said a voice. Tara looked as the Phantom gloated them and she said,"Time for you to clean up your acts!". Several dishes flew from the kitchen and she threw them at the students. This caused most of them to run away. "Is this Zane's idea?" said Gwen. "Yeah." said the girls.

The queen grabbed both Kevin and Marcus with her saying,"Why did you two change the menu boys?!". "I think Meat is awful and we all should be eating from Mother Nature plus not eat any of her creatures." said Marcus. "No! We ain't animals! We are the top dogs so we should eat like kings and that is meat!" said Kevin. "You two are blind. Humans need both meat and veggies to be the best that we can be." said a voice.

The three turned around to see Zane standing there with his Phantom Half activate and it had a blue tint. "Zero! Help us and defeat this Bitch!" said Kevin. "Nah. I have a better idea than that." said Zane. He kicked both boys away from the Phantom and he said,"Sorry about all of this.". "It's fine but come and visit me more often. You could use some more time back in Terrarune. I think it would be a good thing." said FQ.

Zane said,"I'll keep that in mind Florence. You should get out of here.". She was gone as Marcus ran up to the hero. "What was that?! We were the victims and you left her get away!" said Marcus. "I don't care. You two caused her anger and be lucky that I stopped her before you made things any worse children." said Zane. He crossed his arm as Kevin rushed toward Zane with a metal tray but his attack was stopped by Danny. "You too!" said Kevin.

Danny said,"I think we should take them away from here before anything else happens Zero.". "Yeah Morph." said Zane. The two heroes grabbed them and they flew off a safe distance away. "You two are idiots. We were lucky that the Food Queen was a peaceful Phantom." said Zane. "Excuse me heroes? You two are the idiots here because you stopped the wrong person." said Marcus. "You two are idiots." said Danny. "You two are idiots!" yelled the duo.

Kevin yelled,"This is your fault not that blonde bitch!". "Mine?!" yelled Marcus. "I got to agree with Kevin. You changed the menu without telling anyone about this and you expected everyone to be on board with this but at the same time, Kevin isn't accepting to change." said Danny. "You're blaming me for trying to promote better health in our school? What's wrong with you?" said Marcus. The two kept arguing like children. Zane sighed.

Danny looked at Zane as he said,"Hey. What do you think we should do?". "I don't know. They're both stubborn as hell. They also believe that they're right and won't accept change. I think we should knock them out and handle this problem head on at the source." said Zane. "Gotcha man. Dibs on the nerd." said Danny. "Fine. I wanted to punch veggie boy." said Zane. The two punched them and they flew off with them knocked out.

The two boys reunited with the girls as they waited in the principal's office. "So what are we going to do?" said Karen. "From what you told us, both Marcus and Kevin won't stop until they get what they want." said Gwen. "Yeah. They may do a protest and I'm not a fan of pointless protests. Kevin may do something like meat world or something." said Tara. "That sounds totally good but we can't forget about Marcus. He would be the opposite." said Zane.

Danny said,"Yeah. I bet it would be a mini Lollapalooza pr something along those lines.". "So if that happened, how would we stop it." said Rachel. "Using words instead fists." said Zane. "You may be seen." said the secretary. The six waked in as Stan said,"So? What are we going to do about Kevin and Marcus?". "You don't blame us? That's a surprise." said Tara. "She is new here and doesn't know that ten times out of ten, you would be on our side Stan." said Zane.

Stan sighed and he said,"Why can't I have normal problems? Instead, I have to deal with spoiled rich kid and their parents.". "You do know that you work at a school that housed several rich kids right Mr. Underwood?" said Danny. "I know but sometimes." said Stan. "We have an idea." said Karen. "I am open to any suggestions." said Stan. Zane talked to the man and Rachel said,"I'm just happy that he is on our side.". "Yeah. He would be a good villain." said Tara.

The next day, Zane and his group were right as both Kevin and Marcus had two protests. They were about to start a brawl but they were stopped by Danny, Gwen, Karen, Rachel, Ray, and Tara. Zane was currently missing. "I still can't believe that you two sets protests under twenty four hours! It is insane." said Stan. "I think crazy and stupid." said Ray. "We are meat eaters Mr. Underwood! Our  diets give us the energy to give things done fast." said Kevin.

Marcus countered with,"Yeah but vegetarians are better! Since we don't have to waste time cooking it, we can move faster.". "You guys have to stop or else." said Danny and Ray. "Or else what?" said the two in unison. "I will be the one to stop both of you in your tracks." said a voice. Zane as Zero appeared from the ground and he was currently in his Phantom Half. "You wouldn't hurt us because you're a good guy." said Kevin. "Yeah." said Marcus. "Whoever said that lied." said Zane.

As he said that, A card appear in his chest armor. It had a black frame with a blizzard going through the card and an insect like creature standing there. Zane's body was covered in ice and it looked like a cocoon with the ice breaking revealing a different creature entirely. He looked to a humanoid bug like creature with four navy blue wings and antennas out of his head. His black body isn't strong with him having cyan blue patches on his arms, back of the wings, chest, legs, and the sides of his neck.

They looked like ice cubes and they had a thick red outline. A black line runs on the edge out of the outer margin on the back of each wing much like butterfly's wings. His torso is covered in six plates much like body armor with two large pieces over his chest and four smaller one but more angled plates were over his stomach. On the right chest plate, he has a gold Z-shaped marking on it much like a logo. He looked to be six feet tall with his wings giving him four inches.

His face has rosy red cheeks and his mouth is always open with him breathing heavily. Frost came out of his mouth and he has snow white teeth. His eyes are large and red with him having dark blue skin. He has five pointed fingers with no thumbs with his feet looking the same as it did before. His wings wrapped around his body like a hoodie and he looked serious. "Frost Form! Listen. I may not be a violent man because I like to chill out." said Zane in a chilling voice.

He took a deep breath and he created two walls of ice blocking both sides except for their leaders. "I will stop this here and now. You two are going to agree with me or else." said Zane. He pointed to the ice and he said,"I freeze both your precious meat and veggies in ice and trust me, you won't be getting them unless you can make things really hot.". "No!" said the two. Zane sighed and he took a deep breath.

The two were frozen as Zane said,"I tried. I really did.". He floated toward the group and he said,"I am sorry about your school sir. I can get rid of the ice easily.". "No. You tried your best. What can we do to convince stubborn fools like them?" said Stan. "Let them have their way is what I would like to say but I hate to spoil rich kids. I'll break them out and force them using their hatred against them." said Zane.

He held the two ice cubes as Danny said,"So are we good?". "No. I think having a salad bar and a meat stand would be the second best option. I've always been a fan for cold things." said Zane with an eerie smile. He flew off as Karen whispered,"I hope this works.". "It will." said Tara. "So what is Zero going to do?" said Stan. "Honestly teach, I don't know what goes through his head." said Rachel. Zane smiled as the people in the ice cubes were scared.

Next time,
A Dance comes up and Zane isn't looking forward to it at all due to the emotions of a reptile. This and more next time on Zero!

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