Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Zero Episode 9 Handling a Pest and a Victim

A/N: To be honest with you all, I don't know how I am going so fast. I just feel fast. I have been editing some ideas that I had for the story ,which explains the lack of control for most of last month huh, so I'm shocked to see that I still have energy to write to begin with. I guess I'm better than I thought or really fired up. It is mostly likely the later of the two knowing me but who knows. Lets begin with Zane. There is a character with the same character in Soul but they are complete different like by a lot.

Zane P.O.V.
After cleaning up Kevin's mess at the farm, I flew back to town and I helped cleaned up Isis's little show. It was no shock that she was out of control and granting wishes at her joy. I figure this out due to my Phantom Half. I finished cleaning up and after getting thanks, I went to go find out what was going on. My eyes turned from white to yellow and I was able to see through objects plus I can track something by either Magic Aura for Phantoms and Sorcerers or Heat Signatures for humans.

I was able to see everything from at least ten miles around him but if I fully used my powers, I could be able to see everything and everyone in the entire area. The city and the area were covered with her Magic Aura plus Kevin but mainly Isis. My ability to hear things increased plus smell so if you asked me how good I can hear, I can hear the beating of a hummingbird's wings and I could smell things. I flew off to grab eggs for dinner since my mom scares me at times.

The next day, things were going on and I had a feeling that I knew who was doing this. Thanks to a water fountain, Roxy was soaked and well, the boys were happy about that. During lunch, the testing vegan menu just happened to disappear and some trash were dumped on all of the A-listers that were in the cafeteria. I couldn't deny that I like seeing Brad and Hannah suffer a bit but Kristen and Susan were another story.

Danny later told me that one of the walls to the girls's locker room was gone showing the girls who in the middle of a shower and well, it was so lucky that that only a couple of boys were there plus the girls didn't see them there. Me and my friends easily figured out that Kevin was being reckless with his super powers instead of using them with responsibility, he was being really childish. I decided to handle the problem head on and I went to go find Kevin.

He just happened to not show up today so I think he is having a joyride. Thanks to my powers, I got his location and he was in the third floor science lab. His most recent prank is causing paint to get on Hannah and Vicky's new outfit which in turn causing me to get real mad. I opened the door and I said with anger,"So Kevin, do you like being hated by everyone in school?". Kevin popped out from his hiding spot and he said,"What are you talking about?".

I said,"You got super powers. All of these pranks plus you being absent makes you the prime suspect for you getting powers. You're acting like a brat Kevin.". "You're right about me having powers and I am loving it so shut up." said Kevin. "Not everyone suddenly out of nowhere gets super powers. You are acting like a child so grow the hell up." I said with my temper rising. "Yeah but maybe, the gods think  should have powers instead of you." said Kevin.

I sighed and I said,"You have no right to have powers.". I didn't expect to be grabbed by Kevin and I slammed into the wall with some glass breaking around us. His right hand was around my neck and I couldn't breathe. His eyes glowing red and he yelled,"You're not the boss of me Zane! Don't talk down to me! I'm a god and you're nothing but a bitch so leave me alone!". He threw me into some desks and he flew off. "God dam it. This is pissing me off." I said. 

After school, I was heading toward the park. Gwen was looking over Danny in the nurse's office and it was thanks to Kevin. Kevin took over Danny's body and he made him do something that my best friend would never do and well, his social life was almost ruined. God dam it. This is really pissing me off. I could ask Tawanna for help but here's the problem. She wished for a trip to the Bahamas and well, she is long gone. I'm so screwed.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane sat on a bench in front of the water fountain and it looked beautiful. His phone rang and he saw that it was Karen. He answered it and he said,"Hey Karen. Did you hear what happened?". "Yeah. So how is Rachel doing?" said Karen. "Well, she is coughing and sneezing more. I think her money is actually making her cold worse." said Zane. "So what are you going to do about Kevin? He is being rather childish." said Karen.

Zane pinched his nose and he said,"Honestly Karen, I have no idea. He attacked me even with my Crisis Judgement.". "You'll figure something out Zane but don't do something that you'll regret." said Karen. "Thanks Karen. Do you have an ideas? I'm up to suggestions." said Zane. "Did you ask your teachers or your family?" said Karen. "Eon says that a Zero should be able to handle it, my mom has no idea, and grandpa usually comes to me since he refuses to use a phone." said Zane.

Karen said,"Well, I believe in you Zane.". "Thanks. You've always been a good friend." said Zane. "It is no problem. So are you going to be fine?" said Karen. "Yeah. I'll call you later and you're going far in the science business." said Zane. Karen hanged up and Zane said,"Okay. What should I do about Kevin? I think his Phantom powers are corrupting him.". "Is that a wish Zane?" said a voice behind Zane which activate Zane's Crisis Judgement.

He turned around and he saw a very attractive Arabian woman standing there. She had long black hair covering her right eyes with them being red. She wears a light purple tube top with blue hip hugging jeans and ruby red platform heels. "Is something wrong Zane?" said the woman. "Who are you and how do you know my name?" said Zane. "You forgot me JV? Why did you forget me? Do you know remember me? Isis." said Isis.

Zane said,"You're a Cross-Species?". "No child. I'm a Phantom but I have the ability to transform in a human form. I'm able to grant any kind of wishes." said Isis. "Any wish? I could wish back the dead, to become a god, and unlimited wishes." said Zane. "Correct Zero." said Isis. "So can you tell me why you gave Kevin powers? You should know that he is acting like a child right now and a major D." said Zane who clenched his fist.

Isis said,"I'm the one who grants wishes nothing more. What the person does with the wish is up to them.". "You make a good point so can ...." said Zane. He didn't have a chance to answer because of a woman walking toward the water fountain. She was wearing something from a fast food place and she pulled out a quarter from her purse. She aimed it toward the fountain and she said,"I wish that I could have my dream.".

Isis said,"It is my command!". Zane saw her left hand move with blue mist surrounded the woman and several dollar bills appeared. "Okay. I guess she wanted to be rich. If I work at a place where you smell like grease, I would want the same thing. Did you?" said Zane. "Do you think making all of that appear from thin air is easy? I just borrow the cash from several humans in town plus to them, it will be like losing nothing. That isn't it." said Isis.

Zane said,"What are you?". "JV. You should remember that I love to play tricks on people but I guess you don't." said Isis. The money begin to form into a humanoid lion with a massive mane of money. Zane looked at Isis and she said,"What? She always wanted a pet lion in her dream. So what are you going to do about it hero boy?". The lion was about to swipe at the woman but the boy pushed her out of the way.

However, Zane was slammed into the tree. "JV!" yelled Isis. The woman ran way as Zane stood back up. "Okay. I get why you would run away but leaving me to fight a lion made out of money. Time to de claw this kitten. Power Up!" said Zane. Isis watched as the boy disappeared and he reappeared as he taunted the cat toward him. "Wow. Good job JV." said Isis. Zane dodged the lion and he said,"So how do you get rid of Kevin's powers?".

Isis said,"I'll tell you if you defeat the Salary Lion but I'll get you a hint. You have till midnight tonight before his powers are permanent.". "Well, that is better than nothing." said Zane. He dodge the lion and Isis said,"You should be careful JV. Envy and Greed increase his power and maybe make the process go faster with him losing his mortal body.". She was about to disappeared and Zane said,"I wish you stayed here and watch the fight!".

She stood there and Zane said,"Okay. You're really getting on my nerves.". He sidestepped to the left of the beast and he jumped kick the lion back. "Need a hand Z man?" said a voice. Zane saw the rider from the other day mainly his helmet standing in the shadows and Zane said,"You need to get out of here! It's too dangerous!". The lion then roared as it made a son. The child rushed to the motorcycle rider and the rider said,"Don't worry. This is easy.".

He took off his brown riding gloves and he touched the nearby bench. His skin turned into stone and he said,"Have this!". His right fist launched toward the cat and it turned a anvil causing the younger lion to slamming into the bigger one. "Who are you?" said Zane. "Seriously? You forgot me? I'm hurt. We are best friends." said the rider. He took off his helmet and Zane said,"Ray? What are you doing here?".

He is a tall and muscular teen. He looked to be slightly taller than Zane with his chest being the main factor. He has wavy black hair with his bangs mostly hanging over both of his eyes. Zane noticed his eyes which were green were brighter than the last time plus the black markings were gone. He has a piercing in his right eyebrow, one in his nose, two on his right ear, and one on his left ear. He had a spiked dog collar around his neck.

He wears a tight black t-shirt with the symbol of a motorcycle wheel on it with him wearing a navy blue long sleeve under it. He was wearing blue jeans and black motorcycle boots. He wears a padlock from a bike or something around his neck with the initial RG on the front of it. His right cheek has an x shaped scar. His face was stone. "I can't come back to town to see you bro? You sure changed man for the better." said Ray. He tussled his hair and Zane backed up.

Zane said,"Okay. We can talk like old times after we handled them.". Ray looked up to see the lions getting ready to pounce and he smiled, "Just like the old days right?" said Ray. "Yeah. We just had to fight my mom's drones back then." said Zane. "How about Maneuver 87?" said Ray. "That sounds like a plan my man." said Zane. The two rushed toward the lion and Zane said,"Dragon Blaster Lance!". A black magic circle appeared and a steel gray energy beam from it.

It launched the lions into the air and Ray jumped into the air. His right hand grew giant and he punched them into the ground. The bigger lion was about to attack Ray with its claw but it was stopped by Zane who threw the cub into its father. The two roared in back and Ray kicked them into the trees with them roaring at them. "Dude. I think we made him mad." said Ray. "Yeah. I think we need to end this." said Zane.

Ray said,"Maneuver 10.". "Correct." said Zane. The two rushed toward them and with the big lion about to swipe its right arm downwards when Ray got closer. He however held its paw with ease and Ray said,"Man. I never thought that money would smell bad.". "This money is from the spoiled brats of Cypress High man. Get a load of this!" said Zane. He jumped into the air and he said,"Phantom Half!".

Zane turned into that form with his aura having a tint of steel gray. "Time for you to awakening you dam lions!" said Zane. Ray backed up as a giant steel gray hammer hit the lions causing the area to break only slightly. The lions were gone and Ray said,"Dude. I have several questions.". "Trust me, I've been doing this for a month and by the way, I'm still lost. So what are you doing here? I wish you to come to my side Isis." said Zane who crossed his arms.

Isis teleported to his side and Ray said,"Okay. I decided to come back because someone asked me to help you with her.". "I've only been out for a few days!" said Isis. "Not you sweetheart but things like those money lions. He is an old friend of your mom and you did pretty good." said Ray. "He is right. You and your servant did well." said Isis. "I ain't no servant. So what else is going on? You seemed worried." said Ray.

Ten minutes later, Ray said,"So your "friend" got powers that would belong to you or Isis here due to her granting his wish and we have till midnight tonight to remove them.". Zane ,who was went back to normal but he was still in his costume, said,"Yeah. We don't have much time since Kevin has many no several issues with him being more emotional than a girl on her cycle and this includes both envy and greed.".

Ray said,"You're not going to question the we part?". "Meh. If I have more help, I'll get to finish up a patrol and actually get some sleep." said Zane. "So did you two wish for me to find your friend with a wish?" said Isis. "No. We have two places. Kevin may be smart but his grades are shit due to him not doing his homework. We could also say that he could be at the mall where Roxy is currently out shopping." said Zane.

Ray said,"Okay. We should split up. You and Isis here should go to the mall while I go over to the school.". "You know where the school is?" said Zane. "Dude. I have GPS." said Ray. Zane slapped his head and Isis said,"Yeah. JV may have been smart but boy, you could make mistakes.". "Be quiet you." said Zane. "Whatever man. Isis, can you teleport me to the school?" said Ray. "It is my command!" said Isis.

Ray was gone and Isis said,"So who is this Roxy girl? Is she attractive?". "I guess. She is one of the A-Listers, about an average height for a girl, an hour glass figure, around my age but younger than me, big breasted, a slightly bigger than normal ass, medium sized platinum blonde hair, and a Grade A Bitch but she can be nice to those who she likes." said Zane who stretched his arms. "Are you serious Zane? You're also quite descriptive." said Isis.

Zane said,"And bingo was his name-o. Kevin told me once that he would want to get with her. I don't want Kevin to do something bad.". "Do you care about him?" said Isis. Zane floated in the air and he said,"Well, it is complicated. Try and catch me.". Zane flew off as Isis thought,"It seems that Zane or JV is different from before. Should I tell those two about him? I mean those two don't know about JV being well alive." She flew after Zane.

Ray then reappeared in Cypress High and he said,"Okay. Where are you?". He walked around the building and he said,"According to Z, Kevin would want to change his grades.". He stopped in front of a door that said School Records and he looked at a nearby clock. It was 5:45 P.M and he said,"It was too easy.". He pulled out a paper clip and he opened the door slowly. He saw Kevin typing on a computer and he was changing his grades to A.

Ray said,"Bro. You're actually changing your grades? That's cheating!". Kevin turned around in his chair and he said,"I like to think that it is "Academic Enrichment." Want me to change your grades too?". "No way, You're in real trouble." said Ray. He moved his hand out toward Kevin who went back and begin to grow. His body turned and was glowing red with his eyes glowing green. Ray put up his hands and he said,"Take a deep breath. I'm your friend.".

Kevin said,"Screw you! You must be friends with that douche Zane! I make the rules of Cypress High and my first rule is the death of Zane Alvarez!". He took in a deep breath and he blows out a strong light blue breath which knocked Ray into the hallway. He saw that he was still flying and one thought went through his head. "Okay. Sorry about this Z man but I'm going to hurt your friend. I'm getting mad." thought Kevin.

He landed against the locker and he slowly got back up. Kevin grabbed Ray and he said,"I'm going to take you for a ride of pain!". He then dragged Ray along the lockers and he threw him into a classroom. Ray crashed into the wall and something hit Kevin. "Okay. I think he is getting more like a Phantom which means he's acting like a spoiled as hell brat. Time to teach him a lesson." said Ray as he got back up.

Kevin stood there and Ray said,"Kev! Yo have to listen to me! You don't have much time left before you lose your humanity!". "Yeah. I'm going to become a god!" said Kevin. He fired an blue Nether beam out of his hands which Ray jumped out of the way. "Stay still!" yelled Kevin. He kept firing beams and Ray went behind him. He pulled his hood over his head and he jumped back as Kevin try to hit him but failed.

Ray touched the steel border of the board and his body turned to steel. He punched Kevin back and he went into the wall. Kevin ripped off his hoodie and Ray said,"Is that the best that you got?". "You are dead!" yelled Kevin. He fired a giant beam which Ray dodged. He kept dodging them and Ray thought,"Okay. He is long gone. I need to get him out cold so I can open him to take out the Phantom inside of him plus I want to make him suffer a bit.".

He stood next to the door and he said,"So long sucker!". He ran off as Kevin roared. "Get back here now!" yelled Kevin. Ray ran toward the pool and he saw that it was full. "Okay. I need to get Kevin distracted." said Ray. He ran off as Kevin appeared in the room. "Where are you?!" yelled Kevin. It took for a second for Kevin to get distracted and head into the girls locker room. Ray ,who was using his powers to hide, thought,"Pervert.".

Later, Kevin stood there with a pervert smile and he said,"Okay. I think I need to find that guy and kick his ass.". He was grabbed by Ray ,whose body was steel, and he threw Kevin into the pool. The boy saw Ray running toward him and he yelled,"Cannonball!". Ray slammed into Kevin and the two sunk into the water. "LET ME GO!" yelled Kevin. During the fall, Kevin was begin to change once again.

He had a more buff figure with pointed ears like an elf, and his teeth were very much like a shark. He has long claws that were at least six inches longer. "TIME FOR YOU TO DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!" roared Kevin. Ray was slashed by Kevin but Ray kept going. They landed on the ground and Ray create a violet buzz saw from his right arm.

He cut open Kevin with him roaring out. Ray saw the Phantom version of Kevin standing there as the human Kevin floating back up. "Okay. I need to take care of the goblin and wake Kevin up. Lets go!" thought Ray. His left hand turned into a hammer with the Phantom catching it. "YOU WILL DIE ANNOYING PEST! SOON, I WILL KILL ZERO AND BECOME WHAT I ALWAYS WANT TO BE! A GOD!" yelled the Phantom.

Ray stood there and he thought,"Sorry but you reminded me of him or myself in the past. I need to stop you now!". He created a psychic katana and he sliced the Phantom straight on. It screamed and it disappeared. "Go back to Terrarune." thought Ray. He swam back up and he saw that Kevin was still out cold. He got Kevin out of the pool and Ray thought,"Is the real Kevin?". He disappeared and the pierced teen said,"Well, I'm wet. I better go find Zane.". He ran back to the park to get his bike.

Earlier at the Cypress High mall, the real Kevin stood there. He was invisible and he thought,"This is what I wanted. Perfect A+ Grades and the hottest girl in school around my arms. I currently have my double getting my grade so I need to get my hottest girl. You're mine Roxy Stars.". He was currently watching over Roxy who had her friends around her. They are consisting of Austin, Brad, Bryan, Hannah, Kristen, Sarah, and Vicky.

He would normally stay away from any girl if Brad and the rest of the jocks were near but since he had power, they were going to be under his rule. He walked toward Roxy like he was the greatest thing on Earth but Austin and Bryan blocked his path. Brad stood in front of Kevin with a smile. "So where do you think you're going?" said Brad. His friends surround him and Kevin said,"Step outside Bradley or else. I'm here to sweep Roxy off her feet.".

Brad held in the air and he said,"There's no way in hell that I'm letting a loser like you talk to a girl like Roxy.". "Let me down now." growled Kevin as his eyes turned red. "Or what? You're going to kick my ass or something." said Brad with Austin and Bryan laughing. He was suddenly punched across the mall with Kevin stood there. He formed into the same form that Ray was facing in the pool earlier. The group soon figured out that this wasn't the normal Kevin.

Kevin said in a deep tone,"Are you going to be like your friend idiots?". The two ran away and they weren't the only ones. The nearby crowd joined them as Kevin noticed that Roxy with Hannah and Kristen were running away. His Phantom half told him to grab them, claim them, and assault the girls for himself. He flew in the air and was heading toward them. Before reaching them, he was hit by a giant steel gray bull that came at a high speed.

He crashed into a bench and it broke into several pieces before he got back up to see Zane standing there with Isis ,in her ghost form and invisible, behind him. "Listen Kevin. You are really acting like a spoiled brat so stop this now or I'm going to have use force on you." said Zane. "You! Why are you stopping God?! You will die for your insolent human!" yelled Kevin. He then flew toward him and Zane jumped over him. "I beat you before Kevin and I can do it again!" said Zane.

He grabbed Kevin and he threw him away. He fired a beam of Steel Gray Nether at him causing a small explosion. Kevin roared and Zane said,"Bring it.".  Kevin charged toward Zane with Zane getting hit by the clawed hand. Zane however kicked Kevin in the side. He went toward the wall and Zane had two giant steel gray Nether gauntlets. He punched Kevin hard and then he kicked him in the ribs. "You are a hero! I thought you fought fair!" yelled Kevin.

Zane said,"Sorry Kevin but you hurt me, innocent people, and my friends so you deserve my full anger. I'm here to stop you and if that means not fighting fair, I don't really care.". He grabbed Kevin and he threw him up. "You always wanted power Kevin so I wish you got it!" said Zane. "It is my command!" said Isis. Several wires flew toward Kevin and he got a huge shock. Everyone had either left the mall or hid in one of the stores so they could be safe and watch Zane kick but.

Zane created a steel gray nether katana with him throwing it at Kevin who was still recovering from his shock. Zane flew toward him and he uppercut Kevin toward the ceiling with Kevin breaking through it. Zane flew after him and he saw that Kevin was trying to get up. "Gods dam it. I forgot that he can be so dam stubborn when he wants something. I need to protect Roxy and make sure that Danny plus the others hurt in his "pranks" get some payback." thought Zane.

Zane's left hand began to glow steel gray with him saying,"Time to stop this!". He chopped Kevin as his Phantom Half flew out. Kevin was confused and he collapsed on the roof. The Phantom went toward Zane with Zane charging energy in his right hand. He was about to hit Zane but Zane punched him with Zane said,"And this is for hurting my best friend!". The Phantom disappeared with the hero smiling.

Zane thought,"Okay. I only have about twenty one percent left.". He turned to face Kevin and he said,"You're a disgrace.". "What the hell?! I had POWER! You're evil!" yelled Kevin. He punched Zane with the hero not feeling it. "You had a chance to save a life during our joy ride yesterday but you didn't. You instead used your powers for evil means. That's not good." said Zane. "Oh. You have power but you never used to get back at people and get what you want!" yelled Kevin.

Zane said,"You're still under the side effects. You're more anger. You changed your grades so that you would get respected. You're jealous of Zane aren't you?". "How do you know him?" said Kevin. "As the protector of Cypress Park, I need to learn the name of everyone here and town." said Zane. "That sounded so cool!" thought Zane. "Yeah. He has friends and he has a possible chance with Kristen! He is what I wanted to be!" said Kevin.

Zane said,"Hurting Brad and taking a woman isn't something he would do. You're going to be in a lot of trouble for all of this. Your peers and parents will be the most ashamed of you and trust me, you caused your only friend to hate your guts.". "I'm sorry." said Kevin. "No. I'm not the smartest guy in town but you're lying." said Zane. 'I can change!" said Kevin. "No. You can't. Good bye." said Zane as he flew off. Isis smiled as she disappeared.

Zane landed in front of his house and he saw Ray on his bike. "So how did it go?" said Ray. "I won." said Zane. "You don't sound happy about that." said Ray. Zane soon turned back to normal and he said,"Ray, I was going to kill him for what he did. A hero doesn't kill so what does that make me? So what am I?". "Well, you were pushed to the limit Zane and even the best snap." said Ray. "You may be right. Lets go inside." said Zane. The two walked inside as the tyranny of Kevin Wallace ended.

Next time,
The aftermath of Kevin's childish pranks, This and more next time on Zero!

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