Monday, March 13, 2017

Zane Episode 12 Worse Puberty Ever

A/N: Welcome to Episode 12. I know that I promised more action in this arc and I think this arc will be up till Episode 13 or 14. I'm not exactly sure about that because I am only human and I can't see into the future. I wish that I could because I would use it to win the lottery. That may sound greedy as all life but sometimes, you have to be greedy. I would spend most of it on me. Hey, you sometimes to be honest. Lets begin with Zane's P.O.V.

Zane P.O.V.
I woke up today feeling sick. It had been a day since arriving in the Empire City and I guess that I was feeling the after effects of flying. It was awful so I dragged myself to my personal bathroom. I may hate being rich but I do enjoy having my own bathroom compared to sharing a bathroom with Arturo and Ray. Arturo may be my friend and Ray may be my best friend but for some reason, I can't handle their bathroom habits for some reason.

For dinner, I had a low fat and sodium meal which was okay plus a lot of water to drink. I kept open my bedroom window open all night and I had the room cold like I was in a freezer. I got out of my bathroom and I heard,"Young Master Zane. Your friends Mistress Karen, Mistress Kristen, and Mistress Rachel are waiting for you downstairs.". "Um. I'll be down there in a minute. I just have to get dressed." I said.

I opened my suitcase and I put on my normal outfit. I opened my door and I saw that the servants or employees of the manor were shivering. It wasn't that cold right? I'm a spicy guy myself but for some reason, I could handle the cold stuff because of my training. I walk downstairs and I saw the girls with a worried look. "What's up? Ready for a shopping spree?" I said. Rachel suddenly put her hand on my forehead and she said,"You're freezing cold.".

Karen said,"Do you feel okay Zane?". "I feel fine. Fit as a fiddle and also able to handle Brad." I said with me shadow boxing the air. "Let see what your mom thinks about this." said Kristen. She grabbed my wrist and she shivered. "Um, you should follow us." said Rachel. I saw my mom eating breakfast as Reggie was reading the newspaper. She looked at me and she said,"Zane? Are you feeling alright sweetheart? Your skin is pale.".

I then looked in a mirror and I saw that my skin was pale. "Let me guess. You had airsickness?" said Reggie as he looked me over. "Yeah. I may have slight motion sickness." I said. "Your skin will be returning back to its normal pigmentation if you go outside." said Reggie. "Sounds like a plan! I hope you are ready to carry our bags." said Rachel. "Oh joy. This is going to be so much fun." I thought. I followed the girls and I felt like I was going to hate today. I was both wrong and right.

Later, I was currently sitting in the bathroom at the mall. Once I arrived at the mall, all of the nerves in my back popped like nothing else. I remember reading that this happened to my dad around my age but I thought it would skip a generation. I pulled out a bottle of painkillers that I grabbed from my bathroom just in case. I swallowed down several of them to make the pain go away. I groaned and it stopped but only for a moment.

The bones in my body were constantly breaking and reforming with my skin feeling it was being rip just like a kid ripped open on Christmas or something. I covered my mouth as I began screaming. I wasn't going to make the girls worry about me but dam, I was in so much pain. I remember Gwen teaching me a pain nullification spell and I held my hands. They glowed green as my body began to be covered in green magic circles.

After ten minutes, I could feel my body stop hurting and I stood up. I almost fell down but I caught myself. I looked to see that my skin was back to normal but I look the exact same. I was about to question my recent thing when I heard an alarm go off. "I guess I can never get a break." I thought as I groaned. "Power....." I said. I heard,"Hey! It's the Alliance!". "The Alliance?" I said. I turned into Zero and I follow the crowd.

Narrator P.O.V.
A bit earlier, Kristen was worried about Zane. He had told them that he had to use the restroom and that was over half an hour ago. "Don't worry Kristen." said Rachel. She turned to see both Karen and Rachel with Karen said,"Zane will be fine. I mean he may just be splashing some water in his face or they may be a long line for the bathroom.". Both Karen and Rachel were both worried but they had a guess that he was on his part time job.

Across the street from the mall, there was a bank. Inside, a teller was helping a customer and after she finished, she said,"Next!". She was confused at the man standing in front of him. He was wearing a dark brown coat over his large and muscular body. He had long blond hair and a goatee with piercing red eyes. "I would like to make a withdraw." said the man. "And what is your name sir?" said the woman. "My name is Titan." said Titan.

The woman looked confused and he said,"Oh right. I should break open the safe.". He punched the glass in front of him and his coat was torn by it. "Darn, I really liked this thing." said Titan. He took it off to reveal that he was wearing a black sleeveless muscle shirt with a single gold stripe along his waist and it also works like a belt. He wears a pair of red wristbands with triangles sticking out. He wears black sweatpants with gold combat boots.

On the center of the shirt, a gold T is there. He also has a really dark tan being from spending too much time outside. The people inside were shocked by this man and they were again shocked due to the ceiling melting around Titan. Three people jumped down and like the buff man, they were rather strange to look at. The person right behind Titan looked to be the oldest of the group. He looked to be a stage magician.

His skin was a light green color and he had silver hair with a pointy beard and mustache combo. He is wearing a black turtleneck tuxedo with a white chest pad and a red flower pinned to the left side of his chest. On his head, he wears a black top hat. He has on a red cape and white gloves with him wearing a black and white domino mask. He wears black stage shoes. "Time to make your money and jewelry disappear by the master of magic! Occult Master!" yelled the man.

Suddenly, all of the money and jewelry was gone with the shortest one smiling. He was wearing a gray helmet with a white and see through visor over his green eyes. It also covered his entire head except for his chin and mouth. He wears a dark green jumpsuit with the symbol of a gray computer in the center of it. He wears a gray belt, boots, and gloves with his hair color being unknown. He was wearing a gray sling back ,that was connected to his helmet, and sneakers.

The kid yelled,"Hey meat head! Go get the money from the vault!". Titan nodded and he said,"Sure thing Crash. I need help Epsilon.". The final member of the quartet is a girl. She has a more white skin tone compared to the rest of the group. She has short red hair with a buzz cut style and green eyes. The right side of her waist is adorned with a black beetle shaped birthmark there. She wears blue lipstick. She was wearing a navy blue, low-cut, one piece swimsuit.

She wears sleek black cargo pants with heavy boots. She wears a gray belt with a holster for a machete and black fingerless gloves. "Understood brother." said Epsilon. Crash heard,"Man. Those two really don't look like siblings.". "Hey! Shut them up right now!" said Crash. OM (Occult Master) nodded at this command of his partner and the hostages were tied up like they were trying to escape a death trap. "So did you dismantle the alarms? We don't want the Alliance coming after us." said OM.

Crash said,"Of course I did Dillweed! I'm the best and if they try and save people, I'll beat them up for sure.". "Whatever." said OM. He placed the gather jewelry and money inside of his hat with him noticing that the gate was both ripped off and the locks were melted. The siblings were both holding several bags and Epsilon said,"Are you going to help?". "I'm not a man who likes to hold heavy shit so let the pipsqueak do it." said OM. Crash glared at him with Titan said,"Guys.".

The other three saw that the police were outside waiting for them. "I'll handle those buttmunches and you guys carry the money." said Crash. He walked out as a officer yelled,"Put your hands where I can see them!". "Okay!" said Crash. He held them up as his bag glowed. Suddenly, the cars there were thrown into the air and he said,"Have fun playing catch butt munch!". The cops noticed that the cars were being thrown toward a crowd of people.

Much to the shock of the cops, crowd, and Crash, they were caught by nothing. "It's a good thing that I made the Fibers able to hold back an elephant." said a voice. Crash ,using his helmet, soon saw a lean yet muscular man ,about 22 years old, sitting above them. He has neck length purple hair, green eyes, and he had racing themed goggles around his neck. Crash saw that his jaw wasn't bone at all but steel. He wears a dark gray jacket with a fur trim with the hood over his face.

Under the jacket, he wears a red t-shirt with a white black widow spider on the center of it and the sleeves are white as well. He wears brown jeans and gray sneakers. "Who the heck is this nut sack but I need to stop him!" thought Crash. Two blasters like objects appeared around his wrists with them looking like bracelets and he fired them. Several missiles went flying toward the boy and he said,"I really wish that you didn't do that.".

Before they reached him, they either frozen or burned. "I got more than you matchstick." said a cool but cocky voice. "Shut up!" yelled a voice which sound not cool and high pitched. Crash saw two pre-teens standing there floating on fire and ice. The one on the left aka the one floating on fire was only an inch or two shorter than his partner who was floating on ice. The matchstick was wearing a a black jumpsuit with red boots and gloves. He has red armor plating that goes around his body.

He was wearing a full red helmet much like Crash with the visor that wasn't covering his face. He was wearing a gold A on the center of the belt. He has a lean yet muscular build to him and a slightly tan to him. His eyes were red and fire like hair. Fitting his ice theme, he was wearing a suit made out of ice which wasn't melting at all even though he is right next to a living sun. The sides of his ice hair were shaved off with the top being really spiky. He has dark blue eyes and pale skin.

Crash said,"Shit! Guys! The Alliance!". The fire user landed and he said,"You're going to crash and burn by me short round!". "Nice Inferno. You're making yourself look stupid without me. I'm so proud." said the ice user who floated in the air. Titan ,who had left his money with his sister, rushed out. "You're so dead now!" yelled Titan. He was about to punch them before he was stopped by a giant steel gray Nether glove with him looked upward.

Zane as Zero stood there and he said,"Hey! Didn't your mom tell you to pick on someone your own age or did you forgot that?". "Who the hell is this butt munch!?! Die!!!!!!" yelled Crash. Zane dodged several laser blasts and missiles with him landing on the ground. "Hey! Who are you?!" yelled Crash and Inferno. "My name is Zero and we'll talk later. We have trash to take out.". The ice user noticed that Epsilon was still inside with the males of the group outside.

He touched his right ear and he said,"Wire. Epsilon is still inside and she may try to escape while we are distracted out here, we'll take care of her parents.". "Gotcha Blizzard." said the voice. Inferno had two fire balls ready to go and Zane said,"You're a pyro.". "Bingo! I'll handle short round!" yelled the boy who flew off. "Is he always like that?" said Zane. "Running into battle without a plan. That is his way of fighting Zero. So what can you do?" said Blizzard.

Before Zane could answer, Titan rushed toward him with OM making several playing cards flying to the duo. "I'll explain later but I'll handle the bigger one." said Zane. He flew toward Titan and he then caught him. "He caught him and holding that fat ass!" said Cyber who was dodging Inferno's very hot attacks. "I'm not fat munchkin! It's muscle and let me go!" yelled Titan. The man began to grow and Zane said,"You're not that heavy compared to holding a planet!".

He threw him into the air and he said,"Magma Beam!". A focused beam of heat ,that appeared from a red magic circle, went flying toward Titan and he roared. "Wow. That was hot." said Blizzard who began to melt. "You're using Animus so I have to take care of you!" said OM. Blizzard saw that the cards were flying toward Zane with him dodging Titan's attack. He also dodged the cards but Titan wasn't so lucky.

Titan yelled,"What the hell?! We're on the same side!". Zane kicked him causing him to fall back and he grabbed him. He started to spin him around and he yelled,"Hey! Move!". He threw Titan toward both Crash and OM. They were going to try and run but they were stopped by Blizzard and Inferno with the giant crashing into them. They were out cold with Inferno said,"We rock!". "I guess but there was one more right?" said Zane.

Blizzard said,"How did you?". Zane tapped his ears and he said,"Super hearing.". "Ah. That is cool man." said Blizzard. "So you're super strong and a pyro!" said Inferno. "I guess but the later was due to me being a Sorcerer." said Zane. "Cool." said the two. The crowd cheered for the three and Epsilon was thrown out of the bank. The teen from earlier stood there and he said,"Man. So why are the cute ones evil?". "Wire is a ladies man." said the younger duo. "Ah." said Zane.

After the police took away the four with their powers being negated, Zane looked at his fellow heroes that followed him onto the roof. "So you're from Cypress High? I heard that place is famous having a huge amount of rich people even more than New York City." said Wire. "That's impressive. So are they rich jerks?" said Zane. "Yeah. So could you come with us?" said Blizzard. "Um why?" said Zane who felt defensive.

Inferno said,"We're not the bad guys!". "I could tell but my mom told me never to trust people that I just met on the street." said Zane. "She sounds like a smart lady. You can trust us. Luke is a really cool guy." said Blizzard. "Luke? His last name isn't Bishop right?" said Zane. "It is. So do you know him?" said Wire. "I better go with you then. I don't want my secret to be found out here because my family could be in danger. It would blow hard." said Zane. "Okay! I'll beat you there!" yelled Inferno.

He flew off with Blizzard said,"God dam it. I can't lose to that matchstick.". With a cold trail, he flew right after Inferno. "I'm going to take a shot in the dark here and say that those two are rivals." said Zane. "You would be right. So do you want to run after them?" said Wire. "Nah. Let me them have their fun." said Zane. The two walked off as Apazar watched them. "Wow. You found them so fast Zaney. I'm impressed." said Apazar. He was gone.

Later, Zane stood with the super power trio from before and he said,"So your secret base is under this?". He pointed to a abandoned video store and Inferno said,"Of course man! I mean who even went to these things?". "He does know that before video on demand, people went out to go watch movies right?" said Zane. "He does Zero but his powers burn his ,already tiny, brain into ash." said Blizzard with a smirk..

The two began another argument with Wire saying,"You'll get used to it man. They once fought over a football game.". "I will keep my mind open so let's go." said Zane. The trio led Zane inside and they were transported away once Wire pressed a button on his jacket sleeve. Upon reentry, Zane fell to his knees. "Was that the first time that you have ever had your moleculars moved around?" said Inferno who looked at his friend. "It was and I already don't feel good." said Zane.

His stomach was grumbling and he stood back up in a second. He looked around and he saw both male and females wearing the same suit as Inferno. "Yep. This is the Alliance and we're protectors of the Earth. My name is Simon Graham but my code name is Wire." said Simon. "I'm Corey Perkins but most people call me Blizzard." said Corey. "I call him snowflake but my name is Kenny Burke. So how do you know my grampa anyway?" said Kenny.

A voice said,"Well, I guess that it is because Zero is Zane Alvarez Kenny which means that he is my grandson.". Zane turned around to see a man standing there. He has reddish blond hair and brown eyes. His hair is slicked back with a slight amount of gray hair toward the back and sports a full beard. He has quite the muscular figure. He's wearing a dark red t-shirt with a long sleeved white shirt under it, black pants, a belt with several pouches on it, and black and green combat boots.

Zane said,"Grandpa Luke?! What are you doing here?! Where are we?! And how do you know my secret identity!?". "Ouch. That must suck." said Simon. "I already like him more than Flame Brain man." said Corey with a smirk. Kenny punched Corey and the two began a fight. Luke sighed and he said with a groan,"Simon. Take them down to the training room.". "You got it boss man." said Simon. He pushed the fire and ice user away as Luke walked over to Zane.

Luke said,"Hey buddy.". "Does mom know about all of this?" said Zane. "She does and I was going to come get you and show you around but fate had other plans." said Luke. "Yeah. So how did Kenny get powers?" said Zane. "Kenny had them when he was a kid but he learned how to control them until he broke down. In a second, he burned an entire building to ash and it took two years to control his fire." said Luke.

Zane said,"Wow. What about Corey and Simon?". "Corey has control over his powers with him and Kenny being rivals for some reason. Simon doesn't have powers but he is a tech wiz." said Luke. "So do you have powers?" said Zane. "I think you would noticed if I had powers grandson. So do you mind coming with me?" said Luke. "Um sure. Where are we going? Please tell me that we're going to be taking the stairs or elevator. I don't want to be transported again." said Zane.

Luke said,"Your mother acts the same way when she gets transported up here.". He turned to a soldier and he said,"We'll be in Lab Zero so call if you need me.". "Yes sir!" said the solidier. Zane followed his grandfather and he said,"So are you top dog around here?". "Yep. I'm the Earth Rep and I'm like a secret agent in a sense." said Luke. They got in the elevator and Zane said,"And you still had time for my mom.".

Luke said,"So Arturo is back in your life?". "He isn't bad grandpa but for some reason, it feels like he has always been there for me." said Zane who looked at his hand. "Are you sure about that Zane? He hasn't always been around you know that right Zane?" said Luke. "Yeah. I have a couple of questions left. Where are we and how do you know my secret identity?" said Zane. "Your mom kept me in the loop just in case something happens to you and the first question." said Luke.

He pressed a button and Zane was shocked. He was staring at the Earth and he said,"We're actually in a space station on the other side from the I.S.S. It was made to be an exact replica of it just in case but if people put online that they see two I.S.S, they're seen as loco.". "Ah. This is so cool." said Zane. "It is. Have you ever tried sky diving?" said Luke. "No. Can we skydive down to the planet? That would be so awesome!" said Zane.

The elevator stopped as Luke said,"After we met with Parker, he may let you.". "Parker. Isn't he this really smart guy from the Alliance? Eon mentions him once in a while during my training." said Zane with a confused look. "We asked to borrow Parker to help with both Blizzard and Inferno. They're still preteens." said Luke. "Yeah. They seems like they could be a danger to others plus they're both rather...." said Zane.

Luke said,"Bratty?". "Yeah. That's the best answer that I got." said Zane. The two stopped in front of a door with a giant O on it. "Wow. I think we found it." said Zane. Luke opened the door and Zane looked around it. It looked like a typical lab with a giant operation table in the center of the room with Zane saying,"So where is this guy? I thought I would see him.". His Crisis Judgement went off and he jumped back. "Man. This is Shawn's kid? He is a coward." said a voice.

Zane said,"You know that I can kick but right?!". "Parker. You know that he can't see you while you are like this. It may have been funny at first but now, you're making him look really sad." said Luke as he pinched his nose. Zane looked on a nearby table and he saw something appear. It looked to be a slime like creature. It is black and white outline and white star like dots scattered all over its body with it also have air, earth, fire, and water plus other things going through it.

It has small and straight white eyes with a couple of little points on its head that looked like hair in a sense. "This is the Parker? Really?!" said Zane. The slime groaned and he said,"You seriously don't know what I am boy?". "So an annoying booger?" said Zane. "Zane. Before you say anything, let me say something about him. He is an Eazairvian or an alien. His name is Praikstearoite or we call him Parker" said Luke. "So you're an intergalactic snot? That sucks man." said Zane.

Parker said,"Can I send him into a black hole already?". "No! I can't my last words being intergalactic snot. At least give me a week and can you make Sam go instead?" said Zane. "Who is Sam? Is she good?" said Parker. "The bitch who made fun of Zane's life along with Shawn." said Luke. "I'm okay with that but we should do something else. I have a portal that connects to other realms and we could dump a lot of mud on her." said Parker.

Zane held his hand out and he said,"You're a genius Parker. So why did you want me to meet him grandpa?". Suddenly, all of his nerves in his body popped like nothing else. He fell to the ground and Luke said,"Parker. Get to the table. I'll bring Zane over.". "I understand." said Parker. He stretched over there as Zane groaned out,"Grandpa, My bones are breaking over and over. Make it stop please okay?". "We will. I promise." said Luke. Parker nodded as they went to work.

Two hours later. Back on Earth, Ray arrived at the mansion and he saw Kristen sitting outside. "Ray! Where have you been?!" said Kristen. "Riding this bike I found in the garage. It is a Black Cruiser with a.." said Ray before he was stopped by Kristen. "We were at the mall and Zane went to the bathroom. It was about three hours before we got security to open the bathroom. He wasn't there." said Kristen. "Did you try calling him?" said Ray.

The door opened and Reggie stood there. "We did and his grandfather picked up. I am not talking about Arturo." said Reggie. "Is from his dad's side?" said Ray. "No. It is Natasha's stepfather. Her mom remarried after Arturo left for business." said Reggie. Kristen was slightly confused and she said,"So is he okay?". "Where is he?" said Ray. "In the hospital. We're heading there now. We waited for you Raymond." said Reggie. The three were gone.

At the nearby hospital, Zane was currently in a room with bandages all over his body and an IV in his right arm. Ray ran up to Karen and he said,"What happened?". "He saved the life of a little boy by pushing him out of the way of the car. She was so worried about him but I convinced her that Zane was going to be fine." said Karen who held Rachel's hand. "So where is his mom you guys?" said Reggie. "Yelling at her stepfather and father at the same time." said Rachel. "Wow." said Kristen.

In a nearby room, Natasha looked at both Arturo and Luke with her saying,"Well, do you two have something to say!? MY BABY BOY IS IN THE HOSPITAL BECAUSE OF HIS POWERS!". "Ease there daughter." said Arturo. "This was bound to happen eventually but him fighting and using his powers without some training." said Luke. "You two are agreeing? You two hate each other." said Natasha. "We got over it for Zane." said the two.

Arturo said,"So where is Parker?". "After the surgery to repair all his bones, nerves and skin. Zane began to scream. Parker went into his exposed body to try and figure out why this is happening begin to happen." said Luke. "So does this normally happen?" said Natasha. "I expect this to happen maybe when he is eighteen but not this early on in his life. I can see into the future but compared to others, I'm weak." said Arturo. "At least, you're honest about that." said Luke.

The two glared at each other as Natasha said,"Focus you two. My son could die due to his father and your powers grandpa so tell me how he is going to get better now!". "God. I forgot how loud you can sometimes. It is so annoying and loud." said a voice. Natasha saw Parker descending from the rooftop and she said,"You!". "I have a name you know? God, I thought that when humans mature, they get less rash and anger." said Parker.

Arturo said,"You do know that Zane is her only family left after her mother....". "We don't talk about her. So how is she Parker?" said Luke. "He is fine but I learned something about Zane while I was in his body. He is 10% Phantom from Arturo and a Phantom known as Johnny Vincent, 10% Sorcerer from Shawn, and 25% Human from Natasha." said Parker. "Wait. What happened to the other 55% Parker?" said the three adults.

Parker said,"If you impatient people wait a minute, I will tell you. I gave him my power to help his body now stabilize the powers of the Wizardly Domain Taelamelan called Animus, the powers of the Spectral Land Terrarune called Nether, the powers of the Astral Ream called Primordial, and the powers from the Earth known as Furor clashing inside of his body. It comes and goes until his early thirties or maybe twenties.".

Natasha said,"Huh?! Furor?! Where did he get that?". "Beats me. I'm not sure myself and I'm the smartest mind." said Parker who shrugged his shoulders. "I think it may be my fault." said Arturo as he looked down. Natasha glared at him and Luke thought,"Yes. I'm scoring points.". "When I last saw Zane before all of this, an old friend of mine asked me to find someone to give his powers over the Earth too and I saw Zane's future. He is going to be a great hero so I did." said Arturo.

Natasha said,"Dad. You should have checked with me before you did it. Did Zane agree to it?". "He was nine years old and when I said that he was going to have super powers, he said yes." said Arturo with a serious look. "Wow. So how is he going to handle it?" said Luke. "We'll be keeping him here for now and I need to finish up the upgrades to the Zero Costume. I was going to give it to him during our first encounter but all of this shit happened." said Parker.

He looked at Natasha and he said,"Natasha. I promise that I will make Zane live unlike with Shawn. I swear that Zane will live to a ripe old age.". "Don't Eazairvian live forever?" said Natasha. "Yep. He'll be around for a long time plus you'll be a grandma." said Parker. He was gone as Natasha said,"What is he talking about?". "Nothing." said the two. She grabbed them and she said,"Talk now.". "Man, she is really scary." thought the two.

The teens plus Reggie were sitting in the lobby since visiting hours were over. "Man. This sucks a big one. These last couple of weeks have been shit for the kid." said Ray. He crushed his soda can and he tossed into the trash. He missed as Rachel said,"Nice shot.". Ray grumbled and Reggie said,"Zane is stronger than you think. He can handle this.". "I know but he is so brave." said Kristen. "What do you mean?" said Karen.

Kristen said,"Zane told you that Brad broke up with me right?". "That's right. We just didn't want to mention it." said Ray. "That was a lie. I could have but I got scared. I don't want to be alone. Both my mom and dad are never home and my brother is a criminal. I only have my dogs but when I was with Brad, I had friends." said Kristen. "They aren't your real friends. If they don't like the real you, they aren't your friends." said Reggie.

Karen said,"You would know this how?". "Dear Karen, I'm rich and people wanted to be my friends just for my money. I only have a small group of friends but they like me for ME not my money. That makes them friends and not followers." said Reggie. "I guess he is right Kristen. Danny may take a lot of convince but if you don't put meat in Karen's food, you'll be fine." said Rachel. "Yeah. I would like that." said Kristen. They heard a large punching sound.

The five saw Natasha walking with Arturo and Luke who were rubbing their arms. "How did she do that to a high ranking member of the Alliance and a Level 10 Phantom?! Natasha Bishop/Alvarez is one incredible woman." thought Reggie with him stepping back. "So how is Zane?" said Ray. "He will be fine. He just needs to rest for a couple of days. We should head back to the mansion to rest for now. I think we can visit tomorrow." said Natasha.

They were gone as Zane began to stir in his bed. Parker hanged over him and he said,"Zane. You may be annoying but I suspect that you'll be fun.". He used his "finger" to touch Zane's forehead and he stopped moving. "My blood is still going through your body. So just calm down okay?" said Parker with a "smile". Zane calmed down and a light snore went off. Parker went back to the roof where he was staying to watch Zane.

Next Time,
Zane recovers from his "Puberty" and he begins to use his new power while facing off against an old friend of his mom. This and more next time on Zero! 

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