Sunday, March 12, 2017

Zero Episode 11 Godfather

A/N: Yeah. I will admit that Last Episode had a lot of angst and pretty much had no action at all. This arc will have action in it because no action is a bad thing. I like a good story that focus on characters but in a action story, I need some action or I get bored. That may just be though. Anyway, we're going to be meeting a lot of characters in this story that may or may not have a spin off but they will reappear once again. Lets begin with Zane waiting for his friends.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane was sitting in his car and he sighed. He was waiting for Karen, Kristen, and Rachel due to his family plus Ray taking his mom's car to the airport and he was going to meet them there after he picks up the girls. He was bored and he thought,"I really wish that I could use my powers out in the open.". His phone rang and he heard the message. "Sweet. She is ready." said Zane. He drove off toward a different part of the city.

He parked in front of Kristen's house and she smiled. "Zane!" said Kristen. She hugged him and he said,"You know that it hasn't even been twenty fours since we last saw each other right?". "I know that idiot. So where are Karen and Rachel?" said Kristen. "Beats me. I think they're packing so did you finish?" said Zane. "Yeah but I just have to feed my dogs before I go." said Kristen. "Could I come in and see them?" said Zane.

Kristen said,"I thought you hated animals. You did ruin Vicky's protest.". "In my defense, I do like animals but I hate Vicky." said Zane. Kristen sighed and she said,"Get ready Zane. They are rather playful.". "I'll be good." said Zane. He followed her in and he noticed that she wasn't wearing her cheerleader uniform. She was wearing a black jacket, white undershirt with a light purple flower design, brown jeans, and tan colored gladiator sandals. She's wearing pink lipstick and hoop earrings.

Kristen said,"Do you mind waiting here for me? I have to get my luggage from upstairs. I let you look around and then we'll feed the dogs together.". "Sure thing." said Zane. She walked upstairs and Zane looked around the house. It was a simple two story house with him thinking,"Wow. I thought she would love in the ritz but this is nice.". He saw a picture with a younger version of Kristen and he saw Cinder standing next to her with the two having smiles.

Zane thought,"Cinder?! What is he doing with Kristen? I remember Kristen telling me that she has a brother that's a punk but a super villain. I wonder if she knows.". He put the picture back and Zane turned around to see Kristen with a single bag. "Wow. I thought that you have three of those." said Zane. "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I need an new outfit if I get wet." said Kristen. "This is why I like you more than Sam." said Zane.

After throwing Kristen's bag in his car, he was attacked. He didn't go Zero on them because they were puppies and they belonged to Kristen. One was a male Black and White Siberian Husky and the other dog was a female purebred German Shepard. "Easy you two!" said Zane. He looked to see Kristen and she said,"I guess you're good with dogs.". "I am. So could you help with them?" said Zane. The girl got her puppies off him and she said,"Are you going to be good while I'm gone?".

The male dog nodded fast and the female shook her head once. "I'm guessing that the male is more hyper than the female which isn't saying much though." said Zane. "You got that from your make out session earlier didn't you Sherlock?" said Kristen. "Yes I did my lovely Watson." said Zane. She let the dogs go back inside with her saying,"So are you sure that Karen is ready?". "Yep. Rachel made sure that she is ready." said Zane. Zane got in his car and he drove to Karen's house.

At her house, Rachel was sitting on her friend's bed. "You look fine Karen. I mean Zane likes you no matter what. You could have a zit the size of a planet and he would still like you." said Rachel. "Yeah but I have a rival!" said Karen who was in the bathroom. "You really need to calm down. I think she sees Zane as a friend." said Rachel. "Then why doesn't she use the tutor that the rest of the A-Listers use?" said Karen. "Well countered." said Rachel.  

She heard the doorbell and she said,"Prince Charming is here!". "I'll be done in a minute. Keep him distracted." said Karen. Rachel noticed the fear in her friend's voice and she said,"Don't worry. I will make sure that you two get plenty of alone time.". She didn't need to have X-Ray Vision to see that her friend was blushing a red color and she went downstairs. She opened the door and she saw Zane and Kristen standing there.

Zane said,"So are you two ready to go?". "Why the rush?" said Rachel. "Zane got lectured by his mom to get to the airport so we don't miss our flight." said Kristen. "I kept telling her that we will be there but when it comes to traveling or cleaning, she turns into a completely different person." said Zane. The girls rolled their eyes and Zane said,"What?". "You turn into a complete different person when you're angry." said the two. He sighed and he looked up to see Karen standing there.

She had gotten rid of her glasses for contacts and she had more muscles than before. Her hair was the same length with her bangs more messy than before. She replaced her light pink headband for a red headband. She was still wearing her hoodie/jacket with her wearing a black t-shirt with a Gold Z over her chest, and the rest of her outfit was the same as before. She had star themed earrings with them being a gold color.

Zane smiled and he said,"You look nice.". "Thanks." said Karen who had a mild blush. The two other girls noticed this and Zane said,"We should get going.". "What about your bags?" said Kristen. "Ray came by earlier to pick them up. He wanted to get away from your mom." said Rachel. "Your mom is scary right now." said Karen. "Yeah but you girls don't have to live with her during this phase. Ray is only crashing there." said Zane.

After a while, the four found Ray with Zane's mom and grandpa with them waiting for their plane. It turns out that they were given a private jet so Natasha's worry was for nothing. "You guys made it. I thought we were going to have to leave without you." said Ray. "They didn't get stopped seven times by the TSA." said Arturo with a slight grumble. "You're old dad and have more metal in your body than a normal person." said Natasha.

Arturo looked at Kristen and he said,"I don't think we have met before today. My name is Arturo and I'm Zane's grandfather from his mother side of the family.". "It's nice to meet you too. Zane tells me that you're a big history buff." said Kristen. Rachel looked at Zane who was looking at his watch and Arturo said,"Yes. I have a love with human history. I've helped Zane with World History.". "Way to throw me under the bus grandpa." said Zane.

Karen said,"So where is the jet Ms. A?". "It just needs to be refilled. We should get going because I hate being late." said Natasha. Zane turned to look and see that Kristen was sad. 'What's wrong?" said Zane. The two were walking side by side and Kristen said,"I can't believe I'm going to New York. My brother wanted to go there.". "He did? So what was he like Kristen?" aid Zane. He told Danny ,if he had some time, to do some research on Cinder.

Kristen said,"Why are you so curious?". "I saw a picture of you and a guy who looked an older and male version of you." said Zane. "Oh. He and I were close when we were little. I was bullied because of my race." said Kristen. "Oh. I guess I can understand why you're against Brad when he bullies me so what made him a punk?" said Zane. "We don't know. It started when we found him selling drugs in the basement. My dad was so mad." said Kristen.

Zane said,"Makes sense.". "So does Rachel like girls? I mean she seems to be teasing Karen a lot. It's like they are flirting." said Kristen. "If I could explain how Rachel works, I would be more social and less moody Kristen." said Zane. "So why aren't you more social? I mean you are popular at school but for the bad reasons." said Kristen. "I'm a realist Kristen. I don't like people like Brad and Sam but I like you and my friends." said Zane. "So what do you like?" said Kristen.

Zane shrugged and he said,"If I told you, where is the fun in that? I think if you make me smile, I'll tell you something about me.". He went to go talk with Ray and Ray whispered,"Dude. What are you doing?". "I'm seeing if I can tell Kristen my secret and trust me, I'll do if she likes the real me." said Zane. "Fine but if she beat you up, I'm going to laugh at you man plus make her pay for doing that to you." said Ray. "We're good friends." said Zane.

Later, Zane was currently reading a book that was on his phone. The seven were enjoying the plane that belonged to Reggie Robertson who was an old friend of his mother much to Ray's shock. He was hired by Reggie to keep an eye on Zane and Zero. Karen, Rachel, and Zane were shocked at this but Natasha told them that Reggie was also a metahuman and he could be a great detective if he wanted to be. Kristen was still in the dark due to Arturo keeping her distracted.

He heard,"Zane!". He bookmarked the spot that he was on and he saw Ray. "What's wrong? I highly doubt that it is a Phantom or hotstreak." said Zane. "This plane has a freaking air hockey table and hot tub! It is even better than the plane that they had on Season 3 of Ultimate Showdown!" said Ray with a huge smile. "You're comparing that junk of a plane to this beast of a plane?" said Zane. "I thought that you didn't watch Reality TV." said Ray.

Zane said,"I don't but I had to babysit my neighbor's kid during that season and they had it playing. It was so bad.". "At least, you're in a good mood. So where are the others?" said Ray. "The females are enjoying the spa and my grandpa is enjoying the library. I was enjoying my book but I feel like kicking your but." said Zane who crackled his knuckles. "You do remember that I defeat Danny right?" said Ray. "Yeah but I also defeated him." said Zane. The two walked away.

Meanwhile in the spa, Kristen was enjoying it. She along with the other girls were in the sauna and Natasha said,"This is so nice. I'm so happy that my dad convinced me to come out here and I guess I have to thank Sam.". "Wow Ms. A, you're really different like this." said Rachel. "So how do you know the Reggie Robertson?! He was named Billionaire of the Year three years running!" said Karen who was excited.

Natasha smiled as she said,"He was one of my close friends in college. He was actually good friends with Zane's dad when he was alive. He is also the reason why me and Zane aren't currently living in a apartment down in Kingsville. It was a favor to Shawn.". "Wow. It explains how rich you are but why doesn't Zane act like the other rich kids in school?" said Kristen. "He doesn't like people knowing that he is rich and prefers to be middle class." said Natasha.

Rachel said,"That is Zane's answer anyway. So did you and Reggie date?". "Reggie dating? That is really funny. He was indeed popular and the ladies were in love with him but only for his looks and money nothing more." said Natasha. "Ah. That must happen to everyone." said Karen. "I guess. He is also focused on his future rather than his relationship level." said Natasha. "Ah. That makes sense to say the least." said Kristen.

The plane landed and Arturo said to the teenage girls,"Would you three mind getting Ray and Zane for us? I have to help my daughter with all of the bags.". "Are you sure that you don't need our help Mr. Alvarez?" said Karen. "Trust me Karen, I can handle a couple of bags at my old age." said Arturo who stretch his arms. He walked away and Kristen said,"So how strong is he?". "He is able to handle Zane in a fight." said Rachel. "Wow." said Kristen.

The three girls saw the boys currently playing an intense game of Air Hockey. "You are going down grease hair." said Zane. "Shut up Anger Dude." said Ray. The score was 99 to 99 and Karen said,"I can't believe this.". "This sounds like something they would do." said Rachel. "So how do we get them to stop?" said Kristen. "Wait for it." said the two girls. Zane scored the winning goal and Ray screamed,"Dam you Zane!". "So sad isn't he girls?" said Zane. The girls sighed.

Zane was sitting in a limo ,with it heading toward their mansion/place of stay during their time here in New York, and he was reading something on his phone. "You do know that most people would be happy to be in a limo." said Karen. "After a while, you get used to it." said Kristen. "Yep. We'll be there soon." said the driver. "So who is coming to this reunion anyway?" said Ray. "I think people who went there twenty years smart one." said Rachel and Zane in unison.

Ray glared at Zane with Arturo said,"Yes. We'll also being seeing her again.". "You mean Lilith Rune don't you?" said Natasha. "How many rich people do you know Zane?" said Karen. "I think two or three. I'm not sure myself." said Zane. "Wow and you act totally spoiled." said Rachel. "So how much time do we have left till we get there?" said Arturo. "About ten more minutes sir." said the driver. The oldest member of the group sighed and Zane thought,"I guess he's antsy.".

He was feeling the same but he could control it better. For some reason, he felt quite strange upon entering the city. His Crisis Judgement was going off like nothing else and he was going to tell his family plus his friends about it. It was also due to the driver and Kristen being in the room. He liked Kristen but for some reason, he couldn't trust the driver for some reason. The car stopped and he said with obvious joy in his voice,"Welcome to the Robertson's mansion.".

It was the size of a normal mansion with Kristen saying,"This place must be expensive.". "It is but when you make as much money as I do, buying and owning this place is easy." said a voice. The group saw the owner of the mansion standing there. He is tall with a solid and thin frame but with a muscular body. He has his red hair slicked back with a chunk of it being tied up in a ponytail and blue eyes.

He is wearing a black suit with a gold handkerchief in the right breast pocket and a matching gold bolo tie. He has three rows of dark gray buttons making six buttons. Under his suit, he was wearing a gray undershirt with black pointy shoes. "Natasha and Zane. You two look well. How long has it been since we have been face to face again?" said Reggie. "I think it was my tenth birthday. You were the best part of that summer." said Zane.

Reggie said,"I think spending your time looking at several if not hundred of museums wasn't the best thing for a ten year old.". "I remember that trip. Danny and I were so bored without the third member of our group there. My name is Rachel Powell." said Rachel. Reggie smiled as he said,"Your family is also quite rich but you're like your parents. I'm guess you two must also be friends with young Zane as well.".

Karen said,"Yep. I'm Karen Castro and she's Kristen Ortiz.". "Popular with the ladies are you Zane? I think your dad was like that and just as dense." said Reggie. "Yep. It is really good to see you and I've to thank you again for letting us stay here." said Natasha. She hugged the man and Reggie said,"Don't worry Natasha. I'll do anything for you and Zane. Shawn was a good friend and he would want me to help despite his lack of saying what he really means.".

The group walked inside and they noticed that it was colored black, silver, and write. "Wow. I didn't expect you to be a football fan." said Kristen. "Trust me. You shouldn't judge a book by its character and I'm a fan after seeing them win." said Reggie. "Yeah. You would be but hasn't the Packers won more games?" said Zane. "Very funny Zane. I may have more money that I can count but I don't want to buy the team. I recently built an orphanage in South Asia." said Reggie.

Arturo said,"I heard that you were thinking of having an heir to the fortune.". "Yes. He is in this room right now." said Reggie. The girls looked at Ray and Zane who were currently throwing a football. "I think you must be crazy. Ray as an heir?" said Kristen. "Not Ray. He is a good man but he is missing the key factor to my fortune." said Reggie. "Is it Zane?" said Karen and Rachel in unison. "Bingo ladies." said Reggie. "I was shocked when you told me that. So is she in town?" said Natasha.

Reggie nodded and he said,"She is in town. I think we should have dinner. You all must be starving from your travels.". "Actually, I'm a little peckish." said Zane. "Dude. You ate over twenty pounds of food on the plane and you didn't gain any weight." said Ray. "And you know the reason why I have to eat like that." said Zane. "I've the help bringing in your bags so lets head to the dining hall." said the mansion. The group followed him.

Later, Zane was out on the terrace and he smiled. "Nice isn't it Zane?" said a voice. Zane turned to see Reggie with a smile. "It is Mr. Robertson." said Zane. "You can call me Reggie. You used to call me Uncle Reggie when you were a kid." said Reggie. "Yeah. Things changed. So how long have you known about my secret life?" said Zane. "Your mother keeps me informed after your fight against an old friend of Shawn. I knew his past as well." said Reggie.

Zane said,"I guess dad couldn't keep secrets.". "He was the worst back in the day Zane. I remember when me and him were out one night. He told me that he had this massive secret and I asked what it is with him telling me what it is." said Reggie. "That sounds like dad. I had to learn about him due to his old friends in Taelamelan." said Zane who looked down. "So do you want me to help you get some training?" said Reggie. "Um sure?" said Zane.

Zane was shocked by the giant room that was the training room. It was the same size of the mansion and it was under ground. Reggie said from a safe area,"I'm guessing that you like my training room. I'm a billionaire so I needed to learn how to defend myself.". "Okay. Time to Power Up!". Zane ,in his costume, stood there and he said,"Bring out the robots! I'm in the mood to hit something hard and fast!".

Reggie nodded as several robots appeared from the ground. They had gray armor over their weak frames and a magnet shaped heads. "These are the Raptor L-31. They are good for training soldiers and they're easy to buy in bulk. Go nuts Zane." said Reggie. Zane smiled as he ran toward one. "Let see how you like my Earth Blast!" said Zane. His right hand had a magic circle in front of him and he punched it hard.

A giant blast of the ground flew toward the robots causing an explosion of dust. Zane's Danger Sense went off as he ducked. "Did I forget to mention that they work well in storms?" said Reggie. "That would be nice to now before hand." said Zane. He phased through the ground causing a robot to punch its fellow machine. He flew above them as he said,"Phantom Half.". Reggie noticed that his aura which was white but it had a tint of red to it.

Zane made a giant catcher's mitt which he used to grabbed the robot army. He clenched his left hand as it destroyed the robots. "Interesting. When he used this form against Bedrock and Cinder, his aura had a tint of blue to it making him faster than before. He used this form against the money lions and it had a steal gray tint making his Nether attacks stronger. This form does increase Zane's strength. I wonder what other colors Zane has and their effect." thought Reggie.

About an hour later, Zane was tired. "You okay Zane?" said Reggie. He held a bottle of water and the boy said,"Yeah. Ever since I got here, I need to release this pent up energy.". "You're still growing and unlike other Phantoms, you're only half of one." said Reggie. "I would say that I'm a third but I guess I see your point." said Zane as he dumped the water over himself. "You know that most people would drink the water right?" said Reggie.

Zane said,"I guess but right now, my body is on fire and it isn't the good kind. So do you have any kind of powers?". "Yes. Stand back." said Reggie. Zane walked away as he felt the ground shaking and he saw Reggie holding his hands out. "I'm able to vibrated the Earth Zane. If I had a super hero name, you would call me Earth Shaker!" said Reggie. "Sweet." said Zane. He fell down to the ground and Reggie stopped his attack.

Reggie said,"I guess your center of balance is off.". "You may be right. Could I have some help back to my room?" said Zane. "Sure thing." said Reggie. He helped the teen up and he said,"So which one of the girls is your girlfriend?". "What are you talking about? I'm not dating Karen or Kristen." said Zane. "What about Rachel?" said Reggie. "She's not interested in guys I think." said Zane. "Ah. So does she play for the other team?" said Reggie.

Zane shrugged and he said,"Honestly, Rachel does whatever she feels like. Me and my other friend Danny have known her since third grade and we're still trying to figure her out.". "I see. Lets get you to sleep. You have a big day tomorrow." said Reggie. "Why?" said Zane. "Your mother knows that New York has a lot of stores." said Reggie. Zane's face paled and Reggie said,"Just like your dad.". The two walked upstairs and Zane looked at Reggie.

Zane said as they made to the elevator to the living quarters,"So did you ever like my mom?". "I did at one point. Your mother is something else Zane. She is able to make her enemies hate her and I see that in you. When you fought against Astrino and Isis, you didn't treat them as monsters but normal people. Is that something that your mom taught you?" said Reggie. "Yeah. I also don't see Phantoms as an real threat compared to Matchstick and Rocky." said Zane.

Reggie looked at him and Zane said,"Matchstick has the power to burn things which could burn an innocent life and Rocky is able to crush a person with a giant boulder if he wanted to.". "I see. You think a lot about this." said Reggie. "I'm like you Godfather." said Zane. "Godfather?" said Reggie. "I remember when I was six, my mom was on the phone with you. She asked you if she ever died due to events." said Zane.

Reggie said,"Yes. I would raise you like my own but I would let you stay in Cypress High. You need friends Zane because they'll have your back.". Zane stood in front of his door and he said,"I think I'll be fine Godfather.". "Okay. Just relax okay? You have a big day tomorrow." said Reggie. "Oh boy. I get to go shopping." said Zane. Reggie walked off as Zane crashed onto his bed. He was so tired and he just fell asleep with him opening that tomorrow won't be so bad.

Next Time,
Something happens on his shopping trip. Is it good or bad? This and more next time on Zero!

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