Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Zero Episode 1 The Meat Baron and his Meat of Doom!

A/N: Yep. It's finally here. This is Zane's first official series that is original for once. I think that it's time for once. We may see old faces with them being set in the modern day like right now from Power and Soul. We may even see Bob or a certain silver haired woman somehow. I decided to focus on Zane's single power which is slightly based off his Zero Magic aka a copy machine of magic spells and the such. This story takes place in the fictional city of Cypress Park in the USA but which state it is up to you. This post was originally posted on January 28, 2017 at 7:10 AM but it was deleted for some reason mainly mine so enjoy the repost with some differences.

Narrator P.O.V.
In Cypress Park, a boy was sitting in his basement of his two floor house. He was sitting down there waiting for his mom to show up for one of her experiments as he puts it. He has fair skin with him being 5 foot 8 and was hoping to be 6 foot as he gets older. He had black hair that covered his ears and out of his violet eyes. He has a mole under his right eye and it looked nice on him. He had on a blue t-shirt with a gold dragon in the center with a black hoodie jacket over it. 

He was wearing a pair of gray cargo pants with a lot of pockets. The boy heard a female voice,"Zane honey! Are you down there?". "Yeah I am mom. I'm just dying to get this experiment done and over with." said Zane. He pulled out his phone with him texting his friend when he heard his mother's heels heading toward him. She stood there and she said,"You're looking rather happy Zane. What's your deal?". 

She had long wavy redwood red hair that went up to the middle of her back normally but right now, she tied it in a long ponytail. She has a purple hair clip that parts her hair to the right. Like her son, she has violet eyes. She also looks to be in her late 20s but she's older. She's a tall, slender, curvaceous and very attractive fair skinned woman being 5 foot 6. She wears pink lipstick. She wore a short green turtleneck that exposed her midriff and a long brown skirt that went up to her knees.

Finishing off her outfit is a white lab coat and her 1 inch black heels. "I'm just really looking forward to be a test subject mom. Hope I get some cheese after all of this" said Zane. "Come on Zane. I thought you would be happy to have powers. You were pretty much obsessive with them and superheroes back when you were little." said his mom, hearing the noticeable sarcasm in her son's voice. "Mom. I would be happy about them but times have changed." said Zane.

Zane P.O.V.
My mom or Natasha Alvarez is a scientist and she actually gave her son super powers. I'm like a real life superhero except I'm not wearing my underwear on the outside like an idiot. You see, I'm sixteen years old and having a mom that was a little crazy was normal to me. I think the point that it dawned on me that I was living with Senora Loco ,who I love, was the day that I got super powers. It was a normal day that started like any other. 

I had just came home from school after a day that I would call interesting because I was the victim of a food fight between the boys and girls, had to retake my gym final, getting rejected by the Queen Bee's female lackeys, and get thrown in a dumpster by the Queen Bee's main male lackeys aka the football team. I opened the door and I said,"Hey Mom. Are you home?". I put my helmet on its little hook and I said,"Must be down in the lab.". 

I took off my black, purple, and white tennis shoes as I threw my dark blue and green book bag onto the living room's couch. I soon head to the basement. I was walking down there and I looked for my mom. "Where is she? You're down here right?" I said. "Chosen One. Your time and destiny as the next Zero is near." said a somewhat familiar but still foreign. I froze up as I said,"Okay. That's real funny mom. Giving your child a heart attack is so funny!".

I went into the main area of the basement and I saw that there was a door. It looked very rustic and I walked up to it like an idiot. I held the door knob and I opened the door as I saw something that blew my mind. It was something out of a fantasy and science fiction story. It blew my mind and I couldn't help but sticking my hands inside. I screamed a little bit and I took them out. "Okay. I'm not doing that again." I said.

It then caused a explosion pushing me into some boxes and I was knocked out. My mom later found me after coming back from a important date according to her. She was wearing a dark green dress, black pantyhouse, green high heels with black soles, gold jewelry and red lipstick, and her hair is down. When I woke up, I was able to use superpowers straight out of a comic book. For some strange reason, I was able to learn how to use a power from watching it in action.

For example, I was able to learn how to control and use fire or in my mother's words kinetic energy heated up by watching someone using a flamethrower. I also could only use one power at a time. I had only Air, Fire, Earth, and Ice. Yeah, I guess that's something. I mean I have other powers but in terms of offense power, those four elements that I mention earlier are my main ways of kicking some but. Lets get back to the present now. 

Narrator P.O.V.
Natasha looked at her son and she said,"So how have you been using your powers?". Zane put his left hand behind his head and he said,"Well, I was able to swim through the pool like a fish thanks to me blasting air through my feet and I later was able to burn a marshmallow when I was on a camping trip with my friends. I think it's gone pretty good.". "I see. Are you ready to learn a new power?" said Natasha.

Zane said,"You know that I can't use telekinesis right? I need to see it to learn it.". "You're right Zane so I think it's time for you to fly." said Natasha. She threw a pilot's helmet to Zane and he said,"Um. I have questions.". Natasha smiled and she said,"I'll think you like this experiment a lot.". Natasha went up the stairs and Zane thought,"I'm really not going to like this am I?". He grudgingly walked upstairs and he learned how to fly by being thrown out of a plane.

The next day, a tired and slightly sick Zane was walking to school with one of his best friends Danny Malone. He had short brown hair, azure blue eyes, and freckles that he got from his mother. He wore a red baseball cap with a cheetah in a silver suit of knight armor on it with him wearing a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and gray tennis shoes. He wore a pair of glasses with a red frame to them. He's half Irish thanks to his mother.

Danny said,"I can't believe she literally dropped you out of a plane. I mean she could have killed you in her experiments.". "Well, she said that it was the only way for learning how to fly like a bird. At least, she didn't fire me out of a cannon." said Zane. "So how was it man? I mean you basically got a free sky diving lesson." said Danny. "It was okay I guess Danny. I was screaming until I floated a few inches off the ground." said Zane.

Danny said,"Dude! You have to take me flying.". "Let me think about it. I'm going to say no because I'm not carrying you like a princess. Really don't swing that way." said Zane. "You would totally like it if you gave Roxy Stars a ride on a magic carpet." said Danny. Zane then looked at him and he said with a minor glare,"Why would I give the woman ,whose pack of wolves attack me for even talking to her to begin with because they hate me because I talk to her, a magic carpet ride?".

Danny said,"It's simple my friend. She's so hot that you can't forget that she's the daughter of a prime minster.". "Ignoring that. Did you find anything about that door I showed you? I think if I find how where the door came from, I may get an exact answer about my powers." said Zane. He was about to sneeze and Danny stood back. Zane sneezed into an alleyway with his nostrils creating fire. "Wow. I guess you're not good at holding back." said Danny.

Zane wiped up some embers and he said,"Shut up. This really hurt.". "You'll find any way to be a cynic won't you." said Danny. "And you love that about me." said Zane. "Not really. To answer your question about the door, I found something." said Danny. Zane looked at his phone and he said,"So are you saying that I saw a door from Atlantis?". "Yeah. I don't think Atlantis has a door like this. I mean from how you described it, its straight out of a Fantasy/Sci-Fi Novel." said Danny.

The two went back to walking and Zane said,"Yeah but it's so annoying not being able to control my fire sneeze.". "You know that you could be a superhero right?" said Danny. "Yeah. My name would be Pyro Sneeze." said Zane. "Or Power Man. I mean you can use one right?" said Danny. "Nah. I'm just going to be plain old Zane Alvarez and hopefully get a job away from science maybe in history or something like that." said Zane.     

The two didn't notice that someone was watching them on the rooftops. He looked to be seventeen years old. He had spiky brown hair with neon green sheen around the tips of his hair and magenta eyes. He was wearing a navy blue/black Gakuran. His collar was up and it was covering his chin to an extent. He had a dark green t-shirt with black shoes. "So he's the Zero. How weak he is. I mean he's nothing compared to me!" said the boy.

He did a extravagant pose and he said,"I wonder if I should test him. I'll piss off the alliance but screw those old bastards. I'm the Savior after all!". He looked down to see a butcher getting rid of some dogs and he said,"I think you're perfect to test my powers.". A magic powder soon flew onto the butcher and the man began to glow. The dogs were scared as the butcher smiled. "Welcome to this world Meat Baron." said Savior.

After pushing their way through the protesting crowds, they walked into their high school. Cypress Park High was known for the Cypress Ox which means that if they see the color red, they're going to destroy you mainly in football, hockey, and other physical based sports. "So what are they protesting about today?" said Danny. "I think they're protesting about the menu. You know that they could find any reason to complain." said Zane.

Danny groaned and he said,"Man. I can't believe it. I think they're making school more hell than it is normally.". "Yeah and look, Rush is on a rampage." said Zane. The two saw the star football player and major d-bag Brad "Rush" Stevens. He had short blond hair ,in a buzz cut, and blue eyes. He's wearing a red letterman jacket with white sleeves and a gold ox on the collar. On the top of the jacket's sleeves, the initial CO with it inside of a football.

Under his jacket, he wore a dark purple shirt with dark blue jeans and blue tennis shoes. "I'm pissed off about them changing the menu so you're dead meat nerds!" said Brad. "I guess we should hide or something." said Zane. Danny grabbed him and he was dragged away. "Okay. What's the plan pal? I don't think hiding in the locker room a bright idea." said Zane. "Didn't you tell me that you could blend into your surroundings?" said Danny.

Zane said,"Yeah but I haven't tried it without any person before.". "Alvarez! You're dead!" said Brad's voice. "I didn't even do anything to him!" said Zane. "No but if you want to live, I think we should try to hide!" said Danny. Zane focused and he was invisible. He grabbed Danny and the two hid on the top of a locket. Brad ran by them and Danny said,"Wow. You're so cool man.". Zane let his friend go when Brad was out of sight.

Zane said,"I guess but I'm sure that using my powers for something like this is rather petite. I mean I can survive a thrashing from Brad because well, you know why.". "Yeah. We should probably head to class." said Danny. "I guess but for some reason, I feel like someone's watching me." said Zane. "You can be so paranoid sometimes man." said Danny. The two walked to class and Zane wasn't wrong, he was being watched by two people.

They were wearing robes with a hood. The one on the right was wearing a white hood and the taller of the duo. The one on the right was wearing a dark purple hood and the shorter one. They both had a gold robe belt and fringes. Their entire body was covered by the robes except for the white robed figure having their arms wrapped in bandages and the purple robed figure having a strange magical bracelet on their left arm.

The purple one said with a feminine sounding voice,"So that guy is Zero? This friend is pretty cute for a human.". "Stay focus my student. You're a promising student but Zero is the savior of both this world and other worlds. He's only used a single power which is a start but we can't expect the ones who cause chaos and destruction to wait until he's able to use two or more powers." said the one on the right with a masculine voice.

The female said,"So what do you want me to do? I mean he isn't going to start becoming Zero any time this year.". "My dear pupil. I suggest getting closer to our dear Zero and maybe help him if he needs help with any assistance dealing with any of the realms. Don't let me down my young student." said the male. She was gone in a burst of light as the right one said,"I hope the Tome of Destiny isn't wrong about you.".

His robe blew back reveling his body not his head. He had violet skin, a green beard, white long hair, glowing red eyes, a gold uniform, and two strange items attached to him. One was a staff with a hourglass on top of it while the other was a black journal with the planet Earth on the cover and gold trim. "Heroes are reborn and Villains are forever but Zero shall always remain to be the protector of all. Do help him my child and let my words speak truth." said the man.

He opened the book and he said,"Open the Portal to my Library.". A green portal appeared and he walked into it. Savior appeared and he said,"So. I guess they sent Eon, the Sage of Time and the student of Chronos to help with his training. I guess they're worried about me after all but the Meat Baron will make sure that he won't be past his first test without a burn from his Meat of Menace.". He was gone again and a maniacal laughter was heard.

Zane moved his head up and he said,"What the?". "What's wrong man?" said Danny. The two were at gym class and they were hiding from their gym teacher. "Nothing but that weird feeling from earlier is back." said Zane. "Come on man. I think you're just worrying too much plus we've the best view on campus to see the girls run." said Danny who looked toward the tracks from their hiding spot aka under the bleachers.

Zane said,"You know that you sound like a freaking pervert right?". "Who cares man? I really don't think they care about us looking at them because have you seen how they dress man?" said Danny with a smile. "You're right but I rather send my high school years enjoying it than whatever you're doing." said Zane. He got out of the hiding spot and Danny said,"Suit yourself man. I will be here to doing this.". Zane walked back to the school and he heard,"You're doomed fleshbag.".

He turned around and he saw something strange. It was the Butcher from the meat shop down the street except he's different. He was wearing a crown on the cap of his gray hair and matching facial hair. He was wearing a gold robe over his gray t-shirt, blue jeans, and white apron. His skin was paler than he remembered. "What happened to him? He wasn't like this a few days ago." thought Zane. "I think you need some Turkey to rip you to shreds!" said the butcher.

Several turkeys ,the food, appeared and he threw them at Zane. He ran away as they made craters that smelled really good. Zane ,using his invisibility trick, hid from the butcher who said,"You can't hide from me, the Meat Baron!". He flew away and Zane then heard screaming. "Wow. I never thought people would be scared of that. Someone has to stop him so I guess that's me." thought Zane. He then looked at the building behind him and he thought,"I wonder if...".

He heard,"I seriously think that the drama department would hate if you stole their costumes for their play of Romeo and Juliet. A tragic romance wouldn't you say?". Zane turned around to see the purple robed figure standing there and he said,"Who are you? And how can you see me?". "A simple level five invisibility spell is hard to see for humans but for me, it's child play. I think I should take off my hood." said the voice.

She took off her hood and Zane was shocked. She has straight and wavy lagoon blue hair that goes up to her shoulders. Some bangs hang down her forehead, curving away from her face on both sides. Her coral green eyes to him were relaxing and kind. "Nice to meet you. My name is Gwendolyn Vasquez but you can call me Gwen for short and I think we're going to be friends. May I take your hand?" said Gwen.

He held out his right hand and she said,"Oh wow. You're already quite well versed in the three of four core elemental magics along with ice.". "Yeah. I mean I learned it from my mom not the magic thing but you get that part right?" said Zane. Gwen thought,"I also sense the presence of him inside of his body. How is that possible?". "Is something wrong Gwen?" said Zane. She looked at him and she said,"No. It's nothing Zero. We have to handle the possessed human.".

Zane said,"You mean the Meat Baron right? I mean he's screaming his name while he's firing out ,I think, steak at people. I'm a meat eater but I really don't think that I'll be eating meat that's trying to kill me.". "Yes. We need to free him from a Gluttony Spirit so he can turn back to his normal human form. It's obvious to me but for a person on your level with very little magic experience, it looks that he got super powers of meat which is evil due its amount of calories." said Gwen.

Danny ran over to the two and he said,"Dude! You have to stop that thing!". "See? This one thinks the same thing as I." said Gwen. "Um. Who is she and why is a beauty talking to you?" said Danny. "You would call me beautiful. I did spend a good amount of time in the pool of eternal beauty to gain this look." said Gwen. "Focus you guys." said Zane. The two looked at him and he said,"Okay. Can you use your magic to get that spirit out of him Gwen?".

Gwen said,"Unfortunately, Zero here is the only one who can get rid of spirits using the arcane magic to purge spirits from the body.". "Zero? Is she taking about you man? And what's the arcane magic to begin with?" said Danny. "Yes. I suggest you wear something fitting your title. I don't think that your current outfit does justice." said Gwen who crossed her arms. Zane was wearing a white t-shirt with black shorts and his tennis shoes.

Zane said,"In my defense, our school's gym uniform is pretty okay.". "Yeah but it's a bitch during the winter though." said Danny. "Focus boys. We need you to focus your inner energy so we can create your uniform or a super suit." said Gwen. "Wait lady. My man Zane Alvarez is going to be a super hero?" said Danny. "I guess he will but instead of protecting this city, he will be protecting several dimensions along with this one." said Gwen.

Danny said,"Dude! That's sweet!". "No! I mean I don't want to be a hero or a protector. I just want to be a normal human to become a archaeologist or maybe an astronaut." said Zane. "Seriously man? I mean you got super powers to save the day rather than be a coward" said Danny. "You have to accept your destiny Zane." said Gwen. "And what happens if I don't!?" said Zane. The trio then heard a giant explosion and Zane said,"Okay. I'll do it so how do I focus my inner energy?". 

Zane sat in the Burmese Posture and Danny said,"So why is Zane doing this again?". "I thought that I told you this before Daniel along with Zane." said Gwen. "First off, it's Danny Gwen and you did but I didn't get it before." said Danny. "Your friend is doing this because he needs to gather up energy and spread it through his body so he can expel it." said Gwen. "He's gathering up his inner energy to turn into Zero?" said Danny.

Gwen then nodded and she said,"As you would say, totally man.". "Please don't do that again." said Danny. "Will do. So what is Zane like?" said Gwen. "He's rather smart like in the top percentile of our grade smart. He's also a great guy but he's rather cynical of things. I've been friends with him for a long time. So how long will this take?" said Danny. "Usually ten minutes but this is rather strange Danny." said Gwen. "Like what do you mean?" said Danny.

Zane screamed and Danny said,"Zane!". He was about to touch Zane but Gwen stopped him. "Ease there Danny. Right now, he's in the Astral Realm." said Gwen. "Okay but we have the Meat Baron to deal with. Can you fight?" said Danny. "Yes but Zero will have to stop Meat Baron, rid him of the Gluttony Spirit, and...." said Gwen. "I really don't care but go handle him until he comes back from wherever he is." said Danny. "Okay. Stand back." said Gwen.

Danny stood nearby Zane and he saw Gwen glow. He covered his eyes and when he opened them. he saw that Gwen changed. Her entire body was covered in darkness with several glowing red clocks that was all over her body. Her hair grew to the middle of her waist ,with it changing white, and she said,"Daniel. This is the power of the God of Time Chronos. Normally, I have a clock tattoo on my shoulder being the sign of my power but right now, I'm quite the powerful wizard.".

Danny said,"Wouldn't you be a witch or sorceress?". "No. You humans are a race that I will never understand. Keep Zero safe okay? I'll show the Meat Baron what happens when you mess with the Slicer." said Gwen. She disappeared in a purple cloud of smoke and Danny said,"Man, I still can't believe we know a girl like that man. Her eyes man. They are bright red with a clock in them. Hurry up and come kick some ass.".

Zane was currently in the Astral Realm which was rather empty and it was very colorful much like outer space. "Okay. So where in the nine realms am I?" said Zane. "Zero. Head toward the Temple of the Ancients to gain the power to stop the baron of cuisine." said a voice. "Okay then strange voice. So how do I even move through here?" said Zane. "Swim like a fish and you'll find your way to all answers answered and asked." said the voice.

Zane said,"Swim like a fish? I guess I could do this.". His hands glowed blue and he flew through the realm with air. "I hope I'm right about this." said Zane. "You're correct about this Zero." said the voice. Zane sighed and he looked around for a temple. "Okay. I have found so far a skyscraper, drug store, hair salon, motorcycle store, mansion, fruit bazaar, prison, castle, and I think I saw an ice cream parlor but not a temple." thought Zane.

Zane stopped in the realm and he said,"Okay. I finally found you.". He then saw a Greek like temple that was floating on a piece of land. The ruins was surround by a lake and the water ,through several openings, was flowing into the void. Zane then landed on the rocky terrain and he said,"Okay weird voice in my head. How do I get the power to stop the Meat Baron and save people from his T-Bones of Terror.". "Go into the Ruins of Reviving." said the voice.

Zane walked around and he enter the water. He screamed and he said,"What the hell is up with this water?". He trudged through the water and he reached the temple. He panted and he said,"This better be the Ruins of Reviving or else.". "Zero. Accept your destiny to protect your friends, family, and your world plus the worlds of millions if not billions of lives." said the voice. Zane then walked through the temple and he said,"I'll do it.".

Zane found a strange magic scroll and he grabbed it. He opened it horizontally and the words on the paper began to grow. "Okay. At least you're making things easy for me." thought Zane. He took a deep breath and he said,"Heroes are Reborn, Villains are Forever, but Zero shall always remain to be the protector of all. Power Up!". Zane glowed as he said,"Okay. I am coming to stop you and don't worry. I'll be a Hero no I'm Zero. That sounds wrong.".

Meanwhile with Danny, he was currently standing in front of the meditating Zane with him holding a baseball bat. Meat Baron had stopped firing out turkeys at people and made his meat minions or as he calls them, meations/meaions. "Okay man. This isn't going well but I will need Zero." said Danny. He hit one of the meat monsters and the food grabbed the bat. It broke in front of Danny and it was about to attack him but its attack was stopped by a magic circle.

The two heard,"Hands off the human meathead. He's my best friend after all.". Danny turned around to see Zane but he was different. His normally black hair was gold, his violet eyes were a steel gray color with a blue tint, and his body was covered in a silver aura. He was wearing something different and it looked rather modern. He's wearing an navy blue cloak/hoodie/jacket/robe that went down to his knees. He had on black combat boots with silver laces.

The top of his outfit was open revealing the top of his chest with the rest closed off but his black pants was still obvious. The cloak was covered with stars that were glowing the colors of the rainbow mainly. He was wearing a black belt around his waist with a crimson red dragon themed belt buckle and three magic bags on the belt. "Time for some cooked meat!" said Zane. The aura and stars then glowed red and a magic circle appear in front of Danny.

A giant plume of fire came out and it burned the monster into something really good. "Two things man. You look awesome and can I eat that?" said Danny. "I don't think you should. Where did Gwen go? I need some serious help with this whole magic thing." said Zane looking at his hands which were glowing red. "She went to go handle the Meat Baron. So did you learn the Arcane Magic or what man?" said Danny.

Zane said,"I guess. You should find somewhere to hide.". "You got it." said Danny. He ran off and he thought,"Okay. It's time to fly.". His aura glowed blue and he flew in the air. "Okay. This is way too cool man." said Zane. He flew toward the Meat Baron who was laughing evilly as students and some teachers ran from the meations/meaions. Savior was watching from nearby and a bucket of popcorn was flying in the air to the right of him.

He was also sitting in a lounge chair and he was holding a strange drink in his left hand. "Yes! That student of Eon is distracted and out of sight. So do you think she brought Zero's true potential or what?" said Savior. A shadowy figure stood there and it said,"Apazar. The Odium Society asked for your assistance.". "Do I have to? Man, I really wanted to watch my handywork." said Apazar who threw his drink at the figure.

The liquid fell onto the rooftop and it said,"I'll bring you by force if needed.". Apazar stood up and he said,"I'm coming.". He looked over at the school and he saw a white blur. "It can't be? He's been dead for years." said Apazar. "Is something wrong sir?" said the shadowy figure. A dark portal opened next to him and Apazar said,"No. It's nothing.". He placed his left foot through the portal and he thought to himself,"It's been a long time since Shawn has shown in some regard.". The two were gone.

Meat Baron watched and he said,"Yes humans. Squirm under my power and there's nothing that you can do.". "Hey DOG NIP! Have a taste of this!" said a voice. Zane kicked the man into the ground and the meat warriors looked at him. The royalty looked at Zane with him thinking,"That's the Zero alright. His magic aura beats this fat ass.". "Destroy him my Meations!" said MB. The crowd of panicking students plus Zane saw them forming together.

They formed into a giant dragon and it roared. "Okay. You need some serious breath mints and lay off the meat." said Zane who pinched his nose. The dragon roared and it swiped its left claw at Zane who said,"I hope this works!". His hands glowed green and he made a barrier around him. The claw of meat hit the barrier and he said,"Yeah. That isn't going to work.". The dragon kept trying and the teen thought,"Wow. This thing is more stubborn than me which is saying a lot.".

Danny ran looking for Gwen and he found her back to normal. "Gwen!" said Danny. Gwen looked at him and she said,"Daniel! Where's Zero?!". "You mean Zane right? He's fighting the Meat Minions or that stupid name that they have." said Danny. "Wait. How is he doing it?" said Gwen. "Well, he made a magic circle with a strange aura covering his body." said Danny. "What color was it?" said Gwen. "I think it was silver or white." said Danny.

Gwen said,"It can't be.". "It can't be what? Is he okay?!" said Danny. The two heard a loud banging sound and Gwen said,"That's the sound of something hitting a level 50 magic barrier. We need to go find Zero now.". She ran off as Danny said,"I guess Zane was right. I really should stop watching the ladies and join them!". He ran after the girl and Gwen thought,"Silver aura. It can't be. That's impossible but I did sense a great power from him.".

Back with Zane, he was getting sick of the scaly meat. "I think you should stop." said Zane. His eyes glowed and he said,"Freeze!". The dragon's attack was stopped and Zane got rid of his barrier with him looking around. Time was completely frozen solid and he said,"Okay then wow. So how did I do that whatsoever ?". "You may be a bigger threat than I thought." said a voice. Zane turned around to see Apazar standing there and he said,"Wow. You look just like him in this form.".

Zane said,"Who're you? And what did you do to the Butcher?". "Oh. I'm a friendly guy. Well, I am like you." said Apazar. He was getting closer to Zane but he noticed that he was trapped in place as he said,"Oh. It's good to see you again Slicer.". Gwen floated there and she said,"You were sent to the Infinite Void where no one shall return. How did you leave?". "Wow. I wonder if Danny still finds her hot now or what." thought Zane.

Apazar said,"Well, the humans have a saying. A good magician never reveals his secrets.". "So is that a saying where you're from Slicer?" said Zane. "Focus Zero." said Gwen. "Okay. So how do I unfreeze time? I mean you know how right?" said Zane. "Well Slicer, what are you going to do? Are you going to stop me and call Master Eon or help Zero with his problem? You've only one choice." said Apazar. "I understand but I have a third choice." said Gwen.

She placed her hands in Zane's and Zane said,"What are you doing Gwen? And how come I know how to defeat Meat Baron?". "Zane. We now share a link so don't let me down okay." said Gwen with her smiling. Zane smiled and he said,"Will do Gwen!". His body glowed blue and he jumped toward the meat reptile. "Oh. I get your plan. You decided to trust that human." said Apazar. "That human is the Zero." said Gwen. "Oh really now?" said Apazar.

Zane stood on the top of the dragon and he said,"Okay. I have only one shoot to do this. I wonder if I could use this magic bags for something.". He looked at his belt and he saw that the three magic bags had a different symbol on them. The one on the right had the symbol of a ghost, the one in the middle had a symbol of portal, and the one on the left had a magic wand. "I hope I'm not wrong about this." thought Zane.

He was about to touch the left bag and he heard in his head,"Zero. To smite your enemies, use your power of the Astral Realm rather than magic.". "Power of the Astral Realm?" said Zane. The dragon was moving slightly and he thought,"Shoot! My spell is wearing off. I wonder if I can use that power.". He jumped into the air and he was falling. "Oh right. I'm not using any powers right now. It's time for flight!" thought Zane.

He floated above the ground and Zane took a breath of relief. He turned around and he saw the tail of the meat. "Well...." thought Zane. He went into the ground and Gwen yelled,"Zane!". "Your alliance for him is your downfall Slicer!" said Apazar. He escaped the magic prison and he jumped toward the girl. "You forget why they call me Slicer didn't you Apazar?" said Gwen with a smile. The teen went back as a weapon appeared in her hands.

It was a huge broadsword with the blade being the length of her arm. The blade is thicker than one may expect with it being sharp to the touch. The hilt of the blade had a clock themed pattern and the blade was gold. "Ah. The Time Rune. I haven't seen in action but I've seen it in its standby phase which was Eon's favorite mechanical pen with its name written in the Greek Language. I guess you're its next user." said Apazar.

Gwen sliced the air in front of him and Apazar went back. "I should leave but where's the fun of that? Sick her my pets!" said Apazar. The girl saw a giant tiger with a rhino heading toward her and she placed her left hand on the ground. Upon getting closer to her, the ground opened and the duo felt into the hole. The ground sealed up and Apazar said,"Oh. This is getting good.". The two were about to fight but the dragon's roar caught their attention.

Earlier, the dragon and its ruler were happy about the squashing Zane. "Yes! I took the Zero! Maybe the other Sins will respect me!" thought the baron. The meat noticed that something or someone was holding onto its tail. It looked down and Zane held it. "I hope you like a tan!" said Zane. He started to spin around in place and Zane said,"And you're out of here!". The dragon flew into the air and it roared in anger.

Zane smirked as he made his hands into finger guns and he said,"Bye Bye.". From his fingers, two beams of steel gray energy flew out and it caused the meat dragon to explode. The area was covered with meat and Zane said,"Time to free you!". His hands glowed the steel gray color and he placed them on him. "No!" yelled the man. "Time to change the menu and you're free!" said Zane. The area was covered in a bright light and the crowd watching was blinded.

Later that day, Zane ,back to normal, was holding the sleeping butcher. "So what do I do with him now you guys?" said Zane who looked at Gwen and Danny. "That was awesome man!" said Danny who had a big smile. "It was quite impressive but during your purging, Apazar escaped though." said Gwen. "You didn't answer my question and are you sure that he won't remember any of this?" said Zane.

Gwen said,"Oh. He won't. Once a spirit has left the body, the possessed forgets all about this.". "So we should put him back to his shop right? I mean the dog needs their snacks." said Danny. "I suggest that you should do it Zero." said Gwen. "For some reason, I feel really drained." said Zane who was about to drop the man. He fell onto his knees and Danny caught him while Gwen held the man in a blue glow as Danny said,"Easy man. You don't need to be a hero always.".

Gwen said,"I'll handle the Butcher. Good job Zero or should I say Zane plus you as well?". She soon kissed Danny's forehead and she disappeared with the butcher. Danny's face was red as Zane said with a smirk,"Bro. You know that we have to tell her right?". "I know that but she's so hot." said Danny. "I guess but she's so mysterious you know? I mean what's up with that sword?" said Danny. "I guess but like you told me earlier, it doesn't matter that she's hiding stuff if she's pretty." said Zane.

Danny laughed and he said,"At least, you're still the same Zane.". The two then walked back into the building and they didn't noticed that something was watching them. It was a mechanical raven and it cawed. It flew off its watching spot and it flew into a green portal that appeared in the sky. It flew it and it ended up in a green dimension. It was filled to the brim with supernatural energy and floating things everywhere. If you could name something on Earth, it was here.

It looked around and it saw its creator's home which was a very retro looking clock tower covered with rust. It flew in through a broken window and it landed on its perch. "So. You've returned from the Human Realm without any battle scars. Very interesting." said a voice. An old looking hand put itself on the bird's head and it cawed in happiness. "I can tell that you missed didn't you Edgar but your job is important." said the voice.

The bird nodded and its eyes glowed. A holographic image of Zane stood there and the voice put its hand nearby by Zane. "So the Alliance found a new Zero? This one looks rather young but these old eyes or eye can see the potential in him. Eon does as well. I guess I should introduce myself to him." said the voice. The bird nodded its head and it follow the voice into the clock tower. This is the start of Zane's Adventure and Destiny as Zero.

Next time,
Zane learns more about Gwen and his destiny as Zero. This and more next time on Zero.

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