Friday, September 6, 2019

Zero Episode 128 Leading Zero

A/N: Fun fact about this episode. It was going to be something else but I decided to change my mind on what I'm going to do with it. This episode was going to featured Countess Chimera's master plan in full spade and it went off without a witch because no one was able to stop her. I decided to change my mind since in my opinion, it wasn't earned. We've only been hearing about that plan and one of its effect aka Marcus turning into Father Nature.

Said teen's metagene/Metagene was forcefully activated by Countess's experiment known as Meta-Growth will reappear along with the Brandsa. Meta-Growth had been showed before the revival in the last episode. It was shown in Zero Episode 93 being that it activate Marcus's metagene by force rather than having it come naturally like it did for Danny. It has been activated by force before thanks to Chemical PX and Galaxy Surprise.

However, Meta-Growth had the additional effect of being under Countess Chimera's control. They may think that they have free will but all of their actions are a result of the Countess's will. Zane wouldn't have be able to stop her because he was busy with Derrick Price aka Hellion Baron. Zane honestly thought that Derrick died in the explosion but well, Derrick lived. It happened just after Zane left. Derrick did died that day but he was reborn. His rebirth is very much like a Phoenix.

From what I researched, a Phoenix is reborn from the ashes of its former life. Derrick is reborn after bursting out of his corpse of his former life. It's like this but more gross. However, you should think about Derrick's way of living forever like this. If you gained immortality and every time you died, you would come out of your corpse like Derrick. However, you would be able to see what the future of humanity has in store.

It may be the robots ruling or perhaps World War 8 but it isn't all negative. You'll be able to have a freaking jetpack! Who wouldn't that?! I would want a jetpack that wouldn't burn me. I gave Derrick a bios because I wanted to show what he could do. I may do this again with Zane's main villains and the rest of them once Zero is done but that isn't happen for a long. Derrick will return and will be a major threat to Zero.

This episode will show change in Zane's life and world around him. It can range from someone losing a limb in a fight or a flat screen lowering its prize. No one would be against the latter change mind you but it's an example of a major and minor change. There will be a lot of major changes rather than minor changes but you'll just have to wait and see what changed in Season 4. Yes. If you remember, Episode 81 started Season 3 and last episode is the end of Season 3.

This season was longer than Season 1 ,from Episode 1 to 25 but shorter than Season 2 from Episode 25 to 80. It was the middle ground in terms of amount of episodes but we had more events happen within the arc but it took longer to finish than Season 1 and 2. What I mean by that is that it took twenty one month being January 2018 to September 2019 to finish up. This is due to me stick with editing and writing Fairy Legion. Fairy Legion will return very soon.

I'm just waiting for the right time since once a certain event happens in both Fairy Legion and Zero. The latter will take a while to get there but Fairy Legion will happen faster than Zero. Also did you know about something called Scooby Doo Apocalypse. It's Scooby Doo but the apocalypse. You should check it out thanks to the Comicstorian. We'll began our story with a timeskip. This time skip is longer than the one from Season 2 to 3 which was two years.

I'll give you a hint on its length being that it's more than three years but less than ten years. This time skip is due for other reasons that I'll be explaining on a later date. I think for once, I made a title that makes sense in the context of the episode. In the world of acting, there are Leading Actors, Leading Ladies, and Leading Men. You learn weird things everyday. Such as Ass over Teakette which I will be using very soon. I should mention that Costume in a Can is called Super Cube.

I decided to change it and hopefully, I got it all the times I mentioned it. I probably missed a time I mentioned it before now but I made sure to go through all the times I could have mentioned it. We'll also get the new name of the collar that metahumans wears to negate their powers. There will be a lot about this future revealed but I will be explained all of them hopefully. I tend to be pretty bad about this but I'm sure about this. Lets begin with an older version of one of Zane's kids.

Narrator P.O.V.
The year is 2024 AD being that it has been four years since Zane aka Legion Zero defeated Hellion Baron. Inside of the Vindicator aka Efren's motor home which has the design of a FR3 33DS Class A Motorhome, Atem sat there in the dinette and reading a book. Atem was born in the year of 2,992 BC being that he's biologically fifteen years old and chronologically five thousand and sixteen years old so he's a old soul. His black hair is the same length as it was when he was eleven but look slightly shorter.

His body now fit his size with him looking like his father somewhat, having a boxer frame but his muscles were shown thanks to his outfit. He's wearing a beige t-shirt with white 3/4 sleeve sleeves and a white collar. On the center of the shirt, it has a gold sun in the center of it. His shirt showed his six pack. He wears blue cargo jeans with visible seams. He had on a blue and gold wrist watch that matched his father's Z.E.R.O. watch in terms of appearance not function. He's wearing brown sandals.

Next to him was his most treasured Legion Zero hoodie that he wore to support his dad's other job as a superhero. His hoodie is still a very comfy, black normal hoodie. The zipper going down the middle but it has elements of a varsity jacket. The interior is crimson red and the hood is white. On the left and right sleeve, it has the words Legion and Zero when read from the top of the shoulder to the hand. He also had a dark green backpack.

Atem sighed as he said,"So how long is Zoey going to be mad dad? It's been thirty minutes since we saw the pilot for Legion Zero and Pals. I get that she was shock to see the super lame version of you but she reminds me of you when you get mad.". The TV next to him had its screen shattered and was on mute. The shattered screen was showing Legion Zero and Pals. The teenage mummy turned around to see his father standing there and stretching. He had just finished training.

Zane Vincent Alvarez was now twenty two years with him looking slightly different compared to when he was eighteen years old. According to most women, Zane looks to be the perfect blend of cute and handsome. His hair has a wild look which naturally wows the ladies. He's now six foot six which makes taller than his father, Kurt, and Lucius. He has black hair ,which is messy and really soft to the touch, with natural red tips.

His hair still covers his neck with it being not much longer than it was four years old. This is due to him not liking long hair on himself. He has a single bang being that it hangs over the left side of his forehead and this bang is a red color. His eyes are still their signature storm gray color and his mole is still under his right eye. His body clearly puts most bodybuilders to shame with it being lean and muscular, being the perfect combination of speed and strength. This body has been called the superhero body.

Zane tends to favor speed over strength however, each and every single muscle was toned and compacted. He's well built but not overdone. His muscles were meant for protecting others rather than showing them off. This was done through several herculean hours dedicated to his training. It made him look extremely attractive if he's caught without a shirt. His body is something that most men envy and would kill to have being that most women would love to hold that body in their arms. 

As he got older, most women and some men often stare somewhat hungrily at his toned body mainly when he isn't wearing a shirt. His body has been called god like. Whenever Zane goes to the beach or pool, there have been some full on blushes and blood spills out of people's nose. His skin looks to be very strong but it’s soft like silk upon contact. If you want an example of Zane's skin color, check this post since I'm awful at describing it.

The fact that his skin is covered in scars only brought out his handsomeness according to a certain female's opinion. Zane's body has been called a mixture of a linebacker, running back, and gymnast. His frame looked like a fighter being that he has a broad chest and washboard ,six pack, abs. His face is chiseled and has noticeable hardened edges in his jawline. He also has a V-line and has very little fat on his body.

He has a handful of scars on his body being that he got all of them around the same time being between 16 to 18 years old. In the center of his chest where his heart or Essence would be, he has ridges of machinery there instead. His body has been called a mixture of a gymnast, linebacker, running back, and triathlete. His frame looked like a fighter being that he has a broad chest and washboard ,eight pack, abs. He has a V-line. He has very little fat on his body. 

Zane's chest is much bigger than they were before along his biceps and triceps alongside broad pecs and shoulders. The first thing that most beings tend to notice is Zane's body. It gives off an aura of great strength and never ending endurance. Anyone who goes up against someone with this muscle tone would question their chances of winning and for most men, their manhood and pride. When this happens, some men try to fight Zane and this fails due to these men being really drunk.

The other thing is that Zane is much stronger than most men his age and above. Thanks to having an highly impressive body, he's able to perform impressive physical feats. Assurance and confidence comes out of his body in waves. His face is angular, chiseled and has hardened edges in his jawline with no sign of baby fat and hard statuesque cheek bones. His face would be considered drool worthy. He has a sharp jaw with a face that had a rogue like charm.

His eyes has the spark of determination and rebellion inside of them. His eyes tells people that he isn't going to give up or let anyone tell him what to do with his life. His spark of rebellion is stronger than most. It's an intense and raging spark that doesn't go out so easily and tends to be strong even when the enemy is stronger than most. When Zane wants to intimidate someone, he makes his eyes look fierce and glares at people.

Zane is also known for having a devilishly alluring smile that has been known to charm the ladies and piss off the males. His smile only brings warmth, joy, and happiness. He usually has an expression of excitement with him having a large, tooth-bearing grin. It's been called infectious. His voice is a smooth tenor and like fine whiskey. It reminds everyone that a true man's speaking. He tends to be speak with a lack of seriousness but it will gain a serious tone when it needs to. 

He often has full confidence in his voice. People couldn't sense even a trickle of self-doubt in him. He's sporting a full, nicely trimmed and grown beard. If you need a visual example of Zane's beard, think Thor's beard from Ragnarok and Infinity War. It doesn't appear when he's Zero by the way and sometimes, he shaves it off. He has a fair share of scars on his body. In the center of his chest where his heart or Essence would be, he has ridges of machinery. 

The machinery forms to make a long and thin "Z" shape with it looking both organic and metallic. To those who don't know the origin of it, it's a very weird piercing or tattoo. This is his heart/Essence being that he lost it. He got this from Devin when he was sixteen and it's something that sticks out when he isn't wearing clothing. His right arm may look like it matches his left arm but it's actually a prosthetic limb. It's also made of a very durable metal. 

Its currently in its disguised form being that he likes his arms to match when in public. Its true form is black on the right side, white on the left side, and a single indigo stripe diving the arm into two different colored sections. His hand matched his arm's unique color scheme being that his palm has a Hidari Gomon tattoo is indigo with the left side of his hand being black and the right side of his hand being white.

He has a new long diagonal scar on his chest being that it ran from Zane's left shoulder to the right side of his abs. You'll learn how he got that later. Another one of Zane's scar started at the right side of his jaw that was slightly hidden by his beard. It was haphazardly stretched entirely over the right side of his neck and shoulder. It's connected to the metal prosthetic arm. The scar is reddish-purple. This color is due to the scar being instantly cauterized by a high amount of heat. 

Zane has some tattoos on his body being that he has a matching indigo Hidari Gomon on his left palm to match his right one being that it was currently disguised. He has a tattoo on his left shoulder with it being a steel gray metallic tribal looking skull. This skull has noticeable fangs and four eye narrow sockets. The skull was being protected by a molten gold dragon with this dragon having four wings and two wings were on either side of the body.

Its wings were drawn back, looking intimating and breathing fire from its mouth. His hair hides his final tattoo. It’s on the back of his neck. It’s a black heart with the foreground that looks like a spiderweb and broken/cracked glass fusion. It has four lavender tomoe around it with a black jagged line going through all four of them. His clothing has matured just a little bit from what he wore when he was eighteen years old. 

He's wearing a black hooded jacket with his jacket looking similar to an Air-Force jacket. It's usually unzipped most of the time and has a closed pocket on each side. He usually has his cellphone resting in his jacket's left pocket of his side pocket. The sleeves of his jacket are a dark gray color and had a stylized logo emblazoned on the left breast of his jacket. It's a crimson red color and forms a "Z" shape with his jacket having compression sleeves sewn in them. 

This is due to him usually going overboard in his training. Under his jacket, he wears a royal blue compress/muscle shirt. It has a dark gray v-neck style collar and sleeves. Some of his chest was shown off thanks to his shirt. In the center of his shirt, he has a dark gray stylized fleur-de-lis/seven leaf clover emblem over it. The fleur-de-lis had a strong black outline around it and has the ends of his shirt sleeves is a black color as well. 

His shirt's fleur-de-like design has a black "X" design behind it. The word "HERO" was written under it and was a red color. His jacket and shirt is extremely form fitting, showing off his amazing muscles. He wears grayish blue military-style jeans with him wearing his Z.E.R.O. Armor belt. His pants have silver kneepads sewn into them. He's wearing his signature black, purple, and white tennis shoes. His shoes now have the same symbol as his shirt does on the sides of them. 

Zane is wearing his black and white signet ring not on his right index finger but his left ring finger. This means that he's a taken man. His Enigma Talisman was on on his left wrist alongside his Z.E.R.O. Watch. He only wore one of his dark gray wristbands. It's on his right wrist. This band is used to suppressed his aura and power from others. It also has two glass beads with a visible molten gold "Hero” written in kanji in the center of the two beads.

He now wears a new pair of glasses. His glasses were more like sunglasses. They still had a dark indigo frame and rimless over the top with clear light gray lens that still showed off his eyes. These glasses are a portable supercomputer and just another one of Zenith Industries's inventions.He wears a new pair of Galaxy Phones and not because his hyper hearing would have gotten stronger. He wears black ,with crimson red details, wireless over-the-ear headphones.

It now looks to be a hybrid of several types of headphones.This hybrid consist of Audio-Technica ATH-WS990BT, Audio-Techina M50x, AR3bt SE, AKG K845BT,  Audio-Technica model ATH-EM700 SV, and ATH-AR3BT Audio-Technica headphones. He has silver star emblem on the headphones. Zane's headphones are usually worn around his neck. Zane can still hears others when he isn’t playing his music. It protect his hearing even if he’s wearing them around his neck.

They’ll also have unlimited power. He no longer wears his silver kunai earrings, his wooden eagle necklace, and silver chain necklace combo. This is because Zane needed to grow up but he couldn't upset Atem and Uriel. Zane decided to make a fusion of the three. He was now wearing a silver chain necklace with a wooden molten gold chibi western dragon playing on a crimson red guitar. His guitar has a small vine like pattern to it. 

Said dragon is holding a silver kunai ,that has a helix like design, in his mouth. It may make no sense but both Atem and Uriel liked it so he didn't mind it too much. Along with his outfit, he's now wears an updated version of his costumes being that they fit his more adult figure. This is due to his costumes and clothing to an extant being made out of a extremely flexible material that is easily ten times stronger than steel. 

This material ,known as Monorilite, is in a prototype phase but has been through several field tests and passed the usability phase. Upon touching it, it feels just as smooth and cool as regular spandex but not too tight. It's far more flexible than normal spandex and takes a great amount of pressure to even damage it. Zane's Crimson Spade, Emperor Mail, Hyperion Mail, Omni Mode, and Zeta Costume are made out of this material.

Another updated costume is the only one shown in the Adventures of Legion Zero pilot aka the tactical version of the Zeta Costume. This is due Zane been wearing it often. We'll be seeing that costume a little bit later. He's still very popular with the ladies being that he's been called more handsome as he get older and want to be with him despite the ring on his left ring finger suggesting that he's been taken. The question is who has taken Zane off the dating scene.

You'll find out in due time folks but not right now. "To be far son, you can't blame Zoey too much for her actions. I mean she is a Alvarez who are known for their emotional outbursts. Just look at me and your grandma for example." said Zane. He stretched out his left hand to grab an apple that currently was on the kitchenette and he said,"I mean they did butchered me quite badly Zane. It was a slaughter in fact but hey, I see it as a different perspective of me.".

Zane looked at Atem with him saying,"The internet has many different versions of me and well, it's a unique experience to say the least.". Zane sat across from his son as he said,"Yeah. I mean Uriel was mad too but she kept it under control. It's a shock to see that since she's a member of the most emotional species in the Omniverse but she kept her cool unlike Zoey. She doe have candy on her so perhaps, her anger was lessen.". 

The Cross Species nodded as he said,"That's a good reason but Uriel and Zoey have the curse of high emotions.". "Don't the Alvarez males have that too? I mean I'm not as emotional as you dad but I can get pretty upset." said Atem. Zane nodded as he said,"We sure do. Everyone in our family ,adopted or not, has the problem of strong emotions. If you make one of the Alvarez family mad, you'll wish you didn't.".

Atem nodded as he said,"Grandma shows that anger a lot mainly when Curtis said something bad about you which is often. She tried to kill him once or twice being that not even Aunt Isabel tried to stop her sometimes. So do you think we should get them?" said Atem. "It's the responsible thing to do and as heroes, doing the responsible thing is the way we go by even though it may not be the right or fun thing to do Atem." said Zane, finishing off the apple.

Outside of Infamous Studios, Zoey growled and scowled heavily at a poster of Legion Zero and Pals on the wall. Zoey may be six years old biologically but she aged to twelve years old. She looked like a normal twelve year old girl in terms of her appearance being slightly more mature than normal girls that look to be her age. This is due to her genetics. Her long ,messy yet soft, red hair with naturally black tips to it is held back by a red beanie.

However, a curl of hair rested on her forehead due to it escaped her beanie. Her eyes are still violet like Zane's eyes were when he was that age. She dresses like like a tomboy. She's wearing a bigger version of the red zip-up sweater/hoodie that she wore when she was eight but now wore a black tank top/tube top underneath. Her tank top has a Molten Gold "L" and Steel Gray "Z" on it. She wears gray shorts with black stockings underneath and black belt with a gray belt buckle.

She's wearing blue sneakers with white laces and soles. Grabbing/ripping the poster off the wall, Zoey carefully looked over what company and human made this post. "Copyright: Ricardo Salazar 2024. All rights belong to me?!" growled Zoey before ripping the poster with a furious look on her face. She began stomping on the ripped poster with her anger taking control of her. "I can't believe that some jackass made that crap behind my dad's back! This sucks!" said Zoey.

The clone's eyes began to glow with her saying,"And it's a complete waste of animation! I'm going to beat the ever living crap of whoever made this!". Her eyes glowed as she punched the wall in front of her. It cracked a bit as someone stepped forward and intervened her from causing too big of a scene. It was an older Vexira being that she looked eight years old. Her skin tone was still lavender but could still pass for human.

Her white hair ,with a single blue and purple streak, is now shorter than it was before being that it went to just below her chin. She's now wearing black eye-shadow that's lightly painted on her eyelids and eyebrows which made her green eyes stick out. She still wearing her aqua blue lipstick and black stud earrings. She's now wearing a light purple blue blouse with short dark pink sleeves and black horizontal stripes going along it.

She wears blue jeans with it looking ripped and her brown high heel cowgirl boots that now went to her knees. The Phantom dragged her clone bestie toward her brother and father while she was tearing up the poster like a wild beast. "You need to calm down Zoey! You're much better than this you know that right?!" said Vex. "I know that but ugh! My dad deserves better than this!" said Zoey. Vex placed her down next to her calm brother with Zoey glared at the destroyed poster.

She threw it toward the air and fired a beam of Green Nether at it, destroying it. "This sucks ass! It's personal this time Vex! This cartoon is an direct insult to dad and I can't stand by and letting this happen to him after all he's done in the past couple of years!" said Zoey. "Calm down Zoey. You can't let your emotions take control. I know what when you do and you'll regret it afterwards. You shouldn't go rampaging just because you hate the show." said Zane, looking at his phone.

Zoey looked at her dad as she said,"Dad! I can't believe that you're not mad like me! They make you look a laughing stock! He's making money off you!". "So? People are allowed to have a different opinion of me even if it's mean. Look on the bright side, it might not even get picked. It's a terrible show yes but the profits from the show are going to charities all around the world. That's what matters. I'm not in for the money but helping people." said Zane. 

Zane looked at his little girl with her looking disappointed in herself. "With that in mind, I heard the creator is signing autographs today so how about you give him a piece of your mind about ripping me off?" said Zane. "Really?" said Zoey. "Sure pumpkin." said Zane, tussling her hair. "Dad! Stop! We're in public!" said Zoey. "So how is Efren doing?" said Vex. "According to him, the distributor is shot. He saw a garage a few blocks back and going to get another one." said Zane.       

A voice said,"But what about Infamous Studios Daddy?". Zane turned to see his youngest daughter standing there with the family dog Wolfram. Wolfram didn't change in the past four years being that according to Zane, Phantom animals don't really age or grow too much. Uriel did being that she was now nine years old. Uriel's hair is slightly longer being up to her shoulders when it was at her chin when she was five.

She has a cross-cat hair clip with it resting in the left side of her hair. Her violet eyes were under a pair of navy blue glasses with trapezoidal shaped frames. She had trouble seeing a bit and also she wanted to be like her dad. She's wearing a navy blue jacket with a white sleeveless qipao shirt under it. Her shirt had a dog themed pattern to it being a violet color. She's wearing a red skirt that goes up to her knees with long black stockings, and gray ankle-length flat sandals.

She wears a dark purple fingerless glove on her right hand. "Uriel. I promised that I would take you kids somewhere nice as an apology for missing another one of Zoey's soccer games. Really hate how Zero's enemies never takes a day off. According to my sources, you were awesome Zoey. Didn't even use your powers. Better than me when I was in high school where I kinda used them to well make Brad look stupid. We'll meet Efren back here at 5." said Zane.

Zoey smiled as she said,"You rock dad! I'll destroy Legion Zero and Pals if it kills me!". Wolfram barked as Zane said,"Don't try to question her pup. It isn't worth it.". The group soon walked into the theme park with them looking at a giant standee. It showed a man, looking to be in his mid 20s. He's notably muscular with a muscular upper body shown with his very broad shoulders. He has an angular and chiseled face with a very strong square shaped jaw.

He has light skin with blue eyes ,a tinge of red along the edges of them, and short platinum blond hair that's part in the middle. He's wearing a black, long-sleeved collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up and exposes his right arm being robotic. His shirt has a red striped pattern to it, forming a star shape. He wears dark blue combat jeans with a heavy-duty gray utility belt with several pockets that attached to the outside to the belt. The edges of his pants are lightly singed.

There is a gold belt buckle with it taking an upside down pyramid shape. He wears heavy-duty, gray fingerless gloves and knee-length combat boots. He wears a gray mask that wraps around his head, exposing his face and hair. On his back, he wears a metal and silver jetpack with wrist gauntlets. He was holding a metal face mask with a magma themed skull-shape design in order to conceal his identity. It advertised that Byron Waldron was going to be signing autographs today.

Vex turned to Zane with her saying,"So who's Byron Waldron Mr. Alvarez?". "Apparently, he's some old hero from when my dad was a kid." said Zoey. "Be nice you two. Everyone has their idols. You like some members of the cast of Ultimate Showdown despite father's hatred of the show." said Atem. "I don't hate the show Atem." said Zane. "Yes you do Zane. You practically refused invitation onto the show several times. Thanks for coming by the way." said a voice.

The group turned to see a woman standing there. She's the famous pop idol/heroine Quartz aka Lillian Mitchell aka Lilly from Zero Episode 119. Her metagene changed her. She's 5 foot 5 with a slim figure. Her skin is pale white and has full lips. She has beady, almond-shaped cyan blue eyes with black eyeliner. She has chestnut brown hair with the sides of it shaved off and her hair is styled in a undercut and the tips are dyed dark pink. The back of her hair is in a ponytail.

She's wearing her costume/stage outfit. It's a sleeveless and strapless black one-piece leotard. It has white edges and a star shaped opening in the center of the chest and a smaller one in the back. She wears a black and pink belt with a star-shaped belt buckle around her waist. She wears transparent stockings with dark magenta thigh-high boots. She wears a headset with a star shaped microphone over her cheek. She wears black fingerless gloves with white lining.

With a smile, Zane said,"It's good to see you as well Lilly. How are things with you?". "For once, pretty good. I still don't get why you would allow this kind of crap besmirch Zero's name since you two are best friends." said Lilly. "See big brother? I told you should do something about this! Ms. Quartz thinks so too!" said Zoey, punching her left fist into her right palm. "So what show is Byron Waldron from exactly?" said Vex with Uriel and Wolfram trying to calm down Zoey before she did something stupid.

Lilly smiled as she said,"Byron Waldron is from a show called Mystery Chronicles. It's existed for about forty years now. Byron Waldron is the show's main star and also the creator for the entire run of the show. Byron Waldron plays a character by the name of Agent Igneous. He was asked to explore the Multiverse and discover new and random realities. Some of them are like ours and others being really weird and random.".

Zane smiled as he said,"Such as the Jello Reality and the Reality where Dinosaurs fight Kangroos. It was such an amazing show. Can't believe that it got canceled for Ultimate Showdown. That's one of the reasons why I hate the show.". "Really? It ran for that long? From what I know about the show, Byron would be at least be in his late seventies or early eighties by now. He would have retired from show business by now right?" said Atem. "You're right but Byron isn't exactly your normal actor." said Zane.

Uriel looked at Zane with her saying,"So is he a meta? I mean he's really old right but can act like he's young so that's the honest answer I have right now.". "Wow. That's some very good deduction skills Uriel." said Vex. "Thanks. Me and Zane watch a lot of those shows and I was able to figure out the criminals most of the time without his help." said Uriel, looking proud. "You're right. Byron Waldron is one of the first known metahumans. Totally explains if you really think about it." said Lilly.

Lilly crossed her arms as she said,"Yeah. He did all of his stunts regardless of the risks to his life and also his earth and lava based abilities were very real special effects.". "Yeah. Thanks for getting him to show up. He was one of my many inspirations to become an amazing person." said Zane. "And a damn good one at that. Even though you don't wear the tights like most heroes out there, you're helping out people every day." said Lilly.

Lilly looked at Zane's ring with her saying,"So when's the wedding? You've been engaged for almost three years and haven't married yet.". "Yeah but my big brother and my sister in law are very busy these days. Don't have time for the wedding." said Atem. Wolfram barked. "Yep. This show means a lot to you Zane so I thought this would be something to show my total support for someone who made my life much better." said Lilly. Zane smiled as he said,"Thank you a lot Lilly.".

Crisis Judgement went off as he turned to see someone bump into Zoey. It's a man wearing an Pyre Form costume exposing his mouth and face. "Hey there little girl! Are you a fan of Legion Zero and Pals?!" said the man who was doing a Jamaican accent. Zoey growled with her tacking the man to the ground and started to beat him up. As Atem, Vex, Uriel, and Wolfram tried to get Zoey to stop, Lilly stood next to her friend and she said,,"So how long has she been like this?".

Zane sighed as he said,"Ever since she saw the preview on our way here. I'm worried about my little sister. She's usually so nice and caring.". "But like her brother, she has a temper when it comes to her family. Remember when she actually bit Noah Foster for making fun of you at the conference two years ago." said Lilly. "Yeah I do. Mind asking Vex and Wolfram could keep an eye on her as they explore the studios that doesn't feature my image?" said Zane.

Lilly looked at him as she said,"It'll be hard but I'll try my best. Are you sure that bringing her here was a good idea?". "It was at the time but then Legion Zero and Pals came to be and despite the good it bring to people in third world countries, my little sister's image of me will not be ruined by a terrible show." said Zane. "I know you don't see as a bad show but..." said Lilly. "I know but I'm trying being an adult and it sucks." said Zane.

A bit later, the group divided. One group was Uriel, Wolfram, and Zoey being that the clone was trying to calm down but the constant signs of the mockery of her father and his forms kept her in a explosive mood as Lilly puts it. Not even her powers are calming her down. Atem sighed as Lilly looked at him and she said,"Is something wrong Atem?". "I know my brother being popular is a good thing but why did Legion Zero and Pals have to exist?" said Atem.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Beats me. I'm still getting used to the idea of me being a icon. Got a lot of pressure on me since the entire world talks about me. Been like that for a couple of years now and I'm still not used to it.". "So I have to ask. What's your favorite form Zane?" said Lilly. "I told you many times that I don't pick favorites when it comes to my forms. All of them have their uses in certain requirements and can be the best in that outcome." said Zane.

Lilly looked at Atem who said,"Yeah. That's his stock answer whenever he's asked that by fans and he has seen the fan art of them. I heard that Thunder Cove uses the fan art of them and show them Ultimate Showdown to scare the prisoners into submission.". "Adrian can be such a sick freak sometimes. So do you know who the creator of Legion Zero and pals is?" said Zane. "Wait. You don't know. The great and knowledge Zane doesn't know something." said Lilly.

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Despite my great knowledge, I'm still human so who is the man or woman who......". Zane's eyes spotted at a poster of Legion Zero ,currently in his Legion Zero and Pals artist, standing side by a man. He looks to be a Caucasian male in his late 30s and slightly muscular but still rather frail. He has dark blue ,which looks black depending on the angle, hair with it covering his shoulders. He also has a goatee.

He has gray eyes that look tiny with noticeable wrinkles from stress and can't be masked by the makeup department. He wears a dark green polo shirt with a black long sleeved undershirt, brown jeans, and blue and white shoes. He's wearing a black glove ,with his initials on them, on his right hand. "Meet Ricardo Salazar, the creator of Legion Zero and Pals?" said Zane. "Let me guess Zane. You're mad now?" said Lilly, crossing her arms. "Why would brother be mad at this guy?" said Atem.

Zane sighed as he said,"He's the host of Ultimate Showdown and well, I kinda hate him a lot but I wouldn't go on a destructive rampage. Got to be responsible.". "He's really matured hasn't he?" said Lilly. "Yeah. He's doing it to make his younger siblings proud of him which we are." said Atem, with him smiling. "We should go find this guy." said Zane. "Why?" said Lilly. "If I know Zoey, she's probably there and I don't want to bail out my twelve year old daughter of jail." said Zane.

He walked away with Lilly saying,"Your family is weird you know that right Atem?". "Yes but being weird is awesome according to our family. I couldn't see myself without them in my life. They're the most important thing to me." said Atem. "That's nice. Wish I had what you have at your age Atem." said Lilly as Atem knew her past thanks to his dad. "Don't worry. You have friends now and I'm sure we'll always be there for you." said Atem as she nodded and went after Zane.

Meanwhile with Zoey's group, she along with Uriel, Wolfram, and Vex tried to calm Zoey down. The group was heading toward the booth where Ricardo was signing autographs. It was a pretty large crowd with several cheering children who were excited to see Zane's forms even if they looked silly. "Oh. This is so pathetic. Don't these kids know that they're cheering for some hack using dad's image like this! He is even worse than Curtis Goodwin!" said Zoey 

Zoey smiled as she said,"In fact, I have an idea to make him learn his place. I'll be right back.". Uriel and Vex looked at each other in concern as they watched Zoey storm off. Wolfram barked at the girls with Vex saying,"He's right. We should go after her before she does something really stupid and gets her in some serious job.". "Good job boy. Way to be a good moral compass." said Uriel, petting Wolfram and his tag was noticeable.

At the booth, Ricardo sat there bored out of his mind. "Yeah!" said a young kid who had just gotten an signed autograph of Brawn Form from the man. "Thanks for watching kid. You should also make sure to check out Ultimate Showdown as well." said Ricardo in a bored tone. The two security guards nearby him looked at Ricardo with them both regretting coming into work today. Ricardo Salazar isn't well liked by most people. 

Zoey casually marched forward and past all of the people who were waiting patiently in the long line before she bumped in front of a mother with her young son. "Hey there, what are you doing?!" said the mother. Zoey ignored her with her staring at the son's autograph picture of Diamond Form which she thinks is one of Zane's favorite form. She promptly began ripping it apart and she was angry. By doing this, said kid began crying with everyone in the line giving Zoey looks.  

Ricardo looked at Zoey with her saying,"Hey there brat! That's an Infamous Studios original and it's my property!". "Screw you. I don't give a damn. You're making a mockery of Legion Zero, the people he has saved, Zenith Industries, and my brother with your stupid fucking cartoon!" shouted Zoey. "Her brother? Is she crazy?" said one of the security guards. "Who knows? Maybe her bro works for the company or something like that. We should do something about her right?" said the second security guard.

The first guard shrugged as he said,"You can but I'm not. My kid hates this show more than anything and it's Ricardo.". "Valid point." said the second guard. Zoey then pointed one of a fingers accusingly at Ricardo, scoffing. "So? There's another cartoon out there that's doing the exact thing as me but with way less merchandise. I mean that's how shows like this stay in business brat." said Ricardo. "So what? At least that show respected a true hero unlike your show and you which are jokes." said Zoey.

Ricardo growled after being insulted as he snapped his fingers. "Take her away King. She's bothering the people." said Ricardo. Zoey turned to see a man standing there. He's large and muscular with dark skin. He's bald but still has a glorious mustache that frames his face and brown eyes with bags under them. He has a square shaped head with a round nose and prominent lips. He's wearing a formal black collared shirt with the sleeves looking clearly ripped off. 

Thanks to his sleeves being ripped off, it exposed his muscular arms and tattoos of several different things being that a gold crown sticks out the most.. He's wearing olive green pants with a black and gold belt. He's wearing black boots. "You got it boss." said Julius in a deep voice. He grabbed hold of her hoodie's collar and before he could be dragged away,  someone stopped her. "Hands off my sister your highness." said a voice as Julius was uppercutted in the stomach by Zane. 

Said punch made the man to double over. The man was clutching his stomach with Zane kicked the back of the left knee before he put him into a full nelson. He lifts him off the ground and throwing the man’s head right toward the floor. He finishes this off by doing an axe kick onto the back of his head knocking him out. Ricardo was shocked to see his main bodyguard/co host of Ultimate Showdown knocked out by one man with him knowing the man.

Zane looked at Ricardo with him saying,"And here we go again. You really can't take constructive criticism or your guards dressed as Zero's forms kinda suck at their job.". He pointed to a guard with him dressed like a Cryptid Form. He was knocked out with him holding his hands over his groin. "One good kick to the nuts and he was out cold." said Zane. "You rock so much big brother! That's the worst one he made into a joke Zane!" said Zoey with a smile. 

The group of Atem, Lilly, Uriel, Vex, and Wolfram joined them. "And here I thought that you were able to take constructive criticism decently." said Lilly. "I can Lilly but when one of the worst people in this country tries to get my sister hurt just because she was speaking the truth, I fight back." said Zane. "So what are you doing here Alvarez? Did you finally decided to finally join Ultimate Showdown?" said Ricardo.

Zane looked at him as he said,"I would only be on your show if I can donate the money to charity and more importantly, you stopped being a narcissist which will never happen.". "Yeah and I puked when I saw your show for the first time! You're make Legion Zero look like a freaking joke and the villains that you made fucking suck!" said Zoey. The parents ,who were in line with their children, covered their ears as they looked at Zane with a look of disappointment.

Ricardo looked at Zane with him saying,"Shouldn't you have more control over your sibling and her potty mouth Alvarez?". "I would but I don't care. She should be allowed to speak her mind thanks to the first amendment aka Freedom of Speech." said Zane. "Yep. Mr. Alvarez is a proponent for it mainly when it comes to swearing and that's because everyone in our family is major potty mouths." said Uriel with her looking proud about at that. Wolfram agreed as well.

Atem sighed as he said,"We tried a swear jar but with the amount of times that our family swear mainly from my big brother aka Zane, we would need a safe to contain all of the money from him alone and could buy a condo.". Zane rolled his eyes as a kid said,"If you don't like it, how about you just deal with it girl!". "Yeah!" said a second kid. "Oh yeah! I'll show you what I think about this stupid show!" said Zoey, going to show some destructive criticism. 

Lilly sighed as she said,"You know. Someday, I miss the normal.". "Yeah but this is more fun right Lilly?" said Zane. "I guess so." said Lilly, shrugging. "At this rate, I will have to erase the world's memory of Zoey being Lodestar. Don't like doing it more than once in a while but rather not have my daughter been targeted by those nazis anytime soon. Already have to deal with them as Zero more than I like." thought Zane.

As the two were having their chat, Zoey transformed into Lodestar and had a costume upgrade to match her age and identity as a hero. Lodestar is considered to be Legion Zero's protege but she was treated as her own hero. She has long, straight ash gray/ash blond hair that ends just below her shoulder blades. She has steel gray eyes but unlike Zero, her eyes have a green tint. This is due to her primarily only using Green Nether. Her body is still covered in a white aura.

She wears an unzipped white, short-sleeved jacket with a black and white compression shirt that expose her midriff. The left side of her shirt is black and the right side of her shirt is white. In the center of her shirt, it expose her own personal logo. Lodestar's logo is a neon green star, symbolizing her usage as the light that fights the darkness or something like that plus her using Green Nether. Her father doesn't get the meaning behind it but it makes her happy and that's all that mattered.

Her arms are covered by chainmail sleeves just like Zeros but her sleeves ends just before it hits her elbow. She wears a pair of white ,star themed, gloves on both hands which are pointed at the ends and ends at her elbows. She wears a black skirt that goes down to her knees and white tights underneath it. She wears a gray utility belt with a neon green star shaped belt buckle. She wears white knee high boots with low wedged heels. This shocked the crowd.

Uriel tilted her head as she said,"So why did she turn into Lodestar again? I mean she could have just made Nether appear over her hands or fly. Would have done the job easier.". "Beats me. If I could understand women, I would be a super genius." said Atem. "Isn't that something that dad says?" said Uriel. "Yes but he learned it from Conner whose dad much later in his future except with a women by his side." said Atem as Uriel and Wolfram agreed with Atem.

Zoey smiled at the crowd as she said,"That's right. I'm Lodestar, Legion Zero's protege! I won't let you besmirched his name like that. He's worked really hard the past six years. Ricardo Salazar is nothing but a fraud and a narcissist! No one likes you!". "How do we know that transformation isn't special effects you're using?!" said a kid. Zoey's eyes twitched as she said,"Special effects?! I'll show you I'm the real deal you jerk!". "At least, she isn't swearing like me." said Zane.

Lilly looked right at him who shrugged. "I'm trying my best to look at the positive here." said Zane. The young Phantom made a green Nether ball with her throwing it into the air. It turned into an impressive light show with the kids oohed. "At least, they're entertained." said Zane. "I may like you Zane but stop with the comments or I'll blast you into outer space." said Lilly. "And I'll come back to Earth because I'm too stubborn to die." said Zane.

Atem groaned as he said,"Brother. While I may be used to you flirting with female every since I was nine, we need to stop Zoey from hurting someone innocent." said Atem. "I rest my case my very lovely audience. Ricardo Salazar. For creating that monstrosity you called a show, I sentence you to your death at my hands!" said Zoey, making another green Nether ball and charging it. It increased the power of the sphere. "Don't do it Zoey!" said Vex.

Uriel looked at her older sister and she said,"Why not? I mean he's the bad guy plus he doesn't smell like a normal human so he'll be fine.". "Uriel. Can you can smell the difference between humans and metahumans?" said Vex. "It's more like she senses the difference between humans and metahumans using her powers. She's been training with the only other Vulcorian in the Omniverse so she knows a lot of tricks about her species." said Atem. Wolfram nodded as he noticed that Ricardo smelled.

Lilly sighed as she said with her attract the attention of the crowd,"Kids. Yes. While he may be a rip off....". "And a narcissist Lilly. Don't forget about that." said Zane. Lilly glared at Zane and then she turned back to the crowd. "Ignore the idiot. What does Zero say about killing?" said Lilly. "We should never kill because life is the most important gift we have and we don't have the right to take it away from someone else." said a kid. "Yeah but he should be punished!" said a kid.

Ricardo laughed as he said,"Ha! You're so dumb kid! This show is already under copyright! So after today, this will be the show that represent Legion Zero! I don't care what you think about it but you'll be punished for trying to kill me. I'll be calling in Swarm to handle you!". "So? No copyright law or group will save you from my wrath!" said Zoey. She fired the sphere at him, turning into a beam and he ducked under his chair. "Are you serious?! You almost blasted my face off!" said Ricardo.

Zoey cracked her knuckles as she said,"Yes. You messed up Ricardo.". "Can't we work something out please?! I mean I can't die by some preteen brat!" said Ricardo. "If you get rid of the show on the air already, yes. If you keep it on the way, I'll end your pathetic life." said Zoey. "Hell no! This show will be funding the next season of Ultimate Showdown! How I give you...." said Ricardo as Zoey glared at him, shutting him up. "And now, we've gone too far." said Zane.

Zoey looked at her father as she said,"Seriously?! We can't let this happen!". "While I may hate this show from existing, other people do. You have to respect that even if the show is stupid and very brain dead." said Zane. "Hey! My show is deep!" said Ricardo. "You know I'm trying to save you from her right? Fine. It seems like this is going down a bad path and it's time " said Zane with him snapping his fingers. "No! Don't!" said Zoey.

A little bit later, Zoey sat there on a bench with her looking down at the ground. She was out of costume with someone giving her the look. "Zoey. Don't you have something to say to me?" said Zane. He stood in front of her with his arms crossed and a frown on his face. "I'm not saying sorry. Still can't believe that you let that guy live. He's a monster!" said Zoey. "He may be a monster Zoey but no one deserves to die unless they earned it. You should know that there is another show featuring me right?" said Zane.

Zoey nodded as Zane said,"It has some great villains and also features Agent Igneous as a creative consultant. Conner knows what he's doing since he's well Conner. Just trust him.". "But I can't stand to see you being made fun of. I mean Ricardo is using your image for personal gain!" said Zoey. Zane sighed as he sat next to her. "Zoey. I know you were trying to defend my honor but here's the thing. I have never cared what others think about me." said Zane.

The clone looked at him as he said,"You know I was bullied a lot in school right? For speaking my mind and defending people right?". "Uh huh." said Zoey. "They said some really mean things to me but I won't let their insults getting under my skin. The only opinion that I care about is yours and the rest of my treasure so let Ricardo make his show. It won't last compared to Adventures of Legion Zero since it has drama, a amazing cast, and heart. I approved of everything." said Zane.

Zoey nodded as she hugged him. "Are you mad at me dad?" said Zoey. Zane nodded as he said while eating some fries,"I'm not Zoey but I'm quite disappointed in you. Because of your little stunt, you're grounded from using your powers for at least a week. You can only use them if Lodestar is needed not whenever you want. If I hear about you using them for selfish gain, I'll add another week. Do you understand Zoey Ella Alvarez?". Zoey nodded as Zane sighed.

He always hated playing the bad guy but sometimes, he needs to put his foot down. "Look. I'm happy that you defended my honor. Honestly but you can't let your emotions take the wheel like that. I'm not good at doing that but letting your emotions take control of you like that will get you killed more times than not. Trust me." said Zane. "Okay. I can't promise that it won't happen again but I won't make you disappointed in me. You're my hero after all." said Zoey.

Zane looked at her as she said,"You took me, Atem, and Uriel even though you were too young to be a dad. I was made from your DNA by your mom's crazy stalker so I always wonder why you decided to adopt me. I became Lodestar to make you proud of me.". "I'll always be proud of you and do you want to know why I adopted you and the others?" said Zane. Zoey nodded as Zane said,"Because every since I was a kid, I wanted to be a dad.".

Zoey heard that from her uncle Danny a couple of times when she asked him about why Zane would adopt her and her siblings without any doubt. "Plus like you said, you came from my DNA so I feel like it's my responsibility to take care of you. Okay?" said Zane, smiling. Zoey nodded as Zane said,"Good. That's my Pumpkin.". Zoey blushed at her hearing her father's name for her as she said,"So where is the rest of our group?".

After Zane snapped his fingers, Zane rewound time to just before Zoey turned into Lodestar and prevent her secret being revealed. The two were talking off in private. "Off at the Agent Igneous stunt show. I was planning on going there but then you threw a superpowered tantrum." said Zane. Zoey pouted as she said,"Wow dad. You're just the best at rub salt in the wound.". "I'm just messing with you. I would do the exact same thing if I was in your shoes but you can't expose yourself as Lodestar." said Zane.

Zoey looked confused as she said,"Why? You can handle fighting Swarm right?". "That's right but if I do that, it'll give Phantoms a bad name. Zoey. Even after the good we do as heroes and good nature individuals, Phantoms still have the perceived notion of being bad. In the case, the bad seeds really push things in their favor. We need to do our best to change that image but attacking someone just because you hate their show isn't helping." said Zane.

Zane smiled as he said,"So what are you going to do next time something like this happens again?". "I won't let their insults get under my skin and my emotions aren't going to control me." said Zoey with her nodding. Zane tussled her hair as she blushed. "Dad! Stop it! People are watching!" said Zoey as Zane chucked. Before Zane could say anything, both he and Zane heard an explosion. "Um. What was that? That wasn't me by the way!" said Zoey. "No idea but well find out." said Zane.

The hero heard,"Look over there!". Zane followed the direction of the voice which belonged to a little girl and she was pointing at something. Zane followed the direction of her finger with him seeing a burning building and Agent Igneous aka Byron Waldron was danging from a pipe hanging from the roof. Byron Waldron was wearing his skull mask. Despite being in his eighties, Byron looked to be in his forties. "It's Agent Igneous! He needs our help!" said Zoey.

Zoey was about to turn into Lodestar with Zane stopping her. "It could be part of the show Zoey but just case, let me handle it okay?" said Zane. Zoey nodded as Zane cast Zenith Duplication and as the real Zane flew off while intangible, Zone sat there. "So Zone, I have a question." said Zoey. "What is it?" said Zone. "Can you tell me if my dad is doing alright? I mean it has been...." said Zoey. "Let him tell you when he's ready okay?" said Zone. "Okay." said Zoey.

Zane ,as Legion Zero, reappeared on a wooden dock. He looked around to see a crowd of people right behind him which included his eldest daughter's best friend, old friend from Cypress Park, son, dog, and youngest daughter looking right at him. "Okay. This is a show after all so lets make it on shall we?" said Zane. He flew into the air and grabbed Byron's collar. "Don't worry. All things will make sense in due time." said Zane with him sprouting two arms from his back.

He soon began absorbed the fire from the building with it going into him. Zane placed Byron on the dock as he said,"So what are you doing?". "Helping you out. I mean I've seen your shows before but they aren't usually this intense." said Zane. "Really? So you're going to make the show even better right? I mean they payed good money to come here so why not make it a good show for the lovely folks Legion Zero?" said Byron, smiling. The crowd cheered as Zane smirked.

Zane stretched as he said with a smile,"I can't say no to my fans after all and since one of the reasons why I became a hero is telling me to do it. Lets go Wildfire Burner!". He released a large stream of flames ,which looked like a tornado just for some visual effect. in front of him, engulfing the entire set in fire. The crowd went absolutely insane with cheers and applause at seeing Legion Zero and Agent Igneous battling each other. It was a dream come true for the crowd.

Crisis Judgement went off as Byron activated his jetpack and flew right at Zane, cocking his right fist back. Zane instantly turned intangible with the man flying right through Zane. "Wow. You got some good reflexes don't you kid?" said Byron. Byron flew toward Zane with him saying,"So are you the real deal or just some high tech animatronic sent here by Ricardo.". He aimed his right gauntlet at Zane who dodged a rope that would have got around his legs.

Byron nodded as he said,"Okay. You were able to dodge two of my attacks so being an animatronic is out of the question.". "Does that mean I'm the real deal? And do you really think he would get a decent one when cheap ones exist?" said Zane, firing two blasts of Blue Nether at him. Byron dodged it with him saying,"Yes. I hate him for knocking my show off the air with that stupid reality show of his. I just hope that his other show doesn't happen!". 

Zane winked to the crowd as he said,"Yeah. I mean it's up to the folks at home and here to vote behind the two shows to see which one stays. You're not the only person whose mad at Ricardo for ruining my image.". He turned into Chaos Form, launching a giant rock at Byron. The man's arms turned into magma with him spinning through the air like a drill. The rock was pierced as Byron said,"Okay. So you get the picture right Zero?!". 

The rock being smiled as he said,"Of course. Since you're a meta, I don't have to hold back even though you're older than dust.". Zane made a rock appear under him with him floating toward the top of a building. Byron landed on the building with him saying,"Don't worry Zero. I know you're under someone's control but I'll free you by kicking your butt!". "You stole my line. Prepare to fail." said Zane, making a rock construct of Oathbreaker.

Byron dodged the swung of Zane's hammer with him flying over to Zane, kicking him in the face and toward the bleachers. Said rock man didn't hit the bleachers before stopping thanks to a giant rock hand that appeared from the ground. Zane held his face with him saying,"Hey! That actually hurt!". Byron didn't have a chance to say anything due to him jumped back to avoid a rock spike coming up from the ground below him. 

Zane smirked as he said,"How about you stop this now before you make yourself look stupid than you already do. I mean your outfit is so last century!". To keep the audience entertained, Zane took a punch to the face with him falling off the roof and into the water below him. The crowd and Byron waited for Zane to reappeared. Zane deactivated Chaos Form and turned into a different form upon hitting the water.

Back with Ricardo, he was signing autographs. Due to Zane rewinding time, he wasn't threatening by Zoey. "Thanks for watching." said Ricardo in a bored tone. He heard an explosion and looked upwards to see a bunch of explosions with Byron flying through them. A huge crowd had gathered to see Byron and Zane fight it out with Byron dodging the attacks of Zane who was in Cyber Form, trying to blast him down. Cyber Form looks straight from the future and is 8 feet tall.

He’s a large humanoid robotic superhero like figure with a heroic looking frame. His head is in the shape of a helmet ,which is a black color, is highly reflective. His arms, legs, and shoulders are a silver color. His feet, hands, and torso are a black color. His "eyes" is a bright strip of crimson red light. It goes all around the helmet like a visor. It gives off the impression of eyes being that it blinks which looks creepy. It's in a permanent scowl. 

Out of his chest plate and curving around his shoulders to his back are two thick black ,with a dark blue hue, tubes. It goes across his chest, making an “X” shape over his chest. On his back, he has two large and sharp shield-like plates which can be used for flight. It matches his helmet in terms of its color scheme. He has large circle shaped holes in the palms of his five fingered hand and soles of his five toed feet. His hands and feet have sharp talons. 

Zane's palms and soles were currently glowing green due to them currently being in use. His feet are working as jets. Byron landed on the water tower with him smirking and gave Zane a bring it on gesture. "You're so going down old timer but hell, lets make this fight a good one!" said Zane whose voice sounds synthesized yet heroic at the same time. Zane propelled himself into the air by using the palms in his soles, he launched himself into the air using bright green energy.

Zane cocked back his right fist with him getting ready to punch him in the jaw. Byron leaped over him with Zane smirking. "That won't work. We're both making a dive old timer!" said Zane. He turned around and grabbed Byron, causing both of them to fall into the waters below. Both Byron and Zane came out of the water as the two stood there. "And that's just a normal day in the life of a superhero folks! Thank you for coming! But thank my fellow hero Zero for showing up!" said Byron.

Zane smirked as he said,"Happy to oblige Agent but next time, you'll be the one taking the bath because when was the last time you washed out the suit?". The crowd laughed as Byron laughed out loud. "It seems your sense of humor is still as bad as they say." said Byron. The crowd laughed louder as Zane said,"Yeah but that's kinda the point. It beats having writers make good or bad puns for me since I can do that myself.".

The quartet of Atem, Lilly, Uriel, and Vex stood by the exit with them hearing a familiar voice,"Did we miss it!?". The group turned to see Zoey running with Zone who looked calm and collected unlike Zoey who wasn't that. "Yeah. Zero can really act." said Uriel. "It comes from years of trying to help people feel calm in dangerous situations. I know from personal experience." said Lilly, smiling brightly. "You really like him don't you?" said Zone. "I do. He changed my life." said Lilly.    

Later, Byron was signing autographs of pictures of himself and taking pictures. "I didn't become an actor for the fame and fortune. It was to tell a story and inspire people to become heroes even if they don't have powers. I also do my own stunts you know plus the special effects are thanks to the crew who makes every episode popular." said Byron. Zane ,who was back to normal, smiled at his favorite TV star with the rest of the group ,including Wolfram, looking at a brochure.

Atem wondered how security let a dog just wandered around the park but he was reminded by Uriel that Wolfram has the special power of doing whatever he wants since he's so cute. Atem would have argued with her but he couldn't deny how cute Wolfram was mainly when he's sleeping or begging. "So is the Horror Manor makeup demonstration any good Lilly?" said Vex. "Not really Vex was it? It's supposed to be but really isn't." said Lilly.

A familiar voice said,"Waldron!". The group turned to see Ricardo Salazar standing there with a cosplay version of Dinosaur Form ,oddly with an 70s style outfit, and a conscious Julius flanking his side. "So why aren't you attacking him Zoey?" said Vex. "Because I promised brother that I wouldn't and I don't want to have him disappointed in me." said Zoey. "Ah. That's a good reason." said Vex. "That's real low stealing my characters from me to help your pathetic stunt show!" said Ricardo.

Byron looked at Ricardo with him saying,"Seriously? Do you really think two of your goons could do the stuff that was on the show? Only a metahuman could stuff like that and that was the real Legion Zero! Bad jokes and all.". "Listen you old geezer. You honestly think being on the lamer version of Legion Zero and Pals will help your career but it won't. I'm the future and you're the past so just leave before I make you look more pathetic than your show was." said Ricardo.

Ricardo walked away as Byron said,"You would be nothing without your lackies and you know it! I'll show you!". Byron loudly sighed as he looked at Zane. "Sorry about that Mr. Alvarez. Me and Salazar haven't gotten along since well, ever. I still don't get why the president hired him but his reality show despite its inhuman treatment of its cast. It's popular for some reason." said Byron. "It's fine man." said Zane. "Thanks. See you two later." said Byron.

He left the scene with Vex saying,"Wow. Those two made Zoey's scene earlier look pleasant.". "And what did he mean by seeing you and Zane later?" said Uriel, tilting her head. Wolfram copied her as Lilly smiled at them. "The two of us are heading to a party tonight to celebrate Byron's eightieth birthday and well, you'll be with Efren to watch you." said Lilly. "But on the bright side, you get to ride all of the parks rides with no lines at all." said Zane.

Uriel, Vex, Wolfram, and Zoey looked right at Zane with them saying in unison or Wolfram's case bark,"Are you serious?!". "Yep. You'll have fun all night. Now isn't there a ride you wanted to check out Atem?" said Zane. "Yeah. It's the one based on the action movie about Egypt. I think it was called Exploration of the Cursed Pyramid. According to the website, the line is mostly likely twenty miles long. Lets go!" said Atem.       

The group was soon at the ride to see an absolutely empty line, leading up to the cars. Wolfram was in his human form due to dogs not being allowed to ride and not even his cuteness would let him ride in his dog form. His human form looks the exact same as it did in Zero Episode 115. Wolfram and Zane got in the first car in the front, Uriel, Vex, and Zoey in the second, and Atem and Lilly in the third car. The car were able to sit three people by the way.

Wolfram said,"So why isn't this ride popular Atem? You didn't lie to me right?". "No. I don't think I did at the very least but they'll miss out on the fun." said Atem, smirking. "All clear." said the operator as he pressed a button with the cars moving forward up the track and heading up a hill that was a hundred feet in the air. The group looked to see the whole park alongside large inflatable version of Zane's forms from Legion Zero and Pals. Atem looked to Lilly who looked nervous.

Atem placed a hand on hers as he said,"Are you okay? I can sense your fear.". "I think this is my first time on a roller coaster Atem." said Lilly. "Didn't you go on at the pier back in Cypress Park?" said Atem. "No. I was too scared. Kinda sad huh." said Lilly. "Nope. It's good to be scared of things. It makes you human." said Atem. "Yeah. I bet you're not scared since your big brother fight villains all of the time due to his job." said Lilly.

The mummy nodded as he said,"Yep. Oh and hold on Lilly. Here comes the fun part.". Lilly nodded as the car began its descent with Atem, Uriel, Vex, Wolfram, Zane, and Zoey putting their hands in the air with them fully embracing the experience. Lilly didn't due to her face being green. The car entered a cave area with fake volcanic craters and lasers flying around the area. "Okay. This is really cool Atem! I was sorry for doubting you!" said Wolfram, enjoying the lights a lot due to his dog like mind.

Atem nodded as he said,"Told you. The special effects here are amazing!". Crisis Judgement went off as Zane said,"Hang on Lilly!". She listened to her friend as there was a shake through the cave and saw some boulders fall onto the track, destroying it. "So is this part of the ride Atem?!" said Vex as they headed toward the broken track. "Zane!" said Lilly. "We'll be fine. Trust me, I think we got some help from our friendly hero." said Zane.

Lilly soon closed her eyes and braced herself for her death in her early twenties. However the car suddenly stop as the front part of it went off the tracks. Lilly looked behind her to see a grappling hook attacked to the back of the car and looked further back to see her friend's hero smiling right back at them. "Agent Igneous! Yes!" said Zoey. "He's so cool like big bro said!" said Uriel, high-fiving with her sister.

Byron tied the cable around a pillar in the cave area with him activating his jetpack and flying down toward the group, still smiling. "We really got to stop meeting like this Mr. Alvarez. I'm starting to think you attract bad luck." said Byron. "Very funny. Now get us out!" said Lilly before passing out due to the ride. "She isn't too good with roller coasters as you can see." said Zane. Byron nodded as he aimed his left gauntlet at the safety bars.

It produced a small blue flame which burned through the safety bars, releasing the group. A woman's scream was soon heard as nearby them, a woman ,who was on another track, dangled from her purse and Byron said,"Don't worry! I'm here to save the day!". He flew off with Zane saying,"And since there are no witness, time to help him out!". "Can you use that dad?" said Atem, Uriel, and Zoey. "If that's your guys wish, that's my command!" said Zane, looking at his watch.   

Byron safely got the woman out of the ride as they looked above to see part of the track above them loosen and falling down to the crowd. Everyone braced themselves until nothing happened. They then looked up to see that the piece of the track was being held in the air and was safely placed to the side away from people. "Need a hand old timer?" said a voice. Byron turned to see Zane ,as Gravity Form, standing there.

Byron looked at them with him saying,"So are you the real deal like before or an animatronic?". "Do you honestly think that Ricardo would spend a dime on something other than himself? Even if he did, I would be kinda hard to make me into an animatronic." said Zane. "You're not wrong about that at all." said Byron. The two heroes looked up once again to see the roller coaster stop again and the tracks fall off while the kids inside the car were as they were screaming.

Byron smiled as he said,"We should probably save those kids since they clearly need our help!". He flew off with Zane smiling. He launched himself into the air with him saying,"I guess so but heroes like us need to stay together. It's kinda a rule.". Byron reached the cars, saving two of the kids with Zane grabbing the rest of them using his gravity powers. "Thanks Legion Zero! This is so cool!" said a kid, floating around Zane.

Another kid said,"Dude! This should be a ride.". "Maybe you should say that once you're safe but I totally agree." said Zane, jumping into the air. He landed on the Brawn Form inflatable with him smiling. The balloon was sent falling toward the ground and deflating under his weight. "So are you part of Adventures or Pals?" said a kid. "Nope. I'm from the good show but the other one at least looks nice. I'm trying to look at the positives with that show." said Zane.

The crowd cheered for Zane and Byron with Zane saying,"So have any idea where the ride broke apart?". "No idea. No one would do something like this for a reason. It's probably one of Ricardo's enemies." said Byron. "So that's pretty much everyone here at Infamous Studios. We should perhaps lower the number of suspects down." said Zane. "Yes. I thought about that. It could be one of my enemies Ruby Priest, the deceptive voodooist." said Byron.

Zane looked at Byron with him saying,"You're not serious are you? This is a bit too elaborate for him plus he isn't the brightest guy in the bunch.". "That's fair. So I'll probably see you later right Zero? I'll leave the detective work to you since you're good at this kind of stuff. Your boss tends to attract trouble more than the electron people of Dimension B+10." said Byron. "Yeah but that's mainly due to his mouth and you got it old timer." said Zane.

Byron nodded as he kept the crowd away. Zane stood there with he crossed his arms. The group of Atem, Uriel, Vex, Wolfram, Zoey, and Zone walked up to Zane with Lilly slowly following them. "Are you alright Lilly?" said Zane. The crowd was far enough back and left the group. "I'm fine Zero. So does this whole accident and rescue seems convenient to you as well?" said Lilly. "Yeah. Time to do some investigating." said Zane. He deactivated Gravity Form and turning into Robot Form.

The robot walked over to the destroyed ride with him rewind the time around the area and saw a black cloaked figure placing explosives before teleporting out of there. The most interesting thing about his cloak was the crimson red skull on the back of it. Zane stood there perfectly with Vex saying,"So is he using his powers or what?". "Well whenever Robot Form uses his time manipulation powers, his eyes are glowing red and they are." said Atem.

Zane began walking toward the rubble and pulled something out. His eyes stopped glowing as Uriel ran over to him. "What did you find?" said Uriel. "A glove. It belongs to a certain someone." said Zane with him showing it to the crowd. "Is it Ricardo Salazar?!" said Byron and Zoey. "Really? I know you two hate the guy but why would he blow up one of his rides and leave behind one of his designer gloves of his? Those cause a fortune according to him." said Lilly.

Lilly crossed her arms as she said,"He really hates wasting any money.". "But Legion Zero found his glove and he's a crime fighting genius just like Byron and Police Chief Scott is." said Zoey. "You're right about me being a crime fighting genius like Byron and Scott but Lilly is right. I also saw a cloaked figure planting the bombs but Byron is already long gone isn't he?" said Zane. His three kids, dog, and her eldest daughter's friend nodded as Lilly and Zane sighed.

Zane sighed as he said,"I would be proud of my hero but sometimes, he has a tendency to run off without looking at all of the evidence. Happened in the show so many times and I later found out that that was normal for him so they decided to put it into the show as a character quirk.". "That sounds just like you huh hero." said Lilly, punching Zane in the arm causing Zane to smile. "Yeah but I'm more handsome than him right?" said Zane. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." said Lilly.

Twenty minutes later, Byron ,who was now out of his superhero costume and his casual clothing, stood there with the park security and the studios's president Arnold Bucks ,whose Timothy Bucks's father from Zero Episode 45, to confront Ricardo with the evidence that Zane aka Legion Zero found at the crime scene. Byron is wearing a desaturated orange polo shirt with a white, long sleeved under shirt. He's wearing blue jeans and brown belt. He's wearing brown sandals with two straps.   

Arnold Bucks has blond hair like his son with it graying around the sides and brown eyes. Unlike his son, he had a normal sized forehead. His mother Sheri Bucks also has a normal sized forehead which means that Timmy's rather large forehead ,being that it could be used as a table, isn't from his parents but bad fate. He has a small blond mustache. He's reaching a dark gray suit jacket with a gold neck tie. He's wearing a white dress shirt under his jacket.

The ends of his jacket's sleeves have gold buttons. He's wearing dark gray pants with brown dress shoes. Arnold has often spoiled his son, giving him whatever he wants and then gets disappointed whenever Timothy does something wrong. Arnold may not be the richest person on Earth but he can buy whatever he wants without owing anything to anyone else. "Why would I blow up my own ride you old geezer? It makes no sense!" said Ricardo.

Byron held the bag as he said,"So Infamous Studios would tear down one of the rides that has been here for twenty years for not a valid replacement but for your stupid ride. It isn't not even for the dumpster fire Legion Zero and Pals but for Ultimate Showdown!". He gestured everyone's attention to the curtains behind him and parted them away to reveal some designs for the Ultimate Showdown ride and several cases of dangerous explosives.

Ricardo said while being held back by the security guards,"Those aren't mine! I mean the designs for the best ride in the world are but the explosives aren't mine! They belong to Julius! I mean he was a former con convicted for assault, breaking and entry, and murder so explosives aren't too far fetched right boss?! I can't go to jail!". "Gentleman. I believe we've caught the culprit red-handed." said Byron as the guards seized Ricardo's arms. "This is going to be good." said a security guard.

They were about to led him away as the group appeared. Zoey watched this scene pleased since she hated Ricardo with Zane ,back to normal, looking at the glove resting in Byron's hands. "I really hate Ricardo I do but I have a feeling like I get my revenge on him in the future. I hate doing whatever's right sometimes." thought Zane as he grabbed the bag and held it up to the guards. "Stop! That glove couldn't possibly belong to the major narcissist Ricardo Salazar!" said Zane. 

Everyone froze in shock as Zoey said,"Huh?!". "You're defending me Alvarez?" said Ricardo. "Much to my dismay yes. This glove right here may have your initials on it but I know for a fact that it's a left hand glove. You only wear right handed gloves and won't dare to spend money on a glove you aren't going to use." said Zane. "So why are you defending this monster big brother?! I mean you hate him more than I do!" said Zoey causing both Atem and Uriel to sigh at their sibling. 

Zane sighed as he said,"I know that Zoey but it's the right thing to do. I won't feel right if an innocent man goes to jail for this. He'll go to jail in time but why would Ricardo blow something up that helps his ego? The ride that was destroyed was one of the most popular rides. After leaving the ride, you're giving a message to check out Ricardo's shows. Plus whenever he signs anything, he signs things with his right hand. Do you know what I say about accusing someone Zoey?". 

The clone looked at Zane as she said,"Get all of the evidence.". "And do you have that beside your hatred for him and a glove that looks something he would wear?" said Zane. Zoey looked away as she knew he was right. "That doesn't prove anything!" said Byron. "It kinda does." said Lilly. "She's right old geezer! Even the weak and lameo villains on your old show would have done a much better frame job except for Ruby Priest. That guy was an idiot." said Ricardo. 

Zane smirked as he said,"If I recall, didn't you play him Ricardo? I mean your character was quoted as the worst villain in the entirety of pop culture history. I mean you have the worst show so it only makes sense.". "Shut up Alvarez! This doesn't involve you!" said Ricardo."I tried to help someone and he's mean to me." said Zane. "Your shows has even worse villains though. I mean Emblem and Fortress are the exact same person." said Uriel. 

Atem noodded as he said,"Yes they are but to be fair, neither does the other show Adventures of Legion Zero at least right now. Those pilot villains aren't exactly winners but they are better than your villains Ricardo by a landslide.". "That's it! I'm done being nice!" said Ricardo. Both him and Byron got into a massive fight with the security guards tried to break it up as the group looked on in embarrassment. "I can't believe you didn't let him go to jail Zane." said Lilly.

Wolfram nodded as Zane said,"Yeah. I need to do "Sorry about that whole scene Mr. Alvarez. Those two haven't been friendly to each other ever since Ricardo appeared on a episode of Mystery Chronicles so many years ago." said Arnold. "It's fine sir. I'm just happy Ricardo didn't get arrested for something he didn't do." said Vex. "Yeah. I've seen innocent people arresting from crimes they didn't commit. They didn't do the crime so why didn't they pay for the crime?" said Zane.

Zoey looked at Zane with her saying,"Nice going Zane. We could have put away the worst person in Hollywood away for good if you didn't speak up.". "Zoey. I don't want to hear you talking like that. I know you hate him and so do I but remember this. Everyone ,good or bad, is innocent. In this case Zoey, Ricardo is innocent. Byron has been noted to handle all of his own special effects and that includes explosives." said Zane.

Arnold nodded as he said,"Yes little sister to Mr. Alvarez. Mr. Waldron isn't one of my normal actors so I let him handle his own special effects budget.". "But why would Agent Igneous do something like this? I mean he's a hero." said Zoey. "Zoey. Agent Igneous may be a hero on the screen but in the real world, he's just a human like everyone else. I'm pretty sure he's mad at Ricardo for getting his show cancelled. We need to keep an eye on him." said Lilly. 

Arnold looked at Zane who said,"We'll handle this Mr. Bucks. Say hi to Timmy for me and tell him that his forehead looks like a table.". "Sure thing. He likes being called Timothy and kinda hates your friend for getting him arrested. He more importantly hates you for calling him Timmy." said Arnold. "He really needs to grow up." said Zane. Arnold left as Uriel said,"So are we detectives?". "Yep. Get ready you guys." said Zane.   

Later as Byron was walking away from the set, he didn't noticed that he was being watched by the group of Atem, Uriel, Vex, Wolfram, and Zoey. The five were invisible and on the back of Wolfram in his wolf form. "This is such a waste of time. Why aren't we following the real bad guy?" said Zoey with her groaning. "We'll get to him later I promise. Lilly and Zane are doing that because you would attack him without any proof." said Vex. "No I wouldn't!" said Zoey.

Wolfram tilted his head back and forth for no with him barking. "You're right Wolfram. Dad is able to track people without them knowing and for some reason, he feels like the real criminal is after Ricardo just like you are Zoey." said Atem. "At least it isn't a crime like that is." said Uriel, pointing to a large TV screen nearby them. "Hey there folks. We'll be premiering a brand new episode of Legion Zero and Pals right here on the big screens at Infamous Studios!" said the park's announcer over the intercom.

Uriel looked at her older sister who clenched her fists, covering them in green Nether. "Please don't do it Zoey." said Uriel. Zoey ignored her younger sister's plea with her blasting the screens with two energy beams. "Real mature Zoey." said Vex. "Vex! I can't stand for injustice like that! And dad would do the same thing!" said Zoey as Wolfram followed Byron. Wolfram barked as Atem said,"You're right Wolfram. He's heading for his dressing room. Thanks for letting us ride you.".

Uriel nodded as she said,"Yeah. That's really cool Wolfram and thank you big brother for casting that sound negating spell.". "No problem sis." said Atem with Wolfram barking in thanking. Wolfram landed safely on the ground back at Agent Igneous's stunt show. Due to Wolfram being intangible, the security guard couldn't see them or hear them thanks to Atem's spell of sound nullification that he learned from Gwen. "Get moving okay big guy and don't attract attention." said Vex.

The wolf ran through the set and then burst his way through the back. The giant wolf tried to hide in the bushes nearby with Uriel saying,"That isn't going to work big guy. You may need to change size for us okay?". The two pre-teen Phantoms, kid Vulcorian, and teenage Mummy got off Wolfram with the Phantom going into his human form. The sound negating spell was still activate. "To the dressing room you guys." said Wolfram.

They crawled their way over to the dressing room, looking through right the window and saw Byron pacing around. 'This has gone too far. You made Ricardo's ride explode with children on it?! What the hell do you think you're doing you cloaked fool?! You're just begging to attract Zero's attention since he's here with his boss! Everyone knows that wherever Zane goes, Zero is right behind him and stops any plans you could have against him." said Bryon.

Atem looked in as he said,"Who's this cloaked fool?". "No clue Atem. Maybe it's the guy who really planted the bombs according to Zane." said Vex. "Probably." said Atem. "You can't tell me what you do human. I've evolved thanks to the radiation I was exposed to thanks to Ricardo's lack of care toward others. I was lucky to have the boss show up when he did so I won't leave here without getting my revenge!" said a demonic voice.

The room was soon covered in energy with Atem looking at the rest of his group. Uriel, Vex, and Zoey were shaking and shivering. "What's wrong?" said Atem. "Someone in that room is emitting an strong amount of energy just like daddy but stronger and toxic." said Uriel. "Forget it you freak. I'll go check on him so just stay hidden. If the plan changes, contact me. We can't mess this up." said Byron, walking out of his dressing room. This caused the group to look at each other.

A little bit later in the main plaza, Atem's group was looking at Zane. He was eating a bag of popcorn as Vex said,"So where you two actually investigating or enjoying the studio?". They were told to meet up nearby the dressing rooms and on a park bench. Lilly sat right next to Zane with her saying,"The latter because our investigation proved that Ricardo is innocent.". "Seriously?! You can't be at all serious big bro! Ricardo could totally be that cloaked guy!" said Zoey. "Cloaked guy?" said Lilly.

Wolfram nodded as he said,"Yeah. We went after Byron like you asked us to Master. He was talking to someone who wasn't human and radiating an inhuman energy.". "Really? Mind if I check it out real fast?" said Zane. "Sure." said Uriel. Zane nodded as he vanished. "Wow. He's fast. Used to be that I could see him leave but now, he's moving faster than the speed of light. Still can't believe he and Zero are the same being." said Lilly.  Lilly knows the secret by the way due to her going to Arcadia U.

Zoey said in a serious tone,"Yeah. I think he's been training constantly to protect everyone after what happened that day.". Lilly nodded as Zane reappeared while holding a hot dog. "Checked it out in a flash. Whoever Byron is working with isn't human at all. Not a Phantom either." said Zane. "Then what is it?" said Vex. "Probably a Qlakrik from what I gather or to be more specific, Brandsa and human Cross-Species. A nasty one if left alone to master their power." said Zane.

The group looked at him as Zane sighed. "They aren't on the same level as a Qlakrik but trust me when I say do not underestimated them or any opponent really." said Zane. "So are you sad about what your hero or is doing?" said Uriel. Zane nodded as he said,"Kinda but it was bonded to happen everyone with power of any kind. The big difference between a hero and a villain is rather simple. You either use your power to help people or you use your power to hurt people.".

Zane looked at his watch as he said,"To figure out what's going on. I wanted to meet one of my heroes but something or someone is determined to make them suffer.". Before Zane could talk with Byron as Zero, an announcement went off. The voice on the loudspeaker said,"Ladies and gentlemen. Infamous Studios is proud to present a world premiere episode of....". It was interrupted. The screens suddenly went to static.

The crowd complained with it showing Byron tied up and angling upside-down over a vat of acid. He would have broken out but he was wearing a powers preventing collar aka the collar from Zero Episode 126. "You can't be serious. Dangling over a vat of acid? How original." said Vex, with her rolling her eyes. "He could be in serious trouble Vex. I mean he's wearing one of those collars bro's company made." said Zoey.

Uriel said,"Plus it's kinda hard to buy a container of acid these days.". "You know this how?" said Lilly and Vex. Uriel shrugged as Zoey was looking for a place to transform into Lodestar, the group heard a cry for help. Ricardo was running his way through the crowd with him saying,"Someone help me! Don't let him hurt my face!". "Isn't that Ricardo?" said Lilly. Suddenly, Agent Igneous swooped in from above and grabbed Ricardo with him flying away from the scene.

The group watched in awe as Wolfram said with his head tilt,"That's Agent Igneous right you guys? I know that he's up there on the TV.". "Yeah but how can he be in two places? I'm so confused." said Zoey with a tilted head. "As am I. Byron's power isn't Duplication but Lava Manipulation. Most of the time, people have gained accessed to their metagene gained one primary power with added effects to that power." said Zane.

He pointed right toward Byron's collar with him saying,"Plus whenever a metahuman wears the Negation Collar, their powers can't be used until the collar is removed. It can only be removed with someone with the proper authorization. Built themselves myself so I know how they work.". "Either way, both Byron and Ricardo are in trouble. We need to do something." said Lilly. "Follow me. It's time for a field test." said Zane.

Zane walked over to an alleyway as the rest of the group followed suit. Zane turned to them as he said,"Did you bring what I asked you to Atem? I've been working on the brand new and improved Super Cube in the Vindicator.". The rest of the group looked confused as Atem said,"Yes. I still don't get why you think upgrading grandma's Super Cube was a good thing and how you got Twilight's race to be used as a weapon. If Darth taught us anything, they hate being using as a weapon.".

Zane nodded as he said."Yeah. I've fought one of his unnatural children before. Toxic Widow is a pain in my ass and have been poisoned by her. Almost died too. Anyway, I asked Khufu Tiberius if I could take some samples of every Vordlarin on the planet. Took me a few days to do it but I wanted to make a super suit that could protect its user, add an impressive weapon system that could protect the user, and increase their natural abilities.".

The boy opened up his backpack, revealing three cylindrical containers being that they're the size of a soda can. Each canister was a different color with one being blue, green, and pink. The green canister is marked with a white "V", the blue canister is marked with a white "W", and the pink canister is marked with a white "U". "So that's why you had this Efren guy stop to pick up some soda? Did you drink them all or what?" said Lilly.

Zane nodded as he said,"Let me introduce you to the Synthetic Tactical Armor. It comes in ten different colors being black, blue, gold, green, pink, purple, red, silver, white, and yellow. Inside of the can, there is a synthetic Vordlarin. The three I have in the bag are the prototypes. Want to try it out you four?". Uriel, Vex, and Wolfram looked at them and they said,"Lets do it.". "Good. Suit up everyone. It's time to save the day." said Zane. "Yeah." said the group.

Zoey ,as Lodestar, floated over to Lilly and she said,"Wow. So this is my first time I'm teaming up with Quartz. I hope you're a good heroine.". "Zoey no Lodestar. I trained my powers to be like your father who saved my life for the better. So where are your two siblings, best friend, dog, and father?" said Lilly. Zoey pointed toward the rest of the group who was standing nearby them. Zane was talking to four costumed individuals.

Atem had changed his superhero name from Ra to Osiris. Like his little sister by a lot of years chronologically, he had become a hero in his very own right being that he's seen as Legion Zero's sidekick and the most popular teen hero, replacing Legion Zero once he become an adult. He’s in his mummy form with his skin being replaced by organic tan colored bandages with the gaps in between his bandages glowing green.

This wasn’t clearly obvious due to the costume that he was wearing. He’s wearing a dark blue jumpsuit that isn’t uncomfortable or skin-tight much to his joy being that he didn’t want his clothing to expose his body like his father did for right now. There was some gold parts across the arms and torso. His jumpsuit has a hood being that it works as a makeshift mask. It completely covered his head. He would see through green lenses but his mask was down at the moment.

In the center of the suit, there is a gold stylized eagle symbol on it. This eagle wraps around his chest with it going around his shoulders and back. He wears silver gauntlets which looks more like gloves given how thin they are and they go up to his elbows. Like the center of his suit, they have a stylized eagle symbol on it. On his waist, he has a silver belt with a gold stylized eagle symbol belt belt. He wears silver boots that go up to midway up his legs.

It looks to be attached to his suit but they could be taken off. His new costume was hand made by Zane being that it's like his Zeta Costume. He is able to remove his costume by pressing down on one of the many eagle symbols or by a single though. It's using highly advanced nanomachines and is bonded to him by his blood. Uriel is wearing a red jumpsuit with a white dog themed hoodie/mask covers her face.

Vex is wearing a long green and white double breasted shirt and pants with violet flames decor. She's wearing a white cloak with a ghost symbol. Wolfram is wearing a gray, double breasted coat over his body with white paw print like symbols over it. He's wearing black and white gauntlets and combat boots. Zane nodded as he said,"Since I explained how the STA works to the four of you, we're ready for action.".

Zane was in Cyber Form with him saying,"Follow me. When Byron appeared on the big scene, I detected an otherworldly energy. Time to find our prisoners.". Zane flew off with the others following suit on the back of Wolfram who had morphed into his wolf form but still wore his costume since it was form fitting. Wolfram stopped as he spotted Zane standing in front of a warehouse that was used for storing props and equipment. "Stay back. This is going to blow your minds." said Zane.

He blew the door open with a single blast of energy, sending the doors flying in. Zane walked inside with the group except for Zane gasping. The warehouse was in complete chaos due it covered in fire and explosions were raining everywhere. "This isn't good." said Lilly, flying to the rafters. "Really Quartz? This is actually normal for me." said Zane. Meanwhile in the control booth, a shadowy figure pressed a button as a a giant gorilla head appeared with Wolfram barking.

Zane nodded as he said,"I know that it looks fake boy but don't let your guard down." After he said that, Crisis Judgement went off. Zane flew back to avoid the burst of flames coming from the giant ape head. "And that's just illogical!" said Zane. The giant head turned around, firing blasts of fire all around as the group split up to dodge it. Lilly and Zane left the giant ape to the kids (Atem, Uriel, Vex, and Zoey) and Wolfram.

Vex turned to Wolfram with her saying,"Can you get me up there boy?". In her costume, Vex was using her Phantom powers and this turns her texts to bold like regular Phantoms. Wolfram barked as he grabbed his newest friend and placed her on his back. He began running toward the giant ape while phasing right through the flames. As this was going on, Atem, Uriel, and Zoey were doing their best to keep its attention occupied.

Atem was swinging around the ape being that Uriel blasted it with pink Mojo and Zoey was blasting it with green Nether. Wolfram helped the kids and kept the Phantom's attention by running around it with Vex firing purple Nether at it. As the action was going on, a camera was on them filming the whole thing and showing it to the audience outside. The crowd was cheering as a kid shouted,"This is so awesome!". "Okay! Lodestar! Lets go with Operation Grand Slam!" said Vex.

Lodestar nodded as Vex jumped off Wolfram and flew onto the head of the ape. Vex made several purple Nether spiked hammers and she began bashing the crap out of the head with her not stopping whatsoever. It soon malfunction with Zoey flying it with a giant green Nether baseball bat and smacked it. It went flying out of the warehouse, causing an explosion. Before the head went flying out of the warehouse, Vex jumped off the head. The two Phantom pre-teens highfived.

Meanwhile, Lilly and Zane were in a different part of the warehouse. They soon noticed Byron ,in his casual clothes, was hanging over the acid pit. Before Lilly and Zane could do anything, Ricardo who was tied in a similar fashion to Bryon was carried by a crane over a second vat of acid. "Please don't hurt me! I'm just the face of Legion Zero and Pals and Ultimate Showdown! I'm also too handsome to die!" said Ricardo as Lilly looked at Zane who shrugged.

The two soon went over to a balcony with Ricardo noticing them. "Legion Zero! Siren! Are you two here to save me?!" said Ricardo. "I guess we are now. So tell me why would Byron want to kidnap you?" said Zane. "I don't know! Maybe it's because I totally nailed my performance on his stupid show and he's jealous of me!" said Ricardo. "Um. He didn't kidnap you since he's currently tied up just like you are." said Lilly, pointing to Bryon. "Um. I'm wrong about that but nothing else." said Ricardo.

The couple heard a voice that sounded like Byron's but it was more whiny. "It looks like you won't be able to figure it out hero before they died a death they deserve!" said the voice. The man inside of the control room pulled down the two levels with the two celebrities slowly being dropped into the acid vat below them. Zane snapped his fingers as he said,"Darn. It looks like I'll have to save them both. Mind helping me out beloved?".

Lilly nodded as she said,"So do you want Byron or....". She watched Zane fly toward the chains that were holding Byron and Lilly sighed. "Even though he's changed, he's still the same hero I know and respect." thought Lilly. She flew over to the chains holding Ricardo and stopped them in place using telekinesis. Zane tacked Byron with him landing safely on the balcony. "Got him!" said Zane with him throwing Lilly a thumbs up.      

Byron looked at Zane with him saying,"Thanks for the save kid. Guess you're not so bad after all.". "No problem old timer. So tell me how you got here exactly? I'm pretty sure that you haven't seen me before right now." said Zane. Lilly broke Ricardo out of his chains and Crisis Judgement went off as fire from the giant gorilla's attack from earlier went over to a few fuel tanks and sent a huge explosion outwards.

Zane  held Byron as he flew over to Lilly and Ricardo. "We need to get out of here right now before something else happens." said Zane. A piece of machinery was going to fall onto them with Zane grabbing the group. He flew off with the three contained in his arms and toward the control booth where the rest of the group was. "Hey Zero." said Uriel. The crowd outside looked concerned as the main in the control booth spoke into the intercom.

The voice said,"Attention there park goers. I regret to inform that the has-been Byron Waldron and the narcissist thief Ricardo Salazar has died thanks to Legion Zero, his sidekicks, and whore!". The group walked up to the control room as the announcement went off. "Has-been?" said Byron. "Thief? You can't be serious weird voice! Ultimate Showdown was my idea!" said Ricardo. "So you're ignoring the narcissist part aren't you?" said Zane as they past a display case of props and items.

It was from the studio's history. Lilly looked at Zane with him saying,"Oh and don't think I ignore his comment about you Siren. He'll pay for that.". "He must have taken over the park's master control centre. That fool has always gone overboard ever since we were kids but no, he didn't listen to me and he's now working with that freak of a human!" said Byron. The group stood in front of the door with Uriel saying,"So who are you talking about?". "We'll find out very soon K-9." said Atem.

The mummy teen reached out with him bashing it open with his enlarged fist. Inside of the control room, a man was sitting there. The chair was turned around by Lilly's telekinesis, being that the guy in the chair looked like Byron but different at the same time. He's a man who looks to be in his mid 40s compared to Byron's mid 20s. He's muscular but slightly overweight in terms of his gut. He had a serious beer belly going on.

It heavily contrasted his angular and chiseled face with a very strong square shaped jaw that was covered by his graying beard and handlebar mustache. He has light skin with normal blue eyes and flipped-back platinum blond hair. He's wearing a dark green suit with a gold Dumbell symbol in the center. He wears a red cape with a mask shaped like a tiger over his head. He has a gold utility belt and brown gloves and boots.

Zoey's eyes instantly widened as she said,"It's a fatter clone of Byron?!". "Hey! I'm not fat you damn brat! I'm muscle idiot." said the fat Byron. "Lodestar. This is Byron Waldron's twin brother Myron Waldron. He was on the show back even before Ricardo did and well, he didn't do so good. He was pretty much hated by fans. He's a metahuman with the ability to copy the appearance and powers of other metahumans by a single touch." said Zane. 

Myron glared at Zane with him saying,"Shut up! Byron is only successful only because of me! I made his gadgets and copied his powers to create his special effects. He took all of the credit even thought I'm the real Gold Fist!". "Gold Fist? I thought it was Agent Ignacio." said Uriel. "Yes. This show was going to be featured several different types of muscles and show them off against enemies but those fuckhead producers told me that my idea was awful!" said Myron.

Lilly sighed as she said,"Wow. That sounds awful.". "What do you know?!" said Myron. "She's right Myron. That wouldn't last even thirteen episodes. You were lucky to have an appearance on my show before getting kicked of show business and going back home to run the family gym." said Byron. "So I think I get why you captured Byron but why Ricardo?" said Atem. "Oh. I kidnap him because of my partner who really hates him like more than me and my brother do." said Myron.

Vex turned to Ricardo with her saying,"So do you know who he's talking about?". "No idea. I kinda pissed off a lot of people because they are jealous of my brilliance." said Ricardo. "No! You're not! I hate you since you ignored my advice and decided to pitch that stupid show of his! I may hate you and Byron but I respected Legion Zero. He deserves a show worthy of him but Legion Zero and Pals is an insult to a great hero!" said Myron as he glared at Ricardo.

Zane looked at Ricardo with him saying,"Wow. You piss more people than I do and that's one of my super powers.". Ricardo scoffed and turned his head. "But now, the world will know who the real star of Mystery Chronicles and a voice behind the great Adventures of Legion Zero!" said Myron. Myron threw down a smoke bomb as Zane flew right through it. In Cyber Form, it prevented him from being blinded by the smoke.

He flew toward where Myron was sitting but he was gone. The others were in a coughing fit as two bolas wrapped around Byron and Ricardo. Myron flew out of there on his jetpack with him dragging the two behind him being that the heroes saw Myron leaving thanks to the smoke clearing up and going to the emergency exit. "We have to follow after them!" said Lilly. "That presents a problem. I can't let you stop that washed up hasbeen from killing the worst human on the entire Earth!" said a voice.

The cloaked figure appeared with Zane saying,"So I'm going to guess that you're Myron's partner in crime. Nice cloak. Totally hides how much of a coward you are.". Wolfram growled as Zane said,"Yeah boy. I know that we shouldn't treat him lightly. You mind handing him with the others while I save the narcissist and old timer?". The group nodded as Zane flew right past the cloaked figure and after Myron.

Lilly looked at the cloaked figure with her saying,"So why didn't you try to stop him?". "Because I'm sure that my target will die or else, I'll kill Myron for betraying me. So now will you try and keep me entertained?" said the cloaked figure. The group charged at the cloaked figure who vanished as they crashed into each other. The figure reappeared as he said,"That never gets old but I doubt they're going to give up any time soon.". 

Meanwhile, Myron burst out the warehouse doors and went up to the roof. He sprinted across the rooftops of the studio. They approached the giant Infamous Studios logo while the new episode of Adventures of Legion Zero was playing on the screens behind him. Zane flew after him with him getting ready to blast him into oblivion as Myron reached the end of the roof. "Nothing will stop me from getting what I deserve! Nothing!" said Myron. 

Myron was soon blasted back by a green energy blast with Zane saying,"Sorry. I didn't hear you over all of your complaining. Accept your defeat like a man.". Myron glared at Zane with him throwing an smoke bomb at the robotic hero, blinding him. This didn't work as Zane rushed in to start fighting hand to hand. Zane dodged most of his punches with Zane roundhousing kicking Myron and added extra power to it by firing a beam out of his foot.               

Myron ignored the pain with him grabbing his brother and activated his personal jetpack that was hidden under his cape. He stood on the Infamous Studio logo ,which was a dynamite symbol, and Zane flew after them. Ricardo was turned around to see his show not being played on the big screen. "Oh come on! This day couldn't get any worse!" said Ricardo. Zane overheard this as he rolled his eyes and went after Myron.

Myron was about to throw his brother out being that Byron couldn't escape his prison due to the collar around his neck. Zane couldn't deactivated the collar around his neck despite Cyber Form being able to hack through it. "Really wish I didn't make those collar so good sometimes." thought Zane as he aimed his right palm at Myron. He fired out a sonic attack from his palm which caused Myron to cover his ears. 

Bryon was dropped being that he was grabbed by Zane who kicked Myron away. He tossed Byron onto Ricardo as Zane said,"And that's how it could get worse.". Zane produced a small laser from his right ring finger as he cut through the ropes holding the two. "Are you two okay? You need to get out of here." said Zane. "Will do!" said Ricardo, running off. "Our hero. Thanks for the save again kid. Really hate owing you favors." said Byron.

Zane nodded as he said,"It's fine but I have to handle your brother.". He flew over to Myron with him throwing a punch at the man. Myron dodged it with him saying,"Do you honestly think that you can take down the Gold Muscle?!". "Yes I can." said Zane, turning into Mummy Form. Zane soon wrapped his bandages around Myron's legs and threw him to the ground. Before Myron could escape from the bandages around his legs, Zane punched Myron in the gut. 

Myron growled and uppercut Zane in the jaw, freeing Myron. Zane looked at him as he said,"Are you serious? I mean that barely ticked.". "You won't defeat me! You won't be running my plans!" said Myron as Zane smiled. "Don't underestimate me because we always have a plan to old farts like you in the form of magma." said Zane. Myron looked confused as Byron gave Myron a knuckle sandwich to the face, knocking him out cold and a bleeding nose.

Zane looked at Byron with him saying,"Thanks old timer. Guess I owe you one.". "Yep but heroes do this stuff not for fame and fortune but...." said Byron. "To help others who can't help themselves Mr. Waldron. So do you think your brother will be alright in jail?" said Zane. "We can only hope Zero. He may be an idiot but he's still family." said Byron. "Right old timer. Hang on." said Zane. He grabbed Byron and went back onto the roof of the warehouse.

Later, the police led Myron into the prison truck with Myron wearing an Negation Collar and drove away as the group ,now dressed in their normal clothing again, smiled. "Sorry about letting that guy go dad." said Zoey. "It's fine. So after you punched him one time, he vanished." said Zane. "Yeah. I hate when they run away." said Atem. "Don't worry. We'll get him next time big brother." said Uriel as she smiled. "Yeah." said Lilly.

Zane turned to see Byron walking over to them with Arnold and Sheri Bucks. Sheri has long black hair with a few white stripes woven in it and green eyes. She's wearing a dark gray jacket with a white long sleeved blouse. She's wearing a violet skirt with black pantyhose. She's wearing long black boots with black sunglasses and purple lenses. She wears violet-red lipstick. "Mr. Alvarez. I have to apologize to you for Myron's behavior and Ricardo in general." said Arnold.

He bowed to Zane with him saying,"Both of them have been a problem ever since he was on Byron's show.". "It's fine. You really don't need to bow to me." said Zane. "Get that a lot in my other job as king so I kinda hate bowing." thought Zane. "It's a real honor for me to be on Legion Zero's show as a voice actor so thank you for hiring a hasbeen like me." said Byron. "You're not a hasbeen! You're an amazing actor and you can breathe lava right?!" said Zoey.

Byron looked at Zane who said,"She has an active imagination like her brother. So did Legion Zero and Pals get canned?". "Yes. People really didn't like it compared to Adventures of Legion Zero and Ricardo needs to have his ego lowered a load. Timmy liked it though. It seems that the show about the superhero everyone is talking about is the perfect show to get in viewers all around the world and with Conner's new show, we'll get a lot of viewers." said Sheri.

Zane nodded as he said,"That's Conner for you. Inform me of any changes you have with the show okay?". "Sure. Have a good day and see you tonight." said Byron. The two owners and actor walked away as Efren walked over to them. He looks the exact same as he did four years ago. "Sorry about missing the park with you guys. It seems like you had fun but hey to look on the brighter side, the Vindicator is back to normal! So want me to watch the rugrats?" said Efren.

Wolfram barked as Efren said,"Right. Young adults and their amazing dog too. My bad.". "Thanks for doing that again. We're going to have fun aren't we Zane?" said Lilly. "Yep. We're going to have a night on the town." said Zane. "Dad! Do you really have to say it like that?!" said Uriel and Zoey. "I should be used to that but it's so annoying." said Atem. "I'm just happy for him kids. He's slowly getting back to normal." said Efren. This story may sound like it's over but it's isn't. It's just beginning.

The cloaked figure watched the police truck containing his partner in crime who failed him and was about to teleport in only to be stopped. "Now now. Don't do that Feral. We can't have you killing and revealing yourself to the public." said a voice. Feral turned around to see one of his friends standing there. His name is Renegade. He's a tall and muscular male. He has obsidian black skin, matching the ancient dioritic statues of the pharaohs.

His skin tone isn't apparent due to him wearing armor over his entire body. He wears a full suit of black armor over his body with the armor around his legs being a dark blue color. His head is covered by a black army like helmet with the faceplate/visor covering his face. The faceplate/visor has two gold eye shaped marks, allowing him to see. It has a small red hawk design on his forehead. The center of the breastplate having a red hawk design with a black outline.

The couter, ploeyens, and the end of the sabatons are pointed. He wears gold bands around his biceps and wrists. He wears black metal boots ,that goes up to his knees, with the ends being pointed. On his back, he has a large broadsword with a silver and red striped hilt. The blade itself is dark gray with glowing lines through it. In the middle of the crossguard, the same red hawk design which glows when in use.

Feral looked at him with him saying,"But we can't let him live. He lied to us Renegade. He promised to kill Ricardo but that didn't happen! Ricardo still lives after what he has done to me!" said Feral. "Calm down Feral. The boss wouldn't lie to us and I'm sure that you'll get a chance to kill him. Trust me, I want him dead but we can't do anything too risky.." said Renegade. "Fine. He lives for now. So are we going after him?" said Feral.

Renegade shook his head as he said,"As much as I hate to say this, Zero will be keeping an eye on him if we attack him again. We'll already have trouble with him if Ricardo decides to go to the hero's turf. We need to be ready for anything since we've wanted this for a long time. Boss ordered us to find more recruits and do you mind taking off that cloak? It smells and looks quite nasty. That thing smells is why you got hit by that mummy earlier.".

Feral growled as he said,"Fine. I needed to get a new one anyways. Had to deal with that convict throwing slop on me again. I want to slice him into pieces soon.". Feral removed his cloak, with him showing his true self. He looks to be in his early 20s with him having pale white skin and a bony frame. He was hunched over with him having glowing red eyes. He's wearing a ripped up black, long sleeved shirt with the largest rip being from the claw shaped cut through the chest.

He's wearing brown pants and gray sneakers. His strangest feature is that he has dark blue hair that was glowing and two long and pointy horns sticking from the side of his head. His horns were below his head and his hands were claws. "But didn't you get to make Julius look stupid Feral? Used your telepathy to make him walk into the pool at Byron's show?" said Renegade. Feral laughed as he said,"Yes but they need to die!". 

Renegade nodded as he said,"Yes. Both Julius Pittman and Ricardo Salazar need to die for what they did to us and many others across this great land.". "Mostly Ricardo!" said Feral. Renegade nodded as he said,"Yes. We're going to recruit our next ally. Ready to go?". Feral nodded as the armored man placed his hand on the side of his helmet. "Get us out of here." said Renegade to the person at the other end. The two were gone, leaving nothing behind.

Next time,
Who are Feral and Renegade?! Why do they want Ricardo dead? Is Ricardo the biggest douchebag in show business? Who are the Avalon? Does it have something to do with a skull themed enemy of Zane? What happened to Zane and company in the past four years? Is Team Legion Zero still a thing since no one from the group showed up? Who did Zane proposed to?! And what happened to the ones he dumped?! This and more next time on Zero!

Lillian/Lilly Mitchell aka Quartz's Powers: Crystal Attacks, Crystal Generation, Crystal Manipulation, Crystal Mimicry, Crystallokinetic Combat, Crystallokinetic Constructs, Flight, Supernatural Condition, and Telekinesis

New Cards/Forms:
Cyber Form. This card has a black frame with a bunch of 0 and 1, with them forming into the symbol “LZ” with the background being a cybernetic future.

Zenith Industries Invention Reel: Invention 712.
Synthetic Tactical Armor. The Synthetic Tactical Armor or the STA is a super suit that could protect its wearer by increasing their natural abilities and equip the wearer with an impressive weapon system. This suit was created by several samples of the Vordlarin on the planet Golax Prime MX and Zane created a synthetic Vordlarin. This synthetic Vordlarin is like both Kelly and Toxic Widow being that Zane made them to be their wearer's best friend rather than a weapon. It comes in ten different colors being black, blue, gold, green, pink, purple, red, silver, white, and yellow and it's a cylindrical container being the size of a soda. The wearer's first name initials is marked on the car being a white color. In case of the white can, it's a black can. To prevent people other than the wearer from opening it, the container is biometrically locked to the wearer and has a certain color scheme. Upon touching it, they are able to rotate the top of the container and release the Vordlarin. The Vordlarin is a colorless ooze like substance being upon bonding with the wearer, it covers them in a costume. It matches the can that they came out of. The ones that Uriel, Vex, and Wolfram used were prototypes but they were quite impressive in their first showing. Upon putting on the clothes, the wearer is given a bulletproof, organic uniform with it containing an infinite amount of room. The wearer is able to carry heavy objects across long distances and not lose any of their speed or strength. It gives the wearer supernatural abilities being the wearer's durability is increased being that they can survive being cut by powerful blades, stuck by an explosion, and punched hard. They are resistant to most elements. It also comes with an impressive weapon system such as missiles, energy weapons such as guns and swords, flamethrowers, arm mounted melee blades and buzzsaws, and a non lethal electrical blast that can knock out the target for up to an hour. There is also an impressive rocket propulsion system which activates in the arm and feet being that the exhausts can be used as a weapon mainly in terms of their kicking and punching power and also become invisible.

Notes about Mystery Chronicles and its star:
Agent Igneous may come off as a cocky and smart-mouthed individual but he's a hero. He's constantly going on adventures within the Multiverse and faces danger head on. He's very creative when it comes to using his powers and brain to save the day. He's a strong assist being that even when he's scared, he'll always fight. He's rather light-hearted being that he takes life at face value and doesn't try to change or alter the path life takes her down. He's rarely emotionally invested in others being that he was abandoned at a young age and any mention of his family causes him to erupt. Byron himself enjoys the simple hobby of gardening with him having a large greenhouse in his backyard, filled with a variety of different plants from across the Omniverse. He's also a bit of a recluse being that he avoids most of his fans.  

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