Friday, October 25, 2019

Zero Episode 133 The Vigilantes

A/N: This author note was going to be pretty short. I was going to talk about how we're going to learn about Zane's new Magnus Powers and we'll have a large info dump at the bottom or the most likely option being a separate post. Lets just that the info dump I have for this episode was going to require a separate post. However, the beast that is Zero Episode 132.5 came to be and what it features a bit of what happened between Zero Episode 127 and Zero Episode 128.

So in this post, I'll be going more in-depth of the incident ,which I'll be calling something very soon within the note, after a very quick synopsis of it. This is because the incident is pretty graphic and totally different from what I normally write on here. I equal it to a writer ,who is known for written Winnie the Pooh like stories, written something in the same vein as Blackest Night, Dark Knights Metal, Dcesaed, or Marvel Zombies. It's sticks out like a sore thumb among everything else.

It was basically a giant flashback being that the incident which has been given the name by the Alliance and the general public the Pink Massacre/the Massacre. Yes. The name isn't very good but it comes from Zane's least favorite reporter Curtis. He took Zane fighting Madam Kilene aka Jessica Aguilar and used to talk shit about Legion Zero whom he hates. The reporter blames Zane for what happened because the public never saw the true criminals arrest and put behind bars.

This was due to Parker bring her and Bimbo to a specialized prison for Eazairvians. It was made for the day that an Eazairvian decides to use their powers for something extremely selfish. This isn't too far out stretch for an Eazairvian. They see themselves as gods even more the Magnus since the Eazairvians can make reality ,space and time, their bitch. The Magnus are powerful yes but they can't alter reality like this. The Qlakriks are the only beings who can compete with the Eazairvians,

Like I mentioned in Zane's Forms and their abilities (3-16-2019) Heavy Spoilers for Zero maybe, an Eazairvian is a free-spirited being and does whatever they feel like. Now give that power to a rather spoiled Alpha Brat and you got a villain on an universal or omniversal level. The Massacre came to be after I needed to give Zane some tragedy. Heroes and tragedy go together in my opinion being that most heroes have some sort of personal tragedy.

Batman and his parents, Spider-Man with Uncle Ben and Gwen Stacey, and Superman with his entire home planet and Lois Lane shown in most evil Superman stories. You get my point here. Heroics and tragedy go together hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly. That's just a fact of a good hero in my opinion so what is Zane's tragedy? It was him losing his father to a dimension that can't be mapped not even by the best cartographers.

However that tragedy was gone after Shawn returned. It was still there but on a lesser scale being that the new tragedy was Zane worried about him losing his loved ones to his enemies. This is due to being Legion Zero and the attention it gets but I needed something to truly give him some tragedy. You may say that it doesn't matter but it does to me damn it. My first draft of the Massacre involved Skull Plague being he was going to make a little version of his Apocageddon.

Karen, Kristen, Nova, Rain, Roxy, and Sierra's death were going to happen regardless but I honestly need a high ranking and powerful villain to commit the crime. Skull Plague was my pick However, I decided to make it a Rogue Eazairvian because who would be an equal to a god? Another god of course. Madam Kilene is like Zane's version of General Zod except a hot female. If to keep the Superman angle, Kilene would be like Faora, Mala, and Ursa. They're like Power Girl but older.

The reason why the Massacre was so graphic, in depth, and provocative is because I wanted to show the power of Astral Form and the Eazairvian in full force. I've mentioned that they're one of the most powerful species in the series. I did show this in Zero Episode 46 being that Zane made a new Omniverse from the previous one dying, Zero Episode 61 changing a person's gender with relative ease, and Fairy Legion Chapter 19 wrecking Natsu.

I really need to show how strong an Eazairvian really is being that they can easily destroyed the Omniverse if serious. Their hits hit hard and fast. To keep my word on how I'm giving a very quick synopsis, I'm going to keep my word on that. The Masscare had Karen, Kristen, Nova, Rain, Roxy, and Sierra dying by the hands of Jessica aka Madam Kilene and another last effect being that Zane has lost his left eye.

This was due to Jessica or Kilene ,either name works, leaving behind a tumor on Zane. She did this when she blasted Zane ,who was in Titan Form, directly in his left eye. Did she mean to do this? No but here's the real question. Did she regret doing that? She probably hates Zane for stopping her utopia from happening so I'm sure she doesn't. The tumor did leave him ,thanks to surgery, but the only thing that stayed was his optic nerve.

Zane being injured like that is possible since Kilene is an Eazairvian who's able to alter reality and Zane can be effected by that. It's a way to add a permanent reminder of his mistake and like the ending of that episode, he isn't going to let this mistake control him any more. He'll still think about it but will that stop him from fighting the good fight? No. Pretty simple answer to a rather obvious question but it's better to make my point noticeable.

I should also mentioned now that while Zane have a prosthetic eye, it won't effect him like it did in Episode 132.5. The full details of Zane's eye will be shown in the next author note being that it's like Zane's right arm but built for an eye rather an arm since both of them have different usages. Both are important yes but an eye can't hold things normally. In fiction, an eye can do anything the writer wants it to but real life is very different from fiction.

I think this was a good synopsis of what happened in Zero Episode 132.5. I'll be making it extremely available and you'll see how many times I've mentioned when things were going to change from the typical Zero story. I did added some depth to the incident about how and why it happened. Lets go back to the typical Zero notes for this arc. This episode along with Zero Episode 132 and Episode 132.5 taking place in the same location Traverse Groves, Washington.

Episode 132.5 was kinda in Traverse Groves but it was more in the past of Cypress Park rather than Washington. You may remember how I mentioned in Zero Episode 106 that Cypress Park was going to be Washington before I changed it to be Florida so this is really interesting to go back. To give an example of what Traverse Groves is, it's like Cypress Park but on the western seaboard so it's one of the most popular cities in America and very popular with criminals.

I mentioned in 132 how there is a local group of superpowered teens being that their team name is in the title of the episode.This teen team are like Teen Titans from DC or New Warriors or the Young Avengers from Marvel. They're the next generation of teen heroes like Team Maelstrom was before they hit their twenties except for Sly and Wolfram. We'll be meeting this team in this episode and Zane will be a role model for them.

I really should address the elephant in the room that was left behind in Episode 132 being that Zoey kissed a girl and here's the question. Did she like it and did it taste like cherry chap stick? I may be joking about this but nope, I'm serious somehow. This is an attempt at character development for character whose name isn't Zane. Like I probably mentioned before when it comes to characters who like the same gender, I won't be treating Zoey any different.

I'm not against PC culture at all being that characters who don't align with typical gender or sexual identities in fiction should be more than what their identity defines them. It's that in real life so should it be the same in fiction right?. They can be gay but they have a personality. In real life, you should be proud of what you are. Just wanted to get that out there. They should be a strong character with a strong personality and hobbies rather than just liking the same gender.

It's like how Botany and Sapphire of the Sisterhood are a couple but do I treat them any different as a couple just because both of them are females? No. I treat them like I do with any other couple I write aka it would make any romance writer cringe in pain. I may be down on myself but I'm honest with my writing being that I rather not let my ego get too big and consume me. I really don't want to be a Gilderoy Lockhart because I'm not a big name whatsoever.

I'm just a cog in the machine in life but I do have hobbies and likes that makes me different from the other cogs. Anyway, we should probably begin before I go to in depth and Fairy Legion is coming back. I'm not giving up on that series around the same time as my last Fairy Tail stories. I just want to get a good amount of Zero out because well, I really want to write the DC story but I need to get past a certain point and I'm nowhere near those points in my opinion.

I need to get there soon but I won't rush my way there because slow and steady wins the race. I'm more of a tortoise rather than the hare as you can see by my rather slow upload schedule. I'm sure that I explained myself on what I mean by that so one more thing. By Zane mastering Impulse way back in Zero Episode 106, all of his energies look like cosmic energy mixed in with their signature color. I just wanted to make that crystal clear.

I should also mentioned that I don't know anything about how I have no idea on how to do a press conferences or how to run a business. They'll be in this episode so I wanted to make it clear how I'm not an expert on this topic. Lets begin this story before I begin another rant which is really easy depending on the topic.

Narrator P.O.V.
Inside of Thunder Cove Detention Center, the super villainess Clair Fisher aka Voltaire was sitting in her cell. In the past four years, she had changed once again but this was normal for her. Within a year of being a villain, she had three appearance within a year aka Zero Episode 96, 100, and 106. This is due to her being majoring in fashion before becoming Clair. Lets begin with appearance number #4 and lets see if her outfit evolves through her future.

She has albino-white skin which is an evolution of her ghostly white/whitish blue/chalk white skin from before. She's extremely beautiful with a athletic yet voluptuous figure. This is shown with her toned broad shoulders, buxom breasts, long legs, and crimson red lipstick. Her hair is living and moving golden yellow electricity with a magenta tint. It was shaved on the side of it, making her bangs and the top of her being spiky.

It looked her hair had been electrocuted, fitting her supervillain theme perfectly. She has bluish white eyes with no pupils whatsoever. Her new costume is a magenta biker/punk jacket over a white leotard that has a golden yellow lightning bolt-shaped opening, revealing her cleavage. It narrowed into a thong at the bottom. She's wearing black ripped stockings covered her legs, exposing her long legs and her white skin. She's wearing gold yellow spiked-heeled knee high heeled boots.

She's wearing golden yellow gloves ,that goes up to her ankles, with white circles on the palms. She's wearing a black ,with a white lightning bolt pattern, high-tech and spiked choker around her neck with a horned golden crown, making her look like a queen. Due to her being in prison, she was now wearing a Negation Collar which was provided by Legion Zero's sponsor Zenith Industries plus a simple orange prison uniform. She refused the jacket of the uniform.

She's wearing her costume's tank top she wore, orange slacks, and black flats. She was here after she attacked a Broadway show that all was about her arch enemy Legion Zero which hated more than anything. She held America's Sweetheart Sarah Fletcher hostage being that she was livestreaming a crime after being inspired by something she saw on TV in jail. It was an episode of Adventure of Legion Zero but she wouldn't admit that she was watching it due to her hatred of Zero.

She practically admit that she'll be famous among her fellow villains by doing the world's first ever real-time ransom and picking Sarah Fletcher was the piece piece de resistance. She mentioned how she opened up a page on a crowd funding site and if people didn't give her money, she was going to give Sarah Fletcher who was famous for her role on Zane's favorite show Love that Transcends Space and Time an shocking ending to her successful career.

Do note that she didn't play Ella Starshine ,the main female lead, but the second main female lead who was popular but not as popular. After twenty minutes, Clair mentioned that they were below the pace that they should be at and found out that Sarah ,while popular, wasn't worth giving the amount that Clair was asking for. It was ten million dollars. Clair had an idea to perform the world's first ever real-time execution and asked money that way.

Much to the villain's shock and pun totally intended, that fun went surprisingly fast and one comment mentioned how they hated Sarah for what she did to Ella in Season 5, Episode 19. Sarah wasn't happy about that and held back from cursing this person since she was being recorded. Someone ,an police officer, tried to stop Clair's little show but was shocked and held by a goon who was hired by Clair as she offered him and his gang a good time for their pavement. 

Even if her plan worked, she wasn't going to deliver it to the goons. At the hour mark, Clair told Sarah that she didn't have enough money to save her life since people ,especially that one fan from earlier, really wanting her dead. Clair told Sarah that she really should have gone commando to save her life but those oh so pesky principals of hers made her death happen. Clair told Sarah that she do one last monologue before she gets an electrocution by the fans.

Sarah did just that being that by the end of it, Clair was crying and totally mentioned that she was really good as a actor being a real shame for her to die. Before Clair could blast her into a pool of water and plastic but realistic fish, Zane ,in Psychic Form, negating her attack and sent her into said pool. Her powers caused the tank to short-circuited. Clair was taken to jail and Zane saved the day with a kiss from Sarah Fletcher.

Lets just say that Zane was forced to be in the doghouse even though he was the kissie rather the kisser. In jail, she was reading a magazine about fashion. She was in the metahuman section of the prison being that the prisoners was grouped by what power they had. Due to her having elemental powers, she was in the element wing. Some of the other villains in her personal wing with her were Downpour and Sahara with the former snoring and the latter not being here.

Despite her powers being negated due to this pesky collar, she could overhear the two guards nearby her cell taking. Their section had normally three prisoners at max but they had thirty guards. "Dude. I feel so bad for you. This girl I was with last night. She was sexy as hell!" said the left guard, holding out his phone. "Oh wow. She's hot. You two going out again?" said the right guard. Clair loudly rolled her eyes as this as she thought,"I feel bad for her if she's going out with you stiffs.".

The guard nodded as he said,"Yeah. We're meeting up after work but wait. She's texting me right now man.". "So what's she's saying?" said the right guard. "Duck and Cover?" said the left guard in utter confusion. Clair dropped her magazine and hid under her bed. "What could she mean by that? And what is lightning hair doing?" said the right guard. "Beats me. Maybe dancing." said the left guard who shrugged his shoulders.

He got his answer as there was an explosion that shook the entire section, walking Roger up and making him hit his head on the roof of his cell. Due to him wearing an Negation Collar, he didn't have his powers so hitting the roof knocked him out. The entrance to said section had a giant hole with all thirty guards aimed at the hole. "Warden Rhodes wants us to keep Downpour and Voltaire in their cell or else, we'll get that!" said the head guard. "Yes sir!" said the guards.

Clair heard a sarcastic female voice said,"Oh wow guys. Your boss is such a great motivator. Capture the fools who try and stop me in their tracks before they can strike!". The guards fired their weapons at the female who decided to attack the prison. Clair watched six of the guards get blasted by a giant ball of icy blue fire and was frozen upon contact with it. "Cover the area in smoke!" said the female voice as the section was covered in white smoke, blinding the guards and Clair.

Some of the guards were launched into the air by a barbed and mechanical tail, ten guards were in the air thanks to two energy blasts, and the rest were being blasted back by a burst of air. "You should get use to the rough behavior of Thunder Cove." said a second female voice. The smoke cleared as Clair said from behind her knocked over bed,"Who the hell are you losers?!". "Come out Clair. We're here to help you and you can trust me since we were cellmates." said a familiar voice to Clair.

Clair poked her head over the bed with her saying,"Okay then. What are you doing Sabra? Didn't think you were an idiot but this is pretty idiotic even for you.". In front of her, four women stood there. One of them was familiar to Clair and three of them were new. The familiar female was Sabra. Sabra wasn't the same as she was in Zero Episode 122 being that she has changed her costumes completely in the past four years.

Her long pinkish-white hair now ends at her shoulders with a curl protruding from her forehead. She has green eyes. She still wears black make-up around her eyes but in the process, she lost her skimpy white midriff-revealing tanktop and skimpy black denim Daisy Dukes. This changes was seen as a major disappointment to some mainly males. She wears a skin tight full body ,except for her belly button for some reason, that contain a multitude of colors.

One color is black being the collar and cuffs of the suit, dark blue being a big circle resting on her abdomen/chest with their being a gold S in the center of the blue circle, and red with it covering most of the body. She wears hot pink thigh-high leather high heel boots and hot pink finger-less gloves with them ending before her elbows. She has metal bracelets that are like a pair of handcuffs and a whip at her waist. One of the new girls was Salem who smiled at seeing Clair.

The two others were supervillainess like Clair being that they're Bridget Mathis aka Slipstream and Lorrie Reeves aka Mimic. Bridget is an average yet muscular Japanese woman. Her build is built for a runner rather than a bodybuilder. She has light pale skin with dark pink dyed ,with natural black streaks, hair and ice-blue eyes. She's wearing a silver helmet with two blue eye shields over her eyes and small metal wings at the side of her helmet.

She's wearing a black armored speedsuit/tracksuit with metal plating over her arms and legs. There are dark blue patches around her upper arms and legs and waist. On her waist, she has several saw blades attached to them and can be thrown. She's wearing black ,with white laces, tennis shoes and a shirt dark green cape. Lorrie is a tan skinned, curvaceous woman with a decent but not too much to talk about muscular build with large, pointed pearly white teeth.

She has wild, yellow eyes that were animal like. She had short dark brown hair ,with yellow tips, and it's styled with tone bang hanging in front of her face like a scorpion tail. She's wearing an armored bodysuit being a dark blue color, covering her completely and leaving her mouth the only part of her mouth exposed. She wears a dark blue helmet with a pointed chin, twin ram like horns on the sides of the helmet, and its transparent optics are red.

It has a vermilion underskin with a golden orb in the center of it. She wears black ,with dark blue streaks, boots and gloves with diamond plating over her ankles and elbows respectively. The bodysuit has five fingers on each hand, five claws on each foot, and a long armored and spiked tail, moving back and forth. We've meet Lorrie before in Zero Episode 127 being that she was working for Derrick Price before his identity as Hellion Baron was revealed.

I wonder how she got her fancy armor suit. We'll get more about Bridget and Lorrie later in the info dump. "Wow Sabra. You actually don't look stupid now. Asked the nerd for a costume upgrade like tail girl didn't you? So what do you gals want? Want me to join your girls scout troop?" said Clair, crossing her arms. "You really don't get it do you. You're going to be stuck in here since Zenith Industries will be giving this place a serious upgrade aka making this place hard to escape." said Bridget.

While she was talking, She was touching the glass, annoying Clair. "Hey! Can't you read the sign speedy? Don't tap the glass!" said Clair. Much to her annoyance, she along with some of the other rogues of Earth's Protector aka Legion Zero had their cells installed with a glass window. This showed her and the other villains as animals. She would have fried her but her powers were being negated by this dam machine around her neck.

Sabra crossed her arms as she said,"You've noticed the upgrades right? Your cell is insulated even though you're wearing a pesky Negation Collar. Why not break out with us? I remember you hating the meals here a lot.". Clair rolled her eyes as she said,"You have a point but is it just four? You're not exactly threatening. You know what they saw about a good villain group right? Six are better than five after all.". Salem nodded as she said,"She has a point there Sabra.".

Lorrie said,"We do have another member but breaking you out is the diversion so she can get back her best friend. However in my opinion, those two are more like lovers.". "And her name is? Not a telepath after all." said Clair. "The woman who broke Zero four years ago and the cute version of that ugly son of a bitch Darth." said Sabra. "Okay them. Get me out. I want to talk with her before I join your sorority." said Clair. Salem cast a spell as the five women were gone. 

Meanwhile in Traverse Groves, the Vindicator was heading toward the location of the big Zenith Industries expo/press conference which was held in Traverse Groves Central Park. Danny was driving the RV with Gwen sitting in the passenger seat next to him. "You're doing just fine Danny. You won't crash it." said Gwen. "Thanks. Never really driven anything this big before and don't you say what I know you're going to say Kevin." said Danny.

Heidi is now 5 foot 8. The tips of her black hair were now a snow white color and has some light green strips at the ends of her hair.  She's wearing a long sleeve black, maroon red, and white horizontal striped shirt. It has a swan-neck collar with her sleeves usually rolled up to her elbows. Her shirt expose the black choker that's strapped around her neck with it having a silver butterfly pattern design to it. She's wearing white fashionable jeans with fishnet styled holes above her knees.

She's now wearing black heels that Kevin got for her twenty first birthday. She's still wearing her black fingerless lace gloves with a butterfly pattern design and goes halfway up her forearm. She is wearing her black earrings. Kevin is now 6 foot 2. He looks to be a bit more muscular than he did four years ago but compared to Danny and Zane, he didn't look too manly. He had a small goatee. This is the max result of him trying to grow facial hair like Allen and Zane but he's failing real badly.

Heidi doesn't mind it too much but when it gets really sad looking, she or Sly forces him to shave it to a less pathetic level. His brown hair looks to be better maintained and slightly longer. He's now wearing a dark red long sleeve shirt with a gray zip up jacket with black stripes on each arm. He's wearing black cargo shorts and green sneakers. He's still wearing his necklace ,which was held up by a black string, and a atom shaped pendant.

He has stopped wearing his glasses since he thinks the ladies will find him even more handsome without it. Heidi and Kevin  were sitting at the dinette with them watching TV. Both of them looked extremely interested in the show with Gwen saying,"I think you're safe Danny. Now if Rae or Zane were here, those two would say it.". "Yeah. He's busy in his room with Rae. Have they always been like rabbits or is this new? I honestly can't tell." said Heidi.

Kevin looked at her as he said,"It's been like this since Zane proposed to her after the Massacre. He didn't go to the funeral and I don't blame him for that but handmaking her ring. He really cares about her and doesn't want to lose her like he did the others. I'll honestly take the two going at it like rabbits over their constant flirting and Zane being just a depressed sack of crap. I mean that isn't Zane. That's why he went on the trip.". Danny, Gwen, and Heidi agreed with Kevin's statement.

Danny nodded as he said,"Yeah but at least you didn't have to deal with their will they/won't they for almost nine years Kevin. Mind getting Zane for me?". "Um why me. You having trouble with Efren's precious baby? I mean you really don't want to give a scratch before Efren will be a very unhappy camper if you destroy his camper." said Kevin. "No. I just feel like those two need to calm it down a little since Zane has something important today if you recall Kevin." said Danny.

Kevin sighed as he said,"True. Okay. I'll go.". "Don't worry. I'll tell you if anything interesting happen but with Apex Mind, we'll get a lot of filth before we get something good or decent." said Heidi. Kevin sighed as he walked to the master bedroom. In the master bedroom, Rachel and Zane were there being that Rachel was sitting at the end of the bed and Zane sat there at the front of the bed with him holding Yamata.

Rachel had changed a great deal in the past four years with her appearance in Zero Episode 132.5 was that of her when she was eighteen. She looked like this because of magic and the devil's ability to hide their true age or appearance with ease. She's now 5 foot 10. Rachel now has her copper red hair out of her high ponytail with it going down to her shoulders. Her bangs are parted to the right held by a violet hair pin with a music note pattern which reveals her aesthetically beautiful face. 

This includes her nearly done and trimmed eyebrows, plump lips, and her enchanting green eyes which are more like gems than actually eyes. Her hourglass figure still makes any man drool/blush/nosebleed upon seeing it. It's athletic shown with her well-toned arms and legs alongside her toned stomach. It's voluptuous being she has large and round breasts alongside a round, firm heart shaped butt and wide hips. 

She's wearing a black leather jacket over her crop top and it has a hood with devil-like horns. It has a golden trim and buttons. She wears a gray off-shoulder crop top exposing her black bra. She wears a black skirt that goes slightly above her knees. She wears a pair of burgundy ripped-up tights underneath and her tights cling to her curves, showing off her legs perfectly. She's wearing trendy looking shoes with it being a pair of black ankle high platform boots.

Rachel's boots don't increase her height and has blue laces forming a checker board design. She also has on a pair of small ,in the shape of the sun, earrings. She's wearing a gray choker with a purple skull pendant on the front of it. She has a black tattoo of a heart with a devil's tail on her left wrist and a tattoo of a vampire's puncture hole on the left side of her neck. The newest thing she has is her engagement or wedding ring that she got from Zane shortly ,after he got out of the hospital, when he proposed to her. 

Her ring has a seven-leaf clover ,reminding her of his ring, with three stone embedded into it being a emerald, ruby, and sapphire stone embedded in the clover in a triangle pattern. It has a black band. Zane looked at Rachel with her arms holding her head up and knees on the bed. She smiled directly at him as Zane sighed loudly. "Are you a hundred percent sure about this Rae? I'm mean I'm not good at writing music like Axel, Celeste, and Seth are." said Zane.

The Cross Species looked at his guitar with him saying,"Their music is really good because you can feel the passion behind them and the lyrics aren't half bad either. I can play the hardest instrument aka a triangle but writing music is something I really struggle with. I could have gotten a ghost writer but it wouldn't have felt authentic plus it would have besmirch their memory which isn't something I can't let happen.".

Rachel looked right at Zane as he thought about those six girls with his face not having its signature smile to it and looking the complete opposite of how he did before. He looked sad being that this side of him only appears when he thinks about something sad like a puppy getting hurt which just destroys him or when he's thinking about his mistakes. "Zane. I need you to listen so don't pretend to listen like you say you do." said Rachel in a youthful yet mature voice.

She smiled as she said,"You were given the knowledge how to play all instruments by Zeroes who were amazing musicians. They weren't the best at living either or being Zeroes. Your raw talent was also nurtured by Axel, Celeste, and Seth. Come on Zaney. You wrote it for those six and I'm sure they would have loved your song even if the lyrics aren't the best in the Omniverse whatsoever. It's a good way to honor their memory. You and I both know that clearly.".

Zane nodded as he said,"Thanks Rae. You're absolutely right. Liv keeps telling me that moving one from the Massacre is a slow process since that day was like going to war for me.". He took a deep breath with him holding his guitar and was getting ready to sing. I should mentioned that I'm not a songwriter here and now whatsoever or someone who knows music like the back of the hand. I like music with a guitar or makes you want to listen to it again.

A song that has a good beat such as Brand New World and Super Powers are two of my favorites since it's repeatable. This song won't be Grammy worth. I think I should mentioned that because if a guy with literally no music talent gets a Grammy, I think that's a serious problem with how they give out grammys. I did write a song a long time ago being that it was in my first blog Powerdude Stories being Power Episode 9 Soul Cancer rocks out with Power.

If you think my writing is bad now, just go back to anyone of those stories and see how I've evolved from that. Yeah. It's an interesting experience going back to your work and see how you've evolved but man, it's usually bad. You don't start out good because mistakes will happen. It's also cringy which is my past stories in a single word. The main reason I'm doing this is that I'm testing how to incorporate songs into stories.

For example, I plan to have songs ,that I don't own by the way and will be linking where you can support the artist, in Fairy Legion being that because why not? Fairy Tail has some amazing music to it and singing will makes Fairy Legion better than my previous Fairy Tail stories. That's my opinion. Music is extremely objective. I'll go into more in depth about how Fairy Legion is going to do music but trust me, it'll be interesting.

Okay. Mini rant over. The song will be in the info dump because this is going to be a long post and the info dump is going to be huge. Lets begin. "You may think I'm a guy who has it all. Able to lift buildings with relative ease and fights gods to a standstill, still coming on top. However, I'm still flawed beyond belief." sang Zane. Rachel smiled as she enjoyed her fiance's singing being a good thing to hear even though his songs aren't the best.

Zane says that Axel taught him that a good song should touch people with its tunes, Celeste taught him that a good song only requires the singer to believe ,without not a single ounce of doubt in your heart, in their music, and Seth taught him that a good song needs to be catchy regardless of its lyrics being that Zane got that part done. Before Zane could continue, Kevin knocked on the door and he said,"Hey Zane. I'm real sorry about cockblocking you and Rae but Danny needs you and....".

Zane smiled as he said,"It's fine Kevin. We weren't doing anything too bad. Only Eskimo Kissing so we'll be out in a minute.". Kevin walked away as Rae said,"So are you mad at Danny and Kevin for stopping your song?". Zane put his guitar in a pocket dimension as he said with a smile,"Nope. I'll be fine. This song is on the bottom of my current priorities. I'm honestly completely stressed about the whole expo going good.".

Rachel crossed her arms as she said,"You've spent how long on it again?" "About four weeks." said Zane. "And we both know how over prepared you can be when it comes to crime fighting and pretty much everything in between Zane. Legion Zero is prepared for much everything the Odium Society or the villains could deliver so Zane Alvarez can handle the business world got it?" said Rachel as she placed her hand on his chest. Zane looked at her and smiled.

Zane said while holding Rachel in his arms,"Okay Rae. I'll try if my fiancee is by my side.". "I will do Zane but you're wrong. You don't have a fiancee but a wife by your side. You know what my brother says right?" said Rachel, smiling. "Yeah. Behind every great man, there's even a great woman by his side. In my case, I have a really great women by my side." said Zane. Rachel smiled as she said with her going up to Zane,"Yeah you do.". The two kissed. 

The two walked out of the bedroom as Heidi turned to them. "So you two looked dressed properly. I guess you two have the power to look good after having a good time together." said Heidi. "It's one of our many gifts we have to offer." said Zane. "Correct honey. If today goes well, you'll get a personal reward from me." said Rachel, kissing his right cheek. "Do you two have to constantly remind us that you are doing the Devil's Tango?" said Kevin. 

Rachel sat down on the sofa across the dinette with her saying,"Kevin. If you keep calling sex the Devil's Tango, we'll keep reminding you about us doing that just to spite you. So what are you guys watching?". "Apex Mind." said Heidi. "Seriously? The guys hates me more than terrorist and that one politician who looks like a bulldog. I met that guy once and I was sure that he's a humanoid bulldog at first." said Zane, pouring himself Dragon's Ale.

Kevin nodded as he said,"Yeah. They're taking about that new superhero team that is set up here in Traverse Groves. The Vigilantes whom you don't like for some reason. So why are you drinking? It isn't even noon yet.". "My company is having an extremely important press conference today at the expo and it's five clock somewhere in the Omniverse. Leave me be. So let me guess. Curtis is treating them kindly and not subtly bashing me." said Zane. "Yeah. How do you know that?" said Gwen.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Curtis usually goes out of his way to insult me regardless of what he's talking about. He could be talking about the weather overseas and somehow, he talks about crap about for little old me. He has talked shit about me in this episode hasn't he?". "You're not wrong." said Heidi. The newscaster ,with it being Lindsey Chambers from Zero Episode 120, said with a smile,"And once again Curtis, the Vigilantes have saved Traverse Groves!".

The TV footage showed six teens rescuing some civilians from a burning apartment complex. After rescuing the last person from the building, the teens smiled and waved right at the camera while signing autographs.  "Wow. They're totally boy and girl scouts." said Rachel. "Yeah. We all know Zane could never be one since he was unable to earn a single merit badge." said Danny. "You "accidentally" tie Sam to one tree in the woods once and you can't be in any scout group anymore." grumbled Zane.

The Vigilantes consisted of three boys and girls with each one having different super powers. They are Beastling who can change into any animal known to mankind, Blossom who can manipulate nature itself, Fission who can manipulate gravity itself, Macro whose strength is unmatched, Psionica who's able to communicate and fight with her mind, and Starlet who can manipulate light. Each teen will be revealed in the info dump later.

I'm sorry to keep doing this but it's to keep the story going at a decent pace rather than taking rest stops for note dumps. It's more of a personal decision going forward and hopefully, I can keep doing that in Zero and beyond. "It's just part of being a hero. A real hero isn't for the glory and riches because it's the right thing to do." said Beastling who is considered to be the leader and smiled. "Wow. Those kids aren't half bad but compared to Team Maelstrom, they're nothing." said Kevin.

He was punched by Heidi with her saying,"Be nice Kevin. They just started out and I recall Neurozap not being good right out of the gate.". "Yeah. You were a super villain." said Rachel. "More like super annoying." said Danny, getting a laugh from Zane. "I got better." grumbled Kevin. "Yeah you did Kevin and we can't see our team without you. So do you think we'll see them today?" said Gwen as she saw that they were about ten minutes away from their destination.

Zane sighed as he said,"Probably Gwen. I may not like them but knowing my luck, I'll probably see them this weekend.". "And why do you not like them?" said Danny. "I honestly don't know. They just give me a bad feeling." said Zane. "You don't like them because you have a bad feeling? That's not the best reason. It's a really bad one." said Kevin. "Don't you think I know that Kevin? I got some proof to back up my feeling." said Zane.

Gwen looked at Zane as she said,"Mind telling us what that is Zane?". "Um sure. Luke told me that they sent an agent of the Alliance to communicate with them but they refused." said Zane. "That's it? Kinda flimsy there Zane." said Danny. "I know that man. It sounds strange but no one refuses Alliance since they're persistent and stubborn. They also gives amazing benefits so who in their right mind would refuse that?" said Zane.

Danny looked at Zane as he said,"Dude. I can speak for everyone here Zane being that I can name several people who would refuse the Alliance.". "You're right Danny. I don't know why they're so strange to me. When I get a chance this weekend, I plan to do some investigation on them. They remind me of that family of metahumans who were pretending to be superheroes but they were really super villains I captured a few months ago." said Zane.

Heidi looked at Zane with her saying,"I remember you telling me about that story. They were from a dimension in Sanguine Valley. They had two parents and their twelve biological kids.". "Seriously? I can get two parents and maybe four kids but twelve? Man the Omniverse is the weirdest thing." said Kevin. "Yeah it really is. So are you judging them before you meet them Zane? I thought you didn't judge people until you meet them for the first time." said Gwen.

Zane sighed as he said,"You're right I'm doing that Gwen but honestly, I just don't want to see kids getting themselves in danger. We were lucky back then you guys but villainy has evolved drastically. There have been several cases of metahumans crimes in the past four years. They're making things hard for normal people and well, death is becoming more and more part of the job.". He was looking out the window of the RV. "Yeah but you really should give them your support Zane." said Rachel.

She smiled as she said,"Legion Zero is a role model for young metahumans.". Kevin looked at Zane with him saying,"Seriously? Do they know about his drinking and smoking problem?". "They kinda do Kevin but I can survive without it." said Zane, chugging a bottle of Dragon's Ale. "You're not really showing that by drinking a whole bottle." said Heidi. "It helps cure my nervousness that I have because of the press conference." said Zane. "Which you really shouldn't be Zane." said Rachel.

Danny nodded as he said,"Yeah. You've been planning this for a long time ever since that day so you got this.". "Yeah. The Zenith Industries expo is going to be for the entire weekend, with it featuring some of the best inventions we have to offer and it's open for the general public. Having Legion Zero appearing there plus the inventions will make it a target but we can handle it plus I got my personal bodyguards aka you guys and others." said Zane.

Heidi nodded as she said,"Yes we can Zane. The CEO doesn't need to go Zero at all during the entire event because he's under the protection of Team Maelstrom and the Vigilantes.". "How about just you guys?" said Zane. "You really don't like them do you?" said Kevin. "Yeah. I just don't because I don't mind if teens fight crime but having someone like the Alliance supervising them is better since teens can get over their heads. I didn't do that and I got lucky. They may not be so lucky." said Zane.

In his reflection, Zane stared right at his left prosthetic eye and right prosthetic arm with both of them matching his right eye and left arm respectively. He sighed as Rachel looked at Danny and Kevin with the devil loudly coughing, getting two of her oldest friends attention. "Oh right. I just remember that there's a raffle done by the Powell family at the expo today as well. Someone will be selected at "complete and utter random" and be forced to perform a song in front of a crowd." said Danny.

Kevin nodded as he said,"Yeah. I mean you should totally enter Zane. You're a great singer but not as good as me.". "No. You're not Kevin. A screeching cat is a better singer than you Kevin but he's right you know even through your songs are bad." said Gwen. "Wow. You guys are not being subtle at all. I'll think about it okay? I got a lot of my plate right now and I rather focus on the most important right now okay?" said Zane. His friends nodded as they were about to reach the expo.

In another part of Traverse Groves, an excited ,male, scream sounded out from a hidden hideout which is nearby the city junkyard. Five teens heard a louder than normal scream coming down as the door opened and a boy came running in with a huge smile on his face. His skin is pale but he’s your average looking teenager. He has golden brown hair with it slightly tucked behind his ear. It ends mid-way down his neck. He has blue eyes.

He has freckles on his cheeks. He has a slight gap in his teeth and somewhat thick eyebrows. He wears a black short sleeve v-neck shirt with two gold stripes at the top of his shirt and one gold stripe at the bottom of the shirt. He wears a long sleeved green sweater with gray cuffs under his v-neck shirt. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. He wears dark gray slim looking jeans with a brown belt.

He has on white converse sneakers with black soles and navy blue socks that are hidden under his pants. He’s wearing two military dog tags around his neck. "What is it Gavin? You do know that she really hates it when you scream like a girl. Do you honestly want to go through a personal laser light show?" said a male. "Which makes you into a total masochist if you say yes." said another male voice as Gavin turned to see two boys around his age.

The boy on the left is a very large, bulky teenager. He’s been called a teddy bear before and hasn’t tried to deny that claim by his friends. He has fair and olive colored skin with him being tall, very muscular and well kept. He has brown hair ,with a well groomed beard, and brown eyes. His bangs are usually held back by a green and white headband. He wears a long-sleeved green shirt with white outlines at certain places along the shirt.

He wears a silver necklace that’s a family heirloom. He wears dark blue pants with a black belt. He wears dark green sneakers which are slightly worn out. The boy on the right is 5 foot 8 making him taller than Gavin but not the big guy. He has a lean build with considerable muscle mass to him and has been called cute before. He has average length blonde hair ,combed to the left and with a white streak in it, and sapphire blue eyes. He has freckles.

He wears a white hoodie with it usually open and under it, he wears a royal blue t-shirt with black jeans. He’s wearing dark gold hi-top sneakers. He has a gold ring on his right middle finger, used often to flip people off. "I honestly don't care. Today's the big Zenith Industries Invention Showcase Carter and Dean. We should go and see how Zenith Industries's brilliant minds and their latest inventions which will improve life for the entire world going forward." said Gavin.

Both Carter ,the blonde, and Dean ,the brunette, looked at their friend with his eyes shining. "You can't be serious. Why would I spent my weekend at a total nerdplooza by choice?" said Carter. "I got to agree with Carter and you need to show up before I break your mouth again Gavin. Veronica will probably heal you but still." said a girl's voice. The three boys turned to see a girl standing there in the doorway leading into a kitchen area.

She’s a tall and slender girl with lightly tanned peach colored skin. She’s quite beautiful being that she would attract the boy’s attention if she gave a fraction of effort into her appearance according to Veronica. She has long black hair that goes past her waist and part of it is tied in a side ponytail that’s held by a black hairband. She has green eyes. She wears a dark blue elbow length mini jacket with an white spaghetti strap tank top style corset underneath.

She wears tight blue jeans with them tucked into her high-heeled knee high brown boots. She has a silver bracelet on her right wrist and a black choker around her neck. She currently has a lollipop sticking out of her mouth. "Wow Monica. You and Carter are agreeing with each other is a huge shock to say the least." said Dean. "Ha. We can't be abandoned Traverse Groves for a single moment since Dr. Progeny is still running around after we took down the Exiles." said Monica.

Carter nodded as he said,"Yeah and we all know how crazy that monkey's plans can be if we leave him out there, causing trouble.". Gavin was quiet as a female voice said,"Come on you two. Lighten up. It's not like Dr. Progeny or anyone of our galley of rogues cares about Zenith Industries.". "I truly think that they would only care if they could use the technology to commit crimes. Zenith Industries isn't Champion Tech. Their security system is decent." said another female voice.

The four teens turned to see two girls standing there. One of the two girls has lightly tanned skin with short ,chin length, orange hair with black tips and green eyes. She’s tall and thin being that she’s taller than Gavin and Monica but shorter than Dean. She’s a maroon sweater-vest over a black long-sleeved blouse that usually has her sleeves rolled up to her elbows. She wears a gray skirt that goes to her knees dark blue thigh-high stockings, and black sneakers. 

The other girl is Carter's twin sister whose older than him by two minutes. She's shorter than her twin brother being 5 foot 5 compared to her brother’s 5 foot 8. She’s very pretty with a slender yet toned figure. She has straight blonde hair cut just above her shoulders ,with her bangs held back by a pink cat hair clip that her brother got for her when they were kids, and sapphire blue eyes. She has freckles and wears contact due to her terrible vision.

She wears a black and yellow tanktop with her wearing a long sleeved green shirt right under her tanktop. She wears a burgundy red denim knee length skirt with black biker shorts under it. She wears a white belt with three rows of gold studs going across the belt. She wears dark purple leggings on her legs. She wears blue converse sneakers with red stripes. She wears three red and white bracelets on her right wrist.

Monica scoffed as she said,"You can't be too certain. I'm sure they'll do everything to get that tech just begging to be stolen.". "Come on Carter and Monica. I'm sure if there are any criminals, we can handle it plus they're not in the weapon games like Champion Tech were. They're trying to progress humanity without hurting the Earth around them." said Gavin who was stuttering. "If you trying to convince us to go, don't stutter geek." said Carter.

Carter's sister punched him as she said,"Be nice Carter. Gavin only stutters when it comes to a cute girl like Monica.". "Whatever Casey. So you, Dean, and Veronica are for this right?" said Carter as he rubbed his arms. "Yep. It's majority rules so we're going regardless of these two say." said Veronica with Gavin cheering. "You seem happy leader. I like it." said Dean, tussling Gavin's hair. "Thanks. I know that the Vigilantes can protect Zenith Industries from any danger." said Gavin.

Veronica looked at her nerdy leader with her saying,"You mean the people right?". "Yeah. What did I say?" said Gavin. "Smooth boss." said Carter and Casey in their signature twin unison. "Even with our help protecting Zenith Industries, you probably know who the mascot of Zenith Industries is. He can handle most super villains like the one who tried to destroy the Earth three years ago. Legion Zero is the Earth's protector after all." said Gavin.

Monica rolled her eyes as she said,"Just him? I'll admit that Legion Zero is an amazing hero. A true icon for people all over but there's nothing he can do that we can't.". "We for sure can't use magic like Zero and the rest of Team Maelstrom." said Gavin. "Plus none of us can't alter reality or breath in space." said Dean. "Maybe we can. Remember our powers are still developing." said Carter. "My brother is right but do you think Legion Zero will show up?" said Casey.

Veronica looked at Gavin with her saying,"Do you have something to say Gavin?". "Yeah. I mean Zane who got the highest GPA in 2020 and that hasn't changed. He's been traveling across the United States as of the past couple of months. With that in mind, Legion Zero is usually not too far behind him." said Gavin. "So doesn't that mean that Legion Zero is Zane or he brings trouble wherever he goes?" said Monica. "Huh. I never thought that. I think both of them." said Carter.

Casey shook her head as she said,"You two aren't wrong but Legion Zero and Zane are two different people being that Swarm tried to prove that they were same after Toxic Venom ,who is one of Zero's many rogues, claimed that Legion Zero and Zane were the same person but the group found a lot of evidence proving that Zane and Zero were two different people. I'm still for going since it's not every day that a famous futurist is coming to Traverse Groves.".

Dean nodded as he said,"Yeah and we've been working our buts off constantly. It's good to relax once in a while.". "But heroes never take a day off." said Carter. "Lets go already. The crowds there are going to be crazy!" said Gavin, running out of the base. "We better go after him since he can't drive the van and will start honking the horn." said Dean. The two boys, Casey, and Veronica went after Gavin with Monica standing there and she said,"This better be worth it.". She walked to them, locking up their base.

Meanwhile, Clair ,who had her Negation Collar removed, sat at the front of a conference table and was reading a file. "You can't be serious. If I didn't commit a crime, why would I be in jail? This is so stupid!" said Clair. She covered the file in electricity, causing it to explode and turn into ash. "Oh wow Clair. You really don't like the 401K plan don't you?" said a female voice. Clair turned to see the duo of Mandy Lane and Megan Nash. 

Mandy’s hair is back to being long being that it goes to her shoulders with her now having a small braided ponytail to the right rather than the left.  Her bangs no longer cover her olive green eyes being that her lack of bangs covering her eyes shows her maturity according to her. She’s wearing a dark brown biker style leather jacket with a short, two toned blue spaghetti strap top ,under her jacket, over a dark red long sleeve shirt.

She’s wearing black jean shorts with silver stitching and red lace at the cuff. She doesn’t wearing her tights anymore but fishnet stockings. She wears dark pink high top and rollerblade hybrid shoes. They now have three glowing white wheels on each one with a thin red line about the foot's ball and instep. She still wearing her gold stud earrings. She wears a dark blue wool beanie style cap with a pyramid in the center of it and covered by sand. She wears black fingerless gloves.

As you can recall from Megan's last appearance aka Zero Episode 112, Megan lost her ability to connect with Toxic Venom in a similar fashion to how Bryan was unable to be controlled by any Vulcorian. However, she wasn't going to give up the power that Toxic gave her. During a prison escape in the year 2021, she was able to get the containers that held Darth and Toxic Venom. She expected to have the power of both Vulcorian to get revenge on Zero.

However, she got something else instead. Darth ,upon seeing the pseudo Vulcorian that was created from him in front of him, devour her alive, shocking Megan. Darth turned toward Megan with him smiling. He attached himself to Megan being unable to escape despite the anti-Vulcorian tools around her aka a gun that could emit a powerful blast of absolute zero nearby her. Upon bonding with this strange woman, Darth found out that the two of them were very similar.

They both wanted the duo of Legion Zero and Twilight dead so the two became partners being that their bonding was perfect. It's like Twilight and Zane's bonding back in Zero Episode 101. After coming out of the cocoon that's a result of a perfect bonding, Megan ,with her new powers, killed the guards who came to check on the two Vulcorians. She puked afterwards but not from the killing due to her doing that when she was Toxic Venom.

She only did this because of the bonding process but she did escape the prison. The two went around the world with a mission in mind. They were collecting any Vulcorians ,which were created by Champion Tech and was sold around the world as a super weapon, and absorbing them to increase their combined powers. They kept their crimes as a secret to keep Twilight and Zero so they wouldn't be able to stop their fun.

Megan's new costume is a mixture of Darth, Toxic, her costume that she wore as a part of Avalon which was revealed in Zero Episode 110, and the other Vulcorians that she absorbed over the past three years. She's still looks to be six feet tall. She's wearing a white full-body and skin tight ,clearly telling that it was a female wearing the suit, suit with the chest area being a solid black color. The black part of her suit covers her to a similar pattern to a leotard. It has a black collar.

Her suit has a black strip on her upper thighs. Her face is covered by a white mask with beady yet massive red eyes with a jagged black outline. The bottom half of her mask is black and has a jagged mouth like pattern. It's usually closed but she has a black tongue and razor sharp teeth. The sleeves of her suit are white as well, ending into black elbow length gloves. The fingertips are claws, have a fuchsia spider-web pattern to it, and the back of her hands had fuschia circle shaped areas.

Her legs were also white, starting from the black strip on her thigh. She wears black ankle length boots with a fuchsia spider-web pattern to it. The newest thing that she added to her costume is the organic dragonfly wings sticking out of her back. Her wings are pure black with a red scale like pattern to it. In the center of her chest, there is her symbol as the supervillain Xenosect being that Darth came up with the name and Megan agreed to it.

It is an fuchsia "X" over a black ,with a white spider-web pattern, circle. "Sorry. We're late Ms. Fisher but you can understand how crime can take up so much of your time." said Megan. "So why do you want me? I'm not exactly A rank villain here." said Clair, crossing her arms. "Except in the looks department. Meow." said Mandy. Clair looked at Megan who said,"She swings for the other team if you catch my draft but honestly, I don't care.".

She walked toward Clair as she said,"I gathered that you looked over the orientation papers. It's just like high school. Every semester, you get these papers from your teacher. I'm just happy you didn't explode the papers that would register your employment to the Furies.". "I'm not joining your super team! I'm thankful that you got me out of that hellhole but I'm not working for you or anyone. Did that for the wizard and I don't want to do that again." said Clair.

Megan sighed as she said,"I'm guessing that you didn't fully read the file. I'm not hiring you or anyone in the Furies as muscles. It's more like a partnership or sisterhood.". "Sisterhood?! What are you....." said Clair. Her body was covered in a sand coffin, exposing her eyes as Mandy said,"I'll keep her quiet boss so you can explain it to her. She may be cute but her mouth is toxic just like Zero.". Clair's eyes widened as she growled something out. "Okay. Follow me." said Megan.

The two women ,with Clair being held in the air thanks to a sand coffin, walked through a hallway as Megan said,"I was interested in your file Clair. You're easily one of the most powerful metas that go up against Zero on a daily basis. You make those men look pathetic and sad mainly with the muscle heads you were forced to work with. Mandy, remove the sand around his mouth so she can answer me an important question.".

Mandy nodded as the sand moved away from Clair's mouth. "Okay. What is it? I don't have all day and I'm also free of this sand casket you have me in sandy!" said Clair. "Yeah. I can feel your sparks and trust me when I say this, you're not breaking out unless the boss orders me cutie." said Mandy as the two glared at each other. "Focus. Clair. Tell me in your opinion, what profession has the worst male to female inequality in hiring and advancement?" said Megan.

Clair looked at her as she said,"I want to say politics but honestly, I'm going to go with three answers if that's cool. It's being a lawyer, mechanic, or doctor.". "All very good answers Clair but it's being a criminal. I've heard this from Storm who watched her father Reactor fight gang after gan to claim dominance over Cypress Park before Zero came into play." said Megan. "Oh yeah. Those two are family. Explain why Reactor attacked frosty back in the day." said Clair.

Megan nodded as she said,"Yes Clair. Can you name me a female mob boss that's actually a real person and not just a fictional character?". Clair was quiet as Megan sighed. "That's right. Being a criminal is a men's game being that most women in this profession are used for wearing sexy costumes and pretty much tramps. That was until now. Drop her Mandy." said Megan. Mandy nodded as the electric girl was dropped onto the ground hard.

Clair looked at Mandy with her whistling. "I'm building a group that respects women and their efforts in the field of villainy. I've gotten the support of Storm and her group being that she wants to help me in my efforts. This group will be women supporting and trusting each other to commit crimes that not even Zero can stop." said Megan. "Which is how we were able to break you out without Zero coming to stop them." said Mandy.

Megan nodded as she said,"Yes. I had to acquire an invention of Engineer who decided to work with us and respects us. It was taken from a raid so while I got that, my sisters broke you out of prison. We have a garden just for meditation and a daycare facility. Mom can be super villains as well.". "Wow. I'm kinda impressed. So how many super villains are moms? I'm honestly kinda curious." said Clair.

Mandy held up both hands as she said,"A lot more than you think since they were boy crazy and the kids are quite cute. Not as cute as you though.". Clair stepped away from Mandy with Megan saying with a smile,"Focus you two. We're going to be making our name known through the criminal world. Now come with me. We're going to meet with the rest of the Furies.". Megan walked to the kitchen area as Clair and Mandy followed.

Clair saw Bridget, Lorrie, Sabra, and Salem sitting there with Bridget looking up her phone and she said,"Oh wow. You really put your sandy mits on her haven't you Mandy?". "Yeah. Me and her are lovers." said Mandy, wrapping her arm around Clair's waist. The sand woman was punched into the nearby wall by a giant electricity fist. "Nice. She has flirted with all of us before you." said Lorrie as she smiled. "And most of us didn't like it." said Salem.

Sabra shrugged as she said,"I'm sure that being in love with both boys and girls isn't illegal or wrong right boss?". "Yes. We're a team that can make any male look stupid but that's rather easy. Did you see Steamroller's latest defeat by Morph?" said Megan. She walked over to the kitchen as the sand woman said,"Be careful. There's some organic crap in there. I mean why would someone make organic bacon? That's a crime against breakfast.".

Lorrie shrugged as she said,"Beats me Mandy. It still takes good right?". "Yeah. So Clair, want to make out? Because if you're joining, it's womandatory." said Mandy. "And I thought we weren't doing that gender crap. We may be females but that doesn't mean we have to be those femnazis you hear about on the news. Thankful you got me back in my body Megan. Didn't like Feral or that wolf guy. Both of them smelled like a barnyard." said Salem.

Megan nodded as she said,"Yes. My partner absorbed a Vulcorian who was a Sorcerer and has some knowledge on magic. Sorry about forcing you to flirt with that guard earlier Lorrie.". "It's cool. He was cute I guess." said Lorrie. "A woman of few words aren't you?" said Bridget with her word earning a response from Lorrie. "So what do you say Clair? Want to be part of the women revolution?" said Megan.

Clair noticed all six females looking at her as she said,"I would say yes but honestly, I don't want to. I actually like men and well, you've heard about that crazy psycho woman right? She actively wants to get rid of men despite women needing me and vise versa. Learn that in health class. While I'll agree with you on the total gender imbalance when it comes to being a criminal, I decided to be a solo act after my whole tint with the Battalion and Outcast Syndicate. Later sisters.".       

Clair was walking away as Megan smiled and removed her mask. Her mask removed itself, revealing Megan's face and how her face and most of her head was covered by white tendrils that came from her suit. Her hair is now a white color with it held back in a ponytail with fuchsia streaks running through like a spiderweb pattern. Her eyes are blue. "I knew you would say that but I should tell you what we have coming up real soon. We're going after our favorite super annoyance." said Megan.

Clair stopped as her body was covered in electricity. "Step back. She's going supernova." said Sabra as Salem looked at Megan who stood there. "ZERO?! That guy has stopped my criminals too many times now! If I can kill that annoying asshole, I will but I'm not doing any sisterly bonding and sandy will not flirt with me got it?!" said Clair. "Got it. Welcome to the Furies. We'll be going to where Zero is mostly likely going to be." said Megan. 

Meanwhile back at Traverse Groves or more specifically at Traverse Groves Central Park. You may think that it's a lazy name ,which it totally is, but Cypress Park is no better in the naming department or by my hands. I mean look at the trio of Cypress Elementary School, Cypress High School, and Cypress Middle school aren't winning awards in the name department. My point is that I suck at making names. 

There was a crowd outside of the expo as an announcer said,"Welcome Traverse Groves to what the future has in store. This is the World of Tomorrow today!". The crowd went rushing right in as the quarter of Danny, Gwen, Heidi, Kevin, and Rachel smiled. There were tons of booth showing off their leader/friend/fiancee's company inventions including the robot and a functional jetpack. "This place is pretty amazing. He totally spend half of the budget on this didn't he?" said Danny.

The five heard,"I totally didn't. It was more 12.5% but hey, we made it back and then some since a lot of people want to try the hover experience. It's cost about a dollar to fly but it's an experience worth millions. I didn't come up with that but my PR department did.". The five turned to see Zane standing there with their jaws dropping upon what they saw. He's wearing a black lab coat that's very similar to the jacket that he normally wears.

It's currently open with the sleeves having steel gray urban camouflage pattern on them and molten gold outlines. He’s wearing his black compression/muscle shirt with a v-neck style collar, steel gray lining, and a crimson red diamond pattern to it. He's wearing his grayish black jeans, the Z.E.R.O. Armor belt, and his signature black, purple, and white tennis shoes. All of his accessories were there being that he had an new one and a different version of his glasses.

His glasses were replaced by a shielded visor over his eyes, matching his glasses but looked more scientific. He has on a headset on the right side of his face, with a microphone over his cheek and mouth. "Well, I guess you're shocking at seeing me in my work clothes. I was going wear a suit but it's totally not required at my company." said Zane. "So you must be pretty excited for the main event and you really wear this while at work." said Gwen.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. The sun is shining and our problematic scientist isn't causing trouble right now. According to Jamie and Fiona, he's on his very best behavior and currently distracted by the cotton candy machine.". "Two things. Why is he working for you again even though he's more psychotic than your rogues and why do you have a cotton candy machine?" said Kevin. "Because he makes work interesting and a good scientist. He's a little insane but that's a good thing." said Zane.

Heidi crossed her arms as she said,"You didn't answer his second question.". "It's for the people who were forced to come here since science isn't exactly a music festival or something like that." said Zane as he shrugged his shoulders. "That makes sense. Way to go Zaney." said Rachel, kissing him. "Aren't we going to stop them? I mean they're in public after all." said Gwen. "Did that ever stop them before Gwen?" said Danny. "No. Just thought I should ask." said Gwen. 

In a very short amount of time, a 60s styled van drove up to the expo. It has a two-tone medium blue color with two very noticeable white stripes around the vain, forming an giant white X on the top. On each sides of the van, it has two burning white cattle skulls on the side of it. The van can be open from either side of the van, the driver side, the passenger side, and the back. It also has a sun roof aka it can be open from the top.

The front of the van has a large burning white cattle skull painted onto it. There are two roof racks protruding from the top of the van to secure storage. The van has orange and red hub caps in the shape of burning cattle skulls. The inside of the van has green shag carpeting with it covering the floor. There were small shelves on the sides of the van ,except for the door, which holds foods and other knick-knacks plus spare tire carriers.

It has seats for the driver and passenger but a row in the back for any passengers. It has the engine in the front of it and a hot rod style exhaust style pipes coming out of the back. The six person group of Carter, Casey, Dean, Gavin, Monica, and Veronica came out of the van with Gavin's eyes widening upon seeing just about everything there was to see at the expo. Tons of inventions being showed off like models and a giant mechanical T-Rex.

You may wonder why there is a giant T-Rex but you should ask that to Batman but then you'll ask why there is a giant penny. My point is this. Just expect some weird stuff coming from the festival and the Bat cave since Batman is one for memorabilia. This is my head canon for Batman by the way. "This is amazing!" said Gavin with him making the sign of the horns hand signal. From where Zane was, Zane was smiling. "And here I thought he was the loudest person at the expo." thought Zane.

Carter lightly jabbed Gavin with him saying,"While I admit this is a total nerd convention, it looks not bad. Don't do that again or I'll kick your ass in front of Monica.". Casey overheard this as she said while punching Carter in the arm,"Be nice Carter. We're here to have fun and this is the most action we've had within a month. We're at this expo to have fun got it?". "Yes ma'am." said Dean and Veronica with Monica just nodding. She had her headphones in it and was listening to music.

Dean turned to the side with him seeing the Vigilante's favorite reporter Delia Tippett ,who works for Apex Mind as well, standing there with her cameraman Merle Welch. Delia has her brown hair ,with blond tips, pulled back in a ponytail and the tail ends at the center of her neck. She has light blue eyes. She's wearing a white business long-sleeved jacket ,with a folded collar, with a pink top under it. She's wearing blue jeans that stop at her knees and purple high heel boots.

Merle is slightly taller and wider than Delia is. He has messy and short red hair, brown eyes, and thin glasses. He's wearing a dark blue button-up shirt with a red tie and brown cardigan. He wears brown slacks and black dress shoes. He has a slumped over posture. "And expected another amazing day here in Traverse Grove Curtis. We're sure that Zenith Industries is going to have great success in the future being a success." said Delia. 

She noticed Zane standing there with her smiling. "Keep the film rolling Merle. I think we got something to make this gig good." said Delia. She walked over to Zane's group with her saying,"It seems we have the CEO of Zenith Industries here and enjoy the festivals. Tell us Zane, is there anything you can tell us for today's events?". Dean and his group walked over as Zane said,"You and your total pointless news broadcast will have to wait just like everyone else.".

Danny punched him as he said,"Are you trying to give you your company a bad image?". "Meh. In the years you've known him, when have I ever cared about my public image and pissed people off with what I say?" said Zane. Danny was going to say something but he couldn't argue to that. "So you won't do even if I give you a private interview?" said Delia, winking at Zane. Rachel growled at her as Heidi said,"Simmer down your highness.".

Carter and Kevin nodded as they both said,"Even though a cat fight between two girls will get more views than this place would.". The two boys looked right at each other with them highfiving and were punched by Casey and Heidi respectively. "Sorry Delia but I'm happily engaged to three lovely ladies so I hope you have a nice day. Enjoy the expo and don't try sleeping your way to the top. I heard that only worked for Swarm and she just got lucky." said Zane, walking into the Expo.

The others ,except for the news people, followed him as Danny said,"He'll never think before he speaks will he?". "Nope. That's just Zane Alvarez's way of life." said Gavin. "You're right. The name is Danny Malone. I'm this moron's best friend. My girlfriend Gwen is the blue haired girl, Heidi is the girl who punched the guy who agreed with your friend, Kevin is the boy who agreed with your friend, and Rachel or Rae is Zane's fiancée." said Danny, shaking hands with Gavin.

Gavin smiled as he said,"Nice to meet you guys. My name is Gavin Sinclair. These are my friends Carter Coleman being the younger twin to Carter by two minutes, Casey Coleman being the older twin to Carter by two minutes, Dean Johnson who works at the best barbecue place in Traverse Groves, Monica Bowers being the richest daughter in Traverse Groves, and Veronica Cohen whose the smartest girl in Traverse Groves.".

Zane turned back as he said,"Hold on. You mentioned Veronica Cohen right? She's somehow who could have graduated two years earlier if not for her wanting to be with her cheer squad.". "Thank you Mr. Alvarez. I may be the smartest teen on the western seaboard but compared to the teen who got several degrees and PHDs without going to college for a single day, I'm nothing more than an idiot but I can do an impressive backflip." said Veronica.

Heidi smiled as she said,"Wow. That's still impressive Veronica. I mean Danny barely passed high school and he can't do a backflip.". "Ha ha." said Danny. "So I'll see you all later. I got to prepare for the main event and if my conscience is right, Professor Micah Lockett went overboard on the cotton candy machine." said Zane, walking away. The two groups ,after saying goodbye, separating and will probably meet again. Subtly doesn't exist when it comes to my writing.

Back at the news van in front of the expo, Merle watched to the side of the truck and he heard the reporter talking badly about Zane. "That ass! He thinks that I would willingly give myself to him just because he's rich. Ha! I have standards." said Delia. Merle nodded as Delia said,"So what are you getting from the truck?". "Talking with your creator. Now get in the van." said Merle. Delia nodded as she entered the news van and Merle followed him.

As he closed the door, he heard,"So is the plan ready Lumos? We were lucky to have the real Delia not in town so we can replaced her with a double that's powered by your holographic tech and my genius.". He turned to see the infamous supervillain Dr. Progeny sitting there and was messing with a frisbee shaped disc with two static spheres on the side. He looks to be 5 foot 10. His skin is rather pale, looking like he spent a long time inside of a freezer.

His body on the other hand is rather muscular. His body is covered in orange, fluffy look fur covering him from head to toe. The only part of his body that isn’t covered by fur is his ears, face, feet, and hands being that his skin color is only revealed on his ears, face, feet, and hands. His hair is now up to his shoulder being a white color. His yellow ,with solid black sclera, eyes are more snake-like and his teeth are extremely sharp. His head is shaped like a wolf with tiger like ears.

His brain is exposed thanks to the top of his head being a red glass like dome filled to the brim with water. It has two antennae on it with red bulbs at the end of it. His dome is attached to his body being that it was stitched onto him. He has giant claws on his feet and hands, wearing brown fingerless gloves on his hands. He has a large spiked crocodile like tail coming out of his back and six transparent dark green eagle like wings protruding from his back. 

He has three wings on the left and three wings on the right. In the center of his chest, he has two belts strapped across it and has a large dial in the center of the two belts. He wears a large ,covering his entire body, black and white lab coat. The color white goes down a vertical line on his chest, ending at his chest. He wears brown pants and sandals with black industrial-grade steel gloves. He wears blue glasses with a golden trim.

Merle looked at the super villain with him saying,"Yes it is. Is your ingenious weather device ready already? We'll need to keep their attention occupied while we get what we want.". He touched his arm, revealing his true appearance. He looks human but have very green skin, being almost like grass. He has messy blackish gray hair, sharp and misshapen teeth, and one glowing red eye in the center of his face. He has a very noticeable chin. He's wearing a dark blue v-neck suit with a red and white cape. 

He's holding a glowing white orb in his right hand. "I had to disguise myself from those Phantom sensors since they're not like Swarms. Plus you didn't have to listen to Delia with such an attentive nature for the past week. I mean she keeps on talking. Women of all species really need to shut the fuck up am I right?" said Lumos. "Uh huh. Preach it brother." said Progeny, tinkering with his device while eating some fleas with his feet. 

The good doctor is really good at multitasking after all. "You're not listening to me are you?" said Lumos. "Not really. You Phantoms can be so petty sometimes." said Progeny. Lumos rolled his single eye. "While you were bitching, I reprogrammed the Climate Alteration Device or the CAD to be able to release a solution of my creation, creating rain. I don't need the ability to manipulate weather to create it." said Progeny. "And while that's going on, we'll be robbing the city right?" said Lumos. 

Progeny nodded as he said,"Yes. Now go my baby!". He tossed the device out of the van and onto the ground. It sat there with Progeny pressing a device on his phone. The machine launched into the air and was slowly creating large than normal dark thunder clouds. On a nearby building, the villain group of Bridget, Clair, Lorrie, Mandy, Megan, and Sabra) watched it launch into the sky. "So should we do something about them? I mean they may be a problem right?" said Bridget. 

Megan shook her head as she said,"Nope. Our goal is grabbing Zane.". "And why we are doing that? It's also a bad thing if I'm wet remember?!" said Clair. "Don't worry Voltaire. I upgraded your suit with some water proof technology. A tidal wave will be the only thing that can break your suit. To answer your very important question, getting Zane will be the way to get justice or revenge on Zero. Your pick by the way." said Megan. 

Clair's hands sparked as Mandy and Sabra said,"Did you really need to ask that?". "It's good to ask the stupid questions sometimes." said Lorrie, earning her a look from the other villains. Veronica felt some rain on her as she said,"Hold on. Didn't the weather report say that it's going to be sunny for the next week?". "Yeah it did. Somethings up." said Carter. Nearby them, Monica was on her phone and ignoring everything around her. 

Dean looked at his friends as he said,"Okay. We should probably get her attention and not it by the way." said Dean. "Agree. You're up leader." said Carter, Casey, and Veronica. Gavin gulped as he tapped Veronica's shoulder and she glared at him. Before she could say anything, the wind suddenly whipped up and the rain was beginning to take form with the CAD in the center of it. Gavin ,who was on the ground thanks to Monica pushing him, looked at the crowd of people.

This crowd included Danny's group were gathered a live demonstration of the Revitalizer Suit being that they were being dumped into acid and coming out perfectly fine. Gavin groaned as he said,"Let me guess. This is going to get worse.". He heard screaming from above him as the water monster drop down from above, roaring. Everyone gasped and started running away screaming. Monica looked at the monster with her eyes widening. "Yep. We can never get a day off can't we?" said Casey. 

Carter looked at her as he said,"I think the answer is obvious sis.". His command earned him a punch in the arm. "So Dean, mind grabbing Monica? We got work to do." said Gavin. The group ran off with Dean carrying the stunned Monica. Nearby, Team Maelstrom stood there and looked at the creature. "So is it a Phantom?" said Kevin. "Nope. Don't detect any Nether in it. So is Zane safe? He doesn't need to be distract with this. Today is important to him." said Gwen. 

Rachel nodded as she said,"Yep. He's with Brenda, Fiona Lockett, Micah Lockett, and those agents from the Alliance and Swarm. I think we can handle this right? We owe him this much.". "Yep. It's time to power up!" said Danny. "I think Zane says it best but lets do this." said Heidi. His group ran off as Team Maelstrom changed into their superhero personas being that Morph aka Danny, Neurozap aka Kevin, Riptide aka Rachel, Slicer aka Gwen, Viola aka Heidi stood there. 

Excluding Neurozap, the three females all changed their costume greatly. After four years, Rachel now had better control of her Ardor and she incorporating it into her costume as Riptide. This is shown perfectly with how she no longer requires the gray bracelets that she once under her shirt and around her wrists. She can now activate her costume by just focusing Ardor over her normal clothing and changes into it. 

Her hair is still a silver color but her once blue eyes were now a scarlet red color, showing her growth when it comes to using her species' form of Impulse. Her hair was no longer in a high ponytail and was done in a similar fashion to her hair not in costume. She wears a scarlet red ,camouflage pattern, v-neck long sleeve bodysuit. Covering her shoulders, she wears silver armor shoulder pads with a stylized devil symbol. A scarlet red half cape is buttoned to her shoulder pads.

Under her bodysuit, she wears dark blue culottes under a gray armored skirt that covers her thighs. She wears a scarlet red ,with black stripes from top to bottom and sharp tips, ankle-length sash that is wrapped around her skirt. She wears black thigh-high socks with silver chest plate, forearm guards, hip guards, knee pads, and shin guards protecting her. She wears brown slim leather ,jet-powered, rider boots with silver lipped and zippers, reaching up to her knees. 

She wears brown ,opera-length, leather riding gloves with outward fingers inserts and a gray metal plate covering her dorsal. She still wears a metallic silver tiara on top of her head which can turn into a black biker/boxing helmet with a scarlet red devil symbol on the forehead part of her helmet. Her helmet is bulletproof and conceals her identity from others by putting all over her silver hair into it. She can see through the helmet thanks to a glass visor. Like Zero, her body was covered in a scarlet red aura. 

This is a clearly sign of how she admired Zane and learned how to focus her powers in order to protect him. Riptide is still popular with females for being a powerful warrior and men for being a sexy woman rather than a cute girl in armor. It is well known that they don't have a chance with Riptide given her love for Legion Zero. Gwen's skin is now a lagoon blue color with her eye and hair color being the same as before. 

Her hair was now moving around like it was alive and made out of Impulse. It's been called somewhat like a flame that can never go out. She is still wearing a black hooded robe with a gold clock pattern. Underneath the robe, she's now wearing a dark blue form-fitting shirt with it having gray sleeves that went up to her elbows. Her shirt cuts off, revealing her midriff and navel. She's now wearing black pants with a gold clock pattern. 

She is now wearing a small light white bag with a golden button on the right side of it's jagged zipper like 'teeth', an clock like eye in the center side of its "face". It had a small dark brown strap on the top of it, around her waist. She is now wearing black calf-high boots with a clock like pattern and blue straps around them. She has Infinite Rune in its sheath which is brown with gold accents hanging off her right side of her waist, opposing the bag. 

Heidi's black and white domino mask was similar to the one that she wore four years ago except it now covered most of her forehead. Her crimson red hair is still up to her chin. She now wears a off sleeve long-sleeved black bodysuit and the ends of it is a dark green color. She wears turquoise colored pants with black ,knee high, boots with blackish-blue soles and rose pink straps in a diamond pattern. She wears a gray utility belt around her hips and has her metal staff attached to it. 

Over her bodysuit, she wears a cropped gold waistcoat with a peaked hood and has an dark green hourglass symbol stitched onto the shoulders. She wears purple elbow high fingerless gloves and has streamlined silver gauntlets over her arms. Compared to most of Team Maelstrom, both Slicer and Viola had the biggest change over the past four years. Neurozap didn't change at all but it was mainly him upgrading his tech.  

With Gavin's group, the six nodded as they pulled out their phones and pressed an app on it. If it wasn't obvious by now, these six teens were the super team the Vigilantes. Like I said earlier, there will be no subtly when it comes to me and my writing. Carter and his sister’s costume is very classic superhero according to Gavin and Veronica. He wears a black mask with three white dots above each eye. He wears a dark blue short sleeve jumpsuit. He wears black boots with dark blue toes and fingerless gloves.

He wears silver metal bracelets and a black leather belt with a chain like whip hanging off it. His whip can extend itself to his whip and can force people to do whatever he wants as long as the chain is around them. He and his sister are the only ones who use a weapon among the Vigilantes. Carter Coleman is Fission. Casey wears a black raven motif mask with the bottom half of her mask being dark pink. Her eyes glow white when wearing her mask. She wears a gray skintight short sleeved catsuit/jumpsuit. 

Casey's suit has dark pink spots all over it. She wears black ,with white fur, elbow fingerless gloves that have claws on the fingertips and matching thigh-high boots. Thanks to Beastling, she has two gray steel fans which she can use in a fight. Casey Coleman is Psionica. Dean's costume is green and silver chest armor and pauldrons which exposes his arms completely. On his arms and legs, he has tattoos. They look like ancient runes and in a lion style pattern. These tattoos are familiar. 

He wears a sleeveless black bodysuit under his armor. His bodysuit has noticeable green outer thighs and highlights. He wears a silver helmet over his head with a green visor. He wears black boots and fingerless gloves. Dean Johnson is Macro. Gavin has tattoos on his back and neck. They look like ancient runes and in a claw style pattern. His costume is a dark green outfit with black cat stripes on the sides and a claw shaped symbol on his chest. 

Gavin wears black boots that are shaped like paws and forearm-reaching black padded gauntlets that are shaped like claws over his hands. He wears silver goggles with black lines over the eyes and red lenses, covering his original eye color. Gavin Sinclair is Beastling, leader of the Vigilantes. Monica has a tattoo on her chest. They look like ancient runes and in a star style pattern. Her costume is her hair changing from black to blond and her eye color doesn’t change.

This is due to her not wanting to wear a helmet because she’ll get helmet hair. She wears a short sleeved black bodysuit with white stripes on the joints and legs. The center of her bodysuit aka the cleavage area has a star shaped opening in the center of it and a smaller one in the back. She wears a pair of silver pearl star shaped earrings. She's wearing black elbow length gloves and black thigh-high boots. She has a headset with a microphone over her cheek, a gold star painted right below her eyes, and red lipstick.

Monica Bowers is Starlet. Veronica has tattoos on her thighs. They look like ancient runes and in a rose pattern. Her costume is a light green dress with rose pink lining that has a rose pattern to it. Her dress goes past her knees. She wears a short teal high-collared vest with multiple pockets. She wears navy blue leggings and sleeves that goes to her elbows. She wears rose pink and silver thigh-high boots over her leggings and rose pink and silver gloves that connect to her sleeves. 

She wears a chest place with a flower shape on the chest. She wears a silver helmet with purple highlights and has a transparent visor in the film, covering her eye. This makes it look like she has blue eyes. Veronica Cohen is Blossom. "Lets do this you guys!" said Gavin with him looking at his team. He charged ahead with the rest of his team following suit. The water monster noticed them with it firing several of its water tentacles at them.

Despite dodging the group, one of them causing Monica's phone to fall out of her pocket ,despite her costume not having clear pockets, and be destroyed. "Not my phone!" said Monica. "Seriously? You can afford like a hundred of those things? Your phone is also the most expensive one out there right now so that's saying a lot." said Carter. He blasted several of the tentacles away with gold beams of energy coming from his hands. 

Casey and Veronica watched some of the tentacles absorbing people. "That's easily the worst water slide ever made." said Dean. He along with Casey, Heidi, and Veronica took some civilians to safety as Casey held the tentacles back with her mind. These tentacles that she held were planning on attacking a group of civilians. "That isn't good. Got any ideas Morph?" said Gwen, slicing through a tentacle. "We could zap it." said Kevin.

He was hit by Heidi with her saying,"I'm pretty sure that you're not an idiot Neurozap but you can clearly see people in there right?". "Yeah but we can get them out there before the electricity hits them right?" said Kevin. Rachel shook her head at Kevin as she noticed Monica ,who was mad about her phone, firing beams of light at the monster. They made him look like swiss cheese before reforming and she shouted,"Son of a bitch!". "Huh. the Vigilantes. What are the odds?" said Rachel.

Two tentacles came toward her as they were erased by Ardor, attracting Gavin's attention. "That's Riptide! And that's the rest of Team Maelstrom?! This is so cool!" said Gavin. He ran over to Danny with him saying,"This is so freaking cool! I'm working with the Morph!". Danny looked at the young hero and the rest of his team with him thinking,"And now, I'm thankful that you're not here right now Zane. You don't want to dash any kids dream today right?".

Gwen smiled as she said,"You guys must be the Vigilantes. It's nice to meet fellow heroes. Wish it could be better circumstances but this is peaceful for heroes.". "Yeah. So where is your oh so glorious and powerful leader exactly? Psionica has a crush on him." said Carter. He was smacked by a water tentacle with Casey smiling. "That's what happens when you break the Twin Promise brother." thought Casey as Carter rose from the rubble he was knocked into it.

The giant water monster roared above them with Dean cracked his knuckles. "Time to stop being fans of each other. We can wonder where Zero is later. We got a puddle to take down." said Dean. "Macro is right. Lets take this phone destroying monster down!" said Monica. "I can't believe. We're teaming up with Team Maelstrom! So cool!" said Gavin. He turned into a rhino and charged toward the water monster. 

Danny smiled as he said,"I think it's time for Phantom Smashers to come out and play.". The famous invention appeared being that they were engulfed in fire. "Hey. The last time I looked in a science book, fire is weak to water." said Kevin, blasting the monster with an ice spell. "Yeah and I learned that from a video game." said Carter. "How about you two shut up and show how fire can be." said Danny, turning his legs into Spectral Busters and launching himself into the air.

The monster saw Danny coming at him, firing several tentacles at him but they were sliced by Gwen or frozen by Kevin. Danny cocked his right fist back, blasting the creature with a huge explosion of fire and blinding it. He landed on the ground with him smirking. "Nice job." said Dean with his eyes widening. A tentacle was heading toward him being that his arms tattoo began to glow blue. They expanded in size and he caught the tentacle, crushing it.

Heidi noticed the disc object that was now out in the open thanks to Danny's attack and she turned to Casey and Gavin. "You two see that?" said Heidi. "Yeah. What about it?" said Casey. "Mind giving me a gift?" said Heidi. "Sure thing Viola!" said Gavin. He turned into a giraffe with Heidi going to the top of his head and Casey launched Heidi through the air. She held Serenity with her slamming it right into CAD, causing it to roar in pain. "Booyah." said Heidi.

She was inside of the water monster alongside Carter, Dean, and Kevin being that all three boys were in here because of them saving civilians from the tentacles. "Okay. We need to get them out there right now. Got any ideas?" said Danny. "Right! Me and Blossom will get them for you!" said Gavin, turning into a whale and swimming right through the monster. He showed no fear in doing this by the way with Veronica making several vines.

The monster tried to attack her but it was stopped by Gwen and Monica. "Not happening Phone destroyer!" said Monica. "Huh?" said Gwen. Inside of the water, the superheroes saw Gavin and grabbed onto him along with the civilians inside. The rest of them were grabbed by the vines that Veronica made, setting them on the ground. "You should probably leave." said Dean, causing them to ran away.

Veronica smiled as she said,"I have an idea. We blast that thing with a lot of heat, turning into steam and it'll be harmless.". "But can't steam be harmful? I mean we've fought against evil steam before remember?" said Carter. "How about you shut up with those comments already?!" said Monica. "I don't think that's going to happen Starlet." said Casey. "Okay. Anyone with fire, blast it with all you got. Don't hold back!" said Danny.

He made the upgraded Spook Howitzers appearing, firing two powerful flamethrowers at the water monster and causing it to roar in pain. Heidi and Kevin smiled as they followed suit with their respected fire power. The water monster evaporated into a cloud of steam with it becoming sunny. "And that's how we do it in Traverse Groves! High-five?" said Gavin. "You did good. I really don't care what Zero thinks. You kids aren't half bad. See you around." said Rachel.

Team Maelstrom was gone as Monica said,"Hold on. What do she mean by that?". "No idea but since no one is around...." said Gavin. "Beastling! Blossom! Fission! Macro! Psionica! Starlet!" said the six as they turned back to normal. "Well we may have gotten wet but I don't care. We totally rocked that teamup." said Carter. "Yeah but what Riptide said bothered me." said Casey. "Yeah. Does Legion Zero hate us?" said Veronica. "But why?" said Dean.

The six didn't noticed that Danny caught a glimpse of them changing. "Huh. That should have been obvious." said Danny. "What? Kevin getting captured?" said Rachel. "Hey! It happens to Zane a few times too." said Kevin. "Yeah but that's usually part of his plan unlike with you." said Heidi with Kevin sulking. "So what do you mean by that Danny?" said Gwen. "Me thinks that our new friends are the Vigilantes. Just saw them go from hero to teen by saying their names." said Danny, pointing to them.

Kevin nodded as he said,"Wow. That's the lamest way to change back ever.". "I would hit you but you're right. I mean just wow. Zane would have a field day if he knew that." said Heidi as Kevin was thankful for that. "So we're not telling them our secret identity right you guys?" said Rachel. "Seriously?" said Gwen as Rachel nodded. "Zane says that giving out your secret identity to someone you just met is basically making your loved ones into a target." said Rachel.

Heidi crossed her arms as she said,"And you agree with him? I know that you two are together now but I thought you had a backbone.". "I do but why should we trust them with such a big secret even though we just met ?" said Rachel. "We teamed up and saved the festival. That's totally a good reason to tell them." said Kevin as Heidi nodded. "I have to agree with Kevin even though Zane would argue different." said Gwen. "I know you do Gwen. I'm a genius after all." said Kevin.

Kevin was punched by Danny as he said,"Don't get a big head Kevin. We'll need to get the Alliance into the picture once we do reveal our secret and we can't reveal Zane's. He would kill us and them if we did since he hates them for his reasons. So where did that water monster come from?". "No idea. It could have come from another dimension where the elements are given form." said Heidi. "That sounds correct but it didn't seem like a dimensional visitor." said Rachel, crossing her arms.

Meanwhile with the Vigilantes. "Okay. How about we leave the expo and go get me my new phone since mine got trashed earlier." said Monica. "Yeah no. We had this discussion Monica. We came to the expo for Gavin and it was a majority vote." said Dean. "Which is totally rare. So sorry princess. I guess you'll have to wait a whole day without your phone and...." said Carter. He was stopped by his twin who said,"Just stop Carter.".

The rich girl crossed her arms as she said,"That's so unfair.". "Didn't we go to that fashion show in Paris just because you wanted too Monica?" said Gavin. "Yeah and I recall we were forced to fight a mime plus a giant mutated frog and rat instead." said Monica. "That was a weird mission." said Veronica as Dean nodded. "You know that I find this stuff interesting plus meeting a personal hero like Zane is a dream come true." said Gavin.

Monica rolled her eyes as she said,"Which you did. Who cares about this stuff anyway? It's so nerdy and I'm spending my Saturday here at Geek Con instead of somewhere fun like anywhere other than here.". "Do you have to be such a spoiled fucking bitch?" mumbled Gavin. "Our glorious leader decided to stand up to me huh. How about we get my new phone since we trashed that overgrown puddle or stay here at Geek Gon just because you have a crush on Zane?" said Monica, hearing him.

The two glared at each other before turning to their team and they said,"Tell this fucking moron what the right answer is!". The four were quiet as Veronica said while twiddling their thumbs,"Well, I think that we should.....". "Screw you!" said Gavin, storming off. "Not happening any time soon our very nerdy leader. Come on Casey! I need to get my hair dry now!" said Monica, dragging Casey away. "I guess we should leave them be right?" said Dean.

Carter shrugged as he said,"I guess. Gavin and Monica fighting had to happen eventually. Casey will tell me when Monica has simmered down. What about Gavin?". "I'll go. He's my little buddy after all so have fun you two." said Dean. He walked after Gavin. "So want to go find Danny and his group? I got nothing else to do." said Veronica. "Sure. Beats sulking I guess." said Carter. The two walked off as CAM was nearby them.

It was covered in smoke earlier as a disguised Dr. Progeny ,aka wearing a trench coat, walked up to it and brought it to the news van. He opened the door, looking at Lumos resting on several bags of money. "This plan was genius! Nice work Doc. So what are you doing with that robot? We got what we want." said Lumos. The animal man held a screwdriver and he said with a smile,"I'm just give it a quick readjustment. All forms of weather will be mine.".

Lumos looked at him with him saying,"So that means what exactly?". "This was going to be a utter gimmick but hey, why not go the full mile? We can earn more money so lets rock." said Progeny with Lumos smiling. Back in the expo, the Vigilantes ,after Gavin and Monica calmed down, were looking around the booths in aw at just how many inventions and musicians were here. "Wow. I didn't expect there to be so many different things here." said Casey.

Carter nodded as he said,"Yeah. It's like a giant melting pot of different cultures and hobbies plus some pretty good popcorn if you ask me. Wish the cotton candy machine wasn't destroyed by that scientist guy.". "So? This place is still Geek Con and we're wasting our time here." said Monica with her comment earning a look from Dean. "Hey. I found them." said Veronica. She pointed to a crowd gathered in front of an area including Danny's group.

Casey looked at Gavin with her saying,"So what are they showing off here Gavin?". "It's the display of the Humanoid Analyzing Network Keeper." said Gavin. "English geek." said Monica. "H.A.N.K, is a robotic assistant for the elderly or people who were unable to afford proper assistance after a accident costing them their arms and legs. Want to go see it Monica?' said Gavin. "I rather get stuck at Geek Con on a Saturday without my phone than see some robot nanny." said Monica.

She glared at him and crossed her arms. Dean glared and pushed her out of the way. "We're going to look around the expo some more. We'll see you later Gavin." said Dean. "Okay. Be back here at 3. It's when the singing contest is and it's going to be amazing. I heard that Zane is going to be singing and it'll be for charity." said Gavin. He walked into the crowd with Dean saying,"Can you be any more of a bitch Monica?".

Carter nodded as he said,"Yeah. You're making me look pleasant.". "Which is rather hard to do." said Casey. Monica scoffed as she said,"Why the hell should I give a crap about this stuff when Gavin doesn't care about me?". Veronica sighed as she saw Danny walking with his friends. "That robot was kinda cool if not a little creepy." said Gwen. "Yeah. I'm just lucky no one went too crazy in front of us since Zane hates writing restraining orders." said Rachel.

Kevin nodded as he said,"Oh yeah. I remember when that happened back in the day. Sam wasn't too happy about that and tried to get rid of it with the best lawyers money could buy but no lawyer went up against Conner.". Heidi got her friends attention by pointing to five of the six Vigilantes that were standing there with four of them having smiles. "Hey guys. What's up?" said Dean. "So where's Gavin exactly?" said Heidi.

Carter looked at Monica ,who loudly scoffed, and he said,"It's complicated. Lets just say that he's off having fun.". "We need to talk in private." said Danny. "Okay?" said Veronica. The five teens and five young adults walked into an open area where no one was around. "Okay. I really hate to say this but we know that the five of you plus Gavin are the Vigilantes." said Kevin. After saying that, all five teens's mouth opened and started stammering. With Gavin, he sneezed.     

Monica stopped as she said while looking at the brunette,"What are you talking about?". "Don't try to be subtle. We heard you literally shout your hero names out and turn back after you defeated that bigger than normal puddle." said Rachel. "And by the way kids, the way you turn back makes it really easy for people to see that the six of you are the heroes who protect this town." said Gwen as Casey looked at them.

She decided to read their minds in order to figure out what their plans but wasn't. "If you're trying to read our minds, it won't work. Lets just says that we're pretty hard to read both physically and mentally." said Gwen. "Aka Zane putting a barrier around our minds just in case. He really hasn't gotten over the Massacre despite saying that he has." thought Danny. Time for a mini rant here and it's about telling people about your secret identity as a hero.

As a hero, you're basically antagonizing super villains ,metahuman or not, and your loved ones are basically targets. So where did this mini rant come from? I recently read a story online where after a single team up, the heroes I've been reading about decided to tell the other team their secret identity after a SINGLE team up. Not multiple team ups or a period of time but a single time. That's literally the stupidest thing I've read. Don't get me wrong.     

This is my bias talking loud and proud being that Fairy Legion shows that in spade. To me, telling someone your secret identity as a hero is like basically making someone a target if your identity gets revealed. I think Spider-Man showed this after the first Civil War and we saw how that turned out. It's one of the worst comic retcons in the history of the medium. My point is that revealing your secret identity should be after a period of time rather than one fucking meeting.

Does Batman tell Gordon his secret identity after they met for the first time? No. It's just stupid and nothing wrong against the writer. This is just my bias talking and I believe that bias has the ability to ruin something not by choice. Anyway, mini rant over. "So what are you going to do with us?" said Dean. "Have a little chat. You got a place for us to talk in private right and a way to get there right?" said Danny as Dean looked at his friends and they nodded.

Monica sighed as she said with her arms crossed,"Go get the nerd now Carter and Casey. I don't care if you have to knock him and meet us at the base. We'll take them there in the van.". "Gotcha." said Carter and Casey. The twins ran off to the crowd of people in front of H.A.N.K. with Kevin smiling at the three remaining teens. "Don't worry. We'll be gentle with you." said Kevin. "And now, you sound like a creep." said the rest of his team.   

About an hour later, the group ,plus an angry Gavin, were settled in the headquarters of the Vigilantes with Danny whistling. "Not bad kids. From the outside, it looks like a normal warehouse but it's true colors are hidden. I think there's an saying for that." said Danny. "So what are you going to do? Tell the cops about us." said Gavin. "Nah. Despite what our friend thinks, you kids are doing good and I have only one question for you. We all have questions for you by the way." said Gwen.

Carter looked at her with him saying,"Is it how we got our powers?". "Yes. In our first fight, I noticed Dean or Macro's tattoos glowing. Are you a Impure?" said Gwen. "A Impure?" said Dean. "Me thinks they don't know what a Impure is. They're basically Magnus who left their hidden society and had their powers taken by an Eazairvian who I personally know. You're a descendant of those being. So I noticed that this place has a train yard. Pretty cool." said Kevin.

Casey nodded as she said,"Yeah. Monica found this place and pretty much everyone in Traverse Groves has forgotten about this place.". "We mainly use this power to train." said Veronica. "Which we didn't need by the way." said Monica. "Yes we did Monica because if I remember right, Starlet got her spoiled ass kicked by Dr. Progeny the first time we met him." said Gavin. The two glared at each other as Kevin said,"Wow. You two are testy.".

Both Gavin and Monica glared at Kevin who shrugged. "So how did you get your powers and be honest with us? If you lie, we'll know." said Heidi. "It all started when we were on our freshman camping trip. We were all in the woods when this meteor made out of this glowing green energy came from out of nowhere and crashed nearby the six of us. When we went to go check out, there was nothing but a crater." said Veronica.

Gwen nodded as she said,"Do you think it burned up upon reentry?". "Probably. Our metagenes were activated thanks to the explosion, giving me, Dean, Gavin, and Monica these strange tattoos. The twins don't have that but I think it's because their metagenes just activated at the same time. They were the farthest from the crash site." said Veronica. "So you know my powers right? Why can't I read any of your minds?" said Casey.

Rachel shrugged as she said,"Our friend didn't want us to get into danger after what happened three years ago. He's been real paranoid and doesn't trust you. He carries a lot of regret on those strong yet soft shoulders of his.". "So whose this friend of yours? And why did you ask to meet you in private exactly?" said Monica. "You met him earlier and he's running the expo. We ask to meet you in private because we want to know why you haven't met with the Alliance yet." said Danny.

Back at the expo, Dr. Progeny ,in his disguise, was setting up CAD with him smiling. "Get ready to go Lumos." said Dr. Progeny. "Will do. Make a real storm doc." said Lumos. Progeny launched CAD into the air with black storm clouds forming around the machine, making a monster appear. It was a giant black cloud monster as Progeny said,"Now try to stop this one Vigilantes and all of their friends. Since this was a success, time for a reward of the corn variety.".

Back at the Vigilantes H.Q., Gavin said,"The Alliance Morph? We never meet with anyone from that organization before honestly!". "Yeah and I'm a monkey's uncle." said Danny. "Actually, you are since you evolved from a monkey." said Carter. Casey and Danny glared at him as Kevin said,"He's just speaking the truth.". Before they could continue, an alarm went off as the entire warehouse was covered in a red light. "Alert! Alert!" said a female A.I. voice.

Gwen looked at the teens as she said,"What's that?". "Our A.I. Freyr alerts of a crime and it should be projected on our super computer." said Dean. The six teens went over to the giant computer with the screen showing three things. One was the large storm monster flying through Traverse Groves, one was Lumos robbing several banks with his light Nether, and the third was Freyr. She's a transparent adult woman with glowing blue computer like skin.

She has dark red, chin-length hair with part of it tied in a ponytail. She has bright green lipstick. She's wearing a white dress shirt with a purple and white striped vest over it. She's wearing a black skirt going to the middle of her thigh and black shoes. "Wow. In a single day, I'm impressed." said Kevin with a smile. "This can't be a coincidence. I'm sure Dr. Progeny and Lumos are working together. We need to make a plan. Beastling!" said Gavin.

He turned into his heroic identity with the other members of the Vigilantes following suit. "We need to be in two groups. How about me and Beastling take care of Lumos while the rest of the team takes care of the weather monster." said Dean. The group nodded as Danny loudly coughed. "You know that we're still here right?" said Danny. "Oh yeah. Totally forgot about them." said Carter. "We'll leave you to it. Have fun kids." said Heidi.

Casey looked at them as she said,"Seriously?". "Yeah. We'll judge you from here and decided what to do with you afterwards." said Gwen. "Thanks! Lets go!" said Gavin. The six teens were gone as Heidi turned to Kevin. He nodded as he pressed a button on his phone. The supercomputer turned off as Kevin said,"I still can't believe you had me hack into their security during our little chat. So are we helping them right?". "Yep and maybe, we'll tell them our identities." said Rachel.         

With the four person group of the Vigilantes, Monica looked at Casey with her saying."Okay. We've caught up to the monster.". "Yeah but we have another problem." said Casey. She pointed to the people who were caught in the crossfire of the monster's lightning bolt before being saved by several blue barriers. The trio of Neurozap, Slicer, and Viola stood there on the road with Viola saying,"Care to help out ladies?". "We can and will!" said Veronica.

Gwen held Time Rune with her slicing off several car doors in quick succession as the drivers went running out of it. "Wow. That's really cool." said Carter. He fired two golden energy blasts at the cloud monster, going right through it. "Seriously? I hate fighting clouds!" said Carter. He was about to be struck by lightning but the lightning was deflected by Gwen's sword and aimed toward a fire hydrant, breaking it. "Focus Fission." said Gwen.

Carter nodded as Gwen said,"You can manipulate gravity right?". "Yeah. Why?" said Carter. "Tell your sister and team to cover us. We're going to bring that cloud down to our level. Are you in or not boy?" said Gwen. "Yeah. Lets do it." said Carter. The two went off to conduct their plan as Monica said,"This is for destroying my phone you overgrown cloud!". She fired two light beams at the cloud but like Carter's attack before, it went right through it.

CAD looked down at her, firing a bolt of lightning toward her and this sent her fly. She was caught by Kevin with him saying,"You're welcome. So anyone got any idea how to stop it?". "There has to be a way to short out because it's basically air and lightning. Not very complicated." said Heidi as she dodged a lightning bolt. "I don't know if this happens in Cypress Park but in winter, they use salt to melt the snow to make them safe for driving." said Veronica.

Casey looked at her with her saying,"Which means what? Chemistry really isn't my strong suit.". "We need sodium chloride to short-circuit it but we first need to make it solid." said Veronica. "So while the quartet of Neurozap, Psionica, Starlet, Viola make it solid, we need to get a large amount of sodium chloride." said Veronica. "Will this do?" said Gwen. Gwen stood there with Carter as the boy held two massive dump trucks containing salt using his powers.

His nose was bleeding as he said,"Please for the love of all things good say yes!". "Correct. Go fast you fast!" said Veronica. "Right! Keep up ladies! I can make one mean accelerated funnel!" said Kevin as he jumped into the cloudy mass. He spun his body around rapidly, forming a funnel with the girls ,Casey and Monica, flying around it and Heidi made a hurricane appear under it. The cloud was gone as CAD crashed into the salt truck, dying in the process.

Kevin ,being extremely exhausted, came flying toward the ground and was caught by two plant hands with him looking at Veronica. He threw her a thumbs up and he said,"It's a good thing that I had my suit tested for whenever I need to become a human tornado. Guess it's good to be prepared for really anything huh.". "Correct. I wonder how the rest of our team is doing." said Carter, leaning on his sister. "Who knows?" said Monica.

Back with Dean and Gavin, the two were thrown by a giant Light Nether hand. Lumos standing there with two bags filled with cash. "Sorry super brats but that isn't going to happen any time soon. I got the advantage since neither of you can touch me. The only one who could is fight against the overgrown puffball." said Lumos. "Yeah but neither of us will give us. Lets go with the strike combo Macro!" said Gavin.

Dean nodded as Gavin turned into a mouse and Dean's left arm grew in size. Gavin went into Dean's hand and Dean cocked it back. He tossed it with him throwing Gavin into the air and was going head toward Lumos. Lumos watched Gavin turn into a mammoth with the Phantom planning on phasing through the pachyderm and kick Gavin into the building behind him. However, his eyes widened as he was held within an azure blue prison chains and he said,"Animus?! Who dares to...".

He didn't finish his sentence being that he was squished by Gavin who smiled. "Nice! It worked but how?" said Gavin. "That would be us Beastling." said a voice. Danny and Rachel stood there with the latter having azure blue prison chains around him. Lumos phased out of Gavin who shivered and he looked at Danny, "You! How did you captured me? You're not a sorcerer! How are you using the filthy Animus?!" said Lumos.

Rachel smiled as she said,"You should probably stop when you're ahead. One of my best friends aka Morph's girlfriend and my lover is a Sorcerer being that we don't like it when people make fun of our friends because of their race.". "Really bitch? Do you honestly think that I care about what the Phantom King's concubine says? Prepare to..." said Lumos, covering his fists in Light Nether. He was blasted by Ardor in the form of scarlet red energy.

Lumos recovered with him saying,"That was nothing! You're nothing!". He was then repeated hit by Ardor with Danny whistling. "Yep. He had that coming. You should probably stop Riptide." said Danny. "Why?" said Rachel. "Dyno likes having rogue Phantoms put in his prison and Zero doesn't like people killing Phantoms." said Danny as Rachel sighed. She stopped her assault of Ardor blast coming in the form of lightning blasts.

Lumos stood there and was coming in and out of conscious. "That was nothing at all. I'm not a weak Phantom but the..." said Lumos. He was knocked out by Dean who said,"You lost. Grow up. Thanks for the help you two. Didn't expect to see you twice but I'm sure that Beastling doesn't care whatsoever.". Gavin nodded as he turned back to being human. "Thanks! So do you think I could get an autograph later?" said Gavin. "Sure. Why not?" said Danny and Rachel.

Later at the expo, Danny looked at the raffle booth and saw Rachel talking with a person there. "So why are here again?" said Kevin, sitting on a bench and yawning. "To check if Zane enter the raffle like he said he would. Haven't heard from all day. Kinda weird for the guy whose paranoia out rivals his anger sometimes." said Heidi. "That's because he's giving a private demonstration to the Alliance and Swarm." said Gwen.

Kevin looked at Gwen with him saying,"Really? He willing invited Swarm whose probably killed more Phantoms than saved humans.". "Not by choice mind you. It's more like they invited themselves to the Expo." said Danny. Rachel walked back over to them as she said,"I got good news and bad news.". "What's the news then?" said Heidi. "Zane entered the raffle and his expo was cancelled due to the monster double feature." said Rachel.

Gwen sighed as she said,"Poor Gavin. He really wanted to go to that.". "Yeah. Monica on the other hand didn't. This place isn't exactly popular with teenage girls especially rich and popular ones like her." said Kevin. "Due to very popular demand, the raffle contest will go on as planned but later tonight after a concert down by a very special guest! Long live the Future!" said the announcer. "Oh son of a fucking bitch!" yelled Monica's voice, earning a groan from Team Maelstrom.

That night, the entire crowd of expo patrons had gathered into the area next to the park as everyone cheered as they gathered in the area. "I never thought I would see this many people excited for this ever." whispered Heidi to Veronica. The two super teams met up as Veronica said,"Yeah. Guess this show must be a pretty big deal.". "Zane has spent a good month working on it." said Danny. "Which means this is going to be totally awesome right?!" said Gavin.

Monica rolled her eyes as she said,"There's no way in hell that this geek con will be interested since it's filled with slimy and greasy nerds who keep looking at me like I'm some chick on their pillow or something.". "You're seriously not winning any favors today are you?" said Rachel. The lights on the stage went out as two guitarists appeared. They were playing wickedly with it sounding familiar to Heidi and Rachel.

As the drummer appeared, the crowd roared loudly as Axel Anarchy appeared on stage and Axel said with a smile,"Hello Traverse Groves! Are you ready to rock?! Lets begin with Nightlife Vibrations baby! Yeah!". Heidi and Rachel screaming out in joy as Dean said while covering his ears,"They're big fans aren't they?". "They sure are." said Danny. "And someone how, we're able to survive them whenever they're like this." said Kevin.

Gwen nodded as Axel said,"Nightlight Vibrations is just the start of the revolution! I have the great honor to introduce one of my good pals and the man whose mind is built to helping humanity go into the future.....". Before he could finish, the wind was picking up around him and the crowd. Carter turned to Casey with him saying,"Dear sister. I may not be a big fan of Axel Anarchy but I'm sure his music doesn't involve a windstorm.".

Everyone ,except for our heroes and Axel, immediately ran off as a giant windstorm appeared being that it began raining once again. Several water tentacles appeared and captured people with its aqua tentacles. The windstorm vanished, revealing a giant boated slug like monster made out of cement and water with lightning coming off it. The beast roared, firing a massive beam of lightning and destroyed a nearby booth of explosives, causing an explosion.

Axel looked at the monster with him saying,"Oh wow. This is totally crazy but I've seen weirder and this is actually pretty normal.". He looked at the two super groups as he said,"I'm sure Zane's pals and those kids can handle it. But I wonder where the main man is.". CAD glared downwards with him creating several smaller versions of itself appear from its body being that they ran off to different parts of the city.

Progeny sat at the top of the monster with him saying,"You're doing a great job CAD! Show these fools what it means to mess with Dr. Progeny!". "Not if we have anything to say about it." said Danny as he and the rest of Team Maelstrom went to an open area. "You guys need to leave!" said Gavin. "Yeah. I mean you're just normal adults compared to us. We can handle this weather disaster." said Monica as Dean nodded.

Gwen nodded as she said,"And we're not normal adults. Ready to reveal our secret identities to these kids?". "Yeah. I mean I trust them but our leader thinks other wise." said Kevin. "And he can keep his opinions to himself." said Heidi. Rachel nodded as she said,"Ready guys? Time to Power up!". The five turned into their superhero identies, shocking the Vigilantes. "They're Team Maelstrom?!" said Dean. "Yeah and we should have focus on saving people." said Gavin.

Team Vigilantes nodded as they turned into their superhero identities. The eleven heroes looked up to see the giant weather monster or CAD rampaging through Traverse Groves and his weather stooges were roaming through the street, causing trouble for the citizens or robbing the city. They huddled together into a circle on the stage with Dean saying,"Blossom. This is bad so do you have any ideas on how to stop that monster?".

Veronica looked up to see CAD at the top of the monster's head ,which was glowing red, and Progeny dancing like a monkey on top of it. She looked around to see the minions having the same glowing red eye. "Okay. Remember how you saw that light with the water monster Viola?" said Veronica. "I do. So that's its weak point?" said Heidi. "That does sound like the monkey to make his device's power source super obvious." said Monica, crossing her arms.         

Veronica nodded as she said,"Correct and I'm not a betting girl but Dr. Progeny must be using a radio signal to control the smaller ones or it is his dance.". "So we don't have to take them out right? We just got to aim the big one right?" said Carter. "I wish it was that simple. We need to stop the little ones from destroy and robbing the team. As heroes, we have to protect people no matter what. That's one of the hero rules." said Gwen.

Monica rolled her eyes as she said,"And who came up with that?". "Zero." said Danny. "Ah. Is that why he doesn't like us? Does he need see as real heroes?" said Gavin. "We'll talk about why he thinks that later Beastling. As we learned from our last two fights with it, it can find a way to prevent damage for taking it and there are plenty choices to recover giving its atmokinetic abilities." said Heidi. "Aka it's like fighting Zero but against a monkey man." said Kevin.

Gavin nodded before putting his hands up to his ears and groaned. "I can't take it anymore! Shut off that annoying humming!" said Gavin. "What's wrong with him?" said Monica. "I'm guessing that the robot is sending out that annoying tune." said Axel. The heroes turned to him with him shrugging. "I just wanted to help you heroes take down that monster because well, my friend's show is something he worked on and I refuse to let that hard work go down the crapper." said Axel.   

Veronica nodded as she said,"That humming is how Progeny is controlling the weather. Axel, do you mind helping me out?". "Sure plant lady. Beats the rain I guess." said Axel. The two walked over to the sound booth with Veronica saying,"Our job will be sending out a sound on the opposite end of the frequency spectrum. You'll need to get close to that monster and the right frequency from your guitar can shut it down for good! Up for a mission?".

Axel nodded as he said,"Yep. For my bro, I'm up for anything.". "While I'm happy about us stopping the big guy, we still got his kids to deal with since they'll destroy the town at the rate they're coming out of him. It's like that horror movie where the mom produced ten plus kids at once. That was totally messed up." said Carter, shivering. "Morph. Since you're the hero with the most experience here, do you mind leading us to victory?" said Casey.

Danny smiled as he said,"Hell yeah. We need to stop the monsters from destroying Traverse Groves so here's the plan. Team 1 is Fission, Psionica, and Slicer. You three take to the rooftops and make sure that nothing escapes your wrath.". "Got it honey." said Gwen, kissing him before leaving with the twins. "Okay. Neurozap. You're on perimeter duties. Nothing escapes you being if it tries to leave the fun, destroy it." said Danny.   

Kevin saluted him as he said,"Sir yes sir!". He flew off with Danny saying,"Beastling, Starlet, and Viola. You there take the east side of town to handle them. Riptide. You got the entire west side since Ardor doesn't work in a group. Dean. You and me will help Blossom with her plan and protect Axel got it?". "Yeah." said Dean. The heroes went into action as Danny and Dean jumped toward the army with them punching the monsters with nothing but bare fists and strengths.

If they got to close to Veronica, they were whipped into pieces by vines. "Nice. Ever thought of being a drummer?" said Axel. "Not really. I'm more for the environment." said Veronica. "That's cool and I got this next one." said Axel. Before Veronica could ask what he mean, Axel released a sonic wave from his mouth and destroyed a group of monsters. "Yeah. I'm your normal rocker since I'm an hero rocker. Now lets rock already!" said Axel.

Gwen's group were running across the rooftops of the city, blasting down any monsters that they came in contact with. Gwen cast an ice spell with a barrage of ice swords appeared around her and sliced through the monsters. One monsters had an giant hole in his chest as Carter said,"This is too easy. It's like target practice down at the base.". "Focus brother. Slicer, do you think it's possible for us to learn magic?" said Casey.

Gwen looked right at them as she said,"Perhaps. Ask Zero if he's willing. He knows more about the Impure and Magnus more than I do. Back to fighting.". "Right." said the twins. Carter flew above them with him picking up several cars from the ground below. He dropped them on the monsters with him destroyed them in a fiery explosion. "Nice brother. It's my turn now." said Casey. She jumped down the roofs and she held her fans.

She threw them down with them slicing through the monsters and with her telekinesis, she made the fans move around her like she was controlling them using the winds. Casey finished her dance as her brother looked at her in awe. "Nice job there sis." said Carter. "And you said dance practice was stupid." said Casey. "Well it is but..." said Carter. "Stay focus." said Gwen. She threw her sword between the twins, killing a monster that was about to attack them. "Yes ma'am." said the twins.

Kevin smiled as he blasted the monsters below him with energy blasts at lightning speed. He wasn't going to let any monsters get past him, covering ten miles in a second. Due to him being in the air, he could avoid the monster's attempts to get him. He flew down to them with him placing his hands on the ground. Giant whips of electricity appeared and went through the monsters. "And that's from your dad as punishment for being such screw ups." said Kevin.

His suit alerted him of a monster's rocky hammer arm being that he ducked under it and kicked the monster in the head, sending it flying. Kevin continued this assault with the monsters focused on destroying him. "I may not be on the same level physical as Morph, Nighthawk, and Efren but I'm not a slouch!" said Kevin, blasting them back with energy bullets. Back with Heidi, she watched the duo of Gavin and Monica working together.

She was thankful that those two could put their petty difference aside in order to fight the bigger threat at hand. Heidi smacked two monsters with her staff as Gavin turned into a tiger and pounced on two monsters, destroying them. Monica jumped on his back as Gavin said while stuttering,"So what are you doing?". "Just ride kitty. I have an idea." said Monica. She made several copies of herself and Gavin as the clones and primes charged around the monsters that got near them.

Heidi smiled with her jumping into the air above them. She was about to hit the ground with her slamming Serenity into it. The two teens watched several balls of air, fire, earth, and water appear in the air above the monsters, landing on them and destroying them. Heidi looked at them as Monica said,"Isn't this a team effort?". "It is Starlet but what's wrong with some friendly competition? That's something we do in Team Maelstrom." said Heidi, doing a icy fist.

She jumped into the air, slamming her staff into the ice monster and shattering it. "She's so cool. You better listen to her. I mean she's your senior after all." said Gavin with him turning into a sabertooth tiger. "Ha. You're very funny hairball." said Monica. She began to disorienting a monster by turning invisible. "Come on loser. Hit me already. I mean you're not getting any uglier." said Monica as she dodged several hits from said monster.

Monica scoffed as she said,"I know you're slower than a turtle but come on, hit me already.". The monster swiped at her but it turned out to be an illusion. "So close not!" said Monica. She got bored as she focused light into her hands. She made a giant sphere of light with Monica snapping her fingers as several beams of light came out of it and several monsters were hit, causing pebbles to rain down on her.
Monica turned to Heidi with her saying,"Guess I have the advantage now.". Heidi rolled her eyes as Gavin said,"She gets competitive.". "Ah." said Heidi. She made two giant boulders appeared and she picked one up. Gavin ,who turned into a gorilla, picked up the other boulder. The two threw them at a group of monsters, destroying them. Rachel ,with her devil wings, flew through the sky and blasting apart the monsters with Ardor, leaving nothing behind.

She looked downwards to see a police officer protecting some people from a horde of monsters as she flew downwards, landing in front of them and releasing a wave of Ardor. This destroyed the horde of monsters as she turned to the police officer. "You may want to leave. I tend to be good at destroying monsters and have trouble holding back." said Rachel. The officer nodded as he took the people away as a giant rock monster appeared behind her.

Rachel turned toward it as she said,"Oh I'm so scared not.". She held her staff, throwing it toward the monster and implanting itself inside of the monster. Rachel's hands were covered by Ardor and she sent out a huge blast from her hands. This disintegrated the monster in front of her as the staff was covered in Ardor. It landed on the ground, releasing Ardor all over the ground and this destroyed the monsters around her. "And that's for you Zane. Your training worked great." thought Rachel. 

Dean slammed his enlarged fists together, creating a shockwave. The giant monster roared as he was about to hit Dean but was stopped by plants which broke apart the plants instantly. Veronica looked at Dean with her saying,"So do you they can do this?". "Yeah. Morph is a pro after all." said Dean. The duo of Axel and Danny with Axel holding his guitar. Danny was taking the two of them up to CAD and Progeny using Phantasmal Drive using his jet fighter wings.

Danny had a guitar around his neck as Axel said,"So according to the plant girl, we need to get close to the monster's head.". "Yeah. We just need to strum away on the guitar. You're better than me at that so lets do this." said Danny. The two reached the top of the monster with him seeing Progeny and CAD in front of them. "You! You won't create a frequency on the opposite end of the spectrum to short out CAD!" yelled Progeny.

His goggles fired a laser from them as Danny made his Spook Howitzer appeared. It absorbs the lasers with Danny said,"Shut up you totally unrocking monkey.". He blasted Progeny off the monster and went falling toward the ground. He was caught by Veronica's plants with him getting knocked out by Dean. "Ready robot man?" said Axel. "Right." said Danny. The two began shredding on their guitars with Axel sounding more professional than Danny. 

Any water tendrils that came toward them were dissipated as CAD roared in pain and everyone on the ground covered their ears. "Kinda jealous of Seth and the others right now!" said Dean. "Amen to that!" said Veronica. "What's the matter monster? You having a bad time? Time to rock! Show him the power of rock Morph!" said Axel with him increasing his strumming. Danny nodded as he jumped into the air and aimed his upgraded Spook Howitzer at CAD.

He fired a massive azure blue beam of energy, causing the monster to explode. Danny smiled as he grabbed Axel before making his wings reappear. The two flew downwards and landed on the ground as the two men fist bumped. "Hell to the yeah!" said the two. Everyone else came back from their battle as they cheered outwards at Axel and Danny. "That was amazing Axel. You're not bad for a human." said Monica. "Thanks love but I'm not a human." said Axel.

Monica looked confused as Veronica said,"I'll tell you what I mean by that later.". "You weren't that bad of a shredder Morph. Second to Z but hey, he wasn't always that good." said Axel. "Thanks. So do you know where Zero went Axel? I mean Zero wouldn't have ignored something like this." said Danny. "Well, it's complicated. I'll tell you later. I think you have something to do first. You know what heroes do once they succeed right?" said Axel.

Danny turned toward his team and the young hero teams as Danny nodded. He put his hand out in front of him with the others joining suit and smiled. "And we're won!" said Danny as the group lifted his hands up from the stack cheering. Axel smiled as he looked at them. "Guess you were wrong about those kids mate but I know how stubborn you can be." thought Axel. He looked back and he remember how the last time he saw Zane.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
After getting the information from his conscience, Zane was walking toward a private demonstration to the government ,the Alliance, the CIA, the FBI, Swarm, and any organization who works for the United States mainly the armed forced, who clearly wanted to use his technology for war. He wasn't going to let them being that his inventions were made not to harm others but he knows that it's isn't possible since war will happen no matter what he could to stop it from happening.

Zane saw the building ,which looked like a small warehouse, and he saw the two guards standing in front of the only door. They were belong to his least favorite organization Swarm with them being a lower rank compared to Agent F and Quake. One guard was a Caucasian male and the other guard was an African American Male. Both of them were tall and muscular. The Caucasian male has short, brown hair with bangs and brown eyes.

He's wearing a uniform that consist of a light gray shirt, black armored vest ,that covers his shoulders and having rather bulky shoulder pads, with Swarm's symbol on it, dark gray pants with gray knee pads, and a black belt with a walkie talkie attached to his belt. He's wearing black and gray boots with matching colored gloves that goes up to his elbows. He's wearing a black helmet with a targeting system over his right eye. The letters "S" was printed on the helmet.

His right arm was covered by a laser arm cannon. He has a name tag with his name being "10-F". The African American has short black hair with him being slightly taller than 10-F and brown eyes. He's wearing a matching uniform very similar to 10-F but without the shoulder pads. The arm cannon and targeting system was over his left arm and eye respectively. He had a name tag being 5-L. The two looked at Zane with 5-L saying,"Look who it is. It's our oh so generous host.".

10-F scoffed as he said,"Yeah. You forced Swarm to stay in a roach motel. Didn't have to deal with Agent Temporal's bitching so thanks for that Alvarez." said 10-F. "To be fair, I didn't wanted Swarm here in the first place since you work for a group who works to kill a species just because they're different than humans." said Zane. The two guards glared at Zane as Zane said,"Let me in already. I don't have all day you know.".

The two guards let Zane inside of the building being that it was much bigger than it may seem. It was fired with security ,from Swarm being that they were wearing the same clothing as 5-L and 10-F with a different number and letter in that first order and some soldiers from the military, guarding the VIPS and press. "Wow. I know you would be late boss but this is extremely important so I thought you would be on time for once." said a female voice.

Zane turned to see Dr. Brenda Chapman standing there. "Sorry but I had to say hi to my friends and some of my fans plus piss off the Apex Mind. I just had to plus at least I'm not Micah." said Zane as Brenda sighed. "You have a point. So ready to blow some minds?" said Brenda, smiling. "Yeah. We got this in the bag even though Micah is well Micah." said Zane. Brenda could hear complete and soothing confidence coming from Zane's mouth.

Despite her doubt, things were going to be good. "True." said Brenda. Brenda looked over her shoulder and catch a glimpse of Zane's personal assistant Jaime walking onto the stage with a level of confidence just like her boss. We'll learn more about Jaime in the info dump since she's more than meets the eye but I'll give you her appearance. She's a breathtaking beauty being that most men and women upon seeing her have crashed into something upon seeing her beauty.

Her skin is white being that it has a unique pattern that she used to mimic the skin of humans around her and has purple stripes resembles circuitry all over her body. She stands at an average adult woman height ,being 5 foot 7, with silvery-blonde hair. It's short and spiky with a faint and shiny glow. She has green eyes with blue pupils. She wears black framed glasses. Her face is heart-shaped. She has a slim yet voluptuous body.

She wears a white short-sleeved turtleneck sweater with a black dress jacket over it. She wears black dress pants with black 1 inch high heel shoes. She wears gold earrings. "Mr. Alvarez. Everything you need for your speech is here." said a voice. Brenda jumped back as Zane chuckled. "Nice job Fiona. I guess your sound negating tech was totally worth it." said Zane. Fiona Lockett stood there with her smiling at the two.

She looks to be around Courtney's age being that Courtney is six years old than Zane. She has light skin with a small nose. She has long dark blonde hair that goes freely down her back and dark green eyes. She wears a white lab coat over a black shirt and blue skinny jeans. She wears brown calf high cowboy boots. The jacket are rolled up to her elbows with silver bracelets on both wrists. She has on a shade of pink lipstick.

She has great knowledge in robotics and nanotechnology, mainly experimenting with the nanochips that created Cyber. "Thanks for the notes and scaring Brenda." said Zane. "You're welcome. I'll tell Court you're doing good Z. Need to go check on my dad. He's in the back, puking cotton candy so yeah. Best trip ever." said Fiona. She walked toward the stage with her talking with Jaime and Brenda saying,"Still can't believe that you created her by the way.".

Zane shrugged as he said,"Is it that strange Brenda? We live in the world where talking gorillas and having superpowers is a common thing.". "I guess but is the former possible?" said Brenda. "Okay. I was stretching the truth since it's a talking lion but I could be wrong." said Zane. "So thanks you for giving me a job. You and our company have done a lot of good thing in a short amount of time to change the world so thanks." said Brenda.

Zane smiled as he said,"Don't worry. We're just getting started and you're a part of it. Well, I just hope that I don't piss too many people off.". "Which you will but at least, you'll have some fans aka your company and friends from back home." said Brenda. Brenda walked to join the rest of the crowds in the stance with Zane heading toward Jaime. Jaime walked toward Zane with him saying,"I know that I'm late but at least, I'm here.".

Jaime crossed her arms as she said in a mature, female voice,"Yes but try not to be late. You have an impression to make Zane and I don't want you to fail. You've done good things but being late will make your good no existent.". "Yeah. I will so mind leaving the stage? I got to get ready." said Zane as Jaime smiled. "Sure thing boss. Just don't fuck up too badly." said Jaime, walking off stage. Zane looked at the crowd with him thinking,"Yeah. Hope I do that too.".

A bit later, Zane smiled as he said,"And that's why I decide to make a entire farm dedicated to just alcohol. I may sound like an alcoholic here but who doesn't like a good drink once in a while? I mean after work or a bad day is just perfect am I right?". The crowd lightly chuckled at Zane's joke being that despite his age, his genius was unmatched compared to adults. Some people liked him and others don't.   

A reporter stood up as she said,"Mr. Alvarez. I have a question for you. Why does Zenith Industries have a lack of diversity in your employment.". Zane had to keep himself from rolling his eyes as he said,"Um. I know that you may think that running a business is a boys club type thing but honestly, I think Dr. Brenda Coleman and Caleb Fitzgerald are pretty much showing that we accept people of all genders and races.". A few people laughed as the reporter crossed her arms.

Zane sighed as he said,"Okay then buzzkill. Zenith Industries makes sure to hire people of a variety of different backgrounds, cultures, race, men, women, trans, or any gender you identity as. I honestly don't give a flying fuck about what you identify as long you're willing to do your job I hired you for and willing to contribute with. I judge people by their actions rather than they look like because all people on this Earth has something unique and special to them.".

He took a deep breath with him saying,"If you honestly think I'm a bigot and a racist, you'll get my anger since diversity is important but honestly, I don't care. I look at actions rather than what a person looks like.". "I'm well aware of your unique hiring policy but it seems to me that most members of your company are white males." said the reporter. "Oh wow. Really getting sick of you playing the gender and race card so before I kick you out. Let me tell you the truth." said Zane.

The reporter was stunned as Zane said,"Yeah. I can do that by the way. All employees are qualified for their jobs I put them in. I didn't care about what gender or race they are. If you hate me because my company doesn't have enough women, grow up. The world doesn't work like that and we're going to make the future better for EVERYONE not just while males. Now bye bye. Write your hateful article.".

Two security guards dragged the reporter out as Zane smiled. "Okay. I know why you're all here since we're here to talk about Chakra." said Zane with all of the reporters and government officials looking interested. "All of us are looking for a way to get around that pesky fuel crisis. You've read the report I passed out right? If you didn't, Chakra is a way to do that. It's an alternative power source that will provide clean energy, replacing nuclear power and cut down global warming." said Zane.

After saying that, there were some mumbling. "This little battery can be used to run cars for ten straight years and I'm talking about cars that just love to go drive and fast." said Zane. A holographic version of Chakra appeared next to Zane. It's a three-dimensional steel gray disc. It has the words “ZI” written in molten gold lettering. "Yeah. All it takes to charge this bad boy up is pretty much a bit of solar energy to work. It can your house right now." said Zane.

Zane cracked his left knuckles with him saying,"It has been in the prototype stage since 2020. I'm hundred percent confident about that. We're going to streamline fuel costs since paying for gas is a pain in the ass and shut down several power plants within the next couple of years. So what do you think about that?". Everyone cheered at the sound of this with there being a lot of environmental advocates in the crowd.

A reporter stood up as he said,"Doctor Alvarez. No. Doctor Professor Alvarez. Is it true that you're in a polyamorous relationship?". "Yes I am. Look. It isn't illegal and we love each other. I'm a huge fun of love so if you want to give me crap in the tabloids, have fun. This power source will make sure that you'll never lose cell signal. Don't you hate when that happens?" said Zane. "Amen!" said a guy in the crowd with Zane smiling.

Zane smiled as he said,"I knew you would like that and how simple it is. I mean don't you hate when there is something totally amazing but it's complicated? I know that I do but hey, simple is the best way to live life right?". The crowd agreed with Zane on that being that despite the cheering, Crisis Judgement went off. Zane ducked under the podium as the walls to the front, left, and right of the stage exploded.

Everyone started to scream as Zane heard,"Hey Zane. Miss us don't you?". Zane peeked his head to see the Furies (Bridget, Clair, Lorrie, Mandy, Megan, and Sabra.) standing there. "Okay. So there was a big explosion at my private conference with six of my enemies ,being all females, attacking it and I got a good field to know why they're here." thought Zane. He stood up and raised his hands. "Hey. It's good to see you again Clair and Megan. How are things?" said Zane.

He hugged Megan with him saying,"Haven't seen you since you tried to frame me for being Legion Zero and look. You got yourself a all-girl group. That's real progressive.". The security detail covered Zane with him saying,"Um. You guys should probably get out of here.". "Why? I mean it's just some dames with powers. I think we can......" said the guard. He was hit in the face by a fireball with Sabra saying,"Move now or else.".

Before Sabra's demand could go through, Clair blasted the entire security detail with her lightning and she said while picking Zane up by his collar,"Bring your dog Zero here now!". "Um. He's busy. You know that he has other villains to fight right?" said Zane. "I want him here now!" said Clair as her eyes glowing with lightning. "Yeah. Not going to call him here since he's busy but let me give you the truth." said Zane.

Zane pointed to the crowd of people behind him as he said,"This isn't a bank but a press conference to help advanced humanity into the future. I mean you could steal some of the tech but it's honestly not really worth anything else you're a tech nerd like that one nerd you have on retainer." said Zane. "He has a point you know." said Mandy. "Sahara. You know what he's doing right?" said Megan. "Being friendly to you?" said Zane.

Megan growled as she said,"No! You're mansplaining how we're idiots and treating us like little girls! I despise you because you actively supporting a hero who allowed those six girls and the death of the entire Earth just because he took a woman lightly.". She blasted Zane back with her saying,"Furies. Take him down.". "Wow. Such a clever name. Colored me impressed." said Zane as he landed on some rubble and ignored the comment about the Massacre for the moment. 

Crisis Judgement went off as he dodged lightning. "It isn't like we could have a personal publicist like you do Zane." said Bridget. She tried to hit him but he tripped her, causing her to crash into some rubble. "We're professional Zane. Not like the Battalion or the Outcast Syndicate." said Mandy as she threw two large sand fists at Zane. Zane jumped back as Clair said,"Seriously?! How the hell is he doing this?!".

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane dodged Lorrie's mechanical tail. "Stay still boy." said Lorrie. Zane turned toward Jaime who was holding an unconscious Brenda and barely conscious Fiona. "Get them out of here Jaime! I won't let you get hurt because some girls are being crazy." said Zane. "Can I fry them?" said Clair. "No. Stay on target." said Megan. She turned to see Zane running away and the six went after him.

Zane was in the parking lot with him seeing the six villains behind him. "Okay. I shouldn't have left beard crumbs behind me." said Zane. The six were heading toward him as Zane said,"Look. I know that you hate Zane because he threw all of you behind bars except for Bridget. She's one I'm sure Zane hasn't thrown in jail yet. That was totally Morph.". "I just wanted to beat the snot out of privileged males like you." said Bridget.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Oh well, I tried being civil but it's time for a fight. I'm not just a scientist since I'm a fighter and a lover.". He activated his Z.E.R.O Armor and since it's been a while, here's a quick reminder. Upon activating it by a single thought on his part, his body gets covered in several plates of thick dull gray metal. They appear from his belt and cover his body. It’s a mixture of the outfit that he wears when he activates Enigma Talisma or Scourge Armor.

The metal looks like an extra layer of bio-metallic skin over his body except for his head. It has openings over his body being that he can still move around. He wears a metallic mask that covers his mouth and also muffles it. He has a gray layered band that goes around his neck and over both his eyes, he has a green scope or narrow lens that looks like a monocle over both of them. He has a backpack which is attached to his back.

It's connected to two large dodecahedron barrel over both of his shoulders, just like Sivrath and Tyrannus Nether. He can hide the two of them to go faster. He wears two silver metal gauntlets ,that go to the middle of his forearms, and matching silver metal boots. They have a crimson red gem in the center of the back of his gauntlets and sapphire blue gem in the back of his boots. "Seriously? You have that?!" said Clair.

She was punched in the face by Zane with him saying,"Yeah. It was a gift from my mom being that I need a way to protect myself from the criminal element of either gender." said Zane. He aimed his left gauntlet at Megan, firing packing foam at her and trapping her to the group. "Damn it. I forgot he had that. It doesn't matter since Darth has gotten stronger since the last time he has seen in that armor." said Megan, aimed her right gauntlet.

She was blasted by one of the barrels on Zane's shoulder as he said,"Yeah. Your plan to sneak up on me won't work since I've fought against Legion Zero and live with only a few injuries. That's pretty impressive am I right?". "Fuck this. We've practiced this." said Megan. "Wait. You came to get me with a plan in mind? Oh my." said Zane as the six surrounded him. Sabra grabbed onto Lorrie's tail and used to swung herself to hit Zane in the face.

Before he could recovered, the duo of Clair and Megan fired electricity and lasers at him being that the latter was given a charge by Clair. Zane tripped Lorrie with him grabbing her tail and swung her to Bridget and Mandy, knocking all three women onto the ground. Crisis Judgement went off as he saw a silver metal ball on the ground on him. "I'm curious what they're going to do with me so lets play their game." thought Zane as he was covered in a green gas.

He was knocked out, deactivating the Z.E.R.O. Armor. "Wow. That was totally lame but he isn't like a normal CEO." said Bridget. "Yeah. Well, lets finish him off." said Lorrie. "He isn't the target but the bait remember?" said Megan. "Seriously? That sucks. So where is our way out of here? She should be here right?" said Lorrie. Salem appeared with her saying,"Time for us to leave before the police show up. Warp!". The group was gone in a puff of icy blue smoke.

Back at the base, the seven woman clinked glasses as Megan said with her mask removed,"And that's just the start of our criminal empire ladies!". "That was a blast right ladies?" said Megan. "Yeah but it was unsatisfying. I mean Zero didn't show up at all and those heroes were busy with that monkey and Phantom's plan which is both stupid yet brilliant." said Bridget. "Focus. Eye on the prize and what a prize. It's Zane Alvarez whose net worth is over a billion." said Megan.

Clair looked at Zane who was wrapped up in Megan's webbing ,which matched her costume, and she said,"So what are we going to do with him?". "There are so many options. So what do you want to do with him?" said Megan. "Me?" said Clair. "Yes. He's the one who turned you into Voltaire and caused you to lose Andre because he didn't like her in the first place." said Megan. "Huh. This is a first." said Clair. "What do you mean?" said Salem.

Sabra nodded as she said,"Yeah. You're acting weird.". "Well, I've never been the idea girl before. I've been a girl of action and was being forced by men for most of my life. I then joined you girls and was thinking that it was complete bullshit but you were listening to me and giving me an opinion. So trust me when I say this but I got a lot of ideas!" said Clair with her eyes sparking with electricity. "That's what a good team is people. All of us have been treated as sidekicks but we're not!" said Megan.

Megan turned to Zane with him mumbling something. "Is it weird that I think he's annoying just like Zero right?" said Lorrie. "You're not wrong. Zane always had something to say so maybe we should rip off his most precious trait." said Megan. Zane mumbled something as Salem said,"What did you say punk?". Bridget ripped off part of Zane's prison as he said,"You got what you wanted and well, I don't think he's happy about his friend being taken.".

Before Bridget could answer, something punched her. Legion Zero appeared with him saying,"So sorry I'm late boss but I was stopping an arms deal with Mastermind. It was hilarious, seeing him mess us. Mind if I take them down already?". "Sure go nuts but don't hold back. If we want to treat them as equal, you don't need to hold your punches." said Zane. "Will do." said Legion Zero as he activated Archon Zero Master and charged at the girls.

On a rooftop, Legion Zero and Zane watched the girls being taken to jail as Clair yelled at Megan who rolled her eyes. "And they are totally playing into the stereotype of how women can only fight and bicker. Such a shame." said Zane. Zane turned to Legion Zero with him saying,"So I should get going back to Traverse Groves right?". "Yeah Prime." said LZ. He disappeared as Zane ,turning into Legion Zero, flew off.

Narrator P.O.V.
Back in Traverse Groves, the crowd cheered as Axel Anarchy played his heart out on stage with them whistling and applauded. Danny and Gwen kissed each other for a job well done with Carter and Casey cheering outwards. "So is this normal for an Axel's show?" said Veronica. "Yeah but usually there is some bra burning right Rae?" said a voice. Rachel turned to see Zane as she hugged him. "I missed you honey!" said Rachel.

Zane returned the hug as he said,"Yeah. I had to deal with some angry women while you guys fought a monkey man and revealed your secret identities to these brats.". "Seriously? Why don't you like us exactly?" said Monica, crossing her arms. She wasn't super mad since she was tapping her toes. "You just have to wait until I feel like telling you Monica. I know who Team Maelstrom is since I help fund them and I guess it's showtime." said Zane.

As Axel finished with the crowd going nuts, the rocker was handled a raffle bucket. "And now, it's time for one oh so lucky guest to come up here and sing." said Axel. He turned the raffle wheel with Danny looked at his best friend who only smiled. "Huh. What a shock. It's the CEO of how all of this happened. Zane Alvarez!" said Axel. The crowd cheered as Zane walked up to the stage with him holding Yamata. "Wow. He can play music too?!" said Gavin.

Dean nodded as he said,"He seems to be a man of many talents huh.". "More like an unhealthy amount of free time." said Kevin. Carter looked at Casey who shrugged. "I just learned to stop asking question involving them. It makes things easier." said Casey. "I guess so." said Carter. "And now you are getting." said Gwen and Heidi. Zane walked up to the mic, smiling and nodded to the band who were given copies of the song in question.

Zane took a deep breath as he said,"Hey there everyone. You're probably wondering what song I picked to sing for all of you tonight. It's kinda a shocker coming from me since what this expo has displayed a side of me which the general public knows about me but the people who are my true friends and family know all too well.". The crowd murmured to themselves as Zane smiled. His team and Axel knew what he was talking about mainly Danny and Rachel.

Zane sighed as he said,"Well, you all know about the Massacre right? I've been dealing with all of the loss and pain for the past last three years. Six of my closest female friends died that day and I don't blame Zero or anyone for what happened that day. Sometimes, things happen and while it may suck a huge one, you can't let it dictate your fate. A wise ball of goo taught me that. I decided to write a song that well helped me recover me a bit.".   

He smiled as he said,"All of you are going to be the first ones to hear it tonight. It's called Forever Hero. Do note that it will mostly likely suck since writing music isn't my strong suit. Still learning how to do that part.". He turned to the band with them playing the music and there is a solid guitar in it. Do note that this song sounds good in the story but in real life, it's subjective because music is usually one of the most subjective things in the world.

I mean I may hate country while you may like country. Subjective is just one of my favorite words to use by the way. Zane opened his mouth to sing with him being hesitant to sing. Monica looked at her new friends with her saying,"What's going on?". "Must be stage fright. Zane doesn't have the best confidence in front of a crowd. He stuttered a lot back in the day but got a good confidence boost and well, I think the gods for that." said Rachel.

Zane took a deep breath with him thinking,"Okay. Your song may suck in terms of a lyrics but it's for them. They'll be happy for anything and honestly, I need to believe in my music. You taught me that Celeste. That makes a song good. This is for you Karen, Kristen, Nova, Rain, Roxy, and Sierra. I hope all of you are watching from wherever heaven is. I think it's the Astral Realm but I could be horribly wrong about that.". Zane opened his mouth as he sang with some nervousness in it.

I should mentioned that this is where the song will be done and from what I found from my research aka finding stories that mixes singing in the story. This seems to be the most common way to do this and I'll be doing that as well. I'll be slicing in story in between parts of the song. They won't be a full five sentences mind you and as seen before, I will have singing ,as part of a song, in italics. I hope this looks good because Fairy Legion will have this method unless I change. Lets begin.

You may think I’m a guy who has it all.
Able to lift buildings with relative ease and fight gods to a standstill, still coming out on top.
However, I’m still flawed beyond belief.
Nothing in the Omniverse is perfect and that’s a fact.
My many many flaws really should have prevented me from being loved but the six of you still loved me and I could never understand why even to this day.

Zane began strumming his guitar to the beat of the drums behind him. As the song went on, Zane's confidence grew as his voice picked up and smiled.

After you six kept telling me that you love me, faults and all. I made myself a vow.
I swore to myself that I would keep you all and anyone who loves me safe with a smile plastered on my face.
However, fate decided to fuck me over by taking you away from the Omniverse too soon by me making a mistake that scarred me for life.
I always said that I would do anything I can to save the day and honoring my promises, I would and I wouldn’t have any regrets. 
When I lost you all, I couldn’t see myself living being that there was no reason to live and the smile I had on me vanished just that.
However that’s the wrong to live. I shouldn’t hide my scars and let my mistakes control me any longer.
Your memory is the reason why I’ll keep living on and fight against who ever decides to hurt the innocent!  

After that, the drummer behind him began bashing on his drums as the song went into the chorus as Zane ,thanks to his headset microphone, was able to belt out his voice and showing off his range.

I’ll do anything to save the day because that’s why I’m a hero! 
I’ll never give up!
I’ll never surrender because that’s my new promise and I don’t go back on them!
I swear to keep you safe no matter what because I’m your forever hero!

Veronica blinked as she said,"Wow. You can really feel the raw emotion in his voice.". The rest of Team Maelstrom cheered as she sighed. "Yeah. It's like Axel Anarchy but without him smelling like he smoked a pack of cigarettes." said Monica. "Yeah." said Danny, throwing a thumbs up to his best friend. 

Everyday, I seem to be making a sacrifice. Either giving up time I spend with my family or my friends just to protect a person from danger.
It may sound bad but honestly, I’m okay with it since I’m saving someone and that keeps me going strong.
I’m always fighting the good fight and living my life to the fullest!
I may made my fair share of mistakes but hey who's perfect!
That's right because no one is perfect!
Even having god like powers can't heal these wounds! 

There's good and bad to everything!
Even though I’m scared of losing the fight and losing something close to me, you believe in me and I’ll keep on fighting no matter what could happen to me since giving up isn’t going to happen every again!
I’ll keep moving forward no longer staying in the past! 
I’ll be the hero that you see me as!
I may sound extremely naive saying that but I don’t care because I’m going to make you proud of me in heaven!
I’ll do anything to save the day because that’s why I’m a hero! 
I’ll never give up!
I’ll never surrender because that’s my new promise and I don’t go back on them!

I swear to keep you safe no matter what because I’m your forever hero!

As Zane finished the second chorus and went into the guitar solo, he began playing his Essence out of his guitar with small strands of Impulse emitting from his fingersteps. It then began dancing along the strings as the cheering got louder. Zane closed his eyes as he began to finish his song.

If I remain strong, I’ll keep on winning and fighting till the day that I die. 
I’ll protect those we need my help and stop those who rise over the weak!
I’m not seek fame and fortune like you or half-rate heroes!
I’m only doing this to make you proud of me and keep someone else from feeling the pain I felt that day!
Man or women, I’ll fight with all my heart!  

Zane stopped played his guitar ,with the guitarist behind him picking up his slack, and the lights shined down on him as he looked downwards. The song died down a bit as some female and male backup singers ,appearing from the sides of the stage, appear with them humming a tune that was soothing yet had a confidence to it. The quintet of Danny, Gwen, Heidi, Kevin, and Rachel looked at Zane ,who held the mic stand in front of him, and he got ready for the finale.  

I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me! 
I’ll give a million percent to keep my promise to you!
Never going to give up!
Never Surrender! 

As he finished that part of the song, the backup singers knew that it was their queue to sink up with Zane as the band played their hearts out.  

Because I’m your forever hero! 
Because I’m your forever hero! 
Because I’m your forever hero! 
After about one minute, the band and singers stopped as Zane finished the song with a huge smile on his face. 

Because I'm your forever hero!

As the final note escaped his mouth, Zane opened his eyes to see everyone in the audience give him a loud round of applause with the biggest one coming from his friends and the Vigilantes cheered her on as Monica whistled at the older male as Zane smiled. "Thank you Traverse Groves! You've been a wonderful audience for my first song ever! Lets make the future happen today here and now with a light show to signal the new age!" said Zane.

He gestured over to Axel ,who had been crying since he could feel the emotions in the song and he ignored Zane's lyrics since he knew Zane's lyrics need a lot of work, and Axel smiled. He pulled down a level, releasing fireworks into the air. The crowd cheered louder as Axel walked over to Zane with a smile as he put his hand on Zane's shoulder. "And I'm sure that those gals are watching in the Astral Realm happy for their number one guy. You got a real talent in the music biz Z." said Axel.

He smirked as he said,"Those your lyrics could use some work but hey your singing it pretty good and guitar skills ain't half bad either.". "Thanks for your harsh but fair criticism. So you're sending this to Celeste and Seth right?" said Zane. "Of course. Celeste will be mad with you for not telling her about your first show and Courtney will get mad because she'll hear about it from Seth since they're dating right?" said Axel.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Honestly, I don't know Courtney's dating history so maybe.". "If you're up for it, I'm always up for us singing together." said Axel. "Sure. My agent will talk with your agent but right now, I got something important to do and that involves hugging and kissing." said Zane. Axel was confused but figured out what Zane meant as Rachel ran up to them and hugged Zane. "You were amazing Zaney!" said Rachel, kissing Zane hard.

The crowd cheered loud as the two embraced as Zane spun her around. Danny, Gwen, Heidi, and Kevin walked up to the happy couple as Gwen smiled and she said,"I'm sure those six are happy with your song Zane.". "Even though, the lyrics sucked." said Kevin, earning a punch from Heidi. "I think you should ignore him Zane." said Heidi. "I was." said Zane. "Yeah. Nice job bro." said Danny as Zane smiled with pride filling him.     

Nearby, Leif and Parker ,with the latter in his human appearance from Episode 132.5, watched the concert with Parker smiling. "Is that a smile I see on your face Parker? You really care about Zane don't you?" said Leif. "So what if I do? He took my advice to heart and moved on. So do you think those six will be happy?" said Parker, holding a video camera. "I'm sure they will. Now lets get it to them." said Leif. The two were gone as Zane's future was looking bright.

Next time,
Is the Furies nothing more than a joke? Does that make me sexist? What is Avalon planning? Will we see an old friend return? Is Zane going to return back to Cypress Park anytime soon? And will we will learn why Zane hates the Vigilantes? And will this next episode come out before the end of the month? This and more next time on Zero!  
What Salem is saying with her spells: Liasada is spoken but when cast, it's written in runes. I have a rune translation website. To see what it’s written in runes, type the spell in English into this generator that’s lined here
1. English: Capture the fools who try and stop me in their tracks before they can strike! Liasada: Katalávete tous anóitous pou prospathoún na me stamatísoun sta íchni tous prin borésoun na chtypísoun.
2. English: Cover the area in smoke! Liasada: Kalýpste tin periochí me kapnó!
3. English: Warp! Liasada: Stimóni!

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