Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Zero Episode 134 Mummy in Space Section 1 (Written on December 8 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Episode 134 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Episode 134. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

A/N: I really hope that it doesn't take me another month to write two posts but I could be horribly about that. It consisted of Zero Episode 133 and the notes for it but I decided to have the great idea of Zero Episode 132.5 which is meant to be graphic. I did that on purpose to show the power of Astral Form and the Eazairvian as a whole. I went into great detail in the last Author Notes so I won't be repeated myself on this.

This is the last episode of the roadtrip arc. We'll see what Avalon has being doing since Episode 128 despite them being introduced in Zero Episode 110. Fairy Legion will be coming back I swear to the gods on this. I mean the Fairy Tail Anime is over for now. I mean have you see the spinoff manga? It actually does some good thing that the original did like I don't know. Like reminding the readers of the fact that other characters than Team Natsu existed.

Like how Mira is an S Class wizard and it makes me hate Jellal so yeah. The latter of which isn't hard but still. I'll go into more detail once I get back to Fairy Legion. Expect long author notes for those chapters due to my long than normal break. My opinions of Wano have changed and sorta of for the worse in my opinion. We'll be talking about some minor stuff I didn't include in the info dump. You may be wondering what that could be and well, it's some pretty minor stuff. 

This includes a couple of minor stuff such as how Zane's headset ,from last episode, is able to talk with people and project his voice outwards due to its ability to connect to his phone or anything with bluetooth. You see? This is pretty minor and totally useless knowledge to the grand scheme of the story and everything else. It's more like something that I mentioned but I just wanted to make sure that was totally apparent.

Some other stuff I decided to mentioned is that Zane's phone has great internet access with clear reception anywhere on Earth, unlimited data and power, and can hack sophisticated systems due to Jaime ,whenever she isn't working for Zenith Industries as the true CEO of the company since Zane is more of the face of the company while doing some work for it, running the program if she feels like Zane could use the information. Athena and Cole do this too but they're built for the Z.E.R.O. Watch.

Speaking of which, the Z.E.R.O. Watch got some minor patch updates to it being that it can spontaneously warp Zane and others vast distance being that the only thing that’s require is an exact location. It can also control all of his inventions. It'll be in the Z.E.R.O. Watch bio and some other stuff in Zane's Abilities, Powers, Weapons, and Others. (3-16-2019) Heavy Spoilers for Zero shortly after this episode comes out.

Some other stuff I'll be mentioned is some tools and gadgets that Zane has on its person now but that will be featured in the bottom of the post in a similar fashion to Zenith Industries Invention Reel from previous part. The main thing I was going to be featuring Zane's prosthetic eye and it's full detail but it will be at the end of the post. I should also mention that this episode will be long just like the last two because why not?

I can also promised that it won't take as long as those two since I had to come up with notes for them and do a lot of work. This episode did have some work into it but less those two by a lot. Finally thing I should mention is that Team Legion Zero will be returned in this episode since this episode takes place back in Cypress Park and the obvious outer space. I mean the title gives away what's happen so lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Back at the Traverse Ice Cream Factory which is where the Reilurite had been buried, it was a calm and peaceful evening. In the security booth, Sheriff Wade Hardy was asleep at his post and was snoring loudly. He had been forced to watch over this place by those super powered brats because they heard a rumor about Dr. Progeny planning on stealing from the factory. You may wonder why he would want to rob an ice cream factory and the answer is simple. 

He wanting some ice cream and without paying for it. The monster. The sheriff had a pile of donuts and coffee nearby him. The alarm for the booth went off as Wade sat fully awake at this point and fell out of his chair. "Who the hell?! Son of a bitch." grumble Wade. He grabbed his flashlight, turned it on and walked inside the factory. He began shining the light through the darkness of the somewhat creepy factory with him loudly sighing. 

Wade groaned as he said,"Probably some teens wanting some samples or maybe it's that monkey. Heh. I never get to see anything interesting around here.". After saying that, he heard something. It sounded like something being scratched and the alarm stopping abruptly. "Oh thank god." thought Wade. He was both scared for whatever or whoever destroyed the alarm and thankful that the really annoying alarm was destroyed. 

A growl went off behind Wade with Wade saying,"Who's there?!". Through out the factory, there was a noticeable sound of claws going against metal. It's like nails on a chalkboard but slightly better than the sound of the alarm. In another part of the factory, a foot landed on the ground and emerging from the shadows was a familiar face on all fours. It was Blackjack ,from Zero Episode 130, and he broke apart an emergency hatch door

He was sniffing out a scent he was given earlier. Blackjack went down the stairs and found himself in the same area where Jester fought against Legion Zero and sniffing at the ground. He smiled as he began swiping at the ground with his powerful claws and destroying the cement. He held a giant block of cement that was somehow in the shape of a coffin. Blackjack stood back with him unleashing a fiery howl that destroyed the cement block. 

Wade heard this as he saw the rampage the werewolf left in his wake. Blackjack smiled as several pieces of Reilurite fell onto the ground. "So did you collect what you needed flea machine?" said a voice. Blackjack turned to see the man who decided to help Avalon with their plan and how he was a villain for hire. Think the Heroes from Hire ,from Marvel, but evil. He's also like hired help but with super powers. His name is Brood. He looked to be twenty two years old and 6 foot 4. 

He wears a silver metal helmet covered with dark transparent glass, hiding his face from view. There is a marking on his helmet with it being a blue flaming skull and this skull has piercing gold eye like marking in each of the skull's eye sockets. He wears a black sleeveless cloak over his body with him wearing a black and silver organic-looking bodysuit. Its material is similar to muscle tissue.  The black changes to a silver color around the ankles and wrists. 

Brood is wearing a large gray metal armor over his bodysuit in the armor of a chest piece, knee guards, and pauldrons. All of his pieces of armor have blame flame like markings etched into it and constantly glowing. There is a gold diamond shape in the center of his chest plate. He has a gray haramaki around his waist and his haramaki has gold chains wrapped into it. He's wearing black leather pants and silver, knee high combat boots with gold studs on them. 

He wears thick gold gauntlets around his arms which have a sliver skeletal motif with blue flame like structures lacing it. "Yes it will. Mr boss's master plan will finally happen and I'll get my revenge on him plus those brats of his." said Blackjack. Before the two could say or do anything, a flashlight shined upon them. "Okay kids. Meal's time over." said Wade with him seeing the two villains looking at him. "What the...." said Wade.

Brood appeared in front of him and he smiled under his mask. "Time for you to fly copper." said Brood. The police officer was punched in the chest and was sent flying a fair distance away. After doing that, he walked over to Blackjack. "Despite me enjoying the piggy flying, I'll need help from you getting the rest of the Reilurite that the fool Jester buried them before losing to him. Get me out of here before those brats show up." said Blackjack. 

The masked man nodded as he said,"Will do. I got to punch an idiot today and I'm sure that he's probably has some broken ribs from my punch.". The man held out his hand as both him and Blackjack were covered in blue fire. It looked like they were burned alive and the fire eventually vanished as it left no sign of them being there except for the claw marks from Blackjack earlier and Wade's broken ribs. 

Meanwhile back in Cypress Park, it was a bright and sunny day. Inside of Zenith Tower which looked the same as it did before but was more high tech on the inside, Zane was boxing onto a punching bag using his bare fists. He was in his latest training clothing. He's now wearing a blackish red sleeveless training gi with matching colored kung fu pants and his signature tennis shoes. He began punching and kicking the bag with all of his might.

For once, it wasn't the Massacre haunting his mind or the memories of Necron. He learned about the latter thanks to Rythos taking him to a bar where the two of them were drinking like nothing else. He was just focused on getting stronger, to protect everyone who he cares about. He looked at the punching bag in front of him with him imagining Skull Plague instead of the bag being there. All of the pain Skull Plague gave to the Omniverse caused him to growling outwards.

He cocked his left fist back with him punching the bag, blowing it open with his punch and spilling sand onto the floor. "It seems you're getting your anger out in a violent and slightly unhealthy manner Zane. I'm slightly sad for the guy who you decided to use your full strength on since you're very deadly when you're angry." said a familiar voice. Zane turned around to see Savant. The man may not age but he does change his physical appearance once again. 

The man now looks to be in his late fifties. The time traveler still had the appearance of a regal looking Caucasian ,British, male. His black hair was cut down to his shoulders and looked to be half gray at this point. His neatly trimmed goatee was gone. His eyes are still black and rather small. His midnight black long sleeved shirt and black waistcoat ,with red accents and gold buttons, look to be slashed by a sword. He's wearing black trousers with a ruby red belt.

Savant is still wearing his brown leather boots that has an hourglass pattern engraved on it. Around his neck, he's wearing a pair of goggles with the lenses resembling gold monocles. The man had lost his left arm with him saying that he lost it for the next generation of the Omniverse. In its place, his brown wooden cane ,with a gold knob at the top, was there. "Okay then. I'm not going to ask how you broke into my house but I'm going to ask you to politely leave." said Zane.

He grabbed a new punching bag onto the hook with him saying,"Don't you have something else to do that doesn't involve me?". "Oh Zane. You know how you and the Omniverse are entwine together. Do you not remembering your mission where you....." said Savant. He was stopped by a hand covering his mouth as Zane said,"Remember the promise we made. What happens on that mission stays between the group of us involved remember?".

Savant removed Zane's hand from his mouth as he said,"You're right. Sorry about that Zane. You know how I can be sometimes. A real town gossip.". "Yeah. How does Hourglass deals with you and your antics aka messing with space and time is a mystery that I'm not willing to find out. So tell me why you're leave or get out." said Zane as he crossed his arms. "So when was the last time you had a day off or a vacation? You look like crap pardon my Uwaric." said Savant.   

Zane looked at his knuckles, noticing how they were bleeding due to his more intense than normal workout on the punching bags around the gym inside of his tower. "You have a point but honestly, I can't rest." said Zane. "Don't you have friends who can help you? I mean you can ask those kids from Washington. I can see that they'll be great heroes like you one day." said Savant. "I rather not have them being superheroes mind you since they had no prior training to getting their power." said Zane.

Savant looked at Zane with the Cross Species saying,"But if you recall, I did have training prior to getting my powers. They refused the Alliance's help since according to Danny, they didn't need their help. Isn't that a bit cocky?". "Yes but I can see why you don't like them. Remind you of the days before the Massacre don't they? Villainy evolved from the day of common street thugs, wielding tommy guns but so has heroism." said Savant.

The man looked at Zane with him saying,"Young metahumans have being inspired by you every day to do the right thing. Don't forget that.". "Fine. I'll give them a chance if they talk with the Alliance or maybe you can convince them. So why are you here? Just give me an answer. I'm sure I won't get an answer." said Zane. "Something big is about to happen Zane. Something that concerns the Omniverse as a whole." said Savant with a serious look. "And I'll take care of it. Just do what I asked." said Zane. 

Savant sighed as he said,"Sure but just try and relax Zane. Zeroes long before you died because they overworked themselves.". He was gone as Zane sighed heavily and looked down at his slowly healing knuckle. "I know that most of my physical scars are healing by my powers but the mental ones aren't healing any time soon. I should probably do some training in the Pit but I should probably relax a bit first. There are vacation dimensions after all." thought Zane. 

Zane walked over to a nearby bench with him looking at four sets of weights nearby and he sat on the bench, spouting two extra arms under his normal set of arms. He grabbed all four sets of weights and began using them. "Zane. Why I truly hate to interrupt your alone time." said Jaime's voice from the speakers inside the gym. "She's lying Zane! I think she gets off on it." said Cole's voice with Zane hearing a all too familiar smack hitting him.

Jaime sighed as he said,"Ignore him Zane. You have a video call from Agent Mercer.". "And what do you think you should do? We've done this song and dance how many times now?" said Zane. "Yes but do you really think he likes being ghosted or put to voice mail by an upstarted hero? I'm sure you recall what happened the last time you did that." said Jaime. "Yeah. Danny wasn't a fan of being tranquilized at all." said Zane.

Zane sighed as he said,"I still haven't told him or the others about that mission since Silas well hates people knowing about him and that mission is different. I keep going on these missions like how I keep breaking people out of jail. Silas is more covert than Avalon is. I have to thank you for finding about them Athena since I'm sure they broke out Salem and returned her back to her body. I also heard them mentioned by the Furies when I was "captured" by them the other day.". 

Athena nodded as she said,"You're welcome Zane. So should I put Silas on video call?". "Sure. Rather not have another one of my friends tranquilized again but knowing my luck, it will." said Zane. In front of Zane, a holographic screen appeared in front of him and a man's image appeared. This man is Silas Mercer. He's a high ranking member of the Alliance, America's top cop, and the secret head of Earth's security. 

Silas Mercer is bi-racial ,with his mom being African American and his father is Caucasian, and looks to be in his mid 40s and has an athletic physique. He stands at a solid 6 feet tall. He has blond hair ,from his father’s side of his family, in a military style buzzcut. He has green eyes from his mother’s side of his family. His face has a thick claw like scar running down his face which covers his right cheek to his chin. 

He’s wearing a black short sleeve shirt ,which works as a bulletproof vest, with two straps and carrying normal looking Smith & Wesson M&P pistols but they’re clearly not standard issue. He’s wearing navy blue jeans with a belt that has several ammo cartridges and black combat boots. His shirt has a silver A logo on the center of it. "Hey Silas. What's up in the always interesting world of the most dangerous man on Earth?" said Zane with him brushing his hair back from his face. 

Silas looked at him as he said,"You do know why I'm calling you right Zane?". "Let me guess. World peace has finally happen? Swarm has been shut down? And that bulldog politician has been called out for his sleazy actions? Or maybe Curtis's show has been cancelled?" said Zane. "Ha. You're so funny Zane. I got word that those kids decided to come talk with the Alliance. Did you had something to do with that?" said Silas.

Zane shrugged as he said,"I asked Savant if he could that for me or maybe my friends did something about that. Don't tell them my secret identity or else.". "I understand you wanting to keep Legion Zero and Zane two different people so I'll also put those kids through the ringer. They honestly thought that they could keep avoiding me but no one avoids me." said Silas. "I honestly thought you would have tranquilized them and forced them to join by now. So is that why you called me?" said Zane.

Silas shook his head as he said in a serious tone,"No. I wish to inform you that Dark Haven has been vandalized.". "Okay. I'm sure you're well aware of how Spring Breaks works right? Tara told me that they just finished up their massive party there. Nothing important was probably stolen but you telling me this makes it important right?" said Zane. "Correct. Someone has stolen half of the bell tower." said Silas. "Okay. Why would someone steal a bell tower and only half of one?" said Zane.

Silas shrugged as he said,"I honestly have no idea how the criminal minds works Zane. Their minds and how they operate is an mystery just like how women act. This criminal managed to rip the tower out of its foundation.". "I have so many questions and I'll go investigate." said Zane. "We'll handle that part Zane. You just focus on crime in Cypress Park." said Silas. "And I'll probably be going out any time now knowing my amazing luck." said Zane.

Silas blinked as he said,"You and your grandma's ability to predict the future is something else. So good luck with that.". He hanged up as Athena's voice echoed,"And you need to go Zane. A prison convoy has been taken over by the inmates. I've informed Sly about you being there. She's driving the Vindicator on the highway.". "Okay. I'll be there in a flash. Tell them I'll see them soon." said Zane as he teleported away using Direct Transportation. 

On the highway, Sly ,in her human form, was driving the RV and she heard her passenger say,"So this is a highway? I'm quite impressed Sly.". Sly turned to see her partner's latest friend Lynx sitting there as she said,"Thanks but things have changed in the past 5,000 years.". "Yeah. They really have Sly. I remember the days of people using horses to travel around." said a male's voice. Sly turned around to see Atem, Uriel, and Zoey with them sitting at the dinette.      

Zoey looked at Atem with her saying,"That's right. I keep forgeting that you're actually older than dad biologically by over three thousand years.". "Yes I am but I tended to stay in the shadows and watched humanity grow into what it is today." said Atem. "So how old are you...." said Uriel. The five occupants shook heavily as a large prison bus driving past the RV and scrapping. "Wow. Zane was right. Crime doesn't sleep in this city." said Lynx as the three Alvarez kids turned into their superhero forms.

Uriel looked at Sly with her saying,"So do you think daddy will be here?". "In a few seconds." said Sly as Zane appeared from out of nowhere. "Hey dad." said Atem. "So why aren't you puking?" said Zoey. "I only puke when I get teleported away by someone else. Those cons picked the wrong bridge at the time. Ready to go kick some buts kids?" said Zane with the trio nodding. "Zane. I hate to be that type of being but you guys shouldn't go without a plan." said Sly.

Lynx nodded as she said,"She's right. Kane used to do that a lot in the day and always made a simple situation much worse.". "Well, aren't you going to try and deny that?" said Sivarth. Kane didn't answer him due to him being quiet inside of Elysian. "Don't worry you two. We got one." said Atem with Uriel and Zoey nodding. "Yep. Lets go." said Zane. He turned into Turbo Form with him turning to Atem and Uriel. "Hang on! We're going fast! Turbo!" said Zane.

He flew out the front door with Atem stretched his bandages, grabbing onto Uriel and Zane. Zoey flew after her father. "So can't he teleport there?" said Lynx. "If there is one thing you got to know about Zane Lynx, he does whatever he wants when he wants." said Sly. Lynx nodded at this. Inside of the prison bus, the rioting inmates were loudly cheering from their freedom as the driver declared,"Next stop, freedom!". 

The driver is Topaz with him wearing a Negation Collar. "Hell yeah! We're free!" said another prisoner as the others around him cheered. Topaz turned to see Atem through the side window. "Sorry but you're not getting out of jail without serving your time." said Atem. "Seriously?! Can't you heroes just leave us alone?!" said Topaz. "Dude. Did you seriously just ask me that? I mean you do know who I'm friends with." said Atem with a serious expression.

Uriel and Zoey jumped inside of the bus via a hole that Zane made using his tail. "Yeah and you're going down!" said Zoey. The inmates began panicking with Topaz saying,"Why is the mummy and the rest of the brats Zero babysits here?!". Uriel punched some of the inmates with Zoey covering her back by firing green Nether blasts at any inmate who dared to hit her younger sister. Atem grabbed hold of the steering wheel and let it slide sideward. "I don't care. They're history!" said a prisoner.

This prisoner is Rock Lord with him swinging a hook chain at Atem. "Die!" said Rock Lord. He hurled the chain toward the mummy but it was grabbed by Uriel. She dragged the musician toward her before knocking him out with a strong uppercut punch. "Nice punch sis!" said Zoey, firing two energy beams at two prisoner who tried to knock her out by crowbars. "Learned that move from dad." thought Uriel. At the front of the prison bus, another inmate tried to attack Atem with a chain and hook. 

Atem dodged it by turning into bandages and went out the window. The prison bus ended up scraping into the side of the Vindicator with Sly saying,"Hold on!". Lynx nodded as Sly moved the RV behind the prison convoy and evaded an oncoming car by mere inches. "Osiris. Go inside and help out the girls. I'm stopping this show in its tracks." said Zane's voice. Topaz and the prisoners who weren't fighting against the girls saw Zane ,in Salamander Form, standing in front of the prison convoy.

He was floating there thanks to Gravity Drive and opened his mouth. This release a blizzard right onto the windshield. The prison bus ended up on the other side of the road again and Topaz was trying his best to wipe away the frost using the windshield wipers but it stuck. The prison bus and Vindicator ended up side by side on the road again as the inmates fought against the next generation Alvarez trio inside of the bus.

Another inmate tried to crash into Zoey but was stopped by a series of bandages coming from Atem and used that inmate to knock down his colleagues. A few inmates had escape from the trio and onto the roof of the prison bus. They were planning on jumping off the bus and into the water below. This was their best way to escape but some of them were frozen in place by Zane, punched in the face by Zone who was in Canine Form, or blasted by emerald green energy.

The latter came from Lynx who had opened up the passenger window to assist Zone. "She isn't that bad a shot." said Zone. "Yeah. I guess asking her to join Team Maelstrom was a bright idea after all huh Kane?" said Zane. Like before, Kane was silent. With everything going in the Alvarez family and friend's favor, Sly had an idea and remembered something Efren told her earlier. She pressed a button on the RV's dashboard. "Lets active the Slice and Dice." said Sly.

Lynx felt the RV shake slightly as she looked down to see the frame of the RV had produce a laser buzz saw. "So is this normal for motor home because if it is, it's really cool!" said Lynx. "It isn't but tell Efren that it is because he'll gloat about it." said Sly. Meanwhile, Rock Lord ,with his hook and chain, tossed it around Zane's tail. Feeling the chain trapped around his tail, Zane was dragged down and toward the ground. "Zero! He needs our help!" said Lynx.

Sly sighed as she said,"If you're going to be a member of this team, you should know something about our leader. He does this stuff to surprise his opponent.". "But what if he's in actual danger?" said Lynx as she turned to the Akostar. "We'll help him." said Sly. "Oh no. I'm so scared." said Zane as he turned into Extinct Form. He jumped out of the chain and grabbed onto it. He used the chain and wrapped it around the criminals with Rock Lord getting punched by Zone. 

Zane looked at Zone who nodded with the clone making sure that the prisoners don't try and escape from the chain. The skeleton nodded toward Sly with her making the RV slash the wheel of the prison convoy. This caused the bus to careen out of control and into the Vindicator. On the roof, the duo of Zane standing there and Zone holding onto the prisoners. The kids and prisoners inside were holding on for dear life.    

The kids heard,"I need you three kids to come help me stop the prison bus from the outside while the boss handle it from the outside.". They nodded as they left the bus and Zane entered the prison bus while deactivating the form. He went to the front of the bus with Crisis Judgement going off and Zane dodged the Negation Collar. "Seriously?! I thought we could negate his powers but he freaking dodges anyway!" said the prisoner. "Sorry but try again in the next life." said Zane. 

With Zone and the trio, Atem took a deep breath as he stood on the highway. His arms were bigger and he caught the prison convoy. Uriel and Zoey made green and dark pink energy beams to blast open the front of the bus with Zone smashing the engine. This stopped the bus with Zane smiling. "Well done kids. Making your old man proud." said Zane. A few hours later, the Vindicator was parked in a tropical grove near a road and there was a sign that said,"Rest Area" directly in front of it.

Inside of the RV, Atem ,out of costume, was looking around for junk food in the fridge. "So do you want Uriel? Want cookies or sweets?" said Atem. He turned to his sister who was sitting on the sofa nearby the side door. "I want chips if we have them bro." said Uriel. "No problem." said Atem as he closed the fridge and grabbed a bag of chips. He handed them to his sister who thanked him and Atem went back to his book on the history of Space Travel.

Zoey was talking to Lynx, Sly, and Zane at the dinette. "So how was your first time as a superhero Lynx?" said Zoey. "Which was really easy by the way." said Uriel. "Something like this being easy is strange to you guys too right?" said Atem. "It was fine Zoey but I didn't really help you guys at all. I just blasted a couple of goons." said Lynx. "Yeah but you're a part of Team Maelstrom now. You'll get more work done in time. We don't come with any benefits except training by a sadist." said Sly.

She pointed to Zane who shrugged. "Thanks. So from what I learned and heard from the others, Zero usually leads us into battle right and the rest of us follow right?" said Lynx. "Kinda. I'm more less taking care of the big bad and the others take down the less powerful guys." said Zane. "While I hate to interrupt this totally important conversation, there is a report you guys may want to listen too. It's at Cape Canaveral." said Athena from Zane's watch. 

Zane turned on the TV that was on the dinette and the screen showed Cody Glover. "Today's launch of the SS Antioch spacecraft has been delayed to highly adverse weather conditions here at the launch site. For folks at home, it's a freak lightning storm. I've seen a lot of bad weather in my time as a reporter but nothing like this! It's orange lightning!" said Cody. The four Alvarez family members looked at each other with Lynx looking confused

Sly sighed as she said,"That isn't normal for Earthing Lynx.". "We've seen it before since it appeared when we fought the firewolf." said Zoey. "And that's where bro got a girlfriend!" said Uriel. "Nina isn't my girlfriend Uriel." said Atem. "But she is a girl and your friend big bro." said Uriel. Atem sighed as Zane said,"Despite Atem being really fun to tease, we need to focus. We saw this unique coloration of lightning back in Traverse Groves where we met Lynx.". 

Lynx nodded as she said,"Okay. So why is this a big deal Athena?". Athena didn't get to say anything as Cody said,"This is Cody Glover reporting live from the Kennedy Space Center.". "Hold on. Did he just saw the Kennedy Space Center? Dad! We need to go there right now! I wanted to go there for a while now!" said Atem with a smile on his face. "Sure thing son but Cape Canaveral will have to wait." said Zane. "Why?!" said Atem.

Sly looked at Atem with her saying,"Lynx. Do note that Atem is usually not like this. He's been a big fan of space for a while now and wanted to go there especially after hearing about his father went into it.". "To be fair, I was taken to the Infinite Void which is in no place I want you kids going. I got lucky that I met beings who were willing to help me escape because that place is filled with the worst of the worst." said Zane. "So why aren't we there already? Big brother is getting antsy." said Uriel.

Athena spoke up as she said,"Well Uriel, I need to tell you all something. That orange lightning is made out of Reilurite and this means that a Phantom is there." said Athena. "The monster! We need to stop him." said Zoey with Atem nodding. "Or perhaps, it's a Brandsa or Qlakrik since there is a faint trace of Carnal there." said Cole. "So gets go." said Sly. "Yep. To Cape Canaveral. Hang on." said Zane as he drove off to the space center.

Sly looked at Zane with her saying,"Um Zane. I know that you want to make sure that Atem and the kids don't speed once they start driving but the world could be in danger because you're driving like an old lady.". "Okay then. Hang on you guys." said Zane, with him pressing a different button than the one Sly pushed earlier. These buttons were on the dashboard. Wings sprouted from the sides of the RV and rocket boosters emerged from the back. "Three! Two! One! Blast off!" said Zane. 

The RV launched into the air with Lynx saying,"This is amazing!". At said Kennedy Space Center, it was a normal day there despite the thunder storm outside. The streets around the space center were filled with tourists visiting the complex alongside employees whose main job was to make sure that the tourists who were happy and occupied. Inside of the main building or to be more specific nearby the Universe Theater facility, dozen of NASA scientist and Astronauts sat down in the various booths.

On the center stage, a scientist by the name of Dr. Pierre was giving a presentation for the upcoming launch of the spacecraft. He's a bulky looking Caucasian male with noticeable pale skin. He has long ,past his waist, greasy looking black hair and piercing brown eyes. He has a thick looking beard. He's wearing a white NASA themed lab coat with a blue undershirt and brown khaki's. He's wearing gray metallic looking boots and gloves. This man stuck out for a number of reason. 

Pick one and you won't be wrong. "And with my redesign of the propellant tanks, it will increase acceleration on the twin solid rocket boosters. It will give the rocket better efficiency when it comes to high altitudes. These changes have already being implemented." said Pierre. He wore a name tag that said,"Dr. Pierre. Rocket Development Program for New Horizons.". The audience clapped briefly with the scientist judged the presentation. 

The flight director said,"It's a very impressive display Dr. Pierre but since you're new, you should know that once a launch is scrapped, protocol dictates a thorough review before...". The flight director is Dr. Jodie Campbell. Do note that she isn't the Prime Dimension counterpart Tamara Campbell from Zero Episode 42. She's Caucasian with her having sandy blond hair and worn in a bun. She has brown eyes with square framed glasses. 

She's wearing a white lab coat with dark blue pants and light red shirt. She's known for her monotone voice and tends to be a very uninteresting person. "Who are you to question me?!" said Pierre, with him dwarfing her in size and vocal inflection. The other scientists around Jodie shivered due to them not liking confrontation. "I'm the flight director for the mission and your superior." said Jodie. "Oh. I seem to have forgotten that. Forgive me. It's been a long day. The lecture is over." said Pierre.

Pierece took his leave as a scientist said,"Wow. He may not be the nice guy around but he's a brilliant man. He's able to implant that new technology from Zenith Industries in record time. I can see why you hired him.". "I thought the board did." said Jodie with her getting interested in Dr. Pierre. This wasn't a romantic interest. After landing nearby in order to not cause a panic, the Vindicator was heading toward the Visitor Center entrance.

The building crept into view as the RV pulled up onto the Cape Canaveral complex. Inside of the motor home, the group was getting a plan. "So this is the Kennedy Space Center. I'm impressed that there is a building just dedicated to space travel." said Lynx. "So what's the plan dad? We're going in by force right? I mean all of us working together. This orange lightning doesn't stand a chance." said Zoey as she crackled her knuckles.      

Atem sighed as he said,"Zoey. If we go with your plan, we'll probably alert the being whose producing the orange lightning and I think attacking the space center is a bad idea.". "So should we be sneaky like ninjas then?" said Uriel with her hoping that they would do that. "Don't worry kids. I got us a way in and won't cause any trouble whatsoever." said Zane, smiling. "Mind telling us who that is exactly?" said Sly. "Sly my old friend. I think I should keep this a secret." said Zane.

Ten minutes, the group was inside of the space center and they were observed the space exhibits with awe. Atem was enjoying it a bit too much. "It's the Apollo Spacesuits. There is also a replica of the Apollo 11 Lunar Lander. Oh my gods! Is that a rock sample from Mars?! Dad! I know that I don't normally ask you to use your powers to steal but can you remove it from its case so can I touch it please?!" said Atem.

Fed with Atem acting like a fanboy, Zoey groaned. "Oh my gods! Shut up?! You're driving me to blast you into your precious rock!" said Zoey. Instead of arguing with her, Atem pressed his face closely to the rock exhibit and used the gloves present to interact with the rocks. He was acting like a kid rather than the mature adult he acts like. Uriel enjoyed Atem acting more childish with Zoey experiencing the opposite feeling. 

Zane shook his head as he said,"I'm just happy he's enjoying himself. What you're feeling Zoey is exactly how your brother feels whenever you went on a rampage at the movie studio.". "I guess so but was I this embarrassing?" said Zoey. "Yes. You were." said Uriel and Zane. "Anyway. What are those two talking about?" said Zoey. She pointed to Lynx and Sly who were talking. "Something private I'm guessing." said Zane.       

The Cross Species could overhearing them due to his hyper hearing."It's interesting to think about all of these humans who went into space from this very location." said Lynx. "You really seem to be interested in this stuff Lynx. Not as much as Atem though. You're do remember that you're from outer space right?" said Sly. "Yes but my species never made the leap to space travel before the Omniversal War happened. We were able to make a shrinking machine but not a regrowing machine." said Lynx.

Before Sly could ask her for content, the six heard a woman's voice,"Zane Alvarez! It's so good to see you again. Been ten plus years right?". Jodie walked up to them as Zane said,"Nice to see you too Jodie. It's been too long. Sorry I haven't come by to visit more often but you know why I don't.". He hugged her as Jodie smiled. If anyone of her employees saw her smile, they would be shocked since Jodie doesn't smile.

Jodie shook her head as she said,"It's fine. You've made quite the name here after all since you were the first stowaway in Cape Canaveral's history. Your older brother here is the youngest person in space at eight years old and now look at you. You're the young CEO who is aiming to change the future in a very big way.". "You did what?!" said Lynx, Uriel, and Zoey. Atem turned around and froze in shock with him muttering out,"What?!". 

Lynx blinked as she said,"Hold on. Why is that a big deal?". "Most astronauts have to be at least twenty six years old to become an astronaut so big brother doing it at eight is practically impossible even if he's rich." said Zoey. "Yeah. You would do something that's impossible." said Sly. "Yep. I was quite the troublemaker back in the day. I think I've matured a great deal since then." said Zane. "Didn't you go out of your way to prank Swarm the other day?" said Uriel.

Zane sighed as he said,"Yeah but that they had it coming.". "You're awesome big brother!" said Atem with him hugging Zane and a big smile on his face. "If you kids don't believe me, look at this." said Jodie. Atem, Lynx, Sly, Uriel, and  saw a picture of a young Zane ,being the exact same one from Zero Episode 82, in a spacesuit and standing next to a shuttle. "If you didn't have a business to run, I would ask you if you wanted to be an astronaut." said Jodie. 

The Cross Species smiled as he said"Yeah but you do have a future astronaut in the making. My little brother Atem here has an interest in outer space.". "Yes I do." said Atem. "Interesting. I'll keep you in mind Atem. So may I ask why you're here Zane?" said Jodie. "Oh. I just wanted to show my siblings that I actually went to outer space around their age." said Zane. He was lying to an old friend but he didn't want her to get her in danger.

Ignoring the conversation between the old friends, Lynx was slowly walking around and looking at the NASA exhibits in awe. "I know that I may be still learning about humans and their history but they have done more than what the Lazmond did despite being far weaker." thought Lynx as she accidentally bumped into Dr. Pierre. She stepped back and shook her head before looking at the man who was coldly staring at him.

Lynx chuckled as she said,"Sorry there Doc. I wasn't watching where I was going since all of these pictures and exhibits are just so fascinating.". Dr. Pierre ignored her as he was glaring right at Zane. "It's him! The one who defeated my master and Basalt. I need to get the plan moving fast." thought Pierre who clenched his left fist. This acrion went unnoticed by Sly and Zane. "What are all of you doing here director? They're unauthorized visitors into a classified area. Get rid of them." said Pierre. 

He walked away while bumping into Lynx and Zane. Sly rolled her eyes with her crossing her arms in annoyance. "So how big is the stick that's up his ass? Lynx just bumped into him and she apologized to him. Instead of being the bigger man, he pushed her and Zane." said Sly. As Pierre walked right past Uriel, the young Vulcorian picked something off about this man's scent. "Huh. Something smells weird about this guy. It smells like dad whenever he uses lightning." thought Uriel.

Jodie sighed as she said,"It's been a crazy day here Zane and co. Dr. Pierre is a very testy person to begin with especially when it comes to people who don't belong here. He thinks that they're spies for North Korea or perhaps Russia even though we're working with the latter on this project. The delay isn't helping his mood. You remember the way out right Zane?". She walked away as Zane smiled and motioned for the group to follow him. 

As they were walking toward the restricted area, Uriel got her father's attention and told him about Pierre's smell. "Huh. That man smelled like ozone?" said Zane. "Yep. Is that normal for people at NASA daddy?" said Uriel. "Nope. Not at all. I think Dr. Pierre is responsible for the lightning but we need more proof but doing anything." said Zane. "Okay. So do you mind telling us about your time with NASA to occupied the time?" said Uriel. "Sure. I don't mind." said Zane.

The metallic building groaned and creaked about the group as they went down a large industrial corridor with catwalks dangling above them. "So that is why I don't mentioned my childhood too much. I did things that would cause child services to come hard on my mom. I mean I did grow up on a mountain and fought giant animals when I was a toddler. Good times." said Zane, smiling. He and his kids were in their superhero identities.  

Zoey nodded as she said,"Wow. That was an interesting story dad. I mean your childhood is something straight out of a comic book.". "So during your space travel, did you happen to land on the moon?" said Atem. "I did Osiris and let me just say. I saw an actually Earthrise and well, it's a beautiful sight. You'll see it soon I promise." said Zane. He heard the very noticeable creak of an industrial door opening up and he grabbed the group.

The Cross Species turned them invisible with the group ,except for Zane, watched a few employees walking past them toward the employee lounge. Once they were gone, Zane made them reappear and let them go. "Follow me. If I remember right, Mission Control should be around here." whispered Zane as they nodded. The group walked toward a nearby locked door with Twilight saying,"So what's your plan? Going to have Athena or Cole hack your way in?". 

Zane shook his head as he said,"Nope. I got a tool for this occasion. It's the best skeleton key in the business. I call it the Omni-Opener.". He then opened up one of his belt's pouches. Zane held a small black square looking pocket knife with a red button on the side of it. Upon pushing the button on the side, a two inch blank metal key shaped stick comes out. He pushed the stick inside of the lock and turned it. The door opened as Zane said,"Jealous Sly?". 

Sly sighed as she said,"Not really. So do you have a gadget for everything in that belt of yours?". As Zane put the gadget back in his utility belt, Atem looked at Sly. "Yes he does." said Zoey. The group walked in and they were in Mission Control which NASA used to monitor rocket missions over the ages. "So this is Mission Control. To think we're in a place where so much history occurred. I'm so happy that we came here." said Atem.

Lynx sat down in a spinning chair with her saying,"So this place is pretty much where they do the launch right?". Zane nodded as he walked over to a seat. He began accessing a security control panel and it showcased a screen that showed the dormant SS Antioch ready for launch on the launch pad. "I remember Jodie telling me that NASA records everything here in Mission Control and she wasn't kidding about that. She once had to fire someone for tonguing a Neil Armstrong statue." said Zane.

Zoey looked at her dad as she said,"You can't be serious.". "Wish I was for once Zoey but humans are disgusting sometimes. Whenever I hear about stuff like that, I'm thankful that I'm only a part human rather than a full one." said Zane. "So that orange lightning?" said Uriel. "Right. Lets get going." said Zane, typing commands into the keyboard on the control system. Meanwhile at the launchpad near the SS Antioch rocket, something was going on. 

Inside the transition hatch to the rocket, Pierre went back to work on the project before Jodie showed up and she need to talk with him. "I finally found you Dr. Pierre. I need to speak with you about your credentials." said Jodie. "Can't you see that I'm busy? Leave." said Pierre. "Dr. Pierre. You need to stop it right now with this attitude of yours. I'm your superior and I can fire you if you keep acting like a child." said Jodie. 

Pierre turned to her with him glaring and he said while clenching his fists,"I'm no woman's lackie and I need to teach you a lesson in whose really in charge.". Before she could do anything about him, she was instantly wrapped in black ink like tendrils and hoisting her into the air. She was knocked out with Pierre sighing. "Finally. I couldn't take another word from her." said Pierre. Pierre turned to the duo of Specter Samurai with a metahuman and Blackjack by his side. 

The metahuman is a tall, slightly muscular ,like a gymnast, young man with tanned skin. He has ebony, well kept black hair and a slight 5 o clock shadow. He has brown eyes. He’s wearing a blue and gold letterman jacket ,with a hood, with the coat decorated with a burning skull patch on the sleeves and in the back. His body is completely covered in tattoos which comes in several different designs. The only part of his body that isn’t covered in tattoos are his face, hands, and neck. 

He’s wearing a white v-neck short sleeve shirt. He’s wearing denim blue cargo jeans with them rolled at the ends. He wears black boots and gloves with an red arm band on his right wrist. The young man looked at the tendrils and told them to throw the director somewhere she wouldn't bother them which they did. "Sorry about the delay. We had to take care of those guards like you orders us to." said the metahuman. 

Pierre looked at him with him saying,"It matters now. You two take care of those fools. I have a very strong feeling that all of them will be a thorn in our side if left alone mainly Zero.". He was talking to Blackjack and Specter Samurai who both had a grudge with Zane. Blackjack was because of how he kept being beaten by Zane in Liger Form and Specter Samurai had a six year long history of fighting him when he worked for Lilith. 

Blackjack smiled as he jumped off the scaffolding for the launchpad and ready to fight Zane. Specter Samurai flew after him while intangible and invisible. "I just hope the samurai is able to do better than that clown and bug man. He was worth a pretty penny. As for you Brimstone, stay by my side and take care of anyone who dares to stop my plan. Go into my shadow." said Pierre with the metahuman nodded and blended into Pierre's shadow.

Back in the Mission Control facility, Atem yawned. "I know that we're supposed to be focused on the mission at hand but it's boring." said Atem. "And I thought TV could never be boring." said Zoey with her spinning around in a chair. "So how long is this going to take daddy?" said Uriel. Lynx was trying to stay awake with Sly rolling her eyes. "Welcome to the less fun part about being a detective kids. Going through hours of footage for anything to prove your case takes a while." said Zane.

Sly shook Lynx awake with the Akostar saying,"So how close are we to be doing? I think everyone is falling asleep at this point.". "We're at the pre-launch images and from what I can tell, we're onto something." said Zane. No longer paying attention, Uriel and Zoey fell asleep with Zane shaking his head. "Do you have a gadget in your belt to help us find proof faster?" said Lynx. "I do but all of this is important for hero work even if it's important." said Zane.

Atem nodded as he said,"And if I have to do something like this, I'll make sure to grab me some coffee and food.". "Smart idea. I'll keep this in mind and tell Scott about this. Osiris, mind waking up your sisters for me?" said Zane as he opened up another pouch on his belt and he brought out five black spheres ,being the size of a normal smartphone, very similar to his V.B.R.S. with its surface area being smooth and sleek.

He placed them on the computer desk as the five sphere turned into mini dragons with a bright red sphere, working as an eye. From its eyes, a set of horizontal and vertical red lines stretches along the sides of the dragon, diving it into four pieces. "So what are these things?" said Lynx, petting one of the dragons who enjoyed it. "They're the Drakes. They can fire a laser beam from its eye that scans important information back to me or hack into any system." said Zane.

He smiled as he said,"They can also be used to deliver a shot that's like a high power taser. It can fly using its wings.". "Sweet. Lets go." said Sly with Uriel and Zoey awake. The six left the room and were back into the hallway. "I'm more of a hands on investigator." said Sly. "Really?" said Lynx. "So where should we start looking?" said Uriel, yawning. "Of course I am. Follow me." said Sly. The six walked around with them seeing a large circular dome structure.

Moving closer to the dome, Zoey noticed a large sign. It was above a steel door that said in bright red letters,"Keep out. Authorized Personnel Only.". "So we should go in there right?" said Zoey as Uriel shrugged. "Yeah. I mean we're already trespassing but it's for a good cause." said Zane with him beginning to ramble on as Uriel opened the door using a control button. "Sorry daddy. I got bored of you talking." said Uriel as the door slowly opened up and they walked inside.

The entire room was one large circular dome with a metallic contraption that was NASA's launch simulator with Lynx seeing it. "So what's this Osiris?" said Lynx, touching it. "This machine is used to help astronaut get use to gravity on board the space station." said Atem. "Oh in other words, it's a mega merry-go-round." said Zane. "I may not know what that is for but this sounds really cool." said Lynx as Crisis Judgement went off. 

Zane heard a growling sound and a sword being unsheathed right behind him. He turned around and he saw the duo of Blackjack and Specter Samurai. "So you two are working together. Didn't expect this paring but whatever. I ship it." said Zane. "Always with the bad jokes Zero. You shall not stop our plan your highness. Sick him boy." said Specter. Blackjack growled and pounced at Zane with the hero smiling. "Nah. I'm good. Concealed Strike." said Zane.

The hero brought back his left feet and slide one of his right fist back. Within a second, he sent his fist forward. The punch didn't connect with anything but Zane sent a massive shockwave directly toward Blackjack. This sent Blackjack flying into the air with Zane looking at Sly. She nodded as she found a nearby panel to close the door and pressed down. The door sealed shut with the firewolf tried to break down with its claws flaming red. 

Lynx turned to Zane with her saying,"So why did you lock us in here?". "To not bother the good people working here with our fighting." said Zane. "Can't we have a simple infiltration?" said Atem. "That will never happen buddy but we can handle them. I mean its two against six. We easily have the numbers advantage." said Zane. "But can Lynx fight?" said Uriel. "Your door can't stop me. Taste this." said Specter Samurai who was floating there. 

Before he could do anything, he was blasted into the door ,by emerald green energy, and this sent the Phantom into Blackjack who winced a bit at being squished. Uriel turned toward Lynx whose hands were glowing emerald green. "Does that answer your question about me being unable to fight?" said Lynx. "Yep." said Uriel with her smiling brightly. Zane smiled as he turned into Thunder Form. Both Blackjack and Specter Samurai were getting ready to fight. 

The firewolf jumped toward Zane who dodged his swipes before grabbing the wolf by his legs with him throwing him into the centrifuge. Atem and Lynx went to go help Zane with the firewolf as the girls fought the Phantom Samurai. Back in Mission Control, the Drakes were looking over hours of security footage and it was still boring. One of the Drakes noticed something. It was the footage where the orange lightning hit the building and spotted something interesting. 

It rewound the footage a bit, showing that there was a person standing on the launch pad. Another Drake zoomed in, showing the person to be Dr. Pierre who was inputting a command on a tablet. This just proved that Pierre was clearly reasonable for the orange lightning. The Drakes relayed the information to Zane who just dodged Blackjack's pounce and Zane smiled. "I really want to know who you two are working for." said Zane.

Sly jumped toward Specter Samurai, kicking him in the face with lightning as she said,"Mind telling the rest of the class then?". "Pierre." said Zane. "Wow. I so didn't see that coming. I mean he really does screamed bad guy doesn't he?" said Lynx, firing a wave of ice directly at Blackjack and freezing him to the ground. "Yeah. He smelled like ozone!" said Uriel. "Uh huh. I guess that's bad." said Zoey with her blasting the samurai with green Nether. She didn't know what ozone was but it sounded bad. 

Atem punched the firewolf back as he said,"Yeah. So what about the Drakes?". "They'll come back to me and watch out." said Zane. Blackjack charged at Atem who wrapped the wolf's muzzle in his bandages with him saying,"You won't be infecting me again furface!". He threw Blackjack into the wall with it making a noticeable smack. Blackjack landed on his feet and growled. "Huh. I thought it was cats who land on their feet not wolves." said Zane, slamming his fists onto the ground. 

Blackjack was shocked by the electricity hitting him and Zane said,"Osiris. I need to give this guy a whirl!". Atem nodded as Blackjack was wrapped in bandages once again. He could feel the firewolf's hot and stinky breath on his bandages. "You may be strong with your mouth but without it, you're weak." said Atem. Blackjack growled with him shredding Atem's bandages that were around his mouth using its claw. 

Atem glared at him with his bandages slowly regenerating. Blackjack went back and jumped into the air with him skydive from above. Lynx ran up the nearby wall with her jumping toward Blackjack and kicked him into the ground hard. Atem stretched his bandages around Blackjack once again and he tossed him into the nearby glass window above them hoping that it would end the fight. The glass shattered and sent debris onto the floor.

The firewolf shook his head and snarled slightly with him touching a certain button. The centrifuge whirled and came to life before spinning around. "So is this normal?" said Lynx. "Yes." said Sly as she along with Blackjack and Lynx jumped into the air to avoid the centrifuge's crane arm moving around them. Atem and Uriel ducked with Zane attaching himself to the wall using electricity. Specter and Zoey stood there as they phased through the arm if it got closed to them.

Blackjack tried to attack someone but was constantly hit by the arm. Zane smiled with him punching the firewolf in the face using a right hook. This pissed off the firewolf who jumped onto the machine and said creature opened his mouth. It released fiery sonic waves with the group dodging them. "So is it bad that I'm kinda jealous of him right now?" said Cole, getting hit by Lucifer. "Cole. Please focus." said Lucifer. 

Atem wrapped his bandages around the arm and launched himself to give Blackjack a swift kick to the werewolf's chest being that Specter caught him and threw him away. Zoey ,while intangible, held her brother and turned him intangible as the arm was about to strike them. Uriel smiled as she kicked the distracted Specter in the back and send him flying Lynx who smiled. She produced a fire ball and threw it at Specter. The Phantom was sent flying at the wall, breaking it. 

It made a hole in the wall and sent rubble and debris everywhere. Both him and Blackjack escaped through the smoke. The six heroes left the room as the machine came to a halt. "So are they still in here?" said Sly. Before Zane could answer her, Lynx saw several small figures coming through the dust and glared at it. Lynx rushed toward them with her getting shocked by the five drakes. "So why did they attack me? I thought we were friends." said Lynx. 

Zane deactivated Thunder Form with him saying as the five drakes turned back into the spheres and the Cross Species grabbed them,"Because you attacked first. So why is Specter working for Pierre? He's Lilith's butt monkey after all.". "She could be involved you know." said Sly. "Yeah but I'm not sure since she has a lot of power now so why would she give it up?" said Zane. "Because she hates you and loves grandma?" said Zoey.

Sly and Zane looked at her with them saying,"You're not wrong but still.". "Jinx!" said Zane with Sly punching her. "We can figure out why he's later. We know that Amarok is here and hopefully, I don't get turned into a weremummy again." said Atem. "Yeah. We'll find him later since I bet him and that overgrown nerd are working together. Both of them were seen around the orange lightning so what's next?" said Lynx.

Uriel looked out in the distance with her saying,"Um you guys!". They turned to see more orange lightning zap across the sky of Cape Canaveral. "Okay. That isn't a good sign." said Sly. "So are you guys ready to take them down as a team?" said Zane. The group nodded with Zane smiling. "And with that, lets go check it out." said Zane. He turned into Dreadnought Form, brazenly flying off toward the location at an impressive speed. 

Lynx blinked with her saying,"So is that normal for him? Ditching his team and that thing can fly? I'm shocked.". "Sorta of and with Zane, you get used to things like that form just happening." said Sly. "He says we should work as a team but he flies off without us." said Zoey. "Yeah. Dad has a tendency to rush on ahead since he likes to be the distraction and don't say that. We need to focus." said Atem as the group went right after Zane. 

About twenty minutes later, the group were on the outskirts of the Cape Canaveral complex. The ocean's wind howled loudly near the island's borders and the sound of seagull were heard nearby them. The group ,with Zane deactivating Dreadnought Form, was walking through a junkyard that consisted of discarded shuttles, space travel parts, and other broken space stuff. "The orange lightning came from around here." said Zane. 

Lynx looked around as she said,"So where are we?". "Welcome to the Necropolis gang. There are all kind of junk here. You got rockets, thrusters, engines, capsules. If it broke, it's right here. Every mission in the history of space travel here is. NASA is like a hoarder being that it has a hard time moving on from the past. You can't live in the past because you can't move forward. It's a lesson that everyone in the Omniverse has to learn." said Zane with him remembering the Massacre and clenching his fist.

Yeah. He'll be doing that a lot since from what I know, PTSD sticks and you really can't stop thinking about it. This is just from what I know and I could be horribly wrong about it. Uriel and Zoey looked at Sly who mouthed to them,"Don't say anything.". Curious, Atem looked around the area and he noticed an old capsule. He walked over to it and noticed a plague. It said,"To the men who tried and advanced humanity.".

Atem nodded as he said,"Huh. This was from 2008 or 2009. Not sure but there are initials of all of the astronauts involved.". Uriel glanced at the plague with her saying,"Huh. Z.A wouldn't happen to be Zane Alvarez would it?". "Yeah it does but well, I think I'll be advancing humanity in a different way rather than conquering space since we will do so well against any species out there." said Zane with a sigh. 

Zoey heard a familiar growl with her turning around and seeing Blackjack, standing nearby the ground on a broken rocket. She looked at the wolf with her saying,"Am I'm going to guess that you don't want us to live in the present either.". Uriel ran toward him with her saying,"This is for almost turning my big brother into a weremummy!". Blackjack smiled as he released a fiery howl directly toward Uriel who smiled.

She took the full brunt of the attack and jumped toward him. She punched him in the face directly much to his shock and they went onto the ground, fighting. "We should probably go help her!" said Lynx with Zane smirking. He threw a V.B.R.S. at Blackjack and it covered the wolf in vines. Uriel watched as he tried to break out of it by covering himself in fire but was shocked. Uriel turned to her dad and threw him a thumbs up before punching Blackjack in the face. 

The Akostar shook her as ink like tendrils wrapped around her waist and dragged her off. "Okay. So is this a new one or not?" said Sly as she turned to see Brimstone standing there. "You need to leave right now." said Brimstone. His body glowed white as several black ink like tendrils came out of his body and wrapped themselves around the two closest beings. These two were Lynx and Zoey. "Let me go right now!" said Lynx.

She blasted the tendrils away with her signature green energy. Sly and Zoey followed suit by blasting them with lightning and green Nether respectively. "The three of us will handle inky. You two should go help Uriel." said Sly. Atem and Zane nodded as they turned to Uriel who kept punched Blackjack in the face. "Ah. That looks painful." said Atem. "Yeah. If he didn't turn you into a weremummy, I would have feel bad but just a bit." said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane turned to see Specter Samurai floating out of the ground. He looked at the occupied Blackjack who was getting the crap beat out of him by a little girl. Brimstone was doing better but all of his tendrils were destroyed by electricity or energy. "Sometimes. I find myself working for idiots." said Specter with him opening up his chest. Instead of Jester, he was the Phantom with the Reilurite from Traverse Groves inside of him. 

Atem looked at Zane with him saying,"So are we okay? I mean that stuff is deadly right?". "It is but we should be fine since I tampered with the one we found in Traverse Groves. I'll tell you what I did later. Oblivion Napalm!" said Zane with him cupping his hands and screaming into them. Zane threw the highly condensed ball of sound toward Specter. This caused the samurai to be sent flying and his chest closed back up during his flight.

Seeing an opportunity, Atem grabbed Wolfram with his bandages and he tossed the firewolf toward the samurai. The two collided with them landing on the ground. "Seriously?! Why did you let him escape my wrath?" said Uriel. "Um. I'm trying to defeat our enemies plus I doubt he'll break out of his prison." said Atem. "Um Osiris." said Zane. The mummy turned to see Specter freeing the battered up Blackjack from its prison with Atem groaning. "Don't say anything please." said Atem.

Uriel smiled as she jumped toward the firewolf and covered herself in dark pink Mojo. She dive-bombed onto the firewolf, causing an explosion of energy. "This is for hurting my brother!" said Uriel as she grabbed the firewolf by his neck. Specter was about to attack her but it was stopped by Atem who held him in his bandages. "And you're in no way hurting my sister." said Atem with Zane smiling at the family bonding. 

The Vulcorian nodded as she tossed the side of a rocket and he hit the ground hard nearby Brimstone with Lynx smiling. "And this is what happens when you mess with a real canine! I'm quipping right you guys?" said Lynx. "Yeah. You're doing better than Zero could ever." said Sly with her kicking back a tendril. "Ha. You're so funny." said Zane, rolling his eyes. Crisis Judgement went off as he was blasted in the back by orange lightning.         

It didn't bother Zane too much due to his natural electrical resistance but it was annoying. He turned to see Pierre standing on top of a capsule with orange lightning coming from his right hand. "I was told of your ability to negate electricity and it's just one of the main reasons why you're considered to be a Terran who will just never die no matter what. You're the one who defeated my master and Basalt after all." said Pierre in a cold tone.

Zane looked right at him with him saying,"Okay. You're not from around here obviously since your Impulse isn't human nor is it Nether like the samurai.". "You're smart. I'm an alien species known as the Kruxods. Let me show what I really look like." said Pierre. He roared as a giant orange lightning bolt struck down. As the electricity cleared, Pierre was no longer human being more of a monster than man. He was now ten feet tall with him having semi-transparent bluish-white skin.

His body looked like it was made with ice and random parts of his body looked to be made out of flesh. The flesh was an orange color and made out of scales. His black hair somehow shrunk being that it was now up to his shoulders and he still had a thick looking beard. His right eye grew bigger and was a orange color being that his left eye stayed the same. His fingers have been replaced by nasty looking claws.

Pierre had several metal conductor like wings growing from his back and had a tail that resembled a fusion between an Ankylosaur and Stegosaurus. His clothing was replaced with him wearing a black and white coat with an orange lightning bolt pattern, showing off his muscular chest, black metal like pants, and his gray metallic looking boots and gloves from before. Pierre's appearance reminded the group of Frankenstein Form except uglier. "Wow. He looks ugly." said Sly.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I mean he already looked ugly but now, I think he looked better before so I think it's time to bring down the beatdown. I think it's time to kick half of the classic monster gallery. You're going down right kids?". Atem and Uriel nodded as Pierre jumped down from his perch with him joining his three comrades. "I leave you three alone to handle four beings but you couldn't do that. Such a shame." said Pierre in a demonic voice. 

Blackjack growled at him as Specter said with his arms crossed,"Can it Dr. Pierre.". "My name isn't Pierre but Paradai, a being of Destruction and Chaos! I want them eliminated before the launch. Do I make myself clear you idiots? I think you don't want to make me mad." said Paradai with his hands covered in orange electricity. "Wait! I have a question for you before you kill us!" said Zane. "And what's that?" said Brimstone. 

Zane looked at them with him saying,"Is the last member of your boyband a vampire?". "Oh please tell me that he's right! I always wanted to fight one ever since we fought a firewolf and zombie!" said Uriel with her getting excited. "Um shouldn't they be focused on defeating them." said Lynx. "This is normal for us." said Sly. "No. I'm a metahuman for hire. I have to ask why you wanted me to be a vampire in the first place." said Brimstone. 

The cross species smiled with him saying,"Just curious since this monster movie menagerie is missing a major player aka a vampire!". He turned into Vampire Form, charging toward the four and Paradai looked at Zane. "Time to make you disappear you annoying pain!" said Paradai, raising his right arm. He unleashed a wave of fire and ice with Zane flying into the air. He dived down with his body covered in crimson red matter.

Zane slammed into the ground, causing an explosion which sent the villains flying away. "And here's where I proved you wrong ugly." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. "Vampire Form is so cool!" said Uriel. "Yeah. This form is predictable unlike magic." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as an orange lightning blast flew toward him and toward an old rocket. The rocket began collapsing with Lynx and Sly protecting the trio from the falling debris and rubble.

The vampire was fine as he stood there and cracked his neck. "We need to leave now. We may have the numbers advantage but they know the area better than us." said Zane. The six were gone as the dust and debris had settle. The villains (Blackjack, Brimstone, Paradai, and Specter) noticed that Zane and company was gone. Blackjack was sure that they weren't done and began smelling the area using its nose before getting blasted by orange lightning. 

Blackjack turned around and growled at the Kruxod. "We're allies you fool!" said Blackjack. "Holy crap! You can talk!" said Brimstone. "Focus on the launch and revive our master is our goal not those brats." said Paradai. "You should be more worried about Zane. The king is well known for being a pain in the ass if kept alive. That's how your master lost after all." said Specter. "Brimstone will wait for them and attack if he sees them. You two come with me." said Paradai.

The metahuman nodded as he watched the alien, firewolf, and Phantom leaveBrimstone closed his eyes and fell asleep as his body glowed. Several small ,made out of ink, imp-like creatures came jumping out of Brimstone's body with them covered ,from head to toe, in a ragged blue cloak with two gold eyes sticking out. "Find them if you don't mind." said Brimstone, sleeping. The imps went running around Necropolis. 

Zane's group was watching them running around from inside of a rocket. "So how are we hiding ourselves from those imps dad?" said Atem. "I mean we can easily take them!" said Zoey with Uriel nodding. "Through the power of scent my son. I'm masking our scent right now so they can't smell us out. We're not fighting them Lodestar since I don't want them to find us. I think I know their plan. They're going to bring the Reilurite onto the spacecraft." said Zane now in Fragrance form. 

Lynx crossed her arms as she said,"But for what?" said Lynx. "Yeah. She's right I mean it makes no sense to me." said Uriel. "We may have no idea what they're doing but we have to stop them before they can accomplish it." said Sly. "Okay then. I'll go into a Prime Form so I can stop the launch no problem, completely destroy the Reilurite by throwing into a black hole, and be back here to kick sleeping beauty's ass." said Zane.

Atem looked at his father as he said with his arms crossed,"Um dad. I'm sure that you could do that but we're here too. Even with your powers, you can't do this by yourself.". "But what if he clones himself?" said Zoey. "Even with that in mind, teamwork is the way to win right? We do have the numbers." said Atem. "Your brother is right Zoey. We'll split up into two teams. The group of Atem, Lynx, Sly, Uriel and Zoey will stop the launch." said Zane. 

Uriel tilted her head as she said,"What about you daddy?". "Isn't it obvious? I'll be handling the gruesome four." said Zane. "Really Zane? That's your master plan. I see no flaws in it whatsoever." said Sly with her arms crossed and glared at him. "I could leave you five here while I do all of the work by myself you know that right? I'm trying to work as a team." said Zane. The two glared at each other with Lynx looking at her two first friends.

She turned to the trio with her saying,"Are they fighting? I've never seen them fighting each other before.". "Nope. They're just worried for each other's safety." said Atem. "Fine. Stay safe partner because if you die, I'll never forgive you." said Sly. She along with Atem, Lynx, Uriel, and Zoey were gone. "You too." said Zane as he deactivated Fragrance Form. He changed into Camouflage Form and stealthily walked toward the unaware trio of Blackjack, Paradai, and Specter.

Zane had been tracking them by their Impulse and taking out the imps on his way. As they were destroyed, they turned into piles of ink. A few minutes later, Zane lost sight of them with Azalea said,"So what now?". Zane focused his hyper hearing and heard Paradai's large and heavy metal footsteps. He walked toward an old aircraft wreck as he began picking up a clanging sound coming inside of an old turbine engine. 

There was a door on it and Zane slowly opened the door of the capsule with him entering it. He began walking down the stairs and he saw that he was inside of a massive underground chamber. It was filled with old electrical equipment and devices. Paradai was working on a machine with Blackjack by his side. Specter Samurai was missing. "You better make sure that you do your part or else. The downlink must be aligned when the projection begins" said Paradai. 

Blackjack rolled his eyes as he said,"Of course I will. I ain't a screw up unlike that damn zombie you hired. I want to get my revenge on Zero and those brats of his. If I do that, your master will give me a chance to fight him right?". "Okay. It's weird to hear him talk." thought Zane. "He will so I'll begin the teleportation at once." said Paradai. He walked up to a large machine and hooked himself up to it.

While this was going on, Zane watched them walking toward a nearby circular platform that extended upwards. Zane grabbed onto one of the industrial cables and he wondered what they needed all of this technology for. Once the lift stopped, Zane watched as Paradai had ten plugs plugged into him and his body began pulsing with orange lightning. He put his hands together with his back pylons extended right before the machine behind him.

It was producing orange lightning outside of the building with Paradai clapping. The room was covered in a bright orange light as Zane closed his eyes due to how bright it was. The hero slowly opened his eyes with a huge time-space portal opened up and it was leading back to Cross Falls, Arizona. "That's interesting. I heard about the Kruxod's ability to augment their abilities using technology but to make a portal. That's one strong being." said Kane.

Zane blinked with him saying,"So you're finally talking. It took you long enough. I know that you're shocked about seeing Lynx again Kane but still, she isn't dead and wants to talk with you which you will after this got it.". Kane nodded his head as Blackjack jumped through the portal with the portal vanishing him right behind. Once the portal closed, Zane pieced the dots together. "Okay. I think I get it now. That's why there was orange lightning in those places." thought Zane.

Athena nodded as she said,"Keep going on. Cole doesn't get it.". "Yeah! Hey!" said Cold. "Paradai here must have teleported Blackjack and Jester to those locations. It seems they need rocks from Terrarune and metal from Earth but why? I need to figure that part out sooner rather than latter." thought Zane. Back in Cross Falls, Blackjack had sprinted to the underground cave where the stolen NASA equipment was lurking there. He didn't noticed that he was being watched. 

Back at Mission Control, the rest of the group walked back toward Mission Control. Lynx opened the door with her seeing no one. "I know that we shouldn't ask this but where is everyone exactly?" said Atem. "Let's take that as a blessing Osiris." said Lynx. "Who cares right now? Lets see if I can get into the mainframe. K-9 and Lodestar, you're on guard duty." said Sly. The two girl nodded as they kept an eye for the bad guys.

Sly began inputting commands into a computer with the computer blaring out,"Access denied!". "So I hate to ask this but are you good with computers like that Frankenstein looking guy or Zero is?" said Lynx. "He really didn't want anyone to find about his plan." said Zoey. "I guess we have to do this the manual way aka the spacecraft." said Sly. "So does that mean I can go into space?" said Atem with him jumping up and down. 

Zoey groaned with Sly saying."Yes. Lets go already. We don't have time to waste.". "Right. So do you guys know what Zero did to the Reilurite?" said Lynx. "I think he got rid of the negative effects toward us maybe." said Uriel. The five walked toward the spacecraft unaware of the entire NASA staff knocked out and covered in black ink like tendrils. Back with Zane. He looked at Paradai who was tinkering around the machines.

Zane nodded as he said,"I don't need speed but power being that I got the perfect form for the job.". He turned into Brawn Form with him smiling. "Time to show you my power." said Zane with him jumping toward Paradai. Paradai turned around to see Zane and was about to catch him but he was too slow. Dodging the attempted grab, Zane easily threw the Kruxod into a pile of discarded engine parts. "You may have good reflexes but to me, you're slow." said Zane, cracking his knuckles.

Paradai glared right at Zane with him saying,"You will not stop this launch!". He fired fire, ice, and orange lightning at Zane who easily dodged them. "Yeah. You say that but I'll teach you to respect your superiors!" said Zane, clapping and sending a sonic wave toward Paradai. This pushed him back a bit and Zane rushed over to him. He punched the Kruxod in the face, sending him back once again. This was not his dad. 

The creature roared in anger as he plugged himself back into the machine from earlier. "Your games are over!" yelled Paradai. He created a portal appearing behind Zane, showing the sun. "I hope you like having a tan Zane." said Paradai, walking away since he was sure that Zane couldn't get out of this. He was being dragged toward the portal with him seeing a nearby engine heading toward him. He grabbed it and tossed it toward the portal. 

It closed as the engine entered it. "And that's how you handle a portal made by an ugly son of a bitch. Really wish I had a normal life sometimes but that sounds boring." said Zane, sighing. He looked around and he said,"Time to go find the bad doctor.". He jumped up to where Paradai was and he was standing on a control panel at the top of the chamber. "It's the end of the road for you so give up before I make you even more uglier." said Zane.

Paradai smiled as he said,"Aren't you curious about this machine I'm standing next too?". "Not really honestly." said Zane as he shrugged. "And my master was right. You are quite annoying like several beings have told me. You won't stop me. Observe." said Paradai. He pressed the button down with his fingers as the ground began shaking. "What have you done?" said Zane. Back at the NASA launch pad on the SS Antioch, it began shaking.

The Alvarez kid, Lynx, and Sly were climbing up a ladder right as the structure began moving. "So what's going on?!" said Zoey. "Isn't it obvious?" said Atem, getting giddy. "No! That's why we asked!" said Uriel. "The shaking is due to the main thrusters. We're going for a ride." said Atem with his smile growing. "So isn't there supposed to be a countdown?" said Sly. "I doubt we have time for one and good news. You kids are keeping the family legacy of being astronauts." said Lynx.  

After hearing, Atem screamed,"I'm going to be an astronaut! Awesome!". Sly sighed as the rocket took off and the group inside heading directly toward nearby Earth's orbit. Back with Zane, he blinked with him saying,"I know that I should be worried but Atem has wanted to go space for a while now but first, I'll taking you out!". Paradai ignored him and grabbed two electrical cables. He began charging them up. 

Zane smiled as he turned bright purple. He didn't get a chance to charge them for too long due to him being hit directly in the back by several missiles. Zane stood there in Brawn Prime. His skin now looks to be metallic with his physical appearance not changing at all except for his skin color which is a royal blue color. He's now twenty feet tall and he kept his hair the same. Brawn Prime has grown a beard that's similar to Zane's in the present day.

Zane's eyes changed from greenish yellow to a solid molten gold color. His canines are push forward, looking more like fangs. He wears a black vest over his chest with it showing his strong physique due to him wearing no shirt. He still wears his black pants with a gold belt that looks to be a mixture of a wrestling championship belt and sash. He now wears brown sandals. His helmet is protected by a silver helmet with a piece of red hair at the top. 

He currently has four arms being that the max amount of arms that Brawn Form can have is eight arms but tends to go with four like he goes with two arms in Brawn Form normally. All of his arms wear black fingerless gloves, silver ,steel, pauldrons, and silver steel finger-less gauntlets that works as shields with shiny steel studs. He also has the black burning flame tattoo. His fingers were currently five barreled missile launchers that just fire out very powerful missiles.

They turned back into small black claws with silver armored and organic knuckles. "You're going down your ugly son of a bitch! Your plan is going to crash and burn!" said Zane, cracking his all of his knuckles. The room slowly began glowing bright orange as Paradai said,"You really this is my plan Zero but no. It's a combination of three individuals whom you are aware of quite well including the strongest Phantom I know.". 

Zane watched as the electrical energy went throughout the room and began powering up the large generator in the middle. Zane looked up and spotted something strange. It was the clock tower from Dark Haven that Silas told him about earlier. "Okay. I know who stole the clock tower but why steal a clock tower of all things?" thought Zane. "So you took the clock tower because..." said Zane. "Let me remind you since you've clearly forget because of that." said Paradai.

The Kruxod smiled as he said,"It has been almost four years ago when you thought that you destroyed my master on that secret mission of yours. Sending him to a dimension where you can never escape from but you're dead wrong.". Grayish blue ooze appeared from within the bricks and began reacting to the orange lightning. "Even when I send you to a inescapable prison, you come back. Son of a bitch." said Zane, clenching his teeth and fists.  

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