Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Zero Episode 134 Mummy in Space Section 2 (Written on December 8 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Episode 134 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Episode 134. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

Said ooze floated upwards, forming a solid creature and Hyde appeared. "I'm finally free!" said Hyde with a smile and cackle to boot. "Master. All is prepared from your return. Time for us to complete that woman's master plan which was never going to work." said Paradai, bowing to him. "You have done well my loyal servant. You'll be greatly reward for bringing me back." said Hyde with him flying down to him. "Of course. I only live to serve you." said Paradai.

Zane blinked with him saying,"Okay then. I really should have asked for some help. Hindsight is a bitch isn't it?". Back in space, the SS Antioch finished its flight into near Earth orbit as the rocket boosters plunged off and fell back toward the planet. It hit the Atlantic ocean down below and hopefully not on a small village. Inside of the rocket, Uriel and Zoey slowly opened their eyes. "Are you two okay?" said Sly. 

They nodded as Atem said,"Don't worry. This was the easy part.". "Really?" said Uriel. "I think he would know what he's talking about." said Lynx. Atem jumped off the ladder and floated in zero-g space with the others followed him. As the group approached a hatchway door, Atem slowly opened it and was unaware of what was on the other side. It was Brimstone ,in a space suit, and Specter waited for them. 

Back on Earth, orange lightning surrounded Necropolis. Hyde smiled upon seeing Zane. "It seems that we have a score to settle Legion Zero! I mean you tried to kill me after all." said Hyde with Zane breathing heavily in anger. "Okay. Then why are you here? I sent you and the two to Savadran to die!" said Zane. "I'll tell you soon and well, I heard about what you did. You let those six girls you died! That makes you the worse Zero ever!" said Hyde.    

Zane ,in anger, glared at Hyde with him saying,"Fine! I don't give a damn how you come back! I'm send you to the after afterlife!". He then began blasted the Phantom with a barrage of missiles, only for Hyde to phase through all of them them. "Is that the best that you have to offer or what? I've been waiting almost four years to get revenge on you. I guess you losing the dumb humans who gave you their hearts only for you to shatter them!" said Hyde.

Hyde was blasted directly by a giant burst of radiation at him being that Zane was in Radiation Prime and floating in the air. "I'm not scared of you and reminding about that day is only pissing me ever more!" said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Paradai had jumped down and tried to blast him with orange lightning. Zane dodged this with him flying away and Paradai held a massive ball of lightning in hand.

He was about to throw it at Zane with Hyde stopping him. Zane watched this from his hiding spot being that he deactivated Radiation Prime and turned into Nano Form, shrinking down to an inch tall and hide inside of a tube. "You really don't get it do you. I need to be the one to kill if I'm able to keep the deal with Skull Plague." said Hyde. "Yes master. How will you get him? Did the Qlakrik give you power?" said Paradai.

Hyde smiled as he said,"He did. Let me find him so I can show him myself.". He flew down as he looked for Zane. "Come on Zaney. I thought you would be happy to see me. After all, we're both Zeroes." said Hyde. "I don't know how he become a Zero honestly. Leif wouldn't have picked this fool." said Sivarth. Zane agreed with him and Crisis Judgement went off. He slowly turned to see Skull Plague's head and the Phantom said,"Boo!".

Zane flew away from Hyde with Hyde smiling at how Zane was. "And now, you'll see what power I was given." said Hyde. He released a huge amount of Nether into the air with Zane sensing a new form of Impulse inside of the former Zero. It was Carnal. "No. You made a deal with him. Are you stupid Hyde?! You don't make a deal with Skull Plague! Everyone knows that but they keep doing it any way!" yelled Zane. "To kill you, I'm willing to give up my soul so you can die!" said Hyde.

He had changed drastically. His grayish blue body is ripped open, revealing black and white cracked veins covering his entire body. His stomach has a volley of living and always moving black tentacles bursting from them with the ends of them producing red Carnal that crackled like electricity. His spine is still sticking out of his body with his bones looking like blunt but deadly scythe like blades and his nails are still blackish gray.

The Phantom's head was now turned to the side of his body with him having a single ,glowing red, eye and a mouth filled with jagged looking teeth. His head was covered up by a "mane' of red Carnal which looked to be mimicking hair. His tail is a white color with purple stripes through it. His elbows have several rows of red Carnal/Nether spikes sticking out of his arms and tail. He's wearing his grim reaper like outfit. 

His body also had several nails driven into him his body being that his body was constantly dripping green blood from it. Upon seeing him, Zane's Essence was beating louder and could sense various emotions coming from Hyde. It was pain, jealously, suffering, and rage. Zane was visibly shaking as he deactivate Nano Form. Zane landed on the ground with Crisis Judgement going off and couldn't hear anything other than his Essence beating.

Paradai had watched his master transform and turned into a powerful being being that no one even in the Odium Society could compared to him right now. He leap down with Zane falling through the floor and the Frankenstein looking creature didn't want to face his master after letting Zane escape. Hyde was also looking for Zane being that he had sneaked away. "Find him right now! He's scared of me right now due to my aura so I should be able to infect him with my poison." said Hyde.

Paradai looked confused as he said,"What will your poison do to him? Can't he heal himself using his many ways of healing?". "Yes but my poison is strong enough to kill a being before they have a chance to heal and the only way to negate the poison is with a powerful healing spell. The brat doesn't have that power. Now find him right now before I use it on you my servant!" said Hyde with him  flying off and Paradai searched for Zane.

Zane ,who was suppress his power from the duo, was in his hiding spot aka an old wardrobe. "Okay then. Lets recap what's going on. Paradai brought back Hyde from Savadran which Savant told me and Silas that no being can escape once they enter it. That dimension is supposed to drive beings to madness, trapping them within their worst memory. There is also the fact that my kids, Lynx, and Sly have been sent into space. What the hell is my life some days?!" thought Zane.

Sivarth looked at his partner with him saying,"So are you okay Zane? I've never you scared like this before.". "Yeah. We see you more angry than scared most of the time." said Lucifer. "I got no idea myself. Maybe it is Hyde's new aura. I wasn't scared of Blaze when he was a Brandsa so why am I scared of him? I mean my Essence is being louder than normal and I sense all of these emotions coming from him." thought Zane.

Before the rest of Team Legion Zero could say anything, Crisis Judgement went up as Zane's hyper hearing picked up both Hyde and Paradai coming toward him. "We'll figure it out later! You need to get out of here!" said Cole. "I need him now! Skull Plague won't like if Zane is still alive before he can begin his master plan!" shouted Hyde. "Yes master!" said Paradai with him saluting. "Right. Here goes nothing." said Zane. 

He turned into Frost Form and phased through the ground. The door to the wardrobe was ripped open as Paradai appeared. "Damn it. I thought you were here." said Paradai. "Did you find him yet my loyal servant?!" shouted Hyde. "Not yet but I will!" shouted Paradai with the Kruxod gulping in fear of his master's wrath. Nearby, Hyde was looking for Zane with him growing. "Don't think you can hide forever failure. After all if you stay hiding, your kids will die like your lovers did!" said Hyde.

The Phantom smiled as he flew to a different part of the base. Zane ,still in Frost Form and intangible at the moment, looked at the fleeting Phantom. "I hate to admit it but he's right. I need to stop them from dying but how?" thought Zane. Back in space, the SS Antioch was moving upwards past Earth and toward a large space station that was orbiting the planet in near Earth orbit. "So why are we going big brother?" said Uriel, looking out into space through a window.

Atem smiled as he said,"We're currently heading toward the Tiberius Colony sister. After the success of the International Space Station in the 90s, NASA decided to build a bigger version that's twice the size and plans to host life up there within the next couple of years.". "So I guess humans love showing off huh." said Sly. "They sure do. So shouldn't we be looking for the Reilurite and how are you all breathing a suit?" said Lynx.

Zoey looked at her as she said,"We could say the same for you. I think this rocket ship comes with an oxygen generator right?". "Correct sister. Our costume also come equipped with one as well so we'll be fine Lynx." said Atem. "And like you I'm guessing Lynx, I can go without oxygen. Our best option is to bring the ship back to Earth instead of wasting time looking for rocks in a ship this big so lets move." said Sly.      

The five reached the cockpit of the shuttle which had six seats available. "So are you sure that you're able to fly this thing Atem?" said Sly as the mummy sat down in the driver's seat with Sly sitting next to him. The girls and Lynx sat in the back. Sitting down in the driver's sear, Atem looked over the controls for the rocket ship before flicking a button. "Of course. I logged in like a hundred hours in a flight simulator. It's just a 100-ton, 20,000 mile an hour high tech machine." said Atem. 

Uriel gulped as she said,"That's comforting I think.". She was looking out into the vast void of space with her noticing several glowing stars thousands of light-years away. "I still can't believe it. We're actually in outer space just like our dad." said Zoey. "Yeah. It's a once in a life time experience especially since all of you and myself are biologically too young to be astronauts. Lynx excluding of course. So where's your home planet Lynx?" said Sly.

Lynx turned to her as she said,"My home planet was destroyed a long time ago Sly. To be honest, I forgot where it was or what it's name was.". "Ah. Sorry for reminding you about that." said Sly with Uriel looking at Zoey. "Don't worry Lynx! You got a new family with us! The Alvarez family loves taking people in!" said Uriel. "She's right Lynx. Me, Uriel, and Zoey were all taken in by Zane to be apart of the best damn family in the Omniverse." said Atem.

Zoey nodded as Lynx smiled. "Thanks you guys. I'm just happy to be around friendly beings instead of evil ones." said Lynx. "Hold on. I have a question. Parker's planet is out there somewhere right? Do you think we could visit it someday?" said Uriel. "Maybe one day. Lets ask your dad once we finish this mission up. It would make for an amazing road trip. One across the Omniverse." said Sly. As the group talked, they didn't noticed ink tendrils coming toward them. 

Back on Earth, Hyde was flying throughout the hideout and phasing through everything to find Zane as Paradai smashed through everything to find Zane. "Master. Please tell me. Why in the nine realms are we wasting our time looking for him when the master plan is becoming a reality?!" said Paradai with him looking at the Brandsa and Phantom Cross Species. Hyde completely turned his head around to face Paradai and he flew toward him.

The Kruxod he held his hands in front of him with him saying,"No master! I wasn't saying that you were wrong....". It was too late being that Hyde possessed Paradai, covering the Phantom in a distinct red glow. Paradai went on his hands and knees with him screaming in pain. He began strangling himself and then slammed against a nearby wall. "You don't get it! Zane is someone you don't let live because he'll ruin your plans if he isn't dealt with!" yelled Paradai with it mimicking Hyde's voice. 

Paradai was thrown onto the roof, with him hitting a piece of machine on his way back. Hyde left Paradai with him saying,"Do not talk back to me or you'll die first understand?". "Crystal. I won't disobey you again." said Paradai with him pleading for his master to spare him. Hyde flew off and he didn't noticed that Zane had been watching the whole thing. "That master plan Paradai mentioned. I hope it's not what I think it but I'm probably right." thought Zane. 

Zane flew downwards with him heading deeper into the ancient rocket that was buried underground and he eventually reached the bottom which could fit him in his normal size. It was probably made for someone of Paradai's size but Zane wasn't going to complain since he could hide here for a while. He deactivated the form as he saw a communication monitor with various screens that showed off the Tiberius Colony and the relay in Cross Falls. 

The Cross Species gulped as he said,"This is not good. I hope I can contact them. Athena. Cole. I need you to connect me to the SS Antioch's radio.". "Will do Zane." said Cole. After a few seconds, the monitor screen activated showcasing the trio, Lynx, and Sly in the rocket. "This is Earth to Sly and gang. Come in you guys." said Zane. On the ship, Lynx blinked with her saying,"Hold on. I'm not hearing things right? That's Zane's voice?". 

Zane's face appeared on the ship's projection screen which was on the dashboard as Zoey said,"Nope you're not. That's him alright. Hi dad! We're outer space!". "And Atem is flying a rocket ship! So what about you?" said Uriel. "He's probably finished up with the gruesome four and came to check up on us. Don't worry so much Zane okay? We're doing just fine up here." said Sly. "Slytha Alvarez. I need you to stop being a sarcastic bitch and listen to me clearly." said Zane.

Sly looked at him as she said,"Hold on a second. You called me by my full name.". "And the fact that he called you a sarcastic bitch didn't bother you?" said Lynx. "It's a compliment honestly but Zane only calls me by my full name or Danny by his if he's mad or something serious is going on. Are you okay Zane? What's wrong?" said Sly. "I know what the creature is up thanks to Athena. He plans to use the Tiberius Colony as a homing beacon." said Zane. "For what?" said Atem.   

Zane looked at Atem with him saying,"He's going to project a beam of raw Reilurite mixed in with Carnal which will transmit from the colony toward the satellite transceiver back in Cross Falls. It will cover the entire planet in its glow.". "Meaning what? I don't get what's going on." said Uriel. "Cross Falls is where you guys fought the firewolf right?" said Lynx. "Yeah. I think that's why furry was stealing all that equipment." said Zane.

Sly noticed Zane taking several deep breaths with him saying,"A beam of Reilurite won't just mutate all human and animal life on Earth.". "What? It will do more than just that?" said Zoey. "This plan is three plans combined into one. Countess Chimera's plan was turning everyone on Earth into metas by activating their Metagenes at the same time. Rocco's plan was to control those newly born metas into serving him and the Odium Society aka losing their free will." said Zane.

Atem gulped as he said,"And the third plan? Because if it's like the first two, I'm going to scream loudly.". "Using the space station to block out the sun. This means that Hyde will be at full power all of the time." said Zane. "Hyde's back?!" said Sly as Lynx looked confused. "Yeah. He's back alright and with a vengeance. Quick recap on Hyde for Lynx since she's new. He was just a Phantom and a former Zero before dying by the hands of Jack the Ripper who existed. He's a Brandsa now." said Zane.

Sly looked at him as she said,"So? I mean you fought against Blaze when he was a Brandsa before four years ago. I mean this is a serious situation we found ourselves in but you look scared.". "Okay I did make someone a promise not to mention this mission but right now, I don't care. I took a mission three years ago during the summer of 2020. It was just before the Massacre so I think some of the PTSD I had that mission made the PTSD from the Massacre ever worse." said Zane.

The kids noticed that their father was shaking as Zane said,"I alongside a man named Agent Silas Mercer killed Countess Chimera, Hyde, and Rocco by sending them to Savadran as punishment for almost killing everyone on all seven continents Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. They would have done this by shifting Earth's gravitational field and bombing the polar ice caps at the exact same time.". 

He took a deep breath with him saying,"They would flooding the entire world if I didn't stop their master plan. It would have been mass genocide.". The cockpit was silent as Atem spoke for the entire group with a single question. "You can't be serious dad. Why didn't we know about this?! This is a world ending event!" said Atem. "Because we kept it a secret between the two of us as a promise to the millions who died before we could stop them." said Zane.

Zane clenched his fist as he said,"Warrior was the only one to figure it out and well, he's been in outer space for two years now. We call Annihilation Day.". "So how did Hyde leave Savadran? I heard that once you enter, you can never leave due to the fact that it drives most beings who enter it to madness of some time." said Sly. "I'm unsure but I have a theory now that my head is clear. He made a deal with Skull Plague in order to kill me." said Zane.

Lynx nodded as she said,"That does sound like him. I mean I've never met the guy but from what you guys told me, he's a very bad being.". "That he is. I think the aura that he is generating is mimicking what Savadran is known for. Driving beings to madness or despair. I could be very wrong about that but still. It's the best guess I got. Avalon is involved somehow." said Zane. Before Zane could finish, Atem's suit began to beep as Uriel said,"Um big bro. Why is your suit beeping?". 

Zane looked right at her as he said,"Well Cotton Candy, it's quite simple. It beeps whenever there is radioactive material heading close to it meaning....". The Cross Species saw black ink like tendrils grabbing them as the five was dragged back to the depths of the ships. Brimstone dragged the quartet of Atem, Sly, Uriel, and Zoey back right before Lynx hanged onto the nearby seat. "You need to get up and help! Hurry please!" shouted Lynx.

She was dragged off as Zane shouted,"Atem! Lynx! Sly! Uriel! Zoey!". Crisis Judgement went off as Zane was gone. The circular platform in the center of the rocket came down with Hyde and Paradai riding it downwards. Hyde floated around and noticed that Zane wasn't at the console. The former Zero clenched his teeth as he swore that he heard Zane's voice here but he wasn't. Inside of a nearby refrigerator, Zane was hiding there. 

Zane took a breath of relief as he thought,"Thank the gods that fridges can deflect nuclear explosions and vengeful spirits! I can't believe I failed again!". He was starting to feel like he did back then with Sivarth stopping him. "You need to calm down Zane. Remember that Hyde is nearby so you need to breath and relax. They'll be okay I promise." said Sivarth. Zane calmed down with him saying to the Phantom,"Thanks Sivarth. I think it's time to kick some butt since I got a plan to get into space.".

Back in space, Sly held on tightly to Uriel and Zoey with the Akostar using both hands to hold the girls as her tail was gripped tightly onto a metallic pillar. Atem and Lynx were each holding to the same metal pillar as Sly. At the bottom of the ship, Brimstone stood there with his tendrils trying to bring them down. Specter ,whose chest was open and let the Reilurite out to breathe, looked at Brimstone with him saying,"What's taking so long? Bring them down so I can kill them.". 

Brimstone looked at him as he said,"It's kinda hard since that kid is pretty strong.". "Use another one of those tattoo of yours already!" said Specter. "Fine." said Brimstone. Before that, Atem said to Lynx and Sly,"So do you girls got any ideas because I don't think I can keep holding on forever!". "Hold on Atem!" said Lynx. Sly nodded as she let go of Uriel and Zoey with the girls grabbing onto the rail as well. "What are you doing Sly?!" yelled Lynx. "Saving us." said Sly. 

She went flying downwards into Brimstone and kicked him hard in the head. She turned right toward Specter with her releasing a powerful fire breath and sending the two of them flying. Atem and Lynx watched Sly standing in front of the villains with Brimstone saying,"Come to life mammoth!". A giant white energy mammoth appeared. It slammed the quartet into an airlock that had closed on impact so this isn't good. "So my plan failed." said Sly.

Lynx looked around as she said,"Yeah but where are we?". "Is it a broom closet?" said Zoey. "No it isn't! We're in the airlock and need to leave now!" said Atem. After hearing that, Uriel floated over to the airlock seal as she tried to use her full strength to pull the airlock door open with the others helping her out. "Push like your life depends on it!" said Sly. At the dome window, Brimstone and Specter showed up there. 

The Phantom glared at them and at Brimstone. He phased Brimstone into the airlock with Brimstone saying,"Um. What the hell are you doing?". Specter smiled as he pulled the lever to the airlock hatch wide open. "Warning! Airlock hatch is now open!" said an automated voice. A red light bathed over the group as Specter said,"Sorry but Hyde wanted anything that could stop his master plan dead. I need to make sure this comes true and well, I don't like you human.".

Shocked by what was going to happen, Atem turned to his sisters. "No matter what happens next and well, I love you guys." said Atem. Uriel and Zoey floated over and hugged Atem. "Us too!" said Uriel with Zoey nodding. The airlock hatch twisted counter clockwise before it opened up. The room's oxygen blasted out and sending the six tumbling outwards into space with all of them screaming. The Phantom watched all of this with a smile. 

With a job completed, he floated back into the space shuttle and it docked into the transition hatch for the Tiberius Colony. "Exterior airlock is closed. Begin pressurizing." said the automated voice. On the outside of the space station, Atem and Brimstone grabbed onto the outside of the station. Atem was holding his sibling's hands tightly with him preventing them from floating away. Brimstone had his tendrils wrapping around Lynx and Sly. 

Atem gently placed Uriel and Zoey onto the metallic structure with Atem's bandages wrapped around their waist even though their suits would keep them attached to the metal. "Okay. Lets never do that again." said Uriel. "Agree!" said the two older siblings. Brimstone looked at Lynx and Sly with the latter glaring at him. "What?" said Brimstone. "Why did you save us?" said Sly. "Which we're thankful for by the way." said Lynx.

Brimstone sighed as he said,"Because I wanted to. I'm not a fan of dying out in space. So while I may be able to stuck onto the ship thanks to my suit's magnetic grip. I'm pretty sure that it won't last if we stay out here. We need to find a way into the station fast. Oh and do you mind working together to take down the Phantom? I was already going to betray them because Hyde's master plan is fucked up and his last plan wasn't that much better.". "You know about his last plan?" said Zoey.

The villain nodded as he said,"Of course I do. I mean it's Annihilation Day. That day along with the Massacre told every villain not to fuck with Legion Zero's close circle. I mean he could turn into that god form of his and snap you out of existence. I'm not that big of an idiot to mess with Zero like that and losing my free will isn't something I'm too big on either.". "Fine. Lets move." said Atem. The group walked the outside hull of the space station.

As this was going on, the blue glow of the Earth and white glow of the moon glowed beautifully in the empty black void of space. Back on Earth, Zane was in his hiding spot and waited for the right moment for him to strike. "Okay, It's showtime." thought Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as the fridge's door was ripped open by Paradai's strength and the Kruxod glared at him. "I finally found you rat." said Paradai.

Trying Cole's suggestion, Zane said,"Hey there you. How about you join up with me and my family since well, I hate to be that being but Hyde betrays people. I mean he did leave behind Chimera and Rocco to die in Savadran while he came back to the Prime Dimension. I can see the future and you'll be there or the Infinite Void if you keep working for him.". "No." said Paradai with him grabbing Zane by his right wrist and tossed him into the open. 

Zane landed on the ground with him saying,"Next time, we're not trying to appeal to his good side Cole.". "Hey! It was worth a try." said Cole. Zane looked up to see the Brandsa/Phantom Cross Species staring down at him. "You know my master plan now don't you Zane? I'll be the ruler of Earth and have an army of metahumans at my command." said Hyde. "You really want to be a ruler of something? I bet you were mad when I become king of Terrarune." said Zane.

Hyde chuckled as he said,"I was but then I heard about the Massacre. You were so much fun to watch suffer as being the one reasonable for those girls who you love you die because of you treating your opponent lightly is always funny.". "Fine then. You forced my hand. You may have the power of a Qlakrik or Brandsa right now but you still have your Phantom weakness after all! Fierce Sol!" said Zane, clenching his teeth. 

Zane create the sphere within second and threw it fight at Hyde, completely cover him within the explosion. Hyde screamed with him flying away. "It seems that Primordial and you don't go together whatsoever now huh?" said Zane with a smile. "Master now! You'll pay for your disrespect toward the future king of Earth!" shouted Paradai. He slammed both fists into the ground with this sending a huge wave of orange lightning toward him.

The ground around Zane cracked and fell apart. Zane fell to the ground below with him plummeting into the abyss and made Paradai think he killed Zane. However, Zane had floated up to the catwalk and he was behind Paradai. "And here I though he was an idiot. I guess I should reward him for being such a good lackie. Worthy Arrow!" thought Zane. He threw a giant molten gold energy arrow at Paradai and the explosion sent flying into a generator. 

It was trapped and was twitching in pain with orange lightning became coming out of him in several waves. He was out cold with Zane saying,"And that's the end of that awful chapter since someone can't handle a little voltage and energy respectively. I need to get into outer space and fast before I lose them. Time to go Gadget Turbo Form!". He turned into a fusion of Gadget Form and Turbo Form, with it being called Gadget Turbo Form.

He looks like a metallic reptile humanoid with him being 7 feet tall and has a muscular fame. His body is primarily black with a metallic sheen. He has six emerald green circuitry/scale like patterns etched across his arms, chest, and legs. His head is in the shape of a dome and it’s a black color. It looks like a space helmet with his eye shape being two black motorcycle goggle lenses. He has noticeable green eyes which stuck out.

Zane has a longhorn ,with it being like a Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle, sticking out of his head with two gold thin horns which works as eyebrows and are in the shape of thunderbolts. His neck has a set of gills on them. He has two crest-like shapes on his shoulders. Both legs are bent right at the knee and straightened at the thigh. He's missing a finger and toe, making him have four fingers and toes. His feet and hands are webbed.

He has two emerald green wings that are under his arms. The flaps of his wings stretch down to his tail and has large sharp blades attached to the end of them. The front side of his wings have a black zigzag like pattern being that the patagrim of his wings are a burgundy color. He has a lizard like tail sticking out of his body with the tip of his tail He's wearing a black jumpsuit with a single dark red stripe ,in the shape of a thunderbolt, down the center of the jumpsuit.

It has an opening for his tail and wings. He wears a black and white cape that covers the back of his wings along with the top part of his chest. He wears very noticeable black, red, and white fingerless gauntlets and toeless boots on him. The former of which goes from his wrists to halfway up his elbows. Before he could blast off, Crisis Judgement went off. Zane turned to see Paradai pulling himself from the wreckage of the generator and he had a huge piece of wreckage attached to him.

The Kruxod glared at Zane with him saying,"You're not leaving here alive Alvarez!". He began charging at him with Zane saying in a robotic voice,"Can't you just leave me alone man?! Because I want to leave you right now! So respect my wishes! Turbo!". As he talked, his eye glowed. He made a giant rocket engine come out of his back with him shooting off into the air. Dust and smoke generated from the rocket.

It took off blasting right through the metallic structure of the decaying building. Once Zane broke through the last layer of the junkyard, the being quickly entered the cloud level of the sky and Crisis Judgement went off. "Yeah. I don't need you to tell me about him since he's more annoying than a little bug." said Zane. Paradai was danging on the rocket at the bottom before Zane sighed. "So how about you buzz off like your master?! Turbo!" said Zane.  

Zane increased his speed with Paradai roaring. He generated more orange electricity that shocked Zane for a second. Before the attack could do any serious damage, Paradai was blasted with a massive energy beam and it stunned him. This caused him to let go of the rocket and thanks to the machine attached to his back, it turned into a rocket that went after Zane. "Oh come on! Why won't he leave us alone! He really needs to get the hint." said Kane. 

Sivarth said,"You know Zane's enemies Kane. They're easily on a very close level of stubborn to  Zane.". "Zane may be stubborn but so is everyone on Team Legion Zero." said Athena as Zane blasted Paradai once again. Back in space, Atem, Brimstone, Lynx, Sly, Uriel, and Zane were climbing up the ladder across the outside hull of the Tiberius Colony. Atem couldn't help himself looked back down at the Earth also known as the big blue marble.

Atem smiled as he thought,"Huh. You never really noticed it but Earth is really smart and I bet the always expanding Omniverse makes this planet smart.". "Hey Atem. Is there a way inside?" said Lynx as Atem floated past her. "If I remember right, there should be a manual access override panel around here somewhere." said Atem. "Hold on a second. You seem like you know about space kid even though I'm pretty sure that this is your first time up here." said Brimstone.

The mummy nodded as he said,"I always wanted to explore space ever since I was a little kid and well, I want to explore it not just for myself but for others. Humans need to see the amazing interstellar beauty.". He looked up with him noticed a door that led inside the space station alongside with a manual access override. "Here we go. Now lets inside." said Atem with the group behind him nodding. 

Inside of the Tiberius Colony, the base was devoid and empty of life. It only had Specter floating toward the rector door who opened said door. His chest opened up, revealing the six pieces of Reilurite that Hyde needed for their plan. He placed the crystal inside of the reactor for the colony with him hearing the automated voice,"Warning. Unknown element detected in reactor core!". The reactor core glowed orange and Specter watched the crystals in the reactor.

Glance up, Specter watched as the Reilurite powered up the Tiberius Colony with the entire space station having an eerie orange glow. The central satellite array on the outside of the station began moving toward Cross Falls. "Target in range. Beginning transmission in five, four, three, two...." said the automated voice due to the Phantom aiming the satellite array downwards. Specter was blasted away from the control panel by a combination of fire and lightning.

The Phantom was stunned with him getting wrapped in ink tendrils. He turned to see Brimstone and Sly standing there with the Phantom glaring at them. "Transmission aborted." said the automated voice since no one was operating the control panel. "Do you honestly think that your ink can stop me human?" said Specter. He fired out grayish red Nether from his eyes, destroying the tendrils. He was unable to attack anymore due to him getting blasted in the face by green Nether and dark pink Mojo.

Uriel and Zoey stood there with Atem jumping over them and aimed his bandages toward him. The Phantom was wrapped in them and Atem slammed the Phantom into the wall hard with Lynx freezing Specter. The ice prison didn't last for it as it began cracked. At the exact same time, Zane had been trying to get rid of Paradai for a while who didn't leave him alone. "Just leave already! Nobody likes you not even your mom!" said Zane. 

Paradai glared at him as he said,"You will not stop the master plan!". The Kruxod threw a fist at Zane who blocked it. The two began brawling with Zane charging up another energy beam from his eyes and this beam was going to be gigantic. They were reaching the Tiberius Colony with Zane saying with a smile,"Well bye. Turbo!". He flew faster with him landing on the outside of the colony and saw Paradai flying toward him.

Zane smiled with him saying,"I would say that it would be bad to see you go but honestly, I don't like too much.". He fired the massive energy beam with it connected with the Kruxod and sent the alien into the depths of the Solar System. Once Paradai was gone, Zane turned around and noticed his home planet below him. "Even though I go into space just to get be alone, I'll never stop admiring how beautiful Earth is. No wonder why the Omniverse is centered around it." said Zane. 

The Cross Species turned into Mummy Form with him turning into bandages and slip through the very small cracks of the station. Inside of the space station, Zane appeared with him seeing Specter fighting against his friend, kids, and partner plus the ink metahuman. "Zero?!" said Atem and Zoey with Zane smiling. "I'm back!" said Zane with him blasting Specter with his staff and it fired out a steel gray energy beam.

Specter was pushed back with Brimstone saying,"I got it! Lets give the samurai a taste of his own medicine!". Lynx nodded as she dived over to the airlock and activated it. Specter shook his head as he looked up to see Atem and Sly punching the Phantom. This sent him flying into the airlock with him slamming against the wall. Uriel and Zoey fired their energy with the energy turned into chains upon leaving their bodies.

The chains connected to Specter's body with him saying,"Do you think this can stop me?! I won't be stopped so prepare to....". He was stopped from doing anything as a Negation Collar went around his neck. "I always come prepared." said Zane. Everyone regroup together floating in zero-g space with Zane saying,"So I think all of you are okay but why is he not with everyone's least favorite samurai in the airlock?".   

Sly looked at Zane with her saying,"He saved my and Lynx's life after Specter tried to throw us into outer space.". "Okay. That explains why he said that you should give him a taste of his own medicine. Clever. You're good with me." said Zane. "Seriously? You forgive me that easy." said Brimstone. "Of course he did. You haven't tried to kill us for a while not and that makes you our ally for now." said Zoey.

Brimstone shrugged as Zane deactivated Mummy Form. He was floating in the middle of the air with him saying,"You know. I should be use to zero-g since I can manipulate gravity but I'm not. Weird isn't it?". "So are you okay Zero? I mean we were doing pretty well by ourselves." said Uriel. "Of course you guys were. I mean I trust you guys and well, things went to hell whenever I don't treat a serious situation with absolute seriousness." said Zane.

Lynx nodded as she said,"I may not know what happened to you back then but I promise to assist you in your goal from here on since you saved me from being alone.". The station suddenly began shaking with Brimstone saying,"Hold. I thought things were going good.". The central satellite array began glowing orange once again before the automated voice said,"Target re-acquired.". Zane slowly turned around with him seeing the control level moving by itself.

Hyde reappeared from thin air with him smiling. "So did he always look like this?" said Uriel. "No. I think he got even uglier and I can sense the Carnal coming out of him in waves. He's much stronger than Blaze was." said Sly. "I never met the boss before now but after seeing him, I don't regret leaving him." said Brimstone. "How did you get Hyde?! I thought I sent you to the after afterlife since I blasted you with enough Primordial to make a nuke look like a firework!" said Zane. 

The evil Cross Species laughed as he said,"Do you really think I'll let you escape from me my dear Zero? I hitched a ride on my minion's rocket and right now, I can survive a lot of damage. After I kill you my boy, I think I'll kill your children next.". "Children? Huh. I didn't see Zero as a father but he could work as one." thought Brimstone. "You can threaten me all you want but in no way will you harm my children!" said Zane with his eyes glowing red. "Perhaps but you're too late!" said Hyde.

Said orange beam fired from the station's satellite and went toward the Earth. It hit the homemade satellite receiver in Cross Falls where Brimstone was waiting for it. Said being hit a series of buttons on the machine which made the orange beam split in half. The two beams fired back up into space before each beam hit a Satellite and reflected at the Tiberius. The huge beam reflected down to Earth and having a catastrophic effect on the planet.

As the Reilurite spread across the globe, the sunlight was reflected off with the clear blue sky. It was slowly vanishing from sight and getting replaced with a thick orange hazy cloud. As the cloud began to spread, Blackjack smiled at the plan working. The nasty effects of the Reilurite began and no one was spared from the Brandsa/Phantom's master plan. The planet's ecosystem was destroyed since the wildlife populations went insane and dozens of plants struggled to survive.

In various cities and towns across the globe, the Reilurite blast affected the humans as their metagenes activate and they changed into mutants in a similar fashion to Wade's mutation but they had noticeable plant like frills growing out of their back and two bull like horns. As the Reilurite spread across the planet, Earth was obscured and became a dark orange planet that had a sinister glow that projected into space. 

Chuckling loudly, Hyde smiled as he said,"And all hope is gone! All of the terrans are gone and in their place, mutated metahumans are mine to rule!". "Hey Athena. Can you shut down the laser at all or maybe change its effect to have the metas back on Earth fight against the mutants." said Zane. "I can do that. Just keep ugly busy." said Athena. "So why did we let Hyde do that?" said Zoey. "Earth is a Reilurite mutated hell." said Atem.

Uriel looked at her older siblings with her saying,"Don't give up! I bet Zero is planning on a way to turn Earth back to normal!'. As the group gathered around the control panel, Hyde glared at Zane and he knew that taking him out was a priority. Hyde floated over to the airlock, opening it and slicing the collar off Specter who smiled. Crisis Judgement went off as Hyde looked at Specter. "Take care of the others. Zero is mine!" said Hyde.

Specter nodded as he released grayish red Nether tendrils which wrapped around the group except for Zane who dodged it. They struggled to escape with Zane just glaring at Hyde and not saying a word about the situation. "Let me see. What should I do with all of you?" said Hyde. Before Hyde could say anything, Zane looked at him. "Leave them alone Hyde. This is between the two of us and you know it." said Zane as his tone screamed angry.

Hyde floated up to him with him saying,"So you finally get it but I promise the skull I would kill you instead of using your body to make all of your friends suffer if they aren't already. Just imagine it brat. You'll be responsible for their death alongside those girls since you truly refuse to fight that woman seriously.". "Say whatever you want Hyde but I'm not going to let you use my emotions against me." said Zane.     

This statement confused Hyde with him saying,"Impossible. My carnal should be remind you of your failings and increase your anger. You shouldn't be so calm.". "That may be true but right now, I'm focusing my anger on taking you down since I've grown up a lot since then.". "Enough! I will deal with you later." said Hyde. "I hate to be that girl but how about you get rid of your former ally's space suit and sent him into outer space. I mean it's so cold." said Sly.

Brimstone glared right at her as Hyde said,"Good idea! Remove his suit!". Specter did that with Brimstone saying,"Thanks. I know that you hate me for trying to kill me but sending me to my death because of that. Really villainous.". "Oh no. Whatever shall we do? We're at your mercy." said Uriel with Hyde glared at him. "Silence girl! You shall..... What's that energy?!" said Hyde. While Hyde was distracted, Zane began casting a spell in Liasada.

Zane's hands and tattoo glowed as he said,"Release my allies and learn your place.". Specter's tendrils vanished which released the group and the Phantom was slowly unable to move thanks to his body's nervous system shutting down. He couldn't move, hear, or see anything as he floated there. "You used Animus didn't you brat?!" said Hyde. "Nope. It's Liasada. A huge difference." said Zane. "That's impossible. You must be a Impure." said Hyde. 

The superhero smiled as he said,"Nope. I'm a full blow Magnus and since our last fight, I got more than enough tricks to handle you! Lets do this!". He charged toward Hyde with Zane beginning to punch him and Hyde returned the favor. As the two were punching each other in the background, Brimstone looked at Sly with him saying,"So we're going to leave the most ugly ghost to Zero right?". "Yes we are. Me and Lynx will try to reverse the beam if possible." said Sly.

She looked at the computer monitor with her saying,"I think Athena is doing that but we'll keep them from stopping her.". "Okay. What about me and the kids?" said Brimstone. "Fighting the samurai once he starts moving again." said Lynx. "Ah. Good plan since well, I want him to pay for sending me into space." said Brimstone. Zane jumped back with him turning into Cyber Form. He crackled his neck with him saying,"It's showtime baby!". 

He charged toward Hyde with making a bright green energy broadsword and he sliced the distracted Specter with said sword. This attack send the samurai into the wall. Specter glared at him but before he could do anything, a dark pink Mojo construct dog bit down on his neck and the Phantom groaned out in pain. "Your fight is with us not him!" said Uriel with her siblings and the metahuman nodded. "You will regret saying that brat." said Specter. 

While that fight was going on, Hyde tried to slice Zane but he blocked the attack with his sword and cocked back his fist. He tried to punch Hyde in the chest but the former Zero turned intangible. "You really need to come up with a new trick." said Zane, smiling. Zane fired out a massive blast of bright green energy from his eyes, blinding the Phantom and causing him to fly back into a nearby wall next to Specter who got sent there thanks to Brimstone's mammoth. 

Zane crackled his neck as he said,"You may be more powerful but still very predictable.". "You think you're so clever don't you Zero?" said Hyde. "Hey you said it not me." said Zane. "And you made his ego bigger. Thanks." said Atem. "Does he really have that big of an ego compared to Neurozap and some of these villains?" said Zoey. "That's true." said Atem. "Zane! The controls are locked out! I can't turn off the Reilurite beam!" said Athena.

Cole smirked as he said,"But we were able to alter the beam to have any metahuman prior to today not being under Hyde's control. Good with the bad I guess.". Crisis Judgement went off as Hyde smiled and he held out his hands. "Like Primordial, Carnal can create so take this." said Hyde. He made some Reilurite appear and handled it to Specter. "Thanks boss. Time for you to die traitor!" said Specter who flew over to Brimstone and held the metahuman in grayish red Nether.

Brimstone groaned loudly with him saying,"Of course you had a way to get more of that stuff.". "You will be serving me once again in due time but better looking." said Hyde. The metahuman felt the mineral mutating him and his eyes began glowing red. "Get off me!" yelled Brimstone. He covered his entire body in fire with him turning into a tall, flaming skeleton with a devil like appearance. "Time for the flames of hell to rise baby!" said Brimstone. 

The heat that was coming off him caused Specter to let him go and Brimstone grabbed the Reilurite he was holding. "Time to end this mutation nightmare at least up here." said Brimstone, crushing the mutating rock. "What?! How did you?" said Hyde. "Sorry but I'm pretty sure that your master plan has some serious flaws in it." said Brimstone. The two Phantoms then phased out the room with Zoey saying,"Wow. That was so cool. Did you know that would work?". 

Brimstone shrugged as he said,"No idea. I just had to try something and it worked.". "So do you know what's going on Earth?" said Lynx. "Hyde's plan was to mutate all humans and turned them into his metahuman slaves. He would have gained the metahumans as servants as well but the ones prior to the Metahuman Revolution are free to do whatever they want. They'll protect the Earth so lets take down the ugly duo up here." said Zane.

Sly nodded as she said,"Love your little speech but what is the Metahuman Revolution?". "Oh. That was the name of Chimera's plan. Do you got a better name for it?" said Zane. The two talked as Brimstone looked at Lynx. "Don't look at me. I just joined their group. This is normal for these two apparently." said Lynx. "I'll take your word for it." said Brimstone. Back on Earth or to be more specific Chicago Illinois, Jason aka Nitro was fighting for his life.

He had been rapidly blocked the repeated blows of a mutated citizen since the mutant army had surrounded him. The speedster kicked one in the face, sending it back. "So does anyone have any idea on what the hell happened?!" yelled Jason. He turned to his cousin and his uncle who just punched two mutants back in unison. "No idea cuz but I'm going to test a guess and say that it's because of our new orange sky." said Sabrina.

Jason sighed as he said,"That's what I figured but I expected there to be more of a reason since I'm not a big fan of socking innocent people like the guy who makes the best hot dogs here in Chicago!". He cold cocked a mutant into a building with Nina holding several mutants in the air. "So how come we were not affected?" said Nina. She made a giant ice barrier around them as the mutants got closer to them and their numbers didn't seem to shrunk in the slightest. She didn't get an answer.

Back in New Orleans, Chad grunted. "I come down here to see my old friend but no. I get stuck fighting mutants here." said Chad as several mercury spears pierced a group of mutants. The pierced mutants was swept away by Triton who manipulate a fountain's nearby water. "To be fair, this beats fighting nazis." said Triton. "Not really your highness. I don't feel bad at murdering those scumbags since I can smell that they were innocent." said Chad.

The two were about to be attacked by some mutants but those specific mutants were shot in their legs by Alyssa. "Focus you two. We just have to keep them busy until he saves the day." said Alyssa. "I like the guy and all but do you think he can do this on his own?" said Chad. He punched a mutant into ten others, causing a strike. "He is a Magnus and those beings were able to perform miracles plus he's the next Warrior except for the entire Omniverse instead of Earth." said Triton.

Back on the space station, Zane aimed his right hand at the machine and slowly began charging up energy. "Stand back gang. I think if we can't shut it down one way, we should do it a more destructive wave!" said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Hyde appeared behind him and grabbed Zane by his body's tentacles. They become intangible as they began sinking right through the floor and Uriel said,"Dad!".

She was stopped by Zane with him saying,"If Hyde wants a fight, he has one!". The two were gone and emerged on the outside of the Tiberius colony. "Unlike you Zane, I become stronger with a lack of sunlight and you can't defeat me! Think of this as my true self!" said Hyde who flew directly into the air. Zane noticed that Hyde's Carnal like hair, the Carnal at the end of his tentacles, and the Carnal spikes were more prominent.

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane jumped back to avoid a punch from Hyde but was grabbed by his tentacles and threw Zane into a wall. Zane shook his head with him seeing Hyde's single eye glaring at him. "Okay Hyde. You want me to go serious on you. Fine. You got it. I need you to pay for your crimes when you were alive and dead!" said Zane. He turned toward the transmitter and the orange colored Earth.

Hyde noticed this with him saying,"You'll stay away from the transmitter child!". "Sorry but I'm not longer that child. I'm a hero now!" said Zane. He fired a gigantic bright green beam from his hands and Hyde countered said green beam with his red Carnal beam from his chest. The beams clashed as the Zeroes ,past and present, focusing on destroying the other. While those two were distracted, the clamps holding the SS Antioch deactivated before the rocket took off.

Inside of the rocket, Atem piloted the rocketship and went bast the Tiberius Colony on his own. "I got this!" said Atem. He noticed something bleep on the radar with him saying,"Okay. I don't think dad is going to be happy about this.". A ruined and on fire rocket was flying toward him. Glancing at the rocket ship, Atem noticed that Paradai was on fire and had a rocket engine coming out of his back. It looked painful. 

The two rocket ships crashed into each other with Atem struggling to remove Paradai from the SS Antioch. "I'm pretty sure that no other astronaut had to deal with something like this. I'm so lucky not!" said Atem. Both rocks pulled and pushed against each other as Hyde and Zane smashed their fists into the other face. Both of them gritted their teeth as their impact was creating an explosion of black lightning with a crimson red outline.

It was the sign of a Eazairvian and Qlakrik/Brandsa fighting. Inside of the Tiberius Colony, Blackjack smashed Specter's head into the back of Zoey's energy blast that she had fired earlier. Lynx and Sly were trying to deactivate the control panel. "Hey Sly. I have an interesting idea. Want to hear it?" said Lynx. She whispered something into the Akostar's ear and the dragon smiled. "Good idea. Stand back." said Sly as her hands were covered in electricity.

The Akostar karate chopped the panel, causing it to sparkle with electrical energy and was sent flying toward Specter. "Sly! Watch out!" said Zoey. Sly smiled as she turned around and punched the samurai dirctly in the face. Specter groaned as he took the damage like it was nothing. "So do you guys got any ideas?" said Uriel. Lynx noticed a door with her saying,"Maybe I do K-9. Just keep him busy for right now!".

Specter held his sword and charged toward them but was getting grabbed by several flaming ink like tendrils coming from Brimstone. "Like that don't you? Now you three!" said Brimstone. The trio of Sly, Uriel, and Zoey firing electricity, dark pink Mojo, and green Nether at Specter who growled at the three types of Impulse hitting him. Lynx opened up the door with him seeing that it was a toilet and she had an idea. "Sorry. I got to use the little girls room." said Lynx.

The alien floated inside of the door with Specter getting annoyed. He ignored the four others and went to the bathroom. Lynx turned around to see the door having a bunch of dents on it due to Specter's impressive strength. It broke and crumple it. "I know that you're a bad guy but doesn't occupied mean anything to you?!" said Lynx. Specter ignored her and tried to strike her but she slid under him. "As Zero says, it's time for you to learn your place! Sly!" said Lynx.

Lynx and Sly jumped up together and directly kicked the samurai toward the toilet. Part of his body got stick in the toilet and began getting sucked out into outer space. "Damn you all!" roared Specter as Zoey waved him goodbye. "Oh wow. That looked painful but he had it coming." said Brimstone as Uriel and Zoey high-five each other. Lynx and Sly looked at each other with Lynx saying,"Thanks for having my side Sly. You're a great girl.". "Um thanks." said Sly. 

Back outside, Zane flew back and evaded a red energy blast from Hyde with the robot countering with a green energy beam back. They had another energy beam clash. "Every second you waste, I'm sure that your friends will fall to MY meta mutants! It'll be a pleasure to have the beings that you swore to protect to die by your hands again!" cackled Hyde. "He's kinda right Zane. We should end this now!" said Kane.

Zane agreed with the Vulcorian with him glowing bright purple. Zane was now twelve feet tall. He’s a large humanoid robotic superhero like figure with a heroic looking frame. His arms, legs, and shoulders are now a crimson red color while his feet, hands, and torso are still black. His helmet ,still matching his feet, hands, and torso in its color, is highly reflective with his “eyes” is now two bright strips of crimson red lights which goes all around the helmet, making an “X” shape. 

It gives off the impression of eyes being that it blinks. It has been called creepy and in a permanent scowl. He loses the tubes over his chest. His wings are gone. Zane's energy beam grew in size with it sending Hyde back and it burned Hyde. "Lets go Cyber Prime! Even in outer space, I can still smell the burning flesh of my least favorite Phantom." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane flew back to avoid several grayish red Nether tendrils from a dazed Specter.

The Phantom glared at Zane with him wiping out the blood from his mouth. "Those fools inside will pay for them insulting me like this." said Specter. He flew over to Hyde with Hyde saying,"And now our fight is over!". Hyde and Specter each other fired out an energy beam with Zane countering them with his own energy beam. This clash would have made the signature lightning that appeared when a Eazairvian and Qlakrik fight but it wasn't a physical clash.

Back with Atem, the SS Antioch rocket pasted them with Atem more focused on getting rid of Paradai rather than enjoying the energy beam clash that was straight of a cartoon. "I really don't like how annoying you're being!" said Atem. "Now you know how I felt when I fought him on my way here Atem. Totally thought he hit the sun earlier by the way." said Zane's voice coming from the dashboard. 

Atem looked down as he said,"Dad? Do you really have time to focus on me rather than the two you're fighting?". "You're right so I need you to do me a favor. Stop the beam from firing its ray into the Earth. You got this right?" said Zane. "Yep! I won't let you down since you've done so much for me and the others." said Atem, smiling. He twisted the shuttle around to face the satellite transmitter. 

From the cockpit, Atem flicked a level and this deactivated the SS Antioch's rocket thrusters. Once the rocket ship stopped move, Paradai slammed into it and sent both of them into the satellite transmitter. It exploded. The Tiberius Colony began to shake with Hyde turning around to see this and he roared out in anger. "That's my boy for you. I may need into go Astral Form after this but to add some insult to injury, lets bring you some physical pain." said Zane.

Zane covered his left arm within his signature flames and inside of those flames, there is something hidden. Inside of the flames, Zane's fist is covered in a sphere of lightning. "Thunder Hellfire Emperor Vivid Discharge!" said Zane. He tossed a giant sphere of fire and lightning toward Hyde and Specter, causing a explosion of fire and thunder upon contact. The two Phantom loudly screamed in pain as rubble and debris floated off the Tiberius Colony.

The transmitter deactivated and the Reilurite beam shut down. With the beam now gone, the cloud of the mineral vanished across the planet and the rays for the sun returned back to Earth after vanishing for a few moments. Earth's ecosystem returned back to normal with plants returned back to life and the animals went back to normal. All of the mutated humans went back to normal with no idea what just happened but their metagenes were still activate. This means that there will be more metahumans.

As the orange beam flew back toward Earth, it hit the satellite receiver in Cross Falls where Blackjack was. The transceiver stopped working and sparking. "Oh hell no. I'm not staying around for this shit!" said Blackjack. He was going to jump away from the transceiver exploding but he couldn't move whatsoever. "Sorry furball but you're dying here today." said a voice. Brood appeared with the werewolf's eyes widening. 

Blackjack growled with him saying,"What are you doing?! Don't you understand what's going to happen to us if we stay here?!". He tried to move but couldn't. "Yeah but honestly, I need him to get stronger allies and your death will be how he gets them." said Brood. Blackjack was thrown into the side of the transceiver with the werewolf being strapped to it by blue fire chains. Despite being able to control fire himself, these chains were burning him. "Bye bye furball." said Brood.

He disappeared in blue fire. The transceiver exploded, taking the canyon with it and the werewolf with it. As the explosion cleared, Brood stood there on the remaining part of the canyon and watched the Amulet of Amarok fly into the distance. "So what makes you so sure that this was the right choice to make Master?" said Brood to himself. He was quiet as Brood said,"Understood. I'll keep going on our mission.". The metahuman was gone. 

Back in space. "So how does it feel to lose again?" said Zane, smirking. "You'll pay for doing this Alvarez!" said Hyde, firing a energy beam at Zane. "To be fair, you should be blaming Pierre not me for that. You could blame my kid but who crashed into the transmitter? That's right. The bad doctor did." said Zane, flying back and making it hit Specter. Zane flew toward Hyde with him cocking his fist back. "Zenith Punch!" said Zane, covering his fist in green energy.

This punch hit Hyde in the face so hard that some of his teeth went flying out of his mouth. "So are you ready to give up? Your plan is finished!" said Zane. "I won't lose to you ever again!" said Hyde as he flew away and formed next to Specter. Paradai appeared with Zane saying,"So how does it feel to be the guy who messed his master's plan? I would feel pretty bad if I was in your really clunky shoes.". 

Paradai glared at him with him saying,"We will never stop until you and your allies are dead!". He kneeled down and activated the portal generator. "Oh right. You still have that. I really forgot about that." said Zane. He ducked as an energy blast went above him and it formed a portal to a familiar looking void. "The Infinite Void?! What are you doing you fool?!" said Hyde. He and his allies were being dragged into the portal.

Zane smiled as he said,"Bye bye samurai.". He aimed his hand and formed a gun. He fired out a bright green energy beam and this sent the samurai flying toward the portal. "Damn you Alvarez and Paradai!" said Specter as he was gone. "Oh well. I guess I should go after minion number 2 before I go after the big boss." said Zane. He turned toward Paradai who was hanging onto a piece of debris and the Kruxod groaned.

Paradai looked at Zane with him saying,"Impossible. The plan was supposed to succeed! It was three plus years in the making!". "Sorry but news flash. Even the best made plan will fail especially if that plan involves hurting innocent beings. Have fun living in the Infinite Void!" said Zane, blasting away  Paradai's piece of rubble. This sent him flying into the portal and the Kruxod cursed Zane out before vanished. 

Once the portal was gone, Zane landed on the space station and took a breath of relief. "And with that pest, you're going down Hyde." said Zane. The robot looked around to see that Hyde was gone with him sighing. "Just my luck. He ran again. I should be able to track him by his Impulse." said Zane as Crisis Judgement went off. A massive explosion went off with it shaking the Tiberius Colony and after that, several explosions followed suit.

The automated voice said,"Warning! Hull interior comprised! This facility will explode in t-minus sixty seconds.". "Oh shit. Lynx! Sly! Uriel! Zoey! The guy with the super powered tattoos!" said Zane as he flew into the space station and entered the airlock. Once inside, Zane saw the interior was bright red with the five floating in the middle of the air among rubble and debris. "We need to get out of here right now!" said Brimstone. "We could if we could contact Osiris." said Uriel.

Lynx nodded as she said,"Yeah and you may need to go back to normal. I mean I doubt the space ship can handle someone of your size.". "I will once I get a space suit since unlike the rest of you, I can't breath in outer space! We're going to die in this inferno!" said Blackjack. The giant skeleton was freaking out with Zoey saying,"You really need to calm down. I mean you're supposed to be an adult right?".

Brimstone glared at her with him saying,"I would if I have a way to escape but I don't!". "The module is able to depressurize! So quit your complaining!" said Zane. He tossed Brimstone a space suit as Brimstone went back to normal. Zane covered them in a massive energy bubble just as the Tiberius Colony's wall cracked. The five ended up out in space with the space station blew up in a giant explosion which was visible from explosion.  

In the aftermath of the Tiberius Colony exploding, huge chunks of rubble and debris began floating out into space and in Earth's orbit. Some of the rubble and debris plunged down toward Earth with it crashing down toward Florida and the Atlantic Ocean. Following the explosion, Brimstone looked down. "So are we going to be floating space forever? I mean I like you guys but I prefer solid ground and air more." said Brimstone. 

Before someone could answer him, the SS Antioch appeared with Atem saying,"So do you guys need a lift?". "Yes please!" said Brimstone. Ten minutes later, the rocket ship flew back to Earth. Atem and Sly sat in the front from Brimstone, Lynx, Uriel, Zane, and Zoey in the back with Zane standing due to there being only six seats. "Mission accomplished. I guess saving the Earth totally beats ruling it right?" said Brimstone.

Zoey nodded as she said,"Yep! We become astronauts and saved the planet from Hyde.". "But we owe this success to our future mummy astronaut. Way to go Atem." said Sly. "Thank you. I was just doing my job as a hero." said Atem, blushing. "Sly. You're wrong. Big bro would be an astromummy right?" said Uriel. Lynx turned back to Zane ,who had deactivated Cyber Prime, and he had been quiet for a while. "Is something wrong?" said Lynx.

The Cross Species looked at her as he said,"Yeah. Things have changed on Earth since humanity is gone with metahumans replacing them.". "Meaning what exactly?" said Atem. Before Zane could answer him, Zane was grabbed by black tentacles and they heard,"I can still rule this world so you haven't succeeded yet! You bastard!". Hyde appeared with him taking himself and Zane toward the back of the ship. "Zero! Dad! Daddy!" shouted Atem, Brimstone, Lynx, Uriel, Sly, and Zoey. 

Zane didn't try to escape Hyde's grip and he glared at Hyde. "You've only delayed my plan instead of ending it like you thought Zane! I have full control over the power I was granted by Skull Plague and nothing you or the Alliance can do to stop me!" said Hyde. Zane headbutted Hyde directly in the face which sent the Phantom back. Zane cracked his neck as he glared at Hyde. "Sorry but you need a serious tan Hyde. Activate Code 07-130-P. Password: Slayer Netstorm Experion." said Zane. 

The Cross Species turned into Astral Form with him making a mini sun appear and Hyde screamed in pain. "Make it stop!" said Hyde as it began melting his skin and cellular structure. Zane was quiet with him thinking,"No. I can do this without resorting to that emotional state.". Despite his power, he still had a weakness toward light with Hyde saying,"I will return Zane! And you'll die!". He turned into ash and Zane sighed.

He aimed his hand at the sun with Zane turning the sun into an vacuum cleaner, sucking up only the ash of the Phantom. "Sorry not sorry. I won't send you there again but into a place with some more company. If you try and escape, I'll stop you." said Zane with him making the vacuum cleaner aim its content into the Infinite Void. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane heard a automated voice,"System error! All systems failing! Prepare for emergency landing!".

Zane floated back into the cockpit with Brimstone's eyes widened upon seeing Zane. He didn't noticed that the metal around the front of SS Antioch peeling away. "We took too much damage when I rammed the Transmitter! This ship is breaking up!" said Atem. "So can't you do something big bro?!" said Uriel. "Nope!" said Atem. "Um. You guys." said Sly. "What are we going to do?! I don't want to die!" said Brimstone as he began to panic loudly.

The glass window began cracking and failing. "Hang on. I'll get you guys to safety." said Zane as the SS Antioch fell apart. As the SS Antioch disintegrated into huge rubble and chunks of debris that went toward the Earth, Zane and the others appeared inside of a huge circular crater. "Okay. That was amazing. The Eazairvians are really impressive.". "So I think someone is happy about being on Earth again." said Sly.

Brimstone was kissing the Earth with Zoey saying,"And here I thought your geeking out was the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen.". "Didn't my geeking out save our lives how many times sister?" said Atem. The two glared at each other with Uriel sighing. "You two. Please stop fighting. I think this is just the start for Earth's first mummy astronaut right?" said Uriel. "Yep." said Atem with a big smile on his face. "So did we win? I mean you ending Hyde right Zero?" said Zoey.

Zane looked at her as he said,"I did but well, I don't think this is the last I'll be seeing him. He died once before but he came back with a vengeance. I'm sure we'll be ready for him and Skull Plague won't be happy about his latest deal failing.". "So where are we exactly?" said Brimstone. His eyes slowly widened as he saw the Eiffel Tower in the distance of them. "You warped us to France?!" said Brimstone.

The Cross Species shrugged as he said,"Well, I'm sorry but I was busy at the time. I had to change back all of the changed metahuman to humans since they became metahumans by choices not by an ugly son of bitch. I had to rebuilt both the rocket ship and space station.". "So do you mind taking us back home? I think we can explore France another day." said Lynx. "You got it." said Zane as the the group warped back to Cypress Park. 

Later, Zane ,out of Astral Form, looked over Cypress Park and looked at his hands. "I may have killed those three but I don't regret it. They would have killed the people of Earth so I shouldn't feel bad about it. The PTSD may never leave me after Annihilation Day and the Massacre almost back to back. I got a bad case of survivor's guilt but I won't give up." said Zane. He heard a siren go off as he said,"I guess it's showtime.". He flew off being that the legacy of Legion Zero is just getting started.

Next time,
With Zane's roadtrip finally over, will things get easier or harder for him? If you know how life goes, the answer would be obvious. This and more next time on Zero!

What Zane is saying with his spells: Liasada is spoken but when cast, it's written in runes. I have a rune translation website. To see what it’s written in runes, type the spell in English into this generator that’s lined here
1. English: Release my allies and learn your place. Liasada: Afíste tous symmáchous mou kai máthete ti thési sas.

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