Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Zero Episode 122 Answers

A/N: Yeah. Last episode was a long one and fun fact. It was initially posted on June 30 being that it was the last day of the month but I decided to edit a bit before posting it on the first day of the month instead. Like the title says, we're going to get a lot of answers. These answers are for how Isabel and Nate go onto the Indefatigable. If you recall, Zane was going to try and free Nate from Skull Plague but somehow, he broke out on his own. That may be a cop out but here's the thing.

You may think that I'm going down one path but I'm actually taking a left turn to a different path for the story. Lets just go with that. We're also going to see how the Odium Society's side to Basalt being the closet to defeat Zane. The Odium Society is secretly ran by Skull Plague who was using Fallout's body to work outside of the Omniverse. He did this for several years being that Fallout was blamed instead of Skull Plague.

I mean the Alliance knows the truth along with others but most people don't. I should have more to say on that but it's like how a celebrity is known one major thing but has done other things. That is what I've seen with any actors from the MCU. I mean Chris Evans was in Scott Pilgrim but people know him as Cap or Hawkeye in one movie that was a game of tag I think. I didn't too much research on it but hopefully, you get my point.

Lets begin with Zane being that this episode takes place at the start of Feburary and there is a certain holiday is within this month. That's right. It has National Wear Red Day and Ice Cream for Breakfast Day but I really mean Valentine's Day/Single Awareness Day or do I mean Susan B. Anthony Day. Two of these five holidays will happen so take your guess on which ones it may be. The answers just may shock you.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane was currently sitting in a while voice with him saying,"Yep. I'm definitely in my mindscape. I do wonder if my mindscape is the only one without darkness seeping from all angles. I'll find that out in the near future hopefully.". "So since I know where I am, why am I here?" said Zane. He soon began recalling the last couple of events he remember. His head may be beating like a drum but he could easily remember a couple of things.

Basalt kidnapping his family and friends, meeting Efren, reuniting with Isabel and Nate who some how broke out of Skull Plague's control, him fighting against Basalt, and his kids getting hurt being that Atem had a scar over his face and Uriel broke her leg. "Atem! Uriel! I'm sure they'll both okay but oh god, my body feels like I just fought against Marco, Rico, and Theron back to back." said Zane as his entire body ached in injury.

He looked down being that despite it not being on him, he could tell that his body was covered in some kind of fabric mostly like bandages. "Okay. I'm probably bandaged up and maybe in one of my healing forms. Parker did make that feature just in cause my healing factor isn't working." said Zane with him nodding his head. "Dad/daddy!" shouted three voices. "Okay. I'm not hearing not one but three voices. I should figure it okay but wow, it's really hazy." said Zane.

He soon began focusing on it with him hearing,"Please dad/daddy. Wake up!". "Okay. That's my three kids. I must be asleep right now after what happened." said Zane. The mindscape soon faded around him as Zane stood up. "Well, it was nice seeing you mindscape. Really hope that I don't see again in the nearby future but who knows?" said Zane. Back in the Prime Dimension/Earth after what seems like forever, the young Cross-Species finally woke up.

Due to him being able to create flashbangs and other blinding lights, the bright light that initially meet his eyes didn't make him wince. He soon got a good luck at his surroundings being that he was in his room. He instantly recognized his room which according to Kevin, it was more like a suite or apartment than a bedroom. He was currently on his larger than normal bed being that he soon looked down to see that his body was wrapped in bandages like a mummy.

Zane blinked with him saying,"Pretty sure they went overboard but hey, I tend to do the same. I'm sure that this was totally justified.". He was soon caught in a near bone crushing hug being that Zane winced at the action. He soon looked down to see Atem, Uriel, and Zoey squeezing the young man against their chest with tears of relief coming from their eyes. Zane noticed that Atem's face was back to normal with no scar whatsoever. "You're okay. I'm so happy." said Zoey.   

Zane gave a smile to his affectionate kids and returned the hugs. "Yeah. I'm really happy you guys are okay too." said Zane. After a good minute, the family pulled away from the hug. Zane sat up on his bed with some struggle due to the immense amount of bandages and how sore his body was. "Okay. This hurts a lot and I totally went overboard." said Zane, chuckling a bit. The trio of kids looked at their father with tears in their eyes, sniffling a bit, and smiling at seeing him back to normal.

The kids soon regained their composure as they sat on Zane's bed with them looking their father right in the eye. "So how are you doing dad?" said Atem. "Well son. Ignoring my body feeling like I just fought against several powerful beings in a row, I feel real good." said Zane. "Thank the gods. You were out for five days. We were starting to get....." said Atem. "Wait a second! I've been out for...!" said Zane with him groaning in pain and coughing a little bit of candy syrup blood.   

The three kids go up and sat Zane back down. Due to him being weakening, three kids could push down the older human. "Take it easy daddy. You're in terrible shape." said Uriel. "Yeah. So what went on the past couple of days?" said Zane, trying to relax. Uriel and Zoey looked at their older brother as the young mummy took a deep breath and said,"Well after Basalt's ship exploded, you came crashing down to Earth in Orb Prime and then you were unconscious.".

Zoey nodded as she said,"After that, we rushed you here and got everyone patched up.". "So how are you kids doing?" said Zane. "I'm fine daddy. I was more worried about you being that I refused to stay in bed because you fought hard for me." said Uriel, hugging him. "Thanks cotton candy. So how is Aunt Isabel and Uncle Nate doing?" said Zane. "Um. They're doing fine. Why did you ask?" said Atem. Zane sighed as he said,"I think this is going to get really complicated.". 

The kids soon raised a brow at first before shaking it off and decided to ask Zane about it later. Zane noticed this from his kids with him saying,"Okay. You three know why grandpa coming back was such a big deal right?". "Yeah. He was lost in the Infinite Void for twelve years right?" said Zoey as Zane nodded. "So how did he come back? Was it that demon?" said Uriel. She shivered with Zane knowing that his youngest daughter was scared of the demon like super villain aka Hellion Baron.

Zane placed a comforting hand on her head as he said,"No. He didn't. Shawn told me that he had been traveling through the Infinite Void, seeing the good and bad of the Omniverse until he found himself entering a portal. He was then captured by the Odium Society and then we brought him back to our home. So to change subjects, where is everyone?". "Downstairs. Grandpa and great uncle Nate were drinking and crying." said Zoey.

Atem soon sighed as he said,"Yeah. Grandma told us that those two haven't seen each other for a long time so they've been bonding through alcohol.". "Ah. So how is she?" said Zane, remembering how Basalt backhandle her. "Fine but she was worried about you daddy. You almost died." said Zoey with her looking down. Zane placed his hand on her head with him hugging the the three kids. "Don't worry you three. I'll be living for a long time." said Zane.

The three kids nodded as Zane slowly went to the edge of his bed. "So mind helping me downstairs kids?" said Zane. "Um. We may have some trouble but...." said Atem. "Will do daddy!" said Uriel and Zoey with Atem sighing. "Okay." said Atem. The three kids soon helped their father out of the room with them thankful that their daddy didn't hit the floor. As they left the room, Zane soon gained balance and was able to walk downstairs.

He soon peek down the stairs to check the situation. It wasn't what he expected at first but somehow what he expected. His mother sat there with her sipping on her drink. Zane didn't need his emotion reading powers to tell that she wasn't in the best of mood right now. In the living room, Zane also saw his father, Isabel, and Nate sitting there. Isabel wasn't wearing her armor like she was the last time that she was but something more casual.

She's wearing a red button-up collared shirt with a slight v-neck and shows a bit of midriff. She wears black jeans with a dark brown belt. She wears gold hourglass-shaped pendant with a silver necklace and brown open-toed sandals. The house and living room looked like it did before it was destroyed by Basalt's robot army. It was overall an awkward scene. Zane turned to his kids with him putting his finger on his lips, signaling them to be quiet.

The three soon nodded with the four all slowly tip toeing down the stars. As Zane was going down the stairs, he was instantly spotted by Nate and Shawn whose eyes widened. Zane knew that they noticed the group and told them to be quiet or else with Shawn knowing that Zane meant what he said. The trio of adults understood what Zane was trying to do and they stayed quiet. Just as Zane reached the bottom of the stairs, Shawn scratched the back of his head.

Shawn said,"So it's been a while since the grandkids went upstairs, we should probably go check on them sweetie.". "That sounds a great idea dad." said Zane. Isabel and Natasha looked back and saw Zane with the grandkids smiling. Isabel quickly stormed Zane into a hug which was slowly starting to choke him. "Zane! You're okay and did you know how worried we about you?! You're just like your father in so many ways which is so annoying!." said Isabel.

Nate coughed as he said,"Yeah he is Isabel. So I know that you're happy to see him again and all grown up but your hug is killing him.". Isabel turned to Zane whose face was currently a blue color. "Don't worry Great Aunt Isabel. Daddy has a big set of lungs! He could easily blow out over hundred billion candles at once!" said Uriel. Nate looked confused as Shawn said,"Those kids go on adventures with their dads that's rather strange yet interesting. Just like ours back in the day.".

Isabel soon let Zane go with the teen's face turning back to its normal color. Natasha soon pulled her son into a motherly hug being that Zane returned the hug. "I'm just happy that you're okay and don't worry. I'm fine." said Natasha. "Yeah but you're mad at me aren't you?" said Zane. Natasha nodded as she said,"Yes but I'm used to  being around reckless idiots.". Shawn looked away as Nate chuckled. "Don't think I'm not mad at you two for leaving me and then suddenly coming back!" yelled Natasha.

Both Isabel and Nate gulped with Shawn saying,"Yep. You're mad. I'm sure that Isabel and Nate have a lot of explaining to do but Zane needs to go check in with his ladies.". "Yeah. I always knew that Shawn was a ladies man but man, you're really popular with the ladies. So proud." said Nate. "I was going to go talk with them. They're an important life after I need to ask two important questions." said Zane. He soon took a deep breath as he said,"How did you two get onto that ship?".   

Zane looked at the two of them with him saying,"I mean you were under the control of that Qlakrik for years Uncle Nate. You commit so many crimes and then somehow, you were on Basalt's ship. Aunt Isabel. You were gone too but then, you appeared back on your life.". "Well, I think I should go first Zane. You need to sit down because it's a long story." said Nate. Everyone was soon in the living room with Nate saying,"Lets go back to a mission when Zane was only 5.".

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
It was late at night at a nuclear missile testing site. The site's location was unknown but that doesn't matter too much due to this testing site not being on Earth. A blue light suddenly shined down on three of the five missile pods with the missiles raising up from their silos. The guards on the inside noticed and panicked. A red light shined throughout the area as an loud and very noticeable alarm began sounding off. "Security breath! Red alert!" said the voice.

Two officers were in the control room being that they were both members of the alien species known as the Inzah. For information about them, check out the end of the Episode just past the next time slot. Yes. This is lazy. "I didn't authorize the launch. Abort it now!" said the lead officer. "Do you seriously think that we would launch them madam! Something or someone is pulling them out of their silos!" said the operator.

The missiles rose up to the Indefatigable as the soldiers looked on in a state of shock. This ship was well known for belonging to Basalt. An explosion occurred near them as two of Basalt's Betas came out of the smoke. They fired their energy beams at the soldiers, knocking them out cold. Instead of our not so friendly Mafeno, a different person stood there. It was the villain known as Optic Cutter who's a rather interesting character who may appear but who knows?

He's a rather large man being both muscular and heavy set. He's ten feet tall. He has black-hair that resembles a lion-mane and three sapphire blue eyes in a triangle pattern. His skin is a dark gold color. He has two large horns coming out of his forehead. They are made out of metal being primarily a silver color with two black stripes. He's wearing a brown furred pirate captain's jacket with the collar is a very noticeable gold color.

He wears shoulder pad armor over his jacket. Under his jacket, he wears a dark blue shirt with the top two buttons undone, revealing his rather hairy and muscular chest. He wears black pants and brown furred boots. His hands are exposed with him having five long, hard, and sharp metallic nails being a orange color. Time to describe his powers. He's rather durable being able to take several strikes in a row but does have his limits.

He's rather strong being that he's easily able to break through most object with a single punch and if he gather enough kinetic energy, he can ignite his body and burn things. His five nails are able to stab their way through most objects which includes most metal and stones. His main ability is that he can fire powerful sonic waves either in the form of a powerful beam that can easily create a sonic boom and devastating drilling sound attacks in the shape of bullets.

Anyway, Optic soon emerged from the smoke. He smiled as he observed his handiwork thanks to the assistance of Basalt who was currently busy on the other side of the Omniverse. Two fireballs came out of nowhere with them each destroyed one of the Betas being that the man turned around only to get blasted in the chest and face by a giant beam of nuclear fire. He glared at the owner of said flames and he said,"Of all of the people in the Alliance to send, they picked you.".

A man stood there with him wearing a black and white jumpsuit, revealing his rather body. The area around his feet, shoulder, and chest are black with his arm area, arm pits, and legs are black with dark red knee-high combat boots. His head was covered in a matching colored ,black and white, helmet with a gray visor. Both of the man's hands were glowing gold with traces of black, indicating his nuclear flames.

The man chuckled as he said,"Sorry but you really did draw the short straw tonight Optic. So why are you working with Basalt? Didn't think he was a team player.". "His reason for asking me to help are unknown but I don't decline a job where I have a chance to cause destruction and make the Alliance look like the joke it really is!" said Optic. "Are you still mad about failing the entrance exam? You only missed by one point and you'll....." said the man.

Optic jumped into the air with him firing several sonic shaped bullets at the masked man being that the masked man dodged the attacks. Optic was soon kicked in the back of the head by the man whose helmet was knocked off due to him dodging. It's Nate but with him still having his blond hair, hazel eyes, pointed chin and nose, but also had a chiseled, handsome face. Nearby them, one of the Betas was at the computer on one of the missiles and hacked into it, initiating the missile launch.

Optic said,"Stay away and watch one of this planet's cities be destroyed!". The ceiling to the facility just opened with the building preparing for the launch. Nate looked at Optic in anger with him soon chuckling. "What's so funny?!" said Optic. "Do you honestly think I'm just a one trick pony? That was so me years ago." said Nate. Optic was confused before he was elbowed in the face by Nate with him saying,"A copy?! You're a sorcerer aren't you?".

Nate smiled as he said,"See. You're smarter than you look.". Both Nate and his clone punched the large man into the nearby Beta just as it finished the launch. The coding turned red to green with Optic laughing. "You're too late! I've succeeded!" said Optic. "Didn't your mom teach you to never count your chickens before they hatch?" said Nate. He soon fired his nuclear flames toward Optic with the man and the Beta getting attached to the missile just as it was launching.

Optic was struggling to get free with him saying,"Why can't I break out of this fire?!". "Yeah. Fire can do more than just burn things. It can also trap idiots like you and I think the ladies here had a precaution in place just in case of idiots trying to steal their nuclear weapons. I really hope Basalt goes easy on you since his ship is going to go bye bye." said Nate as the missile left the facility and hit the ship, causing a massive explosion and destroying everything it came into contact with.

Narrator P.O.V.
Nate smiled as he said,"And that's a wrap. I honestly thought that with the ship being destroyed, the magma dome would be mad at Optic not me. It's how I got sold to him by a slave trader. That mission was just the start of my journey.". "That's so cool Great Uncle Nate!" said the trio of kids with stars in their eyes. "Yeah. It's nice to hear something good about you instead of the mountains of paperwork which was a result of all of the very bad stuff you did under Skull Plague's control." said Shawn..

Nate sulked as he said,"Please don't remind me Shawn. I hope I'll be able to fix all of my sins but you know the old Omniverse saying old friend. All things happen for a reason and you shouldn't chance them unless you want to piss out Mother Time.". "So how did you get capture by Skull Plague to begin with Nate?" said Natasha. "Yeah. I mean she has a point. Most people in the Alliance knew that you were under his control for ten plus years but not how you got under his control." said Zane.

Nate sighed as he said,"Yeah. You see after that, I was ambushed by a Qlakrik who goes by the name of Surgrag just outside of the nuclear testing site. I fought off a bunch of his army which he created by the way. I eventually ran out of steam and was captured. When I woke up, I saw that I was in Skull Plague's main HQ aka a giant skull shaped pyramid floating over a ruined city. Skull Plague told me that I was going to be used as an advantage for his dream but I refused.".

Isabel said,"So why didn't you escape?". "I did honey. Several times in fact but Skull Plague stopped me every time. I then heard a rumor about you being in trouble. It was around six months after that mission. It was in the forest dimension nearby the honey river dimension." said Nate. The trio of kids looked at their father with Zane saying,"Yeah. That's oddly normal when it comes to the Omniverse kids. It's extraterrestrial, extrasensory, and extraordinary.". 

Nate nodded as he said,"Yep. After pushing my way through Surgrag's army once again, I then saw Isabel die by Xiadur. I think both you and I remember that Qlakrik Zane.". "Yeah. I can't really forget the bastard who arrested my brother and countless others under false charges just to find soldiers for Skull Plague." said Zane, crossing his arms. "Yes. I was so shocked that my signature Nuclear Flames had fused to my body and the entire army of Qlakriks that had been chasing me found me." said Nate.

Isabel said,"Wait a minute. When were you being chased?". "Do you honestly think Skull Plague would just let me leave the Dread Dimension?" said Nate. Isabel looked away with her saying in an embarrassing tone,"Sorry. Didn't think about it. So what happened next?". "Well, I wrecked that entire army of Qlakrik before getting defeated by Xiadur. He then dragged my unconscious body and Skull Plague took it over." said Nate.

Shawn said,"So Nate. Mind explaining to me what happened back then?". Natasha blinked as she said,"You don't mean the day you went into the Infinite Void right?". "Yeah. It was because I went to Nate's "grave". I told him that Zane was going to become a powerful being and then I saw you there but that wasn't really her was it?" said Shawn. "No. It was Form Morpher who was defeated by my nephew Zane. Nice job with that by the way. Skull Plague was pissed for a good period." said Nate.

Zane smirked as he said,"Well, he was hurting Courtney, Ray, and Tara plus almost killed Kristen and Rain so I was a little peeved at the guy.". "So how did you break free Great Uncle Nate?" said Zoey with Uriel rapidly nodding her head. "Well, it's thanks to your dad that my shackles were breaking. I think you remember that day Zane." said Nate. "Was it when I blasted you with Tyrannus Nether that was charged up with Archon Zero?" said Zane.

Nate nodded as he said,"Yep. As time went on, I slowly regain control and then found myself running from the Qlakriks again but this time was very different. You see. Most Qlakriks who joined after my possession fought with me since they knew about me being the meat puppet that their leader uses to explore the Omniverse. I was going to meet up with you guys but I got captured by Basalt.". "That sure does happen a lot to you Great Uncle Nate." said Atem.

Nate sulked as Shawn said,"Yeah Uriel! Especially when we were kids! Hey. Remember the time that we were....". He soon got a hard glare from Isabel, Natasha, and Zane with the grown man shutting up before he said something stupid. "So that's your story. What about you Great Aunt Isabel?" said Uriel with her looking at the woman. "Well, I heard about Nate's demise on a mission being that you were supposedly killed by an avalanche which made no sense to me." said Isabel.

Zoey looked confused as Zane said,"Your great uncle has a interesting history with avalanches being that whenever one happened around him, he always survived.". "Even when we were kids. It was just another weird phenomenon of the Omniverse." said Nate. "Anyway, I then heard a rumor about him being taken over Skull Plague which turned out to be true so I swore revenge on Skull Plague and my good friend Shawn tried to stop me." said Isabel.

Shawn nodded as he said,"Yeah. I did try but I ended going with her just to make sure that you got your ass kicked for making Isabel cry which happened only several years later.". "Yep. We were then cornered by Surgrag's army with the two of escaping but I feel into a random portal that took me to a different part of the Omniverse. I then wandered around for several years before I found you guys and now we're here." said Isabel.

Zoey raised her hand as she said,"Hold on. You weren't trapped in the Infinite Void like Grandpa was or under the control of a monster like Great Uncle Nate. So why didn't you return back sooner then is my question?". Nate and Shawn looked at the third member of their team with the woman saying,"I think it's due to my hatred of maps.". "You hate maps? But why? They're a very great source of information." said Atem.

Shawn sighed as he said,"Honestly Atem, we don't know why she hates them but she does. So that's all of the answer answered.". "Well despite Auntie's reason being rather stupid, I'm just happy to have you two back in my life. I missed my really good aunt and my kinda cool uncle." said Zane, hugging the two. "Thanks. We missed you too squirt being that the memories I have you guys are what kept me going. I mean you've really grown from that crybaby." said Nate.

Uriel said,"Wait. Daddy was a crybaby when he was a kid? But he's so cool!". "Yeah. People change due to very unfortunate circumstances. Just look at most superheroes Uriel." said Zane. "And since we're speaking about heroes, I'm so proud of you Zane. You've done a great job as Legion Zero." said Isabel, ruffling her nephew's hair. "We all are despite him being rather reckless but I blame the two males in his life." said Natasha. "Yeah. Hey!" said Nate and Shawn.

Isabel giggled as she said,"Ah. I missed this. So how many more kids do you think you and your girlfriends are going to have Zane?". "Um. We're not sure yet Auntie since kids are not even on the table yet. I think we'll wait until after college and their futures are set in stone." said Zane. "Smart. I raised you well." said Natasha. "Yeah. You did. I mean dad helped but you did most of the work while he piggybacked." said Zane.

Shawn was on the floor depressed with Uriel comforting him. "At least, he's doing better with the grand kids. So how are your injuries kid?" said Shawn. "Pretty good except for the occasion wince of pain. I should be fine in a second." said Zane, raising up his left wrist. He soon turned into Phoenix Form ,whose body was injured from his fight with Basalt and also the bone crushing hugs earlier, with the family soon watched all of his injuries soon burn away.

In seconds, Zane's body was completely injury free. "Yep. Good as new. It's like the whole thing didn't even happen." said Zane. "So does Kurt get jealous of this one? I mean you're a literally Phoenix except not a total jerk." said Nate. "So did he?" whispered Shawn. "Yeah. While you were sleeping, Nate accidentally swore in front of the kids once and Natasha wasn't too happy about that despite her son learning how to curse when he was three." whispered Isabel.

Natasha rolled her eyes as she said,"If I didn't know about your father having a sailor mouth, I would not have allowed him near Zane.". "Yeah but he really wanted to meet him. I think if we didn't let him see Zane, I think Lucius would have died by how much extra destruction he would have done on his missions." said Shawn, with both Isabel and Nate remembering how much destruction Darin caused when he was sad. I think he's banned from all glass shops in the Omniverse.   

Zane ,who deactivated Phoenix Form, was about to take off his bandages with Athena's voice echoing from the watch,"Sorry to interrupt this tender moment Zane but we got a big problem. It's your old pals aka the Tremendous.". "Yeah. I mean they were big shots until you made them into a joke except for their boss. I'm still mad at you for ignoring me by the way Zane. I mean I'm like your favorite and you just....." said Cole.

He was then slapped by Athena who said,"Anyway, they've taken a large group of people hostage at the old video game factory. Do note that Rachel and the other girls will be having something to say to you once you're done so trying not dying again. I don't want to lose you Zane. We'll also be having a talk after all of this plus once when the girls are done with you.". "Gotcha. Will be there real soon." said Zane.

He soon phased off his bandages with him going into costume. His face looked determined with him saying,"Well, I'm off. Wish me luck.". He placed his hand on the door knob with Natasha saying with a loud sigh,"Zane. I know that you're in a hurry but are you trying to get your secret identity revealed to the general public.". "She's talking about Swarm." said Shawn. "Who?" said Nate. "I'll tell you but I don't think your son is an idiot Natasha." said Isabel.

Natasha nodded as she said,"You're right but sometimes, my son can get distracted and tends to forget minor details.". "Yeah. I do that so I should probably get going. See you later." said Zane with him turning into Teleport Form and teleporting away. "Yep. He goes the hero exits down thanks to yours truly." said Shawn. "No way. I was the one who showed him how to leave a scene like a ninja when he was four." said Nate.

The two men argued as Atem said,"So have they been like that since our age Great Aunt Isabel? It's really bad now.". "Yeah but I think it's gotten worse. They're frenemies to the end of their days. And please call me Aunt Isabel. I know that you kids are technically Zane's kids but Great Aunt Isabel makes me feel old." said Isabel. "Okay Aunt Isabel!" said Uriel and Zoey. Isabel smiled as Natasha thought to herself,"Yep. Everything is right in the world.".

Zane ,while teleporting his way down to the warehouse district, knew that he and his team would have homefield advantage. This was mainly due to the warehouse district being someone where he and his team would train at. Zane soon reached the outskirts of this abandoned factory. He already saw all of the cop cars, surrounding the entrance and the officers themselves scouting the area, trying to handle the situation. "Okay. It's showtime." said Zane.

He soon perched over the scene with him looking for something. He found himself looking at the right side of the building with him remembering a certain way into the building. Zane soon teleport with him soon reappearing near a crack in the wall. He turned into Slime Form with him slipping right through the crack. Due to his slime like body, he easily squeezed his way through the crack and got into the building.

Zane soon stretched with him saying,"Okay. So where are they?". He soon heard people talking as he said,"Huh. That was easy. Thanks Omniverse.". He soon quickly dived his way inside of a wooden crate that was nearby him. He soon looked through a hole in the crate with him seeing a man being that Zane knew him as a member of the Tremendous who goes by the name of Pierce. He's a middle-aged man with fully tanned skin.

He has a tired looking face with thin ,almost non existent, aqua blue eyes. He has shoulder-length desaturated green hair. He's wearing a black combat suit consisting of a black combat vest with matching black shirt revealing his arm up to his elbow, black fingerless gloves, gray pants, and black combat boots. He's currently wearing his gray helmet with a gold T-shaped design over the face. He was holding an AK47.

Zane focused with him watching the criminal looking around and was ready to fire at anything that move. As soon as the man passed by him, Zane slithered his way out of the crate and stood behind the man without making a sound. Zane lightly tapped his shoulder with the man instantly turning around and aimed his gun, finding nothing there. He soon scratched his head in confusion with him thinking that it was a draft.

However as he turned around, he was soon hit with a barrage of jabs to the chest and face thanks to Zane who had his slime like body created several fists as he watched. After stopping, Zane grabbed the man by his collar just as he felt to the knees. "Okay. I know that you have a great singing voice but if you want to keep it Pierce, tell me where the hostages are and where is your leader. Do tell me that it's the snowcone." said Zane.

Pierce weakly muttered,"Screw you hero! I ain't telling you nothing?". "Seriously? Why can't you guys just tell me what I want to know without me making you stupid?" said Zane, with him faceplaming despite not having a nose. Zane knocked the man out with him placing Pierce in a crate and closed it up. "Guess I'm going blind but wait, I got ways to prevent that." said Zane with him soon looked a bit above the crate that held Pierce.

He saw a cable connected to the ceiling with a hook on it. Zane stretched himself up there and held onto the metal cable, shimmying up toward the ceiling. Once he reached the top, Zane looked around the area and found what he was looking for. "Jackpot." whispered Zane. In the exact middle of the room, he saw several hired grunts aka your typical crooks but instead of ski masks, they were masks of different animals and colors.

He also saw a large group of people all tied up together with duck tape over their mouths. "So where is their leader?" said Zane. He soon found the leader being that they were sitting on a large stack of crates and instead of the snowcone, it was a woman. She looked to between twenty five and thirty five but he wasn't going to ask her age any time soon. She has long pinkish-white hair which goes all the way down her legs and green eyes.

She has black make-up around her eyes being that Zane was pretty sure that she wasn't being abused by anyone and was just a fashion choice. A strange one but it was her choice. She wears a skimpy white midriff-revealing tankop but most of her midriff was covered by her skin tight dark blue suit except for her belly button for some strange reason. She also wears a pair of skimpy black denim Daisy Dukes but like mentioned before, her legs are covered by her dark blue suit.

She wears hot pink thigh-high heeled leather boots and has a lacy pair of handcuffs hanging from the chain that goes around her daisy dukes as a belt. She was currently holding a whip. Zane was pretty sure that if she wasn't a criminal, she would have a pretty obvious career choice in front of her. "If you're down gawking, I think she's about to say something." said Athena. The woman let out a rather deep sigh and picked up a nearby glass of wine, taking a sip.

She crossed her legs with her saying out loud in her husky yet seductive voice,"Why is it taking those pigs so long to get a ransom? We live in the digital age not the stone age.". "Huh. I'm impressed that she knows what age we're in." said Cole. Athena hit him as she said,"I'll look up who she is and why Pierce would work for her instead of Cryonic.". "It's obvious why he's working for her due to two very obvious reasons. She could have great leadership skills but I don't know." said Zane.

As the woman was sitting down, one of the hired help said,"So did you think that taking these people with all of those heroes around here was a good idea?". "Yeah. I mean Zero is a pain to deal with but there is that new guy. I mean he literally made blood hammers!" said a second man. The woman soon frowned and growled right at her underlings. "Are you two questioning me? I'm sure you know what happened to those who question Lady Sabra?" said Sabra.

Zane soon watched her nails ,which were uncovered, grow a good six inches and then glowing like diamonds. The two goons immediately backed up with them shaking their heads rabidly. Sabra soon smirked with her silently laughed. "That's correct. If you must know, we owe a bit of money to that group and I figured that this company will give us just enough money to pay them back. Zero and his friends aren't our worry but the Baron is our big worry." said Sabra. 

While watching, Zane thought,"Huh. I guess the Hellion Baron is back in town and going after the gangs instead of the cops. Oh well, time to stop this messed up book club.". He soon slithered his way down the chain and began coming up with a entrance. "You mean the Odium Society?" said a member. "Yes. They plan to do something big after Zero defeated Storm a few weeks ago. Money is money so tell them to hurry up. We should not stay here too long." said Sabra.

She soon heard,"Really? You want to leave now? We haven't even talk about this week's book and boy, it's a doozy.". All of the present people there turned their heads to see Zane ,in Slime Form with his body looking more bulky, leaning against a crate. All of the hostages went wide eyed and silently cheered as they knew that their town's savior would save them. All of the goons aimed their guns at the hero with them ready to shoot him.

They soon lowered their guns as the woman hopped up from her makeshift throne and signaled them to stand down. "So you're Zero? Huh. I expected you to be taller." said Sabra. "Well, my exact height is unknown but I tend to average around 12 feet. Got me on one of my off days. So Sabra, you are the leader of this right?" said Zane. The woman simply giggled with her placing her hips and struck a pose. "In the flesh." said Sabra.

Zane could tell that all of the men and some of the women behind her blushed with Zane soon rolling his eyes. "You've been given criminals a hard time the past couple of months. To be honestly, I was so expecting to see you in a different way." said Sabra. "Well, I'm so sorry for dashing your high and total noble expectations of me but lets make a deal. You release the hostages, give up and save you guys a serious ass kicking." said Zane, punching his palm.

The woman simply frowned at the statement with her looking at Zane in the eye. "Kill him." said the woman. All of the members aimed their guns and started to fire at Zane. Zane just stood there as the bullets pelted his slime body and he said,"Oh wow. This would be painful but to be honest, I think this is more painful.". He soon turned into Ninja Form with him leaving behind after images to take the blow for himself.

One by one, Zane unarmed all of them by either punching them hard in the gut or slicing apart their weapons with his water with him kicking them in the head. In less than a minute or to be a bit more specific 1/15000 of a fortnight, Zane had disarmed all of the grunts with their guns all over the floor either in tact or cut into pieces. The leader gasped as she watched all of her goons get disarmed by one person and as a frog no less.

She soon smirked as a gun landed near her feet. She picked the gun up and heading toward the hostages. The gang soon surrounded Zane in a circle being that despite not having weapons, they were about to engage in combat with their weapons. One member lunged at Zane, going to tackle him to the ground. However, Zane easily saw this coming and jumped over him. He soon landed on the man's back and grabbed the man's arm.

Zane said in an announcer like voice,"And now, it's your favorite game! It's time to beat an idiot with another idiot!". He soon threw the man into another member being that one goon tried to throw a punch at Zane. However, the frog dodged and responded with a drop kick to the face which sent him flying away. Zane looked behind him and saw five members with knives in hand. Just as they ran up to Zane, Zane jumped up into the air and made a water whip.

He smacked them all in the face with said water, causing them to drop their weapons. While in the air, Zane made two giant water hands and smacked the five together with the middle member get the full brunt of the attack. All five of them fell onto the floor with Zane landing. "And that's all the time we have for you today. But wait, I see another challenge. Come on down." said Zane with him looking right at the last member who was shaking in fear.

Zane smirked with him taunting him being that the man quickly backed up and raised his hands in the air, laid down on the ground surrendering. "Wow. They don't make good goons anymore now do they?" said Zane. Zane soon turned around to see Sabra holding a gun right up to one of the hostages head. "Okay then hero. Here's what's going to happen. You're going to lay down on the ground and surrender." said Sabra.

She soon loaded the gun with her putting her finger on the trigger as she said,"Or, you'll be dealing with how you saved all of the hostages but a couple.". Zane rolled his eyes with him taking a deep breath. "Okay then. I totally saw you doing this from a mile away so do it." said Zane. "Wait. Are you serious?" said Sabra with the hostage looking concerned. "I mean. Is it even a real gun or is it a toy gun? Reality can be weird like that." said Zane.

Sabra soon looked at the gun with it now being a water gun and she said,"What....". She was soon hit in the face by Illusion Form being that she said,"Seriously?!". She was out cold with Illusion Form turning to Zane with the ninja frog vanishing. "And that's a wrap folks. Please hold your applause until after we return to your friendly neighborhood cops and what you thinks is wrong with the power of Illusions." said Zane. 

Back outside, the police were still surrounding the area and trying to think of a way to handle the current situation. One of the officers walked up to Scott. "Captain. We haven't heard anything in a while. Should we...." said the officers. She was cut off by the doors to the factory bursting open and all of the cops aimed their guns, expecting members of that gang. They were soon met by all of the people who were taken hostage walked out of the building.

Once all of the hostages were out, they all saw Zane ,out of Illusion Form, walking right out of the building and was soon in front of Scott. "So when have you been back?" said Scott. "For 1/120 of a fortnight or two hours and forty eight minutes. Have fun with them. They're real talkers right now so it'll be easy." said Zane. Scott motioned some of his men to go in being that he said in a low tone,"So are you going to see her?". "Yeah." said Zane.

Scott sighed as he said,"Fine. Just don't do anything that makes a grandfather.". "Technically I already did but I get what you mean. I care about their futures and she has one in store for her." said Zane as Scott nodded. Scott knew that Zane had knocked out the group and he watched his officers put all of them in hand cuffs with Sabra getting a special power dampening cuffs. "Thanks for your services like always Zero." said Scott, holding his hand.

Zane shook it as he said,"No problem Scott. It's my job except I don't get paid for it. I mean I do it for the people.". Scott nodded with him heading back to his car and drove off with the rest of the police squad. As they left his vision, Zane sighed and he said,"And now, everything is back to normal.". "I think it is. Guess what." said Cole. "Let me guess. Fire?" said Zane. "Yep." said Athena with him soon turning into Swift Form, rushing off.

After handling a couple of incidents, Zane stood outside of his apartment's door and took a very deep breath. "So you took on one of the most violent and deadly monsters in the Omniverse but you're scared of a couple of girls?" said Twilight. "To give Zane some sympathy, women are scary when they're mad." said Lucifer. "Yeah. We're an interesting gender. So are you ready to accept it Zane?" said Azalea. "Better late than never I guess." said Zane.

He opened the door to his apartment being that he soon got something hitting his chest. He soon saw his dog, looking at him and he hugged him. "Hey there Wolfram. Sorry for scaring you. So is anyone home beside you of course?" said Zane, tussling the dog's head and his tail wagged. Wolfram soon barked as Zane said,"Go to my bedroom? Okay. I think I should go there so do you mind sleeping on the couch in the living room tonight?".

Wolfram barked as Zane said while closing the front door,"Yes boy. I know there is more than enough room on my bed but I'm sure that we won't have enough room. Maybe tomorrow and don't think we don't find you comfy.". Wolfram barked as he headed onto the couch with him getting ready for a good night sleep. "You're a good dog and will make a lady dog happy one day. Anyway, time to deal with my lady problem." said Zane, taking a deep breath and headed to his bedroom.

He soon looked in the massive room with him seeing no one. "Okay then. I was expecting something different but hey, I guess the Omniverse is being nice to me." said Zane. He closed the door with him soon hearing,"Welcome back Zane.". Zane was quiet with him saying under his breath,"Thank you Omniverse for messing with me!". He soon looked on his bed with his face blushing and said,"I'm so happy for this beautiful gift to my eyes!".

The room was soon light up by several candles with him soon seeing his entire harem sitting on his bed in their sleepwear. All of their clothing were doing a very good job of accentuated their slim yet curvy figures. Karen is wearing violet ,with red horizontal stripes pajamas. Kristen is wearing a gold thigh high nightgown and matching colored eye-shades on her forehead. Nova is wearing an emerald green nightgown that goes to the middle of her thighs.

The hems of the skirt, sleeves, and collar of the nightgown are blue with a slit in the thigh. Rachel is wearing a silky red nightgown ,matching the color of her hair perfectly, that ends just a bit above her knees and Zane could see a good amount of her cleavage being that Zane knew that she was doing it on purpose given her love of teasing him in public since they started dating. Rain is wearing black short-shorts with a white tank top and fuzzy orange slippers.

Roxy is wearing a large light pink t-shirt and black female boxer shorts hidden by the shirt. Sierra's wearing an extremely thin green nightgown. Zane's eyes were widen as Rachel said,"So are you going to do anything Zaney?". "I will Rae but let me be happy. I've been staring at a plain white background for the past five days and seeing this makes it all worth it." said Zane, crying a bit. "So who wants to get him in bed?" said Karen.

Kristen was about to say something with Wolfram bursting it and then turned into his wolf form with him picking up his master. He soon brought him onto the bed with Kristen said while petting the giant wolf,"And that person is Wolfram. Thanks boy.". The wolf's tail wagged back and forth like crazy as Rain said,"So are you sleeping outside boy?". Wolfram barked as Zane said,"Well, I did tell him to sleep on the couch since I wasn't sure if you wanted him to interrupt our alone time.".

Roxy smiled as she said while wrapping her chest around Zane's left arm,"Well, I don't mind but I call his left arm.". "And I'll take the right arm." said Sierra. Wolfram ,who soon turned into his dog form, soon jumped onto the bed with him taking his spot at the end of his bed. "At least, we don't have to fight with Wolfram." said Nova. "Well, I guess I'm trouble for almost dying again. I mean I've done that twice in a month." said Zane.

Karen soon looked right at her boyfriend as she said,"So do you know that we're in February now right?". "I know that Karen. I mean I had all of these Valentine's Day plans for you girls and even if I wake up after the day, we're celebrating them no matter what!" said Zane. "How about we talk about this in the morning?" said Rachel. "Sounds good to me. I love all of you." said Zane. The girls kissed him as he returned the favor with Wolfram falling asleep.

Meanwhile inside of  Champion Tech, Lilith was sitting in her office room as she relaxed. "So are we going to do something about him?" said a voice. She looked up to see Anthony standing there with him wearing a dark blue business suit instead of his normal costume. "You really don't like him do you? I mean I got everything I wanted him without his consent of course but no one stops Lilith Rune when she wants." said Lilith.

Anthony made two giant hands appear from the decaf coffee pot in the office and slam down onto a nearby potted plant. "Do you honestly expect me to stand by while he's sleeping with my daughter and she's one of his whores?!" said Anthony. "Didn't you erase everyone's memory except for a few people of you being her father in the first place. I mean this was kinda your fault and personally, I think she hates you for doing what you did to her and her mother." said Lilith.

Anthony glared at Lilith with her raising her hands up. "I'm just saying and don't worry. We'll get our revenge on him soon enough. We've taken over Champion Tech and had several robberies inbetween them. This was to give the Odium Society a taste what we have to offer which includes our newest super weapon." said Lilith. "Good but what happened about the Baron?" said Anthony. "Don't worry I have a plan for him." said Lilith.

Next Time,
What is Lilith's Super Weapon? Will Baron be friend or foe? Will Zane's Valentine's plan go without a hitch? Is the Omniverse going to mess him up? Who are the last two members of Team Maelstrom? This and more next time on Zero!  Also did you know that Isabel's helmet works as a communicator. The more you know.

Facts about the Omniverse:  The Inzah are all female race being that they are a highly developed humanoid species that excel in both the art and sciences. They repopulate using a highly complicated formula being that Parker says that the Inzah would literally created one of the Omniverse's most complicated formulas just to avoid the possible of contact and have relations with any barbaric male in the Omniverse. They're extremely judgmental of other species but will accept another species if they offer something of importance. The punishment of this species is either ignoring the criminal in question for a certain period of time ,ranging from an hour to a year, or launching someone with a catapult. They have an extreme fear of spiders being that if a spider of any kind arrives on their planet, pray for that arachnid's family. They are also heavily disgusted by bodily sounds. Alongside highly advanced intelligence, they possess the ability to move things with their minds but tend not to use them for long periods mainly due to the headaches. While they may look human, they have very noticeable difference. They are an all female race with them all being around 7-9 feet tall. They have a slender figure with blue skin and usually not seen but they do have glowing red stripes all over their bodies. They have four eyes, ranging from blue, green, or brown. They have five fingers and toes. They wear clothes similar to humans. The average life expectancy of a Inzah is 400 years but an Inzah can live for a long period of time if they eat right and exercise afterwards plus some science mumbo jumbo according to Parker. 

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