Saturday, June 2, 2018

Zero Episode 100 A Family Reunion

A/N: Yep. We're at Episode 100. I made sure that Episode 100 is special being that the Soul Episode 100 is the start of a battle arc and Power was the start of the double battles during that grand magic games. However like I've said before but since I really like to repeat myself, this episode is the true introduction of where a character who has only appeared in flashback, been mention several times in passing, and well it's obvious on who it is because of my not so subtle ,in my opinion, hints.

The title is also helping prove who it is. Do note that the idea of a Battalion aka a super villain team will be returning in this part being that they'll be in the next part as well along with an updatef costume for Zane. Yeah. I bet that you didn't expect the Astral Priestess ,whose name was mentioned back in Episode 34, is Zane's paternal ,from his father's side, grandma. When Arturo came, I made Darin, Lauren, and then Trixie being that the latter was picked as the Astral Priestess.

Her magic is known as Ultimate Perception. She's able to see clearly into the past being that she knows everything that has happened. However, she's able to see into the future to an extent since no one can truly see the future. She's able to multiple outcomes and probabilities for the future. This also includes extremely unlikely and ridiculous futures. This magic is always active being that she could turn it off but it takes concentration. It does have its weakness.

She has trouble telling the difference between what future will really happen and she has to decided which one will happen depending on her action. It may not be the best weakness but not every weakness is a rock from your home world or bullets that you can buy off the street. That's my reasoning for it so accept it as you will. This episode may not have any new forms appearing but Zane's family and their interactions will be shown.

You may have noticed that Fairy Legion hasn't appeared in May ,as of writing this, being that I really want to introduce a couple of things before I go back to Fairy Legion. I'm sure that after episode 102, we'll be at Fairy Legion. Lets begin.

Zane P.O.V.
It was early being that I was currently working on an invention of mine before my kids came upstairs to wake me up for another day of school. It's been a few days since my very late birthday party and I was in a good mood. I finally had all seven volumes of Supernatural Legends and Mysteries with me having a greater understanding of the Omniverse, Heroes Lexicon teaching me the way to kill any species, and I was going to start Brimstone Grimoire teaching me about my history as Zero.

I heard footsteps coming at a fast rate with Cole saying,"Hurry Zane! We can't let them see your new invention before we finish it!". I smiled as I held my flash drive. The drive itself is a dark indigo color with a square end with a black button, the other end having the USB connector. There is a dark indigo square-tipped detachable lid that would covers the connector when it isn't connected to anything. On one side, there's a percent measuring bar with gray lines telling how full the drive is.

I looked on my desk to see my latest invention Solace. She's an Automous Unit or AU that I build to help me obtain information for whenever I'm Zero. I call her Solace for short and right now, I need to activate her since today is her first day of living. She has a unique appearance being that she’s similar to a small, mechanical black metal robot ,being about 12 inches tall. She has a perfectly sphere for a head and it has patches of gray toward the sides of her head.

At the top of her head, she has a cute bob haircut. Her face is a transparent gray screen with a small set of eyebrows and has eyeliner with little blush on her cheeks. She has two red vertical dots which works as her eyes. Her mouth is a white USB port. This is her mouth, teeth, and tongue that only appears when it's activate. She doesn’t have a neck being that her body has a block shaped body being that she wears a maid outfit.

She wears a typical maid outfit, consisting of a black under coat and a white, frilled-trim apron with black high heels. She has five fingers hands and toes with cylinder-like arms and legs. Inside of her body, she has a gold square shaped CPU. I held the flash drive toward the USB port being that I pushed down the black button. I made sure that even if the drive isn't connected to a computer or USB port, it would connect if I have pointed to an electronic device.

This drive was currently giving instruction to Solace thanks to the nanomachines that were inside of the drive. These machines just so happen to be way nicer and less of a sociopath than my nano machine villainess. Solace activated as I said,"Good morning and welcome Solace.". Solace soon looked at me with I said,"You do know who I am right?". The robot slowly nodded as I heard,"Daddy! Are you awake?".

I turned to see Atem, Uriel, and Zoey entering my room. They were soon amazed by Solace as Uriel said,"What's that Zane?". "This is Solace and she's going to help me out gather information for my job as Legion Zero." I said. "Like finding out codes for banks?" said Atem. I shook my head back and forth as I said,"I'm not going to be a criminal Atem even through I have the power to be the greatest criminal in the Omniversal.".

Zoey touched Solace with her smiling at the touch. "So are you ready for breakfast? Great Grandma is making it." said Zoey. "Which one?" I said. "The one who doesn't hurt either great grandpas." said Uriel. "She means Trixie and not Lauren." said Atem. "Ah. I'll be down there in a couple of minutes so try and save me some okay?" I said. "Okay!" said the trio. They were gone with Solace looking at me.

I said,"You're going to enjoy being part of my family but I need you to go into standby mode. I'll introduce you to the others later.". Solace turned off as I placed her in my bag. I soon got ready for school, wearing my normal outfit along with my accessories. As I put my ring on my right pointer finger, I was heading down the stairs. As I went downstairs to great my family, I didn't know how long today was going to be.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane looked in the living room to see his mom glued to the TV. Zane looked in the kitchen and saw his brothers and sister sitting there. "So why is she?" said Zane. "Some science thing arrived at CPU early this morning. From what I've heard, this thing could help turn Carlos and Clair back to normal people and help detain/capture metahumans." said Kurt. "Reggie made sure that Swarm didn't get their hands on it just in case." said Ana.

Zane said,"That's good. I rather not having a Human vs Phantom war during my time as king or deal with it as Legion Zero. So what's the name of the science item and where did my kids go? They're down here right?". "Yeah. They're playing with Nexus, Wolfram, and Grandma Trixie outside." said Kurt. "Lauren is out with Arturo and Darin, mainly to grab food for our Thanksgiving bash in one more week. It's going to be a big one." said Ana. "Yeah. I'm going to eat like a king." said Zane.

Lucius was quiet as Ana said,"Big brother has been like this all morning.". "It's because he's going to the hospital to see his girlfriend." said Kurt. "Girlfriend? When were you going to tell me? What's she like?" said Zane. "She isn't my girlfriend. We met during the Omega Virus scare and got to be friends that's it." said Lucius. "You're lying bro. I could tell that you really liked her and unlike most women we know, she doesn't mind your goatee." said Kurt.

Ana said,"So when are we going to meet her? Mom says that anyone who comes in our family will get judged.". "Eventually Ana. I'm thinking of inviting her to Thanksgiving bash being that mother would kill me if I don't do that." said Lucius. "So you're going to find out who she is before Lucius surprises us with her right?" said Kane. Zane nodded as the four heard,"Zane! Get in the living room right now!". "Well, you heard the lady." said Zane. "Good luck." said the three.   

Zane walked into the living room with Natasha looking at him. "Zane. Do you think you can get me an exclusive look at Olympia Z? Sharon says no one can see it without permission from either her or Max. I doubt she would let me see it." said Natasha. "Maybe but why is this so important? I mean it'll make my job easier and hopefully reunite Carlos and Kristen for Thanksgiving." said Zane. Natasha soon saw the TV as Zane saw Olympia Z. It looked like Obsidian rock.

Natasha said,"Did you know that it's a new element being that it arrived from outer space?". "The element arrived on Earth nearby Florida around the whole Roxy situation. We're very much lucky that Nightmare Form scared both Annette and Roland into forgetting about you being Legion Zero and well, it's better than nothing." said Athena. "But they still hate you because you're not rich in terms on monetary value aka the most pointless stuff in the apocalypse." said Cole.

Zane said,"So Athena just told me about it coming from space. So why are you so interesting in this rock?". "It can be used for so many thing. Reggie saw this coming and much to the dismay of several labs and universities, Cypress Park University are the only ones who can examine it. It can help us create hover cars, is stronger than plutonium, a new source of oil, and well, it'll help with the superhuman problem our city faces." said Natasha.

Zane said,"Wow. This is a powerful rock mom. Reggie along with Roxy and a few others are the good examples of the rich.". His phone rang as Natasha said,"Who is it?". "Andre. He's Tony's eldest son and one of my friends." said Zane. "Does he work at the university?" said Natasha. "Yeah. I'll ask him if you can see it." said Zane. He answered it as Zane said,"Hey Andre. I bet I know why you're calling me.".

Andre said,"Yeah. It's about the space rock. Max has been on it and well, he's powered up. He hasn't left its side and being experimenting on it. It can self regenerate.". "Really? I wonder if this rock can help people like Carlos and Clair have normal lives again." said Zane. "Yeah. I really want that as well mainly with Clair. I didn't like Carlos when he was in school because he had a gambling problem and a bit of pyro." said Andre.

Zane said,"Yeah. His powers didn't help his vices at all but according to Kristen, he's really mature when in prison. So how is Max doing?". "Good but well, he's treated the rock like it's a person but more specifically, his wife. I came into work after a dinner date with Selena and well, I saw him treat it to a romantic dinner." said Andre. "That may be weird but I've heard weirder." said Zane. "Sharon is going to get him out of the lab mainly to shower." said Andre.

Zane said,"Oh yeah. Do you mind if my mom comes to see the space rock? If you saw no, she'll sneak into the lab just to see it. I don't think she'll steal it but well....". "Gotcha man. You guys can come but there is a single rule. Sharon made this a rule soon after our lab was pretty much attacked by those vultures. No outsiders or reporters. Selena is an exception since she promised not to. You can't take any pictures or any videos of it." said Andre. "I'll tell her. Later." said Zane.

Zane turned to his mom being that she smiled. "We can visit it after I take my kids to school. I'm sure that Karen and Kevin will be there. Oh. No pictures or videos." said Zane. "Will do! I'll go get my notes." said Natasha. She was gone as Zane looked at the rock. He stared at the picture with Sivarth saying,"What's up Zane?". "It may be nothing but this rock is giving me a weird feeling. Anyway, I better get the kids ready for school." said Zane as he head outside.

Meanwhile, Drew was sitting in his office and he was watching the report about Olympia Z being that he both feared and intrigued by the space rock. "This rock present a problem in our plans being that it'll take away my army." said Drew. "So do you want me to steal it later today?" said a voice. Drew turned to see Razor standing there with him saying,"Not yet Razor. I have a strong feeling that the xenophobic group will try and use it to kill Phantoms or something else.".

Razor said,"Don't they have samples of this rock from CPU? I mean they're part of the government after all.". "They get their funding from folks like the Gordons and Stars. Speaking of them, I wish to see the boy who stood up to them at the party the other night." said Drew. "We can head to the high school being that he's a student there and a infamous one." said Razor. "That sounds like a good idea but first." said Drew. He may be a crime boss but still ran a successful business.

After dropping off the kids and his mother at the elementary and college respectively, Zane soon went toward the school in style aka using his powers. He was in costume as Cole said,"So explain to me why we left Solace at the lab again? I mean do you really think someone is going to steal Olympia Z with all the security guarding the place. It was like Fort Knox there.". "I just have a gut feeling okay Cole? Don't you trust me?" said Zane.

Athena said,"We do. I think we're shocked to see this from you of all people.". "Ha ha. Thanks for the support you two." said Zane with him sarcastically laughing. "You do have a tendency to think in the moment rather than think several steps ahead. This mindset won't be something that will be preventing you from killing Skull Plague in the slightest. We also have a lot of help including the paper man's group. You have their number so call them for a meeting." said Kane.

Sivarth said,"Kane. You knew that Zane could be worried about putting his family and friends in the line of fire. We're going to kill Skull Plague for the crimes and people that he's hurt over the centuries. It's the right thing to do. So Zane, why haven't you contact them?". "I've been busy lately dealing with my new powers, meeting my paternal grandma for the first time, and also the webbing." said Zane.

Athena said,"Webbing? You mean like how you're able to swing through the air using Cryptid Form's web generation? I know that he's built more for tracking but hey, don't judge a book by its cover.". "It isn't Cryptid Form Athena. Remember when I was "fighting" against Norman Anderson and Annette was saying something to piss me off. I made her shut up using webbing. I also have webbing all over my training ground plus my room has faint webbing." said Zane.

The four were silent as Zane said,"So do you guys know why I'm doing this? I'm not mad but I would like an answer sometime this century.". "Zane. The webbing will be explained in due time. Just trust us okay?" said Sivarth. "Fine. Should I get going to school or go snoop on my brother's secret girlfriend?" said Zane. "I think you know what you should do." said Cole. "I'm curious myself but remember Zane, Lucius know how you work." said Athena. Zane smiled as he went off.

The teen superhero found himself outside of Heartstone Medical Hospital ,on a nearby building, with him noticing that the hospital was busy. "So why is the hospital busy? Was there a crime or massive incident?" said Zane. "Not according to the crime scanner Z. I think it's because they're transferring Clair Fisher aka Voltaire to Thunder Cove or maybe, something involving Carlos. He's been on good behavior according to the warden. He's one of the best." said Athena.

Zane said,"That's what Kristen said so lets make sure.". He soon jumped down from his perch with him turning into Specter Form. He soon went intangible as he landed on the ground. He soon saw a good amount of police as Kane said,"Yep. It's Clair.". "Lets go inside." said Zane. He soon floated toward the building with him hearing,"Do you really need this much security for just one girl Ellie? I mean it's a bit much.". "Lucius." said Zane as he floated into the building.

After saying hi, he found Lucius standing with Doctor. Eleanor Hayes aka Ellie ,in her office, with the trio watching a group of  SWAT officers ,wearing electrical resistant clothing, heading toward Clair's room. Upon beaten by Zane, she was placed in a see-through glass test tube like pod. It was made to keep any electricity from touching it. "Well Lucius, Clair is a living power plant thanks to her ability to manipulate electricity." said Ellie.

Lucius said,"Yeah but she did nothing to Zero though due to him having Fulmination Form and his immunity to electricity because he can use it as well.". "Well despite there being several websites and forums about Zero, his full list of powers are still unknown. The main power is that he can turn into different forms." said Ellie. "Yeah but I think he's pretty cool." said Lucius with Zane smiling. "So is she the girlfriend?" said Sivarth. "Maybe." said Athena and Cole.

Zane heard,"Doctor. Hayes. Do you really think that you're sure that we should be taking Voltaire out of her electricity proof room? What if those Phantoms come out and spring her out?". "Great. It's the xenophobic member of Tara's family." said Kane. "You do know that Marilyn disowned him right?" said Sivarth. "Does this matter? They share the same blood and well, blood is thicker than water." said Kane. Marilyn Gregory stood there.

She's still a fit and toned woman. She's wearing a white lab coat. She wears a rose red collared dress shirt, blue jeans, and black heels. She has her black hair cut down to her chin and wearing black square-framed glasses. She had lost her right arm in the fight to regain Cypress Park from the Phantom Menace but she got a prosthetic one. It may look like a normal prosthetic but it has been heavily upgraded by Swarm. Marilyn looked at Lucius with her saying,"You related to Natasha?".

Lucius said,"Yeah. She adopted me, my brothers, and my sisters.". "I don't care. She considered him to be family unlike me and the rest of the family. Just tell her to keep her weirdness away from this operation. I don't want this metahuman to meet with the Phantoms." said Marilyn. "Do you seriously think that Phantoms will come here? There hasn't been any Phantom incidents for a while." said Ellie with her arms crossed. "So? Phantoms and anything not human should deserve to die." said Marilyn.

Outside, the hospital was being guarded by both the Police and Swarm with the former not happy to have the xenophobic group. The entire force respected Zero despite him having Nether. At the back of the hospital, something came out of the ground. A giant rock man soon stood there with him being about twelve feet tall. His body is gray ,with glowing red lava/magma lines, cement bricks. His arms and legs are massive with his chest being the most noticeable part of his body.

His head is a giant brick with glowing red eyes. For clothing, he wears a short sleeved red muscle shirt, blue jeans, and black boots. "So is this the place?" said the man. On his head, he was wearing a earpiece ,despite not having ears, and the voice said,"Yeah. I'll be bring in support so you can obtain the final member. Voltaire will want to have her vengeance on Zero.". "Understood boss." said the creature. He soon walked toward the outdoor generator with him crushing it.

The lights went out as Marilyn said,"What's going on?!". Crisis Judgement went off as Zane heard an explosion. "Something is in the building.". Zane flew off as Ellie said,"Someone must have destroyed the generator. Call your men in here Marilyn. We can't have Clair escaping.". Marilyn soon pulled out her phone as Lucius sneaked out of the office. "I better go help the police. I don't think they can handle a creature like this." thought Lucius.

The creature was running through the walls with him seeing the police and Swarm ready for him as he said,"Move G-Men!". He slammed the ground with a giant wave of cement coming toward them as they were covered in it. "Get moving!" said the creature. He soon turned his hand into a spiked mace with him slamming them into the building's side. He soon found the room where they were keeping Clair with her changing since the last time.

Voltaire looked to be more in control of her powers. Her body looked very attractive and an hourglass figure with her still having muscles. Her skin is now a whitish blue color. Her hair is still living and moving electricity being that it was golden yellow except with noticeable blue, green, and magenta tint to it. Her eyes are bluish white color with no pupils. She's wearing a dark blue jumpsuit that looked like a one piece. She also called herself Voltaire.

Clair said,"Who are you?". "My name is Rampage and my boss needs you." said Rampage. "And why should I go with you?" said Clair. "You can get revenge on Zero." said Rampage. "Sorry rocky but that ain't happening." said Zane. The two turned to see Zane ,now in Diamond Form, with the diamond man firing a barrage of diamonds at Rampage. They stuck inside of his body as he said,"Is that all you got?". "Nope. I'm just getting started." said Zane.

The diamond creature soon punched Rampage to a wall as Zane said,"You better get out of here before I have to get serious.". "You're not telling Rampage to leave are you?" said Rampage. The man was soon hit by a group of computer monitors with Zane seeing Lucius in a doctor's disguise as he said,"Thanks Doctor. Magnet.". "Shut up and help me take him down. We can't have Voltaire breaking out." said Lucius.

Rampage was soon trapped in a diamond cage with the red lines on his skin glowing. The diamond soon melted as he said,"That won't work on me!". He was soon pushed back by a giant diamond with him growling. Lucius walked up to Zane with him saying,"He's quite durable isn't he?". "Yeah but I can handle him." said Zane. "My name is Rampage, got it loser!" yelled Rampage. The man soon fired two beams of cement with Zane blocking it with a diamond wall.

Zane said,"So what was his name? Damage or was it Cement for Brains?". "Are you seriously making jokes?" said Lucius. "You two are going down!" said Rampage. He soon slammed down on the ground, making two giant waves of cement. "I'll handle the cement waves! Make sure that he doesn't get Clair!" said Zane. "You do know I can here you right?" said Clair. Zane soon deactivated Diamond Form with him saying,"Time for you to chill out! Arctic Shift!".

His skin turns light blue color which looked like he’s frostbitten or very cold and covered in ice that’s actually his sweat frozen solid. "Permafrost Emperor Subzero Barrage!" said Zane. He soon took in a deep breath and he soon breathed out a giant blizzard. The two waves of cement were soon frozen as Rampage was about to rush toward Clair's prison. However, he was stopped by Zane. "You and I aren't going anywhere! Vortex Warp!" said Zane. The two were soon gone.

Lucius shook his head as he thought,"He was probably curious about Ellie. We're just friends.". He soon turned back to Clair with her saying,"So doctor, how about you let me out of here? I really want to give Zero a big, juicy kiss right on his lips being that my kiss will give him the biggest shock of his young life.". "Not going to happen." said Lucius. He soon heard someone coming toward him as he moved out of the way. Lucius turned to see someone as he said,"This day isn't my day.".

The police and Swarm were outside, recovering from Rampage being that several members were still trapped in cement. However, they were shocked to see Rampage and Zane coming from the sky. The two metahumans were on the ground with him saying,"I'm going to pave you alive!". He soon made two cement creatures come out of the ground, with Zane freezing the two. He slide past the two of them ,thanks to the ground, with him saying,"Permafrost Emperor Discs and Eruption!".

Zane soon had several giant circular blades appearing in his hands which he threw toward Rampage as he said,"That won't work on me!". His lines glowed with the ice blades still cutting him. His body was slightly frozen, with Zane making a giant eruption of ice. The man was soon frozen with him saying,"Chill out.". "Seriously?! An ice pun!" said Cole. "I'm just happy that he made a decent pun." said Sivarth.

Crisis Judgement went off as he heard,"Zero! I'm back for revenge on you!". Zane soon heard a large sonic sound with him covering both of his ears. "Make it stop!" yelled Zane. The ice soon broke with Rampage breaking out and trapping Zane in a cement coffin, in the shape of a tire. He soon saw his air support Craig Quinn aka Cosmonaut, flying above. He replaced his dark gray full body suit with a black jumpsuit with glowing dark red circuit board like lines.

He's still wearing his different colored XJ-100 Rocket Pack with two giant mechanical wings sticking out of it, his silver helmet, his gold and silver gauntlets with a noticeable blue circle on the palm, and black and blue armored boots and shoulders. He has a chest piece with a blue circle. "Thanks for the assist. I couldn't get Clair." said Rampage. "It's no problem." said Craig. The cement soon cracked with the two hearing,"So how did you two meet? Online or at a coffee shop?".

The two saw Zane ,with his arms turning into giant versions, and he pulled himself out. "So why are you two working together?" said Zane. "None of your business hero." said a voice. The three soon saw a shadowy portal appearing from the ground with Athena saying,"You don't think that it's Irene do you?". "It can't be her. She's in prison and that's a male voice." said Kane. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane heard,"Dodge this!".

A giant burst of lightning came out of the portal with Zane dodging it. Clair soon flew out of it with her saying,"I'm free! Time to get my revenge!". She was going to rush toward Zane with her right leg was soon grabbed by a shadow constructs of hand. Five people soon came out of the portal and one of them was a unconscious Lucius. He knew three of them being Cleaver, Jaws, and Sahara ,with her somehow in this dimension, with the last one being a shadow man.

Cleaver and Jaws didn't change but Sahara changed. Mandy's hair is cut short with it looking like a pixie-cut with her having a small ponytail to the left. Her bangs now covers her right eye with her eyes still being olive green. She's wearing a black baseball cap with an pyramid symbol that's was covered by sand. She's wearing a dark brown long-sleeved shirt underneath a denim blue pinafore dress with pockets to them.

She's wears black jean shorts with silver stitching and red lace at the cuffs, and still wearing her black tights except with sand like markings, and dark purple high top and rollerblades hybrid shoes. They have two glowing white wheels on each one with a thin red line about the foot's ball and instep. She still wearing her gold stud earrings. The shadow man is tall, muscular. His skin is black with a fire like aura around his body with his eyes are white with golden pupils.

He wears a black suit with a dark purple/gray vest and a red short sleeve shirt underneath. He wears black jeans with a green belt and black shoes. He has hoop earrings in both ears which is still seen even with his dark red, beak-shaped mask. Lucius was out cold as Zane glared. "Temper. We're only here to tell you that the Outcast Syndicate are going to change up this town for the better. The name is Dusk so don't forget it hero." said the shadow man as the group disappeared with Lucius.

After helping the captured officers and Swarm agent out of their cement prison using a lot of force on his part, Zane was currently standing with Scott, Marilyn Gregory, and Agent F and Quake glaring at him. ""Could you make the three of them stop glaring at me?" said Kane. "They're not glaring at you Kane, they're glaring at the Phantom aka me." said Zane. "So why aren't we arresting him on the spot? He's probably working with them." said Agent Quake.

Agent F said,"Despite him being a PHANTOM, he's the one who can capture those villains and bring back Clair.". "So why did they go after Clair? She may be a living battery but after Zero here douse her in the pool, she should be weak." said Scott. "Not exactly. Thanks to her powers, she's a source of unlimited energy. All she needs is a single jolt of electricity and she's back at full strength. Maxwell Brock should have the new and improve cuffs ready in a couple of hours." said Scott.

Marilyn said,"I'm guessing you're going to be using Olympia Z which belongs to the government. We should have gotten it upon our scientists finding it first.". "Does that matter right now Marilyn? You and your xenophobic cult would use it to kill innocent Phantoms instead of curing innocent people inflicted with their powers.." said Zane. "Excuse me? Phantoms aren't innocent. They are monsters and they should die. This is a proud and honor group to be a part of Zero " said Agent F.

Zane said,"Wow. You guys totally don't sound like the Nazis. Don't a single one of you have respect for the dead? They're still people despite being dead.". "They should stay where they belong! In hell where they belong! They're a threat to the living world just like you!" yelled Marilyn. "Screw you lady! You and your group should be disbanded. They only attack because you attacked them! You're proving the stereotype of humans being stubborn in different ways of living!" said Zane.

Marilyn and Zane argued with neither one of them backing down. Scott watched this scene being that he never seen Zane this angry because from his daughter told him, Zane hated Swarm because they've hurt his kind just because they were different. He also knew that Edward was the black sheep of his family because he didn't hate Phantoms like his older sister. However, he knew that Zane was the only one who could find Lucius.

Scott said,"Stop them please.". Agent F and Quake grabbed Marilyn with Quake saying,"We'll go find them on our terms. If we see you Zero.". "I'll kill you for being a freak!" yelled Marilyn. The three were gone as Zane growled. He clenched both of his fists, slowly dripping turquoise candy syrup from them. "You need to calm down Zane." said Scott. They were the only two there with Zane saying,"I know that but with my brother capture and that xenophobic....!".

Zane soon had Black Mojo gathered up in his fist with him yelling,"Bitch! She and the rest of that group pissed me off! They go off my kind just because we're different!". He soon fired it toward the ice and it was broken even more than before. 'Well, you're helping with clean up so that's good. You need to know that Swarm will be attacking and chasing you down if you interfere with their precious work at all. Calm down." said Scott.

Zane took a deep breath with him saying,"You're right. So do you know who the shadow guy was? If the video recording from earlier proved anything, he seemed like a leader. It isn't Irene since she's currently at Thunder Cove.". Scott soon noticed his fellow officers coming toward him as he said with his serious voice,"She does have two older brothers. One is her older twin and the other one is her older brother by four years. Will they do anything?". Zane nodded as he was gone.

Later at Cypress High, Danny was currently with the rest of Team Power being that it consisted of him, Gwen, Kevin, and Rachel. They were watching the news about what happened at the hospital with Rachel said,"So are we going to go after him?". "I would say yes but unlike Zane, we can't miss school. Not all of us are super genius." said Kevin. "So why do you think Zane was at the hospital to begin with?" said Gwen.

Danny said,"No idea. He may have been informed about Clair being transferred and wanted to keep an idea on him. I'm going to call him.". Danny called Zane with his phone going directly to voicemail as Rachel said,"Me thinks that he or his A.I.s put it on silent.". "No shit." said Kevin. Rachel hit him as they heard,"So where is Zane?". The group saw Allen standing there with Susan as Gwen said,"So what did you need with Zane?".

Susan looked away as Allen said,"Remember Zane's plan to get David and Susan together?". "You don't mean that plan of his that has more complications than most new reboots of old things. So how did you find out?" said Danny. "Yeah. Allen had a Freudian slip when we were talking earlier and I may like David but I don't want his or my parents to lose their jobs." said Susan. "So that rumor was actually true? Wow. The rich really rule this town." said Allen.

Gwen said,"Welcome to Cypress Park. That's something Zane would say. Zane's currently not in the building due to his brother being kidnapped.". "By who?" said Susan. "Unknown. It seems that he has the same powers as Umbra thought. She fought against Zero during the school dance two years ago and also according to Rebecca's blog's surprisingly credible sources, they fought right before during the beauty pageant." said Kevin.

Allen said,"Perhaps this shadow guy is related to Irene. I mean they have the same power but from according to the news, this shadow guy has a flame like aura.". "That's a good assumption Allen. So are you mad at Zane for his plan?" said Danny. "Yeah. Zane was thinking about it for a while because he cares about you. He's doing the same thing with Andre and Selena." said Rachel. "I'm not. I just need to talk with him." said Susan. Danny loudly whispered to Kevin,"So is that a good thing?".

Gwen hit him as Kevin said,"Maybe you shouldn't say it aloud bro.". "Yeah." said Danny, rubbing his arms. The group soon heard,"Ah! There you kids are.". They saw their principal with two people by his side. One of them was Andrew Collins aka Gold Commander to the left of the principal and a woman to the right of the principal. She stood at an average height with her eyes being a dull green which stuck out.

She has her brown hair pulled back into a flattering bun with her bangs being dyed blonde. She's has on a pair of black framed glasses that shows off her violet eye shadow. She's wearing a dark pink turtleneck sweater, a black dress jacket, black pants, and black high heels. Her outfit is finished with pearl earrings. Zane was the only one to know that Drew was Gold Commander because he didn't know how to tell his family and friends that he was currently in a war.

Stan said,"Have any of you seen Zane? According to his teachers, they saw that he hasn't showed up for any of his classes all day.". "That's why we're trying to find out teach. So who are your friends? Is it a new investor?" said Allen. Susan hit him as Drew said,"Not at all young man. I'm actually here looking for Mr. Alvarez.". "Mr. Collins. We don't have all day looking for some boy." said the woman as Drew sighed. "My assistant Monique. She's isn't very fun" said Drew.

Danny said,"Why are you looking for Zane?". "No offense Mr. Collins but Zane isn't exactly the biggest fan of the 1%.". "That's why I'm here. I was at that party where I saw him punching Roland Gordon. I want to offer him a job at my company. I highly respect a man who isn't scared of facing off against the rich like he did. I wonder if he would hit the Palmer family." said Drew. "I'll send him a message. He's currently out right now." said Gwen. "Thank you my dear." said Drew.

Later, Drew was in his limo as Monique said,"The Odium Society called. They're wondering about that new metahuman group that kidnapped Clair. We were planning on using Port to capture Clair without the police knowing according to Billionaire.". "So why did they capture her? Two of them have worked with the Odium Society before." said Drew. "It's an unknown but we'll find out." said Monique. The car drove off, not noticing that it was being watched by a small orb like drone.

At Cypress Park's elementary school which has the "amazing and totally creative" name of Cypress Park Elementary, Kurt was currently talking with Mizuki Ozaki. She hasn't changed too much in terms of physical appearance in the past two years, Walter, Courtney and Blair Vaughn with her being the mother of Atem's friend Emmett Vaughn. Atem was nearby the adults with him talking with his friends ,including his younger sisters, nearby the parents.

Blair Vaughn and Emmett Vaughn are actually the wife and son ,respectively, of Cody Glover but this isn't well known being that Cody doesn't want his family to be bothered by the tabloids due to his job as a reporter. Despite her husband's impressive pay, Blair works at the mall's salon with her getting to be good friends with the Alvarez family. This is due to the matriarch and third son aka Zane visit the place with the latter going because he really likes Love that Transcends Space and Time.

Emmett is Atem's best friend with him sees Zane as a role model and big brother. Zane doesn't mind at all being that he's thankful that Emmett isn't calling Zane his dad. Blair has long straight blond hair and large dark green eyes. Her casual wear is a green short sleeve turtleneck dress with her wearing dark blue/gray jeans underneath and a thin gold belt. She's wearing strappy black heels with fancy looking earrings and necklace.

Emmett has short spiky blond hair, blue eyes, and a small scar on his right cheek. He wears a pale green zip-up jacket with dark gray shorts, bandages around his left arm mainly to mimic Zane that he wore when he hid his prosthetic arm two years ago, and dark green sneakers. "So your mother send you to pick up your brother and sisters because of the space rock." said Courtney. "Pretty much. She's an awesome mom but when it comes to science, she's obsessed." said Kurt.

Mizuki said,"So Walter, do you think you're get rid of your powers? I mean they said that this rock has the power to get rid of powers.". "Nope. I mean I'm a hero just like Zero. My daughter looks up to me so I won't be." said Walter. "So do you mind taking care of Emmett for me Kurt? I'm going on a date tonight." said Blair. "Sure. I mean my little brother should be stopping by before heading out with his friends." said Kurt.

The kids group consisted of Atem, Camille, Emmett, Molly, Ruby, Uriel, and Zoey with the five year old holding a hand-drawn picture of a turkey that she made. "I think your big brother is really going to like your picture." said Ruby. "Yeah! It's really cute." said Camille. "Thanks. He's been so nice and feeding me sweets," said Uriel. "Especially big sister Roxy's candy from her party." said Zoey. "So Atem, do you know if big brother is going to be home?" said Emmett.

Atem shrugged with the mummy saying,"Who knows? I mean he's usually home if he doesn't have practice or helping out at the lab.". "Okay. Do you think we can sneak into your mom's lab?" said Emmett. "Sure but lets try not to make too big of a mess. She'll be bad if we make it more messy than it already is." said Atem. Suddenly, a giant burst of electricity hit the ground nearby them causing Walter to go in front of the kids.

Clair walked out of the crater with her saying,"Hey there boys and girls! Time to play with big sister Voltaire!". She soon threw a barrage of thunder bolts with them being blocked by Walter's earth like body. "Get them out of here!" said Walter. "Kick her butt daddy!" said Camille. The kids were taken away by the other parents and older siblings with Clair said,"Do you seriously think that you can defeat Voltaire rocky?". "Yeah. I have the elemental advantage." said Walter.

The Alvarez family and Courtney were separated from the others. "No kids. Your dad would kill me if I let you fight a super villain." said Kurt. "We've been training really hard!" said Zoey. Uriel soon nodded as Courtney said,"They got a point Kurt.". The trio soon put up puppy dog expression as Courtney smirked. "You're not going to stop them. Remind you of someone?" said Courtney. "Fine but if things get too intense, you're leaving got it." said Kurt. "Okay!" said the three. 

Back at the school, Walter was panting. This is due to Clair having some backup being that it's both Cleaver and Dusk. "So why haven't you captured them yet? Do you really want to piss off the body sparkie?" said Dusk. Dusk was pretty much the reason why he and his allies weren't getting hit by Walter's attacks by making shadow portals, sending the attacks back at him. "I didn't expect him to be so strong!" said Clair.

Cleaver soon heard,"Turn for some roasted lizard!". He was soon blasted back by a black and white fireball with Clair and Dusk seeing Atem, Kurt, Uriel, and Zoey all in costume with Kurt and Zoey holding Atem and Uriel in the air. Kurt used a Super Cube to make his. He's wearing a black and white jumpsuit with his eyes covered by a silver bird-themed mask over his eyes. Kurt and Zoey soon landed with Walter saying,"Who are you? Are you female Zero?".

Uriel said,"My name is K-9!". "I see. I wasn't asking you but good to know." said Walter. "So old man, do you think we can help you out take care of these three while you rest?" said Kurt, with his fists flaming black and white. "Sure. Keep an eye on the shadow man." said Walter. "Gotcha. You guys know what to do right?" said Kurt. "Right!" said Zoey. She soon fire three Green Nether beams toward them with Clair blocking it with lightning and Dusk sending it through a portal.

However, Atem soon grabbed Dusk using his wrappings. "I don't think I can hold him so attack him K-9!" said Atem. "Okay!" said Uriel. Cleaver ,being that he was dodging fireballs, saw the girl covered in Dark Pink Mojo being that it formed into a giant dog which looked like Wolfram in his regular form. Dusk escaped Atem's grip but he was still hit by the giant dog. The shadow man soon glared at her with him saying,"I guess I have to take you kids serious.".

Zoey soon fired several Nether beams at Clair with the lightning woman saying,"You can't be serious kid? Are you cosplaying Zero? So do you know him?". The girl soon jumped around the battlefield as Zoey stood there, closing her eyes. Kurt ,who was dodging Cleaver's blades by turning into fire and this pissed off Cleaver, thought,"What is she doing?". Just before Clair was about to hit Zoey with a giant electricity punch, Zoey soon grabbed her fist.

Zoey smiled as she said,"I know Zero and he taught me how to sense others by their energies plus I'm way stronger than someone who just got her powers! Take this!". Clair was soon blasted by a giant Green Nether Zero with Uriel saying,"That's so cool!". Atem soon saw Dusk ,whose fire aura went into his hand, and threw a shadow ball covered in flames toward Uriel. "K-9! Look out!" said Atem as he sent his wrappings toward the ball.

However, the ball was soon blocked by a giant wall of earth. Uriel soon turned to Walter with him saying,"I know that the attack was cool K-9 but right now, we're in a fight.". "Okay!" said Uriel. She soon rushed toward Dusk with him sending several shadow tendrils ,covered in flames, being that the little girl dodging it. Atem was shocked by his sister being that Dusk was soon sent flying back from Uriel's punch. Everyone there was shocked by Uriel's strength with the girl smiling.

Dusk soon recovered with all of them hearing,"Wow. I totally didn't see that coming. A Vulcorian's strength is nothing less than amazing! So what is taking you guys so long to capture four people? It should be easy for guys like you!". They all heard maniacal laughter with Dusk saying,"Great. We have to deal with him now.". A devil like creature soon flew toward them with it being male. He looks 6 feet tall and covered in green scales.

He has pointed ears. He has noticeable horns sticking out of his chin, being a makeshift beard. His mouth was wide open, showing off his sharp fangs. His eyes are bigger than normal with him having yellow pupils and black sclera. He has a pair of dragon-like wings which were currently sticking out of his back. Both of his hands and feet are webbed. He wears a black full bodysuit that looks to be ripped thanks to his enhanced size and wings but it was the former mainly.

His chest is currently wrapped in bandages. He wears crimson red armor plating around his upper arms and his chest. He wears this with dark purple cargo shorts. He wears dark brown gauntlets and dark gold boots. "So is he with you guys?" said Kurt. "Unfortunately, yes." said Dusk. "So shadow man, are you going to ask me for some help? I mean do you really want to piss me off? I mean you seen me mad" said the devil.

The devil was about to be attacked by two giant rock fists but they could lay contact, they were sliced to pieces by Cleaver's blade barrage. "Thanks Cleaver! I could have survive that attack but thanks anyway." said the devil. He had his hand in a gun-like pose with him soon firing several beams of fire toward the Alvarez family. Atem dodging them by turning into living bandages, Kurt just took the attacks by turning into fire, Uriel dodged them, and Zoey turned intangible.

Cleaver said,"You know that isn't working right?". "I don't think he cares." said Clair. "So should we leave him to capture them?" said Cleaver. "Sure. Keep Rocky busy while I'll make a portal. Our pal here is a but of a maniac." said Dusk. Clair and Cleaver soon saw Walter heading toward the trio with Clair said,"Cover me scales. I'm going to show you why I'm way stronger than you!". She was charging up an attack with Cleaver nodding.

He soon fired several blades toward Walter with each one of them cutting the rock man. Walter soon got to them ,with several holes, as he said,"You can't stop me!". "I can! 10,000,000 Million Electric Burst!" yelled Clair. The rock man was soon blasted by a giant burst of electricity, causing him to fall toward the ground and he was out cold. "Walter!" said Atem. Dusk was soon gone along with Clair and Cleaver with Dusk saying,"Bring them to the base once you're done playing Baron!".

Baron aka the devil gave a thumbs up with Kurt sprouting fire wrings. He soon flew toward the devil and well, Baron noticed him. "Sorry fire chicken but my scales are fire-proof." said Baron as he grabbed them. He soon made his claws stab into Kurt with the fire man saying,"That isn't going to work on me!". He soon erupted in flames, covering the two in it. Baron sent went flying toward the ground with Kurt reforming from the embers and his body was fire.

Zoey said,"That was so cool Silver Raptor!". "Thanks. I call it my Phoenix Burst. I'm the cooler uncle right?" said Kurt with a smile. "Nah. Uncle L is way cooler." said Uriel, with Kurt sulking. The trio soon went toward Kurt with Atem noticing that the baron was out cold ,but not a single burn, and the ground was broken under him. Atem wrapped the Baron up in his body's wrapping with the devil laughing maniacally . "What's so funny? We defeated you." said Atem.

Kurt said,"So tell us why you were after the Alvarez family in the first place devil?". "Your family is close to Zero. To use you all as bait, I broke out Cleaver, Cosmonaut, and Voltaire, borrow Jaws from the Odium Society, and Dusk and Sahara are a mystery but you'll soon find out why." said Baron. He soon covered the area in a green gas which knocked out the four and the entire area was in a smoke cloud. 

Around the same time as Clair's attack on Walter and at Cypress Park University, Andre and Karen watched Maxwell and Natasha ,who had been here since early this morning according to Sharon, examining Olympia Z, "Wow. It's weird to see two people examining a rock." said Andre. "You do know that this rock can help people who don't want their powers." said Karen. "Yeah. So have you been able to call Zane?" said Andre. "Nope." said Karen.

Andre said,"This is just weird. I remember the last time Zane went M.I.A., his mother went to the hospital.". "It's due to his brother being taken by that shadow man. Maybe, we'll..." thought Karen as she noticed the door open slightly and a huge burst of sand came rushing in. Andre and Karen went over to the adults with the sand forming into Mandy. She looked at them with her saying,"Natasha Alvarez. We need you.". "We? And who are you?" said Max.

The skylight soon broke as Craig came flying in. "This is my partner." said Mandy. She soon aimed a massive wave of sand toward them with Max saying,"It's time to test out that brand new metahuman defense system. Activate Code Philosopher's Stone.". The sand woman and flying man was soon held in a maze with Andre said,"That's really cool. So how durable are these walls?". "Strong enough to survive a punch from Brawn Form. We had Morph and Zero test them." said Max.

Natasha thought,"I don't think Zane was trying but these walls are impressive.". Karen looked at the space rock with her saying,"So what about the rock?". "Don't worry. It won't be stolen. This is the cure to helping metahumans like Carlos and Clair." said Max. "But I like my powers now doc. They give me strength!" said a voice. Out of the computers, Clair appeared with her saying,"Sorry but I need to free my friends. We need them.".

Andre said,"Clair! Stop this!". He soon dodged a lightning bolt with Clair saying,"My name isn't Clair anymore. She died and Voltaire was born in her place!". "Fine Voltaire! Listen! You don't have to be a bad girl. This rock can help you get back your life." said Andre. Clair stood there as she said with her looking down,"Really? Do you think I could be human again?". "Yeah. Just trust me okay Clair?" said Andre. "Idiot." said Karen and Natasha.

Maxwell looked confused before he figured out why the two said that. Andre was soon shocked and sent flying into the wall. "My name isn't Clair! It's Voltaire!" yelled Clair. She soon made two giant whips of electricity with her saying,"Unlock my friends, come with us Natasha, and if you do that, I'll leave you with minor burns.". "Sorry sparkie but that won't be happening." said a voice. The woman was soon blasted by ionic energy with the four looking up.

It was a being of living ,dark purple with black and white blotches, ionic energy with glowing red eyes. He looked to be in his late teens with him wearing a black bodysuit that covered his body. He has a silver armored chest plate and shoulder pads. He wears a navy blue utility belt and fingerless gloves. He wears silver sleek ,knee-high, white combat boots with steel soles. He wears silver ankle and knee pads. He wears a silver knight like helmet with a transparent faceplate.

Clair looked at him with him saying,"Screw you! I'll turn you into ash!". She soon fired electricity balls toward him with them going through the ionic being. "Sorry but I'm living energy and well, I can make attacks like that go right through me." said the being. He soon flew down and punched Clair, with her going into the wall. "So are you a hero?" said Karen. "Yep. Just call me Quark. We need to get you out of here Mrs. Alvarez." said Quark.

Clair soon rushed at him with her hearing,"Hey! Free us already! I don't want sand in my suit.". "I can control it unlike cement head." said Sahara's voice. "Just wait for a second! I need to handle that bastard!" yelled Clair. Quark dodged her punches with him saying,"Just stop.". There was soon a large flash of light as Quark covered his eyes. He heard a scream with the light going away. He soon turned to see an unconscious Max with Karen, sitting there tied up in some fire ropes.

He also noticed that there was a hole in the defense system with it completely melted. He also saw that Natasha and Olympia Z was gone with him saying,"Great. First day out and I messed up. This is just the worst.". Quark turned his right hand into an blade as he said with a smile,"Just stay perfectly still Karen.". Karen nodded as Quark cut the ropes off her. "Thanks Quark. So how do you know my name exactly?" said Karen. "We're pals or I'm pals with your boyfriend Zane." said Quark.

Quark soon turned into Allen with Karen saying,"You're a metahuman Allen!?". "Yep. I told Danny and Gwen about my powers. They told me to come find you and protect Natasha but I failed at that job rather badly." said Allen with him groaning. "Why?" said Karen. "We need to find Zane now." said Allen. He soon turned into Quark with Karen into Starlight. The two were flying off as Karen said,"Why the rush Quark?". "Some villains are going after his family." said Allen. "Oh." said Karen.

At the Alvarez house, Ana ,who stayed home due to a cold, watched her paternal grandfather Darin pace the living room. She watched the warrior of the Alliance doing this alongside both her maternal grandfather and grandmother Arturo and Lauren, paternal grandmother Trixie, and all of the Alvarez family pets (Kania, Nexus, Sly, and Wolfram). "So Grandma Trixie, so did Grandpa Darin do this a lot? I'm still not used to it." said Ana, coughing a bit.

Trixie nodded as Wolfram played on her lap. "He did, mainly when Shawn was in anger. It'll be nice  to have the whole family together for Thanksgiving." said Trixie. "What about your son Trixie? He's still in the Infinite Void. Liv and her group could only find that note, saying that we're going to be borrowing him." said Lauren. Trixie shrugged with Darin said,"And where is my daughter in law you guys?! She said that she would be home by lunch.".

Sly ,from her spot, said,"You do know that she's a grown woman right?". "He does know that but I don't think he cares." said Kania. Nexus smiled as Arturo said,"She must be busy looking at that space rock. I wonder if she wants Zane to give up his powers and be just a libidinous teen.". Wolfram barked with Lauren said,"I know that you don't want Zane to give up his power but he's been in more fights than most kids his age. He deserves to have a normal life.".

Arturo said,"Lauren. In our family, the life he has now is normal. It could be worst.". "True. I owe Zane my life. He brought me back with my mate and gave me a child to raise." said Nexus as Wolfram barked loudly. "Do you really see him as your son?" said Sly. "Phantom dogs treat other dogs as family regardless of blood." said Kania. "Ah. I didn't know that." said Darin. "And I'm just happy you're not tearing up the floor." said Ana, causing them to laugh at Darin.

Meanwhile across the street, Dusk stood there with Jaws and Rampage. "So why aren't we going in there and capturing them?" said Jaws. "Because they're way stronger than all of us. We can't be too risky with this operation." said Dusk. "So what are we going to do?" said Rampage. "I'll be making a shadow portal to transport them into the secret base but you'll need to hide us from them." said Dusk. "Will do." said Rampage.

Dusk soon aimed his hands toward the Alvarez house with the nearby shadows forming around it and inside, the four elders of the family sensed it happening. Rampage soon grabbed Dusk and Jaws with the three of them heading into the nearby cement. The family was soon dragged into the shadows and the house was soon completely empty. The trio came out of the ground with Dusk saying,"And we're doing collecting them.". "Sweet." said Jaws. The three were gone by shadows.

On a building rooftop, Danny was currently with Gwen, Kevin, Kristen, Rachel, Rain, Roxy, and Taylor. The entire group was all in their costume which included Rachel. Soon after Marcus’s plant apocalypse, Rachel asked Natasha to make her a battle suit that can protect herself and her son from danger. She also had some training from Sharia ,who was visiting Cypress Park at the time in secret, decided to train her in martial arts. She calls herself Riptide.

When her costume isn’t in use, she wears two gray bracelets around her wrists and usually under her shirt with them being marked with a gold lightning bolt like symbol. Upon touching it, her costume soon forms around her and her clothing. She wears a dark red long sleeved leotard which extends out to her hands and act as sleeveless gloves. She wears black and white gauntlets ,with a red center, that went up to her elbows.

She wears a black leather/armored breastplate with gold accents. She wears a dark blue armored skirt that went down to her knees and it has a black belt. She wears black thigh-high stockings. She wears silver hip guards. She wears slim leather brown combat ,jet-powered, high heeled boots that go up to her knees. On her left thigh, she has a Plasma Swiss Army Knife resting in its holster being that it's a custom version of the signature weapon.

It's a short, scarlet-red metallic staff being that it gave off vibes of Heidi's staff known as Serenity and Zane's Stormbreaker. It has black stripes from top to bottom. This staff has the powerful ability to control its length with a single thought on her part and control the elements mainly in the form of the weather as Kevin learned the hard way. She also has a black ,leather/metallic, Cat of Nine Tails with sharp tips to it.

She wears a metallic tiara resting on her head with in a high ponytail. Her eyes and hair were now blue and silver respectively. She's popular with females for being a powerful warrior and men for being a cute girl in armor. "So what do we know about the situation?" said Taylor. "Zane's entire family was captured by the same shadow man that took Clair." said Rain. Taylor soon looked at Roxy being that she's the most worried and angry at Zane.

Roxy said,"So could someone please tell me why the strongest one of us aka Zaney isn't answering his phone in this time of crisis?! Have we tried looking for him? We should have been able to find him by his Animus, Mojo, Nether, Primordial, or whatever other energy he has in his dam body! So where is he?!". Gwen placed her hands on Roxy as she said,"Calm down.". Roxy took a deep breath as she said,"Okay. I'm calm. So why haven't we done anything?".

Gwen said,"We tried every way of contacting him Roxy but we couldn't find him. The last known location of Zane is at the hospital and we asked Scott for where Zane flew off but he doesn't know where Zane went.". "What about his secret base?" said Kristen. "Tried that too. The security system is active and well, Zane had his smartest forms make it and well, it would take too dam long to crack it." said Kevin. "Danny tried attacking it but he was sent flying back. It was hilarious." said Rachel.

Roxy said,"You have it on video right?". Rachel nodded as Danny saw Allen and Karen with Heidi joining them. She's wearing a new costume. She wears a black and white domino mask ,which is in the shape of a hourglass turned vertically, with a solid purple outline around them. This covered her gray eyes. She wears a black dress until the waist with the end of it being green. She also has long black sleeves. She wears a gray belt with her metal staff attached to it.

She wears a dark green robe with a peaked hood. The robe is held up by a gold chain and a rose pink diamond shaped gem in front of the robe. This also covers her crimson red hair which was now up to her chin. She wears purple fingerless gloves with black flat ankle-boots with blackish red soles and black straps in an X-shaped pattern. Ever since she and Roxy met up with Zane or the first time, Zane told her that he would call if he need his assistance. This was that time.

Heidi soon bowed as she said,"Thanks for asking me to come you guys.". "You seriously don't need to bow Viola. All of us are pals thanks to Zero and we need your help." said Allen with him holding up his hands. Heidi was the only one who didn't know that Zane was Legion Zero mainly due to the fact that no one told her yet. It was mainly due to the situation being quite dire and they were going to tell her about Zane's secret until much later so not in this episode at all.

Karen said,"So what's the plan?". "We need to handle the gas cloud, find the Alvarez family, and take down the villains." said Gwen. "What about Zero? Shouldn't he help us and was Zane captured as well? Silver Knight told me that the Alvarez family was kidnapped." said Heidi. "Yeah. Zero is busy with a different assignment." said Kevin. "Oh." said Heidi. "So what are the teams? All of us are here for a reason." said Taylor, crossing her arms.

Danny said,"Yeah. There will be two teams. Team 1 will focus on getting rid of the gas cloud that's covered a fourth of the side. Amazon, Bewitched, Dragoness, Lunar, Starlight, and Viola. You ladies are on the gas control and rescuing people.". "Gotcha Morph." said Rain aka Lunar. The six girls were gone as Allen said,"So we're on the villain capturing team. Sounds fun mate. I think my old man can help us out.". "Lets go then." said Rachel. The group was gone.

Outside of the old clock tower ,the geographical center of Cypress Park and Legion Zero's known headquarters, Zenith Tower, there was an impenetrable and invisible force field around the tower. It is the tower's security system being that Zane had Atomic Form, Brain Form, Gadget Form, Terrapin Form, and the rest of Zane's intellectual forms build it in secret. Outside of the building and across the street, Nova stood there.

She was wearing an outfit that had elements of the two costumes that she wore when she was under the control of Marcus Simmons aka Father Nature with some new stuff to her. Her blond hair had its wild look with her bangs being purple and they curl slightly toward her right eyebrow. She has dark indigo flower petals resting in her hair. Her eyes were glowing green with her wearing a golden flower/star eye makeup around her eyes, working as a mask to conceal her identity.

Nova is wearing a long black one piece suit with it covered in dark green leaves and a gray flak SWAT vest type chest armor that protects her chest. It's also covered in the dark green leaves as well. She wears a white silk shawl over her. She's wearing black chain mail armor over her arms and legs with her legs being fishnet stockings. She's wearing black ,knee high, slim combat heeled boots with sharp cactus-like thorns on the side.

She wore a pare of dark green gloves that cover her hands. She wears a black choker with a dark purple star like object hanging of the choker thanks to a silver chain that hangs around her waist. She wears silver armbands ,with a black spike, on her arms. Both of her biceps had a rose themed tattoo on them. She wears purplish black makeup and matching lipstick. She wears dark eyeliner and a touch of dark glitter blush on her cheeks. She was now the superheroine Lucky Star.

Nova said,"So how am I going to break into this place? Zero made this place hard to break into and well, it's harder than Fort Knox.". "Don't doubt yourself girl." said a voice. She turned to see Parker on her shoulder,"So why did you ask me to free Zero from the tower? Isn't that his tower Parker?" said Nova. "It is his tower and according to Savant, it'll be harder to break into than Fort Knox. We'll need his help." said Parker.

The girl looked at him as she said,"So why is the alarm system active? Wouldn't it be able to tell friend from foe?". "Yes but right now, the security system is being controlled by one of Zane's villains. This wouldn't be a thing since Zane had it built using all of his smarter forms but she got very lucky with hacking into the system. However, we have to get inside." said Parker. "And why me again?" said Nova with her arms crossed. "You're strong. Follow me." said Parker. The two walked toward the tower.

Inside the center of the tower and toward where the clock bell was, there was black ,with a crimson red tint, webbing cocoon in the upper right corner. The room was also covered in black ,with a crimson red web pattern, tendrils which stemmed from the cocoon. These tendrils also prevent anyone from coming in or out. On the floor of the room, all of Zane's accessories were resting there being that they were slightly covered by the tendrils.

In an unknown location, Lucius woke up and he saw that both his arms and legs were held in power hampering cuffs. He was also in an cage that was made out of steel and guarded by a laser array. The room was dark except for the laser's lights. "Son of a bitch." said Lucius. He looked up to see that his entire family was out cold and he said,"Okay. This isn't good.". "No shit." said a voice. Lucius soon turned to see both Kurt and Natasha ,in the same cage and cuffs as him, sitting there.

Natasha said,"One of Zane's foes captured me when I was at the lab.". "Same with me brother but I didn't know him. He was a devil or something like that." said Kurt. "That's correct." said a voice. The three turned to see Baron standing there with him waving. His hand was covered in fire. "Who are you? And where are we?" said Natasha. "My dear Natasha. I'm hurt. My name is Hellion Baron but call me Baron for short." said Baron.

He soon bowed to them with Kurt said,"I don't call who you are. Why did you kidnap us ugly? Zero doesn't treat us any special.". "He does. The real reason we brought all of you is reunite the Alvarez family." said Baron. He soon walked toward something with him saying,"I know that you missed him so let me introduce you to...". The room's lights turned on as the three were shocked to see who it was. It was a man tied down to a chair.

He has spiky black hair with a silver streak that went along his temples and front of his hair with him having blue eyes. He has a faint five o’clock shadow with him being 6 foot 3. He is considered to be handsome and having a muscular build. He was wearing a large black leather coat which has multiple pockets on the insides and it has several different things in each pocket. Under that, he wears a dark red shirt and tan pants with bulky brown boots.

He wears a pair of glasses with the lens having a small crack on both of the lenses. He has a large gun strapped to the back. It looks like a rocket launcher mixed with rifle. It’s body is long and gray with a light bulb at the end with it producing electricity to fire. It has a sniper scope which he uses to aim and the reticle is shaped like a pentagon. "Let me introduce you all to Shawn Lancelot Alvarez aka your husband and father. You're welcome." said Baron, shocking the trio.

Next time,
Shawn is back from the Infinite Void. So how do he return from the Infinite Void? What happened to Zane? Will we finally learn the origin of that slime creature from Episode 91? This and more next time on Zero!
Brimstone Grimoire. This book contains all knowledge about the previous ninety Zeroes throughout the years. It can teach the next Zero on how the previous Zeroes fought before they died. It was written by Astral Priestess being that upon the death of a Zero, a page contain their information is automatically written in there. It can range from how they fought or what they've done as Zero with some entries being longer than others.

It's very much like an Akashic records which is a compendium of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future. Some of its biggest features are the entire life of a Zero, which includes their special moves such as the Astral attacks which Zane learned how to do, and the Prophecy of Space and Time. The latter requires the current Zero and the symbols that related to that Zero. It's one of the most powerful books in the Omniverse.

This is due to the knowledge that it contains. However, the book can only be read by the ones that the book decides are worthy. If they aren't worthy of this power at all, the pages are blank. It's a large hardbound leather book with black edges with a burgundy cover. On the front and back cover, there is a golden scale. The left pan of the scale has the symbol for the Greek Word Zeta being black and the right pan of the scale has the symbol for "0" being white. It's thicker than a dictionary.

It's also covered in rips and tears being that it's been around for a long time. There is a gold monocle attached to it via a dark indigo cord that could be used a bookmark.

Solace. Zane made this Autonomous Unit or AU to help him obtain information while he’s Zero or on a job, plus or have something for his younger children to play with. Zane made her to be Solace is Athena and Cole’s daughter. Her voice sounds like a female pre-teen being that she’s very curious which sometimes get into trouble. She has a unique sense of humor being that it’s like Zane when he was in Fiore which Zane likes.

She’s often indifferent being that she tends to be indifferent. She’s laid back about most things being that she often shows emotions when it comes to her creator Zane or her parents Athena and Cole. She tends to feel sadness being that she hates when her creator or parents gets mad at them. She’s loyal to Zane being that she'll never leave Zane’s side. She often worries about his creator/uncle safety. She tends to go overboard being that Zane has to tell her to stop.

Her attempts at finding information tends to result in a blackout. She was once punished for that. She’s still a child being that Zane often gets mad when she’s punished for too long since she is her creator. She has a unique appearance being that she’s similar to a small, mechanical black metal robot ,being about 12 inches tall. She has a perfectly sphere for a head being that it has patches of gray toward the sides of her head.

At the top of her head, she has a cute bob haircut. Her face is a transparent gray screen with a small set of eyebrows and has eyeliner with little blush on her cheeks. She has two red vertical dots aka her eyes. Her mouth is a white USB port. This is her mouth, teeth, and tongue that only appears when it's activate. She doesn’t have a neck being that her body has a block shaped body being that she wears a maid outfit.

She wears a typical maid outfit, consisting of a black under coat and a white, frilled-trim apron with black high heels. She has five fingers hands and toes with cylinder-like arms and legs. Inside of her body, she has a gold square shaped CPU. She can create a gray mechanical arm which is a golden dragon like claw and black palm. She can sprout either two feathered yet mechanical wings or a propeller with a black blade and a black shaft with gold stripes.

She’s been called a walking and talking supercomputer. She can gather any information that would be useful for mission success being that she scans anything that could be useful. Her scanning is done within seconds. When she’s scanning something, a shining red light covers an object and saves her database being that if there is a serious problem, she automatically says it aloud.

She can hack through most technologies being that she tends to go overboard on that. She’s able to grow in size being that she can range from the size of a bounce ball up to the size of a cushion. She can shrink down to the size of an atom. Upon activating battle mode, she grows to about 5 feet tall. Her body is a larger version of her small self. Her face is covered by a thin sheet of metal, looking like a visor which covers her eyes.

She can reach incredible speeds, being able to catch up with Zane which is impressive given his speed. She can record all that she’s seen and play it back for Zane to reviewing mainly seen with his fights or evidence. She can store and fire green plasma energy being that she’s effective at fighting from long range. She’s able to find Zane no matter where he is and will report to him with any information that she’s obtained.

She can use her claws to grab something nearby him and use it as a weapon. Any damage that she obtains gets instantly restore within minutes. She's able to float in the air and go intangible. She’s able to detect any anomalies in whatever dimension she’s in. In her database, she’s an expert on several different subjects ranging from nanotechnology to cooking being that she thinks all information is good.

Astral Ensnarement. This power was granted to him upon Leif deciding that Zane will be the one to avenge the deaths of the previous Zeroes. This power is unknown to most of the Omniverse, which includes the Alliance who are known for their information gathering skills. Zane is the only one who knows all of its techniques. This power allows Zane to manipulate the soul and energy of others around him being that he can make others fight for him.

These chains allow him to use the chains that the strongest Zero Ryoka Xasius once used as weapons when she was alive. They are black with dark indigo flame like outlines. Unlike Ryoka though, Zane can make them come from his body. Ryoka who had the chains fused to her body upon being punished for a crime. This power is often seen as nothing more than chains that Zane can use as a weapon.

However, it’s true purpose is the ability to manipulate the soul and energy of others around him. He can use these chains to reach great lengths being that their max length is unknown. This power does have its weakness however being that if the chains are destroyed too much, they need time to heal their injuries. This can range from minutes to hours. He can use this power alongside another power that he has to increase their strength.

Zane's New Attacks: 13.
Physical Attacks: 2.
Astral Fist. This attack mixes Astral Ensnarement and Sweet Mixture being that Zane makes his arms and fists expanded in size with them being wrapped in the chains. They are immune to damage of any kind. Magical and energy attacks gets absorbed by his chains while Physical attacks go right through them. He can also make several fists come out of his body with each one covered in chains.

Astral Stomp. Zane wraps his legs in his chains being that he soon crouches and jumps right toward his target. Zane either stretches one of his legs toward his target being that he kicks them with that foot. The force is so strong that the target is sent flying back and the chain soon wraps themselves around the target upon contact. Zane soon throws them toward the ground and it makes a crater. He can make several legs with each one wrapped in chains.

Ranged Attacks: 2.
Astral Marksman. Zane holds his hand in front of him being that it’s in a gun-like pose. Zane soon concentrates his Primordial energy into his hand, being that he soon fires out a blast of the energy being the amount equal to how much energy that he charges. He can fire several blasts in a row. This attack can be reflected back at him.

Astral Roar. Zane takes a deep breath with him gathering steel gray cosmic energy around him being that the target notices that the air around him vibrates and ripples. He soon fires out the energy from his body through a massive burst of energy. The target can escape this attack but Zane wraps his chains around the target, being that they take Zane’s attack so his target cannot escape. It can immobilizing them for up to an hour.

Techniques: 9.
Astral Chains. Zane can make these chains appear on his arms being that they completely cover his arms. These chains are black with dark indigo flame like outlines. They’re more sharper than normal chains and they usually form a ring around Zane. These chains are also alive being that they can defy Zane’s order in order to protect their master. They can be destroy but they instantly restore any kind of damage. He can also make the mask that the sign of his partnership with these chains. These chains are Zane’s sword and shield. They work as whips or ropes. They are intangible but they can inflict damage by absorbing the energy of his opponents working best on magic users. They naturally absorb magic and Zane’s excess energy. They attack and move like a striking snake.

Astral Construction. Zane looks toward an area being that he can restrain a target being that he uses his target's soul or energy to hold them down. He can also use his chains. They’re unable to move and able to use their powers.

Astral Control. Zane holds his hands in front of him being that he can control people upon them coming in contact with his eyes or with his chains.

Astral Devouring. This power allows Zane to eat energy in order to recover any energy that he has lost. He does this by making mouths appear on his body and chains. Any energy that comes near the mouths get eaten alive. This attack won’t work on humans being that Zane finds them disgusting.

Astral Observation. Zane slowly glows dark purple with his chains going around him and his target, being that the chain makes a dome like shape. The chains soon glow dark purple being that the dark purple color soon makes a giant energy sphere. The target is unable to escape being that Zane creates illusions that affect one’s mind. 

Astral Prison. Zane makes his chains wrap around his target being that they are unable to move or fight back. He can use this on Phantoms mainly because they can phase through most forms of matter.

Astral Rupture. Zane can disrupt the flow of energy of his target being that he can stop them from fighting by stopping the energy flow that they use.

Astral Sense. This ability/attack allows Zane to sense energy of any kind in a person’s body being that he can use it to track them down even if they don’t have a scent. This ability can be used to track anyone either through their plus or the energy that they produce. He can also use to sense how strong an opponent is. It’s range goes to 1,000,000,000 miles away being that with complete focus, he could sense someone on the other side of the Earth. They turn his eyes into a noticeable and bright molten gold color with two magic circles in front of him. He can make them like binoculars. This move was made famous by Ryoka and it’s very impressive, given Zane’s other ability with sensing. He can show this sign being that his eyes glow, giving him the ability to see in the dark. He can locate magic and find trails left behind others. He can also lower his own energy to the point where he’s completely invisible. 

Astral Suppression. Zane wraps his chains around his target, being that they are unable to move. Zane soon places his hand on them, being that his logo appears on a random part of the body. Upon doing this, the target is under his complete control being unable to fight back. They follow his orders to the letter.

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