Monday, September 2, 2019

Zero Episode 127 Infernal Wrath

A/N: Yes. This tile makes it clear about what's going on and since I mentioned a big change in the Author Note, I should go all out with the title. Like I promised, I posted last episode within the month and will try to get this out before the month. I started writing this post on the 29th so I have two days to do this. Lets go. It's a self-imposed challenge on myself since I'm trying to put out at least four posts a month at least.

I didn't do that for January, February, and May but I got close with June. I went above and beyond with March and April. Lets see if I can keep the four post producing streak going on. I won't be talking about some of the recent Marvel stuff in this Author Note since honestly, I need to dedicate a whole Author Note to those topics. It won't be a rant like I've done before but it will be something. Lets begin and yes this is a short Author Note. Don't expect this to be normal.

Narrator P.O.V.
Outside of a warehouse on the lower east side of Cypress Park, some criminals were currently there and robbed a depot belonging to Champion Tech. They were known as the Hellion Company and all of them were former groupies of the former crime bosses Andrew, George, and Reactor. They were pretty much forced into the group by Hellion and he did this by almost blowing them up. All of them were wearing devil masks to signify who they working for.

Two of them were using crowbars as they opened up a closed box. The box contained bazookas in it as one of the henchmen grabbed one and smiled underneath her mask. Yes, Hellion Baron hired or forced both men and women into serving him. The members are called demons by the way. One of the demons was soon sent flying into the air and was sent toward the two members who were by the bazookas.

The gang soon saw Legion Zero standing there and he said,"Guys. Please stop. I'm getting sick of fighting you guys.". "Get him!" said a male demon. Zane had been stopping crimes like this from the Hellion Company for the past two weeks now ever since Hellion Baron returned and on Valentine's Day of all days. Zane had fought against Andrew and Reactor's gangs around the same time but they weren't working together.

Their crimes ranged from bank robberies to stealing from Champion Tech. Two members of the Hellion Company or HC charged at Zane with the teen jumping over him. Zane grabbed him and hit his friend into the nearby truck. "And I beat a demon with another demon. Huh. I guess you guys can provide me some enjoyment thanks." said Zane, throwing the other demon into the truck. Behind him, a demon was trying to hit him with a crowbar.

Zane phased through his attempted attack as he said,"Really? A crowbar? Is that seriously the best you can do? I mean you're around all of these high-tech weaponry but you use a crowbar. That's just insulting. At least, you aren't using a baseball bat with spikes. That would be just the worst.". Zane soon kicked the demon in the back, sending him toward a group of demons and breaking their mask upon contact with the ground.

Zane looked at them as he thought,"This is the tenth demon horde that I've fought and the boss hasn't come out to avenge his minions.". Crisis Judgement went off as Zane looked behind him to see the five members of the horde aiming their bazookas at him. A ball with many protruding spikes came out of it with Zane dodging them as they pierced the truck behind Zane. "And not to mention that Lilith and Rocco are up to something too. Both of them have been too quiet." thought Zane. 

Zane phased into the ground as a demon said,"He's around here! Spread out and end him!". The four other demons looked for Zane as one of them's legs was grabbed by an invisible force. "Huh?" said the demon. He was then thrown into a wall as Zane reappeared. "I'll protect everyone from the worst of the worst. I promise." thought Zane. Zane then jumped onto the top of the truck as another barrage of spiked balls went after him.

Zane soon dodged three demons firing at him and he jumped into the air. He spotted a demon looking at him being that Zane kicked him toward the ground hard. "Sorry no sorry!" said Zane. Another demon came out from behind the truck, firing the spiked cannonball at Zane. Zane turned intangible and the ball went right through him, breaking the rope holding the crate. They were about to fire on three demons but they were saved by Zane.

Zane saved them by manipulating the water nearby them and grabbed them, throwing them into a wall and knocking them out. There was only one member of the HC left and he looked for Zane. He wasn't going to lose to Zane again. Fun fact about this demon, he was the passenger punk from Zero Episode 86. He soon felt someone tapping his shoulder and he turned around to see nothing. He soon turned back around and Zane smiled. "Hi." said Zane.

He made a crowbar ,which came from one of his fellow demons, fly toward the bazooka wielding demon and hit his crotch. The demon winced in pain and went onto his knees. He dropped the bazooka and Zane grabbed it. "Ah. The classic nut shot. So do you surrender?" said Zane, breaking the bazooka with his left hand. "Yes!" squealed the demon in a very high pitch. "Good but just to be sure about your surrender." said Zane, punching him out cold. 

A bit later, Zane was look up at the demons and were stuck in Zane's signature webbing mixed with his candy syrup. They were currently hanging upside down which works better for interrogation criminals which Zane learned over time. "Okay. I'm getting real tired of fighting you guys so you need to tell me something. Where is your boss's place of residence?" said Zane. "We don't know at all Zero!" said a demon. "Yeah! He contacts us!" said the second demon. "Yeah! We aren't lying!" said the third demon.

Zane sighed as he said,"You're right dang it. Oh and well, this chase isn't overyet.". Zane looked at the truck and he saw that it was driving away. Zane sighed as he turned into Beast Form which got an upgrade thanks to the Zenith Core. Unlike most forms that changed their appearance and design thanks to the Zenith Core, this one shrunk with it now being eight feet tall and looks far less frightening compared to before. It also has a more distinct appearance compared to before. 

His build is muscular mainly around his abdomen and torso with his two arms and legs being longer than normal. His body is still covered in gray fur with the fur around his chest, shoulders, stomach, and thighs being thicker. His skin ,which is mainly exposed by his face, is a blue color. His head is covered by chin-length and slightly slicked back dark green hair with his bangs covering his forehead and has three crimson red eyes in a pyramid/triangular pattern on their face. 

Zane's facial features resemble a human's except for his mouth which resembles a feline muzzle and has four whiskers. He has two pointed bat like ears, three gill like nostrils, and a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. He has five fingers ,with one of them being a thumb, and five toes per foot, all ending in silver sharp metallic looking claws. For clothing, he wears a pair of ripped black jeans and a camo tactical army sleeveless vest jacket with a fur collar. He goes barefoot. 

He lost the scales that once covered his body and in its place, it's replaced by an crimson red ,with a seemingly natural purple stripe, exoskeleton that covers his forearms and legs in a similar manner to gauntlets and greaves respectively. The gauntlets and greaves don't mess with the spikes in his arms and legs. With a quick stretch, he jumped after the truck and began the chase after them which didn't last for too long but they try.

Meanwhile at Karen's home, the blond was sitting in her room. Her room isn't a pink color much to Zane's joy since he really doesn't like pink. It's just one of the things that Zane hates and doesn't try to change his opinion on it. Her room's color is a white color. Like Kristen's room, her room was covered in posters. She had boy bands and famous scientific icons which were in very stark contrast to each other. This was said not by Zane but by Rachel.

Overall, she has a normal teenage girl room. Karen was sitting on her bed ,which was a subdued red color, and was currently reading her English textbook. She stopped studying with him looking up to see a picture of her and Zane. She smiled as the picture was taken when the two went to the pier on their first date as a couple. She then heard some taps on her window and Karen walked toward the window with her opening it. She looked down to see what the noise was and gasped.

On the street, a injured Vicky looked at her with a pleading look in her eyes. "Karen. You and I might not get along but I need your help." said Vicky. She passed out as Karen ran outside. The blond picked up Vicky and carried her in. She placed her on the living room's couch and pulled out her phone, calling someone to help out. Meanwhile at Zane's house, he was currently sitting in the kitchen and was talking with Rachel. "Hey Rae. Look, I'm sorry for missing for...." said Zane.

At the same time, Rachel ,who was sitting on her bed, sighed as she said,"I know Zane. You've been focused on taking down the pseudo devil but I can't help wondering if you really love....". "No! I love all of us! If anything, you all should know that I care about you girls. I did end your engagement by punching your fiancé in the face. He still scared of me?" said Zane. "Yes." said Rachel. She was quiet as Zane said,"I'm sorry Rae. I've been so busy lately with work and everything.".

Rachel took a deep breath as she said,"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow at school right?". "Yep. I may not go there any more but their fries are some of the best in Cypress Park." said Zane. Zane ended the call with him breathing a sigh of relief. Crisis Judgement went off as he felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned around to see his mom standing there. Before Zane could say anything, Natasha took a seat next to him. "So was your mom raised by ninjas? I mean she's so sneaky!" said Cole.

Zane ignored Cole as he said,"So how much did you hear?". "Long enough. Zane. You know that unlike your father, grandfather and uncle, I have been against your harem." said Natasha. "Yeah but you like all of them right?" said Zane. "I do Zane. They're such great girls and your kids enjoy being around them. I'm sure you remember what I told you about women." said Natasha. "Yeah. Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned." said Zane.

Natasha looked at him as Zane sighed. "You should be honest with them being that honesty is the best policy." said Zane. "Yes. You should be honest with yourself Zane first. I know that you're trying to be someone worthy of your power and everyone's admiration but you should find out what you want to be not what anyone else wants you to be." said Natasha. Zane didn't get to answer her as Zane's phone rang and he picked it up. "Karen. What's up?" said Zane. "We have a problem." said Karen.

A bit later, Zane was in front of Karen's house and Karen opened the door. "So did you sense me or what?" said Zane. Karen was quiet as Zane shrugged. Zane walked in to see Vicky sitting on Karen's couch and Sivarth said,"It's Vicky. What's she doing here? Karen knows that she has tried and failed to kill you just because of Arturo, Johnny, and myself.". Zane sat in the recliner in front of where Vicky was sitting.

This shocked Vicky to see her crush sitting there with Karen sitting next to her. "Vicky. Tell Zane what you told me. You can trust him. You know that." said Karen. "Well, I guess the whole school knows about me being Agent Phoenix. What most don't know is that I got my gear from Lilith Rune and then I started working with Swarm after Marilyn forced me to join." said Vicky. Zane nodded as Vicky took a deep breath.

She clenched her fists as she said,"The reason why I'm injured is because of my latest mission. I was looking for some missing performance enhanced drug called Philter which was made by Noah Foster and stolen by someone. I found the criminal and it turned out to be Cyrus. He had been taking the drug and before I could do anything, I saw him transform into Hellion Baron. He attacked me and I barely escaped as he flew off.". 

Zane's eyes widened as he said,"Seriously?! You can't be serious! Cyrus was the one to kidnap my family last year?!". "I don't think she's kidding Zane." said Karen. "Zane. I'm not lying. He transformed right in front of me." said Vicky, remembering how Cyrus transformed into Hellion Baron and blasted her down with two fireballs. "Wait. When did this happen?" said Zane. "Yeah. It was around the time of the school play. I didn't show up to it because of my mission." said Vicky.

Vicky frowned as she said,"And before I could call for the police with the phone in my suit, I was attacked by members of Hellion's gang.". "That makes sense. So did you know where Hellion Baron went?" said Zane, standing up. "Wait. Are you going to go after him Zane? You aren't serious are you Zane?" said Vicky. "We both know that he is for once but Vicky, you need to tell my dad about this situation. He can put out a APB for Cyrus." said Karen.

She looked away as she said,"I don't know Karen. I don't want to see anyone get hurt by Hellion Baron.". "Vicky. My dad can help you since he can inform Zero about this breaking news. Zero has been focused on taking him down according to my dad." said Karen. Vicky slightly grimaced at the mention of Zero as Azalea said,"So Vicky is telling the truth Zane but do you really think that it's Cyrus? Be honest.".

Zane looked at Vicky with him saying,"No. I'm sure that Vicky saw Cyrus transform but Hellion Baron is the result of something belonging to Champion Tech and was stolen from the company. That company has been robbed more than normal the past year. Derrick may be involved with them and I need to talk with Andrew.". "Why him?" said Athena. "They were good friends and I was their shared intern so he may have something to say about that man." said Zane.

Athena nodded as Vicky said,"Okay. I'll tell him.". Vicky headed toward the door as Kane said,"So we're going to keep an eye on her right?". "Yep." said Zane as Vicky opened the door. She turned to Karen and Zane as she said,"Thanks. You two are two of my better friends. See you tomorrow at school.". The girl was gone as it left Karen and Zane alone. "Yeah. I should probably go too. Got some new leads for the case. I got a lot of work to do but I will be there tomorrow." said Zane.

Karen nodded as she said,"Yeah. Stay safe okay.". Zane walked over to the door and opened it with him leaving. "So I thought you were going to be honest with Karen. You promised your mom that you would." said Twilight. "I do but I need to be honest with myself first." said Zane. "So are we going after Cyrus Zane? If so, I have some problems with that." said Athena. "Do you not believe Vicky? She wasn't lying right Kane?" said Cole.

Kane nodded as he said,"Yeah but ones memories can be manipulated. We have to accept that as a possibility. Hellion Baron has been around for a quarter of year and Cyrus hasn't been in Cypress Park for more than a month. It's fishy. You can't deny that Cole.". "Yeah. You're right Kanebut she seemed so honest." said Cole. "Zane. Once you figure out what you want to do, I'll stand by you and stand by your actions. No going back on them." said Sivarth.

Zane nodded as he started running toward a nearby alleyway. "Astral Sense." said Zane. No one was around him as he transformed into Legion Zero. He flew off and landed on a building. He went into a Burmese posture, closed his eyes, and he said,"Personal Visit.". Zane soon found himself in his casual clothing and in his mindscape. He soon found himself standing right in front of not a member of Team Legion Zero but Ryoka, the first Zero once again.

Ryoka looked at Zane with her saying,"So why did you want to talk with me? I thought you hated the other Zeros for pushing their agendas on you.". "I do but I don't hate you, Vito, Abe, or the other Zeroes who constantly be little me. You're not forcing me to be someone I'm not. The other Zeros see me as a tool for their vengeance against those who were jealous of their power and they're dead. That's why I'm happy I don't have to hear or see them. I need your advice." said Zane. "Sure. Lets talk." said Ryoka.

A few minutes later, Ryoka nodded as she said,"I see. You're honestly unsure about what to do about your life. It seems that even after this time, teens always have trouble with their future.". "Are you making a millennial joke or what?" said Zane. "Nope. I was the exact same way when I was your age and so was Vito. Abe maybe and the other Zeroes. They won't admit it but they were the same way as you were except more selfish.".   

Ryoka smiled as she said,"I'm just happy you're not dense toward your feelings. You're worried about them getting hurt despite all of them having powers, you not being worthy of their affections despite that being the opposite case, and so many other problems. My best advice for you is to....". She was silent as Zane said,"What's up? Are you alright Ryoka?". "Yes. It seems that there is someone who is better to help you with your problems than I." said Ryoka.

She was gone as Zane sighed. "Great. I came to this empty white void to talk with Ryoka aka the first Zero and she bailed on me. Just my luck." said Zane. "I'm sorry that I decided to waste my precious time coming to see you in your time in need." said a voice. Zane turned to see Parker standing there and Zane said,"Parker. You're going to be helping me with my personal issues?". "Of course. You're the strongest Zero in the history of that system according to Leif." said Parker.

Zane sighed as he said,"Yeah. I've been told that so many times now and it doesn't get old.". "It seems that you're having trouble dealing with all of the pressure put upon you huh." said Parker. "Yeah. It isn't just that." said Zane. "Well. Tell me what they are." said Parker. "Are you serious?" said Zane as Parker went in front of Zane. "Yes. I think out of everyone in the Omniverse, I'm the best person to help you so talk and don't hold back." said Parker. "Okay." said Zane.

Just like with Ryoka, Zane explained to the Eazairvian his problems with the slime nodding. "I see. I guess that you're having some trouble and if you want my advice, don't you dare respond with one of your snappy comments." said Parker. "K." said Zane. "Okay. On the relationship front, I think you should choose two of them to spend the rest of their lives with. By dating all seven of them, you're stringing them along. You know that I'm right." said Parker.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah but they all love me faults and all. Isn't that important to consider? I don't want to hurt any of them. They decided to share me because they clearly knew how I wouldn't be able to pick a single girl without hurting the others and how I can't hide how I feel about them. I'm pretty obvious. I'm usually good at expressing myself except when it comes to my relationships.". He covered his face with his hands as he said,"So do you have relationship issues?".

Parker sighed as he said,"Yes.". "Seriously?" said Zane. "Is it weird for you to believe that I was once in love?" said Parker. "Kinda since you're not exactly the more social being in the Omniverse. You only leave your planet if it's important but tell me about her or him. I'm not judging you since I like both genders but I prefer girls as you clearly know." said Zane. "Ever wonder why I made you the Zenith Ectoplasm Range Omega watch for you." said Parker.

Zane looked at Parker as he said,"To help me control my powers at the time.". "Yes but it was an act of repentance from my part. Remember Universe Crucifixion?" said Parker. "Yeah. Did you make that WMD?" said Zane as he remember having to rebuild the Omniverse and losing his relationship with Kristen aka Zero Episode 46. "No. I once worked alongside its creator, my student and because of him, the Magnus are dead." said Parker. "Wait. Your student killed the Magnus?!" said Zane.

Parker nodded as he said,"Yes. I didn't try to stop my student from killing them and the woman who loved me left me as a result of my actions. I also ignored her and honestly, I wanted to show her that I changed.". "That's pretty sweet and totally romantic. Didn't know that you had it in you. So is your lovely lady still alive?" said Zane. "Yes she is. I heard that she's been exploring the Omniverse and you've met her Janet. How is she doing?" said Parker.

Zane nodded as he said,"Good. She's exploring the Omniverse with her species and trying to migrate onto Earth. Probably won't happen given how racist humans can be. So what's the point? I don't mean since it's cool learning about my anti-social godfather.". "My point is that you should focus on what makes you happy before it leaves you. Since I didn't focus on Janet and my student become evil, I lost Janet and my student is still out there doing things that can hurt others." said Parker.

Zane looked right at Parker with the elder Eazairvian said,"Don't worry Zane. I've asked the Alliance to try and capture my student but he's always on the move. You've came in contact with one of his inventions through Basalt. He's the one who made your prison and Nate's prison plus the Universe Crucifixion.". "Ah. Basalt doesn't seem like the type of conqueror to understand technology. He could use it but he doesn't understand the nitty gritty of it." said Zane, crossing his arms.

Parker looked right at Zane with him saying,"From what I gather from studying the logs left behind Athena and Cole and from what I've seen, you've never gotten over your father leaving you.". "Is it that obvious?" said Zane. "Yes. It is. You don't want anyone to get too close and then you lose them because you couldn't save them. This is also because of your larger than normal Essence. This isn't that bad since I and several other people like that about you." said Parker.

Zane looked at Parker with the teen saying,"People keep telling me that but honestly, I've never got a reason why. Mind telling me why?". "You've always been willing to help out a friend at the cost of not asking help yourself or when you're tired which you clearly are. Your watch gives me your location and biometrics. I know that you're focused on capturing this villain but remember that you have allies that are extremely willing to help you in your time now." said Parker.

Zane nodded as he said,"Will do. You've met my harem right? Tell me what you think of them and don't hold back. I can hold myself back from attacking you if you insult them.". "You really have no control over your Akostar blood do you?" said Parker. "Yeah. I'm still trying to find a good place to hide when my mating seasons happens. I can control my pheromones sure but I don't want to take the chance of men wanting to kill me and women want to sleep with me." said Zane.

Parker smiled as he said,"Sivarth told me how impressed he was when it came to you being able to hold back on your urges when it comes to your harem. I totally expected that after your harem was effected by that potion from Conner and Ignacio gave them, you would do something that would get you in trouble with the police captain.". "Yeah. Took me a lot not to make my mom have even more grandkids despite her totally liking being a grandma." said Zane.

Zane smiled as he said,"I don't mind having kids since being a dad is pretty much the best but I want to make sure the girls have their futures set in stone before mine. That's one of my fatal flaws after all.". "To get back on topic. I like Rachel the most. She's physically attractive yes but out of the seven, she make you the most happy. As Zero, your social life should be a mess but thanks to your ability to clone yourself, it isn't." said Parker.

Zane nodded as Parker said,"From what I gathered, all seven girls are always going to forgive you if you need to leave on dates to handle a emergency. I'm sure the other six girls would do the same but from what I gathered from the data logs, Rachel make you the most happy and I want you to be the first Zero to be happy.". Zane looked down at the ground with him feeling something on his shoulder as it belonged to Parker.

Parker said,"Look. I don't want you to dump those other girls and if you want me to ignore me, I will completely understand. You lost your relationship with them before and I'm sure that you don't want to erase her memory of it again. Think about it okay? Everything in your life is your choice so good luck.". Parker was gone as Zane was left alone to his thoughts. Zane eventually left his mindscape and just stared up at the night sky, thinking about what he should do about his future.

Back at the Price Penthouse which had been designed by some of the best interior designers in the business, Derrick was sitting there and reading something on a tablet. "So what are you going to do about the missing Philter Mr. Price?" said a voice. Derrick turned around to see Noah standing there with his arms crossed. "Nothing. It's all according to her plan. We also know who the thief and I doubt we could stop him without making her mad." said Derrick.

Noah sighed as he said,"You're right. Even though I called those idiots in Swarm on her, she survived and then send her Phantoms on one of your companies. Why would you side with those freaks? One of them is a woman whose obsession with Natasha caused her to create clones of her to have a son with her and the other one has been talking about her master plan for two years. We've taken most of the labs in Cypress Park to help her but nothing has been done.".

Derrick nodded as he said,"You have a point with both of them but you attacked Lilith. She doesn't like when her property is attacked. Chimera's plan has been done before. Marcus Simmons aka Father Nature gave Zero a bit of trouble and he was the first one to have their meta gene activated through Chimera's plan.". "Fine. I'll hold up my complains for the next meeting. Have they decided on who'll be replacing Andrew and Fallout since both of them were taken down by Zero?" said Noah.

Derrick shook his head as he said,"Not yet but they'll find someone. Rocco being our only leader is concerning. You know what they say. Power corrupts everyone in the end.". Before Noah could say anything, Derrick's tablet soon began beeping. "Is that the new alarm system?" said Noah. "Yep. I had the nano chip woman work on it before she was arrested by Zero last year. Since it's going off, Zero will be here soon. Be ready for his questioning." said Derrick.

The two men heard,"Derrick. We need to talk.". The two men turned around to see Zane ,as Legion Zero, standing there with his arms crossed. "Zero. What are you doing here?" said Derrick. "To talk with you about a couple of things. Philter is one of the main topics since I've heard a pretty nasty rumor about a teenager stealing from your company to become Hellion Baron." sad Zane, leaning against a statue. "Zero. You may want to move from the statue." said Noah.

Zane looked at the scientist as he said,"Um why? I mean it's pretty comfy.". "That leads into the wine cellar. It's something like a secret lair except with more alcohol." said Derrick with him walking over to the armor and Zane moved away from it. Derrick brought the armor's left arm as the statue split in half, revealing a secret entrance. "Okay. That's cool. Zane, we really need to have that in our base of operation." said Cole. "I don't think we need more rooms in that place." said Kane.

A butler walked out of the secret entrance as he said,"Master Derrick. Master Noah. Legion Zero. I hope you all have a good day.". "Okay. That was weird and I fight super villains daily.  Lets get to the point here. I know that Hellion Baron is connected to Champion Tech since he and his demons keep stealing from your company." said Zane. "You do know that everyone including Efren and excluding you steals from that company right?" said Twilight.

Derrick soon look at Noah with him saying,"Noah. I'll handle this. You head back to the lab and see if you can catch the robber.". "Sure." said Noah. He left with Derrick leading Zane to the balcony. "You are both correct and wrong in your suspicions of Hellion Baron." said Derrick. "What do you mean by that?" said Zane. "Look at this." said Derrick. He showed the hero his tablet and it was an image of Hellion Baron stealing a box from Champion Tech.

Derrick said,"This footage comes right after you fought against him at the amphitheater. He decided to steal something we've been working on for a while now.". "And what was that technology?" said Zane. Before Derrick could answer him, a phone inside of the penthouse rang. "Are you going to get that?" said Zane. "Nope. I have people for that. I'm sure you got the information about Philter from Vicky didn't you?" said Derrick.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Yes and no. I got the information from Scott who got it from Vicky after she came into the station. So what are you insinuating here?". "Perhaps Vicky is the Hellion Baron and she's diverting the attention onto someone whose hated at the local high school." said Derrick. "I get what he's saying but it's weird how he knows about how hated Cyrus is out of all students." said Azalea with Zane nodding. "Master Price. It's Sean Morris and he's says that it's urgent!" said the butler.  

Derrick looked at Zane with him saying,"Excuse me Zero. I have to answer this. If I don't answer one of his calls, he'll call Conrad and then I'll be hearing both of them complaining to me.". Derrick left Zane on the balcony to answer his vice president. "Okay. Athena. Mind checking out what the Baron stole from Champion Tech? I'm sure that Derrick isn't going to tell me what I want to know so we need to do some detective work." said Zane. Athena nodded as Crisis Judgement went off.

Under the balcony, there were several high-tech bombs which were the size of grenades and looked like a miniature devil. It's like Herald/Mystic's goblins except with their eyes and mouths glowing bright red. The bombs all went off at once with the entire balcony covered in a fiery explosion and a the explosions formed into devils with them laughing into the night. Derrick walked out of the ruins of his home and looked to see where Zane was standing.

The smoke cleared as Zane stood there with him looking no worse for wear but the area around him looked like a war zone. "Is that the best you got? Stay back Mr. Price. We got company and not the friendly kind of company!" said Zane. Derrick nodded as he ran inside of the ruined home and Crisis Judgement went off. Zane saw one of Hellion's fireballs heading toward him and Zane fired a strand of webbing around it.

Normal webbing would have burned away upon contact with the fire but Zane's webbing can survive intense heat and cold. He threw it back at its owner but it was blasted away by a red energy beam that exploded the bomb, covering the sky in fire. Zane looked to see Hellion Baron flying toward him and Zane said,"Hey Athena. I think I figured out what he stole.". "Yeah and he looks kinda cool I guess but the Hyperion Mail and the design for the updated Zeta Costume is cooler!" said Cole.

The baron's crimson red armor plating ,which was around his upper arms and chest, were now covered in glowing gold lines. His gauntlets are now dark gold and looked to be powered by several different generators in his arms, chest, and legs. "So miss me Zero?! I know that I missed you and I'm so jealous that you played with my Hellions instead of me!" said Hellion, firing beams of fires at Zane.

Zane dodged most of them with them destroying the remaining parts of the balcony. "I'll admit that you're quite annoying and not willing to submit to your betters. I have a plan for everything and that includes you!" said Hellion. He flew toward Zane with the devil cocking his fist and was going to hit Zane. Zane jumped over the devil's fist and Zane kicked the devil in the face with a spin kick.

Before Hellion could recovered, Zane's right boot turned into a giant hammer that had the appearance of Hyperion Mail aka black and steel gray. The hammer slammed right into the devil's head and sent him flying toward the ground. Hellion recovered with him saying,"You're trying to make me into a maroon green pancake aren't you Zero?". "Yeah but as you can clearly see, it's isn't working." said Zane.

He threw several Curved Atalts at the devil only for the knives to implant themselves in him. "So why didn't you try and dodged them?" said Zane. The knives were burned away and Hellion flew right toward Zane. He threw several fireballs at Zane, forcing Zane to dodged. Due to his vision being covered by fire, Zane was trying to find Hellion. He found the devil as the devil punched Zane in the head.

Hellion laughed as he said,"Because I wanted to see you in pain!". "Wow. You're so original. I mean if I had a dollar for every time someone wanted me dead or in pain, I would be richer than Derrick Price!" said Zane. "Then maybe I should stay silent while I end your life!" said Hellion. Hellion threw one of the bombs ,aka the things that blew up the balcony, at Zane with Zane making Epilogue go in front of him. He smacked the bomb back at Hellion who smiled.

He took the explosion head on and Zane said as he watched Hellion fly out of the explosion,"Okay. I think you just like taking damage.". Zane flew back to avoid Hellion's claws being that Zane only smiled. He vanished as Hellion looked around for Zane. "Where are you boy? I know that you're here and I've fought Phantoms before!" said Hellion. "Yeah but so have I!" said Zane's voice as Hellion was blasted in the face by wax.

Zane ,in Nitro Form, appeared and floated there using Gravity Drive. He snapped his fingers and the wax exploded in Hellion's face. "Nicely played. However, everything you know will be changed for the worst and better for us! You'll be crushed underneath us!" said Hellion. The devil soon fired several beams of fire at Zane who dodged most of them. Zane threw two grenades at Hellion with the wax exploded before reaching Hellion. The explosion was gone as Hellion was gone.   

Zane sighed as he jumped back up to the destroyed balcony and deactivated Wax Form. He saw Derrick and the hero said,"Okay. That was the Hellion Baron in action and unless you gained the ability to multiple, I'm starting to believe that the theory of Cyrus being Hellion Baron.". "So why don't you believe that theory?" said Derrick, sipping a drink. "Because he's been in town for about only a month now and Hellion has been here since Thanksgiving." said Zane.

Derrick slowly nodded as Zane said,"But that was Hellion, not a duplicate that could be created with Animus. Do you know who has access to Philter?". Derrick pulled out his phone and began to dial someone. "I guess there was someone." said Lucifer. "Security. This is Price. I want you to grab both Sean Morris. No. Grab onto him and don't let go." said Derrick. "But sir. He's been gone for about two hours now. Had a hot date I think." said the security guard on the other end.

Derrick clenched his fist as he said,"Then get me his home address now!". He moved the phone away as he said,"As you may know, Philter has a personal project that would help our soldiers be the best they can be. I showed it to my number two and as you can see how that turned out. Noah Foster and Sean Morris are the only two who would normally know about it. You figured it out through Vicky didn't you so do you think she's responsible?".

Zane shrugged as Derrick said,"She's a good kid but her desire to kill Phantoms can blind her from the cold hard facts. I don't blame her since she lost her mother to one of them when she was a little girl, forcing Jim to get a job to support his daughter. Despite his wife dying to Phantoms, he doesn't hate them like his daughter does.". "Um sir. Morris's address and his personal file. It's gone and the only people who have the ability to do that are...." said the security guard.

Derrick clenched his teeth as he said,"It's me and Morris.". He ended the call as he turned to Zane. "It seems that Sean has abandoned ship. He's betray me and I promise you Zero. I'll find him and make him pay for hurting the people of Cypress Park. Good night. I hope that your patrol goes well." said Derrick. Derrick was gone as Zane flew off and went on patrol. Unknown to Zane, Blanche watched the scene and she said into a headset,"He's unaware of the plan. Lets begin.".

The next day at Cypress High. Karen and Zane were in the hallway with the blond locking up her locker. "So is your dad alright Karen?" said Zane. "He's fine. Still wish he would retire or accept that promotion of his. I hate patching up his wounds since he isn't a fan of hospitals. So have you seen Rae today?" said Karen. "Not yet. Hopefully by lunch. I got patrol later today and well, I need to find Cyrus before it's too late." said Zane.

Just then, Hannah Grant appeared from nowhere and she said,"Hey you two.".  "Sup Harpie." said Zane, whose comment earned him a punch from Karen. "I thought you two were friends now and the nicknames would stop." said Karen. "It's Zane Karen. The nicknames never stop since they usually evolve or something worse. Have you seen what he calls Brad?" said Hannah. "It's Captain Hannah and I refuse to call him anything else." said Zane, earning a sigh from the girls.

Later at lunch break, Zane was sitting next to Kristen and Rachel with the Cross-Species deep in thought and ignoring his food. "So why is Zaney ignoring food? Is he okay?" said Kristen. "Who knows with him. I think he's been focused on stopping Hellion Baron." said Rachel, waving some fries in front of him. Zane ate it as he said,"Yeah. Sorry about that. So you two had something to talk with me about? I read the texts." said Zane.

Kristen looked right at Zane as she said,"Are you okay being here? You've been flinching more than normal lately.". "Yeah. We know about your super hearing not liking the bell but it's gotten worse the past couple of times you've been here. Is it possible that your powers are evolving? You said that you unlock your potential but is it possible that you could evolve even further?" said Rachel. "Honestly, I don't think so but I could be wrong. So how are things with you two?" said Zane.

Later, Zane was walking toward the CPU (Cypress Park University) where he saw Karen. "So how is Kris and Rae doing? Wasn't able to join the lunch date." said Karen. "Good. All of you are too good to me. So did you see Cyrus or Vicky today?" said Zane. "Nope. Neither of them were at school today. I hope Vicky is okay and not being attacked by Cyrus." said Karen. The two were walking into the lab and were surprised to see that both Max and Sharon were packing things up.   

Karen looked at them as she said,"So is everything alright Doctor Brock and Matthews?". "I thought Zane told you the good news." said Sharon. Karen looked at Zane who whistled as she said,"No he didn't. What's going on?". "We're leaving CPU but not Cypress Park. A certain someone hired us for his company but it's sad to be leaving this lab." said Sharon. "Really? Why didn't you tell me this Zane?" said Karen.

Zane shrugged as he said,"I kinda forgot and I've been busy lately.". This comment earned him a glare from the blond. "You're in trouble Zaney." said Cole in a sing song voice. "So will you continue your work at Zenith Industries?" said Karen. "Yes. We're looking forward to it. I'm sure we'll be able to hire you and Andre as interns. I don't want her working for Noah Foster. He isn't like his sister and wouldn't give you the time and attention to nurture your talent." said Sharon.

Later at Derrick's penthouse. Zane ,as Legion Zero, landed on the still destroyed balcony as he went into the living room. He saw Derrick ,who was on his phone, and Vicky stood there next to him. Vicky looked at Zane with Zane ignoring her glare. "So did you find anything about our missing VP?" said Zane. "Not yet." said Vicky. The teens were silent as Zane sighed. "Time to be the bigger person here." thought Zane.

Vicky looked at Zane as she said,"What?". "Look. I know why you hate Phantoms. Derrick told me about your past and I understand your anger." said Zane. "So now you get why I want your kind dead for being monsters?" said Vicky. "Yes but you shouldn't let your anger control you. You have power and be someone that could protect a little girl from a monster rather than being the monster who is scaring the child. You really shouldn't judge an entire species off one bad egg." said Zane.

Before Vicky could say anything, Derrick said,"I see 4317 Ironwood Street. Thanks Lorrie. Your payment will be in your bank account.". As Derrick ended the call, he soon saw Zane ,in Sound Form, leaving and Vicky said,"To be fair sir, I didn't expect him to be able to do that with that robot form of his.". "Indeed. Lets go." said Derrick. "Yeah. I want to make Cyrus pay for hurting me and then threatening the two people I care." said Vicky, clenching her fist.

The two were on the rooftop of the building with a green helicopter in front of them. "So did you call it Vicky?" said Derrick. "My dad. He was pretty sure that both of us would want some face time with Hellion aka that man bun wearing weirdo." said Vicky. "What about the pilot?" said Derrick. "I'm the pilot sir. My dad got me a pilot license rather than teaching me how to drive and I don't get it why he did that myself but's it's helpful right now." said Vicky. The copper was soon in the air.

At the location where Sean was, Zane ,after deactivating Sound Form, was currently hanging from the rooftops of the dining/living room of Sean's. He's upside down in Vampire Form. It had changed thanks to the Zenith Core and the form was shown off in Fairy Legion Chapter 39. He has pale white skin with white ,shark like teeth, being that two of them stick out of his mouth and works as his fangs. He has bat like ears with bright red, slit eyes.

He's still seven feet tall. He wears a black jumpsuit with a cowl like hood that he wears over his face. It covers his entire face ,except for his chin, with his silver bangs sticking out of the cowl. He loses the chest plate. He has crimson red markings on his chest/stomach area, legs with it being two stripes, and shoulders. He wears steel gray metal like gloves ,that goes down to his ankles, with crimson red fingers that looks like sharp claws. He has metal knee pads.

He has black flaps ,under his arms, which can extend outward like bat wings. Zane was watching Sean and decided to get his attention. "So you deciding to skip town? I know a great place for you to go and the food there is just the best." said Zane. "I'm not skipping town. I'm moving in and how did you get in here Zero? I didn't invite you in." said Sean, watching Zane fly down to him. "I'm not that kind of vampire so this place is pretty big no?" said Zane.

Sean looked at Zane with him saying,"It came this way. Champion Tech is planning on using this place for a new experiment we're working on.". Zane rolled his eyes as he grabbed the man by his collar. "I'm not here to chat like old friends man bun! You're the Hellion Baron. Admit it and I'll make your beating slightly less painful." said Zane. "I'm not him! I'm just trying to hide from Derrick after I stole money from his company! It's also because...." said a fearful Sean.

Just then, dark blue smoke came in front from the roof with it knocking out Sean and Zane was fine due to his face being covered by his respirator and this was due to Twilight. Zane placed the former VP on a couch as he heard Hellion's laughter echo through the room. "It seems that I was unable to knock out the bat with sleeping gas and now, I'm unable to do my happy dance because of that. Oh never mind, I think I will." said Hellion.

Zane heard Hellion flying toward him with him saying,"Yeah. That so isn't happening.". Outside of the building, the helicopter that Derrick and Vicky were in was heading straight toward it. "What are you doing Vicky?" said Derrick. "Getting my revenge. He destroyed my suit so I'll destroy his life as payment." said Vicky. Vicky turned the copter in a ninety degree angle, breaking the windows and the gas slowly left the building.

Zane stood there as Hellion was flying around the helicopter watching them before firing fireballs and grenades. The bat easily dodged them with him landing a powerful punch into Hellion's face and some of his teeth came out. Before Hellion could retaliate, Zane fired a large sonic explosion at the devil sending him flying toward the ground. Zane flew at him as he said,"So you're not that man bun wearing coward?".

Zane fired a crimson red fireball at Hellion, encasing him in a matching color crystal-like prison but it didn't last for too long thanks to Hellion's fire beams. "Really?! You thought that loser?! Wow! I thought you were smarter but nope, you're dumber than Downpour and Steamroller!" said the devil, firing two fireballs at Zane. Zane dodged them with the two fighting while in the middle of the air, punching and kicking each other. Each hit landed and left behind a powerful impact.

Hellion threw Zane away with him flying off. Zane caught up to him with them flying through the air at incredible speeds. Hellion tried to lose Zane with fireballs but they did nothing to stop him. The air was filled with mini explosions as the helicopter followed close behind. Hellion turned around with Zane crashing into the helicopter. He looked at Derrick and Vicky with him saying,"You two may think you're helping but you're not!". With that, Zane chased after Hellion.

The helicopter followed suit as Hellion fired a fire beam at a water tower and Zane's eyes widened with him transforming as the top of the tower removed itself. "Yep. This isn't good. Time to bring out the big guy." said Zane, transforming into Atomic Form. Like Vampire Form, this form and its prime form got an upgrade thanks to the Zenith Core. Atomic Form's body is now very similar to Radiation Form but still keeps his heroic robot like traits to him.

He’s now a proud and powerful twelve feet tall. His body is made up of bones which is a steel gray color, covered by nuclear energy. This energy is a green color with several dark purple spheres flowing through the energy. He has two glowing triangular red eyes in a permanent scowl with thick black outlines around them. His head is pointed. His mouth is covered by a gas mask with four gray nodes on each side.

He has five large fingers with the ends of it having an opening like nozzle there. His hands had a faint steel gray glow around them. His containment suit ,which is a black armored hazmat suit, covers most of his body being that the only part of his body it doesn’t cover is his stomach, revealing the energy that covers his body. He has two large cylinder shaped ,in the shape of a nuclear reactor, arms and legs that are filled with the same exact energy that covers his body.

They're also covered in black symbols that resemble both the chemical forms for atomic and nuclear energy. Several grenades went flying at Zane as the robot flew right through it. His body was engulf in the explosion as several water towers were grenade firing cannons. "Okay. I passed the first challenge there Hellion. What's next?" said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane looked to see several members of the Hellion Company, holding rocket launchers.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Okay. I totally should have seen them coming but whatever. I don't care at this point. Just want this night to be over with. I got personal shit I need to handle and this isn't it.". All of them fired the spiked cannonballs at Zane being that upon getting close, the balls were gone as thanks to the acid like gas around Zane's body. "Guys. Just stop okay. You're looking stupid and I'm not taking about the way you dress for once." said Zane.

He charged right through them as Zane spotted Hellion in the distance. As Zane flew away from them and over a building, a building behind him was destroyed. The Hellion Company were riding inside of mini copters with Zane rolling his eyes. He stopped flying as he released a gas from his body. It caused the copters to rush over with them heading to the ground and Zane smiled. Zane caught Hellion with the two of them roughly landing a building as they were about to fight.

However, this changed when more copters appeared and Hellion flew off. In response, Zane released an EMP from his body, short circuiting the copters. Back in the Price Co helicopter, both Derrick and Vicky were watching the duo of Hellion and Zero fight. "So if it isn't Sean, who else knows about the Philter? Could it be Noah?" said Vicky. "Who knows?" said Derrick, watching the fight with interest. Zane was being chased by five choppers and he said,"Play time is over. Take this!".

He fired a barrage of energy balls at them, destroying them. Before he could relax, Zane redirected a couple of the water towers to aim at the Hellion Company and knocking them out. "And that's for being a major pain in my ass the last two weeks!" said Zane as he blasted two choppers with energy balls. If you're asking about the goons Zane has been taken out during the chase, Zane had sent out slightly larger Restoration Guardians to catch them.

Zane was hit in the face by Hellion and landed on the rooftop. The robot glared right at Hellion who smiled. "What's wrong Zero? Did I make you mad?" said Hellion, firing fireballs at Zane. They were destroyed by Zane punching them. "Nope! I'm still getting warmed up! This game isn't over until my fist breaks your jaw hard!" said Zane.  "Really? I'm hoping you don't fail." said Hellion. "And I'll be ignore that since failure isn't the current plan of action." said Zane.

His body glowed bright purple and Zane said,"Because kicking your but with Atomic Prime is the current plan of action!". Atomic Prime is extremely powerful and the second strongest form. The strongest form is Astral Form. He’s now 20 feet tall. His body is now covered by a gray armored hazmat suit with glowing green circuit patterns on his arms, chest, legs, and stomach. Both of his eyes are now purple with them still in in a permanent scowl with thick black outlines around them.

He has four bug like wings with him having an extra set of arms that can retract into his body. His fingers now shrink to a more normal size with his head being less pointy. His legs have rocket like thrusters coming out of them. His shoulders have miniature nuclear power plant cooling towers. Both of them are emitting a constant stream of radioactive fumes. His body is now cover by highly compressed dark matter. It’s a dark purple color with several golden star shaped objects.

On his back, he has a strange ring very much like the ring around Saturn. In his stomach, the mirror now reveals the galaxy inside of it. On his right palm, he has a red sun while his left palm having a blue moon symbol marked right into them. He has several radioactive energy balls around him twenty four seven. On his chest, he has the symbol for hydrogen resting there and glowing yellow. Zane landed a powerful uppercut to the devil and sent him flying.

Hellion's eyes opened as he recovered from his jaw being shattered by Zane's punch. He did this by snapping it back into position. It looked painful to say the very least mainly with the loud snap coming from them. "I guess breaking your jaw is going to be harder than I thought but I'm always up to the challenge!" said Zane. He flew toward Hellion and sent him flying into the side of a nearby building.

Hellion tried to move but was being held in an invisible grip. "Let me go!" said Hellion, as Zane flew down to him and got close to him. "Yeah now. I noticed that you're not wearing a mask so tell me who you are right now or else." said Zane. "Or else what?" said Hellion, smirking. "I guess I have to be have bad cop rather than good cop. I'll make you talk with truth serum gas." said Zane, with him releasing the gas from his body.

Hellion tried not to breath the gas but it was clear and without a smell. "Good. Now since you've taken your truth serum, tell me who you really are." said Zane. The helicopter flew by as the trio of Derrick, Vicky, and Zane heard Hellion laugh. "I'm the CEO of the most powerful company in the world after I killed my mom and dad when I was your age! My name is Derrick Price and you will burn for that Zero!" said Hellion.

Vicky's eyes soon widened as she watched Hellion break free and smack Zane in the face hard plus Hellion being Derrick. Vicky then turned toward Derrick that was sitting next to him. "Mr. Price? Is that true?" said Vicky. "He's obviously an impostor." said Derrick. "Right but here's the thing. I'm sure you remember me telling you that "Derrick" attacked me. Here's the thing. You should know that my suit records everything and...." said Vicky.

Her left hand turned into her suit's gauntlet and she shocked Derrick, turning him into the Phantom Specter Samurai. "I'll leave you alone now. Good bye." said SS. He vanished with Zane glaring right at Derrick. The robot was holding back Derrick's arms and Zane said,"You used Specter Samurai to keep yourself out of my sights didn't you Derrick?! Why did you do all of this!?". Zane kicked the devil back with him throwing several grenades at Zane.

Zane created a mini black hole, absorbing the grenades and destroying it. "I told you that I was the inventor of Philter being that it helps me remember. I was turned into this monster when I got my enhanced mind from killing an alien who came to this planet many years ago. No longer will I suffer memory loss when I become the Baron! I'm not longer the weakest member of the Odium Society who want you dead!" said Derrick.

Derrick tried to blast Zane with the robot blocking his shots with electricity shields. "So how long have you and the samurai been all buddy buddy? Sovereign hates when you take her stuff for long periods of time!" said Zane, punching Derrick. "Not at all. I borrowed the Phantom for when I had to rob Champion Tech without alerting you of my double life! Sovereign and I have been working together to create an army of Darth and Toxic Widow to kill you! 

Zane wrapped his arms around Derrick's neck with him saying,"How did you two find Darth and why make soldiers from him?! He hates being a weapon!". "I wanted to study it when it had arrived on Earth many years ago but someone got his hands on him before I could. It was those idiots at Swarm so I then hired Sovereign's Phantoms to steal him back. Darth and his kind are able to do unimaginable things as you clearly know!" said Derrick. 

Zane clenched his fist and punched Derrick in the gut. Derrick fired back a brutal punch to the face and sending both of them falling. The two recovered as Zane said,"Yeah but mine is a partner and a friend first and tool not at all! Why blame Cyrus and Vicky?!". "Because they both want you dead due to your blood and the only one who will kill you is me! Once they're gone, I'll make things right!" said Derrick.

Derrick launched a massive fireball at Zane. Zane grabbed the ball and threw it right back. The explosion sent Derrick flying back into several water towers. Before Zane could do anything, the area was soon covered in a fiery explosion. The helicopter which contained Vicky was about to crash as Zane caught Vicky before it crashed. Vicky looked at Zane with her saying,"Thanks.". Zane placed her on a building as he said,"Agent Phoenix complimented me? What a shock.".

Vicky crossed her arms as she said,"A man just died you know. Can't you have a little more sympathy than that?". "He died a long time ago. I think Hellion Baron had been in control of Derrick since he was our age from what I could tell. I'll miss him but hopefully, he's at peace. Now, lets get you home." said Zane. "Fine but go slow." said Vicky. The two were gone as in the ruins of the water towers, Derrick's body was there and was a charred mess. 

Lilith stood there with her arms crossed. "That idiot. He decided to challenge Zane head on and this is what happened to him. Such a shame." said Lilith. She soon looked at the CEO's corporate corpse and it was slowly cracking open. Out of the corpse, a naked and human Derrick stood there. "I thought the ability to revive after dead was only a myth but I was wrong! Zero will pay!" said Derrick. "But lets get you clothes first Price." said Lilith.

Derrick looked down as he said,"Fair point. So how is that going on?". "Good. She has everything set and the bomb ready to go. I think you and I should get out of here since we don't want to be a part of her scene. I know this nice spot in Hawaii." said Lilith. "Fine Lilith. Makes a good place to hide out until my rematch with Zero but drinks are on you since I'm "dead" and don't have access to my cash whatsoever." said Derrick. The two vanished as five days have passed since Derrick's death. 

Zane was sitting on a bench in the city's park and was in deep thought. After dropping off Vicky at her home much to the shock of Jim, Zane checked out the area. He found Derrick's body but it had a giant hole coming out of it which means that Derrick wasn't dead maybe or someone had killed him after Derrick survived the explosion. "So this is where you are. I totally thought you would be back at your house but the park. Color me impressed." said a voice. 

Zane looked up to see the smiling Karen, Rain, and Roxy with surprise. "Hey Rain. I thought you were busy filming something." said Zane. "I came back to Cypress Park due to you ignoring our calls and texts the past five days later." said Rain. "Oh. I'm sorry. I've been a horrible boyfriend to all of you and I....." said Zane. Karen stopped him by kissing him. "So will that shut him up? Actually, I'm wrong." said Roxy as she watched Zane's face turn bright red.

Karen smiled as she said,"Zane. We know that you been have trouble lately but all of us love you without any doubt in our hearts. Do you have any doubts?". "Zane. Say the truth and it'll set you free trust me partner." said Twilight. "Okay. Girls, I love all of you and there are no doubts in my heart but I need to make some changes." said Zane. "And we'll be there for you every step of the ways." said Rain with the two other girls nodding. "Thanks." said Zane, smiling.

Meanwhile on a skyscraper, Blanche stood there with Barbarian, Solomon, and Tototl. They were standing there being that they were asked here to come up here by their leaders. "So with Hellion Baron's secret identity being revealed, it's time to begin my plan my loyal minions." said a voice. The four turned around and bowed to their leaders Countess Chimera and Rocco with the female looking different than before. 

Her skin was now covered in green sales and her eyes were more feline like. Her claw marking now cover her eyes alongside her cheeks, forming an interesting tattoo and eyeshadow combo. Her black hair went to her shoulders with two devil horns coming out from the sides of her head, protruding from her hair. She's now wearing a dark blue bodysuit ,with gold armor over her arms, chest, legs, and shoulders, that reveals her chest a bit.

She's wearing gold gauntlets and brown knee high boots. She has a long snake like tail and a dark red cape. "So why are they bowing to you?" said Rocco, crossing his arms. "Because of my pheromones Rocco. I can control any metahuman whose weaker than me." said Chimera. "So you admit that I'm stronger than you Chimera." said Rocco. "You are. Rise my subjects." said Chimera. The four rose up as she said,"After my previous minions failed me, I searched for new ones.".

Rocco rolled his eyes as he said,"Don't forget that I decided to keep your plan in effect even though we've lost not one but three leaders of the Odium Society to Zero.". "Yes. The deviants are considered to be freaks even among metahumans but not longer! We'll have the world changed for us but we need to keep Zero unaware of the Metahuman Revolution." said Chimera. "And we will once we get the Odium Society back to its former glory." said Rocco.

Next time,
What is the Metahuman Revolution? Is Derrick going to return? Will Champion Tech and Price Co fall since their CEO is dead? What is in store of Zane's future? This and more next time on Zero! 

Derrick Price aka Hellion Baron. Acceleration Immunity, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Aerial Combat Mastery, Aerobatics, Beam Emission, Burning, Concussion Beams, Concussive Force, Curse Empowerment, Demon Physiology, Divided Mind, Energy Attacks, Energy Beam Emission, Enhanced Charisma, Enhanced Intelligence, Enhanced Memory, Equipment Usage, Explosion Inducement, Explosive Hell, Fire Attacks, Fire Ball Projection, Fire Generation, Fire Manipulation, Flame Solidification, Flight, Gadget Usage, Goblin Physiology, High-Speed Flight, Interstellar Travel, Mid-Air Combat, Past Life Awareness, Past Life Power Access, Persuasion, Power Suit, Pressure Resistance, Pyrokinetic Combat, Pyrokinetic Constructs, Regenerative Healing Factor, Reincarnation, Retroactive Immortality, Self-Resurrection, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Balance, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Leap, Supernatural Reflexes, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Stamina, Supernatural Strength, Thermal Resistance, Vacuum Adaptation, and Wing Manifestation. He was born to a rich family being that both of his parents came from money and were quite wealthy. As a child to young adult, he was forced to spend his summers with his grandparents in Kansas aka the most boring place to Derrick. He was always bored there so he took up making gadgets and inventions to kill time. One night, he was staring up at the night sky and looking at the star with him seeing a shooting star. He immediately noticed that it was a asteroid and was going crashed into the ground. Upon reaching the impact zone, he saw that the asteroid was an alien space ship and the pilot was still alive. It was an alien with the alien begging for the young man to help him at the time. However, Derrick had a different idea and he killed the alien using a sharp stick to pierce right through the alien’s head. He took the alien’s technology back to his makeshift lab and gave himself even more intelligence and the ability to retain any knowledge after seeing a single time. This also came at the cost of the Hellion Baron’s persona being created but laid dormant until he was an adult. When he return from that particular summer trip to his grandparents, he cut his parent’s car brakes. Thanks to his parent’s will, he gained control of their company and all of their money. Under his control, he changed the once peace keeping company Universe Media into a shell of its former self. Price Co became a company that makes weapons for any nation armies. He works alongside the Odium Society as BIllionaire but he keeps that under wraps just in case. He will fund anything that seems useful to him. His IQ is immeasurable. He’s very power hungry and much to a few knowledge, he is a criminal. He is complex and he is fully admits to being a bad man with him being a fan of being a bad guy. He will perform acts of great nobility to keep his reputation good and nothing else. He is obsessed with him being a major narcissist that makes him not care about his fellow humans. He will do whatever it takes to get what he wants regardless what could happen. He tries not to engage in confrontations with him leaving it to his bodyguard who was once a former wrestler but will fight if he’s needed to. Over time, he became more destructive and elaborated in the pursuit of conquering the world but still keeping his involvement in it under wraps. This is due to the Hellion Baron coming out to play. He isn’t a fan of magic at all due to being unpredictable and not to be trusted but will use it to protect himself from spellcasters. He is a strategist supreme with him preferring to place his enemies in un-winnable situations. He is able to make himself very reliable and he is extremely devious. He is very calm and soft-spoken with him always being rather polite. He is usually seen as a saint in the eyes of the public. All of his goals has something to do with money.  He is known for making weapons and inventions that will help succeed in life and can’t be used against him in court. He possesses a genius-level intellect and he is a master of manipulating others. He also has a photographic memory. With this and his intellect, he is unmatched with only a few ,mostly metahumans and aliens, being able to compete with him. Thanks to him having Hellion Baron inside of his head, he’s a metahuman but doesn’t have any knowledge on it until he began taking the drug Philter which allowed him to retain memories of his time of being the Baron. He’s very strong being able to overpower humans with a single hand and able to throw men twice his size easily. He can lift extremely heavy objects, crush and break through steel, and punch through glass without injury. He can survive being stabbed in the chest by a sword or being blown up by a massive rocket with no sign of injury. He can survive being rapidly attacked by a superhuman enemy, that would severely injure or kill a normal person. He can operate and maintain stressful actions for long periods of time without him getting tired in the process. His body can naturally heals itself faster than a normal human, being that they can survive lethal injuries. He has impressive agility, balance, bodily coordination, and reflexes being highly more advanced than the normal human athlete. He’s able to generate fire from either his hands or mouth which can explode like a bomb and he calls them Hellfire Bomb. He also made a gadget based off them and calls them Devil Ignition. They are several high-tech bombs which were the size of grenades and looked like a miniature devil. Their eyes and mouths are glowing bright red. Upon exploding, the area is covered in a fiery explosion and a the explosions formed into devils with them laughing into the night. As Hellion Baron, he says that his powers make him immortality being that this is actually truth but it’s more like reincarnation. Once he dies through old age or other wise, he comes back to life and comes out of the corpse of his former life. It’s like Metamorphosis except much more bloody. He retains all memories and powers of his past life. He can jump extremely high, which he uses to start flying. He’s able to fly through the air, at an impressive speed thanks to his wings. He has great maneuverability with them being able to reach speeds up to 90 miles per hour. It can go at the same speed as the ThrustSSC when on the ground and it can fly faster than the HTV-2 and North American X-15A-2 combined. He can easily outrun vehicles being that he isn’t one to mess with. His upgraded suit comes equipped with force fields that can cover his entire body or covers parts of his body like a normal shield. His strength is increased and allows him to survive in outer space and deep under water. He’s able to fire energy beams from his gauntlets. With technology, he sees most things as a bug but he’ll find a way to crush that bug no matter what.

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