Friday, January 5, 2018

Zero Episode 73 Worst Future Ever PT 24 Threeway Deadlock

A/N: Yeah. I'm sure that most of last episode was the rant from me. I tend to get little things under my skin and that rant was the outcome of that. I could talk about what started at the beginning of the year but I just don't want to. I'm happy that 2017 are over because it was an interesting year both good and bad mainly the latter for me. Some of my favorite anime and manga ended and I'm pretty sure One Piece is going on strong for several years to come.

Reverie is more important to me because I know for a fact that Wano is going to be awesome and despite Whole Cake Island taking a long time, we're seeing some characters shine. I think Brook is the MPV for me since he's fighting Big Mom who was my least favorite Yonko and not because she was the token girl. Kaido is my least favorite Yonko but that may change with Wano. Heck, I'm okay with Carrot joining the crew because she's a badass.

I finally read through Bleach and I can honestly say that the final Arc was the worst to me. It remind me of Fairy Tail's final arc. Is it just a Shonen trend to end with a War Arc? I came name three being Bleach, Fairy Tail, and Naruto. I could count Boruto but I see it as something for fans. It isn't for me being that I just don't care about it. I just hope that One Piece doesn't do something like that because I'm sure that Hiro is going to do something like that.

Fairy Tail is a big success and I think Rave Master is better but I haven't read it in a while so I won't say which one is better until I sit down and read it. I'll read Hiro's next work because I'm a fan and I want to see three things rather than one thing. The first thing is a new story. I know that Fairy Tail is your child but I rather see something new and learning from your mistakes rather than seeing the same thing again but with their kids.

Second thing is the hundred year quest. It would be the perfect chance to show your two main leads falling for each other rather than shoving it down our throats Bleach. I'll say that I like Ichico and Rukia far more than Orihime. It's due to me liking Rukia as a CHARACTER rather than a LOVE INTEREST for the main lead. Third thing is a great anime being that you have a chance to fix the last two arc and make them decent and passing rather than being subpar.

The final thing I don't want and this goes for One Piece in ten plus years ,I hope not, is the Boruto effect. I call it that because it's like the original material but with their kids and they're much stronger than their parents for no good reason aka Burrito. I don't want Nashi and Snow to be cannon because one, I dislike the pairing of the former and meh to the latter. Two being that I think those names are on the same level of stupid as Burrito. Lets begin before I rant for days. The Chess Soldiers are also at the main battlefield alongside Zane and the others. Danny is on the top of City Hall as Halphas and Reid were in front of him.

Narrator P.O.V.
The TEDs, stood there as they glared at them. "What the hell? They're robots right?" said Ray. "For our sake, I hope so." said Tara. "So what are they?" said Keith as he slammed a Phantom into the ground using his sword hilt. "Nothing good I can guess. It's a good thing we have allies and a back up plan just in case. This still isn't good." said Griffin. "Charge and kill our enemies! You have your orders!" said Ash's voice.

They began walking toward them as one Phantom rushed toward one. He was holding a massive Red Nether Battle Ax as he said,"Bring out all of the toys that you want! Die!". The ax slammed into one of them as it broke. The robot fired a beam of light from its mouth causing a massive explosion as it killed the Phantom. The two sides were shocked as several of them fired several lasers harming or killing any Phantoms in their paths. It was chaos.

Warrior said,"He's going after his own kind. Daemon must truly be a monster. Keep going!". Kurt ,as his arms were fiery wings, knocked down several Phantoms as he said,"Sorry but I just went through hell and back.". The robots walked toward them as the Phantoms were determined to kill the robots for their masters. Outburst and Scarlet clashed as she said,"I didn't expect such a challenge to be from a Phantom scum.".

Scarlet said,"I can say the same for you woman.". He evade her cannon fire as he threw a massive skull toward her. She sent it flying into the air causing a massive explosion. "Prepare to die once again Phantom." said Outburst as she smirked. "Die!" yelled a Phantom. He blasted him with Purple Nether only for it to fail and they were destroyed completely. "So explain to me why we're not going to destroy those robots and they're not going after our enemies?" said Reid.

Halphas shrugged at that comment and Zane rushed toward Danny. While Zane punched several Phantoms away as Crisis Judgement went off. Aurel appeared from a burst of light as he said,"And he's out of here!". Zane was sent flying back as Kevin caught him. "Kevin. Is that you?" said Zane as he recovered. "Yeah but that's Aurel. He's a powerful Phantom so we need to be careful. We need to save Danny." said Keith.

Zane smirked as he said,"What did you do to the old Kevin and what about the robots?". A Phantom was about to snipe Zane before being blasted back by a fireball. "You running out of steam bro?" said Kurt. He stood there with Lucius as Lucius said,"Come on brother and friend!". The two joined Kurt and Lucius as Aurel said,"This was so leaving Ash to the boss man.". Lucius grabbed several pieces of metal and he threw them toward the zombie army.

As Kurt threw several fireballs at any incoming Phantom, Kevin said,"Zane. Your brothers are so dam cool.". "Yeah. They really are." said Zane. "You two go on ahead! We'll cover you!" said Lucius as his arm turned into the heads of Triceratops protecting them from the TED's explosion. Outburst and Scarlet stopped their fight as Scarlet said,"We'll settle this match later Outburst.". "Soon than later Phantom soldier." said Outburst. They soon went toward the robots.

The TEDs fired several laser beams but the beams and their explosion were aimed toward anything with Nether. Warrior soon looked out of the battlefield as he spotted Zane. The young man was very impressive being that from he said earlier, he broke out of Blacktomb Detention Center which he had sent several criminals to in the Omniverse. He saw that Frank, Henry, Marco, and Trunk ,all four of them criminals, were working alongside Zane. "Dam. This kid is something else." said Warrior.

He heard,"Die Old man!". Several Phantoms were about to attack him but they were soon stopped by two giant sand fists. He turned to see Tomas as he said,"So you and your group must have finished your job from earlier?". "We did. The prison raid group is here to help you out." said Tomas. "And what about the high school?" said Warrior. "Unknown but I'm sure that they'll be fine." said Tomas. "I see. Charge on then!" said Warrior.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
Before the TEDs arrived on the battlefield, Aurel was currently walking through the halls of Ash's labs with the Phantom whistling. "To be honest, I was expecting some kind of resistance from Ash but I guess he didn't install any into his lab being that he was focused on his main project being those enhanced girls." said a voice. Aurel turned to see Daemon as the Phantom said,"I know that you've those robots that can look like you so are you the real one?".

Daemon said,"The real one. Go back to the battlefield. Those two need your assistance Aurel.". "So what about the prodigal son?" said Aurel. "Zane. He and I will face off soon. For now, keep him alive against whatever happens." said Daemon. Aurel disappeared in a flash of light being that the leader went on ahead. Daemon soon saw his opposition standing there being Vicky. "Victoria Mills so I'm guess you're stopping me from killing your master." said Daemon.

Daemon heard several things charging up as Vicky said,"You'll die Daemon and soon, the master's reign will begin.". Daemon smiled as Vicky charged toward him. She fired several weapons on him but they bounced off his body much to her shock. He grabbed her arms as he threw her toward the end of the hallway. She hit two doors and slid toward the ground. As she was trying to get back up and hit him, she was tackled into the door knocking her out.

He was about to slice off her arm but he stopped. "You're lucky that I'm just after your boss but to make sure that you can be reunited with your father." said Daemon. His hair turned into chains and they went around Vicky. Daemon ,using his blade gauntlet, sliced his hair being that it regenerated and the leader went toward the main lab. He entered the lab by blowing up the doors as he said,"You need to come out Ash or else!".

He entered the room being that he saw the metal Phantom sitting in front of several monitors. He didn't move upon the doors being blasted off. He walked toward his enemy being that he sliced him and the body soon fell to the ground. Daemon felt something off being that several chains grabbed him and he couldn't phase through them. "Sorry old buddy but you're not leaving this lab without that Trastry." said Ash's voice.

The chains electrified as Daemon was shocked. "Where are you coward?!" yelled Daemon. "Now why would I tell you where my handsome ass is?" said Ash's voice. "No one thought that you were handsome." said Daemon. Several of the monitors soon had an image appearing being that it wasn't the mechanical Phantom that worked alongside Daemon but the Phantom Kevin that was created due to Isis's wish.

His skin was glowing red. He still looked buff, red glowing eyes, pointed elf like ears, and shark like teeth. His claws are nine inches long. His brown hair is long and wild being that the left side of his face is severely burned. "God. I forgot how lucky ugly you are Kirk. I guess the years really haven't been kind to you my enemy." said Daemon. "Shut up Alvarez. I knew that you got past Vicky and I wished that my alternative counterpart worked with me but oh well." said Kirk.

Daemon said,"So you know why I'm here right?". "To kill me or perhaps something else. I don't want to die by a terrible leader. You just cause death and destruction wherever you went. You could have ruled with an iron fist but you lashed out against everyone because your friends died by little old me." said Kirk. Daemon growled as Kirk said,"Those chains of yours will only go away until you fully listen to me Malik.".

Daemon stopped as Kirk said,"You know that the idiots in Swarm are planning to nuke us so I need to be ready for them. I plan on killing your counterpart and mine before hand. We won't die so there's no need to worry. The shield is going down and soon,  I'll be ruling.". "With what Kirk?" said Daemon. "The Trastry that was controlling you for so long." said Kirk. Daemon soon started coughing like crazy and he saw the worm coming out of him.

Instead of a twenty feet tall worm, it was only ten feet. It still had sharp teeth and a wide reptile like mouth. It's tail was a spiked ball of purple flames. It's body is a dark yellow and blue hide, a green underbelly, several blades sticking out of its back, and eight green spider like legs on each side. The worm was soon gone and Daemon was free from two prisons aka the worm and chains. "Have fun with him." said Ash. Ash's face was gone as Daemon slowly stood up and left the lab.

Back on the battlefield, the group that sided with either Warrior or Zane got some backup in the form of Aster, Buster, Jasmine, Jennifer, Lynette, Marcia, Smog, Sonya, Tomas, and Travis. The strange thing is that the six Phantoms that were in the group weren't targeted by the Teds. Warrior soon fired several waves of ice as the robots were blocked. "Keep them away!" said a phantom. Several cannon balls flew toward Warrior who simply punched them away.

Zane slammed a Pawn into a Rook as he said,"Daemon. You're back.". Kevin ,who was nearby, said,"I don't understand Zane. Do you feel his Nether Signature coming toward us?". "Yeah but Warrior is a badass. He's not over-shadowing me though. He blocked the robots for a few minutes and the Phantoms are safe." said Zane. The two ran forward as Daryl and Liv were right behind the two teens.

Liv said,"Hey angel boy. Do you find it weird that those two are just standing there with my friend's brother?". "I'm not sure your highness but we can be sure that it isn't good." said Daryl. The four soon saw a massive Phantom standing there and he said,"Lord Daemon promised me a fight and I'll kill you all for doing this!". He slammed his fist onto Warrior who soon threw the massive Phantom into the air. "Dam! He's so strong!" said Smog.

Warrior soon flew into the air and he grabbed the massive Phantom. "Wow. I guess he isn't called the Earth's strongest man for nothing." said Lauren. "Take this!" yelled Warrior. The giant was sent flying toward Halphas and Reid as the ground slowly ripped apart around the area thrown. "That guy is way too strong." said Kevin. "You two will be like that one day especially you savior of the Omniverse. I promise you that." said Liv. Kevin looked at her as Zane said,"I'll explain later.". "Okay." said Kevin.

However, the giant Phantom was sent flying toward the TEDs who destroyed him. Zane soon saw Aurel, Halphas, and Reid stand there as Zane thought,"Those three are strong.". "I guess we should get fighting." said Halphas. "You're right. Can you two show them your combined strength? Our leader is busy with something I'm guessing." said Aurel. "You know what to do." aid Reid. His arms glowed red as he said,"Lavageddon!". He aimed the arms into the air.

He soon fired several balls of lava into the air as it hit the sky. "This isn't good!" said Trunk. The field was silent as the clouds darkened and it began raining. The balls from earlier came toward them and they hit everything. "Why are we caught in the crossfire?!" said a Phantom. Jennifer dodged them as she said,"Those poor fools. They're nothing more than a distraction.".  Zane looked at Daryl and Liv as he said,"Daryl and Liv. Thank you.".

Kevin said,"What are you doing Zane?! We can still save Danny, stop Daemon, and return Cypress Park to normal!". "I know that but right now, I can't stop hearing the scream of Phantoms. It's killing me." said Zane. "Empyrean Will. It's powerful but your impressive hearing is increased. You can hear the voices of the Omniverse." said Liv. "Do you have a plan Zane? I'm up for anything. You have my word." said Daryl. "So what happened to you?!" said Kevin.

Zane said,"A long story. We need to find a way to stop those meteors. Kevin, can your suit destroy them?". "It'll be easy but what about Danny? I mean right now, we're focused on three things. Those meteors, Daemon's army, and those robots. I mean the steam from the meteors and cannons is also a problem but compared to the previous three I mentioned." said Kevin. "So why aren't you aiming for Warrior's crew?" said Halphas. Reid had just finished off the meteor storm but they were in the air

Reid smiled as he said,"I just find killing those weak Phantoms is funner. The only Phantoms that I respect are those who can survive against me.". "So I'm one of them?" said Aurel. Danny looked at the three ,talking in front of him, as he thought,"Zane. Everyone. Please stay safe.". Scarlet stood there as he said,"So much death. It's so annoying.". "Do you wish to help us then?" said Sharia as she punched a Phantom back. "Perhaps. I do serve Lord Daemon." said Scarlet.

He threw a ball of Blue Nether toward a meteor being that it destroyed several of them. "You have my answers. We need to find a way to stop all of them first." said Scarlet. Daryl looked at Zane with him saying,"Zane. You need to save your friend right?". "Yeah." said Zane. "I shall lend you my life if you need it." said Daryl. "I don't want to lose any of my friends but I'll do my best to save you I promise." said Zane.

Kevin said,"What's your plan?". "Zane'll be making an entrance. Remember that thing I did in prison to get us that ship in the first place Zane?" said Daryl. Zane smiled as Aurel charged up Light Nether. "I'll kill all of them instead." said Aurel. Suddenly, something went flying through in the air and Aurel soon look up stopping his charging. The remaining meteors were destroyed by several beams and the Phantoms cheered. "Well done kid." said Warrior.

Sierra said,"You know who did that?". "It's pretty obvious who it is Sierra." said Buster. The trio of Aurel, Halphas, and Reid saw the person ,who destroyed the meteors, landed on the ground. It was Zane and he was wearing something over his clothing and Tyrannus Nether. It was a beautiful long double-breasted black cloak ,with a hood and it's made out of velvet, with a large drawstring closed around the collar of it.

On the back of it, his logo was on the back and they're was a white cloth around his head. He was panting slightly. "Zane!" said Danny and he was trying to break out of his chains. Zane soon glared at Aurel, Halphas, and Reid. "You're finally here and we're not ready for you." said Halphas. "I guess you are an opponent worthy of my time." said Reid. "You and Daemon are so in common but right now, you're young." said Aurel.

Warrior smiled as Reid said,"I hope you have enough energy to fight me and your boss.". "He's right you know." said Halphas. Zane jumped into the air and he floated there with the two heads aimed at the trio. "All of you are going down! I'll save my family, friends, and home from you and your leader! Tyrannus Rampage!" yelled Zane. Several Crimson Red Nether beams went flying toward the trio as Warrior said,"Help Zane!". Zane roared loudly as it could be heard from miles around.

Next time,
How will Zane far against Aurel, Halphas, and Reid?! Will Warrior and the others help Zane before its too late? What will happen next? What was Zane wearing under his clothes and is he really hot due to him wearing a Haori and cloak? Where did Zane's family go?! What's Ash's true plan? This and more next time on Zero!

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