Friday, January 5, 2018

Zero Episode 75 Worst Future Ever PT 26 Comeback from the Brink of Death

A/N: Yeah. I'm pretty sure that the last post was the shortest of the month ,maybe this one may be or shorter, being that I'm determined to finish this arc by the end of the mouth. So what is Zane wearing over his costume? I'll be saying that in this part or at the end of this. Some characters will have time to shine. The others won't until the end of this being that the last part of this saga won't have the moniker of Worst Future Ever and I hope that it will be less than 30 but who knows? Lets begin. The TEDs are attacked Daemon's Phantoms so Aurel, Halphas, and Reid are focused on them.

Narrator P.O.V.
Warrior said,"Keep on fighting!". Him and his group went forward as Reid said,"Should you really be lying to these brats? Lava Cobra.". Warrior saw a massive cobra ,made out of lava, rushed toward him as he blocked the snake by a giant crystal going through it. The lava soon destroyed the area as Reid said,"So are you willing to destroy the city of your little friend?". "He can bill me later once I'm done with it." said Warrior. 

Warrior's group fought as several TEDs appeared. "Eat this bastard." said Frank. He sliced through two of them as he said,"Nothing but scrap metal.". "How is he?" said Liv. She looked at Zane who was out cold as Lauren said,"This isn't going. We need to get him out of here.". "Zane. The gods must hate you. You're almost there buddy." said Liv looking at Danny. The teen in question was trying to break out of his holding as he said,"I'm coming Zane.".

Liv felt someone grabbing her leg as she turned to see Zane panting. His face was covered in his own blood as he said,"Liv.". "You're still conscious Zane?" said Lauren. "Calm down Zane. You need to rest." said Liv. "I know that gramps gave you something and I need it right now." said Zane. "Keep going you guys! I promise to save you Danny for Shawn and Zane Alvarez!" said Daryl. "What is he talking about Liv?" said Lauren. "Give it to me now dam it!!!" yelled Zane.

Meanwhile, Henry was hiding and he said,"Dam it to hell! Why the hell does Zane have to be such a showboat? I survived being blasted by several Phantoms and those meteors!". He looked to see Zane as he said,"That kid is going to die again. Where the hell did Trunk go? Did he push on ahead to help that idiot? I owe that idiot for breaking me out but now what...". Warrior send Reid back as Reid said with a smile,"Even though you're immortal, you have weakness like all of us.".

Kurt rushed toward him as he said,"Hands off him bastard!". He was soon blasted by several beams of light as he was bleeding. "Kurt/Kid!" yelled Lucius and Keith. "Idiots." said Halphas. Keith was soon burned alive as Buster said,"Keith!". Reid soon landed a punch straight on Warrior causing a massive explosion of lava to surround the two of them. Lauren looked at Zane as she yelled,"Are you insane you dam brat?!!!!".

Liv said,"She's right Zane! You survive Blacktomb Detention Center! Twice against Xiadur and you were covered by acid! You were lucky to survive the first time! Your will is strong mind you Zane but you'll die if you keep fighting!". Zane grabbed her ,using his right hand, as he said,"I'm not giving up. I made myself a promise and that means I have to fight! If I let someone close to me died again not by choice, I'll kill myself! I'm not joking about this!".

Lauren and Liv were shocked by this as Kurt was falling toward the ground thanks to Aurel. The Phantom was soon distracted by Lucius as Keith was soon burned by Halphas. Reid smiled as Liv yelled,"If I let you die, I could never face your parents again! You're sure ugly when you're stubborn Zane!". She looked at Liv as Lauren said,"Do it. He won't stop.". "Fine! Take it Zane!" yelled Liv as she threw a bottle on him.

Zane's essence beat as Sierra said,"What did you just do?". Zane slowly stood back up as his body was changing shocking anyone around him. His sclera turn an empty white color being that his irises and pupils turned violet. His body was soon covered in crimson red, web like patterns and a thick black layer ,very much like paint, that covered his entire body except for his face and right arm. He had pronounced fangs and his hair slowly turned grayish white.

His clothing was gone including his watch. His body was soon covered in silver armor being that he wore his pauldrons on both shoulders, knee pads, elbow pads, and breastplate which look like a rib cage. The bandages around his right arm were gone being that everyone saw Zane's right arm being that from his shoulder to his fingers, it was now metallic. In terms of its shape, it looked liked his left arm but it was different.

It was now colored black on the right side, white on the left side, and a single indigo colored stripe dividing it into two. His hand fit the pattern as well being that his palm had a indigo Hidari Gomon on it. The left side of his hand being black and the right side of his hand being white. "Lets go! Scourge Armor!" roared Zane. He soon began running toward Danny and he roared like a dragon. "What is he Marco? I know that he lost his right arm but that isn't part of it." said Frank as he slashed down a knight.

Marco destroyed a group of pawns with him saying,"It seems that's a new power of Zane's Frank. It's a rare one in fact.".  Liv joined him as she said,"Zane. I don't know how you did that but remember that the potion didn't heal you. Your willpower healed you.". Zane soon kicked back a Phantom as he said with a massive smile,"Thanks Liv for listening to a stubborn fool. You're a good person and I'm happy to have you as a friend.".

The two saw a massive array of TEDs heading toward them as Zane held out his right hand. "Karmic Limbo!" roared Zane. He fired out a black beam out of his right hand and it headed right toward the robot. as all of the robots were destroyed in one massive explosion. "What was that Zane? What was that Animus, Nether, or Primordial?" said Liv. Zane ignored her as Liv said,"Don't be such a stubborn fool like your father Zane! Tell me right now or I'll tell your mother!".

Zane looked at her as he said,"Seriously? We are friends right Liv?! I mean the Bro Code works for us right?" said Zane. "Not it doesn't!" said Liv. "Okay fine! You used to be fun. I honestly have no idea but who cares? I'll figure it out later." said Zane. Kurt and Lucius soon blasted Aurel with a giant fireball and a cannonball respectively. "You brothers are so annoying." said Aurel. Keith was soon held in place by Taylor.

Halphas was blasted back by Sierra who said,"Eat this!". A massive ice block hit Halphas knocking him back a couple of feet. "Taylor. Get Keith somewhere safe. I'll handle this." said Sierra. "We'll help you." said Smog. She was joined by Tomas who blasted Halphas with a huge amount of sand, a giant Nether blast from Smog, and then Sierra fired a massive wave of fire at Halphas. He was soon trapped in glass and Reid was soon launched back by Warrior's punch covered in crystals.

The hero was soon guarded by Aster, Erin, Daryl, Jasmine, Kevin, and Outburst. "We're not giving us so you guys can bring your best but you won't against us." said Daryl as he blasted several Phantoms back. Aster and Erin blasted them with Blue Nether as they nodded. Kevin spotted Zane as he said,"I can't compete with him no matter what. He's too strong.". "You can be strong Kevin." said Jasmine as Kevin nodded.

Zane dodged several attacks as he said,"This is really pissing me off. Get out of my way!". He was soon smacked in the face as he roared,"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY NOW YOU DAM BASTARDS!". A giant circular purple energy wave erupted from his body as several Phantoms fell around him and during it, a giant crimson red aura of Sivarth covered his body. "This fight is just getting started so bring it on!" yelled Zane. "What was that thing around you Zane?!" said Liv.

Keith said,"That kid used Empyrean Will.". "This is a problem." said Halphas. "I guess you're worth my time now." said Aurel. "That's my brother for you." said Kurt as he threw a massive wave of fire at Aurel who jumped back. "That was a Phantom around him. He's very much stronger than most Zeroes before them." said Reid as he evaded a TED's beam. "We may be in trouble now." said Scarlet as he looked at Zane.

Zane rushed toward some Phantoms as he heard,"This one is too strong! Keep him back so that one of those three can kill him!". "What did you just do Zane?" said Liv. "Being awesome. Lets keep going." said Zane as he punched a Phantom. Several Phantoms were sent flying as Warrior said,"Attention! Everyone! Protect Zane so he can save Danny and stop Daemon!". Liv soon saw that Zane was about to hit him but it failed thanks to Erin.

Erin said,"Don't worry Zane. We got your back.". Zane looked to see that around him and Liv, he saw Aster, Buster, Ether, Erin, Felicia, Jennifer, and Lynette covering him. "Thanks you guys. Lets keep going!" said Zane. The group pushed forward as Aster said,"We'll keep them distracted! You will be a good Zero so keep on fighting!". "I'm going to prove myself and I don't care what others think of me! Lets go!" said Zane.

Scarlet threw a Red Nether Skull toward Zane but it was blocked by Frank. "Frank." said Zane. "I'm indebted to you after saving me from that hell Shawn's Son. Keep going. We'll keep him busy." said Frank. "Thanks Frank!" said Zane. Scarlet rushed toward Frank as he said,"Move and you will die by my hand.". Frank swung toward him only to fall against him. Scarlet flew toward Zane but he was stopped by Marco. "Marco." said Scarlet.

Marco looked at Frank as he said,"Leave him to me Frank. Keep those insects away from us.". Frank got back up as Marco said,"Don't die kid. Don't let him down.". Liv and Zane were gone as Scarlet said,"I hope your faith is well placed.". "You don't understand Scarlet. You sided with the wrong guy. His power is nothing to underestimate." said Marco. Several TEDs were destroyed by Lauren and Sharia as Sharia said,"Wow. They are pretty weak.". "I think we're too strong." said Lauren.

Zane looked at City Hall as Liv joined him. Henry watched from the sky as he said,"That dam boy. I can't believe he is still fighting. I would have given up before those three. He keeps on fighting and his wounds are too much. Why the hell do I care?". Back with Zane, his group blocked the group of Phantoms in his way as Kevin said while blasting several Phantoms,"Go Zane!". Daryl blasted the Bishops with his weapon as Warrior said,"You're a good man Zane.".

Zane saw that the Phantoms were blocked as he had a straight path. "Yes!" said Zane. He kept on running as Liv stopped. "He's proving himself to be a powerful man despite his age. Look, I know that you asked to come despite your wounds." said Liv. Marissa came out of her hair as she said,"I owe those two to help the savior of Freedom World.". She ran past Zane as Zane said,"Marissa? I can't believe you're here!". "Watch and learn Zane. This is the power of my kingdom." said Marissa.

She destroyed the ground as it made a massive bridge. The TEDs were aiming their lasers toward the bridge but they were destroyed by a giant diamond. "Keep going Zane! We'll cover you!" said Sonya as she destroy the ground in front of some Phantoms. Marissa sent a couple of them flying as Zane soon landed on the bridge. "Keep going Zane." said Marissa. "Thank you Marissa! All of you!" said Zane as he wiped away some tears.

Aurel said,"Didn't expect that to be honest.". He was heading toward Zane but he was stopped by Kurt and Lucius. "You're not hurting our brother bastard!" said the two. "Pain in my rear end." said Aurel. The bridge was slowly breaking as Zane said,"Archon Zero Master!". He activated it and he was still wearing his armor and not the clothing that he normally wore in this form. He soon stood on the roof of the building as Zane raised his arms into the air.

Zane roared,"I did it! Suck it Omniverse! Thanks you guys!". He waved down to the crowd as Danny said,"You idiot. Welcome back.". Danny was crying as he said,"I knew that you were alive.". Zane's left hand turned into a turquoise colored candy syrup liquid sword as he said,"I got your letter man and boy, I have so many stories to tell.". Zane was crying as Rachel said with her wiping away her tears,"Those two are idiots. They're crying during a battle.".

Tara trapped several Phantoms in forcefields and she said,"They are but they're our idiots.". Marcia and Travis nodded as they punched a Phantom toward the ground. Zane sliced through the chains as the two of them highfied. "Lets kick some but!" said the two. "Kill the two of them right now!" said a Phantom. Several balls of Nether ,being Red to Violet, went toward them as a giant ball of light was nearby them. "What the hell is that?" said Aster.

Aurel said,"That's my Sun Ball. That isn't going to be good for you idiots.". The ground soon broke nearby them as Trunk popped out of the hole. "I'm here to save you...." said Trunk. He saw the ball of light as he screamed. "We need to destroy that now! I got the perfect thing! Protect Danny for me Trunk!" yelled Zane. "Gotcha Zane old pal. For Ivan!" said Trunk. "Ivan may not be dead but I completely understand." said Zane.

Zane's right arm suddenly turned into a liquid form being that it grew massive being that it slowly hardened up. He threw it toward his target being that Zane said,"This attack is stronger than Monstrous Hammer being Avalanche Punch!". The punch hit the sphere several times and it was very much like an avalanche. The three were caught in a massive explosion that destroyed the top of City Hall as Henry said,"Poor kids and wood guy.".

A giant earth hand appeared from the ground as a voice said,"I owe you for getting me out of the slammer so here's my debt to you!". From the hand, Walter soon stood there with Bane, Celeste, Danny, Nazar, Nova, Trunk, and Zane. Celeste hugged him as Nova said,"You knew that he was alive for a long time so why are you hugging him?". Nova was hugging him as Celeste said,"You're doing the exact same thing you know!". The two were glaring at each other.

Zane said with his face red,"Focus ladies.". "You're enjoying this aren't you bro?" said Nazar. He slapped Zane's back hard as Darren said,"You two know that Zane been fighting like crazy right?". "I think his armor is so strong and manly." said Nazar. "Your friends are so weird Zane." said Trunk. "I blame Zane for attracting the weird ones." said Bane, as he dodged the girls. "Ready to fight you guys? We're going down." said Walter. "Yeah. We still have a fight on our hands!" said Zane.

Next time,
Danny is saved and now he's joining the fight. Will Daemon do something? What is Scourge Armor? Did it increase Zane's Empyrean Will? This and more next time on Zero!

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