Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Zero Episode 71 Worst Future Ever PT 22 Twist and Turns of a battle!

A/N: Welcome to the second to last portion of the Worst Future Ever Arc which was initially going to end in December but well, a whole month of editing changes your plan. This also happened in the summer of last year but that was almost two months. There was also less stuff to edit and create than the summer stuff but that's getting at the little details here and there. I'm also going to talk about Filler in Anime because why the hell not.

Filler is created because the Anime Production usually outpaces the Manga or its initial source material such as a light novel. They also don't further the story being that they're usually of far lower quality both from a visual point and narrative point. I did find a website called The Ultimate Anime Filler Guide which will be linked to the end of the Author's Note because it makes thing easy to find and I could have miss spelled the website.

Out of the research that I've done, Bleach has the most filler being 45% of the entire series. Almost Half and this is one of the reason why I stopped watching it and went to the Manga which was the smartest choice. I've heard that they're good but well, I don't plain on watching it. Naruto and its sequel series combined has 43.6 or 44% percent. I think the Naruto Filler is the most famous being that its the most infamous example of Anime.

I don't count Boruto because of two things. It's still going and I don't like Burrito. I may explain my reason why I don't like Boruto and tend to call it Burrito in the next Author Note. Despite Dragon Ball have four series (the Original, Z, GT, and Super), it has less filler about 23.9/24%. I could Super to this because why I may not be a big Dragon Ball fan, I like that it isn't focused on a prodigy and young protagonist who's isn't annoying to me. It has the same amount as Fairy Tail.

I think I know about the Fairy Tail Filler the most because I've watched every episode of the Anime and until the last portion of the anime gets a released date ,it will have trouble competing with My Hero Academia and One Punch man, I'll watch it. One Piece has a pretty low amount being 13% and maybe there will be more in the series future. Lets begin already with the link being right here so enjoy it.

Narrator P.O.V.
The group on the East Side were about to go out and save the innocent people before they either get killed by the fight or nuclear device. The robots ,mainly the Ogre Crushers, were patrolling the streets around the area that several prisoners ,humans and Phantoms, were held. They were waiting for the right moment being that one mistake could lead to death. The wait wouldn't have been so bad if not for the smell of rotting corpses.

During the seven week hell, the animals were the first ones to go being that Phantoms found them a sweet treat before a meal of humans. "This place has really gone to hell." said Sonya. "You can say that again. It took you metahumans a long time to give a dam about us though." said Damon. He was hit by his wife as Tomas said,"You can blame those bastards at Swarm. The President wanted Warrior to come on Day 1 but Swarm convinced the other big wigs to let them handle it.".

Travis said,"And now, we're resorting to nukes.". "Yeah. It's messed up but I'm sure that we can save these people but Warrior is super strong muscles." said Vega. Felicia rolled her eyes as she looked out the window. She still saw the robots patrolling the streets for any humans as Buster said,"Anything Felicia?". "Not yet. Do you have a feeling that things are only going to get worse from here?" said Felicia. "Yes but I just hope we can do this." said Buster.

It was noon and all Phantoms loyal to Daemon ,by choice or fear, were gathered in front of City Hall as they stood/floated as they waited for their leader. Daemon appeared being that he saw his army of killers, monsters, and psychopaths waiting for his orders. Alongside his body double army ,that could be either him or Zane, the robots "borrowed" from Swarm, the pestcrushers, and Chess Soldiers that considers of Bishops, Knights, Pawns, and Rooks made the perfect army.

They could easily help him to take over Cypress Park and soon Prime Earth. Daemon smiled as he thought,"I can easily defeat Warrior.". Behind him, his elite soldiers stood there. To his left, Ash stood there with the hooded figure, Halphas, and Vicky. To his right, Aurel, Carnage, Daisy, Reid, and Scarlet Demon stood. Ash had expected this from Daemon being that the Trastry loved power and the man that took the love of his life had it in spades.

He knew that those idiots from Swarm were planning something plus he had Kevin and the Alliance to work as a distraction if things go haywire. "I wonder why Daemon is doing this. I'm pretty sure that Halphas wouldn't throw me under the bus but he's such a mystery. I mean he brought Aurel and Reid on board in a day." thought Ash. Daemon looked at his robotic ally being that he could easily see him sweating under his armor.

Daemon thought,"I wonder if he's hot under there. I mean he has done everything that I wanted him to do being that if he's planning to dethrown me, he better have a good plan.". He turned to the army as he said,"My loyal army!". That got their attention as he said,"I did promise an execution of Danny Malone aka the leader of the pesky resistance who has been ruining our fun but we ran into a little snafu.". The crowd started to chatter among themselves in agreement with their master.

Daemon said,"However, I have a way to fix that.". "And what's that?" said Ash. "I thought it would be obvious. What's keeping us in here?" said Daemon. The army cheered as Ash said,"Okay but what about those prisoners and that crazy lady from Swarm? I mean you promise an execution and we shouldn't lie to our army.". "Don't worry so much tin can. Daemon had a plan doesn't he?" said Reid as Daemon nodded.

Daemon said,"We need to broadcast to this country and can you do that Ash? I mean these humans and remaining Phantoms should get ready for their doom. How long do you suspect it will take my good friend Ash?". "If we were back in the early days of video recording technology, it would take four to five hours. Now, it will take four to five seconds." said Ash. "And here I thought you would be lying to me Ash but you're right." said Daemon.

Ash said,"What do you mean by that?!". "Oh nothing. I mean I know that I'm going to be attacked by Warrior and his group soon. It may be in a minute or hour so I need your help. Heck, I need your help my army to take them and Ash down." said Daemon. The crowd was shocked being that Ash bumped into Halphas being that he bumped back in fear. "To be honest Ash, I knew that you were planning on betraying me before Halphas told me." said Daemon as he had a sinister smile.

Ash looked at Halphas as he stuttered out,"You t-t-t-told him of my plans?!". "Nope. Daemon found out about your p-p-p-plan ,mocking you BTW, before Halphas told him. I mean he finds Daisy to be annoying and even more than the girls from his youth which is just wow. So what are you going to do know?" said the hooded figure. Ash was shocked by this being that his plan to take over Daemon's empire and get back Daisy went up in flames.

He had everything planned out but victory was almost in grasp. He failed like he did before in his past because he forgot about how Daemon isn't just brawn but brains as well. He looked at Vicky who nodded. She threw a smoke bomb down as both of them flew away to an unknown location. Daemon rolled his eyes and while the smoke was dying down, he pushed Daisy to the ground and undid the spell on her.

The smoke was soon gone as Daisy looked at Daemon and said,"Daemon?! What are you doing here? Where is Ashy? And where are we". "Ashy? That's just said." said Halphas. "True." said Reid with Aurel nodding. "Okay. I took control of you for years being that you wanted to sleep with me and to be honest, I find you and your kind annoying." said Daemon. He dodged Carnage's attack as he said,"What are you saying my master?! You love Daisy!".

Daemon sighed loudly as Scarlet said,"Master has never loved her bug. You were born after the Glamour Spell went on her. You should like Ash but who would?". Halphas smiled as Daisy and her Pestcrushers were gone. Daemon walked back to his army as he said,"Okay army. Go after the bugs, Daisy, Ash, traitors, and heroes. Make them fear the name Daemon but bring me both Ash and Daisy! I want to kill them myself! Go now!".

The army soon let out a collective battle cry being that they went all over the city to find their leader's enemies. Daemon turned to face Aurel, Crunch, Halphas, Jester, the hooded figure, Reid, Riveter, and Scarlet. "We all know that Ash and Vicky is going to head toward Ash's lab. We also guess that your army is filled with idiots. I do wonder what Daisy is going to do with those bugs. So what do you want us to do master?" said Jester.

Daemon said,"You're smarter than I give you credit for Jester. Aurel, Crunch, Jester, and Riveter, I want you four to destroy Ash's lab. He's smart but an idiot.". "Yes sir." said Crunch and Riveter. The trio of Phantoms flew off as Aurel said,"So will there be something fun Halphas?". "Most likely. I better get going." said Halphas. Aurel disappeared in a second as Reid said,"So what do you need us to do?".

Daemon said,"Halphas and Reid will stay with me. You will be my bodyguards. You two decided on who will keep an eye on the prison base and who will over head to Ash's lab. I don't want any more trouble understood?.". "You got it boss." said the hooded figure as Scarlet bowed. The two were gone as Halphas said,"So do you think this is going to be the fight boss?". "Yes. This massive amount of carnage will bring him here for sure eh Zane." said Daemon. Halphas and Reid were confused.

Outside of the energy shield guarding Zane's house, Carnage and the rest of his kind looked at the dome holding the Resistance inside. He couldn't understand what was going on being that Daemon didn't love Daisy but Ash did. He told his brothers and sisters that if they kill the resistance, Daemon would love them and Daisy once again. They however couldn't get through it despite their several attempts.

One of them tried to drill his way through ,using his claws, being that he was soon blown back by the shield's power. Carnage's patience was thinning being that he was going to demand them to come out and fight like men until someone tapped his shoulder. "Lord Carnage." said a Pestcrusher. "What is it?" said Carnage. He turned to see Daisy coming toward them as all of them soon bowed upon her touching the ground.

Daisy nodded as she said,"Carnage and my children. Listen to your mother.". "Do you know why Daemon doesn't love you?" said Carnage. "He controlled my affections for years and throughout your lifespans. We'll be helping Ash and his rule." said Daisy. "That bastard!" yelled Carnage. "I understand your rage. I'll make a portal through the barrier but do know that they trained to kill you and the rest of Phantom Kind. Ready?" said Daisy.

She made a portal as Carnage said,"Charge!". They went through the portal being that Daisy stood there. She didn't noticed or care that three people were watching her. Inside, the group was waiting for any movement from Daemon's army but an alarm went off. This alarm was for if something that had Nether inside of them somehow entered the portal. "What's that sound mommy? Is it bad?" said Camille.

Crystal ,in her robot guise, said,"Andre, David, Selena, and Susan. You four protect the kids and tech in the basement.". "Gotcha." said the four as Susan grabbed the confused Camille. "And the rest of us will handle the enemy." said Stan. A portal soon opened up in the living room as the group ,plus the guards except for Heidi, aimed their weapons at the portal being that Carnage and his kind ran out of the portal. They fired at them being that it slowed them down.

They slowly piled into the room being that it was filled with them. Jim aimed at Carnage being that he soon attacked the father. "Mr. Mills!" said Heidi currently in costume. She soon aimed her staff at the leader being that she was about to attack him. She was soon grabbed by one of them being that she was thrown into the kitchen. Crystal blasted several of them back with a huge wave of fire being that Ed, Mizuki, Ramona, and Stan covered her.

Despite their best effort, the Pestcrushers advanced toward them. "We need to get outside! We need more room to fight!" said Mizuki. "Everyone! Get out to the front of the house! I'll cover you!" said Crystal. She released a sonic from her body being that the bugs grabbed their ears and howled. Heidi soon smacked them out of their way using her staff being that they were unable to fight back. Heidi soon went to grab Jim as the two left the house.

Crystal smiled as she heard,"Don't get distract human!". She dodged Carnage's attack being that she blasted him into the wall with a huge amount of water. Despite his agility, he was being beaten by a robot. "Clearly you forgotten who I am." said Carnage. Crystal was soon surrounded by Carnage and his kind being that the leader of the Pestcrushers said,"We'll be getting rid of this shield letting our leader have fun with you.".

Meanwhile, Kevin was planning on heading to meet up with his group. The suit was functioning at its max strength being that he soon got a message from Ash. It was on his visor being that Ash saw that Daemon knew about his plan from the beginning and being hunted by his army. He need help and told him to meet him at his lab. After reading it, Kevin thought about following it but he decided to say fuck him as he flew toward City Hall.

Over at Cypress High, Ash has just entered the building. He took a moment to look over his shoulder to see that Daemon's Army heading toward his location. He closed the doors being that nothing could stop them except for Daemon himself.  He kept running being that he took a left turn at the end of the hallway. He heard the double doors breaking down being that the swarm had entered the school. As he ran, he saw a few humans living among the Phantoms.

He was tempted to use them as decoys being that he reached the gym. He wasn't an idiot being that some of them were working with the Resistance and their base was in the gym. He hated this place when he was alive but as a Phantom, he needed a place to hide. Upon entering the gym, the Phantoms turned their attention toward the Phantom. They didn't say a word but Ash saw Bane heading toward them. "Talk now." said Bane as he aimed his weapons system at him.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
About a few hours before everything went to held, Bane along with Celeste and Isis were talking to the group from the Resistance. Celeste knew Courtney being that she remember when Seth was flirting with her earlier. Courtney's little sister and middle daughter was a freshman here by the name of Lindsay Anderson. She's an average size and weight being that she thinks that she's too big mainly in her butt and breasts.

She has long blond hair ,that goes to her shoulder, and blue eyes very much like the rest of her family like her little sister. She wearing a purple polo shirt, black skirt with a red belt, white with purple trimmed stockings, and red and white tennis shoes that have a one inch heel. She wears a pair of diamond earrings with a hot pink watch and black sweatband on her left hand. She would normally wear makeup despite being pretty enough according to her family and Zane. 

Her little sister is Molly Anderson and she's a good friend of Atem very much like how her older sister was to Zane except they're more like brother and sister. She's short of her age ,of nine, being that she has round blushing cheeks, blond hair that goes down to her hips, and blue eyes. One of her bangs is dyed sky blue. She has fair skin and she was going to grow to be a beauty like her sisters and mother.

She's wearing a purple top with short sleeves with the right sleeve missing. She was wearing a white long sleeved shirt, she's wearing a black waist belt that separated her top from her purple skirt, black and gray striped stockings, and black mary janes with white socks. The final member of the group is Tony. "So. Why did they send you guys? I mean no offense but all of four are you are normal humans." said Isis.

Molly said,"Our family is filled with badasses just like my big brother!". "He's talking about the idiot and she doesn't believe that he's dead." said Lindsay. "Zane is your brother?" said Celeste. "Not by blood but by a bond which is much stronger than Daemon. I may not know why Zane was targeted by Daemon but he's an Alvarez. If I know anything about that family, they're extremely stubborn." said Courtney as the doors opened up.

Narrator P.O.V.
Ash said,"I need to hide.". "And why should we allow you to hide here?" said Celeste. Before Ash could answer, the door soon opened up being that several Phantoms appeared. Bane soon noticed that out of the crowd, Septchris, Slug, Specter Samurai, and Wraith stuck out to him. "Wraith! Why are you working with that monster?!" said Bane. "Survival of the fittest. You know what to do." said Wraith as the army swarmed in.

Courtney held her weapon ,as it was in its spear form, as she said,"You and that mask wearing freak have history right? We'll take care of the riff raff while you settle the score.". She rushed toward the army as Celeste was about to grab her. She ,along with Wraith, was shocked to see that Courtney was slowly going through the army. "Told you!" said Molly. Lindsay nodded as Bane said,"Isis. Protect the little one.". "Okay." said Isis. The fight soon began as Ash escaped out during the chaos.

Back with Buster's group, they were shocked to see what their moment was. The dragon ,that was the end of Swarm, appeared in front of the detention center with several chess soldiers by his side. They were fighting against the robots being that Buster said,"Vega. Are you ready?". "Yep. I need to stay here and I can only send five inside of the base." said Vega. "I got a plan." said Damon as the group looked at him.

Damon said,"Pheasant. Do you think you can fight those idiots outside?". "Yeah. I'll need some help though." said Felicia. "You got it with me." said Tomas. Jasmine nodded as Damon said,"Me and the misses will stay here and guard Tremor. The rest of you, I think you know your job.". The five went into the portal as Jasmine ,wore her outfit that she used to steal Nuclear Ignition, went with Felicia and Tomas outside.

The dragon saw the trip being that it aimed its breath attack on them. They dodged it being that one of the Ogre Crushers stabbed its blade arm into the dragon. It roared out in pain being that it devour its head causing it to fall into the ground. The trio knew that they didn't have time to be scared being that they'll be next. Felicia grabbed Tomas as the dragon released its breath on Jasmine. The girl stood there as she smiled.

She was soon surrounded by Chess Soldiers ,mainly pawns, being that she smashed them to several pieces. "Ready to go?" said Felicia. Tomas nodded as Felicia dropped him off above the dragon. The sand teen turned into an anvil being that the dragon roared out in pain. Tomas smiled as the dragon turned into the hooded figure. "Okay. You guys got my attention." said the hooded figure. He rushed toward Tomas as the two fought.

Inside of the prison base ,which was Cypress Park University, Buster along the rest of his team being Lynette, Marcia, Sonya, and Travis entered. "So where are the guards?" said Travis. "I think they're outside right now." said Sonya looking out the window. "So where are the others Diviner?" said Marcia. "In the pool area." said Lynette. "Lets go." said Buster. The five walked through the building as they soon reached the pool.

Buster opened the door as he saw the prisoners ,reaching over one thousand humans and very few Phantoms, looking right at them. He soon saw that Agent F, Agent Quake, Aster, Austin, Bryan, Cameron, Christina, Della, Ether, Erin, Evan, Hannah, Jennifer, Kathleen, Kendra, Mack, Marcus, Doctor Maxwell Brock, Rebecca, Sam, Scott, and Smog. "Are you here to save us?" said Sam as Kathleen hugged her daughter and Evan with Travis.

Buster said,"Yes. Please head toward the barrier. Before you ask, the robots won't noticed you and for the Phantoms here, I need to ask you all a couple of questions.". They were soon gone and Travis said with a frown,"I need to stay here Evan.". "Why?" said Evan. "Because both of them have to save our town as members of the Resistance right? Please keep her safe Travis." said Kathleen. "I promise that I will." said Travis.

The two went with the rest of the crowd as Ether said,"Why did you need us to stay?". "You do remember that the barrier around the town keeps us in here right?" said Smog. "Yes." said Ether clearly embarrassed. "Where are the rest of your kind? It's weird to only see you folks in here." said Lynette. "They were taken by that weird as hell robot Phantom. Why do you ask?" said Kendra as she looked at them.

Sonya said,"No real reason. Do you mind helping us against Daemon?". "Sure thing. You got our support." said Jennifer. "One final question. Where is the Alvarez Family and Danny?" said Buster as Aster looked away. "They're in a different holding cell on the other side of town. It was near Zane's house and only Daemon knows where." said Erin. "We'll find them but right now, we need to save Cypress Park." said Jasmine. The group soon ran out to help Tomas and his group.

As all of this went on, Daemon sat in his throne ,which he moved from the arena, to in front of City Hall. His army of Phantoms and Chess Soldiers were looking away for Ash as Halphas and Reid Wren soon appeared with Danny. "What do you want with me?" said Danny. "Nothing important. I just want you to watch the show." said Daemon. Daemon soon saw an explosion being that it destroyed a couple of his chess soldiers.

Kevin stood there as he said,"I'm here to stop you Daemon!". "Kevin? What is he doing?" said Danny as Reid shrugged. "Seriously? By yourself? I thought you would be helping Ash." said Daemon with some shock. "I thought about it but then I remember that he's an idiot." said Kevin. "Man. That's just sad." said Halphas. "To be honest, I don't think I can defeat you by myself but with them by my side supporting me, I have a hell of a chance." said Kevin as the group saw people appeared behind Kevin.

Danny saw nine people behind him as he saw Gwen as Slicer, Rachel who is wearing a dark red jumpsuit with a flax vest type chest armor, black gloves, black belt, slim combat boots, and holding two Plasma Swiss Army Knives in the form of pistols, Ray, and Tara as Force. He knew three of them being Nazar, Sierra, and Taylor because of Zane being that they were in costume. Nazar's wearing a crimson red ,bulletproof, vest that exposed his chest completely.

He's also wearing a crimson red armored mask over his eyes being that he was wearing black jeans and boots. Taylor's costume is unique compared to the others from her class being that it has more stuff than they do. She's wearing a simple silver, skin, and sleeveless skin tight qipao that has peach colored accents. It exposed the top of her chest and also most of her legs. She wears a black corset that goes below her breasts making them stuck out and she wears a brown belt around her waist.

She has a katana sheath just waiting to be used. She's wearing a light blue cloth domino mask that's tied behind the back of her head. She's wearing light blue fngerless gloves with black arm guards. She wears black knee-high boots with dark blue thigh-high stockings. Sierra is wearing the same costume that she wore before which is this. She's wearing a navy blue long sleeved shirt with a SWAT styled vest, black jeans with several pockets, and brown boots. She's wearing a gold and silver belt.

Her eyes and hair are now gray. The other three were unknown to most of the army watching but Danny knew them being that they are three famous superheroes ,not as much Warrior is, from Earth and also the Alliance. Two were male and one was  female. One of the men was taller than the rest of the group being that he was only a few inches shorter than Warrior. He's also huge and muscular. His chest is rather broad. His brown hair is short and it looked like a buzz-cut.

He also matching thin brown eyes. He has a black mustache and gray ,short to medium length, beard. He looked to be ready for battle due to his rather serious face. His face has a noticeable scar going across it. His skin is a light pink color. He's had a cigarette being that it was currently lit. He's wearing a dark blue cape ,over his massive body, being that he's wearing gray/silver shoulder pads and it held his cape to him.

He wears a gray vest with silver edges that expose his chest. He wears loose light blue pants with a rusty red belt. His pants are tucked into his brown boots. On each arm. he's wearing two silver armbands. He has a katana ,with a flame shaped hilt, that was held in place by a long blue strap that went around his right shoulder. The man next to him was larger in terms of body mass compared to the other man. His chest is broad and he has rather large arms.

His black hair is long and spiky looking with brown eyes. He had a scar around his neck that looks like a choker. Compared to the man next to him, he was currently smiling and it was a big one. His mouth and teeth looked metallic. His beard is rather long due it completely covering his chin. For his costume, he's wearing a purple striped ,tattered, bandanna around his forehead being that his hair sticked out.

He's wearing large, square-shaped shoulder pads and big orange ,sun-shaped, earrings. He's also wearing a large and long black coat ,that goes down to his knees, and it has a wide collar and cuffs. The lining are a green color. He's wearing a dark purple shirt ,that completely covered his stomach, with a white skull pattern and it was eating something but it was unknown what. He's wearing blue jeans inside simple brown boots that went up to his knees.

He's wielding a flintlock pistol and sword. His sword has a dark sheath and it's hilt is striped just like a watermelon. The woman ,that stood in between the middle of the men, is an average height with her having a thin yet muscular frame. Her hair is long ,being that it went down to her shoulders, and golden blond. Her eyes were a green color. She has a large scar on the right side of her neck. She's wearing a brown fez like helmet.

It has the symbol of a sword and pistol crossing to make an "X" shape. She's wearing gold shoulder pads being that she's wearing a black robe/dress ,that has a high collar, with white blouse like sleeves that are ruffled at the edges. Under her robe, she's wearing white leggings. The center of her robe has the same logo as her helmet. She's brown buckled boots that has a small heel and a blue scarf around her neck that was blowing in the wind.

Daemon heard loud footsteps as Warrior was coming into view. "Warrior. You finally showed up to try and stop me. I honestly thought that you wouldn't be here." said Daemon. "Sorry it took me so long. You know the legal system." said Warrior. "And also Outburst aka the woman, Griffin aka the fatty, and Keith. We have some fighters here." said Halphas, whistling. "So with these guys on our side,  are you ready to surrender?" said Ray.

Daemon said,"There is nothing that you can do against me. I'll admit only one thing. Zane is the only one who can defeat me and he's dead because I killed him.". "No. Zane isn't dead. He's far too stubborn to die." said Sierra. "Never met the kid personally but Legion Zero is a proud hero." said Keith aka the smoker. "Totally!" said Griffin. "Lets fight." said Outburst. The two groups were about to fight as they stopped.

All around the city looked up to see something coming from the sky and they heard screaming. "Is that one of you guys?!" said a Phantom. "No?" said Tara. Several silhouettes came into view as Danny's eyes and smile widened. "You just had to overdo everything don't you Zane?!" yelled Henry's voice. "I blame that woman's scream!" said Marco's voice. "So petty Marco." said Liv's voice. "Who cares you guys?! We're back in Cypress Park!" said Zane's voice.

Eleven people ,Henry, Trunk, Kurt, Frank, Marco, Lucius, Daryl, Sharia, Lauren, Liv, and Zane in that order, and a battleship ,being the biggest, came into view over the city shocking everyone who could see them.  "See you guys! I told you that my plan would work! You owe me! I can fly so I'll be fine!" said Zane. "What about the ones that can't!" said Trunk. "This isn't how I'm going out! No way in hell!" said Liv.

Henry said,"Screw you Alvarez! I'll kill you myself if we survive this!". The entire city was shocked to see a dead man as Zane yelled,"Daemon! Cypress Park! My friends! My Family! I'm back from my journey!". Daemon smiled as he thought,"Zane. Our battle will soon begin. I hope you're ready to die by my hand or will fate kill you? I hope not. We have a fight to end all fights before hand. You'll be dead for real this time!".

Next time,
Zane and his group arrive in Cypress Park. Will Daemon and Zane face off? Who will win? Will there be a lot of death? This and more next time on Zero! 

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