Thursday, January 4, 2018

Zero Episode 72 Worst Future Ever PT 23 The Return of Legion Zero and Chaos Comes Suit!

A/N: So Zane's finally back in Cypress Park. It may have taken him over twenty plus episodes but he's finally back to kick some but. Now lets talk about my dislike of Boruto. I may have not read the series ,as it was going on, but I did binge the entire manga at one point. I also did the same thing for Bleach. I didn't watch the whole anime ,for both of them because the filler is too much, but I grew to love the characters for both. I did this so I wouldn't be spoiled for Naruto vs Ichigo.

I don't like most of them so lets start with Naruto. Take this with a grain of salt by the way because I'm a casual fan of both of them. We'll be talking about Naruto and maybe Bleach will get its time to shine in another Author Note. I think Tenten is meh to me because she doesn't do anything special compared to Neji and Rock Lee. She used weapons and I think the only fight she won was against herself. I thought the same thing with Choji but he grew to be a likable character.

He was part of the Sasuke Retrieval Mission Arc. I have problems with both Sakura and Sasuke. I plan to talk about them at a different point and maybe the next Author Note. but we're here to talk about Burrito. I think Swagkage said some good points on my reason for not liking him and way better than I ever could. best in his video so check it out here.

He's unlikable to me being that I like Naruto aka the character. I did watch the movie being that Burrito was just unlikable to me. I mean he hated Naruto because he's the Hokage. I'm sure that he knows the reason why but to me, he's a selfish brat. Boruto ,as an anime, isn't good. I'm not taking as a fan of the original but as a anime watcher. I'll admit that it's not for me and the first opening is pretty good but there are problems.

I like Sarada Uchida being that she's the best thing to come from Sasuke and Sakura. To me, I could see her as a protagonist and what I truly wanted from Lucy. She reminds me of Nami ,from One Piece, except younger. She may be oversexualized ,from what I've heard, but I don't care. I do have a problem with the heels though. I mean I'm not a fashion expert but do women wear high heels in the heat of battle. You could say that it's just an Anime which I'll agree with.

I could live with that but I just don't like most of the new generation. I see Metal and Shikamaru's son as chibi them, most of the characters (Denki, Iwabee, Namida, Sai's Son, Sumire, and Wasabi) to be meh, and Chocho. Let's begin with the good part first. I like Shino being a teacher, Mitsuki being awesome, and Asuma's daughter being seen. Chocho is a character that I can't like for many different reasons.

Reason 1 is that she's the daughter of Karui and Choji. I like both of her parents but how did they get together? I've done my research and I found some stuff but it's just weird. I think she reminds me of Sakura being just unlikable to me personally. I read Naruto Gaiden being that I like seeing Sarada figuring out her lineage and also Team 7 has some moments. Chocho was kinda just there and was annoying.

She's like Happy being that he doesn't add things most of the time but snark. I love snarky characters but I rather have a character doing shit than a snarky asswhole. I'll get to why I hate Happy later on but back to Chocho. She's an eater like her dad but when she's skips her training with her Ino-Shika-Cho members in order to eat with Anko Mitarashi, she shows indifference. I'm not sure if Choji did this before in the original series but that's such a bitch move.

I'll give her points being that she's confident and self-assured ,that she got from her mother, but that can be used against her. She also thinks that she's adopted and it's supposed to be funny. I may just not get the joke and that's fine because everyone has a joke that they don't get. She's also self centered being that she thinks most things revolve around her. I just don't like her and she's one of the worst characters in Naruto. I'm going overboard to say the least.

I tend to hate things when it's showed in my face such as Nalu, the negative fans of Fairy Tail, and people playing the same games. I can say that both of things are my fault because I'm a fan of Fairy Tail and also I can't help myself sometimes. I also think that the reason why I hate Undertale and Five Nights is because it was shoved done my throat. It's the same reason why I don't like Rick and Morty because the szechuan sauce fiasco. Just type it to google and you'll see what I mean.

I'm happy that 2017 is over but there is always drama being political. To change topics, lets talk about the series. We're almost done and I plan to do the crossover but not after I do some episodes to show off a couple of things. They're not major ,in my opinion, but I need to show them off. I don't think it will start in late January being that I wrote the last episode during New Years and finish it today. The past me thinks that the story would move faster but I get distracted easily. Lets begin. Also the battlefield is filled with chaos being that everyone could hear each other and can be caught up in his enemies attacks. Scarlet's spear can be used to slice things.

Narrator P.O.V.
As Zane's team was falling as Liv said,"I can't take it any longer!". "Can't you do something?!" said Henry to Trunk. "What would wood do to stop our fall?!" said Trunk. You may be asking yourself why they're falling to their deaths at least for most of them. That's a good question so let me tell you about it. Lets go back to about an hour plus earlier. Their ship had just entered the Prime Dimension's Orb being that they were soon moving around in circles.

Zane ,along with the rest of his team, were on the deck of the ship as Zane said,"So why ,in the gods name, are we going around in circles?". "We're going in circles because of how we entered. Shouldn't you know that Legion Zero? I know that." said Henry who smiled smugly. The group was covered by a shadow as Zane said,"So is this normal?". The group turned around as Henry said,"Can't we ever get a break?!". It was a giant tidal wave.

It was about to hit them as Daryl looked at it. "So what are we going to do?" said Zane. "We're going to ride it." said Daryl. "Okay." said Zane. "Are you serious?! This is extremely dumb and crazy! It'll make the prison escape like normal!" yelled Trunk. "Even with my levitation and cutting immunity spell, I'll die! It's getting closer!" yelled Henry. "You two were once criminals. How sad." said Marco as he sighed.

He said,"We're currently in the Dimensional Current. If you enter a dimension through an orb and not through a portal, you have to go through it. It moves you around and if we didn't have this ship, I bet we'll end up somewhere else than Cypress Park. See the holes Zane?". Zane soon saw the holes ,in the current, as Sharia said,"Those are different parts of the Prime Earth. Grab something now.". The group soon grabbed onto a part of the ship as the ship flew up the wave.

During the ride, Henry and Trunk screamed as Zane said,"This is so cool!". "Screw you Zane!" yelled Henry and Trunk. The ship reached the top of the wave and it suddenly turned into ice. The ship was stuck as Kurt said,"So what just happened? I'm pretty sure that waves don't usually turn into ice by complete and random chance.". They all looked out to see that the ship was stuck in the ice as Henry said,"Can't we ever get a break?! We don't have an ice pick on this ship right?".

Marco walked to the end of the wave as he said,"Come here Zane. Look at where we are.". The teen joined him along with the angel and Freedom World Leader as Daryl said,"We're above Cypress. It looks so small from up here.". "I can tell the town looks awful. Twenty bucks says that the folks down there are fighting." said Liv. "So why did the wave freeze?" said Zane. "The Omniverse is something of a mystery Zane. You can never truly understand it." said Daryl.

A bit later, Zane said,"Okay team. I got an idea about how we get down there. It's ingenious and has no flaws whatsoever! Who knows when Daemon is going to kill Danny so we have to do this faster than faster.". Two minutes later, Henry yelled,"Are you serious?! I mean you're not suggesting that we jump into the hole from here!". "Yeah. I'll make ice picks so whose with me?" said Zane. "You do know that we all can't fly right?!" said Trunk. "I can make a parachute." said Zane.

The two grabbed Zane as Lucius said,"He isn't wrong you two. We need a better plan.". "I do have another plan." said Zane. He turned intangible as he escape from them. He ran to the edge of the ship as he jumped off. "Lets go you guys! We have no time to argue!" said Liv. The group jumped onto the ice and Zane said to the group,"On my signal, we break it!". "Okay!" said the group. The group soon hit the ice being that it broke as they fell into the hole.

Back in the present, The group was falling as Daemon's army moved out of the way. The battleship crashed into several buildings as both sides were silent. Above the destroyed ship, Daryl held Frank and Henry, Kurt and Lucius held Lauren and Liv respectively, Sharia was in the air thanks to her kingdom's special moves, and Zane made an Nether Platform for Zane and him. "See? I told you guys my plan would work." said Zane.

They slowly descend onto the crashed ship as Marco said,"You're an Alvarez alright.". Zane looked around to see several people ,Phantoms, looking at him as he said,"Danny? Where are you man?". He soon spotted him with Daemon, Halphas, and Reid being that he took a deep breath. "Get ready." said Marco as the rest of his group covered his ears. "Danny! Daemon! Zane's back! Sorry it took me so long but I'm back! I missed you guys and Cypress Park so dam much!" yelled Zane.

He was wiping away his tears. "Zane. You're alive." said Danny. Zane stretched as he said,"Listen up Daemon! I didn't die by your first attempt and I made me some powerful new friends!". "Okay. I feel like we're small potatoes." said Liv. "I bet none of you can't handle me!" said Henry. "They probably can." said Marco. "Let me show you the team from Blacktomb Detention Center, the worst prison in the Omniverse which I broke into it!" said Zane. "You did what?!" yelled Danny.

Ray said through some tears,"Son of a bitch. He's keeps pulling crazy shit.". "Yeah but that's Zane for you." said Rachel. Tara nodded as Kevin said,"How?". "So that's Legion Zero. Colored me impressed to say the least." said Keith. "This may be a problem. I thought he was dead but I guess he's hard to kill like a cockroach." said Halphas. "That's Zane alright." said Sierra. Taylor smiled as she dodged an attack. "I missed you Zane." said Taylor. "You guys know the plan right?" said Zane.

Marco nodded as he jumped toward the battlefield. "I didn't expect him to go first. This is quite a shock. I thought it would be our youngest friend." said Liv. Zane was already gone as Lucius said,"I think that was obvious.". "Yep. He's heading over to Warrior I think." said Kurt. "We can't have the two of them showing us." said Frank. "Right." said Lauren. The rest of the group jumped down to the battlefield as Zane reappeared next to Warrior.

Warrior looked at Zane as the man said,"Kid. I didn't expect you to come back but you did. You're very much like your father. So are you ready to have your secret disappear?". "I don't care about that right now. My best friend no my third brother is in danger because of my actions. I'm here to be a real man and take responsible to my actions. If you try and stop me, I'll kick your ass old man!" said Zane as the crowd was shocked by his actions.

Warrior smiled as he said to Zane,"Just like your old man. A stubborn fool mainly when it comes to the people that he cares about. Just not to get hurt too much. I don't want to carry your corpse to your mom.". "Yeah but I ain't dying today no ever! Tell me when you need me to pick up your slack old man." said Zane with a smirk. "You're challenging Warrior Zane?!" said Danny. "I can kill him right Daemon old boy?" said Reid. "Sure thing." said Daemon.

Above the battlefield, Ash was looking around as he smiled. Zane's return makes a good distraction for Daemon and his forces. Back at the high school, Wraith and his group were fighting against Bane being that it was easily a tie. Ash smiled as he said,"I'm loving this chaos. Those robots are perfect for handling the weaker ones. I'm sure that Daisy and her bugs have their uses to. The only ones that I'm not sure about are busy with Zane.". 

He took another breath as he thought,"This is bad being that Kevin betrayed me. I need to activate my real plan.". He flew over to his lab as the rest of the town looked like a warzone. Daemon's army was being attacked by Ash's robots or bugs or they were fighting against the Alliance plus Zane's group who were all extremely powerful even Henry. This fight would be remembered for several decades as it was only going to get worse.

Outside of Zane's house, Jim and Heidi had just finished off several pestcrushers that came toward the undamaged cars. The two were worried about Crystal being that several streams of the elements were coming out of the house making it look like Swiss Cheese. It somehow missed Zane's room as the fighting only got worse. The Resistance took down most of the Pestcrushers being that despite their loss, they weren't slowing down.

On the other side of the barrier, Daisy watched the battle and not showing any kind of reaction. She couldn't do anything being that the barrier kept her in. She noticed that Marilyn had entered the barrier as she aimed the Gatling gun at the Pestcrushers. "DIE!" yelled Marilyn. He let loose a massive spray of bullets killing more of the Pestcrushers being that their screams could be heard all over the city as she thought to herself,"Carnage. You know what to do.".

Back at Marilyn's base, Carnage soon looked at Lilith being that she was connected to the Emperor Juggernaut suit ,remotely, that was killing his brothers and sisters. He was asked by his queen to make sure that they can attack the person inside of it. He approached the mutilated and vacant Cross Species as he faced the woman who tried to overthrow his former king. In her lifeless state, Lilith was interested in the beast that looked at her.

She never seen a Phantom like before being that she hoped that she wasn't going to die. She did want to die but by her own choices and not being used as a battery. Carnage couldn't ignore the screams of his kind being that he said,"Can you speak or move?". He saw a small amount of movement as he said,"You want revenge on the woman who put you here? If I let you go vampire, will her suit be weakened?". Lilith nodded yes as Carnage cut her down. 

Lilith slowly regain her strength as she said,"Thank you. I owe you my life.". "Just help me kill the woman who killed my brothers and sisters. I don't care about Daemon." said Carnage. Lilith turned into Sovereign as she smiled. The two flew ,at a slower speed for Sovereign, back to Zane's house as Carnage looked at the house. The barrier was long gone being that the house was now Swiss Cheese and littered by dead pestcrushers. He was covered in rage as he glared at Marilyn.

Carnage said,"What have you done?! You killed my BROTHERS AND SISTERS!". He rushed toward her as Sovereign hid nearby. "I'll just wait here until I recover my strength. That's a good idea right?" thought Sovereign as she didn't want to be killed. "EAT THIS YOU BUG BASTARD!" yelled Marilyn. The resistance hid inside of the house as Marilyn was doing their job for them. She fired the Gatling Gun being that even in his rage, he could still avoid it.

She was stunned by this being that the suit was knocked back by his claws. Using her right arm, she tried to swipe at him being that he evade the attack. He soon slammed Marilyn ,still in the suit, into a building causing it to break. Sovereign was lucky that Carnage didn't kill her. He howled and he threw the battle suit toward the house. In the house, Ed ,despite their issues, couldn't handle seeing his sister being treated like crap. He aimed his rifle at Carnage being that he fired the gun. 

Carnage dodged the bullets being that he was more focused on Marilyn who couldn't understand why her suit wasn't recharging. Carnage let out another howl being that Marilyn was going to slice him in half using the broadsword. He easily dodge the attack being that he deliver a powerful uppercut and she was knocked out of the suit. She soon slammed into the ground being that she was kicked in the gut by Carnage.

He soon jumped toward an overturned tanker truck being that he picked the truck with both hands as it was above his head. The resistance was thinking that he was going to throw the tanker truck at the group but Carnage ran toward them while holding the tanker. Ed closed his eyes being that Crystal was preparing to block the explosion. However, Mizuki saw that he was heading toward a recovering Marilyn.

Upon regaining her balance, she soon saw Carnage running toward her being that he was holding the truck. She screw loudly being that Carnage saw that she was heading toward her suit. He threw the tanker truck into the air being it soared through the air. It landed on the outskirts of the city being that it made a massive explosion. It ironically didn't kill anyone being that most of the peoples were gone by now.

Back with Marilyn, she had got back into her suit being that she aimed her Gatling gun being that she aimed it right at Carnage. It wasn't firing being that Carnage had ripped it off. He soon used it as a bat being that he swung at it at its original suit being that the suit was pretty much destroyed. "I'm a part of the most vicious and feared species in all Terrarune. You don't stand a chance against my kind being that you'll pay with your life for killing them." said Carnage as he went to Marilyn. 

As Carnage attacked Marilyn, Ash soon reached his lab being that his robot guards were destroyed by Daemon's forces. However, Vicky stood there in front of the lab. "All enemies were defeated Master Ash. The three were taken away but our robot were destroyed." said Vicky. "Despite Daemon finding out about Zane being alive and my plans, he's going to die by either my plan or by Zane with that plan." said Ash as Vicky cried a bit upon hearing about Zane. She still has some humanity in her.

She wiped away her tears as she said,"What's the plan?". The two head toward the lab as Ash said,"We need to begin the backup plan being that we can't die.". They reached the lab and he gave out an order to his machines. He looked at one of the monitors being that he saw Aurel standing in front of Champion Tech. "I didn't see him before." said Vicky. "I don't plan you. You need to hold him off until I figure out the backup plan." said Ash.

Vicky said,"Alone? Are you sure?". "Yes but my upgrades will make you stronger than a normal Phantom but my robots will soon join you soon enough." said Ash. "How much time do you need Master Ash?" said Vicky as she went to the doors. "At least five minutes." said Ash. "Understood Master." said Vicky. She was gone as Ash went to his computer. He soon entered the activation codes being that he thought,"I wish that Kevin was here being that he would be a perfect killing target.".

As Vicky headed toward Aurel, Aurel stood in front of the doors as if he was waiting for something or someone. "To be honest, I kinda don't want to do this but a job is a job." said Aurel. He soon blasted the door with a giant Nether Fist ,being that it was made out of Light, and he said,"Well, I guess I should get back to work.". He walked into Champion Tech being that he whistled a tune from a TV show.

Back on the main battlefield, Zane stood next to Warrior being that Warrior said,"Do you understand what we have to do here Zane?". "Yeah. I'm happy that we have the National Guard getting the ones who can't fight to safety. I still can't believe that we're going to be nuked. It's messed the hell up and I hate Swarm more than ever." said Zane. "Why hasn't Zane done any fighting yet?!" said Henry as he evade an attack. "He's his father in more ways than one." said Liv as she sighed.

Warrior said,"That's what cowards do when they're scared. You and the rest of the Phantoms can't escape the barrier around the city. The Alliance suspects that they upgraded so that if you enter with Nether in your body, you can't get out.". "That sounds like Daemon. I have a feeling that the barrier is going down soon enough." said Zane. "I see. Thank you for coming back Zane." said Warrior. "It's no problem old man." said Zane. "They're chatting like old friends?!" said Daemon's army in shock.

Zane smiled as he said,"Time to power up!". He ran toward a crowd as he said,"Get out of my way! I have a date with your boss!". He punched the air in front of him being that they went flying back as Kurt said,"That's my brother already. Lets go Lucius.". The two brothers went after Zane as Outburst slammed into several of them being that she was holding a weapon being a mixture of a bazooka and rifle, heater shield, lance, and sword.

Reid's arm glowed bright being that he said,"Prepare to die Zane.". He fired a massive burst of light as Kurt grabbed Zane just before the explosion hit him. "Are you okay Zane?!" said Liv. "Yeah! You are a good bro Kurt and friend Liv! See you!" said Zane. He ran away as Kurt sighed. He threw two fireballs being that it caused two massive plumes of fire to hit Daemon's army. "Zane! Go ahead and save Danny!" yelled Lucius. "We'll handle the rift raft." said Frank. Zane nodded.

He ran toward Danny as Crisis Judgement went off. Zane dodged two Nether blasts as a Phantom was about to hit him. Zane dodged the attack by turning into fire as he saw a huge group of Chess Soldiers heading toward him. "Hellfire Emperor Baldur Roller!" said Zane. He threw a massive fireball at them being that it slowly transformed into a giant wheel. The wheel hit toward the army being that it made a massive explosion. "Time to speed things up! Archon Zero Master!" yelled Zane.

He was getting closer toward Danny but he was soon trapped inside of a barrier. "Die now!" said one of Daemon's Phantoms being that Zane dodged his Nether Hammer. "That won't keep me down! It's time to blow you away!" said Zane. He turned into Terrapin Form being that they went flying away from the massive hurricane. Zane turned into Pyre Form being that he rushed toward the gate. "Go Zombie Legion!" yelled a phantom.

Zane was soon surround by several Zombie Phantoms being that they were mixture of humans and animal types. Zane made a massive fireball as Zane said,"Go away!". The fire burned them as more kept coming. "You can't stop them because we can never die!" said a Phantom. Zane soon burned through most of them as Danny said,"He's so much stronger.". Zane blocked a Phantom's attack as he kept punching his way through the army.

Zane took a deep breath as he turned back to normal. "Get out of my way!" yelled Zane. He ran to Danny as Danny said,"Hurry.". "Zane." said Daryl as he saw Zane. "I'm coming brother! We may have not drunk sake together like me, Kurt, and Lucius did but our bond makes us brothers and I'm a man who will do anything for his family and that means pushing myself to my limits!" yelled Zane as the zombie army was about to attack Zane.

They were blown away by Daryl's weapon as he said,"You got this Zane.". A giant Phantom was tying to hit Zane but he jumped into the air. "Oblivion Napalm!" yelled Zane. He cupped his hands as he screamed into them. He threw a ball of sound at the giant being that it exploded upon contact and it made a massive sonic boom. "Go Zane!" yelled Trunk as he punched a Phantom to the ground. "My name is Zane Vincent Alvarez and nothing's stopping me!" yelled Zane.

Marco said to Frank who headbutted the ground breaking it and some Phantoms fell into the hole,"I can't let Zane die. Shawn would kill me.". "Amen to that." said Frank. Zane landed on the ground as he rushed toward Danny. "I'm coming bro!" said Zane. "Kill him!" said a Phantom. Zane avoid their shots as he along with Daryl and Liv rushed forward. Lucius held several of them in the air and he fired them back or on Daemon's Chess Soldiers.

Zane was about to be blasted by several ,different colored, Nether blasts as they were blocked by some forcefields. "I missed you Tara." said Zane. Tara smiled as she said,"You better not die here cos or else. We thought we lost you once and I won't go through that plan!". A Phantom was about to attack her but it failed thanks to Ray. "She's right!" said Ray. Zane smiled as he turned his arms into Brawn Form's being that he punched the ground.

It made a small Earthquake being that several Phantoms were blasted. Trunk looked at Henry who was dodging attacks as he said,"Why can't you fight?". "He's a coward that's why." said a voice as Henry looked at the voice. He saw Warrior being that he trapped several Phantoms in crystals and he punched them away. "I'm here for my pal Zane and not to become the true ruler of Terrarune!" said Henry. "You're so lying." said Trunk. "Lets go Trunk old pal!" said Henry.

He punched several Phantoms and hit them with magic circles. "This is so weird." said Trunk. "He's an idiot but a strong one." said Warrior as he took a deep breath. He released a massive wave of air as several Phantoms were sent flying. "Don't piss him off right?" said Zane as he pulled off a chunk of his body and the Phantoms were trapped in turquoise colored candy goo. "I think that's very obvious Zane!" said Liv as she kicked a Phantom into ten of his kind. "Strike!" said Zane.

Daryl and Liv looked at the zombie squad as Zane said,"We need to get rid of this army! Triple attack!". "I understand." said Daryl. "Right!" said Liv. Liv screamed, Daryl fired his weapon that was from Episode 61, and Zane said,"Hellfire Emperor Blasting Star!". A giant fireball ,slowly turned into a star, burned everything in its way. The zombie army was gone as Daryl said,"Go ahead you two! I'll handle the riff raft!". Liv and Zane nodded as they ran ahead.

Zane was about to be attacked by a Phantom but he was soon kicked away by Lauren. "Save your friend Zane! I'll cover your back! I won't let my grandson get hurt again! I'll end your afterlives if you hurt him!" said Lauren. "That's his grandma?!" yelled Kevin as he fired several energy blasts out of his cannons. "Zane is a strong one isn't he?" said Sierra as she made a massive ball of fire releasing it at some Phantoms

Outside of the prison base, the hooded figure were surround by his enemies joined by six of the prisoners. "Just give up kid. You have no chance of winning." said Damon as he karate chopped the hooded figure. The hooded figure was on the ground out cold being that Vega pulled off the hood as it was Brad. "Brad? Why did he?" said Jasmine as she deactivated her suit. "I don't know why this kid did this but look around his neck." said Shelly.

Aster looked at his neck as he said,"I'm not sure if Daemon stole this necklace from Mareona or Prince Saul. These necklace turn the wielder in a Phantom Dragon increasing their natural abilities. A human wearing this can become a powerful threat.". "Wow. So could I?" said Travis. "Not happening." said Marcia. Travis sighed as Ether said,"So are you humans going to help our allies?". "We are because we're allies." said Damon.

Jennifer smiled as Kendra said,"You felt it too Jen.". "Yeah. Zane is back." said Jennifer shocking the group there. "Zane is alive?!" said Marcia. "Yep. His Nether Signature is so strong and very powerful. You should be feeling it." said Erin. "I guess. We should get going." said Shelly. "What about Brad?" said Jasmine. "He'll be fine. Lets get going gang." said Vega. He took a deep breath as a massive portal appeared.

Buster said,"What are you doing? You know that you can't make a portal this big!". "I want you all to help Zane. Sierra was so sad at the thought of her precious Zane being dead. She's one of my friends and I don't want to see her in pain. I'm sure that all of us know Zane in some way and how stubborn he can be. Get going." said Vega. "Thanks kid. I'll protect Zane." said Smog. The group went in the portal as Vega closed it and rested with Brad.

On the other side of town, Carlos appeared from a portal. His skin was currently gold, his blond hair was fire being that it was moving back and forth, and his eyes were now glowing red. He's wearing his silver bracelets around his wrists, hazmat pants, and boots. He wore red and magma themed SWAT styled gear around his chest, forearms, and legs. "Are you coming old man?" said Carlos as he stretched.

Luke soon joined him being that he was wearing a black jumpsuit with red boots and gloves. He has red armor plating mainly around his body. He's wearing a full red helmet with the visor covering his face and he has a gold A on the center of his belt. "You do know that we have to wait for the others." said Luke. The two waited for the last person as the portal closed. Reggie is wearing a navy blue shirt under a maroon jacket. The jacket had a high collar being that it was hiding his neck.

The shoulders are a light red color. He's wearing silver colored body armor around his arms chest, legs, and shoulders. He wears metal gauntlets over both arms that increase his power. On the the metal plates on both of his shoulders, he has the symbol of the Earth there. He's black pants with a maroon belt and dark brown boots. They have metal plates attached to them. He wears an iron helmet that covers his entire head.

Reggie said,"Yeah. We don't want Daemon to find out about our little plan. I rather not have those kids being used as distractions.". "Don't worry so much. I mean right now, he's currently busy with our recently returned pal." said a voice. The three turned to see the ground opening up being that Gwen walked as Slicer, Roxy as Dragoness, and Walter smiling. "Wow. I totally thought that you would be an enforcer for the bastard." said Carlos.

Walter punched him as Roxy said,"So whose magma head?". "Carlos Ortiz." said Gwen. "Oh. So why did you pick him out of all of Zane's enemies?" said Roxy. "I want to save my sister. So is this the place old man?' said Carlos. The six were in front of a building as Gwen said,"So what is the building Roxy? I've only been in Cypress Park for a while and I don't think my tour guides have shown me this building before.". Roxy shrugged as she said,"Honestly Gwen, no idea.".

Walter said,"I think this place used to be a orphanage but well, we got rid of it. I think we made a new one over by the pier. I could be dead wrong though.". "Well, lets get going. We need to join the battle before things get worse." said Luke. "He's right." said Gwen. The six walked toward the building as Reggie said,"May I do the wonders?". "Sure. If you take too long though, I'll be doing your job if you take too long." said Carlos as his body was generating fire.

Reggie aimed his right hand at the door being that he release a vibration being that the door was soon shattered into several pieces. "Okay. You're stronger than I though." said Roxy. They walked in as Gwen said,"Atem! Ana! Arturo! Kania! Karen! Kristen! Natasha! Wolfram! Someone answer me right now!". She heard footsteps as Wolfram tackled her. He licked her as Carlos said,"I'm guessing that he's Wolfram. Kristen told me about Zane's hyperactive pup.".

The puppy looked at Carlos being that he turned into a much bigger version. "Easy boy. He's our friend for now." said Roxy petting the dog. "So where are the others boy?" said Reggie. "We're right here!" said a voice. The group saw Kania, Karen, and Kristen standing there. "Where are the others you three?" said Luke. "It's a bit more complicated than one may think." said Karen. "Lets start from the very beginning." said Kristen.

Back on the main battlefield, Liv and Zane were currently fighting against an horde of phantoms as Liv said,"Zane old pal! I know about your super hearing! Cover them now!". Zane covered his ears as Liv said,"Time to scream like I never had before!". She seemingly multiplied as she and her many clones said,"Omni-directional Scream!". She screamed so loud that the phantom army was blasted back and she said,"Go Zane! You got this!".

Zane gave a thumbs up as he ran toward Daemon. Frank turned his arm into steel as Marco said,"All of you are so annoying!". He released a massive void of darkness being that several phantoms were soon launched into the air. Griffin jumped into the air and he said,"I got this from here darkness.". It was in a split second but Marco saw that the opposing force was soon sent flying by a giant rack of meat. "Okay. That's weird." said Marco.

Zane was running being that a figure stood in his way. Scarlet Demon stood there as he said,"I know that I said I would follow your orders your highness. The forces of Phantoms and Humans are too strong to just ignore and I'll protect you. Are you ready to die for real this time child? Your power is nothing to ignore. I hope you're ready to die.". He held his spear as Zane said,"I'm not wasting my power on you! Archon Zero!".

His body was soon covered in the crimson red lightning being that he rushed off. Scarlet soon looked around the battlefield as he generated a Blue Nether Skull and he threw it. Zane was running as Liv thought as she watched him run,"You can do this Zane. All of us in your team believe in you!". The skull soon slammed into Zane being that he was send flying. He coughed out up blood as Scarlet said with a smile,"You're not worth his time at your level.".

Daryl flew in front of Zane as he said,"You're not hurting my friend's son.". "The Angel Daryl." said Scarlet. "I don't want to see anyone that I care about being that Zane is my son's friend and also my friend." said Daryl. "Step back or you're dead." said Scarlet. He thrust his spear at the angel being that the Phantom was soon blasted by Daryl's weapon. The two were sent flying back as Zane said,"I need to help Daryl!".

Liv saw Scarlet flying toward Zane as the spearhead went toward Zane. He dodged the attack as Zane said,"You're really getting on my nerves Scarlet! Time for my Monstrous Hammer!". The massive arm and fists headed right toward Scarlet who sliced them off. "Zane!" yelled Taylor. Zane smiled as he said,"Sucker!". Scarlet was stuck in the turquoise liquid as Liv said,"Interesting. He used that attack in a way that I didn't expect him to do.".

Scarlet's body was covered in Red Nether being that the turquoise liquid was melting off as Zane saw a massive tornado of darkness heading toward him. He saw Henry inside of the tornado and he heard a voice,"Henry! Why did you get stuck in someone's else fight!". "Trunk? Why does he care so much about Henry?" said Frank. Zane dodged Scarlet's attack as he said,"Quit while you're ahead. I'm just getting started!".

Zane heard,"I'm just hanging out!". The tornado headed toward them as Zane smiled evilly. His arms stretched up to grab Henry as he said,"Thanks!". He soon went down as Scarlet's spear sliced Henry in half as the Sorcerer screamed. "Shaman Double!" said Zane. Henry grabbed Zane as he said,"You're going to die by my hands Alvarez!". "No. You came here to help me and I save you from Marco's attack plus that didn't hurt you at at." said Zane.

Zane threw him toward Scarlet as the Phantom slashed him repeatedly only for him to reform. "Your attack won't work on me because of my cutting immunity spell!" said Henry. He was soon blasted by a Blue Nether Skull as Zane said,"Thanks Henry! See you in hell or where you end up!". "Get back here child!" said Scarlet. Zane barely dodge an explosion. "Outburst!" said Warrior. Outburst soon appeared in front of Scarlet blocking his view of Zane. "Thanks lady!" said Zane.   

Scarlet thought,"Zane's strength isn't his power.". Zane was running toward Danny as both Outburst and Scarlet clashed with their weapons. "His power involves those around him instead." thought Scarlet. "You can do this Zane!" said Liv. "You're the savior of the Omniverse!" said Daryl. "Don't let your family name down Zane!" said Lauren. Zane soon fought his way through the opposing army as Scarlet said,"Zane Alvarez can't be stopped due to his power!".

Halphas and Reid looked at Danny as Reid said,"Can we finally join in the fight?". "Soon. We need to wait for his return." said Halphas. "Where did our glorious leader go?" said Reid. "Who knows but I'm wanting to fight same as you. Zane's power is nothing to scoff at." said Halphas. "I'm coming to save you bro!" said Zane. Both sides soon heard massive explosions and the ground was shaking as Henry said,"Seriously?! I can't get a break!".

Zane turned around to see massive robots ,about hundred, say something coming from the south side of the battlefield. They looked to be two feet taller than both the Bursting Smash and Ogre Crushers but not combined so they're twenty two feet tall. Their bodies are shaped very much like an upside down cone. Their heads are a giant sphere being that it has a single clear lenses like a camera. They have large teeth. Their chest are broad.

Both of their shoulders are square shaped being that the left one is blue and the right one is red. They have spiked shoulders having five of them. They have long arms and legs. Their arms and legs are colored dark blue being that it looks like pants and shirt sleeves. Their chest is very much like a jacket being it's a black color with several white knight helmets on it. They have powerful and giant metal fists and feet. "What the hell are those things?" said Lucius. The robots stopped in place.

One of the eyes glowed as the entire battlefield heard a voice. "Greetings! My name is Ash and some of you know me as the former right hand of Daemon. I'm here to say that soon, I'll be taking over the Earth and Terrarune of the Prime Dimension. Soon. You'll be dead so kiss your ass goodbye by the TEDs. I need you all dead.". "He's the one who blocked Athena and Cole. I'm going to make him pay after I save Danny and defeat Daemon!" thought Zane.

Next time,
With the TEDS, will Ash's plan succeed? Where did Daemon go?! What happened to Ana, Arturo, Atem, and Natasha? What's happening at Cypress High?! Will the Nuke hit the town? This and more next time on Zero!
The Terminus Eradication Droids/Ted are part of Ash's master plan. Ash ,from his lab, can project his voice from them. It makes a red light to tell which one is projecting his voice. Under the robots, they have dark red wiring connected everything together. Compared to most robots, they are far more durable, stronger, and agile than most. They have rocket launchers built into their massive shoulders that naturally replace themselves upon firing them. They can fire lasers ,that move at speeds from their mouths, chest, and palms. Upon hitting something, it makes a massive explosion  that can melt through steel. Their defense being that normal gunshots and attacks don't even scratch it. It can fire a flamethrower from its right palm being rather useful for multiple enemies. They're durable being that most attacks don't leave scratches. Upon given an order by Ash, they're absolute being that they'll follow Ash's orders without question. Its sight can easily reach several dozen meters away. Their pupils can identify certain individuals that Ash wants to kill. Their hands can turn in weapons mainly cannons and large broadsword. Their energy beams can be used against them and their attacks can be used against them by smart enough opponents.

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