Saturday, January 6, 2018

Zero Episode 76 Worst Future Ever PT 27 Daemon vs Zane

A/N: Yeah. Three parts in one day. I'm on fire right now and it may because I just want to get this arc done and over with it. I wanted to talk about Bleach in this Author Note because of two reasons. I want this part to be long and I just want to talk about Bleach. I did a whole rant about Naruto on Episode 72 so why not talk about the redhead stepchild of Shonen Jump. I say that because it really feels like that toward the end of Bleach.

It's also because Ichigo has orange hair which is very close to red as a color. I think the Substitute Shinigami Arc and the Soul Society Arc which is the best of the Bleach Anime because the Bount Arc bored me out of the series. I like the next three to four arc because they kept me interested. The Blood War Arc is the one I wanted to talk about mainly the Sternritter. I'll be ordered from them B to Z. I'm ignoring the As being that both of them are characters outside of the group.

Before I start, I would say that the Sternritters reminded me of the Spriggan 12 except I think the Spriggian 12 is slightly better. It's compared 12 to 26 so despite the Spriggians being one shotted by the power of friendship, I find eleven of twelve Spriggians are good. Jacob not so much. I won't go into detail about each one like I do with other things but I'll give my reasons for a couple of them so lets begin with that. I may mis spelled their names but just look on the wiki. It's lazy but I'm only human. This will be after the next time.

Narrator P.O.V.
Warrior's group cheered for Zane as Sierra said,"You're way too stubborn to listen when people tell you to stop. Zane I think I know this from experience.". "He hasn't slowed down once for the past two weeks! Your parents would be so proud of you Zane!" said Liv with her crying waterfalls of tears. The group went toward the ground as Zane said,"Everyone! Split up for now! Don't let your guard down just because we're in the lead!". "Okay!" said the eight with him.

Zane created a massive ball of fire as he threw it toward the ground. "Hellfire Emperor Downward Cosmos Punishment!" yelled Zane. The ball hit the ground as it created a massive and hot tidal wave of fire that burned through all of the Phantoms there along with a couple of TEDs. The nine stood there in the center of the flames as Zane looked up. The nine stood there as Danny said,"Can you still fight?". "Of course I can. I still have someone I have to beat." said Zane.

Daryl said,"Zane!". Warrior smiled as Danny said,"Lets show him how we work Zane.". "Yeah but I think I have to thank the old man after this for sure." said Zane. "You bastards are so dead!" said a Phantom. Several of them fired a barrage of Nether Blasts but Trunk made a massive wood wall to protected the group. Walter flew into the air by turning into earth and he rushed toward a group of them being that he smashed down on them causing the ground to break.

Nova made a massive rock appear in her hands being that she threw at some Phantoms with Darren shocking them. Nazar punched several of them while Bane covered his back with Nether Missiles from his suit. Celeste played her guitar as some of the chess soldiers were hit by the giant fist. Danny and Zane ran toward them as two Phantom sliced through Zane. "Sorry. Try again later!" said Zane as he jumped into the air.

Zane's left palm focused fireballs into it being that it slowly made a massive one. "Hellfire Emperor Bonanza!" yelled Zane. He threw the ball toward a group of pawns being that they caused a massive explosion of fire. "Die Alvarez!" said a Phantom. He and his two buddies were about to hit him but they were hit by Danny's Phantom Smashers. "Stay the hell away from him!" said Danny. "Those two make quite the team don't they?" said Outburst. "Keep on fighting kis!" said Griffin.

Danny and Zane were fighting through the army as Danny said,"You've gotten stronger Zane. I can see that you're worthy of your title now.". "I'm hurt. You're so mean." said Zane. "Thanks. I'll be covering your back until the day I die." said Danny. "Same here." said Zane. The two saw Halphas as Danny said,"Tag team on this jerk?". "Hell to the yeah." said Zane.  They got into a battle ready move as Halphas said with a smile,"You two are going to die together. Ain't that sweet?".

The entire area around him burned. Several wolfs of fire appeared as Halphas said,"I hope you can survive my Flame Pack!". They rushed toward the duo as Danny punched several of them using the Phantom Smashers first, sliced them using the Ghostly Broadsword second, kicked them using the Spectral Busters third, or blasted by the Spook Howitzer finishing them off. "You're much stronger than I thought. Time for my badly named attack. Inferno." said Halphas.

A giant wave of fire soon went the duo as Zane's body turned into fire. "Hellfire Emperor Absolute Method: Quasar Explosion!" said Zane. He threw a massive fireball toward the fire wave being that the ball was growing bigger by the second. The ball soon slammed into the wave causing a massive explosion of fire to cover the area. Halphas was soon flying back as Danny appeared. "This is for last time bastard! Phantom Smashers!" said Danny. He punched Halphas into the ground hard.

Reid growled as he said,"Why the hell did Halphas let himself get hit? He's an idiot but I'll make sure that they won't win without a fight.". Zane stopped as Danny said,"Bro. You should just stop in the middle of the battlefield.". Five rooks was destroyed by the combination of both Kurt and Lucius as Kurt said,"He's right Zane! Hi by the way! The name is Kurt Ethan Alvarez aka Zane's second eldest brother and his favorite!". "Ignoring that for a second. Do you sense something?" said Lucius.

Zane said,"It's Daemon. I need to go fight him. Will you two protect my brother?". Kurt threw two spheres of fire toward some Phantoms as he said,"He may have not drank sake like us but if you said that he's our brother, I see him as one.". "Same here. Now go. I'll tell the others of your plan but stay safe please." said Lucius. "I will bro. No need to worry. Archon Zero Master!" said Zane. He ran off as Danny said,"Lets fight brothers.". "Right." said Kurt and Lucius.

Zane soon arrived in front of the pizza place ,EP 10, as he said,"Note to self, I need to practice where I use this. I may move faster than the first Archon Zero but I have no control where I go.". He soon saw that the restaurant was destroyed. "God. How much hell did these people went through in just a week?" said Zane. He heard some human voices talking about him as he walked around and he soon deactivated Archon Zero. "I'm so sorry." said Zane.

As he kept walking, he saw many Phantoms and some TEDs cornering them. Zane hid behind a car as he watched them get destroyed. "Wait a minute. Up close, that explosion looks familiar. It reminds me of Vicky's weapons. I really wish I had Athena and Cole here but I have to find Ash so he can bring them back." said Zane. "So you finally returned Zane Alvarez also known as Legion Zero. I was hoping that you did." said a voice.

Zane looked up to see Crunch, Jester, and Riveter standing above him being that Jester had changed to look more like the counterpart from Malik's dimension. "We've been waiting for you Zane. Our master wishes to see you." said Jester. "Why can't he do it himself? We need to have a chat before I send his ass back to where he came from." said Zane. "We're here to bring you two him. Follow me or else." said Jester.

Crunch said,"Please don't. I've wanted a rematch with you since that bitch was taken by that weird tech Phantom. I want to kill him so badly because he send us away by a trap. I really hope that Aurel killed him.". "Lead the way. I've fought enough the past two weeks." said Zane as he followed the trio. "It's okay. We'll get our revenge soon enough." said Riveter. Zane followed them as he clenched his fist.

Daemon stood in front of Fantasia waiting for Zane. He didn't care about this place too much in his dimension but he knew that Zane did due to his strong connection with Courtney. He soon saw his most loyal trio arriving with Zane. "This fight is between me and your master. Forest Emperor Drowsy Hypnotic." said Zane. A giant flower appeared from the ground and it soon released pollen. The three Phantoms were soon knocked out cold. 

Zane gathered shadows in both hands as they formed a dragon claws around it. He slashed the air in front of him as he said,"Just to make sure. Umbra Emperor Ebony Slash.". Space was ripped as the three Phantoms disappeared. "They were good people. I'm shocked that you have followers who don't follow you out of fear." said Zane. "They feared me Zane just like you do. I had a loyal army because they wanted violence and now, they're being taken away." said Daemon.

Zane said,"Malik. Tell me. Are you free from the Trastry?". "I am so?" said Daemon. "I didn't want to hurt you too much. You need to pay for your crimes meaning you're going to Blacktomb after all of this is over." said Zane. "I will pay for my crime but we need to settle our fight. It was stopped by Ash or perhaps I should tell you his real name." said Daemon. "It doesn't matter right now. Tell me once we're done and I defeat you." said Zane.

The two soon charged toward each other with their fist clashing. The area around them was effected by black ,with a crimson red outline, lightning. They jumped back as Daemon said,"You're stronger than last time.". "Thanks but here's the thing. I don't care if I have the power to rule the Omniverse with an iron fist. I only need to to protect the people who keep me the lovable but stubborn idiot and nothing like you." said Zane. After hearing that, Daemon send a wave of Purple Flame Nether toward Zane.

Zane jumped over it and he soon created a black colored sphere around his left fist. "Is that?" said Daemon. "I'm not sure what it but it hurts. Karma Slug!" said Zane. He soon fired several beams at Daemon who dodged most of them with him thinking,"That isn't Nether but what is it?". Daemon's eyes widened as Zane reappeared in front of him. "Primordial Lotus." said Zane. Zane fired a huge burst of Primordial Energy at Daemon ,being that it was an turquoise color, and he was caught in it.

It turned into a massive lotus flower being that it soon exploded sending him back. The two glared at each other but Daemon trapped Zane in a ring of Purple Flames. Zane fired off several waves of them as Zane said,"Not going to work. Animus Barrier!". A light purple barrier went around himself as it deflect the waves around him burning everything. Zane launched himself toward Daemon as he soon tackled him to the ground.

Zane said,"Time to teach you a lesson! Screw you Daemon! I'm Zane Vincent Alvarez and you're really Malik Vincent Alvarez! You and I are connected by the Omniverse! You can never forget who you are really are!". Zane started to pummel him by several punches in a row. After the sixteenth punch, Daemon grabbed it and he threw Zane back. "I never got a chance to say this earlier but I'm so in love with your arm." said Daemon.

Zane looked at Daemon as he said,"Come to me Spectral Sun!". On Zane's back, he had a dark purple sheath with it resting on a dark green strap that went across his chest to the right. The two clashed blades ,being that Daemon created his out of Purple Nether, with the impact of them made the black lightning go across the battlefield. Daemon jumped back as he fired a massive beam of Purple Flames toward Zane as he said,"Vital Strike!". The moon glowed as Zane slashed down.

The beam was cut in half as both of them hit a damaged truck. Daemon charged toward Zane and the two were at equal power. "This is amazing isn't it me? The two of us fighting each other being that we're the two strongest beings in our respective dimensions! Far more powerful than those weaklings that you vowed to protected!" said Daemon. He soon overpowered Zane being that he slammed him down to the ground.

Daemon said,"Tell me Zane, why do you fight?". "It's meaningless to live without a reason to push them forward or grow. It's meaningless to fight without a reason. I came here and got my powers to protect my friends that I hold dear to my heart and crush my enemies! I'm just a full blown idiot that never gives up and keeps on fighting till his last breath! I'm going to keep fighting no matter how big the wall and when I win, I'll cheer to my hearts content! That's my reason!" said Zane.

Daemon went back as his eyes glowed red. "Fear my true power Zane!" yelled Daemon. Several waves of fire came off and his appearance changed slightly. His white hair turned purple being that they kept their flame like proprieties. Zane activated Tyrannus being that he was wearing it alongside his weird armor. The two soon charged at each other with Zane landing a fist into Malik's face. Upon his fist hitting his face, the area surrounding them was destroyed by the black lightning.

Zane's hit send Daemon several blocks away and he destroyed a building around him. "Show him my true power brat!" said Sivarth. Zane nodded as the two dinosaur heads charged up Crimson Red Nether in their mouths. Before Zane could fire the attack, Daemon send Zane flying toward a light post breaking in half upon contact. "You're nothing compared to me." said Daemon. Zane smacked him with another light post as he said,"And you're out of here!".

As the hit connected, the Cross Species thought,"I won't become Daemon I promise.". He rushed toward Daemon as Zane slammed his palms ,with Crimson Red Nether gathered there, right into Daemon's chest. Daemon was sent flying toward an oil trunk being that it soon erupted into blue flames. Zane landed on the ground and he caught his breath. Crisis Judgement went off as a furious Daemon emerged from the flames. He soon grabbed Zane and he threw him toward the ground.

Daemon said,"Your time is up Zane. You should have given up after the last time.". He cloned himself into two as the duo blasted Zane. "You can't change fate Zane. No matter how much power you have." said Daemon as the clones reunited. "I promise myself and my friends that I would defeat you and save the day from any bad guy." said Zane. "Promises are weak unless you can go through with them." said Daemon. "Yeah. My old man taught me that." said Zane.

Zane took a deep breath being that he released a massive hurricane from it. Daemon was sent flying through the ground making a divot in the street. "That power. How did you get it?" said Daemon. "I may hate Johnny Vincent but right now, I have to thank him for introducing me to Sivarth. Let me show you his true power! Tyrannus Spheroid!". said Zane. The two heads gathered up Crimson Red Nether being that they focused into a massive sphere in front of him.

He fired it out of him being that it made a massive beam sending Daemon flying. It broke several winds and through a building's doorway and the building was demolished. Zane turned back to his normal human self and he was on his knees. "Yep. I'm done." said Zane. A fist went through the rubble as Zane looked up to see Daemon without his armor. "As am I." said Daemon falling face forward into the rubble.

Back in Terrarune, Hourglass and Savant watched the battles take place as the screens around them showed Zane's fight earlier in the day and his journey though the Omniverse. They were watched the battle ahead of him."Let me guess. This is what's supposed to happen?" said Hourglass. "Yep. This is the Prime Dimension and the two were destined to fight from the start. I supposed that Daemon is the victor." said Savant. The time man was shocked to see that Daemon was defeated.

Hourglass said,"Did you forget about the Trastry inside of him for the past week Savant? That worm was draining Daemon's power slowly and well, you can see what happened. I'm sure that once Daemon is at full strength, he doesn't stand a change against Zane's true power as Legion Zero, the savior of the Omniverse.". "I guess that some things can still shock me. I can see all but I can missed things from time to time." said Savant.

Zane crawled over toward Daemon and he pulled him out of the rubble. "What are you doing? I'm your enemy." said Daemon. "You're not a lord Malik." said Zane. He slapped Daemon as Daemon was shocked. "I'm not letting you off easy Malik. You ripped out my essence and burned my right arm! People thought I was stupid for forgiving you after what happened to me the past two weeks but we're the same person!" said Zane.

Zane took a deep breath as he said,"Your rampage for eight years is you pushing away the memories of our family and friends is bullshit to me! I met Devin and he told me that you were a great hero! I'm not sure that we grew up the same but to me, you're only hurting the people who are still alive! A real man never gives up on someone even if the person in question put them through a living hell! You're only hurting yourself by killing people and pushing away the memories!".

Much to Daemon's shock, Zane was crying as he said,"I may be a very crazy and stubborn teen with a major anger problem. I'm immortal being that I'm going to treasure my memories ,both the good and bad ones, that I made with my family and friends! I would give up my life for them but I'll make sure that I live for them because if I die, they would be really sad. You're not a cruel man who would kill a person for sneezing wrong! I'm not giving on you Malik!".

Zane sat down as he said,"I'm going to save you from yourself and I won't move from the spot until YOU forgive yourself and grow as a person! Our journey is just starting! I don't care if I get attacked by my enemies but I'm staying right here. You're someone that needs to be saved no matter what! If I can't save you Malik, I can't become a man that my dad would want to be.". The two just sat there as Daemon said,"Do you mean all that?".

Zane smiled as he said,"Yeah. I mean you and I are the same person. Devin would want you back and I don't mean the bastard version of you. So for right now, let the others fight. We need to take a break okay?". "Fine Zane. I'll change for the better if you just shut up and let me rest for a minute. We still have a problem." said Daemon. "Deal Malik. I need to rest too." said Zane. The two powerful Cross Species sat there in utter silent being that they were exhausted both physically and mentally.

Thanks to the TEDs's beam warping them instead of killing them, Kirk had gathered nearly all of the Phantoms belong to Daemon's Army. The only ones missing from this were Daemon's trio of lackies, Daemon, and Zane. He expected that Daemon had figured our his plan and took his fight with Zane so he wouldn't get their powers. In his lab, he turned around to see Atem, Ana, Arturo, Ed, Lilith, and Natasha captured along with the severely injured Marilyn trapped in a cage behind him. 

Carnage was held back from killing Marilyn due to her killing all of his kind but Daisy promised him some new brothers and sisters. As the moment, Kirk was watching the fight between Daemon and Zane on a monitor. He smiled as the two fought. "Those fools will just exhaust their energy being that they're fighting for a meaningless cause leaving them vulnerable to the TEDs so they can be the batteries for my ultimate weapon. I'm a genius." said Kirk

Natasha said with a smile,"You're nothing more than a coward Kevin.". Kirk soon turned to face the woman as he said,"You don't get it do you woman? I went through hell to get this plan done. I had to deal with two angst filled idiots.". "Grandma is right! Zane's a way better man than you could ever be! Heck, I think Daemon is better than you! He fought to get back home but all you do is hide like a coward!" said Atem with a smile.

He had this smile since he heard and saw his ,real, father alive and well. "Silence brat! What do you know about me?!" yelled Kirk. "A man is yelling at a child. That's sad. I know about you through my brother and our Kevin has changed for the better unlike you whose stuck in the past or is it future?" said Ana with a frown. "So? I'll be the winner in the end! Both Malik and Zane will be gone and nothing will stop me!" said Kirk as he smiled. "What have they done to you?" said Arturo.

Kirk yelled,"They're more powerful than me or Kevin could ever be! Ever since that accident that gave Malik his powers, I wanted them for myself! To him, I was nothing more than just a second rate sidekick! The same thing for Danny and Devin! Why do they fight with them being called the sidekick to them! I should be fighting off Phantoms, saving sexy ladies, and get all of the praise! I could have gotten that if you gave me powers!".

Lilith said,"I didn't give Zane powers Natasha dear. You can blame Zane's lineage for that but I guess that Malik or Daemon was given his powers by my counterpart.". "And us humans are supposed to believe you Phantom scum!" said Marilyn. "She helped us against Carnage and Daisy earlier. Can't you get rid of your prejudge against anything that isn't human for one god dam second Mary?!" said Ed. "What would you have done?" said Natasha.

Kirk said,"Isn't it obvious? I would have done better than either Malik or Zane combined.". "I'm curious. Tell me how." said Natasha. "I would have rescued those who deserve it, the Phantoms that I fought against wouldn't have been forgiven for their crimes against me, and all of the most sexiest woman in this dam town would have been mine." said Kirk. Natasha began to laugh as it was in a mocking tone shocking both Lilith and Kirk.

Kirk yelled,"Stop laughing bitch! Tell me how that's funny.". "It's simple. You're nothing more than a glory hound and womanizer. You're also a coward but that's adding insult to injury." said Arturo. "I won't let you talk shit about me! Time to begin my rule!" yelled Kirk. He pressed a button on his computer. Outside of Champion Tech, all of the captured Phantom stood there with collars around their necks. The collars soon beep and sent jolts through them.

The TEDs stood nearby them as they grabbed a Phantom being that they forced into one big group. It was in a second but they started to float through the air being that they gathered around each other. It was like they were a puzzle being that they slowly fused together. A few of the TEDs joined with them being that their bodies meshed together along with the robots. The unified form of Phantom and machine expanded in size. It soon formed a headless boar like creature with massive claws and legs.

On the top of the lab, Daisy stood there with Carnage. Carnage soon joined with the mass of Nether and machines being that he focused in the neck area. Nether shot out from the base of the neck like tentacles as it wrapped around Carnage. It soon formed a head being that it looked like Carnage but far more ugly and deadly. It soon roared that it could be heard and seen from miles away. On the main battlefield, the groups watched them as the Phantoms soon panic. "Yep. That's bad." said Aurel.

Kirk was laughing at the sight of his greatest achievement while the group watched in horror. "I can't believe that thing is real." thought Natasha. "Daisy dear. Would you mind taking Chimera to the battlefield. I'm sure that seeing Zane's tears will make me really happy."said Kirk. "That's fair beloved." said Daisy. The ground soon shook as Natasha watched the beast moving right toward City Hall. "Zane. Please stay safe." thought Natasha.

Back with Zane, the two saw the massive beast heading toward City Hall. "So what in the gods name is that ugly thing?" said Zane. "I'm going to guess that it is the last ditch effort to kill me and you plus be Ash's way to victory." said Daemon. "We can't live that thing live." said Zane. He slowly stood up as he heard,"Zane! Don't kill it!". He looked around as he said,"Athena?". He looked at his watch and Daemon said,"Your AIs?". Zane smiled as he said,"I missed you two.".

Cole said,"And we missed you too! We have so much to talk about. That thing is several Phantoms in one ugly mess.". "So is there a way to turn it back to normal?" said Zane. Daemon listened as Athena said,"Yes. You need to find its essence and destroy it. According to Parker, this is the only way to destroy it.". "And how does the booger know that?" said Zane. "He just does. You have twenty percent remaining so be careful Zane." said Athena.

Daemon said,"Are you going to stop it Zane?". "I may not have that much strength left but if I can get this info to say Warrior or my brothers, we should be able to stop it and save those Phantoms.". "Help me up." said Daemon. "You're going to fight for humanity? I'm shocked." said Zane. Zane help his older self up as Daemon said,"I'll do it my way. We have a problem though.". "Which is that monster currently destroying my town." said Zane.

Daemon said,"I'll go handle my Kevin or Kirk. Tell me where you put my crew.". "I think somewhere near Champion Tech. To be honest, I have no idea where that ripple in space went. So where is your Kevin? I bet in the girls locker room." said Zane. "He would be there if this war wasn't a thing but I bets he is in his lab. I need you to tell Aurel, Halphas, Reid, and Scarlet to work with you under my orders. They're quite loyal unlike Kirk and Daisy were." said Daemon.

The two looked at the monster heading toward City Hall as Zane said,"Okay. You'll go take care of Kirk and then come STRAIGHT over to my location to help me with Kirk's pet.". "Do you think that I can't handle Kirk?" said Daemon. "Didn't I just kick your ass?" said Zane. "Fair point but my power was weakened thanks to that worm." said Daemon. "Excuses. Lets go already. Time to use my new toy the Enigma Talisman" said Zane.

He moved his silver chain bracelet toward his right arm being that he moved the skull. Daemon saw that the silver chain wrapped around Zane's right arm being that the pendant hung freely. He was wearing the outfit with the cloak that had his logo. "Good luck Zane. Don't die." said Daemon. He flew toward the lab as Zane said,"Same to you.". He suddenly floated in the air being that he was heading toward City Hall.

Warrior said,"Get behind me everyone!". The group went behind Warrior as the man made several giant crystal stopping the beast in its track. "What the hell is that thing?!" said Darren. "I don't know but I do't like it." said Keith with him slightly covered in frost. "It absorbed all of those Phantoms and I can feel Wraith's Nether Signature in that thing." said Bane. "So what can we do to stop that thing?" said Celeste.

Liv soon looked up to see something as Warrior and his group (Aster, Bane, Buster, Celeste, Darren, Daryl, Ether, Erin, Felicia, Frank, Griffin, Henry, Jasmine, Jennifer, Keith, Kevin, Kurt, Lauren, Liv, Lucius, Lynette, Marcia, Marco, Marissa, Nazar, Nova, Rachel, Ray, Sierra, Sharia, Smog, Sonya, Tara, Taylor, Tomas, Travis, Trunk, and Walter) heard,"Get out of the way! Permafrost Emperor Humongous Rampart!".

A giant wall of ice blocked the monster being that it was frozen solid upon touching the wall. Zane landed as Danny said,"Zane! Did you?". "Defeat my jerky older self. Yes, I did but we have a bigger problem. Aurel, Halphas, Reid, and Scarlet." said Zane. The four looked at him as Zane said,"Your boss wants us to work together.". "Why?" said Aurel. "Do you want to be absorbed into that thing Aurel?" said Reid. "Not really." said Aurel.

Halphas said,"We'll work together for now.". "So how do we beat that thing then?" said Ray. "Aim for its Essence. Kevin didn't plan anyone to figure out its body composition so we need to aim toward its chest." said Zane. "I didn't make that thing! I swear" said Kevin. "I mean the other Kevin. You know the one who made those weird robots, caused the city to be trapped in a barrier, and I'm pretty sure he's wearing metal." said Zane.

Tara said,"You mean Ash is Kevin?". "Wow. I actually feel bad for you Kevin." said Rachel. "Yeah. I do too." said Ray. "Thanks you guys. I'm touched." said Kevin. "You guys know the plan so lets go already." said Zane with the ice wall cracking. "Get ready Zane!" said Cole. "He's right Zane. You can do this." said Athena. "Right!" said the group as the ice wall broke with the monster heading to them.

The group soon attacked the monster and it stops its advances as Zane heard,"So why do you fight it? Kirk's rule is soon to come.". Zane looked up to see Daisy floating toward the beast and she said,"You can't stop Chimera. Its power is several Phantoms and TEDs combined. You can't stop it. I should give you this. Kirk wanted to have a word with you before you die by his greatest creation.".

She threw a small metal disk toward the group. It slowly formed an image of Kirk as Ray said,"He looks like that thing you were except uglier Kevin.". "Thanks." said Kevin. "Greetings. Liking my latest invention? It's pretty impressive isn't it? I'm sure that you all must be scared of my great power and I'm sure that Shawn Alvarez would be scared of it." said Kirk. "What did you say?" said Kurt, Lucius, and Zane. "Don't listen. He's trying to get you three angry so don't listen." said Daryl.

Kirk said,"After all Zane, he's nothing but a failure of a man and father.". Zane stopped as Danny said,"Don't listen to him Zane!". "Take it back right now." said Zane as his face screamed rage. "You need to ignore it!" said Marco. "He can say whatever crap he wants. Lets just keep fighting that ugly son of a bitch." said Trunk. He grabbed Zane's left arm only for him to phase through it. "No one gets away with making fun of my father." said Zane. "Stop it Zane!" yelled Rachel.

Kirk said,"Let me tell you all a little story. Your father was once a great hero being that he made a name himself before becoming a family man. I hate to admit it but he was strong despite having a bastard spawn. Keep this in mind Zane. He died by the hands of his best friend Nathaniel Freeman also known as Fallout. He died as an idiot leaving behind a bastard spawn and a bitch. You see him as a hero but he's nothing more than a weakling.".

Zane walked toward him as he said,"Shut up!". "He died because he couldn't kill his best friend due to him being weak! He had power and he wasted it! He's a waste isn't he?" said Kirk. "I'm going to kill you Kirk. You're just a power hungry whore of a man. You should die by my hand!" said Zane as Tyrannus gathered around him. "Get away Zane!" yelled the group. Zane soon blasted Kirk with the two heads but the attack destroy the ground behind him. "Dam it!" yelled Zane.

He soon saw Shawn appear in the hologram and Kirk said,"I guess that I should you how weak he really is. You'll enjoy this for sure I'm sure of it!". He stabbed his hand right through Shawn's chest as Zane fell to his knees. Daryl, Frank, Kurt, Lauren, Liv, Lucius, Marco, and Warrior's eyes soon widened. "Focus on the Chimera! We need to stop it!" said Outburst. "So dam cold." said Aurel. The group soon focused on the beast who had jumped to the other side of the battlefield roaring.

They rushed toward it as Danny, Kevin, Kurt, and Lucius remained along with Daisy, the hologram of Kirk, and Zane. Zane couldn't move as Kirk said,"Lets hurt him so more shall we?". He blew off his arm as Kirk said,"Look! You two match!". "Dam it!" said Kurt. Daisy was about to grab Zane with her vines by she was soon kicked back by Danny and Lucius. "Kevin! Get Zane out of here!" yelled Lucius. "Okay!" said Kevin.

Kevin touched Zane but it went right through him. "Dam it! He's using his powers to ignore people touching him!" said Kurt. He threw two massive balls of fire at Daisy who went back. "My Kirk is right. Shawn was a weak man just like his son." said Daisy. Danny punched her as he said,"Shawn and Zane aren't weak!". Lucius's arm grew in size and he punched Daisy into the ground. She was soon out cold as the four looked at Zane who was shaking. "Zane." said the four.

Kirk said,"Look at him Zane. He and you are so alike because you're so dam weak. You forgave Malik for what he has done because he's you. He died upon entering the Infinite Void by the hands of his friend being controlled by Skull Plague! Don't you get it Zane?! He died because of your actions! You killed your father Zane Vincent Alvarez! Let that live in you for the rest of your life or maybe you should kill yourself so you can be with him.".

Kirk laughed heavily as he said,"But then you would leave behind your mother who is a bitch. I mean in Malik's dimension, she slept with Lilith. Malik killed the both of them and he turned into a monster of a man! I hope you die by my Chimera being that you can join him in hell where you two belong. Bye bye for now.". The hologram was gone as Zane roared in pain and crying,"DAM IT KIRK! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!!!".

Next time,
Zane is unable to move thanks to see his father ,a hologram, died right in front of him! Will Malik or Zane kill Kirk first? What will happen to Zane and the rest of Cypress Park?! Will the Chimera monster be defeated? Will Kirk win?! This and more next time on Zero! 

Bold means I talked about:
26. Giselle Gewelle. I don't like her because she was a man. I think it was due to her powers being that she is Z for Zombie. I don't like traps because I rather the writer be up front with us rather than making us think that it's a girl before saying the opposite. She's also annoying and had too much time on her that could have gone on other Sternritter.
25. PePe Waccabrada. I just find him disgusting. I think his power okay but he summons his bow from spitting it out. That may be disgusting but his Holy Form is god dam disgusting. I rather have a baby looking like a cupid rather than a grown and large man. There is a time to show a character and tell about a character and I would say that PePe didn't need that much screen time.
24. Jerome Guizbatt.
23. Cang Du.
22. Lilotto Lamperd. The loli characters. I find her the worst one of the female Sternritter because she's the typical heavy eater of the group. I would say that PePe would have been a better fit for those power because it would make more sense. She ranks higher than Giselle because she's smart and led her and Giselle to fight Yhwach. That wasn't her best move but it's better than nothing.
21. Shaz Domino.
20. BG9.
19. Driscoll Berci.
18. Bernice Gabrielli. Like with Giselle, this character was called a man but it is a female. I find her power interested being that she can make her opponent doubt themselves. This power could have been rather interesting but for some reason, she decided to work with the Quincy whose power involved sound and she fought against Kenpachi. Not her brightest move.
17. Gremmy Thourmeaux. Imagination is a powerful thing but not with this kid. He can create living beings with their own personality and actually make living people aka Shaz. He would be higher on the list being that he created a meteor which was destroyed by Kenpachi and unlike Erza, I didn't call bullshit because Kenpachi and also he wasn't injured beyond belief. I'll go into a rant about that scene in Fairy Tail later for sure. He can also imagine himself dead and it works. That's just stupid.
16. Quilge Opie.
15. As Nodt.
14. Merinas McAllon. Meet the ditzy of the female Sternritter being that she's really strong and that's it. Compared to four of the females, she has the least screen time. She has more than Bernice but that isn't saying much.
13. NaNaNa Najahkoop. He's only up this why because he injured Aizen. That may not sound like a lot but Aizen and Madara are two of Anime's most powerful villains. I want to see those two in a death battle and see the feedback. It'll beat out Naruto and Ichigo but not Goku and Superman. I also like his name.
12. Nianzol Weizol.
11. Mask De Masculine.
10. Robert Accutrone. He's the prime example of a Sternritter that gets little screen time despite having a really cool design. I didn't noticed that but thanks to a Youtuber and I give full credit to him on this, he looks like Colonel Sanders to me. He also the one to shoot out Shunsui's eye and hat. The latter of the two being the worst because that was a very nice hat like the ones that Oars Jr wears and Luffy's straw hat cried.
09. Lille Barro.
08. Candice Catnipp. I really like characters that have a strong personality and also lightning powers are always cool. She may be attractive but I like her powers and personality more. She made it high for those reason. I wonder why myself but dam my love of Laxus and lightning. It blinds me to rather stereotypical characters but she isn't a tsundere. Thank god.
07. Jugram Haschwalth. The second in command is only number 7. I just think that the other six are far more impressive compared to him. I like that we learned his past being that most of them didn't get any. His power could be very useful in the casino so if you need money, be friends with this guy.
06. Loyd and Royd Lloyd. These two are not very powerful but their powers are impressive. They can mimic a person by either mimicking their power or personality/memory respectively. One of them was about to mimic Yhwach in terms of power and trick the Captain Commander to use his powers so that the real one could kill him.
05. Bazz- B. The pyro and like with Candice, he's just really cool. I think that his character was given enough time to shine being that he defeated two powerful Soul Reapers. He was also the only male to go with the Glutton and Zombie Trap but he went to settle the score with his old friend Jugram who defeated him. Fire powers may be overdone in fiction but it's still so hot and cool.
04. Pernida Parnkgias. This one may be the strangest one out of the ground being a giant hand. That would be enough to freak me out but its powers were able to defeat two Captains and they were my two favorite. I would count Nemu but I like her. I'm not sure what gender it would be but it would be rather interesting to say the least.
03. Gerard Valkyrie. This one may look like a Thor lookalike but his power is rather impressive. I think his power was rather impressive. He can basically take any damage give to him and it increase his strength. This power can be compared to Lammy. He also loves to fight being that he fought against several powerful opponents and still kick some major ass in every sense of the word.
02. Bambietta Basterbine. It's like with number 5 and 8, I find her interesting. I think that she was the most developed female being that she defeated a captain Soul Reaper. I wish we could see that she would use that Bankai she stole as a weapon to ride around on while she made things go boom. 
01. Askin Nakk Le Vaar. Like with number 10, he has been called Deadpool in Bleach. I can see that and I usually love characters who break the fourth wall. I do mind when it's too much however being that it can ruin the story but Askin doesn't do that. His power is the best because he can make anything toxic. I would say that he's one of my favorite characters in Bleach.

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