Friday, January 5, 2018

Zero Episode 74 Worst Future Ever PT 25 The fighting rages on

A/N: I know that I shouldn't write these but to be honest, I like writing them because they make things fun for me. I'm pretty sure that they also extend the post's length being that on my main page, I have usually two to three posts there at a time. We should be nearing the end I hope. I should say when this arc is ending but I don't know. I tend to go with the flow and that comes with how long each episode and arc are going to be. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
The nether blasts went through the trio as Aurel said,"This may be Tyrannus Nether. I remember how annoying it can be. You two are so lucky.". Halphas and Reid's body were destroyed as they instantly reformed. A smoke cloud covered the trio as Zane said,"Archon Zero Master! I'm coming Danny!". He rushed toward the top of city hall as Aurel said,"A crafty one aren't you?". Zane soon turned to see Aurel as he said,"Sorry. Better luck next time.".

The Phantom kicked Zane down toward the ground. The ground soon had a huge crater upon Zane landing. Archon Zero and Tyrannus deactivated as Danny said,"Zane!". Zane stood back up and he said,"Dam it!". He looked to see Daemon's army ,consisted of Phantoms and Chess Pieces, along with Aurel, Halphas, and Reid. Several of them were soon swallowed by darkness and Zane heard,"I expect this from you but you shock me more and more by the day Zane.".

Marco stood there as he said,"Looking for some backup kid? Having you dead would make several people sad.". "Yeah." said Zane. Marco slammed the ground as Zane evade several Chess Soldiers and Phantoms. "You're not stopping me!" said Zane. He kept dodging attacks and most of them were destroyed the ground. "I'll stop you in your tracks." said a voice. A giant lance of fire trapped the teen in the ground as Zane screamed out in pain.

Halphas said,"Your luck was going to run out eventually and I'll be the one to seal the deal.". "Don't you dare lay a finger on my grandson!" yelled Lauren as she rushed toward Zane. "Grandson? Who the heck is this kid?" said Griffin. A black and white fire Phoenix flew toward Zane and it turned into Kurt kicking Halphas back. "Hands off my brother you bastard!" yelled Kurt. "Thanks." said Zane. "I owe you and Lucius for saving my ass earlier." said Kurt.

Inside of City Hall, Trunk entered through a hole in the building. "Thank goodness for Zane and his determination. He along with the others are slowly  keeping them busy. I'll save Danny because he's Zane's sunshine. I don't want to lose mine and I won't let him lose his for sure." said Trunk. He ran through the building as he stopped in place. "Why am I running? I could just make a wood staircase through the building!" said Trunk. He placed his hands on the ground as a staircase appeared.

In front of City Hall, the others soon joined Kurt, Marco, and Zane. They fought through the much larger and opposing forces being that Warrior looked over to see Zane. He was cornered from all sides as he said,"Head toward Zane's location! We need to help him no matter what!". "Right!" said Sierra. She released a massive wave of fire launching Zane's opposing forces back. Zane threw her a thumbs up as the group continued to battle. 

As the main battle was going on, there were two battles left. In front of Cypress High, Bane and his group (Celeste, Courtney, Isis, Lindsay, Molly, and Tony) watched as the TEDs took away Daemon's army along with some innocent Phantoms. "I feel bad for them but it's a good thing that those humans are free. Thank you four for your help." said Isis. She turned around to see the four ,aka Darren, Nazar, Nova, and Sophie, standing.

Darren's costume is a fitted muscle dark gray v-neck top with a white lightning bolt pattern, black pants, and navy blue combat boots. His arms were wearing metallic bracelets that contained several batteries in them. His eyes are red ,due to him wearing contacts, and his hair is white. Nazar is wearing a crimson red ,bulletproof, vest that exposed his chest completely. He's wearing a crimson red armored mask over his eyes being that he was wearing black jeans and boots.

Rachel and Sophie were wearing Natasha's latest invention aka the combat suit or the jumpsuit. She is wearing a blue jumpsuit being that it was fitting more of a close combat nature. She's wearing a flax vest type chest armor that provided protection for her torso. She's wearing black gloves and combat boots only slimmer than normal. Her black belt has seven small detachable blocks on it. She had her Plasma Swiss Army Knife weapon into its katana form.

Nova was wearing an interesting outfit. She's wearing a long-sleeved black suit with a dark purple star in the center of it, blue jeans with black elbow pads and kneepads, gray gloves, and brown knee high boots. "So what's the plan?" said Molly. Bane looked over toward Zane's house and in front of City Hall as he said,"We need to be three groups. One group will go help Zane's group, the other group will go to Zane's house, and the final group will go help the innocent.".

Celeste said,"I'm going to help Zane no matter what you say Bane.". "Lindsay and Tony. Can you two plus Molly go toward where the survivors are?" said Courtney. "Are you serious?" said Molly. "I am not going toward the battlefield. I don't stand a chance there but I do when it comes to the group heading toward Zane's house. I owe him that much because he's my little brother so protect Zane for me Celeste." said Courtney. 

Sophie said,"I'll go with you Courtney. He lent me his house for the past week so I should protect it for him.". "We'll be a good team ladies." said Isis. "I guess we got our teams." said Lindsay. "Lets go already!" said Nazar. Darren nodded as Isis said,"I can get us there in a flash by a single wish. I have enough of my power back to do that.". "I wish it Isis." said Bane. The three group were soon gone from the ruined Cypress High.

As Courtney's team arrived, the adult female saw Marilyn getting thrown around by Carnage and Daisy was just watching. "If you didn't kill my brothers and sisters, I would have made your death smoother." said Carnage. He raised his left claw up into the air as he was about to deliver the final blow that would kill Marilyn's life. However, the bug was soon blasted by a giant ball of magma as he was sent twenty feet away from Marilyn.

Marilyn looked to see Carlos and he smiled. Carnage soon got back up to see his attacks being that he growled at the sight of his attacker. He was going to leave everyone ,who hurt his brothers and sisters, alone to kill off the woman who killed most of his kind but that was going to change. He howled out a roar being that he charged toward the hot head. "Bring it one Error demasisdo grande." said Cinder as he got himself ready to fight.

As Cinder fought against Carnage, Daisy watched from the rooftop. She was about to join them but she turned around just in time to see something launching toward her. It was Trevor being that she dodged the attack but she was soon slammed by massive clay hammers. Cindy stood there as Trevor joined her. "You guys want to join in or what?" said Cindy as she got into a fighting stance. Crystal and Stan joined her and Trevor plus Isis.

Isis said,"She and her bugs hurt those close to me. I think defeated her so I'll cover you all.". It was five against one being that Daisy was annoyed. Trevor went flying toward her as Stan followed him. Daisy dodged both moves being that she moved toward the others. However, Isis wished the two back being that their attacks landed. "Nice move!" said Trevor. "You may have the ability to be a living tornado Trevor but now isn't the time for showboating." said Stan.

Trevor said,"Showboating? You're the one who shows off Zane like he's a prized pig.". The two argued as Crystal said,"So are they old friends?". She fired fire toward Daisy who moved to the left slightly to avoid the flames. "Yeah but it's complicated." said Cindy. She stretched her arms toward the Phantom being that they smashed the ground below her. Daisy threw several vines toward the five focused on destroying them.

Back on the ground, Carlos blocked Carnage's attack as he said,"Hey! Could I get some assistance already ladies?!". Roxy and Sophie hit Carnage back as Sophie said,"You know that you can't order us around right?". "Yeah or we'll tell Kristen on you." said Roxy. Carnage looked at the three and he said,"Three of you doesn't matter. I'm the strongest Pestcrusher!". He was soon trapped in a Red Nether Cage as the trio looked up.

Heidi ,who left the Swiss cheese house, joined Carlos's group as Sovereign floated in the air "You dam Vampire! What are you doing?!" yelled Carnage. "I'm not here to help you children but to get my revenge on your master and the bitch who controlled me and used me as a weapon!" said Sovereign, glaring at Marilyn. "She's pissed alright." said the four teens. Carnage broke out of the cage as he rushed toward the five.

Carlos kicked Carnage being that he was soon hit by Heidi's pipe and Roxy's fist and he was sent flying toward Sophie and Sovereign. Sophie change her weapon into a massive cannon firing it alongside Sovereign's Red Nether Rays. These attacks caused Carnage to stumble back. "So do you guys think he's going to give up?" said Sophie. Carnage soon threw a car toward them. Sovereign soon grabbed Heidi, Roxy, and Sophie. She soon turned them in tangible protecting them.

Carlos fired a beam of fire slicing the car in half. "And there is your answer." said Carlos. He howled out as the five got ready to fight. As they fought the remaining Pestcrushers ,being that the rest of them were killed by the Resistance or Marilyn, Marilyn was sneaking away. She struggled to herself up as she felt a pair of arms helping her up. After regaining her balance, she turned around and saw her savior. "You!" yelled Marilyn.

She moved away from the person who helped her. It was her former little brother Edward Gregory as Courtney and Jim stood behind him. Damon and Shelly joined them as Damon said,"So why did she scream?". "You should have died by these freaks!" yelled Marilyn. "To be honest, I should have let you died but in the end, my REAL sister would have killed me." said Ed. "You should be dead you traitor of the true race." said Marilyn.

She threw a punch toward Ed being that he easily dodged the attack. "Should we do something?" said Jim. "No. This is a fight between siblings. We should stay out of it." said Shelly. "So where did the rest of our little gang go Jim?" said Courtney as she crossed her arms. "Well, the group consisted of Andre, Camille, David, Mizuki, Ramona, Selena, and Susan went to the location of the others. So what about you guys?" said Jim.

Ed tried to some sense into his sister, but the elder sister refused to listen as she tried to kill him. "I seriously can't believe that you're doing this!" yelled Ed as he dodged another a punch. "Shut up bastard son!" yelled Marilyn. As the two fought, Carlos's group was fighting against Carnage being that he jumped into the air. He tackled Sophie as she was pinned down to the ground. "Your death will be first." said Carnage.

He was about to kill her but he was soon blasted by a giant burst of fire. Sophie was protected from the flames thanks to Sovereign who went through the ground and turned her intangible. Carnage glared at Carlos as Heidi said,"You could have said something you know.". "Meh. I knew that the vampire would save her." said Carlos. "You got lucky." said Roxy. The five got ready for the fight being that Ed and Marilyn were fighting nearby.

For every punch from Marilyn, Ed dodged and tried to talk some sense into his older sister. The four nearby him tried the same being that Marilyn ignored their pleas and focused on attacking. It was very obvious that her punches were awkward and slow due to her wound from Carnage. One of her attacks did caught Ed off guard being that he was sent flying toward the ground. Jim was held back by the Anderson trio as they said,"Just wait.".

Marilyn stood over her younger brother with both fists raised in the air. She was about to slam them on Ed's back but Ed looked at her with a sad look. "If you survive this, can you live with the fact that you killed your little brother?" said Ed. She stopped to think about her relationship with Ed. She had a strong bond with him and later Natasha. She resented herself for disowning her brother but she knew that her family was right.

Marilyn said,"You betrayed the family name being that you're helping these freaks making you no longer a Gregory.". Out of nowhere, Marilyn was soon knocked down to the ground being that her right arm was gone. Ed got up to find the person who hurt his sister being that he saw Ash/Kirk with a TED to his left and right. "You five humans should give up now because I'm going to make this nice and easy." said Kirk.

The five couldn't do anything being that they were grabbed by the two TEDs next to him. Each one was holding three humans. Carnage's opponents were soon defeated by three TEDs as they were grabbed by the robots. As this was going on, Daisy joined Kirk as several vines carried her opponents and she said,"So what is the plan now my Beloved?". "To execute the final part of my master plan. It's perfect." said Kirk. The three Phantoms and robots went through a portal.

Back on the main battlefield, they were fighting hard being that no side was making an real impact on the other. Warrior cocked back his fist as a Phantom said,"This isn't good right?". "Chill out old man okay?" said Halphas. Warrior noticed that the left steel band was gone being that Warrior was about to be pelted by several balls of fire. Warrior stood there and he was soon burning alive. "I can't believe that just happened!" said a Phantom.

The flames were gone as Warrior stood there. "Well. Fuck me." said Halphas. He was soon hit by the hero being that Ray said,"That had to hurt!". "He isn't dead though." said Tara. Nearby, Liv soon glared at Daryl as she said,"You know that this is your fault? My dear friend Zane could be burned alive by that magma boy, blasted by light by the lion cub, or hurt by that really weird one! What a shame!". She moved back and forth as Daryl said,"Okay then. Lets go help him.".

Kurt looked at Zane who was fighting as Lucius said,"Kurt! Don't just stand there! We need to keep fighting!". The two were soon distracted by Halphas slowly burning the area around him. "Chill out you relic." said Halphas. Several massive tridents were aimed at Warrior but they were stopped by Keith who blasted him back with a huge burst of fire from his sword. "Help Zane! I'll handle the overgrown furnace." said Keith. Halphas wiped away some blood as Keith smiled.

Zane kept running as he saw Kurt. "I'm coming buddy. Don't worry." said Zane. He soon dodged an attack but he fell to the ground. His legs turned into an turquoise liquid and he started to spin around with him saying,"Sweet Spinning Top!". Several Phantoms and chess pieces were trapped in the liquid with them squirming before getting kicked. "Archon Zero!" said Zane. He was about to rush off but he was stopped because a beam of light went toward toward his Essence.

It missed by a few inches as Zane coughed up blood regardless. He fell face forward as Aurel smiled at him. "Daemon thought that you were going to defeat him. Ha. Courage is nothing without any kind of strength behind it. You're so weak." said Aurel. Zane was about to fall but he slowly stood back up only for him to be kicked ,by Aurel, toward Warrior. Warrior grabbed him and he looked at the teen. "Zane!" said Sierra and Taylor. "Danny." said Zane coughing up more turquoise blood.

Aurel said,"And you honestly thought that the kid was going to win this fight without dying. I guess you're nothing more than an idiot. I do hope that you're worthy of my time.". "Zane! You stay away from lion boy!" yelled Liv. She screamed as Aurel went back. "Take this one for now." said Warrior. "Let me go! I can still fight!" said Zane. "Treat him." said Warrior. Zane was soon free as he pushed Sierra away. "Zane! You've done enough! Stop!" yelled Sierra with tears in her eyes.

Taylor nodded as she said with tears,"Please don't push yourself Zane.". "Sierra and Taylor. I saw one of my friend killed right in front of me and I could have done something! I won't lose anyone close to me ever again! I just won't!" yelled Zane. He rushed forward but he fell down. He was out cold as Daryl held him. "You need to rest idiot grandson." said Lauren as she appeared alongside Sharia. Warrior's punch was soon blocked by Reid as Reid said,"Your death is assured old man".

Daryl said,"Protect him Sharia. I shall return.". "What are you going to do?" said Sharia. "I will show everyone here the power of Zane's will!" said Daryl. Reid and Warrior's clash sent several Phantoms back as Scarlet sent several Chess soldiers back. "Give up now." said Scarlet. Aster and Ether sent several Zombie Phantoms as Aurel was soon blasted back by the TEDs. "Kill them!" echoed Kirk's voice.

Kurt ,in his phoenix form, flew toward Danny as he said,"For Zane!". "Shoot him down!" yelled a Phantom. He was soon reaching the roof as Lucius said,"Go brother!". Suddenly, Kurt was knocked to the ground by Aurek sending him flying toward the ground. Kurt glared at Aurel as he said,"I'm going to kill all of your brothers if you can't do anything to stop me!". "Danny. Everyone. I'm sorry." said Zane with his voice going.

Next time,  
Zane's about to die. Will he give up or will he on fighting? What is he wearing? What is Kirk planing and where is Daemon? This and more next time on Zero!

Cinder's Words:
Error demasiado grande=overgrown bug.

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