Saturday, December 30, 2017

Zero Episode 70 Worst Future Ever PT 21 The Preparations to the Execution

A/N: Yep. We're in the second to last arc of the Worst Future Ever. I'm going to say that this arc is going to be easily over 5 episodes long. We'll have a pretty short arc after this one but I promise that Season 3 of Zero will ,I hope, start in the first fourth of the year being January to March. We're going to see Warrior kicking some ass and seeing some new faces. It's going to be interested for sure I can promise you that. Lets begin with Zane's group. This episode is going to be long

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane was currently sitting on the bow ,also known as the front, of the ship as he heard,"Zane. What are you doing?". Zane saw Daryl standing there with Zane saying,"I guess I'm just getting prepared for the battle ahead of me.". "I thought you would be eating Zane. You'll need your strength." said Daryl. "Yeah but for some reason, I'm not very hungry. I feel scared." said Zane. "You're fighting against a powerful opponent. Will you be ready to fight?" said Daryl.

Zane jumped down to Daryl as he said,"Yeah. He's very strong but he's weak.". "You and him have a lot in common don't you?" said Daryl. "We may be the same person but we took different paths. It's because of the explosion." said Zane. "Do you think that's going to happen again?" said Daryl. "I'm going to stop it. So did you guys contact the group on the Prime Earth?" said Zane. "We tried that Zane but Frank accidentally destroyed the communication systems." said Daryl.

Zane sighed as he said,"I don't know Frank very well but I do know Henry. He did something didn't he?". "Yes. So how do you know Danny? He's your friend according to Lucius but from what I can gather, you and him have a bond more like brothers." said Daryl. Zane looked at his right arm as he said,"We are like brothers. We've been friends for a decade now and I can't see my life without him by my side or anyone else. I know that he'll died one day but I'm not going to let that happen today.".

Daryl said,"I see Zane. Your conviction is strong. Oh, I need to tell you something before we go to this war that makes Blacktomb look tame.". "Are you getting cold feet Daryl? I mean you can back out nothing and I wouldn't think any less of you. You helped me in the prison and you're a friend of my father so I can't hate you too much." said Zane. "I owe your father a lot so I'm going to this war regardless of my feelings." said Daryl.

Zane said,"So what's up?". "After this, I'm going to help Liv and your cult of prisoners and the folks from Freedom World. We'll find Shawn for you." said Daryl. "Thanks you winged bastard. So how much longer do we have left?" said Zane. "A few more hours. You should get some rest and maybe some food." said Daryl. "You're right." said Zane. The two walked toward the main part of the ship as Zane thought,"I'm coming back home you guys.".

Back in Prime Cypress Park, Cypress Park was preparing for the execution of Danny Malone. The humans stayed out of their way during this. Several Phantoms were getting ready for the battle ahead because of a rumor. Warrior ,the Prime Earth's strongest man and hero, was rumored to try and stop their fun being that Daemon ,being controlled by the Trastry, was waiting for Zane. His soul knew that something bad was going to happen.

Daemon was currently on the top of City Hall which was part of the battleground. He could his army preparing being that several destroyed vehicles remained. An army of robots and crazy phantoms were roamed the city looking for humans. Ash issued an order to find anyone that could find being that they'll need more than just robots and Phantoms to defeat Warrior. He knew that his counterpart's villains were scared of his might. 

He felt Daisy's body pressed up against him as he said,"Daisy. You should be with the others.". She wrapped his right arm around her slim waist as she pulled herself closer to others. Daemon didn't ,at all, mind Daisy's affections toward him being that she was a powerful Phantom being that she was a good soldier. "Halphas needs to have a word with you before the execution." said Daisy. "Lets go then." said Daemon as the two phased through the roof.

They didn't noticed that they were being watched by a robotic insect. Its head looked like Ash as it watched them. Inside his lab, Ash was watching everything going on as the cybernetic Vicky was working on something. "Looks like Malik's getting ready for the end. I need to make my move and I can't have expecting anything." said Ash. He pressed a button on the control panel to his left. A wall on the far side of his lab went open as three machines stood there.

They looked to be mechanical female Phantoms (Celeste, Isis, and Jennifer) being that they each wore a similar outfit to Vicky but slightly different. They had silver metallic collars and their bottoms were platform heels for some reason. They looked more like Phantoms compared to Vicky who was more robot than woman at this point. "Come here Unit G." said Ash. Without saying a word, the robot of Isis walked toward Ash.

She stood a couple of feet away from him as Ash said,"Head over to the Alvarez House and bring Kevin to me. I need to have a word with my partner.". "As you command." said Fake Isis as she flew out of the lab. "I'm so happy that I was able to replicated you three. You far surpass the originals in every way imaginable. It's a shame that you're nothing compared to my masterpiece." said Ash as he looked at Vicky.

Before, she would have tried to blast him but she couldn't thanks to him putting something into her system that wouldn't allow her to attack him or anyone like him. "You were so determined to try and kill me for ruining you but I perfected you. Humans or Phantoms are so weak but combing you with metal makes years stronger than Daemon could ever be. You'll be the main weapon while your sister won't be. Still, I wonder why Kevin works with them." said Ash.

Ash heard nothing as he said,"Before you're change, you along with everyone else would find me a freak for liking machines more than humans and Kevin is the same. I think you're finished with his toys. You're needing one more upgrade. We're going to do it fast so that Daemon doesn't get too mad.". The Phantom held an electrical bone saw as he walked toward Vicky who was screaming on the inside.

Outside of Cypress Park, a small group stood outside of the barrier that kept everything inside of the city. It was Buster Eastman, Felicia Howard, Lynette Walker, Sonya Barrett, Tomas Jones, and Vega Ramos with all six of them wearing their costumes. Buster grew an extra set of arms being that he was wearing a sleeveless navy blue full-body costume and his mask covered his mouth. He has the symbol of DNA in the center of his costume.

He's wearing gray SWAT team styled gear with white gloves and black combat boots. Felicia's body was currently covered in orange feathers. They matched her large, orange wings. Her costume is a black bodysuit being that she wore gray SWAT styled gear over her chest, forearms, and legs but it didn't hurt her wings. Her hair was now red and her eyes were now green. She looked more like a bird than human.

Lynette's costume is a purple helmet that covered most of her head being that her face wasn't covered being that she wore a purple dress with black tights, armor that covered her arms and legs, and white high heeled boots with matching colored gloves. Sonya was wearing the same costume that she wore when she was a villain. Tomas's costume is a tan colored helmet being there is a glass like visor over his eyes.

He's wearing a gold ,skin tight, long sleeved t-shirt with crimson gloves, dark blue pants, and gold boots. Vega is wearing a dark gray cape that has a hood. He's wearing a pair of navy blue swimming goggles that looks like he has blue eyes. He has two gold circles shoulder armor that holds his cape down. He wears a gold tunic ,over his chest and torso, with a single black star on it. He wears a gold belt with black tights. He wears a long black sleeved shirt under his tunic.

He wears gray boots and gold gloves. The six of them were going to save the captured citizens of Cypress Park being that Luke and Trevor asked them to do this while the rest of them are focused on keeping Daemon busy. "Look at this once promising city you guys. I can't believed that this city was destroyed in only a week. These poor people. I wish I could teleport them all out but my powers are so limited at my level. I can make my portals go so far." said Vega.

Felicia said,"That's fine Vega We'll be able to save them with your powers. We need to hurry because we can't let innocent people die by the nuke. Teach was only able to delay it not completely stop it. It sucks.". "Those bastards in Swarm are so xenophobic toward Phantoms and anyone who isn't pure humans. Am I using that right?" said Sonya. "That sounds right Sonya but I could be wrong. The radiation ,from the nuke, could kill innocent people through the state." said Tomas.

Lynette said,"It seems that we should move now. Daemon is distracted right now according to Luke whose a good man.". The six walked into the city through the east side. Their scanners ,made by Maria, detected some human life. Their plan was to head in there during the fight and get them out of harms way before the nuke goes off. "We're meeting some members from the Resistance right?" said Felicia.

Buster said,"Right Felicia. We'll need more help and they'll send three teams being that one will help Luke's group, one will search the west side, and one will join us on the east side rescue. This mission is going to be intense because Daemon isn't an opponent to take lightly. He's a counterpart of Legion Zero, our good friend. We may not have known him for a long period of time but we can admit that his power is nothing to scoff at. Lets go." said Buster. "Yes sir." said the group.

It had been thirty minutes since Buster's group entered the city and Marilyn was still finding a way to kill Daemon. She was done in her lab working on adjustments to her suit as more of Lilith was being transferred into the suit. Lilith wanted to kill Marilyn for what she done to her. She didn't care about Daemon being that she knew that he wouldn't care too much about her. She couldn't move but she was able to think. She wanted someone to come and save her. 

Back at the Resistance, the group was separated. The twenty that joined them helped them being that the other half is Courtney's Father, Courtney's Mother, Courtney's Younger (Two) Sisters, Crystal, Mizuki, Ramona, Susan, and Tony. They were out an supply run while the other half was meeting with Ray's group. The twenty decided to join up with the Resistance being that they soon went into three different groups.

The ones that stayed at Resistance H.Q. aka Zane's House are the biggest group ,being thirteen men and women, consisting of Andre, Camille, Crystal, David, Ed, Heidi, Jim, Kevin, Mizuki, Ramona, Selena, Susan, and Stan. The group going to join Luke were Gwen, Nova, Rachel, Ray, Roxy, Sophie, Tara, and Walter. The final group was going to meet up with Bane and Celeste being that the rest of the Phantoms ,at Cypress High , which was on the west side of town.

It was Courtney, both of Courtney's sisters, and Tony were going to meet up with them so they can maybe get some more allies just in case things go south. The group that was going to help Buster's group in finding the others are Courtney's parents, Jasmine, Marcia, and Travis. In the kitchen, Jim was sitting at the table drinking coffee. He heard rumors about his daughters being turned into a cyborg and he couldn't handle it.

He heard,"Are you going to be alright Mr. Mills?". He turned to see Susan standing there with him saying,"You were my daughter's friend right?". "I'm still her friend. She may have her problems but I was still her friend." said Susan. "So what's the plan? I wasn't paying attention." said Jim. "The others are going to try and save the others that were captured by Damon. They must be going after Daemon after this but I could be wrong." said Susan.

Upstairs, Kevin was tinkering with his suit to improve its combat abilities. He was going to join up with Ray's group after he finished up with his suit. He soon heard a tapping sound coming from the window as he looked up to see Isis ,the robotic version, looking at him. He was in confused that the Phantom who once gave him his powers but he was confused why she was here, how she made it through the barrier, and also why she's mechanical. 

She floated into the room as Kevin said,"Why are you here? And are you the real Isis?". "I'm not the real Isis that once gave you your powers so long ago. I work for Master Ash and he needs you right now Kevin Wallace." said RI (Robot Isis). "You can't be serious? Your master was using me to take over my dam town." said Kevin. "Daemon is determined to kill Danny so he can bring out his true opponent and my master doesn't want that." said RI.

Kevin said,"So whose his true opponent?". "You know him but I can't tell you anything else. If you come with me, you can get your answers." said RI. Kevin was torn being that he wanted to defeat the man who did all of this but with his allies. Despite how much hell he went through. he was happy to have friends. He was curious about how this Isis got through the shield ,around the house, and Kevin said,"Lets go.". "Hold on." said RI. Kevin ,with his suit, was gone and heading to meet with Ash.   

As the two flew toward their location, Buster's team was slowly making their way toward the location of Daemon's prisoners. After checking an eight story building for any Phantom, they decide to wait for the group from the Resistance. Buster ,using his powers, replicated his eyes being that they can keep an eye for the resistance group or Daemon's group. "So do you guys think Marilyn is going to do something?" said Tomas. 

Lynette said,"Mostly likely. I mean both Agent F and Quake left her so they wouldn't get nuked. I could be wrong though.". "So are they nearby and how do we know what they look like?" said Sonya as she messed with some rubble. "I see them and we're going to attack the buildings when the time is right. Will you be ready Vega?" said Buster. "Yeah. I'll make a portal for us to go in and one nearby the barrier, save the innocent people, and help the others." said Vega.

Below them, the group of Courtney's parents, Jasmine, Marcia, and Travis stood there. The father has black hair with him having noticeable sideburns and brown eyes. His figure is very muscular being that he has a strong brow ridge, a cleft chin, and wrinkles around his forehead. He wears a black and orange rock and roll themed jacket with orange folds around both wrists and shoulders, a white shirt that has a skull in the center, black jeans and gray belt, and dark brown combat boots.

The mother has her blond hair in a rocker girl style that has fair skin, blue eyes, and freckles that her eldest daughters has. She's wearing a red, purple, and white beaded necklace that was tied around her neck. She wears an orange top that shows off her cleavage a bit, black leather jacket with red buttons on each sides, short sleeves, and pink trimming. She's wearing blue denim jeans with a big red belt, a sapphire bracelet, and orange high heels.

The man said,"So those folks are in here?". "You're right Mr. Anderson." said Jasmine. "Girlie. You can call me Damon and my wife Shelly. Being called Mr. Anderson makes me feel old." said Damon as he smiled. The five walked in as Travis said,"So these people are friends with Legion Zero?". "Ray said that they were." said Marcia. Jasmine thought,"I really hope Ray tells them the truth about Zane because lying isn't a good thing.".

She knew about Zane being Legion Zero. She couldn't forget when Atem and Zane helped her and her village against Volcanis but she was shocked by Zane's true power upon seeing Daemon. "I think we're here you guys." said Shelly. The five saw Buster, Felicia, Lynette, Sonya, Tomas, and Vega were sitting there. "So you must be from the Resistance." said Buster. "We are. So are we the only ones older than twenty?" said Damon.

He was pinched by Shelly as she said,"And what is that supposed to mean?". "Nothing dear!" said Damon. "Anyway, what's the plan?" said Travis. "We're going to invade them once the time is right so can you guess when?" said Sonya. "During the execution?" said Marcia. "Bingo. You win a prize after all of this is over." said Lynette. "Just rest for now. We'll be going soon." said Buster. "So who wants to play cards?" said Vega. The group looked at Vega as he said,"What?".

Back at Champion Tech, Robot Isis led Kevin through the hallways until they reached Ash's lab. The teen was shocked being that this place would normally be heaven but he couldn't stop feeling death in this paradise. He soon saw Ash walking into the room as he said,"It's so good to see you again. Do you need a drink?". "Why did you ask your concubine to come and get me?" said Kevin. "I'm hurt but why are you and me so different?" said Ash.

Kevin said,"Because you're a monster.". "And you've been called that by all of those people that you considered to be your friends. You have a theory about my glorious leader Daemon don't you? His robot army can look like Zane, he was posing as Zane for who knows how long, and perhaps you know who I really am. Tell me that I'm wrong." said Ash. "I do but I could be wrong. You better tell me you wanted me here or else." said Kevin.

Ash said,"I guess your childhood is gone now. I asked for you personally because I know how to defeat Daemon.". "Then why don't you do it? I mean you work for him don't you?" said Kevin. "You can't be serious? I work for him because he forced me to! I'm nothing more than a slave to our glorious emperor." said Ash. "You can't be serious. I mean you're the leader of all of the machines in town!" said Kevin.

Ash said,"You're not wrong but I come from the same dimension as Daemon. For years, I was slowly gaining power after the explosion that killed me in Cypress Park. I soon fell in love with Daisy but soon, we met Daemon. He almost killed me being that he took the love of my life and turned her into a concubine of his very own. I begged for mercy but he took Daisy and forced me into this mechanical suit from hell.".

Kevin said,"You and Daisy?". "Yes and I need you to free her from Daemon. We'll work together to be the real heroes." said Ash. "What do you need me to do?" said Kevin. "It's simple. Daemon will be too busy to focus on fighting his real opponent so you can kill him with that very impressive suit of yours. Crunch told me about it and well, I know that your power can destroy Daemon's essence easily. You're be the main force as my robots will be keeping the others busy." said Ash.   

Kevin said,"It sounds like a good plan.". "All of my plans are perfect Kevin. Trust me, I know you better than you think I do." said Ash. After going over the plan, Ash let Kevin and the robotic Isis leave his lab. As he watched Kevin leave through one of his camera, he began laughing like crazy. "I can't believe how much of an idiot he can be." said a voice. Ash turned to see his partner Halphas as he said,"I thought you were talking to Daemon about something.".

Halphas said,"He got busy with some last minute preparations. Were you serious?". "About me being in love with Daisy? Yes. He did steal her for me and put me in this suit. Kevin is going to be a good pawn for us. I mean we turned our glorious leader into a monster using a Trastry. He didn't want to do any of us but Daisy and Scarlet wouldn't have done shit. This dimension will be ours." said Ash as he began laughing with Halphas disappearing.   

After Robot Isis left him, Kevin pulled out his phone. He called Ray as he said,"Hey Ray. Daemon's robot bitch is going to try and take over Daemon's rule. He thinks that I'm working with him but I'm not going to betray you guys. You guys were nice to me and I'm not going to betray you guys. I'll see you guys soon and we're going to kick some ass.". He soon activated his suit as he went toward the battlefield.

Back in City Hall, one of Daemon's servants opened a door. "You five are needed. We're about to begin and Lord Daemon has requested you." said the servant. The room had Daisy with Carnage as Daisy pet the Phantom, Halphas, Jester, Vicky looking at the servant with a blank state, and Scarlet Demon. "So explain to me why we're starting early? It's rather strange to me." said Jester. "We have to be ready for anything that could happen." said the Phantom.

Vicky stood up as she walked toward the door. Scarlet joined her as Halphas said,"I'm guessing that you're pumped up too. I so didn't expected that at all.". Scarlet ignored him as Halphas sighed at his partner's actions. "We're going to have some fun aren't we boys?" said Jester as he went after them. "You know that I'll only listen to my beloved right weakling?" said Daisy as she and Carnage went with her. The hooded figure jumped up as he followed the others.

Two of Daemon's robots went to an room as one said,"Sir Wren. You're need.". One of them opened the door as a person stood there. He's a tall and extremely muscular man being he has faded green hair with the edges and tips of it being bright green. His eyes are blue and he has a noticeable scar over his left eye. He's wearing a long silver coat with a silver metal hammer accessory hanging off it being the coat collar is also steel.

He has gold plated shoulders pads on both arms. He's wearing a navy blue sleeveless shirt with gray pants and black combat boots. Any exposed part of his body was covered in bandages. "First off, you can call me Reid. I may be pals with Halphas but right now, I'm looking forward to a fight. I hope that he wasn't lying or else you two are dead." said Reid. He walked out of the room as the robots were so confused.

One of the several Phantom servants was leading a Phantom by the name of Aurel. He was a large Manticore like Phantom with him looking more human than lion. His two horns were large, sharp, and very dangerous. His body looked to be a red lion, his head has several rows of very sharp teeth very much like a shark, and bat-like wings. "Lets play!". said Aurel. The players are ready to begin and this battle will change several lives for the better and the worst.

Next time,
The battle begins with several powerful Phantoms and a secret truth about Danny is revealed. Will Buster and his team find the captured prisoners before the town gets nuked? When will Zane and his team arrive? Who is Ash really? Who are Aurel and Reid Wren? This and more next time on Zero!  

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